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At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
a) recall each member of the family;
b) show appreciation of the lesson by actively participating in the discussion: and
c) trace names and color the picture each members of the family.

A. Topic: My Family

B. Skills: Fine motor skills

C. Reference: Molato, C. (2015). Language for Little Ones. Nursey. Kleafs Publishing. pp. 53

D. Materials: music, laptop, pictures

E. Valuing: Showing love and care for the members of the family


Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity

I. A. Preliminary Activities

1. Greetings
Good morning, Class! “Good morning, Teacher sarah.”

2. Prayer
“Let’s now all stand for the prayer. Close
your eyes and bow your heads. Let’s pray.”

(teacher will lead the prayer) (Pupils will stand up and pray.)
“Dear heavenly Father Lord, thank you for this
beautiful day. Please guide us throughout the
day. These we all pray in the most precious Name
of our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.” “Amen!”

3. Checking of Attendance

How are you today? Did you eat breakfast?

“Yes, teacher!”
Okay, that’s good. Now, let’s check whose
present today.

Look at teacher, I have printed names here and I

want you to put your names under the word
present because all of you are here today!
4. Weather and Date
Do you know what day is today? Today
is Thursday, August 27, 2019 and today’s weather “No, teacher.”
is Sunny day!

5. Energizer

Okay, let’s have an energizer.

Do you know the song Father Abraham? Okay,

teacher first will sing, then later you will sing
with me.

This is tune of the song and the action that we

will do.

Father Abraham has many sons many sons has

father Abraham. I am one of them and so are
you so let us praise the Lord! Right hand!

Father Abraham has many sons many sons has

father Abraham. I am one of them and so are
you so let us praise the Lord! Right hand! Left

Father Abraham has many sons many sons has

father Abraham. I am one of them and so are
you so let us praise the Lord! Right hand! Left
hand! Right foot!

Father Abraham has many sons many sons has

father Abraham. I am one of them and so are
you so let us praise the Lord! Right hand! Left
hand! Right foot! Left foot!

Father Abraham has many sons many sons has

father Abraham. I am one of them and so are
you so let us praise the Lord! Right hand! Left
hand! Right foot! Left foot! Chin up!

Father Abraham has many sons many sons has

father Abraham. I am one of them and so are
you so let us praise the Lord! Right hand! Left
hand! Right foot! Left foot! Chin up! Turn
around! Sit down!

Now, sing with teacher. ( pupils will sing along with the teacher)
B. Motivation
Are you ready now class? Yes, Teacher!

Before we start are lesson, I have here a

puzzle picture of a family. I want you all to help
each other to complete it. (pupils will help each other completing the
Here’s the puzzle.
“finish, teacher!”
Very Good!


A. Presentation of Lesson
“Are you excited the lesson for today?
But before we start let me remind you “Yes, teacher.”
about our classroom reminder.”

“First, you should sit properly. Can you

show me how to sit properly? Very

“Second, you should keep quiet.” “Yes, teacher.”

“Third, listen carefully to your teacher.”

“Fourth, raised your hand if you have

question or something to say.”

“Now, are you ready for our lesson for “Yes, teacher!”

“That’s great! Teacher Anna have a

picture and it is a picture me and my
family. Look! Where is Teacher Sarah in “Here, teacher.”
the photo?”

“This is me.”

“This is teacher Anna. Here’s my father

and mother. This is my brother and

Teacher brought this picture because our

lesson is about Family! “
“Do you what to know who the member
of the family are?”
“Yes, teacher.”
Look at here, this is father.

He is the one works hard for the family

to provide food, clothes and shelter.

Next, this is mother.

She takes care of everybody in the family.
Look at the picture. Mother cooks at the

Next, this is brother. He helps father with

the work at home. Yes, his mopping and
cleaning the floor.

Next, this is sister.

She helps mother with household chores.

Look at sister is doing, she is washing
Last, this is baby.

He makes everybody happy.

B. Discussion

Who are the member of the family? “Father, Mother, Brother, Sister and Baby.
Correct! The member of the family are
father, mother, brother, sister and baby.
“Father, teacher.”
Who is this? Correct! “Father, teacher.”

“Who works hard for the family? Yes,

fathers works hard for the family because they
are the ones who is doing the hardest job like
fixing cars, parts of the house and working
outside to supply the needs of the family.”
“Father, teacher!”
“Again, who works hard for the family?” “Pupils will give answer or raise their hand.”
“Mother, teacher.”
“Do you have a father in your family?”

“Next, Who is this? Correct!”

“Mother, teacher.”
“Who is the one who takes care of everybody?

Very good! Mothers takes care of the family. She

cooks, wash your clothes and cleaning the
“Mother, teacher.”
“Again, who takes care of everybody?
“Pupils will give answer or raise their hand.”
Do you have a mother in their family?”

“Next picture, who is this? Correct!

Who helps father in doing works at home like

mopping and fixing the car?

Correct! Brother helps father in doing works at

home fixing things like car, and mopping the

Again, Who helps father in doing works at home?

Very good!” “Brother, teacher!” “Brother, teacher.”

“Do you have brothers in your family?

“Brother, teacher.
Next, who is this?
“Pupils will give answer or raise their hand.”

Who helps mother in doing household chores?

Yes, Sister helps mother in doing household “Sister, teacher.”
chores like washing dishes and cleaning the “Sister, teacher.”
house. “Sister, teacher!”

“Pupils will give answer or raise their hand.”

Who is this again? Very good!

Do you have sisters in your family?”

“Okay. Last member, who is this? “Baby, teacher!”

Who makes everybody happy? “Baby, teacher!

Yes, Baby makes the whole family happy. “Baby, teacher!

Again, who is this? Very good!”

“Okay, so can someone please tell me
who are the members of the family?” “Father, mother, brother, sister and baby,
(Show pictures of each member of the

“Very good! We have learned about


“Class remember that we should take
care and show love to our family because
our family is a gift from God. Your father,
mother, brother, sister and baby are gift
from God above that is why we should
love by helping and take good care of

E. Application
“Okay, since you already know each
members of the family, teacher have printed
words of father, mother, brother, sister and
baby. I want you to read word and put in the
right box in these big images/pictures here.
Let’s read the first word. For example,
everyone read. FATHER, where will you put
the word father in these big images here?”

“Do you understand, class?”

“Okay, let’s begin.” “Yes, teacher.”

(Pupils will identify each member of the family

(Teacher will facilitate.) by putting the correct words in the big picture.)

V. Assignment
Direction: Bring one photo of your family and paste it on your orange notebook.

Prepared by:

Sarah Mae C. Pelagio

Student Teacher

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