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Year 10 Health Education 2024

Term 1
Drugs in Sport – Class Presentation
Weighting: 25%

Name: _____________________

Due Date: _____________________

Lance Armstrong was considered one of the greatest athletes of all time and won the Le Tour De France 7 times! After
many years of hiding the secret to his success, he revealed that he had been using banned substances to improve his
performance for many years.

Your task is to research an athlete or team (other than Lance Armstrong) who has been caught using performance-
enhancing substances. You may work in pairs, and must present to the class for 3-5 minutes, with a visual aid such as
a PowerPoint.

Some examples of athletes/teams involved in doping are listed below (you can also choose an athlete not listed):
1. Ben Johnson (Track and Field)
2. Maria Sharapova (Tennis)
3. Shane Warne (Cricket)
4. Essendon Football Club (Australian Rules Football)
5. Stephen Dank (Sports Scientist)
6. Manny Muscat (Soccer)
7. Josh Thomas and Lachie Keeffe (Australian Rules Football)
8. Russian State-Sponsored Doping (Various Sports)
9. Floyd Landis (Cycling)
10. Sha'Carri Richardson (Track and Field)
Your Presentation must include the following information:

 An overview of the athlete/team history

 Information regarding the drug used.
 The effects of the performance-enhancing drug on your athlete/sporting team
 The costs associated with using the performance-enhancing drug.
 The sanctions handed out to your athlete/sporting team.
 A debate surrounding the fairness of using performance-enhancing drugs at an elite level.

On the Due date students must submit their Visual Aid to SEQTA.
Marking Key – Drugs in Sport
Criteria Excellent (4) Good (3) Fair (2) Poor (1)
Content (Marks 28)
Provides comprehensive and
accurate overview of history, Overview is
Athlete/Team achievements and Provides sufficient overview Overview lacks detail incomplete or
Overview significance in sport with minor omissions or accuracy inaccurate
Clearly presents details about
the performance-enhancing
drug used, including its Information is
name, category, and mode of Presents information with somewhat unclear or Information is vague
Drug Information administration. minor gaps incomplete or inaccurate
Describes specific effects of
drug on athlete/team,
Effects on covering both negative and Describes effects with some Effects are mentioned Effects are not
Athlete/Sporting Team positive impacts. clarity but not well-explained adequately addressed
Discusses financial, health, or Mentions costs with limited
Costs Associated ethical costs elaboration Briefly mentions costs Fails to address costs
Outlines sanctions imposed
on athlete/sporting team as a
result of the doping incident,
including any bans, fines or Outlines sanctions with some Sanctions mentioned Sanctions are unclear
Sanctions disqualifications. clarity but not well-explained or omitted
Engages in thoughtful debate
surrounding fairness of using
performance enhancing drugs
at an elite level, considering
ethical, health and Presents coherent arguments Presents arguments but Arguments lack
Debate on Fairness competitive aspects. for both sides lacks depth or clarity coherence or balance
Provides comprehensive Includes bibliography with somewhat incomplete Bibliography missing
Bibliography bibliography appropriate sources or inaccurate or significantly flawed
Criteria Excellent (4) Good (3) Fair (2) Poor (1)
Presentation Skills (16
Presentation is well- Presentation lacks
Organization and organized and coherent. Some organization evident, Structure lacks clarity structure or
Structure Students are prepared. but could be improved or coherence organization
Effective use of a visual aid
that enhances the
presentation including
relevant images, graphs or Visual aid is used but could Visual aid is present No visual aid or
Visual Aid key points be more impactful but lacks effectiveness ineffective use
Delivery is clear, articulate,
and engaging with
appropriate pace, tone and Delivery is generally clear Delivery is unclear or Delivery is unclear and
Delivery and Clarity volume. but may lack engagement lacks engagement lacks engagement
Actively engages with
audience through eye contact,
addressing questions and
Engagement with maintaining an engaging Engages with audience to Engagement with Fails to engage with
Audience presence. some extent audience is limited audience effectively
Total /44

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