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Daniel Goleman
3 traits of Emotional Intelligence
Skill Feeling Brain
The ability to recognize Without management of The exchange between
and manage emotions feelings, we become prone the rational brain and
guides thoughts, to destructive behaviors emotional brain helps
decisions, and behavior manage feelings

Positive and negative

effects of emotion
Emotions can
Emotions can

be helpful hurt us

The ability
Our feelings can
to interpret cause us to make
people’s feelings irrational
can be a good decisions that
predictor of actions lead to regret

Teach Emotional Intelligence

Parents and Tutors and parents Commending Encourage
children affect
can cooperate
children for their children

the Emotional to give feedback

efforts interprets to recognize

in a constructive and regulates their and name feelings
of each other
way emotions

Key insights
Emotional Intelligence
Daniel Goleman

1 The secret of positive leadership 5 Avoid the heated arguments

The ability to manage emotions enables Children learn from actions more
you to lead people to achieve a common than words. They are likely to repeat
goal. Recognize their feelings to support what they see. Model your Emotional
them and show empathy.
Intelligence by avoiding conflicts.

2 Emotional skills improve our lives

6 Learn empathy from others

Developing healthy mind habits Immerse yourself in another person’s
encourages positive thinking.
frame of mind to feel what they feel.
Positive thinking produces positive Mimic the verbal and non-verbal cues
feelings leading to positive actions. from others to practice empathy.

3 Emotional intelligence supports 7 Teach children to cope with

your health failures

The ability to process disturbing We can identify why we fail and learn
emotions helps regulate your blood to do better instead of thinking that
pressure and stress-related hormones. we are permanently deficient.

4 Actions are driven by feelings 8 Manage emotional health

Our feelings can cause us to act without Your social life will receive a boost
allowing our rational brains to interpret when you show genuine interest

the situation properly. So, we need

in others, pay attention to their
to recognize our emotions and learn words and actions, and respond

how to manage them. to difficult situations positively.


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