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Vitamin D deficiency is traditionally associated with bone and muscle weakness, but in recent years a

number of studies have shown that low levels of the vitamin may predispose the body to high blood
pressure, congestive heart failure, and chronic blood vessel inflammation (associated with hardening of
the arteries). It also alters hormone levels to increase insulin resistance, which raises the risk of diabetes.

In a review article published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology, researchers surveyed
recent studies on the link between vitamin D deficiency and heart disease to come up with practical
advice on screening and treatment. They concluded that vitamin D deficiency is much more common than
previously thought, affecting up to half of adults and apparently healthy children in the U.S. Researchers
say higher rates of vitamin D deficiency may be due in part to people spending more time indoors and
efforts to minimize sun exposure through the use of sunscreens. Sunscreen with a sun protection factor
(SPF) of 15 blocks approximately 99% of vitamin D synthesis by the skin.

“We are outside less than we used be, and older adults and people who are overweight or obese are less
efficient at making vitamin D in response to sunlight,” says O’Keefe. “A little bit of sunshine is a good
thing, but the use of sunscreen to guard against skin cancer is important if you plan to be outside for more
than 15 to 30 minutes of intense sunlight exposure.”

1. The main idea of this passage is that

a. vitamin D deficiency in one’s body is the main cause of diseases.
b. Traditional vitamin D deficiency causes problems in bones and muscles.
c. Research findings show vitamin D deficiency may lead to health problems.
d. The best source of vitamin D to improve one’s health comes form sunshine.
e. The U.S. researchers say-that sunscreen can keep everyone from skin diseases.

2. Skin cancer is believed to be the effect of ….

a. chronic vitamin D deficiency.
b. excessive exposure to sunlight.
c. doing more indoor activities.
d. low levels of vitamin consumption.
e. lack of sun protection factor.

3. Paragraph preceding the text will probably discuss about…..

a. types of vitamins which are good for our health
b. the danger of insufficiency of vitamin D in humn body
c. vitamin D and its benefits to our health
d. the danger of vitamin deficiency to our health
e. the relation between skin cancer and vitamin D deficiency

4. For whom the passage is intended?

a. doctors and medical staff
b. the students of medical faculty
c. people in general
d. the minister of health
e. physicians

The use of narcotics and illegal drugs does not merely have an impact on mental and behavioral disorders.
Even worse, drugs damage the heart and can lead to death. The effects of drugs on the heart vary, ranging
from mild, severe, to death.
There are three types of drugs that cause death in the heart muscle: cocaine, amphetamines, and ecstasy.
These three types of drug substances have a similar effect on the heart. They cause an increase in the
catecholamine hormone which makes the heart work harder. The effect of consuming it is a sudden
increase in blood pressure. As a result, the heart muscles’ demand for oxygen increases. The long-term
effect of using this type of drug can damage (tie walls of the blood vessels, both the arteries and coronary
arteries. This condition causes a tear in the blood vessel wall. In addition, damage to the heart muscle can
interfere with the heart’s pumping function and cause heart rhythm disturbances. The heart rates can
become very fast and a cardiac arrest can happen.

Other groups of drugs that damage the heart are LSD (Lysergic Acid Diethylamide) and psilocybin,
which causes hallucinations. The effect of these substances on the heart is an increase in the heart rate and
blood pressure though it is not as high as that caused by cocaine or amphetamines. A rare but quite
serious effect is a heart rhythm disorder in the form of tachyarrhythmia where the heart rate increases
very rapidly. The next prohibited substance is morphine and its derivatives.

Besides LSD, there is morphine which is a strong antidote to pain, but excessive use of this substance will
lead to addiction. The higher the dose is consumed, the greater is the effect in reducing the heart’s
performance. The fatal effects comprise, among others, shocks and cardiac arrest. Another disorder found
in morphine users is pulmonary edema, which is submerged lungs that can be fatal. The last group is
marijuana. In high doses, marijuana causes a decrease in blood pressure and heart rate, which can lead to
fatality. The most severe condition due to marijuana are cardiac arrest and death.
(soal asli UTBK 2019)

5. What is the main idea of the passage?

a. The use of narcotics an illegal drugs and its beneficial effect on its users
b. Type of narcotics n illegal drugs
c. The danger of using drugs towards human body
d. The negative impacts of using narcotics an illegal drugs towards human heart
e. Types of drugs and their effects on our health

6. Based on the passage, the effect of using large amounts of morphine is….
a. hallucinations among the users
b. dramatic increase in heart rates
c. weakening of the hearts performance
d. trouble with the heart’s pumping function
e. decrease in blood pressure and heart rates

7. Which conclusion is the most appropriate based on the passage?

a. The higher the dose of the drug consumed, the greater the impact on the heart’s health.
b. Taking small amounts of drugs under prescription is allowed for medical reasons only.
c. The less drug is consumed, the healthier the condition of one’s heart.
d. Illegal drugs of the LSD type have a fatal effect on the heart’s health.
e. Not consuming drugs can maintain heart’s optimum health.

8. What is the author’ main reason in writing the passage?

a. People’s misconceptions on the use and the danger of illegal drugs towards heart
b. The limited information of the danger of illegal drugs towards our heart
c. People’s misunderstanding about the danger of illegal drugs towards our heart
d. The lack of information about the types and the use of illegal drugs
e. The controversy on the use of narcotics and illegal drugs
Smartphones, tablets and e-readers should have an automatic “bedtime mode” that stops them disrupting
people’s sleep, says a leading doctor. Professor Paul Gringras argued the setting should filter out the blue
light that delays the body clock and keeps people awake later into the evening. The doctor, from Evelina
Children’s Hospital in London, said every new mode 5 l was “bluer and brighter”. He said manufacturers
needed to show more “responsibility”.
As it gets darker in the evening, the body starts to produce the sleep hormone melatonin – which helps
people nod off. Certain wavelengths of light, those at the blue-green end of the spectrum, can disrupt the
Professor Gringras was part of a study, published in Frontiers in Public Health, analysing the light emitted
by devices. It concluded there was a clear trend for new devices to be bigger, brighter, have higher levels
of contrast and 10 emit more blue light. The professor of children’s sleep medicine told the BBC News
website: “That is great for use in the day, but awful for use at night.
“There is converging data to say if you are in front of one of these devices at night-time it could prevent
you falling asleep by an extra hour. “He said some sleep-aware apps had already been designed to reduce
blue-green light emissions. And that a 15 bedtime mode could automatically filter out the blue as software
such as flux already does. He said there needed to be “more responsibility from 15 manufacturers” and
the “key is to automate it” Professor Gringras added: “It is not good enough to say do less and accept this
is the world we live in, they are fun devices but we do need some protection on what they do at night-
time.” (SBMPTN asli 2016)

9. The passage mainly discusses a topic on

a. sleep disorder and its cure
b. problems with new electronic gadgets
c. electronic gadgets that help people fall asleep
d. blue-green light found in electronic devices
e. new technology that can help reduce sleep disruption

10. The word emitted in line 8 in the passage means

a. shaded d. blocked
b. triggered e. reflected
c. produced

11. Who are responsible for the automation of the blue-green light that may be caused by electronic
devices, according to professor Gringras?
a. Manufacturers d. Users
b. Scientists e. Sellers
c. Inventors

As well as getting more sleep, those who go to bed early and wake up early will probably also have a
better quality of sleep. The reason for this is that it means your sleep/wake cycle will be closer to the
rising and setting of the sun. This will then mean that your ‘internal pacemaker’ (your natural body clock)
is closer to the ‘external zeitgebers’ (the external cues that indicate what time it is). When the sun is out,
our body detects this and produces less melatonin so that your sleep will not be as deep. In short then, the
most restorative sleep is that which happens when it is darkest, which is usually from around 10-11pm
through to 5-6am.
Furthermore, if you often wake up late, you are constantly rushing in the morning, then you will be
getting your day off to about the worst start possible. This also means you are unlikely to get a proper
breakfast, and probably going to forget something, which definitely means you are going to feel very
stressed out and panicked. How about a huge shot of stress hormones to get you started? It is not a good
idea for your back to rush first thing in the morning either – seeing as it will be softer and more easily
injured when you first spring out of bed.
On the other hand, imagine being able to get up one or two hours before you need to leave. That way you
could make yourself a great breakfast, take a long hot shower, do some stretching or meditation and
maybe watch the news while you iron. You will find that as a result, you turn up to work looking much
belter, feeling much better and performing much better.
Waking up early can also be highly beneficial on the weekends as it means you get to be up during the
quieter times of day when no people around. As a result, you will have a few quiet hours to watch your
favourite show, to read the paper or a novel, or to work on a side-business.
(Adapted from;
(SBMPTN asli 2017)

12. The paragraph preceding the passage most likely discusses

a. sleep quality of those who go to bed early and wake up early
b. the importance of going to bed early and waking up early
c. one advantage of going to bed early and waking up early
d. the reasons of going to bed early and waking up early
e. how to increase quality of sleep by waking up early

13. What is the author’s attitude toward the topic of the passage?
a. Positive d. Approving
b. Negative e. Uninterested
c. Concerned

14. Based on the passage, the earlier people get up in the morning, the
a. more they need to work
b. better start they have for the day
c. better income they get from side-business
d. longer time they need to prepare themselves
e. longer time they need to make breakfast and iron their clothes

15. What is the best summary of the passage?

a. It is important for people to have a positive morning to probably have good time during the day, This
can be made possible by going to bed early, and waking up early. On weekends, positive morning allows
people to do things they cannot do during work days.
b. People who go to bed early and get up early can enjoy some benefits. Their cycle is similar to the sun’s
time, allowing them to have the most restorative sleep. On weekends they can have more time to do
things they cannot do during weekdays.
c. Early risers will probably have positive start in the morning. They have more time to enjoy breakfast
and prepare themselves for the day. On the other hand, getting up late will probably lead to morning rush.
This may influence people’s performance during the day negatively.
d. Going to bed early and waking up early result in some positive consequences: leading to a better
quality of sleep and having positive morning. One can have good breakfast and is well prepared for
activities during the day. On weekends, getting up early allow people more quiet time to do things they
cannot do during weekdays.
e. Having the habit of going to bed early and waking up early, people can enjoy several benefits: having
better quality of sleep because their cycle is similar to the sun’s time and having good breakfast. Their
weekends will be better than their weekdays

number 16-22
Do you play video games? If so, you aren't alone. Video games are becoming more common and are
increasingly enjoyed by adults. The average age of gamers has been increasing. Changing technology also
means that more people are exposed to video games. Many committed gamers play on desktop computers
or consoles, but a new breed of casual gamers has emerged, who play on smartphones and tablets at spare
moments throughout the day, like their morning commute. So, we know that video games are an
increasingly common form of entertainment, but do they have any effect on our brains and behavior?
Over the years, the media have made various sensationalist claims about video games and their effect on
our health and happiness. "Games have sometimes been praised or demonized, often without real data
backing up those claims. Moreover, gaming is a popular activity, so everyone seems to have strong
opinions on the topic," says Marc Palaus, first author on the review, recently published in Frontiers in
Human Neuroscience.

Palaus and his colleagues wanted to see if any trends had emerged from the research to date concerning
how video games affect the structure and activity of our brains. They collected the results from 116
scientific studies, 22 of which looked at structural changes in the brain and 100 of which looked at
changes in brain functionality and/or behavior.

Studies show that playing video games can change how our brains perform, and even their structure. For
example, playing video games affects our attention, and some studies found that gamers show
improvements in several types of attention, such as sustained attention or selective attention. The brain
regions involved in attention are also more efficient in gamers and require less activation to sustain
attention on demanding tasks.
16. What can be inferred from the passage above?
aGamers are more likely to have brain damage due to the change in their brain structures.
b.Given its benefits, gaming will now be continuously praised on the media.
c.Gamers will find it easier to focus on tasks that require a lot of energy or attention.
d.Gaming will continue to become increasingly popular and will render other forms of entertainment
e.Gamers are healthier and happier compared to people who don’t play video games.

17. What can we say about the author’s objective in writing this article?
a.The writer denies any claims on the negative effects of games.
b.The writer agrees that games ruin our brain functions.
c.The writer proves the media’s claims on the negative effects of games.
d.The writer explains how video games change the brain’s performance.
e.The writer shows that video games alter the brain’s performance and structure.

18. Why does the writer use the word "sensationalist" in paragraph 2?
a.Because video games are getting more popular among adults
bBecause games have been praised and demonized
c.Because games have been covered a lot by the media
d.Because video games are a sensational phenomenon
e.Because the media has made extreme claims, usually with no actual evidence

19. What can we say about the result of the study?

a.The researchers collected the results from previous studies examining brain structure and functionality.
b.More than changing how our brains perform, playing games can also alter brain structure.
c.The study shows that gamers have better performance in conducting cognitive tasks compared to non-
d.The number of gamers is increasing due to the inclusion of the new type of gamers who play on mobile
e.Playing video games on mobile devices can alter the functionality and structure of the brain.
20. Which option uses the word "committed" in the same way that it is used in sentence 6?
a.Ken committed a peculiar and uncharacteristic mistake.
b.After throwing a tantrum in public, Amber is finally committed to a psych ward.
c.Felix is committed to continuing his study in the education field.
d.Charlie has committed much of his career is the gaming industry.
e.My family has been committed members of the city council.

21. Which of the following questions cannot be answered by the passage?

a.How did the media frame video games over the years?
bWhat are video games criticized for?
c.Are video games gaining popularity among adults?
d.Why are video games so polarizing?
e.What are the advantages of playing video games?

22. What is the significance of the expression “...but a new breed of casual gamers has emerged...”?
a.To illustrate the important role of mobile gamers in the study
b.To introduce one of the types of gamers examined in the study
c.To introduce the group that promotes the expansion of video games
d.To specify which type of gamers is included in the study
e.To introduce the group of gamers that is on the rise in popularity
number 23-26.
Stretching more than 2.300 kilometers along Queensland's coastline and covering 35 million hectares, the
Great Barrier is the world's largest coral reef, and probably the richest. More than 1.500 species of fish,
4.000 species of mollusks, 400 species of sponge and 300 species of hard
corals live here.

The reef is Queensland's first world heritage area. It is very importance to Aboriginal and Torres Strait
Islander people with significant cultural sites on many of its islands. The reef is very important in other
ways. The World Heritage Area is worth some $5.4 billion to the Australian economy. As many as $3.5
billion of that amount goes into the local towns and communities bordering the reef.
Recent research published by the Australian Institute of Marine Science has found two primary factors
that have caused a very significant decline in coral cover over the last 30 years or so. They are extreme
weather and the crown-of-thorns starfish. The same research is telling us that coral cover north of Cook
town is generally stable, but the southern area is experiencing major losses.

The reef's complexities are well described in the 2013 Scientific Consensus Statement. This science
contributed to the updated Reef Water Quality Protection Plan (Reef Plan). The plan is a state and federal
initiative designed to stop and reverse the decline in reef water quality. The consensus statement confirms
that the major cause of coral cover loss is extreme weather events, such as cyclones.

Clearly, we are not able to influence such events. The second Great Barrier Reef Report Card confirms
that management change and water quality improvements are tracking positively, but more needs to be
done. The report was released in July 2013 and based on 2011 Paddock to Reef Monitoring Program data.
The Queensland and Australian governments, together with industry, regional bodies, and conservation
groups, will continue working hard to maintain progress towards Reef Plan targets. We want to be sure
that the reef has the best possible opportunity to recover from cyclone damage and crown-of-thorns
starfish attacks.
23. What can be inferred from the passage?
a.The Great Barrier Reef is under the threat of nature.
b.The Australian economy is attracted by cyclones and starfish.
c.The other main resource influencing the reef is seawater quality.
d.Scientists expect the reef has the power to recover naturally.
e.The decline of the Great Barrier Reef initiates research on climate.

24. This sentence means.......

a. the Great Barrier Reef is future legacy of the Queensland people
b.optimum exploration of the reef should benefit the Queensland government
c. coral reef should be preserved for the purpose of the future legacy
d.preserving the Great Barrier Reef becomes the world's responsibility
e. local government are given responsibility to manage the reef benefits

25. Based on the passage, what does the author's bias deal with?
a. Collaboration between scientists and the Australian government.
b. Australian geographical heritage in a form of coral reef.
c.National economic value of the Great Barrier Reef
d. Efforts to save the reef from natural destruction
e. Benefits of the local people in relation to the reef

26. In presenting the ideas, the author starts by.........

a. describing the landscape of the Great Barrier Reef
b. explaining the status of the Great Barrier Reef
c. stating the current problem faced by the reef
d. detailing demography and value of the reef
e.reporting the findings of study on the reef

Baca teks berikut untuk menjawab soal tes literasi bahasa Inggris nomor 27-29!
You have invited your friend over for dinner. Your child sees your friend reach for some cookies and
says,” Better not take those, or you’ll get even bigger.” You’re embarrassed that your child could speak
so rudely. However, you should consider that your child may not know how to use the language
appropriately in social situations and did not mean harm by the comment.

An individual may say words clearly and use long, complex sentences with correct grammar, but still
have a communication problem if he or she has not mastered the rule of social language known as
pragmatics. Adults may also have difficulty with pragmatics, for example, as a result of a brain injury or

An individual with pragmatic problems may say inappropriate or unrelated things during conversations,
tell stories in a disorganized way, or have little variety in language use. It is not unusual to have pragmatic
problems in only a few situations. However, if problems in social language use occur often and seem
inappropriate considering the child’s age, a pragmatic disorder may exist.

27. The restatement of the last sentence of the passage is that ....
a. vocabulary is basic in grammar
b. language problems are essentially satiric
c. pragmatic disorders always exist as a single entity
d. problems such as vocabulary and grammar frequently come along with pragmatic disorders
e. linguist can solve pragmatic disorders

28. The word “embarrassed” in the text is closest in meaning to ....

a. proud d. fast
b.happy e. slow
29. The organization of the text is ....
a. comparison d. exposition
b. problem solving e. division and classification
c. paradox

nomor 30-35,
Measles, a childhood disease,(30) ____ sufferings to (31)____ for thousands of years. However, the
search for an effective measles vaccine, lasted two hundred years and has finally ended in success. Now,
for the first time, measles is a (32)____ disease. You may ask,” How is this important to children?”.
Every year measles kills twice as many Americans as polio now does. More children die from measles
than from any other childhood disease.
Also complications of some degree (33)____ in about one child out of six. Most (34)____ include
pneumonia and ear disorders. Another after-effect of measles-brain damage is less common, but it can
have such serious consequences that it (35)____ special attention.
30. ....
a. causes d. has been caused
b. caused e. causing
c. has caused

31. ....
a. industry d. hotels
b. mankind e. restaurants
c. machinery

a. prevent d. preventable
b. prevents e. to prevent
c. prevention

33. ....
a. occur d. occurring
b. occurs e. occurrence
c. to occur

34. ....
a.contracts d. complications imports
b. purchases exports e. complications
c. imports

35.. ....
a.cooks d. writes
b. deserves e. swims
c. sends

36. jack ... some application letters to the company but they never call him.
a. has send d. have send
b. has sent e. has sent
c. have sent
37. Ronald been a vegetarian ... five years.
a. since d. before
b. for e.was
c. after

38. Rido ... not been to France.

a. has d. had
b. is e.since
c. have

39. My brother and Dika ... round the park many times but they've never seen the lamp.
a. has walked
b. have walked
c. has walking
d. are walking
e. are walked

40. ... you finished your homework?

a. have
b. has
c. is
d. were
e. was

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