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1. a. i. Importance of mineral deposits to the socio-economic development of Ghana.
i. Employment generation.
ii. Revenue generation
iii. Foreign exchange generation.
iv. Development of the communities and the country.
v. Source of raw materials.
vi. Growth of towns.
vii. Awarding of scholarship to students.
NB: Mere listing – 1 Mark;
Any 4 points well explained at 2 marks each
Total = 8 marks

a. ii. Demerits of harmattan.

i. There is frequent bush fire.

ii. Many water bodies dry out during the dry season.
iii. There is poor visibility.
iv. Many people feel uncomfortable during the dry season.
v. There are frequent outbreak of cerebrospinal meningitis in the northern part of Ghana.
NB: Any 4 points at 1 mark each.

b. Features of a map.
i. A scale determines the relationship between distance measured on the map and the actual
equivalent on the ground.
ii. The title gives or show the type of map. It indicate if it is a climate, physical or political map.
iii. A key or legend explains symbols and conventional signs that have been used on the map.
iv. Derection of the true north enables one to determine the bearing and location of places to

NB: Any of the features well explained at 2 marks each.

Total = 8 marks

2. A. factors responsible for cultural change.

i. Influence of the media
ii. Introduction of formal education.
iii. Urbanisation
iv. Inter-marriages
v. Modernisation
vi. Information and communication technology
vii. Migration or traveling
viii. Religion
ix. Trade
x. Conflict
xi. Research and new discoveries.

NB: Mere listing = 1 mark each

Meaningful sentence = 2 marks each.
Any 4 points well explained at 3 marks each = 12 marks
Total = 12 marks

b. Benefits of adolescent chastity.

• Uninterrupted education.
• One avoids STDs.
• Prevention of unplanned pregnancies and abortion.
• Self confidence.
• Self dignity and respect.
• Keeping focus on goals in life.
• Acceptance by society.

NB: mere listing = 1 mark each.

Any 4 points well explained at 2 marks each.
Total = 8 marks.


3. a. Remote causes of the 1948 disturbances.

i. The Economic situation in the Gold Coast after the second world war had worsened.
ii. The 1946 Burns constitution did not satisfy the Africans.
iii. The cutting down of the cocoa trees affected by diseases contributed to the riot.
iv. Lack of employment opportunity in the Gold Coast.
v. The inability of the British government to honour their post-war promises to the ex-service
vi. Inadequate health facilities and educational institutions in the Gold Coast.

NB: Any 4 points at 1 mark each.

Total = 4 marks.

b. Responsibilities of a citizen of Ghana.

• Defending the 1992 constitution of Ghana.

• Paying our taxes
• Prevention of criminal acts
• Protecting national property
• Voting during national elections.
• Being loyal to the state.
• Taking part in communal labour.
• Abiding by the law.
• Knowing the law.
NB: mere listing = 1 mark each.

Any 3 points well explained at 2 marks each.

Total = 6 marks.

3c. Five mechanisms for managing conflicts in society.

• Mediation
• Arbitration
• Negotiation
• Adjudication
• Peace enforcement
• Peace keeping
• Total surrender
• Reconciliation.

NB: Mere listing at 1 mark each.

Any five points well explained at 2 marks each = 10 marks
Total = 10 marks.

4. a. Explain the following types of constitution.

i. Written constitution: When all the basic law are codified or written down in a single or
series of documents.
ii. Rigid constitution: a constitution which is very difficult to amend. It needs special
procedure for any amendment to be done.
iii. Flexible constitution: When part or the entire constitution can be amended or change
without difficulty. It requires normal legislative or parliamentary procedures in amending it.
iv. Unitary constitution: All authority and powers are vested in the central government. Such
constitution may be written or unwritten.

NB: mere listing = 1 mark each.

Each type well explained at 2 marks = 8 marks
Total = 8 marks

b. Reasons why Ghana Co-operate with other nations.

• For international assistance

• For wider markets
• To get access to international funds.
• For peace and security.
• Benefits from joint projects
• To fight global problems
• Benefits from technical assistance
• To maintain friendly relations.

NB: mere listing = 1 marks each.

Meaninful sentence = 2 marks each
Any 4 points explained at 3 marks each = 12 marks
Total = 12 marks


5. a. Define the following.

i. An entrepreneur is a person who takes risk to establish a business based on new ideas he
ii. Productivity is the quality of a commodity that an individual can produce over a stated
period. Or Output per man hour.

NB: Term well explained at 2 marks each.

b. Challenges of the state owned enterprises.

• Political interference
• Negative attitude of workers
• Poor supervision and mismanagement.
• Nepotism.
• Inadequate operating funds.
• Poor working conditions.
• Bureaucracy.

NB: mere listing = 1 mark each

Any 4 points well explained at 2 marks each.

Total = 8 marks.

c. Sources of funds to sole proprietor

• Individual’s savings
• Loan from financial institutions
• Inherited capital
• Lottery
• Plough back profit
• Financial assistance from credit unions.

NB Mere listing = 1 mark each.

Any four points well explained at 2 marks = 8 marks.

Total = 8 marks.

6. a. What is secondary production?

Secondary production is the transforming of raw materials from primary production into finished
and semi-finished goods
Secondary production involves the processing of primary products(raw materials) to semi-
finished and finished products.
NB: 2 marks
b. i. Examples of primary industries in Ghana.
• Cocoa plantation
• Oil palm plantation
• Timber plantation
• Citrus/mango plantation
• Fishing industry
• Rubber plantation
• Mining industry
• Salt mining
• Stone quarrying

NB: any 4 points at 1 mark each

Total = 4 marks.

b. ii. Three problems facing the primary industry in Ghana.

• Poor road networks and transportation.
• Lack of storage facilities
• Post harvest losses
• Land tenure system
• Traditional methods of farming
• Overdependence on rainfall
• Inadequate credit facilities
• Lack of ready market
• Prolonged drought
• Pest and diseases infestation.

NB: Mere listing = 1 mark each.

Any 3 ponts well explained at 2 mark each = 6 marks

Total = 6 marks.

c. Ways productivity can be improved.

• Labour motivation
• Efficient supervision
• Positive work ethics
• The use of modern technology
• Public education
• The use of agro-chemicals and extension services.

NB: Mere listing 1 marks each.

Any 4 points well explained at 2 marks each.
Total = 8 marks.

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