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Holidays are an integral part of a student’s life. It is a time for fun, a time to explore and a time to learn
in different ways. When holidays are given a meaningful direction, it results in a productive and
enjoyable time. Let’s use these holidays to pursue some hobbies and apply our minds creatively to learn
new things and to bring a change in the environment, in our own individual way.
Vacation is a time when you connect with your friends, family members and relatives. So, all of you “FIX
 Holiday homework should be done as per the instructions given (on A-4, A-3 size sheets or chart,
notebook or file).
 All sheets should be put together (tied/stapled) and handed over to the respective subject
teachers on the first day of re-joining after break.
 Subject-wise folder can also be made for the submission of holiday homework. It should be
labelled properly indicating clearly the name, class, section and subject. Homework will be
assessed for neat handwriting, presentation, creativity and submission of the work on time.
 Parents can be facilitator at home. However, the work should be done independently by the child
in his/her own handwriting.
 Handwriting should be done once a week in notebook both for English & Hindi in a separate
notebook as a part of subject enrichment.
 Add a dash of magic and a sense of wonder into your child’s life by reading out and enacting a
story and a rhyme to your child every day. (Books PDF are available online). You can choose
Ruskin Bond, Sudha Murthy etc.
 Play educational games while spending quality family time like Sudoku, Scrabble, Pictionary,
Charades etc.
 Plan activities to nurture your child’s talents in performing arts like art, craft, music, dance etc.
 Revise concepts taught so as to ensure that our children do not lose touch with them.
 Include discussions on relevant current topics, developing general awareness and intriguing their
interest in the same.

 Today a reader, Tomorrow a leader - Read any one story book of your choice. Make a character
of your choice and write its character sketch. Pick out 15 new words you have come across in
your story book. Write the meaning of these words and make one sentence each. Choose ten
adjectives and ten verbs from the story.
 Write 10 pages of neat and clean handwriting
 Make a travelogue stating the places you have visited during your vacation. Paste five pictures
and give a suitable caption to each picture. (To be done in Scrapbook)

Before the modern-day medicine and synthetic drugs, there were plants, and ancient civilizations
knew how to use them effectively to treat common ailments and even life-threatening diseases. One
such plant is Tulsi.Tulsi leaves are used to treat cold, cough, bronchitis.
Find out about at least 5 more medicinal plants and write their medicinal use.
 A group of students plan to visit Pathankot. To get the real feel of the city, they plan to eat only
local food. You are their tour advisor. As a tour advisor motivate them to visit places. Find out 2-3
main dishes eaten in this city and their nutrient content. Now suggest a balanced diet for the
students using these dishes.
When you go shopping next time with your parents, read the labels of the food products you pick
very carefully. You will notice that every food pack bears nutritional information on the label. After
coming back from the market, choose packets of any 3 three different food items you have bought.
Note the nutritional information on a sheet. Also make a data table with various headings like
protein, carbohydrate, vitamins and minerals. Compare the nutritional value of these three
products. Find out which product out of the three products you bought, is the most nutritious.
Develop a habit of reading the date of manufacturing and date of expiry mentioned on packets of

 Make a list of 10 things that you can measure in Meters and Centimeters.
 Draw any 4, 2D and 3D shapes and also write the difference between the both.
 Measure the height of all your family members and write the difference ofbetween the
longest and shortest family member.
 Name at least 4 things with their diagrams which are used to measuredifferent things.
 Learn and write tables up to 20. Guess and
find out?
 How long is the distance between your home and your school?
 How long is the string of a kite reel? Can it be more than a kilometer long? Choose any 5 objects
from your home and make a table writing their height, breadth and length.
Subject-Social Science
 Collect pictures of people and other information of different states in the Northern
plain and make a project on it.
 Find about any one traditional cuisine of a state of India. Select one state from each
direction. Write what all spices are used in it and collect the information to present in a
tabular form along with relevant pictures on an A3 sheet. Cuisine Spice English name Picture


aspect of many of the folk dances, folk theatre; traditional pageants, ceremonies, rituals,
festivals and fairs. So, let’s do a fun activity to know more about this. Choose any one
state and make a mask, which people use for dance, theatre, ritual etc. Try to use
tricolour for the same.

Subject - Hindi
1. अगर आपको जादू का ब्रश या कोई अन्य जादु ई चीज़ मिल जाए तो आप उससे क्या – क्या काि
करना चाहोगे? उन सभी कािोों की एक सूची तै यार करें ।
2. आवमिक िूल्ाों कन िें आने वाले पाठ्यक्रि को याद करें और उसका अभ्यास भी करें ।
3. नीचे मदए गए शब्ोों की ध्वमनयोों को अलग - अलग करके मलखें -
(क) दु मनया
(ख) मकताब
(ग) तरणताल
(घ) रूिाल
(ङ) रे लगाडी

4. अपने पररवार के सभी सदस्ोों के नािोों की मलों ग के आिार पर पु ल्लों ग और स्त्रीमलों ग की सूची

Subject - Punjabi
1. ਭਾਰਤ ਦੇ ਸਾਰੇ ਰਾਜਾਾਂ ਦੇ ਨਾਾਂ ਲਿਖ ਕੇ ਉਹਨਾਾਂ ਲ ਿੱਚ ਬੋਿੀ ਜਾਣ ਾਿੀ ਬੋਿੀ ਦੇ ਨਾਾਂ ਲਿਖੋ। (A4 sheet)
2. ਪੰਜ ਸੰਦਰ ਲਿਖਾਈਆਾਂ ਕਰੋ।
3. Learn PA-1 Syllabus

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