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Grade 7 English

Topic: Understanding Parts of Speech

Learning Objective: Students will be able to identify and categorize

different parts of speech in a sentence.

I. Introduction (10 minutes)

 Begin the lesson by discussing the importance of understanding

parts of speech in constructing sentences.
 Review the different parts of speech with the students (nouns,
verbs, adjectives, adverbs, pronouns, prepositions, conjunctions,
and interjections).
 Show examples of sentences and ask students to identify the
parts of speech in each sentence.

II. Hands-On Activity: Parts of Speech Sorting Game (20 minutes)

 Divide the students into small groups and provide each group
with a set of word cards labeled with different parts of speech.
 Give the students a sentence to deconstruct by sorting the word
cards into the appropriate parts of speech categories.
 Encourage students to discuss and justify their choices with their
group members.
 After the activity, discuss as a class and review the correct
categorization of the words.

III. Interactive Activity: Parts of Speech Scavenger Hunt (30 minutes)

 Create a scavenger hunt around the classroom or school

grounds with various sentences posted in different locations.
 Each sentence will have one part of speech missing, and
students will need to identify the missing word and its correct
part of speech.
 Provide students with clues or riddles to guide them to the
different locations.
 Students can work individually or in pairs to complete the
scavenger hunt.
IV. Creative Writing Activity: Parts of Speech Mad Libs (20 minutes)

 Provide students with a Mad Libs template with blanks for

different parts of speech.
 Ask students to fill in the blanks with their own words of the
corresponding parts of speech.
 Once they have completed the Mad Libs, have students read
their creations aloud to the class.
 Encourage students to be creative and humorous with their word

V. Conclusion (10 minutes)

 Review the parts of speech covered in the lesson and ask

students to summarize what they have learned.
 Reinforce the importance of using different parts of speech
effectively in writing.
 Provide students with additional resources or practice exercises
to continue improving their understanding of parts of speech.

Alignment with Philippines Learning Standards:

 Demonstrate understanding of parts of speech in constructing

sentences (Grade 7 English Curriculum Standards).
 Identify and categorize different parts of speech in a sentence
(Philippines Basic Education Curriculum).

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