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Antonio Morga's "Sucesos de las Islas Filipinas" is a pivotal work in Philippine

historiography, providing a detailed account of the Philippines during the late 16th and early 17th
centuries. Dr. José Rizal, the Philippines' national hero, annotated Morga's work to present a counter-
narrative to colonial histories. Through his annotations, Rizal offered a critical perspective on
Spanish colonization, emphasizing the pre-colonial cultural and societal achievements of Filipinos.
This endeavor is closely linked to the broader legacy of the Propaganda Movement, particularly the
tripartite view of Philippine history articulated by historian Zeus Salazar.
Discussion of Topics

1. Antonio Morga's Sucesos de las Islas Filipinas

- Historical Context: Written in 1609 by Antonio Morga, a Spanish colonial official, the work
provides a comprehensive view of the Philippines under Spanish rule.
- Content: Morga's account includes descriptions of the islands, the customs of the native
inhabitants, and the impact of Spanish colonization.
- Significance: The document is one of the earliest extensive historical accounts of the Philippines,
offering insights into both pre-colonial and colonial Filipino life.

2. Rizal's Annotations
- Motivation: Rizal's primary aim was to highlight the achievements and rich culture of pre-
colonial Filipinos, which he felt were downplayed or misrepresented by Spanish writers.
- Critical Perspective: Through his annotations, Rizal challenged Morga's interpretations and
provided evidence of the advanced state of Filipino society before Spanish colonization.
- Nationalism: Rizal's work was driven by his nationalist desire to inspire pride among Filipinos
and to counter the narrative of colonial inferiority.

3. Rizal's View of Philippine History and Historiography

- Counter-Narrative: Rizal’s annotations sought to correct historical inaccuracies and present a
more balanced view of Philippine history, one that recognizes the agency and achievements of
- Historiographical Impact: Rizal’s approach set a precedent for future historians in the Philippines,
encouraging a critical examination of sources and a focus on indigenous perspectives.

4. A Legacy of the Propaganda: The Tripartite View of Philippine History by Zeus Salazar
- Concept: Salazar's tripartite view divides Philippine history into three major periods: pre-colonial,
colonial, and post-colonial.
- Pre-Colonial: Highlights the rich cultural heritage and sophisticated societies of Filipinos before
Spanish colonization.
- Colonial: Examines the changes brought by Spanish rule, including both the negative impacts and
the hybrid cultural forms that emerged.
- Post-Colonial: Focuses on the struggles for independence and the ongoing process of nation-
building in the modern era.
- Influence: Salazar’s framework builds on the foundations laid by Rizal, emphasizing the
importance of understanding the full breadth of Philippine history from a Filipino perspective.

In summary, the interplay between Morga’s historical account and Rizal’s critical annotations reveals
the dynamic nature of Philippine historiography. Rizal’s work, along with the contributions of later
historians like Zeus Salazar, underscores the ongoing effort to reclaim and reinterpret Filipino history
through a lens that acknowledges the nation's rich and complex heritage.


 Morga, Antonio. Sucesos de las Islas Filipinas. 1609. This primary source is available in
several libraries and historical archives. It has been translated and annotated by numerous

 Rizal, José. Annotations to Antonio Morga's Sucesos de las Islas Filipinas. Various
editions are available, including those published by the National Historical Institute of the

 Guerrero, Leon Ma. The First Filipino: A Biography of José Rizal. Manila: National
Historical Commission, 1974.
 Schumacher, John N. The Propaganda Movement, 1880-1895: The Creation of a
Filipino Consciousness, the Making of the Revolution. Ateneo de Manila University
Press, 1997.
 Salazar, Zeus. Pantayong Pananaw: Ugat at Kabuluhan. Manila: Ateneo de Manila
University Press, 2000.
 Salazar, Zeus. A Legacy of the Propaganda: The Tripartite View of Philippine History. In
various historical journals and compilations, often found in academic libraries.


1. Who wrote "Sucesos de las Islas Filipinas"?

- A. José Rizal

- B. Zeus Salazar

- C. Antonio Morga

- D. Andres Bonifacio

2. In what year was "Sucesos de las Islas Filipinas" published?

- A. 1521

- B. 1609

- C. 1896

- D. 1901

3. What was Rizal's primary motivation for annotating Morga's work?

- A. To promote Spanish colonization

- B. To highlight Filipino achievements

- C. To support American rule

- D. To write a new history

4. How did Rizal challenge Morga's interpretations?

- A. By supporting Morga's views

- B. By ignoring Morga's work

- C. By providing evidence of Filipino achievements

- D. By translating Morga's work into Spanish

5. What is the significance of Morga's work?

- A. It supports Spanish colonial rule

- B. It provides an early historical account of the Philippines

- C. It was written in the 20th century

- D. It was a fictional novel

6. What historical period does Morga's work cover?

- A. Pre-colonial period only

- B. Post-colonial period only

- C. Late 16th and early 17th centuries

- D. 19th century

7. How did Rizal's annotations reflect his nationalist sentiments?

- A. By advocating for Spanish colonization

- B. By downplaying Filipino achievements

- C. By presenting a balanced view of Philippine history

- D. By ignoring Filipino history

8. What were some key criticisms Rizal had of Morga's work?

- A. Morga overestimated Filipino society

- B. Morga's work was too short

- C. Morga underestimated pre-colonial Filipino achievements

- D. Morga's work was written in English

9. How did Rizal's annotations influence future Filipino historians?

- A. By discouraging the study of history

- B. By encouraging critical examination of sources

- C. By supporting colonial narratives

- D. By ignoring indigenous perspectives

10. What is the tripartite view of Philippine history proposed by Zeus Salazar?

- A. Dividing history into four periods

- B. Ignoring pre-colonial history

- C. Dividing history into pre-colonial, colonial, and post-colonial periods

- D. Focusing only on post-colonial history

11. What are the three major periods in Salazar's tripartite view?

- A. Ancient, Medieval, Modern

- B. Pre-colonial, Colonial, Post-colonial

- C. Pre-historic, Historic, Future

- D. Early, Middle, Late

12. How does Salazar's view build on the foundations laid by Rizal?

- A. By emphasizing the importance of understanding Philippine history from a

Filipino perspective

- B. By supporting Spanish colonization

- C. By ignoring Rizal's work

- D. By focusing only on modern history

13. What are some examples of pre-colonial Filipino achievements highlighted by Rizal?

- A. Simple agricultural practices

- B. Advanced agricultural techniques and complex social structures

- C. Spanish cultural influences

- D. Post-colonial governance

14. How did Spanish colonization impact Filipino society according to Morga?

- A. It had no impact

- B. It introduced Christianity and new governance structures

- C. It was entirely beneficial

- D. It eradicated Filipino culture

15. What was the role of the Propaganda Movement in shaping Filipino historiography?

- A. Promoting a sense of national identity

- B. Supporting American rule

- C. Downplaying Filipino achievements

- D. Ignoring historical events

16. How did Rizal's annotations aim to inspire Filipino pride?

- A. By highlighting Spanish achievements

- B. By correcting misconceptions and showcasing Filipino history

- C. By discouraging historical study

- D. By promoting colonial narratives

17. In what ways did Rizal's work set a precedent for critical historiography in the

- A. By ignoring historical sources

- B. By questioning colonial narratives

- C. By supporting colonial perspectives

- D. By focusing only on modern history

18. How does Salazar's tripartite view contribute to understanding post-colonial


- A. By ignoring historical roots

- B. By acknowledging historical roots and ongoing nation-building

- C. By focusing only on pre-colonial history

- D. By supporting colonial perspectives

19. What was the broader impact of Rizal's annotations on Filipino consciousness?

- A. Promoting colonial rule

- B. Fostering a sense of national pride and identity

- C. Discouraging national pride

- D. Ignoring Filipino history

20. Why is understanding Philippine history from a Filipino perspective significant?

- A. It reclaims the narrative from colonial biases

- B. It supports colonial narratives

- C. It ignores Filipino achievements

- D. It focuses only on the colonial period

### Answers

1. **C

2. **B.

3. **B

4. **C.

5. **B

6. **C.

7. **C.

8. **C.

9. **B.

10. **C.

11. **B.

12. **A
13. **B.

14. **B.

15. **A

16. **B.

17. **B.

18. **B.

19. **B.

20. **A.

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