MIS Final Labs

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Engr. Imad


Lab 1 Introduction to Microsoft Access
Microsoft Access software is very useful in creating databases. In this software databases
can be created easy and different options are available for modifying the data and for making
changes in the tables. The basic purpose of this software is for storing information for reference.
It is also useful for making reports of data and analysis. MS Access provides a blank database
which can be completely customized according to the requirement. It also provides a wide range
of templates which are set up and ready to work on.

The objectives of this lab are as follows:
 To learn about the basic interface of MS Access.
 To learn how to create a database in MS Access.

Options in MS Access:
The are a wide range of tools available in MS Access. Some of these are explained briefly below.
Create Tools:
The create tools contain the following options shown and discussed below.

Figure 1: Create Tools

Table 1: Create Tools

Tools Function
Table Table is used to generate new tables in which data in stored.
Table Design The table design tool provides different tools for making changes in table.
Queries The query tools are used to create, view, modify and analyze data.
Form is used to create new forms. Forms are linked to data and show its
Form Design Form design allows us to modify the form and make changes in it.
Blank Form Blank form generates a blank form.
Reports are used to create a summary of the data and provide a brief and
easily understandable information about data.
Macros are used to save and apply formulas and calculations which cannot be
done directly.
External Data:
External data tools allow us to import data from other files and add it into the database or export
our data to other file types.

Figure 2: External Data

From here, we can export our data to MS Excel file, Text File, and we can also convert it to PDF
format. We can also merge our data to MS WORD.
Import and link option allows us to import data from another source and incorporate it into the
Lab 2 Introduction of Data types in MS Access

In this lab, we'll delve into the world of data types in Microsoft Access. Data types are the
backbone of any database, as they determine how your data is stored, processed, and displayed.
We'll start by exploring the various data types available in Access, such as text, number,
date/time, currency, and more. We have learn the purpose and appropriate use cases for each data type, as
well as how to choose the right data type for your specific needs.
We'll also explore the concept of data validation, which helps ensure the integrity of your data by
enforcing specific rules and constraints. We have learn how to use data validation tools in Access to
prevent errors and maintain high-quality data.

Data Types in Table:

In MS Access we can input the following data types in tables as shown in the figure and
defined below in the table.

Figure 3: Data Types

All these types are described below in the table.

Table 2: Data Types

Data Type Description

This is a short description such as name or title and this can be up to 255
Short text
Number It is numeric data such as quantity.
Large Number It is also a numeric data but it is a large number.
Currency Currency is the monetary data for example: Price.
Date and Time It is the date and time of data record.
Extended Date and Extended date and time provide more information such as day and
Time seconds etc.
These are simple two outcome questions. For example: Present or absent,
good or bad etc.
Look up and Look and Relationships are the relation which the data has with other
Relationship data.
Rich Text It is a simple text sentence or paragraph which are characters only.
Long Text Long text can include pictures also.
Attachments are files in other formats which are connected to the current
database. These can be photos, tables, figures etc.
Hyperlinks are the links to information which are available externally but
can be accessed from the current file by a link.

The database that is created in this lab is shown below.

Figure 4: Sample Database

By the end of this lab, we have a deep understanding of data types in Microsoft Access and be
able to apply this knowledge to design and manage our own database systems effectively.
Lab 3 Introduction to Tables in MS Access with design view
In this lab, we'll dive into the fundamental building blocks of any database: tables. Tables are the
foundation upon which we have stored and organized our data, and understanding how to create and
manage them is essential for successful database development.
We'll start by exploring the design view of tables in Microsoft Access, which allows you to define
the structure and properties of your data. We have learnt how to create new tables, specify the necessary
fields, and set appropriate data types for each field.

One of the key aspects we'll cover is the concept of primary keys. Primary keys are unique
identifiers for each record in a table, and they play a crucial role in maintaining data integrity and
enabling efficient data retrieval. We have learnt how to designate primary keys and understand their
importance in database design.
As we progress through the lab, we have have the opportunity to create sample tables and
experiment with different table design features. This includes setting field properties, such as default
values, input masks, and validation rules, to ensure the quality and consistency of your data.
We'll also discuss the importance of table relationships and how they can be established in
Access. By understanding how tables can be linked together, we have be able to create more complex and
powerful database systems that can handle a wide range of data-related tasks.
By the end of this lab, we have have a solid understanding of table design in Microsoft Access.
We have be able to create and manage tables efficiently, ensuring that your data is organized, accessible,
and secure.
Lab 4 Introduction to Relational Database and its types

To create a relational database in MS Access, follow these steps:

For 1-1 relation:

1. Open MS Access and click on "Blank Database" to create a new database.

Fig.4.1 Database selection

2. Give your database a name and choose a location to save it.

Fig.4.2Save database

3. Click on "Create" to create the new database.

Fig.4.3Create database

4. In the "Tables" tab, click on "Table Design" to create a new table.

Fig.4.4Create Table

5. Create the fields that you want to include in the table, and set the data types for each

Fig.4.5 Data

6. Choose a primary key for the table, which will uniquely identify each record in the table.
7. Save the table by giving it a name and clicking "Save".

Fig.4.6 Database Names

8. Repeat steps 4-7 to create additional tables as needed for your database.
To create relationships between tables in MS Access, follow these steps:
1. Open the database that you want to create relationships in.
2. In the "Database Tools" tab, click on "Relationships" to open the "Relationships"

Fig.4.7Create Relationship

3. Select the tables that you want to create a relationship between.

Fig.4.8Relationship Tables

4. Click and drag the primary key field from one table to the foreign key field in the other
Fig.4.91-1 Relation

5. Choose the type of relationship you want to create (one-to-one, one-to-many, or many-to-
many) and click "Create".
6. Save the relationship by giving it a name and clicking "OK".

For 1-Many relation:

1. Click on "Create" to create the new database.

Fig.4.10Create database

2. In the "Tables" tab, click on "Table Design" to create a new table.

Fig.4.11Create Table

3. Create the fields that you want to include in the table, and set the data types for each
Fig.4.12 Data

4. Choose a primary key for the table, which will uniquely identify each record in the table.
5. Save the table by giving it a name and clicking "Save".

Fig.4.13 Database Names

6. Repeat steps 4-7 to create additional tables as needed for your database.
To create relationships between tables in MS Access, follow these steps:
1. Open the database that you want to create relationships in.
2. In the "Database Tools" tab, click on "Relationships" to open the "Relationships"
Fig.4.14Create Relationship

3. Select the tables that you want to create a relationship between.

Fig.4.15Relationship Tables

4. Click and drag the primary key field from one table to the foreign key field in the other
5. Choose the type of relationship you want to create (one-to-one, one-to-many, or many-to-
many) and click "Create".

Fig.4.161-many Relation

6. Save the relationship by giving it a name and clicking "OK".

Types of relationships in MS Access:
1. One-to-one: Each record in one table is related to one and only one record in another
2. One-to-many: Each record in one table is related to one or more records in another table.
3. Many-to-many: Each record in one table can be related to one or more records in another
table, and vice versa.
In summary, creating a relational database in MS Access involves creating tables with related
fields and establishing relationships between them. The three types of relationships in MS Access
are one-to-one, one-to-many, and many-to-many.

In conclusion, relational databases are an important tool for managing data in today's business
environment. MS Access is a popular relational database management system that supports one-
to-one, one-to-many, and many-to-many relationships between tables. While it has several
advantages, it is not suitable for all applications and has some limitations that should be
considered before implementing it in a business setting.
Lab 5 Creating queries in MS Access

In this lab, we'll focus on the power of queries in Microsoft Access, which are the backbone of data
retrieval and manipulation.

Queries are essentially the "search engines" of your database, allowing you to extract, filter, and analyze
data based on specific criteria. We'll start by exploring the different types of queries available in Access,
such as:

1. Select queries: These queries are used to retrieve data from one or more tables based on specified
2. Parameter queries: These queries allow you to prompt the user for input, creating dynamic and user-
friendly data retrieval.
3. Action queries: These queries are used to perform operations like inserting, updating, or deleting data
in your database.

As we delve into the lab, we have have the opportunity to create your own queries and experiment with
the various query features and functions. We have learn how to build complex queries using logical
operators, wildcards, and advanced filtering techniques.

We'll also discuss the importance of query optimization, as this can significantly improve the performance
of your database. We have learn strategies for optimizing queries, such as using indexed fields, limiting
the number of returned records, and leveraging built-in Access functions.

Additionally, we'll explore the concept of query design, which allows you to create more sophisticated
and visually appealing queries. We have learn how to use query design tools, such as the query designer,
to create queries that are both efficient and easy to understand.

By the end of this lab, we have have a strong grasp of how to create, customize, and optimize queries in
Microsoft Access. This knowledge will empower you to extract and manipulate data with ease, and will
be a crucial skill as you continue to work with databases.
Lab 6 Types of queries in MS access

In this final lab, we'll delve deeper into the various types of queries available in Microsoft Access and
explore their specific use cases.

We'll start by revisiting the types of queries we covered in the previous lab, and then expand our
understanding by examining additional query types, including:

1. Crosstab queries: These queries transform data from a row-based format into a column-based format,
making it easier to analyze and visualize.
2. Append queries: These queries are used to add new records to an existing table, combining data from
multiple sources.
3. Make-table queries: These queries create a new table based on the results of a query, allowing you to
store the output for further analysis.
4. Delete queries: These queries are used to remove records from a table based on specified criteria.
5. Update queries: These queries allow you to modify the values of existing records in a table.

As we explore each of these query types, we have have the opportunity to create sample queries and
understand their practical applications. We have learn how to use the query design tools to build complex
queries that can handle a wide range of data-related tasks.

We'll also discuss the importance of query planning and optimization, as this can significantly impact the
performance and efficiency of your database system. We have learn techniques for identifying and
addressing query bottlenecks, ensuring that your queries run quickly and effectively.

By the end of this lab, we have have a comprehensive understanding of the different types of queries
available in Microsoft Access. We have be able to select the appropriate query type for your specific data
management needs and leverage the full power of the Access query engine.
Lab 7 Creating forms in MS Access

In this lab, we will explore the process of creating forms in Microsoft Access. Forms are an essential
component of database applications, allowing users to interact with the data in a more user-friendly and
intuitive manner.
Understanding Forms in MS Access:
Forms are database objects that provide a graphical interface for data entry, viewing, and manipulation.
They can be designed to display data from one or more tables, as well as perform various operations on
the data.

2. Creating a Simple Form:

Open Microsoft Access and create a new database or open an existing one.
Navigate to the "Create" tab and click on the "Form" icon to create a new form.
Drag and drop the desired fields from the table(s) onto the form.
Customize the form layout, adding labels, and adjusting the appearance as desired.
Save the form with a relevant name.

3. Enhancing Form Functionality:

Add validation rules to ensure data integrity.
Incorporate calculated fields to perform calculations on the fly.
Add command buttons to perform actions such as saving, deleting, or navigating records.
Customize the form's navigation and data display options.

4. Using Form Views:

Explore the different form views, such as Datasheet View, Form View, and Design View.
Understand the purpose and use cases of each view.
Switch between the views to better understand the form development process.

5. Subforms and Nested Forms:

Create subforms to display related data from multiple tables.
Understand the concept of master-detail relationships and how they are implemented in forms.
Explore the process of creating and configuring nested forms.

6. Best Practices and Troubleshooting:

Discuss guidelines for effective form design, such as layout, labeling, and data entry controls.
Identify and address common issues that may arise during form creation and usage.

By the end of this lab, you will have a thorough understanding of creating and customizing forms in
Microsoft Access, enabling you to build more user-friendly and efficient database applications.
Lab 8 Introduction to SAP and Enterprise System

In this lab, we will provide an overview of SAP (Systems, Applications, and Products) and explore the
concept of enterprise systems.

1. Understanding SAP:
Introduction to SAP as a leading enterprise resource planning (ERP) software provider.
Brief history and evolution of SAP as a dominant player in the enterprise software market.
Overview of the key modules and functionalities offered by SAP, such as finance, human resources,
logistics, and more.

2. Enterprise Systems:
Defining enterprise systems and their importance in modern business environments.
Characteristics of enterprise systems, including integration, data centralization, and cross-functional
Advantages of implementing enterprise systems, such as improved data management, process
optimization, and enhanced decision-making.

3. SAP Architecture and Components:

Exploring the overall architecture of SAP systems, including the client-server model and various
technical components.
Understanding the role of the SAP application server, database, and user interfaces.
Introducing key SAP components like the SAP GUI (Graphical User Interface) and SAP Fiori user

4. SAP Implementation Lifecycle:

Discussing the typical phases of a SAP implementation project, including planning, configuration,
testing, and go-live.
Highlighting the importance of change management and user adoption during SAP implementation.
Acknowledging the challenges and best practices associated with SAP implementation projects.

5. SAP Ecosystem and Integration:

Exploring the SAP ecosystem, including partner network, third-party applications, and industry-specific
Understanding the concept of SAP integration, both within the SAP landscape and with external
Discussing the role of SAP APIs and the growing importance of cloud-based integration strategies.

6. Future Trends and Innovations in SAP:

Examining the evolving trends in the enterprise software market, such as cloud computing, mobile
solutions, and artificial intelligence.
Highlighting the latest innovations and advancements in the SAP product suite, such as SAP S/4HANA
and SAP Leonardo.
Discussing the potential impact of these new technologies and their implications for businesses using
SAP systems.

By the end of this lab, you will have a comprehensive understanding of SAP as a leading enterprise
system, its architecture, implementation process, and the broader enterprise software landscape.
Lab 9 Formatting the data entry Forms

In this lab, we will focus on the process of formatting data entry forms in Microsoft Access to enhance the
user experience and improve data quality.

1. Importance of Form Formatting:

Understand the significance of well-designed forms in database applications.
Recognize the impact of form formatting on user productivity, data accuracy, and overall user

2. Formatting Text Fields:

Adjust the size, font, and alignment of text fields to ensure clear and consistent data presentation.
Implement field labels and instructions to guide users during data entry.
Incorporate input masks to enforce specific data formats (e.g., phone numbers, dates).

3. Formatting Numeric and Date Fields:

Configure numeric fields to display appropriate decimal places and formatting.
Properly format date fields to match the desired date format and conventions.
Explore the use of calendar controls for efficient date selection.

4. Formatting Combo Boxes and Option Sets:

Create combo boxes (drop-down lists) to provide users with predefined options.
Configure option sets (radio buttons or checkboxes) for mutually exclusive or multiple-choice
Ensure the options are clearly labeled and organized for easy user comprehension.

5. Enhancing Form Layout and Appearance:

Arrange form elements in a logical and intuitive manner, considering workflow and user habits.
Utilize form sections, tabs, and panels to group related data and improve navigation.
Apply consistent color schemes, fonts, and visual styles to create a cohesive and professional
6. Validation and Error Handling:
Implement data validation rules to catch and prevent common input errors.
Provide clear and user-friendly error messages to guide users in correcting invalid data.
Explore the use of input validation controls, such as required fields and data type checks.

7. Testing and Refinement:

Conduct thorough testing of the formatted forms, involving end-users for feedback.
Identify and address any usability issues or pain points encountered during the testing process.
Continuously refine the form design based on user feedback and evolving business requirements.

By the end of this lab, you will have developed the skills to effectively format and enhance data entry
forms in Microsoft Access, creating a more user-friendly and efficient data management experience for
your application's users.
Lab 10 Creating Reports in MS Access

In this lab, we will explore the process of creating reports in Microsoft Access, which are essential for
presenting and communicating data in a structured and visually appealing manner.

1. Understanding Reports in MS Access:

Defining the purpose and importance of reports in database applications.
Exploring the different types of reports, such as tabular, summary, and mailing labels.
Identifying the key components and features of reports in Microsoft Access.

2. Creating a Basic Report:

Open Microsoft Access and create a new report or open an existing database.
Understand the report design interface, including the report sections and layout.
Add fields from the underlying table(s) to the report design.
Customize the report's appearance, such as adjusting font, size, and alignment.
Preview the report and make any necessary adjustments.

3. Enhancing Report Functionality:

Incorporate calculated fields to perform computations and display derived values.
Add grouping and sorting to organize data in a meaningful way.
Create sub-reports to display related data from multiple tables.
Explore the use of report parameters to allow users to filter the report data.
4. Formatting Report Elements:
Apply formatting techniques to improve the overall visual appeal of the report.
Use conditional formatting to highlight specific data points or conditions.
Incorporate images, logos, or other visual elements to enhance the report design.
Customize the report header, footer, and page layout to meet specific requirements.

5. Report Printing and Exporting:

Adjust the print settings and preview the report before printing.
Explore the options for exporting reports to various file formats, such as PDF, Excel, or CSV.
Discuss the considerations and best practices for report distribution and sharing.

6. Report Automation and Scheduling:

Understand the process of automating report generation and distribution.
Explore the options for scheduling reports to run periodically or on-demand.
Integrate report automation with other business processes or workflows.

7. Reporting Best Practices and Troubleshooting:

Discuss guidelines for effective report design, including data visualization techniques.
Identify and address common issues that may arise during report creation and usage.
Explore strategies for maintaining report integrity and ensuring data accuracy.

By the end of this lab, you will have gained the skills to create and customize reports in Microsoft Access,
enabling you to effectively present and communicate data within your database applications.
Lab 11 Introduction to SQL and installation of MySQL

In this lab, we will introduce SQL (Structured Query Language) and guide you through the installation
process of MySQL Workbench, a popular SQL development and administration tool.
1. Understanding SQL:
Definition and purpose of SQL as a standard language for managing and manipulating relational
Overview of the main SQL statement types, such as SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE.
Importance of SQL in the context of database management and data-driven applications.

2. Installing MySQL Workbench:

Download and install the latest version of MySQL Workbench on your system.
Ensure that the necessary system requirements are met, such as operating system compatibility and
database connectivity.
Explore the MySQL Workbench interface and familiarize yourself with the various components.

3. Connecting to a MySQL Database:

Create a new connection to a MySQL database server, either a local instance or a remote server.
Understand the connection parameters, such as hostname, username, and password.
Test the connection and ensure successful connectivity to the database.

4. Exploring the MySQL Workbench Features:

Become acquainted with the main functionalities of MySQL Workbench, including the SQL Editor,
Schema Browser, and Performance Dashboard.
Understand how to execute SQL queries, view query results, and manage database objects within the
Explore the options for organizing and managing your database connections and projects.

5. Basic SQL Statements:

Practice writing simple SQL queries using the SELECT statement to retrieve data from tables.
Understand the use of clauses like WHERE, ORDER BY, and GROUP BY to filter, sort, and aggregate
Experiment with INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE statements to modify the data in your database.

6. SQL Syntax and Best Practices:

Discuss the importance of proper SQL syntax and coding conventions.
Introduce basic SQL formatting and indentation guidelines to improve code readability.
Emphasize the significance of SQL comments and documentation for maintainability and collaboration.

7. MySQL Workbench Utilities and Tools:

Explore the additional features and utilities provided by MySQL Workbench, such as the SQL Script
Editor, Data Export/Import, and Database Modeling.
Discuss how these tools can enhance your SQL development and database management workflows.

By the end of this lab, you will have installed MySQL Workbench, connected to a MySQL database, and
gained a fundamental understanding of SQL syntax and basic data manipulation commands. This will
serve as a foundation for the more advanced SQL topics covered in the next lab.
Lab 12 SQL basics and commands

In this lab, we will delve deeper into SQL basics and explore various SQL commands and their usage.

1. SQL Data Types:

Understand the common data types used in SQL, such as VARCHAR, INTEGER, FLOAT, and DATE.
Discuss the importance of choosing appropriate data types for database columns.
Explore the concept of data type conversions and their implications.

2. SQL SELECT Statement:

Examine the basic syntax and structure of the SELECT statement.
Learn how to select specific columns, all columns, and perform column aliases.
Understand the use of the WHERE clause to filter data based on conditions.

3. SQL Clauses:
Explore additional SQL clauses, such as ORDER BY, GROUP BY, and HAVING.
Use the ORDER BY clause to sort the query results in ascending or descending order.
Understand the purpose of the GROUP BY clause and its use in aggregate functions (e.g., SUM, AVG,
Leverage the HAVING clause to filter grouped data based on conditions.

4. SQL Joins:
Introduce the concept of table relationships and the need for SQL joins.
Demonstrate the usage of different join types, such as INNER JOIN, LEFT JOIN, RIGHT JOIN, and
Understand the syntax and application of these join types in complex queries.

5. SQL Insert, Update, and Delete:

Learn the syntax and usage of the INSERT statement to add new records to a table.
Explore the UPDATE statement to modify existing data in a table.
Understand the DELETE statement to remove records from a table.
Discuss the importance of data integrity and the implications of these data manipulation commands.

6. SQL Subqueries:
Introduce the concept of subqueries and their purpose in SQL.
Demonstrate the usage of subqueries within the WHERE, SELECT, and FROM clauses.
Understand the differences between correlated and uncorrelated subqueries.

7. SQL Functions:
Explore various SQL functions, including string functions (e.g., CONCAT, SUBSTR, REPLACE),
numeric functions (e.g., ABS, ROUND, SQRT), and date/time functions (e.g., DATE, YEAR, MONTH).
Learn how to apply these functions within SQL queries to perform data transformations and

8. Sample SQL Queries:

Provide a set of sample SQL queries covering the topics discussed in this lab.
Encourage the learners to practice and experiment with the provided queries.
Discuss the purpose and expected outcomes of the sample queries.

By the end of this lab, you will have a solid understanding of SQL basics, including data types, common
SQL statements (SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE), clauses, joins, subqueries, and functions. This
knowledge will serve as a foundation for more advanced SQL concepts and database management tasks.

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