Project Management Amr M Al-Dahshan

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Project Management

‫إدارة المشروعات‬
No Of Lectures 5 Lecture
From 07:30 Pm To 10:00 Pm

Materials Available (Final Update)
Break Time 5 Minutes * 3 times
Evaluations 6 Times
Course Price Free Instead Of 3,500 LE
Location Online Zoom Meeting App
Amr M Al-Dahshan Certificate Available if Needed 200 LE
PMP, RMP, CAD Instructor From 01- 2016
Owner Representative of High Education Ministry
2,200 trainee, 1,630training hours,
for New Helwan University (Full time)
Site Engineer‎‎for Helwan University (Part time)
547 Lecture, 64 courses.
Master, TOT #Amr_M_Al_Dahshan_PMP_RMP_CAD
My Best Moments
My Best Moments
‫‪My Best Moments‬‬

‫ختام الدفعة رقم ‪ 55‬من هندسة القاهرة‬

My Best Moments
My Best Moments
My Best Moments
My Best Moments
My Best Moments
‫أساتذتي وأفتخر‬

‫محمد السعدني‬‎/‫م‬ ‫عمرو محمد‬‎/‫أ‬ ‫محمد عبد الحميد‬‎/‫م‬.‫د‬ ‫كريم الدش‬‎/‫م‬.‫د‬.‫أ‬ ‫محمد شوقي‬‎/‫م‬.‫د‬ ‫أحمد عباس‬‎/‫م‬.‫د‬

‫عمرو وحيد‬‎/‫أ‬ ‫حسام عبد الفتاح‬‎/‫أ‬ ‫مصطفي والي‬‎/‫أ‬ ‫هيثم وحيد‬‎/‫م‬ ‫سيد محسن‬‎/‫م‬ ‫عالء سلطان‬‎/‫م‬

Project Management, Risk, Contracts, Scheduling, Cost, Planning, Primavera, Quality, Resources,
HR, Technical Office, Economics TOT, Body language, Communication, Presentation Skills.
Project Management
‫إدارة المشروعات‬
No Of Lectures 7 Lecture
From 07:00 Pm To 9:30 Pm

Materials Available (Final Update)
Break Time 5 Minutes * 3 times
Evaluations 6 Times
Course Price Free Instead Of 3,500 LE
Location Online Zoom Meeting App
Amr M Al-Dahshan Certificate Available if Needed 200 LE
PMP, RMP, CAD Instructor From 01- 2016
Owner Representative of High Education Ministry
1750 trainee, 1,155 training hours,
for New Helwan University (Full time)
Site Engineer‎‎for Helwan University (Part time)
522 Lecture, 59 courses.
Master, TOT #Amr_M_Al_Dahshan_PMP_RMP_CAD
Before The Lecture ‫قبل المحاضرة‬
The Certificate
Is Project Management New?
‫هل إدارة المشروعات علم ظهر حديثا؟‬

It has been in use for thousands of years.

Pyramids of Giza
Great Wall of China
Tag Mahal
Publication of a children’s book
Panama Canal
Development of commercial jet airplanes
Polio vaccine
Human beings landing on the moon
Commercial software applications
What Are The Characteristics Of The Project?
‫ما هي خصائص المشروع؟‬

A project is a temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product, service,

or result.
1- Unique product, service, or result
2- Temporary endeavor
3- Projects drive change such as (Experience, Knowledge, comparable and others)
4- Projects enable business value (benefit) may be tangible, intangible, or both.
5- Project Initiation Context

Constructing a building
software application
Developing a new pharmaceutical compound for market
Expanding a tour guide service
Improving a business process within an organization
Exploring for oil in a region
What Are The Characteristics Of The Project?
‫ما هي خصائص المشروع؟‬
1- Unique product, service, or result ‫فريد من نوعة‬‎
Repetitive elements:
office buildings can be constructed with the same or similar materials and by the same
or different teams. However, each building project remains unique in key characteristics
(e.g., location, design, environment, situation, people involved).

2- Temporary endeavor )‫مؤقت (له نهاية‬‎

The temporary nature of projects indicates that a project has a definite beginning and
end. Temporary does not necessarily mean a project has a short duration.

The end of the project is reached when :

The project’s objectives have been achieved
The objectives will not or cannot be met
Funding is not available for allocation to the project
The human or physical resources are not available
The project is terminated for legal cause or convenience
The need for the project no longer exists
What Are The Characteristics Of The Project?
‫ما هي خصائص المشروع؟‬
3- Projects drive change
such as (Experience, Knowledge, comparable and others)
From a business perspective or strategic management, a project is aimed
at moving an organization from the current state to The desired objective.

4- Projects enable business value (return).

The benefit may be tangible, intangible, or both.

‎Tangible ‫ملموس‬‎ ‎Intangible ‫غير ملموس‬‎

Monetary assets ‫األصول‬ ‎Goodwill
Stockholder equity Brand recognition
‎Utility Public benefit ‫المنفعة العامة‬
Fixtures ‎Trademarks ‫العالمة التجارية‬
Tools Strategic alignment
Market share ‎Reputation ‫السمعة‬
What Are The Characteristics Of The Project?
‫ما هي خصائص المشروع؟‬
5- Project Initiation Context ‫سياق المشروع‬‎
Organizational leaders initiate projects in response to factors acting upon their

There are four fundamental categories for these factors

• Meet regulatory, legal, or social requirements
• Satisfy stakeholder requests or needs
• Implement or change business or technological strategies
• Create, improve, or fix products, processes, or services
What Is The Importance Of The Project Management?
Project management:
it is the application of knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to project activities to meet
the project requirements.

.‫هو تطبيق المعرفة والمهارات واألدوات واألساليب المختلفة لبنود المشروع وذلك لتحقيق متطلبات المشروع‬

What is the importance of the project management?

‫ما أهمية وجود إدارة المشروعات؟‬

what will happen if there is absence of project management?

‫ماذا يحدث في غياب إدارة المشروعات؟‬

Projects VS Operations

Portfolios VS Programs VS Projects

Project Management Process Groups
Initiating Process Group. Those processes performed to define a new project or a new
phase of an existing project by obtaining authorization to start the project or phase.

Planning Process Group. Those processes required to establish the scope of the
project, refine the objectives, and define the course of action required to attain the
objectives that the project was undertaken to achieve.

Executing Process Group. Those processes performed to complete the work defined in
the project management plan to satisfy the project requirements.

Monitoring and Controlling Process Group.

those processes required to track, review, and regulate the progress and performance
of the project; identify any areas in which changes to the plan are required; and initiate
the corresponding changes.

Closing Process Group. Those processes performed to close the project, phase, or
‫‪Project Management Process Groups‬‬

‫مرحلة المراقبة والكنترول‬

‫مرحلة‬ ‫مرحلة‬ ‫المشروع‬
‫البدء‬ ‫التخطيط‬

‫‪Project Management Process Groups‬‬
‫مرحلة‬ ‫مرحلة‬
‫مرحلة‬ ‫مرحلة‬ ‫مرحلة‬ ‫المراقبة‬ ‫إغالق‬
‫البدء‬ ‫التخطيط‬ ‫التنفيذ‬ ‫والكنترول‬ ‫المشروع‬
Project Life Cycle

Cost or Resources
‫تكلفة المشروع أو الموارد‬
‫‪Project Life Cycle‬‬

‫المخاطر والشك‬

‫تكلفة التغير‬

Project Manager. The person assigned by the performing organization to lead

the project team that is responsible for achieving the project objectives.

Project Management Team. The members of the project team who are directly
involved in project management activities.

Project Team. A set of individuals performing the work of the project to achieve
its objectives.
High-performing Project Teams

Some of the factors associated with high-performing project teams.

Open communication. An environment that fosters open and safe communication
allows for productive meetings, problem solving, brainstorming

Shared understanding. The purpose for the project and the benefits it will provide
are held in common.

Shared ownership. The more ownership of the outcomes that project team
members feel, the better they are likely to perform.

Trust. A project team in which its members trust each other is willing to go the extra
distance to deliver success. People are less likely to do the extra work it may take to
succeed if they do not trust their project team members, project manager, or the

Collaboration. ‫تعاون‬Project teams that collaborate and work with each other rather
than work in silos or compete tend to generate more diverse ideas and end up with
better outcomes.
High-performing Project Teams

Some of the factors associated with high-performing project teams.

Adaptability. ‫القدرة على التكيف‬Project teams that are able to adapt the way they work
to the environment and the situation are more effective.

Resilience ‫ الصمود‬When issues or failures occur, high-performing project teams

recover quickly.

Empowerment ‫التمكين‬‎. Project team members who feel empowered to make

decisions about the way they work perform better than those who are

Recognition. Project teams who are recognized for the work they put in and the
performance they achieve are more likely to continue to perform well. Even the
simple act of showing appreciation reinforces positive team behavior.
Project Management Vs Leadership

Project management entails applying knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques

for management activities as well as leadership activities. Management
activities focus on the means of meeting project objectives, such as having
effective processes, planning, coordinating, measuring, and monitoring work,
among others.

Leadership focus on people. Leadership includes influencing, motivating,

listening, enabling, and other activities having to do with the project team.

Both are important in delivering the intended outcomes.


project team may self-organize to complete a project. Rather than having a

designated project manager, someone within the project team may serve as
facilitator to enable communication, collaboration, and engagement. This role may
shift among project team members.

Servant leadership is a style of leadership that focuses on understanding and

addressing the needs and development of project team members in order to enable
the highest possible project team performance.

1. Obstacle removal: the critical role for the servant leader is to maximize delivery
by removing impediments to their progress. This includes solving problems.

2. Diversion shield: leaders shielding the project team from noncritical, external
demands helps the project team stay focused.

3. Encouragement: leader also provides tools and encouragement to keep the

project team satisfied and productive. Learning what motivates project team
members as individuals
Leadership Skills

1- Establishing and Maintaining Vision

briefly describing the desired future state, the vision is a powerful motivational
tool. It is a way to create passion and meaning for a project’s envisioned goal. A
common vision helps keep people pulling in the same direction
▶ What is the project purpose?
▶ What defines successful project work?
▶ How will the project team know that it is drifting from the vision?

2- Critical Thinking
Critical thinking includes disciplined, rational, logical, evidence-based thinking. It
requires an open mind and the ability to analyze objectively. Critical thinking,
especially when applied to discovery, can include conceptual imagination, insight,
and intuition.
Leadership Skills

3- Motivation
Motivation to perform can be intrinsic or extrinsic.

3.1- Intrinsic motivation comes from inside the individual or is associated with the
work. It is associated with finding pleasure in the work itself rather than focusing on
rewards. Much of the work done on projects is aligned with intrinsic motivation.
Examples of intrinsic motivation factors include:
▶ Achievement,
▶ Challenge,
▶ Belief in the work,
▶ Making a difference,
▶ Self-direction and autonomy,
▶ Responsibility,
▶ Personal growth,
▶ Relatedness, and
▶ Being part of a project team.
Leadership Skills

3.2- Extrinsic motivation is performing work because of an external reward such as

a bonus.

People are not motivated by just one thing; however, most people have a dominant
motivator. To effectively motivate project team members, it is helpful to know each
member’s dominant motivator. For example, a project team member who is
motivated by challenge will respond well to stretch goals and problems to solve. A
project team member who is motivated by relatedness will respond to being part of
a dynamic working group. Project team members who thrive on autonomy will
perform better if they can establish their own ways of working and even their own
work hours and cadence. Therefore, tailoring motivation methods based on
individual preferences helps to elicit the best individual and project team
Leadership Skills

4- Interpersonal skills that are used frequently in projects include emotional

intelligence, decision making, and conflict resolution among others.

4.1 Emotional intelligence. is the ability to recognize our own emotions and those of
others. This information is used to guide thinking and behavior. Recognition of
personal feelings, empathy for the feelings of others, and the ability to act
appropriately are the cornerstones for effective communication, collaboration, and
leadership. There are multiple models for defining and explaining emotional
intelligence. They converge on four key areas:

▹ Self-awareness. ‫الوعي الذاتي‬‎ is the ability to conduct a realistic self-assessment. It

includes understanding our own emotions, goals, motivations, strengths, and

▹ Self-management. also known as self-regulation, is the ability to control and

redirect disruptive feelings and impulses. It is the ability to think before acting,
suspending snap judgments and impulsive decisions.
Leadership Skills

▹ Social awareness. Social awareness is about empathy and understanding and

considering other people’s feelings. This includes the ability to read nonverbal cues
and body language.

▹ Social skill. is the culmination of the other dimensions of emotional intelligence.

It is concerned with managing groups of people, such as project teams, building
social networks, finding common ground with various stakeholders, and building
rapport. Self-awareness and self-management are required to remain calm and
productive during difficult project circumstances. Social awareness and social skills
allow for better bonds with project team members and the stakeholders.
Leadership Skills
Leadership Skills

Decision making.
Project managers and project teams make many
decisions daily. Some decisions may be fairly other
may be fast but is prone to error

Group-based decision making has the benefit of

tapping into the broad knowledge base of a group.
Engaging people in the decision-making process also
increases buy-in to the outcome, even if the option
selected may not have been everyone’s first choice.
Generally, inclusion increases commitment to the
decision. Careful selection of which decisions should
go for group discussion. Many approaches such as
Roman voting, wideband Delphi estimating, and fist
of five voting.
Leadership Skills

Conflict management. Conflict happens on all projects. Projects operate in dynamic

environments and face many mutually exclusive constraints including budget, scope,
schedule, and quality, which can lead to conflicts. It is not uncommon to want to
avoid conflict, but not all conflict is negative.

How conflict is handled can either lead to more conflict or to better decision making
and stronger solutions. Addressing conflict before it escalates beyond useful debate
leads to better outcomes. The following approaches can help:

▹ Keep communications open and respectful.

▹ Focus on the issues, not the people.
▹ Focus on the present and future,
▹ Search for alternatives together.
Leadership Skills

Conflict Model
Conflict is common on projects. Conflict can be healthy or unhealthy . The model
based on work by Ken Thomas and Ralph Kilmann describes six ways of addressing
conflict by focusing on the relative power between the individuals and the desire to
maintain a good relationship as follows:

1- Problem solving/ Confronting. This style is used when the relationship between
parties is important, and when there is the confidence.

2- Collaborating. Collaborating involves incorporating multiple views about the

conflict. this is an effective method when there is time to come to consensus. A
project manager may facilitate this type of conflict resolution between project team
Leadership Skills

3- Compromising. ‫حل وسيط‬There are some conflicts in which all parties will not be
fully satisfied. In those instances, finding a way to compromise is the best approach.
Compromise entails a willingness to give and take. This allows all parties to get
something they want, and it avoids escalating the conflict.

4- Smoothing/accommodating. Smoothing and accommodating are useful when

reaching the overarching goal is more important than the disagreement. This
approach maintains harmony in the relationship and can create good will between
the parties.

5- Forcing. Forcing is used when there is no enough time to collaborate or problem-

solve. The party forcing has more power than the other party

6- Avoiding/ withdrawal/. Sometimes a problem will go away on its own, or

sometimes discussions get heated and people need a cooling-off period. Withdrawal
is also used in a no-win scenario.
Leadership Skills

There are many models for negotiation. One model is Steven Covey’s principle of
“Think Win-Win.” This principle applies to all interactions, not just negotiations, but
it is described here in the context of negotiation. In negotiations, there are different
possible outcomes:

1- Win-win. This is the optimal outcome, where each person is satisfied with the

2- Win-lose/lose-win. This describes a competition perspective where in order to

win, someone else loses. It may also come from a martyr perspective where
someone chooses to lose so that others can win.

3- Lose-lose. This outcome can occur when win-win outcomes may have been
possible, but competition overwhelms collaboration. In this scenario, everyone ends
up worse off.
Plan Requirements Define Scope WBS Validate Control

Collect Requirements Outputs

Requirements Documentation
Requirements documentation describes how individual requirements meet the
business need for the project. Requirements may start out at a high level and
become progressively more detailed as more information about the requirements is
known. Before being baseline, requirements need to be unambiguous (measurable
and testable), traceable, complete, consistent, and acceptable to key stakeholders.
The format of the requirements document may range from a simple document
listing all the requirements categorized by stakeholder and priority, to more
elaborate forms containing an executive summary, detailed descriptions, and
Plan Requirements Define Scope WBS Validate Control

Collect Requirements Tools & Techniques

Data Gathering ‫تجميع البيانات‬‎
• Brainstorming. ‫العصف الزهني‬
is a technique used to generate and collect multiple ideas related to project and
product requirements.

• Interviews. is a formal or informal approach to elicit information from stakeholders

by talking to them directly. It is typically performed by asking prepared and
spontaneous questions and recording the responses. sponsors, other executives,
and subject matter experts can aid in identifying and defining the features and
functions of the desired product deliverables.

• Focus groups. Is bringing the prequalified stakeholders and subject matter experts
to learn about their expectations and attitudes about a proposed product, service,
or result. A trained moderator guides the group through an interactive discussion
designed to be more conversational than a one-on-one interview.

‫في إتخاذ‬


‫إختيار‬ ‫المشروع‬ ‫توزيع‬
‫فريق العمل‬

‫السيطرة‬ ‫كوتش‬

‫محايد‬ ‫اإلقناع‬

‫تخطيط‬ ‫والتعامل‬
Plan Requirements Define Scope WBS Validate Control

Collect Requirements Tools & Techniques

Data Gathering ‫تجميع البيانات‬‎
• Questionnaires and surveys. ‫اإلستبيانات‬
are written sets of questions designed to quickly accumulate information from a
large number of respondents.

• Benchmarking‎
comparing actual or planned products, processes, and practices to those of
comparable organizations to identify best practices.
Plan Requirements Define Scope WBS Validate Control

Collect Requirements Tools & Techniques

Decision Making ‫إتخاذ القرارات‬‎
Decision-making techniques that can be used in the Collect Requirements

• Voting.‎‫ التصويت‬Voting is a collective decision-making technique and an assessment

process having multiple alternatives with an expected outcome in the form of
future actions. These techniques can be used to generate, classify, and prioritize
product requirements.

• Unanimity. ‫ إجماع‬A decision that is reached whereby everyone agrees on a single

course of action.

• Majority. ‫ األغلبية‬A decision that is reached with support obtained from more than
50% of the members.

• Plurality. ‫ أكثرية‬A decision that is reached whereby the largest block in a group
decides, even if a majority is not achieved. This method is generally used when
the number of options nominated is more than two.
Plan Requirements Define Scope WBS Validate Control

Collect Requirements Tools & Techniques

Multi criteria decision analysis. A technique that uses a decision matrix to provide a
systematic analytical approach for establishing criteria, such as risk levels.

Autocratic decision making. ‫الدكتاتورية‬

In this method, one individual takes responsibility
for making the decision for the group.
Plan Requirements Define Scope WBS Validate Control

Collect Requirements Tools & Techniques

Data Representation
• Mind mapping ‫الخرائط الزهنية‬‎
• Affinity diagrams allow large numbers of ideas
to be classified into groups for review and analysis.

Interpersonal And Team Skills ‫مهارات الفريق‬‎

• Nominal group technique. enhances brainstorming with a voting process used to
rank the most useful ideas
• Observation/conversation
• Facilitation

Prototyping ‫النماذج المبدئية‬‎

It is a method of obtaining early feedback on requirements
by providing a model of the expected product before actually building it.
Examples of prototypes are small-scale products,
computer generated 2D and 3D models, mock-ups, or simulations.
Plan Requirements Define Scope WBS Validate Control

Define Scope Outputs

Project Scope Statement
It is the description of the project scope, major deliverables, assumptions, and
constraints. The project scope statement documents the entire scope, including
project and product scope. It describes the project’s deliverables in detail. It also
provides a common understanding of the project scope among project stakeholders.
It may contain explicit scope exclusions that can assist in managing stakeholder
expectations. It enables the project team to perform more detailed planning, guides
the project team’s work during execution, and provides the baseline for evaluating
whether requests for changes or additional work are contained within or outside the
project’s boundaries. The degree and level of detail to which the project scope
statement defines the work that will be performed and the work that is excluded
can help determine how well the project management team can control the overall
project scope. The detailed project scope statement, either directly or by reference
to other documents, includes the following:
Plan Requirements Define Scope WBS Validate Control

Define Scope
Product scope description.
Progressively elaborates the characteristics of the product, service, or result
described in the project charter and requirements documentation.

Deliverables. Any unique and verifiable product, result, or capability to perform a

service that is required to be produced to complete a process, phase, or project.
Deliverables also include ancillary results, such as project management reports and
documentation. These deliverables may be described at a summary level or in great

Acceptance criteria. A set of conditions that is required to be met before

deliverables are accepted.

Project exclusions. Identifies what is excluded from the project. Explicitly stating
what is out of scope for the project helps manage stakeholders’ expectations and
can reduce scope creep.
Plan Requirements Define Scope WBS Validate Control

Create WBS Outputs

Scope Baseline
The scope baseline is the approved version of a scope statement, WBS, and its
associated WBS dictionary

1- Project scope statement

The project scope statement includes the description of the project scope, major
deliverables, assumptions, and constraints

2- WBS
It is a hierarchical decomposition of the total scope of work to be carried out by the
project team to accomplish the project objectives and create the required
‫‪Plan‬‬ ‫‪Requirements‬‬ ‫‪Define Scope‬‬ ‫‪WBS‬‬ ‫‪Validate‬‬ ‫‪Control‬‬

‫‪Create WBS Outputs‬‬

‫انشاء عماره سكنيه‬

‫‪1.2‬‬ ‫‪1.3‬‬
‫الدور االرضي‬ ‫الدور المتكرر‬ ‫السطح‬

‫‪1.3.1‬‬ ‫‪1.3.2‬‬
‫تربه‬ ‫خرسانه‬ ‫تشطيبات‬ ‫خرسانه‬ ‫تشطيبات‬ ‫خرسانه‬ ‫تشطيبات‬
‫قواعد وسمالت‬ ‫مياني‬ ‫اعمده‬ ‫مياني‬ ‫السور‬ ‫تغطيه سقف‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫ارضيه خرسانيه‬ ‫الخارجي‬
‫بياض‬ ‫سقف‬ ‫بياض‬ ‫دهانات‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫دهانات‬ ‫دهانات‬ ‫سباكه‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫سباكه‬ ‫اسقف معلقه‬ ‫كهرباء‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫كهرباء‬ ‫سباكه‬ ‫سيراميك‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫سيراميك‬ ‫كهرباء‬ ‫‪‬اعمال عزل‬
Plan Requirements Define Scope WBS Validate Control

Create WBS Outputs

Scope Baseline
3- WBS dictionary. The WBS dictionary is a document that provides detailed
deliverable, activity, and scheduling information about each component in the WBS.

Code of account identifier,

Description of work,
Assumptions and constraints,
Responsible organization,
Schedule milestones,
Associated schedule activities,
Resources required,
Cost estimates,
Quality requirements,
Acceptance criteria,
Technical references, and
Agreement information.
Plan Requirements Define Scope WBS Validate Control

Create WBS Outputs

WBS Dictionary
Work package Name: ID: --------- Date of update: --/--/20--
Work package description:--------------------------------------------------------------------

Acceptance criteria:
Activities needed to get this work package:
01- ----------------------- 02- ----------------------- 03- -----------------------
Quality metrics:
Duration: ------------ Month Cost:------------ LE/ $

01-Materials(-----------------------) 02- Equipment (-----------------------)
03- Labors (-----------------------)
01- ----------------------- 02- ----------------------- 03- -----------------------
01- ----------------------- 02- -----------------------
Plan Requirements Define Scope WBS Validate Control

Create WBS Tools & Techniques

It is a technique used for dividing and subdividing the project scope and project
deliverables into smaller, more manageable parts.

The work package is the work defined at the lowest level of the WBS for which cost
and duration can be estimated and managed. The level of decomposition is often
guided by the degree of control needed to effectively manage the project. The level
of detail for work packages will vary with the size and complexity of the project.
Decomposition of the total project work into work packages generally involves the
following activities:
• Identifying and analyzing the deliverables and related work
• Structuring and organizing the WBS
• Decomposing the upper WBS levels into lower-level detailed components
• Developing and assigning identification codes to the WBS components
• Verifying that the degree of decomposition of the deliverables is appropriate.
Project Schedule Management

‫إدارة المشروعات‬
0 Introduction
1 Plan Schedule Management

2 Define Activities
3 Sequence Activities
4 Estimate Activity Durations
5 Develop Schedule
Amr M Al-Dahshan 6 Control Schedule
PMP, RMP, CAD Instructor From 01- 2016
Owner Representative of High Education
Ministry for New Helwan University #PMP_Feedback_ADH
Master, TOT

03- Sequence Activities

02- Define Activities
01- Plan Schedule
Management Outputs
Project Schedule Network
Activity List
Outputs Activity Attributes
Project Documents Updates
Schedule Management Plan Milestone List
Change Requests
Project Management Plan Tools & Techniques
Tools & Techniques Precedence Diagramming
Expert Judgment Updates
Data Analysis Dependency Determination
Meetings Tools & Techniques
And Integration
Rolling Wave Planning
Leads And Lags
Inputs Expert Judgment
Project Management
Project Charter Decomposition
Information System
Project Management Plan Meetings
EEFs & OPAs Inputs
Project Management Plan
Project Management Plan
Project Documents
05- Develop Schedule
06- Control Schedule
04- Estimate Activity
Durations Outputs
Schedule Baseline
Schedule Forecasts
Outputs Project Schedule
Work Performance
Duration Estimates Schedule Data
Basis Of Estimates Project Calendars
Change Requests
Project Documents Updates Change Requests
Project Management Plan
Project Management Plan
Tools & Techniques Updates
Project Documents Updates
Analogous Estimating Project Documents Updates
Parametric Estimating Tools & Techniques
Three-point Estimating Tools & Techniques
Data Analysis
Bottom-up Estimating Schedule Network Analysis
Critical Path Method
Expert Judgment Critical Path Method
Project Management
Data Analysis Resource Optimization
Information System
Decision Making Leads And Lags
Resource Optimization
Meetings Schedule Compression
Leads And Lags
Project Management
Schedule Compression
Inputs Information System
Project Management Plan Agile Release Planning
Data Analysis Inputs
Project Documents Project Management Plan
EEFs & OPAs Project Documents
Work Performance Data
Project Management Plan
Project Documents
Project Schedule Management

0 Introduction
1 Plan Schedule Management

2 Define Activities
3 Sequence Activities
4 Estimate Activity Durations
5 Develop Schedule
Amr M Al-Dahshan 6 Control Schedule
PMP, RMP, CAD Instructor From 01- 2016
Owner Representative of High Education
Ministry for New Helwan University #PMP_Feedback_ADH
Master, TOT
Plan Define Activities Sequence Activities Estimate Durations Develop Control

01- Plan Schedule Management

01- Plan Schedule Management

Schedule Management Plan

Tools & Techniques

Expert Judgment
Data Analysis

Project Charter
Project Management Plan
Plan Define Activities Sequence Activities Estimate Durations Develop Control

01- Plan Schedule Management Outputs

Schedule Management Plan
It is a component of the project management plan that describes that establishes
the criteria and the activities for developing, monitoring, and controlling the
The Components Of A Schedule Management Plan: Management Plan
‫هو أنا الزم أفكرك كل‬
‫محاضرة إن دي مش خطة‬
• Units of measure ‫المشروع وإن دي مجرد‬
• Level of precision ‫ورقة بتعرفني تقسيم وترتيب‬
• Level of accuracy ‫األنشطة وطريقة عمل‬
• Organizational procedures links ‫الجدول الزمني وأسلوب‬
‫المراقبة والكنترول‬
• Control thresholds
• Rules of performance measurement
• Reporting formats
• Process descriptions
Plan Define Activities Sequence Activities Estimate Durations Develop Control

01- Plan Schedule Management Outputs

Management Plan
‫هو أنا الزم أفكرك كل‬
‫محاضرة إن دي مش خطة‬
‫المشروع وإن دي مجرد‬
‫ورقة بتعرفني تقسيم‬
‫وترتيب األنشطة وطريقة‬
‫عمل الجدول الزمني‬
‫وأسلوب المراقبة‬
Project Schedule Management

0 Introduction
1 Plan Schedule Management
2 Define Activities ‫قائمة األنشطة والبنود‬‎
M 3 Sequence Activities
4 Estimate Activity Durations
5 Develop Schedule
Amr M Al-Dahshan 6 Control Schedule
PMP, RMP, CAD Instructor From 01- 2016
Owner Representative of High Education
Ministry for New Helwan University #PMP_Feedback_ADH
Master, TOT
Plan Define Activities Sequence Activities Estimate Durations Develop Control

02- Define Activities

02- Define Activities
‎‫قائمة األنشطة والبنود‬

Activity List ‫قائمة األنشطة والبنود‬‎
Activity Attributes ‫تفصيل قائمة األنشطة والبنود‬‎
Milestone List ‫قائمة األحداث الهامة‬‎
Change Requests
Project Management Plan

Tools & Techniques

Expert Judgment
Rolling Wave Planning

Project Management Plan
Plan Define Activities Sequence Activities Estimate Durations Develop Control

02- Define Activities Outputs

Activity List ‫قائمة األنشطة والبنود‬
The activity list includes the schedule activities required on the project.

For projects that use rolling wave planning or agile techniques, the activity list will
be updated periodically as the project progresses. The activity list includes an
activity identifier and a scope of work description for each activity in sufficient detail
to ensure that project team members understand what work is required to be
ID Activity ‫البند أو النشاط‬ Description of Work ‫وصف البند‬‎
Plan Define Activities Sequence Activities Estimate Durations Develop Control

02- Define Activities Outputs

Activity Attributes ‫تفصيل قائمة األنشطة والبنود‬‎
Activity attributes extend the description of the activity by identifying multiple
components associated with each activity.

Activity attributes consist of the following:

• Activity (ID) and WBS ID
• Activity label or name
• Activity descriptions
• Predecessor activities and successor activities
• Logical relationships, leads and lags
• Resource requirements
• Constraints and assumptions
Activity Successor Predecessor Relation‎
ID Descriptions Lag Lead Resources
Name ‫التالي‬ ‎‫السابق‬ ‫العالقة‬
‫ علب‬-‫بؤج‬
1.1 ‫المباني‬ ‫المباني‬ F-S ‫ أسمنت‬-‫رمل‬
‫ حلوق‬-‫الكهرباء‬
Plan Define Activities Sequence Activities Estimate Durations Develop Control

02- Define Activities Outputs

Milestone List ‫قائمة األحداث الهامة‬‎
It is a significant point or event in a project with zero duration

ID Milestone Description of Milestone Date

‫بداية المشروع‬ 2022-03-21
‫المستخلص األول‬
‫نهاية المشروع‬ 2025-03-21
Plan Define Activities Sequence Activities Estimate Durations Develop Control

02- Define Activities Outputs

It is a technique used for dividing and subdividing the project scope and project
deliverables into smaller, more manageable parts. Activities represent the effort
needed to complete a work package. The define activities process defines the final
outputs as activities rather than deliverables, as done in the create WBS process.

Rolling Wave Planning

Rolling wave planning is an iterative planning technique in which the work to be
accomplished in the near term is Planned in detail, while work further in the future
is planned at a higher level. It is a form of progressive elaboration applicable to work
packages, planning packages, and release planning when using an agile or waterfall

Therefore, work can exist at various levels of detail depending on where it is in the
project life cycle. During early strategic planning when information is less defined,
work packages may be decomposed to the known level of detail.
Project Schedule Management

0 Introduction
1 Plan Schedule Management

2 Define Activities
3 Sequence Activities
4 Estimate Activity Durations
5 Develop Schedule
Amr M Al-Dahshan 6 Control Schedule
PMP, RMP, CAD Instructor From 01- 2016
Owner Representative of High Education
Ministry for New Helwan University #PMP_Feedback_ADH
Master, TOT
Plan Define Activities Sequence Activities Estimate Durations Develop Control

03- Sequence Activities

03- Sequence Activities

Project Schedule Network Diagrams
Project Documents Updates

Tools & Techniques

Precedence Diagramming Method (PDM)
Dependency Determination
And Integration
Leads And Lags
Project Management Information System

Project Management Plan
Project Documents
Plan Define Activities Sequence Activities Estimate Durations Develop Control

03- Sequence Activities T&T

Precedence Diagramming Method ‫المباني‬ ‫الطرطشة‬
5 1
1. Finish-to-start (FS)
2. Start-to-start (SS) SS
3. Finish-to-finish (FF)
4. Start-to-finish (SF) ‫كهرباء‬ ‫السباكة‬
7 9

Start End
Activity Name A B
Dur 7 3

11 14
Plan Define Activities Sequence Activities Estimate Durations Develop Control

03- Sequence Activities T&T

Lag +8
Precedence Diagramming Method A B
15 8
1. Lags
2. Leads
Lag +4
5 3

Start End Lead -2

Activity Name A B

Dur 5 3

Lead -4
4 8
Plan Define Activities Sequence Activities Estimate Durations Develop Control

03- Sequence Activities T&T

Dependency Determination And Integration

1- Mandatory dependencies
Mandatory dependencies are those that are legally or contractually required or
inherent in the nature of the work. Mandatory dependencies often involve physical

2- Discretionary dependencies
Discretionary dependencies are sometimes referred to as preferred logic.
Discretionary dependencies are established based on knowledge of best Practices

3- External dependencies

4- Internal dependencies
Project Schedule Management

0 Introduction
1 Plan Schedule Management

2 Define Activities
3 Sequence Activities
4 Estimate Activity Durations
5 Develop Schedule
Amr M Al-Dahshan 6 Control Schedule
PMP, RMP, CAD Instructor From 01- 2016
Owner Representative of High Education
Ministry for New Helwan University #PMP_Feedback_ADH
Master, TOT
Plan Define Activities Sequence Activities Estimate Durations Develop Control

04- Estimate Activity Durations

04- Estimate Activity Durations Management
Outputs Activities
Duration Estimates Sequence
Basis Of Estimates Estimate
Project Documents Updates Activity
Tools & Techniques Schedule
Expert Judgment
Analogous Estimating Schedule
Parametric Estimating
Three-point Estimating
Bottom-up Estimating
Data Analysis (Reserve analysis)
Decision Making

Project Management Plan
Project Documents
Plan Define Activities Sequence Activities Estimate Durations Develop Control

04- Estimate Activity Durations Outputs

Duration Estimates
Duration estimates are quantitative assessments of the likely number of time
periods that are required to complete an activity, a phase, or a project. Duration
estimates do not include any lags estimates may include some indication of the
range of possible results.

For example:
A range of 2 weeks ± 2 days, which indicates that the activity will take at least 8 days
and not more than 12 (assuming a 5-day work week);
A 15% probability of exceeding 3 weeks, which indicates a high probability—85%—
that the activity will take 3 weeks or less.
Plan Define Activities Sequence Activities Estimate Durations Develop Control

04- Estimate Activity Durations Outputs

Basis Of Estimates
The amount and type of additional details supporting the duration estimate vary by
application area.

Basis Of Estimates Consist Of:

How it was developed
Assumptions list
Range of possible estimates (±10%)
Indication of the confidence level of the final estimate
Documentation of individual project risks influencing this estimate
Plan Define Activities Sequence Activities Estimate Durations Develop Control

04- Estimate Activity Durations T&T

Analogous Estimating
Analogous estimating is a technique for estimating the duration or cost of an activity
or a project using historical data from a similar activity or project. Analogous
estimating uses parameters from a previous, similar project, such as duration,
budget, size, weight, and complexity, as the basis for estimating the same parameter
or measure for a future project.

‫ أدوار‬8 ‫عمارة سكنية‬ ‫ أدوار‬4 ‫عمارة سكنية‬

‫ مليون‬100 ‫بتكلفة‬ ‫ مليون‬-- ‫بتكلفة‬
‫مدة المشروع سنتين‬ -- ‫مدة المشروع‬
Plan Define Activities Sequence Activities Estimate Durations Develop Control

04- Estimate Activity Durations T&T

Parametric Estimating
It is an estimating technique in which an algorithm is used to calculate cost or
duration based on historical data and project parameters. Parametric estimating
uses a statistical relationship between historical data and other variables (e.g.,
square footage in construction) to calculate an estimate the duration

Durations can be quantitatively determined by multiplying the quantity of work to

be performed by the number of labor hours per unit of work.
Plan Define Activities Sequence Activities Estimate Durations Develop Control

04- Estimate Activity Durations T&T

Three-point Estimating
The accuracy of single-point duration estimates may be improved by considering
estimation uncertainty and risk. Using three-point estimates helps define an
approximate range for an activity’s duration:

Triangular distribution:
Duration = (O + M + P) / 3

Optimistic (O) Most likely (M) Pessimistic (P) Expected

ID Activity The best-case Realistic The worst-case
Duration/ cost
scenario expectations scenario
50 53 60
Plan Define Activities Sequence Activities Estimate Durations Develop Control

04- Estimate Activity Durations T&T

Bottom-up Estimating
It is a method of estimating project duration or cost by aggregating the estimates of
the lower level components of the WBS. When an activity’s duration cannot be
estimated with a reasonable degree of confidence, the work within the activity is
decomposed into more detail. The detail durations are estimated. These estimates
are then aggregated into a total quantity for each of the activity’s durations.
Activities may or may not have dependencies between them that can affect the
application and use of resources. If there are dependencies, this pattern of resource
usage is reflected and documented in the estimated requirements of the activity.
‫‪Plan‬‬ ‫‪Requirements‬‬ ‫‪Define Scope‬‬ ‫‪WBS‬‬ ‫‪Validate‬‬ ‫‪Control‬‬

‫‪Bottom-up Estimating‬‬
‫انشاء عماره سكنيه‬

‫‪110 LE‬‬ ‫‪up‬‬

‫الدور االرضي‬ ‫الدور المتكرر‬ ‫السطح‬
‫‪50,000 LE‬‬ ‫‪60,000 LE‬‬
‫تربه‬ ‫خرسانه‬ ‫تشطيبات‬ ‫خرسانه‬ ‫تشطيبات‬ ‫خرسانه‬ ‫تشطيبات‬

‫قواعد وسمالت‬ ‫مياني‬ ‫اعمده‬ ‫مباني‬ ‫‪6,000 LE‬‬

‫الشخشيخة‬ ‫مباني‬ ‫‪2,000 LE‬‬
‫ارضيه خرسانيه‬
‫بياض‬ ‫سقف‬ ‫بياض‬ ‫‪7,000 LE‬‬ ‫‪4,000 LE‬‬ ‫بياض‬ ‫‪1,500 LE‬‬
‫دهانات‬ ‫‪10,000 LE‬‬ ‫دهانات‬ ‫‪9,000 LE‬‬
‫دهانات‬ ‫‪1,000 LE‬‬
‫سباكه‬ ‫‪40,000 LE‬‬ ‫سباكه‬ ‫‪7,500 LE‬‬
‫سباكه‬ ‫‪0,500 LE‬‬
‫كهرباء‬ ‫كهرباء‬ ‫‪7,000 LE‬‬
‫كهرباء‬ ‫‪1,000 LE‬‬
‫سيراميك‬ ‫سيراميك‬ ‫‪11,000 LE‬‬
‫موزايكوا‬ ‫‪5,000 LE‬‬
‫‪ 10,000 LE‬سقف معلق‬
‫‪ 8,000 LE‬اعمال عزل‬
‫‪ 2,500 LE‬اعمال عزل‬

Plan Define Activities Sequence Activities Estimate Durations Develop Control

04- Estimate Activity Durations T&T

Reserve analysis
It is used to determine the amount of contingency and management
reserve needed for the project. Duration estimates may include
contingency reserves, sometimes referred to as schedule reserves

1. Contingency reserves
2. Management reserves
Project Schedule Management

0 Introduction
1 Plan Schedule Management

2 Define Activities
3 Sequence Activities
4 Estimate Activity Durations
5 Develop Schedule
Amr M Al-Dahshan 6 Control Schedule
PMP, RMP, CAD Instructor From 01- 2016
Owner Representative of High Education
Ministry for New Helwan University #PMP_Feedback_ADH
Master, TOT
Plan Define Activities Sequence Activities Estimate Durations Develop Control

05- Develop Schedule

05- Develop Schedule Schedule
Outputs Management
Schedule Baseline Define
Project Schedule
Schedule Data Sequence
Project Calendars Estimate
Change Requests Activity
Project Management Plan Durations
Updates Develop
Project Documents Updates
Tools & Techniques
Schedule Network Analysis
Critical Path Method
Resource Optimization
Data Analysis (Reserve analysis)
Leads And Lags
Schedule Compression
Project Management
Information System
Agile Release Planning

Project Management Plan
Project Documents
Agreements & EEFs & OPAs
Plan Define Activities Sequence Activities Estimate Durations Develop Control

05- Develop Schedule Outputs

Small Test
if you are project planner of a project that consist of the following activities.
Please, determine the total duration of the project Activity Duration
A 4
B 2
C 10
D 10
E 5
F 1
G 15
H 6
I 4
J 7
K 2
L 1
Plan Define Activities Sequence Activities Estimate Durations Develop Control

05- Develop Schedule Outputs

Activity Duration, Sequence

Activity Duration Depending on Relation Lag

A 4 --- FS
B 2 E, I FS
C 10 G FS
D 10 A FS
E 5 A FS
F 1 H FS
G 15 I FS D H
H 6 D FS
I 4 A FS
J 7 B, H FS
K 2 C, J FS
L 1 K, F FS
Break Time

Break time
we will start again
after 10 minutes
Plan Define Activities Sequence Activities Estimate Durations Develop Control

Network Diagram

10 0 0 14 14 0 0 29 29 0 0 39
10 4 14 14 15 29 29 10 39
39 0 0 41
6 0 0 10 10 15 0 15 15 15 9 17 26 6 6 33
39 2 41
6 4 10 25 5 30 30 2 32 32 7 39 41 0 0 42
10 6 0 20 20 6 0 26 26 14 14 27 41 1 42
16 10 26 26 6 32 40 1 41

Forward Path
Backward Path
Plan Define Activities Sequence Activities Estimate Durations Develop Control

Network Diagram

4 15 10

4 5 2 7
10 6 1

Forward Path

Plan Define Activities Sequence Activities Estimate Durations Develop Control

Forward Path

4 8 8 23 23 33
4 15 10
33 35
0 4 4 9 9 11 20 27
4 5 2 7 35 36
4 14 14 20 20 21 1
10 6 1

Forward Path

Activity name
Plan Define Activities Sequence Activities Estimate Durations Develop Control

Backward Path

4 8 8 23 23 33
4 4 8 8 15 23 23 10 33
33 35
0 4 4 9 9 11 20 27
33 2 35
0 4 4 19 5 24 24 2 26 26 7 33 35 36
4 14 14 20 20 21 35 1 36
10 10 20 20 6 26 34 1 35

Backward Path
Activity name
Plan Define Activities Sequence Activities Estimate Durations Develop Control

Total Floats
Total Floats = LS- ES= LF- EF

4 0 8 8 0 23 23 0 33
4 4 8 8 15 23 23 10 33
33 0 35
0 0 4 4 15 9 9 15 11 20 6 27
33 2 35
0 4 4 19 5 24 24 2 26 26 7 33 35 0 36
4 6 14 14 6 20 20 14 21 35 1 36
10 10 20 20 6 26 34 1 35

Activity name
Plan Define Activities Sequence Activities Estimate Durations Develop Control

Free Floats
Free Floats = ES (successor)- EF (predecessor)

4 0 0 8 8 0 0 23 23 0 0 33
4 4 8 8 15 23 23 10 33
33 0 0 35
0 0 0 4 4 15 0 9 9 15 9 11 20 6 6 27
33 2 35
0 4 4 19 5 24 24 2 26 26 7 33 35 0 0 36
4 6 0 14 14 6 0 20 20 14 14 21 35 1 36
10 10 20 20 6 26 34 1 35

Critical path A,I,G,C,K,L ES TF FF EF

Activity name
Plan Define Activities Sequence Activities Estimate Durations Develop Control

Critical Path
Critical Path is the longest path or the path with zero float

4 0 0 8 8 0 0 23 23 0 0 33
4 4 8 8 15 23 23 10 33
33 0 0 35
0 0 0 4 4 15 0 9 9 15 9 11 20 6 6 27
33 2 35
0 4 4 19 5 24 24 2 26 26 7 33 35 0 0 36
4 6 0 14 14 6 0 20 20 14 14 21 35 1 36
10 10 20 20 6 26 34 1 35

Critical path A,I,G,C,K,L ES TF FF EF

Activity name
Plan Define Activities Sequence Activities Estimate Durations Develop Control

Bar Chart (Gantt Chart)

Plan Define Activities Sequence Activities Estimate Durations Develop Control

05- Develop Schedule Outputs

Critical Chain Method
Using The Buffer
Project Schedule Management

0 Introduction
1 Plan Schedule Management

2 Define Activities
3 Sequence Activities
4 Estimate Activity Durations
5 Develop Schedule
Amr M Al-Dahshan 6 Control Schedule
PMP, RMP, CAD Instructor From 01- 2016
Owner Representative of High Education
Ministry for New Helwan University #PMP_Feedback_ADH
Master, TOT
Plan Define Activities Sequence Activities Estimate Durations Develop Control

06- Control Schedule Plan

06- Control Schedule Management
Work Performance Information Activities
Schedule Forecasts Estimate
Change Requests Activity
Project Management Plan Updates Develop
Project Documents Updates Schedule
Tools & Techniques Schedule
Data Analysis
Critical Path Method
Project Management
Information System
Resource Optimization
Leads And Lags
Schedule Compression

Project Management Plan
Project Documents
Work Performance Data
Project Resource Management

‫إدارة المشروعات‬
0 Introduction
1 Plan Resource Management

2 Estimate Activity Resources
3 Acquire Resources
4 Develop Team
5 Manage Team
Amr M Al-Dahshan 6 Control Resources
PMP, RMP, CAD Instructor From 01- 2016
Owner Representative of High Education
Ministry for New Helwan University #PMP_Feedback_ADH
Master, TOT
These processes help ensure that the right resources will be available to the project
at the right time and place.

Plan Resource Management

The process of defining how to estimate, acquire, manage, and utilize physical and
team resources.

Estimate Activity Resources

The process of estimating team resources and the type and quantities of material,
equipment, and supplies necessary to perform project work.

Acquire Resources
The process of obtaining team members, facilities, equipment, materials, supplies,
and other resources necessary to complete project work.
Develop Team
The process of improving competencies, team member interaction, and the overall
team environment to enhance project performance.

Manage Team
The process of tracking team member performance, providing feedback, resolving
issues, and managing team changes to optimize project performance.

Control Resources
The process of ensuring that the physical resources assigned and allocated to the
project are available as planned, as well as monitoring the planned versus actual use
of resources, and performing corrective action as necessary.
02- Estimate Activity 03- Acquire Resources
01- Plan Resource
Outputs Physical Resource‎
Resource Requirements Assignments
Outputs Basis Of Estimates Project Team Assignments
Resource Management Plan Resource Calendars
Resource Breakdown‎Structure
Team Charter Change Requests
Project Documents Updates
Project Documents Updates Project Management Plan
Tools & Techniques Updates
Tools & Techniques Expert Judgment Project Documents Updates
Expert Judgment
Bottom-up Estimating
Data Representation Tools & Techniques
Analogous Estimating
Organizational Theory Decision Making
Parametric Estimating
Meetings Interpersonal And Team Skills
Data Analysis
Project Management Pre-assignment
Inputs Information System Virtual Teams
Project Charter Meetings
Project Management Plan Inputs
Project Documents Inputs Project Management Plan
EEFs & OPAs Project Documents
Project Management Plan
Project Documents EEFs & OPAs

04- Develop Team 05- Manage Team 06- Control Resources

Outputs Outputs Outputs

Team Performance Assessments Change Requests Work Performance
Change Requests Project Management Plan Information
Project Management Plan Updates Change Requests
Updates Project Documents Updates Project Management Plan
Project Documents Updates EEFs Updates Updates
EEFs & OPAs updates Project Documents Updates
Tools & Techniques
Tools & Techniques Interpersonal And Team Skills Tools & Techniques
Colocation Project Management Data Analysis
Virtual Teams Information System Problem Solving
Communication Technology Interpersonal And Team Skills
Interpersonal And Team Skills Inputs Project Management
Recognition And Rewards Project Management Plan Information System
Training Project Documents
Individual And Team Work Performance Reports Inputs
Assessments Team Performance Project Management Plan
Meetings Assessments Project Documents
Inputs EEFs & OPAs Work Performance Data
Project Management Plan Agreements
Project Documents EEFs & OPAs
Project Resource Management

0 Introduction
1 Plan Resource Management

2 Estimate Activity Resources
3 Acquire Resources
4 Develop Team
5 Manage Team
Amr M Al-Dahshan 6 Control Resources
PMP, RMP, CAD Instructor From 01- 2016
Owner Representative of High Education
Ministry for New Helwan University #PMP_Feedback_ADH
Master, TOT
Plan Estimate Acquire Develop Manage Control

01- Plan Resource Management

01- Plan Resource Management

Resource Management Plan
Team Charter
Project Documents Updates

Tools & Techniques

Expert Judgment
Data Representation
Organizational Theory

Project Charter
Project Management Plan
Project Documents
Plan Estimate Acquire Develop Manage Control

01- Plan Resource Management

Resource Management Plan
It provides guidance on how project resources should be categorized, allocated,
managed, and released. It may be divided between the team management plan and
physical resource management plan according to the specifics of the project. The
resource management plan may include but is not limited to:

• Identification of resources Methods

How to acquire team and physical resources for the project.

• Project organization charts.

A project organization chart is a graphic display of project team members and their
reporting relationships.

• Project team resource management.

Guidance on how project team resources should be defined, staffed, managed, and
eventually released.
Plan Estimate Acquire Develop Manage Control

01- Plan Resource Management

Resource Management Plan

Training strategies for team members.

Team development
Methods for developing the project team.

Resource control
Methods for ensuring adequate physical resources are available as needed and that
the acquisition of physical resources is optimized for project needs.

Recognition plan
Which recognition and rewards will be given to team members.
Plan Estimate Acquire Develop Manage Control

01- Plan Resource Management

Roles and responsibilities

Ex: civil engineer, business analyst, and
testing coordinator.

Make decisions, sign approvals, accept deliverables.

The assigned duties and work that a project team member is expected to
perform in order to complete the project’s activities.

The skill and capacity required to complete assigned
activities within the project constraints.
Plan Estimate Acquire Develop Manage Control

01- Plan Resource Management T&T

Data Representation
1- Hierarchical charts
Resource breakdown structure (RBS)
The resource breakdown structure is a hierarchical list of team and physical
resources related by category and resource type that is used for planning, managing
and controlling.

Assignment Matrix
Plan Estimate Acquire Develop Manage Control

01- Plan Resource Management T&T

Organizational breakdown structure (OBS).
OBS is arranged according to an organization’s existing departments, units, or teams,
with the project activities or work packages listed under each department. An
operational department, such as information technology or purchasing, can see all
of its project responsibilities by looking at its portion of the OBS.
Project Resource Management

0 Introduction
1 Plan Resource Management

2 Estimate Activity Resources
3 Acquire Resources
4 Develop Team
5 Manage Team
Amr M Al-Dahshan 6 Control Resources
PMP, RMP, CAD Instructor From 01- 2016
Owner Representative of High Education
Ministry for New Helwan University #PMP_Feedback_ADH
Master, TOT
Plan Estimate Acquire Develop Manage Control

02- Estimate Activity Resources

02- Estimate Activity Resources

Resource Requirements
Basis Of Estimates
Resource Breakdown‎Structure
Project Documents Updates

Tools & Techniques

Expert Judgment
Bottom-up Estimating
Analogous Estimating
Parametric Estimating
Data Analysis
Project Management
Information System

Project Management Plan
Project Documents
Plan Estimate Acquire Develop Manage Control

02- Estimate Activity Resources Outputs

Resource Breakdown Structure RBS
Plan Estimate Acquire Develop Manage Control

02- Estimate Activity Resources Outputs

Resource Requirements
Resource requirements identify the types and quantities of resources required for
each work package or activity in a work package and can be aggregated to
determine the estimated resources for each work package, each WBS branch, and
the project as a whole. The amount of detail and the level of specificity of the
resource requirement descriptions can vary by application area. The resource
requirements’ documentation can include assumptions that were made in
determining which types of resources are applied, their availability, and what
quantities are needed.
Plan Estimate Acquire Develop Manage Control

02- Estimate Activity Resources Outputs

Basis Of Estimates
The amount and type of additional details supporting the resource estimate vary by
application area. Regardless of the level of detail, the supporting documentation
should provide a clear and complete understanding of how the resource estimate
was derived.

Basis Of Estimates may include:

• Method used to develop the estimate
• Resources used to develop the estimate (such as information from previous
similar projects)
• Assumptions associated with the estimate
• Known constraints
• Range of estimates
• Confidence level of the estimate
• Documentation of identified risks influencing the estimate
Break Time

Break time
we will start again
after 10 minutes
Project Resource Management

0 Introduction
1 Plan Resource Management

2 Estimate Activity Resources
3 Acquire Resources
4 Develop Team
5 Manage Team
Amr M Al-Dahshan 6 Control Resources
PMP, RMP, CAD Instructor From 01- 2016
Owner Representative of High Education
Ministry for New Helwan University #PMP_Feedback_ADH
Master, TOT
Plan Estimate Acquire Develop Manage Control

03- Acquire Resources

03- Acquire Resources

Physical Resource‎Assignments
Project Team Assignments
Resource Calendars
Change Requests
Project Management Plan
Project Documents Updates

Tools & Techniques

Decision Making
Interpersonal And Team Skills
Virtual Teams

Project Management Plan
Project Documents
Plan Estimate Acquire Develop Manage Control

03- Acquire Resources

Acquire Resources
it is the process of obtaining team members, facilities, equipment, materials,
supplies, and other resources necessary to complete project work. The key benefit
of this process is that it outlines and guides the selection of resources and assigns
them to their respective activities. This process is performed periodically throughout
the project as needed.
Plan Estimate Acquire Develop Manage Control

03- Acquire Resources Outputs

Physical Resource Assignments
Documentation of the physical resource assignments records the material,
equipment, supplies, locations, and other physical resources that will be used during
the project.

Project Team Assignments

Documentation of team assignments records the team members and their roles and
responsibilities for the project. Documentation can include a project team directory
and names inserted into the project management plan, such as the project
organization charts and schedules.

Resource Calendars
A resource calendar identifies the working days, shifts,
start and end of normal business hours, weekends, and public
Plan Estimate Acquire Develop Manage Control

03- Acquire Resources T&T

Multi criteria decision analysis
select physical project resources, or the project team. Using a multi criteria
decision analysis tool, criteria are developed and used to rate or score
potential resources The criteria are weighted according to their relative
importance and values can be changed for different types of resources.

Some examples of selection criteria that can be used are:

International factors. Consider team member location, time zone, and
communication capabilities.
Plan Estimate Acquire Develop Manage Control

03- Acquire Resources T&T

Virtual Teams
It can be defined as groups of people with a shared goal who fulfill their
roles with little or no time spent meeting face to face. The availability of
communication technology such as email, audio conferencing, social
media, web-based meetings, and video conferencing has made virtual
teams feasible.
Project Resource Management

0 Introduction
1 Plan Resource Management

2 Estimate Activity Resources
3 Acquire Resources
4 Develop Team
5 Manage Team
Amr M Al-Dahshan 6 Control Resources
PMP, RMP, CAD Instructor From 01- 2016
Owner Representative of High Education
Ministry for New Helwan University #PMP_Feedback_ADH
Master, TOT
Plan Estimate Acquire Develop Manage Control

04- Develop Team

04- Develop Team

Team Performance Assessments
Change Requests
Project Management Plan
Project Documents Updates
EEFs & OPAs updates

Tools & Techniques

Virtual Teams
Communication Technology
Interpersonal And Team Skills
Recognition And Rewards
Individual And Team
Project Management Plan
Project Documents
Plan Estimate Acquire Develop Manage Control

Forming. This phase is where the team members meet and learn about the project
and their formal roles and responsibilities. Team members tend to be independent
and not as open in this phase.

Storming. During this phase, the team begins to address the project work, technical
decisions, and the project management approach. If team members are not
collaborative or open to differing ideas and perspectives, the environment can
become counterproductive.

Norming In this phase, team members begin to work together and adjust their work
habits and behaviors to support the team. The team members learn to trust each
Performing Teams that reach the performing stage function as a well-organized unit.
They are interdependent and work through issues smoothly and effectively.

Adjourning In this phase, the team completes the work and moves on from the
project. This typically occurs when staff is released from the project as deliverables
are completed or as part of the Close Project or Phase process
Plan Estimate Acquire Develop Manage Control

04- Develop Team Outputs

Team Performance Assessments
the project management team makes formal or informal assessments of
the project team’s effectiveness. Effective team development strategies
and activities are expected to increase the team’s performance, which
increases the likelihood of meeting project objectives.

Team Performance Assessments include:

Plan Estimate Acquire Develop Manage Control

04- Develop Team T&T

Colocation involves placing many or all of the most active project team members in
the same physical location to enhance their ability to perform as a team. Colocation
can be temporary, such as at strategically important times during the project, or can
continue for the entire project. Colocation strategies can include a team meeting
room, common places to post schedules, and other conveniences that enhance
communication and a sense of community.

Communication Technology
Communication technology is important in addressing the team development issues
in collocated and virtual teams. It helps build a harmonious environment for the
collocated team and a better understanding for the virtual team, especially those
working in different time zones. You can use
• Video conferencing
• Audio conferencing
• Email/chat
Plan Estimate Acquire Develop Manage Control

04- Develop Team T&T

Interpersonal And Team Skills
• Conflict management.
The project manager needs to resolve conflicts in a timely manner and in a
constructive way in order to achieve a high-performing team.

• Influencing.
An influencing skill used in this process is gathering relevant and critical information
to address important issues and reach agreements while maintaining mutual trust.

• Motivation.
Motivation is providing a reason for someone to act. Teams are motivated by
empowering them to participate in decision making and encouraging them to work

• Negotiation.
Negotiation among team members is used to reach consensus on project needs.
Negotiation can build trust and harmony among the team members.
Plan Estimate Acquire Develop Manage Control

04- Develop Team T&T

Team building
Team building is conducting activities that enhance the team’s social relations and
build a collaborative and cooperative working environment. Team building activities
can vary from a 5-minute agenda item in a status review meeting to an offsite,
professionally facilitated event designed to improve interpersonal
relationships. The objective of team-building activities is to help individual team
members work together effectively. Team-building strategies are particularly
valuable when team members operate from remote locations without the benefit of
face-to-face contact. Informal communication and activities can help in building
trust and establishing good working relationships. While team building is essential
during the initial stages of a project, it should be a continuous process. Changes in a
project environment are inevitable, and to manage them effectively, a continuous
or renewed team-building effort may be applied. The project manager should
continually monitor team functionality and performance to determine if any actions
are needed to prevent or correct various team problems.
Plan Estimate Acquire Develop Manage Control

04- Develop Team T&T

Recognition And Rewards
Rewards will be effective only if they satisfy a need that is valued by that individual.
Reward decisions are made, formally or informally, during the process of managing
the project team. Cultural differences should be considered when determining
recognition and rewards.
People are motivated when they feel they are valued in the organization and this
value is demonstrated by the rewards given to them. Generally, money is viewed as
a tangible aspect of any reward system

Training includes all activities designed to enhance the competencies of the project
team members. Training can be formal or informal.
Examples of training methods include classroom, online, computer-based, on-the-
job training from

Individual And Team Assessments

Individual and team assessment tools give the project manager and the project
team insight into areas of strengths and weaknesses.
Project Resource Management

0 Introduction
1 Plan Resource Management

2 Estimate Activity Resources
3 Acquire Resources
4 Develop Team
5 Manage Team
Amr M Al-Dahshan 6 Control Resources
PMP, RMP, CAD Instructor From 01- 2016
Owner Representative of High Education
Ministry for New Helwan University #PMP_Feedback_ADH
Master, TOT
Plan Estimate Acquire Develop Manage Control

05- Manage Team

05- Manage Team

Change Requests
Project Management Plan Updates
Project Documents Updates
EEFs Updates

Tools & Techniques

Interpersonal And Team Skills
Project Management Information System

Project Management Plan
Project Documents
Work Performance Reports
Team Performance Assessments
Project Resource Management

0 Introduction
1 Plan Resource Management

2 Estimate Activity Resources
3 Acquire Resources
4 Develop Team
5 Manage Team
Amr M Al-Dahshan 6 Control Resources
PMP, RMP, CAD Instructor From 01- 2016
Owner Representative of High Education
Ministry for New Helwan University #PMP_Feedback_ADH
Master, TOT
Plan Estimate Acquire Develop Manage Control

06- Control Resources

06- Control Resources

Work Performance Information
Change Requests
Project Management Plan
Project Documents Updates

Tools & Techniques

Data Analysis
Problem Solving
Interpersonal And Team Skills
Project Management
Information System

Project Management Plan
Project Documents
Work Performance Data
Project Cost Management

‫إدارة المشروعات‬

0 Introduction

1 Plan Cost Management
2 Estimate Costs
3 Determine Budget
4 Control Costs
Amr M Al-Dahshan
PMP, RMP, CAD Instructor From 01- 2016
Owner Representative of High Education
Ministry for New Helwan University #PMP_Feedback_ADH
Master, TOT
02- Estimate Costs

01- Plan Cost Management Cost Estimates
Basis Of Estimates
Outputs Project Documents Updates
Cost Management Plan
Tools & Techniques
Tools & Techniques Expert Judgment
Expert Judgment Analogous Estimating
Data Analysis Parametric Estimating
Meetings Bottom-up Estimating
Three-point Estimating
Data Analysis
Project Management
Project Charter
Information System
Project Management Plan
Decision Making
Project Management Plan
Project Documents
04- Control Costs
03- Determine Budget
Outputs Work Performance Information
Cost Baseline Cost Forecasts
Project Funding Requirements Change Requests
Project Documents Updates Project Management Plan
Tools & Techniques Project Documents Updates
Expert Judgment
Cost Aggregation Tools & Techniques
Data Analysis Expert Judgment
Historical Information Review Data Analysis
Funding Limit Reconciliation To-complete Performance Index
Financing Project Management
Information System
Project Management Plan Inputs
Project Document Project Management Plan
Business Documents Project Documents
Agreements Project Funding Requirements
EEFs & OPAs Work Performance Data
Project Cost Management

0 Introduction

1 Plan Cost Management
2 Estimate Costs
3 Determine Budget
4 Control Costs
Amr M Al-Dahshan
PMP, RMP, CAD Instructor From 01- 2016
Owner Representative of High Education
Ministry for New Helwan University #PMP_Feedback_ADH
Master, TOT
Plan Estimate Costs Determine Budget Control

01- Plan Cost Management

01- Plan Cost Management

Cost Management Plan

Tools & Techniques

Expert Judgment
Data Analysis

Project Charter
Project Management Plan
Plan Estimate Costs Determine Budget Control

01- Plan Cost Management

Cost management plan contains:

• Units of measure
• Level of precision
• Level of accuracy
• Organizational procedures links
• Control thresholds
• Rules of performance measurement
• Reporting formats
• Process descriptions
Project Cost Management

0 Introduction

1 Plan Cost Management
2 Estimate Costs
3 Determine Budget
4 Control Costs
Amr M Al-Dahshan
PMP, RMP, CAD Instructor From 01- 2016
Owner Representative of High Education
Ministry for New Helwan University #PMP_Feedback_ADH
Master, TOT
Plan Estimate Costs Determine Budget Control

02- Estimate Costs

02- Estimate Costs

Cost Estimates
Basis Of Estimates
Project Documents Updates

Tools & Techniques

Expert Judgment
Analogous Estimating
Parametric Estimating
Bottom-up Estimating
Three-point Estimating
Data Analysis
Project Management
Information System
Decision Making

Project Management Plan
Project Documents
Plan Estimate Costs Determine Budget Control

Project Cost Break Down

Reference (APA)
Yosr, S., Abd-Elrashed, I., Mahdi, I., & Elmikawi, M. A Construction bid’s markup Factors Identification in Egypt.
Plan Estimate Costs Determine Budget Control

02- Estimate Costs

Plan Estimate Costs Determine Budget Control

Project Cost Equations

Project Price= Project Costs+ Markup
Project Cost= Direct cost+ Indirect cost
Direct cost= labor cost+ Material costs+ Equipment’s costs+ subcontractors costs
Indirect cost= Site (Project) overhead + Office (General) overhead
Site (Project) overhead= project staff salaries+ any Temporary services+ staff
transport to site+ staff and subcontractors accommodation+ Cleaning site labor+
safety provision+ site security
Office (General) overhead= Salaries of office departments engineers,
accountants, financial, human resources, Secretary, …etc.+ office security+
utilities such as (office rental, electricity, water,…etc.)
Markup= Taxes+ Finance+ Contingency reserve of risks+ Profit

Reference (APA)
Yosr, S., Abd-Elrashed, I., Mahdi, I., & Elmikawi, M. A Construction bid’s markup Factors Identification in Egypt.
Plan Estimate Costs Determine Budget Control

Bid markup factors identification in Egypt

Reference (APA)
Yosr, S., Abd-Elrashed, I., Mahdi, I., & Elmikawi, M. A Construction bid’s markup Factors Identification in Egypt.
Project Cost Management

0 Introduction

1 Plan Cost Management
2 Estimate Costs
3 Determine Budget
4 Control Costs
Amr M Al-Dahshan
PMP, RMP, CAD Instructor From 01- 2016
Owner Representative of High Education
Ministry for New Helwan University #PMP_Feedback_ADH
Master, TOT
Plan Estimate Costs Determine Budget Control

03- Determine Budget

03- Determine Budget

Cost Baseline
Project Funding Requirements
Project Documents Updates

Tools & Techniques

Expert Judgment
Cost Aggregation
Data Analysis
Historical Information Review
Funding Limit Reconciliation

Project Management Plan
Project Document
Business Documents
Plan Estimate Costs Determine Budget Control

03- Determine Budget

Plan Estimate Costs Determine Budget Control

03- Determine Budget

Plan Estimate Costs Determine Budget Control

03- Determine Budget

Plan Estimate Costs Determine Budget Control

03- Determine Budget

Break Time

Break time
we will start again
after 10 minutes
Project Cost Management

0 Introduction

1 Plan Cost Management
2 Estimate Costs
3 Determine Budget
4 Control Costs
Amr M Al-Dahshan
PMP, RMP, CAD Instructor From 01- 2016
Owner Representative of High Education
Ministry for New Helwan University #PMP_Feedback_ADH
Master, TOT
Plan Estimate Costs Determine Budget Control

04- Control Costs

04- Control Costs

Work Performance Information
Cost Forecasts
Change Requests
Project Management Plan Updates
Project Documents Updates

Tools & Techniques

Expert Judgment
Data Analysis
To-complete Performance Index
Project Management
Information System

Project Management Plan
Project Documents
Project Funding Requirements
Work Performance Data
Plan Estimate Costs Determine Budget Control

04- Control Costs

Plan Estimate Costs Determine Budget Control

04- Control Costs

Key dimensions of earned value management:

Planned value
Earned value
Actual cost

Schedule variance
Cost variance

Performance :
Schedule performance index
Cost performance index
Plan Estimate Costs Determine Budget Control

04- Control Costs

EAC forecast for ETC work performed at the budgeted rate
EAC forecast for ETC work performed at the present CPI
EAC forecast for ETC work considering both SPI and CPI factors

To-Complete Performance Index (TCPI)

Schedule variance
Cost variance

Performance :
Schedule performance index
Cost performance index
Plan Estimate Costs Determine Budget Control

04- Control Costs

220=70+ (200-50)
Plan Estimate Costs Determine Budget Control

04- Control Costs

Cost Schedule
180 – 200 = -20
EV – PV = S

Budget At

Plan Estimate Costs Determine Budget Control

04- Control Costs

Project Quality Management

‫إدارة المشروعات‬

0 Introduction

M 1 Plan Quality Management

2 Manage Quality
3 Control Quality

Amr M Al-Dahshan
PMP, RMP, CAD Instructor From 01- 2016
Owner Representative of High Education
Ministry for New Helwan University #PMP_Feedback_ADH
Master, TOT

Quality VS Grade

Accuracy VS Precision

Gold plating

Modern Quality Concentrates On:

• Customer Satisfaction
• Fitness For Use
• Continuous Improvement (Kaizen)
• (Plan- Do- Check- Act)
• Prevention Over Inspection

Low quality means:

• Rework
• More costs
• More time
• More penalties
• Low productivity
• Loss reputation
• Project failure
01- Plan Quality 02- Manage Quality 03- Control Quality
Outputs Outputs
Outputs Quality Reports Quality Control Measurements
Quality Management Plan Test And Evaluation Verified Deliverables
Quality Metrics Documents Work Performance Information
Project Management Plan Change Requests Change Requests
Updates Project Management Plan Project Management Plan
Project Documents Updates Updates Updates
Project Documents Updates Project Documents Updates
Tools & Techniques
Expert Judgment Tools & Techniques Tools & Techniques
Data Gathering Data Gathering Data Gathering
Data Analysis Data Analysis Data Analysis
Decision Making Decision Making Inspection
Data Representation Data Representation Testing/Product Evaluations
Test And Inspection Planning Audits Data Representation
Meetings Design For X Meetings
Problem Solving
Quality Improvement Inputs
Project Charter
Methods Project Management Plan
Project Management Plan
Project Documents Project Documents
EEFs & OPAs Inputs Deliverables
Project Management Plan Work Performance Data
Project Documents EEFs & OPAs
Project Quality Management

0 Introduction

M 1 Plan Quality Management

2 Manage Quality
3 Control Quality

Amr M Al-Dahshan
PMP, RMP, CAD Instructor From 01- 2016
Owner Representative of High Education
Ministry for New Helwan University #PMP_Feedback_ADH
Master, TOT
Plan Manage Monitor

01- Plan Quality Management

01- Plan
01- Plan Quality Management Management
02- Manage
03- Control
Quality Management Plan Quality
Quality Metrics
Project Management Plan
Project Documents Updates

Tools & Techniques

Expert Judgment
Data Gathering
Data Analysis
Decision Making
Data Representation
Test And Inspection Planning
Project Charter
Project Management Plan
Project Documents
Plan Manage Monitor

Cost of Quality
Plan Manage Monitor

01- Plan Quality Management

Seven Basic Quality Tools

1. Cause and effect diagram or (fish bone)or (ishikawa)
2. Flow chart (SIPOC)
3. Check sheet
4. Histogram
5. Pareto
6. Control chart
7. Scatter diagram
Plan Manage Monitor

01- Plan Quality Management

Plan Manage Monitor

01- Plan Quality Management

Plan Manage Monitor

01- Plan Quality Management

Plan Manage Monitor

01- Plan Quality Management

Plan Manage Monitor

01- Plan Quality Management

Additional Quality Planning Tools:

Brainstorming. This technique is used to generate ideas

Force field analysis. These are diagrams of the forces for and against change.

Nominal group technique. This technique is used to allow ideas to be

brainstormed in small groups and then reviewed by a larger group.
Project Quality Management

0 Introduction

M 1 Plan Quality Management

2 Manage Quality
3 Control Quality

Amr M Al-Dahshan
PMP, RMP, CAD Instructor From 01- 2016
Owner Representative of High Education
Ministry for New Helwan University #PMP_Feedback_ADH
Master, TOT
Plan Manage Monitor

02- Manage Quality

02- Manage Quality

Quality Reports
Test And Evaluation
Change Requests
Project Management Plan
Project Documents Updates

Tools & Techniques

Data Gathering
Data Analysis
Decision Making
Data Representation
Design For X
Problem Solving
Quality Improvement Methods

Project Management Plan
Project Documents
Plan Manage Monitor

02- Manage Quality

Change request
Quality management plan update

Tools and techniques:

 Quality management and control tools

 Audit
 Process analysis (root cause analysis)
Plan Manage Monitor

02- Manage Quality

Quality management and control tools:

 Affinity diagram
 Tree diagram
 Prioritization list
Plan Manage Monitor

02- Manage Quality

Quality management plan update

 Quality management plan

 Scope management plan
 Schedule management plan
 Cost management plan
Project Quality Management

0 Introduction

M 1 Plan Quality Management

2 Manage Quality
3 Control Quality

Amr M Al-Dahshan
PMP, RMP, CAD Instructor From 01- 2016
Owner Representative of High Education
Ministry for New Helwan University #PMP_Feedback_ADH
Master, TOT
Plan Manage Monitor

03- Control Quality

03- Control Quality

Quality Control Measurements
Verified Deliverables
Work Performance Information
Change Requests
Project Management Plan
Project Documents Updates

Tools & Techniques

Data Gathering
Data Analysis
Testing/Product Evaluations
Data Representation

Project Management Plan
Project Documents
Work Performance Data
Break Time

Break time
we will start again
after 10 minutes
Project Risk Management
‫إدارة المشروعات‬
0 Introduction
1 Plan Risk Management
2 Identify Risks

M 3 Qualitative Risk Analysis

4 Quantitative Risk Analysis
5 Plan Risk Responses
6 Implement Risk Responses
Amr M Al-Dahshan
PMP, RMP, CAD Instructor From 01- 2016 7 Monitor Risks
Owner Representative of High Education
Ministry for New Helwan University #PMP_Feedback_ADH
Master, TOT

Negative or Positive?

Threats or Opportunities ?

Must be done or Probable % ?

The Risk VS Problem?

The risk Appetite , Tolerance and Threshold

Are you have to make the project risk analysis? Why?

What is wrong if there is no ready response plan to the risks?

In your opinion what the steps to make the project risk management?

From your best practice what are the tools and techniques should be used to
make the project risk management?

02- Identify Risks

03- Perform Qualitative
01- Plan Risk Management Risk Analysis
Risk Register Outputs
Risk Report Project Documents Updates
Risk Management Plan
Project Documents Updates
Tools & Techniques
Tools & Techniques
Tools & Techniques Expert Judgment
Expert Judgment
Expert Judgment Data Gathering
Data Analysis
Data Gathering Data Analysis
Data Analysis Interpersonal And Team Skills
Interpersonal And Team Skills Risk Categorization
Inputs Data Representation
Prompt Lists
Project Charter Meetings
Project Management Plan
Inputs Inputs
Project Documents
Project Management Plan Project Management Plan
Project Documents Project Documents
Agreements EEFs & OPAs
05- Plan Risk Responses

04- Perform Quantitative Outputs

Risk Analysis Change Requests
Project Management Plan
Outputs Updates
Project Documents Updates
Project Documents Updates

Tools & Techniques Tools & Techniques

Expert Judgment Expert Judgment
Data Gathering Data Gathering
Interpersonal And Team Skills
Interpersonal And Team Skills
Strategies For Threats
Representations Of
Strategies For Opportunities
Data Analysis Contingent Response Strategies
Strategies For Overall Project
Inputs Data Analysis
Project Management Plan
Decision Making
Project Documents
Project Management Plan
Project Documents
07- Monitor Risks
06- Implement Risk
Responses Outputs
Work Performance Information
Outputs Change Requests
Change Requests Project Management Plan
Project Documents Updates Updates
Project Documents Updates
Tools & Techniques OPAs Updates
Expert Judgment
Interpersonal And Team Skills Tools & Techniques
Project Management Data Analysis
Information System Audits
Project Management Plan Inputs
Project Documents Project Management Plan
Work Performance Data Project Documents
EEFs & OPAs Work Performance Data
Work Performance Reports
Project Risk Management

0 Introduction
1 Plan Risk Management
2 Identify Risks

M 3 Qualitative Risk Analysis

4 Quantitative Risk Analysis
5 Plan Risk Responses
6 Implement Risk Responses
Amr M Al-Dahshan
PMP, RMP, CAD Instructor From 01- 2016 7 Monitor Risks
Owner Representative of High Education
Ministry for New Helwan University #PMP_Feedback_ADH
Master, TOT
Plan Identify Qualitative Quantitative Responses Implement Monitor

01- Plan Risk Management

01- Plan Risk Management

Risk Management Plan

Tools & Techniques

Expert Judgment
Data Analysis

Project Charter
Project Management Plan
Project Documents
Plan Identify Qualitative Quantitative Responses Implement Monitor

01- Plan Risk Management Outputs

Risk management plan contains:

Risk strategy
Describes the general approach to managing risk on this project.

Defines the specific approaches, tools, and data sources that will be used to
perform risk management on the project.

Roles and responsibilities

Defines the lead, support, and risk management team members for each
type of activity described in the risk management plan, and clarifies their
Plan Identify Qualitative Quantitative Responses Implement Monitor

01- Plan Risk Management Outputs

Risk management plan contains:

Identifies the funds needed to perform activities related to Project Risk

Defines when and how often the Project Risk Management processes will
be performed throughout the project life cycle.

Risk categories
Provide a means for grouping individual project risks. A common way to
structure risk categories is with a risk breakdown structure (RBS).
Plan Identify Qualitative Quantitative Responses Implement Monitor

01- Plan Risk Management Outputs

Risk categories:

• Material
• Equipment
• Manpower
• Project Management
• Project Finance
• Consultant
• Owner
• Government Regulations
• External Factors
• Internal Factors
• Quality
• Scope
Plan Identify Qualitative Quantitative Responses Implement Monitor

01- Plan Risk Management Outputs

Risk Break down Structure RBS:

Plan Identify Qualitative Quantitative Responses Implement Monitor

Risk Break down Structure RBS

Plan Identify Qualitative Quantitative Responses Implement Monitor

01- Plan Risk Management Outputs

Stakeholder risk appetite:
The risk appetites of key stakeholders on the project are recorded in the risk
management plan, as they inform the details of the plan risk management process.
In particular, stakeholder risk appetite should be expressed as measurable risk
thresholds around each project objective. These thresholds will determine the
acceptable level of overall project risk exposure, and they are also used to inform
the definitions of probability and impacts to be used when assessing and prioritizing
individual project risks.
Plan Identify Qualitative Quantitative Responses Implement Monitor

01- Plan Risk Management Outputs

Probability And Impact Matrix
Prioritization rules may be specified by the organization in advance of the
project and be included in organizational process assets OPA , or they may
be tailored to the specific project. Opportunities and threats are
represented in a common probability and impact matrix using positive
definitions of impact for opportunities and negative impact definitions for
Project Risk Management

0 Introduction
1 Plan Risk Management
2 Identify Risks

M 3 Qualitative Risk Analysis

4 Quantitative Risk Analysis
5 Plan Risk Responses
6 Implement Risk Responses
Amr M Al-Dahshan
PMP, RMP, CAD Instructor From 01- 2016 7 Monitor Risks
Owner Representative of High Education
Ministry for New Helwan University #PMP_Feedback_ADH
Master, TOT
Plan Identify Qualitative Quantitative Responses Implement Monitor

02- Identify Risks

02- Identify Risks

Risk Register
Risk Report
Project Documents Updates

Tools & Techniques

Expert Judgment
Data Gathering
Data Analysis
Interpersonal And Team Skills
Prompt Lists
Project Management Plan
Project Documents
Plan Identify Qualitative Quantitative Responses Implement Monitor

02- Identify Risks Outputs

RISK REGISTER may include:

List of identified risks

Potential risk owners.

Where a potential risk owner has been identified during the Identify Risks
process, the risk owner is recorded in the risk register. This will be
confirmed during the Perform Qualitative Risk Analysis process.

List of potential risk responses.

Where a potential risk response has been identified during the Identify
Risks process, it is recorded in the risk register. This will be confirmed
during the Plan Risk Responses process.
Plan Identify Qualitative Quantitative Responses Implement Monitor

02- Identify Risks Outputs

Id Risk name
1 Material
1.1 Shortage of required material
1.2 Delay in materials delivery
1.3 Changes in materials prices
1.4 Changes in materials specifications
2 Equipment
2.1 Shortage of required equipment
2.2 Failure of equipment
2.3 Shortage of supporting and shoring installations for excavations
2.4 Inadequate equipment used for the works
3 Manpower
3.1 Shortage of manpower
3.2 Low skill of manpower
Plan Identify Qualitative Quantitative Responses Implement Monitor

02- Identify Risks Outputs

Id Risk name
4 Project management
4.1 Poor communications by the contractor with the parties involved in the project
4.2 Shortage of technical professionals in the contractor‟ s organization
4.3 Delays in mobilization
4.4 Poor controlling of subcontractors by contractor
4.5 Loose safety rules and regulations within the contractor’s organization
4.6 Poor qualifications of the contractor’s technical staff assigned to the project
4.7 Delays to field survey by the contractor
4.8 Inefficient quality control by the contractor
4.9 Delay in the preparation of contractor submissions
4.10 Improper construction methods implemented by the contractor
Plan Identify Qualitative Quantitative Responses Implement Monitor

02- Identify Risks Outputs

Id Risk name
5 Project finance
5.1 Difficulties in financing the project by the contractor
5.2 Cash flow problems faced by the contractor
5.3 Problems between the contractor and his subcontractors with regard to payments
6 Consultant
6.1 Delay in the preparation of drawings
6.2 Delay in the approval of contractor submissions by the consultant
6.3 Poor communication between the consultant engineer and other parties involved
6.4 Delays in performing inspection and testing by the consultant engineer
7 Owner
7.1 Delay in the settlement of contractor claims by the client
7.2 Suspension of work by the client’s organization
7.3 Delay in issuing of change orders by the client
7.4 Slow decision making by the client’s organization
7.5 Delay in progress payments by the client
Plan Identify Qualitative Quantitative Responses Implement Monitor

02- Identify Risks Outputs

Id Risk name
8 Government regulations
8.1 Ineffective delay penalty
8.2 Difficulties in obtaining work permits
8.3 Government tendering system requirement of selecting the lowest bidding contractor
8.4 Changes in government regulations and laws
9 External factors
9.1 Severe weather conditions on the job site
9.2 Effects of subsurface conditions (type of soil, utility lines, water table)
9.3 Work interference between various contractors
Plan Identify Qualitative Quantitative Responses Implement Monitor

02- Identify Risks T&T

Root cause analysis
Root cause analysis is typically used to discover the underlying causes that
lead to a problem, and develop preventive action. It can be used to
identify threats by starting with a problem statement

Assumption and constraint analysis

validity of assumptions and constraints to determine which pose a risk to
the project. Threats may be identified from the inaccuracy, instability,
inconsistency, or incompleteness of assumptions. Constraints may give rise
to opportunities through removing or relaxing a limiting factor that affects
the execution of a project or process.

SWOT analysis. This technique examines the project from each of the
strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) perspectives.
For risk identification.
Plan Identify Qualitative Quantitative Responses Implement Monitor

02- Identify Risks T&T

A prompt list is a predetermined list of risk categories that might give rise
to individual project risks and that could also act as sources of overall
project risk. The prompt list can be used as a framework to aid the project
team in idea generation when using risk identification techniques. The risk
categories in the lowest level of the risk breakdown structure can be
used as a prompt list for individual project risks. Some common strategic
frameworks are more suitable for identifying sources of overall project risk,
for example
PESTLE (Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Legal, Environmental).
TECOP (Technical, Environmental, Commercial, Operational, Political).
VUCA (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, Ambiguity).
Project Risk Management

0 Introduction
1 Plan Risk Management
2 Identify Risks

M 3 Qualitative Risk Analysis

4 Quantitative Risk Analysis
5 Plan Risk Responses
6 Implement Risk Responses
Amr M Al-Dahshan
PMP, RMP, CAD Instructor From 01- 2016 7 Monitor Risks
Owner Representative of High Education
Ministry for New Helwan University #PMP_Feedback_ADH
Master, TOT
Plan Identify Qualitative Quantitative Responses Implement Monitor

03- Qualitative Risk Analysis

03- Perform Qualitative Risk Analysis

Project Documents Updates

Tools & Techniques

Expert Judgment
Data Gathering
Data Analysis
Interpersonal And Team Skills
Risk Categorization
Data Representation
Project Management Plan
Project Documents
Plan Identify Qualitative Quantitative Responses Implement Monitor

03- Qualitative Risk Analysis Outputs

Plan Identify Qualitative Quantitative Responses Implement Monitor

Probability And Impact Matrix

Probability And Impact Matrix
Prioritization rules may be specified by the organization in advance of the
project and be included in organizational process assets OPA , or they may
be tailored to the specific project. Opportunities and threats are
represented in a common probability and impact matrix using positive
definitions of impact for opportunities and negative impact definitions for
Plan Identify Qualitative Quantitative Responses Implement Monitor

03- Qualitative Risk Analysis T&T

Risk data quality assessment. Risk data quality assessment evaluates the
degree to which the data about individual project risks is accurate and
reliable as a basis for qualitative risk analysis.

Risk probability and impact assessment.

Assessment of other risk parameters.

These characteristics may include but are not limited to:
Strategic impact
Plan Identify Qualitative Quantitative Responses Implement Monitor

03- Qualitative Risk Analysis Outputs

Id Risk name Probability Rate (score)
1 Material
1.1 Shortage of required material 2 2.1 4.2 Medium
1.2 Delay in materials delivery 2 2.3 4.6 High
1.3 Changes in materials prices 1.2 1.9 2.3 Low
1.4 Changes in materials specifications 1 3.5 3.5 Low
2 Equipment
2.1 Shortage of required equipment 2 2 4 Low
2.2 Failure of equipment 1 4.3 4.3 Medium
Shortage of supporting and shoring
2.3 1 1.3 1.3 Low
installations for excavations
2.4 Inadequate equipment used for the works 1 4 4 Low
Plan Identify Qualitative Quantitative Responses Implement Monitor

03- Qualitative Risk Analysis Outputs

Id Risk name Probability Rate (score)
3 Manpower
3.1 Shortage of manpower 2.5 2.3 5.7 V. High
3.2 Low skill of manpower 1.5 3.1 4.6 High
4 Project management
Poor communications by the contractor with
4.1 1.2 3.6 4.3 Medium
the parties involved in the project
Shortage of technical professionals in the
4.2 1.4 3.1 4.3 Medium
contractor‟ s organization
4.3 Delays in mobilization 2 2.1 4.3 Medium
Poor controlling of subcontractors by
4.4 3 2.3 7 Extreme
4.5 Loose safety rules 4 1.2 5 High
Plan Identify Qualitative Quantitative Responses Implement Monitor

03- Qualitative Risk Analysis Outputs

Id Risk name Probability Rate (score)
Project management
Poor qualifications of the contractor’s technical
4.6 1.5 2.8 4.3 Medium
staff assigned to the project
4.7 Delays to field survey by the contractor 2 2.1 4.3 Medium
4.8 Inefficient quality control by the contractor 2.2 2.5 5.6 V. High
Delay in the preparation of contractor
4.9 3 1.8 5.6 V. High
Improper construction methods implemented
4.10 2.1 2.3 5
by the contractor High
Plan Identify Qualitative Quantitative Responses Implement Monitor

03- Qualitative Risk Analysis Outputs

Id Risk name Probability Rate (score)
5 Project finance
Difficulties in financing the project by the
5.1 2.1 2 4.3 Medium
5.2 Cash flow problems faced by the contractor 2.1 2 4.3 Medium
Problems between the contractor and his
5.3 1.5 2.4 3.6 Low
subcontractors with regard to payments
6 Consultant
6.1 Delay in the preparation of drawings 1.3 4.6 6 Extreme
Delay in the approval of contractor submissions
6.2 2.8 2 5.6 V.High
by the consultant
Poor communication between the consultant
6.3 3 1.8 5.6 V. High
engineer and other parties involved
Plan Identify Qualitative Quantitative Responses Implement Monitor

03- Qualitative Risk Analysis Outputs

Id Risk name Probability Rate (score)
7 Owner
Delay in the settlement of contractor claims by
7.1 2.5 2.4 6 Extreme
the client
7.2 Suspension of work by the client’s organization 2.7 2.2 6 Extreme
7.3 Delay in issuing of change orders by the client 2.2 2.7 6 Extreme
Slow decision making by the client’s
7.4 2 3 6 Extreme
7.5 Delay in progress payments by the client 1.6 2.2 3.6 Low
Plan Identify Qualitative Quantitative Responses Implement Monitor

03- Qualitative Risk Analysis Outputs

Id Risk name Probability Rate (score)
8 Government regulations
8.1 Ineffective delay penalty 1.5 1.6 2.5 Low
8.2 Difficulties in obtaining work permits 2 2 4 Low
Government tendering system requirement of
8.3 1 2.5 2.5 Low
selecting the lowest bidding contractor
8.4 Changes in government regulations and laws 1.6 2.5 4 Low
9 External factors
9.1 Severe weather conditions on the job site 1 4 4 Low
Effects of subsurface conditions (type of soil,
9.2 1.3 3.3 4.3 Medium
utility lines, water)
Project Risk Management

0 Introduction
1 Plan Risk Management
2 Identify Risks

M 3 Qualitative Risk Analysis

4 Quantitative Risk Analysis
5 Plan Risk Responses
6 Implement Risk Responses
Amr M Al-Dahshan
PMP, RMP, CAD Instructor From 01- 2016 7 Monitor Risks
Owner Representative of High Education
Ministry for New Helwan University #PMP_Feedback_ADH
Master, TOT
Plan Identify Qualitative Quantitative Responses Implement Monitor

04- Perform Quantitative Risk Analysis

04- Perform Quantitative Risk Analysis

Project Documents Updates

Tools & Techniques

Expert Judgment
Data Gathering
Interpersonal And Team Skills
Representations Of Uncertainty
Data Analysis

Project Management Plan
Project Documents
Plan Identify Qualitative Quantitative Responses Implement Monitor

03- Quantitative Risk Analysis Outputs

ID Risk name Rate (Time) by
(Cost) by L.E
1 material
1.1 Shortage of required material medium 4
1.2 Delay in materials delivery High 6 2000
2.2 Failure of equipment medium 4
3.1 Shortage of manpower V. High 8
3.2 Low skill of manpower High 6 1000
Plan Identify Qualitative Quantitative Responses Implement Monitor

03- Quantitative Risk Analysis Outputs

Impact Impact
Risk name
ID Rate (Time) (Cost) by
by Days L.E
Project Management
Poor communications by the contractor with the
4.1 medium 2
parties involved in the project
Shortage of technical professionals in the
4.2 medium 2
contractor‟ s organization

4.4 Poor controlling of subcontractors by contractor Extreme 6

4.5 Loose safety rules High 3

4.9 Delay in the preparation of contractor submissions V. High 4

Plan Identify Qualitative Quantitative Responses Implement Monitor

03- Quantitative Risk Analysis Outputs

ID Risk name Rate (Time) by
(Cost) by L.E
5 Project Finance
Cash flow problems faced by the contractor
5.2 medium 6

6.1 Delay in the preparation of drawings Extreme 2
Delay in the approval of contractor
6.2 V.High 3
submissions by the consultant
Poor communication between the
6.3 consultant engineer and other parties V. High 1
Plan Identify Qualitative Quantitative Responses Implement Monitor

03- Quantitative Risk Analysis Outputs

ID Risk name Rate (Time) by
(Cost) by L.E
Delay in the settlement of contractor claims
7.1 Extreme 2
by the client
Delay in issuing of change orders by the
7.3 Extreme 4
Slow decision making by the client’s
7.4 Extreme 3
9 External Factors
Effects of subsurface conditions (type of soil,
9.2 medium 2
utility lines, water table)
Plan Identify Qualitative Quantitative Responses Implement Monitor

Expected Monetary Value (EMV)

Expected monetary value (EMV)

EMV= Probability * impact

Plan Identify Qualitative Quantitative Responses Implement Monitor

Decision tree
Plan Identify Qualitative Quantitative Responses Implement Monitor

Monte Carlo analysis

Project Risk Management

0 Introduction
1 Plan Risk Management
2 Identify Risks

M 3 Qualitative Risk Analysis

4 Quantitative Risk Analysis
5 Plan Risk Responses
6 Implement Risk Responses
Amr M Al-Dahshan
PMP, RMP, CAD Instructor From 01- 2016 7 Monitor Risks
Owner Representative of High Education
Ministry for New Helwan University #PMP_Feedback_ADH
Master, TOT
Plan Identify Qualitative Quantitative Responses Implement Monitor

05- Plan Risk Responses

05- Plan Risk Responses

Change Requests
Project Management Plan Updates
Project Documents Updates

Tools & Techniques

Expert Judgment
Data Gathering
Interpersonal And Team Skills
Strategies For Threats
Strategies For Opportunities
Contingent Response Strategies
Strategies For Overall Project Risk
Data Analysis
Decision Making

Project Management Plan
Project Documents
Plan Identify Qualitative Quantitative Responses Implement Monitor

05- Plan Risk Responses Outputs

Risk register updates that include:
• Risk trigger
• Residual risks
• Secondary risks
• Risk response (contingency plan)
• Fallback plan (plan B, plan C, plan D,…etc.)
• Contingency reserve VS management reserve

Tools and techniques:

• Expected monetary value
• Decision tree
• Alternative analysis
• Information gathering techniques
Plan Identify Qualitative Quantitative Responses Implement Monitor

Risk Response Strategies

Positive risks

Negative risks
Plan Identify Qualitative Quantitative Responses Implement Monitor

05- Plan Risk Responses Outputs

Impact Impact
ID Risk name Rate (Time) by (Cost) by Response
week 1000 L.E
1 material
We store some of
1.1 Shortage of required material medium 4
We store some of
1.2 Delay in materials delivery High 6 2000
Prepare maintenance
2.2 Failure of equipment medium 4
dates in scheduling

3.1 Shortage of manpower V. High 8 Motivate the labor
3.2 Low skill of manpower High 6 100 Make training
Plan Identify Qualitative Quantitative Responses Implement Monitor

05- Plan Risk Responses Outputs

Impact Impact
Risk name (Time) by (Cost) by
ID Rate Response
Impact week 1000 L.E

Project Management
Poor communications by the
Specify communication
4.1 contractor with the parties medium 2
involved in the project
Shortage of technical professionals Reciute professional
4.2 medium 2 50
in the contractor‟ s organization engineers
Poor controlling of subcontractors Make challenges between
4.4 Extreme 6 …
by contractor them
4.5 Loose safety rules High 3 70 Require safety supervisors
Delay in the preparation of
4.9 V. High 4
contractor submissions
Plan Identify Qualitative Quantitative Responses Implement Monitor

05- Plan Risk Responses Outputs

Impact (Cost) by
ID Risk name Rate (Time) by Response
1000 L.E
5 Project Finance
Cash flow problems faced by
5.2 medium 6 3000 From bank
the contractor
6 Consultant
Delay in the preparation of Require staff of
6.1 drawings Extreme 2 technical office
Delay in the approval of
Take care of time
6.2 contractor submissions by the V.High 3 400
of submital
Poor communication between
Depend on team
6.3 the consultant engineer and V. High 1
leader or manager
other parties involved
Plan Identify Qualitative Quantitative Responses Implement Monitor

05- Plan Risk Responses Outputs

Impact Impact
ID Risk name Rate (Time) by (Cost) by Response
week 1000 L.E
Delay in the settlement of Specify it in
7.1 Extreme 2
contractor claims by the client contract
Delay in issuing of change orders
7.3 Extreme 4 Claims
by the client
Slow decision making by the
7.4 Extreme 3 Claims
client’s organization
9 External Factors
Effects of subsurface conditions Prepare
9.2 (type of soil, utility lines, water medium 2 cover sheets
table) to materials
Plan Identify Qualitative Quantitative Responses Implement Monitor

05- Plan Risk Responses Outputs

unknown unknown

Known unknown
Plan Identify Qualitative Quantitative Responses Implement Monitor

05- Plan Risk Responses Outputs

Plan Identify Qualitative Quantitative Responses Implement Monitor

05- Plan Risk Responses Outputs

Project Risk Management

0 Introduction
1 Plan Risk Management
2 Identify Risks

M 3 Qualitative Risk Analysis

4 Quantitative Risk Analysis
5 Plan Risk Responses
6 Implement Risk Responses
Amr M Al-Dahshan
PMP, RMP, CAD Instructor From 01- 2016 7 Monitor Risks
Owner Representative of High Education
Ministry for New Helwan University #PMP_Feedback_ADH
Master, TOT
Plan Identify Qualitative Quantitative Responses Implement Monitor

06- Implement Risk Responses

06- Implement Risk Responses

Change Requests
Project Documents Updates

Tools & Techniques

Expert Judgment
Interpersonal And Team Skills
Project Management Information System

Project Management Plan
Project Documents
Work Performance Data
Project Risk Management

0 Introduction
1 Plan Risk Management
2 Identify Risks

M 3 Qualitative Risk Analysis

4 Quantitative Risk Analysis
5 Plan Risk Responses
6 Implement Risk Responses
Amr M Al-Dahshan
PMP, RMP, CAD Instructor From 01- 2016 7 Monitor Risks
Owner Representative of High Education
Ministry for New Helwan University #PMP_Feedback_ADH
Master, TOT
Plan Identify Qualitative Quantitative Responses Implement Monitor

07- Monitor Risks

07- Monitor Risks

Work Performance Information
Change Requests
Project Management Plan
Project Documents Updates
OPAs Updates

Tools & Techniques

Data Analysis

Project Management Plan
Project Documents
Work Performance Data
Work Performance Reports
Project Procurement Management
‫إدارة المشروعات‬

0 Introduction

M 1 Plan Procurement Management

2 Conduct Procurements
3 Control Procurements

Amr M Al-Dahshan
PMP, RMP, CAD Instructor From 01- 2016
Owner Representative of High Education
Ministry for New Helwan University #PMP_Feedback_ADH
Master, TOT
Overview 03- Control Procurements
01- Plan Procurement
Management 02- Conduct Procurements Outputs
Outputs Closed Procurements
Procurement Management Plan Outputs Work Performance
Procurement Strategy Selected Sellers Information
Bid Documents Agreements Procurement Documentation
Procurement Statement Of Change Requests Updates
Work Project Management Plan Change Requests
Source Selection Criteria Updates Project Management Plan
Make-or-buy Decisions Project Documents Updates Updates
Independent Cost Estimates OPAs Updates Project Documents Updates
Change Requests Tools & Techniques OPAs updates
Project Documents Updates Expert Judgment Tools & Techniques
OPAs Updates Advertising Expert Judgment
Bidder Conferences Claims Administration
Tools & Techniques Data Analysis Data Analysis
Expert Judgment Interpersonal And Team Skills Inspection
Data Gathering Audits
Data Analysis Inputs
Source Selection Analysis Project Management Plan Inputs
Meetings Project Documents Agreements
Procurement Documentation Procurement Documentation
Inputs Seller Proposals Approved Change Requests
Project Charter EEFs & OPAs Work Performance Data
Project Management Plan Project Management Plan
Project Documents Project Documents
Business Documents EEFs & OPAs

Buyer VS Seller

Centralized VS Decentralized %
Project Procurement Management

0 Introduction

M 1 Plan Procurement Management

2 Conduct Procurements
3 Control Procurements

Amr M Al-Dahshan
PMP, RMP, CAD Instructor From 01- 2016
Owner Representative of High Education
Ministry for New Helwan University #PMP_Feedback_ADH
Master, TOT
Plan Conduct Procurements Control

01- Plan Procurement Management

01- Plan Procurement Management

Procurement Management Plan
Procurement Strategy
Bid Documents
Procurement Statement Of Work
Source Selection Criteria
Make-or-buy Decisions
Independent Cost Estimates
Change Requests
Project Documents Updates
OPAs Updates

Tools & Techniques

Expert Judgment
Data Gathering
Data Analysis
Source Selection Analysis

Project Charter
Project Management Plan
Project Documents
Business Documents
Plan Conduct Procurements Control

01- Plan Procurement Management

Procurement management plan:

 Documents how to be planned, executed, controlled and closed.
 Determine the process of procurement documents
 Determine method of statement
 Determine conditions of contracting
 Determine standard of selecting contract type
 Guide lines for selection criteria
 Show process of conduct procurement
 Show roles and responsibilities
 Determine rule of bidder conference
Plan Conduct Procurements Control

01- Plan Procurement Management

Procurement statement of work:
It is the scope of work to be done in each procurement
• it must describe all the work activities that required to be done
• it must be concise, clear and completed with acceptance criteria as possible

Type of procurement statement of work

1. Performance: deal with the final product performance of use
2. Functional: deal with the end result or purpose or characteristic of product
3. Design: deal with what work will be done and it include the types of material
steps of work, drawings, specification, this type is common used at construction

Note: performance and functional are common in project have never been done
before such as information system, high tech work, researches.
Plan Conduct Procurements Control

Type of contracts


Fixed price (FP) or Time and Cost reimbursable

lump sum material (T&M) (CR)

Fixed Price
Firmed Fixed Price Fixed Price Economic Cost Plus Cost Plus Cost Plus Cost Plus
Fixed Price Incentive Award Fee price Fee Fixed Fee Incentive Award Fee
Fee (FFP) Fee (FPIF) (FPAF) Adjustment (CPF) (CPFF) Fee (CPIF) (CPAF)
Plan Conduct Procurements Control

1.1- Firm Fixed Price (FFP) contract or lump sum

1.1- Firm Fixed Price (FFP) contract or lump sum:

Is used for acquiring services or goods with
clearly defined requirements, specifications and statement of work
the seller concentrate on statement of work (SOW)

Firm Fixed Price FFP

Contract = 150.000.000 LE

Advantages to owner:
1. low risks to the owner (buyer) and high risks to contractor (seller)
2. Owner use this type when he hadn`t high knowledge of work

Advantages to contractor:
1. High price contract to cover the high level of risks
2. Repetitive project to him
Plan Conduct Procurements Control

1.1- Firm Fixed Price (FFP) contract or lump sum

Disadvantages to owner:
1. it is not permitted to make change request
2. High price contract to cover the high level of risks

Disadvantages to contractor:
1. High level of risks to contractor (seller)
2. The contractor must have high experience of this work to can estimate the
price and time of work

To decrease the overall the cost and increase the profit the contractor may:
1. cut of work mentioned in statement of work
2. cut of work not mentioned in statement of work but needed
3. Take his best resources off the project
4. Decrease the quality of work
5. Make more claims
6. Take any action
Plan Conduct Procurements Control

Fixed price (FP) or lump sum

1.1- Firm Fixed Price FFP

Contract = 150.000.000 LE
1.2- Fixed Price Incentive Fee (FPIF)
Contract = 150.000.000 LE for every week early from the final date 20.000 will
paid to contractor
1.3- Fixed Price Award Fee (FPAF) (Bounce On Performance)
Contract = 150.000.000 LE for every week performance exceeds the planned
level by more than 10% additional 10.000 will paid to contractor by maximum
100.000 LE
1.4- Fixed Price Economic Price Adjustment (FPEPA)
Contract = 150.000.000 LE for every next year the contractor will additional paid
the same amount of material prices increased amount
Plan Conduct Procurements Control

2- Type Of Contracts

2- Time & Materials

used when the level of effort can`t be determine accurately. It has element from
fixed price (fixed price for each activity not the overall the project)
Plan Conduct Procurements Control

3- Cost Reimbursable (CR)

3- Cost reimbursable (CR):

is common used when the exact scope of is uncertain and there fore costs
can`t be estimated accurately this contract put the owner (buyer) in high level
of risk and low level risk to the contractor (seller) . so the owner should have
accounting system that track costs of the project.

3- Cost Reimbursable (CR):

Contract = Actual cost of contract+ zero profit
this done by charities or Non Profit Organization (NPO)
Plan Conduct Procurements Control

3- Cost Reimbursable (CR)

3.1- Cost Plus Fee CPF or Cost Plus Percentage Fee

Contract= Actual cost of contract + 10% profit
It is not allowed in US Federal procurement as the profit depending on
percentage of cost, i.e. there is directly proportion between the cost and the
3.2- Cost Plus Fixed Fee CPFF
Contract= Actual cost of contract + 200.000 LE profit
3.3- Cost Plus Incentive Fee CPIF
Contract= Actual cost of contract + Fixed fee +Incentive
the buyer and seller share any cost saving or overrun by sharing ratio 80 % to
buyer and 20 % for seller
3.4- Cost Plus Award Fee (CPAF):
Contract= Actual cost of contract + Fee+ award depending on performance
Plan Conduct Procurements Control

Contract Risk to buyer and seller

Plan Conduct Procurements Control

01- Plan Procurement Management

• Price
Amount of Seller charges the buyer
• Profit (fee)
This is planned into the price seller which provide it to the buyer
• Cost
How much the item cost the seller
• Target price
Target Cost plus target fee ,it’s used to compare the end result of the project with
what was expected
• Sharing Ratio
It describes how the cost saving or cost overrun will be shared with the buyer for
example (80/20 % )
• Ceiling Price
The highest price the buyer will pay, To reach the ceiling ,this mean amount of money
will be paid as variation , change order additional to the original scope
Plan Conduct Procurements Control

01- Plan Procurement Management

Point of total assumption PTA: it is only related to fixed price incentive

fee. It refers to the amount above which the seller bears all the loss of cost
overrun. Sellers sometimes will sometimes monitor their actual costs
against the PTA to make sure they are still receiving a profit for completing
the project

𝐶𝑒𝑖𝑙𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑝𝑟𝑖𝑐𝑒 − 𝑇𝑎𝑟𝑔𝑒𝑡 𝑝𝑟𝑖𝑐𝑒

PTA ≡ + 𝑇𝑎𝑟𝑔𝑒𝑡 𝑐𝑜𝑠𝑡
𝐵𝑢𝑦𝑒𝑟 𝑠ℎ𝑎𝑟𝑒 𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜
Plan Conduct Procurements Control

01- Plan Procurement Management

Cost Plus Incentive Contract CPIF

Target cost 150,000,000
Target fee 20,000,000
Target price 170,000,000
Sharing ratio 70:30
Actual cost 145,000,000
Final Fee ?
Final Price ?

Final Fee = 20,000,000+ 0.3*5,000,000=

Final Price = 145,000,000+ 20,000,000+ 0.3*5,000,000=
Plan Conduct Procurements Control

01- Plan Procurement Management

Cost Plus Incentive Contract CPIF

Target cost 150,000,000
Target fee 20,000,000
Target price 170,000,000
Sharing ratio 70:30
Actual cost 165,000,000
Final Fee ?
Final Price ?

Final Fee = 20,000,000- 0.3*15,000,000=15,500,000

Final Price = 165,000,000+ 20,000,000- 0.3*15,000,000=180,500,000
Plan Conduct Procurements Control

01- Plan Procurement Management

Cost Plus Incentive Contract CPIF

Target cost 150,000,000
Target fee 20,000,000
Target price 170,000,000
Sharing ratio 70:30
Actual cost 150,000,000
Final Fee ?
Final Price ?

Final Fee = 20,000,000+0.3*0=

Final Price = 150,000,000+ 20,000,000+0.3*0=
Plan Conduct Procurements Control

01- Plan Procurement Management

Cost Plus Incentive Contract CPIF

Target cost 150,000,000
Target fee 20,000,000
Target price 170,000,000
Sharing ratio 70:30
Actual cost 145,000,000
Ceiling price 170,000,000
Final Fee ?
Final Price ?

Final Fee = 20,000,000+0.3*5,000,000=

Final Price = 145,000,000+ 20,000,000+0.3*5,000,000
=166,500,000< ceiling price
Plan Conduct Procurements Control

01- Plan Procurement Management

Cost Plus Incentive Contract CPIF

Target cost 150,000,000
Target fee 20,000,000
Target price 170,000,000
Sharing ratio 70:30
Actual cost 165,000,000
Ceiling price 180,000,000
Final Fee ?
Final Price ?

Final Fee = 20,000,000- 0.2*15,000,000=17,000,000

Final Price = 165,000,000+ 20,000,000- 0.3*15,000,000=182,000,000 >
ceiling price then the final price= 180,000,000
and final fee = 15,000,000
Plan Conduct Procurements Control

01- Plan Procurement Management

Procurement documents (Bid documents):

• Request For Proposal (RFP) or Request for tender: request a detailed proposal of
how to accomplish the work

• Invitation For Bid (IFB) or request for bid: request of total price to do all works

• Request For Quotation (RFQ): request per item per unit of measurement
Project Procurement Management

0 Introduction

M 1 Plan Procurement Management

2 Conduct Procurements
3 Control Procurements

Amr M Al-Dahshan
PMP, RMP, CAD Instructor From 01- 2016
Owner Representative of High Education
Ministry for New Helwan University #PMP_Feedback_ADH
Master, TOT
Plan Conduct Procurements Control

02- Conduct Procurements

02- Conduct Procurements

Selected Sellers
Change Requests
Project Management Plan
Project Documents Updates
OPAs Updates

Tools & Techniques

Expert Judgment
Bidder Conferences
Data Analysis
Interpersonal And Team Skills

Project Management Plan
Project Documents
Procurement Documentation
Seller Proposals
Plan Conduct Procurements Control

Contractors Selection Method

selection method

Direct order

Open tender Selective

Serial tender Negotiated tender
Plan Conduct Procurements Control

Steps Of Bidding Stage

invitation to bid

Offer preparation by contractor

Opening the tender envelops

Select the contractor

Signing the contract

Start the work in the site

Plan Conduct Procurements Control

02- Conduct Procurements

Contracts documents:
 Instruction to bidder
 Drawings
 Specifications
 Bill of quantity
 Contract conditions
 Project schedule
 Letter of offer – bid form- proposal- agreement
 Appendices
 Statement of work
 Period of performance
 Roles and responsibilities
 Seller’s place of performance
 Pricing
Plan Conduct Procurements Control

02- Conduct Procurements

Agreement may include
 Payment term
 Place of delivery
 Inspection and acceptance criteria
 Warranty
 Product support
 Fees and retainer
 Penalties
 Incentives
 Insurance and performance bonds
 Subordinate subcontractor approvals
 Change request handling
 Termination clause and alternative dispute
Plan Conduct Procurements Control

02- Conduct Procurements

Qualified seller list (pre qualified seller list) was done by the organization to
decrease the time to select the contractor and this helpful when using closed
Project Procurement Management

0 Introduction

M 1 Plan Procurement Management

2 Conduct Procurements
3 Control Procurements

Amr M Al-Dahshan
PMP, RMP, CAD Instructor From 01- 2016
Owner Representative of High Education
Ministry for New Helwan University #PMP_Feedback_ADH
Master, TOT
Plan Conduct Procurements Control

03- Control Procurements

03- Control Procurements

Closed Procurements
Work Performance Information
Procurement Documentation Updates
Change Requests
Project Management Plan
Project Documents Updates
OPAs updates
Tools & Techniques
Expert Judgment
Claims Administration
Data Analysis

Procurement Documentation
Approved Change Requests
Work Performance Data
Project Management Plan
Project Documents
Plan Conduct Procurements Control

03- Control Procurements

Things to watch out during control process in Fixed price contract:

Plan Conduct Procurements Control

03- Control Procurements

Things to watch out during control process in Fixed price contract:

Plan Conduct Procurements Control

03- Control Procurements

Things to watch out during control process in Fixed price contract:
Plan Conduct Procurements Control

03- Control Procurements

Contract Change Control System:

A contract change control system defines the process by which the procurement can
be modified. It includes the paperwork, tracking systems, dispute resolution
procedures, and approval levels necessary for authorizing changes. The contract
change control system is integrated with the integrated change control system.

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