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Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology

Athens, Greece, 5-7 September 2013




University of Bahrain, Department of Civil Engineering & Architecture, Kingdom of
Bahrain, 2 State Water Works, Artvin, Turkey
e-mail: maytekin1@gmail.com


In the construction of liner of sanitary landfills, usage of sand-bentonite mixtures is a

common application. A liner of sanitary landfill must have a lower hydraulic conductivity
compared to other usages of the stabilized materials since leakage of liquids from the
waste deposits must be minimized. In the present study, an investigation has been
performed whether lime stabilized sand-bentonite mixtures are appropriate to construct
liners of sanitary landfills in terms of hydraulic conductivity. Hydraulic conductivity tests
were performed to see if the coefficient of hydraulic conductivity was affected by the
addition of agent percentages in to the sand-bentonite mixtures. First series of specimens
were prepared as a mixture of sand and bentonite only. In the first series of specimens,
sand was mixed with bentonite in various proportions. In the second series of tests, the
specimens with lime agent in proportions of 1, 2 and 3% by weight were prepared by
adding lime to the mixtures of sand-bentonite. As a result of the tests, it was observed
that optimum water content increased, maximum dry density decreased with addition of
lime in to the mixture of sand and bentonite, hydraulic conductivity was increased when
lime was added in to the mixture. It has been found out that lime added sand-bentonite
mixture can be carefully used in the liners of sanitary landfills

Keywords: Sand-bentonite mixture; Hydraulic conductivity; Lime stabilization; Sanitary



In the studies conducted to estimate effect of lime stabilization on hydraulic conductivity

of sand-bentonite mixtures, it was defended that hydraulic conductivity increases
because of the flocculated structure of clay with lime stabilization (Evans and Bel 1981).
El-Rawi and Awad (1981) found that addition of lime to the mixture increased the
hydraulic conductivity of cohesive soils. Galvão (2004) showed a decrease of the
coefficient of hydraulic conductivity upon addition of 2% lime and as the lime content was
increased. Stocker (1972) noted that the hydraulic conductivity tended to decrease in a
very long time of lime modification in a soil mass. However, there may be an apparent
reduction in hydraulic conductivity due to prohibition by cementation or swelling during
the hydraulic conductivity tests for less modified soils (Mc Callister and Petry, 1991).
Broderick and Daniel (1990) observed reduced values of hydraulic conductivity to water
surprising because lime increases the quantity of polyvalent cations (Ca++) in soil water,
which should increase hydraulic conductivity. It was stated that the low hydraulic
conductivity of lime treated soils was probably influenced by the blockage of some of the
pores in the soil with pozzolonic cements. Lakshmikantha and Sivapullaiah (2006)
presented the strength behavior of lime-treated kaolinitic natural red earth in the presence
of varying sulphate contents, up to 3%, after a curing period of up to 365 days. It was

stated that alteration of soil-lime reactions in the presence of sulphate leads to the
formation of ettringite (hydrated calcium aluminum sulfate hydroxide) after curing for
longer periods. The formation of these compounds affects strength development by
cementation. However, the strength of lime-treated soil is improved in the presence of
sulphate after curing of short periods. As a result of the literature investigation, it is
concluded that values of hydraulic conductivity of lime stabilized soils depend upon many
different parameters. Thus, this investigation has been performed to see whether or not
lime stabilized sand-bentonite mixtures are used successfully to construct for liners of
sanitary landfills.


2.1. Sand
A grain size analyses was performed, and the grain size distribution of sand-bentonite
mixtures used in the experiments is shown in Fig. 1. Grain size curves of the sand are
between 0.08-1.19 mm. Specific gravity, coefficient of curvature (Cr), coefficient of
uniformity (Cu) of the sand are 2.62, 1.75 and 4, respectively. The soil is classified as
uniformly (poorly) graded sand (SP) by the Unified Soils Classification System (USCS).

Fig. 1. Grain size distribution of sand-bentonite mixtures

2.2. Bentonite
Bentonite that was used in the tests is a sodium bentonite with high swelling capacity
provided from Karakaya Bentonite Company, Turkey. Specific gravity of material is 2.265.
Liquid limit is approximately 510-520%, and plasticity index is about 480%. The bentonite
use in this study is predominantly Na-montmorillonite with some illite, calcite, quartz and

2.3. Lime
Lime used in this study is calcitic hydrated lime which is commercially available taken
from Barkisan Company, Turkey. The lime is stored in plastic bags to prevent the
carbonation by atmospheric CO2.

In this study, firstly, the basic physical properties of materials used in the tests were
determined. Then, the optimum lime percentages for sand-bentonite samples with 20%,
30%, 40% and 50% of bentonite were determined according to the method suggested by
Eades and Grim (1966). Evaluation resulted of 1%, 2%, and 3% on a total dry weights
basis for all of the sand-bentonite mixtures. Components of the mixtures were
sand+bentonite in proportions of 20%, 30%, 40% and 50% + lime in proportions of 1%,
2% and 3% by total dry weights. Then, standard proctor tests, and hydraulic conductivity
tests were carried out for all of the mixtures.

3.1. Determination of the Amount of Lime Needed

Simple tests are available to determine the initial amount of quick lime and hydrated lime
that are needed to form the stabilized soil. ASTM D 6276, outlines the Eades-Grimm pH
test method, and gives a simple method to estimate the initial amount of lime needed to
achieve stabilization of a particular soil. In this study, (0, 1, 2 and 3) % lime are added to
the each of the sand-bentonite mixtures by using the method given in ASTM D 6276.

3.2. Sample Preparation

Bentonite was dried in the oven at 35±5oC to remove capillary water. The temperature
over 35±5oC is avoided since swelling characteristics of bentonite are affected when
higher temperatures are applied. The bentonite-sand and lime mixtures were waited for
24 hours in the desiccator after some amount of water is added. Optimum water content
(wopt) and maximum dry density (ρdmax) were determined by standard compaction tests
according to principles indicated in ASTM D 698. Cylindrical undisturbed specimens with
a diameter of 50 mm, and a height of 20 mm were prepared from the mixtures compacted
by standard compaction energy at optimum water content. The tests for hydraulic
conductivity tests, cylindrical undisturbed specimens with a diameter of 100 mm, and a
height of 130 mm were prepared from the mixtures compacted by standard compaction
energy at optimum water content. Then, hydraulic conductivities of all samples were
measured by falling head test according to ASTM 5856-95.

3.3. Compaction Tests

The standard proctor tests were carried out to determine compaction properties of the
mixtures. The results of standard proctor tests of the sand-bentonite mixtures, and lime
stabilized soil-bentonite mixtures are shown in Table 1.

3.4. Hydraulic Conductivity Tests

For the purpose of determining hydraulic conductivity of the mixtures of sand-bentonite
and lime were prepared at standard proctor energy and optimum water content with 20%,
30%, 40% and 50% of bentonite and 0%, 1%, 2% and 3% of lime, mixture of the sand-
bentonite-lime samples were tested according to ASTM 5856-95. After specimens were
compacted with standard compaction energy at optimum water content in the confining
cylinder, placed into the permeameter. Saturation of the samples were waited until
uniform flow was achieved. The time that was essential to get each of the sample to be
saturated was five-week.

In Table 1, maximum dry density and optimum water content values of sand-bentonite,
and lime stabilized sand-bentonite mixtures are given. Fig.2 indicates that the maximum
dry density of sand-bentonite mixtures versus their moisture contents depend on lime
content in the mixtures.
According to the results of tests, the values of maximum dry density decreases, and
optimum water content increases with increments of bentonite content in the mixture.
This case can be explained as lower density of bentonite takes the place of sand that has
a higher density in the mixture. It was also determined by many researchers such as El-
Rawi and Awad, 1981; Guney et al., 2007; Sargın, 1996 that maximum dry density is
decreased and optimum water content is increased with incremented addition of lime
percentages on sand-bentonite mixtures prepared for four bentonite proportions. Addition
of lime on sand-bentonite mixtures increases optimum water content and decreases
maximum dry density. It was difficult to compact the soil mixtures because addition of
lime caused flocculation and cementing, therefore maximum dry density decreases.
Table 2 indicates the values of hydraulic conductivity determined from the results of tests
for all of mixtures.

Fig. 3 shows variation of the hydraulic conductivity versus bentonite proportion in the
mixture. The hydraulic conductivity decreases with increasing proportion of bentonite in
the mixtures. Fig. 4 shows the variation of hydraulic conductivity versus lime ratio for
sand-bentonite mixtures of bentonite with proportions of 20%, 30%, 40% and 50%.
According to the results, hydraulic conductivity increases when amount of lime in the
mixture is increased.
The values of hydraulic conductivity were decreased for the sand-bentonite samples with
20%, 30%, and 40% bentonite stabilized by 1% lime. The values of hydraulic conductivity

were increased for the sand-bentonite samples with 50% bentonite stabilized by 1% and
2% limes. In the studies performed to investigate effect of lime addition on hydraulic
conductivity in a clayey soil, Evans and Bel (1981) proposed that lime stabilization
flocculates clay particals, therefore hydraulic conductivity of clayey soils increase. Mc
Callister and Petry (1991) expressed that the decrement on the hydraulic conductivity
with time was observed despite the hydraulic conductivity increased in the early days of
the lime stabilization in clay. According to the results achieved in this study, hydraulic
conductivity is increased by the addition of lime, but it is seen a decrement on the
hydraulic conductivity for very low lime addition. Results found comply with results of Mc
Callister and Petry (1991).

Fig. 2. Dry density versus water content for sand-bentonite mixture with 20%, 30%, 40%
and 50% bentonite

When the lime is added in to the soil, strong Ca2+ displaces monovalent cations from the
surface of clay particles. This ion exchange develops quickly and leads to decrement at
the plasticity of soil. Other reaction occurred is pozzolonic reaction depended on time and
temperature. Calcium cation in the lime creates cementing gels such as calcium
aluminate and calcium silicate bonded particles and similar to compounds constituted of
the hydratation of cement by interacting with aluminum and silicate minerals in the soils.
Some of such clays contained of montmorillonite mineral are the binding and creates
cementing with lime (TRB, 1987; Al-Rawas, 2002). Pozzolonic reaction improves
engineering properties such as strength and durability of lime stabilized soils (TRB,

Hydraulic Conductivity (k, m/s) .

20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55
Bentonite Ratio (%)

Fig. 3. Hydraulic conductivity versus bentonite ratio in the mixture with no lime

The pressure applied to the sanitary liners gradually increases by the mass of waste
deposited over time. Thus, it is important to use materials that have smaller swelling
pressure potential at the beginning of waste disposal deposition in terms of stability.
Swelling potentials are reduced on the lime stabilized sand-bentonite mixtures (Akcanca
and Aytekin, 2011). In addition, the voids among the soil particles would be decreased

when soils swell. Therefore, hydraulic conductivity of the soil would be much more
decreased. When the results of the present study are considered, it can be concluded
that the lime stabilized sand-bentonite mixtures help the construction of liners in terms of
easy applications, stability, and reduction in hydraulic conductivity.

Hydraulic Conductivity (k, m/s) . 5.00E-08

4.50E-08 20% Bentonite
30% Bentonite
40% Bentonite
3.50E-08 50% Bentonite
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5

Lime Ratio (%)

Fig. 4. Hydraulic conductivity versus lime ratio

The basic purpose of the investigation was to estimate the effect of lime stabilization on
the permeability behavior of sand-bentonite mixtures. Also, several ratios of lime used for
stabilization were investigated and following conclusions can be drawn.

1. Hydraulic conductivity values are decreased by the increments on bentonite

content in the mixtures as it is expected.
2. Increment of lime content in the mixture causes increment on the values of
hydraulic conductivity.

However, it was seen that the decrease of the hydraulic conductivity for lime proportion of
1% in the mixtures with bentonite proportions of 20%, 30% and 40% and for lime
proportions of 1% and 2% in the mixture with bentonite proportion of 50% is important.

According to these conclusions, it has been found out that lime added sand-bentonite
mixture can be carefully used in the liners of sanitary landfills. Hydraulic conductivity for
low level of lime percentages such as 1% lime decreases unlike the values of hydraulic
conductivity of mixtures at the higher proportions of the lime agent.


1. Akcanca, F., Aytekin, M., 2011. “Effect of wetting-drying cycles on swelling behavior of lime
stabilized sand-bentonite mixtures,” Environmental Earth Sciences, Vol. Volume 66, Number 1
(2012), doi:: 10.1007/s12665-011-1207-5

2. Al-Rawas, A. A., 2002. Microfabric and mineralogical studies on the stabilization of an
expansive soil using cement by dust and some types of slags, Canadian Geotechnical
Journal, 39, 1150-1167.
3. ASTM D5856–95, 2007. Standard Test Method for Measurement of Hydraulic Conductivity of
Porous Material Using a Rigid-Wall, Compaction-Mold Permeameter.
4. ASTM D 6276-99a (2006)e1. Standard Test Method for Using pH to Estimate the Soil-Lime
Proportion Requirement for Soil Stabilization.
5. ASTM D698, 2007. Standard Test Methods for Laboratory Compaction Characteristics of Soil
Using Standard Effort. Annual Book of ASTM Standards, 04.08, 992-1001.
6. Broderick, G. P. and Daniel, D. E., 1990. Stabilizing compacted clay against chemical attack.
Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 116, 10, 1549-1567.
7. Eades, J. L. and R. E. Grim, 1966. A quick test to determine lime requirements for lime
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8. El-Rawi, N. M., and Awad, A. A. A., 1981. Permeability of Lime Stabilized Soils. Transportation
Engineering Journal, 107, 1, 25-35.
9. Evans, G. L. and Bell, D. H., 1981. Chemical stabilization odloes. New Zealand 10th ICSMFE,
Stockholm, 3, 649-658.
10. Galvão, T. C. B., Elsharief, A.ve Simões, G. F., 2004. Effects of Lime on Permeability and
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11. Guney, Y., Sari, D., Cetin, M., and Tuncan, M., 2007. Impact of cycling wetting-drying on
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12. Lakshmikantha, H. and Sivapullaiah, P. V., 2006. Relative performance of lime stabilized
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13. Sargın, İ., 1996. Effect of lime and compactive effort on hydraulic conductivity of clay liners.
Master Thesis, Boğaziçi University, The Institute of Graduated Studies in Science, İstanbul.
14. Stocker, P. T., 1972. Diffusion and diffuse cementation in lime and cement stabilized clayey
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15. TRB, 1987. State of the art report: Lime stabilization reactions, properties, design and
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