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Br J Sports Med: first published as 10.1136/bjsports-2021-104861 on 16 December 2021. Downloaded from http://bjsm.bmj.

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Knee extensor muscle weakness is a risk factor for the

development of knee osteoarthritis: an updated
systematic review and meta-­analysis including 46 819
men and women
Britt Elin Øiestad ‍ ‍,1 Carsten B Juhl ‍ ‍,2,3 Adam G Culvenor ‍ ‍,4 Bjørnar Berg ‍ ‍,5
Jonas Bloch Thorlund ‍ ‍3,6

► Additional supplemental ABSTRACT there is an urgent need for more knowledge on

material is published online Objective To update a systematic review on the preventive strategies, particularly low-­ cost inter-
only. To view, please visit the
journal online (http://d​ x.​doi.​ association between knee extensor muscle weakness ventions targeting modifiable risk factors.
org/1​ 0.​1136/​bjsports-​2021-​ and the risk of incident knee osteoarthritis in women and A possible modifiable risk factor is knee extensor
104861). men. muscle weakness.5 Increasing knee extensor
Design Systematic review and meta-­analysis. strength has for many years been an important
For numbered affiliations see treatment target in patients with knee osteoarthritis.
Data sources Systematic searches in PubMed,
end of article.
EMBASE, SPORTDiscus, CINAHL, AMED and CENTRAL in The simplified theory underpinning the association
Correspondence to May 2021. between knee extensor muscle weakness and osteo-
Dr Britt Elin Øiestad, Eligible criteria for selecting studies Longitudinal arthritis is that muscles regulate joint loading and

PUC-PORTO ALEGRE. Protected by copyright.

Department of Physiotherapy, studies with at least 2 years follow-­up including motion; and with optimal joint loads critical to
Faculty of Health Sciences baseline measure of knee extensor muscle strength, maintenance of cartilage homeostasis weak muscles
before Oslo Metropolitan can increase susceptibility to degenerative joint
and follow-­up measure of symptomatic or radiographic
University, Oslo, Norway;
b​ rielo@​oslomet.n​ o knee osteoarthritis. Studies including participants with pathology and negatively influence knee health.6
known knee osteoarthritis at baseline were excluded. In 2015, we published a systematic review and
Accepted 29 November 2021 Risk of bias assessment was conducted using six criteria meta-­analysis of longitudinal studies investigating
Published Online First for study validity and bias. Grading of Recommendations the association between knee extensor muscle weak-
16 December 2021
Assessments, Development and Evaluation assessed ness and incident knee osteoarthritis.5 Five studies
overall quality of evidence. Meta-­analysis estimated the with 5707 participants indicated increased odds
OR for the association between knee extensor muscle of tibiofemoral osteoarthritis after 2.5–14 years
weakness and incident knee osteoarthritis. follow-­up in participants with knee extensor muscle
Results We included 11 studies with 46 819 weakness (OR 1.65, 95% CI 1.23 to 2.21). That
participants. Low quality evidence indicated that knee analysis of only five studies, did not differentiate
extensor muscle weakness increased the odds of between symptomatic and radiographic osteoar-
symptomatic knee osteoarthritis in women (OR 1.85, thritis, and did not include studies on patellofem-
95% CI 1.29 to 2.64) and in adult men (OR 1.43, 95% CI oral osteoarthritis, an emerging source of knee
1.14 to 1.78), and for radiographic knee osteoarthritis symptoms and disability. Further, there exists little
in women: OR 1.43 (95% CI 1.19 to 1.71) and in knowledge on the contribution of knee extensor
men: OR 1.39 (95% CI 1.07 to 1.82). No associations muscle weakness in subgroups at high risk for devel-
were identified for knee injured populations except for oping knee osteoarthritis, such as those following
radiographic osteoarthritis in men. traumatic knee injury.7
Discussion There is low quality evidence that knee The objective of this study was therefore to
extensor muscle weakness is associated with incident update our systematic review and meta-­ analysis
symptomatic and radiographic knee osteoarthritis in of the association between knee extensor muscle
women and men. Optimising knee extensor muscle weakness and the risk of incident symptomatic or
strength may help to prevent knee osteoarthritis. radiographic patellofemoral or tibiofemoral osteo-
PROSPERO registration number CRD42020214976. arthritis in women and men. The secondary objec-
tive was to review the evidence of knee extensor
muscle weakness as a risk factor for incident symp-
tomatic or radiographic patellofemoral or tibiofem-
INTRODUCTION oral osteoarthritis in subgroups with high risk of
Knee osteoarthritis is a leading cause of pain and knee osteoarthritis, such as following knee injury.
© Author(s) (or their
employer(s)) 2022. No disability in older adults1 2 and is associated with
commercial re-­use. See rights large healthcare and personal costs.3 With no cure, METHODS
and permissions. Published treatment for knee osteoarthritis consists of weight This systematic review was designed and conducted
by BMJ. control, physical activity, structured exercise and according to the Cochrane Handbook.8 The
To cite: Øiestad BE, analgesics.4 Joint replacement is recommended reporting followed the Preferred Reporting Items
Juhl CB, Culvenor AG, for severe disease when non-­ pharmacological for Systematic Reviews and Meta-­analyses guide-
et al. Br J Sports Med approaches have proven unsuccessful.2 Due to the line9 (online supplemental appendix I) and was
2022;56:349–355. individual and societal burden of knee osteoarthritis, prospectively registered.

Øiestad BE, et al. Br J Sports Med 2022;56:349–355. doi:10.1136/bjsports-2021-104861    1 of 8

Br J Sports Med: first published as 10.1136/bjsports-2021-104861 on 16 December 2021. Downloaded from on March 18, 2022 at Periodicals Publicacoes Tecnicas For:
Literature search and study selection Discrepancies between the two reviewers were resolved by
The search strategy for the current updated review was devel- consensus. The operationalisation of the tool is shown in online
oped in 2015 for our original systematic review.5 At that time in supplemental appendix III.
2015, we consulted a librarian scientist and adapted the search
strategy based on her feedback. Systematic searches with no Quality of evidence
constraints on date of publication or language were conducted We used the Grading of Recommendations Assessments, Devel-
in December 2020 in SPORTDiscus and CENTRAL, and in opment and Evaluation (GRADE) to assess the overall quality
January 2021 in EMBASE, CINAHL, AMED and PubMed by of the evidence.13 The GRADE approach was adapted to prog-
two authors (CBJ and BEØ). Searches were updated in May nostic research according to Huguet et al.14 GRADE rates the
2021 (search strategy in online supplemental appendix II). Two quality of evidence as high, moderate, low or very low. The
authors (BEØ and BB) independently screened all publications overall evidence is downgraded based on the following domain:
by title and abstract, and full text as required, using the Rayyan early phase of investigation, study limitations, inconsistency,
application10 and disagreements were resolved by consensus. indirectness, imprecision and publication bias. Two authors
Reference lists of included articles were reviewed and checked independently assessed the quality of evidence before consensus
for potentially eligible studies. Citation tracking on included was reached (BEØ and CBJ).
studies was performed in Web of Science by one author (CBJ).
Data extraction and synthesis
Eligibility criteria The following data were extracted from each of the studies:
Prospective and retrospective cohort studies and randomised number of participants at baseline and follow-­up, participant
controlled trials with at least 2 years follow-­up were eligible for characteristics (sex and age), sample characteristics (population
inclusion. To be included, studies had to: (1) assess knee extensor source, country of origin), definition of knee osteoarthritis and
muscle strength at baseline; and (2) assess structural (eg, tibiofem- follow-­up years. Data from analyses of the association between
oral or patellofemoral joint with X-­rays or MRI) or symptomatic knee extensor muscle strength (in this paper referred to as knee

PUC-PORTO ALEGRE. Protected by copyright.

knee osteoarthritis (eg, self-­reported knee osteoarthritis defined extensor muscle weakness) and symptomatic and/or radiographic
by a healthcare provider or by using a self-­reported score) at tibiofemoral and/or patellofemoral osteoarthritis were extracted
follow-­up. Exclusion criteria were studies including participants from each study and for women and men separately wherever
with known symptomatic or radiographic knee osteoarthritis possible, by one author (CBJ). In studies with data from the same
at baseline, studies of rheumatological diseases other than knee cohorts, data were extracted from the study with the largest
osteoarthritis and studies not reported in English or Scandina- sample. Most studies presented their results in ORs, however,
vian languages. some presented the reduced OR of osteoarthritis in partici-
pants with high muscle strength compared with the ones with
Risk of bias weak and these estimates were then reversed. Two studies15 16
Risk of bias was assessed using the questions adapted from presented the muscle strength for the group developing osteoar-
Quality In Prognosis Studies (QUIPS) tool by Hayden et al11 thritis and group not developing osteoarthritis. Based on these
covering six criteria for study validity and bias: study participa- results, the standardised mean differences and SE were estimated
tion, study attrition, risk factor measurement, outcome measure- and later transformed to lnOR and SE lnOR using the formula
ment, confounding measurement and analysis. We modified the from Chinn presented in the Cochrane Handbook.
wording of the questions to ‘risk factor’ instead of ‘prognostic A meta-­analysis was applied based on the lnORs of the asso-
factor’. Two authors independently reviewed risk of bias of each ciation between knee extensor muscle weakness and symptom-
study (BEØ and AGC or JBT, and AGC and JBT for one paper12). atic and radiographic knee osteoarthritis in women and men

Figure 1 PRISMA Flow diagram of study selection.

2 of 8 Øiestad BE, et al. Br J Sports Med 2022;56:349–355. doi:10.1136/bjsports-2021-104861

Br J Sports Med: first published as 10.1136/bjsports-2021-104861 on 16 December 2021. Downloaded from on March 18, 2022 at Periodicals Publicacoes Tecnicas For:

Table 1 Characteristics of included studies (n=11)

Number of
subjects assessed Number (%) Definition of Definition of knee extensor Mean follow-­
First author and total cohort women Age* (SD) Sample characteristics osteoarthritis strength† up years
Culvenor et al26 372/4796 208 (56) 61 (9) Participants from OAI in USA Radiographic Isometric (N) 4
(osteophyte+OARSI atlas
JSN ≥1)
Ericsson et al27 34/45 11 (32) 57 (range 50–61) Participants from an exercise Radiographic (K&L ≥2) Isokinetic concentric peak torque 11
trial post-­meniscectomy in (N m/kg*100)
Hootman et 3081/5614 659 (21) 47 (10) Population-­based cohort with Self-­reported by physician Isokinetic concentric peak torque 14.4
al28 no previous knee injury in USA ((kg/m)/BW)
Keays et al29 56/113 17 (30) 27 (5) ACL reconstructed in Australia Radiographic (K&L ≥1) Isokinetic strength index of 6
contralateral knee
Øiestad et al12 164/210 71 (43) 27 (9) ACL reconstructed in Norway Symptomatic radiographic Isokinetic concentric total 12.1
(pain last month+K&L ≥2) work (J)
Segal et al23 1617/3026 937 (58) 61 (8) Participants from MOST in USA Symptomatic (pain, aching Isokinetic concentric peak torque 2.5
or stiffness last month+K&L (N m)
Slemenda et 280/462 141 (20) 71 (5) Community-­dwelling elderly Radiographic (K&L ≥2) Isokinetic concentric peak torque 2.5
al15 participants from USA (Pound-­foot)
Takagi et al31 491/517 282 (57) 65 (10) Participants from a population-­ Radiographic (K&L ≥2) Isometric 20° flexion (kg-­force) 6
based cohort Japan
Thorlund et al32 531/3026 291 (55) 62 (7) Participants with meniscal Symptomatic (pain, aching Isokinetic concentric peak torque 7
pathology from MOST in USA or stiffness last month+K&L (N m*kg−−0.74)

PUC-PORTO ALEGRE. Protected by copyright.

Turkiewicz 40 117/41 886 0 (0) 18 Participants were men who First record of knee Isometric (Newtons*shank 22.8
et al19 underwent a mandatory military osteoarthritis registered in length (m))
conscription examination in inpatient or specialist care
1969–1970 from Sweden between 1987 and 2010
Wellsandt et 76/142 27 (36) 29 (11) ACL injured participants from Radiographic (K&L ≥2) Limb symmetry index of maximal 5
al16 USA voluntary isometric contraction
*Mean age at baseline.
†All studies tested knee extensor strength using isokinetic equipment.
ACL, Anterior cruciate ligament ; BW, body weight; J, Joules; JSN, joint space narrowing; kg, kilograms; K&L, Kellgren and Lawrence classification system; MOST, Multicenter Osteoarthritis Study; N
m, Newton meter; OAI, Osteoarthritis Initiative; OARSI, Osteoarthritis Research Society International.

and the results were transformed to OR. A random effect model Risk of bias and overall evidence
(restricted maximum likelihood, REML) was applied due to Most studies (8/11) were judged to have high risk of attri-
expected heterogeneity based on difference in assessment of tion bias, whereas most studies had low risk of bias related to
knee extensor muscle weakness and symptomatic and radio- analyses, risk factor measurement, outcome measurement and
graphic knee osteoarthritis. Heterogeneity was assessed with confounding factor measurement (online supplemental file IV).
a standard Q-­test and calculated as the I2 statistic17 measuring The overall quality of evidence of the estimates was rated as low.
the proportion of variation (ie, inconsistency) in the combined Evidence was downgraded based on study limitations, phase of
estimates due to between-­study heterogeneity.18 The between-­ investigation (observational studies) and indirectness (online
study variance tau-­ square was estimated. Subgroup analyses supplemental file V). The quality of evidence of the estimates
were performed for knee injured populations. Finally, because from the studies of knee injured was downgraded due to impre-
one of the eligible studies included a large homogenous popula- cision (small sample sizes with few cases of knee osteoarthritis)
tion that was very different to all other studies (ie, 18-­year-­old and thus rated as very low-­quality evidence.
healthy male conscripts),19 we treated this study separately in
The association between knee extensor muscle weakness and
RESULTS knee osteoarthritis
The searches yielded a total of 1101 studies (after removing Low quality evidence based on three studies indicated that knee
duplicates). After full-­text review of 16 studies, 10 were iden- extensor muscle weakness was associated with incident symp-
tified as being eligible. The six studies excluded at full-­ text tomatic osteoarthritis for both women (OR 1.85, 95% CI 1.29
review investigated osteoarthritis progression (ie, participants to 2.64) and men (OR 1.43, 95% CI 1.14 to 1.78) (figure 2).
with osteoarthritis included at baseline),20–22 examined the same All three studies adjusted for age and body mass index (BMI)
study sample as another included study23 24 or defined osteo- and other potential confounding factors. One study included
arthritis arthroscopically25 (figure 1). With the addition of one 18-­year-­old male conscripts with 23 years of follow-­up,19 and
extra study identified from reference list screening,16 the final showed that knee extensor weakness was inversely associated
number of included studies was 11,5 15 19 26–32 consisting of a with symptomatic osteoarthritis: unadjusted OR 0.66 (95% CI
total of 46 819 participants. Two studies included participants 0.59 to 0.74). Low quality of evidence based on seven studies
from the Multicenter Osteoarthritis (MOST) study,30 32 one revealed an association between knee extensor muscle weakness
assessed participants with meniscal pathology only, and was thus and radiographic tibiofemoral osteoarthritis in both women:
included in the subgroup analysis of knee injured populations OR 1.43 (95% CI 1.19 to 1.71) and men: OR 1.39 (95% CI
only.32 Study characteristics are presented in table 1. 1.07 to 1.82) (figure 3). Six of these seven studies adjusted for

Øiestad BE, et al. Br J Sports Med 2022;56:349–355. doi:10.1136/bjsports-2021-104861 3 of 8

Br J Sports Med: first published as 10.1136/bjsports-2021-104861 on 16 December 2021. Downloaded from on March 18, 2022 at Periodicals Publicacoes Tecnicas For:

PUC-PORTO ALEGRE. Protected by copyright.

Figure 2 Association between muscle weakness and symptomatic knee osteoarthritis. REML, restricted maximum likelihood.

possible confounding factors (eg, age, BMI, activity level). One a somewhat stronger association between knee extensor muscle
study assessed radiographic patellofemoral osteoarthritis29 and weakness and incident knee osteoarthritis (OR 1.65, 95% CI
reported no association between musculoskeletal factors (of 1.23 to 2.21), however, those results included a mix of symp-
which knee extensor muscle weakness was one) and patellofem- tomatic and radiographic osteoarthritis. The inclusion of addi-
oral radiographic osteoarthritis, however, no data specifically tional studies published since 2015 continues to support the
related to knee extensor weakness were provided. importance of knee extensor muscle weakness as a potential risk
factor for incident knee osteoarthritis.
The association between muscle weakness and knee The current meta-­ analysis showed an association between
osteoarthritis following knee injury knee extensor muscle weakness and risk of incident symp-
Very low quality evidence based on results from two studies of tomatic and radiographic knee osteoarthritis for both women
knee injured populations showed no association between knee and men. Despite the growing awareness of the importance of
extensor muscle weakness and incident symptomatic osteoar- muscle strength in preventing osteoarthritis, relatively few new
thritis (OR 1.20, 95% CI 0.85 to 1.71) (figure 4).12 32 Corre- studies assessed the relationship between knee extensor muscle
spondingly, very low quality evidence based on three studies weakness and knee osteoarthritis since 2015, likely owing to
showed no association between knee extensor muscle weak- the challenges of lengthy follow-­ups required for monitoring
ness and radiographic osteoarthritis (OR 1.08, 95% CI 0.87 radiographic knee osteoarthritis development. One new study
to 1.33).16 27 29 An association between knee extensor muscle we included assessed more than 40 000 male conscripts aged
weakness and incident radiographic osteoarthritis was observed 18 years,19 which showed a protective effect of low quadriceps
in men (OR 1.42, 95% CI 1.01 to 2.00), but not in women (OR strength for incident knee osteoarthritis (OR 0.66, 95% CI 0.59
0.72, 95% CI 0.25 to 2.06) (figure 5). Two of the studies were to 0.74), and due to its size, it had considerable influence on
adjusted for possible confounding factors (ie, age, previous the overall pooled result. This study differed from the remaining
injury or surgery). studies in several ways, which are important to highlight. First,
participants were much younger than any other included sample.
DISCUSSION Second, the follow-­up time was 23 years—more than 8 years
In this update of our systematic review, we included six new longer than any other study. Third, participants had on average
studies in addition to the five studies included in our previous high baseline muscle strength—men in the lowest strength quar-
review.5 The findings highlight that there is low quality evidence tile had a mean strength of 177 N m (SD 21). This is much higher
that knee extensor muscle weakness increases the odds of both than normative data for young men aged 20–29 years (estimated
symptomatic and radiographic knee osteoarthritis by around at approximately 107 N m after converting from N using the
30%. This relationship appears to be more pronounced in formula: Strength in N*(shank length*body length).33 They
women than men. These findings extend our previous systematic reported a mean isometric knee extensor strength of 242 N, and
review and meta-­analysis published in 2015,5 where we reported applying the formula used in Turkiewicz19 to calculate N m, this

4 of 8 Øiestad BE, et al. Br J Sports Med 2022;56:349–355. doi:10.1136/bjsports-2021-104861

Br J Sports Med: first published as 10.1136/bjsports-2021-104861 on 16 December 2021. Downloaded from on March 18, 2022 at Periodicals Publicacoes Tecnicas For:

PUC-PORTO ALEGRE. Protected by copyright.

Figure 3 Association between muscle weakness and radiographic knee osteoarthritis. REML, restricted maximum likelihood.

would for a male of 1.80 m tall correspond to a mean of 107 N A challenge of combining the included studies is the different
m (eg, 242 N*(0.246*1.80 m)=107 N m). Consequently, the methods used to define knee osteoarthritis. Five studies included
study sample of young men may have been too strong to detect symptomatic knee osteoarthritis, and five included radiographic
a relationship with knee osteoarthritis. Given that some authors knee osteoarthritis. Moderate inter-­ rater reliability results have
have speculated that a certain threshold of strength is required been found for the Kellgren and Lawrence classification system,34 35
to maintain knee joint health,26 it is plausible that all young increasing the risk of misclassifications when defining participants
male conscripts surpass such a threshold. Conscripts undergo a with or without osteoarthritis, in particularly for cases in the tran-
selection process and are likely healthier and more active than sition between early (grade 1) and definite (grade 2) osteoarthritis.
population-­based cohorts, or those with a history of knee injury The importance of knee extensor strength for osteoarthritis
or other risk factors, such as those included in the Osteoarthritis outcomes identified in the current review is supported by our other
Initiative and MOST cohorts. recent systematic review evaluating knee osteoarthritis progres-
Five of the 11 studies investigated individuals with either ACL sion and functional decline.36 From the 15 included studies in
injury or meniscal pathology. No elevated overall odds of devel- that review, an association between knee extensor weakness and
oping symptomatic or radiographic osteoarthritis was found, symptomatic and functional decline was identified, particularly
but men with knee extensor muscle weakness had higher odds in women, whereas no relationship was observed between knee
of developing radiographic osteoarthritis. In general, the indi- extensor muscle weakness and radiographic tibiofemoral joint space
vidual studies showed wide CIs, indicating imprecise estimates. narrowing. Furthermore, we found inconclusive and conflicting
Furthermore, the case numbers were low both in the study evidence for knee extensor muscle weakness increasing the risk
including meniscal pathology32 and the studies of ACL injured of patellofemoral structural deterioration and functional decline.
participants.16 29 Consequently, we need high quality studies Symptoms and functional decline are important consequences of
assessing knee extensor strength over several years after injury to knee osteoarthritis, yet they are not always closely related to struc-
increase the knowledge on a possible protective effect of quad- tural changes.37 The best available evidence suggests that knee
riceps strength. extensor strengthening exercises should be implemented in patients

Øiestad BE, et al. Br J Sports Med 2022;56:349–355. doi:10.1136/bjsports-2021-104861 5 of 8

Br J Sports Med: first published as 10.1136/bjsports-2021-104861 on 16 December 2021. Downloaded from on March 18, 2022 at Periodicals Publicacoes Tecnicas For:

Figure 4 Association between muscle weakness and symptomatic knee osteoarthritis in knee injured individuals. REML, restricted maximum

PUC-PORTO ALEGRE. Protected by copyright.

with early signs of functional decline, which may be most important symptomatic knee osteoarthritis, and for functional deterioration
in women. Although we did not grade the level of evidence in over time. Although we found an association between knee extensor
our previous review, and the current review showed low and very muscle weakness and incident symptomatic and radiographic knee
low quality of evidence, results of these reviews together indicate osteoarthritis, the therapeutic benefit and preventive effect of
that women with weak knee extensors are likely most at risk of strengthening knee extensor muscles to prevent osteoarthritis has

Figure 5 Association between muscle weakness and radiographic knee osteoarthritis in knee injured individuals. REML, restricted maximum

6 of 8 Øiestad BE, et al. Br J Sports Med 2022;56:349–355. doi:10.1136/bjsports-2021-104861

Br J Sports Med: first published as 10.1136/bjsports-2021-104861 on 16 December 2021. Downloaded from on March 18, 2022 at Periodicals Publicacoes Tecnicas For:
not yet been established. No clinical trial has been able to determine for physical activity and health across the world, not only as a self-­
that an intervention for muscle strengthening can prevent symptom- management target for people with knee pain (well-­established effect
atic and/or radiographic knee osteoarthritis. Nevertheless, current size for lower-­limb strengthening intervention on reducing pain is
best available evidence indicates that achieving and maintaining 0.538), but also because of the potential protective effect on knee
optimal knee extensor muscle strength is likely to be important for osteoarthritis development. This recommendation should be seen in
longer-­term knee joint health and symptoms. the light of the fact that exercise is a low-­cost intervention, especially
if implemented as part of self-­management, and exercise has a low
Strengths and limitations risk of adverse events.39 Future clinical trials need to confirm the
There are several limitations that need to be acknowledged. First, protective effect of strengthening exercises on development of knee
there was considerable heterogeneity in the included studies. For osteoarthritis.
example, there were differences in study populations, knee osteo-
arthritis definitions, knee extensor muscle weakness assessment
methods and reporting of results. Although the study populations
In this updated systematic review and meta-­analysis including 11
varied, our results likely apply across different populations as
studies with 46 819 individuals, we found low level evidence that
different population-­based samples from various parts of the world
knee extensor muscle weakness was associated with symptomatic
were included (ie, five studies included population-­based partici-
and radiographic knee osteoarthritis at least 2 years later in both
pants, five studies involved previously knee injured participants, one
women and men. More studies are needed to provide valid estimates
study included male military participants). The risk of bias assess-
for specific subgroups, such as patients with previous knee injury
ment showed that most studies had high risk of bias for study attri-
or obesity. Best-­evidence suggests that strengthening knee extensor
tion. Consequently, data from participants that remained in the study
muscles will help reduce the risk of developing knee osteoarthritis,
may not accurately represent data from the total sample. Further-
but clinical trial evidence is required to confirm this.
more, the GRADE approach showed low and very low quality of
evidence for these results. This indicates that even though the anal-
Author affiliations
yses revealed associations between knee extensor weakness and inci-

PUC-PORTO ALEGRE. Protected by copyright.

Department of Physiotherapy, Faculty of Health Sciences, Oslo Metropolitan
dent knee osteoarthritis, there is uncertainty in the results. University, Oslo, Norway
This study has some deviations from the PROSPERO protocol: Department of Physiotherapy and Occupational Theray, Copenhagen University
we were able to perform a priori defined subgroup analyses for Hospital, Herlev and Gentofte, Denmark
Research Unit for Musculoskeletal Function and Physiotherapy, Department of
populations with knee injury. However, due to few studies and lack Sports Science and Clinical Biomechanics, University of Southern Denmark, Odense,
of data, subgroup analyses could not be performed for overweight Denmark
or obese, malalignment and activity level. We changed from the Risk 4
La Trobe Sport and Exercise Medicine Research Centre, La Trobe University School of
of Bias In Non-­randomised Studies (ROBINS)-­I tool as developed Allied Health Human Services and Sport, Bundoora, Victoria, Australia
by Cochrane for non-­randomised intervention studies, to the QUIPS Division of Orthopaedic Surgery, Oslo University Hospital, Oslo, Norway
Research Unit for General Practice, Department of Public Health, University of
tool because that tool was developed for assessing methodological Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark
quality of cohort studies.
Correction notice This article has been corrected since it published Online First.
Implications The supplementary file has been updated.
Despite only low quality evidence linking knee extensor muscle Twitter Britt Elin Øiestad @Britt_Elin and Jonas Bloch Thorlund @jbthorlund
weakness and incident knee osteoarthritis, knee extensor strength-
Contributors All authors have contributed to the idea of the paper, the
ening exercises should be highlighted in public recommendations interpretation of the analyses and results, and drafting the manuscript. All authors
have approved the last version of the manuscript.
Funding The authors have not declared a specific grant for this research from any
What is already known funding agency in the public, commercial or not-­for-­profit sectors.
Competing interests None declared.
► Knee osteoarthritis is a leading cause of global disability Patient consent for publication Not applicable.
and occurs at an alarming rate in young adults who suffer a
Ethics approval This study does not involve human participants.
traumatic knee injury.
► Knee extensor muscle weakness may increase the risk for Provenance and peer review Not commissioned; externally peer reviewed.
incident knee osteoarthritis. Supplemental material This content has been supplied by the author(s). It
has not been vetted by BMJ Publishing Group Limited (BMJ) and may not have
been peer-­reviewed. Any opinions or recommendations discussed are solely those
of the author(s) and are not endorsed by BMJ. BMJ disclaims all liability and
What are the new findings responsibility arising from any reliance placed on the content. Where the content
includes any translated material, BMJ does not warrant the accuracy and reliability
of the translations (including but not limited to local regulations, clinical guidelines,
► Low quality evidence indicates that individuals with knee terminology, drug names and drug dosages), and is not responsible for any error
extensor muscle weakness have higher odds for both and/or omissions arising from translation and adaptation or otherwise.
symptomatic and radiographic knee osteoarthritis.
► Low quality evidence indicates that no association exists
Britt Elin Øiestad
between knee extensor muscle weakness and symptomatic Carsten B Juhl
and radiographic tibiofemoral osteoarthritis in women with a Adam G Culvenor
previous knee injury. Bjørnar Berg
► In men with a previous knee injury, low quality evidence Jonas Bloch Thorlund
indicates that knee extensor muscle weakness is associated REFERENCES
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