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Situated Cognition and Learning Environments:

Roles, Structures, and Implications for Design

[] Jeong-lm Choi
Michael Hannafin

Situated cognition has emerged as a powerful D Many students experience problems in uti-
perspective in providing meaningful learning lizing the knowledge and skill acquired via for-
and promoting the transfer of knowledge to mal learning to everyday contexts (Carraher,
real-life situations. While considerable inter- Carraher, & Schliemann, 1985; Lave, 1979; Per-
est has been generated in situated learning kins, 1985). According to Bransford and his
environments, few guidelines exist related to colleagues, this problem stems from decontex-
their design. The purpose of this paper is to tualized formal learning experiences, that is,
examine the theoretical underpinnings of situ- the learning of facts that are isolated from the
ated cognition and to derive implications for contexts in which they derive meaning (Cogni-
the design of situated learning environments. tion and Technology Group at Vanderbilt,
The conceptual framework centers on four 1990). Highly decontextualized and simplified
basic issues: the role of context, the role of knowledge promotes understanding that is
content, the role of facilitation, and the role rigid, incomplete, and naive (Spiro, Feltovich,
of assessment. Jacobson, & Coulson, 1991). In formal educa-
tion settings, skills and knowledge are opera-
tionalized very differently from how experts
and practitioners use them in real life. Thus,
students may pass exams but be unable to
apply the same knowledge in everyday cir-
Situated cognition, in contrast, recognizes
the inextricability of thinking and the contexts
in which it occurs, and exploits the inherent
significance of real-life contexts in learning
(Bransford, Sherwood, Hasselbring, Kinzer, &
Williams, 1992). Knowledge is assumed to be
the dynamic by-product of unique relation-
ships between an individual and the environ-
ment; learning, then, is a natural by-product of
individuals engaged within contexts in which
knowledge is embedded naturally (Bednar,
Cunningham, Duffy, & Perry, 1991; Brown,
Collins, & Duguid, 1989). The emphasis is on
providing enabling experiences in authentic
versus decontextualized contexts, and cultivat-
ing learning processes versus learning out-
While considerable interest has been gener-

ETR&D,VoL 43, No. 2, 1995, pp, 5 3 ~ 9 ISSN 1042-1629 53

54 ~D, Vol. 43, No. 2

ated in situated cognition, few guidelines exist child who experiences difficulty in laboratory
related to design of situated learning environ- memory tests can often remember precise loca-
ments [see Young (1993) for an exception]. tions of objects hidden at home by its parents.
While attempts have been made to derive the Individuals who perform poorly on logic or
instructional implications of emerging philo- communication problems in test situations
sophical constructs such as constructivism often reason precisely and communicate per-
(see, for example, Lebow, 1993; Rieber, 1992), suasively in more familiar contexts (Rogoff,
the basic foundations often remain misunder- 1984). Formal education contexts are compara-
stood. The purpose of this paper is to examine tively unfamiliar and impoverished compared
the theoretical underpinnings of situated cog- with the real-life experiences of an individual,
nition and to derive implications for the design and provide little support for everyday think-
of situated learning environments. Four ing or behaving. The inability to apply formal
aspects are addressed : the role of context, the knowledge to everyday problems may be a
role of content, the role of facilitation, and the consequence of academic cognition, which
role of assessment. Key concepts within each emphasizes ordered, "compliant" cognitions
of these roles are summarized in Table 1. (McCaslin & Good, 1992) to accommodate
teacher or curricular expectations. In informal
learning contexts, on the other hand, individu-
THE ROLEOF CONTEXT als apply knowledge practically and routinely
to solve everyday problems (Brown, et al.,
Situated cognition emphasizes the importance 1989).
of context in establishing meaningful linkages Research on everyday cognition reveals
with learner experience and in promoting con- many differences between formal and informal
nections among knowledge, skill, and experi- learning (Resnick, 1987). Formal learning
ence. According to Rogoff (1984, p. 2), context emphasizes abstract and systematic problem-
is " . . . the problem's physical and conceptual solving strategies. Students are taught proce-
structure as well as the purpose of the activity dures for solving problems--procedures
and the social milieu in which it is embedded." presumed to be sufficiently robust as to permit
Context, therefore, includes the general atmo- application across diverse problem contexts.
sphere and physical setting as well as concur- However, in everyday circumstances, individ-
rent "background" events (Ruth, 1992). uals tend to apply practical strategies, such as
Situated cognition advocates suggest that efficiency or opportunistic solutions, rather
learning is effective when it occurs in mean- than formal, bottom-up methods (Rogoff,
ingful contexts, but why is context so import- 1984). For instance, while grocery shopping,
ant? How does context influence learning? In individuals rarely use formal mathematics.
the following sections, three constructs are Their strategies are structured fundamentally
introduced and analyzed with respect to the by the setting of the grocery store and the
influence of context on learning: everyday cog- activity of shopping rather than fitting the
nition, authenticity, and transfer. problem to a formal strategy (Lave, Murtaugh,
& De la Rocha, 1990). They combine mental
calculations, approximations, and features of
Everyday Cognition: Formal vs. Informal the physical environment to help them make
Learning decisions (e.g., tags on the products, prior
experience, and so forth).
Researchers have suggested that individuals Formal learning .settings emphasize knowl-
think and behave quite differently in everyday edge that is context-free and symbolic. How-
versus controlled environments (see, for exam- ever, in everyday situations, people use
ple, Lave, 1988). These differences are critical concrete referents and tools extensively, refer-
in formal learning settings (e.g., schools) and encing thought and knowledge to specific con-
informal everyday activities. For example, a texts. For instance, whereas in conventional

Table I [ ] Principles of e a c h framework

Framework Principles Authors

The role of context • Everyday cognition • Brenner (1989), Lave (1988), Lave, Murtaugh,
& De la Rocha (1990), Rogoff (1984)
• Authenticity • Brown, Collins, & Duguid (1989),
Harley (1993), Newmann (1991)
• Transfer • Larkin (1989), Perkins & Salomon (1989)

The role of content • Knowledge as tool • Brown, et al. (1989), Cognition and Technol-
ogy Group at Vanderbilt (1990), Collins (1988)
• Content diversity and • Bransford, Franks, Vye, & Sherwood (1989),
transfer Cognition and Technology Group at Vanderbilt
(1992, 1993), Collins (1988, 1993),
Larkin (1989), Winn (1993)
• Cognitive apprenticeships • Brown, et al. (1989), Collins, Brown, & Holum
• Anchored instruction • Cognition and Technology Group at Vanderbilt
(1990, 1992, 1993), Young (1993)

The role of facilitation • Facilitation methods Brandt, Farmer, & Buckmaster (1993),
Modeling Brown & Palincsar (1989), Collins, et al. (1993),
Scaffolding Greenfield (1984), Scardamalia, Bereiter,
Coaching, guiding, and McLean, Swallow, & Woodruff (1989),
advising Tobin & Dawson (1992)
Using cognitive tools
and resources

The role of assessment • Problems and issues • McCaslin & Good (1992), Nickerson (1989),
Shepard (1989), Slack (1993)
Trends in situated • Bruder (1993), Campione & Brown (1990),
learning environments Collins (1990), Collins, Brown, & Newman
Self-referencing (1989), Cunningham (1991), McLellan (1993),
Flexible, transferable Young & Kulikowich (1992), Zimmerman (1992)
knowledge and skill
Diversity and flexibility of
learner-centered measures
Generating and constructing
Continuous, ongoing process
Ecological validity
Assessment methods • Bergen (1993), Cliburn (1990), Dana & Tippins
Portfolios (1993), Gardner (1989), Holmes & Leitzel (1993),
Performance assessment Vargas & Alvagez (1992), Wolf (1989),
Concept maps Zimmerman (1992)

school tests individuals are prohibited from t h r o u g h d a y - t o - d a y experience a n d observa-

u s i n g computational tools other than pencil tion. They evolve an u n d e r s t a n d i n g of h o w
a n d p a p e r , they routinely use calculators, mea- a n d w h e n to d e p l o y their k n o w l e d g e a n d skill
sures, computers, a n d so forth to solve every- within these contexts.
d a y arithmetic problems. People acquire
Lave (1988) described h o w the cognitive
practical k n o w l e d g e a n d skill continuously
processes of students in formal school systems
56 E~, Vol. 43, No, 2

differ from those of just plain folks (JPFs) Authenticily and Context
and practitioners. Through their everyday
activities, JPFs develop general strategies According to Newmann (1991, p. 459), "People
for reasoning intuitively, resolving issues, in diverse fields face the primary challenge of
and negotiating meaning. Through school producing, rather than reproducing, knowl-
activities, in contrast, students are typically edge. This knowledge is expressed through
involved in precise, well-defined problems, discourse, through the creation of things, and
formal definitions, and symbol manipula- through performance." In order for students to
tion. Both JPFs' and practitioners' activities develop the skills used by experts, they need
are situated in the cultures in which they to engage in similar cognitive activities--
work, within which they negotiate meaning authentic tasks in authentic contexts. Authen-
and construct personal understanding. tic tasks are coherent, meaningful, and
However, students accept as valid informa- purposeful activities that represent the ordi-
tion provided by a teacher or textbook seek- nary practices of a culture (Brown et al., 1989).
ing to adopt "correct" ways of thinking or Authentic tasks involve activities that practi-
solving problems. The context exists, but it tioners and experts engage in during real prob-
promotes uniform rather than unique lem-solving situations, rather than the
understanding. simulated processes typically demanded in for-
Brenner (1989) demonstrated significant mal schooling (Wilson, 1993).
cognitive gaps related to the concept of Authenticity has important motivational
money. In school, money is treated as symbols potential. In traditional classrooms, students
which students must learn to recognize, and are frequently given problems or tasks that are
arithmetic rules for its utilization must be of little relevance and bear little meaning
taught. Money concepts are used to solve pen- (Newmann, 1991). The task is detached from
cil-and-paper currency. In everyday settings, the student's experience, and apart from the
individuals develop many money concepts prospect of pleasing a teacher or parent, serves
through purchasing experiences. They do not no apparent personal function for the student.
calculate price according to the exact decimal Authentic tasks are ordinary activities in
system, or use "same size" coins, such as pen- everyday situations that possess extraordinary
nies, as in typical word problems. They use motivational potential. Authentic tasks are
authentic paper currency. They observe that more likely to become self-referenced and pur-
paper money is broken into smaller units posefully engaged by learners.
when they receive change from a purchase.
Since authentic tasks are often problem
Knowledge of money is used as a tool in based, students are better able to gauge what
everyday situations, enabling individuals to
they are learning and how to use it (Collins,
determine their own goals and solve their own 1993; Collins, Brown, & Newman, 1989). They
problems. learn, based on first-hand experience, when a
While it may be neither feasible nor desir- particular method or strategy is appropriate in
able to employ everyday contexts for all formal authentic, rather than contrived, contexts.
learning, we can learn a great deal from the Harley (1993, p. 48) noted that " . . . students
study of everyday cognition. Significant dis- will learn how to exploit contextual resources
crepancies are evident between how students for their goals by looking for, recognizing,
are taught and how they think and act in evaluating, and using information resources
everyday circumstances. In some cases, the productively." Students learn to respond to
differences may be warranted; in many other, changes in circumstances that influence their
they may not. Attention to cognitive ergonom- own problem solving. The context itself pro-
ics is needed, where teaching and learning vides guidance for the activity by helping stu-
methods are better situated to reflect the cog- dents to develop a sense of situational intent. In
nitive demands and processes of everyday sit- effect, the authentic context both cues the
uations. learner to situational resources and serves as

an advance organizer for related problem-solv- sidered as interactions of agents in the situa-
ing contexts. tions of initial learning." Successful transfer
occurs when individuals acquire "general sym-
bolic schemata'--broad understanding of the
properties and relationships within an initial
context--which are referenced and deployed
according to their similarity to new circum-
Many researchers have attributed knowledge stances. Transfer--both successful and unsuc-
and skill transfer problems to formal learning cessful-is influenced by the individual's
methods. Typically, formal education empha- capacity to represent experience symbolically,
sizes general, abstract abilities based on the and by " . . . constraints on activity that result
assumption that students can generalize these from the structure of situations [versus] mental
abilities for their use (Lave, 1988; Papert, representations of structure" (p. 161-162).
1993). Increasingly, however, researchers have
suggested that general skills often do not pro-
mote the transfer of knowledge (see, for exam-
ple, Bransford, Sherwood, Vye, & Rieser, Summary
1986; Bransford, Franks, Vye, & Sherwood,
1989; Brown & Duguid, 1993; De Leeuw, 1983; Several researchers have suggested that formal
Larkin, 1989; Perkins & Salomon, 1989; Strat- education has proven unsuccessful in prepar-
ton & Brown, 1972). It appears that both ing students to apply their knowledge in
knowledge and cognitive skills are highly everyday life. In everyday situations, people
dependent on the contexts in which they are reason intuitively, based upon experiences
acquired. within specific contexts, using a variety of
Even on relatively near-transfer tasks, con- methods to solve problems. However, formal
textual cues and patterns are used extensively education often emphasizes abstract,
in problem solving. Studies in expertise and decontextualized knowledge which is often
expert systems have shown that expert per- difficult to transfer to real-life situations.
formers utilize vast amounts of detailed, Learners are rarely given access to everyday
domain-specific knowledge rather than gen- tools but must learn under engineered, often
eral skill (Larkin, 1989; Perkins & Salomon, overly simplified, non-authentic contexts. Situ-
1989). Research on master chess players, for ated learning methods attempt to induce
example, suggests that tactics depend on the everyday cognition by anchoring knowledge
ability to cross-reference an enormous and and skill in realistic contexts. Since authentic
complex knowledge base, derived through tasks provide practical situations in which
personal and vicarious experiences, of critical knowledge has meaning and which reflects the
attack and defense patterns. Like experts of all ambiguity and imprecision inherent in every-
kinds, master chess players reason using con- day circumstances, situated learning environ-
nected, chunk-like configurations rather than ments are more likely to support transfer to
isolated units, suggesting that cognition is real-life problem solving.
highly context dependent. It is an intricately
interwoven and conditionally-sensitive process
referencing the individual's knowledge, expe- THE ROLE OF CONTENT
rience, and the problem to be solved.
The transfer of knowledge or skill, there- While context influences cognition, it does not
fore, is influenced by situational factors such ensure learning. Context and the content
as social climate, physical features and attrib- embedded therein are inextricably connected.
uted, and mediating agents present during ini- Context provides the framework for learning,
tial learning. According to Greeno, Moore, and but content determines its authenticity and
Smith (1993, p. 161) for example, " . . . analyses veracity. It is important to understand the rela-
of transfer focus on structures of activity, con- tionships between context and content in
58 ETR&D,Vol, 43, No. 2

order to better facilitate cognitive processing ing everyday phenomena (diSessa, 1982;
and self-referencing. In this section, several McDermott, 1984). When acquired in mean-
content-context issues are presented: knowl- ingful contexts, lesson content becomes more
edge as tool, content diversity and transfer, transferable because context provides support
cognitive apprenticeships, and anchored for its use (Collins, 1988). When dealing with
instruction. real problems, learners reference their per-
sonal experiences and strategies which evolve
through continuous self- and context-referenc-
ing. Students learn to use their knowledge
Knowledge as Tool
flexibly as a tool to deal with everyday, as well
as novel, situations.
In formal education settings, knowledge is
often acquired in isolated, decontextualized
form. The knowledge is inert. It can be recalled
on tests, but is not readily deployed in prob- Content Diversity and Transfer
lem-solving situations (Cognition and Technol-
ogy Group at Vanderbilt, 1990). "Knowledge While abstract knowledge and skill often fail to
and tools can only be fully understood promote successful transfer, domain-specific
through use, and using them entails changing knowledge also fails to transfer to dissimilar
the user's view of the world" (Brown et al., situations in many cases. How then can learn-
1989, p. 33). ers acquire powerful, but flexible and transfer-
Brown et al. also suggest that meaning is able knowledge and skill? Transfer is
not universal, but is influenced heavily by cul- facilitated by the availability of powerful con-
tural factors: "The community and its view- crete instances which are interrelated in
point determine how [knowledge] is used (p. important ways. Transferable knowledge is
33)." For example, carpenters and cabinet interwoven with domain-specific knowledge
makers use chisels differently; physicists use (Larkin, 1989). For example, people often fail
mathematics differently from engineers. to apply purely logical, abstract rules to solve
Appropriate use of tools is not engendered problems. Instead, they extract relevant
simply by knowing about the abstract con- aspects of various experiences to better ana-
cepts, but is a function of the culture and the lyze how to approach and solve problems.
activities within which the tool evolves. It is (Bransford, Franks, Vye, & Sherwood, 1986;
unlikely, therefore, that tools will be used Cognition and Technology Group at
appropriately without an understanding of the Vanderbilt, 1993). Recent research suggests
culture of their use. Several parallels to formal that when general principles of reasoning are
education practice are apparent. Often, stu- taught together with self-monitoring practices,
dents are asked to use mathematics without problem-solving as well as metacognitive skills
knowing how practitioners use the knowledge are more successfully transferred (Butterfield
of their domains, science concepts without the & Nelson, 1989; Perkins & Salomon, 1989).
benefit of seeing how scientists employ them, According to Winn (1993, p. 17) " . . . flexi-
and historical information without the framing bility in performance is engendered not by
provided by historians. Their content knowl- placing students in all situations in which their
edge, as a consequence, lacks contextual knowledge and skills will be applied, but by
anchors that help to define its meaning. teaching at a level of generality that allows
Transfer, for example, is impeded when application in multiple settings . . . . Generality
instruction isolates knowledge and skill from is indeed achieved by varying the situations in
settings in which they are, or will be, used which students practice what they have
(Winn, 1993). In formal settings, students learned." By providing varied content reflect-
acquire the computational knowledge and ing similar concepts, students learn different
skills needed to answer physics problems, yet ways knowledge can be used and begin to
chronically fail to apply them when encounter- generalize accordingly (Collins, 1988; Young,

1993). They also acquire general knowledge detect important substantive aspects of varied
that is essential to expert thinking in various contexts to better understand how new situa-
domains. Rather than teaching abstract skills tions are similar to, and different from, thoSe
and methods for applying them in varied con- previously encountered. When novices fail to
texts, situated learning environments empha- recognize important distinctions, they are
size the use of diverse concrete instances in unable to access information necessary for
authentic contexts. In this way, knowledge solving problems.
and skill become both specific and general
(Collins, 1993).
The ability to recognize similarities among Cognitive Apprenticeships
different contexts is a basic mechanism of
analogical reasoning needed to facilitate trans- The precedent for apprenticeships can be
fer. Upon completing contextually-anchored traced to the onset of civilization. In ancient
videodisc mathematics and science problem- times, learning was completely situated in the
solving tasks in the Jasper Series, students workplace. People learned to speak, grow
were better able to solve problems that were cops, craft cabinets, and tailor clothes by
analogous to the original (Cognition and Tech- observing and imitating their parents and mas-
nology Group at Vanderbilt, 1993). Analog and ters (Collins, Brown, & Holum, 1991). When
extension problems " help students problems arose in the everyday context of
develop flexible knowledge representations, to work, apprentices naturally understood the
better understand key mathematical principles reasons. When the apprentice potter needed to
embedded in the Jasper adventures, and to know how to glaze, he or she observed the
make connections between the adventures and master, asked necessary questions, and
the thinking and planning that took place in imitated the observed steps (Puterbaugh,
many historical and contemporary events" 1990). Apprentices acquired skills through a
(Cognition and Technology Group at Van- combination of observation, coaching, and
derbilt, 1992, p. 71). Analog problems are practice, which promoted mental models, scaf-
formed by altering one or more parameters of folding, and gradual self-reliance (Winn, 1993).
the original problem. Extension problems help In modern times, apprentice settings have
students to integrate knowledge across the been largely replaced by formal education. In
curriculum. They map the meaning of problem formal education, activities often focus on
concepts to related domains, such as extend- superficial aspects of complex problems. Insuf-
ing the mathematical concept of ratios to cook- ficient attention is paid to the reasoning pro-
ing and mixing chemicals. cesses and strategies that experts employ
Activities may also include contrast sets when applying knowledge and performing
(examples and non-examples) which progress complex, real-life tasks. To improve formal
from large differences to finer distinctions education, Collins, Brown, and Holum (1991,
(Bransford et al., 1989). This helps to increase p. 8) suggest that, "We need both to under-
the conditional sensitivity of the novice's stand the nature of expert practice and to
knowledge. Over time, domain experts devise methods that are appropriate to learn-
acquire the ability to discriminate among sub- ing that practice. To do this, we must first rec-
tle features by virtue of experience across a ognize that cognitive strategies are central to
range of situations that provide relevant con- integrating skills and knowledge in order to
trasts. In order for novices to perceive the rel- accomplish meaningful tasks." Cognitive
evant features, " . . . a great deal of perceptual apprenticeships emphasize relationships
learning must occur. This requires experience between the content knowledge and thought
with a set of contrasts so that the features of processes experts employ to perform complex
particular events become salient by virtue of tasks.
their differentiation from other possible The "apprenticeship" concept emphasizes
events" (p. 484). It is important for novices to the importance of experiential activity in learn-
60 ETR&D,Vol. 43, No. 2

ing, and highlights the inherently context- to solve authentic problems (e.g., how to reach
dependent, situated, and enculturated nature a certain place and return in the fastest way)
of learning. In traditional apprenticeships, the using authentic data (e.g., speed limit signs,
steps involved in executing to-be-learned tasks head winds, fuel consumption rates, fuel
are usually easily observed. In cognitive capacity, etc.). These scenarios provide
apprenticeships, however, thought processes authentic anchors for mathematics computa-
need to be made more overt. When the tion and reasoning. The problems themselves,
mentor's thinking is made accessible to the while unlikely to be experienced directly by
apprentice, and the apprentice's thinking is students prior to the lesson, are realistic and
evident to the mentor, it is increasingly possi- complex, and require the detection and/or
ble to improve both action and underlying pro- application of specific knowledge and skills.
cesses (Brown, Collins, & Duguid, 1989; Next, the lessons contain a great deal of
Collins, Brown, & Newman, 1989; Collins, embedded data including both essential and
1988). irrelevant data. Anchored instruction requires
students to generate problems to be solved,
then find relevant information within the story
contexts. In the Jasper Series, all data needed
A n c h o r e d Instruction
to solve the problem are distributed through-
out the story. Learners must identify or gener-
Anchors are embedded within problem-rich
ate the problems they need to solve,
environments to promote exploration and discriminate important from unimportant data,
understanding of the use of knowledge (Cog- and test and revise various solutions.
nition and Technology Group at Vanderbilt,
1992). In anchored instruction, realistic set- Finally, complex problems can be explored
tings are created in which knowledge and from multiple perspectives. Anchors help to
skills are naturally embedded within authentic create environments that " . . . permit sus-
contexts. Anchored instruction also extends tained exploration by students and teachers
the notion of cognitive apprenticeships by pro- and enable them to understand the kinds of
posing "macro-contexts" that can anchor problems and opportunities that experts in
instruction in subjects across the curriculum various areas encounter and the knowledge
(Young, 1993). that these experts use as tools: (Cognition and
Technology Group at Vanderbilt, 1990, p.3).
There are two primary ways to anchor
By exploring problems from multiple perspec-
learning. One way, which is often used in tra-
tives, individuals can better understand why,
ditional instruction, is to provide a variety of
when, and how to use knowledge in various
mini-cases, or micro-contexts, for each subject.
situations, as well as ways to analyze problems
Alternatively, students can be provided macro-
and settings from multiple perspectives (for
contexts that are sufficiently rich and complex
example, analyzing identical problems from
to be meaningfully viewed from several per-
the perspectives of a scientist, a mathemati-
spectives (Cognition and Technology Group at
cian, and a historian).
Vanderbilt, 1992). In learning environments,
anchored instruction provides macro-contexts
within which students explore problems from
diverse perspectives. Summary
Anchored instruction has several important
implications for the design of situated learning The importance of contexts in learning de-
environments. First, anchors emphasize pends on the degree to which learning content
authentic activities and goals. Authentic tasks is appropriately embedded. When presented
can be considered at two levels: (1) authentic- in problem-based contexts, students acquire
ity of objects and data in the setting; and (2) knowledge as well as a sense of when and
authenticity of problem situations. Within the how to use it. Concepts need to be repre-
Jasper Series, for example, students are asked sented via various content in order to promote

both general reasoning and specific situated such as demonstrating how to mix ingredi-
skills. In order to apply knowledge in various ents in baking a cake; and
settings, students must discriminate similari- 2. Modeling the thought processes underlying
ties and differences among settings. These the performance, such as explaining why
abilities can be facilitated by experiences in a various ingredients and amounts are used
range of relevant contrasts, analogs, and to create desired consistency, texture, and
extensions. Cognitive apprenticeships provide flavor (Collins, Brown, & Holum, 1991).
the opportunity for learners to internalize Through modeling, students observe nor-
learning and develop self-monitoring and self- mally invisible processes and begin to inte-
correcting skills. Anchored instruction attempts grate what occurs with why it happens.
to create authentic, problem-rich environments
that encourage exploration and diversity of

Greenfield (1984) characterized five benefits of

THE ROLE OF FACILITATION scaffolding, a metaphor adopted from building
Since learning is assumed to be indexed by 1. It provides a support
personal constructions of reality, experience is 2. It functions as a tool
fundamental to understanding and using 3. It extends the range of the worker
knowledge and skills. In situated learning
4. It allows the worker to accomplish a task
environments, students are provided support
not otherwise possible, and
to facilitate personal constructions of meaning
about the world they experience. Ongoing, 5. It is used selectively to aid the worker
interactive, and continuous facilitation is pro- where needed.
vided. Facilitation provides learners with Scaffolds are not needed when cognitive struc-
opportunities for internalizing information, tures are sufficiently developed; they are
thereby promoting the higher-order, meta- needed while the structures are incomplete or
cognitive skill development (self-monitoring unstable (Brown & Palinscar, 1989). By sup-
and correction skills) as well as self-regulation porting the integration of established under-
and self-assessing abilities. In situated learning standing and know-how, scaffolds facilitate
environments, facilitation has assumed several the transfer of what students already know to
forms: modeling, scaffolding, coaching, guid- the task at hand (Harley, 1993). Scaffolding
ing and advising, collaborating, fading, and supports and simplifies a task as much as nec-
using cognitive tools and resources. essary to enable learners to manage their
learning, allowing them to accomplish other-
wise impossible tasks. This involves maintain-
ing optimal challenge: Too little challenge will
prove boring, while too much will foster frus-
tration (Brandt, Farmer, & Buckmaster, 1993).
In modeling, the cornerstone of cognitive Thus, scaffolding closes the gap between task
apprenticeships, the apprentice observes, then requirements and skill levels by, " . . . creating
mimics, the master in the performance of a 'the match' between the cognitive level of the
task. Modeling is most effective when it occurs learner and the characteristics of instruction"
during task performance and engages the (Greenfield, 1984, p. 188).
learner in important ways. Two kinds of mod- Scaffolding ranges from performing an
eling are critical in situated learning environ- entire task to providing occasional hints (Col-
ments: lins, 1988, 1993). Scaffolding can be reduced,
1. Modeling of the physical processes of the reorganized, or eliminated as learners become
phenomena learners need to understand, more complete in their understanding. "The
62 E'~, Vol. 43, No. 2

instruction occurs in the interaction between refined through conversation and discourse
novice and expert, who together structure (Brown, Collins, & Duguid, 1989). Since learn-
their communication so that the novice is ing is in part cultivated through social dis-
brought into the expert's more mature under- course, group interaction is essential. Within
standing of the problem . . . . The expert mod- groups, social interaction and conversation
ifies the scaffold as the novice's capabilities occur in ways that professionally create and
develop, adjusting support to a level just modify the beliefs on individuals.
beyond that which the novice could indepen- Collaboration is inherent in everyday inter-
dently manage" (Rogoff & Gardner, 1984, p. action. Individuals attempt to solve problems
116). This, in effect, expands Vygotsky's (1978) by interacting with other people using socially
"zone of proximal development" wherein the provided schemata and contextual cues. Col-
novice, with the support of the expert (human laboration occurs in many ways. In coopera-
or technological), achieves what cannot be tive learning, students learn to negotiate
achieved autonomously (cf. Salmon, Glober- meaning with others and experience shared
son, & Guterman, 1989). responsibility for learning. Students clarify,
elaborate, describe, compare, negotiate, and
reach consensus on the meanings of various
Coaching, Guiding, and Advising experiences (Hooper, 1992). Students can
become experts in particular topics or problem
Coaching involves observing and helping indi- domains, and engage in reciprocal teaching.
viduals while they attempt to learn or perform According to Brown and Palincsar (1989, p.
a task (Brandt, Farmer, & Buckmaster, 1993). It 414), "All members of the group, in turn,
includes directing learner attention, reminding serve as learning leaders, the ones responsible
of overlooked steps, providing hints and feed- for orchestrating the dialogue, and learning
back, challenging and structuring ways to do listeners or supportive critics, those whose job
things, and providing additional tasks, prob- it is to encourage the discussion leader to
lems, or problematic situations. The coach explain the content and help resolve misun-
explains activities in terms of learners' under- derstandings."
standing and background knowledge, and
provides additional directions about how,
when, and why to proceed. The master also
identifies errors, misconceptions, or faulty rea-
soning in learners' thinking and helps to cor-
rect them. Over time, modeling, hints, and other supports
must be gradually reduced, then eliminated as
In situated learning environments, advice
students become more knowledgeable and
and guidance help students to make maximum
skillful. Fading involves the gradual reduction
use of their own cognitive resources and
of support until students can perform indepen-
knowledge. Learners have to have opportu-
dently (Collins, Brown, & Holum, 1991). For
nity to experience their own decision-making
example, students in science classes are often
process and problem-solving strategies (Tobin
provided supplementary materials and re-
& Dawson, 1992). In this sense, guidance and
minders how to implement a complicated
advice are implicit rather than explicit, and
experiment. When they begin the experiment
non-directive rather than directive, being pro-
for the first time, they may be asked to read all
vided when needed by students.
the procedures which need to be followed and
use detailed checklists to ensure that they do
not skip important steps or engage in hazard-
Collaborating ous activity. However, as they become familiar
with the procedures, they are provided fewer,
Within a culture, ideas are exchanged and or simpler, reminders or checklists. Once able
modified and belief systems developed and to demonstrate the requisite skills consistently,

few, if any, prompts are provided. Through tion in situated learning is less directive, more
fading, students become more self sufficient continuous, and highly interactive.
and self regulatory, and not unduly dependent
on external structural support.

Using Cognitive Tools and Resources Educational tests serve many purposes in
many contexts. At a macro level, tests are used
Cognitive tools are devices that allow and to evaluate the effectiveness of teachers,
encourage learners to manipulate their think- instruction, curricula, and educational systems
ing and ideas (Kozma, 1987). Situated learning and to determine the relative standings of
environments provide a variety of cognitive school districts. At the micro level, tests are
tools and resources to support student-cen- used to direct student attention to certain top-
tered learning. Tools take various forms, from ics, to diagnose student learning difficulties
simple job-support devices such as calculators, and provide support accordingly, and to
notebooks, dictionaries, and checklists, to report student progress to students, teachers,
resource files, databases, simulations, and and parents (Collins, 1990).
communication tools (Tobin & Dawson, 1992). However, there is a growing consensus that
Tools can provide profound opportunities traditional methods, such as standardized test-
for students to optimize their own cognitive ing, criterion-referenced tests, and teacher-
potential. In CSILE (Computer-Supported In- constructed tests fail to measure important
tentional Learning Environment), for example, learning outcomes (Shepard, 1989). Such tests
students socially construct a database of their focus heavily on recall of declarative and pro-
understandings in the form of pictures and cedural knowledge, and provide little to indi-
written notes (Scardamalia, Bereiter, McLean, cate either the level at which a student
Swallow, & Woodruff, 1989). Each student understands or the quality of individual think-
makes his or her own pictures and notes, then ing (Nickerson, 1989; Slack, 1993). Given the
"publishes" them as part of a socially-con- nature of situated learning environments, the
structed knowledge base. Students can manip- selection of appropriate assessment measures
ulate objects to zoom in or out to elaborate and methods is especially relevant.
them further. In addition, they can annotate
via written notes, as well as link to other notes
and comment on them. Through the process Problems and Issues
of creating a database, students are encour-
aged to think more about how they process The content of tests influences, explicitly and
and reprocess thoughts on projects. implicitly, teaching and learning processes.
Teachers often "teach to the test" rather than
emphasizing underlying concepts. Skills are
Summary taught in the manner measured on tests rather
than how they are used in everyday contexts.
Facilitation is a natural dimension of the teach- When tests require the recall of memorized
ing-learning process. Contrary to traditional information, students develop memorization
instruction, which encourages students to strategies that tend to decontextualize their
imitate external knowledge, situated learning knowledge, promoting compliant cognition
environments attempt to help students to (McCaslin & Good, 1992). As a consequence,
improve their cognitive abilities, self-monitor- traditional testing strategies are often counter-
ing, and self-correcting skills. Learning envi- productive for the solving of real-world prob-
ronments need to encourage active learning lems (Collins, 1990).
and provide opportunities for students to Another problem with traditional testing is
internalize information. In this sense, facilita- that it tends to emphasize evaluation, or classi-
64 ~ , Vol. 43, No. 2

fication, as a primary goal. Evaluation typically 1989). Progress and achievement are measured
involves a judgment of the value, worth, or against the individual's unique goals or past
merit of one's effort according to external cri- achievements rather than against group norms
teria. Students are judged as having learned or or criteria (Zimmerman, 1992).
not learned relative to such criteria. The pur-
pose is not to promote individual cognitive
growth, but to determine the external import- Flexible, Transferable Knowledge and Skill
ance of such growth. In traditional tests, the
In situated learning environments, the goal is
criteria for acceptability are based on the
to process information deeply and restructure
instructional goals or objectives of teachers,
knowledge accordingly, and to apply knowl-
curricula or administrators; the testing is sepa-
edge and skills flexibly across related prob-
rated from the learning process.
lems. Assessment, therefore, places emphasis
Both traditional and contemporary ap- on flexibility in higher-level thinking skills
proaches to assessment play important roles in rather than recollection of a formal body of
gauging performance. However, evaluation knowledge (Spiro et al., 1991). Assessments
methods tend to underestimate growth in cog- stimulate students to think, to react to new sit-
nitive and learning processes and decontex- uations, to review and revise work, to evaluate
tualize assessment from authentic situations. their own and others' work, and to communi-
Since a primary goal of education is to pro- cate results in verbal and visual ways (Bruder,
mote students' thoughtfulness, the basic con- 1993; Campione & Brown, 1990). They cause
cept of testing needs to change, not just the learners to invoke knowledge as a tool to
structure of the tests (Brown, 1989). manipulate and interpret novel circumstances,
not simply to verify those previously encoun-
Trends in Situated Learning Environments

In order to become capable, learners need Diversity and Flexibility of

experience in solving real problems and under- Learner-Centered Measures
standing complex tasks. Assessments, there-
In everyday life, as well as in situated learning
fore, need to approximate real-life tasks more
environments, there are many ways to assess
closely and invoke more complex and chal-
what has been learned. To understand student
lenging mental processes; assessment stan-
thinking, for example, we need to recognize
dards need to reflect multiple perspectives and
the range of strategies students use to solve
diversity-versus-singularity of problem solu-
problems, the circumstances under which stu-
tions (Shepard, 1989). Several trends have
dents use the approaches, and the advantages
that varied strategies offer the students
(Siegler, 1989). We assess students by observ-
ing whether or not they construct plausible
solutions to problems at hand, can provide
In situated learning environments, one's prog- varied points of view on a problem or issue,
ress is considered relative to his or her own can supply well-reasoned rationales for their
goals, intentions, and past achievements. beliefs and so on (Cunningham, 1991). Like-
Assessment focuses on perception-action pro- wise, since learner intentions vary widely, the
cesses as they occur in realistic problem-solv- standards used to assess students cannot be
ing contexts (Young & Kulikowich, 1992). absolute. Instead, the standards are fluid and
Assessment enables learners to focus not only reflect differences between rather than similar-
on performance outcomes, but on diagnosing ities among learners. Assessment, therefore, is
the cognitive processing components, strate- a multidimensional process involving diverse
gies, and knowledge structures that underlie measures and standards related to student
performance (Collins, Brown, & Newman, thought, behavior, or performance.

Generating and Constructing communicate results to others. Assessments

are not intrusive to learning, but rather are a
Whereas most real-world tasks require plan-
natural and integral aspect of it.
ning and executing, multiple-choice tests
require only choosing the best answer. In situ-
ated learning environments, it is important
Assessment Methods
that assessments address the generation of
ideas and the presentation of problem-solving
processes such as planning, implementing, Since assessment in situated learning envi-
and revising. Situated assessment requires ronments emphasizes cognitive and learning
generation as well as selection (Collins, 1990). processes, i m p r o v e m e n t of learning strate-
For example, the Jasper Series requires stu- gies, and higher-order thinking skills,
dents to generate problems not only to assess assessment alternatives typically require var-
understanding of the content but also to ied evidence. Three methods are addressed:
engage them in authentic experience as portfolios, performance assessment, and
experts. An emphasis on doing, rather than concept maps.
simply on measuring aptitudes, reflects more
realistically how everyday decisions are made
(McLellan, 1993).
Many educators have recommended portfolio-
based assessment. Portfolios are purposeful
Continuous, Ongoing Process collections of student work-in-progress and
When e m b e d d e d in realistic tasks, assess- final products, through which external aides
m e n t arises naturally. Assessment is not a can facilitate individual growth and students
separate or terminal activity carried out after can become active in their own assessments.
instruction, but an integral aspect of learning Portfolios can include various learning materi-
(Cunningham, 1991). Consequently, assess- als, such as videotapes, written papers, draw-
ment is an on-going, embedded process. In ings, computer programs, and so forth. For
cognitive apprenticeships, for example, the example, an artist's portfolio might include art
student is provided the means to construct works created with a range of art media and
individual interpretations of problems con- techniques, works in progress, preliminary
tained in the environment. The master pro- sketches and completed works, and journal
vides and demonstrates tools with which to entries as well as commentaries by teachers,
inquire into problems and manage cognitive students, and peers (Zimmerman, 1992). Port-
growth. Assessment, therefore, becomes a folios allow students to examine cognitive
natural process through which learners diag- growth over time to become better informed,
nose their needs and seek support to bridge thoughtful, and reflective assessors of their
the gaps between apprentice and master per- efforts. They provide concrete referents with
formance. which teachers can guide and support the
learner in attaining his or her own goals (Gard-
ner, 1989; Wolf, 1989).
Ecological Validity
Finally, assessment should be integral to learn- PerformanceAssessment
ing and authentic (Collins, 1990; Young, 1993).
In problem-solving settings beyond the class- Performance assessment refers to the process
room, individuals decide what tools to use, of asking the student to produce things or to
what information is pertinent, how the infor- perform tasks that require given skills. Perfor-
mation should be organized, what parameters mance assessment requires a collection of com-
restrict the solution, and which ideas should plementary sources such as observations of
be explored further or discarded. After pro- student performance, exhibits, presentations,
cessing information, students must be able to interviews, student-generated projects, simu-
66 ETR&D,Vol. 43, No. 2

lations, and role-playing (Dana & Tippins, Summan/

1993). In order to be authentic, the perfor-
mance must have some connections to the real Often, traditional tests and testing methods
world or some aspect of that world; that is, it fail to measure important educational out-
must be an application rather than a recollec- comes. They emphasize homogenized recall of
tion of knowledge (Bergen, 1993). Good per- memorized factual knowledge and procedures
formance assessments reflect the complexity of rather than unique, and highly differentiated
real worlds and measures many facets simulta- reflection. Because traditional tests judge per-
neously. formance based on external criteria, they typi-
Performance assessment involves the pre- cally emphasize standards which can be
sentation of a task, special project, or investi- applied to typical students. In order to be use-
gation associated with either a routine or ful in promoting higher thinking skills, testing
problematic situation. For example, assess- needs to shift from domain-referenced evalua-
ments in science might examine the handling tions to student-centered assessments. Stu-
of devices for experiments, the design of dent-centered assessment emphasizes the
experiments to prove hypotheses, and the ability to diagnose and manage cognitive
development of argumentation supported by growth rather than to evaluate student
empirical evidence. During performance achievement.
assessments, students have the opportunity to
demonstrate wide-ranging abilities. The per-
formance task allows students to function in
roles similar to those expected in real-world IMPLICATIONS AND CONCLUSIONS
settings. Through performance assessment,
students recognize that learning is not simply Situated cognition has several implications for
an exercise in memorization, but one of devel- learning system design as well as teaching and
oping a sense of both the depth of particular learning processes. First, situated cognition
disciplines and an appreciation for the com- emphasizes higher-order thinking skills over
plexity of areas under study (Dana & Tippins, memorization of factual information. By pro-
1993). viding complex, ill-defined, and authentic
tasks, situated learning environments attempt
to cultivate awareness, the ability to retrieve
ConceptMaps relevant information when needed, skills in
the metacognitive monitoring of progress
Concept maps help students to represent con-
toward a solution, and the reasoning experts
cepts in concrete, meaningful ways. Concept
experience in real-world problem-solving. Sit-
maps are diagrams that indicate the organiza-
uated learning environments induce inferen-
tion of lesson, unit, or domain knowledge
tial reasoning, monitoring and regulation of
(Vargas & Alvarez, 1992). After identifying
problem solving, and utilization of metacogni-
concepts relevant to a particular topic, stu-
tive skills (Winn, 1993).
dents create mental models by organizing
along dimensions such as hierarchies and Next, situated learning systems focus on
chronologies. The relationships are then iden- growth, primarily in student cognition. The
tiffed and labeled. Through mapping, students Cognition and Technology Group at
connect concepts to represent the personal Vanderbilt (1990), for example, suggested that
meanings they hold for these concepts. Since a primary goal of situated learning was to
concept maps provide a rich view of knowl- allow students (and teachers) to experience the
edge and the ability to differentiate among effects of new knowledge on their perception
concepts, they provide a useful way to assess and understanding of their environments.
different levels of understanding and cognitive They wanted students " . . . to experience what
growth (Cliburn, 1990; Holmes & Leitzel, it is like to grow from novices who have only a
1993). single viewpoint to relatively sophisticated

experts who have explored an environment transfer tasks to problem solving and far trans-
from multiple points of view" (p. 9). fer.
The role of context in learning is not new in
Through exploration, students construct
educational research. However, situated learn-
understanding rather than being taught spe-
ing environments provide a broader, more
cific knowledge (Winn, 1993). According to
inclusive way to conceptualize the process.
Brown and Duguid (1993), "One of the power-
Several questions, however, need to be
ful implications of situated learning is that the
answered related to the practical implications
best way to support learning is from the
of situated learning. While "just plain folks"
demand side rather than the supply side; that
behave and learn in everyday life, their knowl-
is, rather than deciding ahead of time what a
edge and performance is not the same as the
learner needs to know and making this explic-
experts'. They do many things inaccurately
itly available to the exclusion of everything
and inefficiently and possess many misconcep-
else, designers and instructors need to make
tions about daily life. Some understanding,
available as much as possible of the whole rich
such as scientific concepts like gravity and
web of practice, allowing the learner to call earth rotation, require opportunities beyond
upon aspects of practice as they are needed." our everyday experience. In many cases,
The designer moves from the organization of everyday experiences actually hinder learning.
content and sequence to the creation of envi- We need to know more about how learning
ronments that induce, then facilitate, under- occurs in everyday life, how the cognitive pro-
standing. cesses and mental models derived in everyday
Situated learning environments often life differ from formal learning models, and
require powerful, but different, roles for teach- how the learner interacts with his or her envi-
ers. Young (1993) characterized the need for ronment.
teacher-support materials: "A major reason for
the lack of emphasis on problem generation
Jeong-lm Choi and Michael Hannafin are with the
and on complex problem solving is the difficul- Instruction Systems Program, Department of
ties teachers face in communicating problem Educational Research, Florida State University.
contexts that are motivating and complex yet
ultimately solvable by students." In addition,
since situated learning requires the change of REFERENCES
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