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importance of preserving nature for future genera-

tions and for nature itself.
Examples of knowledge (K), skills (S) and at-
titudes (A): Supporting fairness as a competence can be fos-
tered by promoting responsibility in collaborative
K: knows the main views on sustainability: activities and teamwork, while acknowledging and
anthropocentrism (human-centric), technocen- respecting other view points34.
trism (technological solutions to ecological prob-
lems) and ecocentrism (nature-centred), and how Examples of knowledge (K), skills (S) and
they influence assumptions and arguments; attitudes (A):

S: can articulate and negotiate sustainabil- K: knows that ethical concepts and justice
ity values, principles and objectives while recog- for current and future generations are related to
nising different viewpoints; protecting nature;

A: is prone to acting in line with values and S: can apply equity and justice for current
principles for sustainability. and future generations as criteria for environ-
mental preservation and the use of natural re-
For example: Given the apparent tensions be- sources;
tween sustainability and consumerism based on
the use of natural resources, everybody should be A: is committed to respecting the interests
able to contemplate what impact buying fast fash- of future generations.
ion or taking a flight for a weekend getaway would
For example: The ‘Stop Ecocide Foundation’ ini-
have at system level (SDG 12).
tiative has been drafting a law on offences against
the environment, or ecocide, which is defined as
‘unlawful or wanton acts committed with knowl-
4.1.2 Supporting fairness
edge that there is a substantial likelihood of severe
Descriptor (1.2): To support equity and justice and widespread or long-term damage to the envi-
for current and future generations and learn from ronment being caused by those acts’xiii (SDGs 14,
previous generations for sustainability 15, 16). Examples of ecocide include deforestation
of the Amazon or the killing of protected species.
Supporting fairness is about promoting equity and
justice among present and future generations, while
learning from past traditions and actions. Starting 4.1.3 Promoting nature
from the premise that human health is intrinsical-
ly linked to planetary health, this competence can
Descriptor (1.3): To acknowledge that
help learners understand that environmental qual-
humans are part of nature; and to respect
ity is linked to equity and justice32. Access to green
the needs and rights of other species
spaces can reduce health-related socio-economic
and of nature itself in order to restore
inequalities33. Environmental equity and justice im-
and regenerate healthy and resilient
ply, therefore, human equity and justice.
Yet supporting fairness is not only about promoting
Promoting nature is about developing
environmental justice and equity to improve human
empathy towards the planet and show-
health. In line with the competence ‘promoting na-
ing care for other species. This requires
ture’, supporting fairness is also about taking into
knowledge about the main parts of the
account the interests and capabilities of other spe-
cies and environmental ecosystems, as well as the

GreenComp: The European sustainability competence framework 18

natural environment (geosphere, biosphere, For example: The Nature Conservancy – a global
hydrosphere, cryosphere and atmosphere) environmental non-profit organisation – believes
and the close links and interdependence that helping young people build relationships with
between living organisms and non-living nature (SDG 4) is critical to ensure a more sustain-
components. Knowledge about natural able future (SDGs 15, 3, 11). The Nature Lab, the
phenomena can spur us on to more closely Nature Conservancy’s youth curriculum platform,
connect with nature, which in turn can motivate provides educational resources for different age
further learning for sustainability. groups to teach them how nature works and how
young people can contribute to its conservationxiv.
Promoting nature fosters a healthy relationship
with the natural environment and aims to ignite in
people a feeling of connectedness that can help
contrast the psychological distress and negative 4.2 Embracing complexity
emotions that children and young people world-
wide experience because of climate change35 and
in sustainability
can help improve their mood and mental health36.
The competence area ‘Embracing complexity in
The ‘nature deficit disorder’ conveys the human sustainability’ is about:
costs of alienation from nature: i) decreased use of - empowering learners with systemic and
the senses, ii) attention difficulties, iii) higher rates critical thinking, and encouraging them to reflect on
of physical and emotional illnesses, iv) a rising rate how to better assess information and challenge un-
of myopia, v) increased child and adult obesity, and sustainability;
vi) increased vitamin D deficiency37. Research indi- - scanning systems by identifying intercon-
cates that to overcome the ‘nature deficit disorder’ nections and feedback; and
not only do we need to be in contact with nature, - framing challenges as sustainability
but we also need to feel connected to nature38. problems which helps us learn about the scale
While the former involves physical interaction with of a situation while identifying everyone
the natural environment mainly at surface level, involved.
the latter concerns our feelings and views resulting
from meaningful relationships being developed and Technological change, digitisation, and
the internalisation of our experiences in the natu- globalisation have increased our society’s
ral environment, e.g. with animals, plants or places. complexity and accelerated socioecological prob-
Such internalisation can, in the long term, promote lems such as climate change and loss of biodiver-
restoration of nature39. sity. Environmental challenges are interconnected
and interlinked to economic activities and societal
Examples of knowledge (K), skills (S) and lifestyles40. The operation of our economy, con-
attitudes (A): tained within our society (see Figure 4), depends on
our planet which has limited resources and bound-
K: knows that our wellbeing, health and se- aries41.
curity depend on the wellbeing of nature;

S: can assess own impact on nature and

consider the protection of nature an essential
task for every individual;

A: cares about a harmonious relationship

existing between nature and humans. xiv The Nature Conservancy educational resources that pro-
mote nature are available at

GreenComp: The European sustainability competence framework 19

understand reality in relation to other contexts (lo-
Environment cal, nation, global) and fields (environment, social,
economic, cultural). It is critical for advancing sus-
tainability. Thinking in systems enables learners to
Society identify feedback mechanisms, intervention points
and interactive trajectories. Systems thinking can
be understood as a tool for evaluating options, de-
cision-making and taking action43. It is based on the
assumption that parts of a system act differently
when taken apart from the system. In fact, contrary
to this, fragmentary thinking, i.e. analysing parts in
isolation, instead of the whole interconnected sys-
tem, increases short-termism and could led to an
oversimplification of sustainability problems which
may not correspond to reality.
Figure 4. Interconnectedness of economy,
society and environment. Examples of knowledge (K), skills (S) and at-
titudes (A):

Learning for environmental sustainability enables K: knows that every human action has envi-
learners to be better equipped to see connections ronmental, social, cultural and economic impacts;
and links between specific issues and environmen-
S: can describe sustainability as a holistic
tal change42. Health is a fundamental human right,
concept that includes environmental, economic,
and access to a ‘safe, clean, healthy and sustain-
social, and cultural issues;
able environment’ is also now recognised as a hu-
man rightxv. However, minority groups and families A: is concerned about the short- and long-
with a lower income are often exposed to polluted term impacts of personal actions on others and
environments, which in turns affects their health the planet.
and wellbeing. Identifying the connections between
environmental issues and income inequality, which For example: Green technologies often promise
may look unrelated at first superficially, can help us positive outcomes for sustainability, yet they may
correctly frame such challenges as a sustainability have unintended consequences when scaled up to
problem and take preventive or mitigating actions. the system level (e.g. loss of biodiversity and in-
creased competition for land due to biofuel produc-
tion)44. Without a comprehensive understanding
4.2.1 Systems thinking of complex problems and potential solutions, such
consequences could be difficult to identify (multiple
Descriptor (2.1): To approach a sustainability SDGs).
problem from all sides; to consider time, space
and context in order to understand how elements
interact within and between systems 4.2.2 Critical thinking

Equipping learners with systems thinking is neces- Descriptor (2.2): To assess information and
sary to understand complex sustainability problems arguments, identify assumptions, challenge the
and their evolution. Systems thinking allows us to status quo, and reflect on how personal, social
and cultural backgrounds influence thinking and
xv conclusions

GreenComp: The European sustainability competence framework 20

Critical thinking is considered fundamen- 4.2.3 Problem framing
tal for learners ‘to cope with uncertainty,
complexity, and change’45. Critical thinking is Descriptor (2.3): To formulate current or po-
a high-level cognitive process, which includes tential challenges as a sustainability problem
several skills needed for evaluating and under- in terms of difficulty, people involved, time and
standing information regarding sustainability prob- geographical scope, in order to identify suitable
lems. This enables learners to broaden their views approaches to anticipating and preventing prob-
without taking information and information sources lems, and to mitigating and adapting to already
for granted. Eventually, learners should be comfort- existing problems
able when acquiring and integrating information
from different disciplines46. A critical outlook allows Problem framing is the process of identifying actual
learners to challenge, and change, their values, per- or potential sustainability problems. It involves de-
spectives and understanding of the world47. fining and structuring sustainability problems based
on their complexity and those mainly involved. Un-
Critical thinking can help empower learners to be- derstanding the nature of the actual or potential
come more responsible and actively cooperate in problems we are trying to define, e.g. from simple
creating a sustainable world. More specifically, to wicked problems, can be a major obstacle.
stepping up critical thinking will help them go be-
yond just passively understanding sustainability Experts have identified four types of problems,
concepts48. It will help them develop the ability to based on how well defined both the problem and
reflect and assess theories and assumptions. solution to address it are49 (see Figure 5). Differenti-
ating between these four types of problem can help
Examples of knowledge (K), skills (S) and identify appropriate solutions.
attitudes (A):
This process also entails determining whether the
K: knows sustainability claims without ro- current situation is already a problem or has the po-
bust evidence are often mere communication tential to become one in the future.
strategies, also known as greenwashing;
Most fundamentally, problem framing defines what
S: can analyse and assess arguments, ideas, is challenging about a given situation and identifies
actions and scenarios to determine whether they the best action to address it, which involves systems
are in line with evidence and values in terms of thinking. In essence, problem framing helps define
sustainability; goals and the direction the problem solving process
should take50. While sustainability problems are
A: trusts science even when lacking some of
complex and often cannot be solved, appropriate
the knowledge required to fully understand scien-
steps can be taken either to anticipate and prevent
tific claims.
them, or to mitigate and adapt them to an already
existing problem.
For example: A critical understanding of how fast
fashion (SDG 12), poor labour conditions (SDGs 8, Problem framing can help identify situations and
10), solid waste accumulation (SDGs 11, 12) and frame them as current or potential problems for
pollution (multiple SDGs) are interrelated and un- sustainability in a given context. This requires a crit-
derpin each other can help learners i) define the ical understanding of socioecological systems. In
class of problems they need to deal with, ii) identify turn, problem framing can help contextualise and
those involved, iii) adopt different perspectives, and define a sustainability problem in a given geograph-
iv) identify paths for possible solutions. ical and temporal context.

GreenComp: The European sustainability competence framework 21

Figure 5. Problem characterisation and change required. Source: Glasser, 2018.

Examples of knowledge (K), skills (S) and at- problem related to food production security requir-
titudes (A): ing technical solutions in terms of agricultural man-
agement (SDG 12) as opposed to a problem with
K: knows that to identify fair and inclusive
maintaining the renewal of nature threatened by
actions, it is necessary to look at sustainability
the overuse of its resources (SDGs 15, 12).
problems from different stakeholder perspectives;

S: can establish a transdisciplinary ap-

proach to framing current and potential sustain-
ability challenges;

A: listens actively and shows empathy when

collaborating with others to frame current and
potential sustainability challenges.

For example: The decline of bees and other pol-

linating insects can, for instance, be framed as a

GreenComp: The European sustainability competence framework 22

4.3 Envisioning ii. that it is impossible to know what will hap-
pen and thus the idea of trying to control what will
sustainable futures happen will be rejected;

iii. that they need to identify probable, alter-

The competence area ‘Envisioning sustainabil- native, and preferred futures;
ity futures’ enables learners to visualise alterna-
tive future scenarios and identify actions to achieve iv. that they need to influence and shape the
a sustainable future. It is essential that learners ac- trajectory towards a (collective) preferred future.
quire the competence of ‘adaptability’ while coping
with uncertainty about the futures and trade-offs
in sustainability. Applying creative and transdisci- 4.3.1 Futures literacy
plinary approaches to our way of thinking can fos-
ter a circular society and encourage learners to use Descriptor (3.1): To envision alternative sus-
their imagination when thinking about the future. tainable futures by imagining and developing
alternative scenarios and identifying the steps
Learning for environmental sustainability encourag- needed to achieve a preferred sustainable future
es people to move away from looking for certainties
but rather think about possibilities. It is fundamen- Futures literacy empowers learners to create their
tal that learners understand the future as open and visions for a sustainable future by providing them
something that can be shaped collectively. This re- with the knowledge, skills and attitudes to under-
quires the ability to analyse the present time and stand the futures as a variety of alternatives. Re-
understand that it comprises complex systems in- search commonly differentiates between three ap-
teracting and influencing current and future trajec- proaches in order to understand the futures:
tories, which in turn are influenced by our values, - expected future, i.e. what we expect to
world-views and experiences. happen based on what it is happening today and
what we know, e.g. business as usual;
Creativity, imagination and being aware of our
- alternative future(s), i.e. what will happen
emotions and intuitions can inform our ability
may differ from expectations, e.g. creation of green
to envision alternative futures51. Learners are
jobs that currently do not exist;
encouraged to use a combination of ‘logical
- preferred future, i.e. we may envision a
analysis and disciplined imagination’52. Information
sustainable future for us, our community and our
from several disciplines and traditions has the
planet, and identify the steps and actions needed
potential to help people make more informed
to achieve that future54, e.g. a circular economy.
plans and decisions in a complex society53. This
can help learners identify steps and explore plans Through futures literacy, learners can anticipate,
to collectively shape a resilient and regenerative prepare and invent as changes occur55. Futures lit-
planet. eracy encourages learners to i) use their imagina-
tion when thinking about the future, ii) tap into their
Therefore, learners are advised to think of a wide
intuitions and creativity, and iii) assess the possible
range of possible future outcomes and envision
steps needed to achieve their preferred future. By
alternative future scenarios for sustainability. By
using real-life experiences, learners can be taught
becoming comfortable with the notion of multiple
in futures methodologies that adopt qualitative
futures, learners can acknowledge:
and/or quantitative research methods.
i. the uncertainty about the future as a given,
rather than assuming or denying it;

GreenComp: The European sustainability competence framework 23

Examples of knowledge (K), skills (S) and at- tions58. For cognitive adaptabil-
titudes (A): ity, this might involve better
teaching people about the
K: knows the difference between expected, significance of a changing cli-
preferred and alternative futures for sustainabili- mate. For behavioural adapt-
ty scenarios; ability, this might involve promoting
S: can envisage alternative futures for sus- positive and constructive actions among
tainability that are grounded in science, creativity young people that support and sustain
and values for sustainability; the environment, such as saving energy, re-
cycling, harnessing clean energy, controlling water
A: is aware that the projected consequences use, and encouraging others at home and at school
on self and community may influence preferenc- to do the same things.
es for certain scenarios above others.
Examples of knowledge (K), skills (S) and
For example: Prompting ‘futures literacy’ as a life attitudes (A):
skill for students and educators (SDG 4) is the mis-
sion of the global non-profit organisation Teach the K: knows that human actions may have un-
Future. Thanks to their resources for lifelong learn- predictable, uncertain and complex consequenc-
ing, learners can imagine more sustainable futures, es for the environment;
where, for example, communities have access to S: can take into account local circumstanc-
clean water, clean energy and healthy food (multi- es when dealing with sustainability issues and
ple SDGs including 6, 7, 2). opportunities;

A: is willing to discontinue unsustainable

4.3.2 Adaptability practices and try alternative solutions.

For example: Young people play a central role

Descriptor (3.2): To manage transitions and
in driving the adaptation agenda. On 22 Janu-
challenges in complex sustainability situations
ary 2021, young people from over 115 countries
and make decisions related to the future in the
launched ‘Adapt for our Future’ a global youth call
face of uncertainty, ambiguity and risk
to action on adaptation. This initiative aims to pre-
Adaptability is about being flexible and able to pare younger generations for the transition towards
adapt to new situations and adjust in order to ac- green and climate resilient developmentxvi (SDG
commodate changes in our complex world56. It is 13).
essential that learners be able to cope with uncer-
tainty about the future and the ambiguity of wicked
sustainability problems and how they may evolve. 4.3.3 Exploratory thinking
Adaptability should provide learners with the ability
to cope with trade-offs in sustainability e.g. envi- Descriptor (3.3): To adopt a relational
ronmental impacts and social outcomes as well as way of thinking by exploring and linking different
economic aspects. Moreover, learners should feel disciplines, using creativity and experimentation
empowered to consider options and make decisions with novel ideas or methods
even when facing contradictions and risks in terms
Exploratory thinking aims to foster creativity in
of the future57.
order to envision alternative futures. By tapping
People can learn in order to acquire knowledge,
which may result in them changing their opinions xvi The call for action is available at https://klimaatadap-
and behaviour, and learning to manage their emo- for-the-future

GreenComp: The European sustainability competence framework 24

into different disciplines, traditions
and cultures in a transdisciplinary
4.4 Acting for
manner, exploratory thinking can help sustainability
learners create future visions for a circular econ-
omy (SDG 12) and society (SDG 11). To move
Acting for sustainability encourages learners to take
away from linear production and consumption
action at individual and collective level to shape
patterns to circular ones, we need a combination
sustainable futures, to the extent possible. It also
of creative thinking and experimentation with new
invites learners to demand action from those re-
ideas and new approaches.
sponsible to make change happen.
As innovations that help achieve a circular econo-
The last four decades have been warmer than any
my will change our society, they will also entail new
preceding one since 185060 and given the increase
ways of social interaction and new cultural prac-
in human activities, this trend is unlikely to revert
tices. For example, online platforms for people to
unless we take action to achieve systemic trans-
swap their clothes and share their cars, and avoid
food waste.
Necessary transformations for sustainability are
Exploratory thinking therefore requires cognitive
not only enabled by technological changes, but
processes and for people to use their intuition. The
also by cultural and social changes, as well as
issues covered and the pedagogical approach-
behavioural shifts and institutional reforms61.
es taken in education on sustainability encourage
As such, a plethora of stakeholders at local level
learners to develop abilities in creative thinking,
must be actively engaged to shape and achieve
according to assertions emphasising the close links
global transformations for a more sustainable
between the two59.
planet62,xviii. Individuals make everyday decisions,
Examples of knowledge (K), skills (S) and which have impacts and consequences for
attitudes (A): sustainability, whether they are, e.g. students,
consumers, producers, employees, policymakers, or
K: knows that sustainability problems must representatives of organisations or communities.
be tackled by combining different disciplines, Altogether, these individuals can work together
knowledge cultures and divergent views to initi- to create new paradigms that can lead to global
ate systemic change; sustainability63 through their individual initiatives,
S: can synthesise sustainability-related in- engagement and collaboration at community or
formation and data from different disciplines; regional level, or through global partnerships to
achieve the SDGs.
A: is committed to considering sustainabil-
ity challenges and opportunities from different A sustainable planet cannot be achieved by small,
angles. one-off actions on their own; a consistent and long-
term approach is required64. For example, decisions
For example: ‘Reduce, reuse, recycle’ is a well- on which type of mobility (SDG 11) we use or
known concept for the circular economy, and an ex- about what energy providers we use for our home
ploratory thinking approach can help turn waste into and office buildings (SDG 7) will have an impact
a precious resource. The Eco-Schools programme on the environment. In particular, circular products
has developed a number of trash hack ideas that are made to last longer and be easier to repair by
can help explore the issue of waste from different
perspectivesxvii (SDG 12). xviii For example, the JRC is currently developing innovation
strategies for sustainability (S4), a new generation of development
strategies for cities, regions and countries building on and substantial-
ly extending the smart specialisation approach. See more at: https://

GreenComp: The European sustainability competence framework 25

increasing their durability, reusability, upgradability ing for a change in norms, rules,
and reparability65 (SDG 12). regulations, and institutional
commitment for sustainability. Howev-
Acting for sustainability should, however, include as
er, it can also be directed towards the market and
its enabling counterpart the willingness of the de-
can push for green innovation or the promotion of
cision-makers to share their capacity to make deci-
lifestyle and behavioural changes. The green tran-
sions, so that the activities of learners can have an
sition is one of the EU’s top strategic priorities, and
actual impact.
the role of governments in meeting the associat-
Examples of action that people can take individu- ed challenges has become increasingly important.
ally, within their communities66 include: voting for Many Europeans demand action to tackle sustain-
candidates who support the environment, volun- ability problems from those responsible for mak-
teering, meeting local council members, launching ing and implementing policies, who are ultimately
capacity-building programmes and initiating collec- responsible for our future and that of future gener-
tive action. ations. When asked who is responsible for tackling
climate change, Europeans from 17 Member States
Learning for environmental sustainability can help ranked national governments first, while those from
us, as individuals, to identify steps, mechanisms, five Member States ranked business and industry
and actions and, as a reflective, determined and first, and those from the other five Member States
caring67 society, to reduce our impact on the envi- ranked the EU itself first69.
ronment (environmental footprintxix). Furthermore, it
can help us increase our positive contributions to Political agency empowers learners to become
the environment68. Learning for environmental sus- agents of change and take part in a discussion that
tainability can help equip all individuals with knowl- affects their futures. Furthermore, it shows learners
edge, skills and attitudes to think, plan, and take or that small actions can have widespread global
request action for sustainability (SDG 4 target 4.7). repercussions and that by engaging others with
ideas and activities that trigger reflection, everyone
can contribute to political agency.
4.4.1 Political agency Examples of knowledge (K), skills (S) and
attitudes (A):
Descriptor (4.1): To navigate the political
system, identify political responsibility and ac- K: knows policies that assign responsibility
countability for unsustainable behaviour, and de- for environmental damage (e.g. ‘polluter pays’);
mand effective policies for sustainability
S: can identify relevant social, political and
Political agency is the capacity to positively influ- economic stakeholders in one’s own community
ence the collective future, by mobilising those at and region to address a sustainability problem;
political level to take action for change. Political
A: demands political accountability for
agency requires the capacity to analyse the context,
unsustainable behaviour.
spot possible avenues to move the sustainability
agenda forward, and identify key stakeholders that For example: Grassroots examples of young
can be brought on board to help achieve sustain- people, who have been especially vocal in
ability. demanding political action by governments, include
the Friday for Future movementxx and Extinction
Political agency can be focused towards advocat-
Rebellionxxi (SDGs 13, 16).

xix People can calculate the environmental impacts of their xx

consumption patterns at
print.html xxi

GreenComp: The European sustainability competence framework 26

4.4.2 Collective action improving prospects for the community and the
Descriptor (4.2): To act for change in collab-
Individual initiative relies on someone knowing what
oration with others
types of action are possible, having confidence in
Collective action as a competence stems from rec- their own potential to influence change (internal lo-
ognising that the role communities and civil society cus of control), and being willing to act72.
organisations play in achieving sustainability is fun-
Recognising what types of action are possible and
damental70. Collective action calls for coordination,
being aware of one’s own potential in terms of
collaboration and cooperation among peers. By act-
sustainability problems are the first steps some-
ing together and working to achieve the same goal,
one needs to take in order to seize the initiative
people can find opportunities and meet challenges
as an individual. However, individual initiative does
to contribute effectively to solving sustainability
not only rely on opportunities for action and some-
problems at the local level. Taken together, this will
one’s self-awareness and self-efficacy. It also has
have an impact at the global level.
a strong attitudinal aspect – the willingness to act.
Collective action develops learners’ ‘ability and will
Individual initiative nurtures the entrepreneurial
to take part in democratic processes concerning
mindset of individuals and empowers them take
man’s use of and dependence on natural resources
the initiative in their lives73. By taking action in their
in a critical way’71.
personal sphere, individuals can act as agents of
Examples of knowledge (K), skills (S) and change and role models, inspiring their peers to try
attitudes (A): to achieve sustainability. This could also help de-
bunk myths on behaviour related to sustainability,
K: knows how to work with diverse partici- e.g. a sustainable lifestyle is more expensive than a
pants to create inclusive visions for a more sus- non-sustainable one, and of a lower quality.
tainable future;
Furthermore, individual initiative encourages peo-
S: can create transparent, inclusive and ple to take preventive action when certain actions
community-driven processes; or inaction may have damaging consequences for
A: is willing to engage with others to chal- human health and all life forms (precautionary prin-
lenge the status quo. ciple)74. Rather than waiting for evidence in order to
act, in case of uncertainty it may be advisable to act
For example: Collective action in the digital age because it may be too harmful, or too late, to wait
has increased and is enabled through technology, for evidence to emerge75, 76.
e.g. the European Education for Climate Coalitionxxii,
a digital platform that enables members of a com- Examples of knowledge (K), skills (S) and at-
munity of practice to decide collectively, act collab- titudes (A):
oratively, and co-create solutions for sustainability K: knows that preventive action should be
(SDG 13). taken when certain actions or inaction may dam-
age human health and all life forms (precaution-
ary principle);
4.4.3 Individual initiative
S: can act promptly, even in the face of un-
Descriptor (4.3): To identify own potential certainty and unforeseen events, keeping in mind
for sustainability and to actively contribute to the precautionary principle;


GreenComp: The European sustainability competence framework 27

A: is confident about anticipating and influ-
encing sustainable changes.

For example: Courses, such as ‘Knowledge to

Action’ as part of the International Master’s pro-
gramme in Environmental and Sustainability at
Lund University, offer learners a hands-on opportu-
nity to interact in real-world settings with those at
societal level such as municipalities, organisations,
companies and third sector organisations while tak-
ing part in a project that promotes sustainabilityxxiii
(SDGs 16, 13).

xxiii Projects developed in the ‘Knowledge to Action’ course

are available at
tion-projects and include information on different competences
developed in such an experiential learning activity.

GreenComp: The European sustainability competence framework 28

5. Ways forward

High-quality and inclusive education and training developing sustainability competences; and
can help improve social and environmental condi- - assessing where one stands in supporting
tions. Socioecological problems, such as biodiversity learners to develop sustainability skills.
loss, climate change, pollution and inequalities, can Based on the take-up of other EU competence
prevent access to education and employment. This frameworks, it can be expected that the below
in turn aggravates such socioecological issues in a stakeholders may use GreenComp for various pur-
vicious cycle77. poses:
- National, regional and local policymakers
Sustainable lifestyles require a shift in mindset
may refer to GreenComp in their policies and work
and behaviour. We must put equity and justice for
programmes aimed to advance learning for envi-
current and future generations at the heart of our
ronmental sustainability.
societies. Our relationship with the environment
- Formal and non-formal education and
must be based on a sense of being connected with
training providers may find GreenComp useful to
nature. Learning for environmental sustainability
shape their educational offer at general, vocational,
should empower individuals to think holistically and
higher and adult education level.
question the world-views underpinning our current
- Initial teacher training and continued pro-
economic system. At the same time, it should en-
fessional development providers may refer to it
courage them to take action individually and with
when preparing teachers and educators to teach
others to transform our society and shape sustain-
such sustainability competences.
able futures for everyone. Lifelong learning should
- Assessment and certification services could
incorporate sustainability competences across dis-
generate new certificates that acknowledge the
ciplines to train the systemic thinkers and ethical
competences described in GreenComp.
agents for change who are needed to promote a
- Employers may find it relevant to incorpo-
sustainable society78.
rate sustainability competences in their recruitment
GreenComp offers a definition of what it takes to strategies or talent development programmes.
think and act sustainably, individually and collec- - Those monitoring human capital develop-
tively. The consulted stakeholders have noted that ment at national or international level for statisti-
not only policymakers and education and training cal/measurement purposes may use it to refine cur-
providers need such a definition, but also the pri- rent indicators or develop new ones.
vate sector and employers at large. - Research bodies may use GreenComp for
empirical research on how frameworks affect edu-
Like the other EU competence frameworks, Green- cational outcomes or to determine which pedago-
Comp is non-prescriptive. It provides a conceptual gies are best suited for learners to develop Green-
reference model that everyone involved in lifelong Comp competences.
learning can use with various objectives in mind, - Providers of occupational descriptions or
such as: professional qualifications and standards may find
- raising awareness about the importance of GreenComp useful for updating job profiles or cre-
learning for environmental sustainability; ating new ones.
- designing learning opportunities aimed at

GreenComp: The European sustainability competence framework 29

These are but examples of potential uses of Green- can support organisational change.
Comp, which – like any other EU competence
framework – is not binding. Its take-up will depend The take-up of GreenComp in lifelong learning for
on its relevance and usefulness for each potential sustainability is highly encouraged. At the same
stakeholder group. time, it is highly recommended to adapt the frame-
work to learners’ needs and backgrounds, and to the
Key questions are which pedagogies to use and context.
how to incorporate the learning outcomes in them.
Examples of pedagogical practices that can be ef-
fective in developing the competences set out in
GreenComp include:
- active learning;
- student-centred, design-based, proj-
ect-based, transformative (situated) learning con-
- gamification;
- role plays, experimental games and simu-
- analysis of real-world case studies taken
from the local context;
- blended and online learning;
- project-based learning;
- outdoor approaches; and
- collaborative approaches (cooperation with
external partners).

Experts and stakeholders consulted in this process

have stressed the need to factor in the context, such
as the education level, the school environment, and
the local community. Teaching approaches can in-
corporate digital technologies to support people
in acquiring competences. At the same time, they
must take into account the impact of digital tech-
nologies on sustainability.

Experiencing sustainability (experiential learning) is

essential to stimulate a change in mindset. This can
in turn promote a change in production and con-
sumption patterns. A good example of this is pro-
moting good practice on reducing waste, reusing,
repairing or sharing among learners.

A whole school approach should also be considered.

Teaching and learning for sustainability during ev-
eryday activities and across disciplines is challeng-
ing. Schools could choose to develop a sustainability
culture and support professional learning. A whole
school approach can make it easier for schools and

GreenComp: The European sustainability competence framework 30


Attitudes are motivators of performance. They include values, aspirations and


In the context of GreenComp, competence is understood as a set of knowl-

edge, skills and attitudes.

A complex system is a system composed of many components which inter-

act with each other in ways that are very difficult to model due to the types
Complex system
of relations among such components (dependency, competition, relationships
between their parts or between a given system and its environment).

Learning that occurs in an organised and structured environment, such as in

Formal learning an education or training institution, or on the job, and is explicitly designated
as learning. Formal learning is intentional and typically leads to certification.

Learning that results from daily activities related to work, family or leisure. It is
Informal learning not organised or structured and in most cases unintentional from the learner’s

Knowledge is the outcome of the assimilation of theoretical or factual infor-

Knowledge mation by learning. Knowledge is the body of facts, principles, theories and
practices that is related to a field of work or study.

In the context of GreenComp, learning for environmental sustainability aims

to nurture a sustainability mindset from childhood to adulthood with the un-
Learning for environmen- derstanding that humans are part of and depend on nature. Learners are
tal sustainability equipped with knowledge, skills and attitudes that help them become agents
of change and contribute individually and collectively to shaping futures with-
in planetary boundaries.

Learning outcomes are statements of what a learner knows, understands and

Learning outcomes
is able to do after completion of learning.

GreenComp: The European sustainability competence framework 31

Learning activities undertaken throughout life, to expand or improve compe-
Lifelong learning tences, knowledge, skills and qualifications for personal, social and profession-
al reasons.

Learning that is embedded in planned activities not explicitly designated as

Non formal learning learning, but which contains an important learning experience. Non-formal
learning is intentional and typically does not lead to certification.

Planetary boundaries refer to nine processes. These regulate the stability and
Planetary boundaries resilience of the Earth system and the evidence-based limits within which hu-
manity can stay safe, develop and thrive for generations to comexxiv.

Planned obsolescence refers to a wide range of techniques that manufactur-

ers might use to shorten the functional lifespan of products. In doing so, they
Planned obsolescence
force consumers to make premature replacements and can continue selling in
saturated marketsxxv.

The precautionary principle is an approach that suggests to take precaution-

Precautionary principle ary measures, such as avoidance or mitigation, to innovations that could po-
tentially cause harm and on which extensive scientific knowledge is lacking.

Skills means the ability to apply knowledge and use know-how to complete
tasks and solve problems. Skills can be cognitive (involving the use of logical,
intuitive and creative thinking) or practical (involving manual dexterity and the
use of methods, materials, tools and instruments).

In the context of GreenComp, sustainability means prioritising the needs of

Sustainability all life forms and of the planet by ensuring that human activity does not
exceed planetary boundaries.

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are 17 global goals published by

Sustainable Development
the United Nations in 2015. They aim for all countries and sectors to work in
partnership to address key sustainable development challenges by 2030xxvi.



GreenComp: The European sustainability competence framework 32

Transformative learning goes beyond acquiring skills and knowledge. It helps
learners reflect on how they acquire and frame knowledge. It also helps them
Transformative learning become aware and critical of their own and others’ assumptions. This can
lead to changes in thinking, perceptions, beliefs and values, which can trans-
form how learners interpret the world around them.

A wicked problem is a problem or policy issue that is difficult to solve be-

cause it is complex and ill structured. It entails several incomplete, intracta-
Wicked problem
ble, controversial, contested and evolving requirements that are difficult to
recognise or link. It often has no single solution.

GreenComp: The European sustainability competence framework 33


Endnotes Svedin, U., Falkenmark, M., Karlberg, L., Corell, R. W., Fabry, V.
J., Hansen, J., Walker, B., Liverman, D., Richardson, K., Crutzen,
1 UNESCO, 2021. Learn for Our Planet. Paris: UNESCO. P., & Foley, J. A., 2009. ‘A Safe Operating Space for Humanity’,
2 European Commission, 2018. Council Recommenda- Nature, 461(7263), 472-475.
tion of 22 May 2018 on key competences for lifelong learn- 14 Wiek, A., Withycombe, L., & Redman, C.L., 2011. Key
ing. European Commission. Available at https://eur-lex.europa. competencies in sustainability: a reference framework for aca-
eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/PDF/?uri=CELEX:32018H0604(01)&- demic program development. Sustainability Science 6(2):203–
from=EN 218
3 European Commission. Strategy. 15 Brundiers, K., Barth, M., Cebrián, G., Cohen, M., Diaz,
info/strategy_en L., Doucette-Remington, S., Dripps, W., Habron, G., Harre, N.,
4 European Commission. A European Green Deal. https:// Jarchows, M., Losche, K., Michel, J., Mochizuki, Y., Rieckmann, M., Parnell, R., Walker, P., Zint, M., 2021. Key competencies in
an-green-deal_en#documents sustainability in higher education—toward an agreed-upon ref-
erence framework. Sustainability Science, 16(1), 13-29.
5 European Commission, 2020. European Skills Agen-
da for sustainable competitiveness, social fairness and re- 16 Bianchi, G., 2020. Sustainability competences, Joint
silience. Available at Research Centre, European Commission. Available at https://

6 European Commission, 2020. Communication from the 17 Mezirow, J., 1978. Perspective transformation. Adult
Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the Eu- education, 28(2), 100-110.
ropean Economic and Social Committee and the Committee 18 Simsek, 2012. Transformational learning. Encyclo-
of the Regions on achieving the European Education Area paedia of the sciences of learning, 3341-3343.
by 2025. Available at
tion-in-the-eu/european-education-area_en 19 Bianchi, G., Sustainability competences, EUR 30555
EN, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg,
7 European biodiversity strategy: ‘Bringing Nature Back into 2020, ISBN 978-92-76-28408-6, doi:10.2760/200956,
our Lives’, 2020. JRC123624, available at
odiversity-strategy-2030_en repository/handle/JRC123624
8 Bianchi, G., 2020. Sustainability competences, Joint 20 Carolan, M. S. 2006. Scientific knowledge and en-
Research Centre, European Commission. Available at https:// vironmental policy: why science needs values. Environmental Sciences, 3(4), 229-237
9 Churchman, C. W., 1967. Wicked Problems. Manage- 21 Sipos, Y., Battisti, B., & Grimm, K., 2008. Achieving
ment Science, 14 (4): B141–B142 transformative sustainability learning: engaging head, hands
10 Molderez, I., & Ceulemans, K., 2018. The power of and heart. International journal of sustainability in higher edu-
art to foster systems thinking, one of the key competencies of cation.
education for sustainable development. Journal of Cleaner Pro- 22 Phelan, A.M., 2004. Rationalism, complexity science
duction, 186, 758-770. and curriculum: a cautionary tale. Complicity: An International
11 Bianchi, G., 2020. Sustainability competences, Joint Journal of Complexity and Education, Vol. 1 No. 1, pp. 9-17.
Research Centre, European Commission. Available at https:// 23 Carolan, M. S., 2006. Scientific knowledge and en- vironmental policy: why science needs values. Environmental
12 UNESCO. Sustainable Development https://en.une- Sciences, 3(4), 229-237. 24 Remington-Doucette, S. M., Connell, K. Y. H., Arm-
esd/sd strong, C. M., & Musgrove, S. L. (2013). Assessing sustainability
13 Rockström, J., Steffen, W., Noone, K., Persson, Å., education in a transdisciplinary undergraduate course focused
Chapin, F. S. III, Lambin, E. F., Lenton, T. M., Scheffer, M., Folke, on real-world problem solving: A case for disciplinary grounding.
C., Schellnhuber, H. J., Nykvist, B., De Wit, C. A., Hughes, T., Van International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education.
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25 Sleurs, W., 2008. Competencies for ESD teachers. A J., Hansen, J., Walker, B., Liverman, D., Richardson, K., Crutzen,
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GreenComp: The European sustainability competence framework 36

Appendix 1. – Use cases

The below use cases aim to show how the 12 sus- is also associated with potential crime (systems
tainability competences come into play when facing thinking).
challenges. Given that every action has an impact
on the planet and all life forms, every challenge is a Despite its current state, Fatima believes this vast
sustainability challenge. These use cases show how area has huge potential:
the 12 sustainability competences are interrelated - she envisions families having picnics at
and equally important. We encourage the develop- weekends;
ment of all 12 sustainability competences, yet the - schools could organise educational excur-
proficiency level in each of them can vary depend- sions;
ing on learners’ backgrounds, needs, and context. - the river offers potential for many sport ac-
tivities, such as rowing or kayaking;
- people could enjoy nature without having
to travel far, and could spend their days off there.
Use case 1
Furthermore, future generations, as well as other
Fatima is a school teacher, who cares a lot about species could benefit from a healthy environment
her pupils and would like to take them out for out- (supporting fairness). This is her vision (futures
door learning. She knows they would benefit from literacy; values thinking). She is motivated to
spending more time in nature (promoting na- achieve this vision for her community, if members
ture). However, she finds this impossible, due to of her community share the same vision (collec-
the dire state of the natural surroundings in her tive action).
community, including its important river. In fact,
locals would rather travel to other places outside With her vision in mind, she started mapping the
their region to be in nature. Because of her inves- root causes of the current sustainability problem
tigative attitude (critical thinking; exploratory related to this green area. She identified direct
thinking), Fatima decided to approach this chal- and indirect causes, underlined man made causes
lenge as a sustainability problem (problem fram- and classified them by reversibility and complexity
ing; valuing sustainability). Not only is the area (systems thinking; problem framing; individ-
underused, people also make pollution levels worse ual initiative). To get a broader picture, Fatima
when taking the car or flying to other and more dis- asked town council employees for help. They are re-
tant places. sponsible for the area and know who and what the
main sources of pollution are (collective action;
These days, the river is polluted with toxic waste political agency).
from the industrial district nearby, and household
waste, such as plastics. The surrounding area re- Starting with this information, she explored new av-
sembles a landfill and requires restoration. The local enues for change for her community, for example by
community stays away from this part of the region, focusing on local businesses and finding incentives
especially families and women. The abandoned to build a local, circular economy hub. This could
state of this area conveys a sense of unsafety and help to make sustainable use of resources and
lack of healthy conditions. The decline of the place avoid the use of toxic substances (exploratory
thinking). She already knows that more sustain-

GreenComp: The European sustainability competence framework 37

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