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Newtons Group Limited

9 Weston Chambers
Weston Road
Tel: 08001934003

Method Statement
Method Statement Details
Method Statement Number 156

Method Statement Date 13/04/2021

Method Statement Author Matt Smetzer

Project/Contract Swan - Modular MEP Factory 1

Start Date 14/04/2021

Expected job duration 14/04/2022

Client Contact Karen Shanks

Description 1st & 2nd fix plumbing, Gas & Electrical works

DC1 Prologis Park,

Honywood Road,
Site Address Basildon,
SS14 3TS

Name Title Signature Date

Document Author Matt Smetzer Director 13/04/2021

Data protection statement

The information and data provided herein applies only to the contract for which it was written, it shall not be duplicated, disclosed or
disseminated by the recipient in whole or in part for any purpose whatsoever without the prior written permission from HS Direct Ltd.

It is the duty of all employees to observe the following Risk Assessment framed to provide a code of good practice and conduct with the
object of preventing accidents. At all times employees must work in a safe manner both to prevent personal injury to themselves or to other

Important Note:
It is the duty of all employees under regulation 14 of the "Management of Health and Safety at Work (Amendment) Regulations 2006" to
inform the employer of any circumstances that may indicate any shortcomings in this assessment.

Emergency Contact Details

Name Matt Smetzer Dan Hewitt Fred Young Craig Harrison

Telephone Number 07969142534 07794140320 07940245697 07969142534

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General Precautions

To be observed by all staff at all times, any deviation from these control procedures must be authorised by the site manager or safety
Communication with Other Workers on Site.

All new staff will report to the site office to be inducted if not already.

The site manager will inform staff of any hazards that are present on site.

Staff will inform the site manager of the work to be carried out and how it could affect other trades working on the site and will need to
complete daily pre-start briefings.

Where necessary notices will be posted advising of any hazards present during the works.

Where contractor activities cross, the senior person must liaise with the other trades to ensure safe operation.

First Aid

It is the responsibility of Newtons to ensure adequate First Aid provision for its staff. Adequate means provision of a trained first aider,
suitable first aid equipment and/or the provision of an appointed person at the minimum.
A trained First Aider will be a suitable person who has attended an HSE approved course of at least three days duration.
An Appointed Person is a person provided by the employer to take charge of the situation (e.g. to call an ambulance) if a serious
injury/illness occurs in the absence of a First Aider. The Appointed Person can render emergency First Aid if trained to do so. All staff
when inducted will be made aware of the location of the First Aid kit.

Nearest Hospital is: Nether Mayne, Basildon SS16 5NL

Emergency contact number is: 999

Manual Handling

All staff and contractors have been instructed on the potential dangers of manual handling, and have received manual handling
training. Equipment provided to reduce manual handling must be used where provided. Staff and contractors will not lift items of tools
or equipment that are beyond their capabilities. Heavy or awkward items will be split into smaller units where possible or dual lifted
where this is not possible. It is the responsibility of the site main contractor (Newtons) to identify and control manual handling
activities as they occur on site on a day to day basis.

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

PPE will be provided as a last form of protection against a hazard. Staff will use the appropriate PPE for the task as identified in the
risk assessment.
All site workers will wear Safety boots, Hi Visibility Vests, Hard Hats and eye protection,gloves ,other items such as hearing
protection and dust masks are available to be worn as and when necessary and as determined by the risk assessment.

Preparation & Induction

A risk assessment will be carried out for all tasks which will be discussed with members of staff and the sub contractors, any queries
or concerns will be raised with the contract manager who will ensure it is dealt with. Staff and sub contractors will be inducted onto site
in order to understand the hazards present on site and the tasks that are to take place. Staff will also be advised of other site activities
that could impact on their work and be made aware of any liaison that needs to take place between different trades. Staff will follow all
site rules and safety procedures.

Staff and Training

The task will be carried out by staff from our company , all staff are qualified, experienced, receive ongoing training, and hold suitable
qualifications. Apprentices are under constant supervision by experienced members of staff.
Any sub contractors appointed by us have been assessed for their ability and suitability to carry out the tasks allocated to them.
Copies of training and competencies will be made available.

Tools and Electrical Equipment

All tools and equipment will be visually inspected on a regular basis, defective or damaged equipment will be removed from service.
Electrical tools will be 110V or battery operated where possible. Sub contractors will not be allowed to bring on to site any damaged or
defective tools, the contracts manager is responsible for ensuring that all tools and equipment allowed on the site are fit for purpose.
Any portable electrical equipment taken on to site must be PAT tested every 3 months when used on construction sites, 6 monthly for
heavy use activities and annually for other activities. A risk assessment will determine if inspection periods need to be varied.

Code of Conduct �€“ COVID-19

COVID-19 - Code of Conduct

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This code of conduct describes how the movement of people, plant and equipment will be managed during the COVID19 pandemic in
order to keep Newtons Group Workers, Clients, sub-contractors, customers and the public safe. This Code of conduct should be used
in conjunction with other standard safety notices in this document.

Communication with Other Workers on Site

When working with other trades on site, operatives will make sure they are working with social distancing guidance. If this is not
possible work should be stopped and discussed with Newtons Group on-site supervisor.

If operatives are feeling unwell, they will inform Newtons Group site supervisor who must inform the Site Manager before leaving the

Loading and Unloading

The loading & unloading area should be restricted to authorised people. Signage should be erected to warn others of loading &
unloading taking place. Steps should always be used to get on or off a delivery vehicle. Only authorised persons should be allowed in
the work area, visitors must be warned of all vehicle movement and should be supervised at all times.

Where practical, materials should be loaded/unloaded from vehicles and moved in storage areas by mechanical means where
possible, forklift, crane or pallet truck (All equipment cleaned as per COVID-19 hygiene control advice).
Manual handling of materials should only be undertaken if social distancing rules can be maintained.
The banding/unbinding of materials or the loading/unloading of bins should be carried out by one person at a time or by a
designated team.
Operatives should not approach or congregate around material storage areas, bins or racks (Social distancing rules are
maintained at all times).
All yard operations must follow the same health and safety requirements (including 2.0m minimum social distancing rules) as
for work on site.

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).

Due to the ongoing COVID 19 Viral Pandemic, the following additional PPE may be required subject to the risk assessment or site

Disposable Latex Gloves.

The current social distancing guidelines must be adhered to wherever practically possible. If the social distancing guidelines
cannot be met, the following further PPE may be required.

The duration of close working will be kept to a minimum.

Face Mask. (FFP2 minimum rating)

Clear Full-Face Visor.

The priciple contractor will provide all employees with Alcohol Hand Sanitizer and wipes which will be applied at regular intervals.
Swan and Newtons Group PPE and site standards will also be adhered to. These requirements will be highlighted on entry to the site.

Travelling to Work

When travelling at work or between offices, site, client’s premises etc, Newtons Group workers should travel alone where practical.
Wherever possible workers should travel to the site alone using their own transport. If workers have no option but to share transport:

Driving at Work

Journeys should be shared with the same individuals and with the minimum number of people at any one time.
Good ventilation (i.e. keeping the windows open) and facing away from each other may help to reduce the risk of transmission.
Wherever possible drivers and passengers should maintain a distance of two metres and avoid touching their faces.
The vehicle should be cleaned using gloves and standard cleaning products, with particular emphasis on handles and other
areas where passengers may touch surfaces.
Use hand cleaning facilities before entering and after getting out of the vehicle and at entrances and exits points wherever
possible or hand sanitiser if soap and water are not available.
Wash their hands for 20 seconds using soap and water or hand sanitiser if soap and water are not available.

Public Transport

Where public transport is the only option for Newtons Group workers, this should be raised with the Site Manager, and we will consider,
changing or staggering site hours to reduce congestion on public transport.

Plant and Equipment

Where practical Plant, machinery and equipment on site must not be shared and should be used only by one person.

Where different workers, operators or drivers must share the used of Plant, machinery and other equipment consideration must
be made to working in dedicated teams.
Common touchpoints, cabs, handles and all areas that are touched must be cleaned between use.
Operators/Drivers should wear gloves and must avoid touching their face.
Communication between operators, drivers, banksmen, and supervisors etc should take place in line with current social
distancing guidance.
Newtons Group Workers should be allowed extra time or breaks to wash their hands and clean equipment where necessary.


Newtons Group workers will not travel to or attend work if any of the following apply.

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The recorded temperature of above 38⁰C (100.4⁰F).
They have a consistent cough. loss of taste or smell.
They have had a positive COVID-19 test.
Anyone within their household has any of the above symptoms or has a positive COVID-19 test.

If any of the above apply you should make your immediate manager aware at the earliest opportunity.

All workers will wash their hands for 20 seconds with water and soap when they are entering and leaving a site or use a
sanitising hand wash/Sanitising Station.

Test and Trace

Newtons Group will comply with current Government Guidance regarding Test and Trace.

In order to help minimise the onward spread of Covid-19, Newtons Group may release your contact details and shift data to the NHS
Test and Trace service where Newtons Group employees or subcontractors are identified as people who may have been in contact
with the virus.

If there is more than one case of COVID-19 associated with the workplace, this information may be passed to PHE.

Contractor and Visitor Safety

Newtons Group will liaise with other contractors staff on a day to day basis and ensure they are aware of the risks present during the
works. Staff and contractors will not leave any area of work in a dangerous condition or with risks to themselves, other contractors,
tenants, or visitors, all tools and equipment will be cleared to secure storage at the completion of each shift. Heavy plant, scaffold,
ladders and any other access to height will be made inaccessible.

COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Personal hygiene measures.

Newtons Group Ltd workers should follow government guidelines on Personal hygiene measures to reduce the general risk of COVID-
19, as outlined below.

Handwashing technique (use of soap and water, rubbing hands for at least 20 seconds etc.)
When handwashing is essential (e.g. after contact with hard surfaces or their working environment)
Respiratory etiquette during coughing and sneezing with disposable tissues or clothing
Appropriate waste disposal
Use of appropriate social distancing as per current Government guidance
Avoidance of close contact with people suffering from or self-isolating from COVID-19

Advice for operatives working in suspected affected areas

Newtons Group Ltd operatives are reminded to:

Frequently clean hands by using an alcohol-based hand rub or soap and water.
When coughing and sneezing cover mouth and nose with flexed elbow or tissue – throw the tissue away immediately and wash
Avoid close contact with anyone who has a fever and cough.
If experiencing fever, cough and difficulty breathing seek medical care early and share previous travel history with the health
care provider.


The standard procedures of Newtons Group Ltd operatives should be followed when attending a client’s premises.

Efforts should be made to minimize contact between clients and employees attending site, I.e photos, video links etc
Where this is not possible you must comply to social distancing as per current Government Guidance .

Where self-isolation is in force on the client's premises.

Where self-isolation is known to be in force on the client's premises attendance must be authorised by the MD or his nominated
All operatives will wear the appropriate PPE.
Communicate via mobile phone behind closed doors etc to avoid personal contact.
It is recommended that a face mask should be used by the client when you are attending site if available. If a face mask is not
available or cannot be tolerated, the ill person should be asked to cover their mouth and nose with tissues when speaking with
If possible, the client (and any pets if applicable) should be asked to move to a separate room and doors closed.


Ladders will only be used as an access to scaffold or for carrying out light work of short duration. Ladders must be tied and or footed.
Ladders must onlly be set at a ratio of 1 metre out at the base for every 4 metres in height.
All staff and sub contractors are required to read and understand HSE leaflet INDG455 the Safe use of Ladders & Stepladders.
Ladders will be removed or boarded off at the end of each shift to prevent unauthorised access, damaged or unsuitable ladders will be
removed from site immediately. Ladders must be stored in such a way that they cannot be damaged by other objects or by the
elements. Class 3 ladders or step ladders must not be used on site.

Site Access and Egress

As principle contractor we responsible for providing safe access and egress to the site, staff will ensure safe access and egress is
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As principle contractor we responsible for providing safe access and egress to the site, staff will ensure safe access and egress is
maintained for themselves and other contractors in the area they are working in, good standards of housekeeping will be maintained.
we will be responsible for safe access and egress . Access routes will be sign posted and barriers will be put in place where

Solder Flux (Rosin containing)

Solder flux fumes are potentially dangerous causing occupational asthma and dermatitis, all staff must read and understand the safety
data sheet regarding solder flux. (HSE Publication INDG248 Solder Fume and You). It is the responsibility of the site foreman to
ensure adequate ventilation where soldering is being carried out.

Working from Step Ladders

The majority of tasks carried out at height involve working below 2 metres from step ladders; all staff have been made aware of the
dangers of working from step ladders and have been instructed on the safe use of ladders. All Staff are required to read and
understand HSE leaflet INDG455 the Safe use of Ladders & Stepladders. Only competent members of staff will be allowed to work
from step ladders.

Temporary access to plots for electrical and plumbing connections

Permission to enter plots to be agreed with nu-living management.

Plots to be entered using 4 or 6 tread stepsladders making sure there is suitable level ground.
3 points of contact of contact to ladders.
Leave plot and remove ladder access.

Working from Hop Ups

The majority of tasks that involve working at height will be carried out using the step up, before use the floor area should be clear, free
from waste and on level ground. The step up should be checked for any sign of damage before use and if damaged removed from use

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Method Statements

Plumbing 1st fix - Nu Living

Pre-Work Requirements:

All operatives to be site inducted.

This Method Statement and Risk Assessment is to be read, understood and signed before any work commences.
Permit to work to be issued where applicable.
Ensure that the right tools are available for the job.
Ensure area of work is clear of any obstructions or trip hazards.
Barrier area of work off where applicable.
Ensure all the correct PPE is being worn by all operatives at all times ie steel toe cap boots, cat 2 gloves ( 4131X ), hard hat (
type 1 class C ) and hi viz.
If any task lighting is required please ensure that this is in place before commencing work.
The team will be provided with sufficient information about the task to enable safe effective installation.
Tool Box Talks will be given by the project supervisor on a weekly basis and also when deemed necessary or relevant during
the work in hand.
If any working at Height activities are required, always use the correct equipment which must have been inspected and
recorded as safe to use ie lanyard, podiums, access towers.


Ensure that you have all the correct materials for the task in hand before commencing work.
Install pipework identified on the drawings provided using the relevant pipe clips.
Ensure that the routes of the pipework are followed and installed to the drawings provided & within the rising ducts.
Leave pipework ends at the required locations in each case with enough slack to enable a good connection to the adjoining
room module.
Any hot works to be carried out will first be approved by the site manager before commencing, this will require a hot works
permit to be issued prior to any work being carried out.

Post Installation:

Remove all waste materials and dispose of as instructed by the site manager to the relevant bins around the factory or in the
skip by the shutter doors.
Remove any access equipment that was in use and return to the equipment holding areas.
Remove all tools that where being used and pack away.
Obtain approval from your site manager that the installation was installed neatly and to the drawings provided.
Obtain sign off from your site manager.
Sign off any permits to work.

Plumbing 2nd fix - Nu Living

Pre-Work Requirements:

All operatives to be site inducted.

This Method Statement and Risk Assessment is to be read, understood and signed before any work commences.
Permit to work to be issued where applicable.
Ensure that the right tools are available for the job.
Ensure area of work is clear of any obstructions or trip hazards.
Barrier area of work off where applicable.
Ensure all the correct PPE is being worn by all operatives at all times ie steel toe cap boots, cat 2 gloves ( 4131X ), hard hat (
type 1 class C ) and hi viz.
If any task lighting is required please ensure that this is in place before commencing work.
The team will be provided with sufficient information about the task to enable safe effective installation.
Tool Box Talks will be given by the project supervisor on a weekly basis and also when deemed necessary or relevant during
the work in hand.
If any working at Height activities are required, always use the correct equipment which must have been inspected and
recorded as safe to use ie lanyard, podiums, access towers.


Ensure that you have all the correct materials for the task in hand before commencing work.
Install sanitary ware or radiators identified on the drawings provided using the relevant securing fasteners or brackets.
Ensure that the locations of the sanitary ware and radiators are installed to the drawings provided & in the locations identified.
Terminate all sanitary ware and radiators to 1st fix plumbing and test for integrity and pressure test.
Any hot works to be carried out will first be approved by the site manager before commencing, this will require a hot works
permit to be issued prior to any work being carried out.

Post Installation:

Remove all waste materials and packaging and dispose of as instructed by the site manager to the relevant bins around the
factory or in the skip by the shutter doors.
Remove any access equipment that was in use and return to the equipment holding areas.
Remove all tools that where being used and pack away.
Obtain approval from your site manager that the installation was installed neatly to the manufacturers recommendations and to

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the drawings provided.
Obtain sign off from your site manager.
Sign off any permits to work.

Electrical 1st fix - Nu Living

Pre-Work Requirements:

All operatives to be site inducted.

This Method Statement and Risk Assessment is to be read, understood and signed before any work commences.
Permit to work to be issued where applicable.
Ensure that the right tools are available for the job.
Ensure area of work is clear of any obstructions or trip hazards.
Barrier area of work off where applicable.
Ensure all the correct PPE is being worn by all operatives at all times ie steel toe cap boots, cat 2 gloves ( 4131X ), hard hat (
type 1 class C ) and hi viz.
If any task lighting is required please ensure that this is in place before commencing work.
The team will be provided with sufficient information about the task to enable safe effective installation.
Tool Box Talks will be given by the project supervisor on a weekly basis and also when deemed necessary or relevant during
the work in hand.
If any working at Height activities are required, always use the correct equipment which must have been inspected and
recorded as safe to use ie lanyard, podiums, access towers.


Ensure that you have all the correct materials for the task in hand before commencing work.
Install all back boxes to correct BS7671 heights for both the power and lighting as per the drawings provided.
Install power & lighting cables as identified on the drawings provided using the relevant cable clips or containment and ensure
these are identified at each end to enable easy identification when it comes to terminating the cables.
Ensure that the routes of the cables are followed and installed to the drawings provided & within the rising ducts.
Leave cable ends at the required locations in each case with enough slack to enable a good connection to the adjoining room

Post Installation:

Remove all waste materials and dispose of as instructed by the site manager to the relevant bins around the factory or in the
skip by the shutter doors.
Remove any access equipment that was in use and return to the equipment holding areas.
Remove all tools that where being used and pack away.
Obtain approval from your site manager that the installation was installed neatly and to the drawings provided.
Obtain sign off from your site manager.
Sign off any permits to work where applicable.

Electrical 2nd fix - Nu Living

Pre-Work Requirements:

All operatives to be site inducted.

This Method Statement and Risk Assessment is to be read, understood and signed before any work commences.
Permit to work to be issued where applicable.
Ensure that the right tools are available for the job.
Ensure area of work is clear of any obstructions or trip hazards.
Barrier area of work off where applicable.
Ensure all the correct PPE is being worn by all operatives at all times ie steel toe cap boots, cat 2 gloves ( 4131X ), hard hat (
type 1 class C ) and hi viz.
If any task lighting is required please ensure that this is in place before commencing work.
The team will be provided with sufficient information about the task to enable safe effective installation.
Tool Box Talks will be given by the project supervisor on a weekly basis and also when deemed necessary or relevant during
the work in hand.
If any working at Height activities are required, always use the correct equipment which must have been inspected and
recorded as safe to use ie lanyard, podiums, access towers.


Ensure that you have all the correct materials for the task in hand before commencing work.
Mark out position of Distribution Board on wall and drill and plug wall and mount DB.
All 1st fix cables to be pulled into Distribution Board.
Strip back outer insulation to enable individual cables to be routed to appropriate breakers.
Strip back inner insulation and connect power side into identified breaker connector.
Connect Neutrals into common connector block.
Connect Earths into Earth connector block.
Ensure all wires are tidy and clear of bus bars. Secure with tie wraps if needed.
Sockets – Trim cables back to suitable length for stripping and connecting to socket terminals.
Ensure grommets are fitted into pattress back boxes.

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Fit insulation sleeves to earth wires.
Connect to pattress earth terminal and secure.
Position socket, fix and secure screws ensuring level alignment
Light switches - Trim cables back to suitable length for stripping and connecting to switch terminals.
Ensure grommets are fitted into pattress back boxes.
Fit insulation sleeves to earth wires.
Connect to pattress earth terminal and secure.
Lighting – Strip back cabling to enable connection of wires to recess spotlights
Dead Test all circuits for continuity, insulation resistance and correct switching using the methods shown in the on-site guide or
BS7671 wiring regulations.
Fit Distribution board cover.

Post Installation:

Remove all waste materials and dispose of as instructed by the site manager to the relevant bins around the factory or in the
skip by the shutter doors.
Remove any access equipment that was in use and return to the equipment holding areas.
Remove all tools that where being used and pack away.
Obtain approval from your site manager that the installation was installed neatly and to the drawings provided.
Obtain sign off from your site manager.
Sign off any permits to work.

Gas 1st fix - Nu Living

Pre-Work Requirements:

All operatives to be site inducted.

This Method Statement and Risk Assessment is to be read, understood and signed before any work commences.
Permit to work to be issued where applicable.
Ensure that the right tools are available for the job.
Ensure area of work is clear of any obstructions or trip hazards.
Barrier area of work off where applicable.
Ensure all the correct PPE is being worn by all operatives at all times ie steel toe cap boots, cat 2 gloves ( 4131X ), hard hat (
type 1 class C ) and hi viz.
If any task lighting is required please ensure that this is in place before commencing work.
The team will be provided with sufficient information about the task to enable safe effective installation.
Tool Box Talks will be given by the project supervisor on a weekly basis and also when deemed necessary or relevant during
the work in hand.
If any working at Height activities are required, always use the correct equipment which must have been inspected and
recorded as safe to use ie lanyard, podiums, access towers.


Ensure that you have all the correct materials for the task in hand before commencing work.
Install pipework identified on the drawings provided using the relevant pipe clips.
Ensure that the routes of the pipework are followed and installed to the drawings provided & within the rising ducts.
Leave pipework ends at the required locations in each case with enough slack to enable a good connection to the adjoining
room module.
Any hot works to be carried out will first be approved by the site manager before commencing, this will require a hot works
permit to be issued prior to any work being carried out.

Post Installation:

Remove all waste materials and dispose of as instructed by the site manager to the relevant bins around the factory or in the
skip by the shutter doors.
Remove any access equipment that was in use and return to the equipment holding areas.
Remove all tools that where being used and pack away.
Obtain approval from your site manager that the installation was installed neatly and to the drawings provided.
Obtain sign off from your site manager.
Sign off any permits to work.

Gas 2nd fix - Nu Living

Pre-Work Requirements:

All operatives to be site inducted.

This Method Statement and Risk Assessment is to be read, understood and signed before any work commences.
Permit to work to be issued where applicable.
Ensure that the right tools are available for the job.
Ensure area of work is clear of any obstructions or trip hazards.
Barrier area of work off where applicable.
Ensure all the correct PPE is being worn by all operatives at all times ie steel toe cap boots, cat 2 gloves ( 4131X ), hard hat (
type 1 class C ) and hi viz.
If any task lighting is required please ensure that this is in place before commencing work.
The team will be provided with sufficient information about the task to enable safe effective installation.
Tool Box Talks will be given by the project supervisor on a weekly basis and also when deemed necessary or relevant during

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the work in hand.
If any working at Height activities are required, always use the correct equipment which must have been inspected and
recorded as safe to use ie lanyard, podiums, access towers.


Ensure that you have all the correct materials for the task in hand before commencing work.
Connect gas pipework to relevant appliances identified on the drawings provided using the relevant pipe clips if required.
Carry out a tightness test for 3 minutes at 20MB and if any leaks are found remake off and re-test.
Clearly identify the gas pipework with labels ready for connections to be made on site.
Leave pipework ends at the required locations in each case with enough slack to enable a good connection to the adjoining
room module or gas supply.
Any hot works to be carried out will first be approved by the site manager before commencing, this will require a hot works
permit to be issued prior to any work being carried out.

Post Installation:

Remove all waste materials and dispose of as instructed by the site manager to the relevant bins around the factory or in the
skip by the shutter doors.
Remove any access equipment that was in use and return to the equipment holding areas.
Remove all tools that where being used and pack away.
Obtain approval from your site manager that the installation was installed neatly and to the drawings provided.
Obtain sign off from your site manager.
Sign off any permits to work.


Work carried out will be done using strict guidance from the goverment regarding COVID-19

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Sign Off Sheet

I have read and understood the contents of this Method Statement.

Anything I did not understand has been explained to me to my satisfaction.

I agree to follow the Method Statement and understand that any instructions are provided for my safety and the safety of

Print Name Signed Date

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