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A Day at the Beach

Last Saturday, my family and I went to the __________ (1). The weather was __________ (2) and perfect for a day out.

We packed our __________ (3) with towels, sunscreen, and a picnic __________ (4). When we arrived, we found a

nice spot near the __________ (5). My brother and I built a big __________ (6) with towers and a moat. Then, we went

for a __________ (7) in the sea. The water was __________ (8) and refreshing. After swimming, we had a picnic. We

ate __________ (9) sandwiches, __________ (10), and some fruit. I drank __________ (11) and my parents had

__________ (12). Later, we played __________ (13) on the sand and flew a colorful __________ (14). My sister

collected __________ (15) and found a beautiful shell. In the afternoon, we took a long __________ (16) along the

beach and saw some __________ (17) flying in the sky. Before we left, we watched the __________ (18) setting over

the horizon. It was a __________ (19) sight. We packed up our things and drove __________ (20), feeling happy and

relaxed. It was a __________ (21) day, and I can’t wait to go back to the beach again.
A Trip to the Mountains

Last winter, my friends and I went on a trip to the __________ (1). We stayed in a cozy __________ (2) at the base of
the mountains. Each morning, we would wake up early to __________ (3) the sunrise over the snowy peaks. After
breakfast, we spent the day __________ (4) in the mountains. One day, we decided to go __________ (5). The view
from the top was __________ (6). We also enjoyed __________ (7) in the evenings by the fireplace in our cabin. On
our last day, we built a __________ (8) and had a snowball fight. This trip was __________ (9), and we hope to go
back next year.

1. a) beach b) city c) mountains

2. a) hotel b) cabin c) tent
3. a) see b) cook c) build
4. a) relaxing b) skiing c) swimming
5. a) hiking b) shopping c) fishing
6. a) boring b) breathtaking c) disappointing
7. a) reading b) dancing c) running
8. a) sandcastle b) bonfire c) snowman
9. a) forgettable b) memorable c) dull
Exploring a New City

Last summer, I had the opportunity to visit __________ (1), a city known for its rich history and vibrant culture. I
stayed in a charming __________ (2) located in te heart of the city. Each day, I set out to __________ (3) the many
attractions the city had to offer. One of the highlights was visiting the __________ (4), where I marveled at the ancient
artifacts and learned about the city's past. I also took a __________ (5) tour, which provided fascinating insights into
the local architecture and historical landmarks. In the evenings, I enjoyed dining at various __________ (6) restaurants,
savoring delicious dishes like __________ (7) and seafood paella. One night, I attended a live __________ (8)
performance, which was both captivating and emotional. Before leaving, I made sure to __________ (9) some
souvenirs, including handmade crafts and local delicacies. This trip was truly __________ (10), and I look forward to
my next adventure.

1. a) Rome b) New York c) Tokyo

2. a) hostel b) villa c) boutique hotel
3. a) discover b) ignore c) avoid
4. a) amusement park b) museum c) shopping mall
5. a) bus b) walking c) boat
6. a) local b) fast food c) international
7. a) sushi b) tapas c) burgers
8. a) movie b) theater c) dance
9. a) steal b) buy c) borrow
10. a) forgettable b) remarkable c) ordinary
An Unforgettable Journey

Last year, I went on a journey __________ (1) (which/that) changed my life. I traveled to a remote village __________

(2) (where/which) people live a simple and traditional life. The village, __________ (3) (located/locating) in the

mountains, was incredibly beautiful. The villagers, __________ (4) (who/whom) were very friendly, welcomed me

warmly. I spent my days __________ (5) (exploring/explored) the surrounding nature and __________ (6)

(learning/learned) about the local culture. One day, I joined a group of villagers __________ (7) (who/which) were

harvesting crops. They showed me their traditional methods, __________ (8) (which/that) had been passed down for

generations. In the evenings, I sat by the fire, __________ (9) (listening/listened) to stories told by the elders. The

experience, __________ (10) (having/which had) been both enlightening and humbling, made me appreciate the simple

joys of life.
A Day in the Countryside

Last weekend, I visited a farm __________ (1) (which/that) belongs to my uncle. The farm, __________ (2)

(located/locating) in the countryside, is a wonderful place to relax. My uncle, __________ (3) (who/whom) is very

kind, showed me around. We saw many animals __________ (4) (that/who) were grazing in the fields. I spent the

morning __________ (5) (helping/helped) with the chores. We collected eggs from the chickens and __________ (6)

(milking/milked) the cows. After lunch, I took a walk through the forest __________ (7) (which/where) I saw beautiful

wildflowers. I also met some neighbors __________ (8) (who/which) were very friendly. In the evening, we sat outside,

__________ (9) (watching/watched) the sunset and __________ (10) (enjoying/enjoyed) the fresh air. It was a day

__________ (11) (that/which) I will never forget.

Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb, article, preposition, or conjunction.

Every morning, Sarah __________ (1) (go) for a run in the park near her house. Yesterday, she __________ (2) (meet)

her friend Tom while running. They decided __________ (3) (to go/going) for coffee after their run. They went to

__________ (4) (a/an/the) new cafe that opened last week. Tom ordered __________ (5) (a/an/the) espresso, and Sarah

had a latte. They talked __________ (6) (about/of/for) their plans for the weekend. Tom suggested __________ (7) (to

visit/visiting) the new art gallery downtown. Sarah, __________ (8) (who/which) loves art, immediately agreed. After

finishing their coffee, they walked home __________ (9) (together/togetherly). On Saturday, they __________ (10)

(meet) again at 10 AM. __________ (11) (During/Between/Since) their visit to the gallery, they saw many beautiful

paintings. Sarah said she would like __________ (12) (to buy/buying) one of the paintings. Tom, __________ (13)

(whose/who) knows the gallery owner, promised to ask for a discount. It was __________ (14) (a/an/the) wonderful

day for both of them.

Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb, article, preposition, or conjunction.

Last summer, I had the opportunity to travel to __________ (1) (which/that) was one of the most memorable

experiences of my life. I stayed in a small hostel __________ (2) (located/locating) in the heart of the city. Each

morning, I woke up __________ (3) (to see/seeing) the sunrise over the skyline. One of the highlights of my trip was

visiting the local market, __________ (4) (where/which) I sampled delicious street food and bought handmade crafts as

souvenirs. I also took a day trip to the countryside, __________ (5) (which/where) I went hiking in the mountains. The

views were breathtaking, and I spent hours __________ (6) (admiring/admired) the scenery. In the evenings, I enjoyed

dining at various restaurants, __________ (7) (trying/tried) different cuisines from around the world. On my last day, I

went for a walk along the river __________ (8) (watching/watched) the boats passing by. It was a trip __________ (9)

(that/which) I will never forget.

Part 1: Fill in the Blanks

Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb, article, preposition, or conjunction.

1. Last summer, I __________ (1) (go) on a trip to Paris.

2. The hotel, __________ (2) (locate) in the city center, was very convenient.
3. Every morning, we __________ (3) (have) breakfast at a nearby café.
4. The Eiffel Tower, __________ (4) (which/where) we visited on the first day, was amazing.
5. We spent hours __________ (5) (admire) the view from the top.
6. The food in Paris is delicious, __________ (6) (especially/although) the pastries.
7. One evening, we __________ (7) (eat) at a famous restaurant recommended by a friend.
8. We tried many dishes, __________ (8) (include) escargot and coq au vin.
9. __________ (9) (During/Between) our visit to the Louvre, we saw the Mona Lisa.
10. Paris is a city __________ (10) (that/which) I would love to visit again.

Part 2: Error Correction

Correct the errors in the following sentences.

11. She enjoys to play the piano in her free time.

12. They have lived in London since five years.
13. He don’t like eating spicy food.
14. I have visited Spain last summer.
15. The book who I bought is very interesting.

Part 3: Choose the Correct Option

Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.

16. If I __________ (a. am/b. was/c. were) you, I would take that job.
17. He said he __________ (a. will/b. would/c. can) help me with my homework.
18. She has been working here __________ (a. for/b. since/c. during) three years.
19. The man __________ (a. which/b. who/c. whom) you met yesterday is my uncle.
20. I am looking forward to __________ (a. meet/b. meeting/c. met) you.
Part 4: Sentence Transformation

Rewrite the sentences without changing their meaning.

21. "I will call you tomorrow," she said to me. → She told me that ___________________


22. They built the bridge in 2010. → The bridge __________________________________


23. I have never seen such a beautiful painting. → This is the most __________________


24. She started working here two years ago. → She has ___________________________


25. Although it was raining, we went for a walk. → Despite ________________________

Part 1: Fill in the Blanks with Conjunctions

Fill in the blanks with the correct conjunction (and, but, or, so, because, although, if, either...or, neither...nor,

1. I wanted to go to the concert, __________ (1) I didn't have enough money.

2. She studied very hard, __________ (2) she passed the exam.

3. You can have __________ (3) tea __________ (4) coffee.

4. __________ (5) it was raining, we went for a walk.

5. He didn't go to the party __________ (6) he was feeling sick.

6. __________ (7) you finish your homework, you can watch TV.

7. She is __________ (8) intelligent __________ (9) hardworking.

8. I have __________ (10) seen __________ (11) heard anything about it.

9. We can go to the beach __________ (12) we can stay home.

10. He likes to read books, __________ (13) he doesn't like to write essays.
Part 2: Sentence Transformation with Conjunctions

Rewrite the sentences using the conjunctions provided.

11. She was tired. She continued working. (although) → ____________________________________________


12. He is very talented. He is very humble. (and) → _______________________________________________


13. They can go to the museum. They can go to the zoo. (or) → ______________________________________


14. It was late. They didn't stop working. (even though) → ______________________________________


15. You must apologize. You will lose your friend. (or) → _____________________________________


16. He didn't study. He failed the exam. (because) → ________________________________________

17. She is not only a great singer. She is also a talented dancer. (not only...but also) → ______________


18. I will go to the party. I will meet my friends there. (so that) → _____________________________


19. He was very hungry. He didn't eat anything. (although) → _______________________________


20. You can stay here. You can come with us. (either...or) → _________________________________


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