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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)

Volume 8 Issue 2, March-April 2024 Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470

A Descriptive Study to Assess the Knowledge and Attitude

Regarding the Psychological Impact of Overindulgence in Mobile
Phone among Adolescence of Selected College of Nursing in
Lucknow with a View to Develop an Information Booklet
Rajesh Singh1, Anshika Singh2, Ashu Singh3, Deepshikha Rawat4,
Himanshi Yadav5, Manasvi Dev Verma6, Shivani Verma7
Assistant Professor, Mental Health Nursing, 2-7BSc. Nursing Student,
Shri Swami Bhumanand College of Nursing, Haridwar, Uttarakhand, India
Dr. Achal Singh Yadav Institute of Nursing and Paramedical Science, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India

ABSTRACT How to cite this paper: Rajesh Singh |

Smartphones have become undoubtedly paramount part of Anshika Singh | Ashu Singh |
adolescence life. It is a gadget which can facilitate management of Deepshikha Rawat | Himanshi Yadav |
daily life more efficiently. Despite its benefits the psychological Manasvi Dev Verma | Shivani Verma "A
Descriptive Study to Assess the
impact induced by it on its users cannot be ignored. The excessive
Knowledge and Attitude Regarding the
usage of smartphones is raising serious concerns among health and
Psychological Impact of Overindulgence
educational authorities due to its negative effect on adolescents. in Mobile Phone among Adolescence of
In this study a descriptive research design was used to assess the Selected College of Nursing in Lucknow
knowledge and attitude regarding the psychological impact of with a View to Develop an Information
overindulgence in mobile phone among adolescence of selected Booklet" Published
in International
college of nursing in lucknow with a view to develop an information
Journal of Trend in
booklet. Scientific Research
Results revealed that in the total no of 50 subjects, majority of the and Development
subjects had average knowledge i.e. 60%, 38% had good knowledge (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-
and 2% had poor knowledge regarding the psychological impact of 6470, Volume-8 | IJTSRD64557
overindulgence in mobile phone. Majority of the subjects 38(76%) Issue-2, April 2024,
pp.34-39, URL:
belonged to the age group of 18-20 years, followed by 10(20%) of
the subjects belonging to the age group of 21-22 years and 2(4%)
belonged to the age group of 23-24 years of age. In this study Copyright © 2024 by author (s) and
10(20%) were males and 40(80%) were females. The mean of International Journal of Trend in
knowledge score is 6.98 with SD 1.56. The chi square test depicts Scientific Research and Development
only type of place being associated with knowledge score, whereas Journal. This is an
no other demographic variable shows any significant association with Open Access article
knowledge score. In attitude score majority of the subjects (58%) distributed under the
belonged to the attitude score of 22-42 had average attitude, 34% terms of the Creative Commons
subjects belonged to the attitude score of 43-64 had good attitude Attribution License (CC BY 4.0)
and8% subjects belonged to the attitude score of (1-21) had poor
attitude regarding the psychological impact of overindulgence in mobile phone.
The results obtained concluded that the majority of adolescence had an average knowledge and attitude
regarding the psychological impact of overindulgence in mobile phone. This study presents a significant
association between the type of place and knowledge score of adolescents and a significant association between
the age and gender and the attitude score of adolescents, whereas there has been no significant association being
indicated between the other demographic variables in association with knowledge and attitude score. Therefore a
deeper understanding of the psychological impact induced by overindulgence in mobile phone would be helpful
for developing effective therapies and preventing programs according to the needs of adolescents.
KEYWORDS: knowledge, attitude, information booklet, psychological impact, overindulgence, adolescence

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD64557 | Volume – 8 | Issue – 2 | Mar-Apr 2024 Page 34

International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
INTRODUCTION bothered that youngsters are drowning in messages
HEALTH; is a state of complete physical mental and about sex, smoking, drinking and are becoming the
social well - being and not merely the absence of host of the products that threaten their mental
disease or infirmity 1. wellbeing. The innovation displayed through the
MENTAL HEALTH; a state of wellbeing in which revolution in information and technology is restating
the individual realize, his or her own abilities can the outline of human existence at physical, social and
cope with normal stress of life 2. psychological planes. Accompanied by the
competitive pressures due to the rapidly changing
ADOLESCENCE: is a transitional stage of physical world; has produced daunting challenges and high
and psychological development that generally occurs risk particularly for the Indian adolescence struggling
during the period from puberty to adulthood. for day to day self-image and self- esteem . The
Adolescence is usually associated with the teenage greater use of mobile phone has led to an increase in
years, but its physical, psychological or cultural individual level psychopathology such as loneliness,
expressions may begin earlier and end later.3 attention-deficits, disruptions in family functioning;
The first handle phone was demonstrated by John F. unrealistic aspiration and value for materialistic
Mitchell and Dr. Martin Cooper of Motorola, almost objects are often seen dominating their lives 8.
four decades ago in 1973, since then the mobile The effects of excessive use of mobile phones are
phone subscriptions have grown from 12.4million to raising serious concerns among health and education
over 5.6 billion penetrating about 70 percent of the authorities due to its negative effects on adolescences.
global population 4. It can be associated with difficulties in cognitive –
The mobile phone today has become lifeline for emotion regulation, impulsivity, impaired cognitive
many. It is estimated that around 4.5 billion people function, addiction to social networking, shyness and
use mobile phone worldwide .And it comes as no low self- esteem 9.
surprise that huge portion of this quantity consist of Media technology has become most important part of
the youth. The mobile phone is more of a necessity today’s life style in the twenty-first century .It
for them than a luxury. Various services conducted on become the integral part of children’s lives.
the youth worldwide have presented a picture where Teenagers have previously lagged behind adults in
mobile phone is being considered as an integral part there owner ship of cell phone last several years of
of survival where as some youngsters have gone to data collected by the Pew Internet and American life
such an extent of saying that they would rather go project shows that those ages 12-17 are closing the
without a food for a day than without their mobile gap in cell phones ownership 45% of teens had a cell
phones 5. phones, in 2006 in -65% and then 71% in early 2008
The increase in mobile phone usage is most .
significant in adolescent as compared to other Shangliao Sun, (sep 3,2021) Published a statistical
developmental stages as its attributes and data on number of smart phone users in India in 2010
characteristics makes it especially attractive to them to 2020 .The country had the world second largest
and encourage its use among members of this group. internet population at over 748 million users in 2020,
However, despite of being an extraordinary useful with the number of smart phone users worldwide
tool, the excessive use of mobile phones interferes forecasted to exceed to billion users in 2040 11 .
with other activities in daily life, alters the rules for
Shangliao Sun conducted the survey by the Mobile
interpersonal relationship and can affect the user’s
wellbeing 6. Ecosystem Forum from November to December
2019, which showed that the highest penetration rate
Not surprising then, this addiction of human’s to among smart phone uses in INDIA was in the age
mobile phones has even led to a new term being groups of 16 -24 years, with 37% 12.
coined –NOMOPHOBIA (the fear of being out of
mobile phone contact!) Where a study in Britain According to Global Consumer survey in 2017.US
Edition. By age group, smart phones penetration is
found that 58% of male and 48% of females suffer
the highest among age 18-24 years old at a staggering
from this phobia, and an additional 9% feels stressed
93% Source-US edition, Delaitte Global mobile
when their mobile phones are off 7.
consumer survey BASE – Smart phones owners
Smartphone’s addiction produces a wide range of 2014-2015 13.
psychological impact on adolescence causing
depression, anxiety, loss of appetite, lack of attention, According to Telecom regularity authority of India
prolonged stress and sleep disturbance. Parents are New Delhi, 28January 2001 A survey state that in Up
(E) –total population of cell phone users are 87.58%-

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD64557 | Volume – 8 | Issue – 2 | Mar-Apr 2024 Page 35

International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
351008(people) Up (w)-total population of cell phone Result:
users are 87%-238220(people) 14. Findings of the study revealed that-
Majority of the adolescent nursing students in this
The total number of internet subscribers increases to
780.27 million in May 2021 in India 15. According to study 38(78%) belong to the age group of 18-
above given data it was reveal that the Indian 20years, followed 10(20%)belong to the age group of
teenagers are too much involve with their cell phones, 21-22 And 2(4%) belong to the age group of 23-
hence it may affect their mental health and they 24years.
become more dependent to the internet sources rather Majority of the adolescent nursing students Female
than books and environment. This type of dependency 40(80%) and remaining 10(20%) were male.
May also lead to antisocial behaviour among
The study shows majority of the adolescent students
children’s and develops introvert personality.
32(64%) were belongs to rural and remaining students
Material and methods 18(36%) were belong to urban.
Majority of Adolescent’s Father 30(60%) were having
The research design used in this study was non-
Graduate, 7(10%) were Post –Graduate, 6(12%) were
experimental Descriptive study design.
having primary education, 5(10%) were having
Sample Secondary education and 2(4%) were having No
A total of 50 adolescence were selected through formal education.
convenient sampling technique who met inclusion
- Majority of the adolescent’s Mother 20(40%) having
criteria. Subjects who were not willing to participate Graduate, 10(20%) were having Primary
in study or with any known psychiatric illness were Education,9(18%)were having Secondary Education,
excluded from the study. 6(12%) were having Post – Graduate, 5(10%) were
Tools having no formal education.
Various tools used to collect the data were: The study shows that Majority of Adolescent’s
Self- structured questionnaire regarding 29(58%) were from nuclear family, 21(42%) were
knowledge and attitude from joint family and 0% from broken family .
Total numbers of questions were 25. Majority of the students 20(40%) were having
Data collection schedule and procedure previous Knowledge through Teacher, 19(38%) were
Ethical permission having previous knowledge through Parents, 11(11%)
Permission to conduct the study was taken from the had previous knowledge through Media .
Principal of Dr. Achal Singh Yadav Institute of DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION
Nursing and Paramedical science Lucknow. Nursing can be described as both an art and science: a
Procedure of data collection heart and mind. At its heart, lies a fundamental
A separate class room was allotted to the researcher respect for human dignity and an intuition for a
for making the atmosphere conducive for patient’s need. This is supported by the mind, in the
interviewing the participants. Participants were form of rigorous core learning. The present study was
fulfilling the inclusion criteria were enrolled in the conducted to assess the knowledge and attitude
study. Participants were informed about the purpose regarding the psychological impact of
of the study, possible risks, benefits and overindulgence in mobile phone among
confidentiality of their information before conducting adolescence of selected college of nursing in
interview. Written informed consent was obtained Lucknow with a view to develop an information
from the study participants. After making participants booklet, following conclusion was drawn from the
comfortable, they were interviewed by using various present study.
tools i.e. socio-demographic profile, and Self-
This section discusses the findings of the study derived
Structured Questionnaire.
from the statistical analysis. The study was “A
Data analysis descriptive study to assess the knowledge and attitude
Analysis of data was done in accordance with the regarding the psychological impact of overindulgence in
objectives laid down for the study using descriptive mobile phone among adolescence of selected college of
and inferential statistics in SPSS software version Nursing in Lucknow with a view to develop an
20.0, chi square test for association, and Cronbach's information booklet.” The discussion is based on the
Alpha (a) correlation, split half methods were used objectives and hypothesis specified in the study.
for assess the reliability of tools and analyze the data.

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD64557 | Volume – 8 | Issue – 2 | Mar-Apr 2024 Page 36

International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
Study shows the majority of the knowledge score of student had average attitude regarding overindulgence
Adolescence of selected college of nursing students in mobile phone and 34% had good attitude and
regarding overindulgence in mobile phone was good 8%had poor attitude regarding overindulgence in
knowledge i.e 38%, 60% of the students having mobile phone . The minimum score of the attitude was
average knowledge and 2% students had poor 17and maximum score was 64.A similar finding has
knowledge. The minimum score of the knowledge was 3 been reported.
and maximum score was 10. In attitude score 58% of the
Table no.1. Frequency and percentage distribution of socio demographic characteristics of
adolescence nursing students.
18-20 38 76
1 AGE 21-22 10 20
23-24 2 4
Male 10 20
Female 40 80
Nuclear 29 58
3 Joint 21 42
Broken 0 0
AREA OF Rural 32 64
RESIDENT Urban 18 36
No-formal education formal 2 4
primary 6 12
5 secondary 5 10
graduate 30 60
post graduate 7 14
No-formal education formal 5 10
primary 10 20
6 secondary 9 19
graduate 20 40
post graduate 6 12
Teacher 20 40
7 Parents 19 38
Media 11 22
Table no.2 Frequency and percentage distribution of knowledge score.
Level ofknowledge Frequency Percentage %
Good (8-10) 19 38%
Average (4-7) 30 60%
Poor (1-3) 1 2%
The above table shows the frequency and percentage distribution of knowledge score of adolescence regarding
psychological impact of overindulgence in mobile phone. The table depicts that 19(38%) of adolescents had good
knowledge, 30(60%) had average knowledge whereas 1(2%) had poor knowledge regarding the psychological
impact induced by overindulgence in mobile phone.
Table no. 3. Frequency distribution of mean and standard deviation of knowledge score regarding
psychological impact of overindulgence in mobile phone.
Knowledge score Min score Max score Mean SD
Knowledge regarding psychological impact
3 10 6.98 1.56
of overindulgence in mobile Phone.
This table shows that the mean and SD distribution of knowledge score regarding the psychological impact of
overindulgence in mobile phone. This table reveals that the minimum score of the adolescent was 3 and maximum score
was 10 whereas the mean of knowledge score is 6.98 with SD 1.56.

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD64557 | Volume – 8 | Issue – 2 | Mar-Apr 2024 Page 37

International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
Table no-4:- Association of knowledge score regarding the psychological impact of overindulgence in
mobile phone with their socio demographic variable
Demographic Calculated Table Significance Good Average Poor DF
variable value value Level
Age in years
18-20 11 24 3
1. 2.1825 9.49 4 NS
21-22 1 8 1
23-24 1 1 0
2. Male 3 7 0 1.016 5.99 2 NS
Female 10 26 4
Education status of father
No formal education 0 2 0
Primary 1 5 0
3. 4.085 15.51 8 NS
Secondary 1 3 1
Graduate 9 18 3
Post graduate 2 5 0
Education status of mother
No formal education 2 4 0
Primary 2 9 1
4. 2.480 15.51 8 NS
Secondary 3 6 1
Graduate 4 10 3
Post graduate 2 4 0
Type ofplace
5. Urban 8 10 0 6.375 5.99 2 Significant
Rural 5 23 4
Type offamily
Nuclear 11 18 1
6. 4.948 9.49 4 NS
Joint 2 15 3
Broken 0 0 0
Source of knowledge
Teacher 6 12 2
7. 1.638 9.49 4 NS
Parents 4 13 2
Media 3 8 0
Table no-5:- Frequency and percentage distribution of attitude score.
Attitude Frequency Percentage%
Good (43-64) 17 34%
Average (22-42) 29 58%
Poor (1-21) 4 8%
The above table shows the frequency and percentage distribution of attitude score of adolescence regarding
psychological impact of overindulgence in mobile phone. This table depicts that 17(34%) had good attitude, 29(58%)
had average attitude and 4(8%) had poor attitude regarding the psychological impact induced by overindulgence in
mobile phone.
Table no. 6- Frequency distribution of mean and standard deviation of attitude score regarding the
psychological impact of overindulgence in mobile phone.
Attitude score Min score Max score Mean SD
Attitude regarding psychological
17 64 40.3 10.77
impact of overindulgence in mobile phone.
This table shows that the mean and SD distribution of attitude score regarding psychological impact of overindulgence
in mobile phone. This table reveals that minimum score of the adolescents was 17 and maximum score was 64
whereas the mean of attitude score is 40.3 with SD 10.77.

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD64557 | Volume – 8 | Issue – 2 | Mar-Apr 2024 Page 38

International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
Table no-7:- Association of attitude score regarding the psychological impact of overindulgence in
mobile phone with their socio demographic variables.
Demographic Calculated Table Significance Good Average Poor DF
variable value value level
Age in years
18-20 17 20 1
1. 11.473 9.49 4 Significant
21-22 1 7 2
23-24 0 1 1
2. Male 2 8 0 7.458 5.99 2 Significant
Female 20 16 4
Education status of father
No formal education 0 2 0
Primary 3 2 1
3. 5.624 15.51 8 NS
Secondary 3 3 0
Graduate 12 15 2
Post graduate 1 5 1
Education status of mother
1 5 0
No formal education
4 6 2
4. Primary 8.374 15.51 8 NS
5 5 0
Secondary Graduate
7 8 2
Post graduate
4 1 0
Type ofplace
5. Urban 6 10 2 0.3954 5.99 2 NS
Rural 12 18 2
Type offamily
Nuclear 9 19 2
6. 1.636 9.49 4 NS
Joint 9 9 2
Broken 0 0 0
Source of knowledge
Teacher 6 9 4
7. 9.393 9.49 4 NS
Parents 8 12 0
Media 4 7 0


The authors sincerely thank all the adolescence C6510111/#ref8
nursing students and their principal for their co-
operation and support for the smooth conduct of the
tion [8]
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lth%20Organization%20defines,to%20his%20o cast-of-smartphone-users-in-india/
r%20her%20community.%22 [10]
[3] a-smartphone-users-by-age-
5/smartphone-ownership-is-growing- rapidly- group/#:~:text=Acording%20to%a%20survey
around-the-world-but-not-always-equally/ %20conducted,24%20and%2035%20years%20

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD64557 | Volume – 8 | Issue – 2 | Mar-Apr 2024 Page 39

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