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The Impact of Social Media on Mental Health

Ju An Hong

University of California, Irvine

Prof. Lerch

Soc 120- Sociological Theory


A Durkheim Theory Analysis

There are possibilities and difficulties which have arisen due to the proliferation of social

media, which has touched nearly each vicinity of our daily existence. A growing range of

humans are getting worried about the effect that it has on mental fitness, specifically amongst

young individuals, in spite of the truth that it presents unequaled connectedness and

communication capabilities. In the psychology class that I took, we investigated whether or not

there may be a connection between growing utilization of social media and signs and symptoms

of tension, disappointment, and problems on the subject of one's body. Through the angle of

Emile Durkheim's sociological framework, this essay will look at this complicated social

predicament. More mainly, the essay will deal with 3 major factors of Durkheim's technique:

social facts, anomie, and social integration.

Social Facts and Measuring Mental Health

The need of understanding social occurrences as "social facts," that are goal things that

occur independently of people, become highlighted by using Durkheim on several activities

(Ritzer, 2014). According to his argument, social facts have the potential to influence human

being's movements and can be investigated by the usage of both quantitative and qualitative

evaluation (Durkheim, 1895). Durkheim's method could urge researchers to collect records

concerning patterns of social media usage, diagnoses of intellectual contamination, and traits of

users in the context of social media and mental health (Ritzer, 2014). This will be the case within

the context of social media and mental fitness. As an end result of this exam of facts,

associations among the usage of social media and mental health results can be set up; however,

causality would now not always be hooked up. In addition, qualitative study methodologies

along with focus group discussions and interviews might be used to investigate the individual

perspectives and firsthand knowledge of the relationship among social media and intellectual

fitness, consequently revealing extra profound insights.

Anomie and the Erosion of Social Norms

The concept of anomie, which was first proposed by Durkheim in 1893, describes a state

which is characterized by an absence of policies and social turmoil, which in turn fosters

emotions of separation, isolation, and sadness (Durkheim, 1893). Within the context of the

present day world, and more specially within the arena of social media, this concept gains

importance. It is feasible that a sense of anomie is fueled by means of the constant contradiction

and exaggerated portrayals of life which might be seen on line. Many people encounter feelings

of insufficiency and dissatisfaction with their fact due to the continual stress to stick to crafted

online personas. This may additionally probably lead to social isolation and sadness.

Furthermore, the quick lifespan of virtual contacts and the illusion of secrecy that is given by

means of virtual structures have a tendency to erode conventional social relationships and

beliefs, which in turn exacerbates emotions of alienation and anomie. The degradation of social

standards that happens thus not only damages the cohesiveness of the community but

additionally makes individual suffering worse, which highlights the significance of Durkheim's

notion in the context of the electronic surroundings of these days.

Social Integration and the Power of Community

Social integration, in line with Durkheim, is essential to human being's and society's well-

being. He argued that strong social ties and shared ideas offer humans with a feeling of purpose

and community (Durkheim, 1893). While modern social media sites claim to convey humans

together, in exercise, those connections are typically superficial and fleeting. Tiredness and a loss

of interest in genuine human relationships would possibly result from the regular stream of alerts

and the need to interact. According to Durkheim, one way to reduce the negative impact of social

media on mental fitness is to cultivate real connections with humans through offline activities

and community service.

The want of developing authentic in-individual relationships is becoming extra apparent

in modern-day hyper-connected technological surroundings, wherein online connections

succeed. Volunteering, joining a sports club, or hosting a community get-together are all

exquisite approaches to meet people wherein they're socially and emotionally: at home in a

collection. In comparison to the impersonal nature of maximum social media interactions, face-

to-face conferences offer a chance for greater true talk and greater profound emotional

connections. A man or woman's capability to lessen the effect of social media addiction depends

on how a great deal time they spend interacting with others in person. The promotion of mental

and social fitness may be done through organizing communal bonds, that's consistent with

Durkheim's suggestion for improving social cohesiveness (Durkheim, 1893). Social media can

be a powerful tool for connecting with others, but its limits highlight the want of bodily

communities for building significant relationships and energy in numbers.


Understanding the impact that social media has on mental health through the framework

of Durkheim's theory may offer very beneficial insights. We are capable to get a better know-

how of the broader societal implications of social media through analyzing its utilization as a

social reality, using methodology inclusive of statistical evaluation and qualitative studies. It is

viable to broaden measures to reduce the negative consequences of social media on mental

fitness with the aid of first acknowledging the possibility of anomie and the importance of social

integration. The promotion of societal standards that strain self-acceptance and correct depictions

of a person online, the encouragement of wholesome utilization of social media, and the

cultivation of real-world relationships are all critical steps toward growing a better environment

for humans to make use of the net.



Durkheim, E. (1893). “Mechanical Solidarity, or Solidarity by Similarities” and “Solidarity

Arising from the Division of Labor, or Organic Solidarity” in The Division of Labor in


Durkheim, E. (1895). What is a social fact? In The rules of sociological method. In Social theory

re-wired (pp. 203-210). Routledge.

Ritzer, G. (2014). “The Division of Labor in Society,” in George Ritzer and Jeffrey

Stepnisky Sociological Theory, 84-91.

Ritzer, G. (2014). Emile Durkheim: A biographical sketch, Introduction, Social facts, and

Suicide. In G. Ritzer & J. Stepnisky, Sociological Theory (pp. 76-84, 86-87, 92-96).

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