Risk Assessment - P&M

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Ref: WDFC/EMP-16/SLT/SHE/034, Rev 00


Name of the Project/ Site: WDFC, Phase-II, EMP-16 , Kharbao TSS site Business Unit: RBU
Activity considered: Plant and Machinery Date: 22.12.2017

Additional Control

Hazard / Environmental Aspect

Residual Risk /
Risk/ Impact
Measures ( If a list is


Source / Situation Possible Out People at Action By
Activity Existing Control Measure exhaustive, Give only

/ Act come risk a doc Ref no. of the
Safe Work Method )

1 Lubricant Minor spillage Skin Workmen i)Trained workmen only involved i) Safe work
handling - irritation ii) Use of PPE (rubber hand gloves, procedure for
Normal Nose mask, Goggles, Safety shoe)
handlings and P&M In charge
3 1 L
training to all staff
and workmen.
ii) Maintain MSDS
and training to all.
2 Lubricant - Major spillage, Major Workmen, i) Trained workmen only involved i) Safe work
Mishandling Wastage of injury, ill Staff ii) Use of PPE (rubber hand gloves, procedure
lubricants, Soil health, Lubricants handling
Nose mask, Goggles, Safety shoe)
contamination, Loss of and training to all
Fire hazard material. iii) Use of oil pump mandatory, staff and workmen.
inspection of pump before use. ii) Training for fire
extinguisher P&M In charge,
iv) Use of Lubricant collection can
2 3 M operation L
and spill control tray. iii) Spill control SHO
v) Availability of Fire extinguisher arrangement at
near lubricant handling area.
iv) Onsite
Emergency plan.
v) Maintain MSDS
and training to all.
3 Handling Live electrical Electrical Workmen i) Trained workmen only involved
i) Safe work
Electrical connection, shock, and ii) Use of PPE (Electrical rubber procedure for
Vibration, Electrocuti technician
equipment hand gloves, Nose mask, Goggles, working on
Noise, on,
(Power Manual material Prolonged Safety shoe, helmet, ear plug)
equipment and
panel, New handling, vibration iii) Permit to work for electrical work periodical training
Slip and trip. cause
power iv) Log out / tag out system for technician and
White P&M In charge,
connection, v) Medical checkup of workmen and workmen.
finger, 3 3 M L SHO
ii) Medical checkup
Vibrator, D.G numbness, technician for workmen and
Operation vi) Training for manual material technician.
handling and electrical safety. iii) Vibration
vii) Periodical inspection of electrical
equipment. iv) Onsite
Emergency plan.

4 Maintenance Spillage of oil, Soil Technician i) Trained workmen only involved i) Safe work
- Preventive handling of tools contaminat ii) Use of PPE (Hand gloves, Nose procedure for
/ slip of tools, ion, Preventive
mask, Goggles, Safety shoe,
Space minor maintenance and
constraint, injury, Helmet, ear plug) training to
Lack of Back pain, iii) Permit to work and Log out / tag technician.
illumination, Slip and ii) MSDS for oil and
out system
Static, rotatory trip, lubricants and
parts entanglem iv) Training for preventive training to all. P&M In charge,
ent, 3 3 M iii) Onsite L SHO
maintenance and proper handling of
entrapment Emergency plan.
v) Proper use of lubricants and filters
vi) Adequate lighting arrangement.
vii) Avoid wearing of tight clothes,
Neck chain, and bracelet during
maintenance work.
5 Maintenance Spillage of Soil Workmen i) Trained workmen only involved i) Safe work
- Breakdown diesel and contaminat and ii) Use of PPE (Hand gloves, Nose procedure for
engine oil, ion, technician breakdown
Abnormal mask, Goggles, Safety shoe,
Soil loss of maintenance and
contamination, material, Helmet, ear plug) training to
Fire hazard, Loss of iii) Permit to work and Log out / tag technician.
Static, rotatory time, ii) MSDS for oil and
out system
parts lubricants and
iv) Maintaining adequate spare and training to all. P&M In charge,
2 3 M iii) Onsite L SHO
Emergency plan.
v) Availability of Fire extinguisher at
work location.
vi) Avoid wearing of tight clothes,
Neck chain, and bracelet during
maintenance work.

6 Maintenance Spillage of Air Staff, i) Trained workmen only involved i) Safe work
- Breakdown diesel and pollution, workmen, ii) Use of PPE (Hand gloves, Nose procedure for
engine oil, Soil public and breakdown
Emergency mask, Goggles, Safety shoe,
Soil pollution, neighbor maintenance during
contamination, More Helmet, ear plug) emergency and
Fire hazard, consumpti iii) Permit to work and Log out / tag training to
Static, rotatory on of technician,
out system
parts engine oil, workmen and staff.
diesel and iv) Availability of Fire extinguisher. ii) MSDS for oil and
P&M In charge,
lubricants, v) Ensure preventive maintenance 2 3 M lubricants and L SHO
Loss of training to all.
carried out as per schedule and
time iii) Onsite
monitoring of P&M. Emergency plan.
vi) Training for emergency situation
and roles and responsibility.
vi) Avoid wearing of tight clothes,
Neck chain, and bracelet during
maintenance work.
7 Maintenance Noise, Vibration, Hearing Technician i) Trained workmen only involved i) Safe work
- Condition Live electrical loss, ii) Use of PPE (Hand gloves procedure for
connection, numbness, condition
monitoring electrical, Nose mask, Safety shoe,
equipment Electrical monitoring. P&M In charge
4 2 M L
shock Helmet, ear plug) iii) Onsite
iii) Permit to work for working on Emergency plan.

near live electrical connection.

8 Energy More energy - Environme i) Proper maintenance of P&M i) Daily energy
Management consumption, nt, ii) Replacement of P&M as per age consumption shall
Energy be recorded and
bar chart.
wastages. monitored for
iii) Providing training to all staff and optimizing the
workmen for proper utilization of energy
requirements of the
electricity, avoiding wastages.
site. P&M In charge
iv) Display of energy conservation 4 3 M L
ii) Replacement of
messages on all switch boards normal tube lights
with Energy saving
iii) Energy saving /
star rated
equipment shall be
9 Loading and Fall of material, Serious Workmen, i) Licensed / Competent crane i) Safe work
unloading of breaking of injury, staff and operator only involved. procedure for crane
slings, Damage of public. operation and
construction ii) Use of PPE (Safety shoe,
Crane material inspection of tools
materials breakdown, Reflective jacket, Helmet, ear plug) and tackles.
with the help Failure of crane iii) Inspection of Crane and tools and ii) Onsite P&M In charge,
function, 3 3 M Emergency plan. L SHO
of crane. tackles before use.
operator iv) Test certificate of crane and Tools
and tackles.
v) Checking of climate condition
(high wind etc.)
Prashant Praveen A.VIJAYARAMAN

P&M In-charge CAPO

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