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Speaking Quy 2.2024 ( May to August) by REAL EXAMS Phan 1: ( always in use) Topic 1: work and studies 1. Do you work or are you a student? Ver 1: After | left school, | got a degree in nursing, and I've been working as a staff nurse for almost 10 years now. Currently, I'm working at Manilamed, one the best medical centres here in Manila. As a staff nurse, I'm responsible for lots of different things such as preparing patients for examinations and surgery, observing and recording their conditions, measuring and recording their vital signs and weight, administering medications, preparing rooms, cleaning and disinfecting equipment and instruments, or assisting doctors during surgery. Plus, every day | perform a wide range of tasks to provide care to my patients and resolve their problems. For instance, | feed patients who cannot feed themselves, dress patients with physical challenges, help ambulatory patients walk, tum bedridden patients to prevent pressure sores, sometimes | have to transport patients. You see, there's no such thing as a routine day in a hospital, and you just never know what to expect. It's a very tough job, but I like it Ver 2; I've been working as an English teacher for about 15 years now, and for the last 10 years I've specialized exclusively in teaching IELTS. And | absolutely love what I do. Of course, sometimes | feel tired and emotionally drain especially when | have to mark my students’ essays midnight, but | just don't see myself doing anything ©..... than teaching Ver 3: I's been a few years now since | started working full time. | work in Experiential Marketing and | absolutely love it because it's the type of job that really lets you utilize all of your talents. One day you can be making a budget, and the next day you can be learning to use a drill because you need to drill holes in the floor. It's very versatile. It's for people who don't want to be the same as the day before Ver 4: Group: ot jal exams- phone: 0964879926 Currently, I'm in my senior year of high school. And I'm graduating this year. Now I'm working hard in order to get passing grades ‘cause I'm planning to study abroad. | want to major in Journalism ‘cause I've always had a strong passion for writing, and I don't see myself doing anything else. And there's a great two-year diploma Journalism program at Seneca college in Canada. So if everything is ok, 9 months from now I'll be studying there. Ver 5: | neither work nor study. At the moment I have a Bachelor's degree, and I'm planning to apply for a Master's degree as soon as | meet the requirements of the program. It seems I've missed the boat for the fall semester, so I'l try not to miss the deadline for applying for the winter one. Ver 6: Neither. Having worked for many years in the field of Advertising, | made a decision to make a career change and now that | have completed a program, I want to pursue a career in IT. 2. Why did you choose that job? Well, | guess the primary reason why | decided to pursue a career in Finance was that | really loved Maths at school as | was always good at numbers. And because of this, ! thought it was the only_possible choice | could make. So it wasn't a tough decision ‘And, thank God, | have never regretted it. Ver 2: Back in the day when | was a high school student, had an idea that | might like to do something related to fashion, but my parents insisted on my choosing Accounting. Frankly, | wish | hadn't listened to them as | don't really enjoy being an accountant. 3. (for people who love challenges) Do you like your job? Yeah | do. What I love the most about my job is that it never gets boring. Mainly because | have an opportunity to take on new challenges all the time, which | really like. In fact, the more challenging the task or the project, the more | like it. You know, if | could do the work with my eyes closed, | swear | would die of boredom, and | would quit my job even though it pays really well. So every time my boss gives me a new challenging task, | feel totally psyched. You know, there is just something beautiful about encountering obstacles and finding ways to overcome them. And then every time | finish a difficult project or task successfully, | feel like I'm flying. My confidence Group: ot jal exams- phone: 0964879926 skyrockets and | feel proud of myself, which helps me grow both professionally and personally, and expand my comfort zone 3.1 (for nurses) Do you like your job? Absolutely. The most rewarding thing about being a nurse is making a difference in the lives of others, whether it be helping patients recover more quickly or helping them pass away as peacefully and comfortably as possible. | find real satisfaction in providing good medical care and emotional support to patients (and oftentimes to their relatives). 3.2 (for nurses) Is there anything you dislike about your job? ''d rather say there are things that are really hard to manage or cope with. The hardest thing about being a nurse is that you have to handle extremely high levels of stress. ‘cause, first of all, you have to deal with life and death every day. Plus, you never know what's gonna happen in the next second. And there's always someone who's complaining about something. Sometimes it feels like they're just trying to test the limits of your patience. Also, you have to work long hours, work on weekends, holidays and during night shifts, which is also stressful and exhausting. What's more, you spend most of the time walking, standing, lifting and bending, sometimes moving heavy equipment. It's a demanding job. But despite all this, | don't think | could do anything but nursing now. 3.3 (for people who have to deal with deadlines) What do you dislike about your job? ‘The one thing | hate about my job is that | always have to work against the clock to meet deadlines. Unrealistic deadlines. And believe me, | know the difference between ‘unrealistic’ and just ‘challenging’. So what I'm dreaming of now is a slower paced job ‘cause I'd like to feel one step ahead, not constantly behind. 3.4 (for people who have too much responsibility) What do you dislike about your job? The only thing | don't like is too much responsibility. You know, | feel like I have the weight of the world on my shoulders. And it's exhausting. Of course, when I chose this job, | knew what | was getting into, but now I'm feeling so overwhelmed that | just wanna stop and shake my shoulders to get rid of this burden (for people who have too many responsibilities) 3.5 What do you dislike about your job? Group: ot al exams- phone: 0964879926 One thing that makes me feel unhappy is that | have too much on my_plate these days. And I've noticed that it has already started taking its toll on my work productivity ‘cause having terrifyingly long to-do lists day by day does nothing but prevent me from focusing on tasks that are critical to the success of the company. And the worst thing is that I don't feel comfortable delegating. So | just continue carrying the weight of the world on my shoulders, feeling stressed and exhausted all the time. 4. What do you like about your studies? | will probably sound a bit nerdy, but I'm happy that school provides me with an opportunity to acquire knowledge about things | didn't know before. | guess that most subjects, we are taught, will help us to succeed in the future. So I never miss lessons and complete all the assignments on time. 5. What do you ike about your studies? As a high school student, | can safely say that I dislike school very strongly mainly because the teachers pile so much work onto us that we hardly get 5 hours of sleep a night during an average school week. You see, no matter when | go to bed, I have to wake up early because my classes usually start at 8 am. To top it off, most subjects are boring and irrelevant to our future careers. So it causes a lot of stress, making me and my fellow students reluctant to study. Ver Well, my pet hate is that the school curriculum doesn't take into account individual differences and capabilities of students. All of us are different, but we are supposed to study the same subjects at the same pace. Also, I don't like the fact that our educational system relies heavily on teamwork. Of course, | realise they/te trying to teach us to collaborate, but | think it's unfair that everyone gets the same grade irrespective of how much each person has done. 6. What was your dream job when you were young? Oh, when | was younger, I wanted to either become a CEO of a big company or be self- employed. | was really sure that this would bring me an adequate remuneration and, as a result, a sense of satisfaction. What is more, | understood that | was good at problem- solving and managing people, could take on responsibility and work under pressure, which was very important for pursuing. such careers, 7. Have you changed your mind on your dream job? Well, on the whole, ‘no’ as this is what | still dream about. However, now | realize that there are quite a lot of things in this career which | didn't think about at a younger age, Group: ot al exams- phone: 0964879926 for example, the fact that working under pressure is robbing people of their life, taking them from their families and pushing them to participate in the rat race in order to get recognition and good money. Topic 2: hometown ( always in use) 1. Please describe your hometown a little? ‘Some of the model answers provided are tailored to specific cities that may not be where you reside, However, these model answers contain phrases that are applicable to many places, making them valuable resources for anyone. Ver 2: Tell me alittle about your hometown Ilive in Accra, the capital of Ghana and the most populous city in my country. It's located on the country's southern coast, along the Gulf of Guinea. That's why we've got some awesome beaches, and one of my favorites is Labadi Beach. But Accra is not only about natural beauty, it also has its impressive, like everybody says these days, ‘instagrammable' architecture. So, first of all, i's beautiful. Also, Accra is a busy and diverse place. You know, it's a city that never sleeps. Literally. And it's super safe too. You can walk in the city at night on your own without constantly looking around Ver 3: Tell me a little bit about your hometown. | live in Doha which is both the capital and the largest city of Qatar. It's an incredible city with a unique blend of tradition and modemity. The name ‘Doha’ actually comes from the Arabic term 'Dohat' meaning roundness, which refers to the rounded bays surrounding the city. In my opinion, one of the most captivating aspects of Doha is its architecture. It showcases a mesmerizing combination of old and modern structures that create a visually stunning skyline, which | absolutely love Ver 4: Tell me a little about your hometown. Group: ot al exams- phone: 0964879926 |live in Baku, the capital of Azerbaijan. If I were to compare Baku to a tangible object, to give you a better understanding of what the city is like, it would be a Ferrero Rocher candy. Just like the candy, Baku has different layers. The ‘whole almond’ at the heart of the candy represents the Old City (Icherisheher), the historic core of Baku. It is filled with ancient architecture, narrow streets, and rich cultural heritage. Surrounding the ‘heart is the creamy filling, symbolizing the modern part of the city. This area showcases the contemporary side of Baku with its stunning architecture, including the Flame Tr Heydar Aliyev Center, and other modern structures make the city unique. Ver 5: Tell me a little about your hometown. | live in Baku, the capital of Azerbaijan. It's not only the largest and most populous city in Azerbaijan, but it's also known as one of the most ancient cities in the East. Despite its rich history, Baku is an ultra-modem megapolis often referred to as the Paris, of the East, thanks to its impressive architecture. Speaking of architecture, one of the most iconic masterpieces in Baku is the Heydar Aliyev cultural centre, designed by the renowned architect Zaha Hadid. This center is known for its distinctive architecture and flowing curved style that avoids sharp angles. Apart from its architectural wonders, Baku is famous for a couple of interesting characteristics. Many locals would tell you that ites a windy city, experiencing gusts of wino throughout the year. Moreover, Baku is known for its abundant population of cats. This is what my hometown is like. Ver 6: I live in Bangkok, the capital of Thailand. If | were to compare Bangkok to something, it ‘would undoubtedly be a pounding heart, Just ike the heart, Bangkok serves as a vital and central organ for Thailand that pumps life and energy throughout the country. ‘cause it's where much of the country's action and activity take place. It's regarded as the political, economic, commercial and cultural center of Thailand. Just like the heart circulates blood, Bangkok serves as a vital transportation hub that connects different parts of the country.. Also, the city_plays a crucial role in preserving the cultural heritage of Thailand, much like how the heart is essential for sustaining life. There are numerous temples, palaces, museums, and art galleries, which act as the cultural arteries that keep Thai traditions and history alive. What's interesting is that history and progress perfectly coexist in Bangkok. For example, you can see tall skyscrapers towering over omate temples. The streets of Bangkok are always bustling with people and vehicles. The city pulsates with activity. And it's literally filled Group: ot jal exams- phone: 0964879926 Ver 7: Tell me a little about the place where you live | live in Hong Kong, It's a vibrant city located on the easter coast of China. Hong Kong is often referred to as the ‘concrete jungle’ because of its distinctive tower-studded cityscape. But, in fact, skyscrapers make up only a small portion of the city’s total land area. More than 60 percent of Hong Kong is made up of green spaces, beaches and mountains. It's surprising, isn't it? Another interesting fact about Hong Kong is that it's one of the most expensive places to live in the world. Despite this, it's also one of the most heavily populated cities, with more than 7 million people living here. And because it's so densely populated, it's common for the buildings to be super tall and for the apartments to be super small. Some people say the density of Hong Kong is suffocating, but I'm used to it. And I think it's a truly unique place. 2. Do you like your hometown? 1'm afraid not, | don't think it's a great place for living, and what irritates me most is the quality of our roads as driving a car every day tums into continuous detecting potholes instead of focusing on the road traffic. It's more than frustrating. Unfortunately, this list goes on and on There are too few green zones so the city looks like the forest of high-rise office and residential buildings. You know, it's impossible to get a lungful of fresh air unless you drive 30 kilometres away from the city. And yet, the cost of living is incredibly high. Ver 2: Do you like your hometown? Yeah. Absolutely. | think no other city has the same magnetic vibe as Tashkent does. The city is so diverse, and this diversity is reflected in the city’s food, language, traditions, and overall atmosphere. Also, | like living here because of the quality of life the city offers. The city has well-maintained parks, recreational areas, and green spaces where I can relax and enjoy nature. What's important is that the public transportation system is efficient and convenient. And there are always cultural festivals, art exhibitions, and concerts happening in the city. So I never feel bored. And | never run out of things to do, 3. Is that a big city or a small place? Ver4 Group: ot jal exams- phone: 0964879926 I don't know... It depends on what city you compare it with. For example, a Londoner would say it's a small place ‘cause London is much bigger than the place where I live. | guess it's 10 or 20 times as big. But if ask a local resident, they will definitely say its big ‘cause it's one of the biggest cities in my country, the third-largest one if I'm not mistaken Ver Is that a big city or a small place? Well, I'm from one of those everyone-knows-everyone towns. And it's so small that all the facilities are located within walking distance. Just imagine, it takes only minutes to get from one end of my hometown to the other Topic 3: home, decoration 1, What colour would you choose to paint the walls of your room? | would rather choose blue for my bedroom as it is believed to guarantee the best night's sleep by reducing heart pressure and heart rate. However, | would balance it with warm hues for furnishings and fabrics. 2. What colour would you never use in your home? | would avoid stimulating colours, for instance, large splashes of red and yellow or sharp contrasting colours such as black and white. This is because my bedroom should be a place of peace and tranquility rather than a stimulating environment. | would advise against too much black as it will make me feel on the low side or even depressed. Similarly, | would try to avoid red because | will never have deep sleep or possibly have trouble falling asleep as it is not an easy bedroom colour to relax. 3. Can you describe the place where you live? My dwelling is a one-room minimalist-style flat. | guess if | buy one more piece of furniture, there won't be enough room to swing a cat in my flat. There's a wardrobe with wall-to-wall and floor-to-ceiling mirrored sliding doors. Group: original exams- phone: 0964879926 Were it not for this wardrobe, my room would have got bogged down by clutter. Regrettably, this wardrobe has become a clutter hot spot itself, but all the disarray is inside so nobody sees it. There is also a wall-mounted flat-screen TV and a bed. 4, What do you like about your flat? What | particularly like is that it reflects my personality, so | feel really comfortable being at home. Also, it gives me the feeling of stepping into a safe, personal refuge. 5. What can you see from the windows where you live? Unfortunately, as | live in a huge industrial city, every time | look out of the window, | see nothing but concrete jungle. As | live in a house, I have a very nice view of the river and forest from the window. It's especially beautiful at dawn and at dusk. 6. What would you like to change in your flat? | would like to breathe more life into it by hanging some paintings on the walls or putting a potted plant on the window sill TOPIC 1 : COLOUR 1. What colour car would you choose to buy? Sample 1: Well, 'm a very practical person, so | would opt for a white one. First of all, | like that simple, less-is-more look. Also, scratches would be less noticeable and it would be easier to repair should any mishaps occur. And the most important thing is that white cars rank really high in resale value, so they would be very good investment. ‘Sample 2: Well, you know, the colour of your car subconsciously tells a story about who you are, and could be sending out subliminal messages to others. As | want to give the impression of being financially established and stable, | will choose a silver one as this colour represents luxury... wealth and prestige. ‘Sample 3: I've been dreaming of having a yellow car for ages. It's my favourite colour as it is associated with optimism,. confidence, cheerfulness, joy and happiness and Group: ot al exams- phone: 0964879926 would allow me to stand out from the crowd. One more benefit is that such a car is less likely to be stolen as it is too conspicuous. 2. What is your favourite colour? It is yellow that | like as it seems to exude nothing but warmth and happiness. This is the only colour that makes me feel energetic and elated. | think this is the best colour to signify positive emotions, 3. Do you think colours influence you?/ Do you think colours are important? Sample 1: Absolutely yes. Not only do they influence our mood, but they also cause psychological and physiological reactions. For example, green is known to have soothing properties and red has been found to increase our craving for food Sample Definitely, yes. Colours have a big impact on me. I've noticed that blue reduces stress and makes me calm, whereas white makes me feel more energetic and refreshed ‘Sample 3: Definitely! For example, the colors you use to decorate your home can have a profound effect on the emotional well-being of you and your family. Further, the colour of your car sends a subliminal message to people telling who you are and what you want to be. Sample 3: Oh yeah, | believe the importance of colours cannot be overestimated. What | want to say is what color you paint your walls isn't just a matter of aesthetics. It's a powerful tool that can be leveraged to affect emotions and behavior. 4, Were colours important to you when you were a child? ‘Sample 1: | don't remember for sure but | guess back in the day colours must have been the least of my concerns. ‘Sample 2: Oh, yeah. | was really hard to please. | wanted my clothes to be bright, otherwise | simply refused to put them on, and my parents couldn't do anything to make me change my mind. | behaved in the same way when it came to colours of toys. Group: ot al exams- phone: 0964879926 Sample 3: Yeah, | remember back in the day I was really finicky, so | always participated in choosing the colours of the room walls, toys or clothes 5. What colour clothes do you like to wear?/ Do people in your country like to wear bright colours?/ What are the differences between men and women's preference in colour? Sample 1: Well, my outfits of choice are usually monochromatic grayscale looks. | guess being not as boring as all black ones, they make me look classy and slim Sample 2: Well, it depends. For instance, in the office | would go for darker clothes as they would let me look more formal and respectable. However, in the summertime | would definitely switch to lighter clothes because they wouldn't absorb as much heat as darker ones. ‘Sample 3: | love wearing bright clothes as | really like drawing attention to myself through clothing. When I have to put on something less conspicuous, | feel as if | were dressed for a funeral. 6. Do people in your country like to we bright colours? ‘Sample 1: Well, the majority of people don't like to wear bright clothes as they don't want to stand out from the crowd and make themselves in the centre of attention. Sample 2: | guess people try to be more in tune with what is deemed appropriate in our society so pastels, black and grayscale looks became dominant in their wardrobes. 7. What are the differences between men and women's preference in colour? ‘Sample 1: Well, there's no universal answer. | guess it is a personality and age that matter, not gender. For example, those who want to look more serious or conventional, be it men or women, would choose black or silver cars and dark clothes. Again, the older people are, the more tend to use dark colours, whereas kids go for some bright. 8. What colour would you never use in your home? Group: ot al exams- phone: 0964879926 Sample 1: | would avoid stimulating colours, for instance, large splashes of red and yellow or sharp contrasting colours such as black and white. This is because my bedroom should be a place of peace and tranquility rather than a stimulating environment. Sample 2: | would advise against too much black as it will make me feel on the low side or even depressed. Similarly, | would try to avoid red because | will never have deep sleep or possibly have trouble falling asleep as it is not an easy. bedroom colour to relax. 9. What colour would you choose to paint the walls of your room? Sample 1: | would rather choose blue for my bedroom as it is believed to guarantee the best night's sleep by reducing. heart pressure and heart rate. However, | would balance it with warm hues for furnishings and fabrics TOPIC 2: Cakes 1. Have you ever made a cake yourself? Yeah, last year | decided to make a cake for my husband's birthday because it was the least expected thing that I could do for him. My husband doesn't like cakes with a buttery taste. And he doesn't like too airy cakes either. So I chose to make a three-tier chocolate biscuit cake with a tender and moist texture. | found a video recipe on the Internet and asked my mom to help me as | was afraid to spoil everything. | baked several cakes and made chocolate mousse first. Then | assembled it, stacking the layers on top of each other. Also, | experimented with cake decorations a bit and finally decided on chocolate lace collars, decorating the outside of the bottom and middle cakes with them. The cake looked gorgeous. The crumb was delicate and moist, the frosting was rich and creamy and utterly chocolatey. It was filled with buttercream, fresh fruit, and nuts. sprinkled the top tier of the cake with chocolate curls and dusted it with Group: ot al exams- phone: 0964879926 confectioners sugar. | was so excited as | just couldn't believe | managed to make it myself. It was the first time I had ever made a cake myself. 2. Do you like cake? Sample 1: Yeah, cake is my favourite foodstuff. It is the most versatile dessert as it comes in a huge variety of delicious flavour combinations. | really love chocolate tarts ano tartlets with berries, cake with mascarpone or cream cheese, to name but a few. I's delicious. And believe it or not, cake helps me relieve the stress. Not only gain weight. Sample 2: No, | don't... as | don't like any sugary things... except for a few kinds of fruits and berries. And | try to avoid eating unhealthy food. ‘Sample 3: No. You see, there's a really good phrase ‘a minute on the lips, a lifetime on the hips’. | just don't think that a moment's pleasure is worth sticking to a diet for a week or so in order not to gain weight. ‘Sample 4: No, | do not like cake at all. Not even cupcakes or brownies. The only ‘cake! | will eat is cheesecake as it's not too sweet. But | try not to eat too much 3. Do you eat cake after meals? Sample 1: Mostly, yes... as there's a tradition in my family to do so. Furthermore, a meal is never complete for me without a piece of delicious cake. ‘Sample 2: No, | seldom do it after meals. | usually eat cake in between meals or any time | feel | need to satisfy my. sweet tooth. After meals | normally have no room for cake. Topic unglasses 1. Do you wear sunglasses? Of course, | do as | don't want to have either sun-related health problems or wrinkles around my eyes. What's more, Like to look trendy and cool. 2. Why do you wear sunglasses? Well, 1, first of all, wear sunglasses to protect my eyes from the sun. Though, sometimes | also put them on when I want to hide my emotions and insecurities or just try to avoid eye contact and conversations with some people. Group: original exams- phone: 0964879926 3. How often do you buy sunglasses? Oh, every time I find a new model | fall in love with,. especially if it's the right model for my face, style and emotional needs. 4, Have you ever lost your sunglasses? ‘Sample 1: Plenty of times, to my regret. Lonce dropped my. sunglasses in water, once left them in a taxi, | also remember the case when | lost them on amusement park rides. Oh, and of course, a hundred of cases when I lost them at home. Sample 2: Oh, thank god, I've never lost them. Otherwise, | would have had a heart attack as they cost me an arm and a leg, Topic 5: Music 1. What kinds of music do you like to listen to? 1am a music lover so | enjoy listening to different kinds of music because any music be it classical, electronic or pop creates some feelings in my soul. Moreover, different kinds of music influence me in different ways, for example classical music lessens depression whereas rock music evokes strong memories. 2. What kinds of music are most popular in your country? Group: ot al exams- phone: 0964879926 | think people in my country mostly enjoy pop and rock, Pop music appeals to people with its catchy melodies and lyrics while rock is liked simply because it provides soundtracks for life experiences, motivates people and energises them 3. Have you ever learnt to play a musical instrument? Yes, | have. When I was a kid | attended music school for several years. | tried playing several musica instruments such as the piano, the drums and the guitar but eventually | opted for the piano and | still can play several classical music pieces like The Four Seasons by Antonio Vivaldi or On the Beautiful Blue Danube by Johann Strauss. 4, Is music an important subject at school in your country? Unfortunately music isn't considered to be an important subject at schoo! in practice but itis of primary importance at its core cause musical training helps develop language and reasoning, maths and pattern recognition skills. What is more, it builds imagination and intellectual curiosity, develops spatial intelligence and teaches kids discipline. 5. When did you start listening to that type of music? | started listening to pop music at a very early age, | guess | was around 5 or 6 years old. This catchy and easy-listening music tempted me and | just couldn't help listening to it, As far as rock is concerned, | fell in love with it in my early twenties after | heard the Rolling Stones’ 'Paint it black’ 6. Do you often listen to music? It seems I listen to it all the time. | do it while working,. driving a car, spending time on the Internet, walking down the street, working out, cooking and even lying around. So yeah, | can say that | listen to music my entire day. 7. When do you listen to music? Well, | would say | listen to music whenever | can but I mostly do it when I am out of work and have free time though sometimes | turn on music at work when | need to focus on some important task 8. How much time do you spend listening to music every day? I guess | spend about 70 percent of my time listening to music. | listen to it my entire day while working, walking... driving a car, cooking, surfing the Internet. So yeah I guess at least 70 percent of my day 9. How do you feel when you listen to it? Group: ot al exams- phone: 0964879926 | feel elated when | listen to the music | like. | just melt into the melody and flow with the rhythm. It makes me relieved, pumped up and really blissful Topic 6: Collecting things 1, What items are considered collectibles in your country? ‘Some of the most popular collectibles in my country are stamps. The rarer the stamp, the more valuable it is, and collectors might even travel far and wide in the search of highly-prized stamps. For example, 'Russian Warship, go...!" has become the most wanted stamp not only in my country, but in many countries all over the world, It was Group: original exams- phone: 0964879926 sold on Ebay for 1500 dollars. Classic cars, art, coins, NFTs and celebrity memorabilia are also popular collectible items with a high potential return on investment. | should say collecting cars isn't an option for everybody, but they are considered one of the coolest things to have. Children of all ages collect stickers, coins, badges, squishies, Happy Meal toys, Lego sets. 2. Is collecting a popular pastime in your country? Well it certainly is. And | guess the main reason why it is so popular is simple: it's fun! | mean people find pleasure in Searching for items to add to their collection. | think what they enjoy the most is the challenge of finding the items. Also, people enjoy collecting different things and grouping them in different ways. Some people who experience stress may use collecting as a form of escape. Others collect things in order to be part of their peer group. And I can't help mentioning one more reason - this comes from an instinct. Our ancestors learned skills of hunting and gathering supplies they needed for survival. 3. Do a lot of people in your country collect things? Well, quite a lot, actually. And I guess the main reason why itis so is simple: its fun! | mean people find pleasure in searching for items to add to their collection. | think what they enjoy the most is the challenge of finding the items. Also, people enjoy collecting different things and grouping them in different ways. Some people who experience stress may use collecting as a form of escape. Others collect things in order to be part of their peer group. And | can't help mentioning one more reason - this comes from an instinct. Our ancestors leamed skills of hunting and gathering supplies they needed for survival 4. What are the benefits of collecting? ‘Well, collecting things is a wonderful hobby which can help to expand people's mind, improve their mental capacity, and boost their mental health and overall wellbeing. The most important benefits it brings are the following. First of all, it builds a desire for knowledge because it's natural for collectors to want to know as much about their specialist subject as possible. Secondly, it inspires creativity as the more people Group: ot jal exams- phone: 0964879926 experience, the more ideas and views they can pull from when trying to come up with something new. Also, it improves organizational thinking due to the need to sort and categorize the objects in collections, and builds observational skills as collectors are always on the lookout for new and rare objects that they can add to their collection which makes them much more mindful of the world around them. And, of course, it promotes relaxation and stress reduction as collecting provides a safe space where collectors can abandon their worries and just feel happy 5. Do you collect things? Well, actually, | do as its the collection of the things | love and value that brings back my happy memories, connects me to some important periods of my life and gives me personal pleasure and enjoyment. What's more, it satisfies my natural hunting instinct and lets me enjoy the social interaction with fellow collectors. So, yeah, I do collect things, but I'm not a crazy collector. | don't spend all my money and free time on building out a collection. rowded place 1. How do you feel when you are in a crowded place? Well, it pretty much depends on a situation. If | know that something pleasant and enjoyable is around the comer, being in a crowded place makes me feel excited. | mean Group: original exams- phone: 0964879926 | don't mind spending some time in a crowded airport or train station when I'm going on holiday. However, ifit's a crowd of fans at the stadium, it makes me feel scared in any case as | understand that a crowd like this is absolutely uncontrollable and unmanageable. And | feel annoyed when shoppers in a street market are swarming around stalls so | have to squeeze through the crowd to get a closer look at anything that is sold. Also, | hate that crowd chaos after big sports events or concerts when the crowd literally drags me along and | just can't do anything about it. So, it depends. 2. When was the last time you were in a crowded place? ‘Well, just a couple of days ago. My friends and | visited a pub which was packed with people. There were so many people that | was afraid we would have to wait for ages to be served... Also, it was really noisy as all those people were talking simultaneously. To be honest, | was a little out of my element there. 3. What places do you think are often crowded? Oh, | guess the ones which are meant for scores of people like train stations, airports, stadiums, shopping malls, all kinds of parks, and even restaurants and night clubs at weekends. 4, How often do you go to crowded places? Well, once a week at least. | like going out with my friends on Friday nights and we usually visit clubs or cafes packed with people. So, once a week is sure as hell. 5. Do you like crowded places? Well, | would say 'yes' as a crowded place is a sign of social proof for me, which is of primary importance in my age. What is more, | like the feeling of being a part of something special or being seen as a part of something popular, which also attracts me to crowded places and excites me the moment | get there. So, definitely yes, | crowded spots are my thing. Topic 8: being bored 1. What things are boring to you? Group: ot al exams- phone: 0964879926 ‘Well, to be honest, lots of things make me feel bored. But the ones that top the list are doing chores, queuing, being, stuck in traffic jams and filling in some documents. 2. What do you do when you get bored? Oh, | try to find something that will bring me pleasure like planning my next vacation, watching a movie or just going, for a walk. The main thing is to switch off. 3. Do you ever get bored? Thank god, almost never. | can get bored only if lack interest to something I do, do the same thing over and over again or do nothing at all, which happens once in a blue moon. 4. Do you feel more bored than when you were young? Fortunately not... as 1have learnt how to deal with boredom for years of my life. Being a teenager | just didn't have any experience in combating this psychological state and so suffered from it more often. Now, the moment | start feeling bored, | do my best to switch off Topic 9: Singing Group: original exams- phone: 0964879926 1. Do you often 19? Well, quite often. | do it every moming when I have a shower and every evening when | want to get away from my problems and relax. | also sing when | am happy and when | want to make people around me smile. Oh, and whenever | hear the song | like. So yeah, | sing almost all the time. 2. Do you often 19? Well, | would say almost never, |/ean only do it when | cook or when | have a shower so only when | am alone and nobody can hear me. | can't sing well and just don't want to annoy people around me. 3. When do you to sing? Oh, | enjoy singing when | hear the song | like or when | want to attract someone's attention. | also often do it when | want to express myself and what | feel or when my. mood strikes pushing my heart and soul to sing. and have fun 4. Is it difficult to sing well? | guess it isn't if you are extremely gifted or if you practise daily taking singing classes or using a good vocal training. program. Regular practice helps people discover the full potential of their voice and take advantage of it so | don't think i's too hard when singing skills are well-developed. 5. Do you want to be a singer? Oh yes, love singing and want to let everyone know about it touching their hearts with my songs. Singing is a big part of my life so, yeah, | can say this is my dream career. 6. Do you want to be a singer? Oh no, | don't. First of all, Lam too shy to perform live on stage in front of a large crowd 1 am also quite bad at acting which is important for a professional singer. What is more, I think it’s a very hard job, so no, | wouldn't even like to try Group: ot al exams- phone: 0964879926 7. What \ds of music do you like to sing? Well, | really enjoy singing ballads ‘cause they are typically slow and have an emotional touch owing to the lyrical content. also like country songs for their meaningful Lyrics and soothing tunes and, of course, for those good stories which they tell 8. What \ds of music do you like to sing? Well, metal songs are the ones that appeal to me most of all. | guess it's because they give me the feeling of being powerful which is important for a man. What is more, they are not confined by anything and that’s why give me the feeling of freedom which makes me happy and energized Group: original exams- phone: 0964879926 Topic 10: Advertising 1. How do you feel about advertisements? Well, | hate ads as they've become simply unbearable. For example, there are magazines 200 pages long with only about 50, if that many, readable pages. | also hate it when | look for some information on the Net and constantly come across the pages where the content exists just to serve the marketing purposes or the most valuable information is buried under a heap of ads. 2. How do you feel about advertisements? 'm not opposed to ads in general, apart from those irritating hover over ones that start playing a video and music, or even worse, the ones that open a new window. ‘And you cannot make them disappear no matter what you do. 3. Do you like advertisements? | don't really like ads, so I just try to tune out. You know, you get used to ads being all around you and it's kind of like anything in your home, once it's been there for a while, you just stop paying your attention to it, 4. Do you like advertisements? Well, | happen to love advertising as there's one really clever thing about it. | mean the adverts that appear based on your previous browsing history. So, even though you are disturbed by them, at least, they show the stuff you are interested in. 5. Do you like advertisements on TV? | actually ignore advertisements as much as | can as they are nothing more than just an annoyance between plot twists in my favourite TV shows and films, so I tum off the sound on TV during ads. | installed an Ad Blocker on my browser because incessant Pop-up ads used to distract my attention and slow down my surfing the Net, thus,. making it next to impossible to actually_ enjoy the content on the page. Group: ot al exams- phone: 0964879926 Topic 11: Celebrity 1. Who is your favourite celebrity in your country? Well, a famous person in my country | love most of all is X. | love her a lot because she is one of the greatest singers ! have ever heard. She has a sweet voice and amazing lyrics and her singing is always flawless and mesmerizing. ‘What is more, she is a health icon who embraces a perfect healthy combo of both regular exercise and a good diet, which | adore. 2. Do you want to be a celebrity? Well, both yes and no. Yes because | want to have a high status lifestyle as all celebrities do and want to become a role model to others. But no because a celebrity status can attract too many fake friends and deprive me of an opportunity to do things that an average person can like having a quiet dinner with family at a local restaurant. 3. Do you read news about celebrities? ‘Well, | do but really seldom, only when I have no better options how to spend my free time, Frankly speaking, ! don't see any sense in reading celebrity stories but sometimes | opt for them ‘cause they are a way for me to escape from my daily routine, That's it. 4. Have you ever met celebrities face to face? Oh, yeah, Once | was lucky to meet Angelina Jolie at my friend's birthday party. It was a couple of years ago but | stil cherish the memory of our small talk with her and keep a photo with her autograph. Group: ot al exams- phone: 0964879926 Topic 12: Money 1. How can you save money? Oh, there are lots of ways, actually. For example, by. keeping track of all my expenses and identifying nonessentials that | can spend less on. Or by planning my spending and limiting overspending. 2. Why do people save money? Well | think, first of all, people save money to become financially independent and be able to afford something they don't have money for at the moment. | also know people who save money in order to get out of debt or be able to cover unforeseen expenses. and, of course, | know those who put money aside to survive in case of bad times. 3. Did you save money when you were young? Oh yeah, | did. | didn't have a lot of money back then but | already wanted to buy high- quality stuff. So the only way for me to buy it was to save money, which | did. Group: ot al exams- phone: 0964879926 Topic 13: memory 1. How do you remember important things? Ver 1: Personally, | like to create vivid mental images that stick with me. It's like painting a picture in my mind that | can revisit whenever I need to recall that information. Ver 2: For me, association is key. | link new information with something familiar, like a song lyric or a memorable event. Its like creating a mental roadmap that guides me back to what I need to remember. Ver 3: The thing that really works for me is chunking information. Breaking down complex ideas into smaller, more digestible pieces makes it easier to remember. It's ike assembling a puzzle where each piece represents a part of the larger concept, Vera: When | need to remember something theoretical, like a lecture, explaining it to someone else helps me remember it better. When | have to explain something, I'm forced to organize my thoughts, which reinforces the memory. It's like cementing the information into my brain through shared understanding. 2. Are you good at memorising things? Ver 1: Yes, | think | can say so. | have no difficulty in memorising information ‘cause | use a number of simple memorisation strategies. For example, L always try to review information just before L go to sleep ‘cause it has been proved that our brain processes and stores information while we sleep. Group: ot al exams- phone: 0964879926 Also, I'm an auditory learner, so for me the most effective way to memorise information is by hearing it. So to memorise, say, a poem, | read it out loud to myself several times. Sometimes | record it and then play it again and again Ver 2: It depends on the type of information | have to memorize. For instance, | have a really hard time memorizing numbers like room numbers, dates, and PIN codes. Also, | tend to quickly forget names. But | can learn a long poem pretty fast and remember that forever. 3. Have you ever forgotten something important? Ver 1: Oh yes, | once forgot about an important deadline for a project at work. Despite my usual diligence in keeping track of tasks, | overlooked it due to a hectic schedule. | got so stressed at the time that I did my best to ensure it doesn't happen again Ver 2: Regrettably, | have! | once forgot my passport on a trip, which was both embarrassing and stressful at the time. It taught me the importance of triple-checking my packing list before leaving for any trip. Now, | have a foolproof routine in place to ensure | never forget essential items again. 4. What do you need to remember in your daily life? Well, first of all, in my daily life, | need to remember to check my schedule and to-do list to plan my day effectively. The rest will take care of itself if | manage to stay on schedule. But if| don't, Ill also need to remember to eat balanced meals, drink an adequate amount of water, incorporate physical activity into my routine for overall well- being and better focus on what is really important at the moment. Group: ot al exams- phone: 0964879926 Topic 14: video games 1. Do you play video games? Vert: Yes, | do. | havea Nintendo Switch console, which is a portable gaming device. So | usually play video games to pass the time while waiting, such as when I'm waiting for my friends at a restaurant or for an appointment with a doctor. | enjoy solving puzzles and slowly exploring game worlds. Challenging gameplay isn't really my thing. Ver2: Yes, I do. | play games whenever | have a spare moment. For me, i's a great way to relax and pass the time while waiting. | particularly enjoy games that make me feel like a super-tough hero who has saved the world multiple times. But, you know, sometimes planting turnips and harvesting pumpkins is just as satisfying as shooting monsters. So ‘Animal Crossing’ is also on my list of favorite games. Ver 3 Not much, but | have a PlayStation, Xbox, and Nintendo Switch. | usually play on weekends. | love games that have a compelling narrative and light combat. I'm also into Greek mythology-themed games, action-adventures like "The Last of Us’, racing, strategy, and puzzles. Now I'm playing Super Mario Odyssey. I's a legendary platformer on the Nintendo Switch. Ver 4: | wish | could say ‘Yes’, but unfortunately, it's still a 'No' for me at the moment because | haven't been able to afford a gaming console like the Sony PlayStation yet. Hopefully, Il receive one as a gift someday. Group: ot jal exams- phone: 0964879926 2. Would you watch others play video games? Ver Yes. | usually watch video game walkthroughs when I'm stuck or can't beat a boss. They really help me figure out what to do and get past tough parts. Ver 2: | would only watch gameplay if | were completely stuck, and even then, I'd watch the least amount possible to avoid spoiling the rest of the game. Ver 3 Yeah, | would watch others play video games, especially walkthroughs. It's often when |'m interested in a game but don't have the chance to play it myself. Watching helps me decide if it's worth investing in since games typically cost around 50 dollars. | don't want to waste my money on something I might not enjoy. Ver | would, because I'm not much of a gamer myself. I'm not very skilled, so its really interesting to see how good someone can get if they practice a game a lot. Ver 5: Yeah. Watching someone play a game with running commentary can be interesting if the person is charismatic, funny, or knowledgeable enough to make it enjoyable. 3. Do you think people spend too much time playing video games? Ihave no idea what to say, you know, because | don't know how much is too much First, it's a very subjective thing. Moreover, even if there were some commonly accepted limits, we would need to have some reliable data to be able to say if people spend too much time playing video games. 4. Do you prefer playing video games alone or with others? Ver 1: | prefer playing video games with others, especially cooperative ones like ‘It Takes Two,’ which | play with my husband. It's a great way for us to spend quality time together. It's Group: ot al exams- phone: 0964879926 ot just fun, but it also strengthens our bond because the game requires us to work together to accomplish tasks. Ver ''d rather play video games alone, at my own pace. I can focus on the game and enjoy it without any interruptions such as waiting for others or dealing with distractions. Topic 15: Social media 1. Do you like using social media? Of course | do as social media platforms allow me to be a part of community, not dictated by space or location, and give me an opportunity to talk about what | know and what | want to be known for, which, by the way, helps me attract potential professional and personal connections. Also, they let me easily learn about current events and things taking_ place in the world and allow me to hone in on what I really care about and what | really want to read 2. What's the most popular social media in your country? | think by far the most popular social media is still Facebook cause it lets people make social connections... stay in touch with what friends are doing, share photos or videos with others and just fill up their free time... Business people opt for professional networks such as Linkedin ano Xing ‘cause they help resolve lots of business issues such as meeting customers, recruiting new employees, keeping up with the latest news in business and developing relationships with suppliers and colleagues. 3. What kind of people do you like to be friends with on those websites? Well, | always send friend requests to people who inspire me to better myself, who have a great experience in my industry or people with insights to impart. | really like being friends with them cause they_pull me out of my shell and introduce to new ideas, philosophies and activities spurring me into action and making me grow. Group: original exams- phone: 0964879926 | really like to be friends with people whose views oppose mine. They are my teachers who push me to break out of my comfort zone and help open my eyes to different worldviews learning to accept people who don't see the world the way I see it. 4. What kind of social networking websites do you like to use? Well, | mostly opt for professional networks such as Linkedin and Xing cause they are a good assistant in my business issues such as meeting customers, recruiting new employees, keeping up with the latest news in business and developing relationships with suppliers and colleagues. | really like Facebook cause it lets me make social connections, stay in touch with what friends are doing,. share photos or videos with others and just fll up my free time whenever | have it 5. What's the most popular app in your country? Well, | think it's either Facebook which lets people remain connected with friends, read the news and cater content to a large number of people or Instagram which gives people a chance to share professionally-edited photos and video, build business brands and make new friends Group: ot al exams- phone: 0964879926 Phan 2: (new topics from may to august) Topic 1 '°: T- shirts 1, Do you think older people who wear T-shirts are fashionable? Yes, older people who wear T-shirts can certainly be fashionable. However, it's not the age of the wearer or the item of clothing itself that makes someone fashionable, but rather how they wear it and how it fits into their personal style. With the right choice of T-shirt, fit, and styling, older people can look stylish and fashionable in a T-shirt. The key is to choose T-shirts that flatter their body shape, complement their personal style, and are appropriate for the occasion 2. Would you buy T-shirts as souvenirs on vacation? Ver 1: Oh yeah, | would as I-shirts may serve as a reminder of the vacation and can be a great conversation starter. Plus, T-shirts are comfortable to wear and can be a great way. to show off the memories | made on my trip. Ver 2: Group: ot al exams- phone: 0964879926 Yeah, why not... T-shirts are a great option for souvenirs because they're practical, affordable and may serve as a constant reminder of my trip. | especially like T-shirts that feature local landmarks, festivals or cuisine as they bring an authentic flavor to the destination. Plus, T-shirts are a great gift option for friends and family who couldn't make the trip with me. Ver 3: Of course, I would. | think I-shirts are a fantastic option for souvenirs as they may serve as a physical reminder of my vacation. They're easy to pack, comfortable to wear and often feature the local flavor of the destination. And, if 'm traveling with others, we can all get matching T-shirts to commemorate the trip together. Ver 4: Definitely, | would. T-shirts are a great way to take a piece of my vacation home with me. They serve as a memory of the trip and can be a great conversation starter. | also like that T-shirts can be gifted to friends and family, allowing me to share my vacation experience with those closest to me. 3. Do you usually wear T-shirts? Yeah | do. To my mind, a T-shirt is always a good choice First of all, T-shirts are super comfy. They are usually made of cotton, which is regarded as one of the most skin-friendly fabrics. Plus, T-shirts are versatile. | can dress them up or down, depending on the occasion. For example, | sometimes throw on a pair of jeans and some sneakers for a casual look. Sometimes | tuck a T-shirt into a skirt and add some heels fora dressed-up outfit. And, of course, they'te perfect for lounging around the house. Group: ot jal exams- phone: 0964879926 Topic 2 '* : outer space and star 1. Are you interested in films about outer space and stars? Yeah, I'm a big fan of sci-fi and space movies. It's so cool to see what filmmakers imagine the universe could be like and the special effects these days just blow my mind. Ver 2 No, I'm not really into those kinds of movies. | find them too unrealistic and often cheesy. | prefer films that are grounded in reality and deal with more relatable themes. Ver 3: | haven't really watched many, but I'm open to trying them out. I'm just not sure if I'l be able to suspend my disbelief and immerse myseff in a fictional world set in space. Ver 4: Nah, I'm not really into space movies that much. But every once in a while, I'll watch one just for the cool special effects and to imagine what could be out there. Group: original exams- phone: 0964879926 2. Have you ever taken a course about stars? Yes, | once tried it. It was an online course and | took it last summer. | wanted to learn information about distant past and future of Earth, the Sun and our universe and | was satisfied with the knowledge and learning experience the course provided me with, No, never. | can even say that | have never thought about it. Maybe it's because I have a list of more important courses | would like to take in the not-too-distant future. 3. Is it important to study stars? 1am sure itis. Stars help people understand how our solar system was formed, give a lot of information about the physical world and have influence on people's life. So it's really important to study them, 4. Do you like to watch the sky? Yeah, actually, | adore it. Watching the sky helps me daydream or think. It calms my soul when | am worried and steadies my nerves when | am irritated or angry. It also always restores my hope if something goes wrong. No. | don't have time for stuff like that. Moreover, if | happen to find time and do it, | get bored really fast. So, a thousand times no, | don't like it at all 5. What is the sky like at night in your hometown? Well, my hometown is located not far from the sea that's why the night sky there is always full of glittering stars. It looks amazing. | even think that our moonlit starry sky_is one of the main attractions of my town. | live in a big city and unfortunately the sky there is mostly dark and moonless. Though from time to time when the sky is clear we are lucky to see some stars lighting up the night and that's what amazes me 6. Do you like to watch stars? | love it! | have a sense of beauty and tranquility whenever | watch them. Stars captivate me making me think about the beginning and end of the universe. They cut me off the earthly world for a moment and remind that my problems and stresses are small | wouldn't say so, Watching stars is a waste of time and that's what | really don't ike ‘cause | have much more important things to do. Group: ot al exams- phone: 0964879926 7. What's your favourite star? My favourite star is the Sun. | think | like it because i's the most important source of energy for life on Earth and we wouldn't be here if there weren't the Sun. What is more, it's the largest object in the solar system and the closest star to Earth. | like Sirius most of all. It captivates me because it is considered to keep the spiritual world alive and regarded as a source of knowledge and power. What is more, itis the brightest star in the sky and it is over twenty times brighter than our sun. Topic 3” : number 1. What's your favourite number? Oh, my favourite number is definitely number 1 as, first of all, it speaks of new beginnings and fresh starts, and, secondly, because my ambition has always been to be number 1. like this number so much that it has already become not only my favourite but also my lucky number. If | meet this number somewhere, | know that something good will happen to me soon. It just can't be otherwise 2. Are you good at remembering phone numbers? Unfortunately, I'm not... despite the fact that | train my. memory to memorize important phone numbers, dates,. etc. | guess the main problem stems from my_ overdependence on the smartphone. My brain just doesn't want to get crammed with the information someone or something else can memorize for it. Group: ot al exams- phone: 0964879926 3. Do you usually use numbers? Of course, | do. | do it daily like other people, for example, when | tell the time, enter the password to start using my email or when just count money to pay for something in the shop. | can't imagine anybody's daily routine without dealing with numbers, frankly speaking, as we have to use them even when we just look for the needed TV channel or try to find some specific page in the book 4. Are you good at math? Well, I'd say | am as | have a real knack for math which makes it very simple for me to prove and understand different math concepts. What is more, | had a great math teacher at school, which also helped me become quite flexible with numbers Topic 4 ®: key 4. Have you ever locked yourself out? Yes, | have actually locked myself out before. It was during a busy day and | was ina hurry, so | rushed out the door without grabbing my keys. | felt pretty silly standing outside my own front door, but thankfully a neighbor was able to help me get back in. | now always double-check to make sure I have my keys before | leave the house. It was definitely a good lesson leamed. Ver 2: I've locked myself out before, but it was a long time ago. | was young and didn't realize the importance of always having my keys with me. Now | make sure to always have a spare key hidden somewhere just in case. | don't want to make that mistake again Group: ot al exams- phone: 0964879926 Ver 3: Unfortunately, | have locked myself out a few times. But | have learned from my mistakes and now always make sure to check my pockets before | close the door. | don't want to be stuck outside again, so | make sure to be extra careful now. I's just a habit | have developed over time. Ver 4: No, I haven't locked myself out, but | know someone who has. My best friend locked herself out of her apartment once and had to call a locksmith to get back in. It was a hassle, but she learned to always double-check and make sure she has her keys before leaving. | make sure to always have mine with me now too, just in case. 2. Do you think it's a good idea to leave your keys with a neighbour? Well, leaving a spare set of keys with a neighbor can be a good idea if this neighbour is a trustworthy and reliable person who | know will keep them safe. However, it's important to weigh the potential risks involved, such as the loss or theft of the keys, lack of privacy, and potential legal and liability issues. 3. Do you always bring a lot of keys with you? Oh no, no way. | only have 5 keys in my bag pretty much of the time as | need them every working day. They are a key fob for a building where | live, my apartment key, my car key, a keycard to my office building and a keycard to my parking lot. And | can't imagine having to bring more keys with me as, first of all, | like carrying cross-body bags which, unfortunately, don't have a lot of extra storage space inside. Secondly, | don't want my bag to be too heavy because of too many metal keys in it. 4. Have you ever lost your keys? Oh yeah, I've definitely lost my keys before. I's one of those things that can happen to anyone at any time. | remember once | lost my keys for a whole day and it was so frustrating because | had places to go and things to do. But eventually, | found them in the pocket of a jacket | hadn't worn in a while. It was a huge relief! But thankfully, it doesn't happen to me too often. Ver 2: Yes, it happens to me every once in a while. 'm always in a rush and tend to misplace things, but I've leamed to keep a better eye on my keys. Usually, | find them after Group: ot jal exams- phone: 0964879926 searching for a little bit or when I retrace my steps. Its just one of those annoying things in life, but it's all good Ver 3: No, I'm pretty_good about keeping track of my things. | always put my keys in the same spot when | come home and make sure to double-check before leaving the house. But | have friends who are always losing their keys and it can be a real hassle for them. Ver 4: Yes, Ihave lost my keys a couple of times, especially when | was in college. | was always rushing to class and would often forget where | put them. But I've learned to be more mindful and organized since then, and it hasn't happened in a while. Topic 5": Chocolate 1. How often do you eat chocolate? | eat chocolate every day, multiple times a day actually. | just can't get enough of it, i's like a staple in my life. Ver 2: | eat chocolate pretty much every day, but | try not to go overboard. | stick to a few pieces of dark chocolate so | can enjoy it without feeling guilty. Group: ot al exams- phone: 0964879926 Ver 3: Every day. | try to limit myself to just a few pieces of chocolate, but I have a tendency to go overboard. Once | start, | just can't stop until the whole bar is gone. It's a bad habit, but I can't resist the deliciousness. Ver 4: | can't say | can't imagine my life without chocolate, but | do use it as a reward for my work. Whenever | finish a project or meet a deadline, | treat myself to a few pieces of chocolate. It's both a motivation and a celebration of my accomplishments Ver 5: I don't usually buy chocolate for myself, but | love it when someone treats me or gives it as a gift, especially when it's from someone | care about. Ver 6: | almost never eat chocolate. It's just not my thing. I'd rather have something healthier or a different type of treat. 2. Why do you think chocolate is popular all over the world? For me, chocolate brings back so many happy memories. | remember having hot cocoa with my family on cold winter nights, or sneaking a piece of chocolate when I needed a little pick-me-up. | think a lot of people have similar memories and feelings associated with chocolate, which makes it such a popular treat. Ver 2: The chocolate industry is huge and companies spend billions of dollars on marketing and advertising campaigns to make their products appealing to consumers. All these efforts have definitely paid off and helped make chocolate popular worldwide. Ver 3: You can have it as a snack, in a dessert, in a drink, or even in a savory dish. That's why its popular all over the place 3. What's your favourite flavour of chocolate? I really enjoy the taste of milk chocolate with hazelnut in it, i's my favourite, You know, the creamy and smooth texture of the milk chocolate pairs perfectly with the nutty and Group: ot al exams- phone: 0964879926 slightly sweet flavor of the hazelnuts. Plus, the hazelnuts add a nice crunch to the chocolate, making it even more enjoyable to eat, Ver Milk chocolate with hazelnut, definitely. | love the way the hazelnuts add a little crunch and nuttiness to the chocolate. | just can't get enough of it. Ver 3: | love chocolate in general, but I prefer it to be simple, plain chocolate without any nuts or fruits. | don't like when nuts get stuck in my teeth. And fruits make it too sweet. Ver 4: | have a sweet tooth for chocolate, | love dark and milk chocolate with or without nuts or fruits, it doesn’t matter to me. The only exception is white chocolate. It's too sweet. And it isn't actually chocolate. It's essentially cocoa butter, cream and sugar. Ver 5: | enjoy all types of chocolate, except white chocolate. It doesn't have the taste of chocolate that I enjoy ‘cause it doesn't contain cocoa, which gives chocolate its distinct flavor. 4. Do you like chocolate? Oh, yeah! | can't live a day without it I's a kind of antidepressant for me. It helps me to reduce stress and gives a refreshing effect to my brain. | always feel elated atter eating chocolate and can't avoid the temptation to eat it again and again Ver 2: Oh, no, I don't. I don't like any sweets at all except for fruits. Chocolate and stuff like that are too heavy for me. What's more, they leave an unpleasant aftertaste. So, no, it's not my type of delight. Ver 3: Definitely. | think there are no kids in the world who don't enjoy eating chocolate. | really adored that melt-in-my_ mouth feeling every time I popped a piece of chocolate in my mouth and always waited for chocolate surprises from everyone coming to our place. 5. Did you give chocolate as a present to someone? Group: original exams- phone: 0964879926 Millions of times, actually. First of all, it's a traditional present on St Valentine's Day. It symbolizes affection, attraction, deep love, luxury, passion and sensuality. What is more, | think it's an exciting sweet surprise for children which makes them really happy and a perfect ‘thank you' gift to colleagues, friends, teachers and employers Topic 6” : Jewelry 1. Why do some people wear a piece of jewelry for a long time? | think most people wear the same piece of jewelry for a long time as a sentimental reminder of significant people, events, or memories. For example, a person may wear a Group: original exams- phone: 0964879926 ‘wedding ring to symbolize their marriage and love for their partner. Another person may wear a piece of jewelry that was passed down from a family member as a way to keep their memory alive and feel close to them. Also, people wear the same piece of jewelry for extended periods as a symbol of protection or as a means of bringing good luck, as a form of self-expression and to showcase their personal style or a representation of cultural or spiritual beliefs, 2. Do you like wearing jewelry? Oh yeah, Like to adorn my body with earrings of different shape and length, necklaces, rings and bracelets ecause they satisfy my need of self-expression, add grace and value to my body and let me feel more beautiful Ver 2: Oh, no! I can even say I hate it because items distracting,. gets lost easily and seems a waste of money to me. 3. How often do you wear it? Well, | do it day by day if you mean casual jewelry and whenever Iam invited to special occasions if you mean posh jewelry items. 4, Do you wear a lot of jewelry? Usually | don't ‘cause a couple of items are enough to decorate myself and have an eye-catching look. Too much is not always good. 5. Have you ever sent someone jewelry as a gift? Oh yeah, | do it quite often ‘cause my beloved one really likes to adorn herself with different jewelry items, and | really like to make her feel happy. Ver 2: Oh yeah, I've done it a couple of times. Both jewelery gifts were for my best friend who lives abroad these days. | just wanted to let her know that I care and raise a smile on her face. Topic 7" : small businesses 1. Do you prefer buying things in big companies or from small businesses? Group: ot al exams- phone: 0964879926 Oh, definitely from small businesses as, first of all, small businesses always do their best to be competitive and provide the best price. Secondly, they are more likely to provide better customer service if there are any problems with the merchandise as all purchases, deals and positive reviews matter for them. And, of course, when | buy from small companies, | cycle money back into my community and, thus, support the local economy, 2. Do you know many small businesses? Yeah, there are lots of small businesses where | live. | mean pizza parlors, coffee shops, restaurants, barber shops and retail outlets. Nowadays many people prefer to start small business ‘cause they want to have the freedom to fill smaller niches with less common and more innovative products. Group: original exams- phone: 0964879926 Topic 8” : sharing somett gs 1. Do you think kids like to share? Oh, | don't know if all kids like to share, but most of them definitely do it with pleasure. For example, young kids, as I've noticed many times, possess a strong and consistent willingness to share their toys with their peers, maybe because they have a strong tendency to cooperate. As for older kids, | wouldn't say that they have a reflexive desire to share but they willingly cooperate with others when their parents and teachers offer Positive reinforcement every time kids share something important for them with others. So, | guess kids, for the most part, like sharing, 2. Do you like to share things? Well, yes... but only if | do it based on my personal choice,. and if it happens on my terms, for example, if | know that people will only use these things at times. And if I'm sure that they will take good care of them. Ver 2: Well, yes... but only in case it helps me save some money. | mean | don't mind sharing a flat or room with some friend because this will also mean sharing the related expenses. Ver 3: Oh no, Like to keep my personal things to myself as it's convenient to use them on a whim, without planning ahead and coordinating plans with others. 3. When you were a kid, did your parents encourage you to share things with others? Oh yeah, they did. When I was a kid, my parents often told me that sharing is a basic component of human interaction which can help me make and keep friends, and play cooperatively. Moreover, when | shared my toys or sweets with other kids, they gave me lots of praise and attention. So | can say that my parents did their best to inculcate in me a positive attitude to sharing 4, Have you ever shared anything with anyone? Well, plenty of times, actually. | often share books and textbooks with my classmates. | shared a bicycle and a computer with my brother when I was younger. Well, and | from time to time share cosmetics with my mom. So yeah, I've done it a dozen times. Group: ot al exams- phone: 0964879926 Ver 2: Oh yeah, | had been sharing a room with my younger sister for 5 years before my parents could afford to buy a bigger flat. It was a nightmare because my sister was so messy. She threw her dirty clothes on the floor, and | could never get her to clean her mess. And, of course, she constantly lost things. Her typical day would start from "Where's my ... something..." I'm happy that we no longer have a shared room. 5. What do you think of shared vehicles? Well, car-sharing seems to be a good idea as it saves money spreading attached costs such as monthly payments, maintenance, parking, petrol and insurance costs among several people. One more advantage it has is the fact that it helps reduce traffic congestion and wear and tear on the roads. Though, at the same time it takes some tolerance and consideration from each party as it entails tricky scheduling, which can be irritating. 6. Is there anything you don't want to share? ‘Well, I don't want to share my finances. | prefer to have my own budget and know what amount of money I can rely on. | also don’t want to share my_personal stuff like underwear as it's mine and only mine. And | don't want to share any things | use very often or value a lot. Group: ot al exams- phone: 0964879926 Topic 9” : stay at home 1. What do you like to do at home? Well, it depends on whether | stay at home alone or with my family. When | am at home alone, | adore to cook something yummy, eat it and read either some book or magazine. When | am at home with my family, | really like engaging in conversations with my beloved ones and speaking about life issues interesting for all of us 2. How much time do you spend at home? Well, almost no time, to my regret, just a few hours before and after sleep. It's only enough to rid my mind of negative and unnecessary thoughts at the end of the day, and set myselfiin the right mood in the moming. 3. Do you often stay at home? Why? ‘Well, not often, unfortunately. Actually, | stay at home only when | want to be alone in order to reboot my brain and unwind. Or when | am exhausted and need some rest to improve my concentration and increase productivity. 4. Which do you prefer, staying at home or going outside? Oh, | always give my preference to going outside as staying at home often makes me feel lonely and stew on toxic thoughts. But going outside, on the contrary, provides me with ample recreational activities and lets me feel relaxed and energised. Group: ot al exams- phone: 0964879926 Topic 10% : daily routine 1. Do you like to get up early? | do ‘cause getting up early gives the body a chance to reach peak wakefulness naturally. And | like to have enough time to get ready for work or get my kids ready for school without rushing the process. And | believe that being a moming person is inexorably linked with success in life and business. For example, Virgin Group chairman Richard Branson is up out of bed each day at 5 am, Apple CEO Tim Cook gets up at 4 am. | want to be as successful as they are. Ver 2: Oh no. I'm not a natural moming person, and my 8am alarm is usually the most unwelcome sound in the world. If| wake up early, I'm like a zombie. What's more, | feel drowsy and discombobulated during the day. 2. Is breakfast important? Definitely, itis. Breakfast provides many benefits to our health and wellbeing, for example, fills our body and brain with fuel after an ovemight fast, restores glucose levels,. an essential carbohydrate that is needed for the brain to function, and simply makes us happier as it can improve mood and lower stress levels, 3. What is your morning routine? ‘Well, the first thing | do when | wake up is make my bed and meditate for 5 minutes. Then | work out for 15 minutes, have a shower and drink a glass of warm water with lemon. After that I quickly have my breakfast, pack a meal, snack and coffee and run to work. That's my typical morning. 4. Do you like the morning or the evening? Well, | actually love both the morning and the evening but for different reasons. | love the morning for setting the tone for my day as well as for newness and possibilities it offers. At the same time, | always wait for the evening to unwind and reflect on my day or accomplish overdue assignments when I'm still full of energy after a hard day at work 5. What do you usually do in the evening? Well, in the evening I really love to take a stroll in order to exercise, get some fresh air and relax. Also, | always have dinner with my family in the evening and then spend Group: ot jal exams- phone: 0964879926 some time either taking a soothing bath or not doing anything at all except for reflecting on my day and trying to make some plans for the next day. Topic 10° : mobie phone 1. What was your first mobile phone? ‘As | got my first smartphone when | was 7 or 8. My parents gave me an iPhone 5S model for my birthday. Simplicity is the best word to describe it. It was extremely thin and light. It had a big screen with high resolution which was neither big nor small. It was smaller than that of iPhone 6S, but bigger than that of iPhone4. There were just four mechanical buttons, This model had a finger recognition system, so in most cases | used touch ID to activate different apps and services, which was a wonderful feature for lazy people like me. To navigate, | used multiple taps and drags. This smartphone had a user-friendly interface. | just loved it Ver 2: Oh, I can't help smiling every time | recall my first mobile device. This was a cumbersome ugly device with a small black-and-white screen and a massive antenna. As far as | remember it was Ericsson. What | remember well is that it took almost the whole night to charge, but the battery life was like 2 or 3 hours. It was really primitive, but it was a status symbol at that time. Ver 3: Oh, my first mobile phone made me the coolest girl in the class as | was lucky to have the latest (at that time) model of Nokia. It had a color display and I was happy when it started ringing as | had (like the majority of Nokia owners) a Nokia ring tone that everybody was crazy about. Now | don’t even understand why. And I have a lot of fond memories of playing Snake during breaks, and everyone gatherer around me and asked me to let them play for a while 2. How often do you use your mobile phone? Well, | guess all the time | am awake. | use it for making and receiving calls, texting my friends and customers, getting and sharing news on social networks sites,. checking my email messages and even doing online banking. | also take photos with my phone and keep track of calendar events. So yeah, almost all day long, 3. Can you describe your mobile phone? Group: ot jal exams- phone: 0964879926 Recently | bought Samsung Galaxy XX which I'd been dreaming of for a long time. | think it's an excellent smartphone. What | mean is its a typical smartphone by toda” standards as it's a touchscreen device which is thin and light, but it's obviously of much higher quality than many other Android devices. I'm more than satisfied with the quality of photos and videos. The sound is excellent too. So there's, actually, nothing to complain about. 4. Would you buy a new one in the future? Oh yeah, definitely | would, Just to be updated with technology and improve the functionality of the phone. | am sure everyone would take a chance to get a significantly better phone at the earliest opportunity, and | am not an exception Ver 2: ‘Well, I've just bought the phone | am using now and don't plan to buy a new one in the foreseeable future. But i's only till the moment it becomes outdated or stops working ‘cause then | will have to choose and buy a new phone. 5. How has your mobile phone changed your life? Oh, first of all, it has made my life much more convenient ‘cause it provides me with an easy and fast way of communication, enabling to do various tasks all at the same time and freeing me from the constraints of space. What's more, it has given me a chance to enjoy the social media on the go, which is really cool! Group: ot jal exams- phone: 0964879926 Part 2: Phan 1: ( old topics may to august) Topic alkative person Describe a person you know who likes to talk a lot You should say: who this person is what he or she likes to talk about how you feel talking to this person part 3 for this cue card is "Expressing yourself There are people who can talk your ears off if you let them. My colleague John is one of them. We work in the same department so, obviously, | can't avoid communicating with him, and it's always the same... He sees me in the office, asks me how | am or how my weekend was, and before | can utter a word he starts telling me about everything he's been up to recently. He seems to think that what he has to say is as fascinating to everyone else as itis to him. In fact, he just keeps yammering about his life and his family problems. It seems like there's a new family crisis every week Honestly, | don't think | produce as many words in a week as he does in 10 minutes. | tend to say only as much as necessary to get my point across and then stop. So each conversation with him is like pulling teeth, especially when | need to discuss some important work issues. I simply. cannot get a word in edgeways. And | wonder how it is that he doesn't notice the many times my mouth opens hopefully and then shuts again In case | need to discuss something with him, the chances of escaping are on par with breaking out of a maximum-security prison. He can talk for 15 minutes without taking a breath. | just smile and nod. | try to be polite and pretend to be interested, but | don't like to engage in idle talk, So all his jibber-jabber really annoys me. Group: ot jal exams- phone: 0964879926

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