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PANCHATANTRA Rural Development and

Panchayat Raj
2.0 Department

BSK –Bapuji Seva Kendra

User’s Manual - Version 1.0
Developed By:
Rural Development and Panchayat Raj Department 2
BSK 2.0

• General Information __________________________________________ 5

• Application Overview _________________________________________ 6
• Stake holders _______________________________________________ 7
• Home Page_________________________________________________ 8
o Understanding of the Home Page _________________________________________ 9

• Register/Login _____________________________________________ 13
o Register using Email ID and Password ____________________________________ 13
o Register using Mobile Number and OTP ___________________________________ 14

• Citizen Dashboard __________________________________________ 16

o Understanding of the Citizen Dashboard __________________________________ 16

• Services __________________________________________________ 21
o Property Related _____________________________________________________ 21

▪ Property Tax _______________________________________________________ 21

▪ Occupancy Certificate _______________________________________________ 25
▪ Building Construction License _________________________________________ 44
▪ Form 9/11A ________________________________________________________ 65
▪ Form 11B _________________________________________________________ 66

o Household Utilities ____________________________________________________ 68

▪ New Water Supply Connection ________________________________________ 68

▪ Disconnection of Water Supply ________________________________________ 88
▪ Maintenance of Drinking Water _______________________________________ 108
▪ Maintenance of Street Light __________________________________________ 114
▪ Maintenance of Village Sanitation _____________________________________ 120

o Business Related ____________________________________________________ 127

▪ Trade License _____________________________________________________ 127

▪ Permission for Establishment of Industrial/ Agriculture-Based Production Unit __ 148
▪ No Objection Certificate _____________________________________________ 168
▪ Road Cutting Permission ____________________________________________ 186

• MGNREGA _______________________________________________ 203

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o Providing Employment to Unskilled Labors ________________________________ 203
o Issue of Job card to Unskilled Labors under MGNREGA _____________________ 209

• Other Department Services __________________________________ 214

o Apply for issuance of RTC _____________________________________________ 214
o UDID Card _________________________________________________________ 216
o Get birth and death certificate __________________________________________ 219

• Application work flow after department’s action: __________________ 221

o If Application gets approved: ___________________________________________ 221
o If Application gets rejected: ____________________________________________ 232

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This user manual explains various sections of BSK 2.0 application for its users that is Citizens of
Karnataka State. This manual also provides information on operating the application. The
manual explains the process of Citizen Service’s web portal which is a unique initiative
undertaken by the Rural Development and Panchayat Raj department of Karnataka to help
rural citizens avail different utility services.

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“Citizen Service’s web portal” – is a software application aims to further smoothen the citizen
interface and experience while availing the services.

✓ Decentralization of the Citizen Service Delivery at Grama Panchayats making it more

accessible leading to reduced travel time, waiting time and hence cost effective.
✓ To enhance the accountability, transparency and responsiveness to citizen's needs.
✓ To manage the service provision through partnership with concerned departments and
become a single interface for all Government to citizen transactions at the Grassroots.
✓ To ensure speed and certainty of providing the services through enforcement of a
Service Level Agreement aligned with Sakala norms
✓ Enforce accounting, issuing of certificates etc and thereby improving the overall
productivity of the administrative machinery.
✓ This application will enable information exchange between various stake holders

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▪ Citizens of the state of Karnataka.

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✓ Citizen should type the URL in
any browser in to their system
to open the web portal of BSK
2.0 Citizen Service (BSK –
Bapuji Seva Kendra).

✓ The Home Page will be

displayed as show in the image.

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o Understanding of the Home Page

A –Social Media shortcuts

B – Screen Reader Access utility
C – Adjust the font size buttons
D – Bullet buttons to select the preferred Language (English / Kannada)
E – Menu Bar
F – Search bar for the services
G – Register or Log in button
H – Certificate Validate
I – Existing application Status check

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The second part of the page is for Citizens who wants to pay the property Tax without surfing
the portal.

Citizen should click on the button and page will be redirected to the Login

The next part of the page is for the short cut of the services. Citizen should click on any type of
services icon from here to avail the service.

The following part of the page shows the steps to apply for any kind of services.

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The next part of the page shows quick links and other department services.

User should click on any of the mentioned service or department link and page will be redirect
to the particular service or department page.

The next part of the page shows the latest news and updates from Twitter as well of RDPR
(Rural Development and Panchayat Raj Department).

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The next part of the page shows the Community updates.

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Citizen should login or register to the BSK 2.0 Citizen Service (BSK – Bapuji Seva Kendra) web

portal by clicking the button.

There are two ways to register on the portal.

▪ Register using Email ID and Password
▪ Register using Mobile Number and OTP

o Register using Email ID and Password

Citizen can register using Email ID and Password along with below mentioned details. In this
option, the Email ID is mandatory to be filled.

All asterisk (*) fields are mandatory.

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Citizen should enter the email address in Email ID field and press button.

System will send an email containing the 6 digit OTP.

Citizen should enter the 6 digit OTP in to OTP Field and click on button to verify it.

Citizen should enter the password in Enter Password field and the same in to Confirm
Password field.

The Citizen will register after clicking on button.

o Register using Mobile Number and OTP

Citizen should register using Mobile number and OTP along with below mentioned details. In
this option, the Mobile number is mandatory to be filled.

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All asterisk (*) fields are mandatory.

Citizen should enter the Mobile number in Mobile number field and press button.

System will send a text message containing the 6 digit OTP on the same mobile number.

Citizen should enter the 6 digit OTP in to OTP Field and click on button to verify it.

The Citizen will register after clicking on button.

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Once the Citizen log in to the web portal, the following page will be displayed :

o Understanding of the Citizen Dashboard

Left side of the page, Citizen can see the Application History (List of Submitted Application and
Draft Applications).

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On the right hand side, Citizen should change or update their profile details by clicking the


Under the Update your profile link, there are four useful Quick links available for Citizen.

Payment form 11/A and 11/B

Citizen should pay the payment for Form 11/A and 11/B by using this link.

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Payment History

Citizen should check their Payment History by clicking on this link.

Citizen should check the successful payment by clicking the “Payment Success” tab and for
failed payment clicking on “Payment Failed” tab.

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View Past Application

Citizen should check their Past Application by clicking on this link.

Citizen should also download the certificate for past applications by clicking on the


View Application Acknowledgement Letter

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Citizen should click on “View Application Acknowledgement Letter” link to see the list of the
application. Also they can download the Acknowledgement Letter by clicking on the


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All Citizen Services are divided in to five categories.

✓ Property Related
✓ Household Utilities
✓ Business Related
✓ Other Department Services

Note: Citizen can apply for any of the services for themselves as well as other citizens by using their ID.
However; the system will send the notification text messages on the mobile number which were filled
in the application form.

o Property Related

There are five Property Related services available under this Menu.
▪ Property Tax
▪ Occupancy Certificate
▪ Building Construction License
▪ Form 9/11A
▪ Form 11/B

▪ Property Tax

Citizen can pay their property tax by using this service. Click on Services on the Menu bar, the
Property Tax link is available under Property Related sub-Menu.

Once Citizen clicks on the Property Tax link, the below shown page will be displayed:

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Property Tax page displays the description of the Property Tax and the Pay Property Tax

In case, if citizen requires the help then they can click on the button.

Below shown page will be displayed once click on the Go to Help button. The page will
display the search option, short cuts icons for common issues and list of commonly asked

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Citizen should on the button to pay the Property Tax.

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The next image shows the property tax page.

On this page, Citizen should search the property by three options:

▪ by Property ID
▪ by Village or
▪ by Name

To search by Property ID, it requires 18 Digit Property Unique ID.

To search by Village, it requires District, Taluka Panchayat, Gram Panchayat and Village name.

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Once citizen fills all above fields then Property ID field will show all Property ID along with
owner’s name in dropdown list.

Citizen should select the property ID and click on button.

To search by Name, it requires Citizen’s Name.

Citizen should type the owner’s name and click on button and all related result will be

Citizen should select the property ID and proceed further for payment.

▪ Occupancy Certificate

Citizen can get the Occupancy Certificate by using this service. Occupancy certificate issued by
Grama Panchayat, declares that the building is constructed as per the plans approved by the
concerned authorities. Occupancy certificate is issued when a property is ready to be occupied.

Click on Services Menu on the Menu bar, the Occupancy Certificate link is available under
Property Related sub-Menu.

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Once Citizen clicks on the Occupancy Certificate link, the below page will be displayed:

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This page displays the description, Steps how to avail the Certificate and the information
regarding Occupancy Certificate.

On the right hand side, the yellow box appears which shows the time period and the fees for
the application.

Citizen can apply for Occupancy Certificate by clicking on the button.

The below shown image is the Occupancy Certificate application page:

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There are six steps for applying for Occupancy Certificate, as shown in the below image.

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▪ Step – 1 Applicant Details

▪ Step – 2 Property/Village Details
▪ Step – 3 License Details
▪ Step – 4 Area Measurements
▪ Step – 5 Checkbandi
▪ Step – 6 Upload Documents

Step – 1 Application Details

On this page, Citizen should fill the required information as shown in the below image.

All asterisk (*) marked fields are mandatory to be filled.

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Citizen should click on button, once they fill the required details.

On the next page, the Application Draft number will be displayed for Occupancy Certificate.

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Step – 2 Property/Village Details

On this page, Citizen should fill the required information as shown in the below image.

All asterisk (*) marked fields are mandatory to be filled.

After filling all required Property/Village Details, Citizen should click on

button to go to the next step.

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By clicking on the button Citizen can visit the Step – 1 page.

Clicking the button, page will be redirected to the Dashboard page.

Step – 3 License Details

On this page, Citizen should fill the required information as shown in the below image.

All asterisk (*) marked fields are mandatory to be filled.

After filling all required License Details, Citizen can click on button to go to
the next step.

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By clicking on the button Citizen can visit the Step – 2 page.

Clicking the button, page will be redirected to the Dashboard page.

Step – 4 Area Measurements

On this page, Citizen should fill the required information as shown in the below image.

All asterisk (*) marked fields are mandatory to be filled.

After filling all required Area Measurements Details, Citizen can click on
button to go to the next step.

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By clicking on the button Citizen can visit the Step – 3 page.

Clicking the button, page will be redirected to the Dashboard page.

Step – 5 Checkbandi

On this page, Citizen should fill the required information shown as in the below image.

All asterisk (*) marked fields are mandatory to be filled.

After filling all required Checkbandi Details, Citizen should click on button to
go to the next step.

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By clicking on the button Citizen can visit the Step – 4 page.

Clicking the button, page will be redirected to the Dashboard page.

Step – 6 Upload Documents

On this page, Citizen has to upload the Document in required format and size ( jpg, jpeg , png
, pdf< 2MB) as shown in the below image.

Browse the document copy in your system and click on button to upload
the file.

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Once Citizen finish uploading the required document, the page will display the documents
information such as Sr. No, Doc Type, Service Name, Sub Service name, Document name and
Action buttons.

In Action field, there are two icons displays. First one for downloading the uploaded
document and the second one for view the uploaded document.

After verifying the document and its details, click on the check mark box for self declaration.

Note: System will not allow user to proceed further without checking the check box.

By clicking on the button, Citizen can visit the Step – 5page.

By clicking the button, Citizen can update the details if they have corrected any.

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By clicking the button, page will be redirected to the Dashboard page.

Citizen should click on button to submit the application.

System will ask for the confirmation if user wants to save the data or not.

Click on button for the confirmation.

Once Citizen confirms, the below page will be displayed for payment details.

On this page, the Applicant Name, Service Name, Amount to be paid and date will be

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Citizen should verify the details and click on button to proceed for the

Citizen should click on button for the payment confirmation as shown in below image.

Once citizen clicks on OK button, the page will be redirect to the Payment page. Image shown
as below:

On the top of the image, the applicant name, Service Name and amount, Phone number and
email address will be displayed.

On the middle of the page, all payment methods are available. Select one and proceed for the

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On the next page, user should enter the card details and click on the Pay button.

The next page shows the bifurcation of the fees, user should review it and click on the
CONTINUE button.

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Once Citizen completes the payment process, the message for successful payment will be
displayed on the top right corner in green background and page redirected to Payment
successful page, as shown in below image.

Download the Acknowledgement letter by clicking the button.

Below image shows the Sample Acknowledgement Letter.

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Download the payment receipt by clicking the button. Below image

shows the Sample Payment Receipt.

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Click on button to go to the home page.

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On the home page, the application will show under Submitted Applications tab. On this page,
the Shakala number (Application GSC No.) also generated.

Citizen should also download the acknowledgement letter from this page.

Note: The application is submitted to the department for the further process. Citizen will be notified by
text message on the number provided in the application. Also, refer the Application work flow after
department’s action for further process.

Citizen should check the application status by clicking on link.

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▪ Building Construction License

Citizen can get the Building Construction License by using this service. Building License is a type
of authorization that is issued by the Grama Panchayat before the construction of a new
building or to make changes to existing building for the following Purposes -
1. Residence
2. Commercial
3. Non-residential
4. Industrial / Agricultural Production Unit
5. Apartment / Villament / Tenement
6. Villa / Row Houses

Click on Services Menu on the Menu bar, the Building Construction License Link is available
under Property Related sub-Menu.

Once Citizen clicks on the Building Construction License link, the below page will be displayed:

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This page displays the description, Steps how to avail the License and the information
regarding Building Construction License.

On the right hand side, the yellow box appears which shows the time period and the fees for
the application.

Citizen should apply for Building Construction License by clicking on the button.

The below shown image is the Building Construction License application page:

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There are six steps for applying for Building Construction License, as shown in the below

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▪ Step – 1 Applicant Details

▪ Step – 2 Property Details
▪ Step – 3 Building Details
▪ Step – 4 Area Measurements
▪ Step – 5 Checkbandi
▪ Step – 6 Upload Documents

Step – 1 Applicant Details

On this page, Citizen should fill the required information shown as in the below image.

All asterisk (*) marked fields are mandatory to be filled.

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Citizen should click on button, once they fill the required details.

On the next page, the Application Draft number will be generated and displayed for Building
Construction License.

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Step – 2 Property Details

On this page, Citizen should fill the required information as shown in the below image.

All asterisk (*) marked fields are mandatory to be filled.

After filling all required Property Details, Citizen should click on button to go
to the next step.

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By clicking on the button Citizen can visit the Step – 1 page.

Clicking the button, page will be redirected to the Dashboard page.

Step – 3 Building Details

On this page, Citizen should fill the required information as shown in the below image.

All asterisk (*) marked fields are mandatory to be filled.

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After filling all required Building Details, Citizen should click on button to go
to the next step.

By clicking on the button Citizen can visit the Step – 2 page.

Clicking the button, page will be redirected to the Dashboard page.

Step – 4 Area Measurements

On this page, Citizen should fill the required information as shown in the below image.

All asterisk (*) marked fields are mandatory to be filled.

User should select if the Dimension is Odd or not from the drop down list.

If user select Yes then the below page will be displayed.

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If user select NO then the below page will be displayed.

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After filling all required Area Measurements Details, Citizen should click on
button to go to the next step.

By clicking on the button Citizen can visit the Step – 3 page.

Clicking the button, page will be redirected to the Dashboard page.

Step – 5 Checkbandi

On this page, Citizen should fill the required information shown as in the below image.

All asterisk (*) marked fields are mandatory to be filled.

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After filling all required Checkbandi Details, Citizen should click on button to
go to the next step.

By clicking on the button Citizen can visit the Step – 4 page.

Clicking the button, page will be redirected to the Dashboard page.

Step – 6 Upload Documents

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On this page, Citizen has to upload the Document in required format and size ( jpg, jpeg , png
, pdf< 2MB) as shown in the below image.

Browse the document copies from your system and click on button to upload the file.

Once Citizen finish uploading the required documents, the page will display the documents
information such as Sr. No, Doc Type, Service Name, Sub Service name, Document name and
Action buttons.

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In Action field, there are two icons displays. First one for downloading the uploaded
document and the second one for view the uploaded document.

After verifying the document and its details, click on the check mark box for self declaration.
This field is mandatory.

Note: System will not allow user to proceed further without checking the check box.

By clicking on the button, Citizen can visit the Step – 5page.

By clicking the button, Citizen can update the details if they have corrected any.

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By clicking the button, page will be redirected to the Dashboard page.

Citizen should click on button to submit the application.

System will ask for the confirmation if user wants to save the data or not.

Click on button for the confirmation.

Once Citizen confirms, the below page will be displayed for payment details.

On this page, the Applicant Name, Service Name, Amount to be paid and date will be

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Citizen should verify the details and click on button to proceed for the

Citizen should click on button for the payment confirmation as shown in below image.

Once Citizen clicks on button, the page will be redirect to the Payment page. Image
shown as below:

On the top of the image, the applicant name, Service Name and amount, Phone number and
email address will be displayed.

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On the middle of the page, all payment methods are available. Select one and proceed for the

On the next page, user should enter the card details and click on the Pay button.

The next page shows the bifurcation of the fees, user should review it and click on the
CONTINUE button.

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The next page shows the bifurcation of the fees, user should review it and click on the
CONTINUE button.

Once Citizen completes the payment process, the message for successful payment will be
displayed on the top right corner in green background and page redirected to Payment
successful page, as shown in below image.

Download the Acknowledgement letter by clicking the button.

Below image shows the Sample Acknowledgement Letter.

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Download the payment receipt by clicking the button. Below image

shows the Sample Payment Receipt.

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Click on button to go to the home page.

On the home page, the application will show under Submitted Applications tab. On this page,
the Sakala number (Application GSC No.) also generated.

Citizen should also download the acknowledgement letter from this page.

Note: The application is submitted to the department for the further process. Citizen will be notified by
text message on the number provided in the application. Also, refer the Application work flow after
department’s action for further process.

Citizen should check the application status by clicking on link.

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▪ Form 9/11A

Citizen can get the Form 9/11A by using this service. Click on Services Menu on the Menu bar,
the Form 9/11A link is available under Property Related sub-Menu.

Once Citizen clicks on the Form 9/11A link, the below page will be displayed:

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Citizen should click on the button and the page will be redirected to e-swathu

Citizen should proceed further to get the Form 9/11A on this portal.

▪ Form 11B

Citizen can get the Form 11B by using this service. Click on Services Menu on the Menu bar,
the Form 11B link is available under Property Related sub-Menu.

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Once Citizen clicks on the Form 9/11A link, the below page will be displayed:

Citizen should click on the button and the page will be redirected to e-swathu

Citizen should proceed further to get the Form 9/11A on this portal.

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o Household Utilities

There are five Household Utilities services available under this Menu.

▪ New Water Supply Connection

▪ Disconnection of Water Supply
▪ Maintenance of Drinking Water
▪ Maintenance of Street Light
▪ Maintenance of Village Sanitation

▪ New Water Supply Connection

Citizen can avail the Household Utility services for New Water Supply Connection by seeking
this Service

Citizen should click on Services Menu on the Menu bar; the New Water Supply Connection
link is available under Household Utilities sub-Menu.

Once Citizen clicks on the “New Water Supply Connection” link, the below page will be

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This page displays the description and the steps how to avail the New Water Supply

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On the right hand side, the yellow box appears which shows the time period to get the service
and the fees for the application.

Citizen should apply for New Water Supply Connection service by clicking on the

The below shown image is the New Water Supply Connection application page:

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There are six steps for applying for New Water Supply Connection, as shown in the below

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▪ Step – 1 Applicant Details

▪ Step – 2 Property Details
▪ Step – 3 Water Connection Details
▪ Step – 4 Area Measurements
▪ Step – 5 Checkbandi
▪ Step – 6 Document Details

Step – 1 Application Details

On this page, Citizen should fill the required information as shown in the below image.

All asterisk (*) marked fields are mandatory to be filled.

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Citizen should fill the required details and click on button.

On the next page, the Application Draft number will be displayed for New Water Supply

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Step – 2 Property Details

On this page, Citizen should fill the required information as shown in the below image.

All asterisk (*) marked fields are mandatory to be filled.

After filling all required Property Details, citizen should click on button to go to
the next step.

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By clicking on the button citizen should visit the Step – 1 page.

Clicking the button, page will be redirected to the Dashboard page.

Step – 3 Water Connection Details

On this page, citizen should fill the required information as shown in the below image.

All asterisk (*) marked fields are mandatory to be filled.

After filling all required Water Connection Details, citizen should click on button
to go to the next step.

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By clicking on the button, citizen can visit the Step – 2 page.

Clicking the button, page will be redirected to the Dashboard page.

Step – 4 Area Measurements

On this page, citizen should fill the required information as shown in the below image.

All asterisk (*) marked fields are mandatory to be filled.

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After filling all required Area Measurements Details, citizen should click on
button to go to the next step.

By clicking on the button, citizen can visit the Step – 3 page.

Clicking the button, page will be redirected to the Dashboard page.

Step – 5 Checkbandi

On this page, Citizen should fill the required information as shown in the below image.

All asterisk (*) marked fields are mandatory to be filled.

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After filling all required Checkbandi Details, citizen should click on button to go
to the next step.

By clicking on the button, citizen can visit the Step – 4 page.

Clicking the button, page will be redirected to the Dashboard page.

Step – 6 Documents Details

On this page, citizen should upload the Document in required format and size ( jpg, jpeg , png
, pdf< 2MB) as shown in the below image.

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Browse the document copy in your system and click on button to upload the file.

Note: System will not allow uploading the document if it is not as mentioned format and size.

Once you finish uploading the required document, the page will display the documents
information such as Sr. No, Doc Type, Service Name, Sub Service name, Document name and
Action buttons.

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In Action field, there are two icons displays. First one for downloading the uploaded
document and the second one for view the uploaded document.

After verifying the document and its details, click on the check mark box for self declaration.

Note: System will not allow to proceed without clicking on the check box.

By clicking on the button, citizen should visit the Step – 5 page.

By clicking the button, citizen can update the details if you have corrected any.

By clicking the button, page will be redirected to the Dashboard page.

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Click on button, citizen can submit the application.

System will ask for the confirmation if you want to save the data or not. Click on button
for the confirmation.

Once Citizen confirms, the below page will be displayed for payment details.

On this page, the Applicant Name, Service Name, Amount to be paid and date will be

Citizen should verify the details and click on button to proceed for the

Click on button for the payment confirmation as shown in below image.

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Once citizen click on button, the page will be redirect to the Payment page. Image shown
as below:

On the top of the image, the applicant name, Service Name and amount, Phone number and
email address will be displayed.

On the middle of the page, all payment methods are available. Select one and proceed for the

On the next page, user should enter the card details and click on the Pay button.

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The next page shows the bifurcation of the fees, user should review it and click on the
CONTINUE button.

Once citizen completes the payment process, the message for successful payment will be
displayed on the top right corner in green background and below shown page will be

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Citizen should download the Acknowledgement letter by clicking the

button. Below image shows the Sample Acknowledgement Letter.

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Citizen should download the payment receipt by clicking the button.

Below image shows the Sample Payment Receipt.

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Citizen should click on button to go to the home page.

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On the home page, the application will show under Submitted Applications tab. On this page,
the Sakala number (Application GSC No.) also generated.

Citizen should also download the acknowledgement letter from this page.

Note: The application is submitted to the department for the further process. Citizen will be notified by
text message on the number provided in the application. Also, refer the Application work flow after
department’s action for further process.

Citizen should check the application status by clicking on link.

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▪ Disconnection of Water Supply

Citizen can avail the Household Utility services for Disconnecting Water Supply Connection by
seeking this Service

Citizen should click on Services Menu on the Menu bar; the Disconnection of Water Supply
link is available under Household Utilities sub-Menu.

Once Citizen clicks on the “Disconnection of Water Supply” link, the below page will be

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This page displays the description and the steps how to apply the Disconnection of Water
Supply service.

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On the right hand side, the yellow box appears which shows the time period for the service
and the fees for the application.

Citizen should apply for Disconnection of Water Supply service by clicking on the

The below shown image is the Disconnection of Water Supply application page:

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There are six steps for applying for Disconnection of Water Supply service, as shown in the
below image.

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▪ Step – 1 Applicant Details

▪ Step – 2 Property Details
▪ Step – 3 License Details
▪ Step – 4 Area Measurements
▪ Step – 5 Checkbandi
▪ Step – 6 Upload Documents

Step – 1 Application Details

On this page, Citizen should fill the required information as shown in the below image.

All asterisk (*) marked fields are mandatory to be filled.

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Citizen should fill the required details and click on button.

On the next page, the Application Draft number will be displayed for Disconnection of Water
Supply service.

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Step – 2 Property Details

On this page, citizen should fill the required information as shown in the below image.

All asterisk (*) marked fields are mandatory to be filled.

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After filling all required Property Details, citizen should click on button to go to
the next step.

By clicking on the button citizen should visit the Step – 1 page.

Clicking the button, page will be redirected to the Dashboard page.

Step – 3 License Details

On this page, Citizen should fill the required information as shown in the below image.

All asterisk (*) marked fields are mandatory to be filled.

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After filling all required License Details, Citizen should click on button to go to
the next step.

By clicking on the button, citizen can visit the Step – 2 page.

Clicking the button, page will be redirected to the Dashboard page.

Step – 4 Area Measurements

On this page, citizen should fill the required information shown as in the below image.

All asterisk (*) marked fields are mandatory to be filled.

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After filling all required Area Measurements Details, citizen should click on
button to go to the next step.

By clicking on the button, citizen can visit the Step – 3 page.

Clicking the button, page will be redirected to the Dashboard page.

Step – 5 Checkbandi

On this page, you have to fill the required information shown as in the below image.

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All asterisk (*) marked fields are mandatory to be filled.

After filling all required Checkbandi Details, citizen should click on button to
go to the next step.

By clicking on the button, citizen can visit the Step – 4 page.

Clicking the button, page will be redirected to the Dashboard page.

Step – 6 Documents Details

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On this page, citizen should upload the Document in required format and size ( jpg, jpeg , png
, pdf< 2MB) as shown in the below image.

Browse the document copy in your system and click on button to upload the

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Note: System will not allow uploading the document if it is not as mentioned format and size.

Once you finish uploading the required document, the page displayed with the documents
information such as Sr. No, Doc Type, Service Name, Sub Service name, Document name and
Action buttons.

In Action field, there are two icons displays. First one for downloading the uploaded
document and the second one for view the uploaded document.

After verifying the document and its details, click on the check mark box for self declaration.

Note: System will not allow to proceed without clicking on the check box.

By clicking on the button, citizen should visit the Step – 5 page.

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By clicking the button, citizen can update the details if you have corrected any.

By clicking the button, page will be redirected to the Dashboard page.

Click on button, citizen can submit the application.

System will ask for the confirmation if you want to save the data or not. Click on button
for the confirmation.

Once Citizen confirms, the below page will be displayed for payment details.

On this page, the Applicant Name, Service Name, Amount to be paid and date will be

displayed. Verify it and click on button to proceed for the payment.

Click on button for the payment confirmation as shown in below image.

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Once citizen click on button, the page will be redirect to the Payment page. Image shown
as below:

On the top of the image, the applicant name, Service Name and amount, Phone number and
email address will be displayed.

On the middle of the page, all payment methods are available. Select one and proceed for the

On the next page, user should enter the card details and click on the Pay button.

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The next page shows the bifurcation of the fees, user should review it and click on the
CONTINUE button.

Once citizen completes the payment process, the message for successful payment will be
displayed on the top right corner in green background and below shown page will be

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Citizen should download the Acknowledgement letter by clicking the

button. Below image shows the Sample Acknowledgement Letter.

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Citizen should download the payment receipt by clicking the button.

Below image shows the Sample Payment Receipt.

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Citizen should click on button to go to the home page.

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On the home page, the application will show under Submitted Applications tab. On this page,
the Shakala number (Application GSC No.) also generated.

Citizen should also download the acknowledgement letter from this page.

Note: The application is submitted to the department for the further process. Citizen will be notified by
text message on the number provided in the application. Also, refer the Application work flow after
department’s action for further process.

Citizen should check the application status by clicking on link.

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▪ Maintenance of Drinking Water

Citizen should apply for the “Maintenance of Drinking Water” by using this service.

Citizen should click on Services Menu on the Menu bar; the Maintenance of Drinking Water
link is available under Household Utilities sub-Menu.

Once you click on the “Maintenance of Drinking Water” link, the below page will be

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This page displays the description and the steps how to apply for the Maintenance of Drinking
Water service.

On the right hand side, the yellow box appears which shows the time period for the service
and the fees (If any) for the application.

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Citizen should apply for Maintenance of Drinking Water service by clicking on the

The below shown image is the Maintenance of Drinking Water service application page:

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Citizen should fill the required details and click on the button. All asterisk (*) marked
fields are mandatory to be filled.

The draft number will be generated for the service once citizen click on the button.

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On the same page below mentioned buttons will be displayed once the draft number is

Citizen should click on button to update any details.

Citizen should go back to the Dashboard page by clicking on the button.

Citizen should click on button to submit the Maintenance of Drinking

Water service application.

Once the button submitted, the massage will be displayed on top of the
application page with GSC (Sakala number).

Citizen should download the acknowledgement letter by clicking on the

button on the bottom of the application page. Below image shows

the Sample Acknowledgement Letter.

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Note: There will be no Application fee for Maintenance services.

Citizen should click on button to go to the home page.

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On the home page, the application will show under Submitted Applications tab.

Citizen should also download the acknowledgement letter from this page.

Note: The application is submitted to the department for the further process.

Citizen should check the application status by clicking on link.

▪ Maintenance of Street Light

Citizen should apply for the “Maintenance of Street Light” by using this service.

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Citizen should click on Services Menu on the Menu bar; the Maintenance of Street Light link is
available under Household Utilities sub-Menu.

Once you click on the “Maintenance of Street Light” link, the below page will be displayed:

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This page displays the description and the steps how to apply the Maintenance of Street Light

On the right hand side, the yellow box appears which shows the time period for the service
and the fees for the application.

Citizen should apply for Maintenance of Street Light service by clicking on the

The below shown image is the Maintenance of Street Light service application page:

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Citizen should fill the required details and click on the button.

All asterisk (*) marked fields are mandatory to be filled.

The draft number will be generated for the service once citizen click on the button.

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On the same page below mentioned buttons will be displayed once the draft number is

Citizen should click on button to update any details.

Citizen should go back to the Dashboard page by clicking on the button.

Citizen should click on button to submit the Maintenance of Street Light

service application.

Once the button submitted, the massage will be displayed on top of the
application page with GSC (Sakala number).

Citizen should download the acknowledgement letter by clicking on the

button on the bottom of the application page. Below image shows

the Sample Acknowledgement Letter.

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Note: There will be no Application fee for Maintenance services.

Citizen should click on button to go to the home page.

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On the home page, the application will show under Submitted Applications tab.

Citizen should also download the acknowledgement letter from this page.

Note: The application is submitted to the department for the further process.

Citizen should check the application status by clicking on link.

▪ Maintenance of Village Sanitation

Citizen should apply for the “Maintenance of Village Sanitation” by using this service.

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Citizen should click on Services Menu on the Menu bar; the Maintenance of Village Sanitation
link is available under Household Utilities sub-Menu.

Once you click on the “Maintenance of Village Sanitation” link, the below page will be

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This page displays the description and the steps how to apply the Maintenance of Village
Sanitation service.

On the right hand side, the yellow box appears which shows the time period for the service
and the fees (If any) for the application.

Citizen should apply for Maintenance of Village Sanitation service by clicking on the

The below shown image is the Maintenance of Village Sanitation service application page:

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Citizen should fill the required details and click on the button. All asterisk (*) marked
fields are mandatory to be filled.

The draft number will be generated for the service once citizen click on the button.

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On the same page below mentioned buttons will be displayed, once the draft number is

Citizen should click on button to update any details.

Citizen should go back to the Dashboard page by clicking on the button.

Citizen should click on button to submit the Maintenance of Village

Sanitation service application.

Once the button submitted, the massage will be displayed on top of the
application page with GSC (Sakala number).

Citizen should download the acknowledgement letter by clicking on the

button on the bottom of the application page.

Below image shows the Sample Acknowledgement Letter.

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Note: There will be no Application fee for Maintenance services.

Citizen should click on button to go to the home page.

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On the home page, the application will show under Submitted Applications tab.

Citizen should also download the acknowledgement letter from this page.

Note: The application is submitted to the department for the further process.

Citizen should check the application status by clicking on link.

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o Business Related

There will be four Business Related services are available under this Menu.

▪ Trade License
▪ Permission for Establishment of Industrial/ Agriculture-Based Production Unit
▪ No Objection Certificate
▪ Road Cutting Permission

▪ Trade License

Citizen should apply for the “Trade License” by using this service. Any individual /
organization who/that wishes to open Business within the Grama Panchayat Jurisdiction needs
to apply for the license from the respective Grama Panchayat.

Citizen should click on Services Menu on the Menu bar; the Trade License link is available
under Business Related sub-Menu.

Once you click on the “Trade License” link, the below page will be displayed:

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This page displays the description and the steps how to avail the Trade License.

On the right hand side, the yellow box appears which shows the time period to get the service
and the fees for the application.

Citizen should apply for Trade License service by clicking on the button.

The below shown image is the Trade License application page:

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There are six steps for applying for Trade License, as shown in the below image.

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▪ Step – 1 Applicant Details
▪ Step – 2 Property/Village Details
▪ Step – 3 License Details
▪ Step – 4 Area Measurements
▪ Step – 5 Checkbandi
▪ Step – 6 Upload Documents

Step – 1 Application Details

On this page, Citizen should fill the required information as shown in the below image.

All asterisk (*) marked fields are mandatory to be filled.

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Citizen should fill the required details and click on button.

On the next page, the Application Draft number will be displayed for Trade License.

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Step – 2 Property Details

On this page, citizen should fill the required information as shown in the below image.

All asterisk (*) marked fields are mandatory to be filled.

After filling all required Property/Village Details, citizen should click on button
to go to the next step.

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By clicking on the button citizen should visit the Step – 1 page.

Clicking the button, page will be redirected to the Dashboard page.

Step – 3 License Details

On this page, citizen should fill the required information as shown in the below image.

All asterisk (*) marked fields are mandatory to be filled.

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After filling all required License Details, citizen should click on button to go to
the next step.

By clicking on the button, citizen can visit the Step – 2 page.

Clicking the button, page will be redirected to the Dashboard page.

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Step – 4 Area Measurements

On this page, citizen should fill the required information shown as in the below image.

All asterisk (*) marked fields are mandatory to be filled.

After filling all required Area Measurements Details, citizen should click on
button to go to the next step.

By clicking on the button, citizen can visit the Step – 3 page.

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Clicking the button, page will be redirected to the Dashboard page.

Step – 5 Checkbandi

On this page, you have to fill the required information shown as in the below image.

All asterisk (*) marked fields are mandatory to be filled.

After filling all required Checkbandi Details, citizen should click on button to
go to the next step.

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By clicking on the button, citizen can visit the Step – 4 page.

Clicking the button, page will be redirected to the Dashboard page.

Step – 6 Upload Documents

On this page, citizen should upload the Document in required format and size ( jpg, jpeg , png
, pdf< 2MB) as shown in the below image.

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Browse the document copy in your system and click on button to upload the file.

Note: System will not allow uploading the document if it is not as mentioned format and size.

Once you finish uploading the required document, the page displayed with the documents
information such as Sr. No, Doc Type, Service Name, Sub Service name, Document name and
Action buttons.

In Action field, there are two icons displays. First one for downloading the uploaded
document and the second one for view the uploaded document.

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After verifying the document and its details, click on the check mark box for self declaration.

Note: System will not allow proceeding further without clicking on the check box.

By clicking on the button, citizen should visit the Step – 5 page.

By clicking the button, citizen can update the details if you have corrected any.

By clicking the button, page will be redirected to the Dashboard page.

Click on button, citizen can submit the application.

System will ask for the confirmation if you want to save the data or not. Click on button
for the confirmation.

Once Citizen confirms, the below page will be displayed for payment details.

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On this page, the Applicant Name, Service Name, Amount to be paid and date will be

displayed. Verify it and click on button to proceed for the payment.

Click on button for the payment confirmation as shown in below image.

Once citizen click on button, the page will be redirect to the Payment page. Image shown
as below:

On the top of the image, the applicant name, Service Name and amount, Phone number and
email address will be displayed.

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On the middle of the page, all payment methods are available. Select one and proceed for the

On the next page, user should enter the card details and click on the Pay button.

The next page shows the bifurcation of the fees, user should review it and click on the
CONTINUE button.

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Once citizen completes the payment process, the message for successful payment will be
displayed on the top right corner in green background and below shown page will be

Citizen should download the Acknowledgement letter by clicking the

button. Below image shows the Sample Acknowledgement Letter.

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Citizen should download the payment receipt by clicking the button.

Below image shows the Sample Payment Receipt.

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Citizen should click on button to go to the home page.

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On the home page, the application will show under Submitted Applications tab. On this page,
the Sakala number (Application GSC No.) also generated.

Citizen should also download the acknowledgement letter from this page.

Note: The application is submitted to the department for the further process. Citizen will be notified by
text message on the number provided in the application. Also, refer the Application work flow after
department’s action for further process.

Citizen should check the application status by clicking on link.

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▪ Permission for Establishment of Industrial/ Agriculture-Based Production


Citizen should apply for the “Permission for Establishment of Industrial/ Agriculture-Based
Production Unit” by using this service. Any individual/organization who/that wishes to
establish or Seek Post Facto Sanction for Industrial/Agriculture-Based Production Unit within
the Grama Panchayat Jurisdiction, needs to apply for the Permission from the respective
Grama Panchayat.

Citizen should click on Services Menu on the Menu bar; the Permission for Establishment of
Industrial/ Agriculture-Based Production Unit is available under Business Related sub-Menu.

Once you click on the “Permission for Establishment of Industrial/ Agriculture-Based

Production Unit” link, the below page will be displayed:

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This page displays the description and the steps how to avail the Permission for Establishment
of Industrial/ Agriculture-Based Production Unit.

On the right hand side, the yellow box appears which shows the time period to get the service
and the fees for the application.

Citizen should apply for Permission for Establishment of Industrial/ Agriculture-Based

Production Unit service by clicking on the button.

The below shown image is the Permission for Establishment of Industrial/ Agriculture-Based
Production Unit application page:

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There are six steps for applying for Permission for Establishment of Industrial/ Agriculture-
Based Production Unit, as shown in the below image.

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▪ Step – 1 Application Details

▪ Step – 2 Property/Village Details
▪ Step – 3 Building Details
▪ Step – 4 Area Measurements
▪ Step – 5 Checkbandi
▪ Step – 6 Upload Documents

Step – 1 Application Details

On this page, Citizen should fill the required information as shown in the below image.

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All asterisk (*) marked fields are mandatory to be filled.

Citizen should fill the required details and click on button.

On the next page, the Application Draft number will be displayed for Trade License.

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Step – 2 Property Details

On this page, citizen should fill the required information as shown in the below image.

All asterisk (*) marked fields are mandatory to be filled.

After filling all required Property/Village Details, citizen should click on button
to go to the next step.

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By clicking on the button citizen should visit the Step – 1 page.

Clicking the button, page will be redirected to the Dashboard page.

Step – 3 Building Details

On this page, citizen should fill the required information as shown in the below image.

All asterisk (*) marked fields are mandatory to be filled.

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After filling all required License Details, citizen should click on button to go to
the next step.

By clicking on the button, citizen can visit the Step – 2 page.

Clicking the button, page will be redirected to the Dashboard page.

Step – 4 Area Measurements

On this page, citizen should fill the required information shown as in the below image.

All asterisk (*) marked fields are mandatory to be filled.

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After filling all required Area Measurements Details, citizen should click on
button to go to the next step.

By clicking on the button, citizen can visit the Step – 3 page.

Clicking the button, page will be redirected to the Dashboard page.

Step – 5 Checkbandi

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On this page, you have to fill the required information shown as in the below image. All
asterisk (*) marked fields are mandatory to be filled.

After filling all required Checkbandi Details, citizen should click on button to
go to the next step.

By clicking on the button, citizen can visit the Step – 4 page.

Clicking the button, citizen will be redirected to the Dashboard page.

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Step – 6 Upload Documents

On this page, citizen should upload the Document in required format and size ( jpg, jpeg , png
, pdf< 500KB) as shown in the below image.

Browse the document copy in your system and click on button to upload the file.

Note: System will not allow uploading the document if it is not as mentioned format and size.

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Once you finish uploading the required document, the page displayed with the documents
information such as Sr. No, Doc Type, Service Name, Sub Service name, Document name and
Action buttons.

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In Action field, there are two icons displays. First one for downloading the uploaded
document and the second one for view the uploaded document.

After verifying the document and its details, click on the check mark box for self declaration.

Note: System will not allow to proceed without clicking on the check box.

By clicking on the button, citizen should visit the Step – 5 page.

By clicking the button, citizen can update the details if you have corrected any.

By clicking the button, page will be redirected to the Dashboard page.

Click on button, citizen can submit the application.

System will ask for the confirmation if you want to save the data or not. Click on button
for the confirmation.

Once you confirm, the below page will be displayed for payment details.

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On this page, the Applicant Name, Service Name, Amount to be paid and date will be

displayed. Verify it and click on button to proceed for the payment.

Click on button for the payment confirmation as shown in below image.

Once citizen click on button, the page will be redirect to the Payment page. Image shown
as below:

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On the top of the image, the applicant name, Service Name and amount, Phone number and
email address will be displayed.

On the middle of the page, all payment methods are available. Select one and proceed for the

On the next page, user should enter the card details and click on the Pay button.

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The next page shows the bifurcation of the fees, user should review it and click on the
CONTINUE button.

Once citizen completes the payment process, the message for successful payment will be
displayed on the top right corner in green background and below shown page will be

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Citizen should download the Acknowledgement letter by clicking the

button. Below image shows the Sample Acknowledgement Letter.

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Citizen should download the payment receipt by clicking the button.

Below image shows the Sample Payment Receipt.

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Citizen should click on button to go to the home page.

On the home page, the application will show under Submitted Applications tab. On this page,
the Sakala number (Application GSC No.) also generated.

Citizen should also download the acknowledgement letter from this page.

Note: The application is submitted to the department for the further process. Citizen will be notified by
text message on the number provided in the application. Also, refer the Application work flow after
department’s action for further process.

Citizen should check the application status by clicking on link.

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▪ No Objection Certificate

Citizen should apply for the “No Objection Certificate” by using this service. The No
Objection Certificate is required to be procured from the Grama Panchayat for the following
but not limited to the below

1. For the purpose of obtaining an electrical connection

2. For the purpose of land conversion
3. For the purpose of obtaining a stone crusher permit
4. For other purposes

Citizen should click on Services Menu on the Menu bar; the No Objection Certificate is
available under Business Related sub-Menu.

Once you click on the “No Objection Certificate” link, the below page will be displayed:

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This page displays the description and the steps how to avail the No Objection Certificate.

On the right hand side, the yellow box appears which shows the time period to get the service
and the fees for the application.

Citizen should apply for No Objection Certificate service by clicking on the button.

The below shown image is the No Objection Certificate application page:

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There are six steps for applying for No Objection Certificate, as shown in the below image.

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▪ Step – 1 Applicant Details

▪ Step – 2 Property Details
▪ Step – 3 Building Details
▪ Step – 4 Area Measurements
▪ Step – 5 Checkbandi
▪ Step – 6 Upload Documents

Step – 1 Application Details

On this page, Citizen should fill the required information as shown in the below image.

All asterisk (*) marked fields are mandatory to be filled.

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Citizen should fill the required details and click on button.

On the next page, the Application Draft number will be displayed for Trade License.

Step – 2 Property Details

On this page, citizen should fill the required information as shown in the below image.

All asterisk (*) marked fields are mandatory to be filled.

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After filling all required Property Details, citizen should click on button to go to
the next step.

By clicking on the button citizen should visit the Step – 1 page.

Clicking the button, page will be redirected to the Dashboard page.

Step – 3 Building Details

On this page, citizen should fill the required information as shown in the below image.

All asterisk (*) marked fields are mandatory to be filled.

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After filling all required Building Details, citizen should click on button to go to
the next step.

By clicking on the button, citizen can visit the Step – 2 page.

Clicking the button, page will be redirected to the Dashboard page.

Step – 4 Area Measurements

On this page, citizen should fill the required information shown as in the below image.

All asterisk (*) marked fields are mandatory to be filled.

After filling all required Area Measurements Details, citizen should click on
button to go to the next step.
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By clicking on the button, citizen can visit the Step – 3 page.

Clicking the button, page will be redirected to the Dashboard page.

Step – 5 Checkbandi

On this page, you have to fill the required information shown as in the below image.

All asterisk (*) marked fields are mandatory to be filled.

After filling all required Checkbandi Details, citizen should click on button to
go to the next step.

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By clicking on the button, citizen can visit the Step – 4 page.

Clicking the button, page will be redirected to the Dashboard page.

Step – 6 Upload Documents

On this page, citizen should upload the Document in required format and size ( jpg, jpeg , png
, pdf< 2MB) as shown in the below image.

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Browse the document copy in your system and click on button to upload the

Note: System will not allow uploading the document if it is not as mentioned format and size.

Once you finish uploading the required document, the page displayed with the documents
information such as Sr. No, Doc Type, Service Name, Sub Service name, Document name and
Action buttons.

In Action field, there are two icons displays. First one for downloading the uploaded
document and the second one for view the uploaded document.
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After verifying the document and its details, click on the check mark box for self declaration.

Note: System will not allow to proceed without clicking on the check box.

By clicking on the button, citizen should visit the Step – 5 page.

By clicking the button, citizen can update the details if you have corrected any.

By clicking the button, page will be redirected to the Dashboard page.

Click on button, citizen can submit the application.

System will ask for the confirmation if you want to save the data or not. Click on button
for the confirmation.

Once you confirm, the below page will be displayed for payment details.

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On this page, the Applicant Name, Service Name, Amount to be paid and date will be

displayed. Verify it and click on button to proceed for the payment.

Click on button for the payment confirmation as shown in below image.

Once citizen click on button, the page will be redirect to the Payment page. Image shown
as below:

On the top of the image, the applicant name, Service Name and amount, Phone number and
email address will be displayed.

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On the middle of the page, all payment methods are available. Select one and proceed for the

On the next page, user should enter the card details and click on the Pay button.

The next page shows the bifurcation of the fees, user should review it and click on the
CONTINUE button.

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On the top of the image, the applicant name, email address and contact number will be

On the left hand side of the page, all payment methods are available. Select one and proceed
for the payment.

On the right hand side of the page, the amount and the details of the payment mode will be

Once citizen completes the payment process, the message for successful payment will be
displayed on the top right corner in green background and below shown page will be

Citizen should download the Acknowledgement letter by clicking the

button. Below image shows the Sample Acknowledgement Letter.

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Citizen should download the payment receipt by clicking the button.

Below image shows the Sample Payment Receipt.

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Citizen should click on button to go to the home page.

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On the home page, the application will show under Submitted Applications tab. On this page,
the Sakala number (Application GSC No.) also generated.

Citizen should also download the acknowledgement letter from this page.

Note: The application is submitted to the department for the further process. Citizen will be notified by
text message on the number provided in the application. Also, refer the Application work flow after
department’s action for further process.

Citizen should check the application status by clicking on link.

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▪ Road Cutting Permission

Citizen should apply for the “Road Cutting Permission” by using this service. Any
Individual/Organization, who wishes to cut the road in the Grama Panchayat jurisdiction,
needs to take the Permission from Grama Panchayat Office.

Citizen should click on Services Menu on the Menu bar; the Road Cutting Permission service is
available under Business Related sub-Menu.

Once you click on the “Road Cutting Permission” link, the below page will be displayed:

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This page displays the description and the steps how to avail the Road Cutting Permission.

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On the right hand side, the yellow box appears which shows the time period to get the service
and the fees for the application.

Citizen should apply for Road Cutting Permission service by clicking on the button.

The below shown image is the Road Cutting Permission application page:

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There are four steps for applying for Road Cutting Permission service, as shown in the below

▪ Step – 1 Applicant Details

▪ Step – 2 Property/Village Details
▪ Step – 3 Work Details
▪ Step – 4 Upload Documents

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Step – 1 Applicant Details

On this page, Citizen should fill the required information as shown in the below image.

All asterisk (*) marked fields are mandatory to be filled.

Citizen should fill the required details and click on button.

On the next page, the Application Draft number will be displayed for Road Cutting

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Step – 2 Property/Village Details

On this page, citizen should fill the required information as shown in the below image.

All asterisk (*) marked fields are mandatory to be filled.

After filling all required Property/Village Details, citizen should click on button
to go to the next step.

By clicking on the button citizen should visit the Step – 1 page.

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Clicking the button, citizen will be redirected to the Dashboard page.

Step – 3 Work Details

On this page, citizen should fill the required information as shown in the below image.

All asterisk (*) marked fields are mandatory to be filled.

After filling all required Work Details, citizen should click on button to go to the
next step.

By clicking on the button, citizen can visit the Step – 2 page.

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Clicking the button, citizen will be redirected to the Dashboard page.

Step – 4 Upload Documents

On this page, citizen should upload the Document in required format and size ( jpg, jpeg , png
, pdf< 2MB) as shown in the below image.

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Browse the document copy in your system and click on button to upload the

Note: System will not allow uploading the document if it is not as mentioned format and size.

Once you finish uploading the required document, the page displayed with the documents
information such as Sr. No, Doc Type, Service Name, Sub Service name, Document name and
Action buttons.

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In Action field, there are two icons displays. First one for downloading the uploaded
document and the second one for view the uploaded document.

After verifying the document and its details, click on the check mark box for self declaration.

Note: System will not allow to proceed without clicking on the check box.

By clicking on the button, citizen should visit the Step – 5 page.

By clicking the button, citizen can update the details if you have corrected any.

By clicking the button, citizen will be redirected to the Dashboard page.

Click on button, page can submit the application.

System will ask for the confirmation if you want to save the data or not. Click on button
for the confirmation.

Once you confirm, the below page will be displayed for payment details.

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On this page, the Applicant Name, Service Name, Amount to be paid and date will be

displayed. Verify it and click on button to proceed for the payment.

Click on button for the payment confirmation as shown in below image.

Once citizen click on button, the page will be redirect to the Payment page. Image shown
as below:

On the top of the image, the applicant name, Service Name and amount, Phone number and
email address will be displayed.

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On the middle of the page, all payment methods are available. Select one and proceed for the

On the next page, user should enter the card details and click on the Pay button.

The next page shows the bifurcation of the fees, user should review it and click on the
CONTINUE button.

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Once citizen completes the payment process, the message for successful payment will be
displayed on the top right corner in green background and below shown page will be

Citizen should download the Acknowledgement letter by clicking the

button. Below image shows the Sample Acknowledgement Letter.

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Citizen should download the payment receipt by clicking the button.

Below image shows the Sample Payment Receipt.

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Citizen should click on button to go to the home page.

On the home page, the application will show under Submitted Applications tab. On this page,
the Sakala number (Application GSC No.) also generated.

Citizen should also download the acknowledgement letter from this page.

Note: The application is submitted to the department for the further process. Citizen will be notified by
text message on the number provided in the application. Also, refer the Application work flow after
department’s action for further process.

Citizen should check the application status by clicking on link.

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The module would provide the facility for citizens to raise request for facilitating
following services

✓ Providing Employment to Unskilled Labours (MGNREGA)

✓ Issue of Job Card to Unskilled Labourers Under MGNREGA

o Providing Employment to Unskilled Labours

Citizen should apply for the Work Demand by using this service. Any individual wishes to
generate the work demand for themselves of for their family needs to apply for Work

Citizen should click on Services Menu on the Menu bar; the “Providing Employment to
Unskilled Labours” link is available under MGNREGA sub-Menu.

Once you click on the “Providing Employment to Unskilled Labours” link, the below page will
be displayed:

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This page displays the description for the Work Demand.

On the right hand side, the yellow box appears with Apply Now button.

Citizen should apply for Work Demand service by clicking on the button.

The below shown image is the Work Demand application page:

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If Citizen has already applied for Kayaka Bandhu then the system will fetch his/her details and
display as shown in the above image.

Citizen should select the start date and End date. The start date and end date will be minimum
7 days and maximum 14 days.

If Citizen has not applied for Kayaka Bandhu then select the Applicant Request Type as
“Others” and below shown page will be displayed.

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Citizen should fill all required details and click on button to submit the application.

Once citizen clicks on button then the system will generate the GSC number as

Citizen should click on button to go back to the Dashboard.

The application is now displayed in Application History tab

Citizen should click on link to check the status of the

application as below

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o Issue of Job card to Unskilled Labours under MGNREGA

Citizen should apply for the Job Card by using this service. Any individual wishes to apply for
Job Card needs to apply for Issue of Job card to Unskilled Labours under MGNREGA.

Citizen should click on Services Menu on the Menu bar; the “Issue of Job card to Unskilled
Labours under MGNREGA” link is available under MGNREGA sub-Menu.

Once you click on the “Issue of Job card to Unskilled Labours under MGNREGA” link, the
below page will be displayed:

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This page displays the description for the Issue of Job card to Unskilled Labours under

On the right hand side, the yellow box appears with Apply Now button.

Citizen should apply for Job Card service by clicking on the button.

The below shown image is the Job Card application page:

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Citizen should fill all required details and click on button to submit the application.

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Once citizen clicks on button then the system will generate the Application Draft
number as below:

Citizen should also download the Acknowledge letter by pressing the


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There are three Other Department services available under this Menu.

▪ Apply for issuance of RTC

▪ UDID Card
▪ Birth and Death Certificate copy

o Apply for issuance of RTC

Citizen should apply for the “Issuance of RTC” by using this service.

Citizen should click on Services Menu on the Menu bar; the Apply for issuance of RTC service
is available under Other Department Services sub-Menu.

Once you click on the “Apply for issuance of RTC” link, the below page will be displayed:

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This page displays the description and the steps how to avail the issuance of RTC.

Citizen should apply for issuance of RTC service by clicking on the button.

The page will be redirected to

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o UDID Card

Citizen should apply to get birth and death certificate by using this service.

Citizen should click on Services Menu on the Menu bar; the “Get birth and death certificate
“service is available under Other Department Services sub-Menu.

Once you click on the “Get birth and death certificate” link, the below page will be displayed:

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This page displays the description and the steps how to avail the issuance of RTC.

Citizen should apply for issuance of RTC service by clicking on the button.

The page will be redirected to

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o Get birth and death certificate

Citizen should apply to get birth and death certificate by using this service.

Citizen should click on Services Menu on the Menu bar; the “Get birth and death certificate
“service is available under Other Department Services sub-Menu.

Once you click on the “Get birth and death certificate” link, the below page will be displayed:

Citizen should apply to get birth and death certificate service by clicking on the

The page will be redirected to

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Citizen will receive a text message on the registered mobile number if department approves or
rejects any of the application.

Citizen should log in to the Citizen Service web portal and check the status of the application
on Application History.

o If Application gets approved:

The application status shows the service fee pending.

Citizen should click on button to pay the Service Fees.

Once you confirm, the below page will be displayed for payment details.

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On this page, the Applicant Name, Service Name, Amount to be paid and date will be

displayed. Verify it and click on button to proceed for the payment.

Click on button for the payment confirmation as shown in below image.

Once citizen click on button, the page will be redirect to the Payment page. Image shown
as below:

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On the top of the image, the applicant name, Service Name and amount, Phone number and
email address will be displayed.

On the middle of the page, all payment methods are available. Select one and proceed for the

On the next page, user should enter the card details and click on the Pay button.

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The next page shows the bifurcation of the fees, user should review it and click on the
CONTINUE button.

Once citizen completes the payment process, the message for successful payment will be

Citizen should download the payment receipt by clicking the button.

Below image shows the Sample Payment Receipt.

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Citizen should click on button to go to the home page.

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On the home page, the application status will show Digital signature is in progress.

Citizen should also download the acknowledgement letter from this page by clicking on the


Below image shows the Sample Acknowledgement Letter.

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Once the department finishes the process for Digital Signature, the application will be moved
from Application History to View Past Applications.

Citizen should click on button to download the Certificate. Below image

shows the Sample Certificate.

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o If Application gets rejected:

The application will be moved from Application History to View Past Applications if it gets

rejected. The application status shows the button in the Status Box.

Citizen should click on button to check why the application got rejected.

Citizen should click on the button to appeal on rejection.

The page will be redirected to

Citizen should proceed further for the appeal on this page.

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