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WHO pharmaceuticals


WHO Vision for Safety of The WHO pharmaceuticals newsletter provides you
Medicinal Products
No country left behind: with the latest information on the safety of medicinal
worldwide pharmacovigilance products and regulatory actions taken by authorities
for safer medicinal products, around the world.
safer patients

The aim of the newsletter is

to disseminate regulatory
information on the safety of
medicinal products,
based on communications
received from our network of
national pharmacovigilance centres
and other sources such as
specialized bulletins and journals,
as well as partners in WHO.

The information is produced in

the form of résumés in English, full
texts of which may be obtained on
request from:
World Health Organization, Regulatory matters
1211 Geneva 27, Switzerland,
E-mail address: Safety of medicinal products
This newsletter is also available at:
WHO pharmaceuticals newsletter No. 3, 2024

ISBN 978-92-4-009623-3 (electronic version)

ISBN 978-92-4-009624-0 (print version)

© World Health Organization 2024

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Suggested citation. WHO Pharmaceuticals Newsletter No. 3, 2024. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2024.
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Regulatory matters

Denosumab .......................................................................................................................... 4
Finasteride ............................................................................................................................ 4
Fluoroquinolone antibiotics ................................................................................................... 5
Melphalan flufenamide .......................................................................................................... 5
Montelukast .......................................................................................................................... 6
Oral anticoagulants ............................................................................................................... 6
Promethazine hydrochloride injection.................................................................................... 6
Valproate .............................................................................................................................. 7
Venlafaxine ........................................................................................................................... 8
Safety of medicinal products

Aripiprazole ........................................................................................................................... 9
Chimeric Antigen Receptor (CAR) T cell Immunotherapies ................................................... 9
Modafinil and armodafinil .................................................................................................... 10
Nirmatrelvir/ritonavir ............................................................................................................ 10
Omega-3-acid ethyl esters .................................................................................................. 11
Paracetamol........................................................................................................................ 11
Pseudoephedrine ................................................................................................................ 11
Valaciclovir and aciclovir ..................................................................................................... 12
Vitamin B12 (hydroxocobalamin, cyanocobalamin) ............................................................. 12

All the previous issues of the WHO Pharmaceuticals Newsletter can be accessed from our

WHO pharmaceuticals newsletter No. 3, 2024 • 3

Regulatory matters

Denosumab prescribing information fatal cases) have been

about the significant risk of reported. This is
Risk of severe developing severe particularly observed in
hypocalcemia hypocalcemia in patients patients with severe renal
with advanced CKD. This impairment, receiving
1. United States. The US
warning and new labelling dialysis or treatment with
Food and Drug
contains information to other calcium-lowering
Administration (FDA) has
help reduce this risk, drugs. While most cases
concluded that the
including appropriate occurred in the first weeks
osteoporosis medicine
patient selection for of initiating therapy, it can
denosumab (Prolia®)
denosumab treatment, also occur later. Examples
increases the risk of severe
increased monitoring of of the clinical
hypocalcemia, very low
blood calcium levels, and manifestations of severe
blood calcium levels, in
other strategies. The FDA is symptomatic hypocalcemia
patients with advanced
adding this updated have included QT interval
chronic kidney disease
information to the patient prolongation, tetany,
(CKD), particularly patients
Medication Guide and the convulsions and altered
on dialysis. Severe
denosumab Risk Evaluation mental status.
hypocalcemia appears to
and Mitigation Strategy
be more common in Based on the data
patients with CKD who also submitted and reviewed by
have a condition known as Reference: Health Canada, the safety
mineral and bone disorder Drug safety and efficacy of denosumab
(CKD-MBD). In patients communication, US FDA, (Prolia®) in paediatric
with advanced CKD taking 19 January 2024 (link to the patients has not been
denosumab, severe source within established; therefore,
hypocalcemia resulted in (See also WHO Pharmaceuticals Health Canada has not
serious harm, including Newsletter No.1, 2023: authorized an indication for
hospitalization, life- Denosumab and potential risk of
severe hypocalcemia in patients on paediatric use. In clinical
threatening events, and dialysis) trials, hypercalcemia has
death. been reported in paediatric
2. Canada. Health Canada patients with osteogenesis
Denosumab is a has alerted health-care imperfecta treated with
monoclonal antibody professionals that the denosumab. Some cases
initially developed for the Indications, Warnings and required hospitalization and
treatment of osteoporosis Precautions, Adverse were complicated by acute
in postmenopausal women Reactions (Post-Market renal injury.
at increased risk of fracture Adverse Reactions), Clinical
or who are refractory to or Pharmacology Reference:
cannot tolerate other (Pharmacokinetics, Special Health Product InfoWatch,
therapies. Denosumab was Populations and Health Canada, 25 January
later approved to increase Conditions), and Patient 2024 (link to the source within
bone mass in men with Medication Information
osteoporosis; to treat men sections of the Canadian
with high risk for fracture product monograph for
receiving androgen denosumab (Prolia®) have Finasteride
deprivation therapy for been updated with
prostate cancer; to treat additional information on Risk of mood alterations
women at high risk for the risk of severe
fracture receiving symptomatic hypocalcemia Canada. Health Canada
aromatase inhibitor therapy and safety in paediatric has alerted health-care
for breast cancer; and, to patients. professionals that the
treat men and women with Warnings, Precautions and
glucocorticoid-induced In the post-market setting, Patient Medication
osteoporosis. severe symptomatic Information sections of the
hypocalcemia (resulting in Canadian product
FDA is adding a Boxed hospitalization, life- monographs for finasteride
Warning to the denosumab threatening events and (Propecia® and Proscar®)
WHO pharmaceuticals newsletter No. 3, 2024 • 4
Regulatory matters

have been updated with use due to risk of infection

the risk of mood alterations disabling and potentially • other first-line antibiotics
including depressed mood, long-lasting or are contraindicated in an
depression, self-harm irreversible side effects individual patient
injury and suicidal ideation. • other first-line antibiotics
United Kingdom. The have caused side effects
Finasteride is indicated the Medicines and Healthcare in the patient requiring
treatment and control of Products Regulatory treatment to be stopped
prostate gland enlargement Agency (MHRA) has • treatment with other
(benign prostatic updated indications for first-line antibiotics has
hyperplasia), and for the systemic (by mouth, failed
treatment of male pattern injection, or inhalation)
hair loss (androgenetic fluoroquinolone antibiotics. Reference:
alopecia). It has been suggested that Drug Safety Update, MHRA,
There have been post- they must only be used in 22 January 2024 (link to the
marketing reports of situations when other source within
serious psychiatric antibiotics, that are (See also WHO Pharmaceuticals
symptoms in patients commonly recommended Newsletter No.4, 2023:
treated with finasteride for the infection, are Fluoroquinolone antibiotics and
reminder of risk of long-lasting,
that sometimes continued inappropriate, as they can
disabling and potentially
after treatment cause long-lasting (up to irreversible adverse reactions)
discontinuation. Mood months or years), disabling
alterations including and potentially irreversible
depressed mood, side effects, sometimes
affecting multiple body
depression, self-harm flufenamide
injury, suicidal ideation, as systems and senses.
well as worsening of pre- Fluoroquinolone antibiotics Withdrawal of approval
existing depression have are a group of medicines
been reported in patients United States. US FDA
that kill bacteria and have
treated with finasteride. announced its final decision
an important role in
to withdraw approval of
It is recommended that all treating certain life-
melphalan flufenamide
patients be screened for threatening infections.
suicidal ideation, self-harm, They include ciprofloxacin,
and depression and/or delafloxacin, levofloxacin, In February 2021, US FDA
associated risk factors moxifloxacin, and approved melphalan
before treatment initiation. ofloxacin. flufenamide under
Clinical monitoring of all accelerated approval for
Restrictions to the use of
patients for signs and use in combination with
fluoroquinolones were
symptoms of psychiatric dexamethasone to treat
introduced in 2019 to
disorders should continue adult patients with relapsed
minimise the risk of these
throughout treatment and or refractory multiple
reactions. In 2023 the
afterward. myeloma who have
MHRA reviewed the
received at least four prior
Reference: effectiveness of these
lines of therapy and whose
Health Product InfoWatch, measures in the UK and
disease was refractory to at
Health Canada, 25 January has taken additional action
least one proteasome
2024 (link to the source within to further minimise the
inhibitor, one risk.
immunomodulatory agent,
(See also WHO Pharmaceuticals Situations in which other and one CD38-directed
Newsletter No.2, 2023: Finasteride
and risk of suicidal ideation and
antibiotics are considered monoclonal antibody. The
self-injury, and No.4 2022: to be inappropriate and a manufacturer was required
Finasteride and potential risk of fluoroquinolone may be to conduct the post-
suicidal ideation in Singapore)
indicated include: approval confirmatory trial
Fluoroquinolone as a post-approval
• there is resistance to
antibiotics requirement under the
other first-line antibiotics
accelerated approval
recommended for the
Further restrictions for program.
WHO pharmaceuticals newsletter No. 3, 2024 • 5
Regulatory matters

The FDA determined the (PRAC), having completed etexilate

following grounds for a review of data related to methanesulfonate,
withdrawal were met: (1) the known risk of rivaroxaban, and warfarin
the confirmatory study neuropsychiatric events potassium. They are
conducted as a condition of with montelukast, has indicated for the prevention
accelerated approval did recommended a new boxed and treatment of
not confirm melphalan warning in product thromboembolic conditions.
flufenamide’s clinical information to further raise
Health-care professionals
benefit, and (2) the awareness of this risk.
are requested to pay
available evidence Health-care professionals
sufficient attention to the
demonstrates that are advised that treatment
onset of acute kidney
melphalan flufenamide is with montelukast should be
injury related to the
not shown to be safe or discontinued if
administration of oral
effective under its neuropsychiatric symptoms
anticoagulants as well as to
conditions of use. occur during treatment.
take appropriate measures
Reference: considering the possibility
Drug safety and of anticoagulant-related
HPRA drug safety
availability, US FDA, 23 nephropathy when acute
newsletter, HPRA, 21
February 2024 (link to the kidney injury is noted in
December 2023 (link to the
source within source within patients treated with oral
(See also WHO Pharmaceuticals anticoagulants.
Montelukast Newsletter No.1, 2021:
Montelukast and Risk of psychiatric
effects) Pharmaceuticals and
New boxed warning for
Medical Devices Safety
the risk of
Information , MHLW/PMDA,
neuropsychiatric events
19 December 2023 (link to
Oral anticoagulants
Ireland. The Health the source within
Products Regulatory Risk of acute kidney
Authority (HPRA) has injury (See also WHO Pharmaceuticals
announced that a new Newsletter No.4, 2023: Oral
boxed warning will be Japan. The Ministry of anticoagulants and potential risk of
anticoagulant-related nephropathy
included in both the Health, Labour and Welfare (ARN))
Summary of Product (MHLW) and the
Characteristics (SmPC) and Pharmaceuticals and
the package leaflet of Medical Devices Agency
(PMDA) have issued a Promethazine
montelukast to raise
notification instructing the hydrochloride
further awareness of the
addition of “acute kidney injection
risk of neuropsychiatric
events, such as behavioural injury” to the Clinically Risk of severe chemical
changes, depression and Significant Adverse irritation and damage to
suicidality. The symptoms Reactions section in the tissues
may be serious and can PRECAUTIONS of oral
continue if treatment is not anticoagulants. The United States. US FDA is
withdrawn. notification was in response alerting health care
to the cases reported in professionals of labelling
Montelukast is an orally Japan for which a causal updates intended to further
active leukotriene receptor relationship between oral reduce the risk of severe
antagonist indicated for use anticoagulants and acute chemical irritation and
in the prophylaxis and kidney injury including damage to tissues from
treatment of asthmatic anticoagulant-related intravenous administration
conditions. nephropathy was of promethazine
reasonably possible. hydrochloride injection.
The European Medicines
Agency’s (EMA) Oral anticoagulants include Promethazine
Pharmacovigilance Risk apixaban, edoxaban hydrochloride injection is
Assessment Committee tosilate hydrate, dabigatran indicated to help manage

WHO pharmaceuticals newsletter No. 3, 2024 • 6

Regulatory matters

certain allergic reactions, disorders in children born consulted patients and

motion sickness, post- to men treated with clinical experts.
operative nausea and valproate during the 3
vomiting, and as a sedative months before conception. The retrospective
or adjunct to analgesics. Neurodevelopmental observational study used
disorders are problems data from multiple registry
FDA recommends health-
with development that databases in Denmark,
care professionals
begin in early childhood, Norway and Sweden and
administer promethazine
such as autism spectrum focused on birth outcomes
hydrochloride injection by
disorders, intellectual in children born to men
deep intramuscular
disability, communication who were taking valproate
administration instead of
disorders, attention or taking lamotrigine or
intravenous administration.
deficit/hyperactivity levetiracetam (other
If promethazine
disorders and movement medicines to treat
hydrochloride injection
disorders. conditions similar to those
must be administered
treated with valproate)
intravenously, health care
Valproate medicines are around the time of
professionals should review
used to treat epilepsy, conception. The results of
and follow the updated
bipolar disorders and, in the study suggest there
information in the labelling
some EU countries, may be an increased risk of
to dilute promethazine
migraine. neurodevelopmental
hydrochloride injection and
disorders in children born
administer by intravenous
The PRAC recommends to men taking valproate in
infusion to reduce the risk
that valproate treatment in the 3 months before
of severe tissue injury.
male patients is started conception.
FDA has required that and supervised by a
manufacturers update their specialist in the The data showed that
prescribing information for management of epilepsy, around 5 out of 100
promethazine bipolar disorder or children had a
hydrochloride injection to migraine. Doctors should neurodevelopmental
include new safety inform male patients who disorder when born to
information and update the are taking valproate about fathers treated with
carton labelling and the possible risk and valproate compared with
container labels with the discuss the need to around 3 out of 100 when
corresponding information. consider effective born to fathers treated with
contraception, for both the lamotrigine or
patient and their female levetiracetam. The study
Drug safety and
partner. Valproate did not investigate the risk
availability, US FDA, 27
treatment of male patients in children born to men
December 2023 (link to the
should be reviewed who stopped using
source within
regularly to consider valproate more than 3
whether it remains the months before conception.
most suitable treatment,
Valproate particularly when the The possible risk in children
Potential increased risk patient is planning to born to men treated with
of neurodevelopmental conceive a child. valproate in the 3 months
disorders in children In reaching its conclusion, before conception is lower
the PRAC reviewed data than the previously
1. Europe. The PRAC of from a retrospective confirmed risk in children
EMA is recommending observational study carried born to women treated
precautionary measures for out by companies that with valproate during
the treatment of male market valproate and data pregnancy. It is estimated
patients with valproate from other sources, that up to 30 to 40 out of
medicines. These measures including non-clinical 100 preschool children
are to address a potential (laboratory) studies and whose mothers took
increased risk of scientific literature, and valproate during pregnancy
neurodevelopmental may have problems with

WHO pharmaceuticals newsletter No. 3, 2024 • 7

Regulatory matters

early childhood unless two specialists and/or other medicinal

development, such as independently consider and products.
being slow to walk and document that there is no
talk, being intellectually other effective or tolerated Venlafaxine is a dual-acting
less able than other treatment, or there are serotonin (5-HT) and
children, and having compelling reasons that the norepinephrine (NE)
difficulty with language and reproductive risks do not reuptake inhibitor (SNRI).
memory. apply. For the majority of It is authorized for the
patients, other effective treatment of depression,
The potential risk of treatment options are prevention of relapse and
neurodevelopmental available. prevention of recurrence of
disorders and the depression, and treatment
precautionary measures Exposure to valproate in of anxiety and panic-
will be reflected in updates pregnancy is associated related disorders.
to the product information with physical birth defects
Following a periodic safety
and educational material in 11% of babies and
review of available data
for valproate medicines. neurodevelopmental
from the literature and
disorders in up to 30-40%
spontaneous reports, the
Reference: of children, which may lead
PRAC of EMA has
News, EMA, 12 January to permanent disability.
recommended an update to
2024 (link to the source within Since 2018, valproate has
product information to been contraindicated in
expand advice and
women of childbearing
(See also WHO Pharmaceuticals warnings regarding the
Newsletter No.4, 2023: Valproate potential unless the
established risk for serious
and New study on potential risk of conditions of the Pregnancy
neurodevelopmental disorders outcomes due to suicide
Prevention Programme
(NDDs) in children after paternal attempts, misuse,
exposure, No.3, 2023: Valproic (PPP) are followed.
acid and risks of birth defects and
overdoses, and severe
developmental disorders in Reference: poisoning.
children, No.1, 2023: Valproate and Drug safety updates,
risks in pregnancy and potential Health-care professionals
MHRA, 22 January 2024
risks in male patients in UK, and are advised to prescribe
No.2, 2023: summary of ACSoMP (link to the source within
meeting on 14 December 2022) venlafaxine for the smallest
quantity consistent with
2. United Kingdom. The good patient management,
MHRA has introduced new to reduce the risk of
safety and educational overdose. Patients should
materials for men and Risk of overdose and be advised not to use
women and healthcare severe poisoning alcohol, considering its
professionals to reduce the central nervous system
harms from valproate, Ireland. The HPRA has (CNS) effects and potential
including the significant updated warning and of clinical worsening of
risk of serious harm to the advice on complex cases psychiatric conditions, and
baby if taken during involving overdose and the potential for adverse
pregnancy and the risk of severe poisoning for interactions with
impaired fertility in males. patients treated with venlafaxine including CNS
venlafaxine. Overdose with depressant effects.
Health-care professionals venlafaxine, including
are advised that valproate cases with fatal outcomes, Reference:
must not be started in new have been reported HPRA drug safety
patients (male or female) predominantly in newsletter, HPRA, 21
younger than 55 years, combination with alcohol December 2023 (link to the
source within

WHO pharmaceuticals newsletter No. 3, 2024 • 8

Safety of medicinal products

Aripiprazole 1. United States. US FDA participants receiving

is investigating serious risk treatment with these
Risk of pathological of T-cell malignancy products should be
gambling following BCMA-directed or monitored life-long for new
CD19-directed autologous malignancies. In the event
United Kingdom. The Chimeric Antigen Receptor that a new malignancy
MHRA is reminding health- (CAR) T cell occurs following treatment
care professionals of the immunotherapies. with these products,
risk of addictive gambling contact the manufacturer
and other impulse control CAR T cell to report the event and
disorders with the use of immunotherapies are obtain instructions on
aripiprazole. human gene therapy collection of patient
products in which the T cell samples for testing for the
Aripiprazole is a medicine specificity is genetically presence of the Chimeric
that helps with the modified to enable Antigen Receptor (CAR)
management of recognition of a desired transgene.
schizophrenia and bipolar target antigen for
disorder. therapeutic purposes. Reference:
Safety & Availability
From 30 June 2009 to 28 US FDA has received (Biologics), US FDA, 28
August 2023, the MHRA reports of T-cell November 2023 (link to the
received 69 Yellow Card malignancies, including source within
reports citing aripiprazole chimeric antigen receptor
as a suspect medicine for CAR-positive lymphoma, in 2. Saudi Arabia. The
side effects of gambling or patients who received Saudi Food & Drug
gambling disorder. Across treatment with BCMA- or Authority (SFDA) has
the 69 reports of gambling CD19-directed autologous notified health-care
and gambling disorder, CAR T cell professionals about the
most reports concerned immunotherapies. Reports potential risk of T-cell
people aged 20 to 40 were received from clinical malignancy associated with
years, although there were trials and/or post the use of chimeric antigen
reports in patients up to 60 marketing adverse event receptor (CAR) T cell
years of age. In many (AE) data sources. US FDA Immunotherapies.
cases the patients had no has determined that the
SFDA has reviewed the
previous history of risk of T-cell malignancies
current evidence, including
gambling behaviour. In the is applicable to all currently
published literature and
majority of cases, cessation approved BCMA-directed
post-marketing data to
of aripiprazole led to a and CD19-directed
assess the association
marked reduction or total genetically modified
between the potential risk
loss of impulses to gamble. autologous CAR T cell
of T-cell malignancies with
Reference: CAR T-cell immunotherapy,
Drug safety update, MHRA, Although the overall and found one clinical trial
18 December 2023 (link to benefits of these products and two published case
the source within continue to outweigh their reports suggesting a
potential risks for their possible association
approved uses, US FDA is between secondary T -cell
investigating the identified malignancy with CAR T-cell
Chimeric Antigen
risk of T cell malignancy immunotherapy. In
Receptor (CAR) T with serious outcomes, addition, SFDA identified
cell including hospitalization 10 serious spontaneous
and death, and is case reports of T-cell
Immunotherapies evaluating the need for malignancies in VigiBase
regulatory action. with tisagenlecleucel
Risk of T-cell malignancy
(KYMRIAH®) and
Patients and clinical trial
WHO pharmaceuticals newsletter No. 3, 2024 • 9
Safety of medicinal products

axicabtagene ciloleucel patients presenting with transplanted organs.

(YESCARTA®) (5 cases prodromal symptoms such
each). as flu-like symptoms,
should only be given with
mouth ulcers, sore throat
SFDA has requested a tacrolimus, ciclosporin,
and ditto conjunctivitis.
comprehensive signal everolimus or sirolimus if
evaluation report from Reference: close and regular
marketing authorization Safety Alerts, HSA, 15 monitoring of their blood
holders of these products. December 2023 (link to the levels is possible, to reduce
source within the risk of drug-drug
Reference: interactions causing serious
SFDA safety reactions. Health-care
communication, SFDA, 27 professionals need to
February 2024 (link to the
consult with a
source within Risk of serious and multidisciplinary group of
potentially fatal adverse specialists to manage the
complexity of taking these
medicines together.
Modafinil and
Europe. The PRAC of EMA The PRAC reviewed all
armodafinil has reminded health-care available evidence,
professionals of the risk of including reports of serious
Risk of severe cutaneous
serious and potentially fatal adverse reactions, some of
adverse reactions adverse reactions with which were fatal, resulting
(SCARs) nirmatrelvir/ritonavir from drug-drug interactions
(Paxlovid®) when used in between
Singapore. The Health
combination with certain nirmatrelvir/ritonavir and
Sciences Authority (HSA)
immunosuppressants that these
has alerted the public on
have a narrow safe dosage immunosuppressants. In
the severe cutaneous
range (where small several cases, blood levels
adverse reactions (SCARs)
changes in the dose can of these
including Stevens-Johnson
lead to serious adverse immunosuppressants
syndrome (SJS), with the
reactions), due to drug- increased rapidly to toxic
use of modafinil and
drug interactions reducing levels resulting in life-
the body’s ability to threatening conditions.
Modafinil and armodafinil eliminate these medicines. Therefore, the PRAC agreed
are used for the treatment on a direct health-care
Nirmatrelvir/ritonavir is a
of conditions that involve professional communication
medicine used for treating
excessive somnolence such (DHPC) to remind health-
COVID-19 in adults who do
as narcolepsy and care professionals of the
not require supplemental
obstructive sleep apnoea. risk of these interactions,
oxygen and who are at
As at 31 October 2023, increased risk of the which is known and already
HSA has received nine disease becoming severe. described in the product
adverse event reports with The immunosuppressants information for this
modafinil and armodafinil. concerned are called medicine.
Seven reports were calcineurin inhibitors Reference:
dermatological/cutaneous (tacrolimus, ciclosporin) News, EMA, 9 February
reactions, and of these and mTOR inhibitors 2024 (link to the source within
three reports were SJS. (everolimus, sirolimus),
The remaining two reports which reduce the activity of
(See also WHO Pharmaceuticals
described increased the immune system. They Newsletter No.3, 2023:
paranoia and giddiness. are used for treating Nirmatrelvir-ritonavir and
immunosuppressants and risk of
certain autoimmune
Health-care professionals adverse events from drug-drug
disorders or for preventing interaction)
are advised to consider the
the body from rejecting
possibility of SCARs in
WHO pharmaceuticals newsletter No. 3, 2024 • 10
Safety of medicinal products

Omega-3-acid palpitations or shortness of impairment. Those with

breath. If atrial fibrillation conditions that may
ethyl esters develops, treatment should predispose to glutathione
be permanently deficiency or depletion and
Risk of atrial fibrillation discontinued. those concomitantly taking
hepatotoxic drugs are also
Europe. The EMA is Reference: considered at risk.
reminding health-care Direct healthcare
professionals by issuing a professional Health-care professionals
Direct Health-care communication, EMA, 1 should take into
Professional December 2023 (link to the consideration any emerging
Communication (DHPC) source within or changing risk factors
that a dose-dependent (e.g. malnourishment,
increased risk of atrial weight loss, dehydration)
(See also WHO Pharmaceuticals
fibrillation (AF) in patients Newsletter No.2, 2024: Omega-3- and maintain awareness
with established acid ethyl esters and risk of atrial over the course of
fibrillation) treatment to any dose
cardiovascular diseases or
cardiovascular risk factors adjustment that may be
who were treated with warranted when prescribing
omega-3-acid ethyl ester Paracetamol or administering
medicines compared to paracetamol.
those treated with placebo. Risk of hepatotoxicity
For some patients
The observed risk was
Ireland. The HPRA has considered to be at higher
found to be highest with a
reminded health-care risk of hepatotoxicity, a
dose of 4 g/day.
professionals that lower starting dose, a
Medicinal products hepatotoxicity in reduction in dose and/or a
containing omega-3 ethyl association with reduced frequency of
esters are indicated for the paracetamol may occur dosing may be appropriate.
reduction of triglyceride even at doses within the
normal therapeutic range Reference:
in patients who are at HPRA drug safety
increased risk. It is newsletter, HPRA, 21
when the response to diet
important to maintain December 2023 (link to the
and other non-
pharmacological measures awareness of any emerging source within

has proved inadequate. or changing risk factors (See also WHO Pharmaceuticals
Newsletter No.5, 2019:
during treatment with
Paracetamol and dangerous when
The PRAC assessed data paracetamol. not used correctly)
from several systematic
Paracetamol is
reviews and meta-analyses
recommended for the
of large randomised
controlled trials (RCTs) that
short-term treatment of Pseudoephedrine
the mild to moderate pain
overall enrolled more than
80,000 patients mostly
such as headache, Risks of posterior
toothache, musculoskeletal reversible
with cardiovascular
disorders and menstrual encephalopathy
diseases or cardiovascular
pain and for fever
risk factors and syndrome (PRES) and
associated with cold and
investigated omega-3 fatty reversible cerebral
acid treatment on
cardiovascular outcomes Patients at an increased syndrome (RCVS)
compared with placebo. risk of hepatotoxicity
include those who are Europe. The EMA is
Health-care professionals
underweight, of low body reminding health-care
should advise patients to
mass index, malnourished, professionals by issuing a
seek medical attention in
dehydrated, chronic Direct Health-care
case of symptoms of atrial
alcoholism or with co- Professional
fibrillation such as light-
existing renal or hepatic
headedness, asthenia, Communication (DHPC)

WHO pharmaceuticals newsletter No. 3, 2024 • 11

Safety of medicinal products

that cases of posterior posterior reversible (link to the source within

encephalopathy syndrome (PRES)
reversible encephalopathy and reversible cerebral
syndrome (PRES) and vasoconstriction syndrome (See also WHO Pharmaceuticals
reversible cerebral (RCVS)) Newsletter No.3, 2020: Aciclovir,
vasoconstriction syndrome valaciclovir risk of ischaemic colitis)
(RCVS), which are serious
conditions affecting the Valaciclovir and
cerebral blood vessels, Vitamin B12
have been reported in aciclovir
patients taking
Risk of drug reaction
pseudoephedrine- cyanocobalamin)
containing medicines. Most with eosinophilia and
reported cases resolved systemic symptoms Risk of cobalt sensitivity
following discontinuation (DRESS) reactions
and appropriate treatment.
South Africa. The South United Kingdom. The
No fatal cases of PRES or
African Health Products MHRA is reminding health-
RCVS have been reported.
Regulatory Authority care professionals the risk
Pseudoephedrine is (SAHPRA) has reminded of cobalt sensitivity
authorized, alone or in health-care professionals reactions in patients being
combination with other about the risk of DRESS treated for vitamin B12
substances, for short-term associated with the use of deficiency. Cobalt
symptomatic relief of nasal valaciclovir/aciclovir- sensitivity reactions
or sinus congestion caused containing medicines. typically present with
by the common cold or DRESS is a rare, but cutaneous symptoms of
allergic rhinitis, vasomotor serious, and potentially chronic or subacute allergic
rhinitis, aerotitis. life-threatening fatal drug contact dermatitis.
Following an EU-wide reaction that includes
fever, severe skin rash or Hydroxocobalamin and
review of reported cases
peeling of the skin over cyanocobalamin are oral
and other available data to
large areas of the body, and injectable forms of
evaluate the risks of PRES
swollen face, elevated vitamin B12 that are used
and RCVS with
white blood cell count to treat vitamin B12
(including eosinophils), and deficiency. Endogenous
containing medicines, it
can affect one or more vitamin B12 and these
has been concluded that
organs (commonly liver). medicines contain a cobalt
pseudoephedrine is
associated with risks of Valaciclovir and aciclovir
PRES and RCVS and that are indicated to treat There is evidence within
the product information various conditions including the literature of cobalt
should be updated to herpes simplex and herpes sensitivity reactions
include information on zoster. occurring following
these adverse reactions administration of vitamin
The SAHPRA has advised
and measures to reduce B12. Additionally, the
health-care professionals
the risks. MHRA received three
that at the time of
Reference: Yellow Card reports, which
prescription, patients
Direct healthcare report vitamin B12 as a
should be advised of the
professional suspect drug and possible
signs and symptoms of
communication, EMA, 8 allergic reactions to cobalt.
DRESS; and monitored for
February 2024 (link to the Following the MHRA’s
skin reactions.
source within review, it was considered Reference: appropriate to improve
Communication to health awareness that
(See also WHO Pharmaceuticals
care professionals, hydroxocobalamin and
Newsletter No.2, 2024:
Pseudoephedrine and risks of SAHPRA, 19 January 2024 cyanocobalamin medicines

WHO pharmaceuticals newsletter No. 3, 2024 • 12

Safety of medicinal products

contain cobalt.

Drug safety update, MHRA,
18 December 2023 (link to
the source within

Call for Submissions

We are very keen to make this newsletter even more useful to all our readers. We are calling out to all
national medical products regulatory authorities to send us the latest information on safety and
regulatory actions on medicinal products from their countries.

We also welcome short reports on any recent events or achievements in pharmacovigilance in your

All submissions will be reviewed for relevance and subject to the WHO internal selection, editorial
review, and clearance process.

Please send your submissions or questions to:

WHO pharmaceuticals newsletter No. 3, 2024 • 13

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