Transition From Industry 4.0 to Industry 5.0 A Comprehensive Overview

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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)

Volume 8 Issue 2, March-April 2024 Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470

Transition From Industry 4.0 to Industry 5.0:

A Comprehensive Overview
Manish Verma
Scientist D, DMSRDE, Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, India

ABSTRACT How to cite this paper: Manish Verma

Industry 5.0 represents a paradigm shift in manufacturing, marked by "Transition From Industry 4.0 to
the collaborative integration of humans and advanced technologies. Industry 5.0: A Comprehensive
Building upon the foundations of Industry 4.0, this evolution Overview"
emphasizes a human-centric approach, recognizing the indispensable Published in
International Journal
role of human creativity, problem-solving abilities, and emotional of Trend in
intelligence in conjunction with cutting-edge technologies. The Scientific Research
transition from Industry 1.0 to Industry 5.0 reflects a progression and Development
towards more intelligent, adaptive, and resilient manufacturing (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456- IJTSRD64559
systems. 6470, Volume-8 |
Issue-2, April 2024, pp.91-102, URL:
This abstract explores the merits, applications, and key principles of
Industry 5.0. Merits include enhanced innovation, collaborative
efficiency, adaptive manufacturing, improved decision-making, and a Copyright © 2024 by author (s) and
focus on employee well-being and skill development. Applications International Journal of Trend in
span product-based and service-based manufacturing, integrating Scientific Research and Development
technologies such as collaborative robotics, augmented reality, Journal. This is an
natural language processing, and real-time data analytics to create Open Access article
efficient, personalized, and adaptive manufacturing processes. distributed under the
terms of the Creative Commons
Additionally, the abstract delves into the integration of DARQ Attribution License (CC BY 4.0)
technologies—Distributed Ledger Technology, Artificial (
Intelligence, Extended Reality, and Quantum Computing—with
Industry 5.0. These technologies contribute to supply chain KEYWORDS: Industry 5.0, CPS,
transparency, predictive maintenance, immersive training human-computer interaction (HCI) ,
experiences, and advanced data analysis, further enhancing the Human-Centric Innovation
overall intelligence and efficiency of manufacturing ecosystems.
While Industry 5.0 presents unprecedented opportunities, challenges
such as technology adoption, cybersecurity, ethical considerations,
and workforce reskilling must be navigated. By embracing the
principles of Industry 5.0 and leveraging advanced technologies,
manufacturers can position themselves at the forefront of a new era
that prioritizes collaboration, innovation, and human-centric values in
the manufacturing landscape.

Evolution from Industry1.0 to Industry5.0 spinning jenny, and power loom. This
revolution transformed agrarian economies into
The concept of Industry 4.0 and its evolution into
Industry 5.0 represent the progression of industrial industrial ones, leading to the establishment of
revolutions driven by advancements in technology factories and the mass production of goods.
and automation. Here is a brief overview of each 1.2. Industry 2.0 (Late 19th century - Early 20th
stage: century): The second industrial revolution saw
the widespread adoption of electricity and the
1.1. Industry 1.0 (Late 18th century - Early 19th
development of the assembly line. This era was
century): The first industrial revolution was
characterized by increased efficiency in
marked by the mechanization of manual
processes using water and steam power. Key production, the rise of large-scale industrial
inventions included the steam engine, corporations, and the expansion of rail and

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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
telecommunication networks. It also brought example. It revolutionized manufacturing by
about advancements in transportation with the breaking down the production process into
introduction of the automobile. sequential tasks, allowing for mass production of
1.3. Industry 3.0 (Mid-20th century): The third automobiles at a faster and more efficient pace.
industrial revolution was driven by the 2.3. Industry 3.0:
emergence of electronics and automation. Key  Example: The development and widespread use
innovations included the development of of programmable logic controllers (PLCs) in the
computers, programmable logic controllers mid-20th century are significant. PLCs allowed
(PLCs), and early robotic systems. This era for automation of control systems in
brought about increased automation in manufacturing processes, enhancing precision and
manufacturing processes, leading to improved reliability.
precision and efficiency.
2.4. Industry 4.0:
1.4. Industry 4.0 (Late 20th century - Early 21st  Example: The implementation of the Internet of
century): Industry 4.0 is characterized by the Things (IoT) in manufacturing is a key aspect of
integration of digital technologies, the Internet Industry 4.0. Smart sensors and devices
of Things (IoT), artificial intelligence (AI), and embedded in machines and products enable real-
big data into manufacturing processes. This time data collection and analysis, optimizing
revolution focuses on creating "smart factories" production processes. For instance, a smart
where machines communicate with each other factory might use sensors to monitor equipment
and with humans, allowing for real-time data health and predict maintenance needs.
exchange and decision-making. Cyber-physical
systems play a crucial role in this era. 2.5. Industry 5.0:
 Example: Collaborative robots, or cobots,
1.5. Industry 5.0 (Emerging concept): Industry 5.0 exemplify the human-machine collaboration
builds on the foundation of Industry 4.0 but envisioned in Industry 5.0. These robots are
emphasizes the collaboration between humans designed to work alongside humans, assisting in
and machines. It recognizes the importance of tasks that require precision and strength. In a
human creativity, problem-solving skills, and manufacturing setting, a cobot might work in
emotional intelligence in conjunction with tandem with human workers to assemble intricate
advanced technologies. This era envisions a components.
more human-centric approach to
manufacturing, where machines and humans  Example: Advanced AI and machine learning
work collaboratively, each contributing their algorithms are used to enhance decision-making
unique strengths. The goal is to create a more processes. In Industry 5.0, these technologies can
flexible and adaptive production environment. analyze vast amounts of data to provide insights
that support human workers in making strategic
In summary, the evolution from Industry 1.0 to decisions, contributing to a more intelligent and
Industry 5.0 represents a journey of increasing adaptive production environment.
technological sophistication and a shift toward greater
collaboration between humans and machines in the  Example: Emphasis on employee well-being and
industrial landscape. skill development is another aspect of Industry
5.0. Companies may invest in training programs
II. Examples from Evolution from Industry1.0 to enhance the skills of their workforce,
to Industry5.0 recognizing the importance of human creativity
We look at examples that illustrate the evolution from and adaptability alongside technological
Industry 1.0 to Industry 5.0: advancements.
2.1. Industry 1.0:
 Example: The introduction of the steam engine These examples illustrate the progression of industry
during the late 18th century revolutionized through each revolution, showcasing the increasing
industries such as textile manufacturing. Factories integration of technology and the evolving
started using steam power for machinery, moving relationship between humans and machines. Industry
away from manual labor and enabling the mass 5.0 places a strong emphasis on the collaboration
production of goods. between human intelligence and technological
capabilities for more flexible and responsive
2.2. Industry 2.0: manufacturing processes.
 Example: The assembly line, introduced by Henry
Ford in the early 20th century, is a classic

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III. Comparison of Industry 4.0 Vs Industry The collaboration between humans and machines
5.0 allows for a more responsive and adaptive
Industry 4.0 and Industry 5.0 represent different production environment.
stages in the evolution of industrial revolutions, each
3.5. Decision-Making:
with distinct characteristics. Here is a comparison
 Industry 4.0: Decision-making is often automated
between Industry 4.0 and the emerging concept of
and relies on algorithms and data analytics to
Industry 5.0:
optimize processes. Humans are involved in
3.1. Focus on Automation: higher-level decision-making and strategic
 Industry 4.0: Automation is a central theme, with planning.
a focus on the integration of digital technologies,
 Industry 5.0: Decision-making involves a closer
IoT, and smart systems to automate and optimize
collaboration between humans and machines. AI
manufacturing processes. It emphasizes the
and machine learning support human decision-
creation of "smart factories" where machines
makers, combining data-driven insights with
communicate and make decisions autonomously.
human expertise.
 Industry 5.0: While automation remains
3.6. Employee Well-Being and Skill
important, there is a shift towards more
collaborative and cooperative automation.
 Industry 4.0: While employee skills are essential,
Industry 5.0 emphasizes the collaboration
the primary focus is on leveraging technology for
between humans and machines, recognizing the
efficiency. Employee well-being may not be a
unique strengths of both in a production
primary consideration.
 Industry 5.0: Places a stronger emphasis on
3.2. Human-Centric Approach:
employee well-being and skill development.
 Industry 4.0: Humans play a role in overseeing
Recognizes the importance of nurturing human
and managing automated processes, but the
potential and creating a work environment that
emphasis is on efficiency through technology.
values creativity, problem-solving, and emotional
Human-machine collaboration exists but may be
more limited.
In summary, while Industry 4.0 is characterized by
 Industry 5.0: The focus is on a more human-
the integration of advanced technologies for
centric approach, with an increased emphasis on
automated and efficient manufacturing, Industry 5.0
the importance of human skills, creativity, and
takes a step further by emphasizing the collaborative
emotional intelligence. Machines and AI support
partnership between humans and machines,
human workers rather than replacing them.
promoting a more human-centric and adaptive
3.3. Role of Technology: approach to industry.
 Industry 4.0: Technology such as IoT, AI, big
IV. Opportunities of Industry 5.0
data analytics, and cyber-physical systems are
Industry 5.0, with its emphasis on human-machine
central. The goal is to create a highly connected
collaboration and a more human-centric approach to
and data-driven manufacturing environment for
manufacturing, presents various opportunities for
improved efficiency and decision-making.
businesses, industries, and society. Some of the key
 Industry 5.0: Continues to leverage advanced opportunities include:
technologies but with a greater emphasis on using
4.1. Enhanced Creativity and Innovation:
technology to augment human capabilities.
 Industry 5.0 encourages the collaboration between
Collaboration between humans and machines is
humans and machines, leveraging the creativity
facilitated through technologies like collaborative
and problem-solving skills of humans alongside
robots and advanced AI.
the analytical capabilities of machines. This can
3.4. Flexibility and Adaptability: lead to more innovative solutions and product
 Industry 4.0: Focuses on creating flexible and development.
adaptive manufacturing processes using real-time
4.2. Flexible and Agile Manufacturing:
data and connectivity. Systems can adjust to
 The collaborative nature of Industry 5.0 allows
changing conditions based on automated
for greater flexibility in manufacturing processes.
Businesses can adapt quickly to changes in
 Industry 5.0: Extends the concept of adaptability demand, customize products efficiently, and
by emphasizing the flexibility of human workers. respond to market trends with agility.

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4.3. Improved Decision-Making: sustainable practices and meet the expectations of
 Combining human intuition and creativity with environmentally conscious consumers.
the analytical power of artificial intelligence can
4.11. Global Connectivity and Collaboration:
lead to more informed and strategic decision-
 Industry 5.0 facilitates global connectivity,
making. Industry 5.0 supports decision-makers
allowing businesses to collaborate across
with real-time data insights and intelligent
geographical boundaries. This can lead to the
sharing of best practices, expertise, and
4.4. Optimized Resource Utilization: innovation on a global scale.
 Human-machine collaboration can lead to more
In essence, Industry 5.0 offers a paradigm shift in the
efficient use of resources. By optimizing
way industries operate, presenting opportunities to
workflows and processes, businesses can reduce
create more resilient, innovative, and human-centered
waste, minimize energy consumption, and
manufacturing ecosystems. Businesses that embrace
enhance overall resource efficiency.
these opportunities can gain a competitive advantage
4.5. Workplace Safety and Ergonomics: in the evolving industrial landscape.
 Collaborative robots (cobots) and advanced
V. Merits of Industry 5.0
automation technologies in Industry 5.0 can
Industry 5.0, with its emphasis on human-machine
contribute to improved workplace safety.
collaboration and a more human-centric approach to
Machines can handle physically demanding or
manufacturing, brings several merits and advantages.
hazardous tasks, allowing humans to focus on
Here are some key merits of Industry 5.0:
tasks that require creativity and critical thinking.
5.1. Human-Centric Innovation:
4.6. Employee Skill Development:
 Industry 5.0 places humans at the center of the
 Industry 5.0 emphasizes the importance of human
manufacturing process, emphasizing their
skills, leading to opportunities for employee skill
creativity, problem-solving skills, and emotional
development. Training programs can focus on
intelligence. This focus on human-centric
enhancing creativity, adaptability, emotional
innovation can lead to the development of novel
intelligence, and other skills that are crucial in a
ideas and solutions.
collaborative manufacturing environment.
5.2. Collaborative Efficiency:
4.7. Customization and Personalization:
 The collaboration between humans and machines
 With the flexibility inherent in Industry 5.0,
in Industry 5.0 results in increased efficiency. By
businesses can offer greater customization and
combining the strengths of both, tasks can be
personalization of products. This aligns well with
performed more quickly and accurately, leading
consumer preferences for unique and tailored
to overall productivity gains.
products, contributing to increased customer
satisfaction. 5.3. Adaptive and Agile Manufacturing:
 Industry 5.0 promotes flexibility and adaptability
4.8. Improved Quality Control:
in manufacturing processes. Businesses can
 Human oversight in collaboration with smart
quickly respond to changes in market demands,
machines can lead to improved quality control.
customize products efficiently, and adapt
Humans can apply their judgment and expertise to
production workflows with agility.
areas where precision and attention to detail are
critical, ensuring higher product quality. 5.4. Enhanced Decision-Making:
 The collaborative decision-making process in
4.9. Job Creation and Redefined Roles:
Industry 5.0, where humans work alongside
 Industry 5.0 is not about replacing human
intelligent machines, results in more informed and
workers but redefining their roles. This can lead
strategic decisions. This integration of human
to the creation of new jobs in areas such as
intuition with data-driven insights contributes to
human-robot collaboration management, data
better overall decision-making.
analysis, and system optimization.
5.5. Improved Employee Well-Being:
4.10. Sustainable Practices:
 Industry 5.0 acknowledges the importance of
 The optimization of manufacturing processes in
employee well-being. By automating physically
Industry 5.0 can contribute to sustainability goals.
demanding or hazardous tasks, businesses can
By reducing waste, energy consumption, and
create safer work environments, reducing the risk
environmental impact, businesses can align with
of workplace injuries and improving the overall
quality of work life.

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5.6. Skill Development Opportunities: VI. Applications of Industry5.0 with human
 The shift toward human-machine collaboration centric approach
opens opportunities for skill development. Industry 5.0, with its human-centric approach and
Employees can acquire and enhance skills that are emphasis on collaboration between humans and
uniquely human, such as creativity, critical machines, has a wide range of applications across
thinking, and emotional intelligence, preparing various industries. Here are some notable
them for new and evolving roles. applications:
5.7. Customization and Personalization: 6.1. Collaborative Robotics (Cobots):
 With the flexibility afforded by Industry 5.0,  Application: Collaborative robots are designed to
businesses can offer greater customization and work alongside humans in manufacturing
personalization of products. This meets the processes. They can assist with tasks that require
growing consumer demand for unique and precision, strength, or repetition, allowing human
tailored goods, enhancing customer satisfaction workers to focus on more complex and creative
and loyalty. aspects of the job.
5.8. Optimized Resource Utilization: 6.2. Human-Machine Interface (HMI) and
 Industry 5.0 allows for the optimized use of Augmented Reality (AR): -
resources through efficient collaboration between  Application: Advanced HMI and AR technologies
humans and machines. This can result in reduced enable intuitive interaction between humans and
waste, minimized energy consumption, and machines. This can include augmented reality
overall improved resource efficiency. overlays to guide workers through complex tasks
5.9. Job Creation and Redefined Roles: or provide real-time information, enhancing
 Contrary to concerns about job loss, Industry 5.0 productivity and reducing errors.
can lead to the creation of new jobs and the 6.3. Digital Twins:
redefinition of existing roles. Jobs may emerge in  Application: Digital twins are virtual replicas of
areas such as human-robot collaboration physical systems, products, or processes. In
management, data analysis, and advanced system Industry 5.0, digital twins can be used to simulate
optimization. and optimize manufacturing processes, allowing
5.10. Global Connectivity and Knowledge humans to monitor and interact with virtual
Sharing: representations for better decision-making.
 Industry 5.0 facilitates global connectivity and 6.4. Adaptive Manufacturing Systems:
collaboration. Businesses can share best practices,  Application: Manufacturing systems that can
expertise, and innovations on a global scale, adapt to changing conditions, demand
fostering a more connected and collaborative fluctuations, and product variations. Humans play
industrial ecosystem. a crucial role in decision-making, guiding the
5.11. Increased Product Quality: adaptive systems to optimize production and
 The collaboration between humans and machines respond to dynamic market demands.
allows for improved quality control. Human 6.5. Personalized and Customized
oversight, combined with automation, can result Manufacturing:
in higher precision and attention to detail, leading  Application: Industry 5.0 enables the production
to enhanced product quality. of personalized and customized products at scale.
5.12. Sustainable Practices: Human input is essential in designing unique
 Through the optimization of manufacturing products, while automation facilitates the efficient
processes, Industry 5.0 supports sustainability manufacturing of these customized items.
goals. Businesses can align with environmentally 6.6. Employee Well-Being Monitoring:
friendly practices by reducing waste, energy  Application: The use of sensors and wearable
consumption, and environmental impact. devices to monitor the well-being of employees.
In summary, Industry 5.0 brings a range of merits, This includes tracking physical health, stress
fostering a more innovative, efficient, and human- levels, and ergonomic conditions to create a safer
centered approach to manufacturing. By leveraging and healthier work environment.
the strengths of both humans and machines, 6.7. Skill Development and Training:
businesses can create a sustainable and adaptive  Application: Virtual reality (VR) and augmented
industrial landscape. reality (AR) technologies can be utilized for

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employee training and skill development. VII. Applications of Industry5.0 with human
Workers can engage in immersive training centric approach in product-based
scenarios that simulate real-world challenges, manufacturing
enhancing their skills in a risk-free environment. In product-based manufacturing, the application of
6.8. AI-Augmented Decision-Making: Industry 5.0 with a human-centric approach
 Application: Advanced artificial intelligence (AI) introduces innovative solutions that leverage the
algorithms support decision-makers by analyzing strengths of both humans and machines. Here are
vast amounts of data and providing insights. some specific applications in product-based
Humans collaborate with AI systems to make manufacturing:
strategic decisions, combining data-driven 7.1. Customized Product Manufacturing:
intelligence with human expertise.  Application: Industry 5.0 allows for the efficient
6.9. Smart Factories and IoT Integration: customization of products based on individual
 Application: The integration of the Internet of customer preferences. Human input is crucial in
Things (IoT) in smart factories allows for real- the design phase, ensuring that products meet
time data collection and communication between unique requirements, while automation facilitates
machines. Humans can use this data to monitor the manufacturing process.
and optimize production processes for efficiency 7.2. Collaborative Product Design:
and quality.  Application: Human designers collaborate with
6.10. Human-Centric Product Design: AI tools and simulations to create products that
 Application: In product design, a human-centric are not only functional but also aesthetically
approach involves considering user experience, pleasing and user-friendly. This collaborative
ergonomic factors, and usability. Advanced design process ensures that human insights and
design tools and simulations allow designers to creativity are integral to the product development
create products that are not only functional but cycle.
also intuitive and user-friendly. 7.3. Flexible Production Lines:
6.11. Flexible Supply Chain Management:  Application: Industry 5.0 enables the creation of
 Application: Human-centric supply chain flexible and adaptive production lines. Human
management involves adaptable and flexible workers collaborate with automated systems to
systems that can respond to changing market reconfigure production processes swiftly,
conditions. Humans play a role in strategic allowing for the efficient manufacturing of
decision-making and managing unforeseen diverse product variations.
challenges in the supply chain. 7.4. Augmented Reality (AR) in Assembly:
6.12. Emotional Intelligence in Customer Service:  Application: AR technologies are used to assist
 Application: In customer service and interaction, human workers in product assembly. Workers can
AI-powered systems can be designed with receive real-time visual instructions and
emotional intelligence to understand and respond information through AR overlays, reducing errors
to human emotions. This enhances the customer and improving assembly efficiency.
experience by providing empathetic and 7.5. Human-Centric Quality Control:
personalized support.  Application: Quality control processes benefit
6.13. Workforce Collaboration Platforms: from human-centric approaches in Industry 5.0.
 Application: Platforms that facilitate collaboration Human inspectors work collaboratively with AI-
and communication among a diverse workforce. powered systems to identify defects, ensuring
These platforms can integrate with project high-quality products meet specific standards.
management tools, enabling teams to work 7.6. Smart Product Lifecycle Management
together efficiently and share knowledge. (PLM):
The applications of Industry 5.0 with a human-centric  Application: PLM systems in Industry 5.0 are
approach are diverse and extend across enhanced with real-time data and collaborative
manufacturing, technology, healthcare, and various features. Human stakeholders, including
other sectors. This approach seeks to optimize the designers, engineers, and managers, work
strengths of both humans and machines, creating a together with intelligent systems to manage the
more adaptive, innovative, and collaborative entire product lifecycle more effectively.
industrial landscape.

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7.7. Adaptive Inventory Management: ecosystem, enhancing efficiency and product quality
 Application: Industry 5.0 facilitates adaptive while addressing the unique needs of consumers.
inventory management systems that respond to
VIII. Applications of Industry5.0 with human
real-time demand fluctuations. Human decision-
centric approach in service-based
makers collaborate with AI algorithms to
optimize inventory levels and reduce overstock or
In service-based manufacturing, which often involves
a combination of physical products and related
7.8. Worker Safety and Ergonomics: services, the application of Industry 5.0 with a
 Application: Human-centric approaches prioritize human-centric approach introduces several innovative
worker safety and ergonomics. Wearable devices solutions. Here are specific applications in service-
and sensors are employed to monitor the well- based manufacturing:
being of workers, ensuring a safe and comfortable
8.1. Personalized Services:
working environment.
 Application: Industry 5.0 enables the
7.9. Skill-Enhancing Training Programs: customization of services based on individual
 Application: Virtual reality (VR) and augmented customer preferences. Human input is crucial in
reality (AR) technologies are utilized for tailoring services to meet unique customer needs,
employee training. Workers engage in immersive ensuring a more personalized and satisfying
training scenarios that simulate real-world experience.
manufacturing challenges, enhancing their skills
8.2. Human-Machine Collaboration in Service
and reducing the learning curve.
7.10. Human-in-the-Loop Automation:  Application: Humans collaborate with intelligent
 Application: Automation systems include a machines and automation systems to deliver
"human-in-the-loop" approach, where humans services more efficiently. This includes using
and machines work collaboratively. Humans advanced technology for tasks such as data
oversee and guide automation processes, analysis, customer interaction, and service
providing expertise and making critical decisions optimization.
in manufacturing operations.
8.3. Adaptive Service Models:
7.11. Customer-Centric Product Development:  Application: Industry 5.0 allows for the
 Application: Human-centric design principles development of adaptive service models that
consider customer feedback and preferences respond to changing customer requirements.
throughout the product development cycle. Human decision-makers work with intelligent
Businesses use data analytics and customer systems to adjust service offerings, ensuring
insights to create products that align with market flexibility and responsiveness.
8.4. Enhanced Customer Interaction with AI:
7.12. Agile Supply Chain Collaboration:  Application: AI-powered chatbots and virtual
 Application: Industry 5.0 enables collaborative assistants are integrated into customer service
supply chain management, where human processes. Humans collaborate with these AI
decision-makers work closely with suppliers and systems to provide more responsive and
logistics partners to create an agile and responsive personalized customer interactions, addressing
supply chain that adapts to changes in demand queries and concerns effectively.
and market conditions.
8.5. Human-Centric Product Support:
7.13. Human-Enhanced Maintenance and  Application: In service-based manufacturing,
Repairs: human-centric approaches are applied to product
 Application: Maintenance and repair processes support and maintenance. Human technicians
benefit from a human-centric approach, where work collaboratively with AI-powered systems to
human technicians collaborate with predictive diagnose and resolve issues, optimizing product
maintenance algorithms and AI systems to performance.
optimize equipment performance and reduce
8.6. Skill-Enhancing Training Programs:
 Application: Virtual reality (VR) and augmented
By incorporating these applications, Industry 5.0 reality (AR) technologies are used for training
transforms product-based manufacturing into a more service personnel. Workers engage in immersive
adaptive, collaborative, and human-focused

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scenarios to enhance their skills in providing By incorporating these applications, Industry 5.0
high-quality service and support. transforms service-based manufacturing into a more
8.7. Customer-Centric Service Design: adaptive, collaborative, and human-focused
 Application: Human-centric design principles are ecosystem. It enhances the efficiency of service
applied to service development, considering delivery, improves customer satisfaction, and
customer feedback and preferences. Businesses addresses the unique needs of both service providers
use data analytics and customer insights to create and consumers.
services that align with market demands. IX. CRUD model of Industry 5.0
8.8. Human-in-the-Loop Automation for Service manufacturing
Optimization: The CRUD model, which stands for Create, Read,
 Application: Automation systems are designed Update, and Delete, is often associated with database
with a "human-in-the-loop" approach, where operations in software development. However, we
humans oversee and guide automation processes can use a similar concept to describe the core
in service delivery. This ensures that automation functionalities of Industry 5.0 in manufacturing,
enhances human capabilities rather than replacing emphasizing the interactions between humans and
them. machines. Here is a representation of the CRUD
model adapted for Industry 5.0:
8.9. Flexible Workforce Management:
 Application: Industry 5.0 supports flexible 9.1. Create:
workforce management in service-based  Description: In the context of Industry 5.0
manufacturing. Human decision-makers manufacturing, the "Create" aspect involves the
collaborate with automated systems to optimize collaborative creation of products, processes, and
staffing levels and schedules based on fluctuating solutions. Humans play a crucial role in initiating
service demand. and conceptualizing innovative ideas, designs,
and manufacturing strategies.
8.10. Real-Time Data Analytics for Service
Improvement: Application:
 Application: Real-time data analytics is utilized to  Human designers create product concepts based
monitor service performance. Humans work with on market trends and customer preferences.
analytical tools to gain insights into service  Cross-functional teams collaborate to create
efficiency, customer satisfaction, and areas for adaptive manufacturing processes.
improvement.  Creativity and ideation sessions involve human
input to generate innovative solutions.
8.11. Collaborative Supply Chain for Service
Components: 9.2. Read:
 Application: Industry 5.0 facilitates collaborative  Description: The "Read" aspect involves
supply chain management for service accessing and interpreting real-time data,
components. Human decision-makers work information, and feedback from the
closely with suppliers and logistics partners to manufacturing environment. Humans read and
create an agile and responsive supply chain that analyze data to make informed decisions, while
supports efficient service delivery. machines contribute by providing data insights.

8.12. Employee Well-Being Monitoring: Application:

 Application: Wearable devices and sensors are  Human operators read real-time data from sensors
used to monitor the well-being of service embedded in manufacturing equipment.
personnel. This includes tracking physical health,  Data analytics tools provide insights that human
stress levels, and work conditions to create a safer decision-makers read and interpret.
and healthier work environment.  Humans and machines collaborate to understand
market trends, customer feedback, and production
8.13. Human-Enhanced Predictive Maintenance performance.
for Services:
 Application: Predictive maintenance algorithms 9.3. Update:
are combined with human expertise to optimize  Description: The "Update" aspect involves
service equipment performance and reduce making real-time adjustments and optimizations
downtime. This collaborative approach ensures to manufacturing processes based on the
timely maintenance and efficient service delivery. information gathered. This requires collaboration
between humans and intelligent systems to ensure
agile and adaptive operations.

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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
Application: 10.2. Collaborative Robotics and Cobots:
 Human decision-makers update production  Description: Collaborative robots (cobots) are
schedules based on changing demand. designed to work alongside humans, fostering a
 Automation systems receive updates from collaborative environment. Human-computer
humans to optimize workflows and efficiency. interaction ensures that robots respond to human
 Collaborative robots (cobots) receive updates for input and work in close proximity to human
new tasks or adjustments in their roles. workers safely.
9.4. Delete: Application:
 Description: The "Delete" aspect involves  Cobots receive commands through natural
removing inefficiencies, errors, or outdated language processing or simple gestures from
processes from the manufacturing ecosystem. human operators.
Humans and machines collaborate to identify and  Humans and cobots collaborate in tasks that
eliminate bottlenecks, defects, and unnecessary require precision and strength, such as assembly
steps. or material handling.
Application: 10.3. Augmented Reality (AR) in Maintenance
 Human quality control inspectors identify and and Training:
eliminate defective products.  Description: AR overlays digital information onto
 Human decision-makers delete outdated or the physical world, enhancing maintenance and
inefficient processes in favor of more effective training activities. HCI ensures that workers can
ones. seamlessly interact with augmented information
 Automated systems receive updates to remove to perform tasks more efficiently.
obsolete data or configurations. Application:
In summary, the CRUD model adapted for Industry  Maintenance technicians use AR glasses to view
5.0 manufacturing emphasizes the dynamic real-time data and instructions for equipment
interactions between humans and machines at each repairs.
stage of the manufacturing process. It highlights the  Training programs incorporate AR simulations,
collaborative nature of Industry 5.0, where human allowing workers to practice tasks in a virtual
creativity, decision-making, and problem-solving are environment.
integral to creating an agile, adaptive, and efficient 10.4. Natural Language Processing (NLP) for
manufacturing environment. Human-Machine Communication:
X. Industry 5.0 manufacturing with human  Description: NLP enables machines to understand
computer interaction and respond to human language. This enhances
Industry 5.0 manufacturing with human-computer communication between humans and machines,
interaction (HCI) focuses on creating seamless and allowing for more natural and efficient
collaborative interfaces between humans and interactions.
intelligent computer systems. HCI plays a crucial role Application:
in enhancing communication, decision-making, and  Human operators use voice commands to control
overall efficiency in the manufacturing process. Here machinery or access information.
are key aspects and applications of Industry 5.0 with a  NLP interfaces enable workers to communicate
focus on human-computer interaction: with AI systems for data analysis and decision
10.1. Intuitive Human-Machine Interfaces: support.
 Description: Intuitive interfaces enable natural 10.5. Real-Time Data Visualization:
and user-friendly interactions between humans  Description: HCI principles guide the design of
and machines. This involves the design of user interfaces for real-time data visualization. This
interfaces that are easy to understand, reducing ensures that humans can quickly interpret and
the learning curve for operators and workers. respond to data generated by sensors and smart
Application: devices in the manufacturing environment.
 Touchscreens, gesture recognition, and voice Application:
commands facilitate intuitive control of  Dashboards and graphical interfaces provide real-
manufacturing equipment. time insights into production metrics.
 Augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR)  Workers use interactive displays to monitor
interfaces provide immersive and interactive equipment health, production status, and quality
experiences for operators. metrics.

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD64559 | Volume – 8 | Issue – 2 | Mar-Apr 2024 Page 99

International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
10.6. Context-Aware Systems: 11.1. Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT):
 Description: Context-aware systems adapt their  Integration:
behavior based on the context of the user or the  Supply Chain Transparency: DLT, commonly
manufacturing environment. HCI ensures that associated with blockchain, can be utilized to
systems understand and respond appropriately to create transparent and secure supply chains.
the changing context. Every transaction, from raw material sourcing to
Application: final product delivery, can be recorded on a
 Smart manufacturing systems adjust parameters blockchain, ensuring traceability and authenticity.
based on the context, such as changing production  Smart Contracts: Smart contracts on DLT
schedules or adapting to variations in demand. platforms can automate and enforce agreements
 Context-aware safety systems can detect the between different entities in the manufacturing
presence of humans and adjust machinery ecosystem. This could include automated
accordingly. payment releases, quality assurance triggers, and
other contract terms.
10.7. Enhanced Decision Support Systems:
 Description: HCI is critical in the design of 11.2. Artificial Intelligence (AI):
decision support systems that provide relevant  Integration:
information to human decision-makers. This  Predictive Maintenance: AI algorithms can
includes presenting data in a comprehensible analyze data from sensors on manufacturing
format and offering interactive tools for analysis. equipment to predict and prevent equipment
failures. This ensures optimal production
Application: efficiency and reduces downtime.
 Decision-makers use interactive dashboards and  Quality Control: AI-powered computer vision
data analytics tools for strategic planning. systems can inspect products for defects, ensuring
 AI systems provide recommendations to human high-quality manufacturing output. Human
operators, and humans make final decisions based workers can collaborate with AI systems to refine
on their expertise. and improve quality control processes.
10.8. Remote Monitoring and Control: 11.3. Extended Reality (XR):
 Description: HCI facilitates remote monitoring  Integration:
and control of manufacturing processes. This  Training and Simulation: XR technologies,
involves designing interfaces that allow humans including augmented reality (AR) and virtual
to monitor and control equipment from a distance, reality (VR), can be integrated into Industry 5.0
improving flexibility and efficiency. for immersive training experiences. Workers can
Application: use AR glasses for on-the-job guidance, and VR
 Remote operators use interfaces to monitor and simulations can provide realistic training
control machinery in different locations. scenarios for complex tasks.
 Mobile applications provide real-time alerts and  Remote Assistance: XR enables remote
controls for on-the-go monitoring. collaboration between experts and workers. For
example, a worker on the shop floor wearing AR
In Industry 5.0 manufacturing with a focus on human- glasses can receive real-time guidance and
computer interaction, the goal is to create symbiotic support from an expert located elsewhere.
relationships between humans and machines,
leveraging HCI principles to enhance communication, 11.4. Quantum Computing:
collaboration, and overall productivity. These  Integration:
applications contribute to a more user-friendly,  Optimization Algorithms: Quantum computing
adaptive, and efficient manufacturing environment. can be used for complex optimization problems in
manufacturing, such as optimizing production
XI. Integration of DARQ with Industry 5.0 schedules, supply chain routes, or resource
MANUFACTURING allocation. This can lead to more efficient and
The integration of DARQ technologies (Distributed cost-effective operations.
Ledger Technology, Artificial Intelligence, Extended  Advanced Data Analysis: Quantum algorithms
Reality, and Quantum Computing) with Industry 5.0 can process large datasets at unprecedented
manufacturing enhances the capabilities of the speeds, allowing for more comprehensive and
manufacturing ecosystem, making it more intelligent, detailed analysis of manufacturing data. This can
adaptive, and efficient. Here is how each DARQ lead to better insights and decision-making.
technology can be integrated into Industry 5.0:

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD64559 | Volume – 8 | Issue – 2 | Mar-Apr 2024 Page 100
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
In summary, the integration of DARQ technologies As Industry 5.0 continues to unfold, it is essential for
with Industry 5.0 manufacturing results in a businesses to navigate the challenges associated with
synergistic approach that leverages the strengths of technology adoption, cybersecurity, ethical
each technology. This integration enhances considerations, and workforce reskilling. By
transparency, automation, intelligence, and efficiency embracing the principles of Industry 5.0 and
throughout the manufacturing ecosystem, creating a harnessing the potential of advanced technologies,
more adaptive and resilient industrial landscape. manufacturers can position themselves at the
However, it's essential to consider the challenges and forefront of a new era that prioritizes collaboration,
complexities associated with the adoption of these innovation, and human-centric values.
advanced technologies, such as cybersecurity
concerns, ethical considerations, and the need for
We are thankful to pupils of industry 4.0 and Director
skilled workforce training.
DMSRDE., kanpur. We are also thankfull to
XII. Conclusion Department of Physics, University of Lucknow,
In conclusion, Industry 5.0 represents a Lucknow.
transformative paradigm in manufacturing,
characterized by the collaborative integration of
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