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School of Post Graduate Studies

Project Risk Management

Article Review on

International Requirements for Project Preparation: Aids or Obstacles to

Development Planning

Reviewed by: Group 3: P2


Submited To: Misgina A. (PhD)

June, 2023
Table of Contents
Executive Summary............................................................................................................................................ii
1. Introduction...............................................................................................................................................3
2. Theory of foundation.................................................................................................................................3
3. Research Methodology..............................................................................................................................3
4. Results and Discussion...............................................................................................................................4
5. Conclusion and Recommendations:...........................................................................................................4
6. Annotated Bibliography.............................................................................................................................5

Executive Summary

This review refines and summarizes the study conducted on International Requirements for Project
Preparation Aids or Obstacles to Development Planning. The paper summarizes significant
challenges in identifying and preparing economic and social development projects. The author also
addresses how there is difficulties in developing country in translating national plan to the well
structured investments. In an effort to address planning and administrative deficiencies in these
nations, international assistance agencies have become more involved in project preparation and
analysis. However, their complex procedures and requirements have made it difficult for many
developing countries to meet them, leading to a greater reliance on foreign experts and
consultants. This dependency often overlooks local needs and constraints. This review examines
and evaluation reports from three major international assistance agencies to assess the
requirements and procedures of project preparation, identify difficulties in their implementation,
and propose alternative and simplified approaches in Ethiopian projects context.

1. Introduction

The purpose of this articles review is to present a refine conceptual idea and to present others
additional view for this research idea and to shares the results of other studies that are closely
related to the one being undertaken. The review summarizes starting from the aim of the
study, significant of the study, theory foundation, research methodology, result and discussion
and concluded with recommendation.

Statement of the problem of the study was the challenges faced by developing countries in
identifying and preparing economic and social development projects. The involvement of
international assistance and their complex procedures and requirements have made it difficult
for many developing countries to comply. As a result, these countries have increasingly relied
on foreign experts and consultants, often neglecting local needs and constraints.
The study aims to evaluate project preparation requirements and procedures through
examination of evaluation reports from three major international assistance agencies, identify
implementation difficulties, and propose alternative and simplified approaches for developing
development projects.
Significant of the study will be mainly for project planner helps to understand what are the
elements of project preparation, and international major requirements for development
project preparation, Problems in applying international procedures and exploring alternative

2. Theory of foundation
The theoretical foundation is an explanation based on ideas that are related to particular
subject or a formal, peer-reviewed theoretical model (or models) that can be used to explain
the issues that are driving the research. Based on this definition the theory of foundation
proposed in this context revolves around the need to address the challenges faced by
developing countries in project preparation and analysis. It calls for a reassessment of the
complex procedures and requirements currently in place, and the exploration of simpler

alternatives that consider local needs and constraints for more effective and self-sustaining

3. Research Methodology:

In the methodology of the research the author conduct qualitative data analysis techniques in
deductive approach. This analysis method is used by many researchers and analysts who already
have a theory or a predetermined idea of the likely input from a sample population. The
deductive approach aims to collect data that can methodically and accurately support a theory
or hypothesis. As the study focus what are the international requirements for project preparation
and aids or Obstacles to Development Planning

Model specification, data analysis methods/strategies, the data, the

survey, framework analysis (if applicable)……

4. Results and Discussion

The author focus on this topic due to there is a gap or deficiency in planning and administrative
capacity in less developed nations as a result international assistance agencies that are the
World Bank, the United Nations Development Program and associated executing agencies
within the United Nations Development System, and the United States Agency for International
Development, Seeking to overcome deficiencies, have taken an expanded and more direct role
in project preparation and analysis and have formulated a complex set of procedures and
requirements for project planning, preparation and feasibility analysis. As a result this less
developed country outsource to external consultancy of this project preparation and
implementation. This external consultant overlooks the actual problems of local communities

on the ground and creates obstacles for developing nation to implement social and economic
development projects.
Among the three international assistance organizations World Bank's the six stages in the
project cycle are: Identification; Preparation; Appraisal; Negotiation and Board Presentation;
Implementation and Supervision; Evaluation. Some project ideas never make it past the early
phase of identification. Others are reworked during the preparation and appraisal phases, and
end up looking quite different from their original design. (
According to World Bang requirement among the six stages of project cycle in the preparation
stage in this first phase planners answer questions such as: Who will benefit from the project?
Will project benefits be greater than the costs? Are there other options for achieving the same
objective? A project must also pass a priorities test: a good industrial project may not go
forward because an agricultural project is more urgent. Once a project passes these hurdles, it
is incorporated into the Bank's multi-year lending program for a country, to ensure that
resources will be available over time to complete all identified projects. (

Key findings of the study

5. Conclusion and Recommendations:

in this section in addition to the article’s conclusion, you are expected to

contextualize the conclusions/findings of the study to Ethiopia’s situation. How it
does work from the Ethiopian perspective….

6. Annotated Bibliography
Dennis A. Rondinelli. (1976). International Requirements for Project Preparation: Aids or Obstacles to
Development Planning?, Journal of the American Institute of Planners, 42:3, 314-326, DOI:


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