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seb be mbes ronan out ania Pumasunaveetnes Whats your name? Hannah, Nice to meet you, My name’s Hannah, not Anna 1 LISTENING & SPEAKING @ @2)) Lookat the pictures. Listen and number them 1-4, _Listenagain and complete the blanks. € Fillin the blanks with a word from the list. 1A HijtmMike, What's your? Fine Hi tm. Thanks Bye B Hannah, ees Hello = 8 Hannan! Myname's = Very well= 2K Whats your phone™_7 Thank you = B t's 212-555-7894, Ceding at See you on Saturday. Hye B Goodbye. 4. @3)) Listen and repeat some phrases from the dialogue. Copy the rhythm, Stamat cc © @4)) In groups of three, practice the dialogues with the = a sound effects. Change roles. © Neato 0%, Arne 8 &_____name's Hannah, £ Introduce yourself to other students, © Sorry, Hannah. Hello, im Antonio, aa He Youire early! what's yourname?,) Caro. Nice to mest you 3 tonne __7 me © Imvery well, __ you, Anne. And you? B thanks. ‘A it’s Hannah, Mom GRAMMAR verb be), subject pronouns Complete the sentences with ave. is, oram. I'm Mike. =I Mike. ‘Myname’s Hannah, = My name Hannah. Youre early. You early. Ies212-555-7894. = It 212-555-7894, > p.124 Grammar Bank 1A. Learn more about the verb be(#land subject pronouns, and practice them. @o)) Listen and repeat the pronouns and contractions. (@7)) Listen. Say the contraction. })'am_ (Im In pairs, try to remember the names in your class. Say He's | Sho’ Stand up and speak to other students. Hi Carla, How are you? ) (Fine, thanks. And you? PRONUNCIATION vowel sounds, word stress (@o)) Listen and repeat the words and sounds. i? xeiae fish |tree egg [train | bike ie he [am they |T this [we [thanks (well name | Hi ‘meet Bye > p.166 Sound Bank. Look at the example words and spellings for the sounds ina. PP Word stra Multi-sylable words have one stressed syllable. sorr|y good|bye Salturday @o)) Listen and underline the stressed syllable in these words airport comipulter elmail_kalralte hotel mujselum salad telnnis posite internet besket[bell sendwich ‘Write the words from cin the chart. food technology | sports places In pairs, write more words that you know in each. column. How do you pronounce them? 4 VOCABULARY days of the week, numbers 0-20 Look at the picture. Can you remember what Mike and Hannah say? > p-148 Vocabulary Bank Days and numbers. Do parts I and 2 @12)) 3) Monday, Tuesday wednesday jen and say the next day or number. What's your phone number? What day is it today? And tomorrow? LISTENING & SPEAKING @13)) Listen. Where are they? Write 1-6 in the boxes. (Jairpore Gate number (| sandwich bar dollars ‘cents (hotel Room ___ (| museum Closed on (taxi Manchester Road |_| schoo ‘Classeson____and_ Listen again. Write a number ora day in each blank. 143) Listen and respond. 29) etl. Nice tu meet you. Ce ew om cII=D EZ verb be and =) V the world, numbers 21-100 a4 fy yd sentence stress All over the world 1 VOCABULARY the world a Can you name three countries in English? b> p.149 Vocabulary Bank The world © @17)) Listen. Say the nationality 1) Mexico C Mexicen @_Inpairs, do the quiz, Useful phrases I think its in Vietnam, | think its Japanese, but '™m not sure, THE W 2 PRONUNCIATION , (1), iss! P) the s/sound The a/ sound is the most common vowel sound in English, The /! sound has many different spellings, eg, Hello, Canad, Britain 203) Listenand repeat the words and \ smpurer | American Argentinian computer | Korea Peru fy Gari) Listen and repear rhe sound picrures and sentences. Practice with a partner. 1 AB cies © > p.166 Sound Bank. Look at the example words and spellings for the sounds ina and b. Charles is Chinese, not French, She's Turkish or Russian. 'm not sure. Were German and they're Japanese. { Where are these capital cities? a Lima b Hanoi © Dublin d Ankara e Tehran i erento eee enh a thedollar b theyuan c therouble J the pound the yen 3 What country is the food from? a topos kimehi © pasta d tacos What nationality are the flags? 4 it? Write the nationality. —=- d 1/19) What Language is it? Witeacd inthe bones: Turkish [chinese spanish Russian Languages ‘The word fora language is usually the same as the nationality adjective, eg, in Japan the language is Japanese. 3 GRAMMAR verb be/ and] a @2z)) Cover the dialogues. Listen to three interviews in New York City. Which countries are the people from? 1b Read the dialogues. Complete them with I'm, Fm not, are, aren't, is, oF isn’ ‘are you Mexican? No, __ Mexican, ‘gentinian. you from Where in Argentina? from Cérdoba, Where vou from? 8 From Australia, fromDarwin. A Where's Darwin? _ itnear Sydney? B Nojit Isinthe north, A itnice? B Yes,it___tt's beautiful. A Where yas From? B Were from Columbus, Ohio, intheus. youon vacation? © No, we students. Were © Listen and check. dd > p.124 Grammar Bank 1B. Learn more about the verb be/?]and =) and practice it (24)) Listen and respond with a short answer. C No, itisn' Cini 3) ls Sydney the capital of Australia? 4 PRONUNCIATION & SPEAKING sentence stress Sentence stress In sentences, we stress the important words. Where's she from? she's from China, 4 (@as)) Listen and repeat. Copy the rhythm. 1A Where areyou from? B I'm from Boston. 2 A Are you American? B No,!'mnot. I'm Australian. b Practice the dialogues in 3 with a partner. © Communication Where are they from? ‘Ap.100 Bp.103. Ask people in the class Where are-you from? 5S VOCABULARY nurmibers 21-100 a Lookat the signs. Can you say the numbers? b> p.148 Vocabulary Bank Days and numbers. Do part 3. © @27)) Listen and write the numbers, Write ten numbers from 21-100. Dictate them toa partner. 6 LISTENING a @2o)) Listen and repeat he pairs of numbers. What's the difference? r | bm | 1a 30) Sa? tel bal 6 ois 40 3015 b50 7 219 b90 Xe sate B60 5 b @29)) Which number do you hear? ca Listen and€irclQa or b above. © Play Bingo 7 @&30)) SONG All Over the World 5 possessive adjectives: my, your ete. V classroom language P Jou, fat the alphabet How do you spell your last name? Open your books, 1 VOCABULARY classroom language Look atthe picture of classroom March the words and pictures. [1 board bse fer desk desk [door itor picture pl 8) table (tei wall (vol window /windou! b @31)) Listen and check. © > p.150 Vocabulary Bank Classroom language. 4 (34)) Listen and follow the instructions. 2 PRONUNCIATION foi ul ar; the alphabet a @a5)) Listen and repeat the words and sounds. b @30i) Look at these common abbreviations. Can you say any of them in English? Listen and check. OK CNN MTV BBC USB DVD BMW ATM partner are € 371) Complete the alphabet chart with B,C. 7,U,V,W. Listen and check a?isQ@Ae D,K,M,N,O,S, rain | ere | egg | bike | phone | boot | car A F I QTR H L | oy J E 6 P x Zz d_ (38) Listen andirelBthe letter you hear. LEAL 2G] 3KQ 4c¢s 5VPB 6MN 7VW 8UY © Practice saying the phrases below with abbreviations. (aPC Personal Computer aVery Important Person the United States, a Portable Document Format Lhe Navivuial Dasketball Assoxiativn the United Kingdom a Sport Utility Vehicle ais. Jockey 3 LISTENING & SPEAKING b (40) Listen. Complete the receptionist’s a 391) A student goes to the US to study English. Listen to the 3 interview and complete her form What's your name? your lastname? 2 a EET 8 senyenispeliae 4 Wieeneyou 2 5 Firstname [D old are you? @ 6 your address? Lastname = Br } 7 ____yourzip code? 8 What's your address? Country 9 What's your 2 © Listen again and repeat the questions. Copy City the rhythm, Aire: d_ Ask your partner the questions. Write down Se his or her answers, Address (_ Avenida Princesa isabel _ poate erat cot J Zip code Emait [ dbezerra@mailcom 4 GRAMMAR possessive Phone number 55 | adjectives: my, your, etc. a Complete the sentences with I, you, my, Cell phone number | ] oryour. ) 1 Whereare from? al ’m from Rio. ‘2 What's. name? _ name's Darly b >p.124 Grammar Bank 1C. Learn more about possessive adjectives and practice them. © Gazi) Listen. Change the sentences 8) Ricard. My names chad 5S SPEAKING > Communication What's his /her real name? A p.1008 p.103. Find out if some actors’ and singers’ names are their real names or not. 6 WRITING > p.1L1 Writing Completing a form. ‘Complete an application for a student visa and write a paragraph about you. ‘1 VOCABULARY ina hotel a Match the words and symbols. reception (sep the levator overt single room siya sum double room ab rom the first floor (it fh (second, third, etc) b 4s) Listen and check. 2 @¢ INTRODUCTION a ()44}) Watch or listen to Jenny and Rob. Mark the sentences T (true) or F (false). 1 Rob lives and works in London. 2 He'sawriter fora magazine. 5 ‘The name of his magazine is London 20seven 4 Jenny is British 5. She's anassistanteditor. 6 Iesher second time in the UK. 1b Watch or listen again. Say why the F sentences are false. O noerican ands @¢ CHECKING IN 45) Watch or listen to Jenny checking into a hotel room. Answer the questions. 1 Complete Jenny's last name: Z1_LI_SK. 2 What'sher room number? Watch or listen again. Complete the You Hear phrases. Jou Hear | YouSay Good evening, madam. Hello.!have a reservation. My name's Jennifer Zielinski that, please? ZHELINS. For five nights? Yas, that's right. Canthave your passport, please? Just a second..Here you are Can you Thank you. Can you sien here, 2 Thank you. Here's your Its room 306, on the third floor. The is over there, The lift? Oh, the elevator, ‘Yes. Enjoy your stay, Ms. Zielinski. Thank you. English elevator= American English ift= British English 2=/7\/ In American English, 70 In eritish English Greetings Good morning =>12:00 pm. Good afternoon = 12:00 pm. > 6:00 psn. Good evening=600pm.> Good night = Gaadbye (when you gota bed) Madam = a polite way to greet 2 woman Sir= a polite way to greet a man, € @4s)) Watch or listen and repeat the You Say phrases. Copy the rhythm, 4 (4 JENNY TALKS TO ROB a @Qas)) Watch or listen and mark the sentences T (true) or F (false). 1 Jenny has acoffee. 2 She sin London on business. 3 The waitress is German, 4 Jenny calls Rob Walker. 5 Jenny stired. 6 Their meeting is at 10:00, Practice the dialogue with a parmer. € Work in pairs. Read your role and look at the dialogue in 3b, What do you need to change? A (book open) Youare the receptionist. I's 11:00a.m. B's roomis 207 on the second floor, Begin wich Good morning sir| madam. B (hook closed) You arrive at the hotel. Use ‘your first name and last name. £ fi Role-play chedialogue. Thenchange oles, Watch or listen agatn. Say why the F sentences are false (47)) Lookattheinformationinthe box. © (480) Read the information in the box. Listen and repeat the cen andireptatthe Gann? phirdscs Would you like...? phrases and the responses. Practice offering drinks and responding Can you..?=Please doit eee Tl yi? en, etna mcrae natn Can | have...? = Please give me (your passport, (Would you Uke another tea? No, thanks. Con thave my key, pleose? _ Look at the Social English phrases. Who says them: Jenny, hh Youare ina hotel. How do youask the Rob, or the waitress? receptionist to give you...?, Social English phrases + yourkey * your passport Seo y Fm here fon business). Thisis [Rob, Rob Walked. + amapofLondon + apen Tim from [New York]. What about you? That's perfect. No problem. les time for bed Is that Lennifer!? € @s0)) Watch or listen and check. Do you know what they are in yourlanguage? £ Watch or listen again and repeat the phrases. Romy? check into a hotel and spell your narne ask somebody to do something /to give you something | offer somebody a drink, and accept or refuse © aan plurals; this/that/ theac/ those V things What's this P finals and-es; th in English? 2A Awriter’s room It's a key. 1 VOCABULARY things @ Look ata photo of Roald Dahl, the author of many famous children’s books and stories for adults. Do you know any of his books? b_ Look atthe photo of his room. Check (/) or putan X next to the things you can see inthe picture. Do youthink the room is neat? table Dalamp computer achair pencils photos awindow printer phone pieces of paper © > p.151 Vocabulary Bank Things. 2 GRAMMAR 2/an, plurals 3 PRONUNCIATION final -s and -es 2 Complete thechart a @sa}) Listen and repeat the words and sounds. nee Era ciate | aostavilenp cackery 7 jot = He = > SP rerra | phovos keys pens umbrella dl iz! glasses watches purses witities b 54) Read the rule. Ge the words where -esis pronounced fz! Listen anid check. BS dictionaries PD Final-es Final-es after ce, ch, sh, s, ge, and x= iz) eg., watches, Blasses, change purses b> p.126 Grammer Denk 2A pert 1. Learn more about aan and plurals, and practice them. Tichnes 3 headphones 5 pieces 7 pages 2 files 4 boxes 6 tissues 8 chairs LISTENING & SPEAKING > Communication What's on the table? p.100. @55}) Listen to three people say what things they have on the table or desk where they work. Are their tables neat? Listen again and check (/) the things they have dB ‘a computer /a laptop @ printer alamp a phone books a dictionary calendar photos pieces of paper pens J vos tissues Talk toa partner about the table where you work or study. Say what things you have. Say if the table is neat or not iG Ihave a laptop and a printer, Ihave... ttisn't neat. Play What is it? with your partner. A close your eyes. B give things to your partner and ask What isit? What are they? GRAMMAR this / that / these/ those @20}) Look at pictures 14 and complete the dialogues. Listen and check. Practice the dialogues, Read the dialogues again. What's the difference between...? 1 thisand these 2 thisand that 3 theseand those > p.126 Grammar Bank 2A part 2. Learn more about this) that these those and practice them, 3 What's that? Ws 6 PRONUNCIATION th a @s58)) Listen and repeat the words and sounds. b_ 599) Listen and repeat the phrases. Practice saying them. 1 this Thursday 2 thirty-three 3 those things 4 Thanks for that. 5 These are the keys. 6 Whatare those things there? Vimthirty-three this Thursday. © Workin pairs. Put four of your things on your table (singular or plural). Ask your partner. For the things on your table: whats tsinEgisit") ts wath For things in the classroom (point): What are those in English? ) Cther'e pictures. cal = 1. What's this? Its 2 What are these? Theyre 4 What are those? Theyre 4 V colors, adjectives, modifiers: Isshe P long and short vowel sounds attractive? Yes. She's very tall, are with red hin, VOCABULARY colors, adjectives, part 1 What color is the American flag? Write the missing letters eS esr a 2. and bl Complete the other colors. bl_ck y Il W gry p_nk rong br_wn gr n Practice with the flags. Ask and answer. B= maces C what colors it? What color is your flag? > p.152 Vocabulary Bank Adjectives, Do part 1 GRAMMAR adjectives What are they? Label the pictures in the US quiz using an adjective and a noun from each circle Adjectives Nouns nice yellow food House ‘American New school Airlines fest White taxis jeans blue high ‘day York 4621) Listen and check. Circlé)the correct rule + Adjectives go befare after a noun. + Adjectives change don't change before a plural noun, > p.126 Grammar Bank 2B. Learn more about adjectives and practice them. Cover the the pictures. Can you remember the eight phrases? PRONUNCIATION 4 VOCABULARY adjectives part 2 long and short vowel sounds a > p.152 Vocabulary Bank Adjectives. Do part 2. (641) Listen and repeat the words # emesis ‘Work in pairs. A say an adjective. B say a famous person. short ) Com Cruise fish tree ek a. Read the descriptions and look at the phatos, = Who are the two people? —o| & |e saw bull boot Match an adjective from circle A with an adjective from circle B with the same vowel sound. Write them in the chart. 8 blue full cheap big easy rich calm wrong ‘small hot | new good (@e51) Listen and check > p.166 Sound Bank. Lookat the typical spellings for these sounds. b_ Read them again, Guess the meaning ofthe highlighted words. Adjectiverace In pairs,inthree minutes © WRITING & SPEAKING make phrases with anadjective and anoun with che sane vowel sound. Use a an with, singular nouns. ‘Think ofa famous person from any country in the world, Use the jobs in the box to help you. ‘actor/actress musician politician singer sportsman / sportswoman TV host Nouns 5 book boots b Write a short description of the person. Give it to your partner. Brey long jeans photo ee y poeta) any ton Came / she guess who itis ~ big cheap song. cat ©. Play Guess the famous person. 7 A think ofa famous actor [actress Anold photo.) B ask ten questions using ls...? Try to guess the actor/actress. ‘sitamanora woman?) (A women, (ee) Listen and check Paice sping 22 4 the phrases. Isshe American?) ( Yes, sheis. Please V feelings P understanding connected speech slow down! Don't worry 1 VOCABULARY feelings 2 LISTENING & READING a Match the words and pictures. & (699) The Carter family is on vacation, Look a ehe pictures seenand number them 1 5. hungry sad bored hot thirsty happy angry cold stressed tived T] worried LO collocation Use be + hungry, thirsty, hot, ete. fet in very hurry. NOT thave very hungry, b @oa}) Listen and check. Repeat the phrases. © Cover the words and look at the pictures. Make land =isentences about how you feel and tell your partner. (meaty purery fu very Uieu. A, Iimnot hot. b Listen gain and read. Try to guess what the ~— 3 GRAMMAR imperatives, let's highlighted phrases mean. a Look at the highlighted phrases in 2b. Then complete the chart. Se os ee ‘Mom Please slow down! This road is very | Tum right! herel Sees e fight! | Dont park here! Dad Don't worry, Youknow ima good arwer Suggestions Mom Be carefull stop at that service station, Come on. Let's 2 Suzy Dad, this music sterile Can you turn off? b_ > p:126 Grammar Bank 2C. Learn more about imperatives and Dad 0K let’, and practice them. Tim Dad, tmreally hot. Turn the air eorcitanne site € Look at the pictures in 2 and cover the dialogues. Can you SR oieeien remember the imperatives and suggestions with each picture? ‘Suzy No, !m cold. d_ What do the signs mean? Use a verb phrase from the list ina Mom Open your window, Tim, Hor=limperative. r becareful crosstheroadnow goinhere Spee ie ees smokehere listentomusichere take photos Mom Here youre. turnlefttumoffyourphona eat or drink here Tim _Iimhungry. Can we stop soon? Mom Let's stop at that service station, Dad nk 4 Tim Give me my iPod. Suzy Thisis my Pod! Dad Be quiet! ‘Tim Are we there yet? "m bored, Dad [t's not farnan, Only 15 miles. Tim Can you turn the radio on please, Cover the list and look at the pictures. Can you remember Mom? : ‘Mom 0k. the phrases! Dad Oh, no! 4 PRONUNCIATION 9 Suny wnere are wer understanding connected speech Dad Werehere. Atthe hotel. Tim Great! Connected speech ‘Mom Don't parkchere, Look at that sign. ‘When people speak, they don't usually separate all the words. For No parking ‘example, if aword ends with a consonantand the next word begins Deng area, je eeore oot with a vowel, they join them tagether, e.g. Turn_aff the music, Let's go. : Dats yt ext oO a (B72) Listen and write six sentences. © )70}) Listen to the end of the story. What are the ewo problems the family has’ b_ Practice saying the sentences, 5 SPEAKING — > Communication What's the matter? A p.101 B p.106. Role-play dialogues. 6 @73)) SONG Please Don't Goa a Ro Between el Oi a\-fe! GRAMMAR Garclo) shore 1 Hello. yourname? a What b Whatare © What's 2 Mariais Mexican, a She's b He's c It's 3A Where from? B He's from Turkey ahels bis cishe 4 They South Korean. They're Vietnamese. astudent, a isn't b aren'e © notare 5 A Are you from Paris? B Yes, alam bl'm ¢ lare 6 She's Brazilian, name's Daniela 7 We're fromthe US. Preston, fis b Her © Your lastname is a Your b Their c Our 8 A Whatarethey? B They're a watches. b awatch ¢ watchs 9A Whatisie? B ies @ aumbrella b anumbretla © umbrella 10 Look at those a womans b women © womens 11 A Whatare ___in English? B They'rekeys. a that b this these 12, Theseare very a difficult exercises b exercises difficult © difficules exercises ____ carefull Phat dog's dangerous. a Are b Beyou c Be 14 Please ___in the library: a noteat b dontteat c noeat 15 Fm hungry. stopat the eae. a Let's b We c Don't 13 VOCABULARY a Complete with at, from, 1 tm Japan. 2 Nice ___ meet you. 3 Whar's bonjour English? 4 Look the board. 5 Pleasetura, your cell phone, 'b Complete the phrases with these verbs. ‘Answer Stand Open Read Work 1 the text, 4 the door, 2 in pairs, 5 the questions 3 up. ne three five 1 sight rwo seven file 2 Brazil Chinese Peru Iran 3 Spanish Italian Japanese France 4 Africa Asia Ireland Europe 5 sixteen, forty ninety eighty © Wednesday Italy Friday Monday 7 glasses change purse headphones scissors 8 door window wall school 9 wallet newspaper book magazine 10 happy tired angry stressed d_ Write the opposite adjective. Tgood tal 2 expensive 5 empty 3 dirty PRONUNCIATION a different sound, B em day my nice 3 Ju) watches boxes files glasses 40 Japan German good _ page 5 gs dangerous stamps bad_—_ laptop. b Underline the stressed syllable. 1 alddress 2 Itally 3 ex\pen|sive 4 newsipalper 5 thirteen CAN YOU UNDERSTAND THIS TEXT? a. Read thearticle once, Do you know any more words, that are British English, not American English? ‘American and British English— the same, but different ‘American and British people speak the same language English, but with come small differences, VOCABULARY B Some words are different in British English, forexample, British neople say postende, nat zip cade, holiday, not vacation, and mobile phone, not cell phone. Some words have different ‘meanings, for example in American Enalish, a purse tsa woman's bag. In British English, a purse isa small thing (like a wallet) where women have thelr money and credit cards, SPELLING (Color Javor, and other words that end in -or i American. English end with -ourin British English, e.g, colour, favour. Center, theater, and other words that end in “ter in American English end with -tre in British English, e.., centre, theatre. GRAMMAR British grammar ie very similar to American grammar, but with some small differences, especially prepositions, For example, British people say See you on Friday, but ‘Americans say See you Friday. PRONUNCIATION The most important difference between American and British English is pronunciation. American accents and British accents are very different, and when a British person starts speaking, American people know he or she is British, and vice versa, } Lookat the highlighted wordsin the textand guess their meaning, © Read the article again. Mark the sentences T (true) or F (false). 1 American English and British English are very different. 2 Holiday and postcode are the same in British and American English 3 Purse has different meanings in American and British English. 4. Neighbor is British spelling 5 British and American grammar are not very different. 6 It’s difficult to know from their accent ifa person is British or American. @¢ CAN YOU UNDERSTAND THESE PEOPLE? 174) Onthe street Watch ot listen to five people and answer the questions. he ) of England, a Jenna b Jeana ¢ Jeanna 2 Andy's from Newcastle in the a northeast. b northwest ¢ southeast 3 Davidis a Canadian b French ¢ Spanish 4 Hernameis Seer 5 Tiffanyis a German b Brazilian ¢ Russian 1 Hernameis Biase CAN YOU SAY THIS IN ENGLISH? Do the tasks with a partner. Check (7) the box if you cando them, Canyou...? {| count rom 0-20 | count from 20-100 (20, 30, ete) ] say the days of the week. introduce yourself and another person 1 2 2 4 [_] give three instructions: twol]and one E] 5 6 [7] answer the questions below + What's your first name/ last name? + How do you spell it? ‘+ Where are you from? [A Setnvl lye ox anes [PBS rctcrandenoy the move

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