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BUSINESS FINANCE that many adults are still struggling


-Financial literacy means different things -It is a common desire to be wealthy. But
to different people. to achieve that, one must be prepared to
-it is the set of skills and knowledge on make financial decisions. The outcomes
finance that allows individuals to make of financial decisions have significant
informed and effective decisions given all implications for an individual’s financial
their financial resources regarding the security and standard of living.
use and management of money. -A person with a good level of financial
-It influences how people save, borrow, literacy is likely to be better placed than
invest, and manage them financial someone without those skills and
affairs. It is important for individuals, the knowledge to manage their financial
financial system, and the economy. affairs prudently; all else being equal,
-Some have the misconception that they are more likely to budget effectively,
money is wealth, but it is not the case. invest wisely and manage their debt level
Money may come and go. What I in a sustainable manner.
sustainable is financial education, -By contrast, poor financial choices,
experience and training translated into possibly based on a lack of
financial literacy. understanding of financial matters, can
IMPORTANCE OF FINANCIAL LITERACY result in several negative outcomes,
-Concerns about financial preparedness including a lower level of financial wealth
are documented in recent and imprudent debt levels.
studies demonstrating that both young 2. HEART OF BUSINESS
and older adults lack the basic -If you will own a business in the future,
knowledge needed to make good chances are you will be making
financial choices. economic decisions to decide the
-Business Finance comes in to equip you direction of your company. Even when
to make healthy financial decisions. you are an employee of an institution, you
-Financial literacy can help you as an will not be saved from regular financial
individual consumer of financial decision-making either.
services or any business whether it be -Well-informed investment decisions,
yours in the future or that of your based on a high level of financial literacy,
employers. could be expected to result in a more
1. PERSONAL FINANCE productive allocation of resources
-Some people say managing finance is through time, reflecting a more
common sense. But why is it discerning approach to the balancing of
risk and return. In turn, this should
contribute to a higher potential growth -Observe that the common denominator
rate and financial stability. of the two is how finance deals with the
-Not everyone is privileged enough to management of money. It has three
become financially literate. Take functions — planning, administration, and
advantage of this chance. Remember control.
that effective financial decisions lead
to financial wellness which results from
sound financial education.
-Topics in finance — such as money, -Even if you do not see yourself pursuing
investments, lending, savings — have a career in finance, you’ll find that an
been around since the dawn of human understanding of the basic ideas of
history in many forms but it is only in the finance will help make you a smarter
1940s and 1950s that it was recognized as consumer and a wiser investor with your
a specific study and theory. own money. It will also help you
-Investopedia defines finance as understand the financial consequences
activities associated the management, of the important business decisions you
creation, and study of money and will face no matter your career choice.
investments. It can be broadly GOAL OF FINANCE
segmented into three categories — -The primary goal of the finance is to
personal finance, corporate finance, and maximize the wealth of the owners for
public finance. whom the firm is being operated.
-Recall that the reason you are studying (Brigham & Houston, 2004)
this subject is to equip yourself with -But what is wealth? How is it measured?
financial literacy to be able to help you Meriam Webster Dictionary defines
make healthier financial decisions. As wealth as an abundance of valuable
public finance deals with the material possessions or resources that
government’s financial management of a have economic utility. Does that mean
country’s wealth which is a specialized sales? Income? Assets? Savings? Net
study, we will only be focusing on worth?
personal and corporate finance as we go -Wealth is a combination of all those
through this subject. things and more. Here are some
indicators of wealth:
There is an increased net worth or
value of the business
Employees are well-paid and
motivated to work
Shareholders are happy because their shareholders’ wealth. Whether you are
dividends are enough and the manager of a small store or a
paid on time managing officer in a large company, the
Customers’ satisfaction is high objective of your financial decision is the
Market status is stable same: to make the enterprise and
Liabilities are utilized and managed yourself better off.
effectively -I must stress that this does not mean
-In fact, being wealthy may also involve maximize shareholder value “at all costs.”
deeper relationships with suppliers, Financial managers, like you, should
customers, or even competitors. This can behave ethically and follow laws as
be achieved by taking care of these well as other society-imposed constraints
stakeholders and their interests. FINANCIAL SYSTEM
-Finance and accounting are different -A Financial System is a process that
studies but both work hand in hand to explains the flow of funds from the savers
achieve the common goal of maximizing to the users.

-Saver’s act as the creditors because the

money they have deposited in the bank
serves as one of the bank’s assets which
will then be available for credit to users
who seek funding. What acts as conduits
between savers and users of funds are
FINANCIAL MANAGERS the financial institutions serving as
-Financial managers act on behalf of the intermediaries.
firm’s owners. They make operating and FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS
investment decisions whose benefits -Financial institutions are companies
exceed their costs to maximize the value engaged in the business of dealing with
of the firm and thereby maximize the monetary transactions, such as deposits,
wealth of its owners. (Gitman & Zutter, loans, investments, and currency
2012) exchange. This encompasses a broad
-As financial managers, you will be range of business operations within the
practicing financial management. financial services sector, including banks,
This involves decisions that will insurance companies, and brokerage
supposedly maximize the value of
firms, mutual funds and others pension your deposit is ₱800,000.00, you can only
funds. get ₱500,000.00 which is the maximum
-Absent these institutions, the investment insurance.
and financial sector would suffer. MUTUAL FUNDS
Individuals would be inconvenienced with -Mutual funds are organizations that
transacting everyday exchanges and accept money from savers and then
large companies would discover it utilize these funds by buying financial
difficult to secure funding. Thus, it is instruments that can provide return on
critical to recognize how relevant the role investment. From these financial
of financial intermediaries is. instruments, a portfolio is created for the
savers. A portfolio is a collection or group
of financial instruments like stocks, bonds,
and cash investments. It is managed by
professional managers for a fee which is
a small percentage of the funds invested.
-Mutual funds afford opportunities to
investors, whether they be big or small, to
BANKS invest in financial instruments which they
-Banks provide a means where savers would not have considered on their own,
can place their extra funds in deposits. or they may have thought of investing but
Banks give the depositor interest on the do not have the time or the expertise to
money deposited to them. To cover for do it.
the interest given to the depositors; banks -As a saver, you will pay the mutual fund
lend the money to borrowers in the form corporation money to create a portfolio
of loans after performing credit for you which can include investments in
investigation. Banks can also serve the stock market, bonds, treasury notes,
as conduits of investors in buying and and other money market instruments. The
selling both government securities and company will manage your investment
bonds. for you, and you will only wait on that
-Added security is the maximum amount investment to grow so you can reap the
of ₱500,000.00 that the Philippine benefits, if any. As a financial manager,
Depositary Insurance Company (PDIC) you may be the professional managing
guarantees every depositor in the event the portfolio of another person.
of bank bankruptcy. How does that work? INSURANCE
If your deposit is ₱15,000.00, you are -Insurance companies offer different
insured to receive back ₱15,000.00 insurance products that serve as security
because that’s what you deposited. But if for an individual, business, property, life,
which can be broadly categorized into life OTHERS:
insurance and non-life insurance Social Security System
products. It provides a means of Government Service Insurance System
protection from financial loss. Credit unions
-The company providing insurance is Philippine Health Insurance
called the insurer while the person who is FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS
protected is called the insured. In -Financial instruments are assets that
exchange for the protection, the insured can be traded. Most types of these
pays the insurance companies cash instruments afford flow and transfer of
which is referred to as premiums. These capital throughout financial system.
premiums are used to fund claims. When companies need funding, they
-Usually, the cash from the premiums is either sell debt securities or issue equity
more than enough to cover the claims for instruments. The proceeds from the sale
most periods. Hence, the surplus from will be used to finance the company’s
premiums can be invested by insurance operations or expansion plans. On the
companies. other hand, investors buy debt or equity
STOCK EXCHANGE instruments in hopes of receiving returns
-The Philippine Stock Exchange (PSE) through interest, dividend income or
provides a system for the trading of appreciation in the asset’s price.
equity securities called stocks of publicly DEBT FINANCING
listed companies. It acts as a large -Debt financing can be in the form of
platform where people can buy and sell borrowings from banks or other lending
corporation stocks by facilitating every institutions. It can also be in the form of
transaction and the entire process. As advances from stockholders or loans.
with other similar institutions, it earns These generally have fixed returns due to
revenues through transaction fees and fixed interest rates. Examples of debt
interest rates. instruments are as follows:
-An individual cannot directly trade in the • Treasury Bonds and Treasury Bills are
stock market. If a person wants to invest issued by the Philippine government.
and trade in the stock market, he must These bonds and bills have usually low
open an account with an accredited interest-rates and have a very low risk of
stock brokerage firm. After doing that, he default since the government assures
must pay the stock exchange money to that these will be paid.
acquire the actual stocks. This way, the • Corporate Bonds are issued by publicly
individual becomes an investor who gets listed companies. These bonds usually
his desired assets while the corporation have higher interest rates than debt
gets funding. securities offered by the government.
However, these bonds are not risk-free. If -There are benefits to being a common
the company which issued the bonds stockholder. Common stockholders are
goes bankrupt, it can no longer provide the true owners of the company. Being
the holder of the bonds return from their residual owners, the growth potential of
investment. Worse, even their principal their investment is unlimited.
investment can be wiped out. -As its name suggests, preferred stock
EQUITY FINANCING has priority over common stock in terms
-Equity financing refers to the issuance of of claims over the assets of a company.
new shares of stocks and the internal This means that when a corporation was
generation of funds. This form of to be liquidated, no asset will be
financing generally has varied returns distributed to common stockholders
based on the performance of the issuing unless all the claims of the preferred
company. stockholders have been satisfied. At the
-Just to refresh your memory, same time, no cash dividends will be
corporations offer two main types of given to common stockholders unless all
stock — common stock and preferred the dividends due to preferred
stock. Both represent some degree of stockholders are settled first.
ownership of the company and a piece of CORPORATE ORGANIZATION STRUCTURE
the company profit. However, both are You now understand that the goal of
different and have their advantages and corporate finance is to maximize
disadvantages. Either of these two stocks wealth. It is important to understand the
can be issued as equity financing. hierarchy of the administration that
will work together to achieve that goal.
Below is the basic corporate
organizational chart of a company.

-In the diagram presented, each line is

working for the interest of the person on
the line above them. As discussed in the be difficult for him to do all this alone
previous, common stockholders have especially when the corporation has
voting rights. These voting rights are used become too big. To assist him are the
to elect the Board of Directors. Since the vice presidents (VP) of different functional
Board of Directors is elected by the areas: finance, marketing, production and
shareholders, their responsibility is to administration.
carry out the objectives of the THE FINANCE MANAGER
stockholders. -As a finance manager, you would be
-The board of directors is the highest interested in the job description of the
policy-making body in a corporation. Vice President for Finance. This person
Their primary responsibility is to ensure has a lot of responsibilities but for the
that the corporation is operating to serve purposes of our discussion, let’s simplify it
the best interest of the stockholders. They into four– financing decisions, investing
set policies on investments, capital decisions, operating decisions, and
structure, and dividend policies; approve dividend policies.
the company’s strategies, goals, and FINANCING DECISIONS
budgets; appoint and remove members -This function includes making decisions
of the top management including the as to how to finance long-term
president; determine top management’s investments and working capital which
compensation: and approve the deals with the day-to-day operations of
information and other disclosures the company. Basically, his role is to
reported in the financial statements. determine the appropriate capital
-The roles of a president in a corporation structure of the company.
may vary from one company to another. -Capital structure refers to how much of
The word “president” is the keyword for your total assets is financed by debt and
this module. Among the responsibilities of how much is financed by equity. Refer to
a president are overseeing the operations the graph below: Recall that in
of a company and ensuring that the accounting, Assets = Liabilities + Owner’s
strategies as approved by the board are Equity.
implemented as planned; performing all
areas of management including
planning, organizing, staffing, directing,
and controlling; and representing the
company in professional, social, and civic
-Although the president carries out the
decision making for all functions, it would
-To be able to acquire assets, our funds -Therefore, the choice between short-
must have come somewhere. If it was and long-term sources depends on the
bought using cash from the owner’s risk the management is willing to take.
pockets, it is financed by equity. On the DIVIDEND POLICIES
other hand, if money comes from -Dividend decisions involve
borrowings, the asset bought is financed recommending to the president and the
by debt. This was also discussed in detail board of directors the amount of cash
in the previous module. dividends the company can declare.
-In the illustration above, the total assets Recall that dividends are paid by
are financed by 60% debt and 40% equity. corporations to existing shareholders a
Accordingly, the capital structure is 60% return on their investment. Some
debt and 40% equity. investors buy stocks because of the
INVESTING DECISIONS dividends they expect to receive from the
-Investing decisions include determining company. Non-declaration of dividends
the financial viability of an investment. It may disappoint these investors. Hence, it
is deciding where to put your excess cash is the role of a financial manager to
to make it more profitable. Investments determine when the company should
may either be short term or long term. declare cash dividends.
-As we progress with the subject, you will
be experiencing how to make these
decisions and act like a financial
OPERATING DECISIONS manager. We will tackle each decision in
-Operating decisions deal with the daily more detail in the succeeding modules.
operations of the company. The role of FINANCIAL STATEMENT ANALYSIS
the VP for Finance is determining how to FINANCIAL STATEMENT
finance working capital needs by either -is basically a summary of all
long term or short-term sources. transactions that are carefully recorded
and transformed into meaningful
-facts and figures shown on the financial
statements give the people and
businesses using them a bird’s-eye view
of how well the business is performing.
-This provides information regarding the
liquidity position and capital
structure of a company as of a given STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY
date. -This provides information that explains
STATEMENT OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME the changes in the stockholders’ equity
-This provides information regarding the account from one accounting period to
revenues or sales, expenses, and net another.
income of a company over a given -The changes may be due to the
accounting period. following:
-In analyzing earnings performance, a Profit or loss for the accounting
comparison with the previous periods period.
and with other companies, especially Cash dividend declaration.
those coming from the same industry, is a Issuance of new shares of stocks;
must. Such a comparison will not be and
made possible without knowing the Other transactions
accounting periods covered in the NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENT
statement of profit or loss. -This is an integral part of the financial
STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS statements because provides additional
-This provides an explanation regarding pieces of information on the following:
the change in the cash balance from one Brief Description of the Company
accounting period to another. Information may include the nature of the
-The Cash Flows are classified into three business of the company and the owners
main categories: behind the company.
Operating - In the cash flows from Summary of Significant Accounting
operating activities, the income is Policies
reported from the statement of This is very important because the
profit or loss. existing generally accepted accounting
Investing - The cash flows from principles provide alternative accounting
investing activities provide policies to companies. It is therefore
information regarding the future important to find out what specific
direction of the company. It shows accounting policies are used by the
how much investment the company.
company is making over a given Breakdown of Amounts Found in the
accounting period. Financial Statements
Financing - The cash flows from The company’s property, plant, and
financing activities provide equipment (PPE) account may have too
information on whether there is a many components. Putting all the details
proper matching of investing and on the face of the balance sheet may
financing activities. make the balance sheet too long.
FINANCIAL STATEMENT ANALYSIS -You may assume that all investors care
-Financial statements convey a lot of about is how profitable a company is, but
useful information that helps corporate that’s not necessarily true. Liquidity, which
managers assess the company’s indicates how well, a company can cover
strengths and weaknesses and gauge its short-term debt, and activity, which
the expected impact of various shows how well a company uses its
proposals. assets to generate sales, must be
-If a firm’s managers do not understand considered along with profitability to form
the fundamentals of accounting or the a complete picture of how well the
preparation of Financial Statements, they business is performing.
won’t be able to judge the effects of them -The different ratios handling the
actions or decisions properly, which will measurement categories are:
make it hard for the firm to survive or to
have a maximum value.
-The financial health of a company can
be measured through financial
statements. They provide information on
how the company is doing. Also, by PROFITABILITY RATIOS
comparing the firm’s performance to that The following ratios are used to measure
of other firms in the same industry and the profitability of a company:
evaluating trends in the firm’s financial 1. Return on common equity (ROE)
position, we could identify the company’s -It indicates the firm’s efficiency in
deficiencies and take corrective actions. applying the common stockholders’
-Financial Statement Analysis is made of money or capital to generate profit.
the following parts:

2. Return on total assets (ROA)

-It indicates a firm’s ability to efficiently
-Ratio analysis is one of the most
allocate and manage its resources.
important techniques of financial analysis
in which quantities are converted into
ratios for meaningful comparisons, with
past ratios and ratios of other firms in the
3. Gross profit margin (GPM)
same or different industries. It determines
-It is a financial metric used to assess the
trends and exposes the strengths or
company’s financial health and business
weaknesses of a firm.
model by revealing the proportion of words, it does not include the inventories
money left over from revenues after that may turn obsolete or unsold.
accounting for the cost of goods sold. LEVERAGE RATIOS
-The following ratios are used to measure
the leverage of a company:
4. Operating profit margin (OPM) 1. Debt Ratio
-It gives analysts an idea of how much -It indicates how much of the total assets
the company makes on each dollar of are financed by liabilities.
sales after paying for fixed and variable
2. Debt to Equity Ratio
5. Net profit margin (NPM) -It indicates a firm’s leverage or gearing
-It is the percentage of revenue and its capacity for debt repayment, it
remaining after all the operating indicates the proportion of a firm’s total
expenses, interest, taxes, and preferred capital contributed by trade creditors
stock dividends have been deducted and lenders.
from a company’s total revenue.

3. Interest Coverage Ratio

LIQUIDITY RATIOS -It provides information regarding a
The following ratios are used to measure company’s ability to cover interest
the liquidity of a company: expense using its income.
1. Current Ratio
-It indicates a company’s ability to pay
off its current obligations using its current EFFICIENCY RATIOS
assets. -The following ratios are used to measure
the leverage of a company:
2. Quick Asset Ratio 1. Total Asset Turnover Ratio
-It measures the ability of a company to -It indicates the ability of a company to
pay off its current liabilities using its most generate sales for every peso of asset
liquid assets. It does not include the invested.
inventories which are typically the least
liquid current asset of a firm. 2. Fixed Asset Turnover Ratio
-It measures the ability of a firm to
generate sales for every peso of fixed
-Most financial analysts prefer the quick asset invested in.
ratio for it is more conservative. In other
3. Accounts Receivable Turnover Ratio 5. Accounts Payable Turnover Ratio
-It measures the efficiency by which -It provides information regarding the
accounts receivable are managed. A high rate by which trade payables are paid.
ratio means efficient management of
What does the Days’ Payable measure?
-It measures the average payment
What does the Average Collection Period imply? period of the company. Generally, a
-It measures how long the receivables higher ratio means that the company is
are collected or converted into cash. utilizing its allowable credit period.
A low ACP means that the company is
very efficient in collecting its
receivables. Otherwise, the company has RESULT ANALYSIS
a problem regarding the collection of its -The financial ratios that have computed
receivables and might not be able to pay for are relationships determined from a
its suppliers and creditors on time. It is company's financial information and
also known as Day Sales Outstanding used for comparison purposes. The use of
(DSO). financial ratios is a time-tested method
of analyzing a business.
-Financial ratio analysis can be used in
4. Inventory Turnover Ratio two different but equally useful ways. You
-It shows how many times a company’s can use them to examine the current
inventories are sold or replaced over a performance of your company in
period. The higher this ratio, the more comparison to past periods of time. It can
capable or efficient the company is in help you identify problems that need
selling its inventories. fixing and can direct your attention to
potential problems that can be avoided.
In addition, you can use these ratios to
What does the Days’ Inventory Outstanding compare the performance of your
measure? company against that of your
-It measures how long the inventories competitors or other members of your
were sold to the customers from the time industry.
they were bought or purchased from the INTERPRETATION OF FINANCIAL RATIOS
suppliers. Generally, a low DSO ratio -Though calculation of ratios is important,
means that the company is efficient in it is only a clerical task whereas
generating sales. interpretation requires skill, intelligence,
and foresightedness. The ratios are only
the tools of analysis, and their -A higher return on assets value indicates
interpretation will depend upon the that a business is more profitable and
caliber and competence of the reader. A efficient because the assets produce high
financial manager should be familiar with income through utilization of its assets.
various financial statements and the -For example, if your ROA is 14.92%, it
significance of changes. A wrong means that the company generated
interpretation may create a problem ₱0.1492 for every ₱1 of asset in the
since wrong conclusions may lead to company.
wrong decisions. 3. GROSS PROFIT MARGIN
PROFITABILITY RATIOS -A good GPM will vary considerably by
1. RETURN ON COMMON EQUITY industry, but a higher margin is preferred
-A higher ROE is usually better. ROEs of 15- to a lower one.
20% are generally considered good. -A high gross profit margin means that
-A rising ROE suggests that a company is the company did well in managing its
increasing its profit generation without cost of sales. It also shows that the
needing as much capital. It also indicates company has more to cover for
how well a company's management operating, financing, and other costs. A
deploys shareholder capital while a negative margin can be an indication of
falling ROE may indicate a less efficient a company's inability to control costs.
usage of equity capital. -For example, if your GPM is 26.63%, it
-Generally, when a company has low ROE means that for every ₱1 of sale the
for a long period, it simply means that the company generates, it earns ₱0.2663 in
business is not very efficient in generating gross profit.
profit. In other words, it also tells you that 4. OPERATING PROFIT MARGIN
the business is not worth investing in -A high operating margin is a good
since the management simply can't indicator that a company is being well
make very good use of investors' money. managed and is potentially less of a risk
-For example, if your ROE is 23.87%, it than a company with a lower operating
means that for every ₱1 of stockholder’s margin which could indicate a company
equity, ₱0.2131 was earned. is underpricing.
2. RETURN ON TOTAL ASSETS -For example, if your OPM is 7.71%, it
-A high return on assets (ROA) is means that for every ₱1 of sale of the
generally better than a low ratio. An company, it earns ₱0.771 after deducting
improving ROA is considered a good sign. operating expenses.
ROAs over 5% are generally considered 5. NET PROFIT MARGIN
good. -A good margin will vary considerably by
industry, but as a rule of thumb, a 5%
margin is low, a 10% net profit margin is current liabilities. This means the
considered average while anything company should not have trouble paying
above a 20% margin is considered high or short-term debts. A company that has a
good. quick ratio of less than 1 may not be able
-A higher net profit margin means that a to fully pay off its current liabilities in the
company is more efficient at converting short term.
sales into actual profit. -For example, if your current ratio is 0.48,
-For example, if your GPM is 5.02%, it it means that for every ₱1 of current
means that the company earned ₱0.502 liabilities, it has ₱0.43 quick assets to
for every ₱1 of revenue generated. settle it.
-A good current ratio is between 1.1 to 2, -Ideally, the lower the number, the better
which means that the business has 2 because a high-risk level, with a high
times more current assets than liabilities debt ratio, means that the business has
to covers its debts. A current ratio below 1 taken on a large amount of risk. But it still
means that the company doesn't have is relative depending on industry of the
enough liquid assets to cover or settle its company.
short-term liabilities. -A debt ratio of less than 0.50 means that
-A very high current ratio does not the company has less liabilities as
necessarily indicate that a company is in compared to stockholder’s equity.
a state of financial well-being. It might Meaning, it is highly financed by
suggest that the company is not using its investment of owners. Otherwise, a debt
current assets efficiently. It may also ratio is 0.50 or more, this means that a
indicate that the company has too many company is highly leveraged and
old inventories, a huge amount of idle financed by debt.
cash and too many accounts receivable -A very high debt ratio means that the
that may turn into bad debts. company has a large amount of liabilities
-For example, if your current ratio is 1.18, it to settle. Over time, if not paid, the
means that the company earned ₱1 of company might experience insolvency or
current liabilities that the company has, it even bankruptcy.
has ₱1.18 current assets. 2. DEBT TO EQUITY RATIO
2. QUICK ASSET RATIO -A good debt to equity ratio is around 1 to
-The higher the ratio, the better. A quick 1.5. However, the ideal debt to equity ratio
ratio of 1 or above is considered good. will vary depending on the industry
-When the ratio is at least 1, it means a because some industries use more debt
company's quick assets are equal to its financing than others.
-A low debt-to-equity ratio indicates a 3. ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE TURNOVER RATIO
lower amount of financing by debt via -For A high ratio is desirable, as it
lenders, versus funding through equity via indicates that the company's collection of
shareholders. Higher ratio indicates that accounts receivable is efficient.
the company is getting more of its -It becomes more meaningful when
financing by borrowing money than converted to Average Collection Period or
through investment of owners, which Days’ Receivables. Using the equation
subjects the company to potential risk if provided, an Accounts Receivable
debt levels are too high. Turnover Ratio of 22.82 will produce an
3. INTEREST COVERAGE RATIO average collection period of 15.78 or 16
-The higher the rate, the more capable days. This means that the company had
the company is in paying interest to an average of 16 days, from the day the
lenders, creditors, preferred stockholders, sale was made, to collect its accounts
and bondholders. receivables.
-Generally, an interest coverage ratio of 4. INVENTORY TURNOVER RATIO
at least 2 is considered the minimum -In general, the higher the inventory
acceptable amount for a company that turnover ratio of a company each year,
has solid, consistent revenues. In contrast, the better it is for the company's future.
a coverage ratio below 1 indicates a Low inventory turnover means low
company cannot meet its current interest sales, too much inventory or overstocking
payment obligations and, therefore, is not and poor liquidity of its inventory.
in good financial health -It becomes more meaningful when
EFFICIENCY RATIOS converted to Days’ Inventories. Using the
-In general, the higher the efficiency equation provided, an Inventory Turnover
ratios – the more "turns" – the better. A Ratio of 8.65 will produce a Days’
higher number indicates that the Inventories result of 41.62 or 42 days. This
company is using its assets efficiently. means that it took the company 42 days,
1. TOTAL ASSET TURNOVER RATIO on average, to sell its inventories from the
-For example, if your total asset turnover time they were bought.
ratio 2.35, it means that for every ₱1 of 5. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE TURNOVER RATIO
asset of the company, it can generate -A high ratio indicates prompt payment is
sales has ₱2.35. being made to suppliers for purchases on
2. FIXED ASSET TURNOVER RATIO credit. A low ratio indicates slow payment
-For example, if your fixed asset turnover to suppliers for purchases on credit.
ratio is 4.30, it means that the company -It becomes more meaningful when
was able to generate ₱4.30 for every ₱1 of converted to Days’ Payable. Using the
property, plant, and equipment it has. equation provided, an Accounts Payable
Turnover Ratio of 8.31 will produce a Days’ results to another company in the same
Payable result of 43.32 or 43 days. This industry. It evaluates the various aspects
number suggests that the average of a company’s financial ratios and
payment period of the company for its compares them to those of the “best
trade accounts payable was 43 days. practice” companies within the same
BENCHMARKING industry. This setup makes it easy for
-To guide different users of financial managers to see exactly where the
statements, i.e., creditors, investors, company stands relative to its
regulators, and managers, in their competition. The information gained from
decisions, financial statement analysis such a comparison allows firms to
tools can be used. You have learned how develop new and better plans for how to
to perform ratio analysis by computing make improvements or adopt certain
for the four major categories of financial best practices.
ratios. Each of the financial ratios provide -For example, let’s say a company earns
important information relevant to the ₱100,000. Is that too high? Is that too low?
financial aspect that each represents; Well, if they had ₱1,000,000 in revenue
however, without applying context and then you can say “Oh, they have a 10%
comparison, all these numbers mean profit margin”. Now we can start to
very little. Therefore, it is also beneficial to analyze is 10% good enough. You may
practice benchmarking. look at their competition. Let’s say them
-Benchmarking is a method of competitors had a 15% profit margin. You
establishing a standard for comparison can now assess why and how your
to add context to the financial company is performing beneath the
information provided in financial industry’s average performance.
statements and ratios to derive meaning HORIZONTAL ANALYSIS
from these valuable data. (Schaefer, -Another tool used in benchmarking is
2013) It is a standard practice that is horizontal analysis. It is commonly known
effective in establishing standards for as trend analysis. This is the analysis of a
comparison. This can be accomplished firm’s financial ratios over time. It is
by comparing the company’s illustrated in both the two major financial
performance to industry benchmarks, statements of the company – the
viewing the company’s performance Statement of Financial Position and the
over time or identifying the relationship Statement of Comprehensive Income.
between company’s major accounts. It is important to analyze trends in ratios
INDUSTRY AVERAGE ANALYSIS because these trends give clues as to
-Industry average analysis is the process whether a firm’s financial condition is
of comparing a particular company’s likely to improve or to deteriorate. The
focus of this discussion will be on vertical
analysis and horizontal analysis. To
establish the trend, percentage changes
of accounts from one period to another
must be made.



-This is a technique for evaluating the
data of financial statements that express
each item within a financial statement in
terms of a percent of a base amount. This
is also called common size analysis. In EXAMPLE OF A VERTICAL ANALYSIS OF A
using this type of analysis, attention must STATEMENT OF COMPREHENSIVE
be focused on items with significant INCOME:
changes from one period to another.
Depending on the nature of the business,
it is possible that even a slight change in
the numbers that you can see can have
huge possible implications in the
1. For the Statement of Financial Position,
all accounts are presented as a
percentage of total assets.
2. For the Statement of Comprehensive
Income, all accounts are presented as a
percentage of net sales.

- Financing is the process of providing
funding for a particular need. In the
context of businesses, you have already
learned that it can come in two major
categories: debt financing and equity
financing. Recall that debt financing is the
act of borrowing money from lenders and
not giving up ownership while equity
financing is the method of raising capital
by selling a part of the company in the
form of stocks to investors in exchange of
ownership interests in the company.
-The need for financing may be for long-
term, medium-term or for short-term
because financial requirements vary from
one organization to other. To meet out ➢ LONG-TERM REQUIREMENTS
these needs, funds need to be raised -Long-term needs generally refer to
from various sources. requirements of funds which are for a
TYPES OF FINANCIAL NEEDS period exceeding 5-10 years. It tends to
➢ SHORT-TERM REQUIREMENTS be used for financing the setting up of
-Such type of financial needs arises to businesses and for expansion of existing
finance current assets. Investment in businesses. All investments in plant,
these assets is known as meeting of machinery, land, buildings, are
working capital requirements of the considered as long-term financial needs.
concern. The main characteristic of Take for example a company considering
short-term financial needs is that they setting up new offices or acquiring
arise for a short period of time not additional land and building for
exceeding the accounting period or one expansion. The methods of financing this
year. type of project will generally be quite
-After establishment of a business, funds complex and can involve millions of
are required to meet its day-to-day pesos.
expenses, right? For example, raw SOURCES OF FUNDS ON THE BASIS OF PERIOD
materials must be purchased at regular -Businesses, class, is concerned with the
intervals, workers must be paid wages production and distribution of goods and
regularly, water and power charges must services for the satisfaction of needs. For
be paid regularly. Thus, there is a carrying out various activities, business
continuous necessity of liquid cash to be requires money. That is why Finance is
available for meeting these expenses. For called the life blood of any business. A
financing such requirements, short-term business cannot function unless
funds are needed. The inadequacy of adequate funds are made available to it.
short-term funds may even lead to The initial capital contributed by the
default on obligations and unfortunate entrepreneur is not always sufficient to
closure of business. take care of all financial requirements of
➢ MEDIUM-TERM REQUIREMENTS the business. A business, therefore, must
-Such requirements refer to those funds look for other sources from where the
which are required for a period exceeding need for funds can be met.
one year but not exceeding 5 years. For -On the basis of period, the different
the purposes of this module, we will only sources of funds can be categorized into
focus on short-term and long-term three parts. These are long-term sources,
sources. This type of finance is attained medium-term sources, and short-term
for expansion and transformation of sources. Again, although we have
existing organization. skimmed through all three in the previous
module, for the purposes of our receivable and inventories. These funds
discussion, we will only be focusing on can also be used when a company has
funds that can be generated from short- some maturing obligations and does not
term and long-term financing. have enough cash to pay such maturing
-A business can raise funds from various obligations.
sources. Each of the source has unique
characteristics, which must be properly
understood so that the best available
source of raising funds can be identified.
Sources or funds must be matched with
the needs of the company because this
saves the business from encountering
defaults on obligations and incurring
losses, and at the same time, use the
funds at hand to earn profits.
-However, there is not a single best
source of funds for all organizations.
Depending on the situation, purpose, cost
and associated risk, a choice may be
made about the source to be used.
-Let us recall your lesson in liquidity.
Remember that there should be a
balance between liquid funds and
investments because too high liquidity
will have opportunity costs since these
funds could have been invested to yield
revenue while too low liquidity may cause The following factors are considered in
the institution to default on payments selecting the source of short-term
should emergency situations arise. It is financing:
important that enough liquid assets ❖ Cost or Interest
should be available to meet short term -Interest is the cost of borrowing money.
obligations. Of course, borrowing money from lenders
-Short-term funds are normally used to is not for free so funds must be utilized to
finance the day-to-day operations of the compensate for the high costs. Take for
company which represent working example informal lending sources like 5/6
capital requirements such as accounts which may be the most expensive.
❖ Availability of short-term funds -Note class that long-term investments
-Informal lending sources like 5/6 is most must be financed by long-term sources
available because there are no formal of funds to minimize the risk that a
requirements to avail of the facility. Other company may not be able to pay
lenders have higher restrictions and maturing obligations. The returns on
requirements before a loan is approved long-term investments may not be
and issued. realized immediately, and therefore
❖ Risk require more patient sources of financing.
-Whatever the source of fund is, if the
company defaults, the lenders may
foreclose some of the company’s
properties or even the entire business
itself to settle the loan.
❖ Flexibility
-This pertains to the ability of the
company to access funds. For example, a
bank loan may be cheaper, but the bank
may reject the loan application of the
borrower because he/she did not pass
the credit evaluation process of the bank.
❖ Restrictions
-Some lenders like banks may require a
minimum deposit balance with their
branch for as long as the loans remain
outstanding. The bank’s approval may
also be secured before cash dividends
can be declared.
-Long-term funds are used for long-term
investments or sometimes called capital
investments including expansion,
buying new equipment, or buying a piece -The company’s capital structure is a
of land which will be the site of future major consideration for deciding which
expansion. Long-term funds can also be long-term sources of funds to utilize. The
used to finance permanent working target would be to balance debt and
capital requirements. equity and come up with the minimum
cost of capital.

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