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Lesson 11

Talking About
In this lesson, you are going to learn about how to tell transportation in
English but before that, make sure that you memorize and understand the
vocabularies bellow:

Vocabulary / Kosakata
1. Car : Mobil
2. Bus : Bus
3. Motorcycle : Sepeda Motor
4. Bicycle : Sepeda
5. Buggy : Kereta Andong
6. Pedicab : Becak
7. Wagon : Gerobak
8. Oxcart : Gerobak Sapi
9. Hay wagon : Gerobak Jerami
10. Bike : Sepeda
11. Mountain bike : Sepeda Gunung
12. Unicycle : Sepeda Roda Satu
13. Train : Kereta Api
14. Express Train : Kereta Express
15. Streetcar : Tram
16. Subway : Kereta api bawah tanah
17. Electric train : Kereta listrik
18. Locomotive : Lokomotif
19. Taxi : Taksi
20. Scooter : Skuter @englishvit 0812 2567 0296


The example in dialogue :

Lala asks Jenny about the time.
(James bertanya Jessica tentang waktu.)

Sarah : Can you give me a little more information about your apartment?
(Bisakah Anda memberi saya sedikit informasi tentang apartemenmu?)
Lina : Sure, what can I help you with?
( Tentu, apa yang bisa saya bantu?)
Sarah : What kind of public transportation is near your apartment?
(Apa jenis transportasi umum di dekat apartemenmu?)
Lina : I'm not sure, but I believe there is a bus stop about three blocks away.
(Saya tidak yakin, tapi saya percaya ada halte bus sekitar tiga
blok jauhnya.)
Sarah : Do you know what direction that bus travels?
(Apakah Anda tahu arah bus perjalanan itu?)
Lina : I'm sorry. If you check online, you can get that kind of information.
(Maafkan saya. Jika Anda memeriksa online, Anda bisa mendapatkan
informasi semacam itu.)
Sarah : Ok, thank you.
(Baik, terimakasih.)

Exercise / Latihan :
Firstly, please answer the following questions:
a. Do you think public transportation is good in your country?
( Apakah kamu berpikir bahwa transportasi umum di negaramu sudah baik? )
b. In your opinion, what transportation is the best to be used? Why?
( Menurutmu apa jenis transportasi terbaik untuk digunakan? Mengapa? )
c. Do you think passengers prefer taking train than other types of transportation in
your country?
( Apakah kamu berpikir bahwa penumpang akan lebih memilih kereta
dibandingan jenis transportasi lain yang ada di negaramu? )
d. Who brings more luggage, men or women? Why?
( Siapa yang menurutmu membawa bagasi lebih banyak, pria atau wanita?
Mengapa? )
d. Is traveling with less luggage more convenient for you? Why?
( Apakah berpergian dengan sedikit bagasi lebih nyaman untukmu? Mengapa? ) @englishvit 0812 2567 0296

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