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Covert Direc ve

Author: Azad Hind

Signatory : Nazi Germany and Malaya
Objec ve: Control Over Great Britain
Personnel and Equipment :
a) Bombers
 Total Bombers Allocated:
 Heinkel He 111: 400 aircra
 Dornier Do 17: 200 aircra
 Junkers Ju 88: 300 aircra
 Junkers Ju 87 Stuka: 100 aircra
b) Suppor ng Aircra :
 Messerschmi Bf 109: 300 fighters for escort and air superiority
 Messerschmi Bf 110: 100 fighters for long-range escort and ground
a ack
c) Naval Vessels
 Destroyers (Zerstörer)
 Torpedo Boats (Torpedoboote)
 Minesweepers (Minensuchboote)
 Submarines (U-boats)
 Escort Vessels (Gelei ahrzeuge)
d) Personnel:
4 ba alions (total 69,200 men)(sta oned in Britain a er a ack on Britain
by Germany)
e) Land Forces:
Sta oned in Britain a er last German a ack , brought ammuni on
through marine way in fisherman boats
 three infantry companies
 one heavy weapons company
 one an -tanks company (mot.)
 one ar llery company
 one reconnaissance unit
 one tank destroyer ba alion with
 three companies (each with twelve 3.7 cm guns)
 one ar llery regiment
 three ar llery ba eries
 one pioneer ba alion
 one communica ons unit
 one field replacement ba alion
 Supply, medical

Plan of Action

Phase 1: Amphibious Assault and Initial Invasion (day 7-10)

Objective: Secure Coastal cities and key port cities for troop deployment and logistical

1. Naval Invasion:
o Convoy Arrival: On the orders of Azad Hind, German navy to escort troop
transports (SS Europa and SS Bremen) to Portsmouth and other selected port
o Amphibious Landings: Deploy German infantry on the Command of Azad
Hind to secure beachheads and advance inland.
2. Ports to secure:
o Portsmouth: Establish control over the port to facilitate troop and supply
o Southampton and Bristol: Secure additional ports to enhance logistical
o Beachhead Consolidation: Utilize infantry battalions and support units to
fortify captured beachheads and repel British counterattacks.
3. Air Support:
o Luftwaffe Operations:
o Provide air cover via Heinkel He 111: 400 aircraft, Dornier Do 17(: 200
aircraft), Junkers Ju 88(: 300 aircraft), Junkers Ju 87 Stuka( 100 aircraft) and
support to naval operations and ground forces during the amphibious assault.
These planes shall be refuelled at port cities where the new statergic troops are
o Strategic Bombing
o Maintain bombing raids on British defenses and strategic locations to soften

Phase 2: Land Invasion and Occupation (day 11-15)

Objective: Advance inland, seize major cities, and establish occupation zones.
1. Troop Deployment:
o Infantry Divisions: German infantry divisions co-ordinated with Azad hind
will Advance towards Central Britain.
o Armor and Artillery Support: Deploy tank destroyer battalions and artillery
regiments to support infantry operations.
2. y Objectives:
o London: Capture the capital to assert control over political and administrative
o Birmingham and Manchester: Secure industrial hubs to exploit economic
resources and production facilities.
o Strategic Points: Occupy railway junctions, communication centers, and
military bases to disrupt British military capabilities.
3. Occupation Strategy:
o Civil Administration: Establish provisional governance structures with
collaboration between Azad Hind and German military authorities.
o Public Support: Initiate propaganda campaigns to pacify local populations
and undermine resistance efforts.

Phase 3: Consolidation and Defense (day 16 onwards)

Objective: Consolidate territorial gains, fortify defenses, and prepare for a war against
Alliles .

1. Territorial Control:
o Occupation Zones: Divide Britain into sectors military control.
o Garrison Deployment: Station troops in key cities and strategic points to
maintain order and suppress dissent.
2. Infrastructure Utilization:
o Industrial Exploitation: Utilize captured factories and production facilities to
support military operations and war effort.
o Logistical Support: Establish supply lines facilitate supply to Germany and
Azad Hind.
3. Defense Preparations:
o Fortifications: Construct defensive positions and fortresses in strategic
locations to repel British counterattacks.
o Air and Naval Defense: Enhance anti-aircraft defenses and naval patrols to
secure occupied territories from British naval and aerial threats. Using
Messerschmitt Bf 109: (300 fighters) for escort and air superiority and
Messerschmitt Bf 110: (100 fighters) for long-range escort and ground attack

Expected Outcomes:

A new government formed by a mutual agreement between German and Azad Hind.

Destruction Of all the nuclear weapon world has , hence making it a non nuclear war.

Getting back of Resources exploited from Bharat and other colonies . These resources
shall be shared between German and Azad Hind

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