M. A-Semester I Questions

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M. A. First Semester (CBCS) Examination
Course - CC 1.1
Full Marks 40 Time-2 Hours
The figures in the right side margin indicate marks.
Attempt any two of the following : 15x2=30

1. (a Critically evaluate, with suitable textual

references, Marlowe's application of Christian
ideas and paradigms in Dr. Faustus.

(b) Comment on Shakespeare's use of poetry and

imagery in the play Antony and Cleopatra.
2. (a) Would you consider the sub-title of Othello
appropriate? Give reasons for your answer.

(b) Evaluate Thomas Kyd's art of characterisation,

with reference to The Spanish tragedy.
3. (a) Sidney's Loving in Truth is both about love
and the art of writing poetry. Do you agree?
Give reasons for your answer.
) Critically comment on the main features of
Metaphysical poetry, with special references
to the p0ems in your syllabus.

Unit - II
Answer anyone from the following : lx10=10

4. (a) Briefly comment on the plot of Dr. Faustus.


(b) Do you find the structure of Antony and

Cleopatra well-knit? Give reasons in support
of your answer.
5. (a) Write a short note on the character of lago in
(b) Comment, in brief, the impact of The Spanish
Tragedy on Modern literature.
6. (a) Bring out and comment on the religious
elements inthe Holy Sonnets of Donne.
(bY Attempt a critical appreciation of the poem
The Garden'"

M. A. First Semester (CBCS)
Course - CC 1.2
Full Marks 40 Time-2 Hours
indicate marks.
The figures in the right sde margin
Unit - I

Answerafiy two of the following questions :2x15=30

(a) What features of an epic are used in the ninth
book of Paradise Lost? Write a note on them.

(b) Examine the worth of the Biblical allegorical

framework within Absalom & Achitophel.
2. (a) Do youconsider the play Venice Preserv'd to
be a quintessential Restoration Tragedy?

(b) What political and social picture of Swift's

time do you find from his The Bautle of the
3. (a) Give your estimate of the salient features of
Addison's prose style. What is his contribu
tion to the development of English prose?
(b) Comment on the treatment of love, marriage
and sexuality in The Beggar's Opera.

Jnit - II
Answer any one of the following questions : lx10=10
(a) Is Paradise Lost an epic for modern times?

(b) Absalom & Achitophel is a masterpiece of

argument in verse.
5. (a) Discuss the treatment of the female characters
in Venice Preserv'd.
(b) Comment on the mock epic elements in Swift's
The Battleof the Books.
6. (a) Trace the development of thought in any of
the essays of Addison that you have read.

(b) Write a note on the songs used in The

Beggar's Opera.
M. A. First Semester (CBCS) Examination
Course - CC 1.3
Full Marks 40 Time-2 Hours
The figures in the right side margin indicate marks.
Unit - I
Answer any two of the following questions :2x15=30
W(a) How does Aphra Behndepict the character of
Oroonoko in her novel?


(b) Do you agree with the statement that the ap

peal of Robinson Crusoe lies in its portrayal
of 'the triumph of human achievement and en
terprise*? Discuss.

a) Analyse the conept of 'virtue' as revealed in



(b) Comment on the imagery and style of

Thomson's poetry.
3. (a) What features of the mock-heroic poem are
displayed in The Dunciad'? Discuss.
[2 1

(b) Write anote on the patriarchal behaviour that

Evelina encounters in London society with
examples from the text.

Unit - II
Answer anyone of the following questions : lx10=10
4. (a) Can the novel Oroonoko be situated within the
contemporary English politics of the late
seventeenth century?
(b) How was Thomson's understanding of nature
different from that of the Romantic poets?
5. a Explain the significance of Robinson Crusoe's
finding the footprint on the island.
(b) What role do minor characters play in Panmela?
Discuss with textual references.

6. (a) How would youcharacteriste King Cibber? Is

the truly a dunce? Substantiate your response.

(b) Examine the father daughter- relationship of

Evelina and her foster father.
M. A. First Semester (CBCS)Examination
Course - CC 1.4
Full Marks 40 Time2Hours
The figures in the right sd margin indicate marks.
Unit - I
Attempt any two of the following questions : 2x15=30
1. (a) Austen is a writer combining the features of
both neoclassicism and romanticism. Discuss
with reference to Sense and Sensibility.

(by Write anote on the narrative technique and

style of Jane Austen in her novel, Sense and
2. (a) Write a note on the blend of fact and fiction in
Lamb's essay "Imperfect Sympathics".

(b) Write a note on Lamb's use of humour in The

TwoRace of Men.'"

3. (a) Discuss *Ode on a Grecian Ura" as a philo r )

sophical ode.

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(b) Account for the litrerary excellence of Keats's

sonnet, *When I Have Fears'
Unit - II
Answer any one of the fo Twing questions :lx10=10
t. (a) Write a note on the title of Austen's novel,
Sense and Sensibility.
(b) Whom do you consider to be the protagonist
in Sense and Sensibility, and why?
(a) How does Lamb present imperfect sympa
thies" in his essay bearing the same title?
(b) What features of Lamb as a personal essayist
do you find in The Two Races of Men'"?
6. (a) Spot and evaluate:
...then on the shore
Of the wide world I stand alone, and think
Till love and fame to nothingness do sink.
(b) O Attic shape! Fair attitude! with brede
Of marble men and maidens overwrought,
With forest branches and the trodden weed
Thou, silent form, dost tease us out of thought
As doth eternity!
M. A. First Semester (CBCS) Examination
Course - CC 1.5
Full Marks40 Time-2 Hours
The figures in the right side margin indicate marks.

Unit - I
Attempt anytwo of the following questions : 2x15=30
1. (a Attempt a critical note on the play of chance
and coincidence in Hardy'snovel, The Mayor
of Casterbridge.

(b) Critically analyze how Dickens uses the char

acters of Magwitch and Miss Havisham to in
corporate elements of the Gothic in Dickens
Great Expectations.
2. (a) Critically comment on the industrial and the
cultural aspects in Gaskell's North and South.
(b) Comment on the use of Gothic elements in
Wuthering Heights.
3Aa) Bring out the dominant mood that of hope or
despair in Dover Beach'".

[ 21
(b) Critically analyse the significance of the title
of the novel The Millon the Floss.

Unit - II
Answer any one of the following questions :1x10=10
4. (a) Critically comment on the character of
Elizabeth Jane.
(b) Write a note on the art of characterization in
Great Expectations.
5. (a) Critically comment on the setting of The
Blessed Damozel'".
(b) Write a brief note on Bronte's Wuthering
Heights as being a novel of passion and
6. (a) Critically comment on Arnold's Criticism of
life and Victorian manners through his poems.
(by Describe the relationship between art
morality in Browning's poetry.

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