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March 18, 2022


Provincial Government of Albay
Capitol Building, Rizal Street
Legazpi City, Albay

Dear Sir:

Good day Sir! I am Sheinly Racines a first year BS Agricultural and Biosystems
Engineering student at Bicol University College of Agriculture and Forestry. I am writing this
letter for asking a help in gadgets since my first day of online class, I've been struggling to keep
up with doing a research and paperwork's specially I have four siblings that has also an online
class and we just have one phone we use and they borrow it to me only not to miss the class.
This second semester, I have a subject of AutoCAD and it makes me feel sad since AutoCAD
can't run in my android phone. I am in doubt to write this letter, but I set aside all of it since I
know this will benefit and help me and my siblings to reach our goals.
I came from a family who are having a hard time to pay my college fees and necessary
expenses in my course because of pandemic and having four siblings that are also currently
studying. The source of our livelihood is farming and it's just enough for our daily needs. My
father is a President of Barangay Macalidong Corn and Vegetable Farmers Association.
My financial background has never taken me back but always motivated me to do better
and better in my studies. I am the second elder child among my four siblings. The eldest is
taking a BSED Major in English while my other siblings are High School and Elementary
student. They also have an online class wherein we struggle in attending class.
However, I have been a deserving student all through my studies, way back from
elementary to high school achieving academic awards and distinction. Last year, I graduated as
With Honors under Accountancy, Business and Management strand at Ligao National High
My aim is to finish BS Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering at BUCAF. I am aware of
the fact that studying BS ABE in a university involves a lot of hard work, patience, determination
and financial capacity. From my childhood, it has always been my passion to be involved in
Agri-related course.
I really wanted to pursue my study, which I have been planned to have summer job, but
as to this pandemic safety measures I didn't make it. I have an alternative source of income by
helping my father in farm but that was not enough for me to saved money for my studies.
Your help sir can make a big difference, it could bring hope for striving students like me
who wanted pursue studies despite of the difficulties. I want to graduate and be a licensed
Agricultural and Biosystems Engineer someday to help my family and to look back on those
people who helped me when I was nothing.
It is with fervent hope of that this require merit your consideration. Thank you and best

Very truly yours,

BS ABE Student

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