Koo D In Snow's footsteps commentary on shoe-leather and applied epidemiology

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American Journal of Epidemiology Vol. 172, No.

Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health 2010. DOI: 10.1093/aje/kwq252
Advance Access publication:
August 18, 2010


In Snow’s Footsteps: Commentary on Shoe-Leather and Applied Epidemiology

Denise Koo* and Stephen B. Thacker

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* Correspondence to Dr. Denise Koo, Scientific Education and Professional Development Program Office, Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention, 1600 Clifton Road, NE, Mailstop E-92, Atlanta, GA 30333 (e-mail: dkoo@cdc.gov).

Initially submitted July 6, 2010; accepted for publication July 6, 2010.

The term shoe-leather epidemiology is often synonymous with field epidemiology or intervention epidemiology.
All 3 terms imply investigations initiated in response to urgent public health problems and for which the investigative
team does much of its work in the field (i.e., outside the office or laboratory). Alexander D. Langmuir is credited with
articulating the concept of disease surveillance as it is applied to populations rather than individuals. He also
founded the Epidemic Intelligence Service (EIS) Program in 1951, a 2-year training experience in applied epide-
miology that places professionals in the field, domestically and internationally, in real-life situations. Today, 70–90
EIS officers are assigned each year to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention programs and to state and local
health departments to meet the broad spectrum of challenges in chronic disease, injury prevention, violence,
environmental health, occupational safety and health, and maternal and child health, as well as infectious dis-
eases. Throughout their assignments, EIS officers are encouraged to strive for analytic rigor as well as public
health consequence, which requires technical competence blended with good judgment and awareness of context.
Effective applied epidemiologists must have skills beyond just epidemiology to improve a population’s health; the
field of applied epidemiology requires multiple team members, all having different but complementary skills, to be

book reviews; communicable diseases; disease outbreaks; epidemiologic methods; health personnel; population
surveillance; public health

Abbreviations: CDC, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; EIS, Epidemic Intelligence Service.

Note from Jonathan M. Samet, Book Review Editor: suggest that those in the applied arena will be reminded of
The term epidemiology is often preceded by an adjective, old stories and colleagues, and those in ‘‘academic epide-
making reference to the topic of its application. One of the miology’’ will broaden their perspectives on the uses of
most iconic and dramatic of these adjectival descriptors is epidemiology.
shoe-leather, raising the image of an on-the-ground investi- Two book reviews in this issue of the Journal refer to
gation racing to find a solution to a deadly epidemic. In this shoe-leather epidemiology when describing the contribu-
commentary, the authors provide a historical perspective on tions of EIS officers and public health advisors (1, 2). The
the origins and characteristics of shoe-leather and applied term shoe-leather epidemiology is often synonymous with
epidemiology. They bring notable clarity to these terms and field epidemiology or, in Europe, intervention epidemiology
remind us of the key role played by Alexander Langmuir in (3). All 3 terms, especially field epidemiology, imply inves-
this area. Following this commentary are reviews of 2 books tigations initiated in response to urgent public health prob-
on shoe-leather epidemiology, one on the Epidemic Intelli- lems and for which the investigative team does much of its
gence Service (EIS) of the Centers for Disease Control and work in the field (i.e., outside the office or laboratory) (4).
Prevention (CDC) and the other on the CDC’s Public The primary goal of the field epidemiologist is to provide
Health Advisors. The reviews cover books that are replete information as quickly as possible for the processes of se-
with ‘‘real-world’’ stories of epidemiology and epidemiolo- lecting and implementing interventions to lessen or prevent
gists in action. Consider reading these books. The reviews illness, injury, or death when such problems arise. This

737 Am J Epidemiol 2010;172:737–739

738 Koo and Thacker

Table 1. Comparison of the Characteristics of Applied Epidemiology and Academic Epidemiology

Characteristic Applied Epidemiology Academic Epidemiology

Practice setting More often governmental Schools of public health; other academic settings
Investigative team Physicians and other health professionals, Doctoral degree holders; less interdisciplinary
doctoral degree holders, other team
members; highly interdisciplinary
Immediate drivers/goals Service (public health surveillance, responding Discovery (identifying etiology, risk factors, causality,
to outbreaks, improving health) disease modeling)
Timeline Frequently urgent Rarely urgent
Data quality More variable; data collected in real-life Usually high; data collected in controlled
circumstances at times circumstances
Risk factors investigated Sociologic/determinants of health More often biomedical

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Scientific values Urgency, speed, practicality, responsiveness, Analytic rigor; consistency with prior studies
health impact
Outputs Recommendations, product removal, public Contributions to literature and to a body of knowledge
health action
Competencies needed Communication skills and community engagement Strong analytic skill set
as important as analytic skills
Where taught On the job (Epidemic Intelligence Service, Field Academic institutions
Epidemiology Training Programs) and through
graduate student practicum experiences

definition has its roots in the work of John Snow (1813– family planning, birth defects surveillance, cancer cluster
1858). However, not all urgent health problems are acute, investigations, and environmental health problems through-
and applied epidemiology is a broader term that includes out the world, including global smallpox eradication, all
application and evaluation of epidemiologic discoveries with the purpose of using the data to control a problem
and methods in public health and health care settings to and prevent future disease, disability, and death.
improve health (5). What both definitions have in common Today, 70–90 EIS officers are assigned each year to CDC
is the public health perspective of epidemiology for action, programs and to state and local health departments to meet
a concept closely associated with the career of Alexander D. the broad spectrum of challenges in chronic disease, injury
Langmuir (1910–1993), the first chief epidemiologist at the prevention, violence, environmental health, and maternal
Communicable Disease Center (now Centers for Disease and child health, as well as infectious diseases (11). These
Control and Prevention) (CDC) in Atlanta, Georgia. officers are trained in the tools of applied epidemiology,
Langmuir’s contributions preceded and followed his ten- much more sophisticated than those used by Langmuir,
ure at CDC (1949–1970), but, during those CDC years, his but still in the framework of hands-on learning, solving
critical role in developing applied epidemiology became the health problems of the present. Nearly half of US State
evident (6). He is credited with articulating the concept of Epidemiologists (lead epidemiologists in each of the states)
disease surveillance as it applies to populations rather than and 4 of the last 7 CDC directors, including current director
individuals (7). During the 1955 epidemic of poliomyelitis Thomas R. Frieden, are EIS graduates. EIS graduates often
associated with the first inactivated poliovirus vaccine, he populate schools of public health and academic medical
established a national surveillance system for daily report- centers and play leadership roles in global health. Multiple
ing from all US states, laying the foundation for subsequent programs around the world are modeled after the EIS
national systems (8). Public health surveillance—the ongo- Program (12).
ing systematic collection, analysis, and interpretation of The full meaning of applied epidemiology can perhaps
health-related data essential to planning, implementing, best be understood by comparing and contrasting the em-
and evaluating public health practice—closely integrated phasis of applied epidemiology and academic epidemiology
with the timely dissemination of these data to those who (Table 1), the latter referencing epidemiology practiced in
need to know for application to prevention and control, is a school of public health or an academic setting (13). These
now recognized as the cornerstone of public health practice major categories of epidemiology obviously share 1) basic
and the information on which public health programs methodology and the underlying science, 2) applicability to
around the world are based (9). a broad range of subject areas, and 3) a need for computer
Langmuir also founded the EIS Program in 1951, a 2-year skills to perform the most sophisticated analyses. However,
training experience in applied epidemiology that places we highlight certain differences, or perhaps differences in
young professionals in the field and at CDC headquarters, emphases, in Table 1.
domestically and internationally, in real-life situations. EIS As underscored by the characteristics shown in Table 1,
officers learn on the job, applying what they learn to address applied epidemiology incorporates analytic rigor but must
real problems in often challenging and sometimes conten- balance such with the practical application of results.
tious settings (10). In addition to responding to infectious Applied epidemiology emphasizes use of epidemiology as
disease problems, Langmuir’s first EIS officers engaged in a tool to improve health and to have a health impact. When

Am J Epidemiol 2010;172:737–739
Shoe-Leather and Applied Epidemiology 739

we address incoming EIS officers, we stress the importance 3. European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC).
of consequential epidemiology, a term coined in 1983 by The European Programme for Intervention Epidemiology
William Foege when delivering the Wade Hampton Frost Training (EPIET). Stockholm, Sweden: ECDC; 2010. (http://
Lecture at the American Public Health Association meeting. ecdc.europa.eu/en/epiet/Pages/HomeEpiet.aspx). (Accessed
June 22, 2010).
We exhort them to strive for not only analytic rigor but also
4. Goodman RA, Buehler JW. Field epidemiology defined. In:
public health consequence. A difference to be a difference Gregg MB, ed. Field Epidemiology. New York, NY: Oxford
must make a difference. This need, in applied epidemiology, University Press; 2008:3–15.
to account for contextual constraints, public pressures, and 5. Brownson RC, Hoehner CM. Epidemiology: a foundation of
community interests and to implement interventions re- public health. In: Brownson RC, Pettiti DB, eds. Applied
quires technical competence blended with good judgment Epidemiology: Theory to Practice. Rev ed. New York, NY:
and community engagement (14). CDC and the Council of Oxford University Press; 2006:3–29.
State and Territorial Epidemiologists recognized the com- 6. Foege WH. Alexander D. Langmuir—his impact on public
plementary nontechnical competencies needed by the public health. Am J Epidemiol. 1996;144(8 suppl):S11–S15.

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health workforce when they defined competencies for ap- 7. Langmuir AD. The surveillance of communicable diseases of
national importance. N Engl J Med. 1963;268:182–192.
plied epidemiologists working in governmental public
8. Nathanson N, Langmuir AD. The Cutter incident. Poliomy-
health agencies (15, 16). Moreover, just as effective applied elitis following formaldehyde-inactivated poliovirus vaccina-
epidemiologists must have skills beyond just epidemiology tion in the United States during the spring of 1955. I.
to improve a population’s health, the field of applied Background. Am J Hyg. 1963;78:16–28.
epidemiology requires multiple team members, all having 9. Lee LM, Teutsch SM, Thacker SB, et al. Principles and
different but complementary skills, to be effective. Practice of Public Health Surveillance. 3rd ed. New York, NY:
Oxford University Press; 2010.
10. Langmuir AD, Andrews JM. Biological warfare defense. 2.
The Epidemic Intelligence Service of the Communicable
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Disease Center. Am J Public Health Nations Health. 1952;
Author affiliations: Scientific Education and Professional 11. Thacker SB, Dannenberg AL, Hamilton DH. Epidemic Intel-
Development Program Office, Centers for Disease Control ligence Service of the Centers for Disease Control and Pre-
and Prevention, Atlanta, Georgia (Denise Koo); and Office vention: 50 years of training and service in applied
of Surveillance, Epidemiology, and Laboratory Services, epidemiology. Am J Epidemiol. 2001;154(11):985–992.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, Geor- 12. White ME, McDonnell SM, Werker DH, et al. Partnerships in
international applied epidemiology training and service,
gia (Stephen B. Thacker). 1975–2001. Am J Epidemiol. 2001;154(11):993–999.
The findings and conclusions in this commentary are 13. Samet J, Stoto M, Arcari C, eds. ACE/ASPH Workshop on
those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the Doctoral Education in Epidemiology; Baltimore, Maryland,
official position of the Centers for Disease Control and December 9–11, 2002. Washington, DC: Association of
Prevention. Schools of Public Health; 2002. (http://www.asph.org/
Conflict of interest: none declared. document.cfm?page¼798). (Accessed June 22, 2010).
14. Goodman RA, Buehler JW, Koplan JP. The epidemiologic
field investigation: science and judgment in public health
practice. Am J Epidemiol. 1990;132(1):9–16.
REFERENCES 15. Birkhead GS, Davies J, Miner K, et al. Developing compe-
tencies for applied epidemiology: from process to product.
1. Becker TM. Inside the Outbreaks: The Elite Medical Detec- Public Health Rep. 2008;123(suppl 1):67–118.
tives of the Epidemic Intelligence Service, by Mark Pender- 16. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC); Council
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2. Crosby RA. Ready to Go: The History and Contributions of cies for Applied Epidemiologists in Governmental Public
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Am J Epidemiol 2010;172:737–739

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