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Love Mad

Songs of Divine Longing

Hazrat Yusuf Ibn Adam Al-Ihsani

To my Ayah

How strange this heart of mine,
Ailing in love and refusing to recover ...

The Beloved said, 'I am the road you travel
and I too am the host that greets you!
When you speak, I listen, and when you think, I know ...
When you flee, I am your refuge, and as your refuge ...
I am your shelter.

All your prayers are heard, and all your hopes fulfilled ...
Be therefore in My presence!

Someone bewildered by this love
is like a bird that leaves its nest in search of food,
and having found none, cannot find its way back to its nest!

I heard His voice in my heart; 'I am the Living who never dies ...'
I said; take me, love, to that place where You are
and I am not.

Then I heard His response,

and was summoned to His presence.
He greeted me, ... finally! He took me as His friend!

I then beheld His abode of excellence ...

But by the time I reached it, there was nothing left of me.
Nowhere I could find myself ...

Most have faith in the holy books ...
but lovers unravel themselves!

Drenched in love
My Beloved whispered into my heart
'The one who seeks Me, only seems to exist;
for this journey is from god to God ...'

On my way back home,
I asked a friend which was the best way ...
He said, 'Choose surrender and your journey will be short'.

When love blossomed,
it brought forth the most beautiful death,
like branches that bring forth flowers in the spring ...

The pain of a lover's heart is felt high in the heavens ...
And were the earth to know, the skies would collapse ...

This love turned me into barren dust,
and an immense wind filled the sky,
I was nowhere to be found ...

My heart is an ocean and my tongue is its shore.
The ocean speaks …

On the journey to God
I was shown the path of longing
I was told of its heavy load
and that no one could bear it ...

A time will come for you
when you'll behold your heart as a wave in an ocean
Then a fire will emerge from this wave
and burn all your lesser loves to ashes ...

Thus, the tree of Divine Love is nourished,

by the ashes of all your hopes ...
And when you eat its fruit, you disappear ...

Filled with love for the Almighty,
from the hairs on my head to the bottom of my feet ...
Everything reveals His presence,
and my very breath proclaims; Allah'
' ...

How wondrous this condition ...
My feet are on the earth, but my heart ...
My heart is in a place of which nothing can be said.

I came asking your forgiveness
I know You're the only one ...
That there's no one else beside You
You're the ever living One

All the goodness and beauty

All of that and so much more
I was lost until I found you
You're the ever loving One

There is no space to reach You

Nor a sign on a door ...
Your lover longs to meet You
and to stay forever more ...


2024 - Lahore - Pakistan

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