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Assessment of the Relationship Between Protocol Adherence, Study

Complexity and Personnel in Surgical Clinical Trials

Article in Therapeutic Innovation and Regulatory Science · March 2023

DOI: 10.1007/s43441-023-00506-4


1 78

4 authors, including:

Ogheneyoma Akpoviroro Myriam Castagne

Geisinger Health System Boston University


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Therapeutic Innovation & Regulatory Science


Assessment of the Relationship Between Protocol Adherence, Study

Complexity and Personnel in Surgical Clinical Trials
O. Akpoviroro1 · M. Castagne‑Charlotin1 · N. P. Joyce1 · M. A. Malikova1

Received: 10 November 2022 / Accepted: 24 February 2023

© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to The Drug Information Association, Inc 2023

Background In order to improve quality and efficiency of surgical trials, we assessed protocols complexity and examined
whether it influenced the conduct, as measured by the number and types of deviations that occurred during the execution
phase. Knowledge of these facts and performance of research team would allow to effectively mitigate the occurrence of
Methods Thirty-five research protocols were rated according to a previously established complexity scoring model. Statisti-
cal analyses were performed to examine associations between protocol complexity, number of protocol/informed consent
amendments vs. number/types of protocol deviations; as well as correlations with phase of the study, type of investigational
product, personnel changes/experience level were assessed.
Results Assessment of complexity score in Pearson’s correlation test with the number of protocol deviations showed weak
correlation, suggesting that other factors can influence protocol adherence. There was no correlation observed between
number of deviations and type of study by investigational product category. In examining association between protocol
deviations and number of subjects enrolled a trend was observed towards increased number of deviations once more subjects
have entered the study. The higher number of protocol deviations was associated with increased number of protocol amend-
ments (p = 0.0396), and there was no statistical significance observed between number of deviations and informed consent
amendments (p = 0.5083). There was a moderate correlation detected between increased number of protocol deviations and
total number of investigators on the study.
Conclusion Protocol adherence can be improved with effective training and retention of research coordinators, investiga-
tors and frequent internal auditing to address discrepancies and effectively implement corrective actions. Upfront training
of research personnel, with subsequent monitoring of performance metrics throughout the execution phase can reduce the
total number of protocol deviations, ensure data integrity and improve quality of research conducted. Engagement of all
stakeholders upfront, including clinical site personnel, can help develop well-designed clinical trial protocol, avoid time
consuming and costly protocol and informed consent amendments at execution phase and ensure higher quality of research
conducted, while allowing to meet objectives of the trial in a more efficient manner.

Keywords Protocol complexity · Protocol adherence · Study protocol amendments · Deviations management · Research
personnel training · Risk and change management


For several decades, one of the most frequently noted by

Food and Drug Administration (FDA) clinical trial enforce-
ment actions on FDA’s inspection observations 483 form
and warning letters have been failure to follow investiga-
* M. A. Malikova
mmalikov@bu.edu; Marina.Malikova@bmc.org tional plans and/or study protocols [1, 2]. Specifically, these
included lack of compliance with study protocol, manuals/
Department of Surgery, Chobanian and Avedisian School guidelines and/or standard operating procedures (SOPs)
of Medicine, Boston University, Boston Medical Center, 85 that have had or had a potential to severely impact subjects’
East Concord Street, Boston, MA 02118, USA

Therapeutic Innovation & Regulatory Science

safety, rights, or well-being, and/or negatively impact integ- Based on this scoring model, any single research study
rity of data collected and quality of conducted trials. The could potentially have a maximum complexity score of 22
increasing number of clinical trials and their complexity [9]. The study parameters according to this model included
make it challenging to detect clinical safety signals and the following: the number of study arms, complexity of the
quality issues in a timely manner [3, 4]. Studies assess- informed consent process, enrollment feasibility, complexity
ing protocol complexity have shown that more complex of subject registration and randomization, nature of investi-
research study protocols are associated with greater costs, gational product and complexity of its administration, length
both monetarily and also in terms of staff work and effort of the treatment phase, requirement for interdepartmental
[4–6]. Protocols with a greater complexity have also been coordination, complexity of data collection, duration of the
associated with poorer study outcomes, especially with follow-up phase, ancillary clinical tests, and ancillary ques-
regard to subject recruitment, retention, and the quality of tionnaires [9]. The study protocol was considered routine/
data subsequently collected [5, 6], and possibly, these studies standard, simple in design if complexity score, based on
were more dependent on staff productivity and efficiency of parameters described above, was ranked between 0 and 4;
research conducted [5, 6]. and moderate, if scores were 5–13. The study protocol was
Scientifically sound and well-designed clinical trial pro- ranked high in complexity, if complexity scores were deter-
tocol, with input provided upfront from all stakeholders, is mined to be between 13 and 22.
essential to meet objectives of the trial and ensure validity In total, all 35 study protocols for randomized clinical
and quality of research performed. trials conducted in the department of surgery during past
Based on our experiences in conducting clinical trials, 10 years were reviewed and scored; these protocols included
we hypothesized that more complex protocols would lead to studies from the following clinical areas: vascular/endovas-
a greater number of errors during the execution phase, and cular surgery, wound care/podiatry, trauma/critical care,
we planned to examine patterns of study protocol deviations bariatric and thoracic surgery. The phase of each study and
for their occurrence and type, as a measure of such errors. also the type of the investigational product were also noted.
Deviations are considered to be a measure of adherence Once complexity scores of the studies were determined, they
to study protocol [7, 8]. Therefore, it seems that studies with were further reviewed to determine the number and types
complex study protocol would be associated with a greater of deviations that occurred during the execution phase of
number of deviations, due to difficulties associated with each study. Statistical analyses were performed to determine
adhering to stringent protocol requirements and/or more the presence of any associations between protocol complex-
elaborate procedures at the execution phase, which leads to ity and the following factors: (1) the number and types of
more chances of introducing variability. protocol deviations, (2) the phase of the study, (3) the type
We sought not only to test this hypothesis, but also to of investigational product or procedure; and (4) change of
examine other factors which can contribute to the lack research personnel.
of study protocol adherence and lead to deviations; such In addition, an internal audit of these 35 prospective, ran-
as experience of research personnel, study protocol and domized, surgical clinical trials was performed. Adherence
informed consent amendments. We aimed to identify oppor- to study protocol and compliance with current regulatory
tunities by which deviations could possibly be mitigated in requirements was examined based on the rate of protocol
future studies. deviations within the context of study personnel changes
(e.g., investigators, study coordinators/research nurses). To
elucidate the major causes of protocol deviations in analyzed
Materials and Methods studies, each deviation was assigned to one of the following
categories as summarized in the Table 1.
Complexity of study protocols was assessed using a scor- Statistical analyses were performed to examine potential
ing model based on parameters previously developed by correlations between number of protocol deviations and the
our group [9]. This complexity model was built based on a following aspects: (1) study complexity, (2) number of sub-
10-tiered system of study parameters or factors, each with jects enrolled, (3) phase of clinical trial, (4) nature of inves-
a possible maximal complexity score of 2, increasing in tigational product (e.g., drugs–small molecule or biologic,
complexity from 0. A score of 0 is indicative of processes medical devices), (5) research personnel, and (6) number
and activities that are standard of care practices, a score of of informed consent and study protocol amendments. Spe-
1 is related to moderately complex processes, and a score cifically, the Pearson correlation coefficient (r) was used to
of 2 is associated with highly complex processes, such as examine relationship between variables. This statistical test
the requirement for study-specific training for handling and is the most common way of measuring a linear correlation
application of investigational product, or the use of drugs or [10]. It is a number between (r) = –1 and (r) = 1 that meas-
devices that are considered to have high-risk safety profiles. ures the strength and direction of the relationship between

Therapeutic Innovation & Regulatory Science

Table 1  Number of protocol Number of deviations in Number of deviations

deviations in drug/biologic and Category of protocol deviation drug/biologic clinical trials in device clinical trials
device clinical trials per each
category, which were used in Study visit out of window 70 111
the study protocol adherence
Missed study visit 20 113
Prohibited concomitant medication taken 2 3
Deviation related to the test article 17 8
Study procedure not performed or late completion 174 199
Eligibility criteria not met 49 25
Other 41 62
Total 373 521

two variables [10]. If Pearson correlation coefficient (r) = 0, demonstrated that the most common causes for protocol non-
there is no relationship between the variables and no correla- compliance in both drug and device studies were missed
tion. If it is between 0 and 1, there is a positive correlation visits, visits out of window, and study procedures not per-
observed, meaning when one variable changes, the other formed or performed late, which was consistent between
variable changes in the same direction. If this coefficient is different studies (Fig. 3). Closer assessment of the category
between 0 and –1, the correlation is negative, and when one “study procedures not performed or performed late” showed
variable changes, the other variable changes in the opposite that protocol deviations are most frequently associated with
direction. For instance, when Pearson correlation coefficient photography (e.g., assessing outcomes by capturing pho-
(r) > 0.5 strong positive correlation between examined vari- tos of the wounds procedural deviations and/or photos not
ables exists, if (r) is between 0.3 and 0.5—moderate; and taken), functioning of investigational drug or device ser-
between 0 and 0.3 positive correlation is observed [10, 11]. vices, laboratory testing, and other protocol required proce-
dures such as obtaining quality of life questionnaires.
We also used Wilcoxon rank-sum test to examine pro-
Results tocol deviations (Fig. 4A) and protocol complexity scores
(Fig. 4B) per investigational product categories (e.g., drug or
We have analyzed 35 prospective, surgical clinical trials with medical device), which demonstrated that statistically signif-
simple, parallel group randomizations, which were based icant difference was observed in complexity scores between
on interactive voice response systems (IVRS) or web-ena- drug and device trials (p = 0.0109). There was no correlation
bled platform for randomization procedures. As shown on observed between number of deviations and type of study
Fig. 1A, examined portfolio consisted of phase 2 (N = 6), by investigational product category (e.g., drug versus device
phase 3 (N = 18) and phase 4 studies (N = 11); with major- trials) (p = 0.5143).
ity been industry-sponsored (N = 26) (Fig. 1B). Based on Distribution of Wilcoxon scores in Kruskal–Wallis test
previously described study protocol complexity model [9] for study protocol complexity scores per phase of clinical
studies were ranked as high (N = 10), moderate (N = 20) in trials throughout development lifecycle of biomedical prod-
complexity, and routine/standard or simple studies (N = 5) ucts (e.g., earlier phases to post-marketing surveillance) was
as illustrated on Fig. 1C. Further assessment of complex- assessed (Fig. 5), and Chi-square test showed no statistical
ity score in Pearson’s correlation test with the number of significance in complexity of conducted studies by phase
protocol deviations showed weak correlation between these (p = 0.2018). Slightly higher number of protocol deviations
two variables (Pearson correlation coefficient, r = 0.01295, was noted for earlier phases of clinical trials (Median = 19.5
p = 0.9411) (Fig. 2A). Also, the weak correlation was for phase 2 studies) as compared to later phases of clinical
observed between complexity score of study protocol and development (Median = 9.0 and 11.0 for phases 3 and 4 stud-
the number of subjects enrolled in the trial (r = 0.06760, ies, respectively). However, these results were not statisti-
p = 0.6996 (Fig. 2B). In examining association between pro- cally significant (p = 0.7446).
tocol deviations and number of subjects enrolled a trend was It was demonstrated previously by Krafcik B.M. and
observed towards increased number of deviations once more Malikova M.A. that onboarding of new research personnel
subjects have entered the study, but the correlation between consistently showed an increase in the number of deviations
these two variables was also weak (r = 0.28311, p = 0.0994) per active patient within the following months, which gener-
(Fig. 2C). ally tapered off over time [7]. As demonstrated by Taekman
A descriptive analysis of deviations was based on et al., departures from study protocol (e.g., deviations, vio-
our experiences in these surgical clinical trials, and it lations) during clinical trial conduct were associated with

Therapeutic Innovation & Regulatory Science

Figure 1  Number of studies analyzed by phase (A), source of funding (B), and complexity of the protocol (C).

the performance “learning curve” of investigators and per- personnel turnover and support business continuity within
sonnel on the study, especially at the beginning of recruit- our organization for clinical research conducted.
ment and with higher, rapid rate of enrollment [12]. Authors In addition, we utilized Kruskal–Wallis test to examine
emphasized that recognition of the “learning curves” in number of protocol deviations and principal investigator
medical skill acquisition has enhanced patient safety through experience, which demonstrated there was no statistically
improved training techniques [12]. significant difference observed between number of devia-
Assessment of study protocol deviations in connection tions and investigator experience (p = 0.9603). The analy-
with research personnel, involved in clinical trials conduct sis variable “investigator experience” in this test for prin-
(i.e., number of research coordinators, number of investi- cipal investigator experience (Median = 180 months) was
gators) showed slightly moderate correlation (r = 0.38797, 144 months for lower quartile (N = 16 trials) and 240 months
p = 0.0213) between increased number of protocol devia- (N = 19 trials) for upper quartile which informed us that we
tions and total number of investigators, which were involved are dealing with relatively experienced and mature group of
in the study from start up to close out phase (Fig. 6B). investigators in our practice. Change of principal investigator
In Person correlation test, there was no association found in relationship to protocol deviations was also not statisti-
between number of protocol deviations and total number of cally significant (p = 0.6035). In Spearman correlation test
study coordinators involved in the clinical trial (r = 0.16982, there was a moderate association observed between total
p = 0.3294) (Fig. 6A). Spearman test showed no correlation number of investigators, involved in the study and number
between experience of study coordinators and number of of protocol deviations (r = 0.38361, p = 0.0229).
protocol deviations (r = 0.01780, p = 0.9192), which points Noteworthy, Spearman test also revealed moderate
out to efficiencies of upfront training programs implemented association between total number of subjects enrolled and
for research coordinators at our organization to ensure pro- increased number of study protocol deviations (r = 0.44885,
tocol adherence and improve quality of research conducted p = 0.0068), which intuitively can be explained by the
[13]. This was a very important initiative in order to address fact that once more subjects were enrolled the degree of

Therapeutic Innovation & Regulatory Science

Figure 2  Assessment of complexity score in Pearson correlation test with the number of protocol deviations (A) and number of subjects enrolled
in the trial (B); and examining correlation between protocol deviations and number of subjects enrolled.

variability increased with regards to their adherence to detail in the protocol should be specific enough to achieve
study protocol and procedures, in addition to study person- consistency across different participating sites during the
nel effects. execution phase, but also provide flexibility when needed.
Lastly, the relationship between study protocol and The timing of assessments/study procedures and stringency
informed consent amendments versus number of protocol of eligibility criteria are a delicate balance to be achieved
deviations was explored by applying Kruskal–Wallis test. between asking for too little versus too much. If these crite-
It revealed that higher number of protocol deviations was ria and precise requirements are too strict, it can cause trial
associated with increased number of protocol amendments results not reflect “real world” clinical practice, as well as it
(p = 0.0396) (Fig. 7A), and there was no statistical signifi- can trigger too many protocol deviations, which in turn can
cance observed between number of deviations and informed affect data integrity and validity of results. Providing appro-
consent amendments (p = 0.5083) (Fig. 7B). priate windows around dates/times of assessments would
allow for flexibility, while still providing scientifically valid
data. Additionally, if there are sponsor/CRO/vendor’s pref-
Discussion erences with regards to methods/approaches to procedures/
techniques, these should be addressed upfront and processes/
Well-designed study protocol, careful planning of study con- methodology should be clearly stated and synchronized
duct with adequate oversight, training of research personnel between all stakeholders involved in the study protocol,
on study protocol/procedures and role-based training can SOPs, study manuals, guidelines, instead of being implied,
serve as a solid foundation to improve adherence to study or assumed.
protocol, ensure data quality, integrity of results and human According to recently conducted research [15–18], con-
subjects’ protection, especially in the era of digitalization ducting pre-launch clinical trial simulations [19] with site
and heavy reliance on remote monitoring/auditing of qual- investigators, coordinators and patients as part of early
ity and data integrity of clinical trials [14]. The level of engagement with key stakeholders is critical to identify

Therapeutic Innovation & Regulatory Science

Figure 3  Analysis of the categories of protocol deviations per test articles: drug (A) and device (B) clinical trials.

site-specific processes and procedures that can improve Despite best efforts and intentions of everyone involved in
adherence to study protocol and procedures during study the conduct of a clinical trial, protocol deviations still occur.
execution [15–19]. As part of building quality assurance (QA) and risk-based
In addition, engagement of all stakeholders upfront, quality management (RBQM) systems into clinical research
including input provided by site personnel and patients’ operations, we recommend that personnel changes should
feedback as potential study participants [17–19], can help be addressed upfront by providing study protocol, GCP
develop well-designed clinical trial protocol, avoid time and role-based training to develop core competencies in the
consuming and costly protocol and informed consent conduct of clinical research [13]. There is a learning curve,
amendments at execution phase and ensure higher quality when people just start working on a given clinical trial.
of research conducted, while allowing to meet objectives of Therefore, close monitoring of new personnel’s conduct
the trial in a more efficient manner. in regards to protocol deviations by study managers and/

Therapeutic Innovation & Regulatory Science

Figure. 4  Distribution of mean Wilcoxon scores for protocol deviations (A) and protocol complexity score (B) per trial category in terms of
investigational product been tested: 1- drugs, 2- medical devices.

Figure 5  Distribution of mean Wilcoxon scores for study protocol 4, post-marketing surveillance studies. Note: phase 1, first in human
complexity scores per phase of clinical trials: 2- phase 2, earlier in studies were not present in the analyzed data set.
development trials; 3- phase 3, large comparative trials; and 4- phase

or more experienced personnel at the site level is advised. We also recommend that a trial-specific protocol devia-
In addition, changes of personnel (i.e., adding new investi- tions handling plan (PDHP) will be developed prior to
gators to the existing study, changing principal investiga- the first patient enrollment. The PDHP should be part of
tors, transitions to new or additional study coordinators/ a broader quality by design (QbD) risk management plan
research nurses, etc.) can introduce variability as different for a particular clinical trial to ensure consistency across
people may interpret study documentation slightly differ- all systems and stakeholders involved in the study [13]. It
ently, have different tolerance level for risks involved, and/ should describe an approach for preventing, detecting, tack-
or perform study related procedures in a different way. In ing, classifying and managing protocol deviations. Such
case if pattern of deviations is identified for a specific indi- plan should be reviewed and updated as new information
vidual, refresher training on a study protocol/procedures, becomes available (i.e., safety profile of drug/device under
study manuals, guidelines should be offered at execution study changes, protocol and/or informed consent amend-
phase promptly in order to avoid repetitive occurrence and ments are issued, patterns of protocol deviations are detected
effectively implement corrective/preventive actions (CAPA) at several sites, etc.) [13] All key personnel involved in the
to ensure compliance with study protocol, organizational trial at the sponsor, CRO, third party vendors and site levels
policies/procedures and current regulations. should be trained on these plans upfront. Ongoing, timely

Therapeutic Innovation & Regulatory Science

Figure 6  Assessment of study protocol deviations in connection with research personnel, involved in clinical trials conduct: A number of
research coordinators, B number of investigators.

Figure 7  Distribution of mean Wilcoxon scores for protocol devia- protocol was ≤ 4.0; B scores distribution for protocol deviations and
tions and study protocol amendments A in binary analysis with informed consent amendments in binary analysis with Median = 4.0;
Median = 4.0; cut off categories labeled as “1” if number of protocol cut off categories labeled as “1” > 4.0 and “0” ≤ 4.0 amendments per
amendments was > 4.0 and “0” if number of amendments per study informed consent.

and periodic oversight should be provided at execution phase (EDC) systems, clinical trial management systems (CTMS)
to ensure adherence and to implement mitigation strategies and electronic trial management files (eTMF) can confirm
to minimize negative impact on subjects’ safety and data adherence to study protocol, manuals, guidelines, GCP, and
integrity. regulatory requirements. Risk-based management dash-
Principal Investigator (PI) must personally conduct the boards and signal detection tools allow more closely moni-
study and provide an oversight for all activities performed tor performance of the study teams, assess more proactively
within given study protocol, which includes among other protocol deviations in real-time, and improve quality of key
responsibilities review of screening data with formal, docu- study data, as well as timely implementation of corrective
mented approval for enrollment, assessment of diagnostic and preventive issues to ensure more effectively subjects’
reports and all adverse events with assignment of causality safety and data integrity. Appropriate and timely reporting
[20]. The PI also must review all protocol deviations and of protocol deviations to sponsors, IRB/IEC, and if neces-
determine the impact on human subject protection, safety, sary regulatory authorities, relies on the effectiveness of
data quality and integrity [20]. protocol deviations handling plan and sensitivity of signal
Real-time remote or on-site monitoring of study data and detection tools. It is essential to understand the lifecycle of
regulatory documentation through electronic data capture protocol deviations and develop best practices for classifying

Therapeutic Innovation & Regulatory Science

and managing them in PDHPs. Conducting effective and can be improved with more effective training and retention
regular training of site personnel should be placed on a fore- of research coordinators, investigators and more frequent
front of clinical research, as well as engaging them early internal auditing to address any discrepancies and increase
in the development of study protocol and learning about study protocol adherence. Close supervision, upfront train-
site-specific processes, procedures and policies are key to ing of research personnel with subsequent monitoring of
improving adherence to study protocol and meeting other performance metrics throughout the execution of the study,
sponsor’s expectations at execution phase. especially with study protocol and informed consent amend-
Establishing ongoing quality improvement systems and ments implementation, can reduce the total number of pro-
analyzing lessons learned with respect to protocol deviations tocol deviations, ensure data integrity and improve quality
will allow to build and implement more robust risk manage- of research conducted.
ment strategies, protect human subjects, preserve integrity of
the data and improve quality of clinical research conducted.
Author Contributions
Study concepts and design; Guarantor of integrity of the entire study:
MMA. Data collection; Literature research: AO, C-CM, JNP. Statistical
Limitations analysis and interpretation: MMA. With significant help and expertise
of Sing Chau Ng acknowledged. Manuscript preparation: MMA, AO.
Although we collected and analyzed data over 10 year’s Manuscript editing: MMA.
period of time, we realized that our observations and find-
ings are gathered at only one academic clinical site, which
may have unique characteristics attributable to our research Funding
This is unfunded quality improvement project.
practices/processes and personnel at a safety-net, inner city
Furthermore, our study populations consist of people
Data availability
who are often socio-economically disadvantaged, which Data were collected as part of ongoing quality assurance and improve-
can affect their ability to access healthcare systems, as well ment process for conducted clinical research projects.
as participation in clinical trials and adherence to all study
protocol procedures and requirements without contributing
to increased rate of study protocol deviations. This aspect is Declarations
very important to be investigated further to create equitable
and inclusive, diverse environment in clinical research con- Conflict of interest
The author have no conflicts of interest to declares.
ducted. Furthermore, understanding of these patient popu-
lations’ specific needs, individual burdens, improving their
access to clinical trials with innovative products, creating
more patient-centric solutions to ensure adherence to study
protocol, will preserve data integrity and improve partici- References
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