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Title: A Legacy of Nourishment: Alaska Milk Corporation's Marketing Strategies (2000-2024)

Speaker Notes

Alaska Milk Corporation, a cornerstone of Filipino households for over a century, has thrived by
consistently adapting its marketing strategies. This presentation explores their journey from 2000 to
2024, highlighting key strategies and their evolution in a changing marketing landscape.

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Title: Building Brand Strength: The Early 2000s

Established marketing channels:

Television commercials featuring heartwarming scenes of Filipino families enjoying Alaska milk products
became a staple in Filipino households.

Print media advertisements reinforced brand image and product awareness.

Sponsorships of community events and sports teams fostered a sense of community and brand loyalty.

Speaker Notes

During the early 2000s, Alaska Milk Corporation relied on established marketing channels to build brand
strength. Television commercials featuring Filipino families enjoying Alaska milk products at breakfast or
merienda (afternoon snack) became a cornerstone of their strategy. These commercials evoked a sense
of warmth, togetherness, and the importance of nourishment, resonating with Filipino viewers. Print
advertisements in newspapers and magazines further solidified their brand image and ensured product
awareness across demographics. Alaska Milk Corporation also actively participated in sponsorships of
community events and sports teams, demonstrating their commitment to social responsibility and
building brand loyalty.

Slide 3
Title: The Power of Storytelling: Heartwarming Television Commercials

Television commercials played a central role in building brand recognition and emotional connection.

Heartwarming scenes depicted the importance of family, healthy eating habits, and the nourishing
qualities of Alaska milk products.

These commercials became ingrained in Filipino pop culture, leaving a lasting legacy.

Speaker Notes

Alaska Milk Corporation's television commercials were a powerful tool for building brand recognition and
emotional connection with Filipino consumers. These commercials often featured heartwarming scenes
depicting the importance of family, healthy eating habits, and the nourishing qualities of Alaska milk
products. A mother pouring Alaska milk for her children at breakfast or a family enjoying a merienda
together were common themes. These commercials resonated deeply with Filipino viewers, becoming
ingrained in pop culture and leaving a lasting legacy. You can find examples of these commercials on the
Alaska Milk Company YouTube channel (

Slide 4

Title: Embracing the Digital Age: 2010-2024

Social media presence: Established a strong presence on platforms like Facebook and Instagram to
connect directly with consumers and create a more interactive brand experience.

Engaging campaigns: Launched interactive campaigns and online contests to generate excitement and
brand interaction.

Influencer marketing: Collaborated with social media influencers to promote products and connect with
a wider audience.

Speaker Notes

As the digital age took hold, Alaska Milk Corporation recognized the need to adapt their marketing
strategies. They established a strong social media presence on platforms like Facebook and Instagram,
allowing them to connect with consumers directly and build a more interactive brand experience.
Engaging campaigns and online contests, such as recipe competitions or photo contests, generated
excitement and encouraged user-generated content. Alaska Milk Company also embraced influencer
marketing, collaborating with social media personalities to promote their products and connect with a
wider, often younger, audience.
Slide 5

Title: Interactive Engagement: Social Media and Online Campaigns

Alaska Milk Corporation's Facebook page is a prime example of their social media engagement strategy.

They share recipes, host contests, and provide updates on new products, all designed to encourage
interaction with their followers.

Interactive campaigns and online contests generate excitement and brand interaction, fostering a sense
of community around the brand.

Speaker Notes

Alaska Milk Corporation's Facebook page ( is a prime example

of their social media engagement strategy. The page features a colorful banner image with

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