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Exercise: Fill in the Blanks with the Correct Verb Tense

A Day at the Beach

Last Saturday, my family and I decided to spend
a day at the beach. The weather was absolutely
______ (beautiful), with the sun shining brightly
and a gentle breeze blowing. We packed a
______ (variety) of snacks and drinks in a large
cooler and brought along our beach chairs,
umbrellas, and a big ______ (color) beach towel.
Upon arriving at the beach, we quickly found a nice spot near the water. The sound of the ______
(wave) crashing against the shore was incredibly soothing. My brother and I immediately ran
towards the ocean, eager to ______ (swim) in the cool, refreshing water. We spent hours splashing
around, playing beach volleyball, and building sandcastles.
Around noon, we took a break to have lunch. My mom had prepared delicious sandwiches with
fresh ______ (ingredient) and a side of fruit salad. As we ate, we watched the seagulls ______ (fly)
overhead and the boats sailing in the distance.
In the afternoon, we decided to go for a walk along the shoreline. We collected seashells and even
found a couple of starfish. It was fascinating to observe the various ______ (type) of marine life
that inhabited the shallow waters.
As the day came to an end, we sat on our beach chairs and watched the sun ______ (set) on the
horizon. The sky turned a brilliant shade of orange and pink, creating a breathtaking view. We felt
completely relaxed and content, knowing that we had made the most of our day at the beach.
We packed up our belongings and headed home, tired but happy. It had been a perfect day filled
with laughter, fun, and ______ (memory) that we would cherish for a long time.
Exercise: Fill in the Blanks with the Correct Verb Tense
An Unforgettable Adventure
Last summer, my friends and I ______ (plan) a
trip to the mountains. We ______ (be) very
excited because none of us ______ (visit) that
area before. The night before our departure, we
______ (pack) our bags and ______ (go) to bed early.
We ______ (leave) early in the morning and ______ (drive) for several hours until we ______
(reach) our destination. Along the way, we ______ (see) breathtaking landscapes and ______
(stop) several times to take photos.
By the time we ______ (arrive) at the campsite, the sun ______ (begin) to set. We quickly ______
(set) up our tents and ______ (start) a campfire. After dinner, we ______ (sit) around the fire,
______ (tell) stories, and ______ (gaze) at the stars. It ______ (be) a perfect night.
The next day, we ______ (wake) up early to go hiking. We ______ (follow) a trail that ______
(lead) us to a beautiful waterfall. As we ______ (hike), we ______ (encounter) various wildlife
and ______ (take) in the stunning views. When we ______ (reach) the waterfall, we ______
(decide) to take a refreshing swim in the clear water.
In the afternoon, we ______ (explore) a nearby cave. It ______ (be) dark and mysterious inside,
but we ______ (have) our flashlights and ______ (feel) adventurous. We ______ (discover)
interesting rock formations and ______ (see) some bats flying around.
On our last day, we ______ (pack) up our gear and ______ (prepare) to leave. We ______ (feel) a
bit sad that the trip ______ (be) over, but we ______ (promise) to return next summer.
As we ______ (drive) back home, we ______ (talk) about all the fun we ______ (have) and how
much we ______ (enjoy) the adventure. It ______ (be) an unforgettable experience that we
______ (cherish) forever.
Exercise: Fill in the Blanks with the Correct Verb Tense
A Journey Through Time
It ______ (be) a sunny day when I ______ (decide) to visit the old mansion on the outskirts of
town. I ______ (hear) many stories about it, but I ______ (never/see) it for myself. As I ______
(walk) up the path, I ______ (notice) how quiet and serene the surroundings ______ (be).
While I ______ (explore) the garden, I suddenly ______ (hear) a strange noise coming from
inside the mansion. I ______ (take) a deep breath and ______ (enter) the building. Inside,
everything ______ (be) covered in dust, and it ______ (seem) like no one ______ (live) there for
I ______ (wander) through the rooms when I ______ (find) an old diary lying on a table. Curious,
I ______ (open) it and ______ (begin) to read. The diary ______ (belong) to a young woman who
______ (live) in the mansion many years ago. Her writing ______ (describe) her daily life and
As I ______ (read), I ______ (feel) a connection to her, as if her spirit ______ (be) present in the
room. Suddenly, I ______ (hear) footsteps and the sound of laughter echoing through the halls. I
______ (turn) around quickly, but there ______ (be) no one there. The atmosphere ______
(become) eerie, and I ______ (decide) it ______ (be) time to leave.
Now, every time I ______ (pass) by that mansion, I ______ (think) about the young woman and
her stories. I often ______ (wonder) what it ______ (be) like to live in that era. One day, I ______
(plan) to write a book about my experience and the history of the mansion. I ______ (hope) that
others ______ (find) it as fascinating as I do.
Exercise: Fill in the Blanks with the Correct Words
Complete the following paragraph by filling in the blanks with the appropriate prepositions,
articles, conjunctions, pronouns, and verb forms.
A Day in the Life of a Student
Every morning, Sarah ______ (wake up) at 6:30
a.m. She ______ (start) her day with a healthy
breakfast, which usually consists ______ yogurt,
fruit, and a cup of tea. After breakfast, she ______
(get) ready for school. She lives quite close ______
her school, so she ______ (walk) there every day.
When she ______ (arrive) at school, she ______ (meet) her friends and they ______ (talk) about
their plans for the day. Classes ______ (begin) at 8:00 a.m., and Sarah always ______ (try) to be
on time. Her favorite subject ______ (be) science because she loves learning ______ how things
During the lunch break, Sarah and her friends usually ______ (sit) together in the cafeteria. They
______ (share) stories and ______ (help) each other with homework. After school, Sarah ______
(participate) in the drama club. She ______ (enjoy) acting and hopes to be an actress one day.
In the evening, Sarah ______ (do) her homework and ______ (study) for any upcoming tests. Her
parents always ______ (encourage) her to do her best. They believe that education ______ (be)
important for her future.
Before going to bed, Sarah likes to read a book or ______ (watch) a little TV. She ______ (try) to
go to bed early because she knows that getting enough sleep ______ (be) essential. As she ______
(fall) asleep, she ______ (feel) grateful for another productive day.
Exercise: Fill in the Blanks with the Correct Clauses
Relative Clauses and Present/Past Participle Clauses
1. The woman ______ (who/sit) next to me on the plane was very friendly.
2. The book ______ (that/write) by J.K. Rowling has sold millions of copies.
3. The boy ______ (who/play) in the garden is my cousin.
4. The cake ______ (make) by my mother was delicious.
5. The movie ______ (which/watch) last night was really exciting.
6. The car ______ (that/park) outside is mine.
7. The students ______ (who/study) in the library are very dedicated.
8. The letter ______ (that/send) to me yesterday made me very happy.
9. The girl ______ (who/talk) to the teacher is the class president.
10. The homework ______ (finish) by all the students was checked by the teacher.
Exercise: Fill in the Blanks with the Correct Clauses
Complete the following paragraph by filling in the blanks with appropriate relative clauses or
present/past participle clauses.
A Day at the Park
Last Sunday, I went to the park, ______ (which/locate) near my house. The weather was perfect,
with a gentle breeze ______ (blow) through the trees. As I walked along the path, I saw a group
of children ______ (who/play) soccer on the field. They were having so much fun, and their
laughter was contagious. Nearby, an artist ______ (who/paint) a beautiful landscape caught my
eye. The painting, ______ (which/create) with vibrant colors, depicted the park in all its glory. I
continued my stroll and passed a bench ______ (which/occupy) by an elderly couple. They were
feeding the birds ______ (who/gather) around them. It was a peaceful scene, ______ (remind) me
of simpler times.
In another part of the park, I noticed a yoga class ______ (who/lead) by an instructor ______
(who/guide) the participants through various poses. The people ______ (who/practice) yoga
looked relaxed and focused. Not far from them, there was a group of friends ______ (who/enjoy)
a picnic. They had spread out a blanket and were sharing delicious food ______ (which/bring)
from home.
As the sun began to set, the park ______ (which/transform) into a magical place, with golden light
______ (filter) through the leaves. I felt a deep sense of contentment ______ (which/stay) with me
for the rest of the day. It was a perfect day ______ (spend) in the company of nature and people
______ (who/appreciate) its beauty.

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