family phr verbs

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Communicative situations with target vocabulary

1) I always look up to my older brother.

2) Why is that?

3) My parents are always strict about bringing up children.

4) Really? How do they raise you?

5) I get along with my new coworker really well.

6) That's great! What do you have in common?

7) I fell in love with this dress the moment I saw it.

8) It's beautiful! Where did you find it?

9) She takes after her father in terms of looks.

10) Oh really? I never noticed.

11) When I grow up, I want to be a doctor.

12) That's a great career choice!

13) They have a falling out with their neighbors over a noise
14) That's too bad. What happened?

15) I heard they broke up last week.

16) Oh no, that's too bad.

17) It's sad to see old friends drift apart.

18) Yeah, it happens sometimes.

19) I made friends with my new roommate on the first day.

20) That's lucky! What's their name?

21) My best friend and I are friends since kindergarten.

22) That's so sweet! How did you meet?

23) She gave birth to a beautiful baby girl last month.

24) That's wonderful news! What is her name ?
25) We have a lot in common, like our love for hiking.
26) That's great! Where's your favorite place to hike?

27) Love for BMW runs in our family.

28) That's good .

29) I clicked with my new colleague right away.

30) That's great! What do you have in common?

31) My sister and I always see eye to eye on everything.

32) That's great! You must have a really close relationship.

33) I bumped into an old friend from high school at the grocery
34) Wow, it's a small world!

35) I have to put my foot down and tell her I couldn't lend her any
more money.
36) That's tough, but sometimes you have to do what's best for

37) He always sticks up for his little sister when she's bullied.
38) That's so sweet! He sounds like a great brother.

39) I think the world of my grandparents. They are always there

for me.
40) That's so lovely! What do you admire most about them?

Text with vocab:

My Family

I'm the youngest of four. I have two older brothers and

an older sister. My sister's the oldest and she's a nurse.
She looks after old people in a hospital. I look up to
her because she's very caring.

She's married with three children, so I'm an aunt. Her

husband is a builder. They live in a big house near the
beach. I love going there on vacation.

One of my brothers is a chef and he works in a

restaurant. He's really good at cooking. He's married
too and his wife is a doctor. They're bringing up their
kids in Spain. I don't get to see them much but we get
along with each other when we do.

My other brother is a musician. He plays the guitar in

a band. He fell in love with music when he was a
teenager. He takes after our dad - he was always
playing his guitar when we were growing up. He's not
married and he doesn't have any kids. He travels a lot
with his band. We sometimes fall out with each other
but we always make up.

My parents are retired now. My mom used to be a

teacher. She's a great cook and she often makes
Sunday lunch for all of us. My dad used to be a
firefighter. They've been married for 40 years. They're
very different from each other but they're still close

We see them every weekend. They're always telling

us what to do! I think that's why we all get along with
each other most of the time.

I have a lot of cousins. One of them is a hairdresser.

We're about the same age so we're close friends.
Another one is a lawyer. I don't see him very often but
we have a lot in common. We both love football and
we support the same team.

I also have aunts and uncles. One of my aunts is an

actress. It runs in the family. I'm not really close to her
but I get on with her. We always talk a lot when we
see each other. I'm really close to my grandma. She's
94 and she lives in a nursing home. We don't have
much in common but we click with each other. We
see eye to eye on most things.

True / False
1. Who is the youngest in the narrator's family?
A. The narrator
B. The narrator's sister
C. One of the narrator's brothers
D. The narrator's parents

2. What is the narrator's sister's job?

A. Teacher
B. Nurse
C. Doctor
D. Firefighter

3. Where does the narrator's brother who is a chef

A. Spain
B. Near the beach
C. With the narrator's parents
D. In a restaurant

4. What does the narrator's brother who is a musician

A. Plays in a band
B. Teaches music
C. Writes songs
D. Runs a music school

5. How often does the narrator see their grandma?

A. Every day
B. Once a month
C. Every weekend
D. A few times a year

Correct answers:
1. A
2. B
3. A
4. A
5. C

Open Questions
1. How many siblings does the author have?
2. What is the profession of the author's oldest sister?
3. Where does the author's sister live with her family?
4. What is the occupation of one of the author's
brothers and where does he work?
5. What instrument does the author's other brother
play in a band?
6. What were the professions of the author's parents
before they retired?
7. Who is the author really close to among their

Correct answers:
1. The author has two older brothers and an older
2. The author's oldest sister is a nurse who looks after
old people in a hospital.
3. The author's sister lives in a big house near the
beach with her husband and three children.
4. One of the author's brothers is a chef who works in
a restaurant.
5. The author's other brother plays the guitar in a
6. The author's mom used to be a teacher, and their
dad used to be a firefighter before retiring.
7. The author is really close to their grandma among
their relatives.
1. Have you ever had a falling out with a family
2. What qualities do you look up to in your close
3. Do you think it's important to get along with all of
your relatives?
4. How did you feel when you fell in love with
someone for the first time?
5. Who do you take after more, your mother or your
6. What are some common traits that run in your
7. Have you ever had to put your foot down in a
disagreement with a family member?
8. Do you have any close friends who you click with
9. Have you ever bumped into an old friend
10. How do you stick up for your loved ones in
difficult situations?

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