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Standard Operation Procedure Vol. 1.

Returns due to dealer mistakes Page 1/3

1. Basic Information
Process ID Process Path

- Parts Operations
- Sales / Materials
- Returns due to dealer mistakes

2. Approval
Writer Manager Coordinator

Name Bruno Lima Wilton Garcia Bruno Lima

Date 30/09/2020

3. History
Revision Comment Writer Date

1.0 Initial Draft Bruno Lima 30/09/2020

4. Overview

In 2019 HQ audit forbid the dealers returns due to mistakes in purchases. The main cause
that was indicated as nonconformity, was the operational cost that was not being refunded to
Mobis during the return process. This decision, caused impact at the dealeship that since
then are constantly complaining about the lack of possibility of returning parts.
Standard Operation Procedure Vol. 1.0

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5. Scope

Acceptance of a new procedure to ensure the Mobis reimbursement of the operational cost
(20% of the goods value), and no impact at the inventory.

6. Role & Responsibility

In-charge Role & Responsibility

Check in the system the claims about this demanda, evaluate if the claim is ok
Quality or not, inform material team about the demand and make the final inspection
of the goods.

Analyze the claims to check if it is possible to receive the goods without

impacting in the inventory.

Make the communication between Mobis internal teams and dealer through
the process, issue the debit invoice Dealer have to pay the freight back to RDC.

Finance Create the billing document and confirm the payment receipt to sales team.

7. Related Documents
Standard Operation Procedure Vol. 1.0

Returns due to dealer mistakes Page 3/3

8. Process diagram & description

№ Activity Responsibility Tools Details

Dealer will insert the Claim at DPOS - DP27 - Reason "I:Return" - So

1 Claim Insert Dealer DPOS
insert all evidences (e-mails / photos / order service etc - DP28
Quality team will check the the open claims for Reason "I:Return" -
2 Claims Check Quality DPOS /EMAIL check the necessary information, if it is all right - will comunicate
material team about the demand.
Material team will check the inventory and the planning about the
part number of the claim, in order to avoid any kind of possible
3 Inventory impact analysis Material negative impact to Mobis. If the good atend to Mobis Demand the
process go on next step with sales team, if not it is denied, quality
team will be warned.
Sales team will issue the debit note and inform the Finance team
Debit Note Emission / about the document, for setting the bank process. After that will
4 Sales / Finance Email / AMOS
Billing document send to dealer the debit note about the 20% of the invoice value to
charge the dealer about the operational cost involved.
5 Debit Note payment Dealer Bank system Dealer pays the document
6 Payment confirmation Finance Email Finance team warns sales team about the payment
Sales team will inform the dealer that the payment process is ok -
Goods return
7 Sales Email and they are able to schedule the return accordint to the logistic
timetable (freight back under dealer responsability)
Quality team will do the phisical check at the goods. If the they are
8 Goods return MBR Quality AMOS
not ok, they will be refused and will return to dealer


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