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10/4/22, 4:29 PM Sexual and asexual reproduction

Spore formation
Spore formation is the process of producing spores in the sporangium.
After the sporangium breaks, the tiny and light spores getscattered by the wind.
When they land on a moist place, they grow into new plants.

Vegetative reproduction
Vegetative reproduction is a method of producing newplants from avegetative part of a plant except the flower.
Example of vegetative parts are the roots, underground stems, runners, bulbs and leaves.

Examples: Carrot, strawberry, ginger, yam and potatoes

There are three types of vegetative reproduction:

Root - Roots of parent plant will grow into new plant Example: Carro, sweet potato
Stem - Stem of parent plant will row into new plant Example: Potato, onion, grass
Leaf - Leaves of parent plant will grow into new plants Example: Bryophyllum, Begonia
The importance of reproduction:

Increase the number of organisms of a species

Transfers the genetic information to the new generation

4.2 Human Reproductive System

Male Reproductive System

Part Function
Seminal vesicle Secretes nutritional fluid for the sperms
Urethra A channel to discharge sperms and urine from the body
Sperm duct Transports sperms from the testis to the urethra inside the body
Penis Transfers sperms into the vagina of the female during copulation
Scrotum Holds and protects the testes
Testis Produces male gametes (sperms) and male sex hormones 2/10
10/4/22, 4:29 PM Sexual and asexual reproduction

Prostate glands Secrete fluid which contains nutrients and protects sperm cell
Female Reproductive System

Part Function
Fallopian tube Place where fertilisation between sperm and ovum occurs
Ovary Produces female gamete (ovum) and female sex hormones
Uterus (womb) Place where the embryo develops and grows
Cervix Produces mucus to enable sperms to swim into the uterus
Vagina Receives sperms and as a channel through which a baby is born
Physical Changes that Occur During Puberty

Male Female
Breasts grow
Vocal cord (larynx) enlarges
Hips become firm and broader
Voice becomes deeper
Hair grows on the armpits

Reproductive organs
Ovaries produce ova and sex hormones
Mousthache and beard begin to grow
Hair grows at pubic region
Hair grows on the face, armpits and chest
Menstrual cycle begins

Reproductive organs

Testes produce sperms and sex hormones

Hair grows at pubic region
Penis and scrotum enlarge

Comparison between the Male and Female Gametes

Sperm Ovum
Able to move Not able to move
Produced by testis Produced by ovary
Male gamete Female gamete
Smallest cell in the male's body Largest cell in the female's body
Carries genetic information
Sexual reproductive cell

Definition 3/10

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