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Roll no: 19750 Signatures

Name: Shafiqur Rehman

Candidate Signature
CNIC: 5440146241447
Trade: Graphic Designing (UI/UX Designer)
Test Date & Time: 13/09/2023 09:00 AM Examiner Signature & Stamp
Test Center Name: Technical Training Centre Quetta
Examiner Name: Muhammad Naseem / Zaheer Ahmed Principal Signature

Please read instructions carefully before attempting paper:
1) All questions are compulsory.
2) The question paper consists of 21 questions divided into two sections A & B. Section A comprise of 20 MCQs of 1 marks
each. Section B comprises of 1 practical task having 80 marks.
3) Mobile Phone not allowed.
4) Use separate paper for rough work.

Section A - Theory (Total Marks: 20, Time: 30 Minutes)

1- What is a "tab bar" in mobile app design?
(a) A navigation component that contains multiple tabs for different sections of the app
(b) A notification system used in mobile apps
(c) A progress indicator for long processes in the app
(d) A visual representation of the Earth's atmospheric layers

2- Why is providing feedback important in UI/UX design?

(a) It makes the design more visually appealing
(b) It entertains users while they interact with the product
(c) It saves server resources
(d) It informs users about the status of their actions
3- What design principle focuses on the user's ability to quickly learn how to use a
(a) Affordance
(b) Accessibility
(c) Consistency
(d) Learnability
4- What design principle ensures that elements look and behave the same way
across a product?
(a) Proximity
(b) Consistency
(c) Emphasis
(d) Unity
5- What is the purpose of creating a low-fidelity prototype?
(a) To quickly explore and iterate on design concepts
(b) To demonstrate the final visual design to stakeholders
(c) To test all the features and functionality of the design
(d) To showcase the final product to potential users
6- Which of the following is an example of an assistive technology commonly used
by visually impaired users?
(a) GPS navigation
(b) Screen reader
(c) Gesture control
(d) Video chat
7- What is a "customer journey map"?
(a) A detailed plan for a road trip
(b) A list of customer complaints and issues
(c) A visual representation of the steps and touchpoints a user experiences while interacting with a product or servic
(d) A map showing different routes to a physical store

8- Which UI element is used to confirm and complete an action?

(a) Button
(b) Dropdown menu
(c) Checkbox
(d) Text field
9- How can the "reciprocity principle" be applied in UI/UX design?
(a) By offering discounts and promotions in a transparent manner
(b) By requesting users to provide personal information
(c) By sending users free physical gifts upon registration
(d) By using only the most expensive design elements
10- What is the primary difference between augmented reality (AR) and virtual
reality (VR)?
(a) AR overlays digital information on the real world, while VR creates a fully immersive digital environment
(b) VR can only be experienced with specialized equipment
(c) AR is more immersive than VR
(d) VR involves physical interactions, while AR does not
11- Why is addressing user privacy concerns important in UI/UX design?
(a) Privacy concerns are irrelevant to user experience
(b) Addressing privacy concerns can slow down the design process
(c) Users are increasingly concerned about the safety of their personal data, and addressing these concerns builds tr
(d) Addressing privacy concerns is not the responsibility of designers

12- What is the psychological impact of using warm colors like red and orange in a
(a) They have no impact on users' emotions
(b) They evoke feelings of energy and excitement
(c) They create a sense of calm and tranquility
(d) They promote sadness and melancholy
13- Why is "mobile-first design" becoming more important in UI/UX?
(a) Mobile-first design is not relevant; designers should focus on desktop design
(b) It's an outdated concept that doesn't consider modern user behavior
(c) It's a design trend that will pass over time
(d) It ensures that designs work well on mobile devices, which are increasingly used for browsing

14- What is "conversion optimization" in the context of e-commerce?

(a) The process of improving the website's performance in search engine rankings
(b) The process of increasing the number of visitors to a website
(c) The process of designing a website to look like an e-commerce platform
(d) The process of improving the user experience to increase the likelihood of visitors becoming customers

15- What is the primary purpose of interaction design?

(a) To analyze competitor products
(b) To optimize server response time
(c) To create visually stunning interfaces
(d) To ensure users can easily and efficiently interact with a product
16- Which of the following is a key consideration when organizing information for a
user interface?
(a) Prioritizing the needs of the business over users
(b) Creating clear hierarchies and categories
(c) Using as many categories as possible
(d) Adding unnecessary complexity to the navigation
17- What is the main difference between augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality
(VR) in terms of user experience?
(a) VR requires specialized hardware, while AR is accessible on smartphones and tablets
(b) AR uses voice commands, while VR uses gestures for interactions
(c) AR offers a fully immersive virtual environment, while VR adds digital elements to the real world
(d) AR and VR have the same user experience

18- How can color blindness impact user experience, and how can it be addressed
in design?
(a) Color blindness enhances user experience by providing unique visuals
(b) Color blindness can make it difficult for users to distinguish between different elements, so designs should use c
in conjunction with other visual cues like text or patterns
(c) Color blindness has no impact on user experience
(d) Designers should use even more colors to compensate for color blindness

19- What is the primary consideration when designing for mobile devices?
(a) Ignoring the differences between desktop and mobile users
(b) Prioritizing key content and optimizing for smaller screens
(c) Using large images to make the design visually appealing
(d) Including all the content from the desktop version
20- What is "cognitive load" in relation to UI/UX design?
(a) The amount of time it takes for a page to load
(b) The mental effort required to process information while interacting with a design
(c) The amount of information stored on the user's device
(d) The physical weight of the device in the user's hand

__The End__
Roll no: 19751 Signatures
Name: izzat ullah
Candidate Signature
CNIC: 5440157935521
Trade: Graphic Designing (UI/UX Designer)
Test Date & Time: 13/09/2023 09:00 AM Examiner Signature & Stamp
Test Center Name: Technical Training Centre Quetta
Examiner Name: Muhammad Naseem / Zaheer Ahmed Principal Signature

Please read instructions carefully before attempting paper:
1) All questions are compulsory.
2) The question paper consists of 21 questions divided into two sections A & B. Section A comprise of 20 MCQs of 1 marks
each. Section B comprises of 1 practical task having 80 marks.
3) Mobile Phone not allowed.
4) Use separate paper for rough work.

Section A - Theory (Total Marks: 20, Time: 30 Minutes)

1- What is a "customer journey map"?
(a) A detailed plan for a road trip
(b) A list of customer complaints and issues
(c) A visual representation of the steps and touchpoints a user experiences while interacting with a product or servic
(d) A map showing different routes to a physical store

2- What type of color scheme uses colors that are adjacent on the color wheel?
(a) Triadic
(b) Complementary
(c) Analogous
(d) Monochromatic
3- What is the purpose of designing for accessibility?
(a) To ensure that all users, including those with disabilities, can use the product
(b) To prioritize one specific user group over others
(c) To increase server load times
(d) To improve the visual appeal of the design
4- What is the purpose of establishing visual hierarchy in a design?
(a) To discourage users from interacting with the design
(b) To ensure all elements are the same size and prominence
(c) To create a chaotic and random visual experience
(d) To guide users attention and emphasize key elements
5- What are "gestures" in the context of mobile app design?
(a) A set of visual elements that guide users through the app
(b) A type of animation used to engage users
(c) The language used in the app's user interface
(d) Physical movements made by users to interact with the app
6- What is "line height" in typography?
(a) The space between lines of text
(b) The distance between two paragraphs
(c) The thickness of each character stroke
(d) The height of the capital letters in a font
7- How can color blindness impact user experience, and how can it be addressed in
(a) Color blindness enhances user experience by providing unique visuals
(b) Color blindness can make it difficult for users to distinguish between different elements, so designs should use c
in conjunction with other visual cues like text or patterns
(c) Color blindness has no impact on user experience
(d) Designers should use even more colors to compensate for color blindness

8- Which stage of the design process is most suitable for incorporating user
(a) Before any sketches or prototypes are create
(b) During the final quality assurance phase
(c) After the design is fully developed
(d) After the product has been launched
9- What is the psychological impact of using warm colors like red and orange in a
(a) They have no impact on users' emotions
(b) They evoke feelings of energy and excitement
(c) They create a sense of calm and tranquility
(d) They promote sadness and melancholy
10- What is "thumb reach" in mobile design?
(a) The amount of time it takes for the user to reach a particular page
(b) The server's response time to user interactions
(c) The distance a user's thumb can comfortably reach on a mobile device's screen
(d) A design principle that prioritizes the use of thumbs for all interactions
11- Why is "usability testing" important in UI/UX design?
(a) It identifies usability issues and gathers insights from real users
(b) It helps designers achieve their personal aesthetic goals
(c) It validates designers' assumptions and preferences
(d) It's not important; designers should trust their instincts
12- How does "user feedback" influence design iteration?
(a) User feedback is only relevant for minor design tweaks
(b) Designers should ignore user feedback and trust their instincts
(c) User feedback has no impact on the design process
(d) User feedback helps identify areas for improvement and guides iterative design
13- What is the purpose of "feedback" in interaction design?
(a) To distract users from the main content
(b) To make the design more visually appealing
(c) To provide designers with praise and recognition
(d) To provide users with information about the outcome of their actions
14- What is the main difference between augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality
(VR) in terms of user experience?
(a) VR requires specialized hardware, while AR is accessible on smartphones and tablets
(b) AR uses voice commands, while VR uses gestures for interactions
(c) AR offers a fully immersive virtual environment, while VR adds digital elements to the real world
(d) AR and VR have the same user experience

15- What is a "design system"?

(a) A collection of design templates for different industries
(b) A series of design challenges for designers to solve
(c) A set of guidelines, components, and patterns that ensure design consistency across an organization
(d) A specific type of user research method
16- What is the purpose of "user personas" in user-centered design?
(a) To make the design more aesthetically pleasing
(b) To create fictional users with unrealistic needs
(c) To represent different user groups and their characteristics, needs, and goals
(d) To provide a way for users to create their own avatars
17- What is the purpose of a "breadcrumb" navigation in UI design?
(a) To provide links to external websites
(b) To help users find hidden content
(c) To display images of baked goods
(d) To show users their progress within a website's hierarchy
18- What user research method involves observing users in their natural
(a) Surveys
(b) Focus groups
(c) A/B testing
(d) Contextual inquiry
19- Which type of navigation is represented by a series of steps or tabs?
(a) Mega menu
(b) Dropdown menu
(c) Tab navigation
(d) Breadcrumb navigation
20- What is the primary goal of UX design?
(a) Enhancing server performance
(b) Making the interface visually appealing
(c) Creating a seamless user experience
(d) Focusing solely on aesthetics

__The End__
Roll no: 19752 Signatures
Name: Sameer Ibrar
Candidate Signature
CNIC: 5440114580627
Trade: Graphic Designing (UI/UX Designer)
Test Date & Time: 13/09/2023 09:00 AM Examiner Signature & Stamp
Test Center Name: Technical Training Centre Quetta
Examiner Name: Muhammad Naseem / Zaheer Ahmed Principal Signature

Please read instructions carefully before attempting paper:
1) All questions are compulsory.
2) The question paper consists of 21 questions divided into two sections A & B. Section A comprise of 20 MCQs of 1 marks
each. Section B comprises of 1 practical task having 80 marks.
3) Mobile Phone not allowed.
4) Use separate paper for rough work.

Section A - Theory (Total Marks: 20, Time: 30 Minutes)

1- What is the "three-click rule" in navigation design?
(a) Every page should have three main navigation options
(b) Users should only click a link three times before giving up
(c) Navigation menus should contain no more than three items
(d) Users should be able to find any information within three clicks
2- Which of the following is NOT a usability testing method?
(a) Surveys
(b) A/B testing
(c) Remote testing
(d) Focus Group
3- Why is addressing user privacy concerns important in UI/UX design?
(a) Privacy concerns are irrelevant to user experience
(b) Addressing privacy concerns can slow down the design process
(c) Users are increasingly concerned about the safety of their personal data, and addressing these concerns builds tr
(d) Addressing privacy concerns is not the responsibility of designers
4- Which UI element is used to confirm and complete an action?
(a) Button
(b) Dropdown menu
(c) Checkbox
(d) Text field
5- Which design principle suggests that elements that are closer together are
perceived as related?
(a) Repetition
(b) Alignment
(c) Proximity
(d) Balance
6- What is "dark pattern" design?
(a) A design that focuses on creating a mysterious and enigmatic user experience
(b) A design that includes hidden Easter eggs for users to find
(c) A design that manipulates users into making choices they wouldn't otherwise make
(d) A design that uses a dark color scheme

7- What is the purpose of "feedback" in interaction design?

(a) To distract users from the main content
(b) To make the design more visually appealing
(c) To provide designers with praise and recognition
(d) To provide users with information about the outcome of their actions
8- Which type of analysis focuses on understanding users' preferences for different
typefaces and font sizes?
(a) Persona creation
(b) Typography analysis
(c) Card sorting
(d) Usability testing
9- What is the term for the menu that appears from the side when designing for
mobile interfaces?
(a) Side panel
(b) Vertical menu
(c) Hamburger menu
(d) Popup menu
10- What is the primary objective of responsive web design?
(a) To create a visually stunning website
(b) To design for desktop users only
(c) To eliminate the need for navigation menus
(d) To ensure that the website looks and functions well on various screen sizes and devices
11- What is the main purpose of creating a high-fidelity prototype?
(a) To provide a more realistic representation of the final product's appearance and functionality
(b) To showcase the final visual design to stakeholders
(c) To provide a low-cost version of the product to users
(d) To test the server's performance

12- What is the primary goal of creating a sitemap in information architecture?

(a) To define the visual design of the interface
(b) To show the hierarchical structure of content and pages
(c) To list all the images used in the interface
(d) To provide a platform for user interactions
13- How does typography impact user experience?
(a) Typography influences how users perceive and engage with content
(b) It has no impact on user experience
(c) Typography is only relevant for printed materials
(d) Typography affects the server's processing speed
14- What is "cognitive load" in relation to UI/UX design?
(a) The amount of time it takes for a page to load
(b) The mental effort required to process information while interacting with a design
(c) The amount of information stored on the user's device
(d) The physical weight of the device in the user's hand
15- What is the purpose of creating a low-fidelity prototype?
(a) To quickly explore and iterate on design concepts
(b) To demonstrate the final visual design to stakeholders
(c) To test all the features and functionality of the design
(d) To showcase the final product to potential users
16- Which of the following is an example of an assistive technology commonly used
by visually impaired users?
(a) GPS navigation
(b) Screen reader
(c) Gesture control
(d) Video chat
17- What is the potential benefit of using AI-driven chatbots in UI/UX design?
(a) They can provide instant customer support and answer user queries
(b) They enhance the visual appeal of the design
(c) They completely replace human designers in the design process
(d) They require significant server resources to operate
18- How can a well-designed checkout process improve e-commerce conversion
(a) By making the checkout process overly complicated
(b) By focusing solely on aesthetics and visuals in the checkout process
(c) By adding unnecessary steps to the checkout process
(d) By creating a streamlined and user-friendly process that minimizes friction
19- What is a "prototype" in the context of usability testing?
(a) A document outlining the project's goals
(b) A visual representation of a design without functionality
(c) A user persona
(d) A finished product ready for launch
20- What is a "design system"?
(a) A collection of design templates for different industries
(b) A series of design challenges for designers to solve
(c) A set of guidelines, components, and patterns that ensure design consistency across an organization
(d) A specific type of user research method

__The End__
Roll no: 19753 Signatures
Name: Abdul Qadir Sufi
Candidate Signature
CNIC: 5440089883671
Trade: Graphic Designing (UI/UX Designer)
Test Date & Time: 13/09/2023 09:00 AM Examiner Signature & Stamp
Test Center Name: Technical Training Centre Quetta
Examiner Name: Muhammad Naseem / Zaheer Ahmed Principal Signature

Please read instructions carefully before attempting paper:
1) All questions are compulsory.
2) The question paper consists of 21 questions divided into two sections A & B. Section A comprise of 20 MCQs of 1 marks
each. Section B comprises of 1 practical task having 80 marks.
3) Mobile Phone not allowed.
4) Use separate paper for rough work.

Section A - Theory (Total Marks: 20, Time: 30 Minutes)

1- What is a "404 error"?
(a) An error in the user's input
(b) An error in the website's design
(c) An error related to server performance
(d) An error indicating a missing or inaccessible page
2- Which type of navigation is represented by a series of steps or tabs?
(a) Mega menu
(b) Dropdown menu
(c) Tab navigation
(d) Breadcrumb navigation
3- What is the term for the space between lines of text?
(a) Baseline
(b) Leading
(c) Tracking
(d) Kerning
4- What is the primary consideration when designing for mobile devices?
(a) Ignoring the differences between desktop and mobile users
(b) Prioritizing key content and optimizing for smaller screens
(c) Using large images to make the design visually appealing
(d) Including all the content from the desktop version
5- What are "gestures" in the context of mobile app design?
(a) A set of visual elements that guide users through the app
(b) A type of animation used to engage users
(c) The language used in the app's user interface
(d) Physical movements made by users to interact with the app
6- What is "GDPR" in the context of user privacy?
(a) Global Design and Privacy Requirements, a worldwide standard for design practices
(b) General Design Principles for Responsive web design, a design framework for creating responsive websites
(c) General Data Protection Regulation, a European Union regulation that aims to protect the privacy and personal d
EU citizens
(d) Great Design and Privacy Rules, a set of design guidelines for ensuring user privacy

7- What is a "prototype" in the context of usability testing?

(a) A document outlining the project's goals
(b) A visual representation of a design without functionality
(c) A user persona
(d) A finished product ready for launch
8- How does "progressive disclosure" impact navigation design?
(a) It suggests that designers should disclose nothing until users ask for it
(b) It advocates for disclosing information in small, manageable chunks to avoid overwhelming users
(c) It encourages designers to disclose all information at once
(d) It focuses solely on visual design and ignores navigation

9- What is the term for the visual representation of the user's location within a
website's hierarchy?
(a) Tab indicator
(b) Breadcrumb trail
(c) Navigation bar
(d) Progress bar
10- What is the psychological impact of using warm colors like red and orange in a
(a) They have no impact on users' emotions
(b) They evoke feelings of energy and excitement
(c) They create a sense of calm and tranquility
(d) They promote sadness and melancholy
11- What is a "user flow" in UX design?
(a) A set of instructions for users to follow on the website
(b) A map of user locations for targeted marketing
(c) A visual representation of how users move from one screen to another within an app or website
(d) A detailed biography of a user's life experiences

12- What is "thumb reach" in mobile design?

(a) The amount of time it takes for the user to reach a particular page
(b) The server's response time to user interactions
(c) The distance a user's thumb can comfortably reach on a mobile device's screen
(d) A design principle that prioritizes the use of thumbs for all interactions
13- Which approach is best for designing a mobile app with a consistent user
experience across different platforms?
(a) Responsive design
(b) Hybrid design
(c) Platform-specific design
(d) Web-based design
14- What is the purpose of a "style guide" in UI/UX design?
(a) To outline the rules and guidelines for maintaining design consistency across different elements
(b) To list the contact information of the design team
(c) To showcase the designer's personal style preferences
(d) To dictate the font size and color of all text in the design

15- What is the primary goal of creating a sitemap in information architecture?

(a) To define the visual design of the interface
(b) To show the hierarchical structure of content and pages
(c) To list all the images used in the interface
(d) To provide a platform for user interactions
16- How does the concept of "affordance" influence interaction design?
(a) It suggests that designs should be difficult to use
(b) It guides users toward intended interactions through visual cues and elements
(c) It promotes a minimalist approach to interaction design
(d) It encourages designers to create overly complex interactions
17- What is "conversion optimization" in the context of e-commerce?
(a) The process of improving the website's performance in search engine rankings
(b) The process of increasing the number of visitors to a website
(c) The process of designing a website to look like an e-commerce platform
(d) The process of improving the user experience to increase the likelihood of visitors becoming customers

18- What is a "responsive design"?

(a) A design that automatically adjusts to fit any screen size or device
(b) A design that changes color based on user preferences
(c) A design that reacts to user interactions
(d) A design that requires users to respond to prompts
19- How can color blindness impact user experience, and how can it be addressed
in design?
(a) Color blindness enhances user experience by providing unique visuals
(b) Color blindness can make it difficult for users to distinguish between different elements, so designs should use c
in conjunction with other visual cues like text or patterns
(c) Color blindness has no impact on user experience
(d) Designers should use even more colors to compensate for color blindness

20- How does typography impact user experience?

(a) Typography influences how users perceive and engage with content
(b) It has no impact on user experience
(c) Typography is only relevant for printed materials
(d) Typography affects the server's processing speed

__The End__
Roll no: 19754 Signatures
Name: Usama Nasir
Candidate Signature
CNIC: 5440161390521
Trade: Graphic Designing (UI/UX Designer)
Test Date & Time: 13/09/2023 09:00 AM Examiner Signature & Stamp
Test Center Name: Technical Training Centre Quetta
Examiner Name: Muhammad Naseem / Zaheer Ahmed Principal Signature

Please read instructions carefully before attempting paper:
1) All questions are compulsory.
2) The question paper consists of 21 questions divided into two sections A & B. Section A comprise of 20 MCQs of 1 marks
each. Section B comprises of 1 practical task having 80 marks.
3) Mobile Phone not allowed.
4) Use separate paper for rough work.

Section A - Theory (Total Marks: 20, Time: 30 Minutes)

1- How does the concept of "affordance" influence interaction design?
(a) It suggests that designs should be difficult to use
(b) It guides users toward intended interactions through visual cues and elements
(c) It promotes a minimalist approach to interaction design
(d) It encourages designers to create overly complex interactions
2- Why is providing feedback important in UI/UX design?
(a) It makes the design more visually appealing
(b) It entertains users while they interact with the product
(c) It saves server resources
(d) It informs users about the status of their actions
3- Which design principle suggests that elements that are closer together are
perceived as related?
(a) Repetition
(b) Alignment
(c) Proximity
(d) Balance
4- How does "progressive disclosure" impact navigation design?
(a) It suggests that designers should disclose nothing until users ask for it
(b) It advocates for disclosing information in small, manageable chunks to avoid overwhelming users
(c) It encourages designers to disclose all information at once
(d) It focuses solely on visual design and ignores navigation

5- How is artificial intelligence (AI) being integrated into UI/UX design?

(a) AI can predict user behavior and personalize user experiences
(b) AI can design user interfaces without any human involvement
(c) AI can automatically fix server errors
(d) AI can create websites with minimal text and maximum images
6- What user research method involves observing users in their natural
(a) Surveys
(b) Focus groups
(c) A/B testing
(d) Contextual inquiry
7- What is a "design system"?
(a) A collection of design templates for different industries
(b) A series of design challenges for designers to solve
(c) A set of guidelines, components, and patterns that ensure design consistency across an organization
(d) A specific type of user research method

8- What do "AR" and "VR" stand for in design?

(a) Augmented Reality and Virtual Realm
(b) Artificial Reality and Virtual Reality
(c) Alternate Reality and Visual Realm
(d) Advanced Rendering and Vision Recognition
9- What is "thumb reach" in mobile design?
(a) The amount of time it takes for the user to reach a particular page
(b) The server's response time to user interactions
(c) The distance a user's thumb can comfortably reach on a mobile device's screen
(d) A design principle that prioritizes the use of thumbs for all interactions
10- What is "conversion optimization" in the context of e-commerce?
(a) The process of improving the website's performance in search engine rankings
(b) The process of increasing the number of visitors to a website
(c) The process of designing a website to look like an e-commerce platform
(d) The process of improving the user experience to increase the likelihood of visitors becoming customers

11- Why is considering cultural differences important in global UI/UX design?

(a) It helps the design team select the appropriate server infrastructure
(b) It has no impact on the user experience
(c) Different cultures have distinct preferences and expectations for design
(d) It allows the designer to showcase their knowledge of various cultures
12- What is the primary goal of e-commerce user experience (UX) design?
(a) To create visually appealing designs that showcase the design team's skills
(b) To make the design as complex and intricate as possible
(c) To prioritize the use of animations over content
(d) To provide an engaging experience that encourages users to make purchases and conversions

13- What type of color scheme uses colors that are adjacent on the color wheel?
(a) Triadic
(b) Complementary
(c) Analogous
(d) Monochromatic
14- What is the primary objective of responsive web design?
(a) To create a visually stunning website
(b) To design for desktop users only
(c) To eliminate the need for navigation menus
(d) To ensure that the website looks and functions well on various screen sizes and devices

15- How does branding influence UI/UX design?

(a) It ensures the design team's brand preferences are prioritized
(b) It helps create a consistent visual identity and emotional connection with users
(c) It makes the design process more difficult and confusing
(d) It has no impact on the design process
16- What is a "404 error"?
(a) An error in the user's input
(b) An error in the website's design
(c) An error related to server performance
(d) An error indicating a missing or inaccessible page
17- What is "GDPR" in the context of user privacy?
(a) Global Design and Privacy Requirements, a worldwide standard for design practices
(b) General Design Principles for Responsive web design, a design framework for creating responsive websites
(c) General Data Protection Regulation, a European Union regulation that aims to protect the privacy and personal d
EU citizens
(d) Great Design and Privacy Rules, a set of design guidelines for ensuring user privacy

18- Why is ethical design important in UI/UX?

(a) It respects users' rights and avoids manipulative tactics
(b) It ensures the design team has a positive work environment
(c) It saves server resources and reduces costs
(d) It's not important; aesthetics take precedence
19- What is the primary goal of UX design?
(a) Enhancing server performance
(b) Making the interface visually appealing
(c) Creating a seamless user experience
(d) Focusing solely on aesthetics
20- What is the primary goal of creating a sitemap in information architecture?
(a) To define the visual design of the interface
(b) To show the hierarchical structure of content and pages
(c) To list all the images used in the interface
(d) To provide a platform for user interactions

__The End__
Roll no: 19755 Signatures
Name: Angel Imran
Candidate Signature
CNIC: 5440058838281
Trade: Graphic Designing (UI/UX Designer)
Test Date & Time: 13/09/2023 09:00 AM Examiner Signature & Stamp
Test Center Name: Technical Training Centre Quetta
Examiner Name: Muhammad Naseem / Zaheer Ahmed Principal Signature

Please read instructions carefully before attempting paper:
1) All questions are compulsory.
2) The question paper consists of 21 questions divided into two sections A & B. Section A comprise of 20 MCQs of 1 marks
each. Section B comprises of 1 practical task having 80 marks.
3) Mobile Phone not allowed.
4) Use separate paper for rough work.

Section A - Theory (Total Marks: 20, Time: 30 Minutes)

1- Which emerging technology is influencing the field of UI/UX design by providing
immersive and interactive experiences?
(a) Virtual reality
(b) Machine learning
(c) Blockchain technology
(d) Artificial intelligence
2- What do "AR" and "VR" stand for in design?
(a) Augmented Reality and Virtual Realm
(b) Artificial Reality and Virtual Reality
(c) Alternate Reality and Visual Realm
(d) Advanced Rendering and Vision Recognition
3- What does "UI" stand for in UI/UX design?
(a) User Integration
(b) User Involvement
(c) User Interaction
(d) User Interaction
4- What is the primary difference between augmented reality (AR) and virtual
reality (VR)?
(a) AR overlays digital information on the real world, while VR creates a fully immersive digital environment
(b) VR can only be experienced with specialized equipment
(c) AR is more immersive than VR
(d) VR involves physical interactions, while AR does not

5- What is the potential benefit of using AI-driven chatbots in UI/UX design?

(a) They can provide instant customer support and answer user queries
(b) They enhance the visual appeal of the design
(c) They completely replace human designers in the design process
(d) They require significant server resources to operate
6- Which type of font includes small decorative lines at the end of each character
(a) Serif
(b) Sans-serif
(c) Script
(d) Monospace
7- What is the purpose of designing for accessibility?
(a) To ensure that all users, including those with disabilities, can use the product
(b) To prioritize one specific user group over others
(c) To increase server load times
(d) To improve the visual appeal of the design
8- Why is empathy important in user-centered design?
(a) It prioritizes the design team's opinions
(b) It allows designers to ignore user feedback
(c) It focuses solely on aesthetic preferences
(d) It helps designers better understand user needs and emotions
9- What is a "user persona"?
(a) A fictional representation of a typical user
(b) A detailed project plan for user engagement
(c) A real user's personal biography
(d) A type of A/B test used in design
10- What is the purpose of a "tooltip" in user interfaces?
(a) To suggest new features to users
(b) To provide lengthy explanations for each UI element
(c) To display error messages
(d) To offer context-sensitive help or additional information
11- Why is ethical design important in UI/UX?
(a) It respects users' rights and avoids manipulative tactics
(b) It ensures the design team has a positive work environment
(c) It saves server resources and reduces costs
(d) It's not important; aesthetics take precedence
12- What is "dark pattern" design?
(a) A design that focuses on creating a mysterious and enigmatic user experience
(b) A design that includes hidden Easter eggs for users to find
(c) A design that manipulates users into making choices they wouldn't otherwise make
(d) A design that uses a dark color scheme

13- How does the concept of "affordance" influence interaction design?

(a) It suggests that designs should be difficult to use
(b) It guides users toward intended interactions through visual cues and elements
(c) It promotes a minimalist approach to interaction design
(d) It encourages designers to create overly complex interactions
14- What is the main purpose of user research in UI/UX design?
(a) Analyzing server performance metrics
(b) Gathering insights into user needs and behaviors
(c) Finalizing the visual design of the interface
(d) Identifying competitors' designs
15- What is the "swipe" gesture used for in mobile app interactions?
(a) Sharing the app on social media
(b) Scrolling through content horizontally or vertically
(c) Deleting an app from the device
(d) Turning off the device's screen
16- What is a "call to action" (CTA) in interaction design?
(a) A reminder to users to log out of the application
(b) A request for users to call customer support
(c) A button or link that encourages users to take a specific action
(d) A form for users to submit feedback
17- What is the "three-click rule" in navigation design?
(a) Every page should have three main navigation options
(b) Users should only click a link three times before giving up
(c) Navigation menus should contain no more than three items
(d) Users should be able to find any information within three clicks
18- Which of the following is an example of an assistive technology commonly used
by visually impaired users?
(a) GPS navigation
(b) Screen reader
(c) Gesture control
(d) Video chat
19- How does "user feedback" influence design iteration?
(a) User feedback is only relevant for minor design tweaks
(b) Designers should ignore user feedback and trust their instincts
(c) User feedback has no impact on the design process
(d) User feedback helps identify areas for improvement and guides iterative design
20- Why is addressing user privacy concerns important in UI/UX design?
(a) Privacy concerns are irrelevant to user experience
(b) Addressing privacy concerns can slow down the design process
(c) Users are increasingly concerned about the safety of their personal data, and addressing these concerns builds tr
(d) Addressing privacy concerns is not the responsibility of designers

__The End__
Roll no: 19756 Signatures
Name: Abdul Rehman
Candidate Signature
CNIC: 5440045552523
Trade: Graphic Designing (UI/UX Designer)
Test Date & Time: 13/09/2023 09:00 AM Examiner Signature & Stamp
Test Center Name: Technical Training Centre Quetta
Examiner Name: Muhammad Naseem / Zaheer Ahmed Principal Signature

Please read instructions carefully before attempting paper:
1) All questions are compulsory.
2) The question paper consists of 21 questions divided into two sections A & B. Section A comprise of 20 MCQs of 1 marks
each. Section B comprises of 1 practical task having 80 marks.
3) Mobile Phone not allowed.
4) Use separate paper for rough work.

Section A - Theory (Total Marks: 20, Time: 30 Minutes)

1- How does branding influence UI/UX design?
(a) It ensures the design team's brand preferences are prioritized
(b) It helps create a consistent visual identity and emotional connection with users
(c) It makes the design process more difficult and confusing
(d) It has no impact on the design process
2- What is a "prototype" in the context of usability testing?
(a) A document outlining the project's goals
(b) A visual representation of a design without functionality
(c) A user persona
(d) A finished product ready for launch
3- What is a "customer journey map"?
(a) A detailed plan for a road trip
(b) A list of customer complaints and issues
(c) A visual representation of the steps and touchpoints a user experiences while interacting with a product or servic
(d) A map showing different routes to a physical store

4- What is the primary goal of UX design?

(a) Enhancing server performance
(b) Making the interface visually appealing
(c) Creating a seamless user experience
(d) Focusing solely on aesthetics
5- What is a "call to action" (CTA) in interaction design?
(a) A reminder to users to log out of the application
(b) A request for users to call customer support
(c) A button or link that encourages users to take a specific action
(d) A form for users to submit feedback
6- What does the term "iteration" mean in the context of design?
(a) A design that's too complex to be easily understood by users
(b) A single version of the design that's ready for release
(c) A design that doesn't require any further modifications
(d) The process of continuously improving a design through repeated cycles
7- What is a "404 error"?
(a) An error in the user's input
(b) An error in the website's design
(c) An error related to server performance
(d) An error indicating a missing or inaccessible page
8- Why is providing feedback important in UI/UX design?
(a) It makes the design more visually appealing
(b) It entertains users while they interact with the product
(c) It saves server resources
(d) It informs users about the status of their actions
9- What is the purpose of designing for accessibility?
(a) To ensure that all users, including those with disabilities, can use the product
(b) To prioritize one specific user group over others
(c) To increase server load times
(d) To improve the visual appeal of the design
10- What does "WCAG" stand for in relation to accessibility standards?
(a) Web Component Application Guidelines
(b) Web Content Alignment Guidelines
(c) Web Content Accessibility Guidelines
(d) World Compliance and Accessibility Guidelines
11- What is a "progress bar" in UI design?
(a) A series of images that represent different stages of a process
(b) A bar where users can request a progress report
(c) A visual representation of the server's processing speed
(d) A dynamic visual element that shows users the progress of a task or process
12- Why is ethical design important in UI/UX?
(a) It respects users' rights and avoids manipulative tactics
(b) It ensures the design team has a positive work environment
(c) It saves server resources and reduces costs
(d) It's not important; aesthetics take precedence
13- Which of the following is NOT a usability testing method?
(a) Surveys
(b) A/B testing
(c) Remote testing
(d) Focus Group
14- What design principle focuses on the user's ability to quickly learn how to use a
(a) Affordance
(b) Accessibility
(c) Consistency
(d) Learnability
15- What is "A/B testing"?
(a) A test to compare two versions of a design to see which performs better with users
(b) A test to determine the server response time
(c) A test to evaluate the physical weight of a device
(d) A test to determine which color palette is more visually pleasing

16- How does augmented reality (AR) enhance user experience in design?
(a) By creating 2D designs that mimic reality
(b) By adding an extra dimension to the user's physical environment
(c) By making designs more visually complex
(d) By using only primary colors in the design
17- What is "thumb reach" in mobile design?
(a) The amount of time it takes for the user to reach a particular page
(b) The server's response time to user interactions
(c) The distance a user's thumb can comfortably reach on a mobile device's screen
(d) A design principle that prioritizes the use of thumbs for all interactions
18- What is a "breakpoint" in responsive design?
(a) A location on the website where links are broken
(b) A specific screen width where the layout of the website changes
(c) A point in time when the website crashes
(d) A place where the website's code is broken
19- What design aspect determines the arrangement of elements in a design
(a) Color
(b) Layout
(c) Server architecture
(d) Typography
20- What is the term for the visual representation of the user's location within a
website's hierarchy?
(a) Tab indicator
(b) Breadcrumb trail
(c) Navigation bar
(d) Progress bar

__The End__
Roll no: 19757 Signatures
Name: Muhammad Abdullah
Candidate Signature
CNIC: 3210186279583
Trade: Graphic Designing (UI/UX Designer)
Test Date & Time: 13/09/2023 09:00 AM Examiner Signature & Stamp
Test Center Name: Technical Training Centre Quetta
Examiner Name: Muhammad Naseem / Zaheer Ahmed Principal Signature

Please read instructions carefully before attempting paper:
1) All questions are compulsory.
2) The question paper consists of 21 questions divided into two sections A & B. Section A comprise of 20 MCQs of 1 marks
each. Section B comprises of 1 practical task having 80 marks.
3) Mobile Phone not allowed.
4) Use separate paper for rough work.

Section A - Theory (Total Marks: 20, Time: 30 Minutes)

1- What is the main difference between augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality
(VR) in terms of user experience?
(a) VR requires specialized hardware, while AR is accessible on smartphones and tablets
(b) AR uses voice commands, while VR uses gestures for interactions
(c) AR offers a fully immersive virtual environment, while VR adds digital elements to the real world
(d) AR and VR have the same user experience

2- What do "AR" and "VR" stand for in design?

(a) Augmented Reality and Virtual Realm
(b) Artificial Reality and Virtual Reality
(c) Alternate Reality and Visual Realm
(d) Advanced Rendering and Vision Recognition
3- What does "WCAG" stand for in relation to accessibility standards?
(a) Web Component Application Guidelines
(b) Web Content Alignment Guidelines
(c) Web Content Accessibility Guidelines
(d) World Compliance and Accessibility Guidelines
4- Why is considering cultural differences important in global UI/UX design?
(a) It helps the design team select the appropriate server infrastructure
(b) It has no impact on the user experience
(c) Different cultures have distinct preferences and expectations for design
(d) It allows the designer to showcase their knowledge of various cultures
5- How can a well-designed checkout process improve e-commerce conversion
(a) By making the checkout process overly complicated
(b) By focusing solely on aesthetics and visuals in the checkout process
(c) By adding unnecessary steps to the checkout process
(d) By creating a streamlined and user-friendly process that minimizes friction
6- What design aspect determines the arrangement of elements in a design
(a) Color
(b) Layout
(c) Server architecture
(d) Typography
7- Why is accessible design important in UI/UX?
(a) It ensures that all users, including those with disabilities, can access and use the product
(b) It's a design trend that will fade over time
(c) It's only relevant for government websites
(d) It's a legal requirement, but it doesn't impact user experience

8- Why is providing feedback important in UI/UX design?

(a) It makes the design more visually appealing
(b) It entertains users while they interact with the product
(c) It saves server resources
(d) It informs users about the status of their actions
9- Which type of analysis focuses on understanding users' preferences for different
typefaces and font sizes?
(a) Persona creation
(b) Typography analysis
(c) Card sorting
(d) Usability testing
10- What is "GDPR" in the context of user privacy?
(a) Global Design and Privacy Requirements, a worldwide standard for design practices
(b) General Design Principles for Responsive web design, a design framework for creating responsive websites
(c) General Data Protection Regulation, a European Union regulation that aims to protect the privacy and personal d
EU citizens
(d) Great Design and Privacy Rules, a set of design guidelines for ensuring user privacy

11- What is the main purpose of user research in UI/UX design?

(a) Analyzing server performance metrics
(b) Gathering insights into user needs and behaviors
(c) Finalizing the visual design of the interface
(d) Identifying competitors' designs
12- How does typography impact user experience?
(a) Typography influences how users perceive and engage with content
(b) It has no impact on user experience
(c) Typography is only relevant for printed materials
(d) Typography affects the server's processing speed
13- What is a "call to action" (CTA) in interaction design?
(a) A reminder to users to log out of the application
(b) A request for users to call customer support
(c) A button or link that encourages users to take a specific action
(d) A form for users to submit feedback
14- How does branding influence UI/UX design?
(a) It ensures the design team's brand preferences are prioritized
(b) It helps create a consistent visual identity and emotional connection with users
(c) It makes the design process more difficult and confusing
(d) It has no impact on the design process
15- What is "A/B testing"?
(a) A test to compare two versions of a design to see which performs better with users
(b) A test to determine the server response time
(c) A test to evaluate the physical weight of a device
(d) A test to determine which color palette is more visually pleasing
16- Which type of testing involves observing how users interact with a prototype in
a controlled environment?
(a) Contextual inquiry
(b) Remote testing
(c) Usability testing
(d) A/B testing
17- Which emerging technology is influencing the field of UI/UX design by providing
immersive and interactive experiences?
(a) Virtual reality
(b) Machine learning
(c) Blockchain technology
(d) Artificial intelligence
18- What is the primary consideration when designing for mobile devices?
(a) Ignoring the differences between desktop and mobile users
(b) Prioritizing key content and optimizing for smaller screens
(c) Using large images to make the design visually appealing
(d) Including all the content from the desktop version
19- How does augmented reality (AR) enhance user experience in design?
(a) By creating 2D designs that mimic reality
(b) By adding an extra dimension to the user's physical environment
(c) By making designs more visually complex
(d) By using only primary colors in the design
20- Which design principle suggests that elements that are closer together are
perceived as related?
(a) Repetition
(b) Alignment
(c) Proximity
(d) Balance

__The End__
Roll no: 19758 Signatures
Name: Abdul Qayyum
Candidate Signature
CNIC: 5440182105311
Trade: Graphic Designing (UI/UX Designer)
Test Date & Time: 13/09/2023 09:00 AM Examiner Signature & Stamp
Test Center Name: Technical Training Centre Quetta
Examiner Name: Muhammad Naseem / Zaheer Ahmed Principal Signature

Please read instructions carefully before attempting paper:
1) All questions are compulsory.
2) The question paper consists of 21 questions divided into two sections A & B. Section A comprise of 20 MCQs of 1 marks
each. Section B comprises of 1 practical task having 80 marks.
3) Mobile Phone not allowed.
4) Use separate paper for rough work.

Section A - Theory (Total Marks: 20, Time: 30 Minutes)

1- How does augmented reality (AR) enhance user experience in design?
(a) By creating 2D designs that mimic reality
(b) By adding an extra dimension to the user's physical environment
(c) By making designs more visually complex
(d) By using only primary colors in the design
2- Why is empathy important in user-centered design?
(a) It prioritizes the design team's opinions
(b) It allows designers to ignore user feedback
(c) It focuses solely on aesthetic preferences
(d) It helps designers better understand user needs and emotions
3- Why is ethical design important in UI/UX?
(a) It respects users' rights and avoids manipulative tactics
(b) It ensures the design team has a positive work environment
(c) It saves server resources and reduces costs
(d) It's not important; aesthetics take precedence
4- What is the term for the visual representation of the user's location within a
website's hierarchy?
(a) Tab indicator
(b) Breadcrumb trail
(c) Navigation bar
(d) Progress bar
5- How can color blindness impact user experience, and how can it be addressed in
(a) Color blindness enhances user experience by providing unique visuals
(b) Color blindness can make it difficult for users to distinguish between different elements, so designs should use c
in conjunction with other visual cues like text or patterns
(c) Color blindness has no impact on user experience
(d) Designers should use even more colors to compensate for color blindness

6- What design aspect determines the arrangement of elements in a design

(a) Color
(b) Layout
(c) Server architecture
(d) Typography
7- What is "thumb reach" in mobile design?
(a) The amount of time it takes for the user to reach a particular page
(b) The server's response time to user interactions
(c) The distance a user's thumb can comfortably reach on a mobile device's screen
(d) A design principle that prioritizes the use of thumbs for all interactions
8- Which approach is best for designing a mobile app with a consistent user
experience across different platforms?
(a) Responsive design
(b) Hybrid design
(c) Platform-specific design
(d) Web-based design
9- How is artificial intelligence (AI) being integrated into UI/UX design?
(a) AI can predict user behavior and personalize user experiences
(b) AI can design user interfaces without any human involvement
(c) AI can automatically fix server errors
(d) AI can create websites with minimal text and maximum images
10- How can microinteractions enhance the user experience?
(a) By increasing the page load time
(b) By providing subtle feedback for user actions
(c) By creating distracting visual effects
(d) By adding unnecessary complexity to the design
11- Why is "mobile-first design" becoming more important in UI/UX?
(a) Mobile-first design is not relevant; designers should focus on desktop design
(b) It's an outdated concept that doesn't consider modern user behavior
(c) It's a design trend that will pass over time
(d) It ensures that designs work well on mobile devices, which are increasingly used for browsing

12- What is the purpose of "feedback" in interaction design?

(a) To distract users from the main content
(b) To make the design more visually appealing
(c) To provide designers with praise and recognition
(d) To provide users with information about the outcome of their actions
13- What is the main difference between augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality
(VR) in terms of user experience?
(a) VR requires specialized hardware, while AR is accessible on smartphones and tablets
(b) AR uses voice commands, while VR uses gestures for interactions
(c) AR offers a fully immersive virtual environment, while VR adds digital elements to the real world
(d) AR and VR have the same user experience

14- How do design systems benefit the UI/UX design process?

(a) They allow designers to work in isolation without collaboration
(b) They streamline the design process, promote consistency, and save time
(c) They increase server response times
(d) They make the design process more complex and time-consuming
15- Which type of navigation is represented by a series of steps or tabs?
(a) Mega menu
(b) Dropdown menu
(c) Tab navigation
(d) Breadcrumb navigation
16- What is a "user flow" in UX design?
(a) A set of instructions for users to follow on the website
(b) A map of user locations for targeted marketing
(c) A visual representation of how users move from one screen to another within an app or website
(d) A detailed biography of a user's life experiences

17- Which UI element is used to confirm and complete an action?

(a) Button
(b) Dropdown menu
(c) Checkbox
(d) Text field
18- What is "conversion optimization" in the context of e-commerce?
(a) The process of improving the website's performance in search engine rankings
(b) The process of increasing the number of visitors to a website
(c) The process of designing a website to look like an e-commerce platform
(d) The process of improving the user experience to increase the likelihood of visitors becoming customers

19- What is "GDPR" in the context of user privacy?

(a) Global Design and Privacy Requirements, a worldwide standard for design practices
(b) General Design Principles for Responsive web design, a design framework for creating responsive websites
(c) General Data Protection Regulation, a European Union regulation that aims to protect the privacy and personal d
EU citizens
(d) Great Design and Privacy Rules, a set of design guidelines for ensuring user privacy

20- What is the main purpose of user research in UI/UX design?

(a) Analyzing server performance metrics
(b) Gathering insights into user needs and behaviors
(c) Finalizing the visual design of the interface
(d) Identifying competitors' designs

__The End__
Roll no: 19759 Signatures
Name: Muhammad Abu baker
Candidate Signature
CNIC: 5440182495399
Trade: Graphic Designing (UI/UX Designer)
Test Date & Time: 13/09/2023 09:00 AM Examiner Signature & Stamp
Test Center Name: Technical Training Centre Quetta
Examiner Name: Muhammad Naseem / Zaheer Ahmed Principal Signature

Please read instructions carefully before attempting paper:
1) All questions are compulsory.
2) The question paper consists of 21 questions divided into two sections A & B. Section A comprise of 20 MCQs of 1 marks
each. Section B comprises of 1 practical task having 80 marks.
3) Mobile Phone not allowed.
4) Use separate paper for rough work.

Section A - Theory (Total Marks: 20, Time: 30 Minutes)

1- What does "WCAG" stand for in relation to accessibility standards?
(a) Web Component Application Guidelines
(b) Web Content Alignment Guidelines
(c) Web Content Accessibility Guidelines
(d) World Compliance and Accessibility Guidelines
2- What is the primary goal of UX design?
(a) Enhancing server performance
(b) Making the interface visually appealing
(c) Creating a seamless user experience
(d) Focusing solely on aesthetics
3- What is the purpose of "user personas" in user-centered design?
(a) To make the design more aesthetically pleasing
(b) To create fictional users with unrealistic needs
(c) To represent different user groups and their characteristics, needs, and goals
(d) To provide a way for users to create their own avatars
4- Which gesture involves tapping twice on the screen with one finger?
(a) Double-tap gesture
(b) Pinch gesture
(c) Rotate gesture
(d) Swipe gesture
5- What is the main purpose of user research in UI/UX design?
(a) Analyzing server performance metrics
(b) Gathering insights into user needs and behaviors
(c) Finalizing the visual design of the interface
(d) Identifying competitors' designs
6- What design principle focuses on the user's ability to quickly learn how to use a
(a) Affordance
(b) Accessibility
(c) Consistency
(d) Learnability
7- Why is addressing user privacy concerns important in UI/UX design?
(a) Privacy concerns are irrelevant to user experience
(b) Addressing privacy concerns can slow down the design process
(c) Users are increasingly concerned about the safety of their personal data, and addressing these concerns builds tr
(d) Addressing privacy concerns is not the responsibility of designers

8- What is a "tab bar" in mobile app design?

(a) A navigation component that contains multiple tabs for different sections of the app
(b) A notification system used in mobile apps
(c) A progress indicator for long processes in the app
(d) A visual representation of the Earth's atmospheric layers

9- What is the purpose of a "call to action" (CTA) button in navigation design?

(a) To guide users toward a specific action, such as making a purchase or signing up
(b) To provide users with detailed information
(c) To slow down user interactions
(d) To distract users from their primary goal
10- What is "A/B testing"?
(a) A test to compare two versions of a design to see which performs better with users
(b) A test to determine the server response time
(c) A test to evaluate the physical weight of a device
(d) A test to determine which color palette is more visually pleasing
11- Which type of navigation is represented by a series of steps or tabs?
(a) Mega menu
(b) Dropdown menu
(c) Tab navigation
(d) Breadcrumb navigation
12- How does "progressive disclosure" impact navigation design?
(a) It suggests that designers should disclose nothing until users ask for it
(b) It advocates for disclosing information in small, manageable chunks to avoid overwhelming users
(c) It encourages designers to disclose all information at once
(d) It focuses solely on visual design and ignores navigation

13- What is "localization" in UI/UX design?

(a) The process of designing exclusively for a specific region
(b) The process of making a design visually appealing
(c) The process of using only locally sourced images in a design
(d) The process of adapting a design to suit different languages, cultures, and regions

14- Which type of testing involves observing how users interact with a prototype in
a controlled environment?
(a) Contextual inquiry
(b) Remote testing
(c) Usability testing
(d) A/B testing
15- What is the "swipe" gesture used for in mobile app interactions?
(a) Sharing the app on social media
(b) Scrolling through content horizontally or vertically
(c) Deleting an app from the device
(d) Turning off the device's screen
16- What does "UI" stand for in UI/UX design?
(a) User Integration
(b) User Involvement
(c) User Interaction
(d) User Interaction
17- Which type of analysis focuses on understanding users' preferences for
different typefaces and font sizes?
(a) Persona creation
(b) Typography analysis
(c) Card sorting
(d) Usability testing
18- What is the purpose of wireframing in design?
(a) Creating a detailed prototype with functionality
(b) Conducting user testing on a finished product
(c) Outlining the structure and layout of a design
(d) Adding color and visual elements to a design
19- Why is empathy important in user-centered design?
(a) It prioritizes the design team's opinions
(b) It allows designers to ignore user feedback
(c) It focuses solely on aesthetic preferences
(d) It helps designers better understand user needs and emotions
20- How does the concept of "affordance" influence interaction design?
(a) It suggests that designs should be difficult to use
(b) It guides users toward intended interactions through visual cues and elements
(c) It promotes a minimalist approach to interaction design
(d) It encourages designers to create overly complex interactions

__The End__
Roll no: 19760 Signatures
Name: Syed Hafeezullah
Candidate Signature
CNIC: 5430386198069
Trade: Graphic Designing (UI/UX Designer)
Test Date & Time: 13/09/2023 09:00 AM Examiner Signature & Stamp
Test Center Name: Technical Training Centre Quetta
Examiner Name: Muhammad Naseem / Zaheer Ahmed Principal Signature

Please read instructions carefully before attempting paper:
1) All questions are compulsory.
2) The question paper consists of 21 questions divided into two sections A & B. Section A comprise of 20 MCQs of 1 marks
each. Section B comprises of 1 practical task having 80 marks.
3) Mobile Phone not allowed.
4) Use separate paper for rough work.

Section A - Theory (Total Marks: 20, Time: 30 Minutes)

1- Which of the following is a key consideration when organizing information for a
user interface?
(a) Prioritizing the needs of the business over users
(b) Creating clear hierarchies and categories
(c) Using as many categories as possible
(d) Adding unnecessary complexity to the navigation
2- What is the term for the menu that appears from the side when designing for
mobile interfaces?
(a) Side panel
(b) Vertical menu
(c) Hamburger menu
(d) Popup menu
3- Which of the following is an example of an assistive technology commonly used
by visually impaired users?
(a) GPS navigation
(b) Screen reader
(c) Gesture control
(d) Video chat
4- What is the primary purpose of interaction design?
(a) To analyze competitor products
(b) To optimize server response time
(c) To create visually stunning interfaces
(d) To ensure users can easily and efficiently interact with a product
5- What is the term for the structural design of shared information environments?
(a) Interface Assessment
(b) Information Architecture
(c) Interaction Analysis
(d) Internet Access
6- How can microinteractions enhance the user experience?
(a) By increasing the page load time
(b) By providing subtle feedback for user actions
(c) By creating distracting visual effects
(d) By adding unnecessary complexity to the design
7- What is a "responsive design"?
(a) A design that automatically adjusts to fit any screen size or device
(b) A design that changes color based on user preferences
(c) A design that reacts to user interactions
(d) A design that requires users to respond to prompts
8- What is the term for the space between lines of text?
(a) Baseline
(b) Leading
(c) Tracking
(d) Kerning
9- What is the primary goal of e-commerce user experience (UX) design?
(a) To create visually appealing designs that showcase the design team's skills
(b) To make the design as complex and intricate as possible
(c) To prioritize the use of animations over content
(d) To provide an engaging experience that encourages users to make purchases and conversions
10- What is "conversion optimization" in the context of e-commerce?
(a) The process of improving the website's performance in search engine rankings
(b) The process of increasing the number of visitors to a website
(c) The process of designing a website to look like an e-commerce platform
(d) The process of improving the user experience to increase the likelihood of visitors becoming customers

11- Which design principle suggests that elements that are closer together are
perceived as related?
(a) Repetition
(b) Alignment
(c) Proximity
(d) Balance
12- What is a "customer journey map"?
(a) A detailed plan for a road trip
(b) A list of customer complaints and issues
(c) A visual representation of the steps and touchpoints a user experiences while interacting with a product or servic
(d) A map showing different routes to a physical store

13- How does "user feedback" influence design iteration?

(a) User feedback is only relevant for minor design tweaks
(b) Designers should ignore user feedback and trust their instincts
(c) User feedback has no impact on the design process
(d) User feedback helps identify areas for improvement and guides iterative design
14- What is a "user persona"?
(a) A fictional representation of a typical user
(b) A detailed project plan for user engagement
(c) A real user's personal biography
(d) A type of A/B test used in design
15- What is "GDPR" in the context of user privacy?
(a) Global Design and Privacy Requirements, a worldwide standard for design practices
(b) General Design Principles for Responsive web design, a design framework for creating responsive websites
(c) General Data Protection Regulation, a European Union regulation that aims to protect the privacy and personal d
EU citizens
(d) Great Design and Privacy Rules, a set of design guidelines for ensuring user privacy
16- Which UI element is used to confirm and complete an action?
(a) Button
(b) Dropdown menu
(c) Checkbox
(d) Text field
17- Why is providing feedback important in UI/UX design?
(a) It makes the design more visually appealing
(b) It entertains users while they interact with the product
(c) It saves server resources
(d) It informs users about the status of their actions
18- How does "progressive disclosure" impact navigation design?
(a) It suggests that designers should disclose nothing until users ask for it
(b) It advocates for disclosing information in small, manageable chunks to avoid overwhelming users
(c) It encourages designers to disclose all information at once
(d) It focuses solely on visual design and ignores navigation

19- What is the primary difference between augmented reality (AR) and virtual
reality (VR)?
(a) AR overlays digital information on the real world, while VR creates a fully immersive digital environment
(b) VR can only be experienced with specialized equipment
(c) AR is more immersive than VR
(d) VR involves physical interactions, while AR does not

20- What is the main focus of user-centered design?

(a) Making the design process efficient for the design team
(b) Designing with the end-users' needs and preferences in mind
(c) Creating designs that only appeal to a specific demographic
(d) Prioritizing the company's goals over user needs

__The End__
Roll no: 19762 Signatures
Name: Abdul Haq Qazi
Candidate Signature
CNIC: 5220340030391
Trade: Graphic Designing (UI/UX Designer)
Test Date & Time: 13/09/2023 09:00 AM Examiner Signature & Stamp
Test Center Name: Technical Training Centre Quetta
Examiner Name: Muhammad Naseem / Zaheer Ahmed Principal Signature

Please read instructions carefully before attempting paper:
1) All questions are compulsory.
2) The question paper consists of 21 questions divided into two sections A & B. Section A comprise of 20 MCQs of 1 marks
each. Section B comprises of 1 practical task having 80 marks.
3) Mobile Phone not allowed.
4) Use separate paper for rough work.

Section A - Theory (Total Marks: 20, Time: 30 Minutes)

1- What is the "fold" in web design?
(a) The point where the header meets the content area
(b) The point where the footer meets the content area
(c) The point at which the page stops scrolling
(d) The point where the navigation menu is positioned
2- Why is collecting user feedback essential for the design process?
(a) It confirms that the design is perfect
(b) It boosts the designer's ego
(c) It helps identify areas for improvement and refinement
(d) It speeds up the design process
3- What is "A/B testing"?
(a) A test to compare two versions of a design to see which performs better with users
(b) A test to determine the server response time
(c) A test to evaluate the physical weight of a device
(d) A test to determine which color palette is more visually pleasing
4- What is a "404 error"?
(a) An error in the user's input
(b) An error in the website's design
(c) An error related to server performance
(d) An error indicating a missing or inaccessible page
5- What are "gestures" in the context of mobile app design?
(a) A set of visual elements that guide users through the app
(b) A type of animation used to engage users
(c) The language used in the app's user interface
(d) Physical movements made by users to interact with the app
6- What type of color scheme uses colors that are adjacent on the color wheel?
(a) Triadic
(b) Complementary
(c) Analogous
(d) Monochromatic
7- Why is considering cultural differences important in global UI/UX design?
(a) It helps the design team select the appropriate server infrastructure
(b) It has no impact on the user experience
(c) Different cultures have distinct preferences and expectations for design
(d) It allows the designer to showcase their knowledge of various cultures
8- What is a "progress bar" in UI design?
(a) A series of images that represent different stages of a process
(b) A bar where users can request a progress report
(c) A visual representation of the server's processing speed
(d) A dynamic visual element that shows users the progress of a task or process
9- What is "thumb reach" in mobile design?
(a) The amount of time it takes for the user to reach a particular page
(b) The server's response time to user interactions
(c) The distance a user's thumb can comfortably reach on a mobile device's screen
(d) A design principle that prioritizes the use of thumbs for all interactions
10- What is the purpose of "user personas" in user-centered design?
(a) To make the design more aesthetically pleasing
(b) To create fictional users with unrealistic needs
(c) To represent different user groups and their characteristics, needs, and goals
(d) To provide a way for users to create their own avatars
11- Why is providing feedback important in UI/UX design?
(a) It makes the design more visually appealing
(b) It entertains users while they interact with the product
(c) It saves server resources
(d) It informs users about the status of their actions
12- How does typography impact user experience?
(a) Typography influences how users perceive and engage with content
(b) It has no impact on user experience
(c) Typography is only relevant for printed materials
(d) Typography affects the server's processing speed
13- What is a "tab bar" in mobile app design?
(a) A navigation component that contains multiple tabs for different sections of the app
(b) A notification system used in mobile apps
(c) A progress indicator for long processes in the app
(d) A visual representation of the Earth's atmospheric layers

14- What does the term "iteration" mean in the context of design?
(a) A design that's too complex to be easily understood by users
(b) A single version of the design that's ready for release
(c) A design that doesn't require any further modifications
(d) The process of continuously improving a design through repeated cycles
15- What is a "design system"?
(a) A collection of design templates for different industries
(b) A series of design challenges for designers to solve
(c) A set of guidelines, components, and patterns that ensure design consistency across an organization
(d) A specific type of user research method

16- How does augmented reality (AR) enhance user experience in design?
(a) By creating 2D designs that mimic reality
(b) By adding an extra dimension to the user's physical environment
(c) By making designs more visually complex
(d) By using only primary colors in the design
17- Which UI element is used to confirm and complete an action?
(a) Button
(b) Dropdown menu
(c) Checkbox
(d) Text field
18- What is the purpose of establishing visual hierarchy in a design?
(a) To discourage users from interacting with the design
(b) To ensure all elements are the same size and prominence
(c) To create a chaotic and random visual experience
(d) To guide users attention and emphasize key elements
19- What is the purpose of a "call to action" (CTA) button in navigation design?
(a) To guide users toward a specific action, such as making a purchase or signing up
(b) To provide users with detailed information
(c) To slow down user interactions
(d) To distract users from their primary goal
20- What is the primary goal of e-commerce user interface design?
(a) To focus solely on mobile design
(b) To create an interface that encourages users to make purchases and conversions
(c) To prioritize aesthetics over functionality
(d) To make the website look impressive to investors

__The End__
Roll no: 19763 Signatures
Name: Muhammad Hobayar
Candidate Signature
CNIC: 5440040708851
Trade: Graphic Designing (UI/UX Designer)
Test Date & Time: 13/09/2023 09:00 AM Examiner Signature & Stamp
Test Center Name: Technical Training Centre Quetta
Examiner Name: Muhammad Naseem / Zaheer Ahmed Principal Signature

Please read instructions carefully before attempting paper:
1) All questions are compulsory.
2) The question paper consists of 21 questions divided into two sections A & B. Section A comprise of 20 MCQs of 1 marks
each. Section B comprises of 1 practical task having 80 marks.
3) Mobile Phone not allowed.
4) Use separate paper for rough work.

Section A - Theory (Total Marks: 20, Time: 30 Minutes)

1- What is the primary difference between augmented reality (AR) and virtual
reality (VR)?
(a) AR overlays digital information on the real world, while VR creates a fully immersive digital environment
(b) VR can only be experienced with specialized equipment
(c) AR is more immersive than VR
(d) VR involves physical interactions, while AR does not

2- How does "progressive disclosure" impact navigation design?

(a) It suggests that designers should disclose nothing until users ask for it
(b) It advocates for disclosing information in small, manageable chunks to avoid overwhelming users
(c) It encourages designers to disclose all information at once
(d) It focuses solely on visual design and ignores navigation
3- What is the purpose of establishing visual hierarchy in a design?
(a) To discourage users from interacting with the design
(b) To ensure all elements are the same size and prominence
(c) To create a chaotic and random visual experience
(d) To guide users attention and emphasize key elements
4- What is a "customer journey map"?
(a) A detailed plan for a road trip
(b) A list of customer complaints and issues
(c) A visual representation of the steps and touchpoints a user experiences while interacting with a product or servic
(d) A map showing different routes to a physical store

5- What is a "404 error"?

(a) An error in the user's input
(b) An error in the website's design
(c) An error related to server performance
(d) An error indicating a missing or inaccessible page
6- Why is addressing user privacy concerns important in UI/UX design?
(a) Privacy concerns are irrelevant to user experience
(b) Addressing privacy concerns can slow down the design process
(c) Users are increasingly concerned about the safety of their personal data, and addressing these concerns builds tr
(d) Addressing privacy concerns is not the responsibility of designers

7- Why is "mobile-first design" becoming more important in UI/UX?

(a) Mobile-first design is not relevant; designers should focus on desktop design
(b) It's an outdated concept that doesn't consider modern user behavior
(c) It's a design trend that will pass over time
(d) It ensures that designs work well on mobile devices, which are increasingly used for browsing

8- What is a "breakpoint" in responsive design?

(a) A location on the website where links are broken
(b) A specific screen width where the layout of the website changes
(c) A point in time when the website crashes
(d) A place where the website's code is broken
9- Which approach is best for designing a mobile app with a consistent user
experience across different platforms?
(a) Responsive design
(b) Hybrid design
(c) Platform-specific design
(d) Web-based design
10- What is the primary consideration when designing for mobile devices?
(a) Ignoring the differences between desktop and mobile users
(b) Prioritizing key content and optimizing for smaller screens
(c) Using large images to make the design visually appealing
(d) Including all the content from the desktop version
11- What user research method involves observing users in their natural
(a) Surveys
(b) Focus groups
(c) A/B testing
(d) Contextual inquiry
12- How can color blindness impact user experience, and how can it be addressed
in design?
(a) Color blindness enhances user experience by providing unique visuals
(b) Color blindness can make it difficult for users to distinguish between different elements, so designs should use c
in conjunction with other visual cues like text or patterns
(c) Color blindness has no impact on user experience
(d) Designers should use even more colors to compensate for color blindness

13- What is a "tab bar" in mobile app design?

(a) A navigation component that contains multiple tabs for different sections of the app
(b) A notification system used in mobile apps
(c) A progress indicator for long processes in the app
(d) A visual representation of the Earth's atmospheric layers

14- Which type of navigation is represented by a series of steps or tabs?

(a) Mega menu
(b) Dropdown menu
(c) Tab navigation
(d) Breadcrumb navigation
15- What is the term for the space between lines of text?
(a) Baseline
(b) Leading
(c) Tracking
(d) Kerning
16- What design aspect determines the arrangement of elements in a design
(a) Color
(b) Layout
(c) Server architecture
(d) Typography
17- What design principle ensures that elements look and behave the same way
across a product?
(a) Proximity
(b) Consistency
(c) Emphasis
(d) Unity
18- How does augmented reality (AR) enhance user experience in design?
(a) By creating 2D designs that mimic reality
(b) By adding an extra dimension to the user's physical environment
(c) By making designs more visually complex
(d) By using only primary colors in the design
19- What is "cognitive load" in relation to UI/UX design?
(a) The amount of time it takes for a page to load
(b) The mental effort required to process information while interacting with a design
(c) The amount of information stored on the user's device
(d) The physical weight of the device in the user's hand
20- What is "dark pattern" design?
(a) A design that focuses on creating a mysterious and enigmatic user experience
(b) A design that includes hidden Easter eggs for users to find
(c) A design that manipulates users into making choices they wouldn't otherwise make
(d) A design that uses a dark color scheme

__The End__
Roll no: 19764 Signatures
Name: Sarfaraz Ahmed
Candidate Signature
CNIC: 5440097506879
Trade: Graphic Designing (UI/UX Designer)
Test Date & Time: 13/09/2023 09:00 AM Examiner Signature & Stamp
Test Center Name: Technical Training Centre Quetta
Examiner Name: Muhammad Naseem / Zaheer Ahmed Principal Signature

Please read instructions carefully before attempting paper:
1) All questions are compulsory.
2) The question paper consists of 21 questions divided into two sections A & B. Section A comprise of 20 MCQs of 1 marks
each. Section B comprises of 1 practical task having 80 marks.
3) Mobile Phone not allowed.
4) Use separate paper for rough work.

Section A - Theory (Total Marks: 20, Time: 30 Minutes)

1- What is "cognitive load" in relation to UI/UX design?
(a) The amount of time it takes for a page to load
(b) The mental effort required to process information while interacting with a design
(c) The amount of information stored on the user's device
(d) The physical weight of the device in the user's hand
2- Why is user-centered design important in UI/UX?
(a) It ensures that users can navigate the design easily
(b) It saves server resources by minimizing interactions
(c) It's not important; designers should prioritize their artistic vision
(d) It aligns design decisions with user needs, preferences, and behaviors
3- How can microinteractions enhance the user experience?
(a) By increasing the page load time
(b) By providing subtle feedback for user actions
(c) By creating distracting visual effects
(d) By adding unnecessary complexity to the design
4- Which of the following is a key consideration when organizing information for a
user interface?
(a) Prioritizing the needs of the business over users
(b) Creating clear hierarchies and categories
(c) Using as many categories as possible
(d) Adding unnecessary complexity to the navigation
5- Which type of analysis focuses on understanding users' preferences for different
typefaces and font sizes?
(a) Persona creation
(b) Typography analysis
(c) Card sorting
(d) Usability testing
6- What design principle ensures that elements look and behave the same way
across a product?
(a) Proximity
(b) Consistency
(c) Emphasis
(d) Unity
7- Which stage of the design process is most suitable for incorporating user
(a) Before any sketches or prototypes are create
(b) During the final quality assurance phase
(c) After the design is fully developed
(d) After the product has been launched
8- How does "gamification" impact user engagement in UI/UX design?
(a) It uses game elements to encourage user participation and interaction
(b) It focuses solely on aesthetics and visual appeal
(c) It makes the design less appealing to users
(d) It slows down the user's interactions with the product
9- Which UI element is used to confirm and complete an action?
(a) Button
(b) Dropdown menu
(c) Checkbox
(d) Text field
10- What does "UI" stand for in UI/UX design?
(a) User Integration
(b) User Involvement
(c) User Interaction
(d) User Interaction
11- What is "GDPR" in the context of user privacy?
(a) Global Design and Privacy Requirements, a worldwide standard for design practices
(b) General Design Principles for Responsive web design, a design framework for creating responsive websites
(c) General Data Protection Regulation, a European Union regulation that aims to protect the privacy and personal d
EU citizens
(d) Great Design and Privacy Rules, a set of design guidelines for ensuring user privacy

12- What is the primary goal of creating a sitemap in information architecture?

(a) To define the visual design of the interface
(b) To show the hierarchical structure of content and pages
(c) To list all the images used in the interface
(d) To provide a platform for user interactions
13- What is a "user persona"? 14- What is "line height" in typography?
(a) A fictional representation of a typical user (a) The space between lines of text
(b) A detailed project plan for user engagement (b) The distance between two paragraphs
(c) A real user's personal biography (c) The thickness of each character stroke
(d) A type of A/B test used in design (d) The height of the capital letters in a font
15- What does "WCAG" stand for in relation to accessibility standards?
(a) Web Component Application Guidelines
(b) Web Content Alignment Guidelines
(c) Web Content Accessibility Guidelines
(d) World Compliance and Accessibility Guidelines
16- Why is empathy important in user-centered design?
(a) It prioritizes the design team's opinions
(b) It allows designers to ignore user feedback
(c) It focuses solely on aesthetic preferences
(d) It helps designers better understand user needs and emotions
17- What is the purpose of establishing visual hierarchy in a design?
(a) To discourage users from interacting with the design
(b) To ensure all elements are the same size and prominence
(c) To create a chaotic and random visual experience
(d) To guide users attention and emphasize key elements
18- What is the purpose of a "tooltip" in user interfaces?
(a) To suggest new features to users
(b) To provide lengthy explanations for each UI element
(c) To display error messages
(d) To offer context-sensitive help or additional information
19- Which approach is best for designing a mobile app with a consistent user
experience across different platforms?
(a) Responsive design
(b) Hybrid design
(c) Platform-specific design
(d) Web-based design
20- How is artificial intelligence (AI) being integrated into UI/UX design?
(a) AI can predict user behavior and personalize user experiences
(b) AI can design user interfaces without any human involvement
(c) AI can automatically fix server errors
(d) AI can create websites with minimal text and maximum images

__The End__
Roll no: 19765 Signatures
Name: Muhammad Awais
Candidate Signature
CNIC: 5440028223569
Trade: Graphic Designing (UI/UX Designer)
Test Date & Time: 13/09/2023 09:00 AM Examiner Signature & Stamp
Test Center Name: Technical Training Centre Quetta
Examiner Name: Muhammad Naseem / Zaheer Ahmed Principal Signature

Please read instructions carefully before attempting paper:
1) All questions are compulsory.
2) The question paper consists of 21 questions divided into two sections A & B. Section A comprise of 20 MCQs of 1 marks
each. Section B comprises of 1 practical task having 80 marks.
3) Mobile Phone not allowed.
4) Use separate paper for rough work.

Section A - Theory (Total Marks: 20, Time: 30 Minutes)

1- Which of the following is a key consideration when organizing information for a
user interface?
(a) Prioritizing the needs of the business over users
(b) Creating clear hierarchies and categories
(c) Using as many categories as possible
(d) Adding unnecessary complexity to the navigation
2- How does typography impact user experience?
(a) Typography influences how users perceive and engage with content
(b) It has no impact on user experience
(c) Typography is only relevant for printed materials
(d) Typography affects the server's processing speed
3- What is "localization" in UI/UX design?
(a) The process of designing exclusively for a specific region
(b) The process of making a design visually appealing
(c) The process of using only locally sourced images in a design
(d) The process of adapting a design to suit different languages, cultures, and regions

4- What is a "call to action" (CTA) in interaction design?

(a) A reminder to users to log out of the application
(b) A request for users to call customer support
(c) A button or link that encourages users to take a specific action
(d) A form for users to submit feedback
5- Why is ethical design important in UI/UX?
(a) It respects users' rights and avoids manipulative tactics
(b) It ensures the design team has a positive work environment
(c) It saves server resources and reduces costs
(d) It's not important; aesthetics take precedence
6- What is a "user flow" in UX design?
(a) A set of instructions for users to follow on the website
(b) A map of user locations for targeted marketing
(c) A visual representation of how users move from one screen to another within an app or website
(d) A detailed biography of a user's life experiences

7- What is the purpose of establishing visual hierarchy in a design?

(a) To discourage users from interacting with the design
(b) To ensure all elements are the same size and prominence
(c) To create a chaotic and random visual experience
(d) To guide users attention and emphasize key elements
8- What is the main focus of user-centered design?
(a) Making the design process efficient for the design team
(b) Designing with the end-users' needs and preferences in mind
(c) Creating designs that only appeal to a specific demographic
(d) Prioritizing the company's goals over user needs
9- How does "progressive disclosure" impact navigation design?
(a) It suggests that designers should disclose nothing until users ask for it
(b) It advocates for disclosing information in small, manageable chunks to avoid overwhelming users
(c) It encourages designers to disclose all information at once
(d) It focuses solely on visual design and ignores navigation
10- What is the primary goal of UX design?
(a) Enhancing server performance
(b) Making the interface visually appealing
(c) Creating a seamless user experience
(d) Focusing solely on aesthetics
11- What is the primary goal of e-commerce user experience (UX) design?
(a) To create visually appealing designs that showcase the design team's skills
(b) To make the design as complex and intricate as possible
(c) To prioritize the use of animations over content
(d) To provide an engaging experience that encourages users to make purchases and conversions

12- How can microinteractions enhance the user experience?

(a) By increasing the page load time
(b) By providing subtle feedback for user actions
(c) By creating distracting visual effects
(d) By adding unnecessary complexity to the design
13- What is the term for the menu that appears from the side when designing for
mobile interfaces?
(a) Side panel
(b) Vertical menu
(c) Hamburger menu
(d) Popup menu
14- What is the purpose of designing for accessibility?
(a) To ensure that all users, including those with disabilities, can use the product
(b) To prioritize one specific user group over others
(c) To increase server load times
(d) To improve the visual appeal of the design
15- Which approach is best for designing a mobile app with a consistent user
experience across different platforms?
(a) Responsive design
(b) Hybrid design
(c) Platform-specific design
(d) Web-based design
16- What is the potential benefit of using AI-driven chatbots in UI/UX design?
(a) They can provide instant customer support and answer user queries
(b) They enhance the visual appeal of the design
(c) They completely replace human designers in the design process
(d) They require significant server resources to operate
17- What is "dark pattern" design?
(a) A design that focuses on creating a mysterious and enigmatic user experience
(b) A design that includes hidden Easter eggs for users to find
(c) A design that manipulates users into making choices they wouldn't otherwise make
(d) A design that uses a dark color scheme

18- What is the "fold" in web design?

(a) The point where the header meets the content area
(b) The point where the footer meets the content area
(c) The point at which the page stops scrolling
(d) The point where the navigation menu is positioned
19- Which type of font includes small decorative lines at the end of each character
(a) Serif
(b) Sans-serif
(c) Script
(d) Monospace
20- What is a "user persona"?
(a) A fictional representation of a typical user
(b) A detailed project plan for user engagement
(c) A real user's personal biography
(d) A type of A/B test used in design

__The End__
Roll no: 19766 Signatures
Name: Zaib Gul
Candidate Signature
CNIC: 5310296606137
Trade: Graphic Designing (UI/UX Designer)
Test Date & Time: 13/09/2023 09:00 AM Examiner Signature & Stamp
Test Center Name: Technical Training Centre Quetta
Examiner Name: Muhammad Naseem / Zaheer Ahmed Principal Signature

Please read instructions carefully before attempting paper:
1) All questions are compulsory.
2) The question paper consists of 21 questions divided into two sections A & B. Section A comprise of 20 MCQs of 1 marks
each. Section B comprises of 1 practical task having 80 marks.
3) Mobile Phone not allowed.
4) Use separate paper for rough work.

Section A - Theory (Total Marks: 20, Time: 30 Minutes)

1- What is the term for the structural design of shared information environments?
(a) Interface Assessment
(b) Information Architecture
(c) Interaction Analysis
(d) Internet Access
2- How can the "reciprocity principle" be applied in UI/UX design?
(a) By offering discounts and promotions in a transparent manner
(b) By requesting users to provide personal information
(c) By sending users free physical gifts upon registration
(d) By using only the most expensive design elements
3- What is the purpose of usability testing?
(a) To assess the aesthetic quality of a design
(b) To gather feedback from users on the usability of a product
(c) To evaluate the performance of server hardware
(d) To determine the optimal color scheme for a website
4- What is the primary goal of creating a sitemap in information architecture?
(a) To define the visual design of the interface
(b) To show the hierarchical structure of content and pages
(c) To list all the images used in the interface
(d) To provide a platform for user interactions
5- Why is user-centered design important in UI/UX?
(a) It ensures that users can navigate the design easily
(b) It saves server resources by minimizing interactions
(c) It's not important; designers should prioritize their artistic vision
(d) It aligns design decisions with user needs, preferences, and behaviors
6- What is the main focus of user-centered design?
(a) Making the design process efficient for the design team
(b) Designing with the end-users' needs and preferences in mind
(c) Creating designs that only appeal to a specific demographic
(d) Prioritizing the company's goals over user needs
7- What is the main purpose of user research in UI/UX design?
(a) Analyzing server performance metrics
(b) Gathering insights into user needs and behaviors
(c) Finalizing the visual design of the interface
(d) Identifying competitors' designs
8- What does "WCAG" stand for in relation to accessibility standards?
(a) Web Component Application Guidelines
(b) Web Content Alignment Guidelines
(c) Web Content Accessibility Guidelines
(d) World Compliance and Accessibility Guidelines
9- What is a "tab bar" in mobile app design?
(a) A navigation component that contains multiple tabs for different sections of the app
(b) A notification system used in mobile apps
(c) A progress indicator for long processes in the app
(d) A visual representation of the Earth's atmospheric layers

10- What is a "404 error"?

(a) An error in the user's input
(b) An error in the website's design
(c) An error related to server performance
(d) An error indicating a missing or inaccessible page
11- How does "dark pattern" design violate ethical principles?
(a) It enhances user experience by making designs darker
(b) It manipulates users into taking actions they may not want to take
(c) Dark pattern design is ethical and should be embraced
(d) It's a valid design strategy to achieve higher conversion rates
12- What is "localization" in UI/UX design?
(a) The process of designing exclusively for a specific region
(b) The process of making a design visually appealing
(c) The process of using only locally sourced images in a design
(d) The process of adapting a design to suit different languages, cultures, and regions

13- How does branding influence UI/UX design?

(a) It ensures the design team's brand preferences are prioritized
(b) It helps create a consistent visual identity and emotional connection with users
(c) It makes the design process more difficult and confusing
(d) It has no impact on the design process
14- How does typography impact user experience?
(a) Typography influences how users perceive and engage with content
(b) It has no impact on user experience
(c) Typography is only relevant for printed materials
(d) Typography affects the server's processing speed
15- What is the main difference between augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality
(VR) in terms of user experience?
(a) VR requires specialized hardware, while AR is accessible on smartphones and tablets
(b) AR uses voice commands, while VR uses gestures for interactions
(c) AR offers a fully immersive virtual environment, while VR adds digital elements to the real world
(d) AR and VR have the same user experience

16- What is the "fold" in web design?

(a) The point where the header meets the content area
(b) The point where the footer meets the content area
(c) The point at which the page stops scrolling
(d) The point where the navigation menu is positioned
17- What is the purpose of wireframing in design?
(a) Creating a detailed prototype with functionality
(b) Conducting user testing on a finished product
(c) Outlining the structure and layout of a design
(d) Adding color and visual elements to a design
18- What type of color scheme uses colors that are adjacent on the color wheel?
(a) Triadic
(b) Complementary
(c) Analogous
(d) Monochromatic
19- What is the primary objective of responsive web design?
(a) To create a visually stunning website
(b) To design for desktop users only
(c) To eliminate the need for navigation menus
(d) To ensure that the website looks and functions well on various screen sizes and devices

20- Which of the following is a key consideration when organizing information for a
user interface?
(a) Prioritizing the needs of the business over users
(b) Creating clear hierarchies and categories
(c) Using as many categories as possible
(d) Adding unnecessary complexity to the navigation

__The End__
Roll no: 19767 Signatures
Name: Jamshed Ahmed
Candidate Signature
CNIC: 5530230810877
Trade: Graphic Designing (UI/UX Designer)
Test Date & Time: 13/09/2023 09:00 AM Examiner Signature & Stamp
Test Center Name: Technical Training Centre Quetta
Examiner Name: Muhammad Naseem / Zaheer Ahmed Principal Signature

Please read instructions carefully before attempting paper:
1) All questions are compulsory.
2) The question paper consists of 21 questions divided into two sections A & B. Section A comprise of 20 MCQs of 1 marks
each. Section B comprises of 1 practical task having 80 marks.
3) Mobile Phone not allowed.
4) Use separate paper for rough work.

Section A - Theory (Total Marks: 20, Time: 30 Minutes)

1- What is the term for the visual representation of the user's location within a
website's hierarchy?
(a) Tab indicator
(b) Breadcrumb trail
(c) Navigation bar
(d) Progress bar
2- How does augmented reality (AR) enhance user experience in design?
(a) By creating 2D designs that mimic reality
(b) By adding an extra dimension to the user's physical environment
(c) By making designs more visually complex
(d) By using only primary colors in the design
3- What is the primary goal of e-commerce user interface design?
(a) To focus solely on mobile design
(b) To create an interface that encourages users to make purchases and conversions
(c) To prioritize aesthetics over functionality
(d) To make the website look impressive to investors
4- Why is empathy important in user-centered design?
(a) It prioritizes the design team's opinions
(b) It allows designers to ignore user feedback
(c) It focuses solely on aesthetic preferences
(d) It helps designers better understand user needs and emotions
5- Which type of font includes small decorative lines at the end of each character
(a) Serif
(b) Sans-serif
(c) Script
(d) Monospace
6- What is a "design system"?
(a) A collection of design templates for different industries
(b) A series of design challenges for designers to solve
(c) A set of guidelines, components, and patterns that ensure design consistency across an organization
(d) A specific type of user research method

7- What is the main focus of user-centered design?

(a) Making the design process efficient for the design team
(b) Designing with the end-users' needs and preferences in mind
(c) Creating designs that only appeal to a specific demographic
(d) Prioritizing the company's goals over user needs
8- Which type of navigation is represented by a series of steps or tabs?
(a) Mega menu
(b) Dropdown menu
(c) Tab navigation
(d) Breadcrumb navigation
9- What is the "fold" in web design?
(a) The point where the header meets the content area
(b) The point where the footer meets the content area
(c) The point at which the page stops scrolling
(d) The point where the navigation menu is positioned
10- What is "dark pattern" design?
(a) A design that focuses on creating a mysterious and enigmatic user experience
(b) A design that includes hidden Easter eggs for users to find
(c) A design that manipulates users into making choices they wouldn't otherwise make
(d) A design that uses a dark color scheme
11- Why is "mobile-first design" becoming more important in UI/UX?
(a) Mobile-first design is not relevant; designers should focus on desktop design
(b) It's an outdated concept that doesn't consider modern user behavior
(c) It's a design trend that will pass over time
(d) It ensures that designs work well on mobile devices, which are increasingly used for browsing

12- What is the "swipe" gesture used for in mobile app interactions?
(a) Sharing the app on social media
(b) Scrolling through content horizontally or vertically
(c) Deleting an app from the device
(d) Turning off the device's screen
13- Why is "usability testing" important in UI/UX design?
(a) It identifies usability issues and gathers insights from real users
(b) It helps designers achieve their personal aesthetic goals
(c) It validates designers' assumptions and preferences
(d) It's not important; designers should trust their instincts
14- What is the primary consideration when designing for mobile devices?
(a) Ignoring the differences between desktop and mobile users
(b) Prioritizing key content and optimizing for smaller screens
(c) Using large images to make the design visually appealing
(d) Including all the content from the desktop version
15- What is a "404 error"?
(a) An error in the user's input
(b) An error in the website's design
(c) An error related to server performance
(d) An error indicating a missing or inaccessible page
16- What is the "Golden Ratio" in design?
(a) A ratio of text to images in a design
(b) A ratio of user interactions to page views
(c) A ratio of red to blue in a color palette
(d) A proportion that is aesthetically pleasing to the human eye
17- Why is considering cultural differences important in global UI/UX design?
(a) It helps the design team select the appropriate server infrastructure
(b) It has no impact on the user experience
(c) Different cultures have distinct preferences and expectations for design
(d) It allows the designer to showcase their knowledge of various cultures
18- What is the purpose of a "tooltip" in user interfaces?
(a) To suggest new features to users
(b) To provide lengthy explanations for each UI element
(c) To display error messages
(d) To offer context-sensitive help or additional information
19- What is a "customer journey map"?
(a) A detailed plan for a road trip
(b) A list of customer complaints and issues
(c) A visual representation of the steps and touchpoints a user experiences while interacting with a product or servic
(d) A map showing different routes to a physical store

20- How is artificial intelligence (AI) being integrated into UI/UX design?
(a) AI can predict user behavior and personalize user experiences
(b) AI can design user interfaces without any human involvement
(c) AI can automatically fix server errors
(d) AI can create websites with minimal text and maximum images

__The End__
Roll no: 19768 Signatures
Name: Ashraf Ali
Candidate Signature
CNIC: 5160156304029
Trade: Graphic Designing (UI/UX Designer)
Test Date & Time: 13/09/2023 09:00 AM Examiner Signature & Stamp
Test Center Name: Technical Training Centre Quetta
Examiner Name: Muhammad Naseem / Zaheer Ahmed Principal Signature

Please read instructions carefully before attempting paper:
1) All questions are compulsory.
2) The question paper consists of 21 questions divided into two sections A & B. Section A comprise of 20 MCQs of 1 marks
each. Section B comprises of 1 practical task having 80 marks.
3) Mobile Phone not allowed.
4) Use separate paper for rough work.

Section A - Theory (Total Marks: 20, Time: 30 Minutes)

1- What is the primary goal of e-commerce user experience (UX) design?
(a) To create visually appealing designs that showcase the design team's skills
(b) To make the design as complex and intricate as possible
(c) To prioritize the use of animations over content
(d) To provide an engaging experience that encourages users to make purchases and conversions

2- What is the term for the menu that appears from the side when designing for
mobile interfaces?
(a) Side panel
(b) Vertical menu
(c) Hamburger menu
(d) Popup menu
3- What is the potential benefit of using AI-driven chatbots in UI/UX design?
(a) They can provide instant customer support and answer user queries
(b) They enhance the visual appeal of the design
(c) They completely replace human designers in the design process
(d) They require significant server resources to operate
4- What user research method involves observing users in their natural
(a) Surveys
(b) Focus groups
(c) A/B testing
(d) Contextual inquiry
5- What is the primary purpose of interaction design?
(a) To analyze competitor products
(b) To optimize server response time
(c) To create visually stunning interfaces
(d) To ensure users can easily and efficiently interact with a product
6- Which emerging technology is influencing the field of UI/UX design by providing
immersive and interactive experiences?
(a) Virtual reality
(b) Machine learning
(c) Blockchain technology
(d) Artificial intelligence
7- How does the concept of "affordance" influence interaction design?
(a) It suggests that designs should be difficult to use
(b) It guides users toward intended interactions through visual cues and elements
(c) It promotes a minimalist approach to interaction design
(d) It encourages designers to create overly complex interactions
8- What is the term for the structural design of shared information environments?
(a) Interface Assessment
(b) Information Architecture
(c) Interaction Analysis
(d) Internet Access
9- What is "GDPR" in the context of user privacy?
(a) Global Design and Privacy Requirements, a worldwide standard for design practices
(b) General Design Principles for Responsive web design, a design framework for creating responsive websites
(c) General Data Protection Regulation, a European Union regulation that aims to protect the privacy and personal d
EU citizens
(d) Great Design and Privacy Rules, a set of design guidelines for ensuring user privacy
10- Why is "mobile-first design" becoming more important in UI/UX?
(a) Mobile-first design is not relevant; designers should focus on desktop design
(b) It's an outdated concept that doesn't consider modern user behavior
(c) It's a design trend that will pass over time
(d) It ensures that designs work well on mobile devices, which are increasingly used for browsing

11- How does typography impact user experience?

(a) Typography influences how users perceive and engage with content
(b) It has no impact on user experience
(c) Typography is only relevant for printed materials
(d) Typography affects the server's processing speed
12- What does the term "iteration" mean in the context of design?
(a) A design that's too complex to be easily understood by users
(b) A single version of the design that's ready for release
(c) A design that doesn't require any further modifications
(d) The process of continuously improving a design through repeated cycles
13- What is the main focus of user-centered design?
(a) Making the design process efficient for the design team
(b) Designing with the end-users' needs and preferences in mind
(c) Creating designs that only appeal to a specific demographic
(d) Prioritizing the company's goals over user needs
14- What design principle focuses on the user's ability to quickly learn how to use a
(a) Affordance
(b) Accessibility
(c) Consistency
(d) Learnability
15- Why is user-centered design important in UI/UX?
(a) It ensures that users can navigate the design easily
(b) It saves server resources by minimizing interactions
(c) It's not important; designers should prioritize their artistic vision
(d) It aligns design decisions with user needs, preferences, and behaviors
16- Which type of navigation is represented by a series of steps or tabs?
(a) Mega menu
(b) Dropdown menu
(c) Tab navigation
(d) Breadcrumb navigation
17- What is the term for the visual representation of the user's location within a
website's hierarchy?
(a) Tab indicator
(b) Breadcrumb trail
(c) Navigation bar
(d) Progress bar
18- What is the primary goal of UX design?
(a) Enhancing server performance
(b) Making the interface visually appealing
(c) Creating a seamless user experience
(d) Focusing solely on aesthetics
19- What is the purpose of "user personas" in user-centered design?
(a) To make the design more aesthetically pleasing
(b) To create fictional users with unrealistic needs
(c) To represent different user groups and their characteristics, needs, and goals
(d) To provide a way for users to create their own avatars
20- What does "WCAG" stand for in relation to accessibility standards?
(a) Web Component Application Guidelines
(b) Web Content Alignment Guidelines
(c) Web Content Accessibility Guidelines
(d) World Compliance and Accessibility Guidelines

__The End__
Roll no: 19769 Signatures
Name: Abdul Wahid
Candidate Signature
CNIC: 5440191582327
Trade: Graphic Designing (UI/UX Designer)
Test Date & Time: 13/09/2023 09:00 AM Examiner Signature & Stamp
Test Center Name: Technical Training Centre Quetta
Examiner Name: Muhammad Naseem / Zaheer Ahmed Principal Signature

Please read instructions carefully before attempting paper:
1) All questions are compulsory.
2) The question paper consists of 21 questions divided into two sections A & B. Section A comprise of 20 MCQs of 1 marks
each. Section B comprises of 1 practical task having 80 marks.
3) Mobile Phone not allowed.
4) Use separate paper for rough work.

Section A - Theory (Total Marks: 20, Time: 30 Minutes)

1- What is a "progress bar" in UI design?
(a) A series of images that represent different stages of a process
(b) A bar where users can request a progress report
(c) A visual representation of the server's processing speed
(d) A dynamic visual element that shows users the progress of a task or process
2- What is the main purpose of user research in UI/UX design?
(a) Analyzing server performance metrics
(b) Gathering insights into user needs and behaviors
(c) Finalizing the visual design of the interface
(d) Identifying competitors' designs
3- What is the purpose of designing for accessibility?
(a) To ensure that all users, including those with disabilities, can use the product
(b) To prioritize one specific user group over others
(c) To increase server load times
(d) To improve the visual appeal of the design
4- What type of color scheme uses colors that are adjacent on the color wheel?
(a) Triadic
(b) Complementary
(c) Analogous
(d) Monochromatic
5- What is the main purpose of creating a high-fidelity prototype?
(a) To provide a more realistic representation of the final product's appearance and functionality
(b) To showcase the final visual design to stakeholders
(c) To provide a low-cost version of the product to users
(d) To test the server's performance

6- Which type of analysis focuses on understanding users' preferences for different

typefaces and font sizes?
(a) Persona creation
(b) Typography analysis
(c) Card sorting
(d) Usability testing
7- How can microinteractions enhance the user experience?
(a) By increasing the page load time
(b) By providing subtle feedback for user actions
(c) By creating distracting visual effects
(d) By adding unnecessary complexity to the design
8- Which design principle suggests that elements that are closer together are
perceived as related?
(a) Repetition
(b) Alignment
(c) Proximity
(d) Balance
9- Why is empathy important in user-centered design?
(a) It prioritizes the design team's opinions
(b) It allows designers to ignore user feedback
(c) It focuses solely on aesthetic preferences
(d) It helps designers better understand user needs and emotions
10- Which type of testing involves observing how users interact with a prototype in
a controlled environment?
(a) Contextual inquiry
(b) Remote testing
(c) Usability testing
(d) A/B testing
11- Why is accessible design important in UI/UX?
(a) It ensures that all users, including those with disabilities, can access and use the product
(b) It's a design trend that will fade over time
(c) It's only relevant for government websites
(d) It's a legal requirement, but it doesn't impact user experience

12- Which UI element is used to confirm and complete an action?

(a) Button
(b) Dropdown menu
(c) Checkbox
(d) Text field
13- What does "UI" stand for in UI/UX design?
(a) User Integration
(b) User Involvement
(c) User Interaction
(d) User Interaction
14- How can a well-designed checkout process improve e-commerce conversion
(a) By making the checkout process overly complicated
(b) By focusing solely on aesthetics and visuals in the checkout process
(c) By adding unnecessary steps to the checkout process
(d) By creating a streamlined and user-friendly process that minimizes friction
15- What is a "user flow" in UX design?
(a) A set of instructions for users to follow on the website
(b) A map of user locations for targeted marketing
(c) A visual representation of how users move from one screen to another within an app or website
(d) A detailed biography of a user's life experiences

16- What is the purpose of a "tooltip" in user interfaces?

(a) To suggest new features to users
(b) To provide lengthy explanations for each UI element
(c) To display error messages
(d) To offer context-sensitive help or additional information
17- What is the term for the menu that appears from the side when designing for
mobile interfaces?
(a) Side panel
(b) Vertical menu
(c) Hamburger menu
(d) Popup menu
18- What do "AR" and "VR" stand for in design?
(a) Augmented Reality and Virtual Realm
(b) Artificial Reality and Virtual Reality
(c) Alternate Reality and Visual Realm
(d) Advanced Rendering and Vision Recognition
19- What is "GDPR" in the context of user privacy?
(a) Global Design and Privacy Requirements, a worldwide standard for design practices
(b) General Design Principles for Responsive web design, a design framework for creating responsive websites
(c) General Data Protection Regulation, a European Union regulation that aims to protect the privacy and personal d
EU citizens
(d) Great Design and Privacy Rules, a set of design guidelines for ensuring user privacy

20- How can color blindness impact user experience, and how can it be addressed
in design?
(a) Color blindness enhances user experience by providing unique visuals
(b) Color blindness can make it difficult for users to distinguish between different elements, so designs should use c
in conjunction with other visual cues like text or patterns
(c) Color blindness has no impact on user experience
(d) Designers should use even more colors to compensate for color blindness

__The End__

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