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Operation fIvEdAY

Covert Freedom directive

Author: Azad Indian Rebels

a) Seize Key British-Controlled Facilities:
o Capture British administrative buildings, communication centers, and transportation hubs.
b) Neutralize British Military Presence:
o Disarm and incapacitate British military forces stationed in India.
c) Establish Control Over Major Cities:
o Take control of major cities to disrupt British administration and ensure strategic advantage.


Personnel and Equipment


Recruitment and Training:

 Freedom Fighters (10,000):

o Drawn from nationalist organizations, rural militias, and disaffected Indian Army
personnel sympathetic to the cause.
o Training: Basic military tactics, guerrilla warfare, and operational security
conducted over the past year in secret camp in rural area.
 Special Ops Units (500):
o eperienced revolutionaries, former soldiers, and trained volunteers committed to
sabotage and covert operations.
o Training: : Intensive training in explosives handling, infiltration techniques, and
 Local Militry (20,000):
o Mobilized from rural areas and urban neighborhoods with strong nationalist
o Training: Basic training in crowd control, logistics, and intelligence

USA Milatory(75000):

The troops shall be given by USA for a promise of Uranium from natural
deposist from Ladakh

Iran Milatory (75000);

Key Leaders:

 Chief Commander: Subhas Chandra Bose.

 Regional Commanders: Trusted leaders assigned to each major city (Bombay,
Calcutta, Delhi).
 Local Leaders: Influential community leaders and activists coordinating grassroots


Weapons and Ammunition:

 Rifles (5,000): Acquired from agents within the British Indian Army and underground
arms dealers.
 Knife (15000): Every Freedom fighter shall have a kitchen knife .
 Handguns (2,000): Sourced through black market channels.
 Grenades (1,000): Homemade and smuggled in from neighboring countries like

Homemade Weapons Production:

 Workshops: Establishing small-scale workshops in villages near British military

o Near Bombay: Villages around Pune (coordinates: 18.5° N, 73.8° E).

o Near Calcutta: Outskirts of Howrah (coordinates: 22.5° N, 88.3° E).

o Near Delhi: Areas around Meerut (coordinates: 28.9° N, 77.7° E).
 Manufacturing: Utilizing blacksmiths and machinists to produce firearms and
ammunition using scrap metal, black-market components, and rudimentary tools.
 Explosives: Creating homemade bombs using easily accessible chemicals (potassium
chlorate from matches, sulfur, and charcoal) and teaching volunteers to fabricate and
handle these safely.


 Plastic Explosives (500 pounds): Smuggled from Axis powers' sympathizers and
underground suppliers.

Communication Tools:

 Portable Radios: For real-time coordination, smuggled in from foreign allies.

 Coded Messaging Systems: Developed by local cryptographers to ensure secure


 Trucks :Modified civilian trucks, camouflaged to avoid suspection.

 Bicycles and Motorbikes: For secret messaging, locally The messenger shall have no
idea of his role.

Medical Supplies:

 First Aid Kits: Assembled with help from doctors’ who actually have humanity.
 Field Hospitals: Set up in secret locations to treat casualties.

Plan Of Action

Psychological Operations and Recruitment

I. Manipulation of the Soliders

Psychological Warfare:

o Objective: Undermine British loyalty and respect towards Indian soliders and
make them fell their true value
o Plan Of action:
 Printed Propaganda: Produce leaflets detailing stories of Indian
soldiers' bravery and sacrifices in the war effort, contrasted with
British exploitation and neglect.
 Personal Testimonies: Circulate firsthand accounts from defected
British Indian soldiers, emphasizing disillusionment with colonial
policies and mistreatment.
o Effect: Foster discontent and dissent among soldiers, encouraging defection
and recruitment into the Azad India Movement.

Cultural Unity:

o Objective: Cultivate a strong sense of national identity and purpose among

o Execution:
 Cultural Events: Organize performances of traditional music, dance,
and celebrating Indian heritage and resilience.
 Public Speeches: Engage influential leaders and intellectuals to
deliver impassioned speeches on India's historical struggle for
independence and the duty of soldiers to protect their homeland.
 Symbolic Gestures: Conduct flag-raising ceremonies and
commemorative events honoring Indian freedom fighters and martyrs.
o Effect: Strengthen soldiers' resolve to fight for Azad India's sovereignty,
instilling pride and solidarity within the ranks.


Infiltration and Recruitment:

o Objective: Expand the ranks of the Azad India Movement

o Execution:
 Secret Recruitment Centers: Establish hidden centers in rural
villages and urban slums known for anti-colonial sentiments and
nationalist sympathies.
 Personal Recruitment: Deploy trusted operatives to approach
individuals identified who are dissatisfied with British rule or
sympathetic to the nationalist cause.
 Fake Incentives: Offer promises of land, economic opportunities, and
leadership roles within the emerging independent government of Azad
o Effect: Recruit motivated individuals willing to take up arms and contribute
actively to the liberation struggle, bolstering the movement's strength.

Youth Mobilization:

o Objective: Harness the energy and idealism of young Indians in the fight for
independence which may turn to be the strongest key
o Execution:
 Youth Brigades: Organize training camps to impart basic military
skills, ideological education, and leadership development to young
 Propaganda Campaigns: Distribute pamphlets and posters depicting
heroic actions of young freedom fighters and the importance of youth
in shaping India's future.
 Influence: Encourage influential youth leaders to advocate for Azad
o Effect: Cultivate a dedicated youthful activists committed to the cause, ready
to mobilize their peers and communities in support of independence which
will be the key to independence and lead to stability after indipendence

Phase 2
Establishing Revolutionary Centers and Psychological Manipulation

Secret Revolutionary Centers:

Rural Camps:

 Western Ghats: Dense forests near Lonavla (coordinates: 18.7° N, 73.4° E).

 Punjab: Remote areas near Hoshiarpur (coordinates: 31.5° N, 75.9° E).
 Bengal: Jungles near Bankura (coordinates: 23.2° N, 87° E).
 Central India: Forested areas near Jabalpur (coordinates: 23..1° N, 79.9° E).

Urban Safe Houses:

 Bombay: Safe houses in Dadar (coordinates: 19° N, 72 E).

 Calcutta: Attics in Burrabazar (coordinates: 22. ° N, 88.3° E).
 Delhi: Chandni Chowk (coordinates: 28° N, 77.° E).

 Supplies: Stockpiling food, medical supplies, and weapons in advance, mainly

thorugh help of locals and revolutionaries
 Communication centre: Constructing makeshift barracks, underground bunkers, and
concealed storage facilities.

Infiltration and Subversion:

Potential Soldiers:

 Identifying Candidates: Targeting Indian soldiers in the British Indian Army

through secret communications, pamphlets, and coded messages.
 Mind Games: Emphasizing shared cultural and national identity, exploiting
dissatisfaction with colonial rule, and highlighting the British disregard for Indian
sacrifices during the war.
 Promises: Offering incentives such as land, money, and prominent positions in the
new government.
 Double Agents: Planting trusted operatives within the British military to provide
intelligence and sabotage from within.

Brainwashing and Psychological Manipulation:


 Narratives: Creating compelling stories of British atrocities, emphasizing the moral

and patriotic duty to join the freedom struggle.
 Mediums: Distributing pamphlets, staging street plays, and using local influencers
and religious leaders to spread messages.
 Public Displays: Organizing public events showcasing the sacrifices of freedom
fighters, creating martyrs, and glorifying their actions.

Re shaping Community:

 Meetings: Holding secret community meetings to discuss the movement’s goals,

strategies, and the importance of participation.
 Support Networks: Establishing local committees to provide support and resources
to families of fighters, enhancing community solidarity.

Fostering Sympathy:

 Support Services: Providing medical aid, food, and shelter to civilians affected by
British crackdowns, winning hearts and minds and manipulating them for our goal
 Relief Camps: Setting up relief camps for displaced families and those impacted by
the conflict and brainwashing them through media and making them core member of
our plan

Nationalism Feeling:
 Solidarity Campaigns: Encouraging shared sacrifices through symbolic acts (e.g.,
Flag , National song , collective fasting, mass rallies, and demonstrations of unity).
 Cultural Events: Organizing cultural events celebrating Indian heritage, instilling
pride and a sense of collective identity.

Final Phase:
Day 1: Mobilization and Initial Strikes
Date of 1st day of final phase of fIvEdAY operation:1st
September , 1940
1. Good night Operations:
o Special Ops Units Deployment:
 Target: Key communication lines (telegraphs, radio towers).
 Action: Sabotage operations to cut off British communication.
 Plan: Operatives use explosives and wire cutters to disable telegraph
lines and radio towers.
 Location: Outskirts of major cities(Bombay, Kolkata and delhi,
targeting rural telegraph lines and remote radio towers.
 Expected time of action: 00:00 - 03:00 hours.
o Sleep Well Raids on British Officer Residences:
 Target: Residences of high-ranking British officers.
 Action: Capture or neutralize key personnel.
 Plan: Small, stealthy teams infiltrate residences, using silencers and
close-combat tactics.
 Location: neighborhoods in Bombay, Calcutta, and Delhi.
 Expected time of action: 02:00 - 04:00 hours.
 Main Target:
 Lord Linlithgow: Viceroy of India.

Location : Viceroy's House (now Rashtrapati Bhavan) in New Delhi,

located at coordinates 28.6° N, 77.1° E.

Assanation plan:

Approach: Infiltrate with 300 Local milatry and 100 special ops and
highly secure Viceroy's House grounds using decisive means, such as
scaling walls or exploiting vulnerabilities in security rotations.

Coordinated attack involving multiple operatives strategically placed

around the perimeter and inside the compound to neutralize guards
and secure entry points.

Dawn Attacks:

Military Barracks and Armories:

o Target: British military barracks and armories.
o Inflation ; Disguised as civilian homes in neighborhoods near British military
o Goal: Seize weapons and supplies
o Plan: Coordinated attacks by all Freedom Fighters using surprise and
overwhelming force, focusing on guard posts and entry points.
o Location: Major British military installations in Bombay, Calcutta, and Delhi.
o Expected time of action: 04:00 - 06:00 hours.
o Equipment:Home-made Bombs:
 Rifle
 Handguns
 Home knife


Transportation Hubs:

o Target: Railway stations,

o Action: Capture and control key hubs to restrict British movement.
o Plan: Rapid deployment of freedom fighters to secure entrances and exits and
disable transport vehicles.
o Location: Central railway stations in main cities
o Expected time of action: 05:00 - 07:00 hours.

Major City Control:

 Mobilize Local Militia(complete):

o Target: Major cities (Bombay, Calcutta, Delhi,Lahore).
o Action: Create diversions, overwhelm British forces.
o Plan: Organized protests and riots to draw British attention, allowing Special
Ops Units to secure key buildings.
o Location: Central city areas, government buildings, and police stations.
o Expected time of action: 07:00 - 10:00 hours.


All the weapons shall be distributed within our troop to increase

our power and those who surrendered shall be forced to fight on front
lines or if they don’t surrender they shall be tortured or killed without

Day 2: Control and Expansion

Establish Controled Cities:
o Command Centers in Captured Cities:
 Target: Secured buildings in each major city.
 Action: Set up communication and coordination hubs.
 Plan: Equip with portable radios, establish secure lines of
communication with field operatives.
 Location: Key government buildings and British administrative
 Expected time of action: 10:00 - 14:00 hours.

Expand Control

o Advance to Nearby Cities and Towns:

 Target: Surrounding areas of major cities.
 Action: Rapid deployment of forces to seize control by local military
 Plan: Use trucks for quick transport, establish control over local
government buildings.
 Location: Nearby cities and towns within a 100 km radius of major
 Expected time of action: 14:00 - 18:00 hours.


o Use Seized Radio Stations:

 Target: General population.
 Action: Broadcast messages from leaders.
 Plan: Announce successes, call for support, spread nationalist
 Location: Main radio stations in captured cities.
 Expected time of action: 18:00 - 20:00 hours.
o Distribute Pamphlets:
 Target: Civilians in newly liberated areas.
 Action: Distribute printed materials explaining the movement.
 Plan: Use local networks to distribute quickly and widely.
 Location: Public squares, marketplaces, and community centers.
 Expected time of action: 20:00 - 22:00 hours.

Day 3: Defensive Measures and Counter-Attacks

Fortify Positions:

o Strengthen Defenses:
 Target: Key installations and command centers.
 Action: Set up defensive perimeters.
 Plan: Deploy snipers, set up barricades, organize patrols.
 Location: Around key buildings and strategic points in captured cities.
 Expected time of action: 06:00 - 10:00 hours.

Counter British Movements:

o Pre-emptive Strikes:
 Target: British reinforcements.
 Action: Launch strikes on identified British movements.
 Plan: Use intelligence from spies, ambush reinforcements en route.
 Location: Routes leading into major cities from British-controlled
 Expected time of action: 10:00 - 14:00 hours.

Mobilize Reserves:

o Bring in Additional Fighters:Rural areas with nationalist support.

 Action: Reinforce city defenses.
 Plan: Use bicycles and motorbikes for quick mobilization, integrate
reserves into defense plans.
 Location: Rural areas surrounding major cities.
 Expected time of action: 14:00 - 18:00 hours.

Day 4: Diplomatic and Psychological Warfare

Seek International Recognition:

We will send representatives to foreign countries and ask seek for global support from both
allied and axis nations

Psychological Operations:

Azad Hind Rebels shall spread misinformation in the british forces to create confusion and
demoralize the British troop through radio, pamphlets and newspaper

We shall also encourage surrender of British soliders and support them to joing our Azad
Hind army

Public Support:

Organize Rallies-

To make the general people aware about our national state formation we shall co-ordinate
public gathering and rallies showing our unity which will inturn raise their morale

Day 5: Final Push and Declaration

To capture and stabilize the rest of British India and Britsh Strongholds, we shall use the
power of mass mobilization

Then as free Indians shall announce the formation of provisional Government and ensure the
masses we our doing our best to form an ideal democratic government
By the end of the five days, we aim to have:

a. Seized Control Over Major Cities:Establish control over key urban centers,
disrupting British administration.
b. Neutralized British Military Presence:Disarmed and incapacitated a significant
portion of British military forces.
c. Established a Provisional Government:Declared an independent Azad India with a
provisional government in place, ready to negotiate with international powers for
recognition and support.

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