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What dictates the use of IPv6 address space?

ans-- Internet Engineering Task Force standards.


How is the 'unspecified' address represented?

ans-- ::


The prefix 2000::/3 does not include which of the following addresses?

ans--- 2::


In an IPv6 address, what does '::' (double colon) signify?

ans-- Zero compression


Which part of an IPv6 destination address does an IPv6 router use to make a forwarding decision for
a received IPv6 packet?

Routing ID


Which type of IPv6 address could be used by a host computer to find the most easily reachable
Domain Name Server (DNS)?


How is '1101' (binary) represented in hexadecimal notation?

ans-- d


An IPv6 address consists of how many bits?

ans-- 128


Which part of an IPv6 destination address does an IPv6 router use to make a forwarding decision for
a received IPv6 packet?

Routing ID


A minimum of how many bits of subnet address is required to represent 8 networks?

ans-- Three


The prefix 2000::/3 does not include which of the following addresses?


Unique local unicast addresses can be used to provide what?

ans--Private addressing.


Who directly supplies a company with an IPv6 Global routing prefix?

ans--An Internet Service Provider.


What dictates the use of IPv6 address space?

ans--Internet Engineering Task Force standards.


Which of the following is not a legitimate way to represent the following IPv6 address?

ans-- 2001:db8:140c::d0::140f


Which type of IPv6 address could be used by a host computer to find the most easily reachable
Domain Name Server (DNS)?


Why is colon-hexadecimal notation used instead of dotted-decimal notation for IPv6 address

ans-- To shorten addresses.


IPv6 uses which three types of addresses?

ans-- Unicast, multicast, anycast.



IPv4 addresses are composed of a network part then a host part. How are IPv6 addresses composed?

ans-- Network part, then Interface Identifier part


How much larger is an IPv6 address compared with an IPv4 address?

96 bits

Which of the following is a true statement about IPv6 Extension Headers?

The use of Extension Headers is optional.


What was the primary factor that limited the growth of IPv4 networks?

ans--Lack of available address space.


Which statement is true about IPv6 deployment?

ans--IPv6 deployment has been slower than perhaps anticipated, but deployment is significant, and
will continue to grow.


Why is IPv6 well-suited to IoT applications?

ans---Because IoT can use the vast IPv6 address space


Which protocol replaces IPv4's Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) for use with IPv6?

ans---Neighbor Discovery Protocol

Which protocol came between IPv4 and IPv6?

ans--Internet Stream Protocol


Which statement is true about dual-stack routers?

ans--Dual-stack routers can forward IPv4 and IPv6 packets simultaneously


What does the double-colon'::' denote in the following IPv6 address?

ans--Missing sets of contiguous '0000's


Why is hexadecimal notation used in written IPv6 addresses?

ans-- It makes the address shorter than using decimal or binary notation.


How large is the IPv6 address space?

ans--2^128 addresses

At which layer tcp/ip protocol suite does ipv4 operate.



Ipv6 directly enables a version of which routing protocol

ans--Segment routing
MPLS Overview
How mony Label Switch Paths (L5Ps) does duplex troffic require?

Which type of failure hondling recovers most quickly7

@ Proactive with pre-colculotion, also called Fast Reroute (FRR)

O Reactive with recalculotion, also called convergence-based resilience

Whot do MPL5 lobels identify7

O The LSRs with the leost downtime

@ The best poth from cuStDmer edge tocustomer edge

O The paths with the lowest cost

'**' O Estoblished paths between endpoints

Which oction or actions Can0 Lobel Edge Router (LER) perform?

Q Push
Q Swap
@ Pop
Q Popandpush

Which pFOtOCOI is MPLS most commonly extending in today's networks*

@ IP

Which two protoCols Con automate label configuration and la bel distribution in
an MPLS network?

@ Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) and Open 'Shortest Path First (OSPF)
Label Distribution Protocol (LDP) and Resource Preservation Protocol - Traffic
O En lig htenment (RPVP-TE)
Label Distribution Protocol (LDP) and Resource Reservation Protocol - Traffic
O Engineering (RSVP-TEL
O Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP) and Label Distribution Protocol (LDP)
What is one router type in an MPLS network caIIed7

Q Label Switcher (LS)

Q Label Swop Router (LSR)
Q Label Switch Router (LSR)
@ MPLS Switch Router (LSR)

Whot is the purpose of Differentiated Services or DiffServ?

O It is used forprioritization purposes

O It can prioritize which LER orLSR that shall transmita d ota pocket
@ It adds MPLS labels to identify VPNs

O It enables comporisons between LSPs just like Open Shortest Path First (OSPF)

What kind of data con MPLS corry7

@ Voice
@ Video
@ Any unencrypted dota
@ All the above and more
Which type offailure handling recovers most quickly?

@ Reactive with recolculation, also called convergence-bosed resilience

Proactive with pre-calculation, also coiled Fast Reroute (FRR)

Which two protocols con automate label configuration and lobel distribution in
an MPLS network7

O Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP) and Label Distribution Protocol (LDP)
Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) and Open Shortest Poth First (OSPF)
Lobel Distribution Protocol (LDP) and Resource Reservotion Protocol - Traffic
O Engineering (RSVP-TE)
Label Distribution Protocol (LDP) and Resource Preservation Protocol - Traffic
Enlightenment (RPVP-TE)

Whot is the purpose of Differentiated Services or DiffServ?

O It is used forprioritization purposes

It odds MPLS labels to identify VPNs

@ It con prioritize which LER orLSR thot shall transmita data pocket
It enobles comparisons between LSPs just like Open Shortest Poth First (OSPF)

Atwhich loyer in the OSI model is MPLS soid to operated

O Layer1
O LayerZ
@ Loyer Z.5
O Layer3
Whot orerouters thot operate at the edge ofMPLS networks called*

Q MPLS Edge Router (MER)

@ MPLS Entry and Exit Router (LEER)
O Label Push and Pop Router (LPPR)
Q Label Edge Router (LER)

What is one router type in an MPLS network caIIed7

Q label Switch Router (LSR)

Q label Swap Router (LSR)
@ MPLS Switch Router (MSR)
Q label Switcher (LS)

Which protocol is MPLS most commonly extending in today's networks*

Which is another common nome foran MPLS header7

@ Shim header
@ Cartridge heo der
@ Addition header
@ In-between heoder

Which three operations does MPLS perform?

Encapsulates dota packets

v Splits dota pockets
* v Lobels doto pockets
v Corries doto pockets in telecom networks

Where is the MPLS heoder locoted ina packet thot containsa Layer2 header
onda payload header?

@ Before the Layer2 header

Q After the payload
@ After the Layer3 header
@ Right of the Layer2 header
What does the Traffic Class field in an MPLS label identify7

@ The QoS priority

@ The type of Layer3 protocol
@ The payload class
@ The class of the MPLS path

MPLS inserts on MPLS header in packets. Whot is the most common mode for
how this is doned

@ Asynchronous transfer mode

@ Frame mode

Which is the most common mode forhow MPLS encapsulates pockets?

Traffic engineering to avoid unpredictable paths

Creation of VPNs
Seporation of circuit-based and pocket-switchedtraffic
Sending and receiving (duplex) traffic overa single path
Whot does theTraffic Class field in an MPLS label identifyT

O The type of Loyer3 protocol

@ The QoS priority
The payload class
@ The class of the MPLS poth

Con MPLS carry doto forcircuit-based networks and pocket-switched


O Yes
O Yes, unless it is duplex traffic
O No, only for circuit-based networks
Q No, only for pocket-switched networks

Whot kind of doto con MPLS corry7

O Voice
@ Video
O Any unencrypted doto
'%'@ All the obove and mare
MPLS VPN Overview
Which protocol is used to distribute the customer prefixes across the backbone ina L3VPN


Which two ofthefDllowing would you associote with L2VPN7

• t-LDP


• VPW5


With which VPN type does the customer take responsibility for the routing?

Q Overlay Model
@ Peer Model

Customers using the same LSVPN service with the same service provider can use over—
lapping IP odd resses.

@ True
O False
Which type ofVPN model does L3VPN use7

@ Overstoy
O Peer
@ Overlay

In which network element does the IP packet from the customer first gets encapsulated into

% PE

Sub-optimal routing can bea problem with VPN Overlay models. So whena link goes down
ona leased line what will the CE try to do?

O Stop oll troffic forwarding.

Re-route the traffic using as many ospossible of the some bockbonerouters ond links that
made uptheleosed line.
O Re-route the traffic througha completely different site.
Which ofthefollowing answers is the “P“ in VPN7

*@ Private
O Periodic
@ Public

Sub-optimal routing can bea problem with VPN Overlay models. So whena link goes down
ona leased line what will the CE try to do?

Re-route the traffic using as many aspossible of the some bockbone routers and links that
mode uptheleosed line.
O Re-route the traffic througha completely different site.
O Stop all traffic for\/yarding.

Which three of the following are requirements fora VPN service?

0 Easy to use

Connectivity to other orgonizotions‘ VPNs

Q Scalability

0 Private nardwore

•• Privocy
Which tWD OfthefDllowing would you associate with L2VPN7



@• VPW5

• t-LDP

Which two ofthefollowing are underlying protDCDls for L3VPNs?


« IP


•' ATM

MPLS L3VPN Fundamentals
o prefix to be installed ina VRF table the configured Import Route Torget needs to match
which ofthefollowing?

@ Configured export route torget in the some VRF on thesome PE

O Botn the configured and received export route targets
O Received export route torget
O None oftheabove
O Received importroute target

Which ofthefollowing statements are true about the inner label?'

0 It is examined byP routers

It is attached to the pocKet by the egress PE router

The volue of tne lobel is assigned by the ingress PE

Q•• It is examined by egress PE routers

The volue of tne lobel is assigned by the egress PE

0 It is attached to the pocKet by the ingress PE router

It is used to identify the VPN thot the pockets belong to

0 It is distributed by BGP

0 It is distributed by LDP or RSVP

The route distinguisher and the IPv4 prefix combined make up how many bytes?

@ 4
0 8
@ 12
0 16
Which toble will the CE look up when routinga pocket froma host?

Q IP routing table
Q VRF table

Customers can use over-lapping (the same) IP addresses. But which ofthe following
functions enable L3VPNs tohave this characteristic? (choose 2)


0 Inner label

•' VRF


Outer label

Which ofthefollowing is another name for an ingress LSR* (Multiple answers moy apply)



• CE
Which ofthefollowing are true statements fora Hub& Spoke deployment to work properly?

The hub PEs import route target foro VRF should not match thespoke PEs corresponding
VRFs export route forget.

The import route torget from one spoke PEs VRF should not match theexport route
target for the other spoke PEs corresponding VRF.

The hub PEs import route target fora VRF needs to match thespoke PEs corresponding
* VRFs export route forget.

The import route torget from one spoke PEs VRF needs to match theexport route target
for the other spoke PEs corresponding VRF.

What type of odd ress family is it ifa Route Distinguisher is ottoched too n IPv4 packet?

@ IPvA Address Fomily Unicast

O IPvA Address Family Multicast
O IPv6 Address Fomily Unicost
O IPv6 Address Fomily Multicost
O VPN IPv4 Address Family
O VPN IPvó Address Family

There oretwo moin types of BGP - i-BGP and e-BGP. L3VPNs useMP-BGP, butis thiso type
of i-BGP ore-BGP?

@ e-BGP

Which table will the P router look up when routinga packet through the backbone?

@ IP routing table
O VRF table
MPLS labels are locally significant.

@ True
@ False

If the routing between the CE ond the PE uses on IGP, what does the PE need to do before it
can advertise the prefixes (learned from the CE) tothe egress PE? (Multiple answers may

0 Redistribute the prefixes learned from the IGP into BGP

O• Convert the prefix into VPN-IPv4 format

0 Attacha label to the advertisement

In the BGP advertisement ofa customer prefix, what is set as the next-hop?

O The P router directly connected to the egress PE

Q The egress CE
@ The egress PE
Q The P router directly connected to the ingress PE

Ina Hub & Spoke deployment, spoke PEs can forward traffic directly to each other.

@ True
Q False
Which ofthefollowing network elements understandM PLS7


< Host

* PE

Which ofthefollowing are used in the forwarding plane (to forward the actual packets)*

0 RT

@ Inner lobel


Outer label


Which ofthefollowing is another name foron ingress LSR* (Multiple answers may apply)


• PE


Which type/s of RD use the assigned autonomous system number in the Administration field*
(Choose 2)

Ld Type8


• Type2
VRF stands for:

VPN Routing and Forwarding

@ Virtuol Routing and Forwarding

VPN Routing Function

The Route Target is used to:

Distinguish pockets from different VPNs from each other

Make theprefix unique
g Identify which VRF tablea prefiX Should be installed into
ISIS Overview
IS-IS is used to exchange routing information.

@ True
@ False

Which protocol family does IS-IS belong to7

O SDH/Sonet
Whot type of protocol is IS-IS?

O Link state
O Poth vector
@ Static state
@ Distance vector

Which oretrue statements about ISO/OSI protocols? (Choose 2)

' 0 They hove been used to monage telecommunicotion equipment

0 They area subset of TCP/IP

They were supposed to replace TCP/IP

Q They area superset of TCP/IP

A router needs to builda routing table before it can forward traffic.

0 True
@ False
What is true about Integrated IS-IS?

0 It provides on integrated network management solution

@ It integrates the best features of IS-IS and OSPF
0 It supports routing for both IP and ISO/OSI protocols
@ It integrates routing ond bridging within one router

In which environment con IS-IS be deployed? (Choose 3)

' 0 Dual OSI and IP

Pure TCP



IS-IS is used to exchonge routing informotion.

@ True
@ False
ISIS Fundamentals
Which two statements are true about the IS-IS Protocol? (Choose two)

0 It isa link state protocol

0 It uses IP packets to exChange routing information

@ It isa distance vector protocol

0 It is an intro-domain OSI dynamic routing protocol

Which two stotements are true foro DIS7 (Choose two)

DIS stonds forDesignoted Intermediate System

@• DIS stands forDesignoted Interior Source

DIS is used in broad cost multi-occess media

DIS is used when point to point links ore deployed

What function does DIS perform?

% Performs SPF calculations on beholf of other routers within an area

0 Maintainsa virtual link to on L2 area
Q Maintains adjocency state of all IS routers within on area
Q Representsa virtual IS router
Which areIS-IS router types? (Choose three)

Level 1/2

* Level1

* v Level2


How mony L2areas does the IS-IS routing protocol support?

"a 1
@ 2

Which router willa Level1 router choose when it needs to senda packet destined fora
different area?

0 It chooses the Level1 or Level2 router having the shortest path to the destination.
@ It chooses the router with the lowest administrative distance.
0 It chooses the closest Level1 or Level2 router in the area (bosed on path cost).
Q It chooses the Level1 router having the shortest path to the destination.
What is true abouta Level1 router*

0 It can have Level1 and Level2 adjacent neighbors

” @ It knows thetopology only of its own area
0 It isa backbone router
Q It contains botha Level1 and a Level2 link-state database

SeleCt two true stotements regarding on L2 area (Select two)

0 Usual IS-IS deployments contain multiple L2 areas

D There can be only one L2 area withina given IS-IS domain

0 Router in an L2 area knows theIPdestination in all the L1 areas

Each IS-IS network must have an L2 area

IS-IS was originally designed to be used asa dynamic routing protocol for routing
connection less network protocol packets in the OSI environment.

@ True

0 Folse

Whot doesa Level-1 IS router do* (Choose two)

Ld Exchange routing information between oreos

0 Keeps track of the topology changes within its own area

•• Maintains topology of the whole network ino multi-areo environment

Sends packets destined fora different area to the closest Level 1/2 IS in its own oreo
Select the most probable cause ofsuboptimol routing in IS-IS networks

Incorrect interface speed recognition

M O Default poth selection bosed on attached bit
@ Faulty SPF calculation
O Too mony hops included ina poth

ISsystems oreconsidered odjocent when:

‘¥’O They hove. the some link stotR dotoboSR cDntent

O They both received hello messages from each other
O They belong to the some area
@ They oredirectly connected

You orechecking link state database ofon IS system connected to4 other IS within the some
area. Each ofthe routers has5 networks connected. All routers are connected via point to
point links.
How mony LSPs would you expeEted to see in the router‘s database*

O 1

# 0 10
All IS-IS routers within the same orea must have the some topology database.

Q True

@ False

Whot is the purpose ofthe Hello pockets? (Choose two)

0 To trigger SPF calculations

0 To advertise the own presence in the IS-IS network

' @ To discover IS-IS neighbors

0 To advertise connected networks

An L1/L2 router maintains two separote IP routing tobles.

@ False
@ True
Select the3 major components ofan NSAP used in IP networks (Select three).



' 0 AFI + area


b SystemID

An L1/L2 router maintains two separote link state databases.

@ False
@ True

Whot mecho nism is used to propagate LSPs as fast as possible?

Q Selective Fast Update

O Flooding
O Broodcast
@ Unique multicast
Select the most probable cause ofsuboptimal routing in IS-IS networks

Incorrect interface speed recognition

‹Y O Default poth selection based on attached bit
@ Faulty SPF calculation
Too mony hops included ina poth
BGP Overview
Which ofthefollowing is not a downside offully meshing BGP peers*

@ Configuration overheads
Q Poor scaling
Q Management overheads
Q Node isolation

Which ofthefollowing is nDt a true description of BGP?

BGP advertises any intro-AS topology changes.

Ii BGP ’hides‘ ISP infrastructure.
@ BGP isa selective routinq protocol.
BGP permits highly flexible routing policy.

What kind of routing protocol runs within on organization‘s or enterprise's autonomous


What happens if two paths have the same characteristics fora particular path attribute in
the tiebreoking contest for selectinga best path?

O The tiebreoking contest finishes and no best path is stored in the BGP routing table.
@ The tiebreoking contest picks one of the two routes orbitrarily.
O The tiebreoking contest moves tothenext path attribute.
O The tiebreoking contest reverts back tothe first path attribute and the process restarts.

Without route reflectors or confederations, how do IBGP peers hove to be organized ina
Transit AS*

O IBGP peers must be limited in numbers.

O IBGP peers must be fully meshed with each other.
@ IBGP peers must useOSPF asan IGP.

O IBGP peers must be peered with EBGP peers.

BGP excho nges routing and what kind of information between Autonomous Systems?

O Security
O Performance
@ Reochobility
O Reliability

BGP esloblishes peer relationships using which protocol7


°@ TCP
What iso nDther name for
o BGP peer?'

@ BGP speaker
@ BGP endpoint
@ BGP twin
@ BGP announcer

A route reflector sends route announcements toand from what?

@ Route reflector end points

@ Route reflector terminals
@ Route reflector cl lents
@ Route reflector leaf nodes

Approximately how many routing table entries does an Internet BGP router currently hold?

@ 1 million
Q 10 million
What’s another name for
a ‘path attribute‘*

O Table entry
Ô Link
‘7'O Metric
@ Variable
OSPF Overview
What orethereosons to divide one large network into multiple smoller areas? (Choose 2)

It increases the number ofrouting recalculotions in the routing database.

'* V It reduces the number ofrouting recolculotions in the routing database.

V It increases the totol number ofpossible connected subscribers.

It mokes olI chonges inside ony areo invisible for all other areos.

It simplifies the architecture of the network.

The routing tob Ie is required by router in order to forward traffic.

0 False


Areo Border Router is the router which:

'' 0 Connects one or more areas to the Backbone Areo.

Represents the multi-access network and its attached routers to the rest of the OSPF area.

Whosei nterfoces belong to the same oreo.

Which oreo ploys the main role in the OSPF concept?

* 0 Backbone

Level1 oreo

Autonomous System


All areas must be connected to the Backbone oreo.


Ch oose the true statement.

G OSPF is used to exchange routing information and calculate best paths to all sources.

OSPF is used to exchange routing information and calculate best paths to all destinations.

OSPF is used to forward dota between sources and destinotions.

What type of protocol is OSPF?

G Distance vector

^ Link state

Routed protocol

Path vector
Routers with at least one interface ottoched to the Bockbone Areo ore coIIed:

Internal Routers

Designated Routers

0 Backbone Routers

Area Border Routers

Autonomous System Boundary Routers

In the OSPF there are different roles routers con perform.


0 Folse

What type of protocol is OSPF*

Distance vector

t’ Link state

Routed protocol

0 Path vector

Choose thetrue stotement.

OSPF is used toexchange routingi nformotion and calculate best poths to oll sources.

t’ OSPF is used toexchange routing information and calculate best paths to all destinotions.

G OSPF is used toforward data between sources and destinations.

Areo Border Router is the router which:

Connects one or more areos to the Bockbone Areo.

0 Represents the multi-occess network and its ottached routers to the rest of the OSPF areo.

Whose interfaces belong tothe some area.

Routers with at leost one interface ottoched to the Backbone Areo ore called:

Internal Routers

0 Designoted Routers

Backbone Routers

Areo Border Routers

Autonomous System Boundary Routers

What arethereasons to divide one large network into multiple smaller oreos7 (Choose 2)

It increases the number ofrouting recol culotionsin the routing database.

'* It reduces the number ofrouting recolculations in the routing database.

•P' It increoses the total number ofpossible connected subscribers.

t* It makes all changes inside any areai nvisible for all other areas.

It simplifies the architecture of the network.

The routing table is required by router in order to forward troffic.

0 False
All areos must be connected to the Bockbone orea.

Fol se
OSPF Fundamentals
Choose theterm which describes how OSPF distributes the informotion obout router's details.

Flosh updates

0 Flooding

Hop—by—hop updotes

Ina broodcost network, OSPF routers form odjocencies with which ofthe following?


Adjacent router

G Next hop router

Peer router

Choose thetrue stotement about Shortest-Path Tree.

It providesa route to all networks in the Backbone Area.

' G It providesa route to eoch known desti notion.

It providesa route to all networks outside the Backbone Areo.

Choose the Link-State Advertisements from the list (Choose three).

'’ Router LSA

Network LSA

*r SummoryLSA

AS Boundary Router Summary LSA

AS External LSA
In the OSPF therea re different types of routers.

0 Folse

What orethereosons to divide one large network into multiple smoller oreos? (Choose two)

It increases the number ofrouting recol culotions in the routing database.

It reduces the number ofrouti ng recalculotions in the routing datobose.

It increoses the totol number ofpossible connected subscribers.

"V It makes all changes inside ony areo invisible for all other oreos.

It simplifies the architecture of the network.

OSPF doesn't support variable-length subnet masks.

OSPF routers in the some oreo don't sha re the some databose.

G. True

Ina broadcast network, there is one DR per: (Choose one)

OSPF Domoin

Ethernet segment

Choose the true stotement obout Internol Router (IR).

IR hos interfaces in multiple areas and mointoinsa seporote link—state dotobase foreach area.

IR hos all its interfaces connected to the some area.

0 IR has all its interfaces connected to the Backbone Areo.

Choose the true stotement.

OSPF is used to exchange routing informotion and colculote best poths to all sources.

OSPF is used to exchange routing information and calculate best poths to all destinotions.

0 OSPF is used to forward doto between sources and destinotions.

BDR stands for:

Bidirectional DR

Backup DR

0 Boundary DR
Choose thetrue stotement obout Autonomous System Boundory Router (ASBR).

* ASBR exchange routing information with routers outside of the OSPF domoi n.

ASBR exchangei nformation between routers within the some areas.

0 ASBR exchonge informotion between routers within different oreos.

Which type of routing protocol is OSPF? (Choose one)

0 Hybrid

Choose theterm which describes how OSPF distributes the information obout router's details.

Flash updotes


0 Hop-by-hop updotes

DR ore used on point-to-point connections.


0 Folse
0SPFv3 Fundamentals
Select the statement thot shows thedifference between OSPFv2 and OSPFv3?

O OSPFv3 does notuse LSAs

OSPFv2 and DSPFv3 usethesome methods ofneighbor relationships and selection and
O• establishment of odjocencies remain the some
O OSPFv3 does notuse link state logic
OSPFv3 hasmore flexible handling of unknown LSA types. OSPFv3 treots unknown LSAs by
O forwording them rather than discarding them

A router learns the of all other routers attached to its links and uses these
addresses as next hop information during pocket forwarding.

O link-local IPv6 addresses

O loopbock IPv6 oddresses
O global addresses
@ universal addresses

On all OSPF interfaces except virtual links, OSPF pockets are sent using the interface's
associated address as source.

O backup interface
@ loopbock interface
O link-local unicost
Q universal interface
Select the correct statement from below with regords to OSPFv3.

OSPFv3 uses the same multicast addresses as OSPFv2

OSPFv3 is backward compatible with OSPFv2
OSPFv3 basic mechanisms such as flooding ond SPF calculations have totally changed
when compared toOSPFv2
O OSPFv5 only supports IPvó

Which ofthefollowing is not a valid OSPFv3 pocket type7

@ Databose Descriptïon
@ Hello
@ Hi Update
@ Lïnk State Updote

Which multicost IP address does OSPFv5 usetoform odjocencies for oll desig noted routers?

OSPFv2 pockets ore identified by IP protocol number 89.OSPFv3 packets ore identified with
the next header number ?


Over which protocol does OSPFv5 run?

@ IPv4
@ IPv6

InOSPFv3 mony mechanisms remain the same osin OSPFv2, butwhich ofthe following is
now different in OSPFv3*

OSPF calculations
O Authenticotion
@ DR elections
O Areas
Choose theterm which best describes how OSPFv5 distributes the information abouta
router's details acrossa network.

Q Hop-by-hop updotes
@ Flooding
O Flush updates
O Flash updates

On all OSPF interfaces except virtual links, OSPF packets are sent using the interface's
associated address as source.

O universal interface
Q loopback interface
O backup interface
@ link-local unicast

The most notable difference between theOSPFv2 and OSPFv3 packet header is the
elimination of the

O Router ID field in 0SPFv3

Q Areo ID field in OSPFv5
@ Authentication fields in 0SPFv3
Q Type field in OSPFv3
Areo IDs, Router IDs, LSA IDs all remain bits in OSPFv3.

@ 128 bits
@ 16 bits
@ 64 bits
Q Z2 bits

From which criteria does OSPFv3 calculate the optimal path fora given network?

Q The hop count

Q The shortest path based on cost of the links
@ The time needed toforward the pocket to the destination
Q The money spent on each link

Select the statement that shows thedifference between OSPFv2 and OSPFv3?

O OSPFv3 does not use link stote logic

OSPFv2 and OSPFv3 usethesome methods ofneighbor relationships and selection and
@ establishment of odjocencies remain the some
OSPFv5 hasmore flexible handling of unknown LSA types. OSPFv5 treots unknown L5As by
O forwarding them rather than discarding them
O OSPFv3 does not use LSAs
QoS Overview
Forwhat purpose was Internet troditionally used7

@ To transfer informotion from one locotion to another

@ To play online games
@ To make phone calls
@ To watch videos

First Generation IP networks were based ona best effort approach.

Q True
@ False

Which ofthese methods is not a way of increasing capacity ina network*

@ Upgrade all fast Ethernet links/ cables to gigabit Ethernet links/ cables
Q Implement proper queuing mechanisms in the routers
Q Increase the number ofswitches
Q Increase the number oflinks/ cables
Q Increase the number ofrouters
Whot does QoS stands for7

@ Queuing over SIGTRAN

Q Quality of Service
Q Queuing over Signaling
@ Quolity of Signoling
@ Queuing orScheduling

Which ofthefollowing applications is an example ofa “reol-time“ application*

@ Web browsing
Q Movie download
@ File Transfer (FTP)

Which ofthese applications is not affected so much bydelay?

@ Online gaming
@ File transfer
O voIP
@ Video over IP
@ Online trading
Where is the DiffServ (Differentioted Services) value defined*

Q In the IP header ofa packet

Q In each router‘s forwarding table
@ In the content ofa packet
Q Ina label inserted after the IP header

Jitter is the metering of packets due toa service level agreement with the customer.


First Generation IP networks were bosed ono best effort opprooch.

' @ True
@ False
Where is the DiffServ (Differentiated Services) value defined?

@ In each router‘s forwarding table

@ In the IP header ofa pocket
@ Ina label inserted after the IP header
@ In the content ofa poCket

Which ofthese methods is not a way of increasing capacity ina network*

Q Increase the number oflinks/ cables

Q Increase the number ofswitches
@ Increase the number ofrouters
Q Upgrade all fast Ethernet links/ cables to gigabit Ethernet links/ cables
' Q Implement proper queuing mechanisms in the routers

What does QoS stands for?

Q Quality of Service
Q Queuing over SIGTRAN
Qo Quality of Signaling
Q Queuing orSCheduling
Q Queuing over Signaling
For what purpose was Internet traditionally used?

@ To ploy online games

Q To make phone calls
t¿J To transfer information from one location to onDther
t¿› To watch videos

Which statement or statements ore true regarding DiffServ architecture?

0 Each router withina DiffServ domain takes independent QoS decision when forwordinga packet

0 DiffServ allows forend to end bandwidth reservation

Each router withina DiffServ domain needs to classify incoming pockets to provide proper QoS

D Routers at the edge ofo DiffServ domoin mark packets according to the domain QoS policy

Which ofthefollowing applications is an example ofa ”real-time” application*

0 Web browsing
@ Movie download
Q File Transfer (FTP)
QoS Fundamentals

Which ofthefollowing classes has the highest priority in IP Precedence?

@ Flash
Q Critical
Q Immediote
Q Priority

If using MPLS then the QoS information is stored in which field in the MPLS header?

O P-bit

A port has been configured with PWFQ scheduler for4 queues anda maximum rote of4 Mbit/s.
Queue0 hasbeen configured witha priority0 a nda weight of 100.
Queue1 hasbeen configured with priority1 and weight 100.
Queues5 and4 both hoveo priority of2 but weights of TO and 70 respectively.
At this given moment theport receives the following traffic pattern:
No traffic for queue 0.
1 M b of traffic for queue 1.
3 M b for queue 5.
2.5 Mb for queue 4.

How much troffic will be transmitted from Queue 4?

O 0.7Mb
O 2.1Mb
O ]Mb
Which one ofthefollowing statements is true about queuing*

Packets arriving ore put in different queues ino round-robin foshion, depending on which
a rrive first.
O Queues oreolwoys emptied ”na round-robin foshion, one pocket from each queue ato time.
@ A queue is infinite in length.
Q It will on y work properly if the flow of traffic is bursty.

TCAs areagreements between what*

Q Boundary nodes with the so me defined PHBs and DSCP-to- PHB mappings.
Q Boundary nodes.
@ All DS enabled nodes.
Q Nodes notin any DS domain.

Which ofthefollowing DiffServ functions are done on theegress ofa DS domain*

O Policing
@ Scheduling
O Morking
O Clossificotion

Even if there is plenty of bandwidth available, which ofthefollowing might still cause
problems in the network?

O Throughput
O Loss
@ Deoy
O fitter
Which fieldin the IP header does IP Precedence use?

@ Type ofService
@ Tots! Length
Q Protocol
Q Identifier

When classifying troffic, which type of identifier will clossifya packet based only on the value
of the DSCP?

O BA identifier
O Token Bucket
@ Multi-Field Clossifier

If using MPLS then the QoS information is stored in which field in the MPLS header?

@ P-bit
@ S
Which ofthefollowing DiffServ functions are done on theegress ofa DS domain?

Q Classification
Q Scheduling
@ Policing
Q Marking

Which ofthefollowing classes of PHB in DiffServ is the higher priority QoS class out of the


Node processing of packets, queuing olonp the path and slow transmission are all factors
with which network requirement?

@ Delay
O Loss
O Throughput
O Jitter
Finish the sentence with the correct answer. When pockets ore marked with on AF class, the
higher the drop probability

The greoter the chance ofthe pocket being discarded when compared with pockets marked
O• witha lower class
The greater the chance ofthe pocket being discarded when compared toother packets in the
O some class
The lower the chance ofthe packet being discarded when compared with packets marked
O witha lower class
The lower the chance ofthe pocket being discarded when compared toother pockets inthe
O some class

When there ore multiple levels of Token Buckets configured, and ifa pocket exceeds the
Committed Information Rate but conforms tothe Committed Burst Size, then it is marked as:

O Yellow
O t‹ is not marked
@ Red

In PWFQ scheduling, which ofthefollowing factors is token into consideration first when
deciding on which queue should be served first*

O Queue number
O Priority
O Weight
@ Force
Ethernet Spanning Tree Protocols
Spanning Tree Protocols
What is the name ofthemessages Ethernet switches running spanning tree protocols send to
each other?

@ Root Message

Where in the Ethernet frome is the information encapsulated on which the port role selections
are bosed*

@ Directly after the Destination Address field.

0 In the Preamble Jield.
@ In the Doto field.
0 In the Type field, just after the Source Address field.

Which port state applies to STP but not to RSTP7

@ Learning
' 0 Listening
@ Blocking
@ Forwarding
Which kind of port is olwoys in forwarding stote7

” @ Root bridge port

@ Root port
@ Designated port
0 Alternate port

Which is an STP port role7

” @ Root port
¢D LACP port
Dedicated port
0 Listening port

The recovery time aftera link or switch failure is typicolly max TO seconds for STP but how
many seconds is typically max for RSTP?

@ 5

0 15
MSTP is superior to FTP and RSTP on three points ond inferior on one. Which is the lotter?

@ Traffic engineering
Q Highly scalable
Q Load balancing
@ Flawless interaction with legacy bridges

RSTP includes two port roles not defined in STP. Backup is one of them, which is the other?

@ Root
Q Designated
@ Dedicated
Q Alternate

Which connection type does NOT exist for RSTP?

@ Shared
Q Dedicated
Q Edge
Q Point-to-Point

Which is true regarding on Ethernet Spanning Tree?

@ It i5 used toSeparate VLANs.

@ There is only one active path between any two points.
Q It loops fromes to odd redundancy tothe network.
Q It eliminates broadcasts.
IP Overview
Before IP networks were established as multiservice networks (’One IP
network‘), how were networks Duilt?

@ All traffic types usea Frome Relay networks.

Q Individual networks were built using systems from on Iy one vendor each.
Q AII traffic types usea Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) networks
Q Individual networks were built for eaCh troffic type

Whot does ’IP’ stond for7

@ Intermediate ProtoCo!
0 Internet Ping
@ Inter-node Protoco!
' @ Internet Protocol

In which decode was theWorld Wide Web (HTML, UR.s etC.) founded?

b 1970s
O 1998s
WhiCh ofthefollowing isa true statement?

@ IP connects users to services over networks such as the Internet.

Q IP con only be usea for Enterprise networks.
Q IP isa modern protocol developed speCificolly to support 21st Century appllCations
0 IP isa suite of networking protoc0l5.

Which type of network element comprises much ofthecentral fabric of tne


@ Smartphone
Q Base station
Q Router
Q Dat base

Grouping letters to be forwarded todifferent sorting office locations is

analogous towhot process in IP networks?

@ Network Security
Q Class of Service provision

O Routing
Q IP addressing

The TCP/IP model consists of the AppliCation, Network, Link and wniCh other

@ Transport
0 Routing
@ Internet
@ Data
IP pockets consist of which two main parts7

@ Address and checksum

0 Header and footer
@ Header and data
@ Address and data

Why do mony IPnetworks usea ‘meshed’ topology7

@ To provide resiliency and additional Capacity.

@ To avoid using expensive routers.
@ To avoid loops forming.
@ To reduCe the number ofIPaddresses needed.

WnICh Dfthefollawing iso true statement about IPv4 ond IPvó7

@ IPv4 and IPvó use the same address siz es, meosured in bits.
O IPvó uses smaller, more efficient packets than IPv4.
Q IPvó permits muCh greoter netsvork sizes and host numbers than ïPv4.
O IPvó and IPv4 can notco-exist in the some network.
From where didthe physical Internet oriqïnateÎ

@ The ARPAnet in the USA.

0 The ISOnet in the USA.
@ The DECNET in the USA.
0 The IEEEnet in the USA.

Tne world's first wide-areo Computer network was called wnat7

@ The Internet
”O ARPAnet
0 Mega Net
TCP/IP Model and Transport Layer
Which stondords body is responsible for Internet standords7

@ The Internet Protocol Task Force.

O The Internet Engineering Forum.
*¥’O The Internet Engineering Task Force.
O The Internet Standards Forum.

Which ofthefollowing is correct7

@ An Ethernet frome is encapsulated within on IP pocket.

O An IP pocket is encapsulated withina TCP segment.
‘7’ O ATCPsegment is encapsulated within on IP pocket.
O ATCPsegment is encapsulated within Application data.

If you want toconnecta client toa medical records database and dota integrity
is critically important, which ofthefollowing would you use?

O The connection-oriented protocol, TCP.

O The connection-oriented protocol, UDP.
The connectionless protocol, TCP.
O The connectionless protocol, UDP.
WniCh ofthefollowing is the best Tronsport protocol to use when transmitting
error-tolerant voiCe dato requiring minimal delay*


Why does the NetworK Time Protocol use UDP?

@ Because data integrity is the most important requirement.

0 Because UDP is olvvays prioritized for forwording by routers.
Q Because UDP has unique header fields specifICaIIy for network timing purposes.
Q Because speed is the most importont requirement.

TCP ond UDP ore two types of which type of protocol7

@ Transport
@ File tronsfer
@ Application
@ Network
How mony phases are there ina TCP connection7

@ Four
O Two
@ Three
O One

WhiCh phrase represents the UDP tronsport strotegy7

@ ‘Send and hope’.

@ ‘Send and confirm’.
@ ‘Send and check’.
@ ‘Send and resend’.

Wnat is onother nome for the set of stondords-based communication protocols

Including TCP, UDP, HTTPS, IPSeC, SFTP ond many more?

@ The TCP/IP protocol suite.

Q IP protocol set.
Q The Internet Protocol suite.
0 TCP/IP protocol set.
Why does the Network Time Protocol use UDP?

O Becouse UDP is always prioritized for forwarding by routers.

O Becouse UDP has unique header fields specifically for network timing purposes.
@ Because speed is the most important requirement.
O Becouse data integrity is the most important requirement.

If the TCP transport protocol is used when theend—to-end network is suffering

froma relatively high number ofbit errors, whot could you do to tryto increase
throughput while maintaining doto integrity?

@ Use the UDP transport protocol instead of TCP.

O Use the BGP transport protocol instead of TCP.
Decrease Window size.
Increase Window size.

Why does the Border Gotewoy Protocol use TCP7

@ Because TCP guarantees data integrity.

O Because TCP is the more bandwidth-efficient choice.
O Because TCP is well suited to’send and hope’ applications.
O Because TCP is the fastest choice.
Wnat name is used to representa UDP Header and data collectively?

@ A UDP segment.
0 A UDP context.
Q A UDP packet.
0 A UDP frame.

WnICh ofthefollowing ore the names fortnefour layers in the TCP/IP model,
from ’top’ to ‘bottom’*

@ Application, Transport, Network, Transmission

@ Application, Transport, Network, Link
@ Application. TCP, IP, Link
0 Application, TCP, Doto, Link
IPv4 Addressing

If on ISP is assigned the network address, which ofthe

following subnets could be assigned toa customer ofthe ISP7

O 202.100.19Z.0/18

Is it permitted to usea ClassC network address like asa host


@ Yes. always
Yes, if the rest of the IP addresses in the network orealready used.
O No, unless clossful subnetting is being used.
0 No, never

Which ofthefollowing isa correct use of dotted decimal notation representing

a valid IP address?


Which ofthefollowing is not a technique to maximize available address space?

@ IPversion6
Using subnet mosks
Q Privote IP address space
Q Clossless Inter-Domoin Routing
Which ofthese isa ClossB network oddress7


When youapplya subnet mask toon IPaddress, whot logical function is


’¥ O AND

Which ofthefollowing is not a benefit of Clossless IP addressing (CIDR)?

O It increases the number ofIPv4 addresses.

O It reduces the size of IP routing tables.
O It slows the exhaustion of IPv4 address.
@ It eliminates the need toassign networks aligning to octet boundaries.
Which one ofthese subnet mosks represents the /26 notation*

O 11111111111111111111111100011010
0 000000000000001000000110 00000000
0 111111000000000000000000 00000000
Q 11111111 11111111 11111111 11888888

You con decide which Class (A, B, C)a classful network address is by inspecting
which octet (left to right)*

V @ First
O Second
Q Third
O Fourth

What kind of devices need IP addresses?

O Web servers only.

O Smartphones and mobile devices only.
@ All devices and hosts communicating over the Internet.
O Personal computers and laptops only.
Which ofthefollowing isa correct statement?

@ Private IP addresses use 24-bit length addresses.

Q Private IP addresses are not routoble externally.
The network 10.x.x.x is not a Private IP address, wherex '0 to255.
Q Private IP addresses do not use subnet mosks.
IPv4 Routing

Whot isa basic function of IP routing?

O• IP routing always selects the shortest route from source to destination.

O IP routing makes sure all data is received without error at the destination.

O IP routing determines the path data follows from source to destination.

O IP routing always selects the best path fordata to take, bosed upon theapplication in use.

Wheno router moke5a routing decision ond sendsa pocket to the next hop,
what happens otthe next hop router?

The next hop router sends the pocket to the destination address without performinga
O• route lookup.
The next hop router uses the routing decision already mode bytheprevious router and
O sends the pocket to the predetermined next hop.
The next hop router makes its own routing decision and sends the packet onto the new
& O next hop.
The next hop router extracts the payload from the incoming pocket and createsa new IP
O pocket with its own source address, before route selection and transmission to the new
next hOD.

To which nodes doesa router node send routing updates when usinga distance
vector protocol?

All neighbors.
Q All in the network.
Q All withina 3-hop node count.
O All neighbors, but only whena node orlink failure occurs.
In on IP network, is the path fromA toB always the some asfromB toA but in

@ Only if the path is on even number ofhops.

Q Yes
Q Yes, except aftera link or node failure happens.

What type of routers ore used in ’the cIoud’7

@ Physical
@ Care
@ Edge
@ Virtual

Which type of network function helps to protect networks ond users' devices
from unauthorized access by bad actors7

@ Domain Name System

Q Border Gotewoy
Q Firewall
@ Serving Gotewoy
Whot is the nome ofthemechanism used to prevent unstable route5 occurring
in routing toble5?

@ Route flop dampening

O Link state mediotion
@ Stability enhancement protocol
O Bi-state reduction

Which ofthese answers represents two link state routing protocols?


Whot is another way of expressing ’LDngest Prefix Match’ when used to

describe how routing path decisions ore mode?

O Extended match
O Complement match
O Best match
Null match

Which type of network function helps to protect networks and users' devices
from unauthorized access by bad actors?

@ Border Gotewoy
V Firewall
@ Serving Gotewoy
@ Domain Nome System
Which onswer does notdescribea benefit of using dynamic routing rather than
static routing ina large network?

@ Dynamic routing results in smoller routing tables.

@ Routing updates ore sent outomoticolly, requiring no human action.
@ Routing information is kept consistent and updated.
O There is less possibility of human errors occurring.

How ore static routes configured?

@ Through automatic routing updates, at the some time of day, every day.
@ Manually
Through automatic routing updates when anynetwork topology change is detected.
@ Never

Inon IP network, is the path fromA toB olwoys the some o5fromB toA but in

@ Yes, except aftero link or node failure happens.

O Only if the path is on even number ofhops.
O Yes
* O No

Which ofthese factors is not a primary routing protocol characteristic?

@ How route selection is determined.

O How the routing protocol scales with network size.

O How quality of service (QoS) can be delivered.
Q Routing loop avoidance.
A routing toble entry includeso network oddress,o next hop oddress, and whot

O An up/down status identifier for the link to the next hop.

‘7'O A port or interface identifier.
O An IP address forthe outgoing port.
@ A routing protocol identifier.
IPv4 Topology Considerations

Whot isa primory couse of routing loop formation?

@ Unintended routing algorithm errors.

O Transmission errors resulting in pocket mutation.

O Lightning strikes.
@ Bit errors in routing table memory.

Whot happens toa pocket whena router can find no route to the destination?

O• The router searches its cache to see ifa previous route existed. If there isa
cache ’hit‘ then the pocket is forworded to that oddress.
O It is discarded, and an error message is sent to the pocket source.
It is forwarded tothe next hop with the lowest numbered port identifier.
O It is held fora pre-configured length of time, in casea route is later found.

Whot isa possible consequence whena loop forms?

@ Packets will be delivered to random destinations.

’Y O Link saturation will occur.
O The router will close down all ports.
@ The router will reset.
Whot isa primary use forBorder Routers?

O To manage routing updates traveling between autonomous systems.

O To provide pocket replication for multicast services.

To oct as on aggregation/concentration paint fora large number oflinks from other
O To filter and limit traffic bosed upon application type.

Why is quick convergencea positive characteristic fora routing protocol*

@ Becouse slow convergence creates much larger routing tables.

Becouse during the timea network is not converged, the routing process moy have
O unpredictoble results.
@ Becouse quick convergence reduces the likelihood of node ond link failures.
Becouse quick convergence increases router packet throughput during converged conditions
O too.

How lorge is the Time toLive (TTL) field in on IP pocket?

@ 8 bits
O 16 bits
fz› 24 bits
O 32 bits
Which ofthefollowing is not a consequence ofvery large routing tobles7

O Routing updates become larger and consume more link bandwidth.

O Routers consume more memory.
O Routers con take longer to make routing decisions.
Q Routers cannot make routing decisions to distant networks.

How does BGP solve the problem ofexponential routing table growth7

O By restricting routing updates to only pre-determined routers.

O By using dedicated massive memory arrays for routing tables.

O By restricting routing updates to certain parts of the day.
C Q Through route summorization between autonomous systems.

Whot isa primary use forBorder Routers*

@ To filter and limit traffic bosed upon application type.

O To provide pocket replication for multicast services.
O To manage routing updates traveling between autonomous systems.
To oct as on aggregation/concentration paint fora large number oflinks from other
Whot isa common reason forloops forming in IP networks*

@ Badly made cables.

O Routing table updates being affected by bit errors in transmission between nodes.
Routing tables not reflecting the true state of the network topology.
Routing protocol computation errors.

Route summorizotion only works if all networks odd ress spaces being
summarized ore...

@ .. using link state routing protocols

O .. ClassC addresses
O .. adjacent/adjoining
Q ... summarized witha ClassB oddress

Which mechanism uses protection paths and pre-calculated routes to recover

quickly from link or node failures*

Loop Free Avoidance

Q Loop Avoidance Protocol
O Route Path Protection
O Fast Route Recovery

Which ofthefollowing is not a consequence ofvery large routing tables*

@ Routers consume more memory.

Routers cannot make routing decisions to distant networks.
O Routing updates become larger and consume more link bandwidth.
O Routers con take longer to make routing decisions.
Whot iso primory couse of routing loop formotion7

@ Lightning strikes.
O Bit errors in routing table memory.
O Transmission errors resulting in pocket mutation.
Unintended routing algorithm errors.

Whot happens toa pocket whena router con find no route to the destination?

@ It is forwarded tothe next hop with the lowest numbered port identifier.
It is discarded, and an error messoge is sent to the pocket source.
The router searches its cache to see ifa previous route existed. If there isa
0 cache ’hit‘ then the pocket is forwarded to thot oddress.
It is held fora pre-confiqured length of time, in casea route is later found.

How does BGP solve the problem ofexponential routing table growth?

@ Through route summarization between autonomous systems.

O By using dedicated massive memory arrays for routing tables.
O By restricting routing updates to only pre-determined routers.
Q By restricting routing updates to certain parts of the day.
IPv4 Over Internet

Which is not a correct reason forARP beinga relatively insecure protocol*

@ It doesn't usea checksum.

It was developed before network security was a priority.
O It has no means ofauthentication.
0 It isa stateless protocol.

Which stondords body i5 responsible for the Ethernet main standard 802.3?

@ 3GPP

Whot is the nome fortheway thot attackers compromise Ethernet network

security using ARP?

@ Morphing
@ Spoofing

Whot does the’EtherType’ field signify in on Ethernet frome7

@ It signifiesa level of quality of service.

’Y O It indicates which protocol is encapsulated in the poylood field.
O It indicates whot type of Ethernet cable is being used.
Q It indicates the Tronsport layer protocol in use.
ARP iso widely used communications protocol for...?

O ... resolving Ethernet MAC oddress duplication conflicts.

O ... resolving Ethernet contention issues.

O ... resolving routing table entries into longest matches.

@ ... resolving network-layer IP addresses into link layer MAC addresses.

How many request/response pairs ore required before on IP pocket-bo5ed

me5soge toa newly connected host con commence?

O Two
@ Three
@ Four

CSMA/CD stond5 for‘Carrier Sense Multiple Access with (...) Detection‘. Whot is
the missing word?

O Checksum
O Carrier
@ Collision
Qa Combined

Ifa PC on a local area Ethernet network needs to communicate witha newly

installed printer on the same Ethernet, how does it find the printer's Destination
MAC oddress?

O The PC sendsa broodcost ’MAC_oddr_heIp‘ messoge.

O The PC checks its ARP table then issues on ARP request, if required.
The PC searches its routing table.
0 The PC performsa DNS request.
How is on IP pocket transported over Ethernet7

O Ethernet fromes ore encopsuloted within IP packets.

O IP pockets ore sent in on Ethernet frome voriont using the IPoE protocol.
IP pockets are sent using the Ethernet frame structure. substituting MAC
O addresses with IP addresses.
@ IP pockets are encapsulated within Ethernet fromes.

At which layer in the TCP/IP model does Ethernet operote7

O Application
O Network
O Tronsport
@ Link

Whot is onother nome for

o default route7

O The defoult vector

{$i The gotewoy route
@ The worst case route
*%’ I¿} The zero address
Which route cona host use to reacha network it has not previously
communicated with, and for which there is no routing table entry?

Q Zero route
@ Default route
Q Next best route
Q Exception route

A default gotewoy is most commonly whot kind of device?

Q Router
Q Printer
Q Server
@ Security gateway
IP Multicast
Multicast Overview

Which ofthefollowing does not normolly use multicasting? (multiple answers may apply)



0 Web browsing


How many copies of the multicast pocket does the multicast source send*

@ One copy oftne pocket foreach end station

Q One copy oftne packet
Q One copy oftne packet foreach end station requesting the multicast data
Q One copy oftne pocket foreach lost hop router on the network

If we have5 clients ona LAN all requesting access toa 2 Mbit/s multicast stream, how much
bandwidth is required to simultoneously send the data to all clients?

@ 1 Mbit/s
O 2 Mbit/s
O 4 Mbit/s
O 8 M bit/s
O 10 Mbit/s
Which multicast application usesa mony-to-mo ny model?

@ PC imaging
@ IPtelephony
@ Shored whiteboard
@ Stock market updates

Which class of IP addresses are used formulticast?

@ ClassA
@ ClassB
@ ClassC
@ ClassD

When is multicasting useful?

O When youhavea number ofparties all needing to receive tne same data atthe same time

O When your network is showing hign levels of pocket loss

@ When bandwidth is limited
Why do multicast pockets sometimes arrive out of sequence*

@ They aretransmitted in tne wrong sequence

@ Due to issues with tne opplicotion
@ Due to the path toKen from source to destination
@ Due to the tronsport protocol being used

Which ofthefollowing are the main benefits of using multicast? (multiple answers may

Ld Foster delivery

@ Bandwidth savings

0 Less processing overhead at routers

0 Guoranteed pocket delivery

If we hove5 clients on a LAN a II requesting access toa 2 M bit/s multicast stream, how much
bandwidth is required to simultaneously send the data to all clients*

Q 1 Mbit/s
@ 2 Mbit/s
Q 4 Mbit/s
Q 8 Mbit/s
Q 10 Mbit/s
Why is multicost packet delivery not guaranteed7

IZi Compatibility issues with network infrostruCture

@ Time outdue tDdelay in acknowledgements being sent
Ill The use of UDP as the tronsport protocol

Which multicast application usesa many-to-many model?

Stock market updates

@ IP telephony
‹› PC imaging
° t*_} Shared whiteboard

Which class of IP addresses are used for multicost7

@ ClassA
@ ClassB
@ ClassC
° @ ClassD
Which ofthefollowing ore the main benefits of using multicast? (multiple answers may

Bondwidth sovings

0 Foster delivery

@' Guaronteed pocket delivery

0 Less processing overhead ot routers

When is multicasting useful*

Q When bandwidth is limited

Q When your network is showing high levels of packet loss
@ When youhavea number ofparties oll needing to receive the some data at the same time

How mony copies of the multicast pocket does the multicast source send?'

Q One copy ofthe packet for each last hop router on the network
Q One copy ofthe packet for each end station
@ One copy ofthe packet for each end station requesting the multiCOSt data
' One copy ofthe packet
Why do multicast pockets sometimes arrive out of sequence?

Q Due to issues with the application

Q Due to the path taken from source to destination
@ Due to the tronsport protocol being used
Q They aretransmitted in the wrong sequence
IP Multicast Fundamentals
A multicost router periodically sends out an IGMP membership query toverify that there is at
least one host on the subnet. How long does the router wait fora response before dropping
the traffic?

@ 1 minute
O 2 minutes
O minutes
O 4 minutes

Which ofthefollowing statements are true*

Shored trees use less memory than shortest poth trees and olwoys result in optimal poths
from source to all receivers

With PIM sparse mode, the multicast tree is not extended toa router unlessa host there has
already joined theg roup

In PIM sparse mode, clients must explicitly join tne multicast group to receive the stream

PIM routers should be configured for sparse mode if it is safe to assume thota mu ticast
group's recipients are spread all across the network.

Whot does IGMP stand for7

¢ÿi Implicit Group Maintenance Protocol

@ Internet Group Management Protocol
¢¿i Internet Group Maintenonce Protocol
@ Internal Group Nlulticast Protocol
Which is not a field in the IGMPv1 packet heoder7

@ Version
@ Checksum
@ Type
@ Max Response Time

Whot is the role of RPF checking in Multicast networks?

@ It is used to ensure loop-free forwarding of multicast pockets

@ It is used to improve bondwidth utilization
@ It is used to prevent duplicote pockets on the network
@ It is used to reduce pocket loss
The first4 bÏtS Df0 FDUItÏCOSt IP address ore always:

O 1818
Qo 1118
0 1188
@ 1111

Whena loyer2 device reCeivesa packet, what is the default benoviour?

Q Forward on only the appropriate interfaces

@ Forward on all interfaces
Q Forward on one interface

Which ofthebelow represents the correct set of IGMP requests?

IGM P Updote, IGMP Connect, BGMP Leave

IGMP Join, IGMP Leave, IGMP Update
@ IGMP Join, IGMP Leave, IGMP Report
Using onlya part of the address causes an address overlap when mappinga multicast IP
address toa MAC oddress. How many addresses overlap per MAC address?

O 2a
0 2
O A8

For what have theaddress range from through been reserved?

Q Administratively scoped addresses

@ Source specific multicast
O Link local addresses

Whot protocol is used forcommunication between multicast routers?


Wheno loyer2 device receiveso packet, whot is the default be naviour?

@ Forward on only the appropriote interfaces

Q Forward on one interface
Q Forward ona II interfaces
How many bits from the Multicast IP address ore token toform port of the Loyer2 MAC

Qo 15
Q 18
0 21
’0 23

Whot is the role of RPF checking in Multicast networks?'

Q It is used to ensure loop-free forwarding of multicast pockets

Q It is used to improve bandwidth utilization
@ It is used to prevent duplicate pockets on the network
Q It is used to reduce packet loss

Which ofthebelow represents the correct set of IGMP requests*

@ IGMP Updote, IGMP Connect, IGMP Leove

@ IGM PJoin, IGMP Leave, IGMP Update
@ IGMP Join, IGMP Leave, IGMP Report
What does IGMP stond for*

Implicit Group maintenance Protocol

Internet Group management Protocol
Internal Group I'1uIticost Protocol
@ Internet Group maintenance Protocol
Ethernet Fundamentals
E-Line createsa virtual (i) connection between sites and E-LAN createsa virtual
(ii) connection between sites. Fill in the two blanks with the correct terms.

@ (i) point-to-point, (ii) multi point-to-multi point

@ (i) rooted-to-multipoint, (ii) multipoint-to-point
@ (i) point-to-multi point, (ii) multi point-to-point
@ (i) multi point-to-multi point, (ii) point-to-point

At which speed doesan 1000Base-LX10 Ethernet connectiDn operate*

@ 10 Gbit/s
Q 1 Gbit/s
1000 bit/s
Q 106 Mbit/s

What field in an Ethernet header comes between theDestination Address field and the Type

@ Time To Live
O Type ofService
O Source Address

Typically, switches process frames (i) whereas bridges process frames

(ii) . Fill in the two blanks with the correct terms.

@ (i) based on Qo5, (ii) based on MAC addresses

O (i) in ha rdwa re, (ii) in software

Q (i) at layer two, (ii) at layer hree

O (i) in softwa re, (ii) in ha rdwore

Which ofthefollowing OSI Layers does Ethernet operate on*

Q Data sink
@ Application
Q Session
Q Presentation
O NetworK

How many bits are there in on Ethernet address?'

Q 24
Q 32
@ 48
Q 64

Whena broadcast is sent toa switch, the switch will forward it to......?

Q oil interfaces in the same VLAN

Q all interfaces connected to switcnes
@ oil interfaces in allV ANs
Q no interfaces
A bridge builds upa bridging table by examining the of incoming frames*

O Source MAC address

@ Destination IP oddress
Q Source IP address
O Destination MAC address

A multicost Ethernet oddress is used to address...

@ one host on the local LAN

@ oil Ethernet hosts on the LAN
@ oil Ethernet hosts connected to the switch
@ o group ofhosts on the LAN
Ethernet Virtual LANs

Condifferent interfaces on the some switch be assigned to different VLANs?

@ Yes
@ No

Do VLANs allow different networks to connect totne some switches*

” @ Yes

What is the name ofthemain standard forVLAN tagging?

@ IEEE 806.Q
@ IEEE 806.Q in Asia and IEEE 802.1Q in the rest of the world.
Where in on Ethernet frame arethe VLAN tags inserted?

@ After the SourCe Addre5s field and before the Type field.
@ Directly after the Destination Addres5 field.
@ In the Data field.
0 In the Type field, ju5t after the Source Address field.

Whot is the port ofo double-togged frome coiled thot contoins two VLAN togs?

Q Combined togorC-tag
0 VLAN tagbundle
@ VLAN tagpyramid
0 VLAN tagstack

What isa LAN7

Q A broadcast domain,a multicast domoin, anda unicost domain.

” @ A broadcast domain
Q A multicast domain
0 A unicost domain
What does VLANs enable?

0 Several LANs tobeconfigured as default management VLANs.

0 Segmentinga network into equally sized Trunk domains.
@ Segmentinga network into broadcast domains.
0 Consolidating several LANs intoa unicost domain.

Whot oreswitch ports configured os ina VLAN?

Access ports or Trunk ports

0 Dedicated ports
@ Trunk ports or Passive ports
AcCess ports or Dedicated ports

Whot oretheouter and inner VLAN togs also called?'

@ ServiCe tag/ S—tag and Customer tag/ C—tag

0 Switch tag/ S-tag and Priority Code Point tag/ PCP—tag
@ Switch tag/ S-tag and Customer tag/ C-tag
0 Customer tag/ C—tag and VLAN IDtag
/ VID-tag
Which VLAN togging operotions exist?

@ Delete, Reploce, Forward

@ Push, Pop, Swop
@ Pop, Rock, Punk
@ Push, Switch, Swop
Whot functionolity does Router ó000 suppol?

@ Synchronïzotion
*À’jul Ali

How mony Routers hove 100G portsï

Q» 1

(j) 0
O Ali

Whot is true obout seoled cooling designà

*M’@ Airflow doesn't streom thrDugh the electronics

O Alwoys possive cooling
O It doesn‘t exist
Ill It outomoticolly fulfills IP66 stondard
What is the major position of Router 6000 in mobile backhaul?
O None
O Access
Q’ O Aggregation

What is the highest forwarding capacity of any router in the current release?
& @ 2.7 Tbps
O 320Gbps
0 l00Gbps
0 900Gbps

O A circuit ona port
@ Port of the CPI (Customer Product Information)
'¥’O A virtual “patch cable“
O None is correct

How mony line cords does Router 6274 support?

•¥'@ 3
0 7
jgj 4
0 1
Which Routers does support hordware redundancyï'
@ óó75
@ 6274
@ 647L
@ óó72

How many Router models orethere in the current portfolioï

What is the purpose ofthe TDM 1001 module7

O Redundoncy
@ Extra CPU recourse
¢D E1/T1 support
O Ethernet port extension

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