Class IX Summer HHW (2024 2025) Merged

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1. Write three things that you like best about your school and three things about Tommy
and Margie’s school.

2. Can you imagine a time when all the books will be on computers and there will be no
books printed on paper? What would you prefer? Write your opinion about the same.

3. Do you think the author Isaac Asimov is warning us about the dangers of too much

4. Justify the title ‘The Road Not Taken’.


5. Compare and contrast the characters of Evelyn Glennie and Bismillah Khan.

6. Evelyn did not succumb to her disability. Comment.

7. Define all the types and subtypes of tenses and give five examples of each.

8. You love your father very much. He is an ideal father. Write his description in about 150

9. Write a short descriptive paragraph on the famous Indian scientist Sir CV Raman in 100-
150 words on the basis of the following inputs.

Born on 7 November 1888 in Madras – Physician by profession – worked in the field of light
scattering – the discovery is known as 'Raman Effect – won Nobel Prize in 1930 for his
discovery – elected 'Fellow of the Royal Society in 1924 – in 1954 India honoured him with
its height civilian award 'Bharat Ratna – breathed
d his last on 21 November 1970.

PROJECT: Write the information of your favourite author/poet. Paste his picture and also
write about how does he/she encourage you.

Q1. Compute the value of 9x2 + 4y2 if xy = 6 and 3x + 2y = 12.

Q2. Find the value of x3 + y3 + z3 – 3xyz if x2 + y2 + z2 = 83 and x + y + z = 15.

Q3. Find the values of a and b so that (2x3 + ax2 + x + b) has (x + 2) and (2x – 1) as factors.
Q4. Operation on real numbers & Algebraic identities

If x = , what is the value of x2 + 1/ x2.

Q5. Find the value of following

Q6. Express 1.32 + 0. 35 as a fraction in the simplest form.

Q7. Find x if 2x – 7 × 5x-4 = 1250.

Q8. Write the linear equation such that each point on its graph has an ordinate 3 times its
Q9. Write the coordinates of the vertices of a rectangle whose length and breadth are 5 and
3 units respectively, one vertex is at the origin, the longer side lies on the x-axis,
x axis, and one of
the vertices lies in the third quadrant.

Q10. Plot the given points on the graph paper and obtain the mirror image, when the mirror
is placed (i) Vertically (ii) Horizontally

Coordinates are: A(3,0) B(3,1) C(2,1) D(2,2) E(1,2) F(1,3) G(0,3)

Q1. Write the contribution of the following scientist in the study of the cell:

a) Robert hooke
b) Purkinje
c) Leeuwenhoek
d) Robert brown
e) Schleiden and schwann

Q2. What is membrane biogenesis?

Q3. Prepare 10
0 MCQs from the chapter “Matter in our surrounding”.

Q4. Ice, water and steam are three states of a substance and not different substances.

Q5. Name -

a) An organelles which has its own genetic material

b) An organelle rich in digestive enzymes.
c) Nucleic acid present in nucleus.
Q6. Which kind of plastid is more common in -

a) Roots of the plant

b) Leaves of the plant
c) Flowers and fruits
Q7) The rate of evaporation of a liquid increases on heating. Explain.

Q8) Why evaporation is called surface phenomenon?

Q9) If cells of onion peel and RBC are separately kept in hypotonic solution, what among the
following will take place? Explain the reason for your answer.

(a) Both the cells will swell. 

(b) RBC will burst easily while cells of onion peel will resist the bursting to some extent. 
(c) a and b both are correct. 
(d) RBC and onion peel cells will behave similarly?

Q10) Compare in tabular form the properties of solids, liquids and gases with respect to

i) Shape
ii) Volume
iii) Compressibility
iv) Diffusion
v) Fluidity or rigidity


Develop an interactive model where viewers can manipulate parts to learn about tissue
structure and function. Through the art of model-making, we'll be immersing ourselves in
the basics of tissue biology, laying the foundation for deeper exploration in the chapters to

1. How did philosophers influence the thinking of the people of France?
2. Describe how abolition of slavery became possible in France.
3. Why has India selected a Standard Meridian of India with an odd value of 82° 30′ E?
4. Name the place said to be the situated on three seas. Name the seas also.
5. Name the two routes by which India is connected with Europe, North America and
South America
6. India has a long coastline which is advantageous. Comment
7. How does democracy in a country enhance the dignity of an individual? State three
8. Define Democracy. Sate two merits and demerits of democracy.
9. State the drawbacks of Green Revolution.
10. Explain any two differences between physical capital and human capital

PROJECT WORK: Make a project on disaster management. State the need and essential
steps taken by the government.

Working Models: Make working models on any two topics given below:

1. Model showing old method of irrigation versus new method of farming (tube
wells, dams etc.)
2. Working model on Rain water harvesting
3. Model showing Day and night
4. Model showing difference of day night hardly felt at Kanyakumari and major in
northern parts of India.

Model showing different level of water course of a river.

Project 1 : Imagine you are applying for your dream job, prepare a one min self introduction
video to send to your employee to convince that your skills are best suited for the job .
(Remember 7c’s of effective communication).

Objective: To make students understand the use of effective communication skills at

work place

Learning Outcome: Utilizing 7C’s of communication

Skill acquired/learnt: Communication Skills

Project 2 : To prepare a slide show to explain any type of communication barrier student
face and how they are working on improving it

Objective: To make students understand the use of effective communication skills at

work place

Learning Outcome: Understanding barriers of communication

Skill acquired/learnt: Communication Skills

1. Describe Word Processor; give four examples of latest web based word processors.
2. What is the difference between word processor and a text editor?
3. Name the commands in quick access toolbar.
4. What is text alignment? What are the different ways you can align text?
5. Name the tool used to adjust the text around the image, available in MS _ Word.
Write few options available in the tool.
6. What is the use of change case option in MS _Word? Explain various options
available in change case.
7. What are the advantages and disadvantages of verbal communication?
8. Explain Physical and linguistic barrier to communication?
9. List and explain the element of communication process.
10. Describe the use of mail merge in office communication? Explain the term “Merge”
in mail merge.


1. A train accelerates from 36 km/h to 54 km/h in 10 sec.

(i) Acceleration
(ii) The distance travelled by car.
2. A train starts from rest and accelerate uniformly at the rate of 5 m/s 2 for 5 sec.
Calculate the velocity of train in 5 sec.
3. A object moves with uniform positive acceleration. Its velocity-time graph will be
(a) A straight line parallel to the time axis
(b) A straight line inclined at an obtuse angle to the time axis
(c) A straight line inclined at an acute angle to the time axis
(d) None of these.
4. A body whose speed is constant
(a) Must be accelerated
(b) Might be accelerated
(c) Has a constant velocity
(d) Cannot be accelerated.
5. A ball is thrown upwards and it goes to the height 100 m and comes down
1) What is the net displacement?
2) What is the net distance?
6. An object starting from rest travels 20 m in first 2 s and 160 m in next 4 s.What
will be the velocity after 7 s from the start.
7. The distance moved and the magnitude of displacement are equal in ?
(a) The earth is revolving around the Sun
(b) Object moving in circular path
(c) The pendulum is moving to and fro
(d) Object moving on straight road
8. Write difference between speed and velocity.
9. 6. A Truck covers 90km at a uniform speed of 30km/hr. what should be its speed
the next 120km if the average speed for the entire journey is 60km/h?
10. A cyclist moving on a circular track of radius 100m completes one revolution
in 8 minutes. What is his

(a) average speed

(b) average velocity in one full revolution?

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ivSw- pMjwbI

1) Write any two Punjabi articles using your own creativity for
portfolio like Short stories, short poems, thoughts,riddles,
jokes etc.on A4 sheet.

2) Choose any one topic out of three following topics and write
your own view on A4 sheet and also learn the same for
speaking skill activity.The time limit is 2to 3 mins.

a) myry mn dw sB qoN v~fw fr?

A) sOxw jrUrI hY ik nhIN[

e) myrI ijMdgI dw ie~k supnw[

3) Make a project file on the topic “ pMjwb dIAw lok KyfW”

( Total A4 sheet 10)

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