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RUNNING HEAD: Module 7 Project 1

Morassa Chona



Module 7 Project

Dr. Danielle Babb

30th June, 2024

May, 2022
Module 7 Project 2

1. Introduction

Since the commercialization of the internet and advancement in technology there

is a wide range of opportunities for businesses to grow their competitive advantage and

profitability. The internet and its growth regarding technology development has given birth to

online marketing which business have taken advantage to build their brands. Technology has

since been a tool to easily sale their products and or services. Businesses have adopted methods

that help them remain profitable such as social media and websites. Online marketing has

changed the way businesses interact with their customers. Online marketing through social

media and websites enables businesses to directly engage prospective customers in their

customer journey. Through techniques and plugins, businesses have leveraged online marketing

to increase customer experience by delivering value through personalized services for example.

To ensure that businesses realize the benefits and leverage the opportunities

presented by social media, websites and technology advancement, top managers need to ensure

their processes align with technology. With the coming of artificial intelligence, more

opportunities lay ahead to range over and maintain their competitive advantage. The implication

is investing in knowledge regarding the use of technological tools that help businesses increase

their online brand and presence. This paper seeks to find out how some businesses have

leveraged technology to have an online presence and what techniques they have put in place to

ensure they engage with customers and fulfil their needs.

2. An organization that uses both online and offline channels and how it is taking

advantage of digital marketing, especially the mobile web.

A manufacturing company, Coca-Cola has existed for more than 120 years, and is

still popular and makes the most sipped soda on the globe. The Coca-Cola brand is with a
Module 7 Project 3

staggering 1.9 billion servings daily spanning 200+ countries and has always been enthusiastic

about engaging customers more effectively (Arun. R, 2023). Rahul Arun further states that the

Coca-Cola marketing strategy has been able to invigorate the masses over the years, ranking as

the world’s largest manufacturer and licensor of 3500 nonalcoholic beverages (Arun. R, 2023).

Coca-Cola as a world’s largest manufacturer, whose marketing strategy stimulates

its customers is known to have marketing channels that are not only offline but also online.

These channels communicate directly to the audience, the online and offline channels include

Newspapers, promotional campaigns, events, television, posters, e-mails, webpages, leaflets,

billboards, social media, magazines, and radio.

Coca-Cola has incorporated the use of digital marketing into its marketing

strategy. The company use digital marketing as a tool to maximize their efforts and achieve much

needed competitive advantage. Therefore, they have maintained a strong brand presence on

social media to achieve their goals. The company has often engaged its customers in interactive

campaigns and user generated content. Some good example of how Coca-Cola Company has

leveraged digital marketing is as follows:

i. Experimenting with content formats

Coca-Cola’s digital marketing strategy especially on the mobile web sticks out

due to the continuous use of different formats in their content. They don’t use the common

formats as their competitors, instead they welcome diverse types of post formats such as static

posts, carousels, reels, and attention grabbing image and text based content.

ii. Engaging with the audience

Coca-Cola fosters a sense of connection and authenticity by engaging customers

in a two-way communication system and actively responding to their reactions. Their approach is
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inclusive, dynamic, and goes beyond advertising. It reflects a genuine interest in their customer’s

experiences and concerns. As a result, Coca-Cola brand royalty strengthens and allow the

company to evolve and adapt. According to a blog by Keyhole, The brand actively listens to its

audience, incorporating their input into new product launches and marketing campaigns

(Keyhole, 2024).

iii. Real-time marketing with social listening

Coca-Cola’s digital marketing mastery lets them use tools such as social media

listening tools. Such tools take in real-time data which provide them with invaluable insights

regarding the thoughts and concerns of their customers. This helps them to promptly respond to

customer concerns and take advantage of opportunities fathomed. This agility is a cornerstone of

Coca-Cola’s marketing strategy, ensuring their content and engagement remain timely and highly

relevant (Keyhole, 2024).

3. Website or a mobile site and its brand-building efforts you see on the site.

The well known and familiar website I like is Amazon. Amazon is an American

multinational company engaged in e-commerce, online advertising, cloud computing through

AWS, and live-streaming services. The business keeps on innovating and working on solutions

for customers to make an efficient system of procurement. Everyday Amazon thinks and

searches for specific innovative ways to develop a great customer experience that will deliver

value, great prices, consistent, and reliable convenience. This shows a long-term commitment the

business has to success and its customers.

As a popular e-commerce business with other offerings, Amazon business is a

recognizable brand that has been built over a couple of years that uses its strength in e-commerce
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and digital marketing. The brand building efforts visible to every customer that visit their website

include product listing optimization listings that has enhanced their visibility. For me the high-

quality images of products capture the interest of customers which gives an excellent visual

representation. Adding to the high-quality images, the use of short but informative description

plays a critical role in educating prospective customers regarding features and benefits of the

listed product.

Another critical observation I made about Amazon’s brand building efforts is the

use of product videos and enhanced product features that provide prospective customers a total

understanding of the product. This assist customers to have comprehensive understanding of the

products to allow them make informed decisions. The advantage the business gets from this

enhancement is potential for increased chances of sale. Amazon has also allowed prospective

customers who visit the website to be able to see product reviews by customers who made

purchases for products they are looking to buy. This has resulted in a more engaging shopping

experience and authenticity as customers feel aided in making decisions.

Amazon is without doubt doing well in ensuring that their brand lives own and it

also true that there maybe areas the business can do better than currently. In my opinion and

observation, yes, the business use product videos to aid customers and enhance understanding of

the product. Locating the product videos is a bit challenging and mostly only few products have

video option. Understanding that product videos usually appeal more of course with images will

be critical to the business’s aiding of prospective customers in their customer journey. Amazon

can do better in this area looking at the dynamics in customer behavior and comprehension.
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4. Website Advertisements
In digital marketing there are various forms of advertisement crafted for various

audiences and with objectives, the most common forms are online advertisement, pop-up

advertisement, email advertisement etc. Focusing on online advertisement display, this is a type

of web advertising that entails the images or videos that appear on particular places like websites

or banners (Kennedy, I., Hendricks, B. & Scalia, S, 2024). The characteristic of display

advertisement is conditioned to follow what the current user is browsing or viewing.

I frequently buy products online usually form UK and I like using and Amazon to order especially electronic products. This time I opened

Amazon and the moment I opened the website and focusing on advertisement, I saw initial ads

displays at the bottom of images and animated videos of the product not related to what am

searching on the search engine. They are graphic images with different sizes, and shape, they

come in formats such as banners, and others are animated.

Auschaitrakul, S & Mukherjee, A, consent that online advertising is more

effective in terms of attitudes toward the ad and brand when it appears on commercial Web sites

such as Walmart or Amazon (Auschaitrakul, S & Mukherjee, A, 2017). This is a very important

form of online advertising when business owners put them on their business or commercial

websites. They allow businesses to target specific potential customers based on their

demographics, online habits, and interests. Businesses have found this type of advertisement

easier to reach the right audience, they also find it easy to measure results the effectiveness of the

campaign. In addition, these ads offer lower costs, flexibility and global reach as compared to

traditional advertising methods.

When you close out the site and come back several times in quick succession, the

ads on a website change based on the browsing history and online activity. This is what is called
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personalized targeting. This kind of personalization is known as targeted advertising relevant to

user’s interests. Businesses track user’s online behavior and interests, and display ads related to

user’s history activity such as searches. I can see these ads displays work as a suggestion of the

other available items of the same product am searching. Consequently, I believe that ads placed

on this web page are based on items that I have viewed already. In addition to these ads display,

the other display ads show the suitable application and how to use the product.

5. Conclusion

In conclusion, digital marketing strategies help businesses to leverage online

channels to enhance engagement, and brand building, and resilience. By integrating mobile web

optimization, adopting ad placement strategies, organizations can maximize their reach and

influence in competitive markets. Continuous adaptation to the dynamic consumers behavior and

technology is key to sustained success.

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Auschaitrakul, S & Mukherjee, A. (2017). Online display advertising: The influence of web site

type on advertising effectiveness. Online Display Advertising. 34(4):463-480.


Arun, R. (2023). Coca-cola marketing strategy: A case study. Retrieved from


Kennedy, I., Hendricks, B. & Scalia, S. (2024). Online advertising overview, importand and

examples. Retrieved from

advertising-definition-types examples.html#:~:text=Some%20of%20the%20most


Keyhole. (2024). Coca-Cola’s Social Media Strategy: A deep dive into a gripping strategy

[Blog]. Retrieved from


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