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Field Study 2

Participate and Assist

Your guide to participate and assist:
1. Request your FS resource teacher to allow you to join his/her
synchronous classes.
Have at least two to three times to observe the classes, and at least
two or more times to participate and assist.
2. Learn how to use the features of the web-conferencing app that
your resource teacher is utilizing. It can be part of a learning
management system or a separate one, like Zoom, Skype and etc.
If possible, request the teacher to demonstrate the features of the
web conferencing app.
3. Ask the teacher how you can participate or assist in tasks related to
conducting the synchronous classes.
4. Be sure to read all the questions in this episode before you
start your observation and participation. This will help you
focus your attention on the essential aspects of your
experience. Have in mind the Community of Inquiry Model. The
descriptors under teaching presence, social presence, and
cognitive presence found in the infographic will help you notice,
analyze and reflect very well.

Class Grade Level: _____Subject: ____ No. of hours/minutes: ____

Name of Resource Teacher: _______________________________
Dates when you observed: ________________________________
Dates when you participated and assisted: ___________________

After you participated or assisted in synchronous classes using a web-
conferencing app, described what you observed and experienced by
answering the items below.

1. Which web-conferencing app did the teacher use for synchronous

classes? Describe features and how you or the teacher used these

Web-conferencing App Feature Was it utilized? If yes, describe how

it was utilized in class.
Virtual background Utilizing a virtual background
alleviates the need to display areas
of your home that may be untidy,
unorganized, or that you prefer to
keep private for various reasons. It
is a convenient choice for
individuals with children, limited
space, or those who embrace
creativity and prefer a more eclectic
environment over a pristine one.

Learning Episode 15
Field Study 2

Microphone icon on/off A microphone is a tool that converts

sound waves in the air into
electronic signals or records them
onto a recording medium.
Microphones are essential for
various audio recording devices
used for communication and speech
recording purposes.
Camera icon on/off Activating the camera enables
others to observe your actions,
encouraging you to appear
productive. Additionally, it helps
minimize distractions from objects
or phones.
Screen share The primary benefit of screen
sharing technology is its ability to
facilitate collaboration and seamless
communication among students and
with their teachers. The advanced
technology and extensive features
enhance students' productivity and
creativity in the classroom setting.
Reaction buttons Reactions are an extension of the
like button to give people more
ways share their reaction to a post
in a quick and easy way.
View (using different views) To see information.

Polling Allow instructors to quickly ask

a question and instantly receive
responses from the students
during class. Instructors and
students can use online/mobile
polling with phones, computer,
tablets and iPad.
Recording Class recording refers to the
process of recording the class
lectures for future reference.
Learning through recorder
lectures promote heterogeneous

2. How was the content taught or delivered? How were the learning
activities facilitated? What strategies did he teacher or you used to
keep the students engaged? How did the students respond to the
teacher? To the activities?
The teacher's engaging voice added interest to the discussion,
leading to a successful delivery of the subject matter. During her
lesson presentation, she utilizes both English and Filipino
languages. Due to the online nature of the conversation and limited

Learning Episode 15
Field Study 2

activity options, the instructor dedicates a significant portion of

class time to discussing the lesson, with a separate schedule
allocated for activities. To maintain student engagement, she
encourages oral contributions and input through the chat box to
ensure that her pupils are attentive and actively participating.

3. What was your experience in participating and assisting in

synchronous classes? What were your thoughts and feelings while
you participated and assisted?
Despite facing interruptions, they were effectively handled. The
individual felt content and pleased with their assistance and active
involvement. Engaging in this synchronous class highlighted the
challenges associated with this learning format. While receiving
good support from the Resource Teacher, it is acknowledged that
synchronous classes can be challenging, particularly when dealing
with unstable internet connections.


1. What do you think are the best features of a web-conferencing app

that you or the teacher used? How these features help the teachers
and the students?
The various functionalities of the web-conferencing tool we utilized
stand out as its key attributes, as each serves a specific purpose
and is valuable in online education. These elements facilitate and
improve effective teaching and learning, making it simpler for both
professors and students to participate, organize, and interact during
class sessions or meetings.

2. Referring the Community of Inquiry Infographic, how well did the

teacher/or you use the web-conferencing app to establish:
(Describe in detail.)

Teaching Presence?
 Instructional design, especially providing different methods of
providing content
 Facilitation of the discussion.
 Direct instruction and assisting students with questions and
assisting students with questions and understanding

Social Presence?
 Communication between and with the instructor and all members of
the class.
 Interaction with the instructor and all members of the class.
 Relation of learning community through the term.
Cognitive Presence?
 Exploration through reflection and discussion.
 Application of knowledge both in the course and outside the

Learning Episode 15
Field Study 2

3. What problem or challenges did the teacher/ you or the students

encounter during the synchronous classes? How did it affect the
teacher/learners? What part/s of synchronous classes do you think
cans still be improved? How can this/these be improved?
- The primary issue observed is the challenge of connecting to the
internet. Some students inadvertently exit the online discussions,
and there are occasions where lagging occurs, leading to audio
distortion caused by poor internet connectivity. Additionally, the
instructor faces difficulty in engaging with students when their
cameras are off, making it challenging to monitor their activities and
ensure their attentiveness. Consequently, both teachers and
students encounter obstacles in teaching and adapting to the
lesson under these circumstances.

1. How ready are you in teaching an online synchronous class?
Aspiring to become a teacher, I recognize the importance of being
prepared and acknowledge the need to further study teaching
methods for online synchronous classes. It is essential to
understand effective teaching strategies, ensuring student
engagement and learning. Specifically, I aim to focus on exploring
suitable technologies and applications for enhancing the
effectiveness of synchronous or distance learning sessions.

2. Using a web-conferencing app, how else would you better


Teaching presence?
Using a web-conferencing app in synchronous teaching, I would
establish lessons that directly connect to the learning outcomes so
my students can be able to achieve it. I will display the
summary of the lesson which visible and understandable.

Social presence?
Using a web-conferencing app in synchronous teaching, I
would establish feed backing of the lessons. I will ask them what
they have learned, know and understand in the lessen se I made
add for classification and enhancement in a comfortable way

Cognitive Presence?
Using a web-conferencing app in synchronous teaching, I
would establish gamification that the students feel motivated and
arouse their interest.

3. What do you still need to learn in order to conduct an online

synchronous class using a web-conferencing app effectively?
I still need to learn how to make my class fully engaged on our
discussions with the use of features of web conferencing app.

Learning Episode 15
Field Study 2

Write Action Research Prompts

This part allows you to synthesize or put together what you noticed,
analyzed, and reflected on to come up with a possible topic for an action


1. What problematic situation/challenges/area of improvement did you

see while you participated and assisted using a web-conferencing
app for synchronous learning?
The availability of students is one of the problems. Our home
serves as our classroom nowadays and due to that, students are
having a hard time managing their time due to added
responsibilities for their home.

List at least three sources that you have read about this

Resources or Reference about the Key points/findings in what I read

(Norberg 2012) where there is no While those limitations no longer
technology at all a teacher has to exist culturally, the paucity of
be in the same room with his relevant professional development
students to build learning and training barrier to the growth
environment. of blended synchronous learning.
(Cunninghanm, 2014) The On the other hand, some
technology can also be imposition remote students have complained
for f2f students for instance if about being uncomfortable as they
they need to be conscious of feel as if they are being made
the orientation/positioning of of the center of attention.
cameras or are required to speak
into microphone.
(Stewart et all 2011.) Factors And additional class time and
like these students leave f2f energy encouraging remote
student feeling blended students to contribute as well
synchronous delivery negatively as stimulating meaningful
impacts upon their learning. communication and
collaboration between groups.

On what theories/principles can this problem be anchored?

The principles of successful online teaching, which discuss how to
generate quality education in an online learning environment and
establish an effective remote classroom, can be used to address this

Learning Episode 15
Field Study 2

What do I hope to address the problem/challenge/area of
improvement in web-conferencing app use? What change do you want to
Due to poor internet connection, the communication process has always
been the major problem in web conferencing. I know it can’t be solved but
I am still hoping that one day, it will be addressed. As of today,
consideration for the students is the least we can do.

2. If you will conduct an action research, what will be the title? (Base
on your answers in nos. 1-3):
“Pros and cons of web conferencing to the academic performance of

3. What strategies/solution/means can you employ to improve the

situation/solve the problem?
 Conduct observation and action research to provide appropriate
intervention to the problem.
 Plan and organize thoughtfully.

Learning Episode 15
Field Study 2

Check for Mastery

Direction: Select the letter of the correct answer.

1. During an online synchronous class, Ms. Bonifacio greets her students

cheerfully. She allows time for the students to know more about their
classmates through interesting polls. She also provides opportunities for
the students to work together and collaborate. She uses the reaction
buttons, smiley, heart, or clap to appreciate the students’ effort and
excitement to participate. She was able to attain which essential element?

A. Teaching presence
B. Cognitive presence
C. Social presence
D. Community presence

2. During two-hour online synchronous class, the Science teacher taught

about centripetal and centrifugal forces. She did not introduce the learning
goals for the session. She shared on screen the first PowerPoint she
found on the internet and lectured about the topic to students without
engaging them to participate. They were passive the whole time. Some
students turned off their cameras. She ended the class with a quiz on the
topic. The teacher did NOT effectively demonstrate which essential

A. Community presence
B. Teaching presence
C. Cognitive presence
D. Social presence

3. The topic of the online synchronous session for the day was how the
Philippines will attain herd immunity from Covid 19 the fastest way. After
introducing the topic, the teacher explained to the student’s one learning
outcome which for them to analyze the current situational factors that may
impede and hasten the Philippine’s goal of attaining herd immunity.
Another learning outcome was for students to articulate suggestions on
how the Philippines will succeed on this goal. The teacher provided
readings ahead of time and also placed the links on the chat box. She
allotted time for the students to go to the small group meeting rooms she
arranged on the web conferencing app for discussion. Later, students
went back to the big group, and student actively shared their outputs. He
teacher fostered which essential element?

A. Teaching presence
B. Social presence
C. Community presence
D. Cognitive presence

4. All are examples of web-conferencing apps, EXCEPT,

A. Microsoft Teams

Learning Episode 15
Field Study 2

B. Zoom
C. Skype
D. Canva

5. When a teacher is mindful demonstrating teaching presence, social

presence and cognitive presence consistently, she is adhering to the
model of

A. Community of Practice
B. Community of Inquiry
C. Community of Learners

Learning Episode 15
Field Study 2

Work on my Artifacts
Attach pieces of evidence of what you accomplished in this

Learning Episode 15

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