Workbook-Create-hundreds-of-videos (1)

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One of the problems when creating content for short-form

videos (Instagram Reels, Facebook Reels, YouTube Shorts, and

TikToks) is the lack of ideas.

Has everything already been created on the social platforms

that use this content format? The answer is no, there is always
a solution to every problem, and the key is to put yourself in
the user’s shoes, and to know your audience in detail.

We will start by doing some exercises to get to know what

your brand is like, the archetype, how to identify your
audience, and the problems they have or their pain points.


Discover your brand archetype

Defining your brand’s archetype is crucial to your brand identity. It

serves as a way to connect emotionally with your customers, align your
communication across all channels, and be a recognizable brand.

Follow these steps…

Choose 3 words that define your brand, and mark them with the
numbers 1 to 3, with 1 being the primary word.

Out of the ordinary Honorable

Gentle Victorious

Romance Innovative

Shameless Bold

Expert Disruptive

Fun Creative

Providing help Luxury

Rebellious Cool

Educated Prestigious

Reference Reliable

Honest Irreverent

Enthusiastic Charimatic

Funny Optimistic

Passionate Strong

Secure Independent

Unusual Caring

Inspirational Courageous

Successful Empathetic

Organize the words you have chosen, with 1 carrying the most importance

The word you have placed first defines your main brand archetype and the following words can either
match the main archetype or indicate secondary features of your brand.

Look at the table for the word that fills position 1 and here you have your brand archetype. Now look
for words 2 and 3 to find the secondary traits.

Caregiver Ruler Creator
Caring Succesful Unusual
Protector Prestige Out of the ordinary
Gentle Luxury Imaginative

(Nestlé / Pampers) (Rolex / Mercedes) (Apple / Lego)

Innocent Sage Explorer
Optimistic Expert Bold
Honest Educator Cheeky
Reliable Reference Independant

(Coca-Cola / Dove) (CNN / Google) (Virgin / Red Bull)

Rebel Magician Hero
Daring Inspirational Victorious
Irreverent Charismatic Honorable
Disruptive Innovative Courageous

(Diesel / Desigual) (Disney / Absolut)) (Nive / Duracell)

Lover Jester Regular Man
Passionate Comical Empathetic
Romance Amusing Helpful
Enthusiastic Cool Friendly

(L’Oréal / Häagen-Dazs (Fanta / Doritos) (Ikea / Levis)

Notice the center, this is where the core of your brand is.


In social media, talking to everyone is the least effective method. Research your ideal
customer thoroughly.

Ideal customer = the customer you want to buy from you or be a part of your

Define that ideal customer by following these steps, fill in all the personal data in the
customer’s file, as well as their hobbies, pain points, or aspirations:



Civil State:

Current Situation:

Favorite Social Network:


Biggest fear


Wishes or desires


Where do you find your customer’s pain points to create content? Here are 7
ideas to get you started.

Write down the findings in the last column and then review which problems
or ideas are the most recurring.

Online communities where your ideal customers

are located to extract information and pain
points (Facebook groups, Instagram broadcast
channels, X communities)

Quora or Reddit to search for topics related to

your brand.

Check out comments from your potential

customers on your competitors’ profiles.

Research reviews of similar products on


Search for online forums where your customers

are and read their comments carefully.

Comments from popular blogs in your field.

Questionnaires or surveys to your community

through social media.

Now think about how that person would feel if they solved their problem
and discovered the final benefit or solution.

Write those 10 problems in the table and then turn the problem into the
solution your customers are looking for.

Here is an example of the problem that has brought you here, lack of
ideas. We’ve provided a table for you to fill in for each of the problems and
solutions that you find in your customers.

We have started, but now it’s your turn to continue:

Problem Solution

Lack of content creation ideas Ideas for creating content

Problem Solution

Problem Solution

Problem Solution

Problem Solution

Problem Solution

Problem Solution

Problem Solution

Problem Solution

Problem Solution

If you identify problems and solutions, you will always have new ideas for
content creation. If you have filled in the table, you now have 20 ideas to
create content.


Look at all the content you have after applying the formulas.

10 problems X 10 copy formulas: 100 content ideas

10 solutions X 10 copy formulas: 100 content ideas

Below you will find the complete tables with the example of the previous step.

1 PROBLEM - 10 copy formulas

Here you have to write the headline and description of the video from the issue you have
Following the example above we deal with the problem: lack of ideas to create content.

Formula: Problem-Agitate-Solution (PAS)

Title: Lacking inspiration to create content?

Identify the problem of lack of ideas for creating content, shake off the frustration it can cause, and
present an effective solution.

Formula: AIDA Formula

Title: You want content ideas but don’t know how

It attracts the viewer’s attention, generates interest by showing the difficulty of generating ideas for
content, awakens the desire to solve it, and calls for action to get help.

Formula: Question-Problem-Action-Benefit (QPAB)

Title: Do you spend hours thinking about what to post?

Raise a question that resonates with the audience about the lack of content ideas, present the problem,
call for action to find a solution, and highlight the benefits of overcoming this difficulty.

Formula: Benefit-Intrigue-Gain (BIG)

Title: Discover the secret to overcoming creative blocks

It highlights the benefit of finding inspiration for content, creates curiosity around how to achieve it, and
presents a hook to invite action and get help.

Formula: Problem-Demonstration-Solution (PDS)

Title: This overcomes the creative block/lack of ideas for content

It shows the problem in action, demonstrates how it affects content creation, and then presents an
effective solution to find inspiration.

Formula: Single Benefit Formula (SBF)

Title: Discover the formula for creating content, even if you have zero ideas

It highlights the unique benefit of overcoming the lack of ideas for content, emphasizing how this will
facilitate the creation of engaging and valuable material.

Formula: Before-After-Bridge (BAB)

Title: From creative drought to a constant flow of ideas

It shows what life was like before finding content ideas and how it improves after using an effective
solution, inviting the audience to make the change.

Formula: Story-Problem-Solution (SPS)

Title: How I overcame the creative block

Tell a short story about someone facing the problem with the lack of content ideas, present the
problem, and then show how an effective solution was found.

Formula: Curiosity Formula (CF)

Title: Do you want to know how to overcome creative block?

Create curiosity by posing an intriguing question about overcoming creative block and then invite the
audience to discover the answer.

Formula: Benefit-Test-Safety (BTS)

Title: Generate content ideas in minutes

Highlight the benefit of overcoming the creative block, back it up with evidence of the solution’s
effectiveness, and offer reassurance to the audience to try it out.

1 SOLUTION- 10 copy formulas

Here you have to write the headline and description of the video from the issue you have

Again, we continue with the previous example and in this case based on the solution: ideas for
creating content.

Formula: Curiosity Formula (CF)

Title: Discover the secret to creating unlimited content

Create curiosity by posing an intriguing question about finding the secret to creating effective content
and then inviting the audience to unlock the answer.

Formula: Hook-Intrigue-Benefit (HIB)

Title: This is the creators’ secret to content ideas

Create an intriguing hook around the secret to find creative ideas, spark audience interest, and highlight
the benefits of adopting these strategies to stand out on social media.

Formula:Problem-Reward-Solution (PRS)

Title: Transform your online strategy with fresh ideas

It shows the problem of lack of creative ideas, offers a reward in the form of new content strategies,
and presents an effective solution to revitalize social media presence.

Formula: Promise Formula (PF)

Title: Constant creative ideas for your social media content

Makes a clear promise for creative content ideas, ensuring success in social networks and generating
confidence in the effectiveness of the proposed strategies.

Formula: Question-Intrigue-Benefit (QIB)

Title: Do you want to stand out in social networks with unique content?

Pose a question that resonates with the audience about the desire to stand out on social media, create
excitement around how to achieve it, and highlight the benefits of finding creative content ideas.

Formula: Enthusiasm Formula (EF)

Title: Find the inspiration you need to succeed with your content!

It generates excitement around the possibility of finding creative ideas for content, transmitting positive
energy, and motivating the audience to seek inspiration to stand out in social networks.

Formula: Single Benefit Formula (SBF)

Title: Find unlimited ideas for your content

It highlights the unique benefit of having effective ideas for creating content, highlighting how this can
lead to innovative and captivating content pieces.

Formula: Aspiration Formula (AF)

Title: Increase engagement with these content ideas

It generates a sense of aspiration around the possibility of using creative ideas for content, showing
how they can lead to new levels of social media success.

Formula: Problem-Transformation-Benefit (PTB)

Title: From boring to innovative: ideas for social networks

It shows how dull content can be transformed into uniqueness through creative content ideas,
highlighting the benefits of such a transformation with social media presence. It generates excitement
around the possibility of finding creative ideas for content, transmitting positive energy and motivating
the audience to seek inspiration to stand out in social networks.

Formula: Attraction Formula (AF)

Title: Charm your audience with new content ideas

Use attraction to capture audience attention with the promise of innovative content, highlighting how
this can attract and retain followers on social media.

Fill in the table by applying the copy formulas to your problem or solution

Now it’s your turn to take responsibility for your audience’s problems and create content based
on the copy formulas.

1 PROBLEM - 10 copy formulas


Formula: Problem-Agitate-Solution (PAS)


Formula: AIDA Formula


Formula: Question-Problem-Action-Benefit (QPAB)


Formula: Benefit-Intrigue-Gain (BIG)


Formula: Problem-Demonstration-Solution (PDS)


Formula: Single Benefit Formula (FBU)


Formula: Before-After-Bridge (BAB)


Formula: Story-Problem-Solution (SPS)


Formula: Curiosity Formula (CF)


Formula: Benefit-Test-Safety (BPS)


1 SOLUTION - 10 copy formulas


Formula: Curiosity Formula (CF)


Formula: Hook-Intrigue-Benefit (HIB)


Formula: Problem-Reward-Solution (PRS)


Formula: Promise Formula (PF)


Formula: Question-Intrigue-Benefit (QIB)


Formula: Enthusiasm Formula (EF)


Formula: Single Benefit Formula (SBF)


Formula: Aspiration Formula (AF)


Formula: Problem-Transformation-Benefit (PTB)


Formula: Attraction Formula (AF)


In the end, repetition in video format is important, because it’s the way
to reach new people. Therefore, the idea is to create these videos and
schedule them in different weeks, alternating 1 solution video and 1 problem
video. In other words, identify a problem for your audience and repeat the

And how do you schedule all your content so that there are never gaps on
your social media networks?

Scheduling saves time in your day-to-day as a social media manager

and knowing that you will have content ready on your profiles avoids the
pressure of thinking about what to post every single day.

Metricool is the answer: because scheduling and Metricool go hand in hand.

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