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Mai nono  NB:Do not share book on sale

Dream lover
Story by kaydie 0773812044

Chapter 1

My alarm rang again,, it sucks because today it feels like it rang a little earlier, I’m feeling a
little annoyed though, I’m sweating badly like I just came from a heavy work out,,,, I rush to
open my windows for a bit of fresh air, oh damn I need to breathe,,, ouch its raining again,
trust me not my favorite weather, all that Mud I can't seem to enjoy these rainy days. I
quickly rushed to take a shower, hot hot shower by way and I wish I could stay in the
shower for hours and my mom is always complaining about how I take too long under hot
shower finishing all the hot water...

Okaaay name is Sarah Travis , second generation ye mixed breed hahaha,, 23
years of age average complexion OK I'm lying ,I'm very light,,,average height ,,i would like to
believe I'm all average cause that's what I see anyway in as much as some people say I'm all
that,,,,,I stay in Kensington with my two sisters Anny and Shanny ,one younger and one
older as well as my mom and dad,,I would like to describe my family as crazy,veery
crazy,by the way I'm starting on my first job today as a P.A ,,,I'm soo nervous I can't seem to
keep calm.I been screaming since I got the email saying I got the job,,,I was never called for
an interview I wonder why but I don't care.

Fast forward,,,I can't seem to decide what to wear nhai maiweee zvangu,,ndononoka on my
first day sure.

Me: Anny,,,,Shanny,,,cricis They all came rushing kunge vachapunza door hayas ini zvangu
mipengo iye yauya lol,I'm laughing hangu but anny is actually a fashion designer shes in her
final year Ku Varsity ,Shanny yuwii kungodaidza hangu but she also waits for Anny to dress
her so she's just there to look,,,, look at my room ,all messy I been throwing things all over

unable to decide on what to wear,,,I want to impress,its my first day after all, because I'm
running late I'm all worried already ,,thanks to Anny she quickly picked a black pencil skirt
blue blouse body hugging ,a black blazer and blue stilletoes

Anny: what would you do without me (grinning)? Nxaa kuzozvida kani.

I rushed to have breakfast my parents were gone already,,I didnt have much time soooo
ndakatotsvaga cab,,,kurohwa mari ne first day futi zvakaoma.Sitting in the cab I started
thinking about the dream I been having lately, I wish there was someone to interpret but
ma1 I'm shy to even tell anyone.."I'm in a dream and I keep seeing a man ,no face but his
body only,,,he keeps calling my name "Sarah " ,he walks towards me ,gets close,,about to
touch my shoulder then he just turns away, I hear him whispering something but apana
chandikunzwa ,,,,,I ask him his name and he says my name is then bang I'm up,,,,haaaa
Amana futi here,, its been like 2 weeks now APA ndokasika kunorara thinking this time he
will tell me his name,,,,musanditi ndopenga but I'm soooo drawn to the man I donno,don't
laugh I do have a boyfriend Jay but aaaah INI hangu amheno, as I'm deep in my thoughts my
phone rings,speak of the devil

Jay: babe

Me: haaa

Jay: what’s Haaa?

Me: lol wanted you to ask, how you daddy.

Jay: daddy ani?

Me: daddy Jay

Jay: good girl I called to say happy first day and I miss you

Me: I miss you too daddy see you later.wr4gegqq3q

Jay: okay be good and behave

Me:lol u at it again of cause I will.

He hung up aaaah guys Jay is too much ...within minutes I was by NATT.COM,,that's where
I'm going to be heart starts beating fast again oh dear I'm going to have a
nervous breakdown what do I doooo I take my phone and call my mom...

Mom: relax honey

Me:how did you know?

Mom: I know you like the back of my hand, you are my daughter remember. Now do the
breath in and breathe out like I taught you,

Me: okay in out in out lol its working ma

Mom: good girl, sorry I left early this morning I would have helped you prepare

Me: its fine ma I'm good now bye

Mom: bye my baby.

Taking a deep sigh I hope azvidhakwe on my first day ,,,,I walked into the building and i was
told theres an agent meeting in the board room,,,APA I didnt even know who I'm going to
be working for,,what if he's cruel,I'm gonna die,,,relax Sarah relax,,,I headed straight to the
boardroom and almost everyone was there already APA ndandaakunyara kupinda ,,gogo
kuita kunge ichaloser balance nekudedera,I knocked and a voice said come in,,, suddenly I
caouldnt breath oh my Gosh what's was happening,, its that voice I knew it ,,I definitely
knew it,,but from where,,I breathed in and out again then entered,,

Ndaaakuda kungozvipfekerawo somewhere that voice again spoke, well that man this time
kkkk "come and sit here, you must be Sarah,"

Me:yes sir

I walked to the seat next to him and sat down, he was looking down from the time I
knocked on the door, suddenly he lifted his head,,

"Good morning everyone, I called this meeting because I have urgent business that need to
be taken care of,,I have a client coming in this morning who wants a long term contract
from us,,so I need everyone to be prepared and be at your best behaviour so as to impress
the client. Be ready to give a tour to the client and show him what we can do,, this is where
your bonuses come from so don't mess up okay?"

Yes sir, everyone said

Okay all of you back to work, Sarah come to my office now,

And all this while I was trying to see where I know him from,

"Sarah"" wakes up, he spoke

Omg this is embarrassing here I am, lost in my on world forgetting that I'm at work

Yes sir,,sorry sir I got up quickly and followed him,,,he just shook his head ,,I walked into
his office ,still standing,,,, he sat down then looked at me ,,,finally I saw his face ,and my
mouth went open......

Are you just going to stand there and look at me, staring is rude you know, "Sarah"

Oh my gosh what am I doing I'm going to get fired on my first day,,,soo this was my
boss???? Is he human??? Andisati ndambooona murume akaumbwa kudaro mhani, kana Jay
wangu ndaiti akapenga but ah ndapererwa INI, How would i work with such a man nhai
hausi muyedzo here uyu,,, baba ava vanondishura handiti Haa ndakutofeeler kunge stupid
chairo ndirikungovhiringika since I got here apa he's making it worse haa dai ndadzokera
hangu kumba tozozviita mangwana,,, but there's nothing I can do I'm here already..

Me: Im sorry I just Remembered something sorry sir, he just shook his head again and I felt
soo embarrassed, how much more can I make a fool of myself today,

Mr Natt: "Welcome to ,,,feel comfortable,,but the moment you step in here every
morning its serious business,,, only I am your boss and you report to me only ,,you do as I
say no questions asked OK,,,,

I just nooded

"next thing I hope you have a passport because I travel a lot so I need you there everywhere
I go,,,I'm sure you know your job but I will ask Nancy to train you a bit just for today,,,but
tomorrow I expect you to be an expert ,,,I normally deal with people that have a 5 year
work experience but somehow your CV caught my attention so please don't disappoint,,,no
personal issues at work please and I don't tolerate late comers,,,and lastly make sure to
order my lunch on time everyday without fail."

Me: yes sir thank you sir,,,I was not sooo comfortable even though he said feel comfortable
,,there was something bout him that man that made me feel uneasy, scared,,could it be his
serious face????he's unbelievably beautiful body that showed muscles even though with his
clothes on,,,,once again I was losing focus,,,I'm looking at all the structures on his face,,his
lips,,jaws ,his falls ,,,whoever that shavesd his beared aneutsimwe kune vamwe varume
sure,,,, tajaira ka kuona vane misoro ine mazuda kunge roll on ,,,ko manje akazomira neuyu
vanoita sei,,ndakasekera mumoyo but to my surprise ndakazonzwa ndaakunzi Sarah are u
okay,,,,,,maiwee zvatanga futi,,, why couldn't I control myself today kuita kunge there's a
force ikundifurira kuita all these embarrassing things,,.

Me: I'm okay sir I'm just happy I got this Job

He shook his head again,,, ah this boss and shaking his head I'm sure he thought I'm just an
immature kid,apawo sure maturity level yanhasi ikuita kunge iri pa zero.Anyway he
directed me to Nancy's office ,,,I got there and knocked and she told me to come in,,,she
seemed friendly,,, how did I know????Well she was already smiling at me with eyes full of
love and offered me a sit; at least she made me feel comfortable

Nancy: The boss told me bout you, she said, but he said I should take extra caution lol what
have you done,

Oh dear what did he tell her,,I felt sooo shy I seemed like a nerd

Me:I'm sorry I seem to be a little distracted it’s my first day and I really want to impress, I
Nancy: don’t worry okay it happens to all of us

So we spent half the day with Nancy teaching me the basics,, everything I needed to know,
Im happy I learnt a lot,,, Nancy ordered lunch, her treat so we didn't have to go out and eat.I
already liked her she was super friendly,, well I already learnt that my boss liked his coffee
very early so I had to keep that in mind...

I couldnt believe we were going home,,,,finally I could breathe I survived my first day,,,as I
was walking out of the building I slipped and almost fell,,I dont know how it happened but
someone caught me,,,I looked up omg I'm going to die of embarrassment,,, Mr Natty again I
just closed my eyes I couldn't look at him,,,,why did it have to be him.He shook his head and
left agaaaain Asi its a shake your head day and I was not told ,,zvanyanya kaizvi.

I walked out ndookubva ndapicker hangu step ke confidence I saw Jay waiting for me
panze,,,gave him a hug the he said ko ndeip yamaita pa door,,,oh damn he saw that tooo,,
ndakangomuvhara nekuti someone splilled water ,,he just smiled then we drove off to buy
pizza,,my favorite,

We got to my favorite pizza place ordered,,, we shared the meal over light conversation na
bay wangu,,,, as I was looking at him ndaingonzwa kamwe ka funny feeling like I'm guilty
lol cause of the way I was looking at my boss,,, I quickly brushed it off ko ndini ndadii,,, he’s
a man obviously theres a lot of girls better looking than me that he admires as well so yes
that comforted me,,,,

I asked to be dropped off home early to prepare for the next day,,,honestly I was feeling
exhausted I was not used to all this ,,,the days of beauty sleeps were over I was now a
working class woman wo about to earn a salary of my own instead of depending on my
parents,,,it felt great I kept smiling inside .bay dropped me off and left,,,,I got inside and
jumped on my bed ,,,,slept for and hour ,,,,,ma called us for dinner,,everyone was just asking
bout my first Haa ndakasekwa kani ,,,Anny na Shanny Mbudzi dzekwaani I was sooo shy
,,,pane paunosekwa wopotsa wachema ,,,I guess I should have lied to them.

Soon as dinner was done I went to sleep I sooo didn't want to be late.

Will I meet it tonight? I kept wondering

End of chapter 1

Kaydiee loves you all, happy reading and all your comments are welcome

Chapter 2......


Ndamuka ndakatofizuka today,,,,for the first time I didn't have that dream ndarara kunge
munhu akafa and somehow I'm not happy about it ,,,don't think I'm crazy but whenever I go
to sleep I will be wishing to see his face ,,,to hear that voice again,,,,asi pane pandabhaiza,,,I
was sitting on myed ndichitogaya hangu zvisina basa ,,,,,I got up quickly rushed for my
shower today I didn't take too long .didn't wanna worry Anny so I tried to trust my choice
,,,not that kuti andigone kupfeka but its nice when someone else dresses you. I picked my
body hugging black dress hanzi u never go wrong with black, khakhi blazer and brown
heels haaa andizobhaize hangu.... Ran for my breakfast and everyone was is like

Anny: Sarah dear bho here????Lol munomedzwa muroad umo tikakunyarirai, you wanna
attract mafans emuroad kkkkk

Me:haaa bhooo zvokuti

Shanny: zvichiri zvebasa here izvi

Me: haaa guys Markus on don't angora manje is there something wrong with all this

Anny: back view mamiii back view zvinoda when papii is driving you but now mmmm

I ignored them hangu vaitozondidzikisira, confidence yese musango, haa not today.

Mom and dad just smiled and they left huh team iri ndikariteedzera ndorasika,,amheno kuti
chiii but ndega ndainzwa kuti ndiripo .I didn't want to use my car I hardly use it
ndongonzwa Kuda ka simple life sooo handina hangu dzungu nemari like most people
vakangoita mari maihweee nyika yese should know kuti vanayo,,,dzungu racho unoshaya

kuti rinotengeswa here kana kuti rinopihwa mahara .anyway I rushed for ma combies
hangu and went straight to work, got there on time ,ndakazara neconfidence kana boss
vaitozondiwana ndakadzikama not like dzungu randanga ndinaro yesterday kunge huku
yachekwa musoro not today...i walked to my office I could see my boss was there already
immediately I got his coffee ,,,,knocked on his door but he seemed to be on the phone with
some lady I assumed cause of the way he was talking ,,probably his girlfriend or wife ,,,since
I was new I didn't know anything about him ,,,who was I going to ask I found myself
wondering then

I had to snap out of it again ,,ah its not my business,,,,he asked me to come in and I went
in,,,soon as I stepped in he just looked at me and quickly looked away I guess he's not an
eye contact person,,,but why do I want him to give me eye contact again????I looked at his
mustache and found myself drooling, his skin didnt have a single mark on it kunge anogeza
nemukaka Mani

Mr Natt: Saraah

Me: damnit ,, oh gosh i said that out loud ,,,Good morning sir I brought your coffee ,,,,,he
ordered me to put it down,,,as I was about to put it down our hands rubbed by mistake ,,,I
felt a rush of blood ,,,something in me moved,,,I was shocked I don't know what happened
but even he stopped talking on the phone and looked at his hand,,,I just wanted to run away
before I do something to embarrass myself ,,,I walked to the door leaving but then he called

Boss: Sarah fix these files,,I need these files sorted asap,,,,they contain details of the client
that came here yesterday u didn't get to see him since you were busy with Nancy but put
them together and bring them I'm sure you know what to do.I nodded and left but honestly
I was half listening what I felt when our hands rubbed is something I never felt with Jay,,,I
brushed it off and walked towards the door..

Boss: you looked beautiful today Sarah but don't you think your dress is too tight? I mean it
suits you but its way too tight.

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���I could almost feel sweat dripping,,,was that a compliment or an insult ,was I supposed
to feel happy or annoyed ,omg suddenly I wanted to go home and change,,,no I can't ,why
should I,,is there a dress code,and here I was thinking I was dressed to kill ayas ,,,I would
have preferred it if he had kept quiet ,,,I just opened the door and left,,got into my office and
got busy with my work,,,I tried burring my self in it,,,I wanted to impress the boss ,no
mistakes today and not soo long I was done.I went back to give him the file ,,,he was busy
again so I just dropped them on his desk.

I didn't have much to do so I went to Nancy's office just to ask if I was looking funny, she
said woow soon as I walked in, but I frowned,

Nancy: KO chii Sarah did I say something wrong

Sarah: is there something wrong with the way I'm dressed ...I told her what Mr Natt had
said haa she laughed at me haaa akomana its like team rekumba randiteera rikagara pana
Nancy.when she was done she just said don't mind him haasi wekutedzera.

Me: is he married I found myself asking Nancy, I wanted to reverse that question but it was
too late

Nancy: lol he's not but he has a girlfriend,,, nasty and vicious stay away.they been dating for
6 years.

Me: 6 years and no marriage huh but why

Nancy: I donno lol we donno much about him he can be cheeky so we try to stay away

We chatted a lot with Nancy went back to my office it was lunch time I pulled out my
luncbox,, mom had prepared,,oh my gosh Mr Natt's meal,,I forgot I'm sooooo dead ,,,still
trying to figure out what to do Mr Natt walked in,,,his face serious ,I didn't know whether to
run or smile ,all i know is i was scared

Boss: so u forgot bout my lunch Sarah

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I felt like I was trembling but had to hide it that voice again where did I hear it,,,,its like
dejavu as I was still digesting my thoughts

Boss: Sarah hhhh

Me: sorry sir I got a little busy.

Boss: with what I didn't give you much work today.

Oh dear was he going to kill me I got carried away with Nancy gossiping and I forgot about
my job

Me: sorry sir there were still some things I wanted to learn from Nancy

Boss: I thought that got sorted yesterday.he was looking at my desk ,,he saw my lunchbox
,picked it up and left,,,,he left me shocked ,my mouth wide open,,what was i going to eat
,omg was he surely going to eat my food,,what if he gets sick,,,my mom is a good cook
anyway he surely wouldnt die ,,, it never rains for me it pours.I went to the canteen
downstairs and got a sandwitch for myself I was really hungry.

I went back to my office soon as I got in my phone rang,,,

The boss, come to my office,

I rushed fast and just opened without even knocking I didnt even know he was holding the
handle ,,I slipped maiwee again his hands caught me.again here nhai ? Why didn't I knock?

Boss: you seem to like my arms Sarah

Haaa I couldn't look at him again this time kunyara kwacho kwazondikurira, I just said
sorry sir.

Boss: we getting into town I need to meet someone.

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I went and grabbed my bag then we left ,,,we went to meet his client,,,apa during the
meeting his client was just looking at me ne ziso achingozhinya kunge imbwa irikusekerera
I was uncomfortable.

Client: beautiful P.A you got there Mr Natt mombondipawo ka 1 day ndimbomu
spoiler.type iyi ndotype yandoda manje haungadye Sega shamwari.

Haaaa what the hell apa utarise zirume racho racho rainanzvira rakanditarisa ,,,kuita
kundikumura nemaziso,,I felt soo dirty mhani ndaida kuvadira mweya wakashata chaiwo
but I respected my boss,,apa ndebvu dzacho kuita kunge dzinenda haaa sies mhani vamwe
varume havakure APA looking at him chembere zvavo kutondigaira hora APA ndiri zera
remwana wavo kuzoti ndiri type yake haandizive mushe,,,,,hanzi haungadye wega what
was the meaning of that ????

My boss vakangoti this meeting is over ,,, huh???? Tisati tambopedza ???ko chii futi I looked
at him he looked pissed he just grabbed my hand and led me to his car client ikasara
yakashama ,,we got into his car,,I didnt understand what was happening he just said
wheres your house???�� Huh?? House futi but its not yet time to go home,,,he looked
serious ,,I told him then he drove fast apa I was scared ko chii nhai,,I remembered Nancy
saying ane hasha so is this him,,,ko what will I tell Jay paachada kundipicker aaah amheno

Boss: I told you that dress was no good.

Me: whaaat???I don't think so only u seem to think like that,,asi there's a dress code,,I
finally asked

Boss: just get rid of it...

Me:���� is this guy crazy, is he my boss, my boyfriend or my dad. He just got to my gate I
jumped off and he drove off like a mad man.

He left me puzzled, if he was trying to make me feel bad he was supposed to think again

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End of chapter 2

Kaydie loves you all, happy reading

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Chapter 3

Mr Natt

My name is ........Mr Natt ,I prefer it that way, I'm 34 and I took over my fathers company two years back when he decided to retire, it's a transport company which is well
known all over Africa. I have a younger brother who is doing masters in business in
Canada,,no sisters at all but that's fine,we not much of a large family. I can't say much about
my personality ,,I don't talk much not that I show off,I just don't have much to say that's all.
my family stays in chisipiti but I prefer living alone in Kensington, for my privacy ,well my
mother has been nagging me lately bout my relationships haa toda muroora mwanangu
watokura so,,ndofa ndisina kubata wako anoti n'ee here kana zvashupa ndokutsvagira
hangu mwanangu ??INI hangu I prefer keeping that private, I'm not in a rush I'm more
focused on making money and building an empire for my family, but ana mama
havangonzwisisa I'm sure you all know and kana vatanga kushupa avamire

My dad didnt have a problem havo movaziva madhara pressure zero.

FF.... This week has been different for me ,,,my P.A retired and left the country so I had to
employ someone else,,i hate interviews kungovhunza mibvunzo hobho isina basa i just
wanted cvs chete,,as I was going through the CVS on my desk I came across Sarah
Travis,,something bout the name made me not want to look at the rest. It caught me like
magnet kunzwa kuitwa put off nekumatarisa I don't know why ,,,its like I heard that name
before,I had no idea where,,,I found myself staring at her CV,,no work experience at all but
suddenly I didn't care .I just sent an email telling her she got the Job ,,,common sense was
saying noo this in unlike you but 6th sense said go ahead ,,why am I betting on her daamn.

First meeting on Monday ,,she was totally off,,,I dont know what was wrong with her but
something bout her was extremely captivating but she had a seriously annoying
behaviour,,,she seemed absent minded but I guess first days are like so,,why did she seem

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familia anyway,,,I brushed it off because it was a busy day for me,I had important clients
coming in..Day went well I managed to get the contract I wanted.

I got the shock of my life when she almost fell by the door ,,,is it carelessness or plain
stupidity,,,but somehow she activated something in me that shocked me even though I
pretended like nothing happened,,, how was I going to work with this woman,,,A
destruction is something that I was totally not up for,,,there's already Hilda who works on
my nerves with her annoying attitude apa brain apana kana,,,I tried getting her a job but
that didn't work out,,,ndiwo ma slay queen anoti when you talking to her all of a sudden
they can't pronounce words properly ana "nirikuda,bby nikuuya,nakusuwa ". I hate such
kind of annoyance,,, above that kakatonyepa about her family background kuita kunge vane
bag apa bag hapana, kukati KUDA kudya zvemahara kunge honye,

she doesn't know I did a background check on her and rimwe dzungu rinomutadzisa
kudzikama akaona vanhu vane mari dzavo,, hanzi babie this babie that she wants to meet
all my friends KUDA kuziva kuti vanoita nezvei,,,ko vebag vanoda mari hobho
yei,,,ndakatoziva anogara hake kumbare nesister yake,,, hanzi baby ndoda kufamba
nemataxi ini apa that's my money inobhadhara ma taxi,,hanzi babie ndoda Peruvian apa its
way more than karent kake apa kuzoda kuzvi feeler kani nxaaaa ,,ndine size yake hangu
arikutoti akabata mukuru vakafa focus shaaame....

Apa ndakaisa tracker on her phone yandakamutengera ,,,cause I could sense akuwanza
maths andisati ndaakuda kufa,,,ko I deal with transport so I need to know where my trucks
and vehicles are so they all have trackers ,,ndikabhaiza inofa kwangu,,I been looking for a
reason to dump her ,ndikamuwanira anenge andigomera ,,I know everywhere she goes
though that tracker ...

Tuesday was another interesting day my P.A ain't so bad but kuzokanganwa my lunch ,,I'm
her Boss futi she's there to make me happy haaa ndakafizuka kutomuona about to eat ini
ndichimirira my lunch ordered by her ,,kuswera hake achiita makuhwa na Nancy instead of
focusing on her Job .I know they were gossiping because I know Nancy,makuhwa ESE
anobuda na Nancy master or office gossip haakure kana ,or maybe she was avoiding me

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because of what had happened in the morning when she came with my coffee,,that energy I
felt yesterday happened again today ,,,something almost pushed me to hold her hand but I
had to control it or else I would turned out to be a freak,,,I couldn't look at her ,,,I didn't
want to know what I would find out by doing soo,

, I could have sworn she felt it too,,,or didn't she???I don't know but this was beginning to
cause discomfort on my part,,when she was about to leave I looked at her,,oh yes I did I
don't know why,,,,that's when I noticed the dress she was wearing,,,was this woman up to
something??? Did she have a hidden agenda or what??? It was too tight,, well in my eyes it
was,, or maybe its because it showed all the beautiful parts that I felt needed to be hidden,,
why did she have to do that?I wondered,,I don't know why I was bothered but
zvakangondibhowa instead of giving a compliment I just told her plainly that that dress
was too tight.. She was making me uneasy, awakening an animal in in just these two days
how could that be possible; it felt like she was calling me.

I felt soo embarrassed when she left I could sense she was annoyed,,, why couldn't I keep
my mouth shut anyway,,I don't know what happened but I had to leave all that alone and
get to work,I didn't want to spoil my good mood after getting a contract,,,,,

I was thinking about all this staring at my PA who forgot my lunch ,,,I just grabbed her
lunch box without thinking twice,,,handiti akanganwa food yangu aizoona yekutamba. I
went straight to my office and started eating ,,wooow it was delicious ,,spring rolls ,my
favorite ,I almost felt guilty but pandakazonyanya kunakirwa all that was history.I kept
wondering if she had made those,,unlike ana Hilda I dont think kana tea inogona

Soon after lunch we had to rush for my meeting,,I called her to come up I was already about
to got to her office kwakuita accident pa door again,,,why did she have to fall into my arms
again,, that's when I smelled her perfume,,I closed my eyes inhaling it quickly,,I looked at
her and shook my head aida ndiite sei ,,,,we left for the meeting hedu....

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Sitting in the car with her was somehow quite something ,,she decided to sit at the back I
kept stealing glances through the view mirror that when I noticed how extremely beautiful
this woman was and surely she was going to be the death of me.

During the meeting I noticed my client kept staring at her,,,like undressing her,,I was
getting irritated every second because he wasn't paying much attention to the meeting but
to her ,,,paakazoti ndimukweretese cause he wanted to spoil her ndoopaakazondibhowa
manje,,wasting my time for this nonsense,, kujairirwa kauku,,,haagone kutsvaga mababie
mushe here,and why her NCAA,,I cancelled the meeting and drove her home without
talking apa ndichibhururuka futi,,,it was definitely because of her dress and I wasn't even
bothered to tell her straight up,,,kuzoda kundivhunza zvisina basa about dress code hee
what what are you my dad? Does she know who I am NCAA?

I was nolonger in the mood of anything ndakazogaya kufonera Hilda, ko hanti anodya mari
yangu,, ngaachindibvisa stress ka ,tit for tat

Hilda: bae

Me:meet me pana 4th in 15

Hilda: aaaah why out of the blue can't you gimme time to prepare here??

Me:prepare kuita sei andisi KUDA mafunnies handiti uri mutown.

Hilda: how did you know kuti I'm in town??

Me:because ndakuona manje manje ,,wanga uchiendepi without telling me

Hilda: asi zvatova zve interrogation here nhai ,,,tototya kufema ka tisati tavhunza

Me: ukwane huya pandati uuye now.

Hilda: okay

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End of chapter 3 Kaydie loves you all happy reading

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Dream lover 4


I been feeling a bit tense ever since my almost argument with the boss,,I told my sisters
about it soon as I got into the house cause zvaitoonekwa kuti ndadhinhiwa ,,,sure munhu
angati imhosva yedress rangu kuti ndadiwa ,,,,inga vakadzi vanongodiwa even
nemikubvudu wani,,,even nyangwe ndadiwa what was his reason for leaving the meeting
hanti ndoyatanga taendera here..idzo mhosva dzangu hadzisi kupera mhani why but haaa
this wasn't my fault kunaka imhosva ingatotukirwa munhu here,,,ko mapersonal anga
aakupinda papi futi,,I'm starting to regret taking this job hangu ,,seems like its not working
but I dont have a choice.. This man ange ane ma anger issues dai kusiri kuti I respected him
I would have told him off.

Anny: Regai tife hedu nema laughs kkkkkk,, tambozvitaura ka paya,,,ndobva maita sei paya

Me: haa kwana shaaa I'm stressed how could he blame me

Shanny: tambovhunza kuti bho here mukati bho zvokuti kkkkkkk

Vanhu kuita kuwumburuka laughing zvinoita here apa I needed comfort

Shanny: dont worry love I think he was just stressed but unozozvinyanya KUDA
kudonhedza musika ne first day here kkkk gore rino toonerera haaaa but ukati boss avana
kunakirwa here because volume yanhasi yanga yakanyanya ini hangu zii.

Me: so are you guys saying I was wrong here nxaaa

Anny: no we saying slow down, ko ndezve competition here ,,uda kuzoita mbiri
yekudanana nemaboss na Jay amheno hako kkkk

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Shanny: haa but honestly maybe he has a reason or he was stressed let it go,,, lemme go
cook hangu ndozvatajaira kaisu vemapoto,,,tinoraramira food tingadei futi

I went off to my room and showered hangu soon as I was done I got a message from Jay
hanzi sorry love I won't be able to pic you up nhasi,,,,haaa andigonera I wasn't in a good
mood plus explaining futi kuti ndaenda how kumba,,I went thru ma photos angu na Jay,,I
was kind of missing him asi...... my sisters said we were cute together, well Anny chete but
Shanny said she didn't trust him I donno why,,ko zvinoteedzerwa here zvana Shanny
vanenge vatopedza munhu ne first sight haa zvimwe zvacho zvinozonyanya,,,apa she can't
pretend to like you kaa unotozonyara wauya nemunhu wako iye akarova serious hake apa
akati kumwaya mivhudzo hobho I remember the day I introduced Jay to them,hanzi na

“indava kuita kunge wakamboroora???? Maziso ako ari right right here indava kuita kunge
tsotsi,,, haaa but kuti unomhanya nebabie 1 at a time here iwewe,,,kumba kwenyu akuna
vane mbiri yehumbavha here ???kana vakambopenga zvavo???? Haaa une kamwe ka vibe
soo kandisiri kunzwisisa but don't worry ndichapedza newe hangu."

Guys ndakanyara ndakazobhaiza kuchinja nyaya cause Bae wangu ndaimunzwira tsitsi.I
like him hangu ,,,his sisters like me except for one anedzungu so anonzi Clara apa iko
kushata dai kwaibhadhara better ,,I think kutoshaya boyfriend inonyenga
ndookunotomutambudza cause why should u be jealous kuti brother yako ine munhu
waanoda nxa zvimwe zvinhu zvinosiririsa apa u can actually tell kuti mvura inonwiwa
ndooyakawanda yekugeza 500 mls ndoshainirwa nei ,,isu mvura toita kuswimmer chaiko
tichigeza totoita kunge ndisu vaera dziva..akada kubhidhaira kunge kachongwe
kemudzimu unomushaira

Nditori pakati pekugaya I just fell asleep ndokuzomuka ndakudaidzirwa dinner,,,haa my

sister aibika guys taiita kunanzvira ,,manje ini ndaitoita yekubira pakati pehusiku
ndichinokokota kkkk,,anyway we ate over light conversation unti l Anne atangawo
kubhabhauka hanzi

21 | P a g e
" guys ndikungonzwa kuti dai life yangu yambomira then yozotanga futi tabva pa bus stop.


Haaa takafa nekuseka mamwe masasi sooo ka kana ufunge where it all came from

Mom: ko hanziiko nhai dear

Anny: pane mabhambi andikuda kurarisa saka ikambomira vanondikanganwa kana

kufunga kuti kuti zvese bhoo andisisina madhiri navo

Mom: madhiri eyiko iwawo iweka tichakaromuka tiri paground watengesa imba because
unongotaura ma deals atisingazive


Me:manje girl’s dzema deals dzoonekwa nemavanga amheno halo

Dad: kkkkk siyai Mwana wangu imi aaaaa

Takazoisiya yakadaro ,,we finished eating and went to sleep,,,,,

"Sarah ,Sarah, I looked and searched,,, I saw him,,walking towards me ,,I started smiling,,,he
got soo close I could hear him breathing,,,his smell,he smelled great,,I started shivering I
moved a step back but he grabbed my hand and pulled me soo close to his chest,,,I could
hear his heartbeat,,,crazy it felt like my own heart beat ,,,he moved closer ,,too close ,,,he put
his lips on mine oh dear what was he about to do,,I wanted to move a step back but I
couldnt move ,,,a his body was like magnet I was stuck on him,,,

Ngrrrrrr ngrrrr

Damn I woke up to the sound of my alarm,,,,again he couldn't tell me his name ,I felt soo sad
but ndakangozvisiya I quickly went to bath and left for work. It was another day,,Jay didn't

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call me last night how come ???? As I was thinking I saw Mr Natt jumping out of his car ,,,I
ran as fast as I could to my office I felt like I needed to run away from him,,,,why??? I donno

Will I survive today???

End of chapter

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Chapter 5

Mr Natt

I hate to admit but Hilda hake knows how to get rid of my stress,,,Mwana akapenga hake
panyaya idzodzo ,,,ndoorega certificate raanaro because kuchikoro kana certificate haana,,
dai aine shungu nacho better hake taiti ndoovakadzi vekuvaka empire navo unenge
wakahwinha kwese but brain dzekugadzira future hapana ,future yake iri pakati
pamakumbo,,,ndakatombofunga zva Sarah ndiri pakati pekutamba nebabie and iye she
noticed kuti something was wrong I was not my normal self but ndaizvitaura sei .kana iye
Sarah wacho I donno how she ended up being in my thoughts panguva yakadai
shuwa.kundinyadzisa chaiko semunhurume.

" daddy ko chii nhasi what's wrong asi andisi kugona here.?"

"Kana shaa I'm a bit stressed kubasa kune pressure

" OK lemme massage you hangu pamwe you will concentrate afterwards handiti kaa

I just nodded hangu ko ndaidii,,I got a good massage ehezve kubasa kwana hilda .but
Mwana uyu aizvitambisirei hake ,,not kuti akashata no aripowo hake haasvike hake pana
Sarah,,,,Sarah again shes my P.A after all and I was against office romance,, zvekubata
vanhu voponderana ma love affairs pabasa ndaisada kana kuzvinzwa so I made a policy
yekuti no office romance ,,,ndaizopabuda sei APA ,,I decided to forget about Sarah and not
lose focus.but Hilda wachoo haanyarare hanzi hauchandida hee pane waeakudanana naye,
manje topedzerana ,,all of a sudden hanzi when are getting married APA ndonyaya
yandaisada kutombonzwa manje,,,future yacho inenge yakamboita Seiko honestly I didnt
see any future naye.aisatomboonditira kana ,,pama game ehe but kwete zvekutoti
taakuvaka musha ,,,mai vangu vangasachema here kunyangwe zvavo vachida muroora but

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Hilda havaimbofa vakamutambira ,,,APA dressing yake yaitoita kunge atora hembe isati
yapera kusonwa,,,I had to lead by example kuti mufanha wangu azokopa mukoma.

Hilda akazoenda andinhiwa neni achitoshaya chandamudaidzira aaaah hamheno ikoko.I

went and cooked hangu ndookudya ,I am a bachelor yes but ndakarongeka ,,,my mother
taught us all we needed to know,,,my dad has been my inspiration I remembered how he
cooked for my mom sometimes vachiita ma romantic dinner vari 2,,ndakazongoti
andingakundwe namdhara I had to learn so that I would appreciate my future wife neku
impressor kuti haaizova na daddy kubedroom chete but ana daddy
kwese.ndainyatsonakirwa nelove yamdara na moms sometimes they would act like small
kids,,its the small things that made their love beautiful ,,its like they never left what made
them fall in love in the first place,,I promised myself that I would marry my soul mate....

I took a shower before bed then I started having a vision ya Sarah achipinda with a night
gown,,,,she took it off and asked if she could come in,,,I just nodded cause ndakapererwa
nemate mukanwa,,,if I was dreaming I didnt want the dream to stop,,,ndakazongonzwa
ndarovera pa door reshower ndichifamba kunomutora that's when I realised ndatambwa
nebrain dzangu dzandirasisa Sarah was not there,I got soo pissed kuti she was not
there,,,what was happening to me????I had to shower fast nekubuda,,,,, I wanted to call my
lil bro ndimbomuudza zvikuitika ..ndakazozvisiya leaving the story for another day or else
waizonzwa ndakutovhunzwa na mama izvi zvabva nemunhu ariku Canada ,,,akati
makuhwa aimada sei mfanha wangu,, we are soo close we don't hide things from each
other,,kungoti haazovhare muromo its like uchamutengera petticoat

I tried to sleep but I kept tossing and turning ,,I had Sarah's number in my phone ,,I took it
and dialed her number

"Stooooop" my brain suddenly screamed,,,I looked at the time and it was 11 pm,,,what was
she going to think,,,ndaizoti ndirikudei nhai ,,APA nyaya tanga tisina that Much I was still
getting to know her,,ndakamboda kuti ukasike kuuya kubasa but ndakazongozviseka ndega
,,,I got up and went kugym,,,I had machines in my house so it was easier,,,I exercised till I

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was satisfied,, the more I thought about what happened in the afternoon the more I got
pissed .....I took another shower and finally I fell asleep.

I woke up sooo early took a shower ndaida kukasika kuenda kubasa before anyone got
there... I picked one of my best suits ,,I was looking good ,got into my car and left..I got into
my office and called Sarah..

" where's my coffee"

"But sir is it time yet??"

" Sarah when is my coffee time?"

" 7.30 sir"

"Nooo Sarah coffee time is when I get into my office ."

" sorry sir I didnt know,,,I'm right on it."

Within a few minutes I heard her knocking,,,she walked in but I didnt wanna look at her
.but something pushed me to look up,,somehow our eyes locked ,,for some seconds we
stared at each other then I cleared my throat that's when she said good morning sir.she was
wearing something simple she probably didnt want more embarrassment. She looked
gorgeous still.I liked the outfit

" I'm sorry about yesterday it really wasn't your fault, I apologize. "

" its fine sir."

I noticed she didnt want to talk much so I let her be,,,I wanted to put her through a test so
today ndaida kutoona if she's able to work under pressure so ndakabva ndatomupa basa
fast fast ,,,haaana hake kunonoka kupedza then I sent her for a meeting ega to one of my
clients just to see if she's able to handle things ndisipo ,she was young without much
experience only I could train her to be exactly how I wanted to be,I wanted her to get out of

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her comfort zone so I let her handle everything on her own,,I really had to trust my sixth
sense.....I wanted to get feedback after the meeting .

Macus: hie ko wanditumira keke wanga uchida ndiite sei

Me: haa iwe she's my new PA

Macus: wanga washaya zimhamha risina zvinhu zvinotosvora here

Me: kkkkk was she good though?????

Macus: handina kuzombocherechedza zvebasa INI and ma lips ake number chaiyo

Me: nxaaa haubatsire chinhu bye

That was Macus ,,my friend we do business tese,,,haadi kupfuurwa nema dress
nechandanga ndichamutumirawo ikoko ,anyway she came straight to my office ,,,just by the
look on her face she looked happy with herself , I took a look at her work zveshuwawo all
was correct,impressive,,,kusatoziva kuti pane anga aakutonanzvira futi paari ,,,,I swore to
myself I wouldn't let her go anywhere work related ari ega.she made me think things I
never thought about before,,,she made me wanna do things I never imagined,she made me
want to break my own rules.

Munoziva there's times dzaunomboita kunge waputa mbanje brain

dzichidhomoka,,,andizive kuti grade randanga ndapiwa igrade ripi,,,but type yembanje
dzacho ndanga ndichinzwa kudzida hangu,,,ndakamupinza busy nerimwe basa kusvika
ndaona kuti aneta manje,,,,I kept doing soooo kusvika vanhu vaenda vese kumba,,I wanted
an excuse to drive her home amheno say but I was starting to feel something for her.I asked
her to order dinner for us ,told her to come to my office

She didnt want to eat in my presence but papi pacho hanzi hee andina Nzara but I was not
taking no for an answer,,, aidya achinyara APA this time ndainyatsomutarisa,, the way she
moved her lips achitsenga,, I wanted to feed her yet I couldn’t,,, I noticed she had a black
mole close to her mouth and that made her even more outstandingly beautiful...
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Zvichiri zvebasa here izvi,,I kept asking myself,I didnt care anymore at that moment,,,the
way she was concentrating ayas I started asking her about herself,,,, she told how she loved
movies and stars,,,that made me picture her and me under moonlight,,,I had to let her get
off my head ,I really had to. It was getting soo late so I decided to call it a day

When we left the building I wanted to take her home then I heard her talking on the
phone,,,I guessed that was her boyfriend she just said bye sir ndakasara ndakasticker I
didnt even get the chance to offer her a lift after making such an effort ndobhambiswa
nerimwe tsaga,,I watched her walk away from me ,,,she met someone pa car park ,hugged
him ,,,I was staring deep trying to figure out what next,,, I swear I could have walked there
and pulled her off from his arms,,,I felt his hands where all over her nyangwe aive akabata
musana chete.

I found myself walking over to them.

Me: is everything okay Sarah

She jumped achivhunduka she didnt expect me to be there

Her: aah sir I'm okay meet my boyfriend Jay he came to take me home

I looked at him nekusvotwa I just said hie and he said hie back, there was nothing special
about him but why is it I didnt want him close to her???? I walked away ndabhoekana and
the boyfriend kept looking at me..handina kuratidza kumufarira and akazviona I was left
with one option,,,,crossing the boundary by making her my friend..

,,, I started having wild thoughts

Was he sleeping with her??????

Was he??????

End of chapter

28 | P a g e
Dream lover
 077381204

Chapter 6

Ndini Jay wacho that you probably heard about ,ndine 26 years and I stay Ku Westley
.ndogara with my family ,mom and dad and my 4 sisters ,,ndini mukomana ega so I'm more
of a spoilt brat ,,kuchikoro I didnt do soo well I guess because of misikanzwa ma
drugs,mbanje ne doro ..andizviratidze hangu because I like to show the good boy side of me
andidi kuita mbiri isina basa,,, business rangu ndoo rema drugs ndichiita ndiri pa low
profile,even my family doesn't know about it ukatovaudza vanotondirambira because
kumba I'm a very quiet guy and daddy na mama vanotonditemba nyangwe though I failed
kuchikoro vanongoti maybe academics is just not my thing. Avatozive kuti Mwana
ndoorombe manje.

Besides drugs and staff INI hangu ma babie ndoada,,ndina babie wangu one wandoda Sarah
ndiye wandichazoroora kana ndakuda kuita settle down. Apa anondisungira zvinhu sei
kudoedza matricks ESE but haa akangwarisa ,,ndaitoda kutanga NDA sempler poto
ndinzwe kuti usavi hurimo hunonaka here but munhu wacho ane nharo hanzi after
marriage APA ndotogona kutozoona nzira yakafambwa kare ini ndakatarisira kuvhura
nzira ndega,,,,but ma babie anodarireiko kutiomesera kudaro,,unotozoona kuti
washandiswa achida hake kuti utange waroora and after waroora panenge pasina
reverse,,,not kuti ndanga ndisingamutembe hangu but semurume most of the time you
know tinofunga nemusoro wamambo.

No pressure because INI hangu I already have where I relieve my stress Zvi sugar mama
hobho,,,ko ndingadii I'm hot and ma lonely housewives keep hitting on me,,varume vavo
can't satisfy them ini ndoopandopinda ipapo ana bedroom bully,kana taapabasa ndinenge
ndatova ndini daddy iye atova babie. Most of the time they spoil me nemari dzaana shewe

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Wavo just to keep them happy,, my family thinks ndoita ma deals eku kiya kiya but ini
ndajaira fast life and fast life bho zvokuti,,hatina mari hobho kumba kwedu but hatishaye
hedu but mari inongouya easy inonakidza ,,besides ndinenge ndashandawo,,its not easy
competing nemadhara tozongovasiya hedu pakuti energy yakawandisa 5 min ivo vanenge
vaakutofemeruka nekuchema musana isu tichingokwira makata ..nditombotanga ndanwa
silver bullet chairo kuti ndivapedzere unotozonzwa moms yachema kuti aiwa shewe
zvakwana,ndini ndinenge ndatova shewe panguva iyoyo.izvozvo ndozvinondipa
manyemwe manje mambuya achiita kupengereka naivo vakabva kare zve vaakuziva
kufadza ana shewe,, ana Sarah vanozoshaina havo APA unotoona kuti experience hapana
,,,,,ndaigaro funga ma keda ari lose zve nekuti ndozvandainzwa ,,musanyeperwe imi havasi
vese mufunge nekuti munyariro wababie wangu wakanyanya ndichatofira muhug chete.

APA babie started on a new Job ,,,meaning I won't have time with her ,,more time Nana
mama kkkkk... Even the day I picked her up from work aitomhanya kumba futi hanzi hee I
want to prepare for work,but vasikana soo asi amuzive kuti todawo quality time yedu,
ndoti chimhamha chikumhanyira shewe ,,iwewe ukumhanyira kumba kusina shewe
nekuda kwebasa haaa ndosaka tichizoita yese yese.APA anasisi vacho ungati
ndovanomufurira kunyanya Shanny andimuchenese anenge ndiye anotoita ndisungirwe
zvinhu,,,,I met her once but tjooo akandiwachisa kunge aitoziva zvese pandiri ,ndakamboda
kuvhunza kuti nhai Sisi asi muri muporofita kana n'anga mandifamba memo memo kudaro
but ndakazongonyarara sezvo it was first meeting but I type iya yekuti akakutarisa wega
unogona kushatisa maburugwa ne fear,unogona kubvuma mhosva yausina neziso
raShanny,,,ndakanzwa mudumbu ndofunga Sarah akazviona then she saved me nekuchinja
nyaya but necorner ye ziso ndainzwa kurema kweziso rashanna akandibvokora,,,haa I
wonder kuti vanhu ava vanogara sei na Shanny kana murume achamuroora a change ari
munhamo,,,achingobva Ku small house anobatwa asati ambopinda pa door ,,I'm happy
ndakawana Sarah dai anga ari Shanny aitondisveta ropa fear,,sure sure murume angaite
mukadzi gandanga rakadaro,,ndingasafe nekurohwa here APA ukamutarisa unogona kuti
igadzi riri fit,,,maybe ma keda ndendencies atinongonzwa kuti vakatsamwa chikara
anokupedzere ,maplates ESE anopera mumba APA kupusa kwacho mangwana otenga
mamwe,,I hope Sarah is not like that hake ndingaparare paanobata magame

30 | P a g e
hangu.ndakazosara ndobva pamba pavo ndaita kunge imbwa yanzi iwe pfeka
burugwa,,ndakazviudza kuti andidzokereko futi ,munhu asinganyarewo muyenzi ah.

So today I woke wanting, missing bar

Me: bae

Sarah: daddy Jay

Me: I miss you I'm coming to pic you up

Sarah: missing you too but I'm gonna be late today I'm working late

Me: doesn't matter tell me when you done

Sarah: OK bye mwa

Me: love you

Sarah: love you too

I decided kumbowaila waila ne boys rangu waiting for Sarah to knock off. Takambonomona
hedu mbanje ne boys rangu,,APA Nzara yakazoti rova tikanodya sadza hedu pane vamwe
moms vanobika sadza kuna 4 th uko,,ndinovaona hangu ziso ravanondipa ndiri
kuvataimira hangu sadza ndichapedzisira ndaakudya mahara.ko vanomboziva zvakawanda
here ndinenge ndakangotsikitsira pasi ndichidya food boys dzichiita noise ini
ndichinyepera kuita good boy,,,,ndowanzotaimira nguva yavo yekumona sadza ,mai
vanomona sadza mhani,vanoita kumona ne body yese APA ukatarisa unotoona kuti
chimhamha chiri fit.kana sadza haringambotadza kunaka ndosaka ndichifarira kuenda
kusadza Ravo. Ndoita kunge ndichaberekwa pavanondiona haa zvimwe vanozviwanza
ndosaka ndichizobatwa nedzimwe pfungwa.....

I looked at the time dzanga dzatova 6 APA babie no call no what,,I decided kunomumirira
pabasa lake ,,I parked ndookubva ndarara hangu but ndakatanga ndatomboita freshen up
mukanwa nemouth wash ,hembe ndanga ndatochinja ndobva ndaita kunyura mu cologne

31 | P a g e
hangu hapana kana chaaizombonzwa nyangwe akauya.kuma later kwatosvibisa
ndakamutswa ne call ya bae.

"I'm done where are you

" I'm parked outside

" OK coming down now ,gimme 5.

Ndakaburuka mumota for some fresh air nekuvhura ma window emota ndoopandakaona
bae achibuda mubuilding yavo ana boss vake,, it seemed everyone else anga agenda so
meaning all this time vanga vari Vega ah. Job ra bae richatonetsa boss wake akadii kutsvaga
munhu wechirume kuti ashande naye especially ma odd hours like these ones
unonyengerwa babies wakatemba ,,it made me feel uncomfortable ndaisada kufungira
Sarah but time dzacho vari vega chakatondibhowa.APA uone boss wacho aitoratidza kuti
ndewechidiki hake.

She gave me a hug ndikatoramba ndakamubata ndaida kutoti boss wake azvione,,and I
noticed anga akamira akatarisa zvake,zvandaida chaizvo,I just smiled nechemumoyo
ndikati wawacha kana wanga une mamwe maplans nemukadzi wangu eheka mukadzi
wangu.chinzwa unzwe kuzouya achibvunza if all was well hezvo ndakamboda kumuudza
kuti blaz grade rembanje dzamunorova siyanai naro nderevanhu Vakuru but decided
kusamakisa babie aizonzi akudanana neboora ngoma rine dzungu but I was annoyed.I
decided to chill ndakadaro ndichimboona kuti nyaya yake yaive papi but haana
kuzotaura.he just greeted me and walked away,ndikasara na bae.

Ndakamutsa mota hangu ndaakuenda na bae wangu but ndaitomboda nguva naye..

Me: toenda kupi babie

Sarah: how can u ask shaa aa??its late take me home,before my parents get worried.

Me: so you won't spend a bit of time with me today ini ndakumirira all that while,,here
Shaa usandidaro

32 | P a g e
Sarah: shaa u know I live with my parents I have to be home,already ndanonoka, what will
they think of me.

Me: hoo but na boss vako its okay kukiirana mu office muchiita yese yese but inini
ukundirambira 1 hour newe,,pamanga muri mess muchiita yamanga muchiita wadii
kufunga ana moms namdhara

Sarah : now what's your problem nhai ,,he is my boss yes and that's my Job ,being his PA
and spending time with him ndiri pabasa ,but now hanti ndapedza .

Me: muchiita yese yese ka maybe now watoshandwa uchinyepera kuita good girl

Me: you know what, go to hell sha if you don't trust me don't make your problem my

Me: watii Sarah????

Sarah: you heard me sha I already tried to explain but waakutondiudza zvekupenga
akuudza kuti ndashandwa ndiani usandijairire

Me: saka une right yeundijairira manje

Sarah: ndakujairirwa papi,,so u want me to smile nema baseless accusations ako.

Me: saka auyirei patanga tiri asi u told him bad things about me sei avhunza if everything
was okay wakamuudza kuti chii

Sarah: shaaa I don't have time for this I'm soo tired waakutondibhowa

Me: ndakatanga riini kukubhowa manje

Sarah: mxmm

Kutozondiridzira tsamwa manje,,,I just pulled my car off the road and gave one hot slap,,,I
don't know how it happened but it just happened,,andisati ndambozviita but haasati
ambonditi go to hell,kujairirwa kauku and andidi zvekujairirwa kudaro.ndakavarairwa she
just jumped out of the car and ran off.ndaida kumuteera but akapinda pane rima,, I waited

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and called her but she wasn't picking my calls ,,,ndakatozodhinhiwa ndookumusiya
akadaro apa chimwe chimhamha changa chaakunditsvaga hanzi shewe vabuda.

I made a turn ndookuenda ndaizomuona hasha dzadzikira I was not in the mood

What's going to happen to Sarah so late in the night???????

End of chapter 6

Kaydie loves you all happy reading


34 | P a g e
Dream lover chapter 7
Story by kaydie

 0773812044

Mr Natt

After I got into my car I drove to my house, I checked where they had been parked a few
min ago but I guess they had left already. I wanted to relax just a bit soo I poured myself a
glass of red wine,,,my phone kept vibrating and I kept ignoring it ,I was feeling stressed ,I
didnt want to talk to anyone ,,if it was business ,well this was way after business hours so
they would get hold of me the next day..I washed down my glass of wine, I wanted to pour
another one but my phone still kept vibrating,, who could be calling at this hour anyway?
,,,with soo much anger I picked up the phone without checking who it was.

“whaaaat now .

I answered with soo much annoyance

“Sir I need you,

Me: oh my word ,,is that you Sarah

I could hear her sniffing like she was crying, suddenly I felt uneasy,,all that anger vanished.

Sarah: I need your help, please come and take me home.

Me: send me your location right away.

Sarah: okay

I grabbed my car keys without thinking,,,I don't even know how I switched on my car
engine, turned on my GPS ,she was sooo close to my house,,,we stayed in the same area I

35 | P a g e
noticed when I dropped her off last time but I'm sure she had no idea.I called her and told
her to stand where I could see her and withing 5 min I found her .my heart broke when I
saw her ,,,Her eyes were swollen soo I was right she had been crying,, I didnt wanna think
twice I pulled her into my arms and held her soooo tight,,,i didnt want to ask her what was
wrong yet,but just to make her feel safe ,she wanted to resist a bit but I tightened my grip
until she felt relaxed.when she finally took a deep sigh that's when I opened the car door
for her and let her sit inside,,I didnt want to break the hug I was starting to feel that crazy
electricity again,,,, I just drove to my house in silence.

“where are you taking me I thought we were going to go straight home???"

"Don't worry I don't bite,,,I just want you to clean up the mess on your face ."

She wanted to open her mouth again but I just said ssshhhh then she kept quiet,,,,we drove
to my house but she was hesitant to come out of the car.

Me: look you called me cause you trusted me ,just come okay.

Sarah: sorry I have never been to a Man's house alone and this feels awkward.

I hope this is the only Man's house that you ever visit,I said to myself. I led her into the
house and showed her the bathroom just to clean herself up ,she had been crying and her
make up was now all messed up.I made her hot chocolate to make her as soon as
she was done I asked her sit down and sip on it..

“But I have to go now."

“Sarah relax, okay and please tell me what happened,”

“nothing sir, well I can't talk about it."

“Did he hurt you Sarah? Why were you crying and why did he leave you there soo late in
the night?"

36 | P a g e
"Noooo, he just slapped me."

"What? Why?

Ndanga ndambozviona hangu kuti vanenge blaz vembanje chete, ka easy macho kemunhu
anonyepedzera hunhu, I didn't trust him me first sight chete kuti rudo ibofu tingatii
rinonyenga rinohwarara rinosimudza musoro rawana. Suddenly that anger was back I
should have taken her home, how dare he lay a finger on her, I delayed her and I was the
one supposed to do the honors. I wanted to hunt him down ,kurova mukadzi kureva kuti
haasi murume my father never laid a finger on my mother and I grew up ndichiziva kuti
mukadzi haarohwe ,mukadzi anongoda kudiwa chete kumuitira zvaanoda and she will
respect you,,kwete kumuti emotional abuse womutizve physical abuse pedzeso woda
romance ,no. Varume hobho ndopavanobhaiza manje,,and in these few days I felt like I had
known Sarah for years nyangwe tisina nyaya hobho but ndanga ndisingade naye amheno
chii.kutomugumha ndainzwa kunge tiri nyama imwe.manje kutozomurova kurova
inizve,,,vapfanha vakajaidzwa mhani tichasangana hedu.

“I’m sorry Sarah”

I managed to say,I pulled her into my arms this time ,she didnt resist.she told me all that
had happened and my heart was soo heavy,,why all that disrespect,, I can't blame him
hangu pakundifungira ko ndiripowo zve and Sarah imbama,,but hautare that way kana
kutaura accusing someone Asina mhosva,,zviye zvekuti munhu Asina mhosva haatsamwe
kunyepa ,,I don't think there's anyone anoda an accusation iri false.dambudziko redu
varume jealous rinotikurira and we lose control inga inini wani I was already losing control
over sarah and yet she was not even the woman in my life.

I was rubbing her head tichitaura ndichimunyaradza ,,,I wanted to comfort her and I was
over the moon just because she called me first.I felt honored.I continued rubbinb her head
ndikazomunzwa amira kutaura,,she raised her head ,,I looked at her ,she looked at me,,I
could hear her breathing ,,I kept looking at her,,what was she doing to me ,or trying to do to
me,oh Sarah.......we kept staring at each other ,,she was pulling me closer to her un

37 | P a g e
intentionally, without touching me or telling me,,my heart was beating fast,,I could hear her
heart beat increasing,,still she kept quiet staring at me,,,I wanted to kiss her,,,really kiss her
,,she was making this situation sooo hard for me,,oh Sarah don't do this to me ,I said to my
self,,,,,,, that's when her phone rang.

That was her mother who was worried about her I guess ,, i could see she didnt know what
to say,,there was confusion on her face,i decided to help out,I grabbed her phone and spoke
to her mother who sounded very worried,,looking at the time it was very late already.

Me: sorry ma'am we still at work,, I apologise for delaying her but I will make sure to drop
her off as soon as we are done

Mrs Travis: okay its fine I was just worried she never said she would be late.

Me: we have been sooo busy she hardly got hold of her phone today, my apologies

Mrs Travis: it’s fine if she's at work, now I can relax and sleep, goodbye

Me: thank you ma'am bye.

I gave her her phone back; she was just staring at me shocked over what I had done.

Me: I'm sorry I just wanted to give her the assurance that you were safe ,,,by the way sit
down,,,I'm gonna tell you something Sarah,,,you are a fine woman,,a diamond if I may
say,,don't ever let a man abuse you in anyway,,you should be treated like a queen that you
are,,any man would be lucky to have you in his life and if he doesn't treasure you simply
means he's not worth it,,you might want to make excuses for him like what most women do
but I don't wanna hear it.he might not have shown you his true colors before but I know
when a man starts hitting you he won't stop,,I'm not telling you to break up with him no but
I'm saying be careful,,I will support you on all your decisions okay.

Sarah: thank you sir

38 | P a g e
Me: enuf of calling me sir, im sir at work but not after work, I want to be your friend Sarah,
we work together all the time the least we can be is friends right? I'm not doing this to be
nosy in your life but we will be together 90% of the time ,,I don't want to feel like I'm
working with a stranger please understand that and don't get me wrong.

Sarah: but I feel comfortable calling you sir, I don't know what else to call you.

Me: call me Josh

Sarah: is that your name????

Me: one of them

Sarah: OK sir


“Sorry Josh"

Damn her, the way she said Josh,,I picked up her hot chocolate which was already half cold
without being touched... Ndaida kumunwisa ndokubva aramba

“Look we are friends right? And right now my friend is troubled lemme do it,,ha
akajamuka,,ndakamunyengerera lying kuti ndaisazomuendesa kumba akaramba then she
fell for it,,APA yabva yarasika mbijana yaakuyerera nemuromo,,,I keft staring at her
mouth,,,the things I could have been doing with that mouth,,,I think she noticed it achibva
apukuta ega.

“Why didnt you let me do it?

She was too shy ,,I didnt want to scare her off so I decided to take her the car we
were sitting quietly playing soft music,,ndaitadza kunyatsodriver ndakamutarisa,,finally I
was the one who drove her home,,aita hake saskam amubhowa ,he led her right into my

39 | P a g e
The journey was too short,I could have drove all night I didnt ,, we parked in front of her
gate and i opened the door for her bvaaburuka,,,I wanted to ask for a friendly hug but
ndakatya kumuvhundutsa I wanted to go slow on her.soo I just said good night,, she walked
away smiling and opened their gate ,,she looked at me and waved goodbye, that was it

On my way back home I kept replaying the events that had happened that day,,,where was
this journey leading me to?????? I took a long shower trying to relax,I needed her
close.when I was done I took my phone and called her.

Sarah: hello

Me: are you OK Sarah

Sarah: yes sir I'm sleeping now and whybare you not sleeping yet?

Me:what did I say bout the sir thing

Sarah: sorry Josh, are you home

Me: I'm not sleepy yet I will sleep later

Sarah: but it's late we got an early morning

Me: wandimutsa when I wanted to sleep then you left me sleepless wait a bass

Sarah: I'm sorry I will make it up to you one day.

Me: I'm holding on to that promise, you owe me

Sarah: lol okay goodnight see you tomorrow, thank you soon much for today.

Me: don't mention call me when you need me, sleep tight

Sarah: thanks Josh

That's all I needed, just to go thru the night

40 | P a g e
End of chapter 7

Kaydie loves you happy reading

41 | P a g e
Dream lover Chapter 8
Story by kaydie

 0773812044


It was a hectic night for me,,,whenever I thought about Jay nezvaanga andiita ndaitonzwa
kuda kumusvipira kumeso.I didn't call my parents because they would have freaked out
worse they didn't even know him ,I never introduced him kwavari,,pane chaingondidzosa
kumashure soooo,,,but I loved him.Now with all this drama I was now full of confusion,why
did he accuse me of all those nasty things,I have never for once given him reason to doubt
me,,I respected him,,ndai spender most of my time naye and lied to my parents kuti I was
with my friends yet I was with him.was my love just not enough for him kana kuti it was
the sex issue yaimutambudza,,,I was not ready to give myself to him that's the truth ,,pane
ka that kaingolacker soo in our relationship I'm sure you all understand. That feeling like
when you think of him you get goose bumps ,the one that makes your toes curl,,,that feeling
yanga isitoripo with Jay,or maybe it was the idea of having a boyfriend that made me stick
around I don't know.

I was told never to let a man disrespect me in anyway and ini hangu handigone kunyarara
I'm straight forward kana wandibhowa unenge watondibhowa I can't lie, with all honesty
ndokuudza,if my honesty pisses you off then too bad andidi zvekurwara nebundu rehasha
or wishing I had told you,,,zvetunyaya tunoungana tozotaurwa ka1 zvinondinetsa that
makes me feel suffocated chaiko.

I didn't have anyone to call so I called my boss i donno what I would have done dai asipo
APA I had left my wallet in Jays car.that ride to his house,,the way he treated me
zvakangoita ndione the other side of him nyangwe hangu I was scared to get into his
house..I cleaned myself up ,looking at myself in the mirror got me questioning a lot of
things,,, I thought love was not supposed to make you cry,,I understood his jealousy but

42 | P a g e
why was he pushing me to admit something that had not happened hanzi kuchengera rudo
haa kuchengera rudo my foot,

I went to Mr Natt's lounge ,the place was just beautiful and I was now wondering who kept
it neat and clean ndoziva varume hobho vari messy,he offered me a sit andina hangu
kuramba this time ,He was soo gentle and caring I donno kana zvanga zviri bhaizi kana kuti
its because he had seen me crying,,he seemed soo different from the guy I had seen the day
of the meeting,, aindipuruzira musoro ndakarara pachest yake APA achinhuwirira zvokuti, I
felt like doing things I never did na Jay, that's when I looked at him ,ndaida kunzvengesa
maziso patakatarisana ,ndaingonzwa kuti ramba wakamutarisa,,voice rake
rainditekenyedza. ndainyara whenever he came close APA airamba achingouya close to
me,, ndainzwa kuda kutiza zvangu APA ndini ndanga ndamufonera futi,, at that moment I
forgot kuti he was my boss everything changed at that moment ndandakuona Mr Natt like a
man and not my boss,,, kutokanganwa nyaka nyaka ya Jay kutokanganwa kuti munhu aita
ndipiwe mbama yandivhiringidza brain is my boss,,, suddenly I started wishing anga ari iye

How could I feel these things for my boss .ndakanzwa kuzvinyarira kunge munhu Asina
hunhu APA ndine mukomana wangu,,I was supposed to focus on my job not these things
zvema love affairs especially boss and assistant zvaiva nema high chances of messing up
my job,,and I wanted to prove to him kuti I was not loose nditoriwo munhu ari right ane ma
principles,,,,aizofungei honestly with all this,,apa iye kutadza kana kunzvengesa masizo,,iye
kuzoramba akanditi ndee ndichimunzwa achifema zviri sexy,,,I had to control myself but he
was coming on too strong,,I forgot all my misery ya Jay.

My mother saved me when she called ndopakapera the staring contest yacho I felt like
zvaizoitika andaizozvikwanisa.after moms call he gave me some words of advice of cause
they made sense coming from a men's point of view,,, murume ukamupa tambo futi all of a
sudden he thinks kuti he owns you,I was not a piece of property that he could control and
do zvaada but I was a woman with feelings,a woman he was supposed to love so as
respecting my job as well. So zvaakureva kuti I was not allowed to work late ka, I was not
supposed to do my job iye ndiye anga Ava boss vangu nxaa.
43 | P a g e
Worse he was not even married to me,, no wonder Shanny didn't like him and I was not
going to tell her paizoita Hondo,, na Shanny vaitozomisidzana ikasvika kure kana kuna
mom and dad and ndozvandaisada to give them unnecessary stress worse yevarume for
that matter,, sure ndaizovanyadzisa nezvisina basa worse this was a new job my first job
futi ndotonzi ndaroverwa kunzi ndashandwa naboss ivo vasina kana kundibata pai, my dad
is no nonsense guy vanehasha sure ndaisiiswa basa ndichangotanga.

After the lecture ndakapiwa hangu hot chocolate iya I hadn't touched it nekunyara,, kuzoda
kundinwisa,, I started fearing kuti zvandarohwerwa na Jay zvanga zvaakuda kuzoitika
nekuti closeness yacho yanga yaakunyanya,, he didn't want me to call him boss anymore
hanzi boss kubasa anywhere else I'm Josh,,, help me help me survive this,,, I was tryin to
fight temptation thank goodness he ended up taking me home. I got home vanhu varara
,,ndakanogeza and got into bed...ndaakutobatwa nehope sir Josh called,,, this friends thing
ndaizoigona here,,how was I going to loosen up around him,,that was my big challenge.

Ndakamuka quiet early vanhu vese vasati vamuka I wanted to make something che thank
you to sir Josh I prepared pita bread like how shanny taught me,,stir fried chicken breast
,onion ,garlic ,carrots baby marrow what what and spice,,,when I was done everyone was
already awake kusiya kwa Anny anomuka aridzirwa bhero munzeve.

Mom: mmmm something smells great.

Me:thanks mom (smiling), good morning

Mom: what time did u get home, did u get home fine???

Me: yes ma I got home fine and all of you were sleeping

Mom: next time call me okay dear

Me: yes maaam

Shanny: mmmm pane chanhuhwirira heeede Sarah what happened you cooked �����

44 | P a g e
Me: kkkkk bvapo iwe, I just wanted to make my lunch food yeku canteen is not soon nice.

Shanny: mmmm okay ndipoo APA she was already opening my lunch box,,,

Ndakangomubvutira ndookumhanya nayo kubedroom,,I quickly dressed up ndookutobuda.

Ndakasvika Sir Josh vasipo,,,after 30 min he was in,,I ordered his coffee ndokubva
ndavaendesera,,,I knocked on his door then he opened it himself,, he looked at me as if
checking if I was okay then he asked me to come in.He put his hands in his pockets then he
kept looking at me

Me: yo yo your co coffee sir sir. Damn it why was I stuttering.

He didn't say anything he just looked at me, I moved to his desk ndichida kuisa on his desk
then he held my hand ranga ranga rakabata cup, we almost dropped the cup tese I donno
what happened but pakaita an electric spark yatakaona tese,


“Are you okay Sarah?"

“I’m good KKK,"

We ended up laughing tese because zvakitika zvacho was funny, I gave him his breakfast.

Me: I just wanted to say thank you for yesterday.

Mr Natt: if you start saying thank you like this what will happen if I need more of these
thank yous

Me: then I will keep saying thank you like this.

Mr Natt: and if I want a different kind of thank you

Haaa APA he said that with a grin of his face, ndakanyara then I ran out his office, he called
my name but i ignored him nenyadzi .suddenly my phone rang

45 | P a g e

“Sarah,,,,, Sarah"

My heart couldn't stop pounding the way he said it was exactly like the man in my dream,

“Sarah,, Sarah,"

I just couldn't say anything and I dropped the phone

End of chapter 8

What will happen now,,,

46 | P a g e
Dream lover Chapter 9
Story by kaydie

 0773812044


My heart was still beating soooo fast after that call ko ndakatirei nhai, he's going to think
ndopenga,,,my cell yakabva yarira ndikaita sendichazviitira wiwi,,,I thought that was him
again,,could he be the men I been dreaming about lately,,Noway that was impossible , all
that happened in the movies not in reality especially not to a gal like me ,, not kuti
ndaizvishora but I have never really believed in dreams especially the ones with romance
mukati haa impossible,, I brushed off the idea yekufungira my boss , Kurwara ndokuziva ini
just because of ka chemistry kandango senser pakati Pedu got me confused ndaakutogaya
nezvisina basa.

Drowning myself in my thoughts, I then realised kuti my phone yaita 6 missed calls dza Jay.
I wasn't in the mood yekutaura naye but he called again then I picked up.


“ko babie what's wrong with you ukuzvifambisa sei?

“What do you mean ndikuzvifambisa sei?

“So you can't even answer my calls now.

“I answered wani.

“After how long ?

47 | P a g e
Ah ndakaramba ndakanyarara ini I was not up for all this, kuita kunge ndagara na officer
mu integration room, kana kuti I was in the middle of an interview maquestions

“Sarah ndati after how long pinduraka asi ndikukubhowa?

“No ausi but maquestions ako arikungonaya.

“Pinduraka zvandikuvhunza

“I’m at work so I didn't hear anything it was on silent.

“Asi wanga waisira ini pa Silent pacho.

“Iiiii akomana ko chiiko nhai, Jay when did you become like this its like haudi basa rqngu
sei ukungonditsvagira nyaya like last time

“Zve last time zvikupinda papi asi uchiri wakanditsamwira here,pese apa ndaiti bp
yadzikiri sorry okay.

“Ayas okay bye.

“ndiwe wafona here ukuti bye.

“Jay ndiri pabasa Sha we will talk.

“Ndikuuya kuzokutora after work, okay.

“OK bye.

Ah zvimwe zvinhu soo,in life unenge uchiti ukuziva munhu APA munhu automuzive,Jay
Aida ndiite sei sure ,kana kunditumira message ,never asked how I got home ,ko dai
ndakapondwa then ozongofona nema questions asina basa ndoo love yacho here iyoyo.I
got busy hangu nebasa rangu I didn't want disturbances soo I switched off my phone
whoever aindida aisiya message .Ndini uyo busy nebasa hangu ndichiteerera music ,mu

48 | P a g e
office mangu maiva me small sterio so kwairira music yaivaraidza kana basa rakandiitira
easy. Ndoopandakanzwa Spanish guitar playing.I suddenly remembered growing up at
school singing along with my girls,,,tiri ma young love tine ma secret crush,,,ndaive ne this
guy aindipinza busy,,his name was Nick,,aingoti akandiona ondipa zi smile onditsonya
,,,kuzondidaro ndaiita sendinyanyura nekunyara ,,,he liked me soo,,we never dated asi
amheno chii,,ndiye akandipa my first valentine present in front of the whole class ,,you all
know how it was back in school ,everyone started screaming " kiss kiss kiss kiss" APA he
wasn't even my boyfriend,I didn't know anything about kissing ,,ndaitotya holding hands
with a guy,,hug ndaitiza then mozonditi kiss haa kana I refused ,luckly I was saved by our
teacher akapinda vanhu vachiita noise,,,ndakazomutengera card " kkkk" with a sweet thank
you message APA he put it mushort make like really inside his shorts,,I noticed that during
cricket pataivaoma vachi practiser aiti akatamba tamba they he pulls it out of his shorts
obva asekerera,,,that was in form one, he then tranfered to another school but I never met
him again.theres days I missed my crush ndichirwadziwa kuti we never dated and he
dissappeard dzimwe pfungwa sooo dzakadhakwa but I'm sure a lot of women have gone
through that on some part of their life.

Mr Natt stayed in his office and I was happy Ndakashanda until it was time to go home
,,ndakangobuda two min two freshen and go home since it was time up ,pandakadzoka
ndakaona lunchbox yadzoswa yaiswa padesk Paine ka note kaiti thank you the food was
amazing but andina kuguta ndikuda zvimwe futi,ma1 aye anga atotangazve ndaiti I was
doing this for just one day munhu aakutoda zve everyday yuwi yes ndobika but raabasa
rana Shanny re everyday kairi,,I took a deep sigh happy kuti vapinda ndisimo at least ,,
what made me happier was that it was Friday ,,,,I had weekend to rest and digest a lot off
things I was already tired of the drama yese yanga ichiitika ,, after work Jay didn't show up
kuti andiendese kumba.APA he had my wallet luckily ndandauya hangu
neiwo,,ndakamufonera but he didn't pick up my calls,,ndirini yaitoita mhosva
ndaakutofamba hangu kuenda kuma combies,, dhuma dhuma na sir Josh. Then he said

“He didn't come?

49 | P a g e


“your beloved kaa.

“Sir Kaaa.

“What? Did u kiss and make up? I hope he apologised at least.

“He said sorry mbichana.

“Sorry mbichana ndookuita dei.

“Ndamumanikidza kuita sorry.

"Lemme not say anything and be a good friend, anyway let’s go home hanti its same

“It’s fine I will use combies or taxi.

“Sha andina friend inoshandisa combies when we live in the same neighborhood, worse
kuita PA anofamba nemakombi unondishoresa nevanhu, u need a car.

“I have,,my dad bought me a car a while ago,,,just not used to driving.

"Saka yakatengerwei nhai Sarah? For display? At least show your dad you appreciate his
effort hona wakazosiiwa pa road, if you were driving your car you wouldn't go through

“koikafira pa road what will I do.

“you will just call me like you did last time,,I will be happy to be at your service my lady.

He said that bowing his head kkkkk zvimwe zvinhu soo you even run out of words I ended
getting into his car anyway,,but he said he was going through his mothers house first

50 | P a g e
ndikangoti okay.I donno why ndakangoti okay cause taitoenda another direction of town
,Chisipiti ,kuita kupfavirira ndichitenderedzwa.we got there tikatambirwa ne a very
cheerful lady akandipa hug,,waitoona ne first time kuti pane basa ,she was super friendly ,,,
we walked in and were led to the lounge kwandakaona a man aive akafanana na Sir Josh
zvakanyanya I just figured that was his dad.we greeted him ndobva ndanyarara hangu I had
no nyaya with them but the mother vaitaura havo.

" Josh my son ndoomuroora here uyu ende wazondigonera kani yuwi,,ndaiti mwanangu
uchafa uri bhachura ,ndakamboda kuti vadzimu vafuratira tigadzirise kana chiri chivanhu
zvifambe zvakanaka.ndazofara manje nekuti ndanga ndatoti ndichikutsvagira by force.

APA vaitaura non stop ini andichagona nenyadzi,,I looked at sir Josh ndobva vanditsonya
vachisekerera ,, ndaitoti munhu achandisaver haa he was enjoying all this,,,I looked at his
dad he was just smiling looking at his wife going on and on.

Aona ndapusa that's when he said ,

" haa kana mama toshanda tese she's my PA.

" hoo aaaaah asi akaroorwa kare.

" muvhunzei mega mhamha .

She looked at me ndokubva ndangoti " no mhamha ndakatsikitsira.

" aaah ndaiti pamwe wakaroorwa uri musikan akasvika mhani ,,rega ndigadzire tea.

They ended up talking about dzimwe nyaya tichinwa tea and biscuits ,,ko did I even finish
tea yacho ,I wanted to go hangu nyadzi dzaindikurira manje.we finally said our good byes
and left

" Sarah we going out this weekend.

" out??????

51 | P a g e
" yes out, its a business get together with some of my associates you should be there,,,put
on something cute its a braai.

" and I thought I was going to rest.

" kkkkk you will don't worry.

" but sir.

" no butts we going.

I just nodded then we drove to Kensington in silence,,not that I was angry ,I missed my
beauty sleep.he dropped me off and home ndokutambirwa with a sweet smell of
food Shanny ari pabasa rake ,by the way Shanny was a caterer so food business ndekwake
ini hangu I learnt a lot from her ndaisanyadzisa hangu.

" was that Jay who dropped you off?

" No that was my boss ,he actually stays around here.

" oh okay that's nice ,,thot it was Jay.

" No he didn't come.

"Busy was he.

" yeah I guess so.

Didn't wanna talk about it ,,ndanozvikanda pabed ndookurara ndakazomutswa when it was
time for dinner.

52 | P a g e
End of chapter 9

Kaydie loves you all, happy reading

53 | P a g e
Dream lover Chapter 10
Story by kaydie

 0773812044

Mr Natt

But mhamha avapererwe,I don't know kuti kusvika kwangu na Sarah vanga
vaakutopururudza kuti vawana muroora ,,ndakanzwa kufara hangu vachimufarira ko
taisaziva future ka and ndaigaroti I want to marry a woman anodiwa namai vangu iye
achivadawo,,zve drama between 2 women vandinoda zvinopedza simba,,I didnt want to
live a miserable life yekungonzi mai vako vazonditi or vakazonditi and on the other end my
mother complaining kuti muroora this that,,I wouldn't want to take sides bodo ,once
ndangodaro imwe Hondo kaiyo.good relations mattered soo much to me,,I loved my
mother she groomed me since birth and I was going to love the woman who would take
over my mothers duty yekundigroomer futi to be a better man and a better husband.

My mother called me Ku kitchen tisati tabuda.

“mwanangu handiti urikuona wakura ka and hausi kuzomira kukura ,nyaya yangu yekuda
muroora andina kuisiya,,unoda mwana wako azokuti Sekuru here nhaiwe?

" haa mama matanga ,inga ndakati ndichagadzirisa wani,,Seiko muchindityira imi

" andisi Mudiki mwanangu kukura uku ndizere neruzivo,uri murume iwe zvekuti utsvage
pfambi dzekufadzana nadzo kwete ,,,baba vako ndakatozviona kuti avagoni kutaura newe
ndosaka ndichitaura ini,,andidi ufe neurwere in mwanangu uchiri Mudiki,sarudza munhu
mumwe chete woroora wotanga mhuri.

" Ehoi kani mama ndazvinzwa ndirikizvigadzirisa.

" gara wati uyo munoshanda mese?

54 | P a g e
" ehe mama chii?

" kuvhunzawo hangu ndanga ndamufarira.

" ah mama nekungomuona ipapa chete ,,amumuzive .

" meso aya aona zvakawanda mhepo yanyamavhuvhu ndoiziva ,uyu akativa uyo dai ari
umwe ndaonerera kubhabhauka kwese.

" kkkkk zvamama soooo ehoi ndaakuenda but haandide uyo plus anondishandira azvizoita.

" azvizoita pakudii handiti zviro zviedzwa mwanangu changamuka ungasiye goridhe
richienda nemumwe iwe wakatarisa.

" ane mukomana wake mama.

" heya unoti vanowanana vese vanenge vangori single ?

" iiiiiii ndaenda mama tozotaura.bye love you

Takazobuda hedu but andina kuudza Sarah kuti mama vangu liked her a lot,,,I didn't want
her kuti afunge kuti ndirikumugaira horror I still wanted her to trust me
,,pandakazomuudza nezve braii pa weekend she wanted to make excuses but I didn't want
to give her a chance,honestly it was not a business thing yaingova outing ne boys ne ma
babie Avo,I told her there would be business associates there just kuti asarambe.I dropped
her off ndokunanga kumba.on my way home Hilda called.

Hilda: Babe uripi I'm by your place

"����,,,by my place ???"

" eheka by your place ndati uripi."

" I'm on my way ndaakutosvika."

55 | P a g e
"OK kasika ndikutonhorwa I'm outside."


For the past days I totally forgot about Hilda brain dzangu was focused on other
things,,Sarah anga aakundipinda nekwese kwese,,I got home ndikaona munhu anzwa
nechando,,,I didn't want to give her my extra keys ipapo maya ndopaunodzoka from work
woona munhu aita move in ne zvinhu zvake zvose so andina kubvira ndamujaidza from the
beginning kumupa ma key angu. Ndakanamwa nehug nekiss ndokubva tapinda
mumba.kaitonhora shame ndakanzwa tsitsi but munhu ane dzinodhonza ungangonanga
kumba kwemunhu usina kufona here handiti unovhunza kuti munhu ariko here or not. We
got into the house then she went kunotora shower hanzi babie hande tese,,I didn't want but
ndaisada pamuromo plus zvinozoitwa na Hilda zvacho unopedzisira wabvuma .

Ndakapinda naye zvikanzi daddy ndoda kukugezesai,,I let her be ,,aite zvaaida iye hanti
vakadzi momboda kuita take control ,,ndakagezeswa body yese kani ndichiitwa yese yese
iye ndokutanga kugeza ndakatarisa achindiitira film rese ndakatarisa africa ndookubva
yanyatsosukwa ikachena ,ndakazoona sabhuku vagumbuka manje and I couldn't control it
,zva Sarah zvakatombobuda mubrain ndaona sabhuku vaiswa mukanwa akati Hilda aiva
nemanyemwe ndakabowa murume mukuru ,,I just turned her around ndikamubatisa
madziro akasimudzira gumbo,I didnt have time ye love making and I could see iye anga
auya akacharger kare ko anga andisuwazve,,I kept thrusting zve hasha zviye ndikatoona
kuti arikufarira,,when she started screaming my name I knew kuti aibva ndakabva
ndawedzera simba tikapedzerana,,,,we finished bathing aakungo smiler zvake Mwana

I then decided to order pizza ,i didn't want to cook,,Hilda mukichen no,,,it was not her thing
iye aitoramba hanzi ndokuuraya nepoison andigone,,,panguva yese when she was not
working dai akadzidzira kubika hanti zvaiita,pizza was delivered tikadya hedu.I still had a
bit of work to finish off pa computer yangu so Hilda went hake to relax arimu bedroom.I
worked till late ndokuzonorara,,,I got into my room ndikaona Hilda akabata phone yangu
,zvikanzi Sarah ndiani,,, ndakarohwa nehana kuti what happened my main worry was not

56 | P a g e
what Sarah had said I was worried kuti apana zvaaudza sarah here,ndaisatoda
andivhiringire Sarah kana kuti amuudze zvisina basa ,,I didn't want to seem like such a bad
boy kuna Sarah.

" she's my PA indava.

" hanzi your mom is sweet and goodnight.

" hooo OK.

" shes your PA but you introduced her to your mom ini you never took me there kana ka 1
but sei uchidaro iwewe ukungondishandisa handiti.

" sha they met tadarika neko ndichiona my mother relax OK.

" but why don't you want me to meet your family sha its been years uchirara neni.

" its been years ndichikuchengeta what's your problem ndokuitira zvese wani,I'm just not
ready for marriage and hazvimanikidzwe.

" ho oo iribho.

" sorry kani bby why are we fighting nezvisina basa asi wanga usina kundisuwa kani,

" ndanga ndakusuwa.

" so show me.

Ko akazombomira here haanetse kunyararidza next thing ndanga ndaakuyemera

ndichiitwa strip tease,,,next thing anga aakuchemerera doing like she was riding a bike ari
pamusoro pangu,,after that she fell flat asleep,

Honestly reality slapped me in the face,,I started thinking bout Sarah I took my phone and
messaged her on app,I wasn't sure if she was awake ,but I was surprised pakanzi online.

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"Thanks mami ,,are you sleeping yet?"

I saw her tying ndakafara mhani.

" No but I was about to.

" who are you talking to soo late in the night mami,"

" noone important, "

" saka ukutaurirei naye?!

" I was sleepless and bored."

"why didn't you look for me?"

" I thought you were busy."

" busy nei."

" your wife.

" hanti wanzwa my mom saying I'm not married."

"Okay your galfriend."

" No!"

" okay!"

" okay what?"

" I'm going to sleep."

" should I come and tuck you in ?"

" kkkkk don't be silly you."

58 | P a g e
" you who?"

" sir Josh."

" kkkkk ,I don't wanna you online u said u are going to sleep."

" okay goodnyt Josh"

" sleep tight mami be ready tomorrow na 12 okay"

"Ok I will be ready"

I felt a rush of blood ndichibva kutaura naye,,,I wanted to know kuti aitaura nani that late I
hope not blaz cake vekumusiya pa road,,haa Avo vanoita kundivava mhani ,I couldn't
sleep,I know it sounds stupid kuti here I was ,with Hilda but ndandakunzwa hasha kuti
Sarah aitaura nani that late.ndakamuka and tried watching TV that's when I remembered
kuti the next day I was supposed to go out na Sarah why was I going to do na Hilda??? Haa
kungomupa mari chete Hilda anenge aaakutorova pasi kushopping ndopawaiwona kuti
brain hapana,,she never thought about saving hake ofunga business plan otanga business,,,
we men don't mind taking care of ladies we just don't like ladies that depend on us,ko
ndikamuka ndisipo unozoita Seiko.

Anyway I couldn't wait to see Sarah I fell asleep pa couch that's when I started dreaming,,,,I
was walking on a road but I was following a woman aifamba pamberi pangu she had long
hair very sexy,,her back view yaiita kundidhonzera kwaari,,I didn't know who it was but I
kept following,,,I heard her calling my name but zviri Pasi pasi I couldn't even hear her
voice properly.suddenly she vanished ndakapepuka Hilda akanditarisa and it was already
morning I even forgot to switch off the TV.

I said good morning but I could see anga akatsamwa I didn't share the bed with her. I gave
her a kiss ndobva ndanyepa kuti I heard ma footsteps like mbavha ndosaka ndakazouya
ndikagara mulounge ndichitarisa zvikuitika and I fell asleep,luckily she bought the story.

End of chapter 10
59 | P a g e
Kaydie loves you all ,happy reading

Chapter 11 loading......

60 | P a g e
Dream lover Chapter 11
Story by kaydie

 0773812044


My name is Hilda ,I'm 26 years ndogara hangu kumbare national with my lil sis Patie but
sometimes i will be ku avenues kuflat kwangu our parents died ndichangopedza form 4 and
we were not soo close ne hama dzedu,so apana akaita shungu dzekugara nesu,,and I didnt
care about them but i was depressed kuti how was I going to take care of Patie.I didnt do
soo well at school zvaisatova mandiri zvechikoro so magame ndakatanga at a young age,I
remember breaking my virginity ndiri form one ,,there was a teacher aindida kuchikoro
and at that age ma hormones anga aakutondikurira ndaitonzwa kuda kubatwa pese ,,so one
day vakanditi ndiuye kumba kwavo nema books since vanga vakandiita class captain ,

I got to his house vari vega he was not married by then ,,he offered me food ndikadya ,,then
he asked me to come and sit on his legs ndikaenda because ndaitonzwa kuzvidawo,,,when
he started touching me ndakapera power and could not stop him because that's exactly
what I wanted ,,that's the day I lost my virginity,, ever since that day I used to go to his
house ndopihwa zvinhu zvangu ndichipihwa mari he used to spoil me rotten,,it all stopped
when he was transfered to another school. Semunhu anga ajaira Kurara nemurume I
couldn't stop myself ndaitoita vekutsvaga ,vorara neni vondipa mari soo basically
ndandakuita like a prostitute.

Taking care of Patie was not much of a problem when our parents died because I used to
make fast and easy money,so even zvekudzokera kuchikoro zvakandibuda I felt like it was
just a waste of time handiti chikuru kurarama making money mabasa chete ndoanosiyana
mamwe in the night mamwe masikati but rangu raive re anytime.I never cared kuti
murume wemunhu ah ko ndaifanira kuda murume wembwa here,vakadzi takawandisa

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saka for me murume ndewedu tese anaye ndiye anenge aripa duty panguva iyoyo
arwadziwa ngabude that has been my motto.

Nekuda kwe competition I decided to visit vamwe gogo vekumaraini we call her gogo
mzambia ,,haa Avo vanoziva mishonga manje ,,ndivo vakanditemera nyora ipapo chaipo
zvekuti apindapo haandirambe ndotomuramba ndirini,,,plus mushonga wekuti
ndikakutarisa ka1 ndapedza newe,,,,after that ndopavakandipinza pa training
yemubedroom apana chakasara,,ndovaye vanoisa tsono pasi vokuisa 50 kg padenga vachiti
ita chikapa ,,,haaa gogo mzambia kumberi . andidadirwe nemukadzi Mberi kwangu ini
ndotoziva kuti ndoswera ndakutorera and azvinditorere nguva futi,,,everything changed
after that ,mari yanga yaakundivhima and Patie never lacked anything and hama dzedu
ndaisada kana kudziona that's when I met Josh.

Josh Haana kundinetsa we met at a pool party ko ndandakutamba nemhene zve

ndaitonyepa kwandaigara APA kupusa kwacho I never bothered to move but I had a flat
raibhadharwa rent nevamwe baba so,,,so anyway tiri Ku pool party that's when I saw Josh
mwana akanaka zvake ,,body yacho ndakatadza kugadzikika APA I was wearing ka very
short flared skirt kaigumira pakaitangira,I didnt have anything mukati so i decided to sit
ndakamutarisa but Africa yese achiiona ,,I pretended to concentrate on my
phone,,,ndakazoona shasha yauya,,we started talking hedu next thing I asked him to take
me home ndobva taenda kuflat kwangu obvious ndaitoziva zvaaida and ini ndaida iye,,,we
didnt waste time ndobva ndamupakurira zvaasati amboona ndakaona shasha yaperererwa
haana kuzoenda kumba kwake.

Days passed achingouya chete ,,ini ndandakunzwa kumuda ,,I was never interested in
relationships ndaisatoda zvaindinetsa ,,nezvandaiita nevarume ve vanhu put me off
relationships completely but Josh changed my mind days turned into months and months
turned into years,,maybe spending time with him and getting to know him made me want
to keep him,,he was a good man shame from the start anga asingandiitire ma funnies,,,he
spoiled me rotten,,,he wanted a relationship with me ,I wasn't sure though I could give it to
him but I decided to be loyal for once haaa Josh anga andifonyora,ndakamboza kusiya
chihure chacho He showed me enough love to quit all my games ,I moved from the flat
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rachibaba and started renting rimwe,,I never left the house yekumbare Patie ndokwaaigara
.paishupa ndepekuti the obsession ye mari yainditambudza Josh aindipa hake but I felt
yaisakwana I demanded zvinhu zvisina basa just so kuti aburitse mari chete,shopping spree
zvese zvichiri kuitwa .

The past days though have been different I don't demand much of his time hangu cause
ndine dzangu dzandinenge ndichitotsikisa,, don't worry protection I use except kuna Josh
,,,I have been trying kuita Mwana maybe angandiroore kana ndimiwo 6 years tichidanana
but no marriage apa haadi kugara neni what does that mean ,I know I lack ma qualities of a
perfect wife but there's a time to settle down ,,chikushupa ndechekuti nhumbu haisi kubata
,ndakamboti gogo vandigadzire but this time zviri kuramba ,,,I went kuna doctor akanditi
the time yandakaita ma std akawanda ndakakuvara chibereko so ma chances ekuita Mwana
are sooo slim not kuti andichaite but I might not carry full term nekuda kwema
complications anozoitika incase ikabata.zvese izvozvo I don't care because ever since ma
std I leant kuti condom rinoshandiswa ndaive nedzungu back then.ndikatoita nhumbu
ndototizira ikazobva hamenoo tozozviona handiti vanhu vano adopter.

I'm just a bit worried because he not calling me like he used do,,,the other time I saw him
engine yairamba kunyatsoshanda then last time I was by his house aingoita zviri funny,,,I
don't trust his PA at all ko ndirimukadzi kaini takabva neko there's nothing new,,,he slept in
the lounge ndakaona hangu fon yake ,,I read all the messages akarara pa sofa and honestly
the friendliness iri pakati pavo is more than boss and employee Josh haasati ambondihurira
hake but this time I feel like there's competition manje she must step back pana Josh andidi
hangu,,I know i don't deserve him because magap angu ndakatanga kare futi but still andidi
naye,,,paakamuka he thought andina chandaona and I acted like hapana chandaona WO
,,,,then he gave me money to spoil myself haaa mari handirambe hangu zvekumhanya
nyangwe ndakagumbuka ndotosekerera.

If he thinks he can play me let the game begin ,Sarah ndichatomuitira plan handiti she
doesn't know I'm there well ndichamuratidza kuti ndini muridzi wemurume kafling kavo
kakasike kapera plus gogo vanogona kutondipa furatidzo ndikaswera ndazvipedza .

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So I left Josh's house in the morning ndichivapa mukana wekuenda kuparty kwavo
ndichinoita dzangu ,tit for tat fair game ,,,Sarah ndaitogona futi kumutumira vakomana ,ko
ndanga ndava connected zve ,,musatambe nemahure hapana wavasingazive vanosangana
newese wese .

End of chapter 11

Kaydie loves you all happy reading.

64 | P a g e
Dream lover Chapter 12
Story by kaydie


Mr Natt

I donno ndakabatwa nehope sei after Hilda left ,ndakazopepupa when it was almost time
for the braai ,,,I quickly bathed ndainzwa kuneta but after the shower I felt much better,,,I
put on my cargo shorts blue T-shirt ne blue sneakers ,,just ka simple dressing but neat, I
grabbed my car keys ndokubva ndaenda kwana Sarah I parked pagate ndookuridza hooter
,,ndakabuda hangu mumota ndokuzembera mota waiting for her ,,I tried calling but she
wasn't answering ndakazoona gate ravhurwa pakabuda a light skinned lady akada
kufanana na Sarah,then Sarah and another one again, Sarah was looking fine she wore
black jeans blue T-shirt and blue stilettoes ,,I couldn't stop staring amheno zvinongoita
maziso sooo ,,kana anakirwa haa dzoreke until one of them spoke,,

" I'm shanny are you Sarah's B.O.S.S?? She said that with a naughty grin on her face.

" yes I am,,but you can call me Josh if you like."

" I'm Anny and I'm her sister kkkkk."

This one was a cheerful one indeed

" Nice to meet both of you."

shanny: so are you going just the two of you,???

Me: yes but the rest of the guys are already there."

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Shanny: I see, so why are you wearing matching colors well except for the cargo and jeans
but your t-shirts and shoes are matching ,pardon me I'm her older sister ,kungoda kuziva

Me: lol well its just a coincidence Shanny I grabbed all this in a hurry actually.

Sarah: guys that's enough bye you are embarrassing me ah,,,I havent even said hie,

Anny: and did we block the hie somehow saraaaaaah.

Shanny: Josh do u want us to go back????? Did u want to hug her ,,are you sure there's no
hidden agenda ( wink wink)

And she actually said that winking at me hahaha OK this was another crew yaitospakwa
zvayo ,,APA Sarah couldn't even stand properly anymore,,haa Mwana uyu sooo ndaitoshaya
kuti chii chinombomudaro .I wouldn't mind spending my day ne team iri but we had to go.

me: not at all Shanny ,no hidden intentions dearie and I would have loved to hang around
but we are running late it has been a great pleasure meeting and chatting with you guys
,see you around..I opened the door for Sarah and told her to get in zvandakazoitwa,

Shanny: lemme keep my blabber mouth shut isu hedu mapofu ayas where did you ever see
a man with no intentions opening a door for a lady,,,haaaya I guess that's what ma boss a
these days do ,,see ya ,,,I'm watching you����

Anny laughed and they both walked back inside ndakazosimudza mota

" Sarah ,your sister is quite something mogara naye sei?"

" that's how she is she doesn't change and akambowachisa my boyfriend ,she told him
point blank kuti she didn't trust him ."

" neither do I."

66 | P a g e
" what???"

" nothing."

Ndakafinyama when she mentioned him but she didn't notice ,,the guy annoyed me
hangu,,,we drove to Eastley where the braai was ,,most people were there already there
and pairatidza kuti paifarwa waitoshaya kuti netime dzacho vanga vaakutofarisa kare ,,we
got out of the car and I introduced her to a couple of my friends nemababie avo,, Macus was
there ne babie rake but mmmmm the way he was staring at Sarah aina kundiitira .anyway I
brushed it off ndaisatoda anything to put me off I needed to enjoy a day out with Sarah,,, I
don't know how but she looked different maybe because she was wearing casual .but her
ass looked big ,veeery big,,chaitosvora mhani chivakashure chemwana uyu ,small waist
mukaka wakaita kuzara like she's never been touched,,I wanted to know if she has ever
been touched but that would be a very disrespectful and inappropriate question ndiani
akakwana anongoerekana avhunza such a silly question..

I left Sarah hanging out with her fellow ladies ndokubva tananga pabraii stand neboys
tichigocha hedu nyama nekutaura nyaya.

Macus: shaaa uda kundipinza pamuedzo manje plus hona ndauya na madam
wakundiurayira machances you even introduced both of us kuna Sarah makadhakwa

Me: ndozvandatozviitira izvozvo kuti ubve washaya kana chance one.

Macus: but mambo hamudaro asi I territory yenyu here ndigare ndarega?

Me: maybe

Macus : haa what do you mean maybe.

Me : meaning apasati paane ma deals she works for me Shaa

67 | P a g e
Macus : soo what if she works for you,,that's heavy simbi mambo ukanonoka
ndokutorera,apa munenge mapinda mambo,, hauone kana Hilda haakwane.

Me: tsek iwe kwana .

Rimwe boys ranga raakutopindira supporting Macus ndakaona maziso avaimukanda

ndikaona kuti APA I had to move fast,I looked at her ndikaona akanditarisa ,,I winked at her
then she quickly looked down nekunyara.if she's that shy of me meaning she felt something
for me.I decided not to think about all that and just have fun not spoil the mood.

Taganogara pasi all of us ,she offered to make a quick salad which turned out really nice I
couldn't help but imagine her making breakfast lunch and dinner for me ,,Macus kicked me
ne Pasi pe table ndaramba ndakatarisa mukaka wandainzwa KUDA kubata
hangu,,ndaitomuti Mwana because of the age difference plus aizonyanyawo kunyara so she
was more like a baby ndaitozopinda busy kumubvisa pakunyara,we all had fun nguva
dzichitofamba I decided kumuisira a bit of alcohol mudrink so that she could losen up a
bit.she noticed it tasted a bit funny but I whispered munzeve dzake not to worry it was no
harm,,akada kumboramba but I convinced her and she started sipping slowly hake.I just
wanted her not to look at me as her boss but as a man.pandakaona alcohol yaakuda
kumupinda I quickly called it a night cause dzanga dzatova kuma 8,,, Macus akanditarisa
neziso raive nemashoko then he came and whispered kuti uda kuitei Mwana,, ha veduwee
it seemed noone trusted me with her amheno ikoko. Ko akazotanga kuita zvimwe ne
alcohol pane vanhu ndaizoita sei naye.

We left the party and drove to my house I wanted a quick shower ndozomuendesa
kumba,,haa ndakazvidemba alcohol iye yanga yaakumuvhiringa I'm not sure how much I
had put,,,we got inside my house ,,I put on the radio and told her to sit down and relax,,i
took off her shoes kuti nhanha ave comfortable ,she has beautiful feet by the way manje
pakabva Parira esong yaaida mwanasikana akabva asimuka hanzi I want to dance cause I
didnt get to dance at the braai ,,,I let her be ndokubva ndagara pasi watching her ,,APA
ndanga ndazviparira manje ,,,she was slow wining hake going down and bringing it up
magaro achizunzwa zvainakidza,,,chokwadi anga akundivhiringa Sarah ,,,ndakazonzwa

68 | P a g e
ndabatwa ruoko hanzi dance with me kkkkk APA zvekutamba zvaisavamo mandiri,I just
followed her rhythm ndookutamba Naye.

Sarah ai mover hake honestly I didn't know she could move like that ,ungazomuziva kuti
ndiye uye wekunyara,,,as she was moving on me ndakakurirwa and put my hands on her
hips,,moving slowly going up,ndaisada kumuvhundutsa but haaa she was in another world
she let me do it,,,I could feel my heart racing,,ndaizozvikunda here izvi.she was still giving
her back ,I pulled her close ndaita kufemera muhuro make that's when I noticed kuti she
had stopped dancing but concentrating on what I was doing to her,,I made her weak and I
liked it,she liked it,,,I kissed her neck and she moaned,," Josh" ,I heard her whispering my
name ,she turned around our eyes locked ,that moment we both wanted it ,she put her
hands around my neck,,," Josh" she whispered my name again,,I couldn't control it I
reached for her lips and kissed her hungrily,she didn't take long to respond she was kissing
me desperately like it was her last time.

I took her to my bedroom and put her on my bed still kissing her,,I was scared she would
change her mind,,I wanted her like never before ,,I broke the kiss and looked at her ,,

" I'm feeling hot she said ,"

I took off her t-shirt I could have fainted from what I saw ,,everything looked soo good,her
spotless skin,,the twin sisters sooo round and yummy ,

" can I?" I asked

She nodded ,,then I took off her bra I sucked her whilst stroking her hair, " Jooooosh ,," she
screamed my name .her screams where killing me ,,,I kept sucking her and she was
tightening her grip on me like she wanted to dip her nails into my skin,,I started kissing her
going down to her belly.I removed her pants and I touched her there ndoopaakavhunduka
and suddenly the romance stopped.

" did I do something wrong ???"

69 | P a g e
" Noone has ever been there Josh."

" what do you mean,,,are u saying you have never done this before?"

" No I haven't,,, don't hurt me."

Just as I had guessed ,,,I had gotten my confirmation,,, suddenly I felt guilty ,,I couldn't do
this to her ,,I felt like I loved this woman ,all of a sudden I wanted to protect her with my
life.the excitement of being the first to touch yakandipedza simba ,,nhai Sarah anga
andibvira nepi,,I had to take it slow.

" okay relax I won't hurt you,,I won't do what you don't want me to,,okay,,??? She nodded
then I started kissing her again,, I parted her legs and I kissed her ,,I licked her nice and
slow and her moans increased ,,,I stroked the twin sisters whilst licking her there ,,I felt like
she couldn't breath,,I wanted her to remember this,,I didn't want her to forget the first time
a man touched her ,,I put my tongue inside her slightly that's when I could sense kuti
Mwana aibva, I didn't stop and she kept saying my name

" please Josh just do it kani, please kani "

She kept begging

" mami wait kani."

" I don't wanna wait kani,"

She pushed my head from her legs and came to remove my t shirt ,,,actually she removed all
of my clothes soo fast,,I hugged her ,,the moment our skin touched ndakapererwa kunzwa
magetsi body yese,I put her back on the bed ,I didn't want to do something she would
regret so instead ndakaisa sabhuku pa entrance chaipo ,,I started playing navo moving in
circles ndakazoona ndadhonzwa ndanamwa nekiss.we kissed deep babie started moving
slowly like dancing sabhuku vari padoor chete,,I moved to my twins sucking them sabhuku
vachitamba varipadoor chete,ndakadzikira kusvika pamukoko ipapo and put my tongue
slight in her again ndikanzwa babie aakuchema I did that non stop that when I started
70 | P a g e
feeling her vibrations ndikanzwa nzwara dzichinyura in my skin and she came,,,kugona
kumufadza kwakaita kuti ndiipirwe I asked kuti ndiite hangu pama twin sisters Havana
kuramba,,andina hangu kupinda mukati but masisters akapenga mhani ndakanakirwa
ndikabowa murume mukuru.

I looked at her and she looked away,, I held her face with my hand so she could look at me
,,I kissed her deep.

" thank you," she whispered

" noo ,,thank you, did you like it."

" I never knew a man's touch could be this dangerous. "

" my touch, not any man's touch, I can't let any man touch you mami I can't . "

She smiled and I ran a hot buble bath for her in the tub and I went for my called shower
ndaidii hangu,it was running late I had to take her home.

End of chapter 12.

Kaydie loves you all happy reading.

71 | P a g e
Dream lover Chapter 13

Story by kaydie


When Josh dropped me off ,,,he got out of the car ,came round and gave me one long hug
like he didn't want me to go.I sensed it he wanted to go back home with me,,but that was
impossible,,, I got home ndikatambirwa na Shanny and Anny waiting for me,,,there's
nothing important chavaida but kungonzwa how my day went..I didn't have much to share
honestly I didn't wanna share,,,the alcohol was all out of me ,I lay on my bed and all of the
days events started replaying in my head,what had I done???what did I get myself into?,,,it
was the most embarrassing moment of my life,,in any situation I have always controlled
myself,,,ndaingogumira pa kiss kana zvanyanya ndototiza,,,look at me now I keep thinking
kuti surely I almost had sex with my boss,,kana Jay chaiye has never gone that far with
me,,,he respected my values for the past year,he never forced me and Josh azvina kana
kumitorera time what was the meaning of this nhai????

I couldn't believe I let him touch every part of my body,,and with every touch I couldn't
stand the heat,,the pressure of wanting him to have all of me,,he made me drown with
passion and the more all this played in my head the more it felt so real and I wanted more,
this is all so crazy he is not my boyfriend,the way he said he won't let any man touch me
gave me goosebumps, I found myself smiling and at the same time I felt so guilty I had
cheated on Jay, how could l honestly how could l ,he may have hurt me ,I been mad at him
yes but he was still my boyfriend, this Was all making me so guilty this man was my
boss,,ndakatanga kufunga kuti zvandakaroverwa naJay ndizvo izvi ka like he had every
right to feel insecure it all happened even though I didn't sleep with Josh but I wanted to ,I
literally begged him to,,only that he was man enough to say no and still make me scream
his name either way.

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I was disturbed ne call ,,,speak of the devil.

" sir Josh."

" Sarah, did I disturb you?"

" No I was just laying down resting,"

" I miss you Sarah,,,"

" I feel stupid for what happened today ,,I'm sorry its so not like me ,you are my boss

" stop it."

" why ? Let me say...."

" I said stop it okay."

"I'm sorry okay."

" I'm hurt that you regretting all that ,,I don't want the Sarah that's talking now I want the
Sarah that I was with a while ago,,I don't regret anything at all,,I don't have any intention of
making you feel bad,,the Sarah I was with wanted me,she begged me to kiss her and
more,,what you saying now is hurting my feelings. "

" I'm sorry I'm just confused."

" I didn't ask for anything ,,I'm not asking now,,,,I can't control myself when I'm with you ,I
know you got a man in your life and I'm not asking you to leave him because of what
happened,, I want you to be free ,,I won't touch you if you don't want me to but just don't
regret today please,,,I have never seen such a beautiful woman ,,I'm sorry but the thought
of him with you after today is driving me nuts."

" sir Josh."

73 | P a g e
" mami."

" I miss you too and I'm sorry bout what I said ."

" thank you mami ,that's all I wanted you to say."

" thank you for today,,,I'm just scared okay.

" scared of what?"

" I don't know,,I'm scared of the future ,,I don't wanna feel awkward I hope we won't do this

" OK good nyt."

" are you mad at me?"

" No I'm not."

" so why are you going."

" I don't know,I don't wanna disturb you maybe your boyfriend is looking for you."

" Josh ,you are mad at me I feel it."

" What do u want me say Sarah?"

" I don't know ."

" ayaas," can I come and see you now?"

" its late ,I can't come out."

" please Sarah."

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" OK good nyt we have an early meeting I know kuti its Sunday but we have to work
tomorrow ,I had promised you a day off but pane emergency,,bring my breakfast ."

" OK goodnight."

I felt like I wanted to cry after that call,I wanted him to come I could have gone out and met
him but I don't know what stopped me,,,maybe it was wrong ,it was actually wrong but
something told me it was right but I had to get hold of myself ,ndopengeswa ne one day
sure here ,it would have made me look desperate the last thing I wanted was a man taking
advantage of my weakness and my weakness was him .I kept tossing and turning in the
night,, went to the kitchen and grabbed warm milk to make me relax and sleep,,I didn't
want to think about him but he was all in my system.

I finally fell asleep,,I dreamt of that same man again but when he got to me and touched my
shoulder a woman came from nowhere and pulled him away from me,,I woke up feeling
like I had lost a part of me.I ran to prepare Josh's breakfast,,I just made chicken mayo
sandwiches I didn't have time.

I went to bath and changed ,,,I kissed mom and dad good morning,,they were already
preparing for church,,by the way we been devoted Christians for as long as I could
remember,,,we go to Methodist church,ndaisarovha until I got this Job,,its soo demanding.

dad: dear ,,why don't you use your car.

Me: I'm not used to driving dad ,,I'm scared of accidents ,I don't wanna kill anyone.

Dad : so when will you learn,, please use your car ,I didn't buy it to be parked. Sometimes
you knock of late ,,its dangerous out there please think about it.

Me:OK dad I will take it to work today.

Mom : good luck dear ,relax okay

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I left Shanny and Anny still sleeping,,I took my car to work but hey ndaitya ,,handiti you
know driving yemunhu anotya I was holding the steering kuita kunge ikuda kunditiza
vaindiona vaitoseka ,,even INI ndakatozviseka I started thinking kuti pandakatora drivers
license ndakaitora sei,,,,,I remember the days yema driving lessons ndichiitwa kunge
saskam ,,when turning ,hanzi use your hand to say left or right ,,,when asking for way hanzi
use your hand ukapedza woti sharp thank you,,,ukaona hama usataure nayo,zvimwe
zvataiitiswa soo ka,,,I Remembered all this ndabata steering and still doing those stupid
signs instead of indicators,,I felt like bhambi chairo.

I hadn't spoken to Jay since the day he was supposed to pick me up and didn't show up,,,I
didn't know what was going on with him so I decided to call.

Jay: eh ndeip

Me : hie how are you

Jay: I'm okay

Me: why you not calling me or even a single message.

Jay: I been busy ,,you could have called also but obvious vekubasa munenge muri busy

Me : aaaah.

Jay : aaah what ,where are you?

Me: I'm on my way to work.

Jay : on a Sunday manje.

Me: yes there's an emergency.

Jay:hooo inga,,,will come get you.

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Me: I'm driving my car

Jay: OK,, will talk later.

Me: OK bye

I quickly hung up conversation yacho yaitobhowa ,I expected ma I love you,I miss you,I
brushed it off ,I was almost late ne learners driving yandanga ndichiita APA kuzoda kutaura
pafone futi.I rushed in as Josh and the client were just taking a sit ,I was shy to look at him
so I just said good morning to him and the client. It was not a very long meeting hayo pane
ma trucks aidiwa urgently kuendesa zvinhu ku Zambia,in a short while we were done ,,we
did all the paperwork and got the drivers and the trucks ready, we decided to go and see
zvinhu zvacho getting loaded,I was tired off standing so I went to sit in his car yangu
ndanga ndasiya kubasa,so takafamba nemota one, ,I decided to sleep hangu kuback
ndainzwa a slight headache maybe ndoo hang over yacho .ndakatobatwa nehope chaidzo
after a while ndakatozomuka ndichinzwa ma soft kisses on my lips,,I opened my eyes and
they met with Josh's eyes,,zvakaoma ndozvatanga tatenderana here izvozvo kuti taakutoita
everyday pese pese paadira.

I looked at him neziso rekuvhunza kuti ukuitei kamwe kamoyo kachiti dzokorora futi,

Josh : I'm sorry but your lips were saying kiss me please kiss me.

Zvakaoma ndakangosticker ndakadaro akabva avhura door achipinda Ku drivers seat

zvikanzi " ndipoo food yangu." At least I remembered to carry it dai ndaisiya mumota
mangu aiita ma1, I gave him then he ate in silence apedza zvikanzi

" Sarah."

Then my phone rang.

Jay: are you done.

Me : Not yet

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Jay : I miss you

Me : okaaaaay

Jay: what's that now ,is that how you supposed to answer.

APA all this time Josh was looking at me so ndakabva ndangokata phone.pasina ma sec he
phoned again.Josh looked me futi,,this was just awkward its not like I was dating Josh.

Jay: wandikata

Me : no it was a mistake

Jay : I said I miss you

Me: I miss you too

Jay: tell me when you leaving work.I love you

Me : I love you too.

The moment I said that Josh's face changed he got out the car and banged the door. My
heart started beating fast ....

End of chapter 13.

Kaydie loves you all happy reading.

78 | P a g e
Dream lover Chapter 14
Story by kaydie


Mr Natt.

I could have been OK if she hadn't said the last part,hearing her say I love you to another
man ndiripo dropped my ego as a man down to zero.I banged the car door without
thinking,I needed to breath before I said something I would regret ,I took a walk kune
vailoader ma trucks,they were almost done takambotaura nyaya hedu with my client basa
richifamba,after an hour or so everything was sorted vakomana ndookupinda was
difficult for me to face her ndaingonzwa kuti I acted a fool pamwe ndatomuvhundutsa
aakutonditya cause akazviona kuti ndadhinhiwa I didn't say anything ndakangobuda
ndichienda kana what I wanted to tell her zvakabva zvavharana ,,imagine wazvipira kuudza
babie kuti ndokuda wobva wamunzwa achiti I love you to someone else ,even though
musiri kudanana but zvinongopedza simba.

I went back to my car ndokubva ndamutsa mota.then my phone rang ,I just picked up
ndisina kutarisa then put on speaker ndakatozonzwa on the other end kuti ndi Hilda

" daddy muripi?"

" hie how are you."

" I'm good where are you ndasuwa zvinhu zvangu."

Dai ndaiva nepekupinda ndohwanda zvangu ndaipinda,,ndakatarisa Sarah nepaview mirror

I couldn't read her facial expression so I continued talking on the phone.

" zvinhu zvipi"

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" daddy kani food yangu that you carrying pauri ,"

I was still looking at Sarah nepa mirror ndakaona achifinyama ndokubva akosora.

" ndiani akosora kunge mukadzi ,uripi,unaani on a Sunday,"

" that's Sarah my P.A ka tirikubasa sha pakaipa."

" ndokuona manheru."

" I will call you."

" I love you daddy."

" I love you too."

Ndakaona Sarah achiita serious yakapenga ,I switched on the engine pasina ataura
nemumwe and made my way to the office.ndakaparker mota then we both got out
tikananga kuma office edu.I didnt take long hangu in my office ndakatora lunch box yake
yandanga ndaburuka ndakabata ndikanoisa mu office make.she was there akabata phone
yake talking to someone and mumoyo mangu makangopinda Jay wake.I closed the door
remuoffice make and walked towards her,her face looked uncomfortable but I didnt stop
moving towards her ,I got close really close she put her hand on my chest to stay stop but I
didnt ,she started moving backwards,I followed her till she reached the wall and she had
nowhere to go,I took her phone I checked who it was and it was Jay then I switched it off,
ndakamuvharira with both of my hands,I touched her face and she slapped me,,babie anga
ane hasha but I didnt care ko aigorwadziwa sei anga ari iye akatanga

I kissed her neck ndikaona achidzikama ,I kissed her again and again then I switched to my
strawberry lips anga ari soft and waiting for me,I kissed her deep until she moaned I
cupped her breast and she moaned louder then I stopped.I walked away towards the door
without and a word then she called my name,"Josh,"

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I looked back at her and I saw tears in her eyes,I couldn't leave,I walked back to her I
wanted to grab her and put her in my arms but no,,she was supposed to come to me.

" what's wrong." I asked but she kept crying.

" what are you doing to me ?" She finally asked

" I'm going,, you don't want me and I can't force you."

" you love her?"

" you love him?"

" he's my boyfriend, what was I supposed to say?"

" she's my girlfriend what was I supposed to say,why are you mad at me anyway,,you said
all that right in my face ,,do u know what that did to me Sarah ?huh ?do u know,I'm a man
Sarah I'm sorry I'm feeling jealous I can't help it, you going to meet him later I know ,,then
what,,you will kiss,he will maybe touch you,,then after that you might not let me ever touch

" and you are going to take her home with you like she said asuwa zvinhu zvake ,,and I
know exactly what she meant by zvinhu zvake,you will do all that you did to me naye so
okay I'm hurt,maybe I'm confused but one thing for sure is I'm jealous too and I don't want
you to go ,how will I sleep tonight thinking bout all that you will be doing,,this is different
you are the first man to ever touch me the way you did."

" and I wanna be the last,do you hear me Sarah I said I wanna be the last ,I grabbed her
hand and walked out of the office then to my car.I told her to get in and drove to my house
,noone spoke I took out my phone and texted Hilda kuti ndabuda Nebasa I didn't want
munhu anozoti vhura door ndasvika ,,soon as we got into the house I attacked her with a
strong kiss,I wouldnt let her go I just couldn't. I took her to my bed ,she was scared ,she
looked scared damnit what was I doing,I fought with my senses, I took my bedroom stool
and sat down looking at her and damn she was beautiful,, she was sitting on the edge of the
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bed shy to look at me.I put my hands on her legs I was rubbing her slowly,, she closed her

She was wearing a flared skirt so I parted her legs and caressed her most sensitive part.I
removed her panty and told her to lay down ,this time she was sobber and she knew what
she was getting herself into,,I took the cherry yoghurt I had in my room and poured it all
over down there,,I licked every bit of it ,I removed everything she was wearing and I looked
at her admiring such a creation.

I licked and sucked every part of her until she was soo weak,,soo weak that she couldn't
speak all I could hear was her morning,when she opened her legs for me I knew she was
ready but I had to make her beg for it,I put my tongue inside her and she gasped for air i
kept doing so and I could feel her nails piercing my skin

" Joosh ;" she creamed

" Joosh;"

"Babie kani"

Me : not yet


Me: you calling me wrongly

Her: Sir

Me: no

Her: daddy

Me: yes Mami

Her: please

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Me: please what?

Her: I want you now.

Me : no you don't:

Her: daddy I need you damnit

Now that's what I wanted to hear,,I went on top of her I could see she had tears in her eyes.

Me : why you crying?

Her : cause you don't want me ,you just want her and not me.

Ouch ,,,she didnt know that I had been teasing her

Me : I want you soo bad you have no idea how hard I been trying to control it,,,,

I guided myself in between her legs slowing playing there and she was soo wet ,I pushed in
a bit and she dipped her nails in me " daddy its sore, she said " relax mami OK it will be OK
now now.I pushed in again whilst sucking her breast,I didnt want her concentrating on the
pain,she was tightening her grip ,I pushed in again and again haa rakava basa finally I
thrust in harder and I heard her screaming with pain ndikaita muromo wekuvhara.I started
riding her slowly akambochema but I didnt stop ,I wanted her to enjoy,I kept going slow
until she relaxed and started moving with me ,Mwana ainaka zvake mhani,pasina nguva
anga abatirira and daddy avana kumira ndakazonzwa

" daddy."


"Daddy Josh "

" yes mami"

83 | P a g e
" oh my gosh"

" let yourself go babie,do you like it now?"

" yees but its still painful. "

" ride with me mami,it will get better and better."

She was trying to move to the rhythm with me shame ,ainzwa pain and pleasure, I wanted
her to reach climax kuti ndinzwe kuti ndiri murume sure,,I carried on slowly until I felt her
really tighting her grip and gasping for air

I was now thrusting harder ndaita kuzadza yese I could feel her vibrations she was coming
and I was coming too I thrust in harder and harder until we both exploded,I couldn't
stopped kissing her I didn't wanna get out ndaida kufirapo hangu pane something
chainditekenyedza inside her amheno chii ,she was shaking,,her whole body was shaking,I
held her tight smiling at the sight of blood on my bed that moment I felt like a man.

I carried her to the tub and helped her bath,she couldn't look at me,,takageza tese but the
sight of her breast yaindivhiringa mhani something bout her body chaitondivhiringa brain
chaiko,,I started playing with her boobies again ,making soft caresses again pasina time
tanga taipira tese hanzi

" daddy I'm sorry I donno anything so I donno how to please you."

" you don't know how happy I am kukudzidzisa ndega."

Akabva angobata machine ndokutanga kutamba nayo mumaoko achipuruzira

ndichimuratidza zvekuita,,she didn't know much but her touch chete was enough
kundivhiringa,,I sat on the side of tub ndokubva aigarira,,,aidzika slowly ndaimutyira pain
shame,,,I told her to do like she was bouncing then she started bouncing on it slowly,,her
body was flexible, remember she could dance so I told her to imagine hersef dancing ,,,I was
busy with my twin sisters hangu ndakaona kuti ndadenha the freak in her ,the way she was
moving and grinding hawaizomboti learner.
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" mami"

" daddy"

" I will kill you if you do this to any man ndezva daddy chete okay."

" mmmmm"

I stop sucking her breast and she looked at me

" mami ndatii?"

" yes daddy please don't stop please."

" I love you mami."

" I love you daddy."

Mwana anga aaakunakirwa hake,,I started moving with her and she didn't take long to
come this time and I followed her.we had to bath again ,then I changed my sheet hanzi let
me go and wash them ndikati siya I wanted to wash them myself. I decided to let her rest
for a while time dzanga dzichiripo that was kuma 3.

End of chapter 14

Kaydie loves you all happy reading.

85 | P a g e
Dream lover chapter 15
Story by kaydie



I could have felt guilty but I didn't,he was just my boss and not my boyfriend ,he was also
my weakness,jealous randakaita when he told Hilda kuti aimuda ndakanzwa kunge I was
suffocating ndainzwa KUDA kumudzipa chaiko but I had started it ,,maybe I wanted to test
him kuti anondida here or he was just playing with my mind.when he got pissed off then I
knew maybe we were on the same page but kungonzwa kuti Hilda I love too kept playing in
my head so all the way to the office ndanga ndaka shooter,ndakaita kubhidhaira ndichienda
kuoffice kwangu iye he didn't say anything ndanga ndazvipira kupedzera shungu pana Jay
ndichida kuudzwa ma sweet nothing saka ndakamufonera and we started talking
ndopakapinda boss J face vakasunga face ndanga ndakatsamwa hangu but the way
yaakatora phone nekukata ndakabva ndatanga kumutya ,,he seemed different I began to
move away but how far would go I go anyway,,akaita kundivharira ndakaita kuzadzwa
necologne take yainhuwirira,,,when he touched my face ndakafunga Hilda ndikati hoo
aakuda kundishandisa futi ,I lost it and slapped him,,he did even slap me back
sezvandakaitwa na Jay but instead he kissed my neck ndikaita weak ,,I could have stopped
him but with Josh hamheno ndaiita kunge ndabatwa nemagetsi ,I was in my own world
ndakazoona amira then walked away,,,kwanga kwatova kusiiwa kauku munhu aakuenda
kuna Hilda kunomupa zvinhu zvake,,ndakangorwadziwa zvekuti ndakangotanga kuchema
imagine you turn me on like that ,ndisisade kuti umire then you just leave me and go to
someone else.I didn't wanna cry but sir Josh sooo amheno.

He stopped walking, I donno what I would have done if he had walked out on me ,,we
started talking like heart to heart ,I hated the idea of him being with her but I had just met
him not soo long ago ,,,not even two weeks but the way he turned around everything in my

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life was out of this world ,it was as if we met a decade ago, the way he changed every
emotion in me and brought out the kind of feelings I never thought I had in me. He hated
me being with him but he met me with him zvese izvozvo didn't matter,,was this love or we
were just about to bring out the worst in each other,,,I felt an animal arising in me and I
could see I was already turning him into something else,,I started remembering Nancy
saying hasha anonziwanza,,with the way he grabbed my phone nekuidzima I could see anga
aipirwa.its like anga aakusatoda kuti nditaure na Jay but how was I going to just leave him
without reason ,I had been with him for a while pana Josh it was just two mins,,this was like
close to crazy and I couldnt ask him to leave her for me cause I wasn't even sure I could
make the same move so none of us said anything about it except that he didn't want any
man touching me,,that was not much of a problem but iye manje,,,he was a man and me
being just a virgin Asina zvaanoziva,,how honestly was I going to compete na Hilda wake
waagara achipa zvinhu zvake and the way she said it on the phone waitonzwa kuti she
enjoyed him big time,,

He stopped talking and I stopped he just grabbed my hand and took me to his house,,I
wasn't even bothered about it for that moment I decided to let it flow ,,he wouldn't think I
was loose inga ndanga ndazvichengeta wani,,,kiss yaakandi nama yawo sooo I could feel
myself wet nekiss chete,,handitombozive how took me to bed he did the most crazy things
to me that I never imagined.he made me beg for me,,ndaitonzwa kuzvidawo izvozvo
zvaaipa Hilda,I wanted to feel how Josh made her feel I knew I wasn't going to regret it,Josh
felt more of my man than Jay amheno maybe he made me loosen up easily made me feel
loved made me feel sexy made me feel crazy made me want to do things I never did before.
I begged till I called him daddy do it damnit ,,,ndandakuda kuchema ,he was taking long
APA ndandakufunga kuti just because I was not experienced he wanted Hilda more than
me but pandakadaro akabva atouya full force.

When he pushed it ndakanzwa kuti noo better ndisiyane nazvo but he sucked my boobies
ndikanzwa kupera simba,,he kept trying until ndanzwa kubaiwa kuti serious and I
screamed akandibata muromo ndikada kumuruma,,,ndakachema but he kept riding me
slowly ,he was gentle and loving sooo the pain wasn't tooo much,he took his time making

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me relax ndokubva ndatanga kunzwa zvaakunaka mbijana mbijana,,ndakabva ndatanga
kubatirira,,ndakatanga kumover body mbichana I used to hear kuti men don't like a woman
anoita kunge danga APA I was desperate to please him so I was following his
lead.ndakatanga kunzwa a crazy feeling in me yandakambonzwa last time,,,I was gasping
for air I didnt know whether to cry or to scream or to pinch him but I wanted to do it all at
once ,he told me to let myself go,kuzondidaro apa he was looking straight into my eyes
sweating ,,,this time I looked at him back ,it somehow turned me on it seemed he was
enjoying me like I was enjoying him,,ndakatanga kugwinha gwinha and he was doing it
faster and harder ndakanzwa aaakufemera padenga calling my name non stop and he
exploded right inside of body was trembling ndaishaya kuti zvii zvaakuitika this was
all new to me.

If sex was this good all the time and if every man was like Josh I felt kuti yaaa women
varikunakirwa mhani,,sooo o was no longer a virgin, at that moment I didn't have any
feeling of regret but Jay ndaizomuudza sei kuti I was no longer that girl he met,I was now a
woman and another man had turned into a woman ,a chance he waited for and I never
gave,,,I started questioning myself if I truly loved Jay or it was the idea of having a
boyfriend that I liked,,,,I didn't wanna spoil the mood so I decided to forget everything at
that moment.he took me to the bathroom and ran warm water for me to bath
,,,akandigezesa everywhere then he started turning me on again ,,ini wacho kutokanganwa
kuti zvinorwadza ,,I wanted to make him happy and my body wanted him,,I looked down at
his shaft ndanga ndisati ndamboitarisa all this while ndainyara kuonekwa ndakaitarisa but
since my body was screaming for him I wanted to return the favor,,kunotarisa kudai
ndakatya mhani kuti ndooyandivhura here iyi ,,,I didn't know about sizes but I definitely
knew kuti it was biiig tanga yakanyanya kubuda tsinga dzaityisa but turning me on but
haaa vakadzi tine zvivindi,,I was stroking it achindidzidzi ndakazongosimudzwa ndokubva
ndaigarira,,ndainzwa ichipinda slowly and payaipinda ndainzwa body yese reacting ,it was
not sooo painful I let him put it all in ,,he asked me to bounce ndikati nechemumoyo
ndozvigona izvi I was flexible hangu,I started doing it ndikamuona closing his eyes
ndikaziva kuti ndirikugona,,I continued slowly then I started doing like I was riding him
ndakanzwa munhu aakubowa ndikaziva ndadenha ,he was sucking my breast I couldn't

88 | P a g e
control myself I wanted him to take me there ,,he told ndezvadaddy chete izvi but I couldn't
answer he stopped sucking me ndakaita sendimarovera kuti wamirirei,, at this moment I
could promise anything,,,besides I didn't picture myself riding on another man.kungoti ehe
ndakabva nanamwa mazamu nemuromo haa kuzodaro ndainzwa being taken into another
world yandaisada kudzoka hangu,,,ndakanzwa machine yakuita kunge yawedzera kukura
,,yaiita kufema ndichiinzwa ndikanzwa aakuchemerera achiita kusqueezer my ass and he
released all of him again in me,,,

When we were done bathing we went to sleep,when we walked up he was on me again

haaa Josh vakomana.

" daddy ndozotadza kufamba kani"

" Mira babie ka 1 chete I won't even take long,"

"Remember I have to go home."

" what if I don't want you to go home?"

" no no no I have to,my dad will freak out"

" okay chimira ,let daddy have his food."

He started fingering me slowly zvainaka mhani ,he started with one finger then two ,next
thing ndandakukumbira ndega kuti daddy ndipei food yangu.ndakakwirwa mhani kusvika
ndainzwa kuti ndaakupiswa down there,,,anga aakunzwa tsitsi then he finally came .he
made us nice lunch then we went go get my car APA ndaibatwa nekungo kiswa mumota.
We got there ndikaona Jay waiting for me.

Josh: babie munhu wako akakumirira hona

Me: newako akakumirira manheru.

Josh : I told her andiko.

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Me: when

Josh: when we were home.


Josh: look babe I didn't say I love you cause you gave to me good but I meant it ,it doesn't
make sense but I want you,,,I don't wanna put u on the spot ,i cant ask you to leave him but
i still want you to,im going crazy okay cause you been with him long but I feel that what we
have is much deeper. Please mami usamupe food ya daddy.

Me: I won't okay but what about you and Hilda ,I love you too,,,u made me offer myself to
you willingly but I don't wanna get hurt .

Josh: babe listen let's not spoil the mood ,,,okay let's take it slow,I won't hurt you
intentionally never and don't hurt me either .

Me: I can't walk properly what am I supposed to do now.

Jay : pretend like u sprained your ankle OK kana kuti wotoshinga babie kkkkk know you
can do it.

He parked his car and kissed me sooo deep zvekuti ndisatomboda kiss from Jay. We said
our goodbyes then we parted. Ndakasvika pana Jay akatosunga face.

End of chapter 15

Kaydie loves you all happy reading

90 | P a g e
Dream lover Chapter 16
Story by kaydie



The past couple of days had a different turn off events, slapping my girlfriend, more
cheating and all.I decided to give my lady breathing space cause I knew she was mad at
me.I was mad at her too for disrespecting me,,I love her yes I do, well according to my
definition of love I actually do but ndikavhunza munhu something I expect an answer that
satisfies me but munhu wacho ane ma so called keda tendencies e too much freedom of
speech,,, but mhofu avabvume izvozvo manje,I'm embarrassed though that I didn't pick her
up when I promised so I decided not to say anything bout that considering when I had
spoken to her earlier that day aitove mumood hake .

Anyway when I spoke to her in the morning hanzi ndiri kubasa on a Sunday,futi here nhai ?
ehe mukadzi ngaashande hake but this Job ndanga ndaakuda kumusiisa ndomukanda pa
kitchen zvovharama asati andisimudzira mhepo.I didn't do relationships but pana Sarah
ndakangomuona semukadzi wemumba .so I called her ndichiti ndirikuuya later but phone
yake went off I donno kupera kwe battery or kukatirwa so I decided to go ndonozvionera
ndega.I parked my car pabasa park,her car was actually there so I thought munhu anga ari
mubasa make ,,I waited and waited for over an hour ,I kept trying her phone still nothing,I
had too many things to do so kumirira munhu asiri kubatika was a complete turn off.

Ndakamira hangu pamota just as I was about to get into my car and drive off
ndopandakaona shasha ichipinda hayo with the boss,,the one man I hate with a
passion,,ndiye aive avakuvhiringa zvinhu pakati pangu na Sarah,we were good before he
came into the picture,,Sarah respected me ,no funny issues ,anyway he parked his car
kwema VIP and stayed there for a few min I couldn't see anything because his car
yaivharirwa neimwe but ndaingove neka feeling kekuti unotogona kubatirwa babie
wakagara,Ndopandakaona Sarah achiuya hake but ndandakatorova serious ndichida

91 | P a g e
kuziva kuti phone yakadzimirwei. Aakutosvika she missed a step a twisted her ankle
ndakamhanya kunomugama asati adona shame baby wangu Iwo ma heels
munozomawanza instead of just wearing comfortable shoes.

" are you okay babie ,," ndanga ndatova worried hasha dzakatombopera munhu

" ndakuvara gumbo shaaa ,,,its so painful. "

" why didn't you wear comfortable shoes nhai hona manje."

I picked her up ndokumuti aedze kumira but she couldn't stand properly hanzi gumbo riri
kurwadza ,,,I put her in the car and massaged the foot yacho yanga yakuvara ,ndakazofunga
kusvika pa nearby pharmacy cause she refused to go kwa doctor so we drove to the
pharmacy tikapiwa some rub and painkillers,,she took the pain killers then I rubbed her
foot ne heat rub kuti risazvimbe takazonotsvaga flat slippers ekupfeka kuti ave a bit
comfortable.takambotaura a bit in the car before driving off.

" Sarah babie sorry about all that happened I love you sha, I didn't mean to hurt you
amheno chakangondigara ,maybe mweya wetsvina I donno,,it won't happen again I
promise,,just find time for me also shaaa I don't want your Job to come between us ,all this
time I been missing you badly APA your phone is off I have been trying to call you.sei
wanga usiri kunditsvagawo shaa.

" sorry it went off yapera moto I forgot to charge it last night ndazoicharger a lil bit in the
car and I forgot to switch it on ndaida iite moto fast sorry.

" its fine Mai Mhofu saka maswera sei."

" ndaswera maswera sei mhofu."

" eheka ndozvinoitwa ,chindipa hug yangu tione.

Ndakapiwa hug yangu bho then I took her for icecream hanzi ndakaguta aisada food so I
took her to avondale for icecream then we ate takagara pama benches ndaida kuti
asarambe akastresser ma muscles e gumbo so ndaida arifambise fambise APA munhu

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wacho nharo aingoda kugara.she was soo quiet hake I did most of the talking, vakadzi
munononoka kusunungura futi sometimes.

" babie i was thinking of introducing you to my mom and dad hanzi namama she wants to
see her muroora so when you are free toenda ka?"

" is it not too early shaaa we still getting to know each other tomhanyirei?"

" but babie what's there to know ,I know you and you know me zvaunoziva izvozvo
ndizvozvo apana chimwe chausingazive and we will learn more about each other when we
are married you can't know me when you staying by your parents house."

" we will see OK but I'm still young handisati ndaakufunga zve marriage ini."

" or maybe you just don't want to get married to me?"

" you see you got this thing of putting words into my mouth I don't like it."

" I'm saying that nezvandirikuona hanti you don't want to meet my family,you are old
enough to a wife neni ndatokura for how long should we keep dating?"

" I didn't say I don't want I said I'm not ready there's a difference there."

" the difference is the same Sarah,okay okay ngatiisiye ,,chindipoo icecream."

Sarah ane nharo sometimes ndochinhu chaindibhowa ichocho but I didn't want to argue
ipo Paine tension already,,I decided to let it go tozozvitaura later,,ndakazodyiswa hangu
icecream ndichida kumboyemera babie. Takatogara hedu pa avondale ndopandakaona
masisters angu achiuya achisekerera ko they knew Sarah ka kuti ndiye muroora,they
hugged each other kusiya kwa Clara aingove nema issues asinga nzwisisike,,Trish na Cindy
ndovaida Sarah.

Cindy : muroora indava kunaka kudai ,brother yangu ikugona kukuchengeta ndazviona.

Trish: but makoti what's wrong kuzopfeka patapata waakutidzikisa ma levels.

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Sarah : kkkkk musadaro guys ndaminyurwa gumbo negogo thanks to your bro andigamha
pamwe dai ratyoka ,,,,but I'm good hangu,how are you guys.

Cindy¢Trish: we good

Clara : bho zvekuti ndimika muchambodya mari

Sarah: Maya just icecream chete.

Clara : but still haiuye yega inouya nemari ,,Jay nditengeroo icecream yawatengera Sarah.

Jay: manje Sarah ndiye anditengera mukumbire ka hanti muroora.

Clara : gara shaa kana usingade

Moziva rimwe dzungu Rina Clara sooo raimakisa ,,I'm trying to fix things with Sarah
aakutondiuyira nemonarch yese yedzungu ndakabhowekana mhani nxaaaa. My other
sisters vakangomutarisa nemaziso ekuti kwana but it was already too late ,

Cindy: makoti we missed you ,congratulations we heard waakushanda that's good sha
watova pa pay roll ndichataimira month end for shopping ka.

Sarah: thanks but the Job is demanding still obviously more money,, unouya toenda
kwaunoda don't worry these days I'm using my car.

Clara : haaaa Jay wakatengera Sarah mota ini usina kumbonditengerawo haaaa zvakaoma.

Jay: why are you sooo forward nhaiwe ,sometimes I think kuti ausi wekumba kwedu une
pamromo,Sarah has always had that car haangozviratidze chete shaaa vane mari dzavo
vanhu ava her father is a co owner of one of our banks in zim tikakuudzai kuti ripi motiitira
dzungu zvimwe atichataure so dzikama.

Zvesure ana Sarah had money but uchiona the way yaaizvipeta you would never know kuti
pamusha wemari.pandakapedza kutaura Clara akashama muromo because aimutarisira
pasi ndakazoona afinyama zvekusvotwa.Sarah akabva abudisa card rake and gave them
hanzi get whatever you want.

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Gals dzakafara ndookupinda mu nandos to buy food.

me : thanks Sarah for being patient na Clara ,I'm sorry ane dzungu nema personal issues
but usamutore serious handiti ka babie."

Sarah: its fine

Me : hauna kutsamwa here?

Sarah: I have met many people like her in my life ,I won't let anyone like her make me feel
bad ,I'm good ,I got better things to worry about than her.

Me : things like what babie?

Sarah : just ordinary things nothing much.

Me: chiuya ugare pamakumbo a daddy.

Sarah: ah iwe gumbo rikurwadza remember.

Me : huya kani ndakusuwa .

Ndakarambirwa hangu then my sisters came,we ended up spending the day with them
,,,vanga vapedza shopping yavo by avondale flea market,,I know Sarah didn't want to get
married but I had other plans I had to convince her to marry me,,oita nhumbu hake toita
happy family,,I didnt want to have to worry bout another man taking her away from me,I
wasn't going to let any man have her,,,Sarah was mine and mine alone.

Sarah insisted she gets her car kubva kubasa but I wanted to drive her home because of
gumbo rake but akajamuka,we ended up going back kubasa kwake to get her car,,akatora
mota but I told her ndaizomuperekedza following behind,,that was my future wife ko akaita
accident ari ega ndaizodii.she drove slowly in ndiri kumashure until we got to her place
,she parked by the gate ndini ndakazoburuka ndokuenda paari and kissed her cheek then I
drove off after apinda mugedhi.

Ndakarova mota ndakanaka kuma deals ,,,ma drugs aifaya manheru especially weekend
because most of the guy wanted to get high and freaky in the night.

95 | P a g e
End of chapter 16

Kaydie loves you happy reading.

96 | P a g e
Dream lover Chapter 17
Story by kaydie

 0773812044

Mr Natt.

Leaving her going to him was the pain I had to endure,,,I didnt expect such a turn of events
after spending a beautiful day with her and worse her giving herself to me like that was a
feeling I didnt know how to express. I had been with Hilda and yes aindispaka but that was
on the sex part but she never owned my heart,, I was never the kind of guy to switch girls,I
wanted to leave her kudhara but anditozivi what kept me with her kuita kunge there was
something about her chaingoita kuti kana ndaakuda kumuramba then pandomuona I
would change my mind.Sometimes ndaigona kugaya ndiri ndega kuti but haatombori type
yangu but I would end up brushing it off. How was I going to handle this situation without
hurting anyone that's when I remembered kuti I had been soo stupid and careless na Sarah
,sure I had sex with her ndisina kana raincoat haa ma1. All this while I had sex na Hilda
ndisina raincoat futi ,,she wasnt someone I could trust but amheno zvaaingondiita soo but
thinking bout it made me scared, I felt like ndaita utsinye usingaite I was supposed to
protect her,,Mudiki kwandiri and this experience was not well thought of and zvangoitika
,,,I should have done something semunhu mukuru.

Ndakanzwa kuzvisema I had to do something quickly before she hates me,,I donno ma guts
akabva kupi but something pushed me kuti ndingozviita ,,I looked for an open new start
center ipapo ipapo ,I didnt want to waste any more time if I was sick meaning ndanga
ndatozadza Mwana wevaridzi at least I had time to still save her ,,I found one yaive open
kuna kwame ,,ndakapinda hangu hana ichibika manhanga ,ndakatomboda kurova u-turn
but I was there already remembering that I had to do this for Sarah gave me simba to go
ahead.ndakapinda pa counseling process and they asked me where my partner was
ndikanyepa kuti mukadzi wangu akafa.they asked zvese zvekuti when last were you tested
what what ndikati 6 months ago ,,ndaisada all that nonsense all I wanted to know was if I

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was sick or not,,,after counseling then she took my blood for test,, ndakatanga kudikitira
ndakagara,ndaingokwiza maoko non stop trying to calm down,i regretted Going there in
the first place ,,ndakakumbira mvura ndikapiwa,,I even thought of going without knowing,I
don't wanna lie ,getting tested is the worst experience ever ,without even anyone to
comfort you is even worse. When it was time for my results ndaakuvhunzwa kuti hee if u
are positive what will you do,, could she really not read my face kuti I didnt want all that,
you should have been there pandakaudzwa kuti I was negative the yes yandaita even the
lady who helped me akavhunduka ndookuzofa nekuseka.I never been soo happy in my life
because a few minutes before I was in my very scary moment,ndakabuda ndichisekerera
kani,,sooo relieved kuti Sarah was safe,,that's when I realised how careless I had been ,,you
can't just sleep with someone without protection ko dai Hilda akandizadza haaa
ndaimuuraya chete ini,this one going to be the end of it ,,,no more kutamba nemoto

I decided to go for a movie ndiri ndega ,,ndaingonzwa kamwe kamufaro sooo.I didnt want
to call Sarah pamwe ndaizomupinza pama1 ,,its the least I wanted ,,,so I went to avondale
Ku 7 arts ,,I liked the place yaisazara and worse Sunday kwaitova worse.I got there and
parked ,,,went to st Elmos kunotombodya munoziva ukawana good news wanga uchitya
bad news hameno kamwe kanzara kanongokubata sooo kufarisa zvekusvika pakunzwa
Nzara.I sat looking outside hangu ndaitonzwa kuti dai ndadaidzira kuti I'm HIV negative
,,vamwe mai vakatombonditarisa and shook her head ,,,ndigaye nemukuriro wakaita
sabhuku zvozonzi sabhuku vane huturu hunouraya nooo,,,mutarise zvandiri zvacho sure
ndonzi kunaka kunze chete but ndatove pa waiting list yevachatungamira..

It took me a while relax ,,,ndakatarisa panze I saw someone who looked like Sarah hana
ikarova I kept staring Ku Nandos and yes it was her anewake haamushaye .aive akagara
eating icecream na Jay and some girls ,,my heart felt bitter and heavy kuti she was with him
having fun and I was alone having a meal alone APA ndapotsa ndazviuraya thinking kuti I
may have infected her kutondimanyisa Ku new start.I had come to the wrong place,, all that
excitement was gone but I was happy andina kuvaona all lovie dovie.I decided to go watch
a movie by my house instead ,,no worries bout Hilda I had told her ndabuda .I got home and
and took my wine hangu ndokubva ndapinda mu theatre.

98 | P a g e
Ndakazongobatwa nehope ndakagara it must be the wine that contributed to it.I started
dreaming of a woman dressed in a blue dress aive kure kure she kept coming towards me
smiling,,,she got closer and closer ndokuzoona kuti it was Hilda but her face changed
suddenly kuita munhu anotyisa her blue dress turned black,,her eyes went red like very red
and she was not smiling at me anymore ,,ndakapepuka with sweat all over ,I sat down
trying to understand what was going on,,whatever that dream meant it wasn't nice
ndakavhunduka nezvandakaona.I went to take a bath ndokutora laptop yangu and sat on
my bed .I decided to check kuti Hilda arikupi since I put a tracker on her phone.

Her location was mbare so ndakangozvisiya cause that's where her sister stayed,kuti
kumbare kungaite ma dhiri here ,,ndakatanga hangu kuita basa rangu pa laptop,,It was
already dark out atove manheru ,amheno musi uyu Nzara yanga ichingonditambudza ,,I
was too tired to cook so decided to order in pizza.I was happy to see message ya Sarah.

" I'm home."

" mami did you get home this late?"

" is 8 late?"

" ehe"

" okay sorry."

" what are you doing,"

" just had my dinner ."

" uchindisiya nenzara,,I'm hungry ndipoo food."

" yapera ,I will bring you food tomorrow."

" okay how are you feeling mami."

" its sore I lied that I hurt my ankle I even got heat rub."

I couldn't help but laugh,,how did she come up with such a plan and pull it.

99 | P a g e
" you are laughing at me bye."

" sorry mami kani I miss you."

" I miss you too unaani?"

" home alone handiti wandisiya ndega."

" I'm sorry."

" take a day off tomorrow Sarah. "

" why but I'm okay."

" I know you are in pain don't lie I guess I went a little over board and I'm sorry hausiyike
baby sugar yakawandisa so I'm ordering you to rest I made you sick so I'm giving you two
days off."

" What about your food."

" I will order something don't worry just rest."


" yea."

" I don't wanna get pregnant. "

" don't you want my baby Sarah ."

" we are not even dating

" we can start now."

" don't be crazy u have someone and so do I."

" but I want you."

" let's not rush this ok ."

" I know okay I will bring MAP tomorrow okay.?

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" OK goodnyt."

" goodnyt ani?"

" sir,daddy,Josh."

" kkkk hauna kukwana goodnyt mami I love you. "

" I love you too."

Ndakatanga kugaya situation yangu and I regretted a lot of things,,nyangwe dai ndaishuvira
to reverse time and change a lot of things,, ndakanorara ndichifunga kuti sure
ndonowonekwa ndichitenga ma morning after pills ,vanhu votoziva sure ma deals
andakaita,ndaitonzwa kuzvinyarira,since I had spoken to my better half ndakarara
dzehumambo .....

101 | P a g e
Dream lover Chapter 18
Story by kaydie

 0773812044


I'm Shanny Travis,First daughter of Mr and Mrs Travis ,28 years of age ,I work as a caterer
,actually I do a lot more than that.I'm a lively person that's just my never ending personality
that some may love or hate I don't care,me being me that's Shanny Call me crazy I will like
it still, ,I have know idea how I do it but I can easily read a person at first glance ,, me being
me I can't hide my feelings either, call me rude but I love my freedom of speech andidi
kupedzera shungu mumoyo ndinofa ne bp. But In all things my family comes first I'm crazy
bout my sisters ndovada zvokuti Anne and Sarah I really do but kuna Sarah zva Jay hangu I
had a bad feeling about that guy from the beginning ane kakungwarisa but achiita
kaumbwa nyoro sooo ,a side that Sarah has not seen and I have been praying and hoping
she opens her eyes soon before we lose her.I can't tell her who to date and I wish I could
but munhu anosarudza ega munhu anomuitira. One thing that makes me happy is that she
has found something to focus on,,,her job? Zvegororo rake well at least there's space now
between the two apasisina take take too much ,,me being me I have noticed a slight change
in my sister ,,ane kamwe kamood and ka vibe that she never had before maybe her being at
work is an amazing thing ndikungoona ari bubbly you know that ka vibe kemunhu
arikuspakwa ne life.

Busy in my own world and thoughts I heard a knock on my door .

" come in." " Shanny are you free. "

" kkkkk I should ask you Sarah,,you are quite the busy one lately."

" stop laughing Shanny it's serious."

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" OK ok come ,I'm free you can talk to me what's wrong ,,,why didn't you go to work

" that's what I want to talk to you about but please don't judge me okay,you are my sister
and I know of all the people you give good advice I'm in a dilemma I feel like I have lost
myself I don't even know who I am or where I'm going,,,I'm soo scared and soo confused
bout my life,,I'm failing to make proper decisions I'm just a total mess.

" slow down ,slow down talk a bit slower ,,you have to tell me what's going on first for me
to understand. "

" I slept with Mr Natt Shanny."

" whaaaaaaaaaat ,,,I mean whaaaaaat ??? When how and why Sarah, I hope he didnt force
you izvozvi ndimupedzere."

" noooo he didn't I kind of made a move on him first,,,or not ,,,I donno ."

" how did this happen Sarah you might mess up your job things might get nasty."

"We been having weird chemistry all along ,,and after the party things got heated."

Sarah narrated the full story of how it all started ,,,I wanna say I got disappointed in her but
again it seemed as if Sarah had awakened another side of her we didn't know like really
discovering her inner self.

" Sarah what happened to self control,,honestly and what happened to Jay ?did u guys
break up??"

" no we didn't and I'm sorry it just happened like I really wanted it to happen I failed to
control it Shanny like something was pushing me to do it ."

" so what's next ? Are u guys dating now."

" I don't know,maybe not."

" so you are just screwing."

103 | P a g e
" it happened once Shanny ."

" you just got yourself into a mess lil sis and I hope you will be able to handle all this drama
,,personally I kinda like Mr Natt and I wish he wasn't your boss,,I met him once and you
know I don't need to meet a person twice for me to know how they are,,,my problem now is
you said also that he has a girlfriend so if he really loves you he has to prove himself to you
and be with you only,,its a big decision but if your love affair is based on true love then
there should be sacrifices right,,I advice you to stop sleeping with him before you fall deep
unless you guys want to just have fun but there's nothing like just fun,,it might be hard for
you to control but do it for yourself and see if he will do anything to have you,,iwewe again
une chikwekwe chako Jay ,deal with it ,,love can not be controlled or pushed you left it
flow,,take time to know what you want and not take a ride with two men at the same time
you will lose the one you love the most and in as much as Mr Natt may accept Jay
pakutanga ,but jealous always takes over especially now that you slept with him."

" I'm just scared kuti Josh may not love me enough APA I gave him something I never gave

" take a look at yourself kkkkk u are worried about Josh's love but you were never worried
bout Jays love for you,,I'm not going to push you in any direction but I want you to figure it
out by yourself."

" don't laugh Shanny andisi kugona kufamba APA."

Ndakafa hangu nekuseka ,,,nemanyariro aiita Sarah I never ever dreamt of her doing
this,,sleeping with a man finally worse asiri Jay,,sure people change nhai ,my lil sis had
grown up right in front of me and I wasn't even paying attention to see,,,ndakatopotsana
nefirst time yake having sex with a man,,,I can't hide this but I was feeing a little
comfortable na Josh but i wanted to have a word with him ,,andidi kuvhiringirwa mfanha
wangu.Sarah was too soft.she was depressed so I decide to make her loosen up otherwise
next time ndaizonyimwa nyaya

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" so tell me nhai askana ,,how was it? I knew it kkkkk that day he picked you up
ndakazviona INI,,makandinyepera hangu but ndakazviona heeede ,,maziso aaikupa kuita
kunge aona nyama.

" never I won't tell you."

" hahaha saka it was that bad."

" he was gentle sis."

" tell me more?"

" Haa are you not shy to hear such details.

" I don't wanna miss a thing so you better narrate it all or I will make you spill it the hard
way,,,or I will tell mom kuti u broke you VGY kuna boss vako.

I forced it all out ,,zvakaoma my lil Sarah was in love and it seemed a lit too late to pull out
but I knew then I had to protect her,,,it was close to impossible but I didn't want her to
make a fool of herself ,,,ones heart can be blinding to certain facts but I still wanted her to
make decisions that made her happy and were good for her.our morning turned out
awesome after all pasina time the man himself came around,,,mom and dad were never
home so we told him to come in,,,,perfect time for us to have a chat anyway. We made him
comfortable but I asked to speak to him in private.

" Mr Natt sir Josh I would like to speak to you I hope you won't think I'm overstepping the
boundary,,,if you think I am,,I'm still going to speak to you about it regardless of how you
feel kkkk.

" just talk Shanny ,stop scaring me ike I killed someone .

" okay its none of my business what you do but its my business what happens to
her,,somehow i got to know whatever happened between you two,,I'm not there to judge
but its best for you guys to be responsible ,fix yourselves and your baggage first ,,,you are a
man ,it may be easy for you to be with two women in your life but it can't be easy for my
sister to have two men in her life,its a hard decision that I may be asking you to take but its

105 | P a g e
for the best ,,Sarah is vulnerable right now,she may seem cool with a lot but I know her
heart is too weak to take a lot. You are the older one I really expect you to be more
responsible , I will never forgive you if anything happens to her."

" Shanny ,, I apologise for whatever happened but I won't apologise for falling in love with
her ,I never planned this,,it just happened and I know I can not control my heart,,I won't
promise the moon and the stars that I know for a fact I can't give her ,,but my heart I
can,,yes I have a lady who has been there but never really had my heart ,,but when I met
Sarah, she completed me,boss or not ,I don't care if situation was to repeat itself I would
still love her I want to be a responsible man but don't ask me to stay away from her.

" I'm saying fix you mess you guys ,decide what you both want and move forward because
someone might get hurt.

" I can't stay away I'm sorry remember we work together,,the more I see her the more I
want her so that's impossible , I don't even want to think about trying ,,,not after last night."

" remember this is not just about sex but about people involved in your lives as well."

" I know u love and care,,so do I ,,I will find a way to handle this I promise."

" hanti you know what you guys are doing chava chihure ka."

" ouch did you have to put it like that here."

" Anyway ,,,ndapedza hangu but itombomirai zvekukumurana hembe umwe anozochema
I'm not in a position to be nursing a heartbreak."

Takazopedza kutaura ndaona ndaakuda kudarikidza,,,all I wanted was for them to have a
clear picture of the possibility ye chaos.I gave them space talk ,I don't wanna lie I was soo
worried about Sarah and zvekuti Jay azomuitira ma firimu was not something I was up for.
I decided to make a lil nice lunch ,Sarah sent me a message anzwa kunhuwirira hanzi I hope
hamunyime Josh he loves our home cooked food kkkkk so that was the reason for the early
morning just to prepare lunch box ,we thought canteen food yaishata aizve the food was for

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Mr Natt. I didn't say anything I cooked and served food ndakaona murume achinanzvira

" Gulez munozozvinyanya mubikiro wenyu uyu zvichiri zvekubika here?"

" kkkkk manga mati ndezvei?? I enjoy cooking zvavamuropa."

" mmmm saka bamkuru zvavo zvirikuita I was already thinking ndotora hangu mese muri
two, ndoita barika hangu."

We all laughed and enjoyed our lunch,Josh was fun to be around hake , he didn't stay long
after that then he left,,I could see the hidden smile on Sarah's face.

End of chapter 18

Kaydie loves you all happy reading.

107 | P a g e
Dream lover Chapter 19
Story by kaydie

 0773812044


I went back to work and everything went back to normal.its been two months now working
for Mr Natt and for these two months he hasnt been working in the office ,,,he has been
working from S .A so I have been handleling everything here by his command.I remember
him saying that I will be going wherever he goes but ever since he came to our house and
left he went straight to S.A and left me in Zim.I can't lie I have been missing him badly ,,we
spoke about how we should sort out our lives but why does this feel like a hidden rejection
or I'm thinking too Much about it I don't know,,we just don't talk much about us and its all
work related issues.I wonder if Shanny pushed him away from me ,but I donno why I'm
feeling a deep whole inside of my heart .

Jay has been really sweet to me and keeps pushing that I should meet his parents ,,how do i
do that when my heart now belongs to another man,,I tried finding the best way to tell him
kuti andichada but with the way he has been amazingly good ndotonyara.I tried avoiding
spending too much time naye,,I had to keep my distance,,anyway I had a knock on my
door.I was sitting in my office about to go for lunch

" come in."

A pretty Lady walked in ,not soo pretty but not ugly, very slim ,she wore a very short dress
and a lot of make up ,she looked at me chewing her bubblegum.

" good afternoon how may I help you."

" hie I'm looking for Josh."

" Mr Natt you mean ?"

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" Mr Natt to you yes but Josh to me."

" okay Mr Natt is not in and you should have called to make and appointment didn't the
receptionist tell you before coming up here ? How come she didn't call me I would have
told you before coming up all the way here."

" I go where I want go when I want to go ingondiudza Josh arikupi."

" he is out the country ma'am."

" kupi kwacho kwaasina kundiudza ."

" who are you if I may ask."

" Sarah ukwane wanzwa everyone knows me here iwe watadza nei."

" I'm sorry I was never informed about you ."

" ndiri Hilda mukadzi waJosh kana anga asina kukuudza ndimi ma PA anoita basa
rekuvhurira makumbo ma Boss manje ndokudzikamisa vavhunze vese pano they know
andidi zve dzungu , chindipa number ya Josh yaarikushandisa tione."

" I apologise ma'am if I offended you in any way but I can't give out personal information
unless advised,I will ask him and get back to you please leave your details."

" nhaiwe asi unondishurira andina kukuudza kuti ndiri mukadzi wake here usade kutanga
kupengera my office muno."

" my boss is not married and if you were the wife then definitely you wouldn't be here
asking for his number."

Ndichingodaro ndakaona munhu achizamura ruoko achida kundirova mbama , ndakabva

ndakasika kubata ruoko rwake zvine simba ,iniwo hangu pasimba ndiripoo ,,dad trained us
self defence when we were still kids soo in as much as I'm quiet pasimba ukandipima
topedzerana ,,so this was the Hilda !!munoziva ndakaseka hangu that finally we met but I
don't know why ne first meeting she hated me soo much,, she already knew my name I
donno kuti kuudzwa or it was mentioned somewhere somehow i didnt care ,,I kept holding

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her hand with all the energy I had,,,ndakaona achifinyama achiita kuvhizura ruoko
achirubvisa from my grip.

" ma'am i advice you leave now before I call security we don't do violence here."

" violence kuita Seiko iwe saskam I will be back for you ,unedzungu handiti uda
kuonererwa nekutsvuka wotozviona wava in control even pamurume wangu.."

" whatever Hilda please leave,get out."

Zvehu maam zvakabva zvaperera there,,what was her problem really ,,I felt my head going
in circles then I took a deep breath and sat down doin my breath in and out
,,,ndakarwadziwa kuti ndanzi kuvhurira ma boss makumbo APA and sure ndakavhurira
boss makumbo ,,ndakanzwa kuzvi tuka even though she didn't know but I knew and what
she actually said was true ,,,I was soooo pissed off with myself,, I hated my situation ,why
did it have to turn out like this ,I was supposed to be happy but here I was soo mad at the
world for the issues in my life that I was failing to handle,,meaning kuti Josh was still with
her but again how come she didn't have his number meaning kuti he just left without
telling her kuti akuenda kupi,,what was Josh trying to do honestly,,was he running away
from all of this leaving me all alone,,,her face kept flashing in my face ndakanzwa kunge
ndadadirwa but looking at her yanga isitombori the type you would think kuti Josh would
go for ,,,mashoko akatanga kuuya in my head ,,so many things I started wishing I had said to
her but that was never my thing fighting for a man .

I couldn't help but feel jealous at least she was his girlfriend nyangwe anga asiri the wife
and I guess she had the right to tell me shit considering I actually wanted what she had.I
left my office and went to Nancy's office akatondiona ndakashooter already ,,,I told her
what happened akashama.

" I'm sorry love but remember I told you about her kuti ane dzungu ,,she did the same thing
to the last PA ,,akamuitira madrama until she was banned to come kuno by Mr Natt."

" what's her problem I feel like dipping my claws into her skin right now I'm angry."

110 | P a g e
" Mr Natt is a very handsome man shaa and with that body he attracts soo many ladies
ndosaka Hilda achimuchengera ,,dai uriwe waiita sei kkkkk but anyway let it go Hilda's
attitude is too much like munhu asina kudzidza and you can't blame her,,have you looked
yourself in the mirror lately wawedzera kunaka,,your skin is to die for,,its flawless ,,you are
very beautiful,,look at your hair its natural and long wakanyatsoenda kuna baba vako who
wouldn't want ka Keda like you I wouldn't be surprised kuti boss vakatodyira kare."

" Haa bvapo."

Nancy truely helped me calm down my chest was burning nehasha,,we ended up going for
lunch my treat this time .we had a nice time then went back to work. Mr Natt called but I
didn't tell him what happened ndakamusiya akadaro I didn't want kutanga zvanga
zvambopera mumoyo mangu. We didnt talk much it was all work. I didn't have much work
to do and time was moving sooo slow ,my phone rang someone needed to see me
ndakangoti ngaauye Ku office.kana zvivindi zvacho kunodai wanike ndi Jay.

I was shocked I didn't expect such a surprise kuzouya akabata maruva ,,I took the flowers
and put them away ndookudya hangu chocolate yaanga auya nayo. Hana yakarova
ndatanga kufunga kuti ne jealous ra Josh aitii dai anga aripo ndakazozvisiya ndaona kuti ko
iye he's still na Hilda so I decided to forget about all the nonsense yaindipa bp.

" inga you got a nice office babe."

" thanks ko ka surprise kkkk I didn't expect you to come inside."

" ndaneta meeting you outside its high time they got to know kuti you are taken."

" aaah do I have to tell the whole world who is or not in my life here?"

" ehe so that noone makes a move on my babe andidi newe Sarah."

he came around and kissed me ,,but I didn't feel any connection like my body was just
tense,maybe I stress I was clueless.

" what's wrong Sarah?"

111 | P a g e
" nothing why?"

" you are tense."

" I'm sorry I'm a little stressed."

" Mhofu vauya tell me about it."

" kkkkk don't worry I will be fine ,its just work related."

" asi ka boss kako kari kukupa pressure ndiudze ndimugadzirise."

" haa noo dealing with clients is hard some are nice and some are rude chete don't worry
,thanks for the flowers and chocolate. "

" anytime love ,I will do anything for you okay."

We chatted for a while then he left after he got a call I donno whatever deals he was
rushing for I didn't ask,,I have always learnt to mind my own business and not ask too
many questions,,,, ask no questions hear no lies was my motto,,like lately waingonzwa
there's a deal there's a deal varume aungavateedzeri madhiri haaperi.I quickly packed my
staff locked my office and left.lately I use my car ever since ndasiiwa paroad I prefer being

I didn't wanna go home straight so I decided to go to avondale for a late night

movie,,ndakatanga ndaenda pa nandos I was craving mazichips hobho so I ordered a
double portion of chips and coke ndookudya hangu ndakagaramo time dzichifamba . I
really enjoyed that meal ndega hangu,,somehow I felt lonely I felt like I wanted to cry all of
a sudden so I called Shanny ndikamuudza kuti get ready I'm picking you up. I drove home
ndikaona vakatomira vese na Anny Haa team iri soooo.we ended up having a girls outing in
the night,,the movie was great I realised I had actually missed these outings.thank goodness
Shanny had cooked so mom and dad were sorted.

Later we drove home ,,I went straight to bath then I got a text from Josh.

" not in the office please mami."

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Hana yangu yakarova ndakanzwa kupera simba.

End of chapter 19

Kaydie loves you all happy reading

113 | P a g e
Dream lover Chapter 20
Story by kaydie

 0773812044


Sure how can someone just disappear without a trace ,,munhu kutoita close to two months
asina kana chaataura no communication. Ever since the last time I saw Josh that was it he
never called me or anything pandaida kumuona he told me angaabuda nebasa, I been
wondering kuti kubuda kwaakaita that time meaning kuti achiri ikoko here kana kuti
kwatova kurambwa .ndakanzwa hasha dzakapetwa katatu ndikaenda kuna Mbuya
mzambiya kuti gogo vandisotere munhu wangu vandiudze kuti kurambwa here kana kuti
pamwe munhu akatopondwa.Gogo vakapinda pamatare Avo zvikanzi Muzukuru ndiri
kuvharirwa nzira andisi kuona.

“Aaah gogo ndoyipi yamatanga kutaura iyi mukuedza kutii pakuti muri kuvharirwa nzira ."

“Dare rangu ravharwa zvekuti kunyangwe vadzimu vekwangu vasuduruka."

“gogo ingotarisai kuti mupenyu here imbomirai mafunnies azvisizvo zvandafambira kana
iri Mari gogo ndowedzera ko ndaramba here."

“Kuti mupenyu ndiri kuzviona asi kuti ndizive kuti chii chirikuitika ndavanzirwa ,,pane
ropa randaona randivanzira kana chiso chake."

“saka muri kuti kudii gogo."

“mirira auye Muzukuru achauya."

“sei asiri kutaura neni gogo inga mishonga yenyu yose ndakashandisa ko chii chiri kuitika

Mbuya vakapinda futi pamatare Avo ndikaona vachifinyama.

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" Muzukuru uyu chisiyana naye zvichakanaka."

" kana gogo ndiye wandirikuda."

" heya usazoti andina kutaura ,chirega ndiite wekudeedza ,ndipe Zita rake tione."

Josh Nattiery.

" mmmmm Muzukuru dzinza remunhu uyu wakamborinzwisisa here?"

" kwete zvaita sei gogo?"

" azvina mhosva ndoda Zita rake rekutanga iri arisi."

" ndiro gogo."

" harisi iwe unoti ndinopenga here saka unorara nemunhu wausingazivi Zita rake rose

" ah nhai gogo handiti ndiro randinenge ndaudzwa."

" chienda unonditsvagira Zita rake nekukasika,enda tione."

Moziva ndakapererwa ,,all along I thought I knew the man I was sleeping with , 6 years
ndichiti I knew him in and out but ndakatoona kuti if you don't know your mans identity
hapana zvamuri kuita. ini I have never bothered myself nezvazvo even kubasa it was just
Mr Natt ,his friends called him Josh so ndanga ndisina hangu kupusa but he just didn't tell
me kuti he had another name.I decided kuenda kubasa kwake hamheno kuti kupusa here
or what sei pese apa ndisina kufunga kuzvishingisa kuenda kubasa,,,well honestly ndaitya
because he banned me kubasa kwake from the time yandakambokonzeresa soo kuenda
ikoko was a non starter, but now since anga asiri kubatika pafoni and I needed to make
sure ndamuwana . I went home ndikanogeza ndookurova make up yangu bho bho zvangu
ndakazora mushonga wagogo wekuti murume akutarisa anobva atodyira ,,ndaitogadzirira
kuti when he looks at me zvatopera ,,

I started thinking kubva patakasangana,,asi kuti mishonga yese yanga yafumuka ???the
reason akandida in the first place its because ndanga ndamushandisira mushonga,,pamwe

115 | P a g e
dai soo asina kubvira atombonditarisa ,,,ndakatanga kurohwa nehana ndakatanga
kudikitira I really hoped kuti azvisizvo,,gogo vanga vakandisimbisa kuti apana mumwe
waanombotarisa ndaitozomuramba ndega but nezvanga zvaakuitika I was suspecting kuti
pane zvadhakwa.ndakatanga kufunga kuti asi pane irikutsviriridza na PA wake nekuti hana
yangu yakarova pandakaona Zita rake amheno chiii ndichazovhunza gogo.ko izvo zvainzi
pane ropa ravavharira matare what kind of blood was that rakakurira mishonga yagogo, asi
kuti gogo vaakupera basa here tiite zvimwe but haa gogo mzambiya ndaivatemba but apa
vanga vavakundirasisa ,,asi vanga vaakusada ndiitewo mari kana kuti ndiroorwe ? Pamwe
vaitika ndikaroorwa andizouye kakawanda ndichida mimwe mishonga yekukwezva
varume,,,plus ini ndanga ndava kudawo kuita settle down.ndanga ndaakuneta nekushanda
veduwee ,,ehee iroro ndooranga riri basa rangu ndanga ndavakuda kuendawo pa early

Ndakanyatsopicker step ndichipinda ,lucky ndakaona pa reception pasina munhu

ndookubva ndafambisa going Ku office kwake but the door was locked so I decided
kupinda muoffice ma PA wake,ndaida kunyatsoona Sarah wacho munyowani ,ndaida
kutomupima ndiwone kuti anokwana here pandiri but ndakavhunduka ndichimutarisa
,,,Mwana anga akanaka mhani iyeye,,,kumutarisa kudai waiti injuzu,,,amheno if she was
colored but zvaiita sekudaro but mazuvano azvichaziikanwa Zimbabwe yazara makeda
nekuda kwemafuta. Vanhu varikuibva kana vakura voita zvino mabhurumango kuti
uchaziva kuti murungu here ??? Keda here???? Black here???? Its hard to tell.
Pandazonyatsotarisa vhudzi ndoopandakaona kuti ikeda zvedi. Ndakanyatsotsenga
bubblegum nesimba rese ndichinyatsogaya kuti munhu uyu akauya sei pano munhu akadai.

Kuzondipa smile manje asingatozive kuti zvandainge ndafambira zvanga zvisingatode

mafunnies kana smile chaiyo ndaisada kupedzerwa nguva, handaizombosekerera kana
ndisati ndawana Zita randirikuda. Ndakarwadziwa kushaya Josh apa kuzonzi he was out of
the country but how could he do this to me. Ndakanyara kudzikisirwa kusvika
kwekupedzisira ndichinzi dai wanga uri mukadzi wake uchiziva kune murume wako
ndakamugaira zvedu zvechigandanga ndichida kumukwatura but ndakatoonawo akasimba
mutezo,,nhairoo dzungu randaikaita kukanganwa kuti ndakambonzwa kuti makeda
anehasha maningi magamhiro aakaita ruoko ndiwo akaita kuti ndisiyane naye,, what was

116 | P a g e
Josh hiding from me???ndokundwa nemushandi kuziva kune murume wangu shuwa
pakudzoka kwake taizopedzerana,kureva kuti iro ropa raitaurwa nagogo raisatombondida
padhuze naye ka,,,zvakandinetsa kuti iropa hwai iroro.gogo vakanditi ndisadzoke kana
ndisati ndave nezita ,,apa manje kana kumba kwamai vake ndaisakuziva ,,haana kubvira
aiita hanya nekunondiratidzako 6 years ndakatadza sure kana mishonga yakaramba

I then decided to call Marcus ndiyo friend yake yandaiziva

" eh Hilda kwakanaka kuzondifungawo nhasi nhai babe."

" imbomira izvozvo mhani iwe."

" mmmmm inga nhasi wakato beeper ko chii chanetsa asi Josh akuvhiringa here
ndikunyaradze futi?"

" no not at all ,,,ndikuda kumuitira surprise so ndikuda kunyora a message but I need his
full mame ,ndipoo."

" kkkk unopenga hauzive zita remunhu wako?"

" I know his name iwe but haadi kundiudza his first name ,hanti I wanna surprise him here
,,so I wanna know his first name."

" sorry I can't help you shaa I just know Josh ingonyoraka kuti Josh chii chashupa I just
know kuti ma initials ake are A.J.N that's all ."

" muvhunze ka."

" he's not around shaa haasi kubatika anyway I'm busy totaura bye. "

Marcus akabva atokata phone saskam remunhu kuita kunge ndiye anga afona.I spent the
day ndiine stress yekushaya Zita I tried checking on his Facebook Acc and company profile
but paingonyorwa ma initials chete ,,I went back kuna gogo ndikanovaudza zvaitika
ndakazonzi nditsvage panty rake apa ndaive ndisina kana one underwear yake. I didn't
have his keys ekumba kwake from way back he never gave me an extra key sezvinoitwa ma

117 | P a g e
main chick kuti anopihwa extra key ekuti kana daddy vasipo ndichida kunoita surprise
ndogonawo.I still wonder up to now kuti chii chinomboitika nemunhu wangu,,gogo
vakangoti akangwarisa I guess pane zvaanondifungira zvaasinga taure but amheno
ikoko.ndakaenda kumba kwake manheru ndichida kunoedza kupinda kana nepawindow
but ndakazotiza ikoko alarm yarira kana kuti uzive kuti how and when he got an alarm
system installed hautozive .

I felt stupid mhani ,,kuita Ku feeler kunge mbava ,,,my plan was to take his underwear but
kuzoita sembavha manje sure kuri kubatwa ndaiti ndiri kuitei ,,,vaizozvinzwisisa here kuti
ndikuda underwear ya bae wangu,,,kana iyo mhinduro ndaiiwanepi pandaizovhunzwa kuti
ndaida yekuita sei nayo iye muridzi asipo ndichiita yekuba haaa ndakazviseka ,,humwe hu
desperate hunonyadzisa mufunge,,sure ndopazvange zvasvika here apa ,,I never dreamt for
once kuti na Josh tingasvike pakadai,,he used to tell me his plans nezvaaiita zvese.kureva
kuti sure he was out of the country because Marcus confirmed it,ndaisada kuramba
ndichifonera Marcus because paitovewo neka history between Marcus and
me,,,takambonyaradzana kumashure uko,,I guess I had to be patient until zvazvigadzira
zvega ,Josh wasn't going to be out of the country forever but I had to make sure PA
andiudza kwaari ndaizomudzokera hangu.

I decided to go home ndimbonoita other plans ndandane time without Josh giving money
and my pocket was running dry .

End of chapter 20

Kaydie loves you all happy reading

118 | P a g e
Dream lover Chapter 21
Story by kaydie




Andrea ,,,,Andrea Andrea he seeemed soooo far from me,I started smiling as he started
walking towards me,,he had a musk on,so I could see only his body,,the structure of his
body was very familiar I reached to remove the musk on his face ,I wanted to see his face
but he held my hand and put it right by his heart,I felt it beating ,,beating soo fast like it
wanted to pop out.I stood on my toes anticipating a kiss that I sensed coming up next .the
moment our lips met I woke up.

Damnit why did that happen,,I threw away the blankets ,got up and sat on the bed,the
weather seemed a bit chilly and cloudy like it wanted to rain but definitely there was no
rain coming that day,I noticed as I got up from the bed to open my curtains and
windows,,the smell of fresh air and the cold breeze brought me back to life ,,I inhaled a bit
of the cold air but I was already sneezing so I ran for a hot shower. As I was in there I
started remembering the dream I had woken up from ,,Andrea! Was that his name?who
was he ,,Shanny once told me that a repetition of a dream was urgent call to pay attention
and find out what it meant, it had been 4 months dreaming about the same man,,sooo many
times I thought he would tell me his name but never did,,I got soo attached to the man in
my dream that every night I still wanted to sleep early so that I have more time talking to
him, maybe then I would know his name at least.

His name was Andrea but where do I find him,,why does his physic look sooo family ,,where
do I find him when I don't know him and why does his body structure match Josh.could it
be just identical structures and identical voices?

119 | P a g e
Shanny: please Sarah get out of the shower you are not a damn elephant.

Me : go away and let me bath even elephants also want to look pretty.

Shanny : you are going to work and not a date

Me : shut up Shanny

Shanny: is Josh back

The moment she mentioned him my heart almost stopped beating luckly I was under water
I managed to stay calm, I thought of the message he had sent me,,it was soo creepy,,what
had he seen in the office,omg did he see Jay and I kissing omg.

Me : Shanny

Shanny: yea

Me : could it be possible that Josh is around.

Shanny : I donno ,you tell me why you think so.

I told Shanny bout what happened at the office .

"Maybe he was just saying usazoitire muoffice,,, but why are you getting all cosy with Jay
,does it mean that you want him."

I got out of the shower and sat down lotioning my body.

" Josh went quiet on me,,he doesn't talk about us anymore Shanny,I feel lonely and Jay has
been there ever since ,I love him Shanny,but I think he just used me,,there are days when I
just feel like going crazy on him ,,I wanna shout at him but I just don't have energy for it
Shanny what do I do?"

120 | P a g e
I was already in tears talking to Shanny ,she just came and gave me one long hug,she let me
cry it all out until I felt It was enough,,that's one thing i like about shanny she let's you cry if
you want to ,she let's you shout when you want to,,I took a deep sigh.

" Sarah have you ever thought that maybe he wants you to figure out what you want."

" but I want him."

" then show him that you want him."

" I can't Shanny ,he will think I'm desperate,, yes I'm desperate to have him here and ever
since that night I have days when I crave his touch but I don't get it ndakambofunga letting
Jay do it but honestly I can't do that ,I don't have romantic feelings for Jay."

" soo what do you have for Jay ,how do you feel about him because you surely are
entertaining him."

" I guess its friendship Shanny ,,,or I'm confused why is it that I don't have any romantic
feelings for him,,I struggle to kiss him ."

"Because your mind body and soul is with Josh,,is it because you he took your virginity."

" I liked him already before that, I was romantically attracted to him before we had sex I
wanted him Shanny ,,,you must think I'm stupid."

" no sweetheart you have finally fallen in love,,listen find a way of telling Jay before you
mess up everything."

" thanks Shanny ,,,please dress me today I don't have the energy."

Shanny was a blessing for sure,, she helped me choose what to wear ndokubva andipa the
dress that made Josh mad ayas zvakaoma.

" Josh told me not to wear that."

121 | P a g e
" Josh ain't there so keep quiet and feel pretty."

I let her be, then I chose a fur coat to wear on top since it was quite chilly, a cold is the last
thing I wanted.

I went to work zvakanaka but felt a bit sick ,,,who is Andrea???? I started wondering I really
wanted to know why I called that man Andrea and why I felt soo close to him,,,instantly I
start missing Josh like crazy,,,my body was aching for him,,,I wanted to be loved ,kissed and
every other thing.I was disturbed by Jay' s call.

" Jay hie."

" kutanga riini nhai mai mhofu."

" mhofu mamukasei?"

" more like it I'm good mai Mhofu."

" chindivhurira door tione."

" aaah uripi iwee?"

" kwauri ndookwandiri open kani baby."

I got up and opened the door Jay akapinda ari full force nekungondinama kiss ,,APA my
body yanga yagara ichinyatsonzwa KUDA kubatwa chaiko I started responding to his
kisses.for the first time ndakanzwa kunakirwa ne kiss yake,,he started touching me all over
and I was moaning zvichibva zvatomuwedzera ndakaona aakundikwidza hembe then my
office phone rang i reached for it but Jay stopped me, it carried on ringing Jay
achindirambidza kudaira anga akatocharger hake,,, phone yakabva yakata then my cell
started ringing ndakaitarisa and almost froze Josh was calling.....

"Stop it Jay my boss is calling."

" so what he will leave a message."

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" I said stop it kani I'm at work shaa."

" saka tozozvipedzisa later ka?"

I ignored him and answered yaatone 2 missed calls already.

" Sarah,"

" yes good morning Mr Natt."

" why arent you picking up my calls."

" I I I I wa was a lil busy sir."

" solo busy you couldn't hear your landline don't lie to me."

damnit I was stuttering ,,I couldn't even speak at that moment I felt horrible ,,I promised I
would never let any man touch me,,I hung up the call and ran to the toilet to cry,I cried and
cried in there then I remembered ndanga ndasiya Jay Ku office,,,I cleaned myself up and
went back to my office. I found him on my phone I don't know kuti aitsvagei but he didn't
find anything .

" asi you are expecting a Message pafoni pangu?"

Akavhunduka nekunyara zvese but zvakandibhowa I hate people who snoop around other
peoples private things.akangoigadzika Pasi lying kuti he was going through my photos
mxmmmm rubbish ndanga ndatsamwa kuti ambouyirei, kutokanganwa kuti a few min ago
ndanga ndatomubatirira ,

" ko chii ,,,why did you storm out,,what's going on."

" nothing chienda I want to get back to work."

" look at me." Aidaro holding my face achida ndimutarise but I looked away.

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" Sarah I said look at me ahusikunzwa?"

I looked at him and he kept staring at me like he was reading my facial expression.

" staring is rude Jay ,ukudei?"

I'm seeing dif versions of you lately,,APA wanga uchichema after the call I want you to tell
me what's going on before I force it out of you. "

Ndakanzwa hana kurova kuti ndabatwa ,,kuzorohwa futi ndaisatoda hangu,hana yakatanga
kurova but I had to calm down and act normal ndisati ndazvibatisa.

" Sarah I'm talking to you."

" sha I messed up some important documents we lost a client I feel soo bad ndosaka
ndachema ,look Its only two months ndiri pabasa and I'm already messing up,,ndakatanga
kuchema futi amheno shungu dzaingondibata so ,,, akabva andibata then hugged me I just
wanted him to go ."

" mai mhofu kana zvashupa zvebasa just leave it ,,,i will take care of you,,money is not a
problem I can even help you start a business I don't want anyone stressing you like this."

" I can start a business if I want Jay, my father can help me don't worry I just want to work
and make something for myself zvisina someone else involved,,make my own legacy."

" when we get married handiti zvinenge zviri zvedu here nhai babe why do you have to do
it wega plus handiti ndini daddy ,why can't you give me the chance to prove myself kuti I
can be the man in your life I know your father has money but why would you rather take
his and not mine?"

" because he is my father havafe vakazondikonorera and you are just my boyfriend
unogona kumuka wakachinja waakundiwachisa."

" so that's how you think of me?"

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" this is not the time and place Jay,I need to get back to work.

He came and kissed my cheek and left but I could see his eyes were red with anger but I
didn't care. Ten minutes i sat there blank,like I was sooo far away

" Sarah,"

I thot I was dreaming of that voice.

" Sarah ,"

I froze looking at him ,,when did he come back was he some kind of ghost .he stood there
staring at me with his eyes red.

" oh sir ,you are back why didn't you tell me I would have sent a driver to pick you up from
the airport?"

" did you like it when he touched you."

I couldn't answer him I just couldn't, I looked away.

" look at me when I'm talking to you Sarah i said did you like it when he touched you
answer me damnit."

His voice scared me ,,suddenly I looked at him with pain ,,,he left me and went away ,,why
was he doing this to me.

" your wife came by ,,she was looking for you yesterday you should call her she seemed

He didn't even look surprised he didn't even flinch he kept staring at me with eyes that
pierced my heart ,I was embarrassed ,,could it be that he saw everything ?? But how? He
wasn't around i thought of a plan misodzi yakatanga kuerera I thought achanzwa tsitsi ,haa
kana hake he came close to me.

125 | P a g e
" so he touched here,here and there and here and there."

" stop it ,"

I screamed and stormed out of the office

end of chapter 21

Kaydie loves you all happy reading.

126 | P a g e
Dream lover chapter 22

Story by kaydie 0773812044


I got into my car ,I wanted to drive and go far away and breath,forget about everything,,I
was soooo confused I couldn't think straight so I called Shanny.I was crying again ayas I
donno why its been easy for me to cry ,,,soo not me.

" shanny he saw me."

" who saw you and why are you crying?"

"Josh saw me."

" is this about yesterday, Jay kissing you?"

" no shanny today."

" haaa what do you mean today did u guys kiss in the office again."

" yees and he was touching me all over he almost took of my clothes .

I told Shanny everything that happened,she just took a deep sigh.

" calm down Sarah calm down."

" I can't calm down he won't want me anymore I love him Shanny."

" you better be honest with him and tell him exactly what happened and why it happened."

" he looked soo mad he will kill me Shanny."

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" dont be silly if he's pissed its because he loves you and is disappointed in you I'm sorry
but u acted quite bitchy I told you in the morning to not create a mess."

" thats not helping Shanny."

" fine where are you."

" I'm sitting in my car."

" get back to work OK if he's angry let him let it all out,,,just don't say anything rushy talk it
out okay."

" okay but I had stormed out."

" you are at work Sarah pull yourself together don't create a scene unozotanga kutaurwa
nepasiripo ukafamba mbiri isiriyo ,pull yourself together."

Shanny was right ,,I was causing a mess for my self and giving a chance kuma office gossip
kutovapa zvekutaura,,,I got out of the car and walked slowly back into the building.I went
into my office ,Mr Natt was no more there ,I sat down and tried concentrating on my work
but zvakaramba ,,I needed to talk to him and find out how much he knew,,was he playing
with me all along lying that he wasnt around iye aripo,if so then what was the motive
behind that,, ndaizvitongesa ndega ndakazonzwa mafootsteps emunhu aifamba I went to
stand by the door ndichimateerera i wanted to know who it was plus kuti aiendepi,,, munhu
wacho akamira padoor pangu as if trying to check kuti mune munhu here ,ndakahwanda
kuseri kwe door pandakanzwa richivhurwa slowly and softly ,,the smell of his cologne filled
the room and I closed my eyes inhaling all of it,, ndakavarairwa forgetting that I was
supposed to be hiding.

mmmmm mmmm ,he cleared his throat.

" if you soo love the smell of my body then why are you trying to hide."

" I'm not hiding."

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" so what were you doing behind the door?"

" I was looking for something."

" did u find it then? "

" no I didn't ."

He walked up to me sooo close to me ,,,I was leaning on the door,,,somehow I was already
breathing heavy by just having him sooo close,I had missed him more that I knew,I closed
my eyes and opened them again , he was looking at me as if examining me ,he sensed I was
uncomfortable honestly I wanted him to take off my clothes right away but there was too
much tension the situation was awkward and he must have noticed it.

" is all this how he makes you feel." What was that supposed to mean

He moved closer ,our bodies touched,, I gasped for air,,what does this man do to me,,,why
did I have to be sooo weak around him,,he asked the same question again.

" does he make you feel like this,,he unzipped my dress ,the feel of his hand on my body
drove me crazy.

"Sarah "

I struggled to bring out my voice ,but finally did

" No"

" what did u say?"

"I said noo."

" did u sleep with him? "

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I looked at him,,his eyes were fierce .he hit the wall with his fist,,he was breathing heavy
like he wanted to kill me,I opened my mouth to say something but I couldn't he hit the wall

" Josh stop it."

" why should I stop huuuuh tell me one good reason I should stop."

" I didn't sleep with him Josh I promise I never did ."

" did you go to his house maybe?"

" no I didn't ."

" you are lying to me Sarah"

His hands were shaking ,his lips were trembling with anger he held his head ,,,hamheno
zvivindi zvakabva kupi I pulled him and kissed him ,,I kissed him once he resisted ,I kissed
him twice he resisted ,third time he kissed me with sooo much hunger and anger too,,,I had
to break off ndaona kuti ndingasvuurwe muromo nekiss yacho yeginya.I was just trying to
make him forget but no yanga isati yapera.

" I swear I never went there."

" so you let him touch food yangu hanti,kudya kwangu here Sarah?" Answer me

" only today Josh."

" if I hadn't called how far were you going to let him go?"

" I wasn't letting him go down on me I promise I'm not lying,,,I missed you Josh ,,I was
missing your touch your kisses ,,you just went away ,you didn't wanna talk about us it was
all work ,,you introduced my body to something new,,I craved It I wanted it badly ,,I
yearned for you every night ,different kinds of hormones where creeping all over my
system Josh what did u want me to do and today it just got serious I'm sorry."

130 | P a g e
" so every time I go away you will let any man touch you just because you are feeling horny
is that it?"

" not just any man he just happened to be my boyfriend and I was horny because of you,,I
didn't pick a random man from the street why are u being like this?"

" because I'm hurt and pissed Sarah ,,the space was supposed to be for us to breath,,miss
and want each other more but when I was busy loving you you were busy loving and
kissing someone else ,believe me for the past 2 months I never touched another woman,it
was soooo hard Sarah because I'm a man but I still couldn't touch another woman but how
could you Sarah? "

" why is it soo easy to justify yourself on all this ."

" because I didn't do what you did,,food yako I kept it all intact hapana akabata."

" how do I know Josh how do i know,,there's no tape measure to check kubva pandakasiira
I said I'm sorry ."

" how about yesterday did u miss me too when u kissed him."

" yes I had to picture it being you,,and I hate you for making my body the way it is now,,if
you hadn't touched me I wouldn't be the woman I am now."

" what kind of woman are you."

" I want you constantly. "

" do you want me now?"

" do you have to ask me that."

" yes cause I want you to say it."

" daddy I been dying to have you. "

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He too me into his arms and hugged me sooo tight,,our hearts were beating the same
beat,right then I knew I loved that man with every bit of me.

" you should have told me when you needed me,,I wanted you to tell me."he whispered in
my ear but something was different in his voice like he was crying ,I felt a tear drop on my
skin and I knew he was crying,, so that's how badly I had hurt him,,I couldn't stand it,,I have
never seen a man crying for me,, I hurt my Josh ,I pulled away from him but he quickly
wiped his tears too late I had seen them already.

" where do I stand with you,, I don't even know if we are in a relationship ,I wanna know
Josh all this happened because I didn't know what we were."

" you are my woman but I'm sorry I'm failing to forget what I saw ,the picture is stuck in my
head mami."

" were you ever in SA?"


" then how did you see all that?"

" I have cameras here Sarah, all I need is my laptop to see everything,,I wanted to stay a
little longer but I got on the last flight last night after I saw you kissing him, feel my heart
Sarah feel it and see what you are doing to me."

He put my hand on his heart and it was really beating sooo fast right there i had a flash
back of the very same scene in my dream ,,what was the meaning of all this could Josh be

I stopped thinking I walked up to him,,,I undid his belt unzipped his pants ,I wanted to do
something drastic to bring him back to me,,I remembered all that I had seen on the movie I
had downloaded ,don't laugh at me I wanted to please him badly I,heard that man go crazy
over a blow job so I had downloaded a tutorial on how to give a blow job.I slid my hand into

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his boxers and met with what I was looking for ,,to my surprise he was already hard ,I
started stroking him there,he held my hand trying to stop me ,

" Not now mami."

" shhhh just let me please ."

I took it out and held it in my hands,,I was scared and wondered if it could fit in my mouth,,I
knelt down still holding it,,I licked the head of his dick looking at him and he nodded like to
say go ahead.I licked again with my tongue,,I imagined licking a lollypop I actually took
days practising on a lollipop so I did like I did on the lollipop ,I felt him pulling my hair
cause he had his hands in my hair,,I started sucking it like really sucking it good,, I heard
him moaning my name ,,the encouragement I needed ,,I was playing with his balls and
sucking him ndikanzwa daddy vachiyuwira ,ndikanzwa aakuizadza mukanwa ikapotsa
yandidzipa but I didn't wanna disappoint ,,,I went to his balls and sucked them giving him a
hand job.

" mami please mami don't stop."

I went back to his dick I really sucked it playing with with my tounge like kunyerekedza the
head ndikanzwa his muscles tightenin,,,it was now too full in my mouth.

" mami move I will come in your mouth,,," I didn't listen to him I wanted to be crazy with

" Sarah babe pliz ."

I sucked faster ndichiita ndichimedza mate ,,Josh made me wild ,he brought out an animal
in me,,,finally I heard him groaning I almost choked swallowing all of his come oh dear I
couldn't believe I actually did that even he was surprised .I took my wipes and wiped my
mouth and wiped him too,,,I pulled up his boxers closed his zip and fixed his belt,,,he
starred at me in disbelief.

"Mami where did u learn to give such an amazing blowjob."

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" am I forgiven"

" not until u tell me where you learnt that."

" the internet."

He pulled me into his arms and we stayed that way for a while letting our bodies

" I forgive you only because that was one hell of a blow job."

" thank you ,I'm learning so teach me what you like."

" am I ur first on this one too?"

" yes Josh."

"I love you Sarah."

" I love you too."

End of chapter 22

Kaydie loves you all happy reading

134 | P a g e
Dream lover Chapter 23
Story by Kaydie 0773812044


Mr Natt

I couldn't remember the last time I had been soo angry in my life ,,,I watched him kiss her ,,I
thought she would stop him but she didn't ,,why did I expect her to do so anyway after all I
had taken a step back after Shanny spoke to me.I really thought that this would really help
us figure out what we both really wanted ,,I knew for a fact that I couldn't do without her ,,
what Shanny had said was right we had to deal with our baggage so I stayed away from
Hilda I wanted to see if I could do without her,what she gave me most was good sex and I
wanted to see if I could do without it ,,the past two months were quite hard I had to resist
temptation,, when things got really bad I would watch porn and wank .

As weeks went on I stopped watching porn I started thinking of only Sarah,, her picture in
my head made my body weak ,,I would go through the events of the day I had her first I
would imagine doing it over and over again and I would help myself with her image in my
head, I missed her soo much ,I could have told her sooo many times but I didn't know how
she felt about me,,I told myself she loved me because that's what I wanted to believe,
hearing her voice all the time even when we spoke about only work was still a beautiful
chorus in my head. I wanted her to come and join me where no one was ,where it would be
just me and her,with no one to judge or stop us ,without Hilda or Jay to worry about where
I could love her without limitations,, where she could love me only,,scream my name a
thousand times if she had to. To me she was the best thing I ever had I never really knew
love till I met her ,,it took me a split second to know I wanted to have her all to myself,,I was
already planning a future with her I wanted my mom to have a daughter in law like her ,not
like her but she had to be my mothers daughter in law,all the qualities of a wife I found in
her,,each time I held her I felt our hearts connecting ,this is the kind of love I wanted ,,, I

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could grow old with her ,she kept my body busy ndaingonzwa nekuvhara makumbo

Keeping my hands off her was going to be hard and I was going to break my promise to
shanny that I wouldn't touch her so I decided to go and work from SA staying by my
cousin's house.I watched her work everyday ,even when she was deep in thoughts I would
know so I pretended to call about work yet I just wanted to keep her busy ,,its unfortunate I
didn't have any cameras watching her wherever she went but I wished I had nekuti
honestly each time I saw her she was prettier than the previous day.

I watched her everyday and I was satisfied with just that until the day Jay got into her
office, watching him kiss her,,,i couldn't hold it that's when I sent her a message but seeing
Hilda in her office and all the action that happened freaked me out,,what was Hilda up to???
And why did she want to hit Sarah,,I knew Sarah to be soft she wouldn't pick a fight
meaning Hilda had started the fight ,,I didn't want to listen on the conversation but I had
to,,,so Hilda was truely hunting me down ? I thought to myself,,running away from her was
not the solution so I decided to face her .I decided to get on the night flight before things got
out of hand,,I didn't tell Sarah I wanted to surprise her, I got to harare very late and took a
cab home.

Pandakasvika i was informed kuti my alarm had gone off,,hakuna mumwe it had to be Hilda
,she didn't know I put cameras around my house so I went in the house and checked my
CCTV which confirmed Hilda had been snooping around my house.I have seen crazy in my
life but Hilda was quite a woman ,,ndakazvisiya zvakadaro ,,,I checked the tracker
yandakaisa on Hilda's fon and it stated kuti she was by holiday inn ,,my heart was uneasy I
locked my house got into my car and drove to holiday inn ,,,,I sat down at the bar a sipped
some wine trying to see what was going on around 11 that's when I saw Hilda with some
guy coming out of the elevator vakabatana havo ,,,Soooo this was Hilda nhai,,,I knew
something was up with this bitch ndaishaya ndomubatira papi,,,I didn't wanna make a fool
of myself pavanhu so I took my phone and took some pictures and left ,,she didn't know I
was back and she never noticed when I took the pictures ,,so amai ava vairovesa poto
muma hotels,,I decided kuita sebenzi risina zvaraona but evidence ndatora.
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I couldn't believe I stayed with that woman for 6 years,garinya zvaro ranyangira yaona,,I
drove back to my house I still wanted to keep a low profile ,,I slept ndisina kana kutaura
nemunhu this time I really slept like a baby I was always looking for something to dump
her and now I had,,ndaingoda a little more evidence futi ,,I had to play this wisely .
Ndakamuka very early and went to work ,,the guard opened for me achifara kuti ndadzoka
soo ndakamupa yedrink and told him kuti noone was supposed to know kuti I'm back,ko I
was the boss that was not a problem,,I got into my office and got busy waiting for Sarah to
come in.I watched her as she walked in ndakafinyama when I noticed she was wearing that
very dress yekukonzeresa,,what was this woman trying to do to me achandiuraya ne bp
chete,, I kept watching until I saw Jay achipinda ,,the way he kissed her was supposed to be
me kissing her,,,I never cared bout him being her boyfriend but I never wanted him to
touch her,,don't think I'm crazy but that's how crazy I felt about her.

Ndakanzwa ndichivira nehasha kugarwa chaiko,,I couldn't watch anymore so I picked up

the landline and called her but she didn't pick up,,all this I was watching on my laptop, I
kept calling but she didn't pic up ,,I wanted to go and bang the door open but I had to
control myself ,,the woman I loved was about to get butt naked with another man in the
office pa company yangu futi ,,I called her cell ,when she looked and saw my name that's
when I saw her freaking out and the romance stopped. Did she really need to see my name
for her to stop,,,I hit my desk out of anger thinking kuti nezuro ndakabata Hilda then today
Sarah my supposed to be good gal ,,munoti murume haacheme munonyepa I felt my heart
being ripped out.I watched her storm out,, I knew she was crying,, that nerd had the nerve
to go thru her phone ndakatombonzwa KUDA kutumira message yaizomumisa moyo but I
left it.

I was relieved when I saw him leave,,,I saw Sarah crying I knew I meant something to her
and I knew guilty was killing her somehow but I knew that maybe I had pushed her a
bit,,did I really push her into another man's arms unintentionally???. I finally got the guts to
go and face her in her office, looking at her and how beautiful she was made me more angry
because I was supposed to be getting a welcome back hug kiss and more but she ruined it. I
wanted to punish her I wanted her to feel guilty but she stormed out in tears ,I didnt bother

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following her I let her be.I looked outside I saw her car there ,I was relieved and went back
to my office ,I ordered breakfast ,somehow all this anger made me very hungry,,food was
delivered and I ate .I replayed their honeymoon video over and over ,,, was she really that
in love with him?I kept wondering.I saw her walking in after a while,,,I hesitated going to
her and causing more drama ,,I loved her and I was trying soo hard to contain myself, I
went her office and opened slowly I donno if she was hiding but I found her inhaling the
smell of my cologne,,this woman was something else.

One moment she wanted me like I was the only man and the next moment she was kissing
someone else,,if that's how love is then I didn't want it,, I wanted to be loved zvisina minus
percentage yaningi .I saw fear in her when she opened her eyes ,,so for her not to run away
I blocked her way and stood right in front of her reminding her of who I was ,,daddy yes I
was daddy ,,,I did all that on purpose I wanted to torture her,,even my questions were just
to torture her I wanted her to tell me she loved only me,I saw it in her eyes,I saw regret I
saw passion I knew she wanted me ,,I unzipped her dress and tortured her body ,I really
had missed her skin,it felt soo smooth,,I wanted her body right there but that vision was
torture I was failing to contain myself till she came and kissed me, with the same mouth
that kissed him haaa ndakanzwa kusema,ndakada kumuvhunza kuti wageza mukanwa here
when u went to the bathroom but how long was I going to resist her , I kissed her zvehasha
and akazviona kuti ndakacharger and she pulled away.

The issue was still unresolved so we spoke about it until I was satisfied or maybe I was
comforted by the fact yekuti she did it cause she was craving me and couldn't control
hameno call it love or stupidity but I actually bought the story,I knew my body was her
weakness or maybe ndakakasika kumusiya ari ega after the introduction ,I didn't know
what I had done to her until she forced me to understand what her body needed.

Bae akazondiwachisa kana dzungu rekutsamwa rakapera ,,ndakaona ndaakuvhurwa

trouse,zip boxers and next thing her hand was right there chaipo chaipo,,just her hand
there I felt my body selling me out Shumba vanga vacharger kudoti nechemumoyo Shumba
dzorai moyo Shumba vakawedzera kusimuka,,,who was this woman?she was nolonger the
girl I left she gave me an amazing blow job nyama dzikadaira , akaiyamwa ndikadeedza Zita
138 | P a g e
rake ,,,I didn't wanna come in her mouth I begged her to let me out but she didn't listen
until I came in her mouth APA imagine ndanga ndaakudzipa Mwana wevanhu Shumba
vaita the way Shumba ndini ndiwo mutupo wangu chaiwo.

She cleaned us up bae akandifadza worse kuti she made an effort to learn that just to please
daddy ndaitoda kuziva because kuzozvibata kuti aiitira Jay yaizoita Hondo,, ndakanzwa
kumuda more than ever .my wifey.

End of chapter 23

Kaydie loves you all happy reading.

139 | P a g e
Dream lover Chapter 24
Story by kaydie



" Sarah we going away on business for a couple of days so go home and get ready,, pack
enough clothes for a week."

" whaat ,what business ?how come you didn't tell me about it ?"

" do you have to know every business of mine? just go and get ready and don't forget your
passport ."

" where are we going?"

" we are attending a conference in Capetown."

I just nodded ,grabbed my purse and headed home,,I was given two hours to prepare ,,nhai
honestly a woman needs much more than that to prepare for such an event, beautiful
clothes what what. Besides the transport business Mr Natt had another company that
specialized in IT ,,,nowonder he saw everything i don't know why I never thought of the
possibilities. I got home ndikatambirwa na Shanny ,,Anne was still at school,

" dear are you alright you sounded pretty bad on the phone?"

" I'm okay Shanny we talked it out.

" so what happened ?"

" I said we talked it out Shanny what more do you wanna hear.?"

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" I wanna hear about the kissing and making up part."

" sies on you we just spoke about a lot of things."

" things like what?"

Shanny was impossible ,,once you got into her trap you would never getting out.soo I
narrated the whole story I mean the whole story without leaving out anything.

" saraaaaaaah ?"


" where did you learn how to give a blow job sies on you."

" shut up Sarah I don't kiss and tell."

" but you already told me more than half of the things tell me the rest ,cooome ooooon I'm
your sister."

"Fine on the internet."

" so you are busy downloading porn now lol."

" you are soo forward it was just that ."

"Mmmmm mmmmm so are you going to have sex again."

" geeez Shanny who asks thaat, just help me pack my bag we going on a business trip to

" heede business my foot,you guys are taking a trip to naked land"

" why do you always have to be like that."

" you were fighting a while ago and next thing you are going on a business trip?"

141 | P a g e
" we don't mix business and pleasure you,,if its work then its work.

Shanny aisapererwa but she chose most of the things ,,matching panties and bras ,,,bikinis
for swimming at the beach as if we were going to go to the beach,,,sunscreen lotion
everything,, a couple of evening dresses ,,,ndakatozobvisa a few cause my suitcase was
already heavy. I went to take a shower ,,lotioned my body then put on one of my sexy
dresses. Soon as I was done there was a hooter by the gate ,,I picked up my bag
ndikaperekedzwa na Shanny to the car ,,Josh got out of the car and hugged Shanny ,the 2
seemed to get along I don't know if that was real but shanny hake never faked.

" Gulez how are you?"

" not bad good to see you, asi manga makuda kuuraya Mwana makuseni."

Eish ndakanyara why was shanny bringing that up ndakangomupa the keep quiet eye.

" ha ha ha not at all I would never do that it was a misunderstanding chete."

" mmmm musauye magadzira vana on that so called business trip ."

" its business shanny. "

" alright alright safe trip."

" thank you. "

She winked at him and he just shook his head haasiye katsika kake ,we got into the car then
he said.

" mami you look too good ."

" Thank you."

he slid his hands into my dress and took off my panties.

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" Josh what are you doing on the road like this."

" nothing relax I want you to feel free chete."

" who said I wasn't free ?"

" your body said so ."

" when ?"

" right now ."

He parted my legs and slid his finger into my punani slowly. """" oooooh Josh ."

" you are still soo tight I was just checking meter yepandakasiira."

" haa tsek who does that?"

" every man. "

" there's nothing like that you can't tell."

" trust me I can"

He started fingering me slowly zvainakidza maiwe Josh aindipedza simba .

" arent we going to be late?" I asked yet moaning at the same time.

" we are going to be late if you don't concentrate and take too long to come tikubatwa tiri
pano pagedhi amheno hako."

He put two fingers ndikanzwa kuti yaaa ndakaona ndaakuvhura makumbo ndega forgetting
kuti taive pa gedhi ,he took out his fingers they started rubbing my clitoris zvaitekenyedza
,he rubbed slowly but nice I don't how his fingers did it but one was playing with my
clitoris and one by my punani I felt him making circles with his finger oburitsa opinza

143 | P a g e
ndakanzwa kubvunda ndikanzwa ndaakusimukira paseat ndaakutadza kugara ndikanzwa
aakuti ,

" yes mami that's it ,,come babie."

" daddy please don't stop."

" he put in two fingers and fingered me fast ndaisada amire kanii, "

" Sarah babie come I feel you."

Kuzondidaro I felt myself coming zvesure and he didn't stop until ndagwinha ndapedza apa
I was breathing heavily, I was lost in love lost in his touch akazoburitsa his fingers
ndadzikama APA I was now shy to look at him I just took out a bottle of water to wash his
hand akaramba hanzi siya zvakadaro,,amana soo zvaiitwa na Josh.

" that was a thank you for a job weldone."

" which Job now?"

" the blowjob."

So he liked what I did ,I felt like I had won an award ,,APA manje I felt dirty I wanted to bath
but akaramba kuti ndinogeza hanzi we will be he wiped me with a wet wipe then we
drove to the airport hatina kugara,I called mom and dad and told them i was leaving and
were disappointed thaybibpleft before they could see me, we boarded the plane ikasimuka
kuma 2 ,around 3 we were there already.he had booked us in a hotel by table mountain so
we took a taxi there,,we were received well,, Josh was clever I though we would have
separate rooms but he booked one meaning we would share everything including the bed. I
headed straight for the shower soon as we got in I didn't want to be unfresh anymore,,the
water was nice and warm ndiripakati pekugeza ndakazoona munhu apinda asina kana
chinhu but varume soo havanyare kana,,ndakanzwa ndichimedza mate ndichitarisa body

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" can I join you." He asked and I just nodded ko paizorambika here ipapa,he got inside
padhuze dhuze and stood behind me where I could feel his eyes piercing me and his
machine too.

Ndakavhunduka ndikati chii chandibaya akabva aseka hanzi zvionere wega, I looked
ndikaona tsinga dzabuda machine yaipirwa,ndakanzwa achifemeruka achiswederwa and I
knew ndanga ndisingambopa bude.he began playing with my nipples withing sec my
nipples were red apa amira zvino ,,ndainzwa dzungu richindibata I donno why ndokubva
ndabatira pamadziro e shower

"Are you okay?

" yes I am

.ndakanzwa ndasimudzwa and he put my legs around his waist my punani ichinangana ne
his machine ndakanzwa like yanga yaakundivhura futi,

" babie babie why is it a bit sore. "

" because we did it once and I left so relax it won't be like last time."he walked out of the
shower akanditakura then he sat on the edge of the bed ,akanyatsonangisa and pushed in
slowly ndikanzwa chills alover my body ndikanzwa ndaakuda kuchema ,,,ndakayamwiwa
my nipples ndikasvika pakuti.

" babie stop you will kill me,"

" I wanna kill you so that no man can have you. "

I started riding him like I was twacking ,,his mouth on my nipple,dick in my punani and his
hand pakabeans chaipo ndakachema ndikavhunza mutupo wake,pandakanzi Shumba
ndikaziva kuti sure varidzi vesango ,,nowonder he was soo possessive and zvaada
ndizvozvo.ndakatambirira kusvika ndanzwa my body vibrating until I came
,,,,akandisimudza then lay me on the bed ,he lifted my legs and I opened them wide ,I saw
him smiling ,I wanted him to have what he had missed so he rod me nice and slow with
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sweat dripping all over him ,I could see he really wanted to satisfy me ,he didn't know that
he already did,,I felt tears flowing on my cheeks ,,I never knew a man could make me cry
making love,,his love made my heart weak,I wanted more and more and I felt I couldn't
survive without him.

"Babe why are you crying ,does it hurt."

" no babe its not hurting but I have just realised how much I love you and can't survive
without you And you doing all this to my body how will I survive without it?"

" you can have me anytime you want mami.,"

He was pushing deeper inside slowly but really deep.

"Daddy deeper please"

" are you sure mami?"

He touched me there with his shaft going deeper then I screemed Andrea.damnit what did I
just do.

he looked at me straight into my eyes ,he had stopped riding me,i was scared I didn't know
what I had done,,, how the hell did I call him Andrea ,,how was I going to explain to him
,,tears came out flowing, he kept staring at me.then he finally spoke,

" Sarah."

"Yes babie."

" where did you hear that name."

I couldn't answer so I just opened my mouth and kept quiet.

" Sarah."

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" I'm sorry babie I didn't mean to."

" I said where did you hear that name ?"

His face turned fiece like dif person i thought he was going to kill me but he started riding
me slowly hanzi taura ndakateerera,I thought he would be rough but he was soo gentle i
started stroking his back then I started moving my hips following him ndikanzwa
aakushinyira ,,,

"Sarah answer me damnit."

I called you Andrea in my dream okay ,,I keep dreaming of a man who is exactly like you
and I'm convinced that its you Josh you are the man in my dreams i feel you are my dream

" call me Andrea again"

" whaaaaaat?"

" do it Sarah please. "

" Andrea ."

" yes babie."

" Andrea ."

" yes mami I love you."

He was now going fast and I was moving with him faster be bent down to suck my nipples I
couldn't hold back I screamed Andrea again and I came,,I had my hands in his hair my
scream made him wild and I saw an animal in him,,his shaft was a bit too large for my
punani but it fit perfectly during sex and I loved it ,,the thrusting got intense and I felt him
coming.he kissed me none stop with passion I lay on my side and him behind me he was
touching me all over like he hadn't had enuf he slid in again with all of his come still inside

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" babie I'm dirty ."

" I don't care I can't have enuf of you Sarah."

I was wining on him and then I felt his shaft going in from behind ,his hands were on my
nipples ,he showed me how he wanted me to move,I was moving my ass my hip and waist
and he was licking my back,,dai makandivhunza Zita I was going to lie,,,he torchered my
body making me come more and more paakazopedza zvikanzi.

" Sarah ,"

"Babie ."

" my first name is Andrea. "

I just froze .

End of chapter 24

Kaydie loves you all happy reading.

148 | P a g e
Dream lover Chapter 25
Story by kaydie


Mr Natt

The conference was just an excuse to spend time with her ,,it was not 5 days but just a day
but obviously i didn't tell took me long to get to Capetown two months that I had
stayed away from her dzaida kuripirwa and sorry hake Shanny I couldn't do it anymore I
wanted to move a step further tiite zvine musoro. Truth is I wanted to get married to her,,I
never met a woman before who made me wanna tie the knot but this one I would ask her to
marry me again and again even if she said no I would still wait.I couldn't wait to get my
hands on her,I decided to join her in the shower,Sarah looked a little thicker than the last
time I had seen her naked body.pfungwa dzekugeza dzakatama as I got busy with her akati
ai responder fast hake ,my body was her weakness and this was my time to take
advantage.I made love to her over and over again I got shocked when she called me Andre,,
I was not sure if she meant me because I never told her that name before,only just a few
people knew that name mostly my family, so ndakatomboita hasha thinking she was
thinking of another man aineni ,,I wanted her to tell me who she meant ,,,she finally told me
where she got the name,,,funny thing is I had been dreaming of a woman who was just like
her and i thought it was a mere coincidence but now when she told me about the dream
something in my heart told me for sure she meant me .we were having the Same dream
about each other.all this was confusing.

Andrea was my great grandfather ,,I have never met him but I saw him once in a dream ,,his
face looked almost like me only that he was a white man he wasfrom scotland so originally
our family is scottish ,me being the fourth generation so I was just a bit darker but still very
light ,my hair is not soo soft but not soo hard either,, so one day when he came to my dream
i recognised him because of the pictures of him that were at home. he came to me but he

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kept changing form from human to a lion ,,ndakatombotya in that dream but he told me a
man should have a heart of a lion dont fear you are a lion yourself so ever since then
ndanga ndakuzviti Shumba .truth is I really didn't have a totem but most people did not
know because they didn't know my history,,,,But who told Sarah that name was now my

" mami."

" yes bae."

"I want you to tell me everything about the dreams okay,how and when all this started ."

Sarah told me everything from the beginning,, how it all started 4 months ago before we
met ,this was unbelievable because I had been having the same dream for the same months
but I didn't tell her hangu I just kept quiet,,was our relationship known before we even got
to know each other way before we met???? I suddenly felt like I was a story in a book and
wanted to stay there if I went to reality maybe it would turn out to be untrue.

" tell me Sarah, what made you soo sure it was me."

" the little things yet big kkkkk."

" what do you mean."

" when we met,,,,your voice matched his even though I hadn't seen his face,, body structure
exactly the same ,,the way you called my name was exactly like him,when you made me feel
your heart beat,,it was a scene I had scene before,,how u made me feel when you came
close was exactly him and the mole on your neck ,he has as well so I just knew it had to be

" did he tell you his name? I'm jealous of the man in you dreams ,he was there before me."

" he never did ,,until the day before you came back after two moths I just heard myself
calling him Andrea that's when I knew his name."

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" it seemed you weren't sure so why did you call me by his name."

I could feel her heart beating fast like she was scared she might say the wrong things.thats
not what I wanted ,handidi munhu anonditya .

" something like someone pushed me to say it ,I donno it just happened."

" okay babe call me Andrea tiritega chete handiti ka,,that name brings out a lion in me.

We finally went to bath Sarah was exhausted ,we then ordered room service ,,the food was
delicious ,,we ate in silence ndichimu feeder ,,she had quite an appetite actually ,,, we
watched a movie in the night cuddling, we both didn't wanna speak about other things but
just us.we fell asleep takadaro I guess tanga taneta,ndakazomutswa na Sarah kuma 12 ,,,

" Andrea,I'm hungry."

" kkkk ayas of ukudei babe?"

" I feel like having fries."

" this time here?"

" aha yes."

I called room service to check if they had fries in the middle of the night ,,,luckly they had
ndikabva ndanzi order large portion ndakangomutarisa and shook my head,, food yakauya
ndikaona bae achisekerera ,she sat up ndikaona munhu atononokerwa ,,she ate her food in
silence kutsvaira ese without even offering me .

" haaa babie ende unodya ."

" ndingatadze nei wandiitisa ma exercise?"

" chete I have never really seen you eating I donno the portion you eat lol."

151 | P a g e
" I hardly eat much I guess the days I was stressed I started finding comfort in food ,,soo ya
I'm eating a lot lately ."

I was watching her ,she looked soo cute achitaura . She had put on weight actually.but she
looked very sexy.

" wawedzera kunaka ."

"Kana newe."

" hona wandimutsa so what are we supposed to do now?"

"I feel like watching the stars with you."

" dress up and let's go downstairs. "

We both put on warm clothes Capetown was quiet chilly ,we went outside looking for the
stars but they weren't much but we lay on the ground looking up at the few stars that were was a beautiful sight I have never done it before but it was really beautiful ,,I could
feel soo much peace in my heart and I could see her soo peaceful , the moonlight on her face
made her soo beautiful .she took a deep sigh after a few minupof silence and looked at me
for a long time.she had a lot to say but she had no idea where to start that I noticed.

Me : start from anywhere

Her: how did you know I wanted to say something?

Me: my heart,I felt it right here in my heart.

Her: babie?

Me: yes

Her: I'm going to let him go

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Me: don't say it if you don't mean it I don't wanna have expectations ,I will be deeply hurt if
that doesn't turn out true

Her: I mean it

Me : why do u wanna let him go.

Her: because I want to be with you,, I can't have two men in my life,,my puzzle with him
doesn't fit but my puzzle with you fits perfectly.

Me: you are my shining star

Her: and you are the air that I breath

Me: do you wanna tell me when you are gonna do it?

Her: when we leave this place give some time

Me: so it will be just you and me now

Her : no

Me : what do you mean?

Her : you will still be with her

Me: no I won't,I'm letting her go,,not cause you are letting him go but it was long overdue..I
caught her with another man Sarah.

Her: whaaat were?

Me : holiday inn ,the day that I came.

Her : but how?

Me : I have my ways don't worry.

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Her :you are an unpredictable man.

Me: I love you Sarah ,I have never loved a woman the way I love you and this sharing thing
was killing me.

Her: there was nothing much to share.

Me: my lips mami those are part of my food.

Her :okay I'm sorry maybe you are not going to trust me ever.

Me: I trust you and I'm sorry I may have pushed you into his arms when u needed me and I
wasn't there.

Her: I love you too.

We kissed for a while laying there till we saw a shooting star and I made a wish ,we lay
there our hearts talking to each other,we left taakunzwa our bodies craving more so we hit
the elevator,Sarah was kissing me all the way ,,she seemed like a totally different
woman,,the confidence she had was different,,she was relaxed yet still shy,,she was too
much ,,we were both shy when the elevator stopped ,we never noticed APA Sarah was
alover me then the door opened and a couple came in,,,they just smiled at us but honestly I
was a bit shy tabatwa pamabasa erima.we got into our room tikatangira pa door. I was
scared kuti ndomukuvadza but iye wacho aitove neginger kudarika rangu ,,she took of my
clothes and she never gave me the chance to help her,,,,she stood there infront on me
Mwana wemunhu ari zvaakazvarwa akaita,,,,

Me : where did you learn to be soo naughty?

Her : you keeping teaching me.

Me: how

Her: I donno ,your body teaches me

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Me: are you not sore

Her : a lit but I want you,and I want you now

Me: yes ma'am

She walked to the window and opened the curtain zvikanzi do me watching the moon,,the
moon will be the witness if you break my heart

Me : and if you break mine?

Her :never but if I do intentionally then the moon would be the witness.

Sarah was a freak muchivande ndakazviona ndega,,she didnt want kisses or anything hanzi
daddy ingoisa like that totangira ipapo,,,kkkk zvimwe zvacho I just smiled and followed her
command,,, she bent down and I slid in her holding her back and I started riding her slowly
,,she was holding the closed window ,the light from the moon was shining on us,,,I did it
slowly for a while,, there was something different about her ,,she tasted different ,I mean
nicer ,the kind that you keep wanting not that she wasn't super nice before ,yes she was but
she was incredibly juicy nice,,,I took her into another world and I wanted to be her slave
forever,,she started moving her ass ,waist back and fourth ,,I could have sworn someone
trained her ,her flexibility was even better than Hilda,,the way she moved in circles i
couldn't control but I had to make her come ndisati ndamakisa,,,I reached for her nipples
ndikanzwa bae aakupera simba ,,I taped her ass and she started moving faster neniwo
ndakabva ndachinja gear ndikanzwa " Andrea." Ndikaziva I hit the spot.

Her: don't you dare stop

Me: only when you ask me to

I pushed in harder ndikanzwa munhu achigwina Shumba ndokuita hasha varimo kusvika
vapedza basa her body was shaking so ndakamubata asati adonha .I put on her on the bed
then wen dozed off till morning zuva ratobuda.

155 | P a g e
End of chapter 25

Kaydie loves you all happy reading.

156 | P a g e
Dream lover chapter 26
Story by Kaydie

 0773812044


“Andrea wake up.

“Nooo mami wait I'm sleepy.

“Come on when is the conference?"

“Soon OK, in 4 days time"

“Whaaaaat, so you lied."

“yes, I needed some time with you, sorry."

“So you tricked me, you are crazy.

“Crazy about you yes.

This man was something else ,the conference thing was just a way of getting me locked up
alone with him,,,I was now worried if I was going to survive all those days with him, with
the way yaanoda you know what!!!! I wanted to hit him with a pillow but I was disturbed by
a knock,I wondered who it was because we hadn't ordered room service

“Take that will you?"


I opened the door and there was a man standing with a bouquet of white roses.I just smiled
and he said,

157 | P a g e
“Mrs Sarah Natt?"


“I said Mrs Natt?" I got confused because I wasn't married and why he called me by Josh's
surname, this was all his doing I knew it, I looked at the man almost a min until Josh called

“Sarah gets that please."

“Okay .sorry"

“Thank you sir my mind was far I am Mrs Natt."

“these are yours."

“Thank you."

“You are welcome"

The man left as soon as I took the flowers.they looked beautiful,, I really loved white roses
they gave me a sense of peace ,but how did he know because I never told him,, Jay bought
me red roses


“Yes Mami."

“How did you know that I like white roses?”

“I did my research”

“Tell me who told you?"

“I can’t tell you my sources come here."

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“Lemme put these away, and why did you tell him I'm Mrs Natt?"

“Because you are."

“Not yet."

" I don't care just know that you are."

The smell of fresh roses was awesome i kept on sniffing them and inhaling the beautiful
scent.I went over and sat on the bed next to him then he pulled me down to sleep next to
him then gave me a long beautiful kiss." I missed you he said ."I just smiled how could he
miss someone he spent the night with and was still there.there was some kind of
excitement in me ,of just being with him,this was my first time spending a night with a
man,, the man I loved.

" Sarah "

" yes"

" allow me to love you forever."

" if you let me breath forever ."

" how will I make you breath forever?"

" by loving me forever."

" then just shine on me every time ,,if i do something wrong tell me I'm not perfect but i
want to be the man you will never get tired of the man you will never forget,i don't have the
moon or the stars to give you but I have me to give you my soul to give you, we haven't
been together long but I know that I can't do without you Sarah ,you like a drug that I can't
survive without,, I don't want to promise you anything ,allow me to just love you and make
me a happy man.

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I want you to officially meet my family I hope I'm not scaring you,,I can't wait anymore to
do the right thing ndokutorerwa babie wangu,what will I do then?, my mother has been
waiting to meet my woman since forever,I had not met her yet but I have now, you Sarah .

" every time you speak like that you make it hard not to love you Andrea,I'm sooo in love
with you it scares the hell out me,,looking at you I still can't believe we are here right now
and I don't want this moment to end ,,I want to enjoy every bit of it,,,I'm not perfect I lack a
lot but i love you Andre I loved you before we met and here we are ,from my dream to my
reality, just love me back like you claim and I will love you until you can't breath anymore..
I know in my heart that there's one man who own my heart body and soul,,its you ,so how
can you worry that someone will take me when it was solo easy to give myself to you
without even thinking twice.

" pardon me for worrying ,Sarah I feel crazy things when I look at you,,I even scare myself.

We kissed soo passionately with sooo much emotions and every time he did that I felt like
crying,,,his love melted me ,,we carried on kissing ,one thing led to another ,I begged him to
take a shower but he said no ndikukuda wakadaro.we made sweet passionate love ,,he was
soo gentle and patient with me,surely i was never going to live without Andrea ,he was my
better half.

We went to take a long bubble bath together even though most of the time he was all over
me,I never wanted all of this to end,,then we decided to go for breakfast downstairs at the
restaurant ,when we got there there was noone sooo quiet the place was filled with white
roses all white everywhere somehow Andrea had convinced me to wear all white that's
when I saw a poster that said JUST YOU AND ME MAMI. I laughed was this all for breakfast?
Kupenga ndokuziva

" babe ,"

" aha"

" all this for breakfast?"

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"Yeah , quality time with you my lady."

" when did you plan all this?

" last night lol,you like it ?"

" I love this ,I Iove you,,this is all perfect."

He pulled out a chair then I sat ,the air was sooo fresh,,the music was lovely and soothing
we enjoyed a beautiful morning nice breakfast I still wanted fries ,,I had suddenly picked an
obsession of fries they gave me sooo much comfort the days I was stressed now I couldn't
let them go ,I wish I could but I couldn't

" mami fries in the morning why."

" I donno its an obsession kkkkk,"

" you might need gym with those"

" are you saying I'm fat"

" no but you are phat"

" meaning?"

" pretty hot and tempting."

" lol and you are phat too."

" talk like that and I will take you upstairs."

" you will kill me Andrea ,its now sore down there."

" I promise to give you a day off but unoti daddy vanodyei."

" so you want that everyday?"

161 | P a g e
" do you wanna miss a day without food? "

" no but that's different that's soo much friction ."

" so you are not attracted to me?"

" daddy how can you say that ,I want you even now,,but you make me cry every time we
make love ndaakunyara manje."

" you make me feel like a real man when you do that,pleasure makes you cry love ,if I never
made you cry once then I was going to be disappointed in myself."

" but we have a lifetime to do that."

" I don't wanna miss a day in our lifetime."

" lol I give up on you Andrea."

" call me Andrea again and see what I will do to you."

" OK OK I won't ,,but I love that name."

" ko Josh?"

" I love that too it turns me on but Andrea does much more."

" babie let's go upstairs."

" no way I'm going up there with you ,you promised."

" ouch,,okaay"

Murume aizondikuvadza hake uyu the way he loved punani was too much .I was not sooo
used yet my second time was still painful so iiiii we had to slow down even though i wanted
him to do it over and over again. We finally decided to go to the beach so we went upstairs
and changed I wore my bikini that shanny had packed but it left almost half of my butt out ,

162 | P a g e
" hell no."

" what."

" u know it."

" u don't like my bikini?"

" u want me to die ,kudya kwa daddy all out ,are serious?"

Shanny didn't pack anything else,,,I was happy when I found a little showel I tied it covering
my butt though it ended just below my ass.he came and applied sun screen on me,,he was
rubbing my back ,,I was enjoying hangu that's when I heard him kissing my neck before i
stopped him his hands were already on my nipples,I wanted to hold his hands but he was
too fast I was already on the bed and him on top already sucking my nipples,,honestly how
was I going to even control it I was sooo weak within sec my bikini was off,within minutes
he was in me going slowly,pa slow APA he knew nomatter what ndaibatirira chete .

" Andre you promised,"

" no I didn't. "

" yes you did."

" OK do you want me stop."

" ah ah noooo."

"Why are you complaining."

" because I wanna cry I love you."

" you are allowed to love only me."

" mmmmm,yes daddy."

163 | P a g e
" yes daddy."

" promise me that at least Sarah ."

" I promise Andre to love only you my entire life."

" say it again."

" I promise."

" again."

" Andrea I will love only you,,please daddy take me there."

" where ?"

" where only daddy takes mami."

I activated an animal in him and the rest was history.we had to bath again . he got a call
from Marcus and he just put it on loud.

" my guy ko munhu wako phoned me achikutsvaga."

" who ?

" Hilda zve."

" anopenga what did she want?

" she wanted your first name."

" my first name????"

" yaa she seemed pretty desperate hanzi ndikuda kuita a surprise for him what what."

" so did you give her?"

164 | P a g e
" do I even know it?"

" kkkk good siyana naye. "

"I hope there's no funny things going on chibaba."

" nothing all I know is there's no surprise I don't know what she's up to but don't entertain

" asi you not getting along ndakazviziva when I saw you with Sarah ipfuti ka iye."

" waakutaurisa bye."

" Mira kani ndipoo Sarah. "

" pana Sarah ndouraya munhu siya mukadzi wangu."

" lol okay bye."

He got off the phone and I could see he was deep in thoughts,,was Andrea the name she was
looking for??? But whyyyy? You can truly never know with people ,,I ended up putting on a
butt rider and we finally went to the beach, on the way hanzi ," babie sorry i had to give it
to you because i didnt want you turned on by anyone i wanted kuti unyatsoguta chaiko." I
couldnt help but laugh ,,it was really nice we joined a group of people who were playing
socker I liked soccer ,we played soccer and different beach games. ,we played in the water
,,in the sand ,he carried me on his back ,,it was just sooo nice ,we kissed, we held hands.

I was really tired, we went back to the hotel ,,I finally called mom and dad,,they were happy
to hear from me,,I then spoke to shanny,,shanny was over the moon she asked me to send
pics,,,Andrea is the one who sent her the pics zvikanzi ,

" i sooo knew this was not business related, Josh. "

" gulez I'm sorry I couldn't keep your promise."

165 | P a g e
" at least promise to keep her happy."

" that I can assure you,,I want to speak to you when we come back."

" okay have fun then ."

All along I didn't know they had a promise with shanny and I wanted to know ,he told me it
was about us not having sex and fixing our other lives,, this was soo like Shanny ,,she was
always watching out for us ,

" daddy I'm hungry,"

" kkkk how can you not be let's order room service."

We ordered our lunch,,, fries and what what.I don't know why Josh kept looking at me in a
funny way.I asked him and he said it was nothing ,I ate my fries and finished together with
the salad which was soo nice,i jumped on to his plate and he was just looking at me.

" haa its too much."

" what ."

" you looking at me funny."

" I just feel like I'm going to be an extremely happy man soon ,the happiest."

" please share the news."

" you will see,,,do u want more fries."

" for dinner yes."

He laughed then came and kissed me a very long kiss.yea

166 | P a g e
End of chapter 26

Kaydie loves you all happy reading

167 | P a g e
Dream lover Chapter 27
Story by kaydie


Mr Natt

Call it madness but something in me sensed Sarah and I had met way before we met I don't
know if that makes sense but it did to me, the inner me the spirit of mine that met her in
her dreams and hers in mine connected us, brought us together, without any doubt I knew
she was mine to keep. Being with her in Capetown made her relax and free with me, I could
really see she was happy that's all I needed to make another step. Its only been two months
and scaring her is not something I wanted, I didn't want to be too forward or too fast I
wanted to get married even though it seemed too soon but I wanted her in my life every
day nomatter what I wanted to marry her,, I didn't care bout people's views this was about
me and Sarah. I needed someone to talk to I decided to text my brother when Sarah fell

Me: “Chris’ are you awake my man.

Him: who sleeps in the morning like this brother?

Me: lol you never change huh I hope hauna kukembesa

Him: naaa bro lol not my thing how are you

Me: I'm good I'm in Capetown

Him: last time you were in Durban, you not resting, KO kababie Hilda how far.

Me: that's why I wanted to talk to you,,I can't do it anymore bro,,I'm going to leave her.

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Him: you should have done that long time bro I told you ane speed what happened this

Me: I found my rib bro

Him: wooooh what are you talking bout now, and you only telling me now.

Me: there were some issues going on there's actually still issues, including these Hilda
issues but andisi kumira because of Hilda.

Him: tell me bout it, I hope auna kunonga imwe njapisi waakunakirwa nepoto.

Me: ibvapo shaa APA ndakavhura ndega shaa not even fake, blood ndakawacha ndega futi,
saka kuti njapisi haa Maya babie wangu ndomutemba.

Him: whaaaaat bro are you serious wow achiriko here honeys like that, send a pic ra gulez
vangu, I'm coming home soon ndogara ndatovaigira present yekuti thank you makavhurwa
namukoma wangu.

Me: be serious mhani iwe, listen I wanna get married

Him: that's a serious move man, are you sure you wanna do this???Considering there's still
issues like you said.

Me : never been more sure in my life ,never been happier in my life I love her man.

Him: okay okay I get you bro I get you so have you told dad about this?

Me : not yet I will speak to him when we go back home.

Him: what do you mean we ?are you there with her

Me: yes ,she's my P.A

169 | P a g e
Him: whaaat haa sando ,,are you sure you didnt rape her just to keep her job haaa usadaro
sha .

Me : dzikama man how could you think of me like that

Him: send me her pic ndoda kuona munhu akufonyora.

I explained everything to him,,from the beginning to where we were currently, all the time
aingoseka,Chris was another crazy one,we were pretty close and I just wanted to hear his
view and to get his support,even though I was still going to go ahead without anyone
supporting me but I still wanted his support so I was happy that he was with me and again
happier that he was coming home in a month. I sent him the pic yaaida ndikamuratidza
gulez vake haaa akafara.

" brother don't be joking with me ,this one is a keeper ,one fine woman wekuti if you dump
her today ndotora hangu,,on this one I understand why you are rushing because I'm even
tempted kukutorera hanti a brothers wife is our wife lol.

" behave Chris ,I even told Marcus that pana Sarah I will kill someone ,Mira nditange ndafa ,,

" careful your wish might come through sooner than expected kkkk don't worry bro I'm
keeping my hands off,,she looks keda though.

" yeah she is."

" so do they take lobola INI hangu gusvu andigone ndosvuuka maoko unless we will be
hiring team rekungonowombera maoko."

" I donno how they do it ,I will speak to her sister Shanny when we get back,she will help
me figure all this out ."

" is Shanny as pretty as Sarah."

" even if she was I would say Sarah is prettier lol."

170 | P a g e
" come oooooooon bro you can't have that breed all to yourself."

" are women finished in Canada ?don't worry me."

" too materialistic I want one from home."

" manje Shanny ungamugone here ,,,she talks a lot."

" ndomunyararidza ka."

" lol you will meet her here."

" Noway send me her number, neyagulez futi."

" fine will do."

" chao bro I got your back man do the right thing besides wakavhura mwana wevanhu "

" tsek bye.

Talking to Chris made me feel better I was going ahead with my plans but I didn't know
how to tell Sarah,, I didn't know if she was ready for such a big step,, dating is one thing but
marriage is something bigger ,,lifetime commitment ,,through thick and thin ,I was ready ,I
didn't want to give the devil a chance to change my mind,,,my other worry was Jay,,,was he
going to let Sarah go???? I couldn't risk it,, I knew its madness but last time when I was
supposed to give her morning afters I boiled them first I don't even know chakandituma
,,sometimes I feel a certain force pushing me to do things that I don't even understand
either,,,her increased appetite has been making me suspect that maybe
ndakagowesa,,ukarara naye munakiro waayiita ndanga ndavakutotya kuti
ndomukuvadza,,I kept wanting her more and more APA she was glowing ,,I was scared to
even ask her the last time she saw her periods,, Sarah aingoita ndivhunduke my heart
yairamba suspicion had been getting worse nekungoda ma chips Iwo
andakamutsirwa mid night munhu saying ane nzara yawo,,,

171 | P a g e
Sarah being pregnant would help me speed up everything.I had my fingers crossed and
ever since we came to cape town I had been hitting it straight keeping her busy zvekuti
asambofunga anything else about tablets ,,ndaitorovera bhora Mberi I wanted her to have
my baby ,,I was feeling desperate ,,,I couldnt even take her to the doctor ,what woud I say
we are going for.I knew for a fact my mother was going to be a very happy woman ,,I
wished I could ask her the signs of a pregnant woman but nedzungu ravo iro you would
hear her vaakutopururudza.

Sarah was not going to win na Jay so anyway I had been having my own suspicions about
him,I don't know why my gut feeling had been saying something was off .so I got my guys
on him.I took Sarah's phone and got Jays number as well as his photo

Jerry: boss

Me :I'm sending you a photo and number,I need you to follow him,track his number ,hack it
,I want his messages ,deals and where abouts ,,follow him till you find something I will like

Jerry: sure boss I'll be on it right away

Finding out his secrets was going to help me, sarah needed a good reason, she was not
going to find it all on her own, I felt I needed to help her ,, I didnt want any delays,,this was
to my own advantage as well, i sensed the next coming days were going to be tough, I really
hoped she was strong enough to handle the drama ,I realkywanted to know if she was
pregnant first so that I know what to do ,,I didnt want anyone harming my babie ,,I spent
time on google searching for symptoms but Sarah wasn't showing any besides very large

We had spent three days in Capetown so we started preparing for the conference with was
due in two days ,we decided to go shopping with bae,I picked a body hugging red dress
which showed all the curves and ass which was looking way bigger. I almost changed my
mind but i also wanted her to feel sexy at the conference I wanted her to be the most
stunning woman there.,she helped me pic a black tuxedo .

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We then went for lunch at one Italian restaurant ,,we ordered pasta which was super nice
and a lil wine ,,I didn't want her sipping much because of my suspicions.

" one min u want me to have wine ,one moment you don't want,,what's going on?"

" because your eyes become extremely sexy when you are a lil tipsy ."

" you don't want my sexy eyes ?"

" they turn me on way too much unondityora musana so pliz drink juice."

" lol you not serious."

" I am."

" lol okay .'

"I'm worried bout your dress its a little too much,"

" but you picked it?"

" that was before I saw it on you."

" babie you seem to hate most of my tight fitting clothes."

" I hate the way men look at you when you are in them"

" so what should I do now ,,wear extra large?"

" no babie don't get me wrong,I'm trying to adjust I have suddenly become a very jealous

" don't you think I'm jealous too?"

" I donno ,you have never told me before."

173 | P a g e
" when I think that Hilda had what I'm having now I feel like screaming with anger,I don't
know why,when I imagine her touching your body,you in her ,all that pisses me off like
right now."

" are you mad right now?"

" yes I'm mad."

" why?"

" mad at myself for being mad and mad at you and again mad at you for having sex with

" lol your jealous turns me on."

" its not funny I'm mad and being mad is making me extremely horny."

" we are at a restaurant mami what should I do now that I made you angry and you are

" I donno ."

" come closer."

" whaat why?"

" just move closer "

She moved closer ,,we were sitting in the corner of the restaurant,, it was late afternoon
,,not soo many people and that part of the restaurant was a little dark ,well good for me
ndaida kumubvisa hasha.,she came closer then I began playing with her legs and she was
enjoying it,I put my hand in her skirt then her in her panties,,I saw her closing her eyes, I
started playing with her punani touching the right parts ndakanzwa ndabatwa ruoko she
couldn't sit properly,,I removed her hand and slowly slid my fingers in her, she moaned and

174 | P a g e
I quickly kissed her before she made noise ndikanyara,,she almost bit my lip ndikaseka,she
looked at me with such drowsy eyes ,I was doing magic to her.

" are you still mad at me?

" a lil."

" okay"

I put two fingers and she was sooo wet i quickly kissed her again,I was doing it slowly
ndakabatwa my hand and she pushed my fingers a lil deeper and I just smiled ,,,I enjoyed
torturing her non stop ,this way I knew she would never forget me,I heard her whisper
Andrea I knew zvaapadhuze,I let her control my fingers,,she was becoming naughty ,I felt
her body tensing then I got worried ,I didnt trust her ,i turned her head and kissed her until
she came she was breathing heavily her legs shaking so I hugged her before anyone noticed
anything,,,I was surely her weakness and I enjoyed being her weakness. " thank you ,"she

I couldn't picture another man making her come like I did,,, if her body didnt respond to me
soooo well it was going to be easier ,Sarah aindiomesera ,we went back to the hotel,,she
was tired she just got there and took a nap,I let her be ,she needed to rest ,we had a
conference the next day,she needed the energy.............

End of chapter 27

Kaydie loves you all happy reading

175 | P a g e
Dream lover Chapter 28

Chapter 28


I slept for such a long time after the shopping and the restaurant scene,,I couldnt believe we
did that or I actually did that. But I slept for soo long I woke up past 4 ,,, when I woke up
Josh was not there ,I went to take a quick shower then put on my night gown even though it
wasn't in the night yet ,,I felt like I had a lil fever.I got back into bed I felt a lil cold I
suspected the beach gave me the fever. I then ordered room service ,, ndaida hot chocolate
and my fries,,,combination didn't make sense but I wanted it. Josh came back when i was
half way eating.

" and you couldn't wait for me"

" sorrrrryy,,, where were you?"

" sight seeing"

" all by yourself ?"

" aha you were fast asleep."

" I woke up a while ago."

" jeeze you got a temperature when did this happen?"

" I think I'm catching a cold ."

" you need a doctor right away."

176 | P a g e
" no I'm fine."

" you are burning up Sarah you need a doctor,"

" if I'm not fine by tomorrow I will go to the doctor."

Seriously I didn't think it was anything serious men blow things out of proportion , ka flue
ikaka chete chete,,Capetown was a bit cold and I wasn't used to the cold weather so
obviously this was bound to happen, I finished eating and got into bed,,Josh was worried
and I don't even know why as if he hadn't seen a person achibatwa ne flue before, I even
wanted to laugh,,, the care was too much he ordered soups and stuff ndikaswera
ndichidyiswa things that I didn't even want ,but I had to comply or else I was going to be
taken to the doctor for no reason.I fell asleep again,,I felt quite week though weaker than I
should have been ,I didn't want to tell him ndaizomunetsa I just felt kuti I would be okay if I
slept a lil bit more .when I woke up surely I was feeling way much better I was even
walking up and down but he refused to go outside with me hanzi ukurwara, I wanted
shanny to help me so I called her using his phone.

" shanny save me."

" and why should I lol ,save yourself what happened? "

" he's keeping me under lock ¢ key I have a bit of a cold and a temperature, actually the
temperature has gone down but he won't let me go outside for fresh air."

" when they don't show love you complain when they show love you complain,no wonder
men are always confused about what women want get used to his love honey I won't
interfer. "

" why did I bother calling you anyway.*

" because you love and miss me."

" yes I do ."

177 | P a g e
" and I do too."

" take care of yourselves when are you coming back?"

" day after tomorrow. "

" okay did you phone Jay by any chance because he has been looking for you with red eyes."

" did he call you?"

" he did and also came to the house so I told him you weren't in the country ,he didn't take
it soo well,he was shouting saying all sorts of things and I told him off because he was
drawing people's attention by the gate,, iwewe why didn't you tell him also that you were

" remember it was soo sudden you even had to pack my bag you were there shanny."

" yeah but a single text wasn't even going to hurt APA his eyes were red like someone who
had been hitting weed ,,,iwe is your guy straight because mmmm when he came to the
house its like he was all charged up I was even scared I hope you know who you are dealing
with aiita kunge akadhakwa."

" I have never seen him drunk hangu but I suscpect he drinks, I don't know about the
smoking I really don't care anymore shanny I'm breaking up with him when I come back. "

" is Josh the one who told you to break up with him? If soo it means you are not ready and
you are being pushed."

" no shanny I actually decided that on my own ,,we are not clicking,,we been good friends
all along but romantic love zero ,its just not there and I can't keep forcing myself ,with Josh
its been easy to love him,want him,do things with him but na Jay ndezve force kungoti
zvingonzi we are in love. "

178 | P a g e
" I'm glad if its what your heart wants we don't want a situation yekuti you will end up
blaming it on Josh kuti ndiwe wakati ndirambe Jay ndichimuda if you have thought about it
then cool all I wanted was for you to figure things out on your own without being told who
to choose ,,,,I'm proud of you ,,I know I didn't really trust Jay but I'm really happy because
the new you is madly in love with someone i actually trust."

" thank you love I feel so much better ,thanks for your support ,,I better go now someone is

" you found your chikwekwe kkkkk go to him bye."

I got off the phone munhu mumbling I don't know what lol hanzi mukutaura Jay ndiripo I'm
feeling jealous what what,I ended up telling him anyway that Jay was looking for me and I
asked if it was okay if I could just talk to him and tell him I was safe and sorry for just
leaving.akangoramba akanditarisa for a while his phone rang akaitarisa then he walked
outside and I heard him talking outside.I was a lil annoyed why did he have to go outside,
why couldn't he just talk In front of me,,was it Hilda ???! I don't know why that came into
my head , no Hilda didn't have his SA number I remembered when she almost fought with
me just for that number and I never gave him,,,who was it,, did he have a side chick already
in SA. I had woken up asipo so who knows , where did he go that time,,,its easy to act
crazy,,,, I noticed that much,,,here I was going crazy over things I didn't know or had any
clue about,something told me to trust him but something also told kuti a man can't be
trusted,,why was even stressing myself .

He came back ndikaramba ndakamutarisa ,he acted like he didn't notice,,he sat on the
couch akanyarara staring at me,,this was now all awkward ndandakushaya kana where to
look I started watching TV hangu ne serious face,,,he came and sat paside pangu and we
watched tv tese, ndainzwa kuda kuchema and I don't even know why.

" Mami what's wrong?"

" nothing."

179 | P a g e
" I don't like the look on your face."

" then don't look at me."

" whoaaaa what's that supposed to mean now?"

" its as I said it."

" why are you angry ?"

" I'm not."

" I know you I can see that ."

" suit yourself then."

" come on let's talk about it please."

" leave me alone okay just go."

He just got up and walked out of the room ,,I heard his phone ringing outside again,I ran an
opened the door ,I saw him going achitaura na someone ,,he definitely was cheating ,, I
went back inside and locked the door I wasn't going to let him in,,, I don't even know why I
was doing all this I was acting like a mad woman i couldn't even figure out what was
happening to me,,I started missing him again then i got up and unlocked the door ,I checked
outside to see if he was there but he wasn't,, where was he??? ,,I had told him to leave me
alone,, did he go because of me ???? I paced the room up and down ,,, my phone had an SA
line but no airtime I couldn't call him.

I decided to go outside even though he had said I shouldn't because of the flue ,,I put on
something warm and left the room ,,honestly i never had these moments with Jay so why
was this happening,, where was the tention coming from,,I could feel a funny disconnection
between us,,,was I the cause,, was my suspicion wrong? I got into the elevator and went
down stairs ,,I decided to go outside the hotel,,,it was quite cold actually but I was dressed

180 | P a g e
warm,,I took a walk around the familiar places that I knew already but it was getting late
around 7 pm not soo dark .I went for icecream in that cold weather,, I just wanted it ,I was
in the mood of it maybe it was going to cool me off things.I bought airtime then I went to sit
in the park which was nearby ,,there were only a few people walking i dont know why i
wasnt even scared ,,,I was now thinking,, should I or should I not call Jay? I decided to call
him and get it over with and it was better speaking to him in Josh's absence ,it would just
feel awkward with Josh there . Deep in my thoughts I decided not to call but app instead.I
sent a message and it was delivered he actually was online it blue ticked after about 5 min
then I saw him typing

" so you decided to talk to me finally.?"

" I'm sorry all this was urgent."

" so I don't matter anymore handiti."

" its not like that,,I said it was urgent wani."

" so nhai mai Mhofu manga muchiti muchazoudza murume wenyu riini that you have left
the country ,,considering you didn't have two min to tell me that you were leaving ,,how are
you going to play me like that. "

" I'm really sorry but why where you getting into a fight with shanny?"

"Because she wouldn't let me have your number."

" she didn't have ,,I just started using this line today,I been only using my Boss's line."

" your boss."

" yes."

"Hooo so you can't even tell me you miss me,,I was worried sick,I was like a madman
looking for you

181 | P a g e
" I'm soo sorry Jay."

" mai mhofu?"

" mhofu."

" ko chii nhai babe?"

" OK I miss you ."

" I miss you more wakandibhowa zvokuti but anyway I forgive you."

" thank you."

" ukuitei?"

" sitting in the park."

" naani?"

" alone."

" usabiwe mai mhofu go back inside now SA is not safe."

" kkkkk OK I'm going back now."

" I love you Sarah. "

" I know."

" kwana "

" sorry I love you too ,lemme go back inside the hotel its cold here"

"Ndouya ndokudziisa ."

" kkkk tsek bye."

182 | P a g e
I finished typing hangu ndokubva ndaakuda kusimuka ,,I looked up and saw Josh standing
there,,I couldn't read his facial expression, hana yakarova ndakada kutiza but ndakasticker
ndakadaro ,he said ndipoo phone yako.ndakada kuti I'm still using it ndozokupa ,but he
stood there and said gimme your phone pliz ndikabva ndaziva ma1 aye atanga .

Honestly I spoke to Jay because I wanted him to know I was safe, and for him not to go back
to shanny kunoita noise,, but now the problem was to him I was still his girlfriend and I still
had to act like it until I go back then we talk it through,,, Josh wasn't going to understand
our conversation,, I was really regretting all this,,I was scared ,I loved Josh but hey I had
screwed up with that conversation.........

End of chapter 28

Kaydie loves you all happy reading

183 | P a g e
Dream lover chapter 29
Book now on sale do not share

Story by kaydie

 0773812044


My guys were on Jay they had picked up on a lot of dirty things,the women and the drugs
and a lot more ,,I was soo shocked that he was that dirty I had been on him since bae was
asleep,, its the only time I had to concentrate on him ,,I didn't want her to find out yet.when
I got back to the hotel bae was busy eating ,,,not surprising she didn't wait for me plus food
yaidiwa hayo. I hugged her and kissed her that's when I noticed she was not well
temperature was too high,great opportunity to take her to the doc, I tried to convince her
but she refused ndikapedzisira ndaona kuti ndakundwa,,,but even still ,I was worried body
yaipisisa,,when she took another nap she woke up better so I left the issue,when she asked
to speak to Jay ndakashaya kuti ndomuudza sei who Jay really was ,,I knew she had said she
was leaving him we had made that decision even on my part to let go of our past but
knowing the truth about the man she thought was perfect was going to hurt her, so instead
I just looked at her wondering how her reaction would be.

My phone rang,,I had a surprise for Sarah so I left the room and went to speak outside
,,ndaisada azive but when I came back I noticed the mood had changed,I ignored her like I
hadn't noticed ,,she started watching TV and I went to watch with her kungomuvaraidza,,
ndaiba glances at her,,she was beautiful but she was teary,I couldn't take it anymore so I
tried speaking to her ndikaona munhu bp yakato shooter zvayo,,ndakaona kuti she was
going to make me spoil the surprise ndikati chance given let me give her space and go and
collect what I had ordered ,,I left the room ndichibva ndafonerwa kuti i was delaying they

184 | P a g e
wanted to close up their shop so I hurried away,,,I got there just in time and collected my
order.this time ndaizomuwachisa i laughed ndega was getting late Sarah was not
soo well I needed to rush home ,,as I was walking back that's when I saw her leaving the
hotel,ndakadhinhiwa it was cold outside even though she was dressed warm I had told her
to stay indoors. Ndakahwanda hangu I didn't want her to see me ,I decided to follow
ndimboona kuti shasha yanga iri kufungei, I saw her buying airtime then watched her
eating icecream ndaida kunomubvutira sure sure with the way it was cold APA munhu
arikubatwa neflue had the nerve to eat icecream anyway I let her be,,I followed to the park
,,honestly it was getting dark ,,which crazy person goes to the park in the night, especially
in SA a country full of guys that are always looking for an opportunity.

Ndakamusiya akapedza kutaura hake pa phone,,my heart started beating fast like
something was up so I slowly walked up to her,she was shocked to see me there I could tell
by her facial expression and that made me want her phone badly,,ndakamupa a serious not
joking face and she gave it to me. we walked back to the hotel not talking ,,we only started
talking when we got to the hotel.

" I told you not to go outside. "

" I was lonely."

" you chased me out, you told me to leave you alone."

" you went cause that's what you wanted to do,,that was just an excuse for you to go."

" is that so."

" you know just do whatever you wanna do ,,already you are tired of me handiti,,,,, it's fine
what did I expect."

I couldn't believe my ears ,,what was this woman on about honestly ????

" Sarah what are you talking about ?"

185 | P a g e
" you are cheating on me already Josh I know it and please don't deny it."

" whaaaaaaat are you crazy where did you get that from?"

" you keep being sneaky,,you wait for me to sleep then you sneak out,when your phone
rings suddenly you are answering it outside,,what the hell are you hiding from me,,,if I'm no
more good enough just tell me Andrea okay ,,,it will hurt me but its better than you lying to

" Sarah sit down its not what you think OK babie relax."

I watched her breakdown,,she was crying her heart out ,,I didn't know she would think that
far kuzosvika pa cheating here veduwe meaning deep down she didn't trust me,,but what
had I done to lose her trust??? What was happening to us already ,she walked out of the
bedroom and went into the bathroom and locked the door.i wanted to go after her but I
remembered something was telling me to look at her phone,,,I checked her calls there was
nothing, messages nothing then I went to her app ndakanzwa ndichipera simba ,my Heart
was beating fast I got up and went to the bathroom I couldn't speak .all I did was say "
Sarah you should have told me you loved Jay more than me,,I would have let you go. I
walked away I heard her unlock the door but I walked out ,got into the elevator and left ,,I
wanted to go far away from her,,she was going to be my death.I couldn't think straight ,I
wanted to get drunk really drunk,,I went to the hotel bar and started drinking. I drank until
i couldn't remember my name,,I don't even remember what happened after that.around
three am I woke up feeling really thirsty I noticed I was on the bed ,,how I got there I
couldn't remember I looked around Sarah was sleeping on the couch without even a
blanket,, my heart sank but not for long I remembered why we were where we were in the
first place. I got up and drank water ,,my body was heavy I was smelling of booze the whole
room smelled of booze,,I went to take a shower ,opened the windows for fresh air I took a
blanket to cover Sarah ,I still cared ,she had a cold but then she woke up soon as I put the
blanket on her,she called my name but I ignored her,she touched my hand I got really mad

" Sarah don't dare touch me

186 | P a g e
" I need you to listen to me

" for what ,,so that you can lie to me,,you were all mad thinking I was cheating on you I
didnt know it was all an act cause you were busy with him,you wanted me to feel bad,,well
played babie well played you wanted to make yourself feel better for screwing with my
heart well screw you Sarah,

" please Andre let me explain please .

" don't call me that,"

She came and I moved away from her I was mad I didn't wanna hurt her I picked up the
glass that was close I wanted to break something so I smashed it on the wall she screamed
but I didn't care ,,she came and tried to hold me.

" Sarah ndokukuvadza wanzwa."

" I dont care cause I'm dying inside anyway."

" you are dying to go to him then go Sarah just go,,what are you waiting for Mai Mhofu

" don't call me that."

" ooooh I can't call you my Mhofu yet he can,,why am I surprised iye ndi mhofu Ini handisi.

" Andrea I love you. "

" say that again and I will kill you for lying in my face."

" Andrea I said I love you."

I looked at her ndasimudza ruoko,I couldn't do it,,I promised myself I would never do it ,,I
started walking away I got to the door but she held my hand.

187 | P a g e
" Andrea don't leave me please

I seriously needed to release it,,the conversation kept playing in my head I started hitting
the wall I kept punching until she held me tight from behind.I was tired ,,I didn't wanna
fight anymore I was not used to this, Sarah and I were not like this,, I was feeling drained.I
went and sat on the bed she came and knelt in front of me,,she took my phone and gave

Take his number please,,call him using your phone and I will end it right away,she was
crying ,,,,,suddenly something in me brought me back to life,I hated her tears.

" Sarah."

" sssh Andrea ,,I said do it."

" no."

" you don't love me anymore."

" please don't ,"

" I have never seen you mad like that in my life, I'm scared of losing you."

" you took me to hell and back Sarah ,,not a pretty journey."

" for the sake of our love lemme explain."

" did you ever love me."

" in all of my lifetimes it will only be you."

" I'm tired Sarah ,I'm drained I don't want love like this ,,I hate the man I'm becoming.we
shouldn't be bringing out the worst in each other."

" its my fault ,,I told you earlier that I wanted to speak to Jay."

188 | P a g e
" so you decided to do it in private ,,u pretended to be mad telling me to leave you alone of
which I did and you took that as an opportunity to have time to yourself and talk to
him,,telling him you miss him ,mhofu this that ,mhofu ndokudai."

" I didn't want him to stress shanny ,,to him I'm still his galfriend I have to act normal
remember ."

" if you hadn't done it in private I wasn't going to be hurt."

" I'm sorry babie I'm sorry ,,and I'm also sorry I don't know what's going on with me ,,I got
mad at you for no reason I really thought you were cheating when you left i got lonely I
didn't know when you were coming back I was uneasy that's when I went out and talking
to Jay came up when I was bored then I thought of just clearing the air a bit but
unfortunately you weren't there ."

"Sarah you are going to be the death of me I donno uda ndiite sei?"

" you are going to be my death as well,right now I donno,,, the feeling of losing you is stuck
in my system."

Could I live without her???nooo I was lying to myself ,,maybe I had acted a little rushy, truth
is I was never letting her go ,never.I brought her close to me and I kissed her ,,we kissed soo
deep we both cried,,could love really make a man cry..I never knew in my life that I would
cry for one woman twice.

" I'm sorry Sarah I'm sorry I didn't mean to go crazy on you I'm sorry trust me."

" I'm always pushing you ."

" no I should learn to trust you sarah,,I can't trust a man around you I just can't I'm sorry
I'm never going to change on that,,if you love me Sarah let's get married"

" married??? "

189 | P a g e
" yes I know its too soon but I don't doubt our love I know in my heart that I'm going to love
you forever ,,I don't know how you feel in your heart but I don't want to be scared of losing
you,,when I read those messages I felt my heart being ripped into tiny pieces I felt I had lost
you already I wanted to die so please Sarah babie just consider getting married,I will give
you time to think about it,I have been thinking bout it for a while so don't answer me now ."

" if you knew how much I loved you ,you wouldn't even be worried ,,I'm the one who
should be worried I'm inexperienced, I can't please you much. "

" love is not about sex Sarah, sex is just a bonus love is about chemistry, the connection
between two people not zvese izvo and don't ever think that you dont satisfy me,you satisfy
me better than any woman has..........

We fixed our issues but I couldn't attend the conference anymore,,bae and I needed to rest,,
I called Tom ,my best IT guy,,booked a flight and told him to come and attend the
conference.. I called the cleaners to clean the room which was a mess,,soon after they left
bae and I went to sleep,,deep sleep both of us had had a rough night.

End of chapter 29

Kaydie loves you all happy reading

190 | P a g e
Dream lover chapter 30
Story by kaydie

 0773812044


I couldn't believe the drama that had just happened,, I was still shaken ,one moment we
were okay ,next moment we wanted to kill each other out of jealousy without even proper
facts futi,, this time I pushed him hard with the Jay issue I knew he wasn't going to be happy
about it but not to the extent of wanting to rip me apart,,I knew he wouldn't hurt me,that's
why I kept trying to calm him down.when he finally did we talked it out or should I say we
kissed it out and we both cried ,,it touched me ,,that's how much he loved me. He cancelled
all his plans even the reason why we came was cancelled ,he got someone to handle it we
just wanted to be in each others arms. This time we didn't have sex like mad people we just
lay there letting our hearts talk .he pulled out a long small box from under the pillow and
gave me,,

" what's inside?"

" it's what I was hiding from you yesterday."

Honestly I felt very embarrassed I learnt never to be too quick to judge and conclude before
i get my facts right, there I was ,accusing him of cheating yet he was busy trying to surprise
me.I took out I gold necklace with a ring on it which was engraved Andrea loves Sarah, I
started crying I really felt soo bad it was too much.

" allow me to put it on your neck."

" please do,its beautiful,, my most precious gift ever,I love it I love you."

" and I love you mami."

191 | P a g e
it was a beautiful necklace for sure I felt soo connected to it,,maybe getting married to him
was something to consider ,,I knew it seemed rushy but it felt soo right,,it was not a
solution to our trust issues that I knew for a fact ,its not that I didn't trust him but honestly i
was just jealous maybe because I had never been that in love before or maybe because he
was my first I don't know or maybe there was another reason why I was acting crazy,,I was
like a mad woman,,an obsessed woman,,I knew the moment we left SA things were going to
be a little different APA I was used to spending my nights in his arms,how was going to
manage without him at night,,love was really teaching me new things it felt like a new
journey it felt beautiful and sometimes it felt scary but both feelings were part of a
beautiful thing.

We kissed for a long time,,we just wanted to kiss nothing more,we couldn't have enough of
the kisses ,,our lips kept on talking and I kept feeling butterflies in my stomach. We didn't
leave the room we had our breakfast that came with a bouquet of my white roses and a
note that said I'm sorry Sarah, this man kept on surprising me,,we went to bath ,we hadn't
bathed yet well actually he had bathed earlier but I hadn't ,pandaida pese aibva andibata
hanzi stay with me don't leave me,so we ended up having breakfast ndisina kugeza,he then
went for a second bath hanzi I can't let you out of my sight I wanna prove to you that I'm
not tired of you like you claimed. He bathed me,got done then dressed me zvese he did for
me,,it was really fun, he even sang for me.

Suddenly I started feeling very hot ,,I was sweating ,,Josh turned on the air con but I was
feeling soo hot,,I went for a cold shower ,,I felt better but for a few minutes then I started
having back pains ,,they were really painful I was almost in tears.

" that's enough I'm taking you to the doctor right away."

I couldn't move they ended up calling an ambulance for me, i was struggling to breath,I felt
Josh picking me up rushing for the elevator ,,I was drifting away I couldn't hear much of
anything,only Josh who was saying Sarah stay with me ,I saw tears in his eyes and I was
gone black out.

192 | P a g e
I woke up in the hospital and Josh was there next to me,,I didn't have much energy I just
moved my hand and touched his face and he woke up.

" thank goodness mami you are awake ,,you scared the hell out of me please don't ever do
that again."

" I'm sorry daddy?"

" promise ."

" I promise,what did the doctor say?"

" they have been doing tests on you they haven't told me anything yet."

The doctor walked in when we were busy talking ,,I asked for water and he gave me.

Doc : how you feeling Sarah ,,thank goodness you are awake

Me: I'm feeling better thanks

Doc : any pain.? How's your back?

Me : Im not feeling any pain right now

Doc looked at Josh,,, " are you her husband?"

Josh: yes I am ,please tell me what's wrong with my wife.

Doc:I'm glad you called the ambulance on time your wife could have miscarried.

Josh: miscarried?????

Me:whaaaat doctor are you serious,what are you talking about???

193 | P a g e
Doc: I am serious you were experiencing miscarriage symptoms,, your blood pressure was
too high that's why you couldn't breath,,please avoid stress and eat healthy food for the
sake of the baby. We will keep you here tonight for observation.

The doc gave us some space,,I was in shock I was scared I was not ready ,, did this mean I
fell pregnant the day I broke my virginity,,but how is that possible because Josh gave me
morning afters,,did I take them when it was too late already,,I was stressed now ,,okay
breath ,,,doctor said I shouldn't stress,,and what was Josh going to think? and if he was not
ready what was i going to do,my parents oh dear.all this while i never noticed that Josh was
kneeling next to me I couldn't face him I was scared ,but I had had my normal period the
month before,,I wanted the doctor to explain a lot to me.

" Sarah. "

" I'm soo sorry Andrea I don't even know how this happened I'm sorry please don't be
angry with me."

" Diana look at me."

" Diana ???? I don't remember telling you than name."

" same way you got to know Andrea is the same way I got to know Diana was your name,,I
saw a white woman in my dream when we fell asleep in the afternoon ,,she said that,"
Diana is her name if you love her then love her with your everything."

"That's my grandmother haaaaa.."

" I figured that much but I wasn't sure until when I felt I loved you with my everything. "

I looked at Andre he was crying ." daddy why are you crying.?

" because today you made me happiest man on earth,,I knew it ,I felt it in you when we
made love ,the heavy appetite I sensed it you have no idea how happy I am babie I don't
know what to do for you,, I really wish you could give a son or a daughter whichever I don't

194 | P a g e
care ,,I'm sorry mami I'm sorry for hurting your feelings I could have lost my baby because I
couldn't control my anger I'm sorry please forgive me."

" Andre are you sure you want this?"

" what do you mean by that? Who wouldn't?"

" I thought you were going to be angry cause you not ready."

" babie I'm more than ready I can't wait to be a father ,,you have made me a man Sarah ,I
can't wait to tell my mother ."

" okay okay ,slow down I'm scared Andrea ,,I don't know if I'm ready I'm actually not ready
I don't know how to take in all of this."

" Dee ,please I hope you not thinking of abortion ,unondiuraya Sha."

" don't be silly no daddy I'm not ,,its our baby, made of love,,the first time mommy tasted a
man and she she got pregnant ayas zvakaoma ,,I don't know if I will be good at this ."

" you are a natural ,I have faith in you,,its new to me to me too but I'm soo excited please
forget about everything and be happy together with me."

" I love you Andrea.

" I love you more Dee.

He came and kissed my tummy and then that's when I felt a connection with the baby he
kept kissing my tummy akazosiya doc adzoka.

Doc : I can see you are very excited

Josh: over the moon I can't wait to be a father.

Doc: I'm going to do a scan on her just to make sure everything is perfectly fine.

195 | P a g e
Josh: that's fine I also want assurance that all is well.

Sarah: how come my period came last month?

Doc: its very common and in multiple pregnancies as well its common

Sarah : how come I had no symptoms

Doc:some women do not have symptoms and some only start when they find out about
their pregnancy some start early so its different

Josh: she eats a lot doctor

Doc: increased appetite is another sign but please in your case eat healthy.

Doc told to me to relax as he applied the gel on my tummy and he moved his machine on
my tummy,,, apa Andrea manje he was sitting soo close holding my hand concentrating as if
he knew anything.

Doc: wow

Josh: what's going on doc

Doc: okay I feel a heart beat but its more than one

Sarah : does it mean I'm having more than one baby

Doc: yes that's it

Josh: omg we having twins


Sarah : nooo????what do you mean

Doc : there is three on them

196 | P a g e
Josh: whaaaaat?

Doc :congratulations you are having tripplets,, everything looks perfectly fine ,,I thought
she would spend the night here but shes free to go,,,look she has to get checked by a gynae
frequently,, this is a high risk pregnancy,,she needs proper care,,no hard work,,she has to be
monitored since most multiple pregnancies do not get to full term.

The doctor explained everything to us the risks ,,everything I needed to do to stay heathy
for the babies,,I was discharged later in the night. Josh was over the moon I could see it
aishaya pekubata.

" Sarah shaaa name anything you want ndikuitira babie 3 here honestly ,,I was crying for
one and you giving me 3 here babie."

" how will we handle three babies Shaa when I was scared of having one."

" we are blessed babie ,,tikabuda tonoita shopping ka for babies."

" slow down daddy slow down its too early kani."

Haa honestly this was too much,,he was more excited than I was .he hired a taxi then we
went back to the hotel where I was being treated like a queen Josh was hungry he hadn't
eaten much all day he ordered food then he ate,,,for once I just wanted salad .

"Ukuda kuuraya vana vangu nenzara."

" daddy really ,,,hanti you have been complaining kuti I'm eating too much."

" that was before I knew you had my babies."

" I will eat tomorrow. "

We ate and we went to bed ,I was exhausted I fell asleep in his arms.........

197 | P a g e
End of chapter 30

Kaydie loves you all happy reading.

198 | P a g e
Dream lover Chapter 31
Story by kaydie

 0773812044

Mr Natt

My life almost stopped when Sarah collapsed ,I started blaming myself I should have taken
her to the doctor earlier ,I shouldn't have let her overpower me ,when the ambulance came
I begged them to save her,,what was I going to do without her , how would I leave without
her,,when she was the woman who made me know love,,the only woman I had vowed to
marry and spend the rest of my life with.she was laying there looking lifeless ,I was happy
at least knowing she was breathing ,,the doctors rushed to save her,,I couldn't sit so I kept
pacing up and down in the hospital corridors waiting for the doctor to tell me at least a bit
of good news,I hoped the situation wasn't serious . relief came when they told me she was
out of danger I had been pacing up and down for an hour they had asked me questions I
had no answers to even asked me if she was pregnant, I had just told them I didn't
know,,,when the nurse came to tell me she was ok I cried and I don't even know why I cried
,maybe the fear of almost losing her had taken its toll on me, relief also made me cry, that's
what happiness does.

I walked in to the ward where she was ,,it was a private ward I had requested for that,,I
looked at her and my heart sank ,she was laying there looking soo beautiful, my mind said
call shanny but I thought I would scare her , then i decided to wait and hear her condition
first, the nurse didn't tell me anything she just said the doctor will come and explain so I
just waited till I felt a hand touching my face ,,my Sarah was awake. The relief I felt made
me want to hug her so tight she had scared me soo much. I didn't even know the doctor was
bringing me the best news of my life ,his confirmation of Sarah's pregnancy was something
i had wanted to hear ,my tears couldnt be controlled because of soo much happiness, even
worse Sarah was going to have 3 of them ka1 futi ndaimuitireiko Sarah ndakachema

199 | P a g e
nekufara,,I couldn't hold it in,the happiness was too much for me,,I was worried though the
doctor said it was a high risk pregnancy,, I didn't want her working anymore,,meaning I had
to move my plans fast,,I needed to speak to shanny asap.

Sarah got released later everything was fine,, ndairwadziwa kuti I almost lost my babies
nekuda kwehasha ,,the Jay issue had to be sorted ,I had to find a way asap ,,the doctor had
said no stress and the Jay issue was going to stress her ndaizodii manje,,I needed to work
this out wisely avoiding her getting stressed ,, theres Noway I was going to risk Sarah's life
and my babies now I understood what Sarah's Grandma had meant in the dream,to love her
with my everything,,what she had in her womb was us,our love growing in her,,I felt that i
loved her much more than before ,After we ate we fell asleep ,we were going to leave for
Zimbabwe the next day in the afternoon but I decided to extend one more day until ndaona
kuti she was completely fine.unofamba nemunhu then poitika something on the plane
ndaizodii so I wanted her to rest,then one more visit to the doc then tozoenda.

" good morning mai 3."

"Morning daddy 3."

"How are you feeling my queen?"

"Much better my king."

" are you not hungry?"

" kkk I am."

" I think you should slow down on the fries they are not healthy you heard what the doctor

" daddy I can't do without those please."

"Pliz love think of the babies."

200 | P a g e
" okay"

" don't be mad at me kaniii."

" I'm going to eat only salad then ."

"Don't say that my queen kani."

" daddy."

" yes mami."

" ndipoo?"

" what ?"

" food yangu."

" ipi?"

" yaunayo"

" kkkk come and get it, but you are sick babie imbomira upore."

" I'm not sick anymore babie pliz I feel like its been months without you touching
me,,ndokuchemera if you don't give me."

" I like this new you,,I don't know if its pregnancy but you been seriously wanting it

"The two months you spent hiding from me were the hardest ,,I was going crazy wanting to
be touched,,ndaitadza Kurara ndichikufunga."

"If I had known I wouldn't have left I'm sorry."

" you can still make it up to me Andrea."

201 | P a g e
" mmmm say it again.

" Andrea. "

I pulled her closer and made long sweet love to her,,I wanted it rough her moans made me
crazy,and knowing she was pregnant made me want her even more but I didn't trust kuti
she was fine soo I went slow until she changed the speed ega Sarah aitapira mhani, sure she
had missed me I hadn't touched her for two days neni ndainzwa kuti ndagarisa,I made her
come and then I came,,, I could see she wanted more but ndaitya INI so I told her kuti I was
going to give her tabva kwa doc.I ran water in the bath tub and added salts and form bath,I
carried her to the bathroom ndikamuisa mutub and told her to relax ,,,I called room service
and ordered a health breakfast. Then I went back ndikamugezesa ndikapedza ,dried her
,lotioned her then I dressed her. I went back for a shower ndakamusiya watching TV I just
wanted her to relax and take her medicine, breakfast came I fed her until apedza.

" mami we going back to the doc.?

" why but he said I'm fine."

" I know but ,I need to be sure."

" you treating me like a baby now."

" you are my babie, so get up let's go."

She dreaded getting up,, we left and went back to the doc we were lucky we met him just as
we got there ,we met the same doc from the day before , he smiled looking at us .

Doc : everything alright???

Josh: I want you to make sure all is well,we going back to Zimbabwe tomorrow,, I have been
uneasy ever since what happened ,,,I just want to make sure we can travel well.

Sarah: he insisted we come back here but I told him that I'm feeling fine.

202 | P a g e
Doc: its alright I understand his concerns.

We got into his office ,,,he asked Sarah to lay on the bed that was there,,he checked her
blood pressure and everything else and it was confirmed that all was well.

Sarah: happy?????

Josh : yes happy.

Doc: you are blessed Sarah to have a husband like him to take care of you.all is well
,continue taking your medication and visit your gynae when you get home.

Josh: doc is it safe to get intimate ,,her hormones are quite high in that department lol.

Sarah : as if yours are not

Doc: lol its safe its actually good and healthy just don't over do it,the body still needs to

We laughed then we left,,I decided to spoil her a bit ,,I wanted to buy her clothes that
fit,,pardon me the excitement was too much,,she had refused to go shopping but I wasn't
taking no for an answer I managed to convince her ,,nomore to very tight fitting clothes,I
bought a few dresses for her ,,they were not very big they were quite pretty and
comfortable she actually fell in love with them all. She didn't want to buy baby clothes yet
so by force I bought 3 pairs of unisex pretty shoes lol I couldn't help it aaaaah.we left then
we went to our favorite Italian restaurant for our pasta we actually sat on our beloved
corner where we enjoyed our kissful lunch,chatted for a while bae achiyema

We ended up going back to the hotel tichirongedza zvinhu zvedu ,,we were leaving in the
morning ,the time was well spent even though I didn't attend the conference but the guy I
sent said all had gone well.ndaingotya deep inside kuti maybe Sarah was not soo happy
since she was not prepared for all this,I had tricked her and there's Noway I was going to
tell her aizondivenga saying ndakamubatirira but honestly I have no idea why I did that.
Given a chance to go back in the past I would still do it again.I decided to not bother myself
203 | P a g e
and be happy with the love of my life even though we had a battle ahead of us that I wasn't
sure Sarah was strong enough for , in my heart I believed whatever brought us together
would see us through, I was now a man and a father to be ,my family was my number 1
priority,,I decided to call my father.

" hie son."

" dad how are you ?"

" all is well ,when are you coming back?"

" tomorrow, dad I need your help."

" whatever it is tell me son,I will help you."

"I should tell you about it when I'm there but I can't hold the excitement dad I'm going to be
a father and you a grandfather."

" whaaat I thought you didn't have anyone in your life."

" I have dad not too long but I love her ,,we found out tomorrow ,,she was in hospital. "

" in hospital? What happened?"

" her blood pressure was high she collapsed."

" is she alright son?"

" yes she is ,the doctor confirmed it."

" you better do the right thing you are now a man son congratulations I'm happy for you
,your mother will rest now, bring her here we have to meet her officially."

" tomorrow don't tell mom yet I want it to be a surprise."

" you have made me happy my boy."

204 | P a g e
" three of them dad."

" what do you mean 3."

" she carrying triplets dad. "


" yes grandfather of 3."

" you did better than expected my boy, uri murume ndazviona."

" thanks dad see you tomorrow. "

" see you then take care of her ,bye."

I felt soo relieved after talking to my father,,I needed to share the good news ,ndanga
ndazvibuditsa muhana haaa ndanga ndaremerwa kani ,,,ndaitonzwa kuda kudaidzira kuti
ndakamitisa babie rine nhumbu ,kana blank one andina kufaya,,mabara angu akagadzira
matripplets.ndaingosekerera ndega sesaskam ,Sarah akasvika pakuseka hanzi
waakuzvinyanya..we had our dinner I let her eat my fries ake I made sure she took her
medicine on time,takanogeza tese ndikamuita yese doc had said its healthy lol plus taiita
goodbye Capetown. Takazorara kuma1 tichitaura nyaya and planning the future.

We almost missed our flight tanonoka kumuka ndichipiwa morning glory.the flight was not
long takasvika and took my car that I had left Ku airport ndabhadhara parking,, we drove
home.ndichisvika kumba ndokuona Hilda akamira pagate achidongorera..........

End of chapter 31

Kaydie loves you all happy reading

205 | P a g e
Dream lover Chapter 32
Story by kaydie

 0773812044

Mr Natt.........

This is not what I had expected kusangana nazvo ndisati ndasvika kumba. Ndakaita
sendichadarikira nemota but still I had to face her one way or the other ...I looked at Sarah
ndakanzwa kuneta ,she was still on her medication, doing this now was not part of the plan.

" babie ."

" yes."

" relax handiti daddy loves you."

" okay."

" I mean it Dee."

" okay."

" no one word answers please babie."

" I don't wanna watch her touching you."

" lol just that. "

" I'm serious daddy."

" remember we spoke about this ,we said we are going to do it without soo much drama
,now for the babies don't get mad please.""

206 | P a g e
" OK I will try, she pushed me the last time we met,she was not friendly at all.

" I know but let me handle it."

I opened my gate ndikaona munhu achirova smile nekugotsi,,if only she knew kuti
masamba achinja.ndakamusiya achipinda hake neconfidance dzese. Ndakaburuka
ndokuvhurira babie door ndookubva aburuka ndikamupa makey kuti avhure door apinde
mumba. Hilda akafamba achiuya chiso chakasungwa chichiratidza hasha chaidzo amheno
kuti munhu anga achismiller where had the smile disappeared to already or she was
annoyed by Sarah amheno,,ndakazembera hangu pamota ndikasiya munhu asvike Hake
pandanga ndiri, andina kana kuratidza kufara kana kusuwa ndaiva ndakasticker hangu ,,for
the first time hamheno chii but ndakaona kushata kwa Hilda kana kuti ndakamunyenga sei
I didn't remember,,how could she have been my type nedzungu raaive naro for all those
years I didn't understand kuti zvakafamba sei.akangosvika ndokubva amira akanditarisa
and said.

" is this how it is now?"

" chii chacho manje?"

" you don't call you don't text ,no app nothing ,,for two months you didnt even contact me
ukuedza kuita sei,no allowance or anything how do u think I have been surviving?

" same way you survived before you met me what's soo special about my disappearance? "

" Josh what's going on with you babie I missed you,,did I do something wrong ,tell me I will
fix it ndaitadza Kurara usipo babie thinking kuti maybe wakafa ,,I came to your office and
your PA was soo rude to me ,,wakandimakisa I had to hear from her kuti you were not in
the country akabva andinyima number dzako after that kwaakuda kundirova futi
kutomisidzana neni ,,I had to leave because ndaisada zve fight but babie why let your PA
treat me like that?"

207 | P a g e
" Sarah doesn't provoke people ,,,haadenane nemunhu,you must have provoked her and
besides it's not her job to give out personal information without my approval"

" I'm still talking Mira kutaura, I'm hurt but you are already taking her side ,,babie what's
happening to you? Wanga usingadai iwewe ever since she came into the picture you are
different asi urikudanana Naye here,,are you sleeping with her Josh tell me, hausi
kumboratidza kuti you missed me kana hug zvayo."

" I have been busy Hildah ndo life yangu yekuenda kubasa but now I thought you would be
working ,doing something with your life instead of kumirira ndikupe allowance every
month,what kind of woman are you vamwe vakarongeka are doing something zvinooneka
what about you?"

" nhai Josh all that money yauinayo uda kuita sei nayo?ukushandira ani nhai anditi inini
nevana here.saka what's the need yekuti ndishande asi hauchada nemari yako here
zvakatanga rini zvekundikonorera."

" varume vako vese vatadza kukupa mari here nhai Hilda, plus vana vapi I don't have a
baby with you."

" what do you mean varume vangu."

" usanyepedzere kuzungaira handiti,I was stupid for 6 years but I'm not stupid now
ndavhurika zvokuti,,,imboenda kune varume vako INI newe we are done handidi
zvekushupana newe."

" you can't just dump me like that sha I'm not a bag of gabbage yaunongorasa,u can't waste
6 years of my life,wongondisiya just because wawana hure wongondisendeka kuside, you
disappeared with no proper explanation ,you come back then from the blue you dump me
wakakwana here iwewe."

208 | P a g e
" rauri kuti hure nderipi nekuti right now ndakatarisana nehure pamberi pangu
,usandisemese ,,I had to get tested nekutya kufa I'm happy kuti andina chirwere pandiri
who knows ungadai wakandizora nekuda kwegaba rako rausingagone kuvhara."

" usade kuonererwa kana ndiri hure wanga usingakume wakainyika mugaba imomo here
,,wanga usinga chemerere mugaba imomo chiinewe iwewe?"

" I don't have time for this its over Hilda ndaakuziva all your shit so get out my sight,,kana
ndakambonakirwa naro gaba rako I'm glad kuti andichapindemo futi.

" babie aundisiye like that OK sorry kana ndataura zvinobhowa we are supposed to get
married handiti please don't do that."

Ndakamupushira kure when she came achida kundibata ,I went inside the house ndichida
kuona if Sarah was OK,,she was sitting watching TV ,,i heard door richivhurwa and there
was Hilda achipinda with tears ,I wasn't even touched cause I knew hunhu hwake
hwechipfambi,,,ever since ndamuona first time ,my guys were on her .she came Akada
kundibata ndikamusandudzira kure .

Me: Sarah go to the bedroom.

Her :okay

Hilda: why the hell is she going to my bedroom

Me: wakauya pano nebedroom?

Hilda: so shes your bitch huh,,,she's the one you have been screwing I knew it from the start
that she was bad news,,we were okay before she came around how could you do this to me
Josh?how could you

Me: call her a bitch and see what I will do to you,I told you to leave uchiri kuitei,,hure
iwewe naye ndiani heeee tell me ndiani.

209 | P a g e
Hilda : if she's taking my man then she's the bitch she's the one coming between us,,6 good
years Josh 6 ain't a joke I won't let you do this to me never I won't.she can't have you

I took out my phone ndikamuti huya pano I showed her all the photos of her and her
boyfriend vari pa holiday inn ndakaona munhu achisvava, I looked at her straight in her

" lie to me one more time."

" babie its not what it looks like."

" don't babie me."

" OK lemme explain."

" shut the hell up and get out ."

" babie I can't lose you let's talk about this ukufungira zvisirizvo."

" do I look stupid to you. "

" babie someone set me up."

" how???? INI ndakakuona ndega pasina anditipira."

I got hold of her ndikamudhonzera Ku door ,,I pushed her out and locked my door ,,,I was
pissed off ndaingonzwa kuti ndamuka kubva kuvakafa I donno why ,,,as if I was seeing
myself for the first time as if I had been living a lie,like my life was not my life ,,how did I
end up with Hilda??? I walked to the bedroom and found Sarah sleeping I was happy kuti
she wasn't crying ,,I lay there next to her and kissed her,,she kissed me back ,I wanted to eat
her up right away but ndaiziva kuti anger was driving me nuts,,Hilda had annoyed me so it
was unfair to Sarah.

" is she gone daddy?"

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" I donno ,I think so?"

" okay take it easy."

" lol u something else I thought ndicharohwa namai 3."

" I love you daddy."

" I love you too let's go kuchisipiti ,,mom and dad are waiting for us."

" okay let's go."

" are you ready? "

" yes I am ."

We got up and bae wanted to change ,,so she put on one of the beautiful dresses I bought
for her ,we locked the house ndikamuvhurira mota ,,ndaakuda kumutsa mota I donno Hilda
akabva nepi kwaakudhonza door ra Sarah and pulled her out,,she wanted to slap Sarah but
mbama yaakarohwa nasarah ndooyakandivhundutsa ,,she wanted to slap her back achibva
apihwa imwe achidonhera uko.

" Dee stop it and get in the car."

Hilda : siya ndipedzerane naye,where are you going with her."

Me : non of your business what are you still doing here I told you to go ,I said get in the car

She got in the car and i saw kuti anga adhinhiwa,,i took Hilda out of the gate ndikadzokera
to get my car ,,I drove off and left Hilda kunze kwe gate.we drove to chisipiti in silence but
before we got there I thought of a plan ,,I found a place where I bought fries
,,ndakamutambidza she just looked at me ndookubva aseka,,

" what?"

211 | P a g e
" is this bribery ."

" yes ,is it working?"

" maybe lol."

" asi wakapenga mbama yawarova munhu I even got scared."

" my father taught me self defence ."

" your father is a scary man."

" he is a wise man lol,he knew I would need the skills one day."

" I know we have a battle ahead ,just hang in there please."

" I love you."

" I know mami I know."

We finally got to chisipiti and got a lovely welcome from my mom,,she didnt know anything
yet about sarah and my dad managed to keep his mouth shut lol.

" Sarah you look prettier than before."

" thank you ma'am so do you."

" oh please I'm just old now."

" the older the prettier. "

" lol sweet talking me ,welcome inside,, how are you son wanga warova you forgot about
your mother.

" musadaro mama muri first lady vangu."

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" bvapo you can't even bring me a muroora kuti ndife ndaona vazukuru, you don't love me."

" ko ndauya naye wani."

" heeee what did you say ? Wandiigira muroora??? Where is she?"

" you are looking at her ."

" Unoreva sarah here usatambe neni."

" sarah officially meet my mom,,mom meet sarah my girlfriend ,,future wife."

" I have gained a daughter,,this mom now has a daughter, welcome home my daughter,, my
wish came true when I met you last time I knew I wanted a daughter like you,,wooow Sarah
wooow,,now I can die in peace welcome my dear.

" thank you ."

I saw my mothers smile widen ,,she was over the moon,she had fallen in love with sarah the
first day they met,,I introduced her to my father and he was all smiling at her ,,I could see
kuti my dad couldn't believe sarah aive akagara Pasi was actually carrying his mother couldn't hide it,she went and hugged Sarah, what was she going
to do after finding out about the pregnancy,,, I asked to speak to her Ku kitchen but i just
said ma let's go and make tea.I left Sarah with my father,

" Joshua my son ,you have made me the happiest mother alive."

" hanti you told me to go after her , zvaitaka."

" asi haumude here unonditi zvaitaka as if we will be sharing the wife."

" mama I love Sarah no doubt ,,she carrying my babies mama."

" unorevei iwe wakamitisa Mwana wevanhu here?"

213 | P a g e
" she's pregnant ma."

" maiwe gore rino ndobata papi ndagonerwa ini yuwiii wait vana?? what do you mean ??

" triplets mom."

Mama vakapururudza vakachema nekufara I didnt know she would cry but she did. I had to
hug her kuti zvakwana mhamha,, I never knew my mother wanted this soo badly.I took her
back to the lounge where she went and hugged sarah again.

" Sarah mwanangu welcome to the family you have made me the happiest woman
alive,,being in my son's life,I have always wished I could meet the woman in his life ,I
prayed for a perfect partner I'm glad he chose you and thank you for the babies you are
carrying wandipa vatatu ka 1 making up for all the years I wished for grandchildren, bless
you my daughter. "

" thank you ma'am. "

" I'm your mother now.

" thank you ma."

" zvino nhai wapara mhosva my son before you got married wotokasika kugadzirisa ,,she's
pregnant it will be showing soon .

" I'm going to speak to dad about that ma."

My dad just nodded and smiled I could see kuti vainakirwa kuti Mwana wavo ibhuru chairo
agowesa ma pena matatu.

" I'm happy to meet her ,I happen to know she is a lovely girl indeed and perfect enough for

" I'm glad you think sooo I surely feel that I have met my other half"

214 | P a g e
" yes you have and I know her father.

" you do???

" mmmm.

Okay now this seemed so weird ,were they business partners???,when I came back with ma
I found Sarah and dad talking,,was that when he found out he knew her father??

End of chapter 32

Kaydie loves you all happy reading.

215 | P a g e
Dream lover Chapter 33
Story by kaydie

 0773812044


I had been scared since I found out about the babies,my body seemed soo fragile I didnt
know if I would be able to handle it,I also felt that my parents were going to be
disappointed in me ,,every parent wishes well on the kids ,,my mom was an understanding
woman I knew I could talk to her but I wasn't sure about my father ,ndaizvinyarira ,,I was
nolonger the innocent little girl but I was now a woman atova nenhumbu hake.anyway
when we got to Andrea's house I wasn't in the mood of mashura that we met by his gate I
really wasn't comfortable anymore ,not in the mood of drama so when he told me to get
into the house I just listened ndikapinda and started watching TV even zvaitaurwa
ndaisatoda kuzvinzwa ini handiti ndaitove ne my own issues that were yet to be resolved.
So I let them sort it out without my interference , ndakamboda kubhoikana when she called
me the bitch that was coming in between them,,I could have sworn her how dare she but I
had promised Andrea to remain calm.

The drama followed me into the house ndikazviendera hangu to sleep in the bedroom
,,when Andrea finally came I was sleeping already, I was tired but we still had to go to his
parents house ,,things were just moving fast I didnt even know how to feel exactly , one
thing I knew I was sure of was I loved Andrea and I wanted him more than I have ever
wanted any man in my life. Its like I could breath only Andrea. I was welcomed by that
beautiful wide smile again from his mother ,his father was just standing behind his wife
smiling,, Andrea had told me that anga audza baba vake about me saka I had kakunyara
that he knew his son had sex with me and I was pregnant. Honestly its really embarrassing
it was like imagining my father looking at me knowing kuti there's a guy akandivhura ,I was
no longer the same ,,I was doing zvevanhu Vakuru haaa I was dying nenyadzi,, if I wasn't

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pregnant it was going to be better being introduced as just his girlfriend not his pregnant
girlfriend. Because of the way she was talkertive I tried forgetting about the whole issue
but I was lying to myself ,, already she was complaining about not having grandkids in her
life .

Introductions were made ,,I was officially his girlfriend and babie mama,,his mother was
over the moon ma hugs aingouya ndisingafungire and honestly I was now very
uncomfortable,, I know it doesn't make sense but I was not soo used to her and there she
was all lovey dovey I was thinking if I got used to all this what if she changes and starts the
mother in law ,daughter in-law drama which I wasn't up for,,I had always prayed that I get
an understanding mother in law who was just like my mother ,, a lifetime of misery ,name
calling blaming this and that was not for me.I hated unnecessary tension since growing up
and living like we are competing for attention haaa Maya. So anyway when Josh and his
mother went to the kitchen they left me with his father ,kana ndimiwo who does that,the
situation was pretty awkward ,I was happy finally when he spoke

" so daughter how's your family."

" they are all well sir,thank you for asking."

" I thought your future mother inlaw told you to leave the sir ,ma'am way of addressing us."

" sorry sir I mean dad ,,this is still new to me."

" feel comfortable this is a happy home but as you can see your mother in law and I never
had a daughter ,it seems we have been blessed with a daughter now, feel at home."

" thank you."

" tell me about your family ,Sarah. "

" well I live with my mom and dad in Kensington three sisters, my parents never had a
son,,I'm the second born ,my sister shanny the eldest has a catering company,, I'm your

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son's P.A and the last born Anny is in her final year of university studying fashion,my
fathers and mother are co owners of CABS."

" wait you mean the Colored man Mr Travis?"

" yes him , that's my father."

" wow what a small world I know your father even your mother quite a beautiful woman ,I
wondered why your face was familiar,, your father and I share some businesses. "

" oh I didnt know sir."

" hey call me dad ,,I'm even more than happy to have you my daughter,, we are family now
,wooow this is interesting I'm sure he's going to be as surprised as I am."

Things were taking a turn ,,Josh and his mom came back that's when his father told him
that he knew my father.he was just as surprised and I was .we had tea and biscuits that
were made by his mother.we wanted to leave but Josh's father wanted to speak to us in
private ,,he then took us to his study,, that uncomfortable feeling was there again,,he didnt
speak much so ndaive nekakuvatya mbichana.I took a sit close to Josh for support lol.his
father cleared his throat and began.

" I decided to speak to you both because you are both my kids now,,I'm glad to have a
daughter I'm very happy but my main worry is sarah being pregnant ,,high risk pregnancy
on top of that.I hope you understand what I'm trying to say that this is no longer a joke if
you were playing before I hope you are not playing now because this involves 4 lives,,,the
mother and three babies that she is carrying,,Andrea my son you have to be a responsible
man ,,we have to meet her parents soon,I already know him ,he's a good man I don't want
our family to disrespect him in any way and as a father I wouldn't want to be disrespected.
As you can see both of you have grown up there's no more time for games so I need you to
discuss your plans then you get back to me asap okay.

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" father I wasn't joking when I said I loved her,,,I love her with my everything I'm willing to
do the right thing and marry her any day,I'm proud to say I found her whole dad I was the
first man to know her like that."

Oh damnit he said it,,kana ndakanyara ndakanyara that moment I tried to pinch him kuti
shut up pliz.did he really have to tell his father that he had found me untouched ,,I found
that unnecessary. I saw his father looking at me then he looked at him then he just smiled.

" okay son I get what you are trying to say and I'm happy for you sarah love him the

" maybe a little more than he loves me."

" lol the two of you are quite a unique couple you remind me of the days I fell in love with
your mother,very humble beautiful woman ,,she made me a better man and when I met her
I knew right there that she was the love of my life and I was ready to marry her and I
wanted to spend the rest my life with her,,until now shes my prettiest other half and I love
her more than I loved her then,,if that's the love you two have for each other then I couldn't
be happier for the two of you. "

" thank you father I really needed your support on this ,I will get back to you about our

" good ,,and sarah please take care of my grandbabies."

" thank you dad."

His mother wouldn't let us leave without dinner so I decided to help her with the dinner,I
didnt need to talk much she did all the taking,,she was telling me all about Andrea's
childhood ,how he was very quiet but whatever he wanted he did exactly that even if you
tell him not to,,his anger issues and how possessive he was of his things,pa possessive apo
and anger I knew and I hoped I was going to be able to handle his anger that came when he
was jealous.

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We got done with dinner,,mom in law set the table then we all sat down to eat,,everyone
was just happy and loved the food ,,I had done most of the cooking just to show off a little
bit of what I could do besides kugona kubata nhumbu ,,I wanted to prove I was quite good
in the kitchen,,everyone complimented my cooking .dinner lasted longer that we thought ,,I
wanted to do the dishes but mom in law refused hanzi don't over work in your condition,,
there was another one like Josh,,I left the dishes then ma served icecream for desert,,,Josh
aingondikanda ziso winking at me ndakambopotsa ndaseka. When it was time to go mom
in law totally refused ,,dad tried to help but he failed hanzi its late and I want my daughter
to spend the night here,,

She led me to Josh's bedroom .

" dear this is your husband to be's bedroom feel at home okay,,you need to rest you have
been traveling up and down its not good that's why i refused to let you travel again in the
night ,,take a bath and sleep , I could have prepared the guest room but I know my son
won't let you sleep alone.

" thank you good night ma."

" goodnight dear."

This lady was unbelievable but too sweet ,,I looked around the room it was big and nice I
went to take a warm shower ,as soon as I was done Josh came in the bedroom
ndaakutotsvaga lotion,,he didnt speak I could hear the way he was breathing and I knew
what to expect next.he lay me on the bed,opened my legs wide open and got busy with his
tongue in my punani ,,I totally forgot I was by my in-laws house,,I didnt sleep that night
Andrea was like an animal hanzi babie ndikutadza kuguta ,,seriously?????

I had to tell him that ukaramba uchindidaro ndikunomutsa mama that's when he stopped
lol.APA I was now seriously hungry ,he went to the kitchen and made sandwiches and juice
then I ate ,,satisfied that I was full that's when we finally slept.I woke up in the morning
running to the toilet to throw up,,was this the beginning of morning sickness??? Noooo I

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didnt want it,,I was perfectly fine all this while,,I wanted to cry Andrea came to hold me
andindipuruzira ,I felt sick really sick,,he helped me bath then I felt a lil better.

" we going to the doctor babie. "

" no not today daddy I will be okay."

" I'm not listening to you ,we are going."

" Andrea please babie I just want to rest."

" I almost lost you not anymore."

" this is different."

" I don't care."

I wasnt winning so I decided to leave that issue we went down for breakfast buy I couldn't
eat,something was really wrong i had no appetite I went to vomit again,,,mom in-law got
worried hanzi you haven't eaten and you are carrying three of them ,,your body will be soo
weak,they agreed that Andrea was supposed to take me to the doctor and get something for
the morning sickness............."

end of chapter 33

Kaydie loves you all happy reading

221 | P a g e
Dream lover Chapter 34
Story by kaydie

 0773812044


Ever since the day I left kubasa kwa Josh I didn't rest ,I couldn't sleep .ndakambovaraidzwa
hangu na simba aindiendesa Ku holiday inn,,I spent my days with him ndiripakudzora
pfungwa Josh aitondipa stress. Simba aizobhowera kuti he wouldn't spent the night neni
aitodzokera kumba chete nyangwe zviite sei ndozvatainetserana. Aiita kutya mukadzi
kunge anoruma pandakaenda kuna gogo vakanditi ndidzikame because n'anga
yaaishandiswa nemukadzi wacho yaivakurira simba so I had to settle for less ndakanyara
kuvavhunza kuti in'anga IPI iyoyo ndigone kuendera Josh but it wouldn't be right its like
asking TM kuti OK aripi ndinotenga ikoko.

I had been trying to get Josh's full name but zvairamba,so I decided to wait for him
,everyday I would go to his house just to check if he was back ,,kutopinda pa gate was non
starter because the last time I tried ,the alarm went off APA ndakabuda ndisina what I had
gone there for.days passed a week passed ,ndichingoenda ,,muwe musi towards lunch time
ndopandakaona mota yake ichisvika moyo wangu wakanzwa kufara kani apa i had missed
him soo much, but it was again embarrassing kuti ndaiita munhu wekugarira pagate kunge
ndaitsvaga basa remumba.

I went in ,he had parked his car already ndakasvotwa kuona Sarah achivhurirwa door APA
she had been seating Ku mother seat rangu inini where I should have been
sitting.ndakasunga face ndatonzwa nehasha APA ndiye akanopinda mumba mandisina
kubvira ndambotambidzwa makey for the past 6 years ,,Josh wacho didn't even seem
happy to see me ndakatoona that there was a story between those two.ndakatyora hangu
then went pana Josh wangu wanting to understand kuti what was happening exactly ,I was
shocked kutonzwa munhu achindikanda rough,,I tried to control it but I saw that

222 | P a g e
ndandakutoitwa saskam munhu kutanga kundipumha chihure,,fine ehe I was a bitch but
there's no one day that I had showed him that side of me and I wasn't going to admit to
such an accusation never.

Ndakanzwa kupindwa nechando looking at Josh telling me that it was over between us,,I
didn't know kuti ndaitsva here or ndaitonhorwa ,,thinking of the years we had been
together then to just wake up one day ,no fight no what he tells me it's over,,no I wasn't
going to accept it,, all the other guys I didn't care about them but Josh ndaimuda even
though I couldn't keep my legs closed I loved him,,,even though ndakaraidza dzimwe dzese
ya Josh yaindinakira mhani,,there was something about the way yaanokutreater in the
bedroom soo waiperera wega usingade uchida . the rest of the men ndainzwa nekudzidzisa
tumwe tusina kana kusimba musana kupinda nekupedza nxaaaa ,vamwewo romance zero
you would wonder kuti idununu here or kusatoziva about romance.vamwewo aingove
madora kuti uzive kuti yapinda here waiita yekubvunza wotonzwa iye achitochemerera I
hated such men ,,then Josh hake anga akatakura mukwende waikufadza kusvika
wakanganwa Zita ,,then monditi ndisiye APA he wasn't stingy ne finance he made sure I
never lacked anything ndaipihwa zvese kusatenda huroyi,kumuhurira raingovewo shavi
rainditambudza,,then pama looks waishaya kuti munhu here kana kuti,,he was one
handsome man akapetwa katatu akatorerwa time being made.kwete vamwewo you would
see kuti husiku hwakatambiswa mai nababa vachigadzira chana nxaaa.

When he left me I followed him into the house ,kutoona hake Sarah achiona TV meaning
everything else zvaifaya INI ndichichema ,,I suspected kuti she was the reason behind all
this,, hukeda hwake ndohwaimupa dzungu ndaizviona aibva azviona as if she was so
beautiful, aive akanaka hake jealous down but handaizoita give up without a fight ,,saka isu
tanga tatoshata ka,,who gave her the right to feel comfortable in the house that was
supposed to be mine,I was the future wife and not her. I couldn't help it ndakanzwa my
tears falling , never in my life did I ever dream of this day.I tried touching him but he
pushed me zvaasati amboita and had the nerve to tell Sarah to go Ku bedroom kwedu
veduwee men are evil sure.I even imagined her akarara pabed pangu na Josh I felt a sharp
pain piercing through my chest I wanted to go there ndimukwature but Josh held my hand

223 | P a g e
akandidhonza,,he was now protecting her kusatoda kana kuti avepo seeing all this,,why
was he protecting her ,she had to see this see what she was causing between Josh and I
,,that's why ndandakazviramba zvema PA izvi ,,why did he even need a female one when he
could get a male one ,,aida hake kudya zvemahara.

We kept on arguing Josh telling me to leave but I wasn't leaving chaindishamisa was how
come this time he was arguing soo much,,inga ndanga ndazora mushonga wagogo wani,,,I
started thinking that maybe gogo vanga vandivhara taizopedzerana chete I had paid her for
her services so what was happening. Hanzi mupfuhwira paunopera murume anoita chikara
now I was witnessing it at first hand.ndakazonzi huya pano ndikati maybe it was
working,,kunodai wanike they were my pictures with simba Ku holiday inn,,to even think
how he got them I had no idea ,first thing that got into my heard was that I was set up na
someone or maybe ndanga ndanyengwa by someone who knew I was dating Josh then he
wanted to put me in a tight fix. Ndakajamuka but still I was waisting my time because this
time ndanga ndabhaiza,, he looked at me with red eyes ndikanzwa achifemera padenga
ndikaziva kuti hasha dziye dzauya manje,I had never seen that face before it was like
ndakatarisana neshumba ,,even when he told me to leave I tried reasoning with him but I
knew with the evidence he had I was wasting my time I had to come up with another plan

He pushed me out of his house ndikadonera panze where i cried until I couldn't cry
anymore.I needed to speak to someone so I called Marcus

" chibabie hesi wandifunga."

" shaa your friend is evil akundirova."

" haa maya he's not like that what happened."

" akutodanana na PA wake hake so I caught them,kwaakutondiitira hasha aakutondiudza

kuti its over imagine after 6 years of being together does that make sense ?"

" sorry hako so ukuda ndiite sei APA."

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" Marcus Shaa help me ,,call him utaure naye I love him shaa."

" iiii INI hangu andidi kupindira idzodzo dzondipandukira mangwana."

" I will do anything for you shaa anything just help me fix this."

" what will you do for me?"

" anything,, you know what I can offer call me anytime anywhere ndouya."

" so tanga wauya uzondipa motivation yacho ka meet me by our usual lodge ka

" right now here I'm not in the mood ,""

" ndokupinza mumood zvinonaka if you are stressed come and release your anger pandiri."

" okay I'm coming."

" usanonoke ."

" ehoka ndazvinzwa mhani bye."

Ndichikata phone ndakaona shasha dzichibuda I don't know where they going ,,I ran and
opened the door where Sarah was sitting ndikamuzvuva,,I wanted to slap her but
ndakarohwa mbama yandakanzwa ndega kuti ndarohwa,,nehasha ndakakoka simba to
fight back ndikapihwa imwe futi ,,i heard Josh calling out kuti stop it pinda mumota,,Sarah
ndanga ndamupima but andina kumupima mushe Mwana airova hake iyeye.what pissed
me off ainge achinja hembe and they didn't come out with her bags meaning kuti maybe
she had moved in with him zvaakaramba with me.Josh akandindonzera out of the gate
,,there was no point in fighting for him with soo much tension which was there. Marcus was
right ,,I needed to release stress,,ndainomupedzera stress yese,,I took out a tablet yaiita
kuti ndisanete ndikamedza,,I then called a taxi that picked me up and went Ku lodge where
I used to meet up na Marcus tisati ta decider kumbozvimira.

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He was there waiting for me,,I saw his car parked inside ,,I knocked on his window and he
smiled and got out of the car.

" hesi babie."

" shaa hande mukati and get down to business ukutondinonokera."

" lol ndopona here nhasi ."

" hande unozvionera handiti ndiwe wandidaidza."

Tangapinda muroom medu ndokubva ndatobvisa hembe,,the tablet was now working,
ndanga ndatocharger.kana food ndaisatoda shavi rekwangu randa randibata manje
.ndakamupa one tablet akanwa ,,at least ndaizoshanda nemunhu aishandika naye ,,we had
sex until tanzwa kuti yaaa tashanda .Marcus didn't go back home to his wife ,,aisashupa
hake on that department so we spent the night yakanyura.he was not better than Josh but
aimira mira.takazorara kuma 2am tablet raakupera mu system and I was feeling hot down
there.kana kundisvuura akandisvuura chete Marcus.

Early morning ndakamukira kutora taxi kuenda kumba,,I needed to bath so I went to my
flat in town.ndakageza ndokubva ndatopinda mukombi kuenda kwa gogo,,ndakasvika
vachangobva kumuka.

" hezvo kwakanaka kwawamukira kudaizvi?""

" hakuna kumira zvakanaka gogo."

" ko chiiko?"

" Josh ndakamubata arikudanana na PA wake gogo mushonga ndakazora but

akatondiramba nezuro chaiye plus akandibata kuti ndine vamwe."

" ko iwe wakapusa zvekusvika pakubatwa seizve ndakakutii handiti ndakati aufanire
kubatwa ndosaka mushonga usina kushanda wakakanganisa mhiko dzacho."

226 | P a g e
" gogo itoonai zvekuita because ndomuda ndakakuudzai wani."

Takapinda pamatare nagogo ndaisada zvekunonokerwa.

" Zita rake anonzani musikana wacho."

" Sarah gogo,, mukaradhi futi."

" hoo akafanana rudzi nemukomana wako.?"

" aiwa gogo?"

" unogoti aiwa zviri izvo zvandiri kutaura.?" Rudzi rwemukomana wako ruzere vachena."

" munotii gogo?"

" ndirikuti ndoosaka mishonga mizhinji irikuramba kushanda?"

" wonai zvekuita gogo?"

" madzinza Avo akasimba Hilda hamheno rega ndizame zvimwe ,,enda unomuisira
mushonga uyu muchikafu make sure achidye iye mukomana wako.

" ndoita plan gogo thanks ndaakutoenda."

"Ita zvinhu wakadzikama Hilda."

" ehoi gogo........"

End of chapter 34

Kaydie loves you all happy reading.

227 | P a g e
Dream lover Chapter 35
Story by kaydie

 0773812044


Andrea didn't get to finish his breakfast he just went to get his keys,,we said our goodbyes
to my in laws then we in law seemed worried ,that's just mothers love I
figured,,he took me to his family doctor who was soo nice and friendly, he checked and
tested everything ,my blood pressure had risen a bit I think because of the vomiting as well
as fear of being pregnant plus morning sickness ,,this was not something i was up for,,he
prescribed some tablets to control the morning sickness.I was then referred to one of the
good gynaecologist who was supposed to monitor me,,all that was done in one day, I was
feeling weak because of the vomiting I hadn't eaten anything yet. I was given glucose
yainaka lol after a while I was actually hungry and ready to eat.

Andrea called shanny and asked her to meet us in avondale.we were there earlier so I
ordered fries and quarter chicken Andrea had refused to let me order that but since I
hadn't eaten and that was the only thing I wanted,he felt defeated and left me to
enjoy.while I was eating and enjoying I felt someone behind me ,,I knew that deodorant,he
came and kissed my neck i tensed,,that was Jay,,,I looked at Andrea,he's face was tense and
he had clenched his fists.not again drama after drama seemed to follow me everywhere,

" enjoying yourself babie I see."

" Jay hie."

" babie if you say just Jay people around won't know kuti ndini ani."

" but that's your name ka."

228 | P a g e
" mai Mhofu maitwa sei ,,when did you come back?"

" yesterday. "

" again you didn't tell me and you are busy having fun with another man ndakakumirira."

" this is lunch not fun. "

" difference is the same why didn't you call me?"

" I was going to call you."

" okay I missed you."

Andrea looked at me straight in the eyes ,he was watching Jay closely,, Jay moved his hand
wanting to touch my legs but I held it before it got there.

" Sarah what's all this."

" what? "

" don't play clever with me,why did you remove my hand ."

" since when did you start doing that and worse we are in public."

" I missed you babie I feel like touching you everywhere it's high time ,hande kumba pretty

" stop it Jay please,I'm not enjoying this."

Jay was doing all this on purpose i knew it,,he wanted to annoy Andrea because he noticed
the way he was watching him carefully. I didn't know what to do,,I took my phone out
wanting to ask shanny where she was but Jay akabvuta phone yangu.

" give me back my phone."

229 | P a g e
" why,,?I wanna see what you have been up to."

" what's all this drama nhai Jay?"

" please give the lady her phone," Josh said

" stay the hell out of this she ain't your woman. She is mine and I can do whatever I want. "

" well during your time with her not mine,,this is my time with her and Im sure you
understand she works for me ,,I have let you disturb us for some time ndakanyarara,,you
said she's your woman ,how can that be true when you don't even trust and respect her."

" stay out of it I'm warning you"

" or what?"

" you don't know me hanti ,,if you thought maybe you could get your hands on her wairasa
Sarah is my woman I have treasured her for a long time I don't care that she works for
you,ndikutomusiisa that job when we get married ,,babie simuka tiende ndakusuwa."

" no Jay please stop it,, all this is unnecessary I will call you totaura."

I was served ndichiona shanny, my heart was soo relieved , what Jay was now doing was
scaring me ,,people were starting to look at us kuita sendadhumanisa well that was it
actually. Shanny looked at us with questioning eyes but she was happy to see me I hugged
her soon tight and I whispered help me,,she understood.

" Sarah I missed you love ,you look good ,,hie Jay ,Josh ,,do you all have a meeting here or

" not really Jay was passing through and saw us here so he came to say hie." I said

" nice to see you Jay can we go already guys I'm in a rush I can't stay long,,see you around

230 | P a g e
So that's how we managed to leave ,,Jay akandipa ziso rekuti I will get you,,I took my phone
from him,he wanted to refuse but luckily mom called and he gave me and I started talking
to her ,telling me how much she missed me and couldn't wait to see was super
sweet and lively,, we got into Andrea's car thats where we ended up sitting and talking.Josh
started the conversation.

" shanny its good to see you."

" oh well get straight to the point deary I know you have a secret to tell me,,you don't have
to greet me thrice ."

"Lol sometimes I really wonder if you are Sarah sister."

" well too bad I am,,start talking.?

" Sarah is pregnant shanny."

" I know."

" whaaaaat.?" We both said

" yes I said I know. "

" but how did you know we never told you about it."

" I dreamt about it ,so I knew it lol that's why I'm not surprised so here it comes
,,congratulations your sex life paid up."

" come on Shanny we were just as surprised we found out when Sarah got sick in SA."

" you guys are something else ,,you just met and one is pregnant. "

" no, we are pregnant," Josh said

231 | P a g e
Okay I didn't know if shanny was happy or not but I just got emotional and started crying
,,Andrea reached out and gave me a hug ,,when shanny hugged me too that's when I
stopped crying and spoke

" I'm soo scared Shanny and you don't even seem happy about it,,makes it all worse."

" I'm sorry lil sis I didn't know how to react but honestly I'm happy to be an aunt ,my main
worry has been the other people in your lives ,,you are my baby sis,,I'm worried,,did you
see the way Jay looked at you and I'm sure he's suspecting you,,how will you handle it?"

" I will handle it." Josh said

" I'm soo scared Shanny. "

" shanny I'm willing to do anything OK ,, Already shanny met my family yesterday they
loved her, I want to be responsible and take the next step,,I love Sarah ,,for now why I
called you here is because I want to meet your family and be known kuti I'm the man in her
life, I don't know how you guys do it that's why I called you here as well."

" my family is not soo hard to please okay ,,we don't have much of traditions to follow ,,my
dad believes in meeting his son in-laws Vega ,,he doesn't follow much of African traditions
because he follows his ancestor's culture,,, theres isn't any lobola negotiations involved
they only do the white wedding if that's what you wanted to know."

" well your family traditions are more like our family traditions but I feel like I have to do
something to appreciate this beautiful woman who is carrying my triplets."

" whoooooa did you just say triplets?"

" yes she's carrying triplets"

" omg Sarah I now understand why you are scared don't worry love I will be there with you
all the way I can't believe I'm going to be and aunt of three one time wooow .

232 | P a g e
" are you sure Shanny? " I said. These two were busy talking like I wasn't even there so I let
them talk kusvika vapedzerana .my family didn't do lobola negotiations unless one of them
was marrying into a family that followed African traditions then they would follow
whatever the other family wanted.we decided we would talk to mom first then mom would
talk to dad and tell him about his visitors that would be coming.I decided to tell shanny
about Josh's father.

" Josh's father is dad's business partner shanny."

" lol this is interesting are you saying from business partners to family? "

" lol we didn't know we found out yesterday when I met his family. "

" so you went to meet his family without me,you guys are not serious."

"We just decided on the way his family is more like ours lol theres isn't much rules to
follow,he's mother even showed me his room lol hanzi I don't wanna give you the guest
room when he will just follow you."

" is that what my mother said ?" Josh said

" yes lol."

Shanny laughed hard when I was telling her about Josh's mother..we ended up going to
Josh's house and spent the day there ,Shanny cooked anyengererwa na Josh zvikanzi
ndakunyarai cause I like you.

" but you guys tell me ,,what exactly where you guys doing in Capetown? "

" we were bonding lol." Josh answered

" I knew you wouldn't keep the promise."

" I'm sorry but I can't keep my hands off her akandidyisa."

233 | P a g e
" yaa ndozviziva zvaakakudyisa that's why she's pregnant. !!!!!!!!!!!

We all laughed,enjoying the snacks that shanny had made for us ,,APA Josh could keep his
hands off me ,,he was just kissing me ndichibatwa pese until shanny ati guys get a room,
theres Noway I was getting a room with him after what happened the previous night
ndakaona moto.APA he was whispering in my ear hanzi babie help me kani,haa varume
havanete here honestly .hanzi babie let's go get your bags from the bedroom kana kunyara
Shanny ,,I wanted to say no but shanny winked at me,,so we went into the bedroom ,munhu
was already high. I heard my phone ringing ndikabva ndatambidzwa na Josh ndikanzi
answer it.

" I don't wanna answer it."

" I said answer it."

I answered it and Josh put it on loud.when I was about to talk on the phone Andrea started
kissing my neck,omg what was he up to.

"Sarah where are you ?"


" I said where are you?"

" mmmmm."

" iwe uri kuitei?"

" aaaaaah."

" why do u sound like you are doing what I dont wanna think you are doing."

" whaaa what are you saying."

" Sarah I will kill you wanzwa ."

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Soon as he said that Andrea entered me and I couldn't help but say his name

" aaaaah Andrea babie."

Say my name ,Josh whispered ,,

" Joooosh ."

" say it louder."

" aaaaandrea I love you."

" are you sure ?"

" Andrea I love you.

I don't know how much Jay heard but he must have heard a loot ,,enough to murder me,,for
that moment I didn't care but I couldn't believe Andrea made Jay find out about us in such a
way. How could he ride me whilst talking to Jay on the phone he knew his body was my
weakness.he did crazy things zvekuti I couldn't hold myself by the time I said Andrea I love
you I was coming and I know Jay heard thatcrazy,,.

I saw Andrea sweating riding me like it was his last time,,he took my phone and hung up
then he lifted me up and took me to the shower to bath.we dressed up but he was still
kissing me.

" I love you Sarah and Im sorry I may have handled it the wrong way but you will
understand why I did it like that.I'm going crazy,you are making me crazy.

End of chapter 35

Kaydie loves you all happy reading

235 | P a g e
Dream lover Chapter 36
Story by kaydie

 0773812044


I had been having this weird feeling that something was up with Sarah,, paunenge
wakusadiwa you can feel it,,so gone was the girl who used to love me,tell me everything she
does ,wherever she went she would tell me,,my babie was surely slipping away from me
,,my heart was not letting her go without a fight,, I was looking for something or someone to
blame but truth be told ever since she got a job things changed,,her main focus was no
longer me,,the number of times she called me changed ,,,nomore love messages or I miss
yous, she had the nerve to even go to SA without telling me,,for days she never
communicated,,here my mind was going crazy thinking kuti hamheno zvaitika iye akalaxer
hake in SA ndotozoita a fight with shanny for her to contact me.

Days passed with no communication still and I was getting pissed even the sugar mommies
were starting to piss me off ,,the drugs were not getting me high enough so I started looking
for much stronger staff.By the way moms yepamsika ndanga ndaakudya mahara lol azvina
kunditorera nguva vaingobhowera one thing kusakwesha mazino but vachida kiss
futi,,chiiko nhai nhai pa cleanliness,, INI hangu I took in a lot of things but I made sure
whenever I went to see Sarah I would be smelling great ndatosota everything kare.Sarah
told me that she would tell me adzoka but she didn't say a word ndakazoita zvekutipirwa
neboys kuti huya uone babie rako pa avondale ,,maybe they thought kuti anga aine rimwe
boora ngoma,but she was with her boss but still i was pissed she came back haana
kundiudza ,,why did I have a feeling kuti something Was going on,,they looked a bit cosy so
ndakangosvika asina kuzvitarisira.she was shocked to see me that's for sure ,,APA the boss
wake ainditarisa ne corner yeziso ndichimuona hangu aiita as if aitosvotwa neni saka ini
semuridzi wemukadzi I had other plans.

236 | P a g e
I wanted to show him that i was the man ,her man ,I tried touching her but she stopped
me,my suspicion rose,,i asked her kuti chii but she gave me silly excuses she couldnt even
tell me she missed me,,let alone look at me,,,,I took her phone ndikaona munhu achijamuka
pakazopindira the so called boss ndanga ndatova ready to take him on,akaita luck because
Shanny came and seemed like she hadn't met Sarah since she came back,,how come
because she had said kuti akauya nezuro ,,akarara kupi??? Zvekuitwa bhambi
ndozvandanga ndisingade.I let her off hangu cause they had their own plans with shanny
but my suspicions haana kupera. When they left I was sooo pissed off ndakafonera kamwe
kababie ka latest kaitove neginger neni kainzi Hilda kaigara mumaflats mutown,,haaa kaive
nemoto mubhurugwa because kaisaneta ,,we met at a get together yatakaita with some
friends,,speed yaivapo made it easy for me kukakumura hembe ndaitotsvaga
kwekupedzera stress.

So anyway after session yangu na Hilda ndakabva ndaa sober and decided to call bae
wangu,she answered zviri funny but funny thing is she couldn't talk I could tell by the
sound yainzwika kuti something was going on.I tried not to think the way I was thinking
but haaa kana Sarah aitokwirwa zvake ,,my suspicion was confirmed when she screamed
the guys name Josh, and Josh was her boss that I whole body started sweating ,,I
was dreaming ,,hell no how could the woman I loved do that to me,, the bitch played me by
my own game.I couldnt believe I had been planning a surprise engagement for her ,,my
head started spinning around,,I wanted to cry I got out of my car I kicked the rims as if they
were the cause of my pain.I got back in the car I called her back she didn't pick up,,I
stopped when I got to 10 missed calls,,my heart had been ripped into pisses I was ready to
kill Sarah together with the bastard,,to think that I never touched her once ,, I only got a
kiss yet somebody got the full package

I called shanny then she picked up.

" shanny better tell me the truth now before I kill someone,, is Sarah screwing her boss."

" and why would you ask me that when you can just ask Sarah ,,she's your girlfriend not me
how then did I get involved in your affairs."

237 | P a g e
" don't piss me off even worse I'm not joking."

" dude what the heck is your problem?"

" I called her and she had the nerve to answer my call and make me listen to her screaming
another Man's name , Josh isn't that's him ,the boss ,,mandivharaka pa avondale ,you all
made me look stupid,, I asked you where Sarah was when I came to your house but you
didn't wanna tell me because she knew aitovhurira someone else makumbo ,,you all think
makangwara handiti."

" look here I can't answer for Sarah or on her behalf ,, even if she opens her legs for
someone haasi makumbo angu avhurwa so I wouldn't know and I'm not the one who will
be holding the candle for them ka,,if you got issues with Sarah solve them nicely you can't
call me threatening me because I can even report you to the police ,,you talk to me nicely
not kundiitira rude I'm not even your girlfriend so how dare you question me about your

"This is not over yet ,,do you hear me shanny amusati mandiona mushe mahure

" thank goodness I'm not your mother you are a damn wasted sperm ncxaaaa go to hel and
tell the devil I said hello and please don't come back stay there.

Nxaaa shanny kundikatira phone thinking she was smart,, I could tell nema answers ake
she knew about Sarah and Josh but obviously who was I fooling ,,she wouldn't snitch on her
sister ,,I took out my gun and loaded it with bullets and drove to Sarah's house I waited
there ready to kill someone,,ndakatora mbanje ndikarova for motivation,,, I was fighting
with myself,, I saw her parents car ichipinda ,I was parked just a few meters from their

I was busy fighting with myself then I heard Sarah's favorite song,,Spanish guitar playing on
the radio,,I cried soo hard ,,I couldn't do it maybe I was wrong maybe I heard wrong maybe
it was a movie playing and I thought it was Sarah,,I started my car engine and drove off,,I

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needed to be sober and speak to her,,my heart was telling me to just kill her but my head
was warning me about prison.I decided to go home,,noone saw me getting in ,,I went
straight to my room ndikarara then ndakazomuka kuma 2 mbanje dzapera,,I got up took
my car keys I saw my dad vachiuya ndaakuda kutobuda.

" Where are you going this late young man."

" I'm coming dad I need to pick up a friend who is stuck mota yake yafa."

" its not safe Jay ,this business of yours yekufamba late in the night is not right."

" don't worry dad I will be back."

Ndakabuda ndikananga kumaface angu aisarara zvekumhanya,,I got there tikanwa

zvekupenga chaizvo,,,they tried asking me kuti bho here I told them bho zvekuti ,,how was I
to tell them I got played at my own game.I started thinking about all the women I had slept
with,,spent my days and nights with,,they never came close to Sarah ,,,surely karma was a
bitch,,was this surely karma??? In as much as I was hurt but if she was to find out about my
secret dealings she would hate me totally,,what was I going to do,,yes I wanted to hurt her
like she hurt me but the truth is I hurt her without her knowing....

I had to come up with a plan fast ,,I didn't know if she still wanted me,, but why didn't she
just tell me if she didn't want me,,did I push her away that much,,the day that I hit her
maybe that's the day she fell out of love with me??? Because since then she was never the
same with me,,I had soo many questions that were driving me crazy, only Sarah could
answer them.I went to my car I took my phone then I called her she didn't pic up first time
she picked up second time,,she sounded very sleepy

" Sarah ."

" Jay."

" tell me why."

239 | P a g e
" I'm sorry."

" don't tell me that you are sorry, I wanna know why you had to do that. "

" it just happened."

" nothing just happens ,,when did you fall out of love with me?""

" when you hit me."

" but I apologised."

" then you became rough and rude, you were no longer the same."

" why didnt you tell me?"

" I tried but you just didn't want to listen."

" you could have given me a chance do you know how broken I am."

" I'm feeling bad that I hurt you,, maybe we were not meant to be,,I wish you the best I hope
you find your match."

" don't tell me shit like that okay ,,I want you and I'm not letting you go, inga wani things
were OK between us ,you didn't even tell me that something was wrong,,the past 2 months
we were cool so what's this now I don't understand. "

"But I'm letting you go,,I can't keep doing this to you,, I can't keep hurting you,,the past 2
months i was trying to forget him but I failed ,a love triangle is soo not me.

" you letting me go will hurt me forever but what you can do is mend my broken heart."

" truth is you will never forgive me for this,,,you will always remind me,,remember how
jealous you have always been,I know I screwed up I'm sorry but I can't be with you
anymore,,I love Josh Jay."

240 | P a g e
" uda kundiuraya here Sarah all that you are saying is a knife that keeps stabbing me.

"I don't know what you want me to say now because thats the truth, I wish we could be
friends but I know that's asking for the impossible,, it won't be easy for you even for me,,"

" I don't wanna be your friend Sarah I want to be your husband babie,,it's not too late we
can fix this okay please don't say anything now I'm giving you time to think about this don't
answer me now please.

I hung up the phone,,at least she spoke to me ,, I was relieved.I drove back home it was
already 4 am ,,I had extra keys so ndakapinda nekungonanga kunorara.I didn't want to
think or do anything I just wanted to sleep so I switched of my phone,,the booze had taken
its toll on me ndanga ndaparara kana kuti ndakasvikasei kumba I didn't
know.ndakazovhurirwa door namama kuma 2 vachipopota kuti the room was smelling
doro rega rega,,and surely maisagarika,,I got up ndikanogeza,,I opened my windows this
was the first time yandakabatwa kuti ndinonwa doro,,I had tried hiding it but this time
there was no hiding it and my mother looked disappointed.

End of chapter 36

Kaydie loves all happy reading

241 | P a g e
Dream lover Chapter 37
Story by kaydie



I never imagined i would go that far,,maybe I underestimated myself or maybe I didnt know
I could go that far for Sarah,I held myself together in avondale when he came,,when he
kissed her neck ,if she hadn't tensed I would have thought she enjoyed it.I watched him
trying to control my uneasiness,, he sat next to her damnit close my sarah ,,he tried to touch
her as if trying to show off I tightened my fists,,how did he know we were there
was already too late but i got hold of my guys when we were sitting there ,,I needed more
drama ,a video maybe ,he didn't know I was on him but for the past few days I had been so
focused on Sarah being sick I put everything on hold but this was the right time to get back
on track.

Speaking to shanny made things easier ,,as always shanny was worried about our situation,,
its not that I wasnt worried ,,I was and I wanted to fix it as soon as possible, one thing was
sorted,,I was meeting the parents soon enough .so we went to my house just to prove to
shanny that I wasn't lying and this wasn't a scam at least she needed to know where I
stayed incase anything happened.she made nice snacks and we ate ,,I saw where Sarah got
her cooking skills from,honestly I couldn't keep my hands to myself I wanted to hold her ,,I
tried but I was failing as if something was just pushing to touch her or her sexiness was too

I managed to get her to my bedroom ,,our bedroom ndaida just a bit of space with her ,,then
Jay called , that was just perfect super perfect I wanted him to feel pain,,I thought about all
the dirty secrets I knew about him,,the women he had been screwing behind Sarah's
back,,Sarah refused to pick up but I made her and then she did ,,opportunity came ,,this was
the worst revenge I could give him for treating Sarah like a fool pretending to love yet busy

242 | P a g e
with other women. I donno if he called that Iove but to me that was complete bull shit there
was no love like that. So i got busy with her body i made her moan ,,I made her naked and
when I heard him getting pissed I knew he knew what was happening and I entered her
,,she even was shocked cause this time I didn't take much time playing around ,,,luckily she
was born ready for me,,I made her scream and I wanted Jay to hear it,,I made her say my
name just so Jay could hear that again that I was the man in her life the man she loved and I
loved her ,,enough to do anything for her, if he thought he owned her then he was wrong,, I
owned her and she owned me,,,,I was pissed ,super pissed I didn't care that he knew her
first but he was not the man she knew.when she came I made sure he heard that part then I
got satisfied all that anger disappeared,, making her happy was now my mission and noone
was going to stop me.

We bathed and went to shanny who seemed disturbed she got a cal from Jay ,,her heart was
not settled ,so I had someone to check everything by Sarah's house, Jay was seen there
,,when he left that's when I took Sarah home,,I meant it when I said I would protect her,,I
was well connected my other business was paying off after all .I got home to a nice surprise
,,the video I had been waiting for I was all smiles till I opened it. What the heck???? I
couldn't believe what I was looking at,, I wondered if it was the same Hilda and the same
Jay ,,I zoomed close enough ,,it was definitely Hilda .my mouth went dry,,I didn't know if I
was dreaming or what,,was Hilda a demon possessed bitch or what,,how had they met na
Jay??? Was this some kind of game going ???? I never really knew Hilda ,,I didn't even
bother feeling guilty that I had disappointed her ,,and worse Jay ,,they pretty much
deserved each other,,,this was such a joke,,did Jay know that Hilda was my ex???! It seemed
they knew each other ,,so suspecting it being pay back was ruled out,,Jay did not know
Hilda was my ex and Hilda didn't know about Jay and Sarah

I decided to call bae..

" daddy.

" mami are you OK?"

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" yes I am."

" how are my babies."

" lol I don't know."

" how come?"

" I think they miss you daddy."

" and I miss them more."

" should I come and get you?? "

" I want you to but its not possible."

" I know ,,I Iove you Dee."

" I love you Andrea. "

" don't be scared everything is going to be OK babie."

" I hope soon."

" I don't want you to stress remember what the doctor said."

" I know but I miss being in your arms right now,,sleeping on the same bed."

" soon babie you won't have to miss me."

" take some days to rest don't come to work. Come only when your body is strong enough ,,I
won't forgive myself if anything happened to you or my babies. "

" you worry too much."

" you are my life Sarah ."

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" daddy come and see me please. "

" when?"

" now?"

" how will you come out?"

" I will sneak out."

" lol i thought you couldnt ,,,OK what should I bring you?"

" fries."

"Lol OK.

I just grabbed by car keys drove to town to buy fries ,,I got them by chicken slice ,,I drove
back to Kensington mota yaiita kufamba zvesure in no time I was parked by her gate,,I told
her to come out ,,in no time she snuck out,,,I opened the car door for her to get
in,,achingopinda she started crying hanzi daddy I miss you,,this crying business was too
much I noticed before we went to SA she was quite emotional aingochema I should have
known then that she was pregnant. APA crying made her blood pressure high,,, I hugged my
babie,,I hated seeing her like that,,I begged her to stop akazomira ndatanga kumubata ayas
Sarah soooo,,,I was now asking myself kuti by the time she gets due ndinenge ndaita sei.i
gave her her fries akadya like she hadn't eaten anything the whole day,,we chilled for a
while then she went back inside ,,it was late she had to rest per doctors orders.

She didn't wanna go and I didn't want her to go either ,,my mom had been calling
vachingobvunza how her daughter in-law was doing ,,I had to make her speak to her asati
aenda,,it was late but ndanga ndaneta nesame question the whole day,,,my mom was over
the moon she couldn't keep still,,,I didn't tell Sarah about Hilda and Jay ,,I needed to wait for
the right I drove back to my house ,,I checked Hilda's location,,she was by her flat
ndakamusiya akadaro.I took a glass of wine and drank,,its the only alcohol I tolerated
actually,, the rest of the stuff was just not good for me,,the Capetown incident was a mistake
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I wouldn't want to repeat it . wine made me relax all the time so anyway i started going
through all my pictures with Sarah in Capetown at the beach ,,I couldn't help but smile.I
made one my pro pic,,she looked stunningly beautiful.within min a message came in from

" waakuzondijairira manje."

" ????????????"

" don't play stupid with me are you showing off now?"

" zve show off zvapinda papi?"

" maakuisaka mahure enyu pamastatus."

" at least anohura neni chete ko iwewe???"

" but babie ndiudze ukundivengerei?"

" I don't hate you Hilda I just don't want you anymore and besides I never made promises
to you,,I was not the only man in your life so pakati pedu tese pavarume vese haungashaye
one anokuda."

" I didn't cheat on you Josh , trust me babie let's work this out."

" you don't even have the decency to admit it waakuzondibhowa manje haudi kunyarwa

" you are just accusing me using some made up evidence."

" ncaaa wozotaura neni kana wava ready kutaura chokwadi,bye dont talk to me kana usina
nyaya svinhu."

" I love you Josh."

246 | P a g e
" and I love her"

" chimubvisa pa profile pako ukundirwadzisa."

" you should have thought about that before you played me for a fool."

" usadaro."

" shaaa ndiye mukadzi wangu uyo and don't ever call her a bitch ndaakukuudza manje kuti
ndakamuvhura ndega she was intact so usataure rubish."

I went offline munhu atumira ma emojis ekuchema nxaa. I couldn't sleep ndaityira Sarah,,I
was monitoring her phone ,,its stupid but i had to monitor everything ,,ndakavhunduka
when my laptop reported that there was call on Sarah's phone nditarise nguva dzaiva kuma
2 am .I was disappointed when Sarah picked up Jays call amana vana vangu vaizorora what
time,, its good when you are an IT specialist,, I hacked the call and I listened to every word
that was said ,,I was a happy man when Sarah told him she loved me and she was letting
him go.there's nothing that makes a man happier than the woman you love telling her ex
that she loved you.hacking her call didn't mean I didn't trust her but in case anything
happened I would know where to start..I trusted sarah but I just didn't trust Jay and from
the conversation they had,, Jay wasn't willing to let her go,,I didn't blame him because even
I couldn't let her go.

I finally slept early morning ,,i was exhausted ,,when I woke up and noticed sarah had left
her medication For morning sickness ndakaita weak,,I dreaded getting up from my bed,I
kept looking at where the tablets were then I remembered how sick she had gotten the
previous morning,,I forced myself to get up ,I called shanny on the way

" shanny please wake up."

" you woke me up already ."

" are your mom and dad gone yet?"

247 | P a g e
" I think so why?".

" come to the gate."

" hell no for what?"

" Sarah forgot her morning sickness tablets anytime now she's going to be throwing up
come and get them.".

" tell her to come and get then. "

" then I will be late for work."

" aayas OK I'm coming,,you are going to pay for this."

" thank you I will.".

Less than 5 min I was there thats the nice part about staying in the same
neighborhood.shanny didn't take long ,she picked up the tablets with a heavy grin on her
face lol.

" please feed her for me."

" lol ayas im on the job now?"

" thanks in advance shanny I gotta rush and prepare for work kiss her for me."

" eeew bye."

I drove back ,,I was sleepy so I went straight for a cold shower ,,dressed and headed to
work, coffee was the fist thing I ordered when I got to my office.

End of chapter 37.

Kaydie loves you all happy reading

248 | P a g e
Dream lover Chapter 38
Story by kaydie

 0773812044


I woke pretty late my body felt exhausted,, when I wanted to take my tablets that's when I
realised I had forgotten them by Andreas house ooh dear. The Jay drama had me worried I
totally forgot about my pills I picked up my phone to phone daddy but my door opened and
shanny came in.

" looking for these.?"

" how and where did you get those???

" you man brought them."

" here?????

" yes he just left .

" but why didn't he wake me up and you also why did you go without me?

" because he didn't want to disturb you and his babies he wanted you to sleep."

I don't know why I started crying ,,I missed him and why would he come and not see
me,,,was it because of Jay that he didn't want to see me,,I couldn't stop crying shanny was

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comforting me but I didn't wanna listen to her,,it was all her fault why would she leave me
behind,,,, I was soo caught up in my own world crying that's when I heard Andrea talking
on the phone it was on loud speaker,,soon as I heard his voice I felt him all over my body
like he was there.

" babie talk to me what's wrong.

" Sarah please talk to daddy.

" mama 3.

" I don't wanna talk to you ,,why did you just go without seeing me I hate you.."

" mama 3 you were sleeping I wanted you to rest and I know you don't hate me

" but I wanted to see you I miss you daddy how could you do this to me?"

" I'm sorry love ,,okay let's make a deal ,,I will order fries for your lunch.

" I don't want fries I want you.

" fine I will come and see you during lunch. "

" okay."

" did you stop crying ."

" yees."

" good girl I love you."

" I love you too."

Shanny looked at me and she laughed ,,I hit her with my pillow.I loved my sister, its the way
she understood all of us that made me love her more,,l didn't even ask her to call him but
she already knew that's what I wanted. She went and made breakfast for me,,mom and dad

250 | P a g e
had left already so it just shanny and I the place was pretty quiet.I dragged waking up but
when I smelled the hot spicy Samoosas my mouth went watery shanny made sure to put
plenty for me ndaitoda all of them ka greediness kanga kandibata.i went to take a shower
,cleaned my room which I preferred cleaning by myself I didnt want a rearrangement of my
important stuff.after I was done I went down to get more food I was hungry ,shanny just
looked at me and shook her head.

" whaat ????" I said

" very soon you will be an elephant with the rate you are eating."

" don't start with me please lemme enjoy without being judged,,, please pass me juice.

" Josh is in trouble I tell you."

" so you worried about Josh you not even worried about me."

" I'm not worried about you because you are in good hands .Josh loves you,,you people
make me jealous honestly I want a love like that. "

" its because you are very choosy shanny you should stop scaring these guys,, you are
blocking your true love."

" lol I will try that next time a guy asks me out."

" so you think he loves me?

" I know he does and I'm happy for you,,I'm happy you found your heart ,,doesn't happen
with a lot of people."

We chatted for a while ,shanny was truly choosy maybe because it was soo easy for her to
read peoples minds but I wished she could meet a man who could make her happy,,I'm not
saying she was unhappy but I felt she was a bit lonely no wonder she focused so much on
everyone else,,she kept the house together and made sure everyone was happy I can

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actually say she was the mother of the house,,i don't think if I was put in her shoes I would
be able to handle all that,in my heart I truly admired her and she knew it.we hadn't noticed
that time had moved that fast until we had a hooter by the gate I knew it was Andrea,,I
couldn't help but smile I couldn't hide my joy I ran out of the door to open the gate,,,he
smiled when he saw me I went to his window and stole a kiss from him before driving inn
to park his car.

He got out and lifted me up and gave the tighest hug ever I knew he missed me too,,we
shared our warm kiss till we had shanny clearing her throat lol so we got into the house
and sat down.

Him :I love you. "

Me: I love you too daddy."

Shanny: is there anything else that you guys talk about besides the I love yous

Him: I'm sorry I can't help it I always feel like I don't tell her enough that's why I keep
saying it.

Me: I wanna hear it all the time and I wanna say till I can't talk anymore lol.

Shanny: how are you Josh.

Him: very well shanny thanks for taking care of her.

Shanny: ya I'm baby sitting a baby that's eats more than ten samoosas all at once.

Him: whaat ??? Are they healthy remember what the doctor said.

Me: they are healthy shanny said so

Him: is that soo

Shanny: they are better than the fries you keep buying for her.

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Me: where are my fries ???

Him: go and get them from the car and bring my laptop please.

I got up fast and went to the car,,yeees they were still hot and fresh from nandos ,,I grabbed
them and the laptop and went back inside the house.shanny was already serving Andrea
lunch I felt soo shy here I was just thinking about my own stomach I forgot about his,,how
did shanny manage to think soo fast always,,I guess its because people mature differently
,,some were slow like me some were fast like shanny.

He opened his laptop and told me to come and sit next to him ,,I was already eating my fries
and josh his lunch,, he made a Skype call to someone ,,,a face that looked almost like Andrea
popped up on the screen and I figured it had to be his brother Chris.

Josh: my man how you doing.

Chris: woooow is that our wife sitting next to you,,

Josh: its her

Chris : Beautiful how is your pretty self ????

Me: lol hie Chris, I'm aright how are you.

Chris: you have no idea how much I wanted to see the woman who stole my brothers heart
but he wouldn't let me,,I wonder how you are managing his jealous ass.

Josh: she's worse than I am

Me: he's lying ,,

Chris: I understand why he was hiding you,,you are a rare breed don't break his heart
please his fragile lol

Josh: if you make fun of me I won't let you speak to her

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Chris: usadaro kani ndewedu tese mukadzi uyo haumupedze wega.

Josh: remember what I told you.

Chris: Sarah your man there promised to kill me if I touch you.

Me: if you do it will be our secret kkkkkkk

Chris : will make a pinky promise when I come in less than a month.

Josh : we have news to tell you.

Chris: whaaaat.?????

Josh: we are pregnant???

Chris: whaaaaat Josh ,,,you are pregnant??????

Josh: lol you are stupid Sarah is pregnant.

Chris : wooooooow wakagowesa ,,now I know my brother doesn't fire blanks omg I can't
believe this I'm going to be an uncle woow,,,so will I be the God father to the baby????

Me: babies


Josh : 3 of them

Chris : how the hell will I manage three babies ,,are you crazy,,dude what were you
thinking,,what's wrong with your sperms dude and Sarah what's wrong with your eggs
,whaaaaat are you guys crazy.

Chris was crazy we all couldn't help but laugh even shanny laughed soooo hard even worse
than us,,we ended up laughing at her as well.....

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Chris : who's the other person laughing like a mad woman in the background

Josh: reverse your words or else you will be in trouble.

Chris : I love trouble please who is she

Josh: that's shanny,,the babies' god mother.

Chris: shanny please show your face I really wanna know who I will be dealing with???

Shanny : what do you mean dealing with as if you are going to be making my life miserable.

Chris: show your face kani.

Shanny: not unless you beg.

Chris : trust me my lady I'm begging.

Shanny laughed then she came on to the camera ,,we thought we would hear them talking
but instead there was silence he looked at her and she looked at him,,until Andrea cleared
his throat.

Chris: I'm very pleased to meet you my lady

Shanny : same here

There was silence again ,,they were having a staring contest until again Josh spoke.

" hey Chris keep shanny company for me I wanna talk to my boo in private I will be back.

" mmmmmhhm" he just hummed

We decided to go to my room,,, tichingopinda Josh was already all over me like a mad man,,I
had my hands already on his belt trying to remove it ,,we just wanted a quick one ,,,,I undid
his trousers and his shaft was already hard like it had been hard all along,, he turned me
around to bend me over and I did,,I felt him going in and I let out a soft cry,,,I wanted it

255 | P a g e
rough so I told him and rough is what I got,,he had his hands in my hair and the more he
pulled my hair the more I was turned on,,,he had me screaming,,I didn't even worry that
shanny might hear us,,she was downstairs and we were upstairs.

He then came out and lay me on the bed but on the edge ,,he held my legs up and rode me
like that ,,he put his hand right on the spot by my punani he was caressing me yet riding
me,,I couldn't hold it any longer.

" daddy ."

" yes mami"

" I can't hold it anymore."

" then let it go babie"

" do it harder."

" like this."

" oh yes."

" harder than this ???"

" I'm dying babie."

" I will save you,, come mami

Andrea was too much ,,,if it wasn't Andrea I wouldnt want another man,,he made me come
sooo hard I almost fainted,,he didn't wait long either and he offloaded inside me.I was
breathing fast he came to hold me,,this always happened and I don't know why..after a few
seconds of breathing I went to get a wet towel and I cleaned him up,,I went to the bathroom
and cleaned myself up,,when we were done we went downstairs to find shanny still
chatting to Chris,,,

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Josh: are you thinking what I'm thinking.

Me: I'm thinking what you are thinking

We both thought there was an unresistable spark between them ,,we went to sit next to
shanny and Chris said

Shanny are you thinking what I'm thinking,,

Shanny looked at us and said " I'm soo thinking what you are thinking..we all laughed then
we spoke to chris for a while then he finally cut off.shanny was blushing but we suspected
why,,we didn't wanna ask,,I was definitely going to ask her later.Andrea decided we all go
to his mothers house because she was worrying to see me,,so we decided to make fast
dinner before leaving because we didn't know what time we would be coming back.when
all was done we locked up and left.

End of chapter 38

Kaydie loves you all happy reading....

257 | P a g e
Dream lover Chapter 39

Story by kaydie

 0773812044


Mashura ndoandanga ndava kuitirwa manje ,josh was beginning to work on my patience.he
hurt me pandakamuona akaisa Sarah pa profile,,to think that all of a sudden someone had
taken over,,i didn't want to believe that it was true.i had to make another move,,I didn't
sleep the whole night mushonga wagogo ndanga ndisati ndaushandisa I had to find a way
yekumupa food nayo but since he had told me to leave ndaiita sei?.ndakamuka early
because ndaisatogona kugadzikana zvinhu zviri the way yazvanga zviri,,I knew he liked
coffee in the morning so I waited till I saw his car ichipinda then I went to buy coffee
ndikanobhadhara someone to deliver it by his office. Akanopinda akanoisiya Ku office kwa
Josh ndokubva abuda ndikamupa mari yake. I really hoped kuti noone would get to the
coffee iye asati aiona.

Ndakafonera imwe connection yangu ndichida kunzwa if I could get someone better than
gogo mzambiya because I could sense kuti vanga vava kupera basa.I called patie

" patie shamwari zvinhu azvina kumira bho nditori pama1 Josh haasi Kuda kunzwa
nezvangu pane maths dzaakabata dzandipinza ma1.

" haa koiwe ko wakazobatwa Seiko nhaiwe waakundimakisa manje madhiri ako

" shaa I didnt call kuti iwewe undifilise bad I need your help I need muporofita kana kuti
n'anga inogona matare zvakanaka.

" ukundivhunza nhasi pese APA wanga uchitambisirei nguva nhaiwe nemachembere apera
basa.pana Sekuru vari pa fiyo kana uri free toenda but vanoda mari manje.

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" money is not a problem shaaa let's meet in town izvozvi toenda.

" OK ndipe 30 min.

I waited for 30 min ,it seemed very long ndaitonzwa kutsva chaiko body yese yaidikitira
nehasha ,,I wanted to get my hands on Sarah,,I wanted to rip her apart ,,,Patie akazosvika
ndanzwa nekumira,,I didnt want to waste time ndakabva ndatodaidza taxi that would take
us to highfields. Takasvika patori ne queue zvapo

" ko nhai shaa ko hauna kundiudza kuti panenge pane queue kudai soo andizvide
zvekunyanya kuonekwa nevanhu ini hona ma1 andapindana nawo naiyoyi

" iwe shaaa dzikama kuzara kwevanhu handiti kureva kuti vanogona here chiri kukunetsa
chii indava usina patience kudaizvi.

" iwe shaaa ndiri pakumhanya kaini,,izvozvi soo who knows kuti arikuitei pamwe
arikutonobvisa roora because matauriro aaaiita ka ndekutondisvotesa.

Ndakazonyarara ndasvotwa hangu nenyaya dza Patie aitotaura zvaibhowa if not only kuti I
needed her help ndaida kumuregedzera mbama.

Takagarapo kubva kuma 10 kusvika kuma two ndopatakazokwanisa kupinda mukati.

Utarise sekuru vaitaurwa aitove Mwana Mudiki zvake ,,ndakazevezera kuti ndosekuru
vacho here,patie akati nyarara iwe ndivo...vakasundira chindiro chavo kwandiri ndikanzi
na Patie kanda mari ndookubva ndakanda 50 bond ,ndakaona varamba vakanditarisa
ndikanzi na patie kanda imwe,,,hezvo zvayaitokara mari n'anga yacho nhaimi or else kuti
ndoozvaiita n'anga dzechidiki dzaiva nedzungu chairo.

Ndakatora imwe 50 bond ndookubva ndakanda muchindiro,,ndakabva ndanzwa

yaakuchidzvova manje ,,zivoice racho ndakamboda kutiza ndakaona yokanda hakata zvese
zviri mumaziso Sekuru vaye vakabva vatarisa kwandiri neziso tsvuku raisanzwisisika Asi

259 | P a g e
raiita kunge raida kubuda,,honestly I was very scared I even thought kuti Patie had brought
me kwaiurayiwa vanhu,,I tried to relax but it was hard ndopakandazonzwa zizwi raitaura.

" iwe dzikama apo uri gwara futi andidi vane moyo mitete ini zvaunoona kudai ndoda vane
hana dzakasimba.

" sorry Sekuru,ruregerero ndichiri Mudiki.

" uchiri Mudiki ,,Mudiki haabate zvawabata mhani iwe.

"Ruregerero Sekuru ndinoreva Mudiki pahana.

" zvino zvauri kutadza kugadzikana zvandichakutuma uchazviita sei.

" nditaurirei Sekuru ndinosviita.

" chindipa pikicha yaiye musikana wacho tione.

" andina pabepa Sekuru iri mufon.

" chindipa chifoni chacho tione.

" iwe unoda afe here kana kana kuti vese vafe?

" ndinoda musikana chete kuti afe Sekuru.

" Isa chifoni chako mundiro iyo tione wobva wabata tsono iyi,,daidza Zita rake katatu tione.

" Sarah Sarah Sarah ."

Ndakabva ndaona vision yasarah achifamba aina Josh wangu nemumwe musikana akada
kuita saiye zvikanzi nasekuru chibaya ndava Kuda kubaya Sekuru vakadaidzira kuti Mira

" ko chii nhai Sekuru.

260 | P a g e
" iwe hunza pano iwe Asi unondishurira

" ndaita Seiko Sekuru

" indava uchitamba nerudzi rwakadaro iwe,unokuvara Muzukuru.

"Haa Sekuru andikuvare ini,

" hoo kana usinga kuvari baya.

Ndakabva ndatora tsono iya ndookubva ndabaya padhuze nepamoyo ,,ndaitoda pamoyo
chaipo ndipo paikasika kuti munhu afe.ndakanzwa body yangu ichichinja,,ndakadongorera
Sarah ndikaona abata dumbu adona pasi,,, mumba matanga tiri mukabva maita
Rima,ndakanzwa pamoyo pangu pachipisa sekunge ndazvibaya Ini wacho ndakanzwa
kurohwa mbama yandisina kunzwisisa kuti yakabva nekuti ndakanzwa Sekuru vokuma
kuti buda muno .Patie akandidhonza ndookubva abuda neni.

" Patie shamwari ndaakufa.

" koiwe wabaiyireiko inga wanzi usabaye

" saka waida ndingofambira mahara here waona naiyewo atori pama1 semi saka tafanana.

" nhaiwe saka uda kuti ndiite sei newe nezvauri soo

" hande kwa gogo.

" kwagogo mzambia

" ehe hande ikoko

" ha kana shamwari uko enda wega

" patie shaa ndirikurwadziwa ndofa.

261 | P a g e
Patie akazotora taxi ndookunanga kwagogo neni kwagogo zvaitonyadzisa sure kuti APA
ndanga ndavashora,,vakambo ndiyambira ndikasateerera ko what happened Ku coffee
yandanga ndasiya kubasa kwake makuseni,,zvese izvi zvaiva mupfungwa dzangu
kunyangwe ndairwadziwa,,I think ndanga ndava kutopenga chete nenyaya dza Josh taxi
yakandinonokera kusvika kwagogo nekuti ndaingogomera.ndainzwa mweya uchipera
mbichana mbichana kana zvaitaura na patie ndaisazvinzwa ndakangonzwa aakuti kuna
driver we taxi mukaita chinono anofira mumota menyu.

" muchimbotambireiko nen'anga vana vadiki dzikamai munamate Ishe ,,,zera renyu azviite
kuti tikuonei muchibuda kunoombererera asekuru ,,dzikamai pachine
nguva,,madzitateguru edu ndiwo aiita zvamuri kuita izvi zvichibva zvapera zvakadaro zera
renyu iri ivai nematyira.

" imi baba zivai zvekushanda ,,muri pabasa hapana ambokukumbirai kuti tikwidzei mahara
Asi mari yenyu tatokutambidzai tisati takwira saka zivai zvamunotaura zvatinoita
nekwatinoswera its none of your business.

" if its none of my business munorevei after all mota yangu ndoiri kukuendesai kune imwe
n'anga muchibva kune imwe,,mukafira muno munenge motondiruzisa business nemweya
yevakafa yaakugara mumota mangu andidi zvipoko zven'anga kadzi ini.

" iye wamuri kuti n'anga kadzi ndiani pamakaitenga munoziva kuti mota yacho yakafira
vangani kana kutibyakauraya vangani mxm.

" ndokudzikisai mukada kuonererwa hona mumwe wako chaakuita kunge chitunha.


Ndaingonzwa vanhu vachipopotedza zvaitondiira noise ndaitoda kuscreamer kuti shut up

please plus I heard no powers,,ndakazonzwa mota yamira and I knew tanga tasvika
ndakaburutswa mumota ndakabatiranwa ndookubva ndasiiwa mugedhi magogo mota
ndookusimuka whole body was painful ndanga ndaakunzwa kupindwa
nechando ndainzwa kutomerera chaiko I didnt know if that's how death felt like but it was

262 | P a g e
a horrible feeling ,,ndakatanga kuzvidemba,,kudemba all of my sins ,,,I felt like I could
repent right thereof asked to,,,you never know how strong you are until the only option you
have is to be strong.

Ndakanzwa gogo vachidaidzira from inside her house I think she was standing by the

Gogo: kana ari uyo ngaagare kure neni ngaabude kunze kwegedhi rangu,,andidi KUDA
kumuona pano.

Patie: gogo musadaro please ruregerero but munhu anofa please gogo musadaro Muzukuru
wenyu murikuda aite sei,

Gogo: akashora dare rangu handiti,,makore ese aya aibatsirwa naani kamani hamba
anditodi kunyangadzwa puma....musade kundiunzira shura pamba pangu wanzwa iwe

Ndakaona Patie apfugama kuna gogo trying to talk to her on my behalf,,I felt my tears
achiyerera APA for me to cry louder I couldn't because of the pain,,I started regretting why
I had started all this,when you are desperate you end up doing absolutely anything without
thinking. Was Josh worth all this nhai,,I was on the verge of dying ndichizovasiya to enjoy
their lives ini ndatova chipoko chisingazorore.

Patie akademba kuna gogo akapfugama ,,I thought she was going to feel sorry for me but
she didn't honestly nemari yandaivapa gogo was not supposed to do that to me,,I
understood I had disappointed her but she was my last hope ,,no wonder Patie had said she
didn't want to come kwagogo.

"Patie,,, gogo munhu akafa anofamba mbiri yakashata ndimi ,,zvichinzi pamba penyu
pakafira munhu.ingonzwirai tsitsi Hilda anofa gogo please.

Gogo : iwe ndikuku bhutsurirai panze anofira panze apo akadyiwa nembwa uko.mxm
imbwa dzevanhu huya naye tione mutakure wega futi .

263 | P a g e
Patie akatatarika achinditakura kundiendesa kuna gogo,,ndakanzwa nekurovera makumbo
pasi ndichiitwa zvekizvuviwa na Patie.ndakazotorwa ndookuiswa mumba ndikarariswa
pabonde ,,ndakanzwa gogo vaakundipfungaidzira vachitaura zvavaitaura.ndakatanga
kunzwa body yaitonhora yava kupisa ,,, zvobva zvatanga futi zvekutonhorwa.

" nhaiwe patie manga mafuriranei neshamwari yako iyi.

" gogo Hilda anoshupa uyu andishupa ndikamuendesa kune vamwe Sekuru kufiyo Anzi
usabaye iye ndookubva abaya.

" haiwawo uyo wepa fiyo Mwana Mudiki mhani haana kuziva kuti paari kubaya naiyewo
anga achitozvibayawo kupusa nedzungu ra Hilda ndakambomuudza kuti nyaya yake iyi
yaipa ngaambosuduruka nekuti yavakupindirwa nevakafa .

" munorevei nhai gogo.

" vanhu vaari kutamba navo vakabatanidzwa kumweya nemadzitateguru Avo iyezvino
akatakura dzinza rese paari.

Ndakavhunduka gogo vachitaura mashoko avaitaura,,gogo vaiyedza kuti chii pavaiti Sarah
akatakura dzinza rese paari ndakashingirira ndikaedza kubuditsa mazwi ndichida gogo
vandijekesere zvavaireva.

" nhai gogo munoreva kuti chii zvamuri kuti Sarah akatakura dzinza.

" nyarara iwe kuda kuziva zvisinei newe ndizvo zvakupinza pakadai ,ukazviziva wodii

" gogo please ndiudzeiwo ndife ndichiziva

" usatye hako nyangwe ukafa unongochibata chokwadi chacho because vakafa vanoona

" please gogo.

264 | P a g e
" iwe Sarah wauri kushupana naye ndiye atakura dzinza rese rekwana iye Josh wako ,,
kureva kuti Sarah ane pamuviri kana wanga usina kuudzwa ndava kukuudza izvozvi
,,siyana naye zvichakanaka arisi dzinza rehuku risingatane kufa,,zvawaita izvi wadenha
zvikukutu,,iwe urikuti wakuvadza Sarah Asi Sarah mutano wangomuita Kuti arare Asi
kushushikana kwawaisa pamhuri ndiko kushushikana kuchava pauri.

" gogo help me ndoita sei kuti zvisaite sekudaro.

" wotoendako wonokumbira ruregerero..

" haaa kana gogo kunokumbira ruregerero andiendeko,,sure ndonosvika ndichiti kudii
,,monditi ndini wekutorerwa murume iye zvino ndakatadza kubata pamuviri ndingadai
ndirini ndakamutakirira iro dzinza ramuri kutaura nezvaro.

" hawaigona kutakura dzinza wakaodza chibereko kare nekupusa uchingosiirwa zvirwere
kana muchinge mahura hurai zvakangwarira ,,,kana usingade kuenda regedza ,,ini handisini
ndinoparara kasika kubuda pano,,wapora iwe urikutotaura ,,Asi chipfuva chako
chichakutambudza kusvika wanokumbira ruregerero kwaari iye Sarah wacho.

" gogo iye akanditadzira wani.

" iwe ,,Josh anga ari EGA wawairara naye here iwe hauna kumuchinjanisa saka
wakatadzirwa papi,,APA mushonga wandakakupa ndakuti usaonekwe nemumwe munhu

" aisada kundiona ndapa guard kuti aendese Ku office.

" nhaiwe dununu iwe ndakati chikafu ichocho ngachisaonekwe nemumwe munhu kunze
kwako naiye chete ko zvino guard wawapa ndemumwe munhu kauyu nhaiwe kusanzwisisa
kwako kuri papi ndakakuudza kuti umwe munhu akauona hauchamugoni iwe zvako
ndookutonotambidza mumwe munhu.

Ndakaridza mhere ndakagara magogo,,,o had screwed up again honestly I didnt think kupa
guard was an issue I was soo desperate I totally forgot now I was going to lose him
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forever...well if I couldn't have him even Sarah wouldn't I wasnt going to give up yet,,to hell
nedzinza ravo ini ndaitovewo nerangu.

" okay gogo ndichaenda kunokumbira ruregerero rwacho but I don't know kuti ndosvikako
sei nekuti takambonetsana.

" haambokushupi ndakukumbirira kare chitora mushonga uyu upote uchinwa muviri wako
uchigere kusimba uchatombotora nguva.

Ndakatenda gogo ndookuvasiira mari yakawanda ,,ndakanga ndafa but she helped me a lot
ndakazobuda ndookubva ndatoenda kuflat kwangu I didnt even go and see my lil sister ,the
state I was in was not good,ndakangonanga kumba ndikanorara thinking of my next move.

End of chapter 39

Kaydie loves you all happy reading

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Dream lover Chapter 40
Story by kaydie



We were walking to the car suddenly Sarah screamed holding her chest.

" mami what's wrong,talk to me what's wrong.

" my my chest,,,,I saw her.

" you saw her who.???? Who Sarah babie please talk to me.

With that she closed her eyes and went quiet like she was dead,,,shanny was already
panicking we got her into the car and drove fast to my doctor,I couldn't think straight I
could feel my eyes watery,, I kept telling shanny to check her temperature and check her
pulse,,temperature was right ,,pulse was right ,,I drove like a mad man before long I was
carrying Sarah rushing into the doctors surgery,, he was a family doctor and I had been
there with Sarah already before so he knew her state. They quickly put her on the bed and
told me to wait outside.

" I can't wait outside please I can't I have to be in there with her, she needs me ,,I know she
needs me.

" look you can't do anything just tell me what happened,

" it was like she just felt a pain her chest and she said something I didnt understand like I
saw her but I don't know who she saw then she just collapsed.

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" okay please relax okay you need to relax she will be okay.

" doctor please save her and save our babies please .

" relax please stop panicking.

He closed the door and went with Sarah I went to sit on the bench that's when it hit me
hard when shanny looked at me,,I quickly looked away but my tears sold me out,,Shanny
seemed stronger than I was ,she knelt next to me and she held my hands together.

" Shanny I need her.

" I know ,,we all need her.

" Shanny you don't understand I'm going crazy I can't live without her,,what's happening,
why is all this happening now,, Shanny the babies ,,I mean the babies shanny our babies oh
my gosh.

" stop it Josh you have to calm down for her,,you have to be strong okay let's wait and hear
what the doctor says okay.

" okay.

Honestly I wasnt okay ,,I asked Shanny if we could call her parents but she said it wasnt a
good idea to rush worse with them not knowing of her condition,I decided to call my
mother instead

" Joshua mwanangu I thought you were coming here.

" mama things are not okay ,,Sarah collapsed I took her to the doctor.

" maiwe Satan zvaandinyangira ,,I kept having a bad feeling today like I was going to
receive bad new,,nhai maiwe zvangu OK I'm coming over.

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I hung up the call and started pacing up and down,,,I kept praying inside my heart that all
would go well,, 30 min passed with no news from the doctor,,I waited then mom came .

Ma: chiiko nhai mwanangu chiri kuitika what did the doctor say???

Me: nothing mom nothing yet vachingori naye mama I will die if she doesn't make it.

Ma: iwe shinga semurume akuudza kuti anofa ndiani namata kuti zvifambe zvakanaka
zvino mafonera vabereki vake here??

Me : no no mama Sisi vake vati timbomira sezvo tisati taziva condition yake and handiti you
know she's pregnant and they don't know.

Ma: right now you better call them in case anything happens mwanangu we will be in
trouble please please iti Sisi vake vauye pano.

I called shanny and introduced her to my mother ,,my mother was already soo happy to
meet her,,I told her what mom had said and since she was an elder shanny decided to agree
with her ,,she then called her parents that seemed to get into a panic as well.within 20
minutes her parents were there ,,I couldn't face them ,,this was not the right time to meet
actually it was not the right place to meet.

Shanny went to go and get them,,they came in in panic ,,shanny introduced my mother and
introduced me as well as Sarah's boyfriend.

Me: pleasure to meet you.

Mr Travis : did you by any chance stress my daughter.

Me: No No sir I can never do that.

Mrs Travis: what did the doctor say??

Shanny: nothing yet they have been with her for an hour now.

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Mr Travis: an hour??? That's too long.

Within five minutes my dad got there I think mom had called him for support.Sarah's father
looked surprised to see my father there.

Mr Travis :what are you doing here.

Mr Natt: I'm here for the same reason you are here how are you my friend.

Mr Travis: please someone explain to me what's going on??

Mr Natt: Joshua here is my son and your daughter happens to be my new daughter.

Mrs Travis: oh my gosh when did this all happen how long have you known we didnt know
and how come you did not tell us about it.

Mr Natt: we were waiting to come to your house pretty soon I found out a few days ago
when my son introduced your daughter to me,,when i heard the name then I knew it had to
be you.

Mrs Travis: oh dear so this is your wife here ?

Mr Natt : yes meet my wife.

Right then thats when the doctor came out looking defeated.

Me: doctor what's going on.

Doc : Sarah is sleeping.

Mrs Travis : okay but how is she

Doc: exactly what I said Sarah is sleeping.

Mrs Natt: what do you mean Sarah is sleeping.

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Doc: I mean there's nothing wrong with her she's sleeping.

Shanny: you mean Sarah is alive but just sleeping????

Doc: yes that's exactly what I mean,,,I did all kinds of tests but nothing is wrong ,,I checked
the chest where she felt the pain but there's nothing ,,I checked the babies but the babies
are fine too.

Mr Travis: babies ???? What babies????

Mrs Travis : yes what babies???

Doc: Sarah is now 10 weeks weeks pregnant.

Mr Travis: whaaat ,,,who else knew about this?

Mr Natt: we resently found out and that's why we were on our way to your house.

Mr Travis looked at his wife and just walked out,,,Mrs Travis looked at Shanny who also
quickly looked away,, she looked at me at I looked down as well.

Doc: look I don't know what going on with your daughter that put her in that state but all
we can do is wait for her to wake out,,about her condition please I once explained to her
she knows its a high risk pregnancy ,,she does not need any stress at all.

Mrs Travis : you said babies how many are they doctor.

Doc: 3 of them

Mrs Travis : oh goodness my baby oh my goodness she's carrying triplets Shanny you knew
about this and you didnt even tell me,,I knew something was different about my baby but I
didnt know it was this,,I can't believe my baby is going to have babies .

Doc: you are free to see her if you like.

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Mrs Travis: thank you doctor but I think Joshua there would love to go in first and see her.

I thought she was going to kill me but she was nicer than I thought,,my dad followed
Sarah's dad outside I asked Shanny to go in with me then we left my mother with Sarah's
mother getting to know each other.I went inside and sat next to her,,I kissed her hand ,,I
wanted to kiss her lips then I felt shy because of shanny.I touched her belly to feel my
babies I felt a sense of energy vibrating on my hand I moved my hand away puzzled..

" what's wrong Josh???

"I don't know I just felt a strong sense of energy coming from Sarah's womb,,it was moving
up my hand so I got scared.

" you guys are pretty weird but she said I saw her do you think by any chance maybe
whoever she saw put her her in this state.

" I don't know shanny I'm worried.

" let's pray.

We bowed our heads and we prayed ,,we prayed hard from the bottom of our hearts until
we felt closer to the All Mighty. Sarah was still sleeping,shanny went out and left
tears couldn't be held back,,I missed her ,a few hours ago we had made love we had been
talking and laughing and now she was just sleeping and I didnt know when she would wake
up.I held her hand and cried.

" babie don't do this to me,,you promised that you wouldn't do this to me,you lied to me
Sarah ,,how could you lie to me,,mai 3 I need you to wake up because I don't even know
where you are ,,you are not talking to me,,my babies are with you but who am I with,, you
are not even laughing with me yet I'm here hoping to see you smile,,I can't do this babie I
can't wait too long I need you now..

I didnt even realise my dad and Sarah dad had been standing in the room,I quickly wiped
my tears and got up to leave,,they both gave me a pat on the back and I left.I saw Sarah's
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mom and my mother sitting and talking I just walked passed them,they tried calling me but
my tears were failing me.I got into my car and sat there.

After a few min ,,I heard a knock on my window,,,I was busy playing Spanish guitar,,Sarah's
song,,it just made me cry even more,,,,I pulled down the window it was Sarah's mother,I
wanted to get out of the car but she opted to join me in the car instead.

Me: I'm soo sorry ma'am its all my fault I should have protected her more.

Her: these things happen don't be too hard on yourself son.

Me: this is not the way I wanted to meet you I'm such a disappointment.

Her: it was written that we would meet this way one.

Me : I truely and honestly love her.

Her: I noticed the way you are crying more than all of us.

Me: I'm scared that Sir Travis won't let me see her,,it will kill me.

Her: he may seem hard but he is soft hearted I will! Speak to him.

Me: Sarah is my life ma'am I want us to get married ,all that has been in my plans.

Her: look ,Sarah is young but she's carrying your kids ,my grandchildren,,I know things
happen for a reason but you better not hurt her,,I can see you are genuine now but I don't
want you to change in the future ,,love her the way you love her now always,she is a fragile
child and I love her very much,her father loves her very much,,finding out about her
pregnancy came as a shock to us so yes we are a little disappointed but we can't reverse
anything,all we can do is hope for the best and we expect you guys to do the right thing.

" thank you ma'am I won't disappoint you.

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" now be strong like a man,,she needs a strong man,,she probably needs you more than she
needs us,,we will be expecting you soon.

" yes ma'am thank you I feel better now.

She got out of the car and I followed her ,everyone was still there,,,my dad and sarahs dad
were still talking I didnt want to go near them ndaitotya hangu...... The doctor said we could
visit anytime but I decided to stay with her,,I wasnt leaving her by herself i was going to
spend the night with her.

End of chapter 40.

Kaydie loves you all happy reading.

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Dreamlover Chapter 41
Story by kaydie



When everyone left I went back in to see her,,she was still asleep not even waking up,,I
tried talking to her and shaking her again but she couldn't hear me I decided to speak to the
babies instead. I touched her tummy,, I felt that energy again this time more at ease I chilled
without freaking out ,,it was my babies' tummy after all and inside was my seed so I

" babies daddy loves you a lot,,I know you can hear me and I know you know me,all of you
know but now please don't be naughty,,you are way closer to mummy than I am because
you are in her womb,so please buddies I need you to tell mummy to wake up,I miss her and
I know she's hungry she needs to feed you.she can't feed you via the machine she has to
take her favorite meal,well actually your favorite meal,daddy is lonely please talk to
mummy for me.

I felt the energy all over my body suddenly I fell sleep,,, I couldn't even stop and I just dozed
off I could hear sounds of people talking but I couldn't understand who was talking ,,,I tried
to look around but I couldn't see anyone then from nowhere I saw my grand father but next
to him was Sarah's grand mother, they didnt seem happy at all,,I just stood there not
knowing what to do,instead I just decided to wait and hear whatever they had to say.

Granpa: I told you to be fierce like a lion the battle ahead doesn't need a man who cries too
much you embarrass me with such waste emotions on the wrong things.

Me: I was told her to love her with all of me,, all of me can't do without her.

Grandpa: can you not see that she's asleep.

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Me: but she won't wake up.

Granma: like sleeping beauty ,,the prince has to kiss her.

Me: what do you mean granma.

Granma: exactly like I said sleeping beauty spell was broken by a kiss.

Me: I thought that only happened in the movies.

Grandpa: do you believe that you met in spirit.

Me: I believe so.

Granma: do you believe we are here now.

Me: well I can see you now meaning you are here.

Granma: like sleeping beauty kiss her with all of your love without any doubt.

Grandpa: fight like a lion Andrea the battle won't be easy but we are with you.

Me: what do you mean?? Who wants to harm us.

Granma: your past and her past will rise against you but we will rise with you ,your love
will be tasted but you should trust in each other.

Grandpa: get my necklace from your father it has a pendant on it that shines a blue
light,,never take it off.

Just like that they both disappeared and then I just woke up,,I was sure what I had had was
correct I wondered if it was some kind of joke,,it was already close to midnight she wasnt
awake .the doctor came in to check on her .

Me: is everything alright doctor?

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Doc: yes all is fine.

Me: when will she wake up???

Doc: we can only wait as you can see she's breathing on her on without oxygen.

Me: has this ever happened before ,,I mean to someone else???

Doc: no not here that's why we don't understand what is happening.

Me: OK thank you.

With that he walked out of the room,,I was even more puzzled meaning whatever was
going on was spiritual why did both granma and granpa show up???? They had appeared in
my dreams before and whatever they told me was true and they mentioned our past
coming after us ,,that's true,,, was Hilda the cause of this,,,or maybe Jay????I looked at my
babie and I smiled I had asked the babies to help me,,then I met the great grandparents
meaning all this was true,,I got up from my seat I knew I had to save her she had to wake
up,,I felt all of my love flowing in me,something was pulling me closer to her,,I looked deep
at her I felt that all I had been told was true,,,my lips touched hers and I kissed her,,kissed
her like I was breathing life into her,,like I wanted her to reach out to me,and there I felt her
lips moving my heart started pumping fast I tried to relax ,,the relief ,,,,the love ,,I took a
deep breath inhaling air into my system,, I opened my eyes and looked at her ,her eyes
were fixed on me.she was awake.

" mami

" daddy

" I love you

" where am I ?

" the clinic you went into deep sleep and you didnt want to wake up.

277 | P a g e
" did I scare you again.

" worse than the last time.

" your eyes are swollen did you cry.

" unfortunately I did,,,you will pay for it.

" I'm sorry.

"Its okay.

" oh my gosh daddy the babies,, are the babies OK please tell me they are OK.

" stop babie everything is fine the babies are fine,are you feeling any pain???

" no I'm not .

I went over to her and we kissed for a long time.then I went out to call the doctor ,,who
came running ..

Doc: sarah welcome back how are you feeling.

Her: I'm OK doctor.

Doc: any pain in your chest maybe??

Her: not at all.

Doc: back pains or any kind of discomfort on your body????

Her: no nothing,,besides hunger,,I'm extremely hungry and thirsty.

Doc: thats good maybe we can get you some food and water .

Her: fries maybe ,,with a little salad.

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Doc: unfortunately we don't offer fries to our patients ,,they are not healthy.

Me: I saw that coming I can go and buy for you.

Her : no don't leave me.

Me: so what's next now doctor ...

Doc: nothing really she's free to go.

Me: are you sure ???

Doc: yes theres nothing wrong with her she not sick.

Me: I guess I better take you home now let me phone Shanny.

Her : Doc excuse us for a while.

Doc: no problem,,when you are ready call me.

The doctor left and sarah asked me to come closer ,,I went and sat next to her and held her

Her: Andrea tell me all that happened today.

Me: you just felt pain in your chest ,,u cried and then you were out,you just said I saw
her,,who did you see.

Her: I don't remember right now maybe I will remember later,,does my father know I'm

Me: yes.

Her: my mother?

Me: obviously yes.

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Her:oh my goodness I'm doomed.

Me:no no don't please,,,I spoke to your mom she's a sweet woman,,I'm not sure about your
dad maybe ndanyarwa because my parents were here.

Her: you mean everyone was here.

Me: yes you got everyone worried but when they left they left me with you.

Her: I hope my father is not too angry.

Me: he loves you and he knows you are not to get stressed,,the doctor told them all.

Her: I don't wanna go home babie,,I wanna spend the night with you.

Me: but babie

Her: shhhh I will be back here early in the morning they won't know I left,,the doctor won't
say a word so you talk to him.

I just laughed I don't even know how she cooked up that idea anyway I went to speak to the
doctor ,,he just laughed and told us to be back by 5 and that was cool with us.we left the
clinic and got into my car and drove off to my house,,she went straight to the shower and
she left me to make something for her,,I knew she wanted fries so I peeled the potatoes fast
cut them and did what I had to.I was almost done then the smell of her freshness caught my
attention,, she was wearing her night gown that was by my house ,,,she came,,she didnt
speak she unzipped my pants pushed them down she had her hands on me,,,ooooh sarah
what was she up to.she opened the fridge I always kept yoghurt,, she picked strawberry
flavor and poured on it.

Me: babie I haven't freshened up yet what are you doing.

Her: I don't care

Me: babie

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Her: you are disturbing me.

Me: you are sick relax

Her: ssshh this is how I relax

With that I decided to keep quiet and let her be.she licked all the yoghurt ,,I was about to
burn the last fries I reached out and switched off the stove and she had little josh in her
mouth,,, she sucked it until I was groaning,, she picked up speed and I was losing it she took
it out then back in her mouthI pulled her hair babie was back and on fire,, she was
hungry for me,,I pulled out of her mouth ,,picked her up,,,,I pushed off everything that was
on the kitchen table,,inside the gown she had absolutely nothing ,,,I opened her legs,,I
played with my tongue right them,,I did like I was sucking juice out off her punani she

" Andrea .

" yes .

" don't take long I want you right now

" right now.

" yes damnit right now.

I could see she wanted to cry so I took lil josh and pushed in she gasped for air.

" like that???

" yes ooooh yes.

" tell me how you want it??

" sloow really slow.

281 | P a g e
"Yes ma'am slow it is.

I gave it to her slow ,,she was moving her hips her waist in slow motion then her ass up and
down slowly ,,I reached for her nipples she started moaning louder,,I kept going slow until i
saw her tears and I knew I got her there,,she pushed up and got up from the table and she
sat on the table with me still in her ,,she had her hands hugging me but her hips still moving
to the rythim ,,I heard her breathing change and I heard damn you Andrea ,,yees she was
coming hard and strong I picked up speed I wanted to get there with her,,I was groaning
loud ,,she loved it when I did that,,she squeezed me hard and I squeezed her too.

Oooooh yes daddy.

I squeezed her ass ,,she was extra juicy inside ,,I stayed in there ,,,,for a while while kissing,,I
felt me getting hard I saw her opening her legs wider so that I could see all of her,I saw little
josh getting angry again,,she moved in circles haa sarah soo ka aindipedzera, looking at my
dick going in and out of her made me nuts,,I took it out ndikarovarova her punani ndikaona
andibata aidzosera EGA ,,this time she was wild,,she took it out again ,she got off the table
,gave me her back then she held the table ndikapiwa nekumashure,,,Mwana aichemerera
mhani,,we both wanted it rough this time and in no time we were both satisfied and
exhausted,,, we sat down really laughing. We had had one hell of a session,I took the fries
and fed her.we went for a quick shower then set the alarm for 4:30 ,,it was already close to
1 am we had just a few hours to sleep .

4:30 the alarm wrang,,I had to force her to wake up and bath,,,20 min we were done then
we left for the hospital when we got there there was noone from home her ,,haa the doc

Doc: OK who likes it the most???

Me: she does.

Her: he does

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Doc: hahahaha you are one hell of a couple I see,,its good for the babies ,,keep it up.

Her: I will remind him when he refuses to give it to me.

Me: sshhh are you not shy???

Her: no babie as long as I'm getting from you I'm not shy to say it,,,you give it to me good.

Doc: OK I'm going deaf.

Me: lemme call them now and tell them sleeping beauty is awake.

Her: sleeping beauty huh,, by the way how did I wake up.

Me: I will tell you some other time ,,later today.

I called everyone ,my parents,,shanny and Sarah's mother who obviously told her husband
,,in no time everyone was gathered there with all smiling faces.shanny looked at me with a
questioning eye then I went outside,,,she followed me.

Her: spit it out why is she smelling fresh if she just woke up.

Me: I donno maybe she bathed wherever she was,she bathed in spirit.

Her oh shut up tell me,,,,what time did she wake up.

Me: lol you are too much,,around midnight and yes she begged me to take her to my
house.she wanted to bath.

Her : oh please

We both laughed . Our secret was never a secret to shanny,,I was quite scared of Sarah's
father,,,I was trying my best to stay away from him or else ndaizodzipwa. All this was over
but I wanted to know what had happed to sarah ,,,I wanted to know who she had
seen,,something was not adding up and I wasnt going to stop,,all I wanted was her safe at

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home my gut feeling was telling me that probably Hilda had something to do with all this,,I
was going to hunt her down aizoudza vamwe kuti azviite,,the war had begun and I wasnt
planning on losing.££??

End of chapter 41

Kaydie loves you all happy reading

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Dream lover chapter 42
Story by kaydie



Mrs Travis: so Joshua were you there when she woke up.

Me: yes ma'am

Mrs Travis: how did she work up????

Me: aaaa aaaa well I got a little help.

Mrs Travis : help from who????

Me: AAA its complicated

Mrs Travis: uncomplicate it we all wanna know....

Mrs Travis was making it really hard for me how was I going to tell her I kissed her
daughter it sounded weird and worse to say i was told their granma and my granpa ,,,Sarah
would believe that wasn't a problem but the family.....

Dad: we are waiting tell us.

Me: you might think I'm crazy if I tell you

Mr Travis: let's see how crazy you are.

Sarah: I think I know what happened,,,

Mrs Travis : why don't you tell us then????

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Sarah : its embarrassing to say.

Shanny: he might have gotten instructions from granma these two dream of dead people.

Everyone looked at us puzzled looking at Sarah then looking at me,,I was feeling quite un

Mr Travis: what is shanny talking about Sarah.

Sarah: shanny talks too much dad ,,it just happened a few times and Josh happened to see
grandma once in his dream.

Mr Travis: why don't you describe her for me Josh,,tell me how she looks like.

Was he serious????what was that for??? Did he think that maybe I was a fraud. What a way
of making me feel worse.

Me: she's the older version of Sarah sir,,but with a mole on her mouth,,brunette hair sir and
when she smiles she comes out dimples ....

Mrs Travis: that's surely grand ma,,oh dear bless you ,,but what did she say????

So yes I had to tell them exactly how it happened,soo many faces were shocked but ended
up bursting into laughter I think everything was normal for sarah and I but not normal for
everyone else,,,Sarah's fathers kept staring at me I didnt know what exactly he had in
mind.the doctor came and discharged sarah,,we all went outside it was hard for me to say
goodbye to her,,I was happy to have her alive that's all that mattered.I had my father telling
Mr Travis that we would come for dinner the following day,so meaning they had made an
appointment ,he hadnt told me yet I was yet to find out.ndanga ndakangouna una ko ma in-
laws were there and I wasnt sure kuti vaizoti kudii.they left with sarah then I was left with
mom and dad.

Mom: cheer up my son at least she's awake.

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Dad: we are going to their house tomorrow son,,,but what's this I'm hearing about
dreaming of the dead,, what did my father say???

Me: he said you have a necklace with a blue pendant that you should give to me to wear

Dad: I didnt know this would come any day,,,,I never told any of you about it,but it seems he
surely wants you to have it, he had told me to keep it safe because he would come back for
it ,,it didnt make sense then that he would come back for it because he didnt stay long after
that he died.all these years I kept wondering,,,he's surely with you my son,,it gives me a
peace of mind that the spirits out there do communicate when there is need to,,I don't
know why he wants you to have it now. I know theres a reason even after what has
happened with sarah,, I don't know how you two met but I can see even see the dead
support the two of you,,who are we to object??? Bless you my son.

Me: thank you dad.

He then left with mom,I went home to take a shower I had had a rough night ,,I was tired so
I showered and went to the kitchen ,,i found left over fries that sarah had left in the
morning,,I stood there thinking about how crazy we had gotten that moment ,thinking of all
those events got me hard just thinking about her.she had a wild side that kept me hooked
on to her that I found unable to imagine being without her.ndakazongotora the chips and
coke ndikanogara hangu musitting room watching TV ,,ndakazonzwa ndabatwa nehope
ndakagara ndokubva ndangorara ipapo.

I woke up in the afternoon already ndokubva ndambobuda kuenda kuoffice kuti ndinoona
kuti zvakamira sei??I got there and everything was exactly the way I had left,,the coffee that
I had gotten the day before was still there I picked it up but my heart yakarova,,I looked at
the coffee again then I opened it ,ndakanzwa hana ichirova futi then I went to the bathroom
to throw it away.I wasnt planning on drinking it but how I felt when I held it was
weird,,ndakazongosiyana nazvo and went home.ndichisvika ndakafonera Prince the guy I
had asked kuti aone nezva Jay and Hilda kuti auye kumba,,it was high time I got up to date.

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My other company was around town as well so in no time he was by my house,,,we sat in
the sitting and went through what he had.

Prince : we managed to install cameras in Hilda's house so just go here when you want to
see everything in her house.

Me: lol I didnt know you were going to go that far.

Prince: the woman is dangerous sir .

Me: what do you mean by that.

Prince: take a look at this video.

He opened one of the videos yandakaona Hilda akabataba bute and she was sprinkling it on
what seemed to be Sarah's photo I had to zoom it close to see it was Sarah,, its exactly the
same photo that I had put as a profile on my app meaning kuti Hilda had taken that
photo,,she must have got it printed,,, oh my word she was worse than I thought.could she
be the one that Sarah had seen before she collapsed ???? That video trouble me big time,,I
kept putting it on repeat she hadn't done much besides kumwaya bute and she put it in a
wooden plate mubedroom make,,,..

Me:Prince I need you to get that photo.

Prince: that's pretty scary zvejuju zvinongondityisa .

Me: if you were brave enough to break in and install cameras you can as well break in and
get that photo,,that's my wife in that photo so I don't care how you do but do it urgently.

Prince: you mean today.

Me: I said as soon as yesterday,,, I can't risk my wife's life she's pregnant and mishonga
yandiri kuona apo yaakundivhiringa .

Prince : I totally understand let me go sir ndinoona kuti ndoita sei.

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Me: track her phone ,,it will tell you where she is then you plan nicely,, and check if theres
any other photos in that house ,,photos of me especially.

Prince left ,I was stressed I had been told we had a battle manje zvayanga yava
nemushonga mukati taizoibuda sei???I remember being told to fiercely fight like a lion.this
was time to resume going to church ,,I had disturbed sarah a lot and she had missed a
couple of Sundays at church.we were Catholic too so i decided every Sunday
kuchurch,,,whatever was ahead needed the most high.i donno chakangonditi take a look at
your office,,,I took my laptop and went kuma cameras epabasa,,I checked muma offices but
I couldn't find anything interesting,,,I kept checking but still nothing then I decided to check
outside the building ndopandakaona Hilda giving coffee to the guard achibva apinda
nayo,,he came back and i saw him getting paid meaning the guard ndiye akanga awunza
coffee,,right then ndakabva ndatosimuka going kubasa kwangu again.

Ndakasvika the same guard aripo i wanted to slap him but I stopped myself.

Guard : boss you are back???

Me: let me ask you,,who do you work for??

Guard : I work for you sir.

Me: what is your job here.

Guard: security sir kuona kuti zvinhu zvese zviri right.

Me: so when you jeopardize the security of this company ndofanira kuita sei newe.

Guard : I never do that sir.

I took out my laptop and showed him the video ndakaona munhu achishamisika,,that was
the nice part about having someone on video hapana paairamba mhosva.Ndakaona

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Me: I'm giving you five minutes to pack and leave.

Guard: noooo please sir,,I'm sorry sir it was just coffee and she said it was a surprise for
you,,I didnt think it would harm you sir.

Me: if it was a surprise akadii kupinda ega you have shown me kuti haufunge and you know
nothing about security wakachiva mari risking my life I dont need you so before I even get
you arrested please leave uchanopihwa basa neakakupa mari anayo yakawanda stereki.

He knelt down and begged but my mind had been made up I wasnt going to risk it.I already
told the human resources to bring in a new guard ndokubva ndatoenda kumba.i went to my
bedroom to go and lie down,,the days events were disturbing me my mind didnt have peace
at all.what was Hilda up to,,meaning there had been something in the coffee and thank
goodness that morning I had looked at the coffee and got off the mood of coffee,,I was now
thinking kuti dai ndakanwa what was going to happen to me.i didnt know who to trust
anymore if I couldn't trust my own security the only thing I could trust was my laptop. I got
home and took everything that belonged to Hilda I hadn't had time to do that I was always
away from home and the last time she had been to my house I hadn't alowed her to even sit
in my house.I packed clothes shoes and out in a big bag then I just dumped it all in the
garage.I didnt want anything that had Hilda's name on it.

I went back into the house I had a phone ringing ndaiitsvaga ndichishaya then I found it
under the pillow,, sarah had left her had 10 missed calls all frompp Jay,,my day
couldn't be better. He called again and I picked up.

Jay: who is this now

Me: JosMe: Josh

Jay: I don't remember Sarah's phone being your phone andisi kuda kutaura newe.

Me: she left it under the pillow so obviously you don't have a choice.

Jay: uda kuedza kuita sei muface iwewe.

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Me: nezvei???

Jay: don't act smart you think you are clever harare ndewangu sarah ndewangu I'm going
to show you kuti hauna chako,,,you pretended to be the good guy and lured her into your
arms wakachiva babie rangu,,,wanga wamapedza here mamwe ese epabasa pako,,,you
think I don't know your character ndimi maboss anoswera kungorara nevana
vevanhu,,sarah is too blind to see that but I won't rest until she sees the shit you are made

Josh: hoo wati you will show me kuti sarah ndewako????

Jay: pabatisise ipapo,,wamuisa kupi sarah I wanna talk to her.

Josh: imbomira kundishushira mukadzi wangu please and I'm not in the mood of all this
nonsense,,,, imborara umbobvisa mbanje dziserere,bye

Jay: you don't say bye to me as if ndiwe wafona ndati ndirikuda mai mhofu...

Josh: sorry wafona wrong number if you are looking for mai mhofu nekuti pano
panowanikwa mai Shumba chete,,pabatisise ipapo varidzi vesango kana mhofu

Ndakabva ndatokata ndaakutosvotwa naye.I went downstairs kunotora wine just to relax
this Hilda Jay issue yanga ichiramba kupera.....I took my phone and called my wife pafon pa
shanny ndanga ndamusuwa zvokuti.ndichipedza kutaura naye ndakazotaura nachris I
think he heard from shanny kuti sarah airwara APA he couldn't stop talking about shanny....

End of chapter 42

Kaydie loves you ,,happy reading...

291 | P a g e
Dream lover Chapter 43
Story by kaydie



If I ever been scared in my life this whole situation had freaked me out.facing my parents
too was just so hard but we were all just glad that sarah was OK and awake.I remembered
the night before mom and dad had refused to eat worried about sarah,,,dad had shouted all
the way going home but I kept apologising,,all that changed when sarah woke up,,he was
suddenly smiling all the way.seeing his daughter alive and well made all the anger vanish.
When going home mom went with sarah they said she needed enough air circulation lol
,,anyway I went home with dad.all the way I was very scared I just didnt trust dads mood

Dad : shanny why are you soo quiet???

Me: scared to talk to you ,you might just kill me

Dad: and why would I do that.

Me: you were pissed off yesterday

Dad: am I pissed off today?

Me: I don't know.

Dad: I didnt know what was wrong with your sister and finding out that she is pregnant
came as a shock to me,,I wasnt expecting such news anytime soon,,sarah has always been
quiet ,,I thought i knew all her moves but I guess I just didnt.

Me: she's still the same person only that now she's going to be a mother,,she needs you dad
and its not like the boyfriend said he doesn't want her,,he's dying to marry her,,you saw

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how he was at the clinic,,he didnt dump her there and leave but he stayed even though he
knew you would come and see him there,,he still stayed its because his intentions are pure.

Dad: has he ever abused her in any way at all.

Me: if loving her is part of abuse then yes ,,,I have never seen her happier dad.

Dad: unomufarira handiti ka?

Me:lol I'm just saying what I know.

Dad: anyway who am I to say no,I hope he didnt take advantage just because he is her boss.

Me: are bosses not supposed to fall in love with their PAs

Dad: I'm saying they should draw the line

Me: with love there are no boundaries dad.

Dad: you talking soo much about love ,,what do you know shanny you are still young and I
hope you are not getting pregnant anytime soon.

Me: I'm oder than sarah by two years yet she's pregnant.

Dad: what are you trying to say???

Me: that I'm a grown up woman ,,not that I'm going to get pregnant soon,,what if someone
wants to marry me ,,you will say no because you think I'm too young????

Dad: you bring him to me first he should ask for permission.

Me: OK dad I won't disappoint you.

The conversation with dad lasted a little longer ,,why was I even bothering explaining
about me ,,its not like I even had a boyfriend at all ,,I never had relationships that lasted ,I
got annoyed easily and I think I just hadn't fallen in love yet looking at how I had given up

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easily in most relationships ,,I never regretted it,,I just never found a man who was worth
my time ,,dad didnt need to worry about me at all.I was a 28 year old Virgin haaa
ndakazviseka hangu.reason why I broke up wit most of them was paaingoti let's do it
ndobva ndatoona ndaane nhumbu and already I had a belief yekuti if he says let's do it ,,it
meant he was close to dumping you so Aida Kurara newe then obva atokusiya so I made
sure I dumped him first before he dumped me,,so since then I tried to stay away from men
until I saw the relationship between sarah and Josh,,I wanted something like that too ,,,they
were adorable and cute,,they made me admirer everything about their relationship,, they
couldn't keep their hands off each other,,they were obsessed with each other noone had to
be told they were a couple you would see by just looking at me they were the
worlds best.

If I was to have a man in my life ,,I wanted a man who could make my heart skip a bit,,make
me smile by the thought of him!,,a man who gave me non stop butterflies,, maybe I was
expecting too much I wanted someone who could make me laugh not because he cracked
jokes but a guy who knew how to please me,,,I don't know why Chris popped in my head
when I was thinking about all this .but no Chris was Joshs brother that would be weird he
was Josh's younger brother I didnt know how old he was but we looked almost the same
age but how would we address each other???was sarah supposed to be my maiguru??? The
thought of it made me laugh sooo hard dad looked at me and laughed also.

Dad: please do share the joke.

Me: I just thought of something funny.

Dad: what is it.

Me: OK I have a friend of mine,,the little sister is getting married to the older brother and
the older sister getting married to the younger do they address each other lol.

Dad: well the older brother will always be the older brother so in shona culture even if the
older sister gets married to the younger brother she will still be the mainini and her

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younger sister the maiguru because she got married to the older brother but now in
English culture they are just in-laws,,no titles like such.

Me: lol OK so when we get married which cultures do we follow???

Dad: depends on where you get married ,,I will definately get you guys married in my own
culture but now if your husband is black when they take you from me it means you will
have to learn and follow their culture.

Me: I wouldn't wanna give myself the stress dad ,I will look for a guy of our kind,,, Sarah got
herself one,,,even though the mother is black and father is second generation coloured ,,he
prefers following his fathers traditions,,that makes life easier .

Dad: with love anything is easy dear,, I married your mother the African way,,it was a
beautiful thing even though I didnt know much,,my uncles didnt know only my mothers
brother knew but everything was perfect ,we enjoyed it all.

Me: how much did you pay to get your bride????this is super exciting

Dad: lol I paid a lot believe me she was worth it,,I put extra money on all that was charged.

Me: you were showing off?

Dad: no I was appreciating her.

Me: where did you and mom meet.

Dad: lol you ask a lot of questions, well we met at a restaurant,, she was waiting for
someone and so was I,,but somehow we both got stood up,,I prefer calling it fate,,we
chatted and chatted waiting for our partners but they never came,,as we were chatting
sitting in the restaurant, I ordered food,,she was shy to eat but she ended up eating
anyway,,we got to know each other that's when we fell in love love at first sight to be
precise,,she was beautiful ,,stunning ,, anyway there were no cellphones yet so I gave her
my landline number and she took mine,,I told her the time I would call her everyday,,so she

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would sit by the phone every 5 pm and i would call, her voice was very sweet I remember it
like yesterday,so innocent so pure like a melody,,we fell head over heels in love,,we both
left our other partners,,we spent weekends at the park and at the movies until we decided
to take a step further then we got married.

Me: given a chance would you marry mom again????

Dad:I would get married to her over and over again without thinking twice. No doubt ,,she's
the only woman made for me.

Me: you are like sarah and Josh

Dad: don't be silly i don't know much about him ,,I only know that his father is a good man I
respect him,,and i respect the fact that they love my daughter if it wasnt for that I wouldn't
let them marry,,

Me: dad does it matter whether the family likes your daughter or not???? I thought what
matters is the two being happy?

Dad: how can the two be happy without family.

Me: because love has two people the rest of the people are just there to watch .

Dad: your brain is too much shanny too mature for your age,,

Me: I take after you surely.

Dad: lol

Me : so what were you and Joshs father speaking about????

Dad: he was just apologizing for the situation between my daughter and his son,,but I'm OK
,,it happens,they want them married as soon as possible,,

Me: are you OK with it.

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Dad: of course I would love to show off walking you guys down the isle ,,there are a
respectacle family and good business partners and it will we be good if the business
remained in the family too I wouldn't worry about outsiders enjoying what they never
worked for.

Me: dad I was thinking of opening a restaurant ,,I can't keep working from home,...

Dad: I thought you would never mention that,,, its a good idea ,,calculate everything that is
needed I will definately help you,,,your grandmother was very good in the kitchen and you
take after her and I would be proud to show off your talent,,look for an area which can
accommodate the customers you need ,then we see what to do to set it up

Me: thank you soo much dad I really appreciate it.

We got home ,,sarah and mom were behind us,,Anny rushed to come and welcome sarah lol
she hadn't actually seen her for a few days .Everyday was a beautiful day for us,,my phone
rang before I got in the house so I remained outside

Chris: my queen

Me: when will you stop calling me that

Chris: when you cut off my tongue cause then i won't have a choice ,,so allow me to do so
before you cut it off my lady.

Me: how are you.

Chris: longing to see your pretty face,,I'm still trying to bring you the moon,in three weeks
time maybe I would have managed to rip it off where its placed.

Me: and why would you wanna bring me the moon.

Chris:maybe you can believe that my humble heart only beats for you now???

Me:who was it beating for before me???

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Chris: it wasnt beating yet.

Me: you are a crazy guy Chris

Chris: crazy comes when I speak to you

Me: OK enough of your craziness wasup.

Chris: lol I wanted to check on sarah how is she,,is she awake now.

Me: yes she is,,we have just brought her home .

Chris: and my brother??

Me: your brother has too much love ,,no man can match up.

Chris: try me and see if I'm no match.

Me: shut up.

Chris : I'm serious,, its a Natt thing.

Me: goodbye Chris?

Chris: where are are you rushing off to

Me: to make breakfast.

Chris: will you cook for me too?

Me: I'm not you girlfriend.

Chris: you will be.

Me: goodbye

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I hung up,,Chris was never serious,, all he did was joke around anyway I went into the
house where Josh was the main news in the house.

End of chapter 43;;!!!!

Kaydie loves you all happy reading.

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Dream lover chapter 44
Story by kaydie



I went straight home after ndabva kwagogo,, my head kept on spinning surely sarah was
pregnant kundi over taker ndakavarairwa.I regretted how I got myself infected
ndikazvikuvadza chibereko,,,it all happened before I met Josh,,i didnt care then because
ndaisatodawo Mwana wacho,,a baby was a compete destruction to my business ,,who
would hire hure ririkuyamwisa. I had decided that I would live my life without a child and
be content with it,,but whe I was about to lose Josh ndopandakaona the importance of a
babie. Even if aizondiramba we would still have our one connection , the baby , there was
Noway he would abandon me knowing I had his baby,I had a thought in my head ,I was
supposed to make sarah lose the babies she was carrying. They were the only thing
blocking my happiness na Josh wangu iyewo aive nechibereko chakafumuka
chinongobatira ka1 kana kuzeza,,, I felt soo much hatred towards her..everything she had
was better than what I had moziva mumwe munhu anogona kublesser zvekuti
unomuvengera mahara but pana sarah it was not like I hated her for nothing anga
andibvutira munhu wangu,,something I considered unforgivable.

I took my phone and called saskam rinonzi Marcus,, ndiye imwe imbwa yemunhh yanga
yaakundibhowa futi,

Mac: babe

Me: don't babe me you lied to me

Mac: I'm working on it

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Me: working on it kuita Seiko iwe wajaira kudya zvemahara kunge honye you used me you
lied that you would help and you didnt unofunga wakangwara handiti.

Mac: he wasnt around what did you want me to do and ndakakushandisa papi its not like I
slept with you usingade aren't you the one who was a freak the whole night???? Unoti
musana wangu hauna kurwadza here,,I didn't even sleep at home with my wife I was with
you so what's your problem.

Me: my problem is Josh dumped me and you didnt do anything about it saka inini if you
don't help me get him back I'm going to make your life miserable,,I will tell josh about us...

Mac: if you tell him that your loss sha ,you are the one who wants him not me,,,I will just tell
him kuti you seduced me he will believe me of which that's exactly what you did.

Me: I wonder if your wife will think of it that way I have pictures of you naked in my bed
usafunge kuti ndakapusa I always have my weapons ready ,,utoona zvekuita izvozvi soo I
need my rent and food wotoona zvekuita.

Mac: Hilda are you threatening me now????

Me: kana ndirikukuudza zvandirikuda chete .

Mac: ndakamira saani???

Me: semunhu anondikwira.

Mac: your flat is expensive get yourself pasingadhure you can't expect to live a life of luxury
when you don't go to work.tsvaga basa shaa haunake zvekuti ndingakuitirw zvese izvozvi.

Me: mxm imbwa yemunhu indava uchida kundijairira iwe hausiriwe waikoirira uchiti
chikapa changu chakupengesa mukadzi wako idanda.

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Mac: danda iroro ndotorida at least ndini ndega ndinopindapo koiwewe,,nzira yemunhu
wese,,,,manje ndirikutomudzidzisa zvaunoita iwewe kwasara mbichana saka gara
nechikapa chako chikubhadharire rent.

Me: bho zvekuti uchanditsvaga.

He was getting too big for his shoes Marcus aiva mutete sterek for this,,I hated murume
wekuti when he doesn't want you anymore then he starts dissing you,,,it was hard to hurt
Joshua but noone ever said I couldn't hurt Marcus. I don't know where he got his guts
ekundipindura rough and I wasnt letting him off soo easily.After about 2 days resting I
went back kuna gogo,,my chest was heavily painful ndaitotadza going up the stairs ndisina
kumbomira.I knew what gogo had told me to do but I wasnt going to apologise to Sarah,
never ndiye aitofanira kuita sorry.I passed by my lil sisters place first ndichimbomuona,,all
was well anga atojaira kugara ega APA chikoro kaidambura manje,,she reminded me of my
school days ndaisagona too much but I wished I had done better.I was leaving a life
yekuyamwa jende,,,and type yese yese ye blambi,,dzimwe dzekuti waitosemeswa before
you even start waitoda kurutsa ,,I made it a rule kuti no sex without bathing unless if it was
someone i trusted.

Gogo: eh Hilda titambire.

Me: motambireiko gogo ndangouya ndakarembedza.

Gogo: wakarembedza hako asika my wallet mune zvirimo.

Me: kkkk gogomari munoida

Gogo: newe unoida tese tinoida.

Me: lol ehe ndosaka ndauya kuzokuonai.

I told her what had happened with Marcus ,,,I wanted him kuti amire kutaura nonsense
dzaaitaura idzo ndaitoda mari ever since ma allowance aJosh amira I was running broke, I
had days of no business kubva the day yandakakuvadziswa na Sarah.
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Me: gogo ndirikuda zvinoita kuti zvifambe sure kuti ini qndinyatsonaka.

Gogo: wagarisawo ndisati ndakupa wekudziisa muviri plus wekusunga kuti ubva waita
virgin chairo,iwe wanga uchipedza nguva uri kuchikomana chako icho chichakuuraisa pane
kuti uende kune vamwe.

Me: aindipa mari kudarika vamwe vese plus ane yakawanda kudarika vamwe vacho vese
gogo pkis ndaimuda uyo.

Gogo: business rako haritodi kite zvekunyura murido unofa nestress siyana nazvo
ndirikukuudza kuti siyana na Josh ,,shoma yaunopihwa nevamwe iyoyo inotokubatsira APA
wakapusa makore mangani uchihura hauna kana kuvaka imba,,kana kukumbira
kutengerwa stand kana kuvakirwa chaiko,,changamuka Hilda iharare ino unopera ndiwe
,,manje manje unenge watochembera seni business rinenge ratomira uchange uchiitwi
usaite chihure chakapusa iwe.

Me: but gogo muri right ndiitireiwo plan kuti ndiwane anondivakira imba because
yekulodger iyi right now I need anondibhadharira rent.

Gogo: haiwa chitora mushonga uyu,,,unogeza nawo usati wamufonera haatomborambi

kudaira and anouya ukamuti huya.and zvaunoda anokuitira kozoti umwe uyu unounwa
wekudziisa muviri, wekupedzisira uyu inoupfeka 30 min chete usagarise otherwise

Me: kkkkk anonondiona macus gogo akapusa stereki

Gogo: chitora uyu,,,unozorera usati warara naye ,mukadzi wake achatevera kasingaperi iye
anenge ava take take newe.

Me: hiiii maitabasa gogo but manje chest gogo ndirapeiwo.

Gogo ndakakuudza zvekuita andina zvimwe zvekukupa,,usazvinonokere urikutopera


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Ndakazobva kwagogo ndavapa kamari kavo ndokubva ndaenda kumba ,,,,ndakatobva
ndanogeza ipapo ipapo ndookupfeka mushonga wagogo ,,30 minutes exactly ndakauburitsa
kunodai ruoko rwanga rwaakutadA kupinda ndakakwanisa kuuburitsa Asi,,now I
understood why gogo had said not more than 30 minutes ,,I tried kugeza but it was too
tight zvekuti ndaitozokuvara chaiko,,I boiled water ndokubva ndagarira ndichiti heat
ikapinda then I put my finger kusvika zvava park nani mbijana then I left it.I took my phone
then I called Marcus futi ,,dzanga dzava kuma 5.

Mac: babe hesi ndakusuwa.

Me: are you serious or you are just saying it kuti undifadze.

Mac : I mean it.

Me: come and spend the night with me.

Mac: OK uda ndikuigire chii????

Me: anything to eat.

Mac: and what else.

Me: remember I need to pay my rent zvee wakambonditi you will give 1200 us to cover it.

Mac: OK ndokuigira.

Yeeeeees!!!!!!!! Finally I had him wrapped around my finger.1 hour he had landed on my
doorstep ndakanzwa knock and I knew it was him....i took spray ndikazvisprayer
,,,ndakapfeka my morning gown and nothing inside.I opened the door for him ndikaona zi
smile raiburwa ini ndikati saskam.I took the food and put it my kitchen ndakabva
ndatokasika kupiwa rent money and nsaitoziva kuti it would cover 3 months at
least....ndakabva ndatobvisa morning gown I was sitting on a kitchen stool ago anenge ari
mudenga,,,,I dropped the morning gown nekutomudhonzera padhuze,,ko shavi ranga
rabatazve.I unzipped him iye anga atokuvara ava kubvisa ega.

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Mac: ukunhuwirira

Me: thanks but wandinonokera .

Mac: aaah so you want me kuti ndingoisa????

Me: iyo yakamira kare ehe,,,romance time time .

Ndakabva ndatovhura makumbo ndakagara pa stool paye, it was the same level as his
waistline and ndaitonzwa kuda kushandirwa ipapo,,,,ndakuvhurira ndikaona achirwera
rute,,,akanyatsonangisa but kunodai wanike zvaramba.

Mac: aaah babie whats going on today this is too much.

Me: handiti wanga wakandinyararira so waifunga kuti paipinda ani nzira yatovharika.

Mac: Asi I'm now the only one here.

Me: ehe babe ndiwe wega chitoona zvekuita..

He kept trying zvicbiramba it was already painful for me but zvichinakidzira ndakabva
ndatopinda mumood..when he managed to get it ndakaita sendavhurwa futi APA Marcus
wacho kumuti go slow anga aaakutopengereka so ndakabvisa ndega.

Mac: aaaak ko babie chiiko.

Me: uda kupedza ndisati ndapedza sei???

Mac: sorry sha muri kupisa mukati umu I was failing to control chindipawo.

Me: go slow handiti.

Mac : eho kani.

Ndakaipinza futi ndokubva ndasimukira mbichana,I had my legs wrapped around his waist
kuti inyatsozara,,my back was leaning on my kitchen counter,,,ndakamuitira icho chikapa

305 | P a g e
chaanga amboti aakudzidzisa mukadzi wake ,the way I was moving neniwo ndainzwa kuti
ndakarwa kutonzwa kuti ndaakutopirwa chaiko,,,Marcus akaita kundifadza zvekuti
ndakaita kanguva ndichingonzwa kuvhita vhita inside iyewo ungazomuziva kuti ndiye
uya.ndakatotumira gogo message ndikati ende makapenga vakati ndakuudza.

I cleaned him and cleaned myself ndokubva ndatora food ,,I was hungry and satisfied saka
ndaidya ndichingosekerera.

Mac: you are smiling too much

Me: don't you know kuti ukawetesa mukadzi she will be all smiles.

Mac: is thatbwhy you are smiling like a teenager

Me: yes because I feel like a teenager already but andina kuguta ini.

Mac : neniwo andina kuguta ini.

Me: so nhasi akurarwe???

Mac: hakurarwe babe.

We ate mbichana mbichana ko taimhanyirepi,,takaenda kunogeza tese akambondishupa

tirimo but ndikamurambira,,,ndaitoda akoke simba rese akoshanda iye,my chest yanga
yava kutodaira ndainzwa kurwadziwa but ndakazvishingisa,,I went and took ma pain
killers ndikanwa,, Marcus even asked me kuti ko chii ndikamuti chest
irikurwadza,,ndakazonzwa ndaakunzi oo card iri utenge ma tablets emuchest and get
whatever you want,,,,

Me: mine mariiko ndozodarikidza.

Marcus mheno hako ukadarikidza hamuna mari yakawanda theres 20 grand chete please
manage it handiti ka,,andini kunzwa uchinditi ndine Nzara kana kuti pane chashota
because yerent ndakupa iri separate..saka go and buy your groceries nezvimweyo.

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Ndakasekerera ndichipihwa card ne pin yacho,,,,he never done that before ndakatoshama
getting it without even asking.kana zva Josh na sarah ndakatombo setter paside and enjoy
the moment, ndanga ndatova ne too much excitement I even switched my phone off to
avoid Jay ,,muface aive nekushupa kunobhowa ,,,I was worried though kuti Jay might pop in
anytime ndaizomudii ndakabva ndabatidza phone and sent him a message kuti
ndambobuda ndodzoka mangwana ,,,he replied fast achiti wabuda nguvai because ndanga
ndava pa flat pako.

Hana yangu yakarova zvokuti,,,,meaning he was just about to knock and hameno sure
changa chaita kuti ndinyumwe,,,I just texted saying ,,I had left masikati my sister wasnt well
and he just said OK ndaakuenda,,I took a deep sigh zvakatovhunzwa na Marcus kuti how far
ndikangotiwo I'm relieved that !y sister is now okay because anga achirwara lol haaa once
you make one lie you end up making a 100 more lies just to cover up one lie.

Marcus spent the night achingondipidigura,,, APA my chest couldn't take it anymore,,he
stopped when he noticed I was really in pain and I wasnt enjoying anymore,,but even still
anga andipira mari yake zviripo,,I had tried the whole night.he left early in the morning ,he
woke up akanogeza and left akandisiya ndakarara,, I woke up kuma 10 and took a bath i
wanted to go Ku pharmacy and and buy whatever they had for my chest.ndakabuda and
took a taxi surely I was stupid,,all along I didn't even to buy myself a car. I thought of
buying even ka Honda fit hako,,,the Monet I had on me was enough plus makuseni acho
simba had said ndizomuona ndipiwe mari yerent of which I had it already....... I had 2000 us
on the side ,,the rest nsaizopihwa the rest na Jay ,,ndakatozoswera ndaenda kunoona ve
befoward and chose the car yaienderana nemari yangu,,ndakangowanawo ka vits
kaienderana neni it was not the same nekungoshandisa taxi.the next coming week I was
going to get my provisional and start ma driving lessons ndanga ndatozvipira to do
something with the money I got kwete kurarirwa grocery.

I went back home ndikanorara ndikanorara after I took the tablets ,,I felt a bit better,I
remembered photo ra sarah randaive naro in the house ndakanotarisa where I had left it
but it wasnt there,, ndakatanga kurohwa nehana kuti Asi Marcus saw it and took it,,I took a
deep breath???????
307 | P a g e
End of chapter 44.

Happy reading kaydie loves you all.

308 | P a g e
Dream lover Chapter 45
Story by kaydie

 0773812044


We got home from the clinic with everyone wanting to pamper me. I was nolonger worried
about my parents being mad at me the truth was finally out they had met my boyfriend and
they knew I was pregnant I had nothing to hide parents decided not to go to
work and spend the day with me catching up on a lot,,they looked at me strangely as if they
were seeing me for the first time,,especially my dad,,I think he was still trying to digest
everything that had happened and everything he had heard. Anny was already home when
we got there ,,she came running and hugged me tight ,,she must have thought I wasnt going
to make it cause the way she hugged me and cried at the same time it was as if we were
already at a funeral. Mom had to pull her off me zvikanzi.

Mom: let her rest unondikuvadzira vazukuru.

Anny: whaaaaat what do you mean by that??

Dad: your sister has decided to make me a grandfather at 52 ,,I suddenly feel very old.

Mom: lol and what am l????

Dad: you are my sweet love forever young and beautiful uchiri on the market my wife.

Anne: oh sies

Dad: what do you mean by that my wife is steal as beautiful as I met her.

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Mom: thank you honey

Anne: you guys are gross

Shanny : they are beautiful,,, I will get me a beautiful hubby lol

Anne: you all moving away from the issue at hand,,sarah I'm still too young to be an aunt

Sarah: don't worry because Shanny will be the God mother and you will the maid.

Anne: hell to the no I would rather be the aunt, so when did this happen lol dad you are old

Dad: don't remind me please.

Mom: but hey I have never seen a man who cries as much as Sarah's Joshua.....

Shanny:that man will die for Sarah mom.

Dad: we will have to see about that.

Sarah: dad don't be hard on him please.

Mom: I sense he is trying to make his life miserable.

Dad: that's for giving himself rights over my daughter.

Shanny: come on dad you were in love once,,

Anne: are you saying he was crying the whole time omw haaa kana andidi murume
anochema ini,,I will pass that means he will cry all the time,,ndikamuramba anochema.

Shanny: they have a bond kani,,and its not like he cried for no reason ,,,I heard he cried
when he found out that sarah was pregnant and he cried when he thought sarah wasnt
going to wake up,,,that's understandable ,,most men run away akangonzwa kuti you are
pregnant manje vamwe vakatochemedza munhu with happiness.

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Dad: doesn't mean you all have to do the same thing ,,getting pregnant just to see how your
men will react I want to see all of your boyfriends here,,I should know who my daughters
are dating.

Anne: hell no I'm not bringing anyone home.

Mom: then you Better make sure never to disappoint your father.

Sarah: you all are making me feel bad now,I know I messed up I'm sorry .

I was already soo teary I didnt want to be used as an example to my sisters so I decided to
go and sleep,, mom is the one that came and hugged me.

Mom: I'm sorry my baby I didnt mean it like that,, you would have disappointed us if you
had gotten pregnant and the guy didn't want you but in your case he's crazy about
you,,reminds me of your father and I,,we were that in love ,,I don't want you to feel
bad,,tomorrow we are expecting your in-laws ,,we are having dinner together so I need you
to relax my baby,, your father was just shocked,,,,right honey???

Dad: right I was shocked,don't get stressed now I'm already getting into this grandparent
mood don't spoil it,,come and sit down here with me,,shanny please we are waiting for your
magic in the kitchen...

Shanny: right on it ,I'm almost done I know everyone is hungry ,,you didnt eat much last

I went to my father and he hugged me for a little while,,I was already crying so he wiped my
tears and he said .

Dad: please don't cry granma

I ended up just smiling at him,,my dad was back .we sat down chatting APA they couldn't
stop talking about Joshua ,,haayas he must have performed zvokuti ,,unfortunately I
couldn't see anything but the way everyone was talking about it made me feel soo loved,,I

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missed him already I wanted to call him then I realised I had left my phone by his house
ndookubva ndangosiya zvakadaro I was going to call him later using Shanny's phone...we
sat down and enjoyed the breakfast ,,,I didnt even know everyone was staring at me eating
.I must have been eating like a crazy person ndakatozoona kuti I had finished sausage rese
pasina abata.everyone just burst out laughing,,,I had food still full up in the mouth I almost
choked when I joined in.

Anne: jeeze is this how you been eating,,what's going to happen to the rest of us,,please
shanny dish up separately or else we will starve taane nguruve mumba haa madyiro aya

Mom: you can't say that Anne ,,shes carrying triplets what do you expect.

Dad: leave my daughter please,,,eat as much as you want sarah you are eating for four .

I finished eating,,I was feeling tired ndakabva ndaenda kunorara,,I really slept for a very
long time,I woke up in the afternoon,, I went downstairs,, mom and dad were still sleeping
in their rooms,,shanny was talking on the phone ,,I took juice then I went back to my room.I
took my laptop and watched a movie,,I dont even know how I fell asleep again,,,I woke up
late afternoon,,I started going though my work I had missed working I wanted to go back to
work already. Being home was very boring for me,,I felt really bored at home there was
absolutely nothing to do at home besides TV ,sleeping ,,eating and more sleeping,there was
nothing much to go though ,,I went through my emails and every other thing and I was
done.I went downstairs to help shanny make dinner thats when my boo called I felt
butterflies in my tummy when I heard his voice.

Me: daddy I miss you.

Him:lol okay I felt that,,I miss you too mami

Me: I left my phone by your house.

Him: yes and I have been answering your calls and replying your app messages.

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Me:do as you wish ,you are me and I am you.

Him: so if I give you my phone will you reply my messages as well.

Me: I dont even want to touch it,,I dont wanna have a heart attack hangu ini.

Him: meaning you dont trust me.

Me: babe I love you I just dont want something that will mess up our relationship.

Him: babe I love you okay!!!!! And I'm joking I'm not going through your phone I only
answered Jays call he was looking for you.

Me:why didnt you ignore him babe I hope you are not upset with me.

Him: upset wit you kuti waita sei babie boo,,,I answered nekuti I wanted to tell him to stop
calling my wife,, I know maybe its too early but babe I can't hangu,,,I can't have him calling

Me: he will be off my back soon its just too early chete anyway I heard you guys are coming
to our house tomorrow for dinner.

Him: yes babie we are coming I hope your father is not soo angry I saw him giving me a
dirty look.

Me: he's OK now,I think he just doesn't want to show it lol but relax he's now getting used
to all this.

Him: its not how I wanted it to be my wifey but I'm glad we have passed that stage I can't
wait to have dinner with all of you guys,,at least I have shanny on my side.

Me: and me and mom lol ,,I dont know what to cook daddy I'm nervous and I dont know
what to wear.

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Him: wear one of the pretty dresses I bought you,,cook anything simple mom and dad will
appreciate your effort besides ,,mom already adores you ,,dad loves you dont worry.

Me: babie!!!!!

Him: yes

Me: I wanna come back to work.

Him : no babie not now,,you just came out of a sick bed I can't let you work.

I wanted to cry already ,,the one thing I hated was being told no to something that I really
wanted,, I dont know why I had tried I knew he would say know,,I really didn't know how
to convince him..


Him: sarah nooo.

Me: why dont you want me to come????huh

Him: because I'm worried about my wife to be,,OK let's do this come after a week .

Me: can I pop in whenever I want though.

Him: yes but not to work.

Me: OK love.

Him: I will bring your phone tomorrow don't miss me too much.

Me: I was going to cry if you hadn't called.

Him: bye babe your voice is turning me on.

Me: lol I dont want that when I'm not there bye I love you.

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Him:have your laptop close I will call you on Skype tonight I wanna see your pretty face.

Me: OK bye

I hung up and continued making dinner with shanny,, Anne was busy on her laptop in her
room she never bothered much about the kitchen,,we decided that we would go shopping
the next day,,, just to get fresh veggies and others goodies.we called everyone for dinner
and we ate as we discussed the the following days wanted to go all out to please
the in-laws coming ,,she wanted everything perfect like fresh flowers at the table ,,new
wine ,,perfect glasses for juice and wine etc .

Dad: you dont need all that what we men need is just meat and wine and we are done.

Mom: no everything should be perfect ,,us women pay attention to detail remember he is
your business partner as well,,I can't believe you been business partners for soo long and
never knew we would be in-laws one day,,

Dad: I'm just glad we were not bad business partners chete otherwise there wasnt going to
be any dinner or any marriage.

Mom: lol you are too protective of you daughters.

Dad they dont have a brother or else he would have been the one doing all these nekurova
vakwasha,,you women are too soft akangochema SA Josh maakutonyararidza.

Mom: he is my son now.

We finalised the meal with mom shanny and Anne,,,we agreed to make a lot of different
foods and salads so that there would be a variety to choose from.different wines as
well,,different deserts ,shanny offered to bake a cake for desert ...after that I left and went
to sleep.I got a call from Chris who was checking on me then I got another from Josh's
mom,,lastly from my babie himself,,I preferred having his call last anyway.we spoke for
about thirty minutes being told this and that lol they I fell asleep ready for the next day.

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I woke up with my heart beating really fast,,her face came back it was Hilda that I had seen
,it was her.

End of chapter 45

Kaydie loves you all happy reading.

316 | P a g e
Dream lover Chapter 46
Story by kaydie



I didnt have such a good night at all I kept seeing the vision of Hilda holding Sarah's photo,,,
I heard my phone ringing it was Prince.

Me: I hope you got good news.

Prince: we got the photo and other photos.

Me: which other photos.

Prince: looks like Marcus!!!

Me: Marcus????

Prince: your friend yes

Me: bring them to my house.

I didnt like where all this was going,could it really be Marcus or it was someone who looked
like Marcus,, did she want Marcus or maybe they had been in a relationship, I hated
assumptions so I wanted proof.I took a shower quickly I was heading to the office,, I told
Prince to meet me at the office,,the new guard was there already and I warned him not to
let anyone in without confirming with me or the reception,, I gave him a picture of the lady
I didnt want near my premises .I went straight up to my office and 5 min behind Prince
came in and gave me an envelope. I took out the pictures and frowned,,it was really Marcus
naked on Hilda's bed,, ,,but Marcus was supposed to be my friend,,I remembered he's the
one that even told me that Hilda was looking for my first name,, so how then was it possible

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that he was sleeping with Hilda.I was actually disappointed in him nyangwe ndanga
ndisingamude Hilda but your friend can't sleep with your girlfriend or even your ex

I took out my laptop and put it on my desk,,switched it on and went through a video of
Hilda that was there,,I didnt see much I rewinded to see the events of the day before,,I
couldn't believe what I was looking at,,the bitch went to extremes I couldn't watch the
rubbish that was in front of me,,,,but what caught my eye was what she had when she
walked in. I couldn't really tell but it surely seemed like mushonga I couldn't tell,,,,was
Hilda using juju???? but I was sure it was what I thought it was.if that's what she was into
meaning all along that's what she had used on me then..ndakaita kupupa nehasha I couldn't
believe 6 years I was under the influenced of juju and I didnt even see it,,no wonder when I
snapped out of it I couldn't believe I had dated her at all.I felt dirty,my whole body felt
really dirty ,,saka mishonga mingani yakashanda pandiri honestly that I didnt know
off.sarah was my saviour ,,her coming into my life changed everything,, that's when i
stopped feeling anything for Hilda meaning she was meant to save me and I was meant to
save her.ndakanzwa kuwedzera kumuda but for Hilda I was brewing up pay back
yaizomurwadza,,she had messed with me for too long I was blind and stupid ,,I regretted
every kiss I even gave her,,so this probably meant that Marcus akaitwa the same thing,,
anyway he had an eye for women,, I knew he liked Sarah too,,I didn't care I wasnt going to
help him,,he too betrayed me..

I closed my laptop and told prince to go,,I wanted him kuti atsvage n'anga yaishandiswa na
Hilda I was going to start nekumavambo vazive kuti you don't mess with Andrea Joshua
Natt......I made sure all was in order at work,,I had new trucks coming in ndakaudza my
manager to handle it all.I drove to my house and took another bath in salts kuti
ndinyatsobvisa tsvina ya Hilda in my system.I hated myself,,I couldn't believe kuti the same
body yakasvibiswa na Hilda its the same body yairara na Sarah ,,ndakanzwa as if ndanga
ndatadzira Sarah zvakanyanya ,,ko kana ndanga ndiri kutovhiringa vana nemishonga ya
Hilda ,,,I took a couple of glasses of wine but I had to stop when I remembered I was
meeting my in-laws.I wasnt even soo sure that I deserved sarah. I started doubting I was

318 | P a g e
having second thoughts,,I went to the bedroom and lay on my back,,I had flashbacks of the
day I slept with sarah for the first time haaa I couldn't ignore it I took my phone and called
shanny,,,sarah answered

" daddy.

" I love you sarah.

" I love you too what's going on.

" nothing to worry about it,,,where are you???

" by westgate with Shanny,, doing shopping.

" I'm coming.

" where? Here?

" yes there,,don't leave before I come.

" okay then.

I hung up,grabbed my keys and left right away,,,my heart was bleeding inside ,,I needed her
to comfort me,,I needed her hug,,I needed her pretty face,pretty lips everything. It was not
really far from my house ,10 mins I was there. I called again and told her to come to the car
park,,,,she found me in no time,,I was glad she came alone cause as soon as she got in ,,I
couldn't wait I wanted her lips,,she was looking good, smelling good ,,,,I reached for her
mouth and kissed her till she started moaning and I stopped.

Her: Jeeez did you have to do that to me here.

Me: I'm sorry I couldn't help it.

Her: thanks a lot now my body is craving your body.

319 | P a g e
Me: I'm sorry mami,,, are you still shopping???

Her: yes .

Me: if you weren't going to be busy cooking I was going to take you home right away for a
quick one.

Her: stop making the situation worse I'm already burning up.

Me: tell shanny you are coming back in twenty minutes.

Her: are you serious like really serious..

Me: never been more serious.

She called shanny and told her she would be back in 20,,shanny laughed soo loud ,,its like
she knew what I wanted from sarah,,we drove to my house,,,my left hand was on her
punani all the way from westgate ,,,,hers was on Josh,,,in no time we were home we didnt
even wait to lock the door we were ripping each others clothes off,,I never knew I had
actually turned her into freak,,she grabbed a chair and made me sit,,I figure she liked that
position a lot .she sat on it and rode me like a mad woman ,,the way she reacted to my body
always turned me on soo much,,all I wanted was to please her with my body,,I wanted my
body to be the only body she craved for soo I made sure to give it to her whenever she
needed it and every time I wanted it she was always in the mood.she did her thing ,,I let her
lead until she was satisfied ,,she didnt stop she made sure she satisfied me too.she had her
hands all over me like she needed more,she caressed me on my back my head
everywhere.the twin sisters were growing I noticed when I took them into my hands ,,she
moaned loud like it was painful when I sucked her nipple.

Me: babie is it painful.

Her: no Andrea its nice ,,,I just want more please.

Me: and this was supposed to be a quickie.

320 | P a g e
Her: the babies want more.

When she said that ndakanzwa whole body ichipinda busy ,,I lifted her up and took her to
the carpet,,I lay her there and made sure she screamed louder than before,,,I saw tears in
her eyes and I knew she was satisfied.

Her: do you have to do that to me always.

Me: the day you stop getting teary when we make love will be day I know you nolonger love

Her: you think I can stop loving you.

Me: I don't ever want to imagine it.

Her: so don't ever mention it .

Me: yes mami and thank you I really needed this .....

We quickly ran for the shower ,,,a very quick one,,,we dressed up and left the house,,,I had
my hand on her belly it felt tight,,I smiled ,,,that was my seed inside.we got to westgate
shanny was on the queue to pay,,,one glance at us and she was already laughing.

Me: shanny hie

Shanny: of course..... Hie Josh lol

Me: lol what's Funny????

Shanny: you guys need strict jobs,,where you work for other people,,so that you don't have
to screw all the time.

Me: who said that's what we do all the time.

Shanny: oh please why is she smelling of fresh shower gel newewo futi.

321 | P a g e
Sarah: I was feeling hot he took me home for a quick bath.

Oh that made it worse ,,shanny really laughed until we turned away from her and started
walking around ,,,,we went to her when she finished paying then I helped her push the
trolley,, we packed the stuff in the car ,,,

Me: is this all for us???? I wish we could have these dinners every week ndinofuta hangu.

Shanny: its mom,,, she couldn't stop adding things as if she's going to be there to cook.

Me: I love your mom she saw how skinny I am that's why she decided to feed me all in one

Sarah: who is skinny????

Me: me babie.

Sarah: lol with all those abs

Shanny: where are the abs ,,show me also

Sarah: never ,,kumbira Chris.

Me: mmmhhh so you guys are getting close huh,,, that's good we will just marry from one
family and be a very big happy family.

Shanny we are just friends besides isn't he younger than me,,,hes still in varsity.

Me: he's 30 lovie he just decided to go to varsity at 26 after he had made money for himself
lol how old are you.

Sarah : she 28 so yeah you are younger than him.

Shanny: why are we even talking about that it's disgusting.

Me: not the way you were staring at each other the other day on Skype.

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Shanny: I just wanted him to talk first and he also wanted me to talk first.

Sarah: mmmmhhh

Me: I see

Shanny: whaaaaat.

Sarah ¢ me: nothing.

We all laughed then I took them for icecream ,,it was getting late so they had to rush back
home,,I kissed my bay bye and she whispered,, " put on a sexy suite. " I smiled ,,I loved it
when she told me what to do,,,more wifey....

I was about to drive off ,,,but I saw Jays car coming through then he blocked my way,,I
checked to see if sarah was gone already,,, thank goodness she was gone.I got out of the car
and walked to him.

Me: and this????

Jay: and that!!!!

Me: meaning.

Jay: its annoying isn't???

Me: what's your point??

Jay: I blocked your way,,its pissing you off that's the exact way I'm feeling,, you are blocking
my way with sarah and its pissing me off,,

Me: your car is a piece or crap to me: I can easily drive into your car then you really see
who really the man is,,after I drive into your car,,I can easily buy you a much better car than
the one you have futi you just choose and I will buy,,,so before you get on your high horse
move your rubbish out of my way before I drive into you.

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I turned and got into my car,,I started the engine of my range rover and started reversing
towards him,,akaona kuti I was serious ndakaona munhu achisimudza mota like his life
depended on it.ncaaa andivhundutswe nevana vadiki.

I drove home,, to prepare,,,,I picked my black slimfit suite ,,white shirt and I drove to my
parents was around four,,we had 3 hours to prepare,,,,mom welcomed me with a
big smile.

Mom: mwanangu you have made me soo proud.

Me: ini ndisati ndatomboroora here nhai mama.

Mom: look this is a step ahead,,a wedding is up next ndirikutadza kugadzikana,how is my


Me: shes fine ndambomuona she was buying food yekukubikirai.

Mom: shes an adorable soul,,but is she strong enough.

Me: relax mom,,Sarah is a very strong woman.

Only I knew what I meant lol,,mom made tea whilst we waited for dad.

End of chapter 46

Kaydie loves you all happy reading.

324 | P a g e
Dream lover Chapter 47
Story by Kaydie

 0773812044


By 18:30 everything was in order ,,table had been set,,flowers and everything was there
according to mom's wish. I rushed to and freshen up a bit I was supposed to impress ,,I
picked up one of the dresses Andrea had bought for me.I hadn't worn most of the clothes
anyway they still had thier price tags .I tied my hair in a pony then did a bit of light make up
and I was done ,,mom walked into my room just as I was about to get up.

Her: are you ready??

Me: yes mom I'm ready

Her: that's a beautiful dress you got on ,,when did you buy it.

Me: Josh bought for me about ten on them when he found out I was pregnant,, I refused to
buy baby clothes because he wanted to buy already,,come on mom at 8 weeks who does
that??? So instead he bought for me these ,,he said my clothes are too tight.

Her: behind that soft heart there's a lion huh. Well he was just excited ...

Me:lol mom

Her: I can see you are happy,,I'm happy for you,, let's go they should be arriving anytime

Me: mom theres something I want to tell you??

Her: go ahead and tell me.

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Me: its fine I will tell you tomorrow let's go and welcome our guests .

Her: fine then let's go.

We walked out that's when we heard the intercom ringing and we knew it was them.the
guard opened for them and we welcomed them at the door ,,obviously Andrea knew the
entrance it was not his first time coming to our house. Shanny opened the door for
them,,my heart melted when I saw Andrea ,,he looked gorgeous ,,the suit he picked was my
favorite of the suits he owned.he greeted mom and everyone ,,dad came from the bedroom
when he heard voices they greeted each other ,,I went to hug my mom in law who couldn't
stop smiling vakanditarisa.

We all went to sit down dad accepted the bottle of wine from Mr Natt senior .I don't know
how he knew but it was actually dads favorite wine. We spoke a little then mom gave grace
before we ate .Andrea looked serious he wasn't looking at me much I actually felt a little
annoyed then I figured dad was there and I brushed it off.everyone dished up their own
food ,,honestly we had cooked up a storm the food looked good and tasted good
too,,nothing sucks than making plenty food then it tastes like crap.

Mrs Natt: this food is delicious whoever made it has amazingly blessed hands.

Shanny: sarah and I ,,,and thank you for the compliment ma'am.

Mrs Natt: I told sarah before, this ma'am way of addressing makes me feel funny I never
had baby girls please call me mom.

Shanny: lol mom is like that too

Mrs Travis: well I never had a son and I just gained one.

Mr Travis: Natt decided to steal my daughter next he will still my business too.

Mr Natt: if I steal your business your daughter will benefit lol

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Everyone laughed except for Andrea, well he never really laughed much most of the time
,,the only time he was crazy was when he took off my clothes.dinner went well people were
talking and having fun,,everyone finally loosened up,, worse Anny. I almost took a glass of
wine ,,ndakangoona ziso rabuda nekuna Andrea and I remembered I wasnt allowed to
drink.I quickly looked away from him nekutotora juice rangu,,

Anne: leave the wine for us Sarah ana 3 vanobuda vakadhakwa nedoro.

Noone expected that one,,people looked at her and laughed.

Mom: babies never come out dunk dear alcohol just affects their growths.

Anne: oh yes I meant to say that..

Shanny: riiiight

Dinner was done desert was served,,Shanny's cake,,which was soo lovely ,,she made red
velvet and luckly everyone had a sweet took ,,,Mrs Natt loved sweet things she ended up
giving an order to shanny for the same cake.After desert we all went to the sitting room,,,
Anne and shanny left and went to clear the table and everything. Andrea then spoke

Josh: Mr Travis ,,to me you are my father ,,I humbly apologise for the disappointment I may
have caused,,it was not in my plans at all,,thank you for accepting us today,I'm not the best
but I would like to try and be the best man for Sarah,, I can't bring her the moon I told her
before but all I can do is be true to her and love her ,,I don't know if you will accept me sir
,,but I wish you could. Sir I'm here now to ask for daughters hand in marriage.please allow
her to make me the best man ever

OK I didnt expect that part.Andrea went down on his knees facing my father but his face
looking down.

Dad looked at him,,studying him for a while ,,mom looked at my dad who didnt move his
eyes from Andrea.

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Dad: if she was crippled would you still love her.

Josh: yes sir

Dad: if she was blind and couldn't see you would you still want her?

Josh: yes sir I would be her eyes

Dad: and if she lost her voice and couldn't speak???

Josh: then I would be her voice sir.

Dad: and if she were to die?????

Josh: I would trade my life for hers

Dad kept staring at him again then he looked at me.

Dad: sarah

Me: dad

Dad: do you accept him.

Me: without a doubt dad.

Dad : get up son and come with me.

They walked out the two of them,,we were left puzzled ,,well they never said I shouldn't
follow I wanted to get up but I was shy after a few mins we heard someone cutting
something like wood

Mom: is that in this yard???

Mrs Natt: it seems so

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I got up and went close to the window and opened the curtain slightly,I couldn't believe my
eyes,,I laughed first.

Mom : what's going on there

Mr Natt : is everything alright.

Me: you should see this,,

they all got up to come and see,,Anny and shanny came also amheno vanga vainzwira kupi I
think they saw dad and Josh going out.Josh had taken off his Jacket raiswa pasi manje. He
had folded his shirt up to his arms.tsinga dzakaita kubuda mukaoko zvichiratidza kuti
itsinga dzemurume. My dad was sitting next to him I think akanzi tema muti.there was a
tree that he had always wanted cut off but vaiita nungo to bring someone in,,Moyo wangu
wakarwadza because wanga wakakura.. I wished he had refused akasimudza demo tsinga
dzese kubuda achitema ,Mrs Travis and Mr Travis laughed and went to sit
down.inini manje haa Moyo wakazochirwadza I could see he was tired and muti wacho
wanga wakaomarara anyone would get blisters from cutting it could have easily
cut it down with a machine but vakamuti tema.he was halfway done and he was wiping off
sweat.He turned around and our eyes met ,,,he kept staring at me from there akatanga
kutema fast ,,dad was holding like a watch in his hand,,,, was my father timing him????

Mom: sarah move away from there your heart will get sore.

Mr Natt: he has to prove himself worthy of you leave it alone.

Me: no mom let me watch ,,,its time to stop now he will have blisters.

Mr Natt: by now he has blisters already.

Sarah : so why is he doing like he doesn't have blisters.

Mr: because a real man never surrenders.

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Sarah: its not funny.

Mom: that's why you need to move Sarah.

I stood there for an hour and watched him chop it down until the tree fell,,I saw my father
standing from his seat.I saw them walking to the back yard ,,I followed to see.There was a
hip of pit sand full up at the handed him a shovel,,I could see he was in pain
but he did not complain he took it.

I was getting angry.I went to mom.

Me: mom,, dad is making him get rid of all that sand at the back of the house.

Mom: where is he putting it??????

Me: on the trailer?

Her: i told you to leave them alone sarah .

I ignored her and went back,,he was still using the shavel,,another hour he was done
putting all the sand mutrailer,,he wiped off his sweat I wanted to cry. I saw them walking
coming back inside the house,,I went to sit down next to mom and she rubbed my back. Dad
sat down but Josh didnt,,he knelt down facing my father,,I looked at my father but he didnt
look at me,,I looked at Josh but he never moved,,only Josh's father was smiling and I
couldn't see anything that was funny.

Dad: son you have worked like a man,,even though your hands had blisters you carried
on,only a lion fights without giving up no matter how big the opponent is and nomatter
how hard the task is ,,I will gladly let you marry my daughter,,welcome to the family.

Josh: thank you sir.

Dad: call me dad ,,,,,son,, because I have gained a son.

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Dad got up ,,gave him a hand of which he took it and he hugged him everyone was happy
everyone was celebrating but when I looked at his hands zvanga zvakaita tsinga and the
blisters I couldn't smile.

Anne: dad you are lucky sarah didnt come and strangle you hahahahahaha .

Everyone just laughed but I didnt twanga twatokwidza twangu.

Me: dad please allow me to clean his hands.

Dad : go ahead.

Me: please come ,,I said so looking at Josh ,,he got up and followed me to the kitchen .

Me: Andrea

Him: ssssshhhhhhh I will do it again if asked to.

I took a bowl and put water inside I took his hands and washed them slowly,, he kept
looking at me but I couldn't look at him .I dried his hands and told him to wait for me,,I
went and grabbed ointment for blister and rubbed on his hands .he lifted my face and
kissed me .

Him: I love you

Me: I love you too.

We left the kitchen and went back to the sitting room where I found Dad and Mr Natt senior
playing a game of and Mrs Natt were giggling I don't know what they were
discussing so shanny and Anny came to join us.

Shanny: well done I didnt expect you kudonhedza muti ah.

Anny: haaa uri murume but.

331 | P a g e
Him: mmm Chris achaona moto

Shanny: don't start.

Anny: who is chris and what did he do???

Me: Josh's brother.

Anny: let's see pic,is he as hot as you Josh????

Him: I wouldn't know.

Josh took out his phone and showed Anny the photo.

Anne: he's hot ndati,,,,give me hako shanny.

Shanny: have him.

Anny: are those natural curls on his hair.

Him: yes

Anny: mmmm on second thoughts vakomana vakanaka vanoshupa tora hako shanny.

My phone yakabva yarira APA it was past ten hamheno hana yakangorova and munhu
wandanga ndisingade kuti afone is the person that called....Jay

Ndakada kusimuka kuenda kunodairira Ku kitchen but Josh held my hand to sit down.I
looked at him and he looked at me,,he didn't blink.this was just wrong timing apa Andrea
was still in pain abva kushandiswa nababa vangu.Anny and Shanny also just looked at me.

Josh akangonditi,,ndipe kuno and he took it.Face yakabva yatochinja ndookubva abuda
panze ,,I wanted to follow him ndikanzi sit down nashanny na Anne.

Anne: ko na Jay amuna kupedzerana?????

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Me: he's refusing to breakup with me.

Shanny: mmmm I sense trouble ini APA look at the stage yamava na Josh shaa this person
anokusimudzira mhepo.

Anne: mmmm the guy abuda munomu is not the same guy wamaitaura nezuro handiti.?

Shanny: haaa Anny I'm trying to think,,I think you should tell dad about him.

Sarah: no I can't ndobva ndaita kunge ndaihura eish .he will accept it soon he just needs to
know that I'm pregnant.

Anny: mmmmm Shanny ndiwe top shutter ra Josh go and speak to him.

Honestly I was stressed but after ten minutes vakapinda vese,,Mrs Natt was complaining of
being sleepy so they decided to call it a night ,,perfect timing just when I needed to speak to
Josh,,he gave me back my phone then he said good night and they left.....

Mom and dad were happy they well all smiles they praised Josh family .....

I went straight to Shanny's room I wanted to know what they had spoken about....

Me: shanny what happened...

Shanny: leave it

Me: I can't just tell me what happened...

Anne: we wanna know iwe tell us.

Me: please shanny....

Shanny: Jay said to Josh kuti munhu wauyinaye uchidada naye ane nhumbu yangu .

Me: whaaaaat?

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Shanny: yes that's what he said

Me: omg I need to speak to him.

Shanny: no dont,,,not now.

Anne: sarah did you sleep with Jay

Me: Never I swear.

Shanny: and Josh went to SA soon after you guys had sex,,and Jay was on your case those
days remember him visiting the office and you got caught on camera when we was about to
go down on you.

Me: I wasnt going to let him go down on me Shanny we just made out nothing more.

Shanny: I know you didnt shaaa but now how does Jay know that you are pregnant,,you
didnt tell him you are pregnant,

Me: I donno anymore Shanny help me.

Anne: mmmm ndoma1 aya.

Shanny: relax guys I don't think Josh is stupid enough to believe that.

Me: can I sleep in your room shanny,,I don't think I will be able to sleep alone Shanny.

Shanny: I wasnt going to let you sleep alone anyway.

End of chapter 47.

Kaydie loves you all.... Happy reading.

334 | P a g e
Dream lover Chapter 48
Story by kaydie

 0773812044


My heart was beating faster than I had ever felt it beat before .Jays words kept replaying in
my head from the time I had picked up the call. I recalled everything from the moment I
pressed answer and put the phone on speaker.

Jay: babe urikuchengeta vana here?

Me: what babies are you talking about.

Jay: oh its you lol????

Me: yes its me obviously ,,nyaya yako ndeyei une vana vapi vapi nasarah.

Jay: I keep telling you to back off haunzwe .Sarah is carrying my babies Sarah ane nhumbu
yangu kana anga asina kukuudza .

Me: nxaaa Hauna nyaya wanzwa.

Jay: andina nyaya newe yes and I was calling mukadzi wangu I don't know why you keep
forcing yourself in her life,,but anyway since uriwe wadaira phone I'm warning you ,,hands
of usandisvibisire vana .

Me: zvazvakanakira ndichakubvisa pakurota soon .

Honestly I didnt know what else to say I was caught off guard .what was happening all of a
sudden .even when shanny tried speaking to me ndaisatoda ndakazoita wekunyara because
they had hosted us nicely pamba pavo futi.I looked at my hands kukuvara kwaanga aita and

335 | P a g e
then I got that call from Jay.all I could say kuna shanny was I needed to go.luckily mom
wanted to rest takabva tatongobuda.I drove mom and dad to their house vanga vakafarisa
but they didnt know the pain in my heart.I felt like I could murder someone.ndainzwa
maoko achidedera chaiko.

Mom: you made us proud mwanangu today I thought you would give up along the way.

Me: thank you mom ndazama.

Dad: even I am proud of you but muroora wangu shame ndatoona oda kuchema chaiko.

Me: hoo sure here.

Mom: that girl loves you anga achiita kunge iye ndiye ane maoko akuvara nekutetera.

Me: ndozvaari sarah mama.

Dad: muchengetedze mwanangu soon we need to talk about your wedding preparations

Me: I know ndichamunzwa iye kuti anoti chii.

Mom: ko zvaunenge usiri kufara nhai Andrea.

When she said that all i could think of was sarah calling me that but the thought of the
possibility that she may have betrayed me made me pick up speed.

Dad: Josh what's wrong ko speed zvaita sei.

Me: oh sorry kutosuwa sarah pfungwa dzangu dzatova kure.

Mom: ko mese zvamuchapenga nhai????

Mom and dad were talking all the way but I really needed them to keep
quiet.ndakazonovasiya kumba ndokubva ndatorova UTurn,,mom wanted me to sleep over

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but I couldn't nezvandaiva.I drove flying ndakananga kumba ,,by midnight ndanga ndasvika
we all didnt know kuti we would stay that long.I parked my car and got into my house ,,I
changed into my track bottom and T-shirt my hands were painful so I put spirit and
bandaged them ,,,I remembered how sarah had asked her father to just clean them,,, how
she had done it gently. I banged my hand on the table .I took my phone and dialed princes
number ,,he didnt take long to pic up.

Me: prince


Me: I need eyes on Jay ,,I need the real deal ,,photos of him trading,, clear photos,,I need his
contacts ,,the people he sells to and I need a gun.

Him: you want a gun sir what's wrong???.

Me: just get me what I want don't worry about a thing.

Him: its dangerous that's why I'm asking and this guys is a thug pardon my worry.

Me: because he's a thug that's why I want one.

Him: OK sir but give me some time,

Me: time is what I do not have.

Him: OK sir give me two days

Me: fine.

I hung up,,,I wasnt worried about using a gun,I had trained using a gun ever since I was a
teenager but I had never thought of keeping one,,Sarah was driving me mad ,,did it mean
something happened when I went to SA,,the thought disgusted me more than anything.I
wanted to talk to her but I knew it was not the right time I didnt want to ask things that I

337 | P a g e
would regret asking again. So I wanted to get to the bottom of things before confronting

I went to get my wine,,, I sat down in the lounge and put on some music,,I drank and I kept
drinking till the bottle was out.I needed to sleep.I don't know how I fell I asleep but I woke
up to the feel of sunshine burning my skin.I looked at the time it was 9 o'clock. I went to the
bathroom I brushed my teeth my mouth had bad breath because of too much wine,,I took a
bath and hit the gym to release my stress .I kept rewinding to the time when I saw sarah in
the office with Jay I had to stop her he had been all over her .I actually didnt know what had
happened outside the office .I got off the machine and went to the kitchen to make
something to eat ,,but my appetite got vanished when flash backs of what happened in the
kitchen last time with sarah kept flashing back. I didnt doubt that she loved me ,,i took my
laptop and sat on my bed . I didnt wanna go through anything chaitozindibhowa I started
working i had soo many emails to reply to .I took my time going though each and every one
of them in an hour I was done.I took my car keys and l went to the warehouse kuti
ndinoona kuti matrucks akasvika ESE zvakanaka here.ndakaudza munhu kuti andiudze
kuti auya but he never told me .I got there and the trucks were there I called the manager.

Me: so you were waiting for me kuti ndikufonere ndichikuvhunza about the trucks????

Him: no sir I'm sorry ndakangovarairwa.

Me: wakauya kubasa kuzovarairwa.???

Him: not at all sir.

Me: saka I'm the one working for you now ,,you are my boss ka.

Him : I apologise sir it was never my intention but all is well sir as you can see apana
chakashota ,,the only thing that I wanted to call you for was about the client who wants a 5
year lease on our trucks but he needs ten percent discount.

Me: have we ever worked wit him before.

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Him: no sir

Me: so does he think kunoitwa mahumbwe Kuno kungosvika nekukumbira discount,, he

doesn't have money anozotishupa ava unable to pay,,if it was someone we had worked with
before then it was ok not first timer anotanga like that ,,,,tell him our trucks are not
available .

Him: but sir can't we get up to 5% off

Me: will you pay up the other 5% for him

Him: no sir.

Me: then please keep quiet I'm leaving.

Him: i had set up a meeting for you to meet him tomorrow

Me: are you my PA now.

Him: no sir but your PA is not available what was I to do...

Me: don't annoy me kunge usingazive zvekuita ,,don't you know my number?????

Him: I'm sorry sir .I will just cancel.

I left and drove back to my house ,,it was already lunch time ,,I saw sarah's car parked out
side my gate,,,just what I didn't need,,I didnt want to see her yet,,,I saw shanny in the car as
well I guess she must have stressed shanny just to bring her to my place.I took out the
remote for my gate and opened,, they hadnt even seen that I had arrived I drove in and left
the gate open for them to come in.

I went inside the house I didn't wait for them or to welcome them ndakabva ndananga
kubedroom.ndokuvhara door ndikabva ndarara nemanhede.I heard a soft knock I knew it
was sarah I ignored her ndokubva ndatotarisa kuside I heard her opening the door.....she
walked in and closed the door she sat on the bed ndokubva ndabuda ndikavhara door I

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couldn't look at her.I passed shanny in the lounge ndokubva ndatobuda and got into my car
.ndakutomutsa shanny stood in front of the car ndokubva ndaburuka.

"Shanny get out of my way."

" and where are you going????

" why did you bring her here?

" because you guys need to talk.

" its not a good time

" there will never be a good time .

" shanny please ndinzwisise,,I really can't do this with her right now.

" you are speaking out of anger.

" you think I'm angry?

" yes you are.

" I'm devastated so please I don't wanna say things I will regret ,,I really want to clear my
head think things through before I do some damage.

" do some damage on me then because I ain't moving from here.

" shanny Im not in the mood take sarah home.

" so I should be the one paying for whatever is going on between you guys ,,well I'm not
leave this place before you guys fixing this ,,things are going to be blown out of proportion.

" right now I don't care OK.

" noone cares about sarah the way you do so don't lie .

340 | P a g e
" sarah will kill me,go shanny

I walked away from shanny I was really trying to control myself, I went into my garage and
got into my jeep,,,she thought maybe I had just gone round the house to breathe. I reversed
fast by the time she noticed my gate was open already,,, I drove out and left.

I didnt even know where I was going but I just drove ,,,I stopped by some garage and filled
up my tank,,I drove and drove until I stopped and figured I was somewhere in
Bindura,,that's when I remembered I left with the remote for the gate .I took my phone ,,,i
saw way too many missed calls and a message from sarah I wanted to delete it then
something pushed me to open it.

Sarah:::: Andrea ,,,,don't this to me,,I punched the steering and threw the phone on the sit.I
heard it ringing ,,ndakangoisiya yakadaro yaitondinyaudza ,,ndaakuda kuidzima ndakaona
Chris achifona.ndakamboda kuisiya ndokubva ndangodaira.

Me: watii?

Him: haunyare here iye

Me: ndaitasei?

Him: watanga losing your temper futi ???

Me: who said I lost my temper I haven't even fought with anyone so I don't understand
nyaya yako.

Him: so why are running away and not facing sarah.

Me: are you supposed to be her lawyer.

Him: right now I am her lawyer and what you are doing is not right,,you know Sarah's
condition so just because some guy claimed he got her pregnant ,,,already you are freaking
out without talking to her..

341 | P a g e
Me: dude its way more than that,,,from the time I hacked her phone she didnt tell him she
was pregnant,,, I was away from her for two months, they hadn't broken up yet,,I don't
know what theres a chance he knew about it before me.

Him: are you listening to your self. Have you thought that maybe he's playing a trick on

Me: I have thought about it .

Him: look I like sarah and I don't think she actually did what this guy is claiming ,,hona you
are screwing up my chances with shanny please go back and speak to sarah.I tried speaking
to her but she couldn't speak all I saw wear tears in her eyes ,,and you know if she keeps it
inside anozvikuvadza last time she ended up in hospital ,,do you want that you
telling me you can't feel the connection between you and you babies.

Me: dude zvakwana

Him: if you don't speak to her I'm calling mom. shes not talking to anyone else she just
wants to talk to you apa wakabva kumba kwavo nezuro to ask for her hand in marriage
usadaro .I don't believe in evil spirits but aya anenge atova ma evil spirits manje akugara.

Me: bye Chris.

I hung up then sent a message to shanny.

Me: theres gate keys in the kitchen drawer.

Her: now sarah thinks you went to see some woman ayas you guys ka andichazvigona
ini,,I'm going to tell mom and dad kana zvashupa.

Me: I will speak to her.

I turned and flew back to harare

End of chapter 48

342 | P a g e
Kaydie loves you all happy reading

343 | P a g e
Dream lover Chapter 49
Story by kaydie



I was scared ,,I had spent the night tossing and turning ,,Jay was like a curse in my life ,,I
didnt understand his motive,,just why he had to lie about us.I didnt even how to start
talking to Andrea ,,I didnt eat when I woke up in the morning,,, shanny tried to make me eat
but I couldn't .he didnt call ,,I kept saying he will call me but he didnt call ,,even to say he
got home safe he didnt call.nothing to even say good morning he still didnt call my heart
refused to believe that it was over between us.I didnt want it to be over .Andrea was my life
I couldn't watch him slip away from me,,he had to listen to me,I convinced shanny to take
me to his house,,she had refused to go with me totally saying kuti munhu wako ane hasha
but I didnt care I had faced him before ..

He didnt want to look at me ,,he didnt even do it once,,he walked out on me I just stayed in
his room,I wanted to cry but I couldn't cry,,I was in a state of shock zvekuti even to react I
couldn't,,hanzi ukanyatsorohwa nestress kana kuchema haucheme,,ukaona wachema
hausati warohwa nayo unenge usati warohwa nayo unenge uchine simba.I sat on his bed ,,I
got up and walked out to follow him but he was arguing wit shanny I went back to his room
I thought maybe he would come back but he drove off and left me.ndanga
ndaakusatonzwisisa kuti zviri kufamba sei.ndakanzwa hasha ndikafonera Jay.haana kana
kutora time kudaira,,,I decided to record the conversation.

Jay: babie wazondifunga I was just about to call you .

Me: Jay what the hell is your problem.

Jay: mai mhofu ndaita sei????

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Me: don't call me that we are no longer in a relationship Jayden I thought takapedzerana.

Jay: babie inini newe hatirambane zvekumhanya.

Me: I have moved on ,I love Josh okay I love him,,why did you lie to him nezuro ,,you
wanted us to fight handiti???

Jay: ndakanyepa kuti chii.

Me:did I ever sleep with you, tell me when did you sleep with me???

Jay: ndotadza Kurara nemukadzi wangu here.

Me: hooo so you are the one who broke my virginity nhai??

Jay: ehe obvious

Me: what are you going by lying nhaiwe.

Jay: if i can't have you noone will ever have you.

Me: stay away from and stay out of my way.

Jay: ukada kuonererwa ndomupinza ma 1 urikuzvinzwa so you better comply wit me ,,,ibva
watomuudza kuti une nhumbu yangu or else ndiri kumuisa bara azvinditorere
nguva,,tamba neni mushe I'm not letting you go gara waziva izvozvo

Me: I don't love you Jay please don't call me again go and look for someone else.

Jay: ndati ndiri kumuisa bara.

I hung up the phone ayitova mupengo chaiwo I really thought I knew him but I
underestimated him,,hana yangu yakatanga kurova.could he really do what he was saying
he was going to do????? That question kept popping in my head,,what was I supposed to
do???I went out to go and look for shanny,I made her listen to the audio.

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Shanny: sarah we need to get him reported.

Me: I don't know where Josh is now ,,what if he has spotted him,you were right when you
said he was bad how did I get myself involved with him shanny,I'm going to get Josh killed.

Shanny : stop panicking he's probably bluffing.

I took my phone and texted him but he didnt reply.

I went back into his room ,,,shanny had gone to close the gate I went to sit in his room ,,,I
was already feeling funny like my tummy turning. I lay down a bit ,,I think I fell
asleep.ndakapepuka hearing voices My heart started pounding.I was scared Andrea was
back .I got up and he opened the door ,,,he walked towards me,,I could see blood shot eyes,,
he looked scary ,he stood in front of me with hands in his pocket.he didnt say a word and
my heart was pounding ,,I wanted him to hold me ,,but I was scared of the man standing in
front of me ,,it was better if he shouted ,,I didnt mind ,,but his silence ,,,I couldn't bare. He
moved a step closer and I moved back ,,,he moved another step and I moved back .

" if you are going to move away from me then what are you doing here.

" Andrea

" yes

" don't do this to me,, I'm not used to it.

He didnt say anything .he just said sit and I sat.he took his laptop and went through some
files then finally he found what he was looking for .he just placed it in front of me and he
left the room.oh my goodness I couldn't believe what I was looking at,,Jay with different
women,,,shanny walked in I think Andrea told her kuti auye kwandiri.she came and sat next
to me ,,she looked at the screen and her mouth went open.

" shanny but who is Jay???

346 | P a g e
" He's a damn Ben ten oh my goodness.

" shanny have you seen how many these women are????

" I can see sarah but how did Josh get all this information.???

" I don't know shanny I don't know, but he does IT as well ka

" don't play with Josh unoswera wabatwa sarah fix whatever is going on this doesn't look

" I'm not doing anything shanny you know it but I need Josh to trust me.

" has he said anything to you yet???

" no he hasn't he just showed me this and left.

" what is that like a video.

" let me open

My heart started pounding,,, I was looking at Jay and Hilda ,,I didnt want to believe but it
was on video I couldn't deny it.

" what's wrong sarah???

" that's Jay and Josh ex Hilda

" whaaat

" please tell Josh to come here

Shanny got up and went out to call Josh,,in a few minutes he came back and stood by the
door,,,honestly my heart was painful but how could Jayden lie to me like that ,pretended to
love me pretended to be a good guy,,he kissed me with such dirty lips that kissed soo many
women,,I wanted to strangle him.I felt like throwing up I got up from where I was sitting

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and ran to the bathroom,, I really threw up but it was painful I hadn't eaten,,I was feeling
weak. Josh came running he just rubbed my back it felt really good .i got up and washed my
face and rinsed my mouth. He held me and walked back to the bedroom then sat me down,,

" where did you get all that from.

" doesn't matter just know i got it and I was trying to protect you from it,,I didn't want you
to ever know that side of him.but I don't know where I'm going wrong or what im doing
wrong,,I don't how to love you anymore sarah.

" what are you saying to me.

My tears were coming out already finally I was breaking down I had wanted to cry all along
but I couldn't but my tears were finally coming out.

" what's soo hard to understand there.????

" you don't love me anymore .

" I didnt say that.

" you said you know know how to love me anymore meaning you don't love me anymore...

" mami wait

" wait whaat?

" mami

I got from the bed and walked to the door soo fast I donno how he grabbed my hand and
pulled me from the door,next thing he locked it and put the keys in his pocket.

" all along I could hold on because you were angry and i understood why you were angry
but Andrea to say you don't know how to love me is too much to handle ,,,what have I done
wrong besides loving you,,I don't love Jay Andrea I don't but you are not giving me a chance

348 | P a g e
to prove myself,,you left me and I waited because I love you ,,so I waited so that you tell me
what you just told me.????

He just looked at me not blinking and walked towards me.

" did you sleep with him sarah.????

" Andrea I didn't. You can even listen to what he said when I called him

" you whaaaaat????

" I'm sorry I didn't know what to do.

" imbomira !!! Wait!!! Watii iwewe wafonera Jay????

" yes.

" hoo ndiye murume wako handiti


" wafonera mhofu vako.,,,,,,,,,daira ndati wafonera mhofu vako?

" Andrea.

"Urikundivhiringa imbonyarara.

He took my phone ndokubva abuda,,haa this time ndanga ndanga ndavapama1 Jay anga
andiparira ,,ndakangogara pasi.he came back after 10 mins and looked at me i figured he
had been listening to the conversation ..I didnt even say a word ndaitotya kurohwa sezvo
ndanga ndambopihwa warning. Shanny knocked on the door ,,Andrea went to open.

" please give sarah food she hasn't eaten.

He turned his head and looked at me ndokubva atambira tray yaiva na Shanny ,,it had
Chicken mayo sandwiches ,,kana nenguva yanga yatogadzirwa zvinhu na Shanny. He closed

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the door and he came and knelt next to me,,he took a sandwich to feed me but

" I don't wanna fight with you over this

" we are already fighting so there is no difference.

" sarah i said eat mhani

akaunza futi kumuromo ndakabva ndavhiringika kuti I smell or what I didnt know but I got
up and rushed to vomit again.

I head him calling shanny.

" shanny she just vomited why does she keep vomiting.

" because shes very hungry she hasn't eaten,,her body is rejecting food.

" bring the glucose on the kitchen counter.

He came and rubbed my back then held my stomach and rubbed it.

" please don't do this to mommy he whispered ,,,he couldn't help but care ,,no matter how
mad he got ndikangorwara you would see atochinja.he gave me glucose and I ate it.he took
me to the bedroom then went out,,he came back with fruits,,apples and oranges ,,he cut
them up nicely and fed least I managed to eat that. All along I hadn't noticed my feet
had swollen up he saw them first I heard him saying shit then he picked up my legs and put
them on the bed.he added pillows behind my back ,,he was worried but he didnt wanna
show it.he started massaging my feet ,,I liked what he was doing it was nice.

He came and set beside me he leaned forward our eyes locked he wanted to kiss me but I
don't know why he was holding back.I could feel his heart speaking to mine ,,a melody I
understood perfectly fine.he then began kissing me,I missed him I missed us,I donno how I
began crying ,my tears went on his shirt I really cried he tried holding me but I could not

350 | P a g e
stop,,, all that had happened had shocked me soo much .I couldn't even breathe properly I
was just crying.he grabbed my hand ndokubva abuda neni panze and got into the car
akangokandira shanny ma keys ,,and drove off.hamheno kuti manyemwe here kana chii but
my tears aiita se avhurirwa.ndakazoona tasvika pamba pana mama vake ,,i didnt wanna
jump out .,he opened my door and threatened to carry me into the house saka
ndakazoburuka ndega and we walked inside.

When mama looked at me ,,she just said aaaah ,,,manyemwe emisodzi yakabva yawedzera
APA my eyes were getting swollen,,she came and hugged me tight,,she let me cry on her
shoulder .i felt like my own mother was hugging me.

Her: ssssh chinyarara and tell me what happened,, why are you crying.

Josh: mama please tell her that I'm sorry.

Her: aaaaah iweka wamuitei sarah arikuchema kudaiso.

Josh: its a long story mama

Her: Asi wamurova ????

Josh: no I didnt mama please.haasi kunditeerera arikungochema sarah anokuvadza vana


Her: sarah usadaro please my daughter,,,hona I'm now worried about you and vazukuru
vangu you have been crying for too long.

Me: mama he's talking like this but a while ago he didnt want to see me he even doubted
the babies were his ,,,,

Kuzofunga kudaro ndakabva ndanyatsochema neshungu chaidzo.

Mama: wait kudiiiiii?

Me: yes mama that is what happened.

351 | P a g e
Mama: Josh imbobuda muno tione.

He got up and he wentout ,,ma asked what happened and I told her everything to how Jay
lied about everything ,,I even made her listen to the voice message and she just shook her

Mama: I'm soo sorry my daughter I know its paiful but forgive him,,kutotya kutorerwa
kunomudai remember I told you paye kuti he's very possessive. Akangoona kunge pane
arijuda zvinhu zvake dzinodambuka kubva achiri Mudiki.

Me: mama I only know Josh theres no other men wandinoziva mama and he knows it if you
ask him he knows.

Mama called him back and he sat down

Mama: iwe Joshua ,,,she said you are the only man she knows ??

Josh: its true.

Mama: so she was intact when you met her .

Josh: yes mama

Mama:uri benzi chairo,, anyway it doesn't matter anymore ,if you know you are the only
man she has ever known then what is your problem???

Josh: I'm sorry mama sarah anondivhiringa amheno zvandinongonzwa soo.

Mama: unotongwa nehasha haunyare here iwewe.

APA I was finally quiet mama gave us counseling. I ended up smiling and she was also was gettin really late we drove back to his house,,I was worried about mom and
dad but shanny said they had called saying we shoudnt leave food for them,,they were
going out .I was happy ,,ndakazongodhonzwa ndikaendwa neni kubedroom this time we
kissed passionately,,I felt him he was my Andrea

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End of chapter 49

Kaydie loves you all happy reading.

353 | P a g e
Dream lover Chapter 50
Story by kaydie

 0773812044


" mami

" yes.

" not like that let's do this again!!!!! Mami

" daddy

" yes

" if I don't have you right now I'm going to lose my sanity I want you mami.

My Andrea was back ,,his eyes turned from red and were filled with soo much passion I
could see he wanted to explode for sure he lay me on the bed ,he slowly took of my
dress,,he kissed my belly,

" babie your belly is now showing ,I can't believe its growing.

It was actually growing faster I think because they were 3 of them .

" mami I'm sorry

He said that slowly taking off my undies.,ndainzwa my body ichidedera,,he was doing it
slowly with his eyes fixed on my body.he parted my legs ,,I was uncomfortable I had last
bathed in the morning,,I had freshened up a bit when he had left but that was different
from bathing.

354 | P a g e
" daddy wait.

" I know what you are going to say but I don't care ,,just let me have you.

He really parted them wide open,,he really took his time looking at me down there I don't
even know what he thinking ndakanongonzwa his tongue right in my punani ndikaita
kusimukira .I lay back flat he licked me kunge aidya zvinonaka,,I was hoping kuti shanny
doesn't knock to say let's go home,,it was a critical time that didn't need disturbance. My
body now was burning up ndainzwa kunonokerwa I reached for him and pulled him up,I
took off his T-shirt and everything. He lay on his back as I put all of him in my mouth,,I was
sucking just to drive him insane and it was working.

" mami

" mmmm

" oh mami

" mmmm

" damnit sarah come here

He pulled me up,,ndakarariswa ne side ,,he was behind me akarara ne side,,he lifted my leg
up ,,I felt him push in,,that was the nicest part for me ..whenever I felt him trying to get it,,I
reached for him ass holding it to say please put all of it in,,and he put all of it and he waited
for a few sec.I wanted to ask kuti what are you waiting for ,,I felt his kisses on my back then
slowly I mean veeeeery slow,he started rocking my world,,,aiita like he was teasing
me,,,nice teasing me.I was moaning louder and louder I didnt care about anything
anymore.his hand was on my punani playing there and his shaft in my punani ,,I don't know
if he was trying to kill me with passion.I felt his hand richichipinda nepandanga
ndakararira since tese tanga takarara beside ndakasimukira rikapinda then he was playing
with my nipple I felt like singing,,I wanted to compose a song about how good that felt.he
was hitting 3 spots all at once ,,I was coming already.

355 | P a g e
" daddy I'm going to die

" die in my arms where you belong.

Kuzondidaro I felt like ndagarwa.

" daddy do it harder

" like this.

" yes faster


" daddy I'm dying

With that he really increased speed I screamed Andrea ,,,he reached for my mouth with his
hand and closed it,,I think shanny must have heard that it was really loud and the way I
came was intense I could hear Andrea saying woow good girl.Andreas shaft was perfectly
made for me I had tears in my eyes that started flowing ,,did you ever come soo good that
you end up crying,, he must have thought I was crying because of what had happened,,I saw
his face looking a bit sad,,he was now on top of me going slow,,

" I'm not sad daddy ,,its because I came soo good and I love you.

" you love me

" yes

" only me?

" yes

Yes he began going fast I felt his shaft increasing in size its like it was breathing yaita
kufuta,,I had

356 | P a g e
" sarah ,sarah!!!!!!!! Oh sarah.


" unonaka

I wanted to laugh pa unonaka part.

"Sarah,,!!! Ndiuye here????

" come daddy.

Akaita kuendesa kumberi Mberi I felt it almost by my throat,I heard him firing his gun.we
had shanny knocking ,,we looked at each other and laughed.

Shanny: you guys get done hamupedze here.

Josh: aaaaaah Shanny.

Shanny: I know you guys are doing it but time up we have to go now.

Josh: yes ma'am.

We got off the bed he carried me to the tub.he ran the water and we got in,,he sat inside
leaning on the walls of the tub ,,he made me sit giving him my bag ,,I felt him poking my ass
,,that was the thing with Andrea whenever he got pissed his shaft would keep on standing.

He was touching me and breathing right by my neck,,I didnt wait to be told what to do this
time I rode him in the tub,he turned me around,, I wrapped my legs around his waist and he
hugged me,,so we did it like that ndakamupedzera ndikanzwa akungoti sarah kani he was
trying not to make noise but he groaned when he came .even I was shaking he kept holding
me.takazogeza ,,,he lotioned me then we dressed up.

" I don't want you to go home.

357 | P a g e
" but I have to.

" Sarah babie I don't know how to say sorry to you,,I'm stupid and I'm a fool.

" if you wanna swear someone do it but just not my baby's daddy.

" I'm sorry babie I really am.

" I know you are.

" come to the office tomorrow we are changing your line.

" you don't want me to use this one.

" yes nomore handidi hangu kuti unofonerwe naJay I want to deal with this issue once and
for all.

He kissed me for a long time till we heard Shanny's second knock.we opened the door for
her .

Shanny: if you both knew you needed to lock each other up why then did you guys fight
first ,you should have done this makuseni mongovharirana.

Josh: I apologise I acted like a jerk

Shanny:I'm staying away from the two of you ,,hamunzwisisike one moment you wanna kill
each other ne jealousy,, next you wanna kill each other with passion,, please choose one
type of death.

Josh: lol ndazvinzwa shanny, I choose passion but passion but comes with jealousy too.

Shanny: on a serious not you guys What happened wasnt funny ,,don't forget sarah is
pregnant she doesn't need the stress you guys and again sarah please close this Jay chapter.

358 | P a g e
Me:you listened to that conversation he said hatirambane zvekumhanya I don't know what
to do.

Shanny: report him to the police .

Josh: Jay is a drug Lord stay away I will deal with him.he will get caught soon.

Me: no babie no I don't want him harming you ,what will happen to me if he kills you.

Josh: I'm not that easy to kill,,unfortunately only you can kill me that fast.

Me: I'm sorry

Josh: shh you kill me in a nice way,,only you can make my brain stop functioning.

Shanny: oh you guys please I'm here ,,,

Its like he didnt hear shanny because already our lips were busy.yaa for sure I made his
brain stop working .I pulled off and he was looking at me with sexy eyes like he was
undressing me with his eyes.

Josh: pregnancy makes you super tasty please stay pregnant.

Me: just tasty???

Josh: juicy

Me: !mmmm

Josh : stay with me tonight babie.

Me: haven't you had enough???

Josh: I was just getting started.

Me: I'm tired now.

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Josh: ndoita a little bit.

Me: I will give you tomorrow.

Josh : ouch look at me now.

I put my hand there and huh he was hard, I don't know why he never got tired ,Andrea was
an animal in the bedroom . I looked at him and he was busy looking at me with pleading
eyes. We walked to the car and got in ,he asked Shanny to drive.

Shanny: it seems I have been working the whole day today when willingness I rest.

Josh: I need a favor shanny.

Shanny: oh hell there we go again ,,what do you want.

Josh: I wanna spend the night with my wife i need you to sneak her out.

Shanny : whaaat

Me: whaaaat.

Josh: you guys lol ,,shanny watch the road tinobondera

He was always full of surprises.

Shanny: how do you want me to do that.

Josh: does ma come in your rooms in the morning???

Me: not really but after work.

Josh: perfect all you have to do is make her seen you tonight,,then you sneak out .

Shanny: how did you work out that plan already.

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Josh: she makes my brain think fast.

Shanny : it will cost you a thousand bucks.

Josh: no problem

Me: whaaat you are insane.

Josh: I will wait for you babie.

He was playing with his phone Shannys phone rang a message tone,she asked me to check,,
Josh had sent a thousand bucks to Shanny.

Me: he's sick in the head Shanny.

Shanny: now that's what I'm talking about ,,anytime you need a favor tell me brother in-
law,, yipeee

I can't believe he was actually serious.we got home and went inside ,,,we left him outside
going to park somewhere,,mom and daddy came thirty minutes later I was dressed in my
night gown.

Mom: you should be sleeping what are you doing up sarah.

Me: hie mom hie dad,,,,I'm looking for juice.

Dad: you need a mini fridge in your room.

Me:lol no dad I'm good ,,how was your dinner.

Mom: it was perfect your father is like a teenager.

Dad: my heart feels like a teenager what can I do??

Mom giggled shyly and they headed to their bedroom,,obviously we didnt need to be told
what was going to happen next.I went to the kitchen and poured juice,,I went back to my

361 | P a g e
room and got my clothes for the next day ,,I just picked two was not soo loose.
Shoes panties bras ,,actually shanny packed as always .then a very sexy black lace nightie
that ended right by my showed absolutely everything.

" daddy

" yes mami

"I'm coming out.

" I'm by your gate.

" lol OK.

He must have parked when he saw mom and dad coming in.

Shanny: put on the black nightie.

Me: right now?????

Shanny: you have a busy night ahead .

Me: he already gave me twice Shanny.

Shanny: yuwii your dude is too much how do you cope sarah.

Me: I dont even know ,,but just to hear him breathing puts me in the mood.

Shanny: is sex really that good.???

Me: it rocks your world.

Shanny: okay okay I never thought you would be the one telling me about it first,,I thought I
would be the one telling you.

Me: lol you will find the perfect guy who will make you surrender.

362 | P a g e
I put on the nightie and morning gown then left,,shanny left me by the gate as I got into
Josh's car.he just winked at me and started the car.he gave me the fries he bought,,I had
missed them,they were nice and still hot and and the meat was spicy. I ate slowly trying not
to choke.we got home and I finished off my food watching TV.

I got up and went to the bedroom ,the light was different ,,andrea had changed the light
bulb to something dim and bluish,there were blue candles all over the room it looked
beautiful. He was wearing a black vest and black boxers I could see all his muscles he
looked appetising,,he winked at me again in a sexy way.he walked towards me.

" what's inside the gown.

" daddy's food.

"I wanna have it,,Mrs Natt

" take it Mr Natt

He loosened the belt ,,,took off my gown,,dropped it on the floor ,,I saw him drooling.

" black lace looks good on you,,

" and you look good in me.

He lifted me up and put me on the bed.

Josh: tell me what you want I wanna be you slave tonight.

Me: I don't wanna be touched ,,I just want you to just ride me,,if you just ride me you will
take longer ,if you kiss me I will come Earlier so I just want the two of them to just
communicate on their own from the start.

Josh : so no touching no what???

Me: nothing .

363 | P a g e
And thats exactly what I got ,,,his shaft did amazing things by my punani,he moved it in
circles ,,when he saw the juices he slid in.only our bodies moved and did the talking,,,I had
the urge to kiss him ,,touch him,,we rocked and rocked ,,yes I got that feel you feel when
you scratch your ears with an ear bud,,how good it feels when the ear bud is moving in
your ear.yes that feeling.

" Andrea.

" mami

" touch me now

" that's cheating.

" please touch me

" no cheating.

" we can break the rules please.

" no we can't

" Andrea pleaseeee

He just smiled and kept rocking me ,,I bit my lip I closed my eyes ,,he was taking me there I
wanted his hands ,or his mouth� at least.

" Andrea now,, please please now.

" noo

I took his hand and placed it on my boobies just having it there took me straight there.i
made him my slave the whole night .!!

End of chapter 50Kaydie loves you all happy reading.

364 | P a g e
365 | P a g e
Dream lover Chapter 51
Story by kaydie



I woke up to a room full of white roses the whole place had the roses scent,,, only one red
rose was next to my to the bed was a glass of orange juice ,,fresh oranges, boiled
egg, bacon and 2 rolls.oh hell he actually thought 2 rolls would be enough for me.I got out of
the bed my back was a lil sore ,,too much sex I guess.I went to wash my face and went back
to sit on the bed,, I was very hungry I started eating soo fast like I hadn't had food in days.I
was really wishing for samosas so I got up to go and fry them myself,,Andrea had asked
shanny for an order and he had bought plenty knowing I would eat three quarters of them.I
grabbed his T-shirt and bottoms I was feeling like I hadn't eaten any thing at all My
stomach was growing everyday I think the 3 lil buddies needed space so anyway I found
the samoosas and started frying I didnt know where andrea was so anyway I fried 6 of
them,,took another roll,fried an egg ,,grabbed more juice and sat down. I was munching on
my samosas when I heard him.

" so I didnt make you enough food???

" not even close

" you are going to running me broke

" where were you.

" I had taken a jog.

" what's in your envelop

366 | P a g e
" some stuff I needed.

" ok do you want some of my food???

" I don't wanna crave like you.

" ok have coffee,,my back is sore by the way.

" do you wanna visit the doctor.

" come on, just too much sex.

" I guess we should slow down.

" lol I guess

He sat down and I made him coffee and a sandwich,, he never ate much in the morning.

" mami get ready we are leaving together .

" ok.

We took a shower together ,,I took out some clothes for him to wear ,,he smiled lol

" I'm going to enjoy this soon.

" lol what do you mean ???

" nothing lol.

I took out my tight fitting dress.

" oh hell what did i say about such clothes.

" I wanna look sexy for you.

" you look sexy in anything.

367 | P a g e
" please daddy.

" ok fine what can I say,,you found me in a good mood.

I put on the dress,,I saw him stealing glances at me I knew he liked it ,,but he liked such
clothes when I was with him only .he came and touched my stomach which was showing in
that dress.

" my babies are giving you two pairs of ass.


" kidding babie

" not funny.

" you are a sexy mama.

" two pairs of ass come on.

" lol

We both laughed ,,,got done and left,,I hadn't been to work in a long time ,,like a month.i
missed every one especially Nancy.I left Andrea and told him I was going to see
Nancy,,luckily she was in her office she screamed when she saw me.

Me: you look like you have seen a ghost.

Her: wow wow look at you,,you have gained soo much weight what's going on????

Me: food Nancy

Her: oh my where have you been ,,oh my goodness is that food belly or its baby belly.

She rushed to touch my belly.

368 | P a g e
Her: sarah !!!why is it hard ,,sarah you are pregnant aren't you.

Me: I donno.

Her: shut up ,,you dont know what???? If you were eating the sweet paperless you are
pregnant .

Me: fine I'm pregnant, lol

Her: tell me the juicy secret who is the lucky guy.

Me: I'm the lucky woman.

Her:spit it out sarah ,, how far along are you.

Me: about 11 weeks.

Her: whaaaaat.? But your belly looks close to 4 months

Me: triplets

Her: shut up

Me: yes lol.

Her: is it that guy that came looking for you here some time back???

Me: dont be silly no,, I can't tell you because you will gossip Maningi.

Her: I promise I won't tell anyone.

Me: lol I came to check how you are doing now the conversation is all about are
you Nancy.

Her: I'm good I have been missing I asked Mr Natt and he said ,,IS SARAH YOUR BOSS OR I

369 | P a g e
Me: is he still like that.

Her: he doesn't change.

Lol if only they knew the other lovely side,,he had the rough side and the sweet side,,my
favorite side.I said goodbye to Nancy and went to Andreas office.I got in ,,he was sitting on
the edge of the table ,,one leg down one leg up.he asked for my phone,,I gave him, he took
out the line and he gave me a new finally I said goodbye to my old line.

" rule number one no Jays number.

" and rule number 2.

" rule number 2 is the same rule as number 1.

He had the serious face I didn't like.

" sarah

" yes

" I dont wanna fight with you over Jays issue OK.

" you should learn to trust me.

" I do now and I'm sorry for being a jerk.

" I love you.

" I love you guys more.

" us???

" the 4 of you,, now I need you get your hair done.make yourself look pretty.

" what's the occasion?

370 | P a g e
" dinner out with daddy.

" mmmm sounds nice.

We left his office and went to semi Levi to get my hair done, my hair dresser was there .

Suzanne: hello sarah good to see you.

Me: good to see you too Suzanne.

Suz: you look amazing ,,looks like a baby bump there sarah.

Andrea came and touched my belly.

Josh: baby bump it is.

Suz : woow congratulations and you must be the daddy?

Josh: yes the daddy.

Suz : good to meet you.

Josh: I need you to make her the prettiest woman alive.

Suz: okay what do you have in mind.

Josh : I donno much about her styles but I love her hair straight,, already its brown so
maybe if you can add a darker brown color it will be dashing.

Suz: you lucky sarah,,at least he has an idea of what he loves.

Me: lemme just sit and relax.

Josh: lol and add highlights at the bottom isn't thats what you guys call them.

Suz : lol yes what color.

371 | P a g e
Josh: blond ,,I hope my color combination makes since.

Suz : perfect sense lol.

I sat there watching him explain everything to Suzanne.he left me there,,said he had
something to do.he bought lunch for me before going.I was worried about what I was going
to wear for the night.I texted shanny asking for a dress I was shocked she said ok without
arguing like all the other times.anyway getting my hair done took some time,the hair dye
took more time,,,but I looked astonishingly beautiful I honestly dont know how Josh came
up with that.he came to pic me up and drove me home.,,shanny and Anne where there.

Shanny: welcome lover gal

Oh hell of all the names.

Me: come on ,lover girl.

Anny: I'm too young for all this.

Shanny: oh please anyway come and see your dress.

Me: my dress????

Shanny: yes,from Josh.

I got into her room ,,on her bed was a beautiful white dress,,mermaid design ,,I was
shocked because he didnt want me to wear such.

Anne: your hair looks stunning what a look ,,and its matching the dress.

Me: Josh chose it lol, I just sat there and he was telling Suzanne what to do.

Shanny : he's weird.

Anne: he just knows what he wants.

372 | P a g e
I loved the dress but I feeling sleepy I took a nap for a while .I was feeling exhausted.... I
woke up around 6 .mom and dad were back already but they didnt stay long they left.I
bathed and dressed up.

Shanny: Wooooow you look amazing .

Anne: I would love to have that dress Sarah,,your bump is showing saka that's for a flat
tummy like mine.

Me: thank you guys, and shut up Anny

Anny: when are you guys getting married anyway

Me: I don't know he hasn't proposed yet.

Anne: he's waisting time.

Shanny: come on he just asked for Sarah's hand in marriage two days ago.

Anne: oh yeah.

Anyway I got a call from daddy.

" daddy.

" mami,are you done .

" yea.

" did you like the dress ??? Does it fit??? ,,I mean you know.

" it fits perfectly ,,only showing my bump.

" perfect

373 | P a g e
Around 7 o'clock I was told someone was outside to pick me up,,I thought Josh was coming
but he sent someone else.I got into the car ,,I wasnt sure where the restaurant was but we
took the borrowdale direction.I was really confused because we didnt go to the restaurant
side ,,I didnt wanna ask much,,we got to this extremely beautiful was white all
white ,,the driver left me by the gate and it opened by itself. I walked in but it didn't look
like a restaurant ,,there was a message on the drive way and it said.

Mami ,if I could be be born

Again then I would be a tear
Drop,I would be born in your
Eyes ,live on your cheeks and
Die on your lips.

I already wanted to cry.I looked to the right,,there was a very beautiful garden with white
flowers ,,white roses,,my favourite roses,,the garden was beautiful .there was a light coming
from there I got a text on my phone

" mami,, forever can never Feel like I have lived forever With you..

I texted back.

"Daddy what do you mean?"

He replied.

" forget the world there's Nothing else left to see I Have fallen in the trap Of your love and I
can't Get out.

" what's going on daddy.

"Follow the light.

I followed the light,,,I got into the garden there was noone there just a lamp with a white
rose on it.I got another text.

374 | P a g e
" like that lamp,keep our Love lit everyday.

I looked and searched for him but he wasnt there.there was another entrance of the
garden.I saw three little identical tripplets walking towards me ,,two boys and a girl,they
were soo adorable i couldn't help but smile they smiled back and I and I wanted to hug
them ,they all had dimples I don't even know how I got teary. They were all holding 3 little
baskets,,I knelt down to greet them,,they were about 4 years.each basket had white roses
and a note

The first boy gave me his basket.I took it and read the note, "I don't just love you ,but you
are my breath ,,I breathe you Sarah."

The girl gave me the sec basket and the note said. " love has surely shifted my way,,if I
suffocate,,save me."

I was already crying by the time I got to the last boy.I took the basket.and the note ready , "
marry Andrea today,and every other day marry him over and over again"

I couldn't help it but I cried I felt soo much love flowing in my veins,, I heard fireworks in
the sky I looked up and they spelled ""Andrea loves Sarah"""

As if what he had done was not enough .I could smell him behind me,,I didnt see him
coming so I turned out to look at him and he was there on his knees,,I knelt besides him.

" I should be the one kneeling.

" I don't care daddy yes I will marry you everyday of my life.

" I hope you don't mind,,dad gave me this ring,,,its the ring my grandfather gave to my
grandmother. If you don't like it ,,I can change it anytime.

" its a very beautiful ring daddy,,it looks new and the diamonds are real lol,,I'm soo honored
to wear your grandmothers ring.

375 | P a g e
He lifted me up and we kissed for soo long the fire works went on and on,and the ring it
was actually a very beautiful ring I think they kept it safe,,I saw lights flashing everywhere.
Shanny and Anny were smiling naughtily, they rushed to hug and dad were there
,,so that's why they left early,,my in-laws were there ,Nancy was there omg.we walked out
of the garden everyone was outside the house.they all went quiet and I was just crying,, the
little girl came again with another basket,, inside it were keys and a card that said

" because you said yes,this is my Pre wedding gift to you my love.

Andrea was killing me mom came to hold me cause I was just crying.

Mom: congratulations babie ,you got your self a keeper .

Me: mom he bought me a house.

Mom: yes baby now stop crying you have to open the door and let people in.

I took Josh's hand and walked to the door,I unlocked it and said.

" everyone,,welcome to my house,,they clapped their hands,shanny and anny screamed.

I opened the door ,,I wanted to die,,,there was big picture of me and him painted on the wall
,it was beautiful,, there was no furniture yet but it was decorated to host a party,, it was
extremely big ,people came admiring the house ,,,I went upstairs with shanny anny and

Mom: oh my goodness this is beautiful.

Me: I don't know how to thank him mom.

Mom: just love him honey that's the only thank you you can give him.

Shanny: I'm jealous look how big your bedroom is and what are you going to do with 6
bedrooms oh my goodness and they all have ensuites ,,.

376 | P a g e
Anny: how much did this house cost him????

Mom:its a very expensive house .

It surely was a very expensive house worthy close to a million,, the yard was soo big I went
downstairs to look for him,dad called me along the way and he hugged me,

" congratulations my lil girl,, the house is extremely beautiful,, the space is big enough for
my grandkids to play.

" thank you dad let me go and look for him,people were already settling down to have their
dinner. Andrea and I were going to have dinner in the garden,that's where I found him.

We sat down,,I looked at the man in front of me and I began crying again,,,Andrea was a
blessing to me.

"I don't have the words good enough to thank you or to tell you how much I love you.

" I already know baby,,I just hope you like this place and hope the babies will love it
will have to decorate it alone,,all I did was ask them to plant the garden.

" I love it very much and I love our picture on the wall,,this must have cost you a fortune.

" no amount is too much for you sarah,so when do you wanna get married.

" I can't wait to stay with you Andrea even tomorrow.

" how about in 2 months.

" I will be 5 months and due in a few months my belly will be too big ,I won't look sexy.

" I want our babies present on our wedding photo,,you will be looking sexy ,,please babie I
want you pregnant on our wedding day,, I wanna go Ku honey moon navo lol.

" lol how can I say no to you.

377 | P a g e
We ate our dinner under moonlight ,,kissing half the time,,it was beautiful we were falling
inlove every second.when we were done we went back inside where people were having so
much fun and drinking celebrating,, I hadn't seen my in-laws yet ,I went to mom inlaw who
hugged me tightly I couldn't breath.

" sarah my daughter how are you.

" I'm over the moon Josh has made me the happiest woman alive,thank him for me.

" your love is sufficient.

" thank you mom,,

People danced till very late ,,it was a Friday so most were safe.I had to retire early though,I
was feeling exhausted.. Dad sent mom to tell me that I was allowed to spend the night with
my hubby to be,,I just laughed I didnt expect that.I gave shanny the !keys to lock up the
house and I left with Andrea for our special night I really hoped my back would manage.

End of chapter 51

Kaydie loves you all happy reading.

END of chapter 51

Kaydie loves you all happy reading..

378 | P a g e
Dream lover chapter 52
Story by kaydie

 0773812044


The happiest day of my life ,,sarah said yes.I felt like a brand new man,,I made her
happy,,,how she cried looking at the triplets ,,looking at the house and our photo.I didnt
really know how to impress her but my efforts paid off she was happy. We drove home ,,I
could see she was tired ..I carried her into the house ,she was no longer my girlfriend by my
fiancee.she was looking hot in the dress,perfect fit showing off the right parts.I helped her
take it off,,she was wearing white inside like a princess the was. She smelled great.I carried
her on to the bed I wanted her badly but I remembered her back was sore.I felt sorry so I
just held her in my arms.her perfume though was telling me another story,,after a while I
felt her lick my ear and I closed my eyes.I was trying to resist her with every vein in me but
this was Sarah, my weakness. She had her hands on abs and she whispered

" daddy have me for desert.

I smiled at the naughty woman who had switched from an innocent girl to a very naughty

" is my desert ready??? I asked kissing her neck.

" your desert is melting . she said

" and your back????

" my back and punani are two different things .

" your hair looks pretty.

379 | P a g e
" thank you daddy.

I took off the bra and threw is away ,I slid my hand in her thong and dipped my finger in
her punani and teased her.she got up from the bed,, she had us in a 6 9 position ,,I was
licking her and she was sucking me ,,her punani was right in my face smelling fresh.I ate
her up like I was eating a mango,,her juices kept on increasing we were both wild like really
two wild animals for about 5 min we enjoyed each other like that. She was breathless I
moved her and we got into the scissors position where we just locked my word she went
wild..her movements were crazy I worried about her back.we rocked like that for a while
until she picked up speed.

"Andrea daddy

" yes mami

" only I should feel like this.

" yes mami only you.

" oh daddy what's my name?

" sarah

" say my name Andrea.

" sarah

" Andrea kani ndokuda iwewe.

" ndokuda iwewe mami.

" Andrea save me kani

" chiuya mami.

380 | P a g e
" I wanna cry.

" then cry mami.

I felt her strong vibrations and something in her chainditekenyedza the head of my shaft,,I
wondered what is was but it felt great.she couldn't stop calling me and I could see them
tears,,she really came hard I thought she would faint.she tasted better eveytime we made
love ,,I came out and went on top of her,,akandivhurira mukadzi wangu ndainyatsonzwa
kuti ndini Andrea wa sarah.ndosaka ndaipengereka mhani mukadzi ndainzwa kumuda
uyu.she was like

"Daddy,,,daddy ipapo

" APA here mami

" yes daddy a little slower.

" soo here babie

" ehe daddy,,aaaaaaah daddy

She had her hand on my balls,,then she moved her hand to my shaft guiding it in and out.I
was losing my mind.

" sarah I can't hold it .

" wait daddy wait.

How was I going to hold longer with what she was doing,,I knew only one trick,,I reached
for her nipples ,one hand touching and my mouth sucking ,,I had stopped riding then i put
my hand ipapo pacho paimupengesa on her punani,,gumbo rikachiwedzera kuvhurwa ,,all
she could do was was moan ndokubva ndasimudzira zvinyoro nyoro ndichinoisvitsa
mukati kati,, ndakanzwa ndabatwa ndikanzwa nzwara ndikaziva ndananga chaipo I saw
her body ichimerera ndikawedzerwa speed and she screamed tichipedzerana

381 | P a g e
ndainyatsonzwa kuyamwiwa mukati ndikaramba ndirimo until apedza.slowly ndakabva
ndabuda .

" Andrea.

" yes

" kiss me.

I kissed her and we dozed off like that.I don't even know what time she woke up but she
woke up earlier than me ,,I opened my eyes the sun was out.sarah came in with a tray of
food.I was actually very hungry.she placed it on the bed.I wanted to go and wash my face
but she said sit. She came back with a warm wet towel and wiped my face till clean.I
wanted to take the food and eat but she stopped me and fed me,her eyes were full of love
hanzi paunodiwa unongozviwonera wega so ,,noone has to tell you unozviona wega.she fed
me til! I was full and she wiped my mouth.

" ndaita sei to deserve all this.

" you were amazing last night.

" so were you.

" there's no man who can please me like you Andrea.

" I wanna be your only man Sarah.forgive me andidi newe sarah.

" kana neni andidi newe Andrea,, I get jealous when you are not with me,,there are soo
many pretty girls out there and you are very sexy man Drea ,,it hurts me when I tell you
that I love you and then its like you doubt me sometimes,, ndopererwa kuti ndokuudza sei
kuti daddy ndoda imimi are all that I believe in,,you Drea.

I took her into my arms.

382 | P a g e
Feel my heart babie ,,it beats for you only,,I'm sorry if I seem like I doubt ,,I don't doubt
your love I just wish it was only you and me in the world.I stayed with her like that for a
while letting our hearts connect.we finally broke of the hug and decided to shower,,sarah
had showered already so I showered alone.I came back the bed was made already the room
was clean there were clothes on the bed for me to wear.woow that felt good.I went to the
kitchen and found her cleaning up.

" babie you need to stop and rest.

" will do just now.

" your feet are swelling up, come here.

" just now okay.

She came and sat down and put her legs on my laps ,I began massaging her feet.she was
falling asleep and I let her rest ,I went to get a small sheet and covered her.

I sat next to her ,,watching her breathe ,,her pretty face ,she looked cute.I was going
through some wedding venues ,,I wasnt sure what type of wedding she wanted but I
wanted nothing but the best.she woke up around lunch time,,she really slept hard .

" sleeping beauty ,,hie

" how long was I out for

" its lunch time

" that's pretty long what you busy googling??

" wedding venues,,, I don't know what kind of wedding you want?.

" I want something private ,,not too many people and a night wedding.

" you don't want a grand wedding??

383 | P a g e
" no I just want you present and your signature on the certificate.

" hahaha my signature huh.

" yes lol even a court wedding I don't mind.

" no court wedding you deserve a princess's wedding.

" I'm serious Andrea.

" OK babie I heard you ,,we will talk about that next week.

" I'm hungry.

" I know let's go to KFC.

I went to the bedroom to change and get my car keys.Sarah called out to me that my phone
was ringing,, I told her to answer.I took my keys and went out ..

" ma said come kumba right now.

" which mom ,,your mom or my mom?

" your mom who is now my mom so our mom in chisipiti.

" lol oh OK let's go.

" she said you not me.

" still let's go.

Sarah went to change i grabbed an apple for her then we left ,we passed by the shops and
bought her same order and she bought a slice of cake for my mother.I wondered what was
wrong kumba kwandaitomhanyiswa kudaro. Ndakasvika mama vakamira pa door her face
didnt look happy,,she greeted sarah and she took me on the side.

384 | P a g e
" wauyirei na sarah?

" I couldn't leave her ko chii???

She didnt answer vakangoti handei....I looked at sarah and she looked at me and we got into
the house there was a lady akagara pasi ,,dad was there vakarovawo serious patakati
tinogara ndiye dhuma na Hilda,,

Sarah looked at me confused ,,takabva tagara tese pa sofa one.

Me: mama ko munhu uyu arikuitei pano???

Mom: hamheno ndotovhunza iwe hanzi wamuti auye kuno.

Me: matii ,,iwe Hilda ndakapedzisira kutaura newe riini???

Hilda: nezuro pawaiti enda kumba kwa mhamha.

Me: iwe wakakwana here iwe saka pano urikutsvaga ani manje because andigare pano.

Mom: Sarah mwanangu dai wambobuda I don't want you stressed anditi.

Me: no mhamha musiyei agare muno,,she's my wife andidi azofunga zvimwe..iwe Hilda
taura nyaya yako you are wasting my time.

I was already feeling iritated ,and pissed off zvemadhaka ndozvandanga ndisingade.I got up
Sarah achibva andibata ruoko kuti gara pasi.

Mom wako uyu arikuti iwe wakamupa urwere hwe sick pedzezvo akabva nhumbu yako
yanga ine 3 months a week ago????

Me: what.

Hilda: ko nhai Josh sei uchindidaro iwewe right now you are pretending like u don't know
how come,,nezuro chaiye wakanditi enda kunamhamha because kumba kwako pane zviri

385 | P a g e
kuitika ,,unozviziva kuti I was pregnant hembe dzemwana wanga watotanga kutenga ,,the
disease you gave me ndiyoyakanzi yakakonzesera ndiite miscarriage,, mhamha zvenyu
murikuona sarah uyo ndiye munhu arikuvhiringa zvinhu pakati pangu na Josh,he promised
to marry me,,all the time anga achiuya achirara kumba promising me zvinhu
zvakawanda,,we have been together 6 years chaidzo muvhunzei.

Mom: is it true kuti you have been together 6 years

Me: mom I was with her for that long but not anymore.

Mom: was she pregnant???

Me: mama she's lying

Dad: nhai musikana ini andidi zvisina basa wauri kuona uyo ndiye muroora
wangu,,matambiro amaiita na Josh atimazive Josh ari kuti urikutaura manyepo saka usati
wandinyangadza chibva pano .

Hilda : andibve pano nekuti zvaakaita Zvakandirwadza,,haangandipe sick pedzezvo

wondiitisa miscarriage saka munoti vekumba kwedu vanoti chii,,ashamisirei Sarah inga
mukadzi seni wani,, pamurume pacho totogara tese.

Sarah: Andrea I don't like this.

Andrea : relax mami I dont know what stupid game she's playing but I'm going to prove her

I looked at mukadzi wangu anga aakufemera padenga nehasha,,

Me: mami dzora hasha handiti.

Mom: hazvigone,,muroora wangu is sarah uyo,,they got engaged nezuro chaiye,,she's the
one waakandiunzira pano,,iwe wauya wega kuratidza kuti hunhu ahuna and
urikutopindura baba vepano rough.

386 | P a g e
Me:mama garai naye ndirikuuya

I got up and took sarah ,,we got in the car and drove off.

" mami

" yes

" don't be angry handiti

" is she telling truth about the std and the pregnancy??

" no babie she's not.

" so where are we going

" to get proof .

We drove home and I took my laptop,,I went back home kwana mhamha ,,,I took my laptop
and went through her photos and put right in front of her.

Me: mama munhu uyu ihure rinonzi hure,, I came with proof mungazonditi ndinonyepa and
I don't want sarah to doubt me,,uyu wamuri kuona it's Hilda neumwe muface ku holiday
inn i found out kuti anonzi simba,,uyu next uyu,,anonzi munashe varikubva palodge ,uyu
andizive Zita rake, then uyu anonzi Marcus he is my friend waari kudanana naye and this is
Jayden uye uye wekuda Ku framer nyaya kuna sarah.

Hilda: wait Jay ndiani???

Me: izvozvo zvandataura you are sleeping with Sarah's ex

Ndakaona munhu atarisa pasi nekunyara mama vakarova maoko nekupererwa chaiko.
Ndakasimuka ndikananga paari ndikati simuka ,mama simukai let's go.

We all got up and got into the car.I drove to the doctor Hilda aakuramba kuburuka.

387 | P a g e
" I'm giving you 5 sec to get out of my car.

She got out and we went in,,I told the doctor to check chirwere chaitaurwa ,,so I asked the
doctor to check her,,sarah and I,,we sat there in 15 min the results were there ,,none of us
had such an infection. Mama just shook her head.we went mu room me scan and the doctor
checked chibereko cha Hilda and everything.

doc: there's no traces to show that she suffered any miscarriage,, actually the results prove
that she can't have babies her womb is damaged.

Me: you are saying she never ever got pregnant???

Doc: no she can't get pregnant .

Me:thank you doctor.

Ndakabva ndamubata ruoko ndikabuda naye panze,,Aida kutiza but ndamubata zvine
simba ,,I took my phone ndikatambidza sarah and told her to go through ma messages angu
na Hilda ,, the day randakamuramba.

" mami did you find them??

" yes

" show my mother.

She showed my mother mama vakapererwa ,,takabva tapinda mumota ndikalocker ma

door,we drove back to my mothers house ndakamubata ruoko and got into the house
ndokubva ndananga naye Ku bedroom kwangu.

" handiti you wanna be my wife uda kugara pano.

" I'm sorry Josh.

" Maya hausi.

388 | P a g e
My mom and sarah had followed but I locked the door ndikavati garai panze.

" babie open the door uda kuita sei.

" sarah ibva ipapo

" I'm not leaving.

" fine gara.

Ndakatora bhande ndikatanga kurova munhu.munhu akaridza mhere ndakaramba

ndichirova chete sendirikurova Mwana ndiye one mukadzi wandakatanga kurova

Chihombe chandiri kukurovera is lying to my mother ,,then lying to my wife then lying to
me,,,iwewe andina basa newe ndoda kurova demon riri pauri kusvika raenda

Her: josh sorry hako andiite futi ndisiye hangu ndiyende .

Ndakakanda bhande kure ,,I felt like raisarova ,,ndakamuridza nekuseri kweruoko
,,ndairova mambama chete and kumeso chete.ndakanzwa daddy vaakudaidzira kuti vhura
door unouraya munhu but ndanga ndatogarwa chaiko ndakarova kusvika daddy vapaza
door vakandibata.

Dad: Joshua siya benzi iri rinofira mumaoko ako ane ngozi munhu uyu.

Ndakapukunyuka ndikanomuchika pachest,,

Me: chitaura kuti photo ya Sarah waiitei nayo?

Ndakamutsika futi akazhamba that's when she confessed zvese zvaanga aita,,I was right it
was her anga aedza kukuvadza sarah.

Hilda: I'm soo sorry hako Sarah I shouldn't have tried to harm you,,right now I struggle wit
my chest when I tried to hurt you ndipo pandakazvikuvadza muchest trying to hurt you,I
love Josh sarah and giving him up kuti utore hako has not been easy,,imagine right now

389 | P a g e
munhu ouya okutorera it's very painful,,,Josh uri kundikuvadza chest yakakuvara
kare,,Sarah only you can cure me please .

Sarah: I saw you the day I felt the pain,,and what do you mean I can cure you I'm not a

Hilda: gogo said I should ask for forgiveness and if you forgive me ndookuti ndipore.

Sarah: if you promise to stop all your tricks

Hilda: ndapfidza sarah I'm done.

Sarah akamboramba akanyarara ndakazoona munhu aakuti I forgive you.

Me: imbondiudza kuti n'anga yako iripapi ndoda kutangira ipapo andisati ndapedza newe.

Hilda: gogo vasiye hako Josh vanga vakatondiudza kuti ndisiyane newe ,even when I tried
hurting sarah ndanga ndaenda kune imwe n'anga ndikazoponera kwagogo ndoda kufa.

Me: I'm telling you munhu wese aripano,,sarah is my wife,,I love her ,,andikude Hilda ,,my
wife is pregnant as you can see ,,I'm cutting ties with you for good andidi kukuona padhuze
neni kanapadhuze na sarah.

End of chapter 52.

Kaydie loves you all happy reading.

390 | P a g e
Dream lover Chapter 53
Story by kaydie

 0773812044


I had planned zvinhu zvese zvakanaka,, I had asked someone to find out about his parents
house ndikapawana I knew kutaura with his mother was much better than talking to him
because he wouldn't listen,,ndakatoenda ndakapfeka dress like a muroora just to impress
zve.the mother was nice but when I mentioned kuti I had had a miscarriage plus sick face
yakabva yachinjwa.she looked at me as if she wanted to kill me .His father was quiet all the
time looking at me as if I was something disgusting. I was annoyed ndakamboda kuvadira
mweya but for someone who was desperate for their help I decided to sit quietly and be a
good girl. The mother didnt take long to call him kuti auye,,I thought he would come alone I
was angry looking at him achipinda naSarah.APA for sure gogo vanga vasina kunyepa she
was pregnant ,,she had gained weight and jealous down she was looking very pretty.gogo
never lied I started thinking kuti surely why didn't I just listen to her,,I had wasted soo
much time,,I was now not even close to his side chick aisatoda kana kundiona ,,when he
came in ndakaona achifinyama ,he was just soo disgusted by me.I felt like getting up to just

I had planned everything nicely I had hired a doctor who was going to prove that I had had
a miscarriage but I underestimated Josh ,,akandiita ambush yakaita kuti ndiomerwe soo
surely all along he gathered dirty deeds about me,,ndaiti ndini ndaive kumberi but he was
far ahead of me.I don't even know how I got soo careless ,,hapana chinonyadzisa getting
your dirty laundry laid out in the open ,,,I didnt know where to look when he was showing
me and showing his parents photos of my dirty deeds,, I couldn't even deny it even if I
wanted to,,the evidence right in front of me was too much. And how he managed to get it

391 | P a g e
andizive ,,he messed up everything ndakabirira kutarisa mai vake ,,ndakanyara
vachizunguza musoro.

Josh was too forward,,,, he was just doing things without telling anyone ,,ndakazoona tava
kwa doctor kuti ndichiburuka mumota zvaramba,,I looked at his face and quickly looked
away aisatarisika aive neface yehumhondi,,zvainyadzisa worse because Sarah was just
there,being treated like a queen ,,that was supposed to be me,,ndakaita chigodo in my
throat haa sarah akandisizer rough. Aitadza nei kudyira hake Josh with how sarah was,
ndakashuvira kuitwa reborn then come back looking better than her because my life was
just now miserable and no longer the same because of her.I blamed her for everything ,,I
just had to blame someone chete.ndakadhonza tsoka getting off the car kuti ndipinde kwa
doctor.I already knew how everything was going to turn out,and for sure everything turned
out that way ndanga ndatombonamata in my heart kuti zvingobuda like how I had lied I
wished I could bribe the doctor but it was impossible josh never left my side ,,ndaiita like I
was a prisoner asiri kana kufanira kusiiwa ,,ndakamutarisa Josh and wondered kuti ndiye
here babie wangu aimbokuma ndichimuitira chikapa.aindiudza kuti akuna anonaka
sewe,,ndakazviona to never believe munhurume when he finds someone better he won't
even remember you let alone the promises he made to you.Josh aisada kundishaya anga
akusada kushaya Sarah, I was jealous looking at them ndega ndaitoona Paine love
yemufirimu because the way they were I will admit kuti nyangwe ndaiti we had been close
but there were some boundaries how he never wanted me to have keys for his
house ,,he didnt want me to sleep over for long,,never wanted to get married but na Sarah
he moved things soo fast saka ndaingove his time pusher waiting for sarah kkkkk
ndakazviseka sure.I couldn't blame him anymore because after all ndanga ndamuwana
nemushonga so he never loved me but I loved him.zvinonzi mushonga ukafumuka munhu
anoita chikara zvesure anoita chikara chaicho.

Hama dzangu Josh anorova ,,ndakarohwa ndikanzwa kuti yes ndarohwa ,,kurohwa like he
was hitting a small baby mukadzi mukuru I got hit with a belt.have you ever felt like really
laughing at yourself instead of crying ,,I felt like he was going to murder me,,ndakadaidza
mai vangu vakafa to come and save me my whole body yairwadza,,I was failing to breath

392 | P a g e
because of my chest and paakazotanga hitting me with his hands I couldn't even speak I
just let him hit me ,,he hit me with all of his energy I guess I deserved it.there's no
accusation that's heartbreaking than yekunzi wapa munhu sick,,I had lied I had played with
peoples minds kana kuti nditi sorry I couldn't ndakapihwa mhama pamuromo ndikanzwa
kunhuwa ropa.I could hear his mom and sarah screaming by the door. at that moment
ndakaona kukosha kwavo I needed them to open the door and save me.Josh aive agarwa
chaiko thanks to his father who finally saved me.ndaiti zvapera ka but the way he came off
his fathers grip achinditsika chest I felt it cracking into pieces.I couldnt deny the
accusations anymore,, I had to tell the truth.... I had sworn that I would never say sorry to
sarah but I Remembered gogo's words when said apologise ndiko kuti ndipone.I was dying
I felt I had to and for sure I asked for forgiveness nemoyo wese chaiwo.

Pandaive ndarambwa tiri tega paive nani than kurambwa in front of everyone,,that time
when you wish the ground could open up and swallow you.Anyway his mother vakanzwa
tsitsi then came vakandibata ruoko nekundisimudza. Then sarah went out ,,I saw her
achiuya holding a bucket of warm water ,,she took a towel ndokubva atanga kunditova
,,ndakambofunga kuti maybe she was doing it to mock me but no she actually had a good
heart ,,even the way she just forgave me when I asked for forgiveness, haana kana kutora
nguva she just forgave me just forgave me just like that.

Josh: sarah siya munhu iyewe.

Her: Andrea no let me.

Josh: sarah

She stopped the looked at him,, " Andrea I'm trying to keep you out of jail,,look at her face
and body ."

She went and she took his hands ndokubatana maoko looking at each other ndakazonzwa

Her: I love you Andrea and I'm not disrespecting you?just allow me to do this please.

393 | P a g e
Josh: fiiine chienda

So Andrea was his other name lol,,the name I couldnt find and it was too late ranga risisina
basa.she already knew him in and out,,ndakatanga kufunga kuti what honestly did I know
about him ???? Nothing.. Sarah came back to me and carried on ,,I saw her ring ,,it was soo
beautiful surely they were engaged,,I couldnt help it ndakatanga kuyeredza misodzi,,she
saw it and wiped my tears ,,honestly this girl was full of surprises.

Me: how do you manage to still wipe my tears after all this.

Her: because your tears mean there's someone in you other than the woman we are seeing

Me: you have a good heart.

Her: and I believe you have it somewhere In you look for it.

Me: your ring is very beautiful Sarah I'm really jealous ...

Her: thank you,, its his grandmothers ring ,,,,dont be jealous,,,you will find a man who will
love you wholeheartedly without you tricking him.

Me: is it true you are having triplets???

Her: is it safe to tell you

Me: I won't harm you sarah I have tried and failed and ended up hurting myself.

Her: yes I am.

Me: I'm jealous but congratulations,, as you heard I can't have babies.

Her: miracles never end Hilda

Me: not for me Sarah,,I'm out of luck.

394 | P a g e
Her: trying believing in yourself Hilda

Akazopedza kunditova,,she was very nice,,ndairamba ndakamutarisa ,,Josh anga azviwanira

hake mukadzi kwaye,,someone he could trust ,,someone who could make him happy,,give
him a family asingahure seni,,I felt disgusted by myself just looking at Sarah,, she was the
woman I wanted to because,,ndakanzwa kuchiva everything about her,,but my life was just
soo messed up,,who was going to want a woman who couldnt have kids??? Meaning kuti
ndaitozodiwa nevane vana kare but most of them were married or divorced ,,I was never
going to find mukomana wanguwo ndega.pana Josh I had finally given up,,I didnt need gogo
to tell me,,I didnt need anyone to tell me ndakazvionera ndega ,,and here his fiancee was
taking care of my wounds. His father walked out Josh ndookubva atevera his father ,,his
mother's came to sit next to me .

Her: Hilda where are your parents????

Me: they died.

Her: so who took care of you

Me: noone

Her: I'm sorry my dear life must have been harsh for you ,,but you have to start taking care
of yourself ,,life is not easy,,you must have walked a difficult path,,andizive chakaita utange
kuita zvauri kuita and I can't judge you but live your life well ,,life does not revolve around
men Hilda ,,you have to learn to work hard for yourself hapana murume anozokudadira
.siya zvemishonga mwanangu uchiri Mudiki stereki,,what I can see is you are lacking
guidance chete chete.

Me: I'm soo sorry for lying to you I was just desperate

Her: its alright but don't ever repeat the same mistake in life,,learn to let go of the things
you can't have,,,the truth will always set you free.

395 | P a g e
Me: thank you soo much ,,I think I should leave now,,I wasnt supposed to be here in the first
place..Sarah you are a much better person than I am ,,it hurts me to admit it,,and it hurts me
more giving up on Josh but he loves you and you love him,,you two deserve each other I'm
nothing but a waste.I wish you the best in life and I promise to never get in your way
,,maybe by chance or by luck I will fix my life and meet someone ,,by then I will be a woman
like you,,I never thought I would say this ,,but I admire the woman that you are ,,that's why
jealousy has been driving me to do evil things.

Ndakabva ndasimuka ndichibva ndaakubuda,,vese vakabva vabuda neni,,we met Josh

talking to his father mu lounge .ndakanopfugama pana baba vake.

me: ruregerero baba I disrespected you,,I spoke rudely ,,,ndikanyepa futi ndiri mumba
menyu I'm very sorry.

Him: chienda ugadzirise hupenyu hona wanga wava kupondwa ,,ane hasha wauri
kudenhanha naye uyu siyana naye.

Me: I'm sorry and Josh I'm sorry,,about everything I did,,the years I lied to you,,ringoriwo
demon raindibata ,,I'm letting you go even though Moyo wangu uchikuda zvakanyanya but
I know your heart is not with me its with sarah,,you both deserve each other .

Josh didnt say anything akangofamba ndokutora sarah wake and sat down akangonditi
gara pasi....he called a taxi for me ,,I said goodbye to everyone and left ,,I cried soo much on
the way back to my flat,,ndairwadziwa nekurohwa ,,but I felt my chest felt much better
gogo was right,,i guess she was always right but again she was the reason i was who I
was.mishonga yavo yakandivhiringidza mhani.I was dropped off by my flat,,just as my life
could not get any better,,Jay was waiting pa door pangu..akangonditarisa nekutovhunza
kuti waitwei naani,,I ignored him and got inside my flat.

Me: urikudei??

Him: since when uchivhunza izvozvo.

396 | P a g e
Me: umborine vasikana vangani koiwewe.

Him: takatanga riini asking each other such questions.

Me: I didnt know Sarah was your girlfriend.

Him: Sarah???? Wamuona kupi Sarah.

Me: doesn't matter she's my exboyfriends fiancee.

Him: what do you mean fiance????

Me: they got engaged yesterday.

Him: iwe you mean Josh was your boyfriend ???

Me: yes and they both know about us.

Him: wati sarah knows about you and me????iwe Asi you targeted me because you knew
sarah was my girlfriend and she had taken your boyfriend,,, how could you do that to me

Me: shaa you came on to me,,I didn't come after you.

Him: why did you appear in front of me then.

Me: haa ndiwe muridzi wenyika here.

Him: how did they find out about us then????

Me:I don't know,he had photos in his laptop.

Him: whaaaaat shit!!!!

He rushed out the door,,,ndakangosimuka nekukiya door rangu ,,I needed to rest .

397 | P a g e
End of chapter 53

Kaydie loves you all happy reading....

398 | P a g e
Dream lover Chapter 54
Story by kaydie

 0773812044


Dad: son ,,learn to control your self control your anger unouraya munhu one day
nezvaunoita izvi.

Me: I'm sorry dad but I lost it plus munhu wacho haanzwe don't be surprised akaita
mamwe ma tricks ipapa futi ,,she has a demon in her haasi wekutemba

Mom: chimusiya we are all sure she has learnt her lesson ,,she had a troubled childhood she
lacked guidance Asi iwe wanga usingazvione here kuti something wrong

Me: I could sense that's why I never bothered to introduce her to you.

Mom: wakagona or else ungadai wakauya nemuti wemusango I'm just soo glad that all is
sorted and auna chirwere please be careful my son,this world is cruel,,very cruel.

Dad: you are starting a family now be careful who you mingle with.

Me: dad please sarah is here you don't need to worry about me.

I don't know why they were suddenly giving me all these lectures but I really didn't need
them,,,Hilda had tried to mess up my life but she failed .I just wanted to get away and spend
the day with my woman .

Me: mama we are leaving now.

Mom: you are leaving already I thought we would spend the day together .

399 | P a g e
Me: no mom ndavhiringika with all that happened today.anyway we need to meet and
discuss wedding preparations,,I don't know how you will do it ,,maybe this time dinner will
be here or maybe by Sarah's house amheno.

Sarah: by our place not my place.

Me: that's your place babie I will build another house for us.

Mom: lol ok we will meet at Sarah's house she just needs to decorate it fast Asi..

Dad: make sure to keep a bottle of nice wine sarah mwanangu

Sarah: yes dad I surely will.

We said our goodbyes and left .I decided to take a drive with her I wasnt sure the rouite to
take but we ended up at semi Levi village,we walked around for a bit ndaitozviziva she was
hungry so we went to this French restaurant to spoil my wife .to me she was already my
wife anyway.we sat there and ordered our food ,,it was a beautiful view and classy,, just my
type of places. I was not a chicken inn or chicken slice person ,,I enjoyed foreign owned
restaurants ,,their food was just different from the normal food we ate in local restaurants...
I watched her enjoy her food but as always,,along with her food she still ordered French

Me: mami don't you think its time to forget the fries

Her: not in this lifetime.

Me: I miss getting freaky out here.,,,,I said that ne ka naughty look

Her: reminds me of cape town.

Me: I love that place,,you drove me crazy.

Her: daddy

400 | P a g e
Me: yes mami

Her : I wanna get married in Capetown.

Me: are you sure.

Her: yes its beautiful,, its very beautiful its where we really connected ,I want honeymoon
in the same hotel where we made love over and over again.

Me: don't you wanna go somewhere else like France, Italy, the states ,,something like that?

Her: no daddy I want the beach in cape town.

Me: the beach it is ,,at least we are somewhere. Two weeks honeymoon.

Her: lol with the triplets I will be heavily pregnant.

Me: that's the only time I will allow you to flaunt your belly or wear a bikini.that way
everyone will know kuti ndini ndakagohwesa.

Her: when the triplets come we won't need more babies right????

Me: 2 more.

Her: whaaat???Andre.

Me: bear me 5 or 6 kids and see what I will do for you.

Her: why do we need all those kids Andrea.

Me: I want a big family with you babie,,I dont wanna miss the chance .

Her: a mom of 6 ayas ,,a life time of sex and babies lol, Im already starting by being a mom
of 3 at my age.

401 | P a g e
Me: that's why are going to buy and build more houses and who cares if you start by being
a mom of three,,who doesn't adore triplets I just hope avandipinze busy.

Her: were you serious about the houses .

Me: I want houses for all of my babies.

Her: so you got it all figured out already???

Me:Yes wifey that's why I bought your house first.

Her: I dont know what I did to deserve this.

Me: you love me.

Her: mmmm but the way you hit Hilda I hope you won't hit me like that...

Me: kuti unenge waita sei please forget that.

We really had fun ,,we decided kunoona movie ,,late night movie,,,could I even concentrate
on the movie here na Sarah,,it was just daddy this,,daddy that, daddy kiss me ,,it was as If
we were in our bedroom at least the movie house was not soo packed.we left the movies
then we decide to go home,,, I then got a call from Prince..

Me: what's going on????

Him: Jay is by your place.

Me: are you sure

Him:I'm sure ,,we are looking at him,,he's looking around..

Me: unaani.

Him: vakomana .

402 | P a g e
Me: Im almost home,stay where you can see everything.

I hung up,,what did he want??? He was definitely looking for me....I had to take Sarah home
ndoenda kumba ndega.

Me: mami I have to take you home.

Her: why????

Me: I have to do something urgently.

Her: you can go wherever you wanna go I will stay at home.

Me: no babie you can't stay there.

Her : why what's going on???

Me: I can't tell you now but just listen to me please sarah.

Her: what are you hiding from me ???

Me: I will explain tomorrow.

Her:Andrea what's going on if you dont tell me then I won't leave you.

Me: imboteerera mhani.

Her: I hate secrets Andrea ,,I dont know what's going on ,,suddenly im having a bad feeling
about this but I'm not leaving you,,the way you were talking on the phone is like something
is going on by your house,,if something happens and I'm not there I will never forgive
myself ,,where you are is where I am,,do you have to do like this every time you feel theres
danger,,you always want to keep me away like a small baby.

Me: you are pregnant sarah please wakatakura vana ,I can't get into situation like what
happened last time ,,I couldnt handle it.

403 | P a g e
Her: and if something happens to you I won't be able to handle it.

I wasnt winning with sarah amheno nharo dzaibva kupi.ndaisada kupikisana naye I was
not in the mood yekuchemerwa and honestly munhu ane nhumbu aidiiko pandiri kumuti
apana kumira mushe ,,I called prince ndikamuti ndirikuuya paari. I was already close to the
house and prince was around the corner ndakasvika and parked next to him.

Me: prince sha chengeta mukadzi wangu

Her: why are you leaving me with him.

Me: I'm not going to argue with you over this ndatopedza soo....

Prince: its fine musiye we will be with her.

Her: I'm not staying with him.

Me: Sarah

Her : Andrea

Me: gara pano babie please.

Her: what's going on there nhai prince tell me whats going on ,,who is there.

Me: fine Jay is there.

Her: what does he want

Me: he wants me obviously...

Her: hapana zvaanondiita I'm going with you,,,

Me: uda kumuonerei????

404 | P a g e
Ndakabva ndatochinja face,,and paakaona ndachinja face akabva arelaxer .prince gave me a
gun ndikaiviga,,ziso randakapihwa nasarah raive nemuvhunzo hobho I told myself
ndaizozviona kana ndadzoka.I got into my car and drove to my house of which that was a
few meters from where I left sarah.i got to the gate Jays car was parked close to my gate I
saw him getting out of his car walking towards me, I got out of my car and stood outside.he
came ndokubva tamira takatarisa .

Him: what are the hell are you trying to do getting information about me.

Me: last time I checked you were standing right in front of my gate trespassing ,,meaning
you got information about me and you located my house so what's your problem.

Him: what were you trying to do telling sarah about Hilda and I???

Me: and what were you doing with Hilda when you claimed to loved sarah?????

Him: that was after you stole my woman!!!

Me: and the sugar mommies???

Him: you have no right to ask me shit about my business you took my woman and I want
her back ndiye wandavinga I'm not living without her.

Me: sorry to disappoint I think news dzasvika naHilda,,you will never have sarah
again,,never ever,we are engaged now and don't ever say your babies to my
babies,,ndakatungidza ndega handina kumbokuti ndibatsire kumupa nhumbu wanzwa and
pandamuvhura ndakamuvhura ndega that's the day randakamupa nhumbu, I told you kuti
waita Mwana Mudiki stereki.

Ndakaona achifinyama kumeso hasha dzichikwira ,,I could see anga abhema drug svinu
chairo,,kuonererwa kwakamira,,He walked towards me I hadn't seen kuti the whole time
he had his hand behind he was holding a gun ndakazoona andinongedza pfuti mumusoro.

405 | P a g e
Him: I'm going to blow your brains out ukasandipa sarah.fine wakarara naye I couldn't do it
,,but pawakarara naye pakwana,,give me my wife back.

Me: then go ahead and blow them out ,,even in different lifetimes I will never give her to
you,, you will have to keep killing me even in 9 lives I will still take her from you ,,you will
lose her still.

He set the gun about to blow for sure but I didnt care ,,I wasnt giving him sarah he had to
kill me first ,,I dont know how I hit his hand and he moved the hand with the gun yabva
yarira mudenga ,,I kicked him hard pachest achidzedzereka uko he pulled the trigger again
and shot me,,I heard sarah screaming as I fell on the ground.I wanted to tell her to stay
where she was but I could hear her screaming coming to me.pasina nguva she was kneeling
next to me tears flowing.

Her: Andrea is this why you wanted me to stay away.

Me: go away from here sarah go

Before I could finish Jay grabbed sarah from me ndokubva amira naye akanditarisa.I
checked where he had short me and I noticed he shot my grandfathers pendant that I was
wearing,,now it made sense why I was told to wear it always ,,the bullet didnt touch my
skin but when he shot me I felt pain which was caused by the pressure from the pendant
yaanga apfura.I got up fast and pointed my gun at him,,prince and two guys vanga
vatosvika kare.mumota maJay makabuda another guy akanongedzera pfuti kuna prince

Jah: you better drop it or I will shoot her,,tese tobva tangoita loss.

I could see sarah scared .

Me: mami dont be scared okay keep looking at me.

Jay: look at him and see what I will do to you.

406 | P a g e
Prince: drop the gun you are surrounded Jay......and for sure pane team rakangonyuka I
think boys ra prince called vamwe.

Sarah: Jay just stop all this drama okay,,it doesn't have to be like this let's part ways
nice,,you were a good guy what happened to you.

Jay: you didnt understand when I told you,,iwe neni atisiyane zvekumhanya babie,,uri
mukadzi wangu iwewe and I love you,,don't you miss me,,don't you miss kissing me sarah
,,huh babie???

Sarah: I dont love you and I don't miss all that ,,

Me: dont talk to him babie I said look at me.

Jay : andina kana chandakabata pauri iwewe kuzobatwa nemumwe munhu,,you lied to me
you cheated on me, Sarah,, wainyepedzera kuita hunhu uchindivhara,,

Sarah: even you cheated with a lot of women,disgusting women futi ,,I never cheated on
you I saved my self from the miserable you could have given me

Jay: manje ndichatomboku feelawo nhasi,,I had you are pregnant rega
ndimboona..ndotombonzwa kuti vana vedu varisei.

I saw him put his hand on her stomach ndakanzwa brain dzichipisa ndikagarwa
nechehumhondi, chaicho apa aizviita looking at me kuti ndirwadziwe chaiko.

Sarah: stop it dont touch me

Jay : soo you are pregnant for sure idumbu kairi rabharanzi wako.

I started walking going kwaari he pointed a gun at sarah I stopped moving I saw his hand
moving kuda kunobata zamu rasarah I could not control it I pulled the trigger and shot the
hand that had the gun ,,Sarah quickly moved away screaming and I shot the hand rakabata

407 | P a g e
dumbu rasarah.ndakavira nehasha I wanted to shoot him in the chest and I heard sarah
screaming saying stop it,,ndaibvunda ndakazongo muregedzera mbama ....

me: haudye panodya Vakuru wanza ,the second bullet was for touching my woman.Ana
prince were already searchind his car where they found drugs ,,guns ne mbanje,,pasina
nguva all the neighbors were outside they had heard gunshots ,,the police was there.the 2 C
10 guys that came with prince took the case,,they had videos and all the evidence they
needed,my statement was taken and the witness's statement yakabva kuna sarah and
prince then the two C 10s,,after the statements were taken,, the ambulance came to take Jay
to the hospital he was bleeding badly both his hands were messed up hamheno kana
aizoshanda futi.they let me and my babie go.sarah was still shaken,,prince left with the rest
of the people vanhu ndookudzokera mudzimba drama rapera. I opened the gate and told
sarah to get in ndookubva ndapinza mota.

I took her inside the house I went to open the hot shower ndokubva ndaivhurira ndikasiya
yakadaro I wanted steam,,sarah was sitting quietly in the bedroom,, I went and took her ,,I
helped her remove her clothes and went with her to the bathroom,, the shower was already
very steamy,,,, I took off my clothes then she came to hug me tightly she wanted to cry but I
could see she was holding back,,she looked at my chest and saw no scratch just the pendant
that had been shot.

Me: its OK babie.

Her: no its not okay Andrea its not okay you almost died because me,,it's not okay it will
never be okay.

That's when she started crying zvino.. I just held her quietly ,,she kept crying I was getting

Me: nhai sarah andina kufa wani nhai babie.

Her : but you could have Andrea you could have,,what if you did not have the pendant on
Andrea ,,I can't live without Andrea unoda ndiite sei.?

408 | P a g e
She started hitting my chest with her fist achichema.

Her: and what were you doing with a gun when did you start using guns.

Me: I knew this day would come Sarah because I knew he was ganstar.

Her: I dont want guns in the house please Andrea ,,you have no idea what it did to me when
he shot you.

Me: shhhhh I know that's why I didnt want you there.

I took her into the shower,,it was very steamy she was still soo shaken and scared....

Her: he touched me Andrea I feel dirty .

Me: that's what got me mad ,,I can't let any man touch okay ngatichigeza paabata pacho.

I washed her body ndega then I bathed also.the steam helped her calm down.I put her in
the bed and I got inside.I held her in my arms,, ndaingonzi daddy come closer I didn't know
how close she wanted me nekuti I was really closed.ndakazonzwa.

Her: daddy

Me: yes mami

Her: hamuna kudya chikafu chadaddy.

Me: ndipakurire ndidye

End of chapter 54

Kaydie loves you all happy reading.

409 | P a g e
Dream lover chapter 55
Story by kaydie



It took me days for me to get over what happened. When I went back home I was seriously
worried about Andrea even mom and dad ended up asking,, I couldn't hide anymore I was

Mom: sarah are you having problems with Josh.

Me: no mom we are not having problems.

Dad: then tell us ever since you came back from there you are too quiet and sad.

I already wanted to cry thinking of the day.

Me: Joshua got shot .

Shanny: whaaat???? Sarah was it Jay

Dad: who is Jay and what do you mean he got shot.

Shanny: Jay is her ex boyfriend

Me: yes it was Jay.

Mom: where you there?????

Me: yes I was

410 | P a g e
I had to tell them the whole story about what happened ,,honestly the possibility of Josh
having been shot dead was stuck in my head ,,the sounds of gunshots was still in my head
how I ran crying thinking Josh had died ,,all that was affecting me,,I cried and mom came to
hug me.

Mom: my poor baby and why didnt you tell us ,,so is Jay in prison???

Her: he got arrested yes but he hasn't been sentenced.

Dad: and how did you get involved with such a guy sarah.

Me: you could never tell.

Shanny: I knew from the start that he was bad news but anyway dad he didnt want to let go
of Sarah.

Mom: I think you need to go for therapy you were traumatized,, I can't believe both of you
went through this and didnt tell us.

Me: I will be fine mom he suggested it already I'm just still in shock I will be fine.

Dad: I can't believe all that happened.

Me: he was just trying to protect me when he got shot.

Dad: I need to see this Jay guy even in prison I should make sure he rots in there.

We had to change the story because dad was already angry,,mom was actually worried
about how Josh was feeling ,,if he was traumatized, but as a man he wouldn't anyway
we started talking about the wedding preparations.

Me: I want it in Capetown on the beach

Shanny : mmmmmm beach wedding.

411 | P a g e
Anny: the movies kind of wedding I like this.

Dad: we should have a family get together so everyone gets familiar with Josh,,

Me: I was thinking that we could have that by my house.

Mom: that house is just too beautiful who gets a house buy just saying yes I will marry you?

Shanny: its Sarah kkkkkk

Mom: I knew he was a keeper from the start.

Anne: I want a hubby like that too lol

Me: back to the get together please.

Anne: you need to decorate the house we can't sit on the floor.

Mom: I would love to help you decorate .....

Anne: I will design the curtains.

Shanny: I will make the food.

Me: that's a lot of money ...

Anne: Josh will provide

Dad: siyai mukwasha wangu please ,,that's my son,,right there who took a bullet for my
daughter ,,,I didnt know he was that brave.

Me: I will talk to him first and hear what he says ..

Mom: we will cater for the food then you decorate your own house ,,anyway when are you
going to start working???

412 | P a g e
Me:Anytime I want ,,I'm okay now Josh had said I should rest but it's boring being at home

Dad: you should take your time.

Shanny: nice part about having your husband as the boss you work pamadiro.

Me: bvapo I already skipped today Wednesday ,i will just go tomorrow I should have gone
on my Monday already.

After dinner I went to my room,I picked out an outfit for work..I took a dress from my new
clothes ,,,I sat on the bed and just started going through the events from the time I met
Andrea,,the ups and the downs,,I wondered what else was left to go through besides
labour,, I knew we had a long journey ahead of us,,a new path with added little souls to
provide for,,I was a bit scared but I comforted myself ,,as long as we stayed together we
were going to be okay,,we just needed to be strong for each other. I knew already we had to
be more careful of the people along the way,,the people we had met taught us a lot about to believe and fight for love .I got into bed and went on Skype,,Andrea always loved
seeing me before I slept and so did I.I called him,,its as if he was waiting for my call already .

Him: mami

Me: how are you baba 3.

Him: you should be home with me.

Me: counting on the days.

Him: Chris is coming next week,,says the wants to do the wedding steps....

Me: with Shanny?????

Him: they argue a lot in a nice way.

Me: vachasticker when they meet lol,, will we go and pic him up???

413 | P a g e
Him: yes of course but don't tell Shanny,, we will just go,,and we won't tell him that we are
coming with Shanny...

Me: I'm going to enjoy this and daddy 3 I wanna come back to work now.

Him: how are you going to work and plan the wedding???

Me: that's the Job of a wedding planner babie ,,I will get one tomorrow.

Him: its fine but don't strain yourself too much.

Me: okay and mom and dad said we should have a family get together ,,your side and my
side,mix and mingle getting to know each other.

Him: I was thinking about the same how about dinner in chisipiti first,,then we will discuss

Me: okay goodnyt daddy.

Him: goodnight mami.

I woke early ,very early ,,,I had to prepare lunch box for Josh it was back to the old
system,,that didn't take long though,, I drove to work kwandakatambirwa na Nancy nekuda
nyaya lol,,she followed me to my office chaiko.

Me: watiiko Nancy???

Her: you left out such juicy news and didnt even bother telling me about it,,you guys were
doing it behind closed doors,,I could sense it I knew it,,nemanakiro awakaita
haambokusiya, how did you over take Hilda askana taiti achafa ava Mrs but
zvakaramba,,but mmm wakazviwanira shaa and he bought you such a house as a present
haaa sarah ndoridawo luck rako..

414 | P a g e
Me: zvakwana iwe ah chienda I need to work and thanks for coming to my engagement
dinner ,,i was happy to see you love ,,prepare my wedding present okay,but something for
my kichen thanks in advance.

She left then I ordered mr Natts coffee ,,I took it too his office ,,,I knocked on the door and
he said come in ,,,I got in he was busy on his laptop.

Me:Good morning sir I have brought your coffee.

He looked at me and smiled.

Him: Ms Travis you are looking very lovely today.

Me: thank you Sir ,,I hope you are not flirting with me sir.

Him: would that put me in trouble ???

Me: rules here say no office romance sir.

Him: I'm the boss I can break the rules,,soo can I take you may you please dine with me
tonight Ms Travis.???

Me: sorry sir I'm engaged to be married ,you have to ask my fiancee.

Him: and who is this fiancee

Me: Andrea sir.

Him: you love him.

Me: yes sir.

Him: how much

Me: this much sir.... I showed him with my hands.

415 | P a g e
He smiled all the way coming over to kiss me,,I giggled and got out of his office then I
remember I had forgotten to leave his lunch box I went back and gave it to him and giggled
away.I went back to my office I really had a lot to catch up on,,I was really behind ,,I had a
lot off pressure I almost forgot to order lunch for him I had to do that last minute. I didn't
even have time to eat ,,ndakatozoona dzatova almost 3 o'clock when Andrea came to check
what I ate.

Me: eish I forgot hey.

Him: andisi kuda kunetsana newe.

Me: sorry.

Him : let's go you will finish that tomorrow.

Me: I'm almost done really.

Him: sarah now.

Eish this man,,he couldn't just let me work APA I was happy I was finally back at
work.anyway days passed we went to dine buy my mother in laws,we had fun vanhu vanga
vajairana manje it was nyaya after nyaya,,I got my wedding planner who was already
arranging everything for the wedding ,,it was finalised the wedding was in Capetown.

On Saturday morning daddy called me.

Him: mami we are going to the airport Chris is arriving now we are late.

Me: oh my its today ????

Him:Yes its today.

Me: lol I'm gonna love this OK lemme get ready.

I went to shanny.

416 | P a g e
Me: shanny cancel your plans I need to take Josh to the airport he's going to Capetown.

Her aaah come on I want to sleep I'm lazy.

Me: come on you need to drive me back my feet keep swelling.

Her: fine let's go arg.

Me: please fix your hair,you will embarrass me

Her: haa man isn't I will be in the car.

Me: how will I say good bye by myself.

She was feeling lazy for sure,,I helped her do make up and did her hair.she was looking
pretty shame,,Josh came after 20 mins. Chris's flight had actually arrived so we were a bit

Josh was flying to the airport hanzi ndaakuzosara nendege it was jus funny kunyepa
kwacho.we got out of the car all of us and we went to the arrivals ,,shanny was about to ask
why we were there thats when she spotted Chris and he spotted her vakabva vasticker.

End of chapter 55

Kaydie loves you all happy reading.

417 | P a g e
Dream lover chapter 56
Story by kaydie



So much of a brother ,,he couldn't even get there on time ,,a brother I hadn't seen in months
I sat there waiting for him I had really missed home.its never soo rosey out there when you
are all alone ,just being home with family is much more a greater feeling than any other ,,I
couldn't wait to see Andrea ,,at lot had happened and I needed all the juicy secrets I needed
to hear.I was feeling hungry just waiting there,,my phone was out ,I had been playing games
just for entertainment and I forgot I needed the battery.I was getting annoyed just sitting
there,I was not the guy who was patient ,,if I said 20 min,,it had to be 20 mins, very very
time conscious ,,I picked up my bags to walk away .just as I was about to make a step I saw
them and wooow,,,,Shanny. I wasn't expecting her to be there I hadn't even told her that I
was coming,, i just stood there I wasnt sure whether to walk or to sit back down.

She stood staring at me and I stood staring at her I don't know what it was about me and
her that put us on pause all the time.I had been with girls,, still with girls lol ,,not that I was
a player,I was not I was just not ready for a serious relationship chete,,so most of my
friends were kissing friends to be exact.I shifted my eyes to Sarah,, wow vana vanga
vakazvarwa zvawo nowonder my brother aivhiringika sarah was a goddess wainanzvira
wakamutarisa pardon me I was not being dirty minded but yaa mmmm,, that's all I can say.
Vakasvika where I was like they wanted to laugh at me already ndakangokasika kutarisa
pasi like I was putting my bags down.

Andrea hugged me,,then I hugged sarah.. Ndakabva ndasticker looking at shanny iye she
did the same .

Josh: asi maiswa pa pause .

418 | P a g e
I finally walked up to her and hugged her,anga ane ka sexiness kainakidza,,her body was
warm ndakatanga kufunga zvakawanda hugging ndakazoita kunzi...

Sarah: breath guys we are here.

Josh: lol ayas

Me: shanny how did you know I was coming

Her: I didnt ,,I thought we were dropping off Josh who was going to Capetown,,

Josh: surprise.

Shanny: but you guys ,,couldn't you just tell me that Chris was coming.

Sarah: you were going to say no!

Me: and why were you going to say no you are supposed to be my buddie shanny.

Shanny: its good to meet you too my buddie lol,, why didnt you tell me that you were
coming ????

Me: I wanted to surprise you but I guess we both got surprised lol,,,you are very pretty in

Shanny: you are not bad yourself.

Me: I would have preferred being told I'm handsome.

Shanny: and those would have been your words not mine.

Me: ouch,,,Sarah should be my buddie she's sweet you are soo rough.

Josh: is it already time for the drama??.?

Sarah let's go home please.

419 | P a g e
So we left the airport,, Andrea was driving with his wife to be and I was sitting at the back
with shanny,,we both sat at the far and of the seat.Andrea kept looking back and laughing
ikabva yapindirwa na Sarah tese takazongotanga kubvaruka was nice just
laughing for I don't know what ,we headed to my parents house ,,mom was already waiting
pagate as if ndanga ndanzi andisi kusvika .I had missed her genuine smile she came and
gave me one loong hug that almost suffocated me.

Me:mama ndakura kani hug yenyu inondimakisa.

Her: kuti pane musikana wako here.

Ndakangonzwa vanhu vaakuseka ....

Me: mama hanziiko nhai

Mom: sarah muroora wangu welcome my daughter.

Sarah: I thought kuti the love has been taken by bamnini Chris ,,ndanga ndaakufa nejealous

Mom: aiwa he's my son and you are my daughter so square square,,, ko Shanny why are you
hiding there come and give me a hug....

They all hugged munongoziva vakadzi makuhwa anotangwa pasina ati ngatichipindai
mumba.we got into the house mom had prepared a feast ,,we sat down to eat ndanga
ndaakufa nenzara.

Mom: sarah mbiri yako yenzara I know my dear gara wadya.

Me: hezvo gulez what's going on murikurwisana ne food zvaitasei.

Andrea: uchazviona kana aane nhumbu.

Me: ani wacho.

420 | P a g e
I don't know why takabva tangotarisana na Shanny uyo akabva anzvengesa maziso.

Mom: you are soo quiet today shanny what's wrong,,is the food not good enough
,,tingazvigone here zvaunobika iwewe ....

Andrea: ane amunyararidza leave her alone.

Mom: ndianiko nhai asi wadenhwa muroad.

Shanny: lol mama don't listen to them ,,I'm tired chete.

I looked at her and winked ndikabva ndabatwa na sarah.

Sarah: Bamnini are you okay ,,makuvara ziso here let me take a look.

Andrea: don't worry arikuvadza achamurapa..

Vakabva vabvaruka futi kuseka ,,mom just shook her head vakatitarisa tese she couldn't
really understand what was going on,,they were making fun of me and Shanny.anyway I
didnt know I would find her that attractive,,her eyes were big and gorgeous,, she was not
slim but she was full figured with a flat tummy hake but full figured ,,I kept stealing glances
looking at her lips as she chewed her food.ndakazorohwa negokora na Andrea kuti
zvakwana wavakumakisa.

After lunch I took Andrea on the side ,,I really needed to talk to him.we left the ladies with
mom in the house and went outside you never know walls have eyes .

Me: why didnt you tell me its a family yema high breed.

Him: I hope you are not including my wife in your little fantasy.

Me:your wife is a goddess braa andimukwanisa but shanny,,, I like her ,,hook me up.

Him: I brought her as a surprise what more do you want.?

421 | P a g e
Me: I donno man just tell her something nice about me.

Him: that you switch from girl 1 to girl 2 in seconds,,,that's you are a player??? No thanks I
don't wanna get in her bad books.

Me: I can change for her man...besides I change girls because they don't know how to make
me stay.

Him: what an excuse anyway she's a very cheeky one go easy go slow. Plus kumba kwavo
kunotemeswa munhu huni,I mean muti wese.

Me: what do you mean kutemeswa huni.

He told me what he had to go thru for sarah lol I laughed.

Me: he's old fashioned I see.

Him: itopinda neyekuda kudzidziswa kubika shaa ndoinotoita because that's her
department. She's a caterer.

Me: uda ndipfeke apron une hutsinye.

Him: you asked me and I told you,, other than that I don't know. You have a month .

Me: a month is enough.

Him: if you are going to hurt her please stay away Chris andidi kumakiswa kuna tezvara

Me: I never get into a relationship with an intention of hurting these females Andrea.

Him: she's not any female she's my sister in-law too so please be on your best behaviour.

422 | P a g e
We charted for a while longer ,,we went back into the house we found mom laughing with
her two daughters laughing like best friends it was soo cute.we joined in nyaya ndokubva
dzapera we just looked at each other na Andrea so obviously it was us being talked about.

We chilled for a while then we went to drop them off ....we went back to my parents house
and we all spent the night there.I couldn't stop thinking about shanny,,we spoke on app for
hours I think we slept around one we were both exhausted,,, the next day we went to
church,,,our family and Shanny's family ,,we were Catholics so we met by the cathedral
that's when I met the rest of the family members.Monday we went out with sarah to buy
furniture for her house,,women are horrible haa kufamba nevakadzi I death sentence ,,she
couldnt decide on a lot of things,,ndakanzwa nekungovhunzwa." Do you think the sofas are
nice enough,,,do you think the color is fine,,,do you think Andrea will love these oh my
goodness. Ndakapedzisira ndafonera Andrea wacho.

Me: mukadzi wako anoshupa shaa she can't seem to decide,, everything zvirikungonzi do
you think Andrea will like this wadii wauya naye ndaakumutiza.

Him: lol mutengere ma chips she will think better ,,her brain functions clearly when she
eats fries ....

Me: huh??? Why fries???

Him: craving ,,she eats those everyday ,,I'm telling you zviyedze uone.

I went back to her achingoshupana na Shanny.

Me:Maiguru handei tinodya ma chips.

Sarah: why are you saying that now,,we should have gone long time ??? And who told you I
like chips???

Me: who else ??! You husband.

Sarah : lol Andrea nhai.

423 | P a g e
Shanny: ko inini

Me: uri first lady wangu hande.

So we drove to Nandos where I was made to buy double portion for sarah vamwe tichidya
1 portion,I looked at her eating ndikafa hangu nekuseka ,,

Me: shanny aren't you going to feed me???

Shanny: takatanga riini kudyisana???

Me: totanga nhasi.

Shanny: kwana

Me: hauzive romance

Shanny: so feeding you I romance ???

Me: yea

Shanny: so you want me to romance you.

Me: kkkkkk ehe romance me

Sarah : sies on you guys I'm going.

Me: why can't she romance me ????imi na Andrea munoita sei.

Sarah: oh no ndakuenda.

Shanny akaramba akanditarisa zvekuperera we drove back to the furniture shop,,and yes
thanks to Andrea,,the fries trick worked we managed to buy most of the things .whilst
waiting for the delivery we had to meet the interior decor lady,,,of which we should have
just met her before going to buy,,vakadzi Havana order sure.,the furniture was beautiful
she just needed help setting it up,,at least that was for the next day.

424 | P a g e
Whilst she was finalising her staff i took shanny on the side.

Me: shanny are you cooking for the get together????

Her: yes why.

Me: I wanna cook too.

Her: lol are you crazy????

Me: I'm serious I love the kitchen but you will have to help me on a lot of things ndiri dofo.

Her: so why cook when you can't cook.

Me: I wanna learn OK ,,I heard you are good.

Her: from who??

Me: my mom.

Her: oh

Me: so is it okay???

Her: lol will see.

Me: please shanny I wanna contribute something also.

Her: fine ,,,you can cook with me.


End of chapter 56.

Kaydie loves you all happy reading.

425 | P a g e
Dream lover Chapter 57
Story by kaydie

 0773812044


I got up very early in the morning to start preparing for the get together i had a lot of things
to go and buy ,,we were expecting over 80 people from both families,, it was just soo funny
kuti ndibike na Chris even mom and dad found it very weird ...

Dad: a man in the kitchen ko vakadzi vozodii.

Mom: you are just lazy I wish you could cook for me .

Dad: your love portion hasnt reached that stage yet mai sarah but maybe ukawedzera it
might work.

Mom: if I had a love portion you would have been washing my clothes even .

Dad: kwedu akuitwe izvozvo unoswera ndakubata ...

Me: oh please dad ,,anyway he can't even cook he said he just wants to help.

Anne: hidden intentions.

Me: arg sies man kwana.

Mom: he seems quiet friendly.

Dad: I'm watching him.

Mom: oh please let him be free with us,,he's family.

426 | P a g e
Dad: he might have his eyes on shanny.

Me: guys please enough gossiping about someone who can't even answer for himself, I
think he's genuine he just wants to help besides he's really funny,,I could use a bit of jokes
its going to be a long night.

Dad : the whole night alone or what??

Me: sarah and anny will help also that's if she doesn't fall asleep before we do anything
she's quite exhausted ,,shes been up and down decorating her house and meeting with the
wedding planner,,and also shes worried about her dress it might not fit by the time she gets
married her tummy is slowly becoming a balloon.

Anne: she must just wear a gown like the Nigerian women chashupa chii lol cause
obviously she keeps gaining so emugomo will do ,,they must just go for Nigerian wear or
even dress like a Pakistan woman,,those people can dress maiwe ,,their fashion is
unbelievable,, the dresses are loose but soo beautiful .

Me: aaah you think she will agree ????

Anne: since they are having a beach wedding can't they get married in beach wear but
designed for a wedding ?

Mom: that would be cute and different.

Sarah walked in as we were discussing .....

Sarah: morning why are you all making noise I couldn't sleep....

Anne: do you still wanna wear a Cinderella dress sarah???

Sarah: wasn't one of my options in the first place ,,I just wanna bet married to Josh..

Everyone laughed ,,with sarah anga akamera Josh on her lips.

427 | P a g e
Anne: we are thinking you that maybe you should go for a gown that suites the beach,,you
won't have to worry about your tummy not fitting in the gown.

Sarah: okay I will ask Andrea.

Mom: who is Andrea ....

Shanny: Josh

Dad: yaaa this year we shall learn a lot.

Anne: can't you just decide .

Sarah: I'm going back to sleep ...

Me: come on sarah aren't we going grocery shopping.

Sarah: just take Andreas card and go with Chris ,,its in my wallet.

Anne: hai you are already keeping his bank cards??? That a heavy take over mhai.

Sarah: he gave me one of his cards I didnt ask him for it.

Mom: thats what wives do dear .

Sarah was being a pain,,soo lazy pregnancy was taking its toll on her,,she was already 16
weeks and due to visit the gynae we had to do shopping and we had to take her to
the gynae.I managed to get her to bath,, Chris came just in time to pick us up,,,we drove to
borne mache ,,most of the stuff we needed was found there,,sarah refused to come so it was
just me and Chris my buddie,,at least I had the list with me.I took the trolley and Chris
snatched it from me.

Me: behave

Him: make me

428 | P a g e
He started running away with the trolley like a small babie drawing peoples attention in
the shop,,the way he was giggling you would assume he was 5.I couldn't help but laugh
then I grabbed another trolley,,he disappeared,, I couldn't find where he had gone to,,I
looked around but he was nowhere .....

Him: oh my gosh a rat shanny.

I screamed jumping up and down ,,then he started laughing....oh hell what an ass I took my
trolley and moved away from him,,he made a joke of me and people were laughing at
me,,nxa what an ass.he caught up with me but I ignored him,,he tried taking the trolley

Me: if you are not going to behave please go sit in the car with sarah.

Him: I'm sorry shanny loosen up a bit ,,you are too uptight..

Me: are you here to teach me how to be me now???

Him: who is you shanny,,, I wanna know shanny....

Me: don't you have better things to do..

Him: I think we are better off talking on the phone,,you are much nicer ...

I ignored him and started picking what I wanted ,,he grabbed my list ,,oh hell,, I stopped
moving and looked at him.

Him: whaaaat???

Me how old are you really ????

Him: as old as you want me to be,,..

Me: we don't have time to play Chris please be serious.

429 | P a g e
Him : but I am serious.

Me: no you are not !!

Him:OK fine I'm sorry I just wanted to have fun with you,,I didnt mean to offend you..

I just gave a fake smile then we started shopping nicely ,,this time he had changed to this
really sweet guy,, who was nice to hang out with ,,he was no more the annoying brat.Chris
was gorgeous hake truly speaking,, I'm even shy to say it but he was the type that makes
you run out of words and give you soo much words to say at the same time but still unable
to say them,,

We finished shopping then went back to sarah who we found sleeping again,,it was time to
take her to the gynae.Andrea wanted to be there so we called him on the way,, he was
closer to the gynae than we were ..we got there and found him there already,, he came to
get his wife...

Josh: ko she's sleeping????

Me: shes been like that since morning....

Chris: haa une hutsinye mukoma how did you make her like this ..

Josh : shut up.

He tried waking her up .

Josh: mai 3 wake up tasvika Ku Capetown...

We all just burst laughing and she opened her eyes laughing as well.noone knew kuti her
belly would grow soo big at 16 weeks she looked like kuma 7 months nowonder she was
worried about her size,,we were all getting worried actually,, or maybe we were used to
one baby in the belly rinotozooneka rava kuma 6 months but Sarah hey ,,16 weeks were
like she was almost due. Dad was even worried about. Her lol.anyway Josh held her hand

430 | P a g e
and we went inside ,the gynae checked her and then went for an ultrasound,,we all wanted
to see the babies,,,

Chris : oh dear they are humans already.

Me: shut up obviously they were humans from the beginning ..

Chris: I mean they are humans.

Josh : oh please get him out of here.

Shanny: is everything OK with the babies???

Gyn: everything seems perfect they are growing perfectly fine but as you know she won't
be able to carry full term.

Josh: why???

Gyn: multiples are too risky she just has to get to 32 weeks or maximum 36 weeks .

Sarah: will I be able to push then???

Gyn: its too risky your body won't be able to handle it you will have to have a c section.

Sarah: Andre I told you I couldnt handle this..

Josh: relax babie you will be fine ...

Shanny: so no other option but c section????

Gyn: yes as long as the babies have an average weight of 1.7 kilos then she will be ready for
the c section.

Me: is her stomach normal though ,,we are a bit worried kuti why suddenly rakurisa.

431 | P a g e
Gyn: babies grow everyday and very fast so don't worry about the size of the belly ,,they
need more space so her belly is perfectly fine its going to be worse than this....

Sarah: I'm supposed to be getting married in a month or let's say in 3 weeks actually ,,I
don't know if I will be okay.

Gyn: i hope you are not the one planning the wedding ,,you need to relax ,,don't put
pressure on yourself .

Shanny: shes more worried about her dress fitting ..

Gyn: thats very tricky,, 19 weeks she would have gained more weight.

Sarah: oh nooo what am I gonna do now??

I could see she already wanted to cry, Josh saw that too akabva akasika kupindira.

Josh: Mami I will fix it relax.

Sarah: but how ???!

Josh: trust me mami OK...

We went out,,,,sarah was just freaking out ,,,I don't know why,,, her and josh had bought I
think I don't know how many suitcases of baby clothes,,mom had bought another
suitcase,,the mother in-law haada ,,most of the things were in order but she was just
freaking out.amheno we left her with josh and went home with Chris,,, my friends were also
coming over to help ,,and the other guys I worked with were coming,, we were really going
to have a long night.

Chris: are you going to be like that when we have a baby???

Me: I'm allergic to men Chris.

Chris : and I'm your allergex babie.

432 | P a g e
Me: lol can you ever be serious.

Chris: I like you shanny a lot but ausi kumbonditarisa why.

Me: why should I look at you??

Chris: I wanna know if you like me too

Me: you have been here two weeks

Chris: ain't that enough to like me at least???

Me: you keep arguing with me instead

Chris: but that's just the way we are shanny,,we are good like that.

Me: I don't like arguing with you.

Chris : you are sexy when you argue with me

He stopped driving and looked at me,,I don't know why I was really shy and I was already
soo uncomfortable so I decided to look out the window and count the trees outside.

Chris: so you don't wanna look at me shanny.

How was I going to look at him,he was a man after all ,,a hot one to be exact,,he made my
tummy feel soo unsettled ,,I hoped I wouldnt have a running stomach or else I was going to
embarrass myself. I turned and looked at him,,he was really staring at me I started feeling
butterflies in my tummy ,,he moved soo close to me I wanted to run away,, again we were
on pause i stopped talking ,,he was going to kiss me ,,I knew it ,,I was scared I wanted to
move but I couldn't move next thing we were kissing in the car like really kissing crazy.

End of chapter 57

Kaydie loves you all happy reading.

433 | P a g e
Dream lover Chapter 58.
story by kaydie

 0773812044


After the incident in the car it was an awkward moment for Chris and l.

Him:I'm sorry I just did that without asking you.

Me: I'm sorry I kissed you back .

I looked away I couldn't look back at him,he started the car and we drove to my house.we
took the stuff out of the car and put it into the kitchen,,I needed to rest for a while .I sat
down on the couch ,,Chris sat on the opposite couch staring at me,,I don't know what he
was doing but i didnt wanna look at him,,his eyes were the kind of eyes that tell you a lot of
things openly,,no need to try and imagine what he feet were a little sore ,,I was
pressing them with my hands and all this while he was just staring at me.

Him: I can help you with that.

Me: no thanks I'm fine.

He didnt listen he came and sat on the same couch as me ,,he took my legs and put them on
his laps then he started massaging my feet ,,it was nice I don't know why I had refused
pakutanga,,our eyes kept meeting but I kept looking away from him,,I couldn't look at him,,I
was just thinking about how it had felt when we kissed .he was good by the way,,really
good better than the guys I kissed before.Anyway I didnt want him to keep doing it because
tanga tisisina kana nyaya dzekutaura .I moved my legs from his laps then I got up from the
couch ,,I just wanted to move away from him.I was about to walk away then he held my
hand and pulled me back but I fell on him instead.our eyes locked then suddenly we were

434 | P a g e
kissing again.this time with soo much emotions I didnt I know I had,,I just felt the urge to
keep kissing him,,I felt his hands on my back and in my hair,,I had my hands on his back.
Suddenly the door opened and I jumped off him,,how could we have been soo careless my
heart was pounding we heard Josh and sarah saying sorry then they closed the door and
went to the kitchen. All this while we were soo into the kiss we didn't even hear sarah and

Me: this shouldn't have happened again why did you do that to me ,,I'm soo embarrassed.

Him:I'm not embarrassed I really like you shanny, I'm really into you and I can't hide that
fact..I liked you from the first time I saw your face on Skype I liked you ever since and right
now I like you even more,don't tell me you don't like me too because I felt that when we
kissed .

Me: this is not right Chris we can't do this .

Him: its right shanny there's nothing wrong with this,,why do you wanna fight this ,why do
you wanna fight us.

Me: there's is no us Chris you are my brother in law.

Him: soo what there's nowhere its written that we can't have a relationship ,,why won't
you give me a chance shanny to prove that I'm not joking,I know to you think maybe I'm
just a jerk or just a guy who is not serious on soo many things ,,even when I was still in
Canada I was trying to tell you but you kept brushing me off,I'm here now are you going to
keep brushing me off ???give me a chance shanny ,,or we can just go slow if you like I don't
mind just as long as you give me a chance.

Me: can we not talk about this now.

Him: when should we talk about it them???

Me: some other time OK.

435 | P a g e
We left the issue I went to the kitchen ,,sarah and josh were having juice ,,they just smiled
when they looked at me and I grinned.

Sarah: was it nice ???

Josh: come on mami .

Sarah: lol what I wanna know,,we finally caught them in action.

Me: I won't cook if you talk about it .

Chris: why shouldn't she talk about it,,,please sarah tell shanny that i really like her,,

Josh: what's wrong??? She doesn't like you back?????

Sarah: thats not what we saw

She said that rolling her eyes.

Me: guys please you are embarrassing me.

Sarah: if you like each other then just date.

me: we just got caught in the moment nothing more

Josh: what moment was that???

Me: moment of madness .

Chris: so you don't like me.

Me: come on Chris taipedza wani nyaya yacho.

Josh: this is how its done ,,,come mami let's show them.

436 | P a g e
Josh started kissing his fiancee it was soo cute to watch.Chris was staring at me so I looked

Chris: OK OK enough tazviona munogona next thing munokumurana hembe tiripo.

Josh: thats what you need to do to her lol you guys are weird you got weird romance,,spare
us the drama and just date.

Chris: I'm hungry please shanny make me a sandwich ,,nyaya idzi dzadhakwa.

Me: make it on your own.

Chris: please my Queen.

Me: you are starting.

Chris: chop of my tongue then...

Sarah: how will she kiss you then???

Chris: I don't know ask her

Me: I'm not kissing him again.

Sarah and Josh got up and left us in the kitchen.they went to sit in the lounge watching TV,
not really watching TV but they were all over each other.I made the sandwich for him then
he ate,,we then started preparing dinner,,I didnt get any chance to rest I was soo tired
,,Chris helped me prepare the onions that made him cry half the time,,he ate a quarter of
the carrots and he kept complaining that he was tired ....

Me: if you are going to keep complaining please go and sit with Sarah and Josh.

Him: you want me to watch them kissing when I can be doing the same thing with you in
here .

437 | P a g e
Me: we are not kissing again.

Him: am I that bad.

Me: no

Him: so I'm good???

Me: a little.

Him: ouch that teach me then.

He said that walking towards me but I moved away,,,working with him was becoming quite
difficult I couldn't work with him behaving that way hapana kana chaizoitika.anyway we
made dinner mom and dad came,,Josh stayed over for dinner ,,it was really nice.

Mom: the food is nice Shanny.

Chris: aunt I did most of the cooking.

Mom: lol is that soo??

Me: he ate most of the carrots.

Dad: I heard you working together tonight Chris.

Chris: yes as you can see I'm good ,,I really wanna help out.

Dad: I have cameras around the house you know.

Me: lol.

Mom: don't mind him feel free.

Josh and sarah looked at each other haa vanhu two ava was just trying to warn Chris
not to get too close ,,he didnt know he had already crossed the friends came just

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after dinner .mom and dad went to bed early,,,well they always did that always anyway....
Sarah and Josh went to Sarah's room ,,well I don't need to say what they went there for.we
got busy already spicing up the meat , preparing stuff for Salads etc.Josh left around one ,,I
don't even know why he left when it was morning already ,,we just laughed when was
leaving ,,sarah was behind him with her big belly......

Me: do you really have to go Josh lol.

He winked at me and left.sarah came to say goodnight.....

Chris: aren't you going to help us Sarah????

Sarah: sorry guys I'm tired ,,best of luck....

Me: yeah,, how can you not be tired lol.

She rolled her eyes and went to bed.

We carried on working till 3 o'clock ,,even staff for deserts was done.....I took Chris to the
guest bedroom to sleep.

Me: make yourself comfortable.....

Him: would have been more comfortable if you shared it with me.

Me: stop saying such nonsense.

Anyway I walked away to him,,but he was right behind me,,this guys was driving me nuts
,,,that kiss had started a lot of things he just didn't wanna leave me alone.

Me: Chris stop that.

Him: stop me then.

439 | P a g e
He lips were on mine,,I tried fighting him but I failed ,,It was too good too nice ,,next up I
was on the bed and him on top of me.we were both breathing heavily,, his hands were all
over me touching me ,,,it was really nice ,,I had never let a man touch me like that before
,,why was I losing it .I pushed him off feeling soo scared.he saw it

Him: I'm sorry shanny did I freak you out I'm sorry.

Me: just don't touch me please.

Him: what's wrong shanny.

Me: I have never let anyone get that close to me.

Him: I'm sorry I lost control I'm really sorry ,,and wait what do you mean you never went
that far do you mean.

Before he finished that sentence I ran out ,,it was really embarrassing for me,,I went
straight to my room,,I struggled sleeping ,,,I kept feeling his hands all over me.we didnt
sleep for long anyway we had to deliver all the food to Sarah's house ,,it was really
awkward between Chris and I.we got there Josh had picked up his fiancee earlier. We put
everything in the house,,,we had hired someone to decorate,, the yard looked soo beautiful.
Sarah's house was full of furniture it was beautiful,, I went into their bedroom there was
another poster yake na Josh it was absolutely beautiful they were soo cute.

People starting coming around 11 Chris went to bath in chisipiti then came with his
parents,,mom and dad came by 1 pm everyone was there , the introductions were made
and Josh's family was all over sarah aiita kuunganirwa with the aunts the sekurus and the
vazukurus. Lunch was served and people ate and talked and laughed.

I was busy getting some desert then I heard someone behind me.

Him: hie there beautiful

I turned around and saw this hot looking guy who was smiling at me.

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Me: hie

Him: my name is Rio,,, Josh's cousin what's your name

Me: Shanny

Him: you are beautiful shanny.

Me: thank you.

Him: are you Sarahs sister you look alike

Me: yes I am.

Him: we should hang out some time,,I really like you...

Okay this guy was too fast I looked to my right and saw Chris staring at me,,I quickly looked
away again now I didnt know where to look.

Me: ah well sure some other time.

I saw Chris coming over .I had the desert in my hands,,,but Rio took it.

Him: I think I will have this.

Chris: I think not.

Rio: Chris watsup bro I was just having a chat with shanny here,,

Chris: of course you were that's why I came to take her away.

Rio: so shanny you should give me your number...

Chris: call her on my number you will find her.

441 | P a g e
I was starting to witness some tension between the two.not really good ,,I walked away and
went to Josh.

Me: Joshua ,,,Chris is acting weird like he wants to pic a fight with Rio.

Him: lol he saw you guys,,he must have got jealous.

Me: why would he be

Him: because he's in love with you,,what happened last night.

Me: why do you mean.

Him: lol he told me.

Me: don't tell Sarah.

Him: lol riiight.

Chris came to where we were standing na Josh and gave the plate of desert then he walked

Me: and then?????

Josh: chill OK he will be fine.

The get together yakazopera around 11 pm,we were exhausted we ended up having a
braii,,Chris kept his distance but watching me from a distance.

End of chapter 58

Kaydie loves you all happy reading.

442 | P a g e
Dream lover chapter 59
Story by kaydie



Me: Chris what's going on???

Him: nothing why.

Me: you wanted to pic a fight with Rio????

Him: he's too fast he was already making moves on Shanny.

Me: lol is that what your problem is??? You are jealous.

Him: l can't help it man ,,is she pissed with me though???

Me: I don't think so she just got confused i think.

Him:what's soo confusing she knows I like her so why was she all over him in my face.

Me: she wasnt all over him I saw her ,,they were just talking.

Him: long enough for him to ask for he number????

Me: so he did ?

Him: yeah I told him to call her on my number ,,easier that way.

As we were talking Rio came came to where we were.I saw Chris getting irritated,,I don't
know what shanny had done to my brother after the kiss but he was definitely in it badly ,,,i

443 | P a g e
wanted to laugh it was like sarah and I .I couldn't keep my distance after our first kiss
ndofunga ndezvemumhuri tanga tavhiringidzwa nesame family.

Me: Cousin Rio how you doing.

Rio: I'm good hey ,so anyway I came to get Shanny's digits.

Me: aaaaah is it. Didnt you get from her.

Rio: nooo unfortunately cousin Chris blocked my chances I can't seem to find her,,shes a
beautiful girl,,I really like her hook me up bro,,I can't leave a hot number like that,,its a pity
sarah is your dai ndakatanga kumuona hamheno.

Me: I think you should talk to chris about that lol.

Chris: shanny is no go bro,,,

Rio: oh !is she your girlfriend ???

Chris: not yet but soon.

Rio: lol I thought she was your girlfriend but kana asiri may the best man win ka nhai

Chris: please don't piss me off.

Me: OK guys relax , Rio if you want Shanny's number go and get it from her,,we are family

Rio: Chris chill this should be fun,,you can't have the goodies to your self.

Chris: its time for you to leave.

Me: cool off Chris.

444 | P a g e
I took Chris on the side because surely they were not getting along because of shanny and
instead of Rio keeping quiet he was pushing him and knowing Chris he was another one
that easily lost his temper.

Me: relax man can't you see he is pushing you and remember this is a family get together
we are supposed to be happy and celebrating theres no need to be picking fights.

Chris: couldn't he just shut up,,what is he trying to say by saying the best man should win.

Me: meaning he wants to chase after shanny ,,look I believe shanny likes you a lot its just
hard for her to tell you but shes a good girl she won't turn her back on you.

Chris: I dont understand man when we were kissing and all she freaked out ,,she said she
never got too close ,,I don't understand what she meant....

Me: dude stop be stupid lol she meant she has never had sex and why were you getting
freaky by the inlaws house unoda kunyadzisa wabatwa nxaaa.??

Chris: like hell it's not true,,come on lol how old is she???? And about the in-laws it just
happened man.

Me: 2 years younger than you ,,from what i know about shanny ,,shes a cheeky fellow
haatane kubhowekana and shes decent thats why I said kuti if you are not serious about
her siyana naye,,shanny is a good girl Chris I'm begging you hangu.

Chris: I don't know if what you are saying is true ,,but I will find out.

Me: Chris promise me you won't hurt her.

Chris:relax OK.

We mingled a bit more and then people started going home aunt Sharon and aunt Mia came
to say their goodbyes

445 | P a g e
Aunt MIA: weldone my boy wakudza dzinza tapiwa 3 ka1 ,shes a very beautiful woman
please bring her to my house I wanna show off with her.

Aunt S: my house first darling.

Me: lol thank you both of you for coming I hope you both will be in Capetown for the

Aunt M: don't worry love I would never miss your wedding for anything ndatononokerwa
but now how will our daughter in law fit in her wedding dress???akurirwa kauyu.

Me: she's just 4 months pregnant aunt ,,the three of them are making her huge.

Aunt s: oh my goodness I feel sorry for her,,take care of her please isu taitoneta with just
one babie in the stomach ko uyu ane three make sure to massage her back kakawanda she
needs that.its hard carrying three of them ka 1.

Me: I sure will remember that thank you ..

They both left and we started packing things inside,,,Sarah was already struggling to stand I
had my mother telling her to sleep but nharo.

Sarah: I'm okay mama will just wait for everyone.

Mama: look at your feet dear they are swollen go and relax.

Me: these days ane nharo mama ,,she doesn't listen.

Mama: lol don't worry its a phase ,,mune zvikomana.

Sarah: I want a girl also .

Me: they seem like all boys ...

Mama: don't worry aungashaye musikana kkkkk.

446 | P a g e
With Sarah ndanga ndaakuita zvinhu by force if you went soft naye aikupinza busy
,,ndakatoita wekusungira face.

Me: please I don't wanna argue with you kindly go and say bye to mom and dad and and go
and rest andidi zvekukuvadzirwa vana.

Her: but babie

Me: now sarah ndati now....

She was sulking ,,she went to say goodnight then I took her upstairs and ran a hot bath for
her ndikamusiya achigeza I knew Moyo waitsva nekuda kuona what was happening outside
but shame .everyone went back kusiya kwa shanny and Chris,, there was still ka tension
between I decided to give them space.I went back upstairs and found sarah about
to get into bed,,she quickly covered herself with a sheet,, she was becoming a bit different
,,she seemed uncomfortable with me looking at her naked.I held the she sheet and i tried
pulling it off but she held it was beginning to affect me I don't know why she was
that uncomfortable.

I took off my clothes and went inside to join her.

Me: mami what's going on with you ,,

Her: whaaaat.

Me: why won't you let me look at you naked,,thats the best view of you I can ever have tell
me what's going on.

Her: nothing babie.

Me: come on sarah dont lie to me.

Her: I just feel embarrassed,,I'm nolonger that sexy like I was before i can't let you look at
me like this,,my stomach is already soo big I'm uncomfortable..

447 | P a g e
Me: Sarah,,you can never be ugly in my eyes ,,you are still very beautiful I actually think
pregnancy suites you,,you are becoming more beautiful by the day trust me babie.

Her: I'm not sexy Andrea I'm scared you won't want me if you keep seeing me naked .

Me: I wonder if you still enjoy sex with me ,,with the way you are feeling about your body,, I
know it starts with loving your body thats how you get to enjoy sex but now I'm worried I
dont know if my fiancee feels the same when we make love.

Her: Andrea babie I still feel the same okay.

Me: then let me see you completely naked without hiding your body from me.

Her: I'm embarrassed.

Me: I got you pregnant didnt I..lemme see how my babies are growing .

I honestly dont know what was happening with her,,I loved her and her body was still
perfect in my eyes,,how could she for one moment doubt my love just because she was
pregnant,, to me she was the sexiest woman alive ,,she was breathtakingly sexy.I removed
the sheet slowly,, she had her eyes closed whe was feeling shy...I touched her belly I
couldn't help but love her more.

Me: please open your eyes mama 3.

She slowly opened then and I kissed her passionately,, she wanted to cry,,pregnancy was
really affecting her.her emotions were unstable.

Me: you are only allowed to cry when I'm in you OK.

She laughed and kissed me ,,she was relaxing after the talk,, my sarah was coming back,,I
couldn't get on top of her anymore ,,it was a lil uncomfortable for her,,so I entered from
behind she held my hand guiding me in.slowly I rocked her world till she threw away the
sheets ,,she was burning up...

448 | P a g e
Me: do you feel beautiful now???

Her: yes daddy yes.

Me: I love you mami

Her: I love you Andrea.

She was directing my hands where she wanted them to be,,all I did was follow her lead
turned out she just needed a bit of encouragement.she switched and went on top,,now that
was the confident sarah I knew.she really rocked me ndanga ndaakumutyira . when I heard
oh Andrea I knew she was close I put my hand on her wildest part she was breathing like
she had been running for a while.

" Andrea ,,,,,,Andrea please.

" what is it mommy.

" I dont know daddy I dont know.

" you dont know what?????

" just touch me babie.

" where????

" here.

She took my hand and put it on her twin sisters ,,,she started going fast with me helping
her,,I felt that rhythm vibrating in her ,,I couldn't hold longer I offloaded in her......she was
tired ,,,she got of me ,,I told her to relax then I took a wet towel and cleaned her up.she was
nolonger shy .I put on my T-shirt and shorts and went downstairs she wanted juice.I dont
know why I had forgotten to bring her juice ,,, I couldn't find shanny and Chris so I opened
the door and went outside .it seemed they had patched things out Chris had her on the wall
on the house and yes they were kissing again.

449 | P a g e
I cleared my throat and shanny jumped like what she had done earlier,, I just shook my

Me: please guys come inside,,and I thought I heard you guys saying theres no more kissing.

Chris: please keep quiet and get inside we are coming kani.

I went back inside and got juice for mai 3,,i went back upstairs to sleep.

Me: mai 3 vanhu vako were at it again.

Her: what do you mean.

Me: busy kissing outside.

Her: please make sure they dont sleep in one room,I dont want trouble.

Me: you think they will do that.

Her: remember what happened with you and I.

Me: we had strong chemistry babie.

Her: even those two.

Me: sshhhh let's sleep OK.

We decided to sleep,,it was very late around one ,,,,I woke up to the smell of really nice
breakfast ,,mai three was still sleeping so it had to be shanny.I got out of bed and found
shanny and Chris cooking.

Me: did you guys sleep.

Shanny: how would I sleep when Chris kept sneaking into my room..

Me: scary information right there.

450 | P a g e
Chris: she has got me hooked bro ,,she got me wearing an apron.

I just shook my head and took a plate for sarah,,who was already coming down when I was
going back to feed her. I kissed her good morning then she took the plate from me and sat
down to eat.

Me: mami what do you wanna do before we get married.

Her: lol are sure you wanna know???

Me: yes

Her: you won't say no???

Me: I won't ,,if its proper

Her: aiwa promise.

Me: OK I promise.

Her: I have never been to a club,, so I wanna go clubbing.

Chris : what the heeeeelll.

Me: no.

Her : you promised ,,you are taking me clubbing.

Chris: you promised for sure,,take her clubbing bro.

Me: she can't, its an unhealthy environment for you love.

Her : please daddy,,take me clubbing.

Chris: I will take you.

451 | P a g e
Me: and I will kill you.

We argued but I lost anyway,,3 against one it was settled we were going clubbing.

End of chapter 59

Kaydie loves you all happy reading.

452 | P a g e
Dream lover Chapter 60
Story by kaydie

 0773812044


I had soo much fun at the club,,I never seen such a place before but most of the time we
were sitting at the VIP lounge ,,oh my goodness I really danced,,all that while Andrea was
watching me dance,,,I could dance hangu that was not a problem ,,but the belly made it
hard to really get down so I did what I could to have fun,,,I was pregnant but still some men
were drooling,,, shanny and Chris made me were a mini dress APA kari flared,,Andrea anga
aramba but akadyiwa ne vote....the place was packed like seriously packed kunze
hakurarwe uku,,the music was loud I thought my eardrums would burst all along i had
been dancing I hadn't noticed kuti someone was dancing behind me,,when I looked at
Andrea anga afinyamisa face akabva andipa code to say huya pano.ndaakuenda the guy
held my mind Chris akangoti mukuru munofira mahara then he left me.I went to Andre
then he told me to sit on his laps.

Me: am I not heavy for you.

Him: I enjoy the weight,are you having fun???

Me: lol yes I am this place is cool why didnt you bring me here before.

Him: you got pregnant quite fast turning me into a dad and you into a mom my love...

Me: so we can't come back???

Him: you said you wanted to come once and I brought you here.

Me: lol come on babie ka one when I give birth

453 | P a g e
Him: shhhh we will see.

Me: come and dance with me .

Him: lol I hardly Dance .

Me: I wanna dance with you Andrea huya.

So I forced him to get up and we went to the dance floor,, he was holding me from behind
and !I was moving my ass and waist for was really nice and we were in a different
environment... He was lying that he couldn't dance but andrea could move .we were all over
each other and I could see peoples eyes on us.he turned me around and I faced him,,we
were now dancing facing each other with his hands all over me kutoratidza kuti this is my
woman...all this while I didnt know shanny and Chris were busy taking a video of us,we
decided to give them a bit of a show and we started kissing ,, Andreas kisses were the best
and I couldn't get enough when we stopped we could hear people clapping hands cheering
for us.

Andrea had been drinking so he was a little tipsy and with him tipsy it meant getting horny
fast ,,I knew anga aakuda zvinhu zvake his hands were all over my ass,,,

Me: if you carry on doin that uchandikumura hembe muno.

Him : I dont care as long as ndichikumura iwewe.

Me: you are naughty and sexy when you are tipsy.

Him: do you know how sexy you are in that dress.

Me: but you didnt want me to wear it...

Him: see how many man are drooling andidi kudya kwa daddy kunoonekwa nevamwe
varume .

Me: sorry babie.

454 | P a g e
Him:for today I will let it pass but andidi ne food yangu.

With that we went to go and sit down ,,all I was allowed to have was juice ,,Andrea refused
to let me have alcohol.

Me: baby juice is now boring one sider won't hurt.

Him: inwa uone marovero andinokuita.

Me: these days ukundivhundutsira too much.

Him: because hausi kuteerera daddy.

Me: unondirova SA Hilda????

Him: if you misbehave ehe.

Me: I'm thinking of inviting her to our wedding.

Him: washaya zvekuita here mami.

Me:thats the only way I will know kuti asiyana nemi daddy.

Him: are you still worried about Hilda????

APA he was talking achindibata bata

Me: ndikafunga what you do to me I can't help but feel jealous.

Him: you own me now.

Me:Andrea chimira babie hona patiri...

Him: saka ,,,I can make you scream pasina aona kana zvandaita .

Me: lol I dont doubt you but kwana.

455 | P a g e
Him: dont you wanna have a crazy memory about this club????

Me: you are mad.

He took my hand then led me to the empty sofa in The dark corner of the club.he made me
sit on him,,,,the the way my dress was you could never see anything because it was flarred
,,,he told me to move up a bit then told me to sit and as I sat I felt him slide in,, how he
unzipped soo fast I have no clue but he was soo hard like he had been hard for too long,,I
was wearing a g string he just moved it on the side using his you know ,,I couldn't believe
he was doing it ,,oh nooooo he did it,,I felt shivers all over my body yese yavamo.

Me: now move mami do your thing.

I did like I was dancing and whoever could see us would think we were just dancing,,,,my
dress covered everything and his shaft was sooo thick inside me,, the environment made
me crazy and the thought of being naughty in the club was worse.5 min passed I was
moving on him and I could feel it ndanga ndapera hamheno kamwe kakunakidza
kwazvaiita sooo zvekunzwa kuda kupenga hanzi zvekubirira zvinonaka and zvinonaka for
real , after two more min I felt the urge to come ,,he put his hands on my waist and he was
directing me.

Me: what if we get caught ..?

Him: concentrate.

Me: Andrea I'm going to scream.

Him: thats the whole point babie.

I honestly couldn't control my whole body,i was feeling soo much pleasure ,,I let my self go
I was moaning and the music was soo loud but Andrea could hear me moaning.

Him: yes mommy thats it .

456 | P a g e

Me: Andrea

Him: yes.

Me: I can't hold it.

Him: come mami

I felt him thickening inside me.

Him: please join me cause I can hold it please sarah.

I moved faster in circles,,oh my goodness the pleasure I wanted came I couldn't stopped
moving and I just exploded I moaned so loud as I felt Andrea offloading in me ,,,,he held me
soo tight until he was done then we started laughing,,this was sick.

Me: oh yes that felt good I can't believe we did that.

Him: Adventure babie.

Me: I'm going to the bathroom ..

Him:Hurry back

I went to the bathroom and cleaned myself up takapesana when he was going to the men's
side.after 5 min I came out he was already waiting for me,,takazonzwa noise like people
were fighting ,,,we moved from were we were to where the noise was coming from
ndakabata hana Chris was busy fighting with someone and people were busy trying to
separate them.

Josh: stand here dont go anyway else .

457 | P a g e
He left and went kuna Chris ....apa my heart manje ,,I was busy looking for shanny,,I cooked
find her ,,pakasvika Josh trying to separate Chris and the other guy thats when I saw
Shanny pulling Chris kune rimwe side.I couldn't believe all this drama was happening. Josh
managed to pull him off zvehasha vachibva vasiyana.shanny saw me and came running.

Me: and then?????? What's going on.

Shanny: haaa Chris is too much .

Me: whaaaat??

Shanny: ane too much hasha he easily loses his cool neni we can't get along.

Me: you are not saying anything.

Shanny: he got pissed kuti that guy came to hold my waist when I was dancing,, so he told
him to back off achibva aita nharo saka Chris got pissed and punched him that's how they
started fighting I was trying to pull him off but he wasnt listening,, he was out of control
sarah I mean out of control

Me: so how is it that you are mad at Chris any man would have done the same...Andrea
would have gone mad lol.

Shanny: come on ,,I can't handle such guys.

Me: so you would prefer a guy who would just watch another guy do whatever he wants
with you.

Shanny: I was going to handle him.

Me: iye akatarisa manje ,,shanny you are being unfair give Chris a chance that guy is crazy
about you.

Shanny: I think he is violent.

458 | P a g e
Me: he is not,,give him a chance shanny please look at him.

He was busy stealing glances at us ,,,Josh must have been giving him a lecture takazoona
vaakuuya where we were standing. Josh hugged me then we went to go and sit down,,Chris
was just standing looking at shanny ..then we saw them holding hands hamheno
zvaitaurwa because next thing they were kissing,, we just started laughing,,we thought they
were completely weird ......

Josh: its time to go mami.

It was really late anyway ,,we got shanny and Chris then we left and drove to my house. We
got there kuma 1 ,,I was feeling sweaty and dirty so i went to take a shower,,Josh joined me
in the shower,, we got done and put on the pyjamas ,,we actually had soo much of our staff
by my place ,,we were moving bit by bit.honestly I was feeling hungry so we went
downstairs to make sandwiches ,,dhuma dhuma na shanny and Chris vachimhanyisana

Josh: are you guys normal.

Shanny: tell him to stop what he wants to do...

Josh: uda kuitei mwana????

Chris: lol nothing ...

Josh: reeeally so why wanga uchimumhanyisa?????

Chris: we were just playing.

Shanny: he's lying ,,I'm going home.

Me: lol hoo nhai thats what you guys were doing kwanai.

Josh: mami let's make our food and go.

459 | P a g e
I opened the fridge got polony,,,and cheese and made the sandwiches, Josh grabbed the
juice,,we went upstairs and ate then we got into bed ,,whatever was happening between
shanny and Chris we decided to ignore it and sleep.

End of chapter 60

Kaydie loves you all happy reading....

460 | P a g e
Dream lover chapter 61
Story by kaydie



4 days before my wedding we were travelling to SA we had already booked our flights for
12 midday ,,everything was packed and and dad were following a day before
the wedding ,,,we had booked most of the hotel rooms,,most of the family members were
going to stay in that hotel.I was busy in my room when mom walked in.

Me: mom please be on time please mom.

Mom: relax sarah I will be there dont get stressed okay,,shanny will be there for now and
your husband to be will be with you.??

Me: I know but I feel safer when you are there.

Mom: I know ,please have fun okay not too much funny save some for me.

Me: lol yes mom .

Mom: and look at your stomach,, you should have had this wedding earlier ...

Me: Josh wanted the big belly lol he said he wanted the babies to be present on our
wedding day.

Mom: I dont understand you people anyway safe journey....

Me: thank you mom.

461 | P a g e
Mom left and around ten Andrea came with Chris they were ready..Rio and the other family
members were there also part of the group that was going early.we drove to the airport but
I was worried about Rio and Chris ka tention kavo was obvious kanga kasinga vigike.I was
going to be in the same hotel room with Andrea until the day before the wedding,, he
refused to let us separate .anyway we got on the plane around 11:45 in an hour we had
landed already.I was supposed to be sharing a room with shanny but tanga taakushupirana
kuti toita sei lol because Chris was supposed to share with Andrea,, anyway they added
another room for Chris and Rio,,shanny on her own then Andrea and i....

We settled down in our rooms then met for lunch down stairs.we took a bigger table for us
to fit.

Rio: come and sit here shanny I have pulled out a chair for you already.

Chris: thats not necessary come here babe...

He also pulled out a chair for her.

Andrea looked at both chris and Rio trying to say behave and dont embarass me.I looked at
shanny and coded kuti please seat next to chris we dont want drama. So anyway she went
to sit next to chris but Rio kept giving her a Talking eye and I could tell it was
uncomfortable for her lol.soo much attention from two guys.

Me: you are in trouble .. I whispered to her.

Her: shut up sarah not funny

Me: yes ma'am .

We ordered food and we got served ,,I got my fries and pork,,,and the rest ordered different

Chris: can't you order something different????

462 | P a g e
Me: why

Chris : you eat those almost every day man.

Me: I dont but they eat .

I touched my belly ,,then suddenly I felt a kick.ndakavhunduka .

me: oh goodness Andrea .

Josh: what what is it .

Me: I think the babies kicked.

Chris: do they kick at the same time ????

Me: how am I supposed to know,,I can't see what goes on in there....

Josh: are you sure mami.

Me: I'm sooo sure I felt it.

I felt another kick,,,it was weird it was a bit ticklish for me.I took Andreas hand and placed
it on my belly,,it took a while he really wanted to feel it also but suddenly the kicking
stopped he looked disappointed,,

Chris: they dont like you bro.

Shanny: I'm sure they like you..

Chris: of course they like me I'm their God daddy.

Chris came round to touch my belly as well but Andrea kept hitting his hands to keep him
off , but anyway they both put their hands at their hands and then the babies started
kicking .

463 | P a g e
Chris: I told you they liked me oh goodness that feels nice ndapiwa big up ,,kachibhakera
chete kandanzwa.

Shanny: are you a scan now that sees what's inside.

Chris : dont be jealous come and feel.

Shanny: no thanks I'm scared.

Andrea stayed holding my belly because they were still kicking,, it was a beautiful feeling,, I
really felt the lives growing inside me.i looked at Andrea and a tear fell from my eye,,he
quickly wiped it.

Josh: I feel them babie ,,I really feel them ,,its like they are talking to me babie. Our babies
are kicking lol wooow ..

Me: I love you

Josh: I love you too sarah I can't wait to hold them in my arms.we should visit your doctor
here lol it will be nice ,,I think he will be happy to see you.

Me: I would love to kkkk,,if all goes well 12 to 16 weeks to go.

Josh: time moves fast look at where we are ,, 5 months later we are getting married.

We got back to eating and chatting it was really nice ,I couldn't wait to tell mom that the
babies had kicked.I think they must have really liked the chips and the pork...we finished
eating and I met with the wedding planner,,everything was settled the menu the cake the
wine the venue everything was perfect,, my dress came ,,shanny Andrea and I went to go
and take a look at it,,it was designed to suite my belly,,,alot of lace though but going with
the beach theme,,it really beautiful I loved was more like a normal daily dress but

Josh: put it on.

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Me: Noway you will see on Saturday .

Josh: babie please

Me: no babie.

Shanny took the dress and left with it ,,her dress was blue ,the color of water ,,Andrea was
going to be in his own more like casual wear but really nice matching my dress .chris was
matching Shanny's dress .all was settled anyway we decided to go to the beach,,I put on my
bikini and tied a shawl ,,shanny had her bikini on and the boys were in shorts ,,.it was really
nice people were staring at us as we walked out of the hotel I was admiring my baes body
those abs hai... We bought juice and fruits on the wasnt really packed since it was
during the week ,most people were at work and at home so we had the beach to our selves.
They decided to play games but i wanted to rest instead so I went to sit on the beach chair
that Andrea brought for me. I was exhausted I wanted to sleep. I had my shades on and my
veranda hat,, I left them to play volleyball.

I think I slept for just 30 minutes I woke up with a scream when the ball hit my stomach it
was really painful.I got up to sit properly my side was sore .Andrea came running chris was
shouting at Rio who had punched the ball.

Josh: are you OK babie ????

Me: I think so.

Josh: you think so ,come on let's go.

Me: where?? I will be fine.

Josh: I'm not asking you I'm telling you let's go.

I tried getting up but it was really painful,, I dont know how he punched it honestly it really
hit me hard. Andrea held my hand ,,he couldn't carry me I was too heavy ,,he put on his t
shirt then we took a taxi to the hospital all of us.I really felt bad I had stopped the fun,,I

465 | P a g e
should have just slept in the hotel I dont know why I had decided to sleep when others
were playing ball.anyway we got to the hospital and I was quickly attended to,,I almost
laughed when I saw the same doctor.he was staring at me trying to remember me.

Me: yes it's me the triplets lady I'm back again.

Doc: now I know!!!! Sarah how could I forget and your fiancee ,,what is it this time.

Me: I got hit by a ball on the beach my side is really painful it hit me hard.

He put me on the stretcher bed and took me to examine me,,Josh was allowed to come but
the rest had to wait.he did an ultrasound scan ....

Doc: OK you just got bruised a lil,,luckly it didnt hit the babys head as you can see your
babys head is on the side at the moment,,,

Me: they started kicking today.

I said that with a smile on my face,,Josh was holding my hand all the way.

Doc: thats good news ,,they look great everything is great Sarah ,,you really are taking care
of yourself,,how's your back though.

Me: it gets painful here and there but I'm OK,,I'm here to get married by the way..

Doc:it that sooo I'm happy for you guys when is the wedding .

Me: on Saturday we were really hoping you could come,,we were on our way anyway
before all this happened.

Doc: I would love to come and witness your wedding ...

Josh: it will be on the beach Saturday at 9 o'clock,, reception at 2 ...

466 | P a g e
Doc: I will definitely come,, anyway I will give you something to ease off the pain
okay!!!!dont worry everything is fine ,,it seems you will be due very soon are you ready.

me: I'm not lol I'm scared.

Josh: I can't wait these buddies need to play soccer with me.

Doc : hahaha I get you,do you already know the sex of the babies???

Me: no we dont know yet.

Doc : do you wanna know

Josh: yees

Me: lol what can I say

Doc : okaaasy let's see ,, okay there we go theres a boy and another boy aaahhh the last one
is hiding I cant really see.

Josh: oh yes my soccer team yeeees!!!!

Me: I hope it's a girl because I want a girl.

Andrea was soo excited he wanted at least two boys thats what he had been saying. He gave
me something to ease of the pain,,he also rubbed rubbed my side,,I was already feeling
Better,, we got back to shanny and them that still looked tense.

Me: I'm good guys let's go back.

Rio: are you sure,,I really feel bad.

Me: dont worry I'm good.

Rio: Chris wanted to kill me it seems he wants to kill me for a zlot of things.

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Chris: you have a tendency of not knowing when to stop cousin.

Rio: Shanny this guy is too rough ,,,come and let me show you the life hey.

Josh: guys please.

Me: by the way I'm having two boys!!!

Chris: yeeees Andrea and Chris lol.

Shanny: and the other???

Josh: it was hiding we couldn't see.

Shanny: thats the girl anga achinyara kuonererwa ne boys.

Rio: lol you are soo cute Shanny

Shanny: lol thanks Rio.

Chris: you are soo cute shanny ....he said that in a weird voice imitating Rio lol

We left the hospital and went back to the hotel,,the rest of the guys went back to the beach
but Josh and I went back to the hotel.I had to call mom and tell her we got there safely. I
didnt tell her I had to see the doctor,, knowing her she would get on the plane to cpt asap.I
slept for a while,,I woke up around 6 ,, Andrea was busy massaging my feet,I was really
enjoying pregnancy after all,,I was being treated like a Queen even though Andrea was a bit
harsh sometimes. Shanny came to check up on me 30 minutes later.Josh went out and left

Shanny: how are you feeling.

me: I should ask how you are copying with your boys???!

Shanny: I have decided to ignore them.

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Me: who do you like.

Shanny: do I have to say??

Me: chris lol.

shanny: he's a little too possessive .

Me: he will relax.

we met again for dinner after dinner we went to play cards in my room.... We decided to
have soo much fun before the elders came.

End of chapter 61

Kaydie loves you all happy reading.

469 | P a g e
Dream lover Chapter 62
Story by kaydie

 0773812044


Two days to go before getting married the excitement was too much I couldn't contain it,,I
kept stealing glances at my beautiful fiance who looked beautiful eating oranges that I had
cut for her,there was this sexiness in her eyes that I couldn't resist anyway I hadn't touched
her since the day she got hit by the ball,,,,I was saving all that for the honeymoon... I wanted
her to really miss it and it had been two days already ndichingopiwa ma kiss chete,,hanzi
daddy wait and see what I have planned for you..APA nedumbu ndainzwa tsitsi shame
kuzoona ava due hamheno....she finished eating her oranges and I began massaging her feet
they were easily swelling up so I had to keep massaging them kuti ropa rifambe zvakanaka

" mami did you take your iron tablets .

" I hate those I haven't ..

I took the tablets and water and went to give her.

" let me skip for today chete.

" I'm not asking you to take them I'm telling you to take them.

" you are soo bossy lately I dont know why I'm marrying you,,,,

" because you love me and I love you.

" is that a good enough reason....

470 | P a g e
" that's all that's needed baby,,,your love and my love.

She took the tablets and drank them...

"Lemme go and see your aunts and everyone else they must be wondering where I am..

" you have to rest sarah look at your feet.

" even if I sit they will still be like this...

She got up to leave and I decided to go with her,,most of the time she was sleeping anyway
,,I had already decided to get another PA,, a male one,,strictly by Sarah's orders ,,I had told
her to find one for me and do the interview by herself,,and she did ,,luckly she picked a
good one,,he was fast and good at his job so I left everything in his hands I didn't want to be
disturbed during my wedding and honeymoon.

So we walked to aunts room,,we found it packed ,almost everyone was in there.shanny got
off the chair and allowed Sarah to sit but she refused...

Sarah: I wanna sit on the floor.

Aunt M: muroora you will injure your back you need to relax your back..

Sarah: the chair makes my feet swell so I prefer sitting on the floor...

Aunt M: sit on the chair dear and put your feet on the stool,,,,this is your wedding we are
here foryou ,,you deserve to be pampered ..

So she sat on the chair and put her feet on the stool.I was just happy people loved
her,,besides she was just lovable.....

Aunt M: Josh urikutambudza mwana look at her shame did you get house help for her

Me: not yet she said she will do it when we return.

471 | P a g e
Aunt: you were supposed to have done it already,,by the time you guys get back from the
honeymoon anenge atowedzera weight and pregnancy will be already taking its toll on
her,,you were supposed to have done interviews already...

Me: why dont you do that for us since we won't be around..

Aunt: not a problem but you will need two of them if not three....

Chris: come on all that for what???

Aunt: you have no idea how difficult it is to handle babies right?????you can't have one
helper for the kids and the house ,,one won't manage ,,imagine if the baby starts crying and
you have to cleaning up,,achipedza another one starts crying or they all start crying at the
same time you won't even do anything ...

Shanny: aunt is right....

Me: that's not a problem aunt,,, get me two of them ,, if they dont manage I will get another
one, I prefer my wife's cooking so andidi atadze kundibikira...

Rio: heheeede ayas yaaa.

Chris: whaaat????

Rio: hapana its like he is showing off hake....

Aunty: if you get a good wife it will be easy to praise her ,,its like he is showing off yet not
showing off but stating facts.and its good to eat your wife's food mazuvano vanhu avasi
vekutemba unoswera waisirwa mupfuhwira nevamwe.

When she mentioned that I started thinking about how Hilda had used mushonga on
me,,sure people were never to be trusted ,,to think kuti 6 years ndaive murima, I started
imagining kuti dai ndakamuroora ndiripapi,,ndaitozofa nechirwere futi,,but thanks to her
because I never got married and through not getting married I met my soul mate..I looked

472 | P a g e
at her akagara hake relaxing and I felt so much joy in my heart ,,life had a way of changing
things and I was happy things had changed for the dad phoned to checked if all
was well,,they were also following in the night and we had their room ready.anyway we
stayed and chatted for a while having fun,,we even decided to play cards we played in
teams but we lost to shanny and Chris,, they were good ,,,, we really had fun.

Chris: shanny I should take you for pizza we won....

Shanny: I might squander all of your money be careful what you wish for????

Chris: nyangwe ikapera yadyiwa newe I dont care...

Rio: huya udye yangu haipere .

Chris: ayas zvimwe zvinhu azvidi..

Rio: warwadziwa nechokwadi here.

Shanny: Chris my buddie let's go for pizza hedu I really wanna chop your money....

Chris: unoita uchidyawo ishoma toshaiwa mari yebus kudzokera kumba...

Shanny: ndoku cover hande.

Shanny was really trying to make chris ease off ,,I couldn't understand what was going on
with Rio or why he couldn't back off he was determined to mess us things between shanny
and Chris of which they were really getting along pretty well..I didnt like his character it
seemed everything was a competition to him..and as a family I didn't expect that from him,I
wanted the wedding to get finished already so that I can take my wife home then everyone
gets happy.anyway shanny and Chris left vari two ,,I took Rio on the side I really wanted to
talk to him and clear off the air...

" Rio what's going on why are you and Chris at each others throats every second.

" I'm good man nothing is wrong just that Chris shows off too much..

473 | P a g e
" don't lie about all that ,is this still about shanny???

" if he managed to take my girl in high school why can't I take shanny from him ????

" we are family dude we can't live on grudges ,,you guys were kids then ,,dont tell me,,,you
are still holding that against him,, besides he is not even still with that girl they broke up.

" why are you defending him sooo much??? Because he is your brother?? Saka tiri family
papi if you are taking his side..

" I'm not taking his side but you must know that the other person involved is my sister in-
law shes a very nice girl who doesn't deserve be to be caught up in your little vendetta ,,I
won't stand and watch you guys do that to her and besides I'm sure you can see that
shanny likes Chris.... You have to accept it,,this is my wedding and I dont want any
unnecessary drama let's be happy and enjoy,,this is not the right time or place to settle

" whatever you say man but be it here or home I won't give up on shanny,besides settling
scores ,I actually like shanny a lot,,she might like him but they are not dating yet..

" and how do you know???

" doesn't matter man anyway ngaipere nyaya yacho we are not going to agree on anything
let's just agree to disagree.

I wasnt getting anywhere with him,,I went back in and sat down with the rest of the
guys...anyway we dicided to go out drinking in the night,,only men,,Rio's suggestion
...vakadzi vakamboda kuramba but since there was a bit of tension between the guys we
decided to just go and have fun after dinner.we went for dinner all of us ,,it was really nice
everyone just there ,,the environment was nice ,,people kept staring at us ,,maybe because
they could tell we were visitors. After dinner the women went back to the rooms and we
stayed behind but we didn't stay in the hotel we went to a was pretty packed we sat 6
of us .....Rio Chris myself and 3 other cousins... We ordered shots and washed down....

474 | P a g e
Chris: are we going to have a bachelor's party tomorrow???

Rio: we definitely need a bachelor's party.

Me: I dont know about that.

Chris: he's scared .

Rio: let's have a bachelor's party tonight .

Me: Noway

Rio: yes way.

Me: come on guy seriously????

They all just went crazy especially with the women around them,,they poured more and
more shots and drank.there were some strippers in the club,,I dont know zvinongoita men
when theres is naked women vanopengereka,,Rio got on to the stage and started dancing
with a stripper akatozoita wekudhonzwa kubviswapo because it was not allowed ,,one girl
went to dance for chris iyewo nekusada kusarira he was all over her I was shy already,,my
other cousins were busy on the other side ndanga ndasara ndega manje....I kept sipping on
my booze ndaakutombotaura na bar tender who was really nice hake ainakidzwa
nezvaiitwa with my other brothers..I was worried about my wife though,,after a while
ndakazoona a half naked woman that came and hugged me from behind and kissed my
cheek.I turned and looked at her and told her to kindly move but she didnt moved akabva
atoenda right infront of me and started lap dancing ...

" 5 more sec in front of me and you will see what I will do too you.

" geez dude why soo cheeky.

" your piece of shit doesn't excite me get out of my face.

475 | P a g e
She walked away annoyed and I got back to my drinking,,, I was really getting drunk and it
was late ,,I went to tell the boys that it was time to go home ,,ndakakikiritsana navo they
didn't wanna leave.I managed to get them to leave and go back to the hotel,,chris aiita
kufamba achidonha chaiko.....I got to my room and jumped into bed,,, I was wasted,,Sarah
was already sleeping deep I didn't disturb her..

I woke up to Sarah shaking me in the morning APA I had a headache,,,oh Sarah ,,,she looked
furious ,,she just showed me her phone and said.

Andrea Joshua Nattieli what the hell is this????...

I looked at her phone and there was a photo of me and the striper giving me a lapdance ...
She got up and threw the phone at me and walked out..

Oh nooooo

End of chapter 62.

Kaydie loves you all happy reading ...

476 | P a g e
Dream lover Chapter 63
Story by kaydie

 0773812044


I rushed for the door she was already walking in the corridor I held her hand and she
pushed me away from her,,a day before the wedding here veduwe she walked soo fast and
knocked on aunts door,,I tried to hold her again and she slapped me.I had never seen her so
pissed off before ..

Me: babie listen let's go back please let's go and talk in private ,,its not what you are

I held her hand and she slapped me again,,ndakanzwa nawo mambama..aunt opened the
door and sarah went in ndokubva ndapindawo imomo.APA she was now crying manje..I
tried to think kuti what happened but I had no idea of who had taken the pic and sent to

Aunt: ko what's going on chii.sarah why are you crying.

Me: please tell her kuti its not what she thinks it is please aunt please.

Aunt: well you haven't told me anything have you.

Me: someone sent her a photo of me and some stripper at the bar last night.

Sarah: so thats what you went there for,,what time did you come back????huh Andrea you
went sleeping around two nights before our wedding couldn't you just wait??? Aunt ask
him couldn't he wait.???

Aunt: okay sarah dear relax OK ,,let me see the pic.

477 | P a g e
I took out Sarah's phone and showed aunt the pic vakabva vangoshama and looked at me
neziso rekuti wandinyadzisa.APA my wifie was in tears ,,I walked up to her ndaida
kumubata but hey simba rakabva ipapo ndakarishaya she pushed me ndikadonha ....she
was fuming ,,,APA my mom and dad vanga vauya they were in their room.,,I had to fix it fast
before zvavhiringika.I took aunt on the side kunotaura navo ,,door ravo I had locked
already kuti sarah asabude.

Me: aunt I swear nothing happened ,,

Aunt : this is sooo embarrassing and degrading imagine hama dzemukadzi dziripano if they
learn about this what will happen even baba vasarah vakasvika vakanzwa about this what
will happen?? There won't be any wedding..why did you guys lose control ,,we told you not
to go,but you didnt listen pamuchato panosimuka mhepo Joshua ko chiiko nhai.

I really explained to tete about what happened,, zvese hazvo ,,

Aunt: but now how will she be convinced APA murikuchemedza munhu in her condition
unoda vana vatsve ne bp here iwewe ???

Me: aunt please I need you now more than ever please., help me out ,,I have never seen her
this angry.

Sarah akangosimuka headed for the door aiita kunge munhu arikuvhiringika brain,,aunt
went to her and held her,,ini ndaisatodiwa anyway close...

Aunt : sarah listen to me

Sarah: I wanna go and I wanna go now ...

Aunt: yes you will go but you will go after tataura..

Sarah: did you see the other pic when the girl was kissing him,,,did you see aunt ??? Did

478 | P a g e
Aunt yes I did ,,sarah breath okay ,,its not what it seems ndainzwa nyaya yacho relax ...

She walked coming towards me she stood in front of me..ndaitofunga kuti ndicharohwa futi
because aifemeruka.

Sarah: so I'm not good enough for you right????

Me: mami you are...

Sarah: ndafutisa hanti,,I'm no longer sexy enough for you handiti thats why you went for
the strippers that were sexy for you.

Me: no babie she came to me .

Sarah: liar

Me: babie to me you are the sexiest woman in the world.

Sarah: no I'm not ,,maybe my big stomach turns you off,,, it does right tell me Andrea..????

Me: am I not the one who said let it grow big for the wedding I want the babies present
...wakanaka babie wangu..

Sarah: yet you changed your mind.

Me: mami I didn't.

Sarah: then how could you,,,,how could you do this to me Andrea?? How could you spoil my
wedding when I trusted you Andrea ,,you were my everything.

Me: I'm still your everything.

Sarah: no Andrea you are not,,I'm leaving ,,I'm going back home take your house back ,,I
will just keep the babies ,,take your ring even.

479 | P a g e
She held her hand to pull off the ring ndakabva ndamubata zvinesimba ,,she tried fighting
but ndakamubata nesimba rese and she broke down.....she cried ndakamubata my aunt
unlocked the door then she left ndakavanzwa locking from outside ,,,,...I knelt down infront
of Sarah I held her stomach and the babies kicked even she got a shock ,,they kept kicking.

" feel the babies sarah even they dont want what's happening...

" you have hurt me too deep.

" I know but just give me a chance to tell you what happened don't I deserve that much,,I
can't lose you mami,, not in this lifetime and surely not in the next."

" I wanna go home Andrea I wanna go home.

" not until you marry me ,,we will stay locked up in this hotel for days ,weeks or months
until you marry me.

She just stood staring at me...I made her sit down comfortably.

" are you going to let me explain????

She nodded,,,then I took time explaining all that happened to her.

" if you want we can go to the bar tender right now I won't have to speak to him,,he will tell
you everything that happened last night because the whole time I was chatting to him
achitoseka what the boys wear doing.yes the girl came ndakavarairwa and hugged me but I
told her to get lost ,,when she came to dance on my lap I told her to disappear ndisati
ndamurova and believe me babie I even told her she couldn't come close to you...

I dont know who sent you those photos but that person had a motive that is to stop the
wedding,,think about it babie why would that person take pics and send you the pics...

Sarah: I dont know OK...

480 | P a g e
Me: think babie think,,I need you to believe me,,please mami,,you are my life,,I wouldnt
even think of doing this to you,,, you know me babie,,you know this is not me.

I took her hand,,she allowed me to hold it,,I put it by my heart.

Me: Feel it babie ,,feel my heart it only beats for you and I swear on my babies I did not
touch her,,I didnt kiss her and I did not even entertain her.I know it looks bad but whoever
took the pics is the person who set me up.

Sarah: but noone knows you here,,who is jealous enough to set you up Andrea.

Me: just tell me you believe me sarah please mai 3 please ,,I'm begging you just this
once,,dont even think about letting me go.unondisiya naani Sarah naani babie.

I saw her teary eyes again...

Me: stop cryin please.

Sarah : its because I love you Andrea and I can't stand another woman being like that with
you,,,understand me.

Me: I understand you completely and I would be furious too if I had seen a guy on you like

Sarah: why do things have to be like this we are supposed to be happy..

Me: then dont let anyone come between us,,when we walk out of here it will be like nothing
happened,, I promise I will find whoever set me up....

Sarah: so you never did anything...??

Me: i swear on my life I did not .

Sarah : saka kiss me then.

481 | P a g e
I took a deep sigh and I went to kiss her ,,she stood up and hugged me !ike she didnt wanna
let me go,,I held her face and kissed her lips and forehead.

Me: mai 3 une hasha eish wandirova but .

Sarah: I'm sorry ba 3.

Me: please dont dare try to leave me I won't let you go gara waziva

Sarah: if its noone we know then I think its one of your cousins that you went with because
how did that person know my number....

Me: huh????

Sarah: you get what I'm saying????

Me: I think I know who anyway come lets go.

Theres only one guy stupid enough to do that,,,, Rio.. I tried to open the door and it was
unlocked meaning aunt was outside ,,she came inside and told us to sit down...

Aunt: I'm glad that you guys fixed this without a lot of people knowing about it,,Joshua
wakura iwewe I dont expect all this,,,sarah thank you for trusting him,I also want to know
who planned this but for now stay focused and get married ,,,I know the devil is at work
,,I'm happy you managed to over come this ,,I dont wanna talk much I will speak to you
guys after the wedding chibudai muno..and sarah please for the sake of those 3 ,,control
your anger.

Sarah: I'm sorry aunt ,,

Aunt : no need to be sorry. Chiendai..

We got up and left ,,we got to my room and found shanny and Chris fighting ,,Chris trying to
hold Shanny....

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Me: and then?????

Shanny: ask him!!

She was already walking out the door then I blocked her and locked it...

Me: Chris maitanei????

Tight bro I dont even know who sent her some crazy stupid pics.

Me: oh her too????

Chris: what do you mean ???

Me: someone sent Sarah the same pics,look shanny chill okay,,all this was a set up and I
think I know who did it...

Chris: Rio.

Me: my suspect,,look he said I was showing off when I was praising sarah then when I
spoke to him bout you and him,,he said you show off too much then he planned a night out
drinking,,we got there he said wanted a bachelor's party and started dancing with the
strippers,, he sent the girls and took photos it was all planned well.

Chris: I'm going to kill the bustard screw family this and that I can't have such kind of
family I can't ,,ndirikunopedzerana naye nhasi like now..

Sarah: no chris please I dont want tension at my wedding please do this for me ...

Shanny was just standing looking out the window..chris went to her and held her hand
,,they kept staring at each other vari pa pause like they always did,,I took my phone and
took a photo of them,,I needed to remind them one day,,,,,they stood there,,I think they
understood each other like that,,next thing they hugged each other and they started kissing
like they were soo hungry for each other .I captured all that on camera.I turned and looked
at mai 3 ndikabva ndamupawo kiss yake .

483 | P a g e
We decided not to talk about the issue until after the wedding,, takazoswera tavakufara
most of the relatives had arrived ,,some were arriving in the morning,,we all met for lunch
but I could see Rio a bit tense ..I wanted to tear him apart ndakazomusiya hangu for sarahs
sake...the grown ups left for shopping just after lunch vakatisiya tega ndipo pakatanga
firimu ra shanny and Chris,, they were all over each other zvakarwadza Rio..

Me: shanny and Chris please get a room.

Chris: I want the world to know that it's her that I'm into.

Rio: so chris did you tell shanny about the strippers last night...takazokuziva here

Shanny: he told me Rio and I think it was a nice experience thanks for the pics though I
leant a thing or two.

He looked shocked and got up achibva aenda ,,maybe shanny was done with him but I
wasnt,,,I almost lost my wife because of him..... Sarah and I parted after lunch,,,I was only
going to see her at the alter . I took a deep breath,.!!!

End of chapter 63

Kaydie loves you all happy reading

484 | P a g e
Dream lover Chapter 64
Book now in sale please do not share

Story by kaydie

 0773812044


I couldn't sleep the night before my wedding, i was restless ,after all the drama that had
happened to think that I had almost given up on Andrea sooo fast actually got me worried
about the future.but I was glad it happened though,,, because it taught me a lesson to never
jump into conclusions without getting proper facts or without giving your other half the
chance to explain. .the feelings of betrayal i had felt got me wondering what I would do if
that was to actually happen.I didnt want that but I knew I had to be strong for the both of
us ,,so much lay ahead of us but we were expecting kids meaning we had to be more mature
more tolerant and more patient with each came into my room and sat down
next me ..

Me: mom they have been kicking since morning ,its like they won't fall asleep.

Mom: they are waking up and sleeping differently dear remember they are three of them.

Me: oooh OK I never thought about that.

Mom: are you ready dear,,its a few hours left.

Me: I'm very nervous and scared I dont know if I'm ready to be a mom and a wife at the
same time.

Mom: I was younger than you when your father married me,,I was already pregnant with
shanny ,,I was scared and I didnt know anything but your father held my hand all the way,

485 | P a g e
he understood I was young so he had to teach me most of the things....your Josh is a perfect
match for you,,,I can see the love between you two,,he just can't stay away,, its a love that's
rare to find I want you to be happy,,,respect him as your husband,,dont challenge him,,I
know us women ,,we like to be heard but men like to be respected and appreciated ,,you
may cross paths here and there but humble yourself and put yourself below him I'm not
saying don't your voice be heard but theres ways of doing things,,,a soft voice can make any
man calm,, never compete with him,,love him the best way you can,,even when he makes
mistakes he is still your one and only husband,,dont find comfort in male friends it will only
ruin your relationship,, let him be your one and only best friend with whom you share your
secrets,,never let your girl friends know the bad things about your relationship but always
cover up for your husband nomatter what,,,people pretend to love you yet looking for a
flaw just so they can bring you down,,its not everyone who is always happy for our
achievements some are there waiting for our downfall so that they can laugh....plan things
together speak to him before you decide on things just dont get up and do as if his opinion
is not important ,,make him a part of your daily life. Nomatter what dont shout at him in
public rather keep quiet because his dignity lies in your hands,,if you embarrass him in
public the whole world won't respect him.make sure to cook for him and do your wife's
duties do not relax too much even when you have house help but remember he married
you and not the house help,,I know you are going to give birth soon ,,always be smart my
baby your body should be the smartest,,,no smell of breast milk its disgusting ,,never be
lazy to bath ,,please smell good,,I know I can trust you in that department,, keep your
bedroom clean and keep it spiced up if you know what I mean.....

I laughed loud when she said that....

Mom:I'm sorry to be telling you all this but I know you don't have anyone else to tell you
and you are my baby we have always shared everything I'm not embarrassed,, I want to be
more proud of you than I am now because the way you will handle things when you start
staying with him will show me how much I taught you and how mature you are,,I'm not
that worried because I know you can do a lot already,,when you can't handle some things
you must know mommy is there okay.????

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Me: yes mommy thank you,, what you said means a lot to me .I have been learning a lot
from you and dad and I'm happy you are both still here with me...

Mom: your father is sooo excited he may not show it but believe me he hasn't been able to
stop talking about your wedding.....

After the talk mom left then Andrea called me.

" daddy.

" you better dress up and show up tomorrow I'm not able to sleep tonight,,I can't wait I
wish I could fast forward the time ...

" me too ,,I canx't wait but I'm scared Andrea I may not be a perfect wife for you.

" noone can love me like you sarah and I dont want anyone else's love if its not your love
then ngaigare love yacho.

" kana usiri iwewe daddy then hapana madeals ...

" lol did you get sexy lingerie for me.

" I'm not going to tell you...

" come on you killing me here,,is it red? White??? Purple???

" keep guessing and have fun guessing,,,besides it won't be sexy with the tummy....

" mammi.

" yes

" its that tummy that turns me on the most ,,kungoziva kuti ndini daddy my gun doesn't fire
blanks ,,ndikakutarisa soooooo,mmmmmm ...

" haaa behave you.

487 | P a g e
"I think of naughty things whenever theres sarah involved ,,look back to the first night by
my house when you begged me to do it.

" haaaa Andrea come on..

" best day of my life but now something else is taking over.

" what's that.

" first day of you being officially Mrs Nattieli.

" I'm blushing.

" I'm gonna make you blush everyday wait and watch .

Shanny walked in as I was blushing talking to Andrea.

Shanny: mmmmmm someone is blushing is that my brother in law???

I just nodded...

" Andrea I have to go shanny is here.

" okay goodnight my wife.

" goodnight husband.

I hung up and shanny came to massage my feet ,,she was blushing herself .....

" shanny spit it out why are you blushing,,,??? Chris right.?

" something like that.

" are you guys busy having sex.

" noooooo noooo stop right there lol no not yet not ever...

488 | P a g e
" what do you mean not ever .

" he wants that but I can't,,that's what he wanted that night we went clubbing but I refused
...its too early.

" lol well its up to you shanny,,do it when you are ready ,,I can't say do it now or do it
later,,,look at me ,,Andrea broke my virginity after two weeks of being with him,,we were
not even dating yet..

" are you serious sarah???

" I am ,,,it all has to do with the chemistry between the two of you,,,if your heart is calm
then cool but your are unsure then dont ,,I wouldn't want you to regret it.

" did you ever regret with Andrea.

" never ,,he actually turned me into a sex freak.

" hhahaha we know you guys mukangovhara door zvaipa.

" his body calls me shanny lol I dont know how to say it or maybe pregnancy is making me
too horny but when I look at him,,seeing his abs and all ,,all I think about is him riding me

" sies on you sarah. But mmmmm Ane body mummy asi he gyms a lot.

" he does work out I hope I will be able to keep up with him I will have to start working out
after I give birth....

" you better keep up mmmm Josh surrender ,,I think makangofanana lol you are a beautiful
woman. And he is a hot hunk...

" even chris is hot.

489 | P a g e
" I know,,I know hey,,he makes me wanna do things that I have never done Before,, I really
like him sarah,he makes my body crave other things..

" let it flow shanny remember I told you,,you will meet a guy who will make you crazy..

" I keep running away from him,,whenever we bump into each other he just wants to have

" wait until you actually do it ...

" I have no clue how its done.

" your body will know what to do lol it moves on its on,,it will direct you,,all you have to do
is relax shanny,,let him lead ,,communicate using your bodies.

" the way you talk about sex ka,,its like the best thing ever.

" because it is the best thing ever.

It was really nice talking to shanny knowing kuti she has fallen in love ,,,anyway everyone
ended up coming into my room our aunties from both sides ,,cousins mom in law everyone
was super excited,,they ordered wine and drank,, haaa they got waisted they took me to
aunt Mia's room around 8 pm they told me to open the door!!! I almost cried it was
decorated soooo beautiful and they made me wear a bride to be band.they made a surprise
bridal shower in the night. I was laughing and crying at the same time,,all the ladies were
full up in the room I dont even know when and how they had planned it ,,they made me sit
on the couch with my feet up then I got a massage,,,they had ordered a cake even,,written
bride to be,,,It was soooo lovely i started crying.

Mom in law: no tears my daughter ,,you have to smile all the way tonight ,,we couldn't do it
at home because of time but we were never going to let you get married without a bridal

Me: I'm sooo happy thank you mom.

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They played music,,,anyway we had booked the whole floor so we were good ,,they played
music and danced ,,there was plenty food ,,we were not meeting with the men for dinner so
that was a perfect excuse for the ladies ,,it was really nice ,,I got soooo many presents,,I
dont know how many skimpy lingeries I got,,I was shy because mom and my mom in law
were.vakazobuda a little later after they ate my cake .hande manje kwasara vemusikanzwa
,,they started dancing showing me what I must do for Andrea I was sooo shy maiweee ,,aunt
Mia ungazovaziva??? My married cousins yuwi...shanny was just laughing but I knew she
was picking up one or two things to do for chris since she was clueless,,they taught me a lot
and I actually leant a lot,,teaching me how to be a good wife what what ...most of the things
that mom had said already.aunty Mia was showing me how to do a nice chikapa oh my
goodness apa she said to me huya uite hehede with my tummy ndakaramba ,,then she
showed me how to rock nicely on top haaa that I got up and showed them vakaombera
maoko hahahaha,,it was nice really. They gave me a little alcohol and I drank,,what was I to
do Andrea always said no......

Aunt M: sarah a little alcohol won't harm the babies dont worry ,,make sure when you go
for the honeymoon steal a lit bit of alcohol,, you have to be tipsy to get really wild ,,give him
a honey moon he will never forget.

Me: lol if he catches me he will kill me ,,he doesn't want me to even smell it.

Aunt m:trust me love you will need it.

Everyone laughed she was really funny.anyway we slept around 1 I was exhausted ,,I
wondered what the men were up to.I woke around 7,,, aunt and them were already telling
me to bath already,,I went to the tub my water yanga yaiswa with lovely shower gels,,I took
my 30 min bath I went out,,the make up artist and the hair dresser were there ,,,so they
started doin my was very long so they made waves ,they cut is short a bit in the front
and made a Chinese fringe which was wooow.after my hair they did my make up,,,I couldn't
even recognise myself when I looked in the cried when she saw me,,,it seemed
everyone had woken up earlier than me because they all had bathed and dressed already

491 | P a g e
,,,they dressed me up,,the dress was amazing on me ,,,and I had beautiful sandles to match
the dress ,,the jewelry came from mom,,very pretty.

My dads sister aunt sarah ,,I had her name my sazita. came to tell us that everyone was
ready ,,already they were waiting for the heart started beating fast ,,I was soo
nervous ,,aunt sarah saw it.

" you have to relax dear ,,OK relax ,,no need to be scared.

" I'm really scared

" dont worry OK ..breath in and out.

I did that for a while ,,then we went downstairs where there was a beautiful carriage and
horses that were waiting for me,,I got inside and dad was there he held my hand and sat me

Dad: are you ready dear.

Me: I'm scared dad.

Dad: you are allowed to change your mind.

Me: hhahahahaha daaad.

Dad: I'm joking I got you okay

I nodded

The horses started moving so we rode on the carriage till we got to the beach everyone on
the road was cheering for me ,,I was crying all the way dad warned me not to mess up my
make up.I couldn't recognize the beach they had decorated beautifully,, full of white roses
everywhere oh my goodness Josh,,,there was a green lawn put for me to walk on,,from the
carriage to where the priest was ,,everyone turned when I got there ,,the music played I
was shocked to see the triplets from my engagement there,,,there had their baskets of roses

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again Josh was killing me,,everyone stood up and dad walked me down the isle with the
triplets infront sprinkling rose petals Andrea looked sooo gorgeous I couldnt keep my eyes
off him.Shanny and Chris were standing there already but opposite sides the way they were
dressed woooow.the priest asked who was handing me over to Josh and dad smiled and

" I am

People clapped their hands as dad handed me over to Josh,,

" you look dashing babie,,oh my goodness your hair,, he whispered.

" and so do you.....

The breeze on the the beach was beautiful,, so the wedding ceremony began.amongst the
people was the doctor,,I smiled at him and he wved smiling,,I was happy he made it. We
said our vows of which both of us cried a lot people ended getting emotional as we said our
vows,,I kept stopping along the way because I was crying the whole time and Josh kept
wiping my tears.

Priest : do you Andrea Joshua Nattieli take Diana Sarah Travis to be your lawfully wedded

He looked right in my eyes and said..

" I definitely do.. People laughed

Priest:Do you Diana Sarah Travis take Andrea Joshua Nattieli to be your lawfully wedded

I looked at him for a while he gave me the come on sarah look ,I smiled and said.

" hell yeah I do.I heard people screaming wit excitement

We exchanged the rings ..

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Priest: by the power invested in me I now pronounce you husband and wife ,,,I give you Mr
and Mrs Nattieli..... You may now kiss the bride.

I was sooo shy kuti I was going to be kissed my dad watching but Josh couldnt wait he just
pulled me into his arms and really kissed me until chris said bro zvakwana kani
,,,,,,everyone laughed even I laughed . we then went for the photo shoot that took long
because everyone wanted a pic with us. After the photo shoot with then went for the
wedding reception,, the whole place was booked for us,,,I was shocked oh my goodness it
was all white again ,,full of white roses chete.we sat down at our table and enjoyed the food
which was out of this world ,,I was worried that something would go wrong but no
everything was superb.after lunch speeches were made ,,,,shanny and Chris also gave
speeches lol,,, we got presents and soo much more,,it was time for our dance then I heard
Spanish playing guitar playing,, I looked at Andrea and he said .

" be my Spanish guitar tonight and let me play you the way I wanna... All night through.

I smiled shyly as he took my hand and led me to the dance floor where we danced soo
beautifully that they asked us to dance again,,, after that everyone joined us on the

" Andrea thank you for making me the happiest woman alive.

" and I'm the happiest man alive.

We kissed ,,,,the ceremony ended very late then we said goodbye as we went upstairs to the
5 the floor,,, our room that we had used the first time we went to Capetown,,I just wanted
to add more memories there.

" are you ready mami????

" born ready for you.

I opened the door ,,my mouth went open,, the wedding planner was good hake the way the
bed was kani????the room ,,ndakapa kutenda the design was amazing it was actually a new
494 | P a g e
bed hanzi na Andrea he has requested everything new.he popped champain and poured in
two glasses,,I looked at him shocked ..

Him: I know you wanna have it and I know Mrs Natt is very naughty so babie sip all you
want tonight because I want that naughtiness and I want you to rock me all night ,,I have
been waiting for soo many days I really wanna explode right now.

I smiled as I took the champaign and gulped down...I went to shower ,,I use nice lotion and
oil that made my body slippery and shinny,,I sprayed perfume then I had my naughty red
lingerie on,,,then I walked out and stood by the door,,he looked at me with his eyes wide
open,,,he came over to me and held my waist,,," you smell good he said....but I pushed him
onto the bed.....I put on the music then I started slow dancing for him,,he was drooling,,and I
was teasing him,,I was playing with myself and he was watching, I did a strip tease in sexy
moves,, he said mami please huya pano I said no.I took out a string and tied up his hands....I
took out the whipped cream and sprayed all over him,,I licked him and then I sucked that
lollipop until he was fighting to untie the string ,,,

" Mrs Natt untie me please.

He begged and begged then I untied him,,akaita kundidhonza and put me on the bed
akandiwachisa then he tied my hands too ,,,akomana andrea touched me like he wanted me
to die,,,I begged and begged but he didnt listen ndakazonzwa yaakupinda from the side my
whole body shook both of us tanga tanzwa ,,we went wild I could feel the bed shaking
Andrea was like agarwa ,,


" her

" Sarah kani ndofa.

" firaimo daddy ndemenyu..

" ndanakirwa kani wedzera zvauri kuita

495 | P a g e
" like this???

Ndakabva ndawedzera kumuvhurira ,,I was moving like aunt Maya said I should move
ndikanzwa munhu aakukuma and I smiled hangu kuti ndagona lesson 1. I couldnt help but
do more and more ndakamuchemedza Andrea changing ma tactics,,he came and came ,,I
did all that the ladies told me to and I was happy it worked....

Him: babie where did you learn all these crazy things unondiuraya sarah...

Me: did you like them.

Him: a looot,,its like I was in a world with a crazy woman ....naka mhani.

Me: wait until I give birth.

Him: ndiudze where did you learn them kani.

Me: I had a surprise bridal shower lol .

Him: chizvara babie ndatononokerwa.

Me: Mira uone.

We laughed.

Him: ndinokuda Mrs Nattieli

Me: I love you Mr Nattieli

End of chapter 64 .

Diana for Andrea.

496 | P a g e
Dream lover final chapter
Story by kaydie

 0773812044


After the wedding ceremony we had an after party,, we danced the whole night I was
feeling drunk ,,we drank like crazy the grown ups went to sleep earlier ndakasara
ndopinzwa mucorner na Chris who couldn't keep his hands off me.

" chris you have to slow down kani.

" I want you my queen,,,urikuda ndiputike here shaa ,,ma goodies ako are making me horny
,,what else can a man do???

"I'm not ready shaa.

" so you telling me you wanna stay a virgin here???

" did I tell you that I'm a virgin???

" I know you are.

" I'm not ..

" so lemme do what I wanna do .

" just because I said I'm not a virgin doesn't mean I can let you do whatever you want with

" but you are my boo and I'm your boo shanny please hona.

497 | P a g e
He took my hand and put it on his you know,,it was soo hard ndakavhunduka when he
made me touch it yaiita like chinhu chinofema.

" and you say you not a virgin wavhundukei.

" I just didnt know it was hard.

" thats how much you are turning me on and the skirt you are wearing,,why did you change
into something short hanti you wanted me hard.

He put his hand inside my top and unhooked my bra I went so weak when he put his hands
on my breast ...

" Chris

" yes babie

" oooooh.

" you like that??

" aaaaaah

" tell me


Jeez I was burning,, my whole body was on fire..he lifted up my top,,he had me against the
wall in the corner of a bar ,,his mouth on my nipples ,,,I held on to the wall,,I was moaning
so loud ,,I wanted him I knew it but I was scared.and again we were in a bar.I felt him put
his hand in my undies,,he touched me there,,my legs were shaking,,

" my queen you are sooo wet ...

He tried putting his finger and I screamed.

498 | P a g e
" ouch that hurt.

" and you say you are not a virgin.

" I lied OK .

Ndakabva ndadzikisa top.

" fix my bra please.

He fixed it and carried on kissing me but I was now scared,, the bit of pain I had felt got me
soo scared and he saw it...

" babie I won't be rough I promise.

" chris I don't wanna do it with just some random guy OK and its just been 3 weeks ,,I don't
wanna regret this,,after this then you pick someone else because you would have gotten
what you wanted,,you are just excited because I am a virgin chete and you wanna screw a

He looked at me then he walked away,, I didnt know what I had said that was wrong ,,so I
folowed him and stopped him..he turned and looked at me,,I saw hurt in his eyes ....

" why did you walk away from me.

" your words hurt me shanny you never take me seriously nomatter how much I try,,I don't
have such a good past I have soo many flows,,I haven't had lasting relationships,, i have
hurt women ,,I was stupid but Shanny I'm in love with you,,you make me wanna be a better
man,,I won't always be the perfect guy,,and I can't hide saying I don't wanna have sex with
you when I really wanna do it,,everytime always,,,, I wanna take your clothes off,,not that
I'm disrespecting you but babie you are one hell of a sexy woman I wouldn't be a man if I
wasnt turned on by you....all I want is a chance to be your man,, let me love you Shanny,, I
know you are not a rushy person you like taking things slow ,,,,fine whatever you say ,,we

499 | P a g e
can take it slow but I won't deny it,,I will be undressing you with my eyes everytime I look
at you.

Ndakapererwa after he said all that,,,when someone gets soo honest with you kana
anything to say you get stuck,,I started hearing sarah saying letting yourself have fun don't
be too uptight but the truth is I was protecting my heart.

" Chris I'm scared of getting my heart broken,,,you can't hold that against me right,,I'm
strong but my heart can be fragile too.

" for tonight let's just end this conversation Shanny.

He was confusing me really,,anyway we didn't talk about it anymore so I excused my self

and went to my room,,he went to his,,I couldn't sleep so I went to take a shower ,,I sat on
my bed in my nightie,,I drank more wine then slept,,I wanted to call sarah but I didn't
wanna disturb her honeymoon.I woke up very late I got shocked when mom knocked on
my door saying it was time to go to the airport,,,I hadnt done anything or packed anything
so I told her I would follow the next day,,they couldnt wait so they left....I got up and went
to take a shower and ordered service came and I ate I was still tired ,,I
took of the nightie I was feeling hot ,,I was left with my bra and thong,I lay on the bed and
slept....I was hurt that chris left without telling me I woke up after an hour feeling a little
fresh,,I was facing the wall,,I turned to look the other side I almost fainted ,,Chris was sitting
on the side of the bed....

"When did you get in here???

" a while ago you left you door unlocked.

" I thought you were gone.

I then remembered I was naked ,I tried to reach out for my nightie....

" what's the point I have seen you already,,and why would I go without you when you are
my better half.
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" I thought you were mad at me..

He was staring into my eyes...

"I love you Shanny..

I almost melted that was his first time ever saying that,,I felt goosebumps I felt the urge to
kiss him,,,I just grabbed my nightie but before I could put it on we was on me breathing
heavy,,I didn't get the chance to say Chris wait his hands were unhooking my bra,,he threw
it on the floor ,,he stared into my eyes ,,I could see the hunger in them,,,he attacked with a
kiss,suddenly I was hungry tooo hungry for him,,I found my hands touching him,,I pulled off
his T-shirt ,,our skin touched,,my breast were pressing on his chest,,I let out a moan,, I didnt
want to leave him..he touched me like no man ever touched me before,,,I won't lie I took off
the shorts he was wearing,, I even shocked myself.I remembered sarah had said your body
will act on its on,,surely my body was betraying me....

" Shanny.

" Chris.

" allow me to have you please.

He kissed me before I answered ,,maybe he thought I would say no but I was going to say
yes.he pulled off my panty he touched my most sensitive and I found myself opening my
legs ndega,,he played with his hands there and I opened wider .

" chris please I can't breath.

" I will be your breath ,,let me be your servant ,,I will serve you my are sexy
babie extremely sexy....

I was breathing like I couldnt breath.he went between my legs,,, he playing with his tongue
there, I tried getting up he pushed me back on the bed...

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" Chris I love you....

He stopped and said ,,,,say it again..

" I love you yes I love you,,I really love you....

He came on top of me,,he was naked ,,he put his you know right there ,,it felt good the way
he was playing with it there I got lost in my on world,,only to be brought back by soo much
pain as he tried getting in,,,I looked at him and tried pushing him off this time I couldnt
scream anymore I was biting my lip ndichida kushinga but no

" Mira chris

" almost there Queen

" no Chris Mira mhani

I wanted to cry now ,,I felt tears in my eyes.he started sucking my nipples ,,,that felt sooo
good I got lost again then again brought back by him pushing,, I punched him hard ..

" Shanny babie relax please

" you can't tell me to relax babie its sore please ,,chibva kani Chris we will try some other

" listen to me babie you have to relax okay it be over just now ,,relax your body it won't be

He pushed one more time will all his energy I felt pain piercing through my whole body I
screamed and he held my mouth...I hit him with my hand...

" I hate you,,,I hate you Chris how could you do this to me ,,,I thought you loved me but you
hurt me ,,I was trying to fight him off but then he held my hands so tight.

" I love you,,I love you shanny...

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" nooo you don't.

" I do babie I'm sorry but it had to be sore ,,I'm sorry babie and thank you,,thank for this..

He tried kissing me I bit his lip and he groaned.but he didnt get angry he stayed in ,,he kept
saying relax babie,,then I remembered sarah saying let him I tried relaxing.

" Shanny babie.


" touch me please.

" I can't Chris.

" yes you can ,,,please babie I need you to touch me.

" nooo chris its sore

" trust me babie

I put my hands on him slowly and I was moving them slowly...

"Yes babie like that.

Slowly he started moving ,,I tensed , then he said relax,,he continued going in and out
slowly,,,I tried focusing ,,his hands were caressing my nipples,, I closed my eyes.

" shanny babie I need you to feel me,,,feel my touch ,,feel my all....

His touch,,his touch was too good ,,I was back in the mood ,,it was starting to feel nice,,,i
don't know what he was doing with his waist and riding me,,,ndakatanga kubatirira ,,the
way his body was on me,,I felt pretty,,I felt sexy my body started moving on its on ,,,I saw a
smile on his face .

" yes babie just like that.

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He was encouraging me shame.

We were now moving together trying to do what I saw aunt Mia doing,,I had picked up
some notes.

" is it nice now ??? He asked

I nodded .

" do you want more????

" yes I want more but its still sore.

" it will get better.

He started sucking my nipples goodness I really opened my legs wide,,there was this feeling
that was soo nice,,,,

" Chris babie.


" I love you.

" I thought you said you hated me.

" I'm sorry. I changed my mind this feels amazing.

" thats what I wanted you to feel all along.enjoy every bit of it babie.

His movements were doing wonders to my body a few min passed ,,a sudden rush of blood

" Chris babie.

" yes.

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" my body.

" what about it.

" it wants

" wants what.

"To scream.

" then scream.

" the things you are doing.

" yes

" don't stop Chris

" I won't

" more Chris ,,oh goodness help me

" I'm going to give you more and more.

He started moving faster I was holding him tighter I didnt know what was happening

" I love you Chris .

" shanny my Queen you are coming, I feel you babie.

He rode me fast and I heard myself screaming ,,,he was kissing me,,his face changed to
fierce ,,he was pushing deeper and he was calling my name,,he was holding me tight ,,he
started going fast then suddenly groaned and collapsed on me.


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14 weeks later.

I was laying on the couch with my beautiful wife,,I won't lie living with her was quite an
experience,, she made all the effort to please me,,she made me happy I could see I had been
blessed surely,,she was heavily pregnant but she made all my meals,,she chose my clothes
to wear and still she still rocked in bed....ndaizodei????

Anyway she got up,, she said she wanted to pee she had been doing it all morning,, I was
worried she had been acting weird ans feeling pain here and there ,,her last appointment
the doc had said she was left with a few days anywah she wanted to walk but she felt her
back sore

I got up to help her.

" oh my goodness Andrea

" what baby???

" my water broke.

" huh??? Water broke where???

" don't be silly man I mean im getting into labour.

" whaaaat?? Are you serious what am I supposed to do??what did they say you should do or
I should do..

She looked at me like I was stupid..

"Call my two mothers please.

" aaaah OK OK.

I called both of them and told them maiwe the panic manje ,,it was worse than me ,,I ran
upstairs and came back down I had foggoten what I had gone there for.

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" Andrea !!!!! She called out loud.


" the bag Andrea the bag

" oh sorry OK,,

I ran upstairs to go get the bag well more like a suitcase for someone going abroad.

I called her gynae and he said bring her immediately.

Now she was pacing up and down.


" please shut up.

" but.

" I said shut up please.

She took water and she drank,,,she made tea and gave it to me..

" but I don't want tea sarah.

" how can you say that when you asked me to make you tea ,,what's wrong with you.

" let's go baby.

" go where.??

" your gynae said come.

She was acting like she was mad,,I put the bag in her car,,I had bought her a range rover like
mine kuti tifanane as a wedding present..I held her hand ndikarohwa mbama apa

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excitement manje I could not wait,,I had waited too long I wanted to see my babies....she got
in the car,,she kept closing and opening her window all the way... Soon as we got there her
gynae took her inn ,,I was allowed to go in with her.

Doc: she needs the seizer right away ..

Me: okay.

He brought me some documents to sign then I signed ,,,,they injected so that she couldnt
feel pain,,we waited a while then they started operating her...I actually went to sit next to
her and started talking to her as least she was nomore acting crazy...ndakatombomuseka
,,,we laughed for a while then we heard a cry of our first baby,,,they brought the baby to
sarah and put the baby on her chest,,,watching my boy,,I couldn't help but shed a tear,,,,they
took him away to go and get cleaned ,,then another one came I kept crying then the last one

Sarah: please tell me its a gal??

Doc: lol its another boy.

Sarah: come ooooon why couldnt I get a girl.

Me: I'm soooo proud of you my love 3 boys ka 1 here Sarah.

Sarah: I also wanted a girl Andrea.

She was teary again ...

Me: baby we will get girl next time,,

She wasnt happy she really wanted a girl

The babies were cleaned ,,the two mommies And the grand parents came,,shanny and chris
came ,,,they were all dying to see the babies... Sarah got cleaned up and was moved to
another ward.....I couldn't stop smiling ndainzwa kuzvi bigger mhani...

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We were all allowed to see her the ward was soo big taikwana the babies were brought in I
hadnt noticed my babies were soooo identical ...

Mrs Nattieli: ndaiwe Sarah my baby zvawandizvarira Andrea again.

Moziva ndakabuda panze ndikambochema ,,I went back in surely sarah anga
andizvara,,,they looked identical to me..

Sarah: mom I couldn't get a girl..

Mrs Nattieli : Sarah ndookunonzi kutakura dzinza mwanangu.wabereka dzinza.

Everyone was fighting to hold the babies ....

Mr : Travis: so what are the babies names.

Me: the grandfather's should name the babys then sarah and I will name them after.

Mr N:we need another Andrea.

Mr T:I name one Armani

Chris: I can't miss this as the God father. I name the last one Adrian

Everyone loved the the names,,,,,Andrea Armani and Adrian.....

Sarah and I named them Jamie ,Jarome and Jerald Nattieli.

I went to her and held her hands.

" now I'm compete,maitabasa mai vangu mandizvara.I love you.

" I love you too

End of chapter 65

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Thank you to the dream lover supporters,,,your support has given me confidence,, I feel like
crying as if we are saying goodbye to each other,,this has been a journey writing my first ok
with all of you cheering for me....I know you guys wont be far tosangana Ku take me
home,,I'm going to miss you though Ku dream lover and I hope we will be there together
next season.....

I love you all,,soo much xoxoxoxoxo from Kaydie


Mai nono

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