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COVID-19 and its Mimics

What the Radiologist Needs to Know
Sameer H. Hanfi, MBBS, Tasneem K. Lalani, MD, Amina Saghir, MD,
Lacey J. McIntosh, DO, MPH, Hao S. Lo, MD, and Hemang M. Kotecha, DO

many false-negative tests.10 Current thinking is that the pos-

Abstract: Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS- itive predictive value of CT will be low unless the disease
CoV-2) is responsible for the current outbreak of Coronavirus disease prevalence is high, as it was in Wuhan.10 Viral testing remains
2019 (COVID-19). Although imaging should not be used for first-line the only specific method of diagnosis to date,11 but has its own
screening or diagnosis, radiologists need to be aware of its imaging
features, and those of common conditions that may mimic COVID-19
challenges with imperfect sensitivity.9,12,13
pneumonia. In this Pictorial Essay, we review frequently encountered The American College of Radiology recommends that
conditions with imaging features that overlap with those that are CT not be used as a first-line tool for screening or diag-
typical of COVID-19 (including other viral pneumonias, chronic nosing COVID-19, and should be reserved only for hospi-
eosinophilic pneumonia, and organizing pneumonia), and those talized symptomatic patients with specific indications for
with features that are indeterminate for COVID-19 (including chest CT.11 Portable radiography may be considered in
hypersensitivity pneumonitis, pneumocystis pneumonia, diffuse patients if deemed medically necessary.11 The Fleischner
alveolar hemorrhage, pulmonary edema, and pulmonary alveolar Society recently issued a consensus statement on the role of
proteinosis). chest imaging in patient management during the COVID-19
Key Words: COVID-19, coronavirus, pneumonia, mimics pandemic, which states that imaging is indicated in patients
with COVID-19 and worsening respiratory status. Imaging
(J Thorac Imaging 2021;36:W1–W10) is also indicated as a triage tool for patients with suspected
COVID-19 who present with moderate-severe clinical fea-
tures and a high pre-test probability of disease in a resource-
constrained environment.14 Although imaging should not be
S evere acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-
CoV-2)1 belongs to the family of Coronaviridae and is
responsible for the current outbreak of Coronavirus disease
used for first-line screening or diagnosis, if a patient imaged
for other reasons has findings suggestive of COVID-19 and
2019 (COVID-19).2 COVID-19 cases were first reported as negative testing, this should prompt repeat testing. In all
pneumonia of unknown cause in Wuhan, China.3 With scenarios, radiologists should be familiar with the typical
increasing spread across the world, it was declared as a pan- imaging findings seen in COVID-19 along with mimics that
demic by the World Health Organization in March 2020. could potentially confound the diagnosis.
Similar to other respiratory viral illnesses, COVID-19
most commonly presents with symptoms of fever, fatigue,
cough, and dyspnea.4,5 Severe COVID-19 with high mortality IMAGING FINDINGS OF COVID-19
mostly, but not exclusively, occurs in elderly patients and Numerous studies have shown a wide variety of
individuals with comorbidities such as hypertension, diabetes, imaging findings seen in COVID-19, most commonly
cardiovascular disease, cancer, or obesity.4–6 The most fre- including ground-glass, consolidative, or nodular opacities;
quently reported complications of COVID-19 include acute with the distribution pattern being peripheral, bilateral, and
respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), acute cardiac injury, multi-lobar.15 Additional findings include crazy paving
arrhythmia, septic shock, acute kidney injury, and secondary pattern, interlobular septal thickening, bronchiectasis, or
infections.4,5,7,8 subpleural involvement15 along with other unclear dis-
As COVID-19 continues to spread globally, health care tribution patterns.16 “Crazy paving” is used to describe the
professionals are increasingly being urged to utilize computed pattern of thickened interlobular and intralobular lines
tomography (CT) and chest radiographs as screening and/or superimposed on a background of ground-glass opacities
diagnostic tools. Data from China emerged in late February (GGO), resembling irregularly shaped paving stones.17 The
2020, which concluded that “CT imaging has a high sensitivity Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) recently
for the diagnosis of COVID-19,”9 but data outside of China published an expert consensus statement in an attempt to
during early stages of the outbreak have been less convincing, reduce report variability among radiologists and to better
considering significant overlap in imaging features that might aid in the management of these patients.18 In this consensus
be seen during an influenza epidemic and, in particular, with statement, imaging findings are divided into 4 main cate-
gories: typical, indeterminate, atypical, and negative, to
From the University of Massachusetts Medical School, UMass
convey a relative likelihood that these findings are attrib-
Memorial Medical Center, Worcester, MA. utable to COVID-19 pneumonia.
The authors declare no conflicts of interest. The “negative for pneumonia” category has imaging
Correspondence to: Sameer H. Hanfi, MBBS, Department of Radiology, features that lack any parenchymal abnormality to suggest
University of Massachusetts Medical School, 55 North Lake Ave,
Worcester, MA 01655 (e-mail:
an infectious process, such as GGO or consolidation.18 It is
Copyright © 2020 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved. vital to understand that imaging may be negative in the
DOI: 10.1097/RTI.0000000000000554 early stages of COVID-19, and that many conditions may

J Thorac Imaging  Volume 36, Number 1, January 2021 | W1

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Hanfi et al J Thorac Imaging  Volume 36, Number 1, January 2021

FIGURE 1. Typical findings of COVID-19. Axial (A) and coronal MinIP (B) CT images in a 58-year-old male patient with COVID-19
demonstrate peripheral GGO and consolidation (white arrows) and right lower lobe consolidation (black arrow). Axial CT images (C)
and (D) in a 62-year-old male patient with COVID-19 show multifocal peripheral GGO and consolidation of rounded morphology
(white arrows).

present with imaging findings similar to those that have been include other viral pneumonias, chronic eosinophilic pneu-
described to occur in COVID-19 pneumonia. monia (CEP), and disease processes that result in an
“Typical” features of COVID-19 pneumonia (Fig. 1) organizing pneumonia pattern of lung injury.
are those that are more frequently and specifically reported
in the current literature. These include GGO in a peripheral, Viral Pneumonia
bilateral distribution, with or without consolidation or Several RNA and DNA viruses can cause respiratory
visible intralobular lines (crazy paving pattern).18 GGO can illnesses in humans. RNA viruses that typically present from
also be multifocal with a rounded morphology in a similar late autumn to early spring include Influenza A and B,
distribution.18 Human Metapneumovirus (HMPV), and Coronavirus. DNA
Although radiographic changes may be absent or mild viruses such as Adenovirus tend to manifest in late winter,
in early disease, findings may change over the course of the spring, and early summer. Other DNA viruses including
disease. Later stage infections (6 to 12 d) are usually char- Herpes Simplex Virus, Cytomegalovirus, and Varicella occur
acterized by greater total (often bilateral) lung involvement, more often in immunocompromised patients.21 Symptoms
coalescence of GGO into dense consolidations that can reported include high fever, dry cough, runny nose and/or
progress to ARDS.16,19 Findings that have been described to congestion, lethargy, and myalgias.22
occur more commonly in later stages of disease include RNA viruses, specifically Influenza A and B, are
GGO with a reticular pattern, vacuolar sign (lucency within responsible for annual outbreaks of pneumonia during the
GGO), fibrotic streaks, air bronchogram, bronchus dis- winter months.21,22 HMPV causes about 4% of the commun-
tortion, a subpleural line, a subpleural transparent line, and ity-acquired pneumonias in adults and in those with chronic
pleural effusion (Figs. 2, 3).20 As patients recover, this is obstructive pulmonary disease exacerbation, and can account
followed by progressive organization into more linear for 9% of infections in patients with hematologic
opacities and sometimes resolution of all abnormalities.16,19 malignancy.23 Coronaviruses initially appeared with the
SARS-CoV epidemic in autumn 2002 and Middle East respi-
MIMICS OF COVID-19: TYPICAL FINDINGS ratory syndrome-related coronavirus (MERS-CoV) in autumn
Frequently encountered conditions with overlapping 2012, and more recently COVID-19.3,22,24,25 Most patients
imaging features with those that are typical of COVID-19 with Coronavirus pneumonias (SARS-CoV, MERS-CoV, and

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J Thorac Imaging  Volume 36, Number 1, January 2021 COVID-19 and its Mimics

FIGURE 2. Temporal progression of COVID-19. Axial CT images (A, B) in a 51-year-old male with COVID-19 performed on day 5 of
symptoms shows multifocal bilateral peripheral and peribronchial consolidation and GGO. Axial CT images (C, D) performed 21 days
later show improving consolidation with residual GGO and reticular pattern in the upper lobes, coalescence of consolidation in both
lower lobes (rectangle), and development of linear fibrotic streaks (arrows) and a small left pleural effusion (rectangle).

COVID-19) will have imaging findings similar to the afore- to peripheral consolidation with air bronchograms
mentioned findings typical of COVID-19.3 (Fig. 4).21–23 Influenza pneumonia presents with centrilobular
Imaging patterns of viral pneumonias range from poorly nodules and branching linear opacities, with or without con-
defined centrilobular nodules and patchy peribronchial GGO solidation on radiographs. Patchy areas of consolidation

FIGURE 3. Recovery from COVID-19. Axial (A) and coronal (B) images from CT performed on day 6 of symptoms in a 62-year-old man
with COVID-19 show multifocal GGO and consolidation of rounded morphology in the right lung (arrows). Axial (C) and coronal (D)
images from CT performed 16 days later show resolution of these opacities and the presence of a thin subpleural line in the right upper
lobe (arrows).

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Hanfi et al J Thorac Imaging  Volume 36, Number 1, January 2021

avian subtype (H5N1, H7N9) pneumonias can undergo

pseudocavitation and pneumatocele formation and may be
associated with lymphadenopathy.26
HMPV pneumonia shows multifocal consolidation on
chest radiographs. On CT, HMPV pneumonia manifests as
GGO, small centrilobular nodules, and multifocal areas of
consolidation in a bilateral asymmetric distribution.21–23
Many patients with HMPV do not undergo imaging due to
mild symptoms; those that do are typically patients who are
either immunocompromised or who may have chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease exacerbation, cystic fibrosis,
or asthma.23
Adenovirus is more prevalent in children and only
accounts for 1% of respiratory infections in adults.21 On
imaging, adenovirus pneumonia manifests as patchy GGO,
centrilobular nodules, and peribronchial consolidation.21,22
Sequelae of adenovirus can include bronchial wall thicken-
FIGURE 4. Respiratory syncytial virus pneumonia. Axial CT image ing, bronchiectasis, and postinfectious bronchiolitis
shows peripheral and peribronchial GGO (white arrows) with air obliterans. The latter is most often seen in children after
bronchograms (black arrow) in a 55-year-old female patient with adenovirus infection.21
RSV pneumonia. Although most viral pneumonias resolve without com-
plication, some viral pneumonias may result in significant lung
rapidly coalesce over days.21,22 On CT, bilateral peri- injury with a pattern of diffuse alveolar damage (DAD)
bronchovascular and subpleural GGO with or without septal resulting in fibrosis.22 Influenza A has been shown to have
thickening (crazy paving) can be seen (Fig. 5).23 Influenza A fibrotic interstitial changes after the initial infection.3

FIGURE 5. Influenza pneumonia. Axial CT images (A) and (B) show bilateral peripheral and peribronchial GGO with septal lines (arrow) in
a 40-year-old male patient with Influenza A pneumonia. Axial CT images (C) and (D) show bilateral peribronchial and peripheral GGO in
a 64-year-old woman with Influenza B pneumonia.

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J Thorac Imaging  Volume 36, Number 1, January 2021 COVID-19 and its Mimics

reticulation, and nodules. Pleural effusion is uncommon. CT

performed at least 2 months after symptom onset may show
linear bands parallel to the pleural surface.27
Treatment consists of systemic corticosteroids, with
patients experiencing complete recovery in a matter of days.
Long-term prognosis is considered excellent, although most
patients require maintenance therapy with low-dose oral
corticosteroids to prevent relapses.28

Organizing Pneumonia
Organizing pneumonia is a pattern of lung injury
resulting from a spectrum of causes, such as infection
(including COVID-19), inflammatory disease, radiation
therapy, drugs, toxins, or autoimmune disease.29 Idiopathic
forms are referred to as cryptogenic organizing pneumonia.
Lung injury in organizing pneumonia can be either
focal or diffuse. Injury to alveolar epithelium leads to
fibroblast migration, starting the process of “organization.”
If the inciting factor is removed and the basement mem-
FIGURE 6. Chronic eosinophilic pneumonia. Axial CT image shows brane is intact, there is remodeling of the fibroblastic tissue
multifocal bilateral peripheral GGO (arrows) in a 72-year-old
into normal pulmonary parenchyma. On the contrary, if the
woman with chronic eosinophilic pneumonia.
culprit stimulus persists and there is prolonged distortion of
basement membranes, eventually, organized fibroblastic
Coronavirus pneumonias can result in fibrotic changes after
tissue leads to irreversible fibrosis.30
pneumonia, likely due to lung injury and DAD.22,24 Adeno-
Patients present with shortness of breath, non-
virus in solid organ and stem cell transplant patients has an
productive cough, lethargy, low-grade fever, and weight
incidence of 3% to 47%, with increased risk for developing
loss.31 The diagnosis is made on the basis of a combination
ARDS as a complication of adenovirus pneumonia.21
of clinical presentation, lack of response to multiple anti-
biotic regimens, negative cultures, and imaging findings. It is
CEP imperative to note that some etiologies of organizing
CEP is one of a heterogenous group of eosinophilic lung pneumonia may clinically overlap with COVID-19. These
diseases and can result in an imaging appearance similar to that include infections such as pneumococcus, influenza, and
of COVID-19. CEP is an idiopathic condition with gradual onset pneumocystis carinii, and respiratory involvement in sys-
of clinical symptoms of restrictive lung disease. It most com- temic lupus erythematous and rheumatic fever.32,33
monly affects middle-aged patients, approximately half of whom The accuracy of CT has been described to be up to 79%
have a history of asthma.27 Histologically, CEP is characterized for the diagnosis of organizing pneumonia.29 In 62% to 90%
by accumulation of eosinophils and lymphocytes in the alveoli cases of organizing pneumonia, pulmonary involvement is
and interstitium, with interstitial fibrosis. The percentage of diffuse and bilateral. There is generally a lower lobe predi-
eosinophils in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid is very high.27 lection with peripheral consolidations and GGO in a peri-
The typical CT finding in CEP is nonsegmental bronchial distribution (Fig. 7).31 Unilateral pulmonary
peripheral airspace consolidation, with an upper lobe pre- involvement, although less common (10% to 38%), is man-
dominance (Fig. 6). Less commonly encountered findings ifested by a solitary pulmonary nodule, single consolidation,
that predominate in later stages of disease include GGO, and/or GGO in a peribronchial location, with associated

FIGURE 7. Organizing pneumonia. Axial CT images (A) and (B) show multifocal bilateral peripheral GGO (white arrows) and
consolidation (black arrows) in a 49-year-old woman with organizing pneumonia secondary to systemic lupus erythematosus.

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Hanfi et al J Thorac Imaging  Volume 36, Number 1, January 2021

bronchiectasis and architectural distortion. In addition to aspiration. Such findings are unlikely to create a diagnostic
consolidation, peribronchial nodules of varying sizes can be dilemma and should suggest alternative diagnoses other than
seen in both diffuse and unilateral lung involvement.30 COVID-19 pneumonia.
Although descriptors such as reverse halo sign and atoll Imaging findings that have been reported in COVID-19,
sign were initially reported to be specific for organizing but are nonspecific, fall into the “indeterminate” category,
pneumonias,29,34,35 it is now known that these can also be seen including diffuse, multifocal, perihilar or unilateral GGO,
in a host of infectious, noninfectious, and granulomatous with or without consolidation, and lacking a specific dis-
processes. The “reverse halo” sign is described as ring of tribution pattern. Few very small nonrounded and non-
consolidation around a central GGO. If this ring is inter- peripheral GGO are also included in this category.18 Similar
rupted at one location, it is referred to as an “Atoll sign.”30 findings have also been described in pneumocystis pneumo-
Treatment consists of removal of the inciting stimulus nia, hypersensitivity pneumonitis, diffuse alveolar hemor-
and corticosteroid therapy for 6 to 12 months, and the rhage (DAH), pulmonary edema, and pulmonary alveolar
prognosis is generally favorable.31 Nevertheless, if the initial proteinosis (PAP), which may present a diagnostic challenge.
lung injury is severe, irreversible fibrosis can ensue.
Pneumocystis Jirovecii Pneumonia (PJP)
MIMICS OF COVID-19: INDETERMINATE PJP is a fungus that causes pneumonia in immunocom-
FINDINGS promised hosts and is the most common opportunistic infection
As per the RSNA consensus statement, “atypical” imaging among individuals with AIDS. Since the introduction of highly
findings of COVID-19 (Fig. 8) pneumonia are those that are not active anti-retroviral therapy and PJP chemoprophylaxis in HIV-
commonly reported with this disease and more indicative of infected patients, patients without HIV infection account for a
other disease processes. They lack the typical and indeterminate majority of PJP cases in industrialized countries.36 This includes
features. Atypical CT findings include isolated lobar or seg- patients with primary immunodeficiency or hematologic malig-
mental consolidation without GGO, lung cavitation, discrete nancies, solid organ and bone marrow transplant recipients,
nodules (tree-in-bud opacities and centrilobular nodules), and collagen vascular disorders, and those undergoing treatment with
pleural effusion.18 These are more commonly seen in bacterial corticosteroids or chemotherapy.36 HIV-infected patients typi-
pneumonia, a variety of community-acquired pneumonias, and cally present with insidious onset of respiratory symptoms,

FIGURE 8. Findings atypical of COVID-19. Axial contrast-enhanced CT images in lung (A) and soft tissue (B) windows show lobar
consolidation (white arrows) without GGO in the left lower lobe of an 80-year-old female patient with community-acquired streptococcal
pneumonia. Axial CT image (C) demonstrates clustered centrilobular micronodules (black arrow) in the right lower lobe in a 77-year-old
female patient with human metapneumovirus infection. Axial CT image (D) shows right upper lobe consolidation with areas of cavitation
(arrow) in an 81-year-old male patient with methicillin-sensitive Staphylococcus aureus pneumonia. Axial CT image (E) shows smooth
interlobular septal thickening (white arrow) and small bilateral pleural effusions (black arrows) in a 55-year-old male patient with
congestive heart failure exacerbation.

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J Thorac Imaging  Volume 36, Number 1, January 2021 COVID-19 and its Mimics

cases can lead to pulmonary fibrosis. The offending particles

are small enough to reach the lung parenchyma (1 to 5 μm)
and elicit an immune response.38 Numerous types of expo-
sures can cause this entity, often related to occupation, but
also seen with recreational activities or contaminated air
systems. Many antigens have been described as triggers,
including plant and animal products, chemicals, chemo-
therapies, and aerosolized microorganisms. Development of
this disease is multifactorial, and likely related to the levels
and duration of exposure, type of antigen, and inherent host
characteristics.39 Smokers are less likely to develop HP as
their lungs are frequently and repeatedly exposed to antigens.
The diagnosis is made by combining clinical and radio-
graphic features: exposure to triggering antigen, classic signs
and symptoms, abnormal pulmonary function tests, and
abnormal chest imaging. The sensitivity of chest radiography
for the detection of HP is low and radiographs may be normal.
FIGURE 9. Pneumocystis jirovecii pneumonia. Axial CT images
shows perihilar predominant GGO in a 61-year-old female patient If abnormal, findings depend on the phase of acuity. Early
on long-term high-dose steroids for dermatomyositis, diagnosed disease can manifest as numerous poorly defined small nodular
with Pneumocystis jirovecii pneumonia by bronchoalveolar lavage. opacities throughout both lungs and may spare apices and
bases. Pulmonary edema pattern of patchy or diffuse GGO
whereas PJP infection in patients without HIV infection presents can also be seen. Later stages of disease are characterized by
acutely with severe hypoxia and rapid deterioration of respira- irreversible lung damage or fibrosis with reticulation and
tory function requiring mechanical ventilation, overlapping with honeycombing and upper lobe predominant volume loss.
the clinical presentation of patients with COVID-19.37 Cardiomegaly can be seen as a result of cor pulmonale.40
On CT, PJP is characterized by extensive GGO, which is CT has superior sensitivity, with abnormal findings in
most commonly in a central distribution with peripheral sparing 90% of patients with clinical features of HP. Findings that
but may also be diffuse (Fig. 9). In more advanced disease, can be seen by CT (Fig. 10) include GGO, which can be
consolidation and crazy paving may develop. Pulmonary cysts bilateral and symmetric, or patchy in the mid to lower lungs
develop in up to one third of cases and are associated with an or in a bronchovascular pattern; numerous often poorly
increased risk of spontaneous pneumothorax.36 defined centrilobular nodules; mosaic attenuation; and a
First-line therapy for PJP is oral trimethoprim-sulfa- combination of patchy GGO, normal lung, and air trap-
methoxazole (TMP-SMX), with the addition of cortico- ping, known as the “head cheese sign.” Later stage disease
steroids for patients with HIV infection. Mortality rates of may show a spectrum of fibrosis from reticulation to hon-
PJP remain high despite treatment, with survival rates of eycombing, mediastinal lymphadenopathy, pulmonary
86% to 92% in HIV-infected patients, and 51% to 80% in arterial enlargement, midlung predominant, or diffuse cen-
those without HIV infection.37 trilobular emphysema sparing the extreme apices and bases,
and traction bronchiectasis and bronchiolectasis.38
Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis (HP) Treatment entails removal of the offending antigen and
HP is an inflammatory reaction in the lungs caused by steroids, if indicated. Prognosis is generally worse if fibrosis
repeated inhalation of triggering particles. Chronic and severe or severe respiratory impairment is present.41

FIGURE 10. Hypersensitivity pneumonitis. Axial CT image (A) demonstrates multifocal bilateral GGOs in both lungs (white arrows), with
areas of crazy paving (black arrow), in an 86-year-old man with subacute hypersensitivity pneumonitis. Coronal image (B) shows the
same findings with sparing of the lung apices.

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Hanfi et al J Thorac Imaging  Volume 36, Number 1, January 2021

pulmonary hemosiderosis (13%), collagen vascular diseases

(13%), and microscopic polyangiitis (9%).43
The imaging findings of DAH can vary with underlying
disease etiology and chronicity. In up to 50% of cases,
imaging of the lungs appears normal during the acute phase.
Radiographic findings of acute alveolar hemorrhage include
central and basilar predominant airspace opacities, with
sparing of the costophrenic angles. The corresponding find-
ings on CT are patchy GGO without significant interlobular
septal thickening. CT findings in the subacute phase (within
48 h) include interlobular and intralobular interstitial thick-
ening. If septal thickening occurs in the setting of pre-existing
GGO, a crazy paving pattern is seen. Airspace opacities and
septal thickening typically resolve within 2 weeks. If hemor-
rhagic episodes are chronic or recurrent, pulmonary fibrosis
may develop. Chronic CT findings include regional archi-
tectural distortion with lobular sparing, on a background of
coarse septal thickening and interstitial fibrosis.44
Granulomatosis with polyangiitis (formerly Wegener’s
granulomatosis) is the most common cause of DAH on imaging
FIGURE 11. Diffuse alveolar hemorrhage. Axial CT image shows (Fig. 11). It is a multisystemic necrotizing vasculitis associated
bilateral perihilar GGO (white arrow) and consolidation with the presence of c-ANCA serum antibody. The classic
(black arrow) in a 77-year-old female patient with diffuse alveolar imaging appearance is bilateral peribronchovascular nodules
hemorrhage secondary to granulomatosis with polyangiitis. and masses, which may cavitate, surrounded by a halo of
ground-glass opacity. GGO and consolidation, when they
DAH occur, indicate underlying DAH. Associated arteriolar vasculitis
DAH is an uncommon condition describing bleeding may cause a mosaic perfusion pattern. Focal or diffuse airway
into pulmonary alveoli, caused by injury to the alveolar stenosis is an uncommon late-stage complication.44
microcirculation. Clinical symptoms often include severe On the basis of imaging findings seen in DAH, the
hemoptysis, anemia, and hypoxemic respiratory failure.42 differential diagnosis commonly overlaps with pulmonary
DAH is associated with various disease entities, reflecting edema and infection, including COVID-19. Cardiogenic
several histologic subtypes. The most common subtype is pulmonary edema is often accompanied by cardiomegaly
small-vessel vasculitis (ie, pulmonary capillaritis), typically and rapidly changing radiologic findings, over the course of
resulting from seropositive systemic vasculitides or connective hours. The airspace opacities of DAH typically improve
tissue disorders. Other subtypes are bland pulmonary hemor- over the course of days. Pleural effusions are commonly seen
rhage and DAD.42 in acute pulmonary edema, but they are uncommon in
In one case review of DAH, capillaritis occurred in 88% DAH. Also, unlike in pulmonary edema, radiographic
of cases. The most common clinical cause was granulomatosis findings in DAH are generally not gravity dependent.
with polyangiitis (formerly Wegener’s granulomatosis) (32%), To differentiate from infectious etiologies, the presence of
followed by Goodpasture syndrome (13%), idiopathic fever, cough, and leukocytosis are important.44

FIGURE 12. Pulmonary edema. Axial CT image in the lung window (A) shows bilateral lower lobe GGO with superimposed interlobular
septal thickening (arrow) in a 68-year-old woman with pulmonary edema. Axial CT image in the soft tissue window (B) demonstrates
small bilateral pleural effusions (arrows).

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J Thorac Imaging  Volume 36, Number 1, January 2021 COVID-19 and its Mimics

FIGURE 13. Pulmonary alveolar proteinosis. Axial (A) and coronal (B) CT images show diffuse bilateral GGO and septal thickening
(crazy paving), with geographic sparing in the left lower lobe, in a 28-year-old man with autoimmune PAP.

Bronchoalveolar lavage confirms the diagnosis of DAH. fatigue, and weight loss, which may overlap with the clinical
However, lung biopsy is often required to elucidate under- presentation of COVID-19.47,48 The most common elevated
lying histologic subtype. DAH treatment aims to directly serologic marker in PAP is lactate dehydrogenase. Cases of
address the underlying etiology and usually includes corti- idiopathic PAP also tend to have antibodies against gran-
costeroids, immunosuppressive agents, and plasmapheresis.42 ulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor.47
Classically, imaging findings appear more severe than clin-
Pulmonary Edema ical presentation. Chest radiographs in patients with PAP most
Pulmonary edema is defined as abnormally increased commonly demonstrate symmetric bilateral central lung opacities
fluid within the extravascular spaces of the lung. In terms of (GGO, reticular, or nodular) with relative sparing of the lung
pathophysiology, pulmonary edema may be classified as apices and costophrenic angles.47 Unilateral involvement or
increased hydrostatic pressure (ie, cardiogenic), permeability extensive diffuse consolidation are less common manifestations.
with DAD (ie, ARDS), permeability without DAD, and Chest CT characteristically demonstrates widespread crazy pav-
mixed edema with increased hydrostatic pressure and per- ing with wide areas of regional or zonal predominance, and
meability changes.45 The 2 most common clinical pre- sharply marginated areas of geographic or lobular sparing
sentations resulting in pulmonary edema are congestive heart (Fig. 13).47,48 Although these CT findings are characteristic of
failure and fluid overload. The numerous other causes of PAP, they are nonspecific and can be seen with several infectious,
pulmonary edema include postobstructive, acute asthma hemorrhagic, and idiopathic conditions, including COVID-19.
exacerbation, acute/chronic pulmonary embolism, veno- Treatment for PAP depends on the particular subtype of the
occlusive disease, near drowning, drug reaction, high-altitude disease. Idiopathic PAP requires sequential therapeutic whole-
sickness, inhalational injury, neurogenic, and reperfusion.45 lung lavage, secondary PAP requires removing the offending
Generally, pulmonary edema develops in 2 phases: agent, and congenital PAP typically requires lung transplant.47
interstitial and alveolar. These correspond with imaging find-
ings on radiograph and CT (Fig. 12). Interstitial pulmonary
edema manifests as distended pulmonary arteries and veins, CONCLUSION
interlobular septal thickening, and peribronchovascular inter- As global rates of COVID-19 continue to rise, radiol-
stitial thickening. Alveolar pulmonary edema is seen as air- ogists need to be aware of its imaging features, and those of
space GGO or consolidation.46 The combination of septal common conditions that may mimic COVID-19 pneumonia.
thickening and GGO can result in a crazy paving pattern on Although imaging is not currently recommended to play a
CT, which may mimic the findings of COVID-19. Classically, diagnostic role, recognition of this entity as an incidental
cardiogenic pulmonary edema demonstrates central dis- finding or in the setting of negative testing has diagnostic and
tribution of acute pulmonary opacities (ie, bat’s wing appear- management implications, and public health importance for
ance), whereas permeability edema shows dependent managing staff exposures, patient isolation, and appropriate
distribution of opacities. In most cases of cardiogenic pulmo- facility decontamination. At the very least, detection of
nary edema, associated extrapulmonary imaging findings imaging features that are typical of COVID-19 should prompt
include cardiomegaly and pleural effusions.46 confirmation of the diagnosis with laboratory testing and
further clinical evaluation.
PAP is a rare condition that leads to abnormal intra- REFERENCES
alveolar accumulation of surfactant due to altered surfac-
tant homeostasis. This accumulation of surfactant can be 1. Gorbalenya AE, Baker SC, Baric RS, et al. Severe acute
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either due to overproduction of phospholipids by pneumo- viruses–a statement of the Coronavirus Study Group. bioRxiv.
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