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CHOCOLATE (bar, candy, cake, milk) = this type of sweet = this treat
Do you like eating chocolate? (Why/ Why not?)

Answer 1: Yes, I really enjoy eating chocolate because it has such a rich and delicious flavor.
It’s a great treat after a meal or when I’m feeling stressed. Plus, there are so many different
kinds of chocolate, so it never gets boring. I especially love trying new chocolate bars with
different flavors and fillings.

Answer 2: No, I don't like eating chocolate very much. It's too sweet for my taste, and I
prefer snacks that are less sugary. Also, I try to eat healthy foods, and chocolate doesn't
really fit into my diet. I would rather have some fresh fruit or a handful of nuts.

Did you give chocolate to someone as a gift?

Answer 1: Yes, I have given chocolate as a gift several times. It’s an easy and popular choice
because most people like chocolate. Last Valentine’s Day, I gave my friend a box of fancy
chocolates, and she was really happy with it. Chocolate makes a great gift because it’s
simple but still feels special.

Answer 2: No, I haven’t given chocolate as a gift. I usually choose other presents like books
or plants because they feel more personal to me. However, I can see why chocolate is a
popular gift choice since it’s delicious and nicely packaged. Maybe I’ll try giving chocolate
next time.

Did you often eat chocolate when you were a child?

Answer 1: Yes, I often ate chocolate when I was a child. My parents would buy me
chocolate bars and candies as treats, especially when I did well in school or finished my
chores. I loved getting chocolate eggs during Easter and chocolate coins at Christmas. It was
always a special treat for me.

Answer 2: No, I didn’t eat chocolate very often when I was a child. My parents didn’t buy
sweets very much because they wanted me to eat healthier foods. We only had chocolate
on special occasions like birthdays or holidays, so it was a rare treat. Because of that, I
didn’t develop a strong craving for it.

When was the first time you ate chocolate?

Answer 1: The first time I ate chocolate was when I was about three years old. My
grandmother gave me a small piece of milk chocolate, and I remember how sweet and
creamy it was. It was such a special moment because it felt like a real treat, and I instantly
loved it.

Answer 2: I first ate chocolate at my cousin’s birthday party when I was five. There was a big
chocolate cake, and I was so excited to try it. I had never tasted anything like it before – it
was rich and delicious. That moment made a big impression on me, and it’s one of my
earliest and happiest memories involving food.

Why do you think chocolate is popular around the world?

Answer 1: I think chocolate is popular around the world because it tastes amazing and can
be enjoyed in many different ways. People like it in bars, cakes, cookies, and drinks.
Chocolate is also associated with happiness and celebration, so it’s a common gift for
special occasions like birthdays, anniversaries, and holidays.

Answer 2: Chocolate is popular because it makes people feel good. It’s a treat that can lift
your mood and provide comfort. Additionally, chocolate has a long history and cultural
significance in many countries, which helps maintain its popularity. The variety of chocolate
products available today, from simple candy bars to gourmet truffles, also adds to its
widespread appeal.

Do you think people use chocolate differently now than in the past?

Answer 1: Yes, people use chocolate differently now compared to the past. In the past,
chocolate was mainly a simple treat or used in desserts. Nowadays, chocolate is also used
in a variety of creative ways, like in gourmet cooking and baking, and even in beauty
products like face masks.

Answer 2: I think people have always enjoyed chocolate, but now there are more ways to
use it. For example, there are many different kinds of chocolate desserts and even savory
dishes that include chocolate.

What’s your favourite flavour of chocolate?

Answer 1: My favorite flavor of chocolate is dark chocolate with sea salt. I love the
combination of the rich, slightly bitter taste of dark chocolate with the hint of saltiness. It’s
not too sweet, which is perfect for me, and the flavors balance each other really well. It’s a
more sophisticated taste that I really enjoy.
Answer 2: I really enjoy milk chocolate with hazelnuts. The creamy texture of the milk
chocolate combined with the crunchiness of the hazelnuts creates a wonderful contrast. It’s
a classic combination that I never get tired of. I think the nuts add a nice depth to the
chocolate’s sweetness.

Is chocolate good for our health?

Answer 1: Yes, chocolate can be good for our health, especially dark chocolate. It has
antioxidants and can help improve mood and heart health if eaten in moderation.

Answer 2: Chocolate can be both good and bad for our health. While it has some benefits
like antioxidants, eating too much can lead to weight gain and other health issues because
of the high sugar and fat content.
in excess

1. Useful vocabulary and phrases
- To make steady progress: Để đạt được tiến bộ ổn định
- To be a native speaker of
- To be proficient in = to be fluent in
- To dabble in = take a slight and not very serious interest in something
- As someone who values communication and cross-cultural exchange, I am always interested
in learning new languages.
- on the spur of the moment: without planning in advance
- To create an immersive environment at home: Để tạo ra một môi trường đắm chìm tại
- To have opportunities for immersion through….: Để có cơ hội đắm mình vào
- To prioritize memorization and paper practice: Để ưu tiên ghi nhớ và thực hành trên giấy
- To build a solid foundation: Để xây dựng một nền tảng vững chắc
- To kill the fun of learning a new language: ​Để giết chết niềm vui khi học một ngôn ngữ mới
- To hinder overall language learning results: Để cản trở kết quả học ngôn ngữ nói chung
- To pick something up: to start doing something
- To keep at something : to continue to do something
- To learn via Duolingo with the occasional fragmented conversation: Học thông qua
Duolingo với những đoạn hội thoại rời rạc..
- Career prospects: Triển vọng nghề nghiệp
- Learning a new language can have cognitive benefits such as improved memory and
increased attention span.

What languages do you speak? (Why?)

Version 1: I speak English and Mandarin. I learned English because it's a mandatory subject
in school and essential for international communication. Mandarin is my native language,
and it's spoken by many people in my country.

Version 2: I know English and a bit of German. English is important for most global
interactions and job opportunities. I started learning German because I was fascinated by
German history and wanted to understand it better.

Do you think English is an easy or a difficult language to learn? (Why?)

Version 1: I find English challenging to learn. The idiomatic expressions and phrasal verbs
are hard to grasp, and the spelling rules are inconsistent. It requires a lot of practice to get
it right.

Version 2: I think English is relatively easy to learn. The basic grammar is straightforward,
and there are many resources to help learners. Once you get the hang of the common
phrases, it becomes easier to understand and use.

How did you learn English?

Version 1: I learned English through immersive experiences. I attended an English-speaking

summer camp and participated in various activities that required me to speak and listen to
English all the time.

Version 2: I improved my English by playing online games with players from different
countries. Communicating with them in English helped me learn new vocabulary and
improve my speaking skills naturally.

How are languages taught and learned in your school?

Version 1: Languages in my school are taught using a blended learning approach. We have
traditional classroom lessons combined with online exercises and language lab sessions to
practice pronunciation and listening skills.

Version 2: At my school, we learn languages through a communicative approach. Teachers

encourage us to use the language in real-life situations, like role-playing and group
discussions, which makes learning more practical and engaging.

Would you like to learn any other languages? (Why/Why not?)

Version 1: I would like to learn Korean because I'm a big fan of K-pop and Korean dramas.
Understanding the language would allow me to enjoy these shows and songs without
subtitles and get a deeper understanding of Korean culture.

Version 2: I want to learn Arabic because it is one of the most widely spoken languages in
the world. Learning Arabic would open up new travel opportunities and help me
understand the rich history and culture of Arabic-speaking countries.

Social media
● staying connected with family and friends worldwide via email, text, FaceTime, etc.
● quick access to information and research
● banking and bill pay at our fingertips
● online learning, job skills, content discovery (YouTube)
● involvement in civic engagement (fundraising, social awareness, provides a voice)
● great marketing tools
● stay up-to-date with
● staying in touch with
● be all active users of social media
● feel my attention span was narrowing
● short-form video app
● ranks the top in terms of popularity
● an informative sort of platform.
● be drawn to
● pieces of my life

When did you start using social media?

be psyed for

Version 1: I started using social media when I was about 13 years old. I created my first
Facebook account to stay in touch with my school friends and share photos from our school

Version 2: I began using social media at the age of 15. I was curious about it because all my
classmates were talking about it, so I joined Instagram to follow my favorite celebrities and
keep up with trends.
Do you think you spend too much time on social media?

Version 1: Yes, I think I spend too much time on social media. Sometimes I lose track of
time scrolling through my feed, especially when I'm watching funny videos or reading
interesting posts.

Version 2: Not really. I try to limit my social media use to about an hour a day. I mainly
check it during breaks to catch up on news and messages, but I don’t let it interfere with my
studies or work.

Do your friends use social media?

Version 1: Yes, most of my friends use social media. They post updates about their daily
lives, share memes, and chat in group messages. It’s a big part of how we stay connected
and communicate with each other.

Version 2: Absolutely, all of my friends are active on social media. They use different
platforms like Snapchat, Instagram, and TikTok to share pictures, videos, and keep up with
each other's activities.

What do people often do on social media?

Version 1: People often share photos and videos on social media. They also like to
comment on each other's posts, send private messages, and join groups or communities
with similar interests.

Version 2: On social media, people frequently update their status, share interesting articles,
and follow pages related to their hobbies. They also use it to stay informed about news and
events happening around the world.


What are your Benefits Drawbacks How to deal with



1. What subject do you think is the most challenging at school?

For me, math is the toughest subject at school. The numbers and all those rules/formulas
can get really confusing. But I do enjoy the moments when I finally figure things out—it
feels like a real achievement.

speak a word to…

features of metaphor


2. Do you like to challenge yourself?

Nghĩa: Yes → develop prob-solving skills –. step out…→ more mature in life
→ helps
-> urge me to improve myself
For exampme ( context trong quá khứ, một challenge gì đó khiến mình thay đổi)
→ in the past, communicating with foreigners was difficult for me. Therefore, I decided
to learn a new language, which is English → Since then, more confident to converse
with …. → broaden my circle of friends
It depends. Sometimes I choose to step out of my comfort zone to challenge myself, as I
believe it can lead to personal growth. But there are times when I prefer to stay within my
comfort zone and maintain the status quo.

3. Do you like to live a life that has a lot of challenges?


living a life filled with challenges can be pressing and overwhelming

→ lead a life with a mix of managable obstacles and moments of peace/relaxation
be more desirable

No, although I believe that challenges can lead to personal growth, living in a life filled with
constant challenges can be stressful. This stress can lead to emotional discomfort and even
health issues.

interpersonal skills : kĩ năng lquan đến bản tyhaan

4. How do you usually deal with challenges in daily life?

In my daily life, when facing challenges, first stabilize my mindset and reassure myself that I
can overcome them. Then, I break them down into smaller, manageable tasks and tackle
them one by one.

useful advise/feedback
seek useful advise from…
turn to someone for advice
offer me a good/helpful guidance
relationship -> share their views on the person that I will get to know →they can be a
useful source of reference

Nghĩa: good mentality→ make to-do lists/ arrange approriate schedule/timetable …–.>
tackle problems by breaking down into …
challenges = obstacles = struggles = difficulties
get over = get through = overcome
face = cope with = deal with = struggle with
brick by brick
pile up
→ breaking them down enables me to manage tasks more effectively


1. What subject do you think is the most challenging at school?

The most challenging subject at school can vary widely among individuals.
For me, it was literature or a foreign language in my primary years due to the difficulty of
understanding and creativity needed. But when I got into high school, mathematics became
my weakness as I am not so good at logical reasoning and analysis.

2. Do you like to challenge yourself?

Actually, I don’t like to meet many new challenges. It means endless hours of tension and
pressure for me, as I have to try things I haven’t done before. For example, I experienced
several sleepless nights for my first speech contest. But sometimes I do feel like we need to
step out of our comfort zone or we will never make any progress.

3. Do you like to live a life that has a lot of challenges?

I like a life with a balance of challenges and relaxation. Too many challenges can be
overwhelming, leading to stress and burnout, but a certain level of difficulty keeps things
exciting and helps me grow.
I aim for a life where I can pursue my goals and face challenges without feeling constantly
overwhelmed. It’s about finding that sweet spot where growth and enjoyment coexist.

4. How do you usually deal with challenges in daily life?

I usually deal with challenges by breaking them down into smaller, manageable tasks.
This approach makes them less intimidating and allows me to tackle them one step at a
I also seek advice or support from others if I need a fresh perspective or extra help.
Keeping a positive attitude and focusing on solutions rather than problems helps me stay
on track.


solar and lunar system
milky way
come across
gain a bit knowledge of …
identify any constellations
1. Have you ever learnt about outer space and stars?

Yeah, I have taken the intro courses of geography and there are some units in the textbook
about outer space and stars. It’s interdisciplinary, and I have learnt something about the
Galaxy, the beginning of universe and the solar system.

2. Do you like science fiction movies? Why?

Yeah, I love sci-fi movies to pieces coz they’ve never disappointed me. It’s like the directors
create the fantasy world, making people escape from the mundane in life. What’s more,
the special effects in the movies give people lots of visual impacts.

3. Do you want to know more about outer space?

yeah I do because I’m curious about everything of outer space. There are so many
unresolved mysteries like, whether alien beings exist in the universe, so l’d like to watch
documentaries in my spare time. Staying tuned on the topic is fun.

4. Do you want to go into outer space in the future?


Yeah, I’m definitely looking forward to that. Actually, I dreamed of being an astronaut when
I was a kid. Although it’s just a dream, thinking of travelling in the outer space is super cool.
Maybe it can be realized one day when I save enough money.


1. Have you ever learnt about outer space and stars?

Yes, I am. I have physics class in junior high school, in the physics class, learned a lot about
space and stars knowledge. It made me more interested in the universe, and it made me
more interested in physics.

2. Do you like science fiction movies? Why?

Yes, my favorite movie is Star Wars. The movie has great special effects and can do a good
job of showing the beauty and mystery of the universe. I’m passionate about movies set in

3. Do you want to know more about outer space?

Yes, because I am a very curious person, so l often watch movies and books about space. I
really want to know about the formation of stars so far away from us and its secrets.

4. Do you want to go into outer space in the future?

Frankly, as curious as I am about the universe, the idea of going into space is crazy to me.
I’m worried about the cold of the universe. If I don’t have oxygen, I’ll die. It’s too dangerous
to go to space.

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