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Patrimony: The Ancestor’s wife

Chapter One

I wasn't expecting the fam to make this such a
big darn deal, they called omalume and mkhulu
as well. These are the very men we never see
unless there needs to be some serious
reshuffling going on at home. The fat one is
sitting on my favourite couch with his ten pound
head resting on his wife's shoulder sheesh can’t
imagine the suffering that arm is going through
right now, malum'Khethani is doing the talking
next to my mother as always. The man would
have ran a very successful talk show there
never is a need for DSTV when he is around, he
plays Dr Phill; Steve Harvey and Jerry Springer
all at once. Look at him as we speak, there isn’t
a single deed my sister did that he hasn’t laid on
the table. When I grow up I want to be like uncle
Khethani we don’t bring any thing onto the table
instead we wait for you to set it up nice and
come hammering the table down with a
bulldozer. My eyes fall on my older sister curled
in a corner with her hand around her big belly,
she’s cried so much her nose is red and sis isn't
the kind of shade to turn red so easily, maybe
two shades more fair than charcoal.
Do I feel sorry for her? No not really I mean you
cannot let a man shove his penis inside of you
along with his custard and expect jelly babies
instead, long gone are those miracle days
whereby virgin Mary got impregnated by the
holy spirit. Nowadays the holy spirits have thick
veins and pinkish heads.
“Does this man even know uzithwele?”, uncle
khethani showers us with his Tabaco spit. He’s
huffing and puffing as if his wife wasn't part of
the teenage pregnancy statistics.
Eye roll!
“He… he does malume”, Nokwanda stutters,
folding her hands on her lap and starring right
on her toes
You must be worser than Stevie Wonder not to
see that she’s pregnant. Besides doesn’t a man
feel the plastic breakage? The nigga probably
felt the plastic break and kept quiet about it. I’ve
always said the Mthembu’s are evil but only
because my boyfriend decided to cheat on me
once but now I’m certain they really do come
from Satan's balls! Especially that old mean sac
of faeces. Every one calls him Sosha because
he is one, the best Marine there is in this place.
“Uphi? Isibongo esakabani? Uthini yena umfana
ngalolu dweshu? Uneke amasende nje akenzile
lutho akukho ngisho eyodwa inkomo le
esibayeni”, he’s talking so loud I’m sure my
friend down the road can hear everything being
spoken here today.
Thando and I face Nokwanda secretly telling
her to lie about the baby daddy’s identity, she
can say he’s some gold tooth Pakistan from the
spaza and this issue will never be raised ever
again but if she tells them the truth then
uyosuka umsindo. No one doesn’t know about
the animosity between the Mshengus and the
Mthembus it goes back so long that it has
become a generational beef between us. Well
them between them, I won’t let beefs I know
nothing of come between me and posting
videos of my hand around my man's expensive
car gear.
Hell no!
Nokwanda swallows her senses and utters the
words: “Ntando Mthembu”
Thando and I clap before the women inside the
house clap their hands too. Malume is out of
his seat in an hot second, his hands above his
hips as he starts the Apartheid march up and
down the small room.
“Kodwa yini Nokwanda mntanam!”, my mother
is being so hysterical on the floor on her knees,
the same knees she always complains about.
I’m just waiting patiently for her to start
spinning on her head all the way to her
husband’s grave, that’s how dramatic
MaSokhela is.
“Isilingo lesi”, the fat uncle comments.
“What has gotten into you Nokwanda
Mshengu?”, he rasps at her face.
Nokwanda tears up, looking down on her
finders again. “I love him malume and he loves
me too", she whispers.
“What do you know about love yhi Nokwanda?
What do you know about love at your age?”
Clearly more than you do if it took you 4 wives
to find one patient enough to tolerate you till her
“I know Ntando loves me malume, he always
showed me that in every thing he does”,
Nokwanda's soft voice stutters.
“By making you and our family look like fools?
That’s showing he loves you? Bazo thini abantu?
Your mother is sitting here expecting a Doctor's
degree from you and you coming back with
this?”, this family is so two faced, wasn't gogo
suppose to be a teacher? And yet here are her
thirteen children in our living room.
“When you told him about his mess what did he
say he’s willing to do to fix this? Ikinga phela le
enkulu”, malum'Sphiwo asks.
“He’s still waiting for the right time to tell his
parents malume”, this child cannot lie to save
all of us! If they keep pressing her it will only be
a matter of minutes before she sings like the
canary and expose me too. Other than that I
think they are being too extra now, women fall
pregnant everyday out here at least my sister
fell pregnant for a man who can afford a tin of
milk so there really is nothing to be so stressed
“And when will that time come?”, Malum'Sphiwo
“Ask her indeed bhuti, nc”, Phumba says in
agreement with Timothy.
Nokwanda starts looking around the house
again. She doesn’t have an answer this time,
none of us do but we all have the same feeling.
No offense but Ntando is literally softer than
heated margarine, the boy probably stopped
breast feeding in high school, he’d never tell his
father that his penis popped inside of my
sister's vagina and formed a baby. His father
would wipe his ass off the face of the earth like
every daughter in-law that family has ever had!
“Mmaye ibhadi lami, answer your uncle's
question wena doti!”, MaSokhela raises her
voice to the very top of her lungs.
“I don’t know malume”, she’s in serious tears
now, her eyes are puffy and her lips keep
“Don’t use your crocodile tears over here young
lady they will not work for you. You created this
mess and now it is yours to clean. Tell that boy
of yours we demand to have a chat with his
elders before this week ends otherwise, hhe
kuyo juluka umsinsila wendoda”
Thando rolls her eyes. It’s her father speaking
so she doesn’t find all this as scary as
Nokwanda and I do. Maybe also because
Thando isn't in love with the family’s enemy.
The uncles all stand up one after the other and
head outside to probably discuss how to milk
their in-laws. The men in this family would have
made greater gold diggers than most women
out there.
“Hhayi ungiphoxile Nokwanda. This is the last
thing I expected from you, maybe her I would
have understood and never even bothered with
asking who is the father but you? Cha
Did she just insinuate I’m a whore?
Fyi my pussy only knows one penis. With the
exception of toys of course.
“I’m sorry ma", Nokwanda.
“Your sorry isn't going to fix anything Nokwanda
the damage has already been done, now who
will clean this house? Who will cleanse you and
that baby of yours because the father is
obviously not interested”, She is a fine one to
say such things.
“He just asked for time ma please, he’ll come
around and do whatever needs to be done”,
“Gede man Nokwanda! You know whatever you
are saying is not true, that man will not back for
you as much as you'd love to wish he is. Wake
up and smell the eggs”
“Smell the coffee”
She throws me a thick glance and gathers
herself out the room.
It’s just Thando; Nokwanda and I now. We all
obviously want to discuss what just happened
but with Nokwanda's loud cries I doubt this is
the right time to bother her about the truth.
“Are you okay?”, Thando asks.
I look at her.
She shrugs and stands up, brushing
Nokwanda’s back.
“Yeah I just need some rest", her nose is
swollen, I don’t know if it’s the baby or the
crying. We lift her up from the chair and help her
out the house to the OB we share outside.
I too want to rest but I feel like all Nokwanda
wants to truly do is cry and I’m not listening to a
woman cry all day.
“Will you be okay alone”, I ask just to make sure
I’m not creating more problems for myself.
Her nod doesn’t satisfy me but I let her be
“Well Sphesihle is coming to fetch me for a ride,
want me to bring you some thing ?”
Her loud sobs shock me. All I ever asked was
what she wanted me to bring her, what
triggered her to sob like this?
Thando bites her lip, we are the same right now.
Absolutely clueless.
“Kanti why can’t I just settle in my happiness
forever, Nomkhosi? Why does this keep
happening to me every time life works out for
me something tends to go wrong?”, is she
asking me? Oh I don’t have an answer there.
Baby I didn’t do philosophy in varsity, I did
communications same one I fail to do in real
life. I will never forget the lecture’s comments
on one of my assignments: Why not do yourself
a favour and drop out?
That thing scarred me for life!
Every single time I see red ink I feel dizzy ngathi
ngivukwa idlozi.
“…God is with you sis”, that’s all I come up with,
gosh I suck at comforting people.
“I want to be by his side, smell his cologne,
touch his body and lay on his chest everyday
“Are we still talking about God? Because I don’t
think Mary would be happy about that, greedy
bish wants them all to herself: Father; Son and
Holy Spirit”
Nokwanda finally lifts her head off the pillow
and stares at me. Then she does her pig laugh
People I share the same blood with.
“You're so crazy”
Oh yes I’m the crazy one.
“Anyway see you later. Sihle has arrived”
“Have fun"
Of course I will, no offense but my boyfriend
isn't a England High Tea speaking man with
stupid anime obsessions.
“Ha Nomkhosi you are so mean!”, a pillow hits
the back of my head.
“You deserve it gosh you are so rude. And for
your information he isn't obsessed with anime,
he’s a graphic designer by profession”, I know
she’s probably rolling her eyes at me.
“Doesn’t change the fact that he has a Spider-
Man underwear”, Oh God please shut me up.
I can’t hold in my laugh, she looks absolutely
gobsmacked. One thing I love about my man?
he'll deliver me the morning gist; afternoon
scandals and night affairs from bottom to the
That’s how we high tea.
I want to tell her it’s not a bad thing but then
that would be a lie, a huge lie and my sister
hates liars.
“I hope Sihle bites your tongue when you kiss!”
If only she knew I date the Woolworths of
kissers! I swear a man that smokes weed is just
the best kisser naturally.


He parked three houses down the road near the

spaza shop for a reason. I told him my brother
is coming back today from camp today and he
said he isn't taking chances. The last time they
met, Sihle left with a busted lip and Sthembiso
had a botched jaw.
He opens the door for me as soon as he sees
me approaching the car, I get a bit surprised
that this isn’t the polo I am use to. This is the
merc he never uses. Rich people problems hey.
“Hawu akusabingelelwa? ang'lalanga nawe”, in
his best Nicki Minaj moods today? The weed
must have been good.
“You could greet too you know just like how no
one told you to fuck another girl", I put on the
seat belt and launch my back on the elevated
“Not this again. Sthandwa sami I told you it was
a mistake”
“Of course. The rats came and pulled down your
pants by mistake, wind blew you on top of her
and unstripped her clothes. Somehow the
neighbours short boys pulled your penis out and
stuck it into her vagina. Voila”
His bloodshot eyes droop on me. But he’s
smiling, he shouldn’t be smiling at me im angry.
He should be crying like all sensible men!
“I love you”, sly fox thinks he little long deep
pothole on his cheek will make me sing to the
fish. Mxm.
“Hhayi-bo I said Ngiyakuthanda”, he grips my
earlobe with his teeth and blows hot air on my
neck. Chills freeze my body over.
“Must I rim your butt hole for that?”, I angrily
cross my arms across my chest and he smiles
even more.
“The house is clear today”, he winks and pulls
his bottom lip from between his teeth.
The uncomfortable stickiness inside my panties
causes me to moan unintentionally.
“No I have other plans for us today”, I sulk.
He gives me a grin, “Mxm, you’re no fun at all.
Where do you want us to go Mi amor?”
I frown at him and he laughs.
“Relax I didn’t swear you baby hawu”, I hope he
“Just drive, I’ll direct you”
He laughs, the sexiest thing one can ever listen
to. It’s so contagious without warning nje I melt.
“How romantic. You re not planning on killing
me are you? What happened with sandiswa was
never meant to happen Khosi, I promise I’d
never put you through that again. I just failed to
be a man and stand my ground. I’m sorry”
“And what happens next time you fail to stand
your ground?”
“There won’t be a next time so don’t even think
about it please. You're everything I wanted and
more … with a few disorders here and there”, I
slap his arm playfully.
“Cheat and you’ll see what Fort Napier is”
He laughs again.
“No thanks ma’am”

After a good long drive of us talking about

random things and whatever it is that needs to
happen with Nokwanda and Ntando. We finally
reach where I wanted us to go for today.
Sihle looks around the place in horror.
“What is this place for vele?”, he asks
examining the weird surroundings. He can’t tell?
“Come. Follow me”
He gives me a sceptical frown but gets out the
car anyway. We don’t walk for that long before
we are standing in front of a dug up grave. His
eyes bulge out at me.
“Yes this is your future grave site if you choose
to hurt me again. And see there by that tree will
be your brother's body if he doesn’t fix his mess
and relieve my sister of all these burdens on her
His mouth is dry from the all the air passing
through his mouth. He assumed I was over it?
No never.
“You love it?”
He nods so quick.
“Good. Can we go eat something, I'm hungry”,
honestly I didn’t even care enough to wait for
the food to be prepared at home, I don’t have
that kind of energy to deal with those people…
until my next financial crisis of course.

Anyway, I go by the name Nomkhosi Mshengu

the daughter of Agnes the witch Sokhela and
whoever the father of half of this village was.
and this is the horror of my life.
Patrimony: The Ancestors wife
Chapter Two

The car pulls up at a beautiful six corner house,
high pure white walls, big aluminium windows
and a cute sliding door. It’s so rare to see
double story houses in this side of our village
and rumours spread like wild fire – rarely ever
false. So I had to ask for arguments sakes you
“C’mon let’s go”, he says unclipping my seat
I don’t dare move, I don’t even fart. Why are
there tall black men standing with rifles outside
a village homestead?.
He rolls down a window and rubs his nose.
It didn’t smell that bad, I only let out a pppffff
not a brrrrr. So dramatic!
“Why is your house so big? Do you …”, he
frowns at me. Why are we being so difficult he
obviously knows where I’m going with this.
“I won’t be leaving this gate with missing body
parts will I?”, I’ve heard a lot of stories about the
Mthembus and never cared to fish for more
because truth is dating broke men sucks and
I’ve had it with the amagwinya dates at the
same time finding a worthy rich man isn’t easy
either so I blinded my eyes and let God take the
Sihle looks overly offended by my question
when he re ally shouldn't. he knows me mos, till
this day my lectures cringe at the site of me
entering their classrooms.
I have the biggest dumb mouth… right after our
“People are talking out there Sihle, all the
daughters in-law of this family just vanish into
thin air after a couple of weeks what do you
want me to say?”
He pops his eyes out and I pop mine out too,
we're both shocked. He is shocked at what I
said and I’m shocked I said what I said out loud.
These ‘in my head’ conversations aren’t so … in
my head anymore.
“Khosi”, it’s like he’s gasping for air. Well to deal
with me he might as well get himself an oxygen
“What? I’m not judging you. I just want to know
if that will be the case with me too", I shrug care
“Who said you’ll be a daughter in-law of this
family in the future?”
Bloody toe of Israel!
How dare he say that to me after he promised
me marriage the first day we started dating.
You cannot provoke me by courting me for
months then when I give you the chance you’ve
been bugging me for you tell me you won’t
marry me. That’s nonsense and I won’t have it!
I watch him furiously as he opens his door, his
foot steps out the car and then stops and looks
at me.
“Aren’t you coming?”, he asks.
“No I’m waiting for the Mthembu ghosts to drag
me out the car”, my arms cross over my chest
and I look the other way in fury. I’m not deeply
angry, it takes the earth and the moon to make
me angry but I love his attention and I love
when he simps over me it gives me a little hope
that he isn't going to play me if he knows I won’t
hhesitate to walk away even though I know I’ll
stay with him forever… for as long as there is
money and good sex there is love.
“I’m not playing Khosi I’ll leave you here all by
“Hamba phela. I said I'm hungry and sbwl
McDonald's, I don’t think McDonald's has
upgraded to a mansion in the bundus. So why
am I here?”
“Nomkhosi”, is he trying to scare me now? Oh
my god I’m so afraid!
“Go, you said you’re gonna go so go”
I get the shock of my life when he actually does
go out the car without even looking at me or say
I must follow him when I’m done.
Mxm he must not know me, I’ll stay here till I
blend in with the car seats if needs be.
But it's so chilly in here and there is no heater in
this car … let me rephrase the sentence actually,
I do not know where to touch.
I lay back on the seat and take off the jacket on
me and throw it over my shoulders and sleep. I
should starve to death that’s what Sihle is
saying. The Mthembus are rubbish bins man!
I can’t stop tossing on this darn couch, I open
my eyes and look around. It’s getting dark and
chillier. There is the devil standing by the porch
looking all yummy, he’s looking at me as if he
cares about me. Trash!
I’m not interested on his face though I’m
focused on that sandwich on his hand, it looks
so damn good! My mouth waters and my chin
catches the drool before it hits his expensive
I hear my belly growl.
“Don’t even think about it this is about woman
power, standing for equality, Winnie Mandela
type of stuff so don’t even dare me”
What’s he looking at me weird for? When
deprived of food you start to hallucinate.
Sihle goes back inside again and closes the
door on top of that. Might as well make myself
comfy. I hold the thing at the roof of the car
trying to sit properly but the thing just breaks
and a heavy metal lands on my lap. I freeze in
the midst of realizing the thing I resent most in
this world is sitting on my lap. My mother’s
killer is sitting on my lap.
My lips shake and my hands follow shortly after,
I want to grab the thing throw it out the window
but I choose not to do that.

The house is quite fresh, very bright and white,

too much lighting though. I was towards where
the voices are coming from. The kitchen?
“I hope you took care of what your father said
take care of instead of galvanizing with your
charity case”, I’m the charity case? Let her
speak one more shit about me and she will be
asking for a charity.
“Don’t call my girlfriend that, she has a name”
“And no status. What are people going to say
walking around with a Mshengu girl in your
arm?”, is this bitch for real?
“The same thing they said when they found out
you’re shagging within your great grandfather’s
generation”, oops, my mind did that again.
She turns her head to me and lifts the wine
glass off the table.
“Excuse me?”
“I said at least I didn’t barter my child for a coin
and a 60 years old man with a wrinkly penis”,
before I can even match out what is happening
before me, Sihle is shielding me from the sick
woman’s wine glass.
“Candice stop!”
“Yes warn her before she lands in house
community service picking up her teeth from
the floor”
“Nomkhosi man!”
I’m a woman, I have an endless supply of tears
in me. I start blinking rapidly, soaking in my
“Baby come on please don’t do that, don’t cry. I
didn’t mean to shout at you”, he’s touching me
so good I almost fall pregnant right on the spot.
Until he touches the weapon in my hands.
“Khosi yini le?”, it’s his weapon why am I being
questioned for it?
“You tell me what it is and what it’s doing inside
your car. Sihle you told me there is no shady
business in your family”
I hear the witch do a long exhale behind him,
she murmurs some thing and vanishes from
our faces. Thank goodness I was starting to
see weird shit.
“It’s not what you are thinking in your head. I
use that gun for protection”
“Against What?”, I clap fast.
“Violence and thieves, Khosi I wasn’t lying to
you honestly. There is nothing to worry about”
I give him one deep in and out check, checking
his system and his eyes deeply. I don’t believe a
thing he is saying but it’s fine if he’s messing
with me.
“Remember you have a grave with your name
on it neh”, he gulps down his spit and his eyes
water. So he is lying.
“When you are finished causing drama in my
house, Sphesihle don’t forget to fetch Snothile
from the airport, Mvelase will be here in any
moment”, Candice eyayitheni yona le. I have
never liked her from when I saw her for the first
time on TV on that interview regarding the
bridge her husband offered to build.
“Who is Snothile”, I ask with an attitude, it
comes so quick and unexpectedly.
“My brother's girlfriend”, he says, snatching the
gun from me and putting it behind his pants.
“Are you her chauffer?”, he doesn’t say anything,
I widen my eyes at him.
“Kodwa MaMshengu”, he sighs and takes my
hand into his, “Are you still hungry?”
“No but clearly you’re craving your soil already”
“It’s not like that. He is on a business deal with
one of the most important partners we have.
Baba wanted to meet her before the lobola
negotiations take place”, Oh they do know how
to do right by their wives?
“We should pick up my sister too, you see?...”
“I don…”
I lift my finger up and dial my sister, she
answers quicker than I expected.
“Babe, I’m on my way to fetch you for dinner at
your in-laws. Be ready okay?”
“Nomkhosi what are you talking about?”
“You’ll be ready in 10? Good”
I drop the call and look at Sihle’s wide open
He’s laughing at least. It’s funny he thinks I’m
bluffing right now, I’m far from it.
“So what’s the theme?”, I ask peering up to him.
“Are you serious?”
“Wanna die?”
He immediately shakes his head and proceeds
with me out the house as a décor van rides in.
it’s that serious?


I’ve felt so drained ever since the ‘parent

meeting’. This whole pregnancy has become
rougher than what I had anticipated and I don’t
think I can handle all that it comes with, I’m not
as strong as Nomkhosi and I’m certainly not
that courageous. Ma is right when she says I’m
the least to disappoint her mainly because I
was trained to kiss my parent's feet for as long
as I live whereas Nomkhosi did what Nomkhosi
wanted without a single care in the world and
daddy let her explore all the wrongs and bad
choices I was told to stay away from.
And I did do that until obviously I met Ntando
and in my defence I wasn't aware of his identity
until I was so in love that nothing else seemed
to matter besides him. Is he shady? Hell yes
especially about his past and whatever caused
his family to resent mine. But one thing is for
sure the man has proved love to me in so many
languages than I can…
“Who is it?”, I ask after the sound of my window
being tapped. I can’t hear anything for a while
then the banging begins again.
“Khosi is that you?”, I whisper softly,
approaching the window with my gown in my
hand. See what I mean? Mrs Fierce.
I almost land on my butt on the floor.
“Sthandwa sami”, he’s smiling at a time like this?
“Are you on drugs?”, my inner lover wants to
smile and jump on him in a fit of happiness but
the fucked up woman scorned in me is telling
me to call my uncles.
“I came to see you since you decided to ghost
me on”, I didn’t ghost him geez the
“I never ghosted you I just had a data crisis.
What do you want?”, it’s the hormones talking
and he’s fully aware hence the beautiful
bouquet being thrown my direction.
“To see you themba lami. I brought your
favourite”, he grins and whips out his penis
from his pants.
Men are unbelievable!
“I can’t believe you still have time to play and
mess around with me Ntando when my parent’s
basically want to skin you alive”
His smile falls but not in his eyes, he’s just
forever glowing.
I believe his mother would be heavily proud of
him wherever she may be. Ntando is the panicle
of a good son, he does charity work; he donates
to so many people in the village; he does
community benefiting campaigns and not to
mention his devotion to God. There really are
angles that we are living with in this world and
I’m thankful to say I'm one of the lucky ladies
blessed with such.
“Matefa wami, let it all out on your man’s chest”,
he whispers sweetly in my ear and without any
hesitation I burst out in tears, still keeping the
sobs low enough to not escape the walls of this
I can’t help but notice the foul smell on his body,
Ntando never smells anything other than creed
and Neiva Men.
“Why do you stink so much?”
After he sniffs himself he says, “Things we do
for love”, with a small smirk.
He jumped my father’s fence? Doesn’t he get
tired of getting on my family’s bad side?
“Enough about that. Why were you upset
Now that the worst is over I regret all the
attitude I gave him when he called. It wasn’t my
intention to sound like a spoilt brat, I do
understand there are things a man is entitled to
do like work.
“It’s in the past don’t focus on that so much”
He takes me by the chin and totally steals away
my soul in a kiss of passion. We both stop and
laugh. Our noses always get in the way.
“If something is bothering you big or small, past
or future I want to know about it so I can make
it all better you see”
Here it goes.
“I don’t want to stress you out but my uncles
are pressing on the baby issue Babe, they want
a way forward and they want it fast”
Out goes the loving man I saw a second ago. I
don’t get why the mention of my family makes
his body jilt like this.
“I don’t owe them shit”, Ntando.
“It’s you whom I wronged hence only you will
have the right to make decisions regarding our
baby, they must fuck off our love life and focus
on their decaying crop”
This is a good time to dissolve into thin air and
act as if I never heard him say that.
“Look baby I'm sorry for my language but for as
long as my mother’s blood is in their hands
there is nothing I owe to them not even respect”,
he’s so scary, he means all that he is saying. I
still don’t understand what my family had to do
with mother dying, didn’t she drown?
“But Mvelase, your mother drowned how is that
“The river banks weren’t suppose to stay there
should've been a wall instead to separate the
river banks from the roads and one night it was
raining …”, I quickly place my finger on his lips. I
couldn’t hear more.
“My father gathered the community to stop that
project from continuing?”
He nods his head slowly, fresh tears streaming
down his cheeks. The Mshengus are so selfish!
Lives were lost just for their points to be proven
over the community? Sies!
All this while painting Ntando as the devil kanti
no. I doubt I’d find any comfort facing any
Mthembu now.
“So that’s why your father doesn’t want to see
my face?”
He nods again. “Yes".
I better tell Nomkhosi to get the hell out of that
house before she embarrasses herself and our
family too. Not that she'd listen but as long as I
told her.
Patrimony: The Ancestors wife
Chapter Three

He is smoking hot in lividness!
These Mshengu women are beginning to ride
on his last nerve! He has left Nokwanda in such
a haste from the minute she reported what
crazy plans her sister has at his home. When he
reaches the yellow spaza situated a few miles
away from the Mthembu homestead he spots a
black 4x4 speeding towards the black big gates.
There is no doubt in his mind that that is his
father, four cars and the man only ever rides the
4x4 Ranger that no one other than his wife is
allowed to touch.
Ntando abruptly searches for Sihle’s car on the
drive way.
“Oh fuck", he releases a low grunt. As always he
has to sweep after the mess maker, Ntando
pulls out his phone and speedily dials Mvelase's
number on his screen. His day just can’t get any
better hey? First it’s the self entitled Mshengu
uncles wanting to pull him by nose and suck his
family of more than it has already then he was
denied sex and now he has to put up with Sihle
and siren girlfriend.
His father answers the phone at some point
and luckily his car hasn’t drove in yet.
“Hello?”, crap!
He is not in the mood is he?
“Eish baba I have a minor situation here”,
Ntando scratches his head. Lying to his father
is some thing he is still working on till this day,
with the help of his brother of course.
“And what am I expected to do with that
information son?”, there goes the business man
in him.
Ntando bites his bottom lip thinking of a solid
lie that could convince Madoda Mthembu to tell
his driver turn around and go look for my son.
There’s little to nothing to work on here.
“This is what I expected from you boys; what
else can a 31 years old man without a wife or
child do in the day”
Ntando is quick to react in his mind but calms
himself before burning himself, Mvelase still
doesn’t know what nonsense his sons are up to
behind his back.
“It’s not that Qhudeni”; Ntando grumpily shakes
his head.
“Stress? Take a shower, dress nice and go get
yourself a nice woman in Club Volt”, there is
somewhat laughter in the background, a
laughter he can never mistaken, Somnyama his
father’s right hand man.
Ntando's blood gushes through his veins in
insane speed. This is what embarrassment
feels like?
“I would but we have men my father’s age
occupying those chambers”; indirectly he’s
calling his own father a sugar daddy; which isn't
far from true but it is still disrespectful and
waiting for his father to respond is torturing him.
Mvelase chuckles over the phone, Ntando
“That is true son. Says a lot about my abilities
doesn’t it?”
Somnyama bursts out like the fool he is over
the phone, Ntando cringes and switches his
phone off throwing it to the back of his car. He
can only picture the amusement on
Somnyama’s face right now, dude is 38 and
behaves more immature than 28 years old Sihle!
It’s rather disturbing to see that.
Till now he hasn’t figured out why his father
kept him so close by his side all these years.
Well Sphesihle will just have to face the music
today and learn a thing or two, as long as his
name is kept out of his and his girlfriend's
mouth there will be peace. He drives in shortly
after his father drives in and as he pictured,
Somnyama steps out the car still in stiches he
even bends over with his palms on his knees
trying to breath. Mvelase pats him on the back
with the widest grin on his face and walks
towards the house.
Ntando eyes Somnyama on his way after his
father, there is so much he could say but
chooses to keep peace.
“Mfana ka gogo”, Somnyama greets Ntando
that way since he could remember; apparently
he use to be a fan of his granny although all
those memories are erased from his mind now.
“I will…”, He stops himself mid sentence.
“You will what? Wena mfana kusa fanele sike
sixoxisane”, He says spinning his head in a
stretch. Not to say he is any less strong but
Ntando can never put himself in a cage with
Somnyama to prove any thing! Maybe in a
matter of life and death but not for mere
validation. The man looks bigger than a rock!
Ntando is about to give off his response when
he spots his sister driving in with red GTI;
purring non-stop the kids jump and down her
seats in happiness. He wonders where are the
children’s parents at because as far as he
knows this was suppose to be a small thing but
it’s not about him so whatever.
Bule has always been an on point woman from
the way she use to wear her uniform to how she
wrote her notes, one thing he can never
understand is why she would waste her
intelligence following Ngcwethi’s law footsteps?
She could have been something bigger and
brighter like the doctor their mother wanted her
to be. Or maybe he’s just being selfish in
wanting to make his mother proud through
other people’s lives.
“Sanibona bo bhuti abadala”; she goes in for
hugs; tight ones. You would never say Bule is a
Mthembu; the mark difference makes it
impossible to believe such.
“Nkosazana emhlophe”, Somnyama bends
down to kiss Bule's hand.
Ntando dies a million times watching his
father's bodyguard, a man over five years older
than his sister, kiss her hand.
“Bhuti’Ngwenya”, Bule blushes.
“The war God wanted to create amongst men
when he created you iyangethusa”
Her red cheeks poke out. Ntando decides he
has heard enough and stomps inside the house.
The table is set and every one has arrived
except the two whom this dinner concerns.
“Ah there you are I was beginning to worry. Go
freshen up please they will be here any time
“Where is Mvelase?”
“Getting ready upstairs. Go on go", Candice
says shooing him upstairs.
His clothes are neatly placed on his bed, she
picked out clothes for him as well? Before
going to shower he switched on his phone only
to find zero messages from the love of his life.
He sighs and chucks his phone on the bed
again and walks into his bathroom for a long
“I love you MaMshengu, I love you", he laughs at
his own obsession. No one can blame him
though that girl is fine.



I could live like this every morning I wake up to

a high peak view, fresh room and breakfast that
doesn’t come from maize meal I mean if this
isn’t the epitome of soft life then I don’t know
what is. Waking up to Joseph fluffing your
Sihle finally comes back from the balcony,
forehead sweating and his eyes are red for
“What's wrong with you? Your sisters in-laws
haunting you already?”
He gives me the ‘can you please stop' look and
… funnily expects me to stop. LMAO.
“Don’t give me that look, I wasn’t in your car
window looking at you as if you stole my
granny’s pension fund when you chose to shag
that girl”, if the image has somehow became
blur for his memory I can very well remind him
of every bit of it.
I watch him getting worked up, searching for
something in his pants. A joint?
You have got to be shitting me, he is smoking
9/9 vele? In front of me.
“Are you seriously smoking in front of me?”
“If I don’t smoke now I’ll be forced to pin you on
this wall and fuck you senseless because Khosi
you just… you”; he runs his hands over his face
and looks the other way. I would have preferred
the latter; I could use some orgasm with all the
stress I have.
“You brought it all upon yourself”; I whisper,
obviously my whisper is not the ideal whisper, I
say some thing loud enough for you to hear but
not the rest of the room.
“It was a mistake’, he says.
“Me forgiving you was the mistake don’t get this
all twisted now baby”
‘Stop acting like you didn’t want to. I didn’t force
you into any thing Nomkhosi”
Oh we're there now? Days of our lives type of
shit? Alright.
“That's not what I remember when you came
over to my house grovelling with snot drooling
down your nostrils begging me to forgive you”, I
hold my mouth tightly and curse under my
Oh snap.
I was so wrong there I fully admit it but he
pushed me to say all those things I didn’t want
to say. He hurt me that’s all.
“Baby I'm sorry …”; I try to reach for his hand but
he pulls away so quickly and leaves me
standing there dumbfounded at myself. Sihle
isn't like Ntando, his emotions aren’t up his
sleeves it takes a ton of bricks to make him cry
so when he finally did I just made fun of that.
I'm about to walk away when my phone vibrates
in my pockets. A couple of messages from
people I blue ticked since 2020 and another
from my lecture. I open his chat, he sent a
picture of my last assignment 26/70. I scroll
down to his comment on the side of my
horrendous mark – Do you comprehend
yourself, and he put a huge question mark at
the end. Mxm he can throw himself over the
cliff and not forget to take my assignments with
him. Yazi I’m not that stupid, I use to pass in
grade 9 what changed?
I click my tongue and slip my phone back into
my jeans without opening the other messages,
Nokwanda will have to wait.
‘Mvelase please …”
He walks out the bathroom like a zombie and
stares at me like a bitch. Yho I raised this Nicki
“I'm sorry my love hawu I'm sorry”, I touch his
pants and go straight for his zip, pulling it down
slowly. His body tenses up.
“I want to show you how sorry I am Mvelase I’m
sorry”, I slide the thick monster inside my
mouth and close my eyes. I always see that
long ice cream whenever in doing this. By the
time my eyes open the fucker is standing still
as if he’s some frozen statue of liberty.
“You like that?’
“Yini le Sphesihle?” , a deep scary voice rasps.
OMG his father?
I freak and forget I have a sensitive object
inside my mouth.
“Aww fuck"
Mvelase shakes his head and walks out the
room looking furious. Soon as the door closes,
Sihle falls onto his knees holding his crotch. Oh
man what have I done?
“Are you okay?”
He pushes me gently away from him, geez he
doesn’t even want me to help him. So childish
my gosh.
“Does it hurt?”
‘If you don’t get me ice, we'll be sharing that
grave”, he bites out.
Where will I even find water in this castle?
Patrimony: The Ancestors wife
Chapter Four

I swear on my life this is the third time I am

passing by this corridor and I haven’t seen any
‘small kitchen’. This man better pay my airtime
back man!
He answers me on second ring and
unpleasantly bits out, “Where the hell are you
Nomkhosi?”; I left for three minutes and he’s
still in pain? What level is his testosterone
sitting at; 0,1/2?
“Baby I cannot find a small kitchen here
upstairs, there are rooms only. This is the third
patrol I’m doing by the way”
Sihle sighs; “I said there is a small PASSAGE,
that passage leads to a room. You’ll see a
freezer in there, bring me one ice pack from
inside the freezer”
“Oh … my bad”, I drop the call and head out
again looking for a small passage now. This
family just keeps getting shadier and shadier
what are black people doing with secret
passages in their houses? The passage keeps
narrowing until I’ve joined a completely different
hallway, it’s darker and so damn cold in here!
“Is this where they keep the dead bodies”, I joke
to myself, laughing softly because deep down I
kind of am afraid of whatever lurks in the
Mthembus house. Maybe making it a joke is
what keeps me sane enough to continue dating
Sphesihle. Maybe making it a big darn joke is
what helps me ward off how weird this family is,
how secretive they are and why the hell do they
hate my family? In as much as I am not naïve
but I’m also not ignorant, there is a small of
rotting tin fish in this family and the side of me
that’s always been obsessed with channel 171
wants to investigate what the issue is then I
remember there is no Maweni sifting evil from
my life so that is out of question; also I'm pretty
sure if I die right now I won't make it to the
Heaven shortlist I still have to pave my way
because ain’t no way I'm burning for the whole
of my life.
I can barely handle 34° I can’t imagine being
roasted for eternity.
I eventually see a door, a weird door and pray to
God before pushing it open.
Whew, I can breathe now, it’s completely safe. It
looks like a chill room or something, there's a
grey couch in the middle; a cute glass coffee
table and a huge flat screen TV on the wall.
What makes me wonder is the fact that there is
no window whatsoever, just walls. I can not find
the freezer, all I see are cupboards and a
microwave. I think my ears are deceiving me
when I catch a sniff in the room.
Thought I was suppose to be alone in here.
A minute passes and nothing appears. I walk
further in and shut the door that’s when more
noise begins.
“Holy God do not let the devil get me, I’ll go to
church every Easter torho”, I can’t die like this I
haven’t lived enough. I still want to see the
world and have kids and lots of grant money; I
haven’t even had anal sex.
The further I walk the more I realize I’m not
dying, the sounds are just… coming from a
young boy crying in the corner. I wasn't born for
this, this comforting a person thing I can’t do it
but because I’m stupid I still make my way to
the boy and pat his shoulder gently. He hurriedly
stood up and caged the frame in his arms. This
ain’t no boy it's a grown ass man! I feel like I’m
starring at electricity poles.
“Okay calm down I'm not here to harm you, I
came here for ice for my boyfriend. I kind of bit
his dick and so forth, then I saw you crying and
figured you aren’t okay”
The kid stares at me blankly and I feel like face
palming myself. All that English for nothing.
I don’t have any more words.
Some warm liquid hits my toes, at first I think
maybe it’s the boy's tears but his eyes have
dried up and I didn’t do physics in high school
yes but I don’t think the laws of gravity say a
tear can travel that kind of distance. So I look
down and see the blood droplets hitting my
toes. I look at the kid and notice the razor in his
Oh my goodness.
“Are you insane, uyabhema?”, I would have said
worse but held myself, you just never know the
limit with these government babies. I have
rights I have rights, mxm the only right we had
was to take a poop or pee.
“Leave me!”, he pushes me away from him my
ankle hits the edge of the couch and I topple
He’s smashing the picture on his head and
waltzing around the room like a crazy person.
Then he begins to cry out loud, all this while
bleeding from his razor cuts.
Tjo, do something Nomkhosi girl do something.
“Hey buddy listen to me calm down Okay? You
don’t have to die in silence talk to me what’s up",
I don’t think he’s listening until he stops the
walking up and down and spares me a single
glance. “I … my father… he shouldn’t have died.
They shouldn’t have taken him away from me,
they shouldn’t have let me live in his expense”,
children nowadays have so much anger tucked
in them it’s crazy, is the freedom? Society? They
are too literate to the point whereby they end up
misusing the knowledge being fed to them;
watering a plant is good but giving it too much
water can also be bad for it.
I mean I’ve lost so many things and people in
my life I stopped getting shocked every time in
told something happened or some relative died
then I look into this boy's eyes and all I see is
hate, probably for whoever killed his father.
“Well if you lived instead of him don’t you think
it was all for a reason? God has a purpose for
everything He does doesn’t He?”, I’m secretly
texting Sihle to get his ass back here ASAP
before a Mthembu child dies in my hands.
“I don’t see it”, oho he’s getting weak, I catch
him before he falls and direct him to the couch.
Good thing I watch a ton of movies, including
medical series.
I look for a cloth while keeping him talking,
something about their eyes being kept open.
“Maybe you’re too stupid to see it”, that came
out so wrong, “I mean blind. Who was your
father anyway?”, he must have been a real
superman for him to cry over him like this.
The kid points to the frame on the floor, I can
barely see the picture but I catch the image. He
looks so familiar.
“Was he a good man?”
“To me yes, to the world? no", I place the cloth
on his cuts and compress it.
“Why not to the world?”, where the heck is Sihle!?
“It was mean to him too”
“So he became mean to it as Well?”
He nods.
“Your father must have really loved you kid, he
must have wanted the best out of life for you.
Don’t disappoint him by giving in whereas he
fought for you to prosper. Yeah?”
He nods again.
“What s your name by the way?”
He looks at me in suspicion, do I look like
someone who would chop his limbs and run
away with them to a witch to do evil?
I hate that name; my sister's abusive ex’s name
was Snakho.
“Nice name, I love it”
“Who are you?”, he’s struggling to breath in my
arms, this child wants to die in my arms Hhaibo.
“Nomkhosi, hey don’t close your eyes stay with
me kid you cannot die on me bro your family
will kill me”
I find it amusing that he thinks this is a good
time to laugh. Like he’s not seeing Jesus and
shit in the next minute or so.
“Are you naturally silly?”
I was gonna say stupid then realized I'm dealing
with a suicidal person and I can’t just be blunt
His smile goes away, “Nobody makes me laugh
in this house anymore”, he catches his breath,
“Everyone has more important things to do but
bab'Ngcwethi tries”; yho I don’t even care what
he says anymore I'm stressing. And sweating, I
call Sihle’s phone and it goes to voicemail.
I call it again and it starts ringing.
“What are you doing?”, he asks me.
“Calling for help, you’re bleeding”
“Please don’t let me die. I don’t want to die any
I give him a harmful side eye. “Only if you
promise to stay away from those”; I point to the
razor on the floor.
He keeps quiet and looks behind me; there s no
one there.
“You promise?”
Hesitantly; Snakho nods.
“Okay I’ll be back in a minute …”, he doenst let
go of my hand, “Don’t worry I won’t leave you
here and run away, if I wanted to do that I would
be home by now praying to God to deliver me
from my sin"
It shocks me how he manages to laugh even in
the condition he is in. I rush for the door and
immediately make a run for the staircase. I
can’t rely on Mr Balls right now he’d take ages
to walk to Snakho let alone put him in a car.

Oh lovely the whole clan is here sitting in the

dining table with their fancy asses. Oh gosh this
is not the time.
“What the hell is she doing here?”, I don’t know
which brother that is but I don’t give a fuck at
the moment. I think it’s Candice’s long lost
though, they look very much alike.
“I will kill Sihle”, Candice flutters her dog lashes
and stares at her plate.
“Me and you both”, I murmur. “Hurry up Snakho
needs medical attention ASAP; he’s in the weird
room at the end of the passage”
The caramel dude stands up first; he looks like
the oldest and I know him because the world
knows him. Ngcwethi.
“What happened to him?”, The father is here
also? Breathe Nomkhosi.
“I found him cutting his wrists while hugging his
father's frame”, I leave the old man and rush
after Ngcwethi whose making a serious run to
the end of the passage.
Sihle comes limping, he looks around and finds
me in a few seconds. He sees the blood on my t
-shirt and his eyes widen. Oh he must not act
shocked! I’m in this situation because of his
“Ntando get the car!”; what an order, he’s like
the typical Zulu older brother, you do what he
says or he makes you do it by force.
Ntando swooshes pass me and down the
staircase. Candice keeps ringing her siren all
around us.
“I’ll make the reservations at the hospital”, Bule
sighs, wiping her tears. I’ve heard so much
about her from Sihle it feels like I’m seeing a
celebrity whenever I look at her.
“Baba stay behind, we can’t all go at once.
Snakhokonke will be fine, Candice stay with the
rest of the children”
“No way I'm going with you”, Candice stomps
behind him, at this point I don’t know what to do
with myself, Sihle left with Ntando.
“It was not a suggestion”, He probably is older
than her that’s why he speaks anyhow with her
or he just sincerely gives no fuck.
“Baby it’s fine I will stay with the kids”, so this is
the future daughter in-law? Mmhm cute.
“So will she, baba please”
Mthembu nods at his son and takes his nagging
wife away. Snothile disappears into the house
again, leaving me and Mr mean ass alone. He
stares at me uncomfortably.
“I’m not leaving him alone; he made me promise
not to let him die I won’t go anywhere until I’m
sure he’s good”, where do I get such a crocodile
liver? Only heaven knows.
Luckily he doesn’t say anything. Ntando speeds
in with the car and parks right in front of us. I
help in putting Snakho carefully in the back seat
and get inside of course Ntando raises his
eyebrow at me.
“Save your bad bitch energy for later my boy is
dying”, Ngcwethi says pushing Ntando inside
the car and getting in the passenger seat. We
drive after Sihle and Bule, Bule is doing the
driving I think.

The car is silent and the tension is high. Ntando

keeps glaring at me in the rear view mirror and
going back to looking at the roads. I don’t get
why he has an issue with me yet screams the
same surname I have when my sister gives him
head. Sometimes I feel as though my parents
are right about him, he’s just fake and looking
for some thing in my life then whenever I see
how my sister light up in his presence I think
otherwise. He’s just so damn confusing.
Ngcwethi is straight up quiet, the only thing I
can hear well enough is his loud breathing.
“Bafo watch your heart”, Ntando warns him.
Ngcwethi points to the road, “Focus on the road
will you?”
Ntando shakes his head and does as instructed.
So Mr has a heart problem? Makes sense his
age permits.
Sooner than later we're driving into the hospital
and heading straight for the emergency parking.
There is already a team waiting outside with a
stretcher; Ngcwethi helps them lay Snakho on it
and wheel him away.
“What brings you here, Nomkhosi? Did you do
this?”; I feel like slapping him and running away.
How dare he accuses me of stooping so low?
“Ntando not now, not today please man”, Sihle
pushes him away from me and curls his arm
around my waist, walking inside with me.
“What is it with your brother?”
Sihle kisses me on the cheek, “Forget about
I will.
I don’t stress myself about petty things I just
worry about my sister that’s all; if Ntando really
is playing her his insurance better take a
dismantled body because that’s what’s going to
become of him.

It’s been a couple of hours, everyone seems to

be pulled together, only Ngcwethi seems to be
falling apart silently though. His veins are
popping all over his face.
“Sosha left him with the responsibility of taking
care of his children and since he blames
himself for his brother's death…”, Sihle keeps
quiet and looks to the ceilings with his eyes
getting red.
“I’m sorry to hear about that", I whisper to him
not wanting to trigger anymore tears.
“Thank you", he kisses my hand.
“Are you hungry?”
He nods and hands me his card. I love a man
who understands the assignment!
I walk off in search of a café and find a small
kiosk. I buy six sandwiches and six cokes. I add
a chocolate bar for Snakho when he wakes up,
my guess is its fine for him to eat this or else it
wouldn’t be sold in a hospital.
I give Bule the plastics and only take for me and
“Thank you", she smiles.
Wow one Mthembu with an actual heart!
I can’t say Sihle has one, when with me he
thinks with his dick.
“Here; eat"
“Thank you baby"
I leave my sandwich for later, I have a feeling
my mom will lock me out the house today when
she finds out where I have been till this late.
Gosh Nokwanda must be dead worried.
I’ll bribe her with coke.
“Doctor!’”, Ngcwethi.
“Relax Mr Mthembu, the boy will be fine. The
cuts weren’t fatal; we managed to disinfect his
wound and stop too much bleeding. However
we do worry about his mental state, this is the
third time we are operating on Snakho’
“We'll find another therapist”, Ntando.
“You cannot keep pushing him from one
therapist to another Mr Mthembu that is not
how it works”
How horrible are these people? The kid tried to
take his life twice already?
“What do you suggest doc?”, Ngcwethi.
“We need to bring in a clinical psychologist to
examine him, we'll take it from there. But please
sort the matter prior child services gets
involved”, the doctor says.
“I studied the law for 8 years, I know the drill”
The doctor nods, “Good”
A nurse comes in looking through us all, those
are really confusing eyebrows.
She whispers some thing to the doctor and the
doctor relays the message to us; “He’s asking
for Nomkhosi”
Great, at this point I’m just testing a thousand
ways to die. I don’t dare look at Ngcwethi; I walk
right pass him without lifting my eyes from the
ground. So rare to find something that scares
me like that wall of China.
“Hey buddy”, I pinch his nose.
He chuckles and removes my hand, “I’m grown
man you know that? I’m turning 16 this month”
“Yeah sure you’re so grown. How are you
“I’m not blind Snakho I see that, I’m talking
“I don’t know, I don’t know how I feel”
Oh this boy worries me shame!
I hold his hand and just sit in the room as if
nothing is going on.
I spring off the chair and turn around. Snakho
smiles at the mean beast standing by the door.
Ngcwethi brushes Snakho’s head. “You scared
me boy, don’t ever do something like this
without talking to me”
“I couldn’t help it. I miss him baba”
Ngcwethi gives me the scariest look, I swear to
God I felt my legs weaken. “We all do" .
Wait a minute, wait a minute who murdered
Patrimony: The Ancestors Wife
Chapter Five

He’s standing in the corner of room watching a

total stranger cradle his nephew as if they have
known each other for centuries more than him
at the same he wonders what the hell his
brother saw in this girl? Sosha was the epitome
of strict; governed and standardized, everything
Nomkhosi is not! The child speaks like a street
pimp; her dress code doesn’t suite the trim and
properness Sosha had in every outfit, her mouth
never shuts and when it does she is still
annoying. Ngcwethi grunts. He’s stuck with this
responsibility for the rest of his life? The hell!
If it wasn't for Sihle being the easy target that
he is, it would have been him that had to deal
with having Nomkhosi carrying his ‘my
boyfriend’ title. Hopefully Sosha is satisfied now
and at peace wherever he is. The girl is here
dating a Mthembu soon to get married to one
hopefully and she has bonded pretty well with
his son that’s every thing to be happy about,
Ngcwethi's job is done and praying to God so
are the nightmares.
“Baba”, Snakho's whisper pulls him out the train
of thoughts. Ngcwethi nears the bed but keeps
a safe distance, Snakho asked him to so that
Nomkhosi isn’t scared. That on its own made
him find the girl more vexing than before.
“Yes my boy”, Ngcwethi brushes Snakho’s bald
“I need the toilet”, Snakho softly says.
Ngcwethi's deep chuckle wakes Nomkhosi up,
the second her eyes meet his the smile on his
face falls away. Khosi just rolls her eyes and
turns to the only person that matters right now.
“You're awake buddy”; Snakho has been
sleeping with her right arm in his hold, Khosi
pulls it out and stretches it out. The pains are
unreal. That’s when a mark under her arm
catches Ngcwethi's attention, he wasn't there
when the accident happened but he’ll never
forget how much it scarred his brother. The
whole thing was purely an accident, the wheels
just steered out the road and threw the car
under a bridge and left khosi in a coma for
months. Till the day Sosha died waiting for a
chance to be with the love of his life, he blamed
himself and allowed the Mshengus to torture
him for it. Whatever doomed the two families
sure as hell didn’t show mercy on these two.
“Baba, Sis'Khosi is saying bye”, Snakho yanks
Ngcwethi's hand until he’s out of the daze.
“Mh bye”
Another eye roll.
Snothile is a spoilt brat yes but her attitude is
way better than Nomkhosi's bad manners.
Ngcwethi sighs in relief as the door shuts
behind Khosi. Finally she’s gone and he can
relax now.
“You don’t like Sis'Khosi do you?”, Snakho.
“Daddy doesn’t like strangers and you shouldn’t
either”, Ngcwethi.
“But she saved my life baba and made me feel
better again, I haven’t laughed in a while you
know but she…”
“Slow down tiger that’s your uncle's girlfriend”,
he almost said father's girlfriend and sold
himself to the devil for a night in hell.
“I didn’t mean it that way; I mean she is pretty
but she’s not my type"
Ngcwethi's eyebrow cocks up; “You have a
“Yeah. Chubby; short and dark”
Ngcwethi smiles and shakes his head then
stops and recalls where he has seen a woman
that fits that description before. Maybe dfrom
one of the girls that always visit Snakho during
He shrugs it off, the kid is old enough to take
care of himself in a relationship although the
last thing Ngcwethi wants is for Snakho to use
girls as a measure of escaping reality. That
never helps.
“Yes she can visit you but only when I’m
around”, it took everything in him to say that.
Quite frankly he doesn’t like Nomkhosi and he
has never hid it from anyone in fact he doesn’t
like any Mshengu person including ntando's
girlfriend. They took the one thing that made
sense in his life, the one thing his mother left
him, they took his other half. Besides being 10
months apart, those two were inseparable in
general. Whatever Sosha went Ngcwethi
followed and wherever Ngcwethi went Sosha
followed. The bullets they took for one another
meant more than anything to both of them, only
for a girl to come and ruin all of that
brotherhood. He feels his heart pounding
painfully all over again, he holds onto the
hospital bed and tries to breathe to no avail. He
starts counting from 10 to 1 and 1 to 10.
“Baba are you okay?”, Snakho starts getting a
little scared, he’s clueless as to what he has to
do and the drips on him restrict his movement
he won’t make it to the door.
Thankfully Ngcwethi manages to calm himself
down and relax his body.
His shirt is tight on the skin; his muscles are
pumping and he’s soaking wet.
“Dad must I get you help?”, Snakho stresses,
ready to pull the needles out.
“No I’m fine Gundi. Get some sleep; I’ll be back
later to check on you oright?”
Snakho's eyes water, he doesn’t want to be left
alone at the moment.
“I’m not leaving; I just need to freshen up and
bring you your essentials oright? I’ll be back”
Snakho smiles and nods.
“Sis'Khosi was right. It is selfish of me to try
and take my own life when every one is trying
their best to make me feel oright. I’m sorry for
everything I’ve put you through baba, I won’t do
it again … without consulting you first”
Ngcwethi is gobsmacked, not much at the
apology but at the fact that Nomkhosi said that.
“Well at least there is a string of working cells in
her head", he murmurs. Snakho hears him and
laughs quietly.
“You don’t have to worry boy we're all going to
be here for you whenever you need us, you are
not a burden”
“I am"
“No you are not Snakho! You are more than my
nephew, you’re my son and you come first
before everything and anything else. I love you
boy”, he kisses the top of his head much to
Snakho’s irritation.
“That is gross dad sies, I’m a man”
“Man se foot. Go take your shit on your own
then MAN", Ngcwethi.
“C’mon that’s not fair. I’m not well”, Snakho
points out the obvious.
Ngcwethi helps him out the bed and to the
bathroom. Snakho does his business and walks
back to his bed with the help of his father.
“Are you good now? Can I leave?”, Ngcwethi.
Snakho nods, “Yes I’m good"
“Okay”, Ngcwethi leaves his phone behind for
Snakho to use in case of any emergency. He
won’t take long anyway, just a quick shower,
he’ll have to call up the office and tell them he is
all caught up in the moment so they must find
his interns and give them his files. Oh there is
the Snothile issue again.
Whew, the things Sosha made him do!


What is she doing here?

Ngcwethi thinks about running off and leaving
her in the rain however taking into consideration
the fact that she saved his son he'll be lenient
and offer her the lift.
Khosi almost breaks his door trying to open it,
in a touch of a button the door opens.
“Oh it’s one of the fancy ones, oouu I love
dealing with a rich nigga”, she makes the
weirdest growl that sends Ngcwethi's mind
“Your brother left me behind can you imagine
that, how rude”, the blabbermouth says, moving
around smearing her wet clothes all over.
Ngcwethi tries to remain calm and quiet,
counting in his head.
“I feel like that boy needs to understand that I
do not mind dating his daddy, more money less
problems so tell him not to test me”, she waves
her warning finger on his face, it takes
everything in him not to grab it and break it.
Khosi finally keeps quiet for only a minute then
looks at the straight faced driver, “You’re so
weird. I don’t get why God makes the handsome
ones weird”
“And I don’t get why He makes he dumb ones
Loud”; Ngcwethi.
“I don’t know either, I guess I’m the only
exception”, smart mouth Ngcwethi thinks to
“Soooo Snothile is your girlfriend?”
Khosi widens her eyes.
Darn it!
“It’s none of your business”, Ngcwethi.
“You've provoked me already so out with it. Is it
like one of those Nigerian movies where you are
forced to marry a girl to make daddy proud?”,
when will be reach her home so she can stay
the hell away from forever?
“Yes", it's weird that he bothers to answer
maybe he knows even if he doesn’t say
anything she’ll keep talking.
“That’s sad. I don’t think that should be fair I
mean did you force your father to marry a
woman three times younger than his last born
Rude too? Wow Sosha really knew how to pick
“Can you keep quiet please ? I have a lot on my
Khosi raises her hands up and leans on the seat
wity her feet on the leather covers.
“Feet off my seats!”
“I thought you said we must be quiet?”
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. Keep going.

By luck she ended up sleeping all the way back

home. He just arrived and decided to park right
by their gate; Ngcwethi roughly wakes Khosi up,
she jumps up and flinches back.
“It's you”, she yawns.
Ngcwethi nods; wondering what the flinch was
for, he barely hurt her. “You are home”, he could
have sounded happier but she doesn’t even
deserve that reaction from him.
Khosi doesn’t open the door instead she keeps
looking out the window looking scared.
It’s dark; raining heavily and a bit of thunder but
that isn’t what seems to be scaring Miss Fierce,
she has her eyes fixated on a police van in the
yard. Ngcwethi shakes his head, “What did you
do?”, he asks.
“Nothing. That’s my brother's van”
Ngcwethi gives her the ‘and?’ look.
“He's … thank you for the ride", she opens the
door and strolls out the car. He feels uneasy
about leaving her by herself maybe her brother
is an abusive maniac then again this Nomkhosi
she can fend for herself. He waits her to enter
the gate at least before driving off.

Nomkhosi Mshengu

I totally forgot about my brother coming back

home today, in my head it was Wednesday
today not Friday. I know he knows I just know it!
Sthembiso knows everything about everything,
it’s a village cop thing.
The lights in the main house are lit, I just know
they are waiting for me with shjamboks. It'll
take a while to revive my Caster Semenya
because they will definitely gang on me but I
think I can manage. Just as I reach the kitchen
door and idea pops up in my head. I tear my top
and mess up my silk hair, take some mud and
smear it on my body.
I start heavy breathing like I was running a
“Yeyi wena Satan you will break my expensive
Oh please my man’s underwear costs more
than your fridge MaSokhela!
I think of my grandmother's funeral and get my
tears pumping.
“Nomkhosi what’s wrong”, Nokwanda tries
coming to me to soften me up but Sthembiso
sits her back down.
Oh shit!
“Is this the time a girl comes back home?”, he’s
so calm, it’s scary.
“Bhuti… bhuti I was… he”, my sobs fill up the
entire house. I see their faces change to worry
and I know I’ve got this in the bag.
“Bhuti he tried to … they were”
“Thando letha amanzi!”, my mother shouts
across the room and rushes to me.
“What happened mntanam? You’re crying, your
shirt… Thando hurry up man are you waiting for
“Some old men tried to carry me into a white
van and run away with me, they said they … they
said Mthombeni sent them to thwala me”; when
English runs away!
“Ini?”, my uncle and brother stand up with fury
written all over their faces.
“Hhe that old hag must clearly not know who I
am, tomorrow morning sivukela khona, I will not
spare him this time”
I want to disappear into thin air! I didn’t think
this one through did I?
“Yes mfana wami teach him a lesson, he must
learn not to use his old tactics on my daughter
ever again!”
Tjo my problems are accumulating ke manje.
“Don’t worry spinash I’ll sort that man out”, gosh
I hate the nicknames my brother gives me like
what fuckery is this?
I cry and nod, clinging onto my mother.
I feel like telling Taraji P Henson to step aside,
her time is up. Nomkhosi The Boss Lady is in
the building. Mthombeni will just have to forgive
me, I can’t be thin and be a scar face.
Patrimony: The Ancestors
Chapter Six
Balungile ‘MaSokhela' Mshengu

“Mshengu I think you have taken this thing way

too far; you’re selling your daughter to your
enemy for what? To prove a mere point?”, it was
beyond insanity to me how Mshengu was so
willing to accept Madoda's proposal. Khosi
wasn't even 21 at the time, she knew little to
nothing about love or relationships compared to
I hated how my husband’s face would turn to
something violent and gruesome at the mention
of the truth, I knew him I married him knowing
very well how overly ambitious and power
hungry Mshengu can be. Everything to him was
about status and respect, even if it meant
losing his family in the process. I could say I
wish my husband learnt a thing or two from
Madoda in as much as the man was no angel
but everything he did was for his children’s best
interest. Sosha loves the idea of my daughter
being his trophy wife and madoda being the tail-
tail father that he is, did everything in his power
to ensure his son was happy.
“I didn’t pay 11 cows to Sokhela for you to think
you can make the rules in my house. Umzi
kaBaba lo hayi uyihlo”, rudeness was his middle
name, Mshengu spoke his mind at all times and
didn’t really care to watch how he delivers his
words. It made me regret pushing my head into
a marriage I wasn't ready for.
“I’m not trying to step in your feet mnyeni wami
but please think about what you are about to do.
The poor girl hasn’t lived her life at all”, I
thought I made sense, clearly I was wrong.
Mshengu's obsession with rubbing shoulders
with the people in power and wealth had driven
him crazy. Perhaps I was too blind to see that
“My decision is final MaSokhela. After
Nomkhosi's memulo, the lobola negotiations
will take place fodo finish!”, he said and he
wasn’t playing, the uncles were already on their
way to partake in the negotiations. The whole
family would attend later in the same day due to
keeping all that a secret from Nomkhosi.
“Oho I see your cunning ways wena Balungile.
You want to go back to Madoda don’t you? You
want to take everything of mine and gift it to
him? Kukhohlwe-ke nkosikazi! I let you fool me
once I won’t let you fool me again, dare I hear
you were seen with that man let alone carrying
his seed again uzoyikhotha imbenge yomile”
“There is nothing happening between Madoda
and I Mshengu. I had done what you asked and
gave my child away what more do I have to give
for you?”
“You’re a disgrace of a wife Balungile, what do
you think people are saying about me out there
because of your shenanigans”, as if he didn’t
have his own. He had three women whom he
claimed yet never married. Six children and two
houses in different villages and I was the devil
for making one slip up. In fact no, Madoda
wasn't the mistake, Mshengu was.
“Nomkhosi will be MaMthembu kusasa
okusayo, if you have a problem with that gede
Did he ever change his mind? No.
The Mthembus did come and pay lobola for
Nomkhosi, it wasn’t consensual actually she
never knew until every thing was done and
because my daughter trusted that boy so blindly
she didn’t hesitate accepting the new reality as
well. I still say that car accident was no
accident, the Mthembus must have been hell
bent on teaching Mshengu a lesson for not
building that bridge. Nomkhosi lost her memory
in that coma; the only Sosha she knew was the
one we fed her to believe, the monster who
killed for a living and that is the memory that
shall stay in her head. I do not want a single
Mthembu soul next to my baby, she’s seen
enough for her lifetime.
Soon as the first rooster is up, I’m up as well.
Bathed and ready to take on the day. Today
malume and Sthembiso will be paying
Bab'Mthombeni a visit for the second time now.
The first was when he tried to take Nokwanda
as his sixth wife by force and now he’s doing
the same with Nomkhosi. Sincerely I pray they
teach that old man a good lesson because
obviously when reporting to the chief you’re
reporting to trees. That’s how things are done
here you stand up for yourself or get stood on.
“Thando, go wake Nomkhosi up I want her to do
something for me”, I say to the prostitute of the
family. She thinks I didn’t finish school this girl,
I’ve seen her being dropped off by different men
everyday and I’m waiting for that one day where
my blood pressure is high. God shall return to
earth in a skateboard that day.
“Yes ma", she leaves the broom and goes out to
do what I asked of her. At least she listens.
Soon after Thando left the rondavel, Khethani
walks in with his stick in his hand, “Sisi", he
greets me first then sits on the bench against
the walls. I’ve just lit the fire to keep us warm in
the meantime.
“Bhuti you’re on your way?”
“Yes. I asked the boy to load off the things in
the van so we could use it to get there, the
roads are bad in KwaGwinyitshe”, maybe had
the men of this village stood up to Mshengu we
wouldn’t have such poor infrastructure.
“I wanted us to talk about something quickly,
something regarding Nomkhosi”
“I’m all ears Sisi”
“I know it has been a while, three years? But
bhuti khona okushaya amanzi. Everything in
Nomkhosi's life is falling apart, academically
she isn't getting anywhere; we try finding her
jobs but they never last, this Mthombeni issue.
All of this don’t you think there is a reason
behind it all?”
Khethani should know where I am going with
this. It’s always been on my mind I just found it
difficult to accept.
“I don’t think the dead boy is responsible for it",
he says, feeding himself the lies.
“An ancestor is very powerful and technically
Nomkhosi is his wife, their uncles paid the full
bride price”, I have been I denial ever since I
came back from Bhodludaka, mshengu's well
trusted healer who told me the same thing.
Khethani whistles in disbelief. “That would
mean this matter would need to be sorted out
Sisi, ngokushesha”; how fast can we work with
Mthembus? Not so very fast. They hold grudges
against us now and it is all thanks to the dead
Mshengu. He was the master manipulator who
knew how to woe his way.
“Ma you called for me”, Nomkhosi enters the
kitchen bringing khethani and I to silence.
“Yes sisi come inside. Bhuti go well; don’t be
any sort of lenient to that man”
“Sizowenza njalo sisi", he disappears outside
and few moments later we the van roaring.

“We need chickens the ones in our coup aren’t

big enough", j dig up the change lying between
my breasts.
A R100 pops up.
“Why not give me the R100? Time is chickens
ma, by the time I arrive at the Farm chickens
will be long finished”, yes it’s true sometimes I
do feel like leaving at the gate of the Mthembus
and walk away forever.
“Here, R50.come back with two white chickens.
We need to talk to the ancestors”
“What did I do now?”
I laugh. At least she knows herself.
“Nothing. Go fetch the chickens.
She nods.
But is still standing in the middle of my kitchen.
“Can I take the change?”, Nomkhosi.
Hhe children nowadays think we milk money
out of our breasts.
“I carried you for a full nine months Nomkhosi,
did I ever ask God to bring back your brain?”
She gasps, welcoming flies in her mouth. I leave
her like that and go prepare the alter. Perhaps if
we plead with Mshengu to be a good father for
once in his death then my child won’t have to
deal with the consequences of his actions.


Nomkhosi Mshengu

I’ve quite literally never felt my legs shake

during sex as they are now, I’m getting so close
to the extreme enjoyment point. I jilt my upper
body up and wrap my legs around his torso, it’s
big enough to resist my weight because his
strokes keep increasing in speed. I clasp the
back of his neck and moan in sync with him.
This is so euphoric.
“I love you”, he whispers in my ear.
I want to say it back but the pleasure is getting
His hand tightly locks mine in as we thrust
together, an explosion hits us both and he
doesn’t end there he continues until I feel squirt
hurling up my vagina.
“Oh my gawd. MVELASE!”
My eyes shoot open as the cold water hits my
body. I jump out of bed immediately and stare
at Nokwanda shockingly.
“What was that for Nokwanda!?”, it’s 5 in the
fucken morning and freezing outside, I’m quite
tiny for this kind of water temperature! I shiver
on my spot at Thando laughs behind Nokwanda.
“You were busy rubbing your vagina on my
pillows what did you expect me to do huh?”
Oh please as if she never use to rape the
corners of my bed!
“It was a dream?”, I ask, feeling all teary. Those
kinds of strokes come once in a lifetime you
“Yes It was a dream. Who the hell had you
moaning and screaming like That?”, she puts
the bucket down and heads over to the
mattress we place on the floor just in case one
of us rolls out of bed. Particularly me.
I don’t know … oh my goodness I don’t know
who I was having sex with in my dream. This is
bad this is really bad. What if it’s the neighbours
witch crafting methods, new and improved?
Because I sincerely do not believe Sihle would
make me scream like that.
“Hello I’m talking”, she waves her hand at me.
“I don’t know who it was, I couldn’t see their
faces. They were just … I don’t know big and
dark that’s all I saw”
“Maybe isichitho or islwane”
Nokwanda gives her an eye. Thando shrugs and
takes a seat on the dresser cupboard.
If she dares fart that whole thing will go
tumbling to the ground. I keep my silence
though and take my face cloth; sunlight bar and
big towel.
“Where are you going?”, Nokwanda asks.
“To shower. I promised Snakho I will pass by
the hospital to see him everyday”
Why are their faces like that now?
“Snakho as in Sosha's son?”, Nokwanda jabs
Thando as if she shouldn’t have said that out
Sosha’s son? Ohhh yes that will explain the
familiarity of the picture frame Snakho had in
his hand yesterday. Wow such a lovely kid by an
awful man.
“Yes I guess", I shrug and head to my dump
closet. No one really has time to fold clothes, I
stuff them in my corner and cover it up with a
sheet. I fold at least 10 a day.
“Oh okay. Goodluck then”, Nokwanda says and
covers herself with a fleece. The one her sus
boyfriend brought her.
“You can come too if you like, I’m sure they
won’t mind”, I smile to convince her. It’s a big lie,
they might even call their tikoloshes to come kill
“Really?”, she hops out the sponge and sprints
out the room.
Things I do to make people smile.
“Sorry to burst your bubble. Ma is calling for you
Nomkhosi”, Thando.
I haven’t done anything wrong mos. Shit does
she know that I was lying yesterday?
“I think she wants to send you somewhere”, she
Oh okay.
“Should I wear a doek?”
“Did he pay any lobola for You? We haven’t
received one cockroach from him so no”
She can roll them eyes back inside her head it
doesn’t change the truth.
Patrimony: The Ancestors wife
Chapter Seven

He thought he made it clear that he’s done what

he has to do, he’s finished!
Now what does he want in his dreams once
again? He’s still wearing that blood ridden shirt,
grey joggers and a hoodie. The same outfit he
wore on his way back to KZN from Joburg all
for Nomkhosi. He was ready to end his misery
and face reality, he was ready to deal with all
the stubborn Mshengu men to win his girl back,
he'd made a mistake that he'd never forget or
forgive himself for but self blame wasn’t going
to mend things with Nomkhosi.
Ngcwethi walks closer towards his bleeding
“Bafo"; he stutters.
Ngcwethi's hands are tied, they’ve been tied for
as long as he can remember. No amount of
grovelling or slaughtering could get him peace
from the situation Sosha has dragged him into.
“I’m bleeding", Sosha breathily says, his eyes
following the droplets of blood oozing from his
It’s pretty obvious.
The wound Ngcwethi would never forget!
“Ngiyopha bhuti”
Watching his brother die slowly again kills
Ngcwethi much more than before. He'd do
anything to help him only if Sosha just spat it
out what he needs Ngcwethi to do.
“I don’t … what can I do to help it stop Bafo? I’d
do anything you just need to confine in me”,
Ngcwethi pleads.
“I’m bleeding”, Sosha repeats again and again.
His voice reeking with pain harder than the
previous. Ngcwethi fails to keep his masculinity,
tears are burning his eyes.
Back at stage one again, feeling helpless and
“What must I do to make it stop Bafo!? Speak!”,
Sosha repeats the same thing, touching his own
blood and starring at it as though it's the first
time seeing it.
“Inhliziyo yami iyopha, Mfwethu”
The single tears streams down Ngcwethi's
cheek. How could he fail his brother so much?
In death and before death. It makes him wonder
what Sosha would have done to help him had it
been him in this situation. There wouldn’t be a
single day where Sosha isn't going up and down
this world finding a way to rescue him from his
pain and guilt and here Ngcwethi is thinking
marrying a random girl will make the bad
dreams go away and somehow heal his brother
that Sihle is dating his girl.
“Seluleko bafo please talk to me, what must I
do? Marry her for you? Fine I’ll do it just give me
a clue of what to do and I’ll do it bafo. You took
many shots for me, laid your life on hold for me
to heal from my past, you put everything in the
back seat so I can get further in life. I’m
indebted to you, all you have to do is tell me
what it is you want”, what started as a single
tear ended in a rainfall. He’s ready to do just
about anything at this point even if it means
hurting Snothile in the process, she was going
to get hurt eventually.
“It hurts”, Sosha yelps, holding on his shirt
tightly. One of the strongest men Ngcwethi
knows is falling apart right before his eyes.
Weak and dismantled.
“I’ll do everything in my power to help Bafo, you
just gotta make sure you hold on for her”,
Nomkhosi is the last bit of problem Ngcwethi
wants in his life, the girl is a bundle of blunders
and the root cause of all his problems. Why did
she have to lose her memory in the first place?
But if she is the only answer to Sosha's cry then
he’ll suck it up for eternity.
“I’m bleeding”
Sosha's voice sounds more and more far away
as the darkness overtakes the small space they
were in. Ngcwethi is left alone screaming his
brother's name if only he can hear him.

He’s woken up by a vigorous shake.

Snothile is kneeling on the bed beside his wet
body, he looks at the clock on the wall and
“Are you alright babe?”, Snothile asks,
concerned and confused.
Nightmares were a thing Ngcwethi never had,
he’s always been peaceful in his sleep so all
that screaming terrified her to the bone!
“I heard you screaming your brother and
decided to wake you up. You scared me”, She
puts the water bottle on the pedestal and helps
Ngcwethi sit up.
“Thanks", he gives her a tight lip smile and leans
against the headboard, thinking over what he
promised Sosha to do.
It was an impulsive decision that he isn’t so
sure of anymore looking at how innocent and
vulnerable Snothile is with him.
“I asked Sophie to heat up some soup, you’ll
have it with bread right? I think you need some
rest too", she says.
“No I’m fine thanks. I’ll grab something on my
way to hospital, I promised Snakho last night I
will fetch him first thing in the morning. I had
already ditched him last night”, Ngcwethi.
“Babe being stubborn won’t make you feel
better, see how sweaty you are”, Snothile sighs
and brings their hands into a tight lock.
“I know you may not approve of this but maybe
it’s time you look into seeing a psychologist”
Ngcwethi’s eyes swing up from his lap to her
face. Snothile swallows her dryness and coughs
a little.
“I don’t need that”, Ngcwethi.
“Trauma is normal Ngcwethi and trust me going
to a psychologist for your own metal wellbeing
doesn’t take any thing from your masculinity”
Ngcwethi gets out of bed and grabs his white
vest on the sofa, puts it on and opens the
“C’mon babe don’t do that, I’m only trying to
“Lento oyishoyo isn't helping much. Sit and talk
about my dead brother with a stranger for an
hour then what? Sit and account for why I have
nightmares for hours?”, Ngcwethi shakes his
head, getting little pissed.
This conversation is out of bounce for him, he
doesn’t need nor want to talk about it with
Snothile , only his father that to on good days
“I was just trying to help”, Snothile shrugs her
shoulders helplessly and sits back down on the
bed on her butt.
“You’re helping just fine by being here. Look,
Snothile I’m not shutting you out or closing you
off. You wouldn't understand what’s going on
matter how much I explain so please let’s drop
this topic forever?”
“Ngcwethi I was just …”
“Drop the topic”
“Fine. I won’t say anything about it anymore
although I do think you need professional help”
At least he’s laughing this time, “Trust me if I
need any help, I can take impepho nomentshisi
ngiqonde koMkhulu. Not someone who will tell
me I have childhood trauma and need
emotional trauma lessons for R45 000 an hour”
Snothile giggles too, “The exaggeration”, she
rolls her eyes and also hops out of bed.
This should be the best time of her life, being
here with the man she loves, almost a week
before his uncles appear.
But then these things had to come in between
her and her happiness.
It sucks some times.
“I thought we were good now. What's the
matter?”, his open arms welcome her warm
She has her head on his chest and her arms
around his waist.
“We are good. Thing is, I do care about your
family babe but why can’t we just have a
moment of peace and sanity alone? There
always has to be something coming up
between our happiness and your family's well
being. It makes me sad”, her tears fall onto
Ngcwethi's vest in an attempt to hold them
back. She’s a crybaby, always has been one
because her father made sure his daughter
understands she’s glass in this world.
“Ssh, don’t cry. Don’t do that”, Ngcwethi curls
his finger underneath her chin and brings her
face up, their lips graze each other.
“Mmmm Baby kiss me”, Snothile groans,
standing on her tip toes wanting to bite
Ngcwethi’s lips already.
He chuckles and gives her what she desired. A
lengthy sloppy kiss.
There’s no passion but lust is spilling all over.
He cups her fresh bums and squeezes them,
bringing her closer to his front.
“How many minutes do you have?”, Sno
“Long enough”
She’s on her knees before he could stop her.
He'll be late if he allows her to take charge, it’s
his weakness, Snothile’s deep throating skills
make him or any other man for that matter
weak on their knees!


Candice is already on the breakfast table, eating

her grass shakes and apples. His father is
nowhere to be seen and neither are his brothers.
“Good morning love birds, slept well?”, Candice
Ngcwethi opens the chair for Snothile to sit
opposite her future mother in-law, he remains
“Morning ma”, Snothile.
“Ma? Oh please child call me Candice”
Ngcwethi rolls his eyes.
Reasons why he’s never home is because of
this woman. Out of all girls his father decided
why not the Barbie doll that has a Cumbrain for
“Where is baba?”
“I don’t know I’m not your father’s baby sitter.
But I could ask you the same thing, he wasn’t in
bed this morning”
The answer was meant to be simple. Yes or no.
“I’m going to the hospital to fetch Snakho, tell
baba when he comes back”
“He’s alright now?”, Candice. “wait then take me
with you”, her chair grates the floors.
She’s eager to go before Madoda comes and
denies her.
“There’ll be no need for that, Ngcwethi will go
with … Nomkhosi. As per Snakho’s request”
They all turn to the footsteps creeping inside
the house. Mvelase is back.
Ngcwethi doesn’t bother with giving that
Nomkhosi part a reaction, his father probably
knows about the dreams he’s been having and
finally accepting how things should be from
now on since the other jetlag of the family is
still focused on his whoring ways.
“Mvelase you can’t do that. You can’t deny me
access to my grandson like that, for that evil
man’s daughter? Have you forgotten Sosha died
in the hands of that man!”, Candice rarely ever
barks, she’s always soft spoken and … maybe
fake. So hearing her go off for the first time in a
long time especially to his father surprises
Ngcwethi a little bit.
“My decision is final. Son hurry and bring back
umfana, I’m sure he needs all the warmth from
his family”, Madoda instructs his son and turn
to Snothile sitting quietly on the table.
“MaVilakazi", he greets.
“Sawubona baba”
“Looking beautiful as always, don’t let the sour
grapes ruin your morning”, Madoda directs his
eyes to his wife, an unexpected laugh comes
out of Snothile only for Candice’s sharp eye to
cut her off immediately.
Ngcwethi takes the car keys on the table and
leaves, he’s not going to the Mshengu
homestead to ask for their daughter, deep down
he knows for sure she'll be there. There's
something about the way she is around Snakho
that gives him a peace of mind.
Hopefully Snakho's mother is a no-show, he
could use a break from drama for today.


I’ve been sitting on the sidelines for practically
an hour just watching Nomkhosi make a boy's
day by being her foolish self. It breaks my heart
that MY sister had to lose something valuable
to her because of her father’s greed. Sure
Mshengu never liked me much for a weird
reason I can never understand but he adored
Nomkhosi for the most part at least. I don’t get
how he'd be okay with selling her off to the
Mthembus then take her away when ever he felt
betrayed by them.
The first few days she spent without Sosha
were her worst, Khosi absolutely adored him
with all his red flags.
Sometimes keeping the truth away from her
doesn’t seem worth it, it feels like I’m just as
guilty as her father. Especially when her
nightmares kick in in the middle of the night.
It makes me wonder if my child will ever have a
relationship with its father and his family, will
they be as happy as other kids? Or will the hate
between our families rule over the importance
of our child’s happiness?
Ou it makes me cringe just imagining my baby’s

“Where is my Son? I don’t care about hospital

procedure as soon as my son was admitted you
were suppose to call me! Do you know I can file
a law suit to this hospital of yours”, a woman
barges in our ward hastily.
She’s well dressed and smells like a bag of
fresh flowers. In all that it’s her face that has
me on a chokehold, I’ve seen her so many times
before but just could never point out from
“What the hell are you doing to my child!?”, It’s
swift action taken against my sister, the only
thing I capture is the sound of a hand on my
sister's cheek.
“Mom stop!”
Ding, ding, ding.
The bell rings in my head.
This is Sosha’s wife, his legal wife the one who
came before my sister. Nokuzola.
“You think just because Sosha kissed the
ground you walked on I’ll do the same? You
think that gives you permission to play house
mother with my Son?”, she’s breathing fire and
I’m too shocked to think of anything.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, I just
came to see how Snakho was doing”
“For what!? First you steal my man from me and
now you want to take away my child? Soze
ntombzana ndini yevah, soze. Rhaa noba ucinga
ba ndiyi ntoni na Nomkhosi”, nokuzola turns to
me and is probably about to say something to
me too when someone at the door shocks her
enough to keep her mouth sealed.
“Nomkhosi is just as entitled to seeing Snakho
as you are, Nokuzola. It was her who saved him,
you should be kissing her feet instead of the
uncalled for drama you’re performing right now”,
Ngcwethi leans in on Nokuzola and whispers
Khosi and I share a glance. Mine is confusion
and hers is something I can’t read.
“Sorry”, nokuzola bites out and looks at her as if
that apology meant anything.
“That’s not a fully formed sentence, I thought
we were passed this”, Ngcwethi.
She takes a deep breath and looks at Nomkhosi,
nothing lovely about the way she’s looking at
her but least her words are comforting..
“I’m sorry for the way I addressed you, it wasn’t
my intention to speak so harshly. Happy?”
Ngcwethi goes off to sit on the side of Snakho’s
bed and shares probably the first smile I’ve
seen from him ever. I didn’t know he was such a
beautiful man.
“Uh… I’ll take my leave”, Nomkhosi stands, ready
to leave and I’m also ready to get the hell out of
here, I don’t want to raise any suspicion on
myself. Though I doubt he’ll see me through
this wig and hoodie.
The last thing I want is to be a bigger baggage
for Ntando.
“Sit. Please”
“O-kay”, Khosi sits back down, I’m left on my
feet and considering walking out with the angry
Nokuzola but what if she takes her anger out on
me and hurts my baby? I sit back down too.
“Since we're dishing out apologies, I think you…”
Ngcwethi lifts his eyes up to her, same way
Ntando lifts his up when I speak about my
“Don’t push it. You're here for him, stick to that…
“There s nothing respectful about your tone
though. So what did she mean by that Sosha
kissing the ground I walked on? The man didn’t
even know me”, Khosi asks.
“Don’t mind her”, Ngcwethi.
Khosi nods.
What are the Mthembus getting from hiding the
truth? Right now I wish to tell my sister just how
much he worshiped the ground she walked on, I
wasn’t approving of their relationship before
only because I knew he was a divorcee and way
too old for my sister but he loved her. I recall
the first time he came clean about what he
actually does for a living:
“I’m part of the special task force sent to places
like Congo and DRC, Kenya and so forth” –
“What do you do there?” – Khosi.
“…I protect the innocent” – Sosha.
“So you kill people?” – Khosi.
“And children. Most violators are young children,
some 9 and others even 7 years old. They are
taken away from their parents at fragile ages
and trained to be heartless assassins, they
force them to do despicable things to prove
their masculinity in the group. Unfortunately, we
can’t save them all. Most rather die in our hands
then give up the code they live by”, he hated his
job that much even I knew, he used to tell me
that my sister's smile and SpongeBob attitude
framed his survival in the army for years.
I never use to believe it.
It sounded cliché.
“I don’t do it for fun, but I have to come back to
you in the end don’t I?”
“Yes, yes you have to come back to me. You're
the only home I have left”, Khosi.
No one deserved my sister more than Sosha did,
no man ever will. I see it now and it hurts to
imagine that might be me one day
Chapter Eight
Ntando Mthembu

The deal with the Magandi's went impressively

well, we should be getting a phone call from Mr
Magandi in the afternoon to finalize any loose
ends of the deals before sealing it and handing
the documents to corporate. At least one part
of my day went well, I haven’t wrapped my head
around the Nokwanda issue or what my next
move will be regarding that baby, the family’s
already dealing with enough problems:
Snakho’s mental health; the loud spoilt
Mshengu princess and our oil company isn't
pushing well with Ngcwethi half occupied by his
work and what he has to do.
We are just busy.
I’m sure Nokwanda can understand.
“You're back early today”, Candice’s appearance
disturbs me a little. We all know her gold
digging tendencies including our father, in fact
he married her knowing fully well who she really
is. Their marriage was all contractual, Candice
knew too much as my father's secretary she
saw more than she needed to and for that her
mouth had to be shut And since this family
doesn’t believe in killing women the only way to
shut her up was giving her the position she
always wanted: Mrs Madoda Mthembu. These
children take her as their grandmother, the least
she could do is show them 1% the love our
mother would have shown them.
It’s disturbing to see your father’s wife in a thigh
length dress with her breasts over pouring the
cups, no matter how young she is still
umthondo kababa uyahlaba la.
“Your father said the Arabs weren’t going back
any time soon”, she says; ironing her hair.
“Good thing I was sent to secure a deal not
babysit them in their visit in Africa”
“Unfortunate how your handy work will be sent
straight to the dump seeing as the charity case
is here to stay for real”
I pause on the forth step and switch direction
facing back downstairs. There’s a grin from her
that makes me hope and pray she said that to
spite me and feel like a boss that she isn’t.
“Excuse me?’, I ask her to repeat her words
once again.
“If I were you I would consider babysitting those
Arabs who knows you might not end on the
streets like your father and I will”, Candice.
“What are you on about and if you’ll waste my
time speaking in riddles then don’t bother
yourself”, I say.
“Maybe I shouldn’t because vele you and your
big hearted brothers won’t listen! That girl is
busy making moves here, using the children to
worm her way into this house and in this family
for what? GOD knows maybe revenge but
bottom line is sizonya kwaMthembu”, my father
fell into her trap because of this, lady never
forgot her street style in her stripper days.
“I’m not doing this shit with you”, her hand finds
my elbow fast and just like that I'm tossed
under the staircase.
“Don’t be so naïve Ntando, out of all these
people I know to trust you more because you
can actually use your logic instead of you know”,
her eyes point down at my dick.
“The fuck woman, you’re suppose to be my step
“The point is, Nomkhosi is here to cause
destruction in this family”, Candice.
“How are you so sure? Nokwanda tells me
Khosi hasn’t even regained her memory”
“And you are sure of that because?”, Candice
“Nokwanda wouldn't lie to me”
She laughs. A full belly laugh with all the extra
toppings and things.
“It’s 2023 wake up Queen Charlotte. If I can fake
orgasms for 4 years of my life straight up what
makes you think a girl can’t fake not having her
memory back?”, her point is solid I just don’t
like the examples used. Although now I’m
thinking if Nokwanda ever faked me? Damn that
would sting.
That shit is fucked up why would women do us
like this?
“I’m not talking about your father”, she adds to
answer my silence I guess.
I find myself sighing in relief.
Whatever that was about.
“Your father has me swinging on dark
chandeliers before the use of any organ or
muscle, I see why girls date your fathers small
boys lack stamina honestly. And the nipple
licking, squeezing our thighs and stuff why all
the drama? Old men save us from 10 minutes
of dry play and fake screaming and moaning”,
her eyes roll back and the stripper from back
then pops out. The fact that I always warned
baba against hiring this whore as his PA but in
the name of being good put us all in shit.
“Good thing my woman enjoys all that, yeah?”
“keep telling yourself that. I’m just here to
spread my fairy wings on you child, act before
it's too late you hear me?”, Candice pats my
shoulder and strides away, huming that Tiktok
thing: “Ngitheleleni u-poison ngife".
“Who's dying?”, I can tell by the voice that’s my
father. I watch Candice stride towards him, she
puts her hand in his pants and whispers
something in his ear.
Tf, sies.
Anyway I wait for them to leave then I come out
from under the staircase and bump into
Snothile carrying a back.
“Oh hey bhuti. I was actually going to your room,
uhm Ngcwethi said I must pack Snakho’s warm
clothes since he forgot to do so and give the
bag to you”, I wonder why my brother is playing
with such a nice girl's heart, I know it isn’t his
intention to hurt her but Snothile has been
nothing but good to him she doesn’t deserve
“Bhuti", she snaps her fingers till my gaze is
back on earth.
“Oh yes. I just arrived actually, thank you for the
“You’re welcome. Drive safely”
I offer her a smile back and a curt nod.
“You got it”
In the car I keep thinking about Candice’s words,
it could be that Nomkhosi is fooling us all by
pretending to not remember anything. What
could she want revenge for? No one knows the
remains of her father till this day, there is no
way she’d suspect us for his death.
And I have Nokwanda on my side, Nomkhosi
would never hurt her sister like that.
“That girl is crazy though”, yeses.


Nomkhosi Mshengu

I’ve been on my butt for quite a long time,

Snakho wouldn’t let my hand go even to
accompany my sister home. Ngcwethi ended
up having to call an uber driver to pick her up
and take her back home.
I ended up falling asleep on the couch Ngcwethi
offered me, it isn't as comfy as it looked before
I bullied him out of it and I think him getting a
better chair brought in the room was just to
spite me … and it re ally worked because now I
want to bully him out of that chair too. I can’t
sleep in his wooden box!
“Pst”, I call him three times and his eyes don’t
ever open, they remain sealed.
“I know you are not sleeping”, I mutter, trying
not to wake Snakho up from his rest.
Ngcwethi still doesn’t respond. He must not
know who he is dealing with, I get what I want
and I don’t need money to do that for me. I
stand up from the couch and walk over to the
other side of the room where he tucked himself
good in his throw.
For a second I just stand there beside him
thinking how I can terrorize him enough to get
him up.
I don’t get to get very far with thinking, his
twisting and turning bothers me.
“Hit the brakes Sosha! Hit the fucken brakes!”,
he screams I put my hand over his forehead
and he wakes up so fast, pushing me far away
my head hits one of the big machines. I wish I
can grimace in pain but I scream, loud enough
to get Snakho’s attention too.
“Sis'Khosi!”, Snakho attempts to get off The bed
but I tell him not to.
“I’m fine no need to get up Baby, go to sleep",
I’m not fine, when I touched the back of my
head I felt the warm liquid. I’m bleeding.
“Baba what have you done!?”
“Snakho it was a mistake calm down”, I can’t
believe this fucker, this is his mess and he’s
standing there with his hands over his head.
I look at him, “Any moment when you’re ready,
please call the nurse for help”
“Right right the nurse, stay there don’t move I’ll
call the nurse”
“Of course it’s not like I’m bleeding to death and
stuff, I’ll wait buddy take your time”, I can’t even
be sarcastic anymore I want to yell for him to
get the flippen nurses and doctors and
surgeons, news 24, president and whole of
parliament, Nomkhosi Mshengu is dying!
Breaking news!
“Will you be okay?”, Snakho asks soon after
Ngcwethi has left the room.
I nod and give him a weak smile. I better be!
It doesn’t take long for Ngcwethi to barge in the
room again with three nurses and a doctor my
guess would be. They ask a bunch of questions
that by now sound like sirens in my ears.
The only thing I hear is Ngcwethi shouting at
them, “I do not care what you do just do it or
else it’s me and you. Save her!”, call me
delusional maybe the concussion hit me hard
he looks concerned about me.
Wait a minute that’s not something to be proud
of fool, how love deprived are You? Of course
he’s worried he doesn’t want to ruin his little
reputation. I wish I could die for a week or so so
that the Mthembus boil for a while, they always
have things easy.
The last thing I see is a stretcher being brought
in the room and a set of familiar feet, my sister
always shows me pictures of Ntando's feet for
some odd reason. Then I hit a massive black


“How is she doing?”, voice one asks. I think

that’s Ngcwethi, it sounds like him which
confuses me because shouldn’t I be hearing
Sihle’s voice instead?
“She will be okay, it was a minor hit that’s all.
We’ve given her some thing for the pain in the
meantime”, clearly that’s a doctor.
“Are you sure there are no internal injuries?”,
“Mr Mthembu I am a hundred percent sure that
Miss Mshengu will be fine, I have an emergency
to get to Sir I’ll pass by later to check on her”
“Alright thanks”
Seconds later there's a slight bang of the door
closing. Shuffling goes on then sighs.
“What happened? Care to explain”
If that is Ntando then I better get out of here,
that idiot wouldn’t waste an opportunity to end
my life I'm pretty sure I am his worst nightmare
living. For various reasons, one includes being
three days away from exposing his lies to my
sister and his family. I’m beginning to highly
doubt that his intentions are pure, to my sister
he said he’s going out of town for a few weeks
so the pregnancy affair would have to wait till
he comes, as far as I know it hasn’t been a
single week since he told her that and yet here
he is. He’s just a walking red flag right now.
“I’ll tell you later. We just have to make sure she
is fine by the end of today or else Snakho will
lose it, where is Sihle anyway I told him his
girlfriend is in hospital a while ago”, good
question. Where is Sihle?
“Angazi. He isn't at home that I know for sure
and I didn’t see his car in the yard either so
maybe he’s in Durban again”, my eye
involuntarily pops open, glaring at Ntando. His
head makes slight movement and my eye
immediately shuts.
Durban? He is in Durban!?
I am here and yena he is in Durban!
Make it make sense please.
“Bafo I sincerely don’t think giving Sihle the
burden was a bright idea. He’s young, too young
to understand the seriousness of this”, Ntando
“I know that, it isn't easy to just resume Sosha's
role in everything. I’ll get there in another time”
“Problem is you don’t have time. This could be
affecting Snakho more than you think”, I’ve
never been this lost, I give up listening and just
sleep. That rat in Durban though he will get
what’s coming his way!
My mother once taught me the power of
venting to the right people like ancestors and
stuff, I swear if Sihle cheats on me one more
time I will bust. If there’s one thing I’m sensitive
to, it's loving a lie.
Emotions take control of me too easily, wouldn't
be shocked to know I am capable of death
through him. Something about being loved
makes my heart less heavy, I always get that
longing feeling sort of like déjà vu of once being
loved right then I remember the only man I’ve
ever loved decided to fuck my friend a few days
after we started dating he just never knew I
knew until a few weeks back.
Fuck it. I can’t sleep, I have no sleep in me. My
eyes open quick and scan the room, grumpy
man seems relieved and shocked to see me
“Thought you killed me huh? Tough luck, God
ain’t ready for me yet”
“I doubt He ever will be. Are you feeling better?”,
his ability to insult me then seem concerned
about me baffles me each time. It’s like one of
the greatest wonders of this world. How does
that work anyway?
“My body feels funny but other than that I'm
okay and hungry”, very hungry.
“The doctor sedated you since morphine makes
you … crazy. They’ll wear off soon enough”,
That would explain why I’m so restless now, I’m
off the drug. Sitting in this bed is tiring.
“Hmm. Where is Sihle?”, I decide to ask
because now I’m thinking unholy things and the
only person who can give them to me is not
Ngcwethi shrugs, “Baba sent him to do
something in town he'll be back soon”, he lies
with a straight face.
If I didn’t hear what he said with Ntando earlier I
wouldn't second guess his answer.
“In town as in Pietermaritzburg or Durban?”, I
“You said you are hungry right? What do you
want to eat?”, he asks, changing the subject to
save his lying ass and dead brother because
when j get my hands on Sihle!
“You haven’t answered my question though,
where is Sihle?”
“I do not account for your boyfriend's
My eyes water, I’m crying particularly because
Ngcwethi is only confirming my suspicions. I’m
being cheated on again! For the what hundredth
I’m angry at me for not taking the chance to slit
Sihle’s penis off when I had the chance to do so.
Hell I’m angry I thought of him any better than
what he truly is, I faked a whole kidnap for that
“Why are you crying?”, I’m sorry What? He’s
going to ask me why I’m crying is he dim-witted?
“Wena usuze lani?”, I know it wasn't him who
farted, it was me but I just couldn’t deal with
that kind of embarrassment.
I know he won’t argue with me on it anyway.
“Doesn’t your brother love me?”, I had to ask
although it feels like I’m asking the wrong one.
“Yes he loves you", poker face is always on with
him hey?
“Then why isn't he here with me?”, I hit him with
another question.
“I’m not Sihle’s spokesperson, ask him that
yourself”, Ngcwethi.
“You are his brother you should know him better
right? Please, tell me the truth I’ll never bother
you if you just be honest with me. Does he
really love me?”, I’m so desperate to hear more
lies I even cry while at it.
“You want the truth?”, he asks and I nod in
response. “Everyday he use to wake up and
drive across two towns just to see you come
back from campus in the afternoon because
your narrow minded father wouldn’t let him near
you so there, yes he loved you”, what’s with all
the anger? I was asking a simple question.
Sihle and I only dated once my father was gone,
how did they even know each other and why did
Sihle keep this away from me?
Ngcwethi says he’s going to buy food for both
Snakho and I, I give him a list of things I'd like to
His eyes ball open.
“What? It’s not like I won't pay you back”, I shrug.
“Pay me back when?”, what kind of man does
God make nowadays? A woman says she’ll pay
you back and you allow her?
I sigh, “When my NSFAS is out", pure
exploitation this is! I’m being robbed live and I’m
not doing anything about it.
“I’ll send you the bill”, he says.
“Or… you could just pawn my wigs”, I don’t use
them anymore, o brought them once out of peer
pressure during my first year. Regret my
decision every dying minute.
Ngcwethi's mouth opens and closes again
without him saying anything. He’s defeated ain’t
“Weak”, I mutter after he’s gone
Patrimony: The Ancestors wife
Chapter Nine


A group of school boys cheer up from their

corner, gawking and surrounding his G63.
They're in awe, one can’t help himself his finger
finds itself sweeping invisible dust over the
bonnet. Ngcwethi smirks and opens his door,
hops out then shuts it and joins the boys in
front of his car.
“Ankel”, the boys salute him, raising their hands
in surrender. In the streets it’s a sign of respect,
you’re big fish in the black community and
small kids look up to you. It’s something his
father always had growing up regardless of the
fact that he was nothing but a taxi driver. His
quantum was out of question, children would
point their fingers at it each time it drove pass.
Nothing much different about it excpet that it
was probably the most cleanest taxi in eSkopo.
“Yah ni-right?”, Ngcwethi asks, offering his hand
for a pleasant brief handshake with each boy.
Eager and excited, they form a semi circle in
front of him and push and shove off one
another to greet a mogul. Most people don’t
know that he is one of the best attorneys
Pietermaritzburg can offer, but they all know he
is Ngcwethi Mthembu son of Madoda, they all
“Manje Ankel, how did you get such nca car?”,
the cute shorty enquires, leaning his elbow on
the bonnet.
Ngcwethi chuckles.
“Yah Ankel, we want to do what you do when we
grow up”, another one bites.
The brood of little chaos jump up and down in
agreement, noding their big heads. Ngcwethi
laughs more, wishing that Nomkhosi was here
to hear this she would have laughed too.
“Mina I want to be like Ankel Sosha”
Ngcwethi’s laugh grows further and further
mute, his head turns to the back of the crowd of
school boys and sits on the small boy, probably
smallest in the group. He’s been quiet all this
while, now it makes sense to Ngcwethi.
Clearly the boy wasn't in agreement with his
“I want to save lives like he did, I want to be as
big as him he was very scary though and I’m not
but I want to be scary like him. No one dared to
speak when he spoke and every gangster;
prisoner; phara respected him”, the boy rumbles.
His friends are just starring at him with
judgemental looks on the other hand
Ngcwethi’s smile is growing bigger and bigger.
“My auntie and I once got robbed at the
supermarket, well almost got robbed but then
Ankel Sosha came and was like dsh dsh dsh
bang! And the phara ran away, Ankel
accompanied us back home that day and even
replaced my auntie’s damaged goods. My
father is a policeman and I’ve never seen him
chasing pharas like Ankel Sosha did”, the boy
laughs, “My auntie use to call him a pussy for it”,
the whole squad joins him in the laughter.
“Why don’t you tell your father to be like Ankel
Sosha? The world needs more men like him
don’t you think?”, Ngcwethi says.
“I’ve tried but he gets offended easily, I still love
my dad and think he’s the strongest man I know.
At least he beats the pharas up now”, the boy
shrugs and looks on the floor again. Ngcwethi
has concluded the boy isn't as social as his
friends are. Weird because he seems like he
enjoys talking a lot.
“His auntie beats them twice more than his
father does”, the first shorty loudly laughs.
The boys laugh.
“My auntie is crazy, Ankel”, the boy shakes his
head with a small smile touching his lips.
“I wish to see your auntie someday, I think
Ankel Sosha would have loved to see such a
brave woman too", Ngcwethi.
“You will one day, I will tell her Ankel Ngcwethi
wanted to see her. She will be proud”, he laughs.
Ngcwethi nods and realizes that time is running
late, he’s suppose to be at the hospital by now
before the other crazy gets All wonky.
He says his goodbyes to the boys and gives
them R200 note to buy themselves cooldrinks
and food, nothing more than that.
“Ahh Ankel we don’t smoke any more”, one says.
“Yes Ankel. His auntie whipped us black and
blue the day she found out we smoked plane
paper, we’ve never dared to smoke again”
“She even made us wash random cows on the
street Ankel, that day Amkela accidently held
the cow's tail”, the sound of their laughter
shocks the entire place.
“I think I like your aunt Amkela”, Ngcwethi says.
“I like you too, would you like to marry her? I’m
sure she would like to marry you too instead of
that cheeseboy”, Amkela.
Ngcwethi chuckles.
“Why don’t you set me up with her yeah? I’ll
come and pick her up from here and take her
out on a date. Deal?”
“Deal", the boy gives him a thumbs up and a
wide smile. He cannot disappoint this boy now.
Great, a date with a crazy stranger it is.
As to why he keeps complicating his simple life?
He doesn’t know. Only God knows.
Anyway, he goes in the supermarket and
purchases what he was sent here for. Cake;
oreo biscuits; chocolate; wine; grapes; pasta
and fresh flowers. Nomkhosi didn’t request
them but to Ngcwethi it feels like the noble
thing to do, bring her flowers. Sosha loved
bringing her flowers. He takes the sunflowers,
they seem nice and smell okay. Two steps away
from the flower shelf he stops and goes back,
contemplating on whether these are truly her
favourite flowers. What if she doesn’t like them
or worse can’t stand them?
His pick begins again, looking through the most
appealing bunch. So much choice!
“Need any help?”, a sweet voice echoes from
behind him.
Ngcwethi keeps his eyes on the flowers, “No
thank you”
“Only a quality man would spend over two
minutes looking for the perfect bouquet for his
lady”, she says.
“And only a quality woman would understand
not to disturb a quality man searching for a
perfect bouquet for his lady”, Ngcwethi.
The lady giggles, “Touché. Stick to the red and
black roses, you can never go wrong”, she
winks and walks away with her trolley.
Ngcwethi feels a bit bad for being rude. He
ends up taking the lady’s advise, a red and black
bouquet of roses. He takes two, Snothile loves
flowers too.
His trip to the till is quick. Pays and gets out
with the whole Woolworths store in his hands.
He puts it all in his boot except for the flowers
which stay on his passenger seat.
When he drives off the supermarket, he spots
the boys walking, each with a drumstick in their
hands. Ngcwethi laughs at the two fighting over
holding the KFC bucket.
“That auntie must have really knocked sense
into these boy's heads", he sighs and drives on.
Its already getting late, somehow he has to
make sure Nomkhosi is fine enough to go back
home. The last problem he needs in his life is a
Mshengu war.


He arrives in hospital on time. The visitor's hour

just started. Not that it would have stopped him
from going in or anything.
Khosi isn't in her ward, which is weird and not
weird at the same time. The doctor didn’t clear
her, all he said was she’ll be okay.
Ngcwethi starts panicking until the bathroom
door opens and a fully naked Nomkhosi walks
out with a drip in her hand. He freezes first,
can’t help his eyes, he is a man after all.
Khosi gasps and swings back into the
bathroom and shuts the door. Ngcwethi's throat
feels dry all of a sudden.
“Are you insane? Walking in on me naked, I
could arrest you for rape you know that?”, she
yells from inside the bathroom.
“You should have warned me”, Ngcwethi clears
his throat.
“Yeah sure like I knew there was a flippen man
inside my ward. Bring me my gown!”, she yells
“We have these words called magic words,
these words enable people to do things for
people”, Ngcwethi.
“I … PLEASE! Ngcwethi please bring me my
gown”, she begs.
Ngcwethi huffs and grabs the gown for her,
puts it through the door and waits for her to
come out.
She does in her gown.
Her eyes go to the plastics on the floor. Her
face beams, she clearly loves food.
“My payment, I’m expecting it by month end”,
Ngcwethi hands her the receipt. Her mouth
drops, why is she tearing up?
In any case her tears won’t affect him.
Ngcwethi takes his sandwich and goes to sit on
the couch in the corner. And eats.
Nomkhosi is still tearing up in front of the
packets, “I’m poor Ngcwethi, I haven’t even
brought my textbooks; I also have to purchase a
laptop soon I’m poor Ngcwethi I’m poverty’s
finest!”, she cries.
Ngcwethi's eyes widen. He’s speechless.
“It's not that deep, Nomkhosi”, he says
gobsmacked that she’s still in tears.
“No it is, I don’t want to seem like I’m cheating
you”, she cries.
“Why didn’t you tell Sihle you need books?”,
Ngcwethi asks, standing up to comfort her.
“I did and he kept promising he would but never
gets the time to”
Ngcwethi frowns, Sihle has all the time in the
world! He never does anything.
“I’ll see what I can do, no need to cry about it.
Those are yours”, he points to the flowers on
the chair. They are meant to make her feel
better. Khosi holds it up and waves her hand
like those pageant queens.
“These are so itchy”, she says putting them
back on the bed.
To be continued...
Patrimony: The Ancestors wife
Chapter Ten
Sphesihle Mthembu


The soccer match he’s been waiting for the

entire day is finally starting in a couple of
minutes. Everything is set, he placed the heater
on for warmth since the person he rents this
place to is too careless to notice the walls here
need patching up.
This was initially a government RDP house that
his mother once lived in before riches washed
over her, Khonzile loved her house and kept it
throughout her marriage with madoda.
Sometimes the life madoda and her sons were
living made her sick to the stomach, living in
rainfalls of bullets every other day it angered
her especially the riff raff between Madoda and
that stubborn Mshengu old man so this was her
escape from that reality that later on her sons
“And nou?”, his face falls when he comes back
from the little bathroom to a switched off T.V.
“Bloody Eskom!”, he flings the remote onto the
sofa and leans on the couch backrest,
scratching his itchy beard. Now he has nothing
to do, he’ll be tempted to do things he isn't
meant to be doing. That grave image is still
fresh in his mind by the way, he has never
forgotten it and he won’t forget it anytime soon.
And other than that he doesn’t plan on hurting
Nomkhosi again anytime soon the girl does
truly care for him and he cares for her too, on a
genuine level. But his loyalty to his mother
makes it hard for him to open the love box to
Nomkhosi. He’s tried that cannot be denied to
him, he even made plans for her birthday next
month but the whole being with her 24/7, loving
her 24/7, looking at her face it’s hard maybe if
she didn’t take most of her father’s facial
features it wouldn’t be such a drag to mingle
with her on a long term proper relationship level.
It’s only for his brother that he agreed to doing
what he did, Sosha deserved peace in his death
and Ngcwethi did nothing wrong for him to be
punished by Sosha’s restless spirit. So Sihle
agreed to insane idea of dating Nomkhosi
however he will not take a step further and get
married, the ghost rather come back to life and
haunt him for good!
Sihle switches off the T.V and the heater too,
he'll forget after his nap if he leaves it on. He
grabs one beer and walks over to the single
spring bed his mother use to share with him in
his early ages. There's a knock on a door that
alters his direction, it must be Ntando. Other
than their father no one else knows he chills
“Coming man you’ll break my door and I’ll break
you”, Sihle mumbles an insult while unlocking
his doors.
He doesn’t get the chance to react to the man
standing in front of him on his doorstep. He’s
pushed inside aggressively, his brows join
together in his confusion, his eyes turn to
Ntando standing behind the furious Ngcwethi.
Ntando shrugs.
“What the hell is your problem?”, Sihle frowns in
“You! You are my fucken problem, Sphesihle
Mthembu!”, Ngcwethi roars. His eyes are on the
tipping point of falling off their holes. If anger
was a person, it'd be him right now no doubt.
Sihle attempts to get up from the couch he was
thrown to but simply lies back down as
Ngcwethi sets one foot forward towards him.
He’s no match to him and he won’t linger
around to find out how deadly the beast in
Ngcwethi is.
“One thing you had to do, one thing and you fail
to do it. Why!?”, Ngcwethi rasps.
Sihle eyes Ntando deadly, it’s obvious Ntando
brought Ngcwethi here and it’s obvious he spat
everything out to him. Sihle couldn’t be more
angry at him. This is betrayal at its finest.
“Answer me dammit can’t you speak?”,
Ngcwethi again.
“I tried my best Bhuti, when I agreed to this I
didn’t say I would be the best boyfriend in the
world”, Sihle rumbles in his low voice.
“But you agreed to fuck her didn’t you? You
agreed to letting her love you didn’t you?”,
“That’s different. The sex wasn't planned and I
didn’t think she would fall for me so soon”, Sihle.
Ngcwethi laughs, not the most pleasant laugh
and Sihle is aware. Ntando at the back keeps
going back and forth the small passage space
behind Ngcwethi, brushing his head over and
He’s also thinking about his problems, what will
happen if Ngcwethi finds out about him and
Nokwanda having a baby on the way?
“Why did you ever agree to this Sihle?”,
Ngcwethi places his hands over his waist and
tries his level best to calm himself down.
“I wanted to help you. You're my brother and
you always did the best to make me feel better I
thought this could be a way to repay you, bhuti.
But I was fooling myself all along, I can’t do it",
Sihle begins to shed a few tears, they don’t drop
that long before they dry up. He’s pained to
reach this moment because of his selfish
“Why!?”, Ngcwethi stomps his palms on Sihle's
chest. It’s a trick Sosha learnt in the army in
Serra Leone during their raids. Most rebels were
children so they couldn’t stomach using force
on them hence why they used tactics such as
these to get them to share information about
what the rebels are planning.
Sihle holds his chest and presses down on it.
“I can’t stand her and I can’t help it. You may
have forgiven them but I haven’t, they took our
mother Ngcwethi!”
“Didn't you take their father!?”, Ngcwethi closes
his mouth and grunts out loudly.
“Yes but that was because they killed our
brother Ngcwethi. The bastard deserved to die”,
Ntando bursts out of the blue.
Ngcwethi feels a gush of emotions whirling
through his veins.
“We understand that you feel indebted to
bhut'sosha and we understand that he loved
that girl…”
Ngcwethi interrupts ntando’s outburst, “She has
a name", he says.
Ntando scoffs and looks at Sihle, “See what I
mean. Ngcwethi you’re beginning to care way
too much for that … for Nomkhosi”, Ntando.
Ngcwethi frowns, “So what; she’s human”,
Ngcwethi shrugs. He has been caring towards
her that doesn’t mean he’s happy with her. But
at the end of the day Khosi is innocent.
“Why don’t you get married to her then", Ntando.
“Ntando come on don’t turn this to a brawl, we
are brothers”, Sihle is shielding Ngcwethi from
Ntando, it doesn’t need to get there.
“We are brothers as in you and I, this one has
always been against us. Right now he wants to
pick an enemy over us”, Ntando rasps back.
“Ntando man", Sihle.
“Nx", Ngcwethi clicks his tongue and grumpily
leaves the room. He stops by the door and
turns to Sihle, “The least you could do is buy her
the textbooks you promised .. or call to let her
know you’re fine. Surprisingly, she genuinely
cares about you”, Ngcwethi.
When Ngcwethi finally walks out the room Sihle
let’s Ntando go and bends over, his hands over
his head. Things weren’t meant to get this
horrid in the family.

Nomkhosi Mshengu

I can’t believe this man just dropped me off this

far from home. I’m late already and my mother
will definitely go off today because I have no
story anymore. The lights in the main house are
on much to my annoyance. This could have
ended sooner had they been asleep.
“Look who decided to show up", Nokwanda
laughs, she’s sitting on the veranda knitting.
The baby has her living in the 90s.
“You chose to leave me behind me isn't?”
“Uh no, I recall you and your man chasing me
away though”, oh she thinks this is about that?
“Snakho wasn’t ready to let me go so ….”, I put
the flowers on the bench and hide my goods
inside my bag. My family is greedy.
“Well your mother is breathing fire in there so all
the best.”, she gives me a thumbs up and go
“How bad?”,I ask.
“Level 27 of load shedding”
I cringe.
I’m certain that this is the end of the road for
me. Anyway I enter the house and a warm smell
of beef stew and uphuthu hits my nostrils. I
almost smile but the eye MaSokhela gives me
by the door shuts down every part of my body.
“Oh ubuyile ntombi”, she gives me a weird smile
and shifts her spinach to the side.
“Yes I got delayed on my way back from town”, I
lie naturally nowadays it bothers me sometimes.
“Mhm. Your brother came by by the way,
apparently Mthombeni apologized for
kidnapping you even though he says he doesn’t
remember doing so”, she sternly looks at me for
a reaction and I don’t dare give her one.
Inside though I’m shitting cardboard!
“Weird hey? I saw what I saw and I saw him
that night but maybe his old memory just
played tricks on him and made him forget”, I
shrug without a care in the world and continue
breathing inside my body. I’m too scared to use
up her oxygen.
I’m already in trouble.
“Yes very weird. He said he would like to speak
with you and apologize”, MaSokhela.
“There is no need for that ma I don’t need to see
that man’s face ever again”, I swallow spit and
hope she let’s this go.
“Amkela has been waiting for you in the lounge,
when you have freshened up go meet him. He is
in his father’s rondavel”, her silence is so scary.
“Okay. Anyway I brought you flowers for your
garden if you like them, plant them”, I leave the
bouquet on the table and walk out. I see no
point in keeping flowers, leaves! It’s the most
useless gift of course I appreciate it but I just
can’t deal with the itchiness of these things.
I don’t even get to the middle of the yard,
Amkela comes running to me.
“Auntie auntie I found you a husband!”
Patrimony: The Ancestors wife
Chapter Ten ⚠ Sensitive Topic Ahead.


He’s sitting on his wooden swinger chair,

puffing a cigar and completely lost in thoughts.
It’s been a while since his son visited him in his
dreams however Sosha always appeared in
Madoda’s thoughts whether intentionally or as
an accident. The way in which he left him could
never be erased, that boy was too good of a son
for a father not to hit his chest in pride and
honour and point a finger at him to declare as
his son. Few men were as lucky as he was
around eSkopo and those that were lucky in
having sons whom took the responsibility of
carrying the family name on their shoulders, still
praised him above all.
“Igotshwa isemanzi madoda", Mvelase would
say whenever other men asked how he has
been able to do it, filling up the room with his
boastful pride. The boy's mother wasn't the
toughest cookie, in fact she was more like her
daughter – quiet and shy with a heart of
absolute gold. A precious stone of a soul and
sometimes Mvelase would get a little infuriated
with her for being overly kind to everyone even
those who spat on her face as a way of
showing gratitude.
The old man laughs a bit to himself thinking
back to how the boys defended her over him
each time they had an argument. Ntando most
of all would hear none of whatever his father
had to say, his mother’s word was the only
stamp he needed and that laid sour grapes in
their father and son relationship. Till this day it
has not been mended, Mvelase stole a huge
chunk of Ntando's childhood and he fears more
than anything that Ntando has been aware of
this his entire life. There is no space for such
loopholes in the family anymore, he could die
any minute and the last thing he wants to do is
leave behind a dysfunctional family to
themselves with snakes like Candice around.
Oh yes! He knows about her tactics, it’s why he
never bothers to listen when his sons have
something to say about her or recommend to
him. He’s fed up with caring about the bitch, it
takes him nowhere. Only good thing he knows
is her savageness and selfish ways won’t get
her the diamond she is looking for instead one
day he'll get sick and tired of her greed and cut
the chord loosely. No one will know because
honestly no one ever cares about someone who
only cared for themselves but ever he’s
challenged there is a high quality lawyer at his
fingertips with no price attached whatsoever.
And Candice was any good at whatever she
thought she was doing then she’d know this too
and stick to her cheap ways on low-key.

A soft knock on his door disturbs his peace and

takes him out of his misery. He looks towards
the door and sees two shadow figures. Mvelase
is hesitant to let the boys in but with nothing to
lose for it decides it’s okay for them to join in
his silence.
“Come in boys”, he prepares a smile as the
cigar butt is crushed onto a glass ashtray that
seems cleaner than most days.
Snakho hurries first with his younger brother
not so far behind him. Snakho stands before his
grandfather and puts his hand out to shake,
Mvelase takes it with a smile.
“Feeling better I see”, his hoarse voice rumbles
inside the room, Junior flinches and clings onto
his brother. He is a little more vulnerable
especially around Snakho, he gets to let all his
big guards down and be a kid. For some odd
funny reason the kid still hasn’t gotten use to
his grandfather's presence, it makes him
uncomfortable and a little more wary than he
should be. Most of the time Junior doesn’t
speak much to his grandfather… or anyone else
other than his brother now that Sosha, his
adoptive father is gone.
The kid was fortunate, coming from the
background he was coming from and seeing
the traumas he lived through no one ever
thought he’d get to where he is today. He was
still a child soldier when Sosha met him during
a ‘raid', tiny and full of anger that penetrated his
innocence Junior always found a way to stand
out be it with the intention to grab a couple of
eyes from his militant squad or without
intention during his reign on the fields. They had
met twice before, Sosha and himself, and the
third time was when different army men from
different countries volunteered to accompany
the UN to certain parts of Africa in hopes to
rescue quite a number of child soldiers and
rebels whose masters/ commanders refused to
give them up. When Sosha saw the little red
head he knew without a doubt he'd be leaving
with that boy in the back of his car, by fire or
force. Especially after knowing his skills were
put high on rankings by the commander who
hailed his style of assassination proclaiming it
was one of the best beauties of violence he had
ever seen. What sSosha had no clue on was
how attached he'd be to the kid, 1 year and a
couple of months in rehabilitation fixed very
little damage in the kid and Sosha felt more
reliable for the kid's suffering hence he swore to
do every thing in his power to make that boy a
better man. Too bad he died before watching
the child in the boy awaken once again.
“Why are you so scared of mkhulu?”, Snakho
once asked his little who replied with a careless
“I had a lieutenant once, mkhulu resembles that
man a lot”, Junior would say and end it there.
No one ever asks him stupid questions that
have anything to do with what life was like for
him in the DRC or Sierra Leone and he’s happy
to have it like that.
“Hmm", Snakho would say, nodding his head in
That day junior asked his first question, he
looked up at his brother with a frown, “Where is
that annoying lady with 21 questions? Father’s
Snakho would immediately shut his brother's
mouth with his palm, avoiding getting his
mother all riled up at the mention of their father
having a mistress.
After a while Snakho would remove his hand
from junior's mouth and give him a hush. It
confused Junior why he was being silenced for
speaking the truth, besides that he preferred the
mistress and her questions over Nokuzola and
her rude and inconsiderate remarks.
“What was that for?”, Junior asked.
“To keep your mouth shut. Ma cannot hear
about the mistress, remember she hasn’t fully
welcomed you please don’t do anything to
jeopardize her accepting you”, Snakho.
“I did not dive bullets my entire life to live up to
a Barbie doll's expectations. What does she
know other than painting her face and dressing
like a whore? Nothing! If I took her to the front
lines she wouldn’t even last a second, mumu”,
Junior would rumble casually and even add a
tongue click at the end. By that time he had his
temper in check but just the word Nokuzola
grinded in his ear his whole body would shake
in fury. She’s one of the fewer people who
remain too naïve to accept what other
children’s reality is, what people have to do in
order to survive even in a minute. And it pissed
Junior off to have to deal with someone to

Mvelase brushes both the boys on their heads

and although Junior says nothing, his face
screams stop what you are doing old man.
Mvelase chuckles and places his hands over
both the boy's shoulders, strolling out his room
with them beside him. This is one reason why
he'll forever be grateful to Sosha, he didn’t leave
him with nothing he left the Mthembu
generation and legacy behind.
“Mkhulu when are we going back home?”,
Snakho asked.
“This is home my boy", Madoda.
“You know which home I mean, the city”,
Junior's eyes instantly popped open. The city?
He didn’t want to have to go there, he didn’t
need the distractions that came with or the
traumas. At least here he was in a familiar
environment although the landscape is very
different but the setting is the same: bushes;
forests; rivers and rural settlements on dirt
roads. He could live with that because he lived
four years of his life in an army situated in such
areas. It was easy to hide and easy to survive in
immobile areas as compared to a whole new
place with a busy fast paced lifestyle he would
probably struggle to keep up with.
His heart says he’s safe but his mind fails to
register that the worst is over.
“That’s up to you to decide. Schools are
opening soon right?”, Mvelase questioned and
Snakho responded with a nod and a slight grin,
thinking his grandfather had no choice now
than to take them back to Durban.
“Well if you can convince your brother here to
start going to school in the city instead of being
cooped up here then I’ll consider it”, mkhulu
winked at Snakho and gave Junior a head brush
which this time Junior didn’t mind much.
Mvelase left the two boys standing there alone
on the corridors about to start an argument
when Candice swiftly passes them without
paying them much attention, she’s on her phone.
Junior thins his eyes starring at his
“She’s probably face timing her friends”, Snakho
shrugged without any care in the world and
faced the other way. She passes them again
going back to her room, Junior carefully
watches her walk and clips the end but of
Candice's weave inbetween his thumb and
finger until the wig falls off the madam.
Snakho freezes, totally shocked and secretly
laughing deep down. Junior puts on the wig
although it looks skewed.
He places his hands on his hips and walks like
Candice does whenever she’s in her Beyonce
mood, flicking the weave off his face while
trying to keep the rest of the hair out his mouth
eventually he gets irritated by it and throws it to
his brother.
“Smelly stuff"; the boy shakes his head and
laughs for a brief minute with his brother.
A loud yell echoes the long passage way,
Snakho already knows who it is and why she is
Candice comes storming back for her weave,
she snatched it from Snakho and just as she
was about to walk away, Junior spoke.
“In my village the only time one would use
human hair to do witchcraft, the oldest witches
in our tribe became short boys because of this
stuff", Junior points to the wig in Candice's hold.
She rolls her eyes and storms off again leaving
the two boys to laugh their butts off.
“I can’t with you. Are you serious?”, Snakho.
“No. Where would we get the luxury of
purchasing such expensive hair when the war
basically took all of our provisions let alone
basic needs”, slowly the atmosphere turned
bitter again, the smiles on the boys faces
replaced with the sour frown and their eyes
spoke of the innocence their hearts couldn't
speak of. Snakho just placed his arm around his
brother and smiled, “You should meet Sis’Khosi
someday, she is an amazing woman and I’m
sure you will love her”
Junior just laughed because he knew the only
person other than his lost family, that he was
capable of loving except Snakho, was gone.
Dead and never to return. Kindness was
temporary, people only were kind to those who
would offer them something in return – junior
thought to himself and the walked away with
his brother's arm around his neck, he resented it
with his entire being, it felt as though that gun
was still hanging around his shoulder. The
amount of affection some showed was too
annoying sometimes.


Nomkhosi Mshengu

I didn’t dress up too fancy because this is

Amkela and I might just turn out to be a fool for
believing him but it's not everyday you get
wedding proposals through your nephews,
clearly even the ancestors blessed this one
since Sihle totally missed the target. After long
minutes of deciding on what was more casual
and less cheap, I chose my boyfriend jeans and
a baggy shirt that revealed some cleavage. I
wasn't gifted boobically but what I had made
the difference between me and a man.
“Be back on time, Nomkhosi please", Nokwanda
pleaded with me as she waited for me to climb
out the window to give me the bag and coat. I
wore heels the last Easter Sunday, three years
ago and today because of a man who probably
lied to my nephew to spare his time, got me to
wear one of these.
“I will be on time. Just cover for me while I’m
gone, come give me a kiss", I pout my lips and
give my sister a loud mcwa.
“Call me when you’re back”, this girl worries too
much. Who would steal me? It’s 2023, men with
stamina to deal with a loud mouth like me died
long time ago, these ones would bring me bavk
with a sorry for ever taking her note stuck on
my clothes and a goat as an apology.
I didn’t come here to play games.
“Okay I will please call. Kiss the ninja goodnight
for me”, I whispered, waving my hand at her.
She smiled and waved back.
The sun is gone but it isn’t dark yet just getting
there in a few minutes and I have to walk All the
way to the taxi stop if no taxi shows up along
the way.
On the way I keep asking myself what fuckery
this child just put me in, had I rejected his
request he’d be angry with me but if I do take it
then I’ll be angry with him. See the world is such
an orange!
I’m lucky to have been met with a taxi, a purple
quantum passing by. I lift my finger up and wait
for the conductor to be rude so I can refill his
memory about his seven baby mamas; twelve
children and one underwear with air cons (holes)
in them.
The quantum halts a few steps away from me
and the door opens. It's so empty, only the
driver, conductor and two other men are in it.
I’m thinking if I should be brave here or not.
“Eish sistera, we were done taking loads now.
Actually sifun’ukbhema. But if you don’t mind
then we can take you", his Zulu sounds so
suspicious and I don’t want to even get started
with that scar on his face.
“I know a very powerful witch by the way so if
you try any funny business count the number of
lightening strikes tonight”
The idiots laughed. I got in the front seat to
avoid catching smoke signals all over the back.
The driver keeps checking out my thighs and
making smirks..
Eventually I get tired of him and call him out on
“I wasn't looking sisi", he says with the
straightest face.
“I’m not wonky eyed if that is what you are
implying, I saw you keep looking at me as if I’m
He licks his lips and I almost churn in my mouth
with that one gold bar sitting on the corner of
his mouth.
“Wenza engathi awufuni ngikubhebhe?”, his
crooked smile popped up again and I swear I
saw a rapist in th at smirk.
“Can you stop the car and let me out or I will call
the police and you will regret what you are
doing”, he thinks I’m playing and laughs,
increasing the fm volume so his friends don’t
hear what he’s saying to me.
He kept going, touching my thigh and my
shoulder. Little did the fucker know I knew his
business, well I know most people’s business,
it’s in my nature. So I picked up my phone and
dialed his mad baby mama up, soon as she
picked up the call I started moaning Cebo's
name, “Cebo stop it now please ahh, what will
Dudu do if she finds out what we are doing, oh
my gosh”
“INI!? Yewena mgodoyi, Cebo!”, she mumbles
something about showing him flames when he
returns from work. Cebo snatches my phone
and switches it off. He’s livid and I’m proud.
“Uyasangana wena!”, he yells.
“So does your baby mama now drop me off at
town and go fix your problems before I make it
worse”, I snatch my phone back and wait for the
taxi to reach town, where Amkela said the
mystery husband will be waiting for me.
If it wasn’t for this special date, I'd bite a chunk
of his balls off! Cebo is a fucken prick!
I arrived where I was suppose to be 15 minutes
ago but then I saw an old and ended up chatting
it up. Apparently the lecturers are asking about
me and wondering if I have hung myself or
given up on school which is off because I ask
myself the same questions. Why am I not going
to school anymore?
Demons I tell you!
There is a car parked on the darker side of the
parking space and three to five more scattered
around the supermarket parking.
I’m beginning to think this was a bad idea, it
could be Mthombeni wanting to kidnap me for
real this time. Or maybe it’s …
“Hi", a voice that almost startles me comes
from behind. I big huge frown pastes itself on
my face. That voice and that perfume, ungafa I
know that person and they are responsible for
my patched head.
I still turn around just to be sure.
His frown is as good as mine.
“You? Oh I thought you were somebody else,
sorry”, he sighs.
Maybe it is just a coincidence. Amkela cannot
have been meaning this is the husband..
“Mmhmm, I also think you have the wrong
person. I’m waiting for a promised husband”, I
“… you’re… you’re the aunt of Amkela?”,
Ngcwethi looks at me in disbelief.
I could lie and say I do not know what Pakistan
that is or how they know me but I have a feeling
he already knows I know.
“You're the husband?”, I gasp.
Ngcwethi frowns, “Tf”, he sighs and crosses his
arms. I feel like he’s thinking of cancelling the
“Hey the date doenst have to end, that would be
a waste of my time; my outfit and your money.
You are here now, let’s not waste the effort”, I’m
really advocating for a free meal, I am pretty
sure ma will deny me any food if she finds out
what I have been up to so it’s best I milk him
“You won’t take no for an answer, I don’t know
why you bother with asking anymore”, he rolls
his eyes and unlocks his car with a press of a
“In my defence your ancestors know how dry
you are and how few women are willing to deal
with a salt sucker like you, I’m the few by the
way”, I slam the door shut and sit up right like
the queen of England.
“Watch how you close my door, this isn’t your
brother's scrap car”, he bites back and I almost
go out the windshield.
“Did you just insult my brother's car?”
“Did I?”, he looks so puzzled.
“A moth can turn to a butterfly you know!”
He looks into my eyes for the first time since
we have arrived, the stare is so intense I fold
first and look the other way. I don’t get why I’m
blushing. I’m a pretty girl he’s suppose to go
jaw drop when he see me..
“You have sauce on your nose", he says and I
immediately cover up my nose in
embarrassment. Oh my gosh how could I forget
I ate fries on my way here.
“It’s part of my make up”, I strike the confidence
bar but it sends me right back down.
“Okay Miss Clown”, he starts the engine and
ravs up the car as though wanting to shut me
up. I furiously cross my arms and sit back. He’s
such a mean person.
Patrimony: The Ancestors wife
Chapter Eleven ⚠
Nomkhosi Mshengu


I expected a silent ride but not this silent,

talking feels like a sin at this point and no
matter how many times I yawn Mr doesn’t pays
less and less attention to me for it. I decided to
let him be three minutes ago but now I’m bored
and restless, for some reason I can’t sit in one
place for too long. My sister says my spirit is
the one that’s restless, it’s not at peace and I
look at her and laugh because who died and
made her the prophet Mohammed?
I’m not much of a spiritual person some times
out of frustration of telling ancestors the same
thing and waiting four decades before seeing
change like I don’t know whether they think the
world of the living revolves around their
timelines or what.
“Your starring is very vexing", Ngcwethi calmly
says without turning his eyes away from the
road. I wanted to look at me and say something
but I also don’t want to die so I stopped looking
at him in order to avoid us quarrelling to death.
“I’m restless, I don’t like cars you see. I always
get nightmares about them a lot. Ever felt like
you once lost something that meant a lot to you?
I get that feeling a lot but never know where it's
coming from”, I thought I made peace with the
death of my real birth mother and moved away
from those thoughts. My father’s death never
deeply affected me I don’t know why maybe
because the man was a jerk sometimes in my
eyes and he made me feel uncomfortable most
of the time. There is other feeling I feel when
I’m alone though, it haunts me and made me
hate being in silence.
“Yes I know the feeling", I’m shocked he replied
me or even heard what I said.
“Really? I thought your heart froze over during
winter yazi, kanti you still have it”, I smack his
chest laugh at the eye he gives me.
“Sometimes in life you should be a child even if
you’re an adult but be a child, perhaps all those
wrinkles on your face will disperse”, I add on to
his irritation. As I am about to open my mouth
and say more offensive things he increases the
volume of the radio and fixates his attention to
the road ahead.
Well his loss, not even Oprah Winfrey has given
the kind of motivational speech I was about to
give him.
“I’m bored!”
His eyes close for a moment, delivering a prayer
for me to vanish maybe.
“Then sleep!”, he screamed back.
Well…that’s no fun. I brought my feet up to his
seat and brought my knees close to my chest.
He spares me a glance, he’s actually looking at
my feet.
“Goodnight”, I don’t wait for the scolding. My
eyes are shut and my mind is ready to rest.

He’s meant to arrive any moment now, that’s
what he promised her before he left that he d
return not like his previous soldiers but as the
same man she sent off and God forbid Sosha
returns with a single scar on his body!
Nomkhosi waits by the door, eagerly
anticipating the one human that makes her
world light up again after the loss of her mother.
The car drives in and parks in front of the
double doors garage, Sosha leaps out in his full
dirty soldier uniform and his gun still strapped
around his thigh. Nomkhosi's smile drops as
she meets the bandaged Sosha. His whole left
shoulder is wrapped in a once white bandage
with small blood spots.
“Not as happy as I thought we’d be now are we?
Before you run mad, this is nothing”, Sosha
pointed to his wound and shrugged it off as
though the movement didn’t freeze his brain!
“But it isn't what you promised me”, tears
formed in her eyes and her bottom lip began to
tremble. Khosi could do two things in life
without failure and that is talk till the jaws of her
mouth begun to pain and cry for absolutely no
reason and Sosha loved that about her, it kept
him distracted most of the times and out his
“You could have died", she mumbles over his
shoulder, still crying uncontrollably in his arms.
“But I didn’t. How could I leave such a precious
mad woman behind? Matefa wami", his lips
were salty that’s the only thing that stopped him
from grabbing her and kissing her passionately
but at least she was beginning to smile.
“I’ll let it slide for now only because you came
back on time”, Khosi giggled.
Staying angry at Sosha was a waste most of
the time, she knew by night his name will be
known by the entire neighbourhood that’s how
good he was in bed.
“Smells like my favourite in here”, he'd open
pots and grab a piece of meat while Khosi took
his clothes to the washer.
“And I don’t remember you paying any lobola for
me not even a mere cat was given to my father
and here I am playing Res housewife”, she'd
laugh afterwards because she knew how much
people judged her for one: dating a man so
much older than her and secondly dating a man
from a wealthy family.
Khosi emptied the bag out of on the floor to
select which ones to put in the washing
machines first. All the ones soaked in blood
she’d burn them later and only wash the muddy
army outfits Sosha probably wore during his
stay in the bushes. As she’s pouring clothes out
the bag something falls onto her toe and sends
her eyes there immediately. Khosi screams so
loud Sosha drops the pot lid and rushes to
where he heard the noise.

He finds her trembling while starring at a

human finger; nose and ears that were in a
plastic packet probably dropped from his
trouser. It belonged to his best friend in the
squad, those remains were the only thing left of
his body at least that’s what the rebels sent to
them as warning to stay away from the bases
and retreat their silly rescue games because
those children aren’t going anywhere. Most
rebel leaders ‘cooperated’ and gave away the
young soldiers but others like this one retaliated
for weeks and weeks on end, committing so
many more atrocities as warning signs. He was
planning on giving the wife the remains of her
husband as that’s what they've always planned
to do if things went South at some point.
“It’s Mike”, he said, trying his hard to bury the
ruins of his friend's memories.
Khosi looked at him and back at the plastic, her
eyes wandered around in his until her body
calmed down. Sosha spared touching her
fearing it would shake her soul.
“The rebel commander refused to let us take
the boys to safety, a week ago they started
attacking our bases one by one. We only
managed to escape with the victims who
voluntarily came to us in escape”, Sosha.
He wanted to cry as well, scream and roll on the
floor and grieve for his best friend but couldn’t.
Somehow the two years he had spent in this
child soldiers rescue team made him immune
to certain things. His heart still bled though, yes
it bled.
After long silence, Khosi breaks it by saying:
“There is a very good witch I know of around
home, all he needs to do his work is an item of
clothing with the person's scent. Trust me he is
very good and well known for his international
lightening strikes, that evil commander will be
shaking hands with a Limpopo lightening bolt in
no time you know"
Sosha managed to laugh that day, even forget
about what had happened that month for a
while. Being around Khosi made him feel a little
more human than life made him to be. And
maybe that’s why he wasn't willing to let go.
“I don’t know what meaning life would have had
for me if you weren’t in it with me, breathing
with me, loving me for me and laughing with me.
I hadn’t realized how much I depended on you
to live until I left for the first time, without you
there is no functioning and yet when I’m with
you I can’t function straight either. I become
nervous; afraid; happy sometimes too happy it
brings some discomfort to my heart; I become
possessive and a little crazy…”
“a little?”
Sosha laughs, “A little more than usual. I feel
afraid losing you might mean losing purpose in
life because what is the point of a heart beat if
it’s beating in emptiness? You’re alive but you’re
not living. I never say I love you, not because I
don’t but because I worry if I do tell you then
you won’t be able to grasp the depth of the
context those words come across as in my
heart. They're too meaningless to express my
emotions, but I hope one day you’ll understand.
I know you will”, he said and let Khosi embrace
him like it's her last chance to ever see him
again. She always did things that way, as if he
would disappear and never return to her.
“I’ll happily die loving you Mr Me, just promise
me you won’t leave me anytime soon”, Khosi
“I won't be going anywhere my love”

He watches her sleep peacefully, hugging

herself tightly till he spots tears streaming
down her face. Is she even sleeping, he asks
himself and decides to pull over. They won’t
make it to where he planned to take them so
he'll opt for Olive and Oil.
“Nomkhosi”, Ngcwethi gently shakes her up and
her red wet eyes meet his. Her lips are
trembling and by the way she’s holding onto her
chest it’s paining badly.
“What's wrong?”, Ngcwethi asks, getting warm
in concern. Nomkhosi gets off her butt and
clings onto Ngcwethi, hugging him so tightly he
barely breathes but allows her anyway.
“Nomkhosi if you aren't telling me the issue
then how will I solve it”, Ngcwethi pats her back
hoping she calms down.
Khosi doesn’t.
“I always get this dream that I’ve lost some
thing that means a lot to me. A love I can never
get back, it hurts a lot even my chest becomes
unbearably painful”, her hiccups silent her in
some places but Ngcwethi got the memo, it’s
probably a dream about Sosha if not her mother.
Guilt knocks on his door a thousand times,
maybe he should just be honest with her and
tell her everything. There is no courage for him
to do so though, he can barely look at her as we
“I… I’m sorry to hear about that", his back rubs
eventually calm her down enough for her body
to stop shaking. Khosi returns to her seat and
wipes her tears away.
“No one gets to know about this right?”, she
warns him.
“Do you think I have time to go around
broadcasting that you were weeping in my
arms?”, Ngcwethi’s point of starting an
argument is to keep her distracted from
whatever emotional pain she’s going through.
“Thomas once turned to an orange”, Khosi says.
“…And?”, Ngcwethi.
“Anything is possible, most men nowadays
gossip like fish!”
Ngcwethi hides his smile, she’s slowly coming
back to normal. He opens his door and goes
around to open hers, Khosi doesn’t come out
she stares at him in awe and amusement.
“Manners? Shocking! I didn’t think you had the
etiquette..”, the door is slammed on her face
again. Ngcwethi walks off without turning back
but he hears her grumbling about a hooligan
always being s hooligan.
She passes him while trying to put on her left
heel, “I wish they strip your car naked!”, she
scowls past him.
Ngcwethi chuckles and shakes his head. She
isn't normal is she? Just a few minutes ago she
was crying and now her brain cells are back to
stage one.

Ngcwethi and Khosi choose the table closest to

the fire place, madam chose not to bring a
jacket and now she's quivering so Ngcwethi
requested their table be shifted closer to the
fire area.
“Next time don’t act so tough. Wear clothes”,
Ngcwethi says, skimming through the menu.
Khosi frowned, “Oh so there will be a next time?
I knew you liked me”
What the hell!
Ngcwethi coughs until the saliva that clung on
his throat disappeared.
As they sat in that awkward silence, Nomkhosi
having her own conversations and Ngcwethi
filling in his clients on his unavailability for at
least three days. Khosi spots her University best
friend – Tumelo, enter with a man that looks
thrice his age. Khosi gets up from her chair and
screams for Tumelo, Ngcwethi covers her
mouth and pushes her butt back on the chair,
“This isn’t the wild lady”, Ngcwethi.
Nomkhosi pays him no mind, she eagerly
stands up to hug her bestie. They spend about
3 minutes hugging and screaming.
Ngcwethi takes the menu and covers his face
to avoid the weird looks every one is giving him
and most importantly the nasty eyes this friend
is giving him. Does he really look gay?
“What happened to you friend? Hhayi-bo
everyone is worried sick about you”, Tumelo.
“You know my NSFAS issues, I couldn’t stay at
res anymore nor could I afford my tuition so I
dropped out for now”
That catches Ngcwethi’s attention. He’s
wondering why Sihle didn’t tell him about all of
this, has it Re ally come to that with his brothers?
“Aww girl. But NSFAS is showing everyone
flames hey, even Karabo dropped out because
the fees were just too much for her”
“Yeah sad hey, but at least I found a walking
ATM. Ngcwethi this is my friend, Tumelo. We’ve
known each other throughout university”,
Nomkhosi’s smile extends to her ears and it
frustrates Ngcwethi a tad that she can
remember other people but not his brother then
again it’s not her fault, whatever brainwashing
her family did deserves a badge. Perhaps those
aren't dreams that she has, maybe it’s her
regaining her memory but because her family
has fed her nonsense she believes it’s just a
dream. Does she even know she lost her
“Ngcwethi”, Khosi taps his shoulder.
He looks at Tumelo and says nothing. Khosi
looks at him with a infuriated glare.
“Nice to meet you”, Ngcwethi shakes Tumelo’s
hand briefly and drops it. Sosha was right, miss
clown is a world class manipulator!
Patrimony: The Ancestors wife
Chapter Eleven
Nokuzola Gwamanda


“I still think this is a bad idea, Noku”, Asenathi

blabbers. She is suppose to be legally wise and
strong as my lawyer it’s her job to make me
entrust in her but right now I feel like I’m going
into this a one man.
“Then stop thinking and do what I pay you to
do”, I finish applying my lip gloss and get my
bags ready to leave. Asenathi doesn’t follow me
to the door as she should be doing.
I sigh and turn around, “I also don’t like playing
this dirty but those Mthembus have gotten to
my last nerve right now. Snakhokonke is MY
son, Asenathi why can’t you empathize with
that?”, my arms fall to my side.
Aunt'Khokhiwe walks into the passage carrying
a tray of juice and biscuits. I look at her with
excusing eyes. She nods with her motherly
smile and walks back downstairs.
Aunt'Khokhiwe is the only thing good that came
from my mother’s family. She took me in once
my mother’s blessers drugged her to her death,
my father wasn't really there to raise me
himself but he took care of me financially.
Apparently he was a criminal in his youth days
so after a month of my 5th birthday he paid for
his sins and received a life sentence. It’s odd
that I never judged him for killing people and
making money from robbing others but judged
my mother for choosing drugs and selling
herself to rich married and dangerous men.
Other than Sosha, I had no family and now his
family wants to take away my last hope? Hell no.
“If things get out of hand in there, Nokuzola this
child will lose it all! It's by luck if the department
doesn’t send him back to his country”, Asenathi
wrestles me, for a defence attorney she sure
can act like a sponge.
“So what must I Do? Sit idle and watch them
play happy life with my child? What do I do.”,
they pushed me to do what I am about to do,
they did this.
Ase exhausts her sigh, takes the files from the
top of the wooden table.
Without a word she walks past me and heads
down. My eyes catch the picture that Junior and
Snakho took with their dad months ago, Snakho
had on his superman outfit and Junior wore a
Spider-Man costume. I still remember how
much we tussled wanting him to put that
costume on, he literally threatened us but still
decided to wear the costume for Snakho sakes.
My lips stretch into a sad smile, it’s a hard
decision to make mostly because I saw this boy
fight himself to get to where he is today but I
want my child back too. I can’t let sit back and
just watch them give everything of mine to
Nomkhosi once again.
I take the frame down, it’ll go to the storeroom
when I come back.
“Madam, the boxes are ready”, Nomusa, my
house help says to me.
“Are you sure everything is in there, I mean
everything that belongs to him"
She nods, “Yes everything is in there”, her eyes
are glossy and I understand why. Junior's story
touched us all, but mostly her because they are
from the same country she just calls herself
Nomusa for my benefit I can’t pronounce her
name very well just like junior became junior
due to the fact that people can’t pronounce
Khalilou very well. Their bond was better than
the one Junior and I shared.
“You can take your leave, I’ll be gone for the
whole day so leave the key with Aunt”, she
knows the key I’m talking about, the one to her
room outside. I let her stay there since the RDP
house she use to live in burned down after an
unaccounted for fire begun in their place.
“Okay madam”, and that, I don’t know why she
calls me that. When she arrived I asked her
several times to just call me Nokuzola, I mean
she was able to call Sosha Sosha or sir in this
bad days.
“Good”, as I'm about to walk, a hand grips my
elbow tightly. It's trembling.
“Madam please madam don’t do this please,
please think about it madam. If he goes back he
won’t be spared, please”, She begs.
“Please don’t make this any more harder than it
is for me, Nomusa. I have made my decision I
want my child back and if it takes this to get
them to give me Snakho back then … it is what
it is”, I don’t know why she even eavesdropped
on my conversations with Asenathi, had she not
done that we wouldn’t be where we are right
now and her heart would be at peace.
“Madam please”
I hold onto her hand and remove it slowly.
“I’m really sorry Nomusa but I have no choice
left”, I mutter and gulp down my pain.
She let’s go of me and allows me to walk away.
A tear makes it trace down my cheek, and
another and another.


We arrive at the gates of the Mthembus, drive in

and park beside their fancy cars.
“This case will cost you yazi Nokuzola”,
Asenathi says.
“I don’t care, money is not a problem”, I shrug.
“I know, I wasn’t saying money wise but it will
cost you”, her door opens before I could
I’m doing the right thing for me and my son, all
of this is from a good place. If the Mthembus
really love their Junior then they will make sure
to keep him by giving me what I want.
Once I’ve calmed my spirit down and prepared
myself enough, I follow Asenathi to the great
palace of the Mthembus.
I found them right on time, they’re having
breakfast as a big happy family even the
mistress is invited. It’s merry Christmas over
I watch her laughing with my son the one I gave
birth to myself. I feel my blood boil.
“We are not here for your cat games, we're hear
to find a solution to this case and leave”, Ase
whispers to me.
Whatever she says does not matter, I can do
whatever it is I want and it includes this too.
The cutlery stops banging on plates once we
are noticed. The giggles and laughs end too,
everyone doesn’t look too happy to see me and
I don’t care.
Snakho runs to me and hugs me tightly, “I didn’t
know you were coming mom", he smiles and
gives me his big kiss on my cheek.
“I wanted to surprise you my baby”
“Well… you surprised all of us”, he says pointing
to the rest of the table.
“Go pack your bags my boy we're going home
The chairs scrape their well polished floors as
soon as I did, Ngcwethi at the forefront as
The light skin girl next to him holds him back
from stepping forward. It’s probably his ninth
“Babe please don’t react in front of the kids”,
she says to him.
I look around and notice their father isn't around,
he never is. “I did not mean to interrupt the
family brunch but I’m taking Snakho home with
me, permanently”, I repeat the permanent part
for them to understand it clearly.
“But mom …”
I put my finger on his lips and tell him this is
adult business he must go pack his bags. Khosi
comes to stand next to my son and hold his
“No need to be harsh towards him, he’s just a
curious child”
Watching her curl him up her skinny body
angers me. What is it with this girl taking every
thing of mine?
“I will speak with my child anyhow I see fit, go
wake your stillborn and still away from mine if
you don’t want trouble”
“Nokuzola don’t fucken test my fucken
patience!”, Ngcwethi.
“Then give me my child and I will leave you
Mthembus at peace, give me uSnakho manje.
My lawyer has the papers already just sign and
leave us alone”, I rasp at the literal top of my
“You really want to take me to court? Me?”, he
laughs, “Don’t play yourself Nokuzola, this isn’t
your playground”, Ngcwethi scowls at me and
my lawyer.
“Try me Ngcwethi, try me. Asenathi", I call my
lawyer to show them the documents that could
possibly ruin their lives. Ngcwethi more
especially. He’s so indebted to his brother he’d
do anything to fulfil his wishes. He’d die if
anything happened to Snakho or Junior. He
lives for them.
Asenathi hands them all the papers, “What is
this?”, Ntando finally shows up with his attitude.
“Read you have eyes"
“Nokuzola you cannot do this!”, Bule's outburst
gets everyone’s attention. They now know it’s
“If you do not hand Snakho over to me legally,
Junior will be deployed back to his country. This
document states that Junior was adopted by
Nomkhosi not Sosha so why is he here, news
flash too soldiers aren't allowed to keep the
children they rescue, it is against the law. Not
only will they take junior back to his country but
this family will pay a heavy price as well. So if
you know what’s good for you”
Ngcwethi is close to strangling me to death, I
barely breathe with his hands squeezing my
neck. At last his brothers manage to get him off
of me. Snakho is nowhere near, he must have
left with the light skinned girl because Junior
isn't here either.
“Junior belongs to me?”, why is she stuttering
like she doesn’t know?
“Yes he belongs to you at least that is what
these documents say…”
“NOKUZOLA”, Ngcwethi's animal grunts don’t
phase me. I’m just as livid!
“Look at these!”, I give her the papers with her
signature and her name and surname on the
“I … I don’t know these", she stumbles.
“Oh please. You know them very well maybe
you forgotten them but you know them very
well. Can’t you remember how you swept my
husband off his feet; took him away from me
and built a happy life together in Durban? Sosha
loved you more than anything in this world,
there you have it”
“That doesn’t make sense I would remember if
it were true, I don’t rremember all that”, She’s
crying for what?
“It’s true everything she said is true, my brother
did love you a lot and he was ready to do just
about anything for you. He even begged our
father to forgive and forget whatever beef there
was between our families so he could marry
you and start it all on a clean slate. But
unfortunately you two met an accident on the
road and you lost your memory”, why is he not
speaking the entire truth? He should tell her
what happened afterwards too.
“That’s impossible”, Nomkhosi.

Snakho runs back down stairs, “Baba come,

Junior isn’t in his room. We can’t find him”, He
My heart starts pumping tremendously.
Patrimony: The Ancestors wife
Chapter Twelve ⚠
Nomkhosi Mshengu


So many things aren’t making sense to me,

gaps in between what Nokuzola has told me
and what I know are basically bending my brain
into a small bridge! A migraine is irritating me
but I don’t tell Ngcwethi, our main concern right
now is finding the boy I mean Junior. Although
it's difficult not to think about all of today’s
shenanigans: The reveal; the drama, out of it all
I’m just praying what Nokuzola said about me
once having a stillborn baby isn't true, it cannot
be true and I refuse to be fed her lies. Girl is just
being bitter that perhaps, I did once fall in love
with her husband. Is he the man I always dream
of? Was it our love that caused me to jolt up
wide awake in the middle of the night with a
heart more sore than the last? It’s possible, I’ve
read it up. Regaining memories through dreams,
it happens though rare. But how come I can’t
recall a single damn thing in reality when I am
awake and fully operating? Now it doesn’t make
sense all over again.
My hands tremble a bit whenever I touch my
stomach and Nokuzola’s words cross my mind.
A baby, me? I was once a mother, for a few
months. I smile then rub it off as I realize I’m
just going crazy nothing much.
The silence in this car has never been so thick.
I’ve ridden it thrice now and I’ve never felt it
become so claustrophobic and depressing.
Ngcwethi forced his brothers to let him drive,
prior us convy-ing out the Mthembu premises
he was not in the right state of mind to do
anything quite frankly. Half of the room had to
peel his body off Nokuzola before he killed her
right in front of us. I didn’t even know Ngcwethi
owned a gun, though I’ve seen Sihle with it
countless times and we’ve argued over it
countless times. Was it ever real? Or was I just
another pawn? Another game for them?
Perhaps MaSokhela was right these are no
good to me, they do not deserve me. Selfish is
what they are and evil is their life code. My
heart bleeds for the children, their innocence is
at stake and none of them really know it. And
Junior? He seemed like a nice boy, a little rough
around the edges but once Snakho explained to
me I understood. If I could I’d visit them
everyday just to let them know I’m not a runner,
but with MaSokhela that’s a little close to
impossible. Last nnight I slept inside the
storeroom because Nokwanda had totally fallen
asleep by the time I came back hence the show
I had to put off of waking up in the early dawns
and sweeping the yard, feeding ma's chickens
and washing imagery dust off the windows.
Lucky me, in the storeroom there are a bunch of
pinafores and old shoes so I wasn't that
suspicious. Today I made a lie that I was going
to get Nokwanda her meds from the local clinic,
well it’s actually not a lie but that’s not all I was
planning to do, I just wanted to see Snakho as
promised only to walk into a table full of
Mthembu members.
The shame in Sihle’s eyes told me he knew it
was over between us, but I don’t think he knew
I’m not done with him. He'll pay for hurting me
the way he would have hurt me if I could love
“You are so quiet”, Ngcwethi eventually breaks
the silence and evades the thick depressing air
with somewhat anger from me. He’s part of the
lie, part of the act and I can’t bring myself to
look at him as any better than his fellow
“About what Nokuzola said, what she did I'm …”
I turn away from the window and the cows
taking their daily dose of grass to look at
Ngcwethi, sincerely glare at him.
“You’re what? Sorry? Unfortunately, a sorry
doesn’t mend a heart Ngcwethi.”, I'm about to
start a whole speech when I realize no it’s not
worth it from me. I don’t have to do this to
myself. Whatever the truth may be my ears
don’t want to hear it.
“I was going to tell you, at some point”, he
flusters, I don’t know whether I’m stressing him
or Junior but right now Ngcwethi looks like a
person awaiting his grave.
“…There was no easy way to break it to you.
Nomkhosi it wasn’t my intention to hurt you”
I chuckle lowly, because weirdly those are the
same words Sihle use say to me after hurting
me. It wasn't my intention, I didn’t mean to, I
would have told you – all of these sound like
excuses for cowards whom can’t face their
“You knew what you knew and chose not to tell
me, you hid it knowing it would hurt me. You
know I may be naïve but I’m not delusional, in
life one must never be too blinded to see reality.
You could have told me Ngcwethi, say anything,
Sihle could have done the same but the both of
you didn’t. You broke the truth to that reality”,
I'm pretty sure I missed a line, this thing of
stealing fancy lines from motivational speakers.
“Ngiyaxolisa MaMshengu”
“If you couldn’t be faithful to me, a complete
stranger. At least be faithful to your fiancé”, I
say removing his hand from my knee.
He does remove it and keeps both hands on the
steering wheel. His eyes moving around the
place, I do the same, look all round for a sign at
least that we're looking on the right track.
Nothing. Nothing appears anywhere.
In that silence Ngcwethi’s phone rings, he
answers it immediately and both of us shift up
on our seats. We want to hear that they found
him, safe and unharmed.
“Bafo we're at the end of the road. Akekho la
umfana”, Sihle sighs and let’s out a little ‘Fuck’.
Ngcwethi switches off his phone and his jaw is
marked off through his skin. I didn’t even see
his red eyes up until now.
“Do you think we will find him?”, I’m shuddering
at the mere thought of not finding him, alive.
“It’s not a question or an option”, Ngcwethi
breaks a few sweat particles down his face. I
don’t blame him, this is nerve wrecking and
painful to endure.
I wonder how Snakho is doing? If he has
stopped crying or had some thing to eat.
“You’ll make her regret doing this to Junior
right?”, I find myself asking a question I didn’t
plan on even spitting out my mouth.
At first he steals a glance, notices I’m not
playing like my usual self and stares for a little
“Day and night”, Ngcwethi assures me.
I nod and judge myself for finding comfort in his
answer. I’m wondering how she could be so
dirty? An entire woman, thinks the way she
thinks sies!
“Are you migraines better?”
I freeze for a little while.
“I saw you holding your head earlier and figured,
you are suffering from a headache. I have pills
in the boot…”, I see his kind, I have ears in my
eyes and they tell me things my ears can’t and
right now my ear-eyes tell me he just wants to
lessen the ping of guilt rocking his soul. No, he
must pay too. Sometimes God takes too long
so you must be the issuer of your punishments.


Khalilou Junior Conteh

I’ve ran a long enough distance to be out of the

open area where I’m certain they will go looking
for me if they decide to do so. Back at home I
use to run long and more dangerous distances
than this but I’m more tired now than I was back
then maybe I was too fuelled from fear to
notice that I had spent 23 hours on a run. Never
stopping unless to get something to eat or drink
so I didn’t faint along the way to a safe village.
These bushes aren't as bad as the ones I would
sleep in for a couple of weeks just to keep out
of the rebels’ coast and far away from danger. I
find a nice spot under a tree, it’s surrounded by
tall grass and a few daises. I look at them and
remember how much my mother loved these
things I never use to understand why or what
they signified however when I saw them I
always plucked some out for her and my
brother would steal the flowers from my hand a
few steps away from home so that our mother
thought it was all his efforts. I let him do it, they
were flowers after all and nothing of value. But
now that she’s gone, I wish I had made it a
mission in my life to get her those flowers until
my dying day. I wish I could visit her grave with
them in my hand, too bad her body turned to
ash like the rest of the houses of almost even
single village. I feel myself get a little hot from
starring at these flowers, I choose the birds
instead. Always in their formation, only that one
or maybe two idiots who always flock out the
It reminds me so much of Sierra Leone, we use
to be a nation like this. Strong; United and
happy. Very happy even with the little that we
had. Everyday after school I'd come back to a
whole jazz dance going on outside every
household. That time reggae was the jam.
We’d sit on our stoeps and laugh at how some
of the elders were swaying, it was disturbing
now that I think of it and found it so funny that
our fathers thought they were smooth Michael
Jacksons. The atmosphere tasted different,
sweeter than honey dew and yet all it took was
a couple of hours to ruin the sweetness and
replace it with the everlasting bitter taste. I
wonder sometimes how my people are doing
then other times I don’t out of fear. I’d rather
live on the streets than allow them to send me
back to my village with no confirmation of
safety at all. I’d rather die here in this bush
because at least I know I'd be dying in peace
with a clear conscious. My heart won’t let me
live through committing more atrocities to my
people, I’ve done enough damage to last a
lifetime of sorrows. I don’t touch sleep for more
than 3 hours or 2 on unlucky days. The
nightmares won’t let me. I see the people who I
killed in every corner of my sleep, I see them
beg me to not pull the trigger or butcher them, I
hear the mothers scream for me not to take
their children, I feel the young ones battle my
grip, the bodies I'd just jump over and continue
with the journey whenever taking a walk to
some place else. Some times it’s hard to blame
the alcohol; the cocaine; the brown brown (gun
powder mixed with cocaine); the violence and
even the rebels so you take the bundle of
burdens on as if your innocence carried all that

This is why I hate being alone, I get time to think

too much sometimes I suffer terrible
headaches from thinking. That lady seemed to
make most of my problems go away because
she spoke so much, I see why Snakho loved her
so much. Her spirit is warm and seems too
clean to be placed in a world like this, what
Nozola did to her was cruel. In fact she made
me realize harming a person doesn’t only have
to do with hurting them physically, it also
involved words.
I still remember when Sosha first introduced
her to me, I was still in rehabilitation at that time
and not getting any better at being human again.
His plan was to convince her that I am good boy
who just was unfortunate in his childhood to
cross paths with evil. But I wasn't seeing the
same, see when you spend years and years
doing horrific things for sissy adults then you
come to learn a whole new version of this life
thing. I trusted no adult, I trusted no one and o
still don’t. But she did.
Sosha had left us alone in the room for some
time. The lady did her best to make me return
the smile she gave me but I didn’t do it, at some
point she started tickling me to get me to laugh
I guess but my reflexes were already up to
protect myself. I stabbed her with the bayonet
that I always kept under my mattress since I
had no gun it became my saviour. I couldn’t
understand why her eyes had the same warmth
towards me even after I had stabbed her, I
thought maybe she’s just crazy and watched
her fall to the ground. And then she said, “You’re
a sharp kid”, I couldn’t comprehend what she
meant until later on in life she explained to me
what sarcasm is, not that I didn’t know it, I am
educated but at the time I didn’t see it. As to
how she agreed to adopt me in place of Sosha I
never knew but I wish to know, only thing is I do
not want her to remember the monster I was to
her when all she wanted to do was help me.
See this is why I cannot allow them to take me
back, one can never be sure. I can’t risk being
that demon again. This time, I wouldn’t try
Patrimony: The Ancestors wife
Chapter Thirteen
💕 Sponsored by Ester Kundai 💕
Nomkhosi Mshengu

I may be going mad or just hungry but we’ve

passed this area for the third time now, in fact
we’ve been circling the entire place for the
whole day it just turned to nightfall now, the sun
is gone and when I look at Ngcwethi’s face it
seems his hope faded along with it. I'd be lying
if I said I have any, truth is it takes a serious
Christian to continue having faith at a time like
this and the only time I’ve opened a bible was to
hide my lunch money away from everyone else
because I knew no one in my family would open
a bible until Sunday.
He starts strolling back to the direction we
started from, looking out his window for a
glimpse of his lost faith.
“There’s nothing there”, my voice cracks in our
silence. I hear him sniff.
“That is what I fear too. Nothingness”, It's odd
how this man cries, you see no tears; you hear
no sob but you certainly feel his weeping in his
voice. My anger towards Nokuzola just
skyrockets with every dying minute in this car;
she is no woman let alone mother. I feel it’s
unfortunate that a bright good kid like Snakho
has a woman like Nokuzola to address as
mother. What has she gained by doing this
besides millions of targets behin her back?
“You need to rest you've been driving for the
whole day, restless and emotional. Take a
“I don’t need a break I need to find him, alive
and unharmed do you understand that
Nomkhosi!”, his outburst frightened me a little
but I wasn’t surprised with all the anger he’s
been bottling up since the beginning of this
search. My thoughts say if he doesn’t calm
down before going back to the house then
Nokuzola is definitely a dead man walking and
that is not what I Want, she deserves more
punishment than death.
“Well I do”, I cross my arms and give him a
tough eye lock challenge which he gladly
contests me to without knowing.
“I can do this all day you know. I’ve once played
this game with an owl so you're no match for
me”, I say and continue starring at him with my
widened eyes.
He lasts longer than I figured he would before
letting the competition go and focusing on the
road. I notice how the car is slowly pulling up in
front of a spaza, the doors unlock and nothing
else comes as a sound to our ears except for
our breathing.
“My house was burning down, I had my wife and
two girls inside including me. We were having a
normal black people’s Sunday lunch, my wife
had cooked up a storm that day apparently her
God was to dine with us – That’s what her
spirits said. I laughed and made a couple of bad
jokes about it, she got mad with me and gave
me the silent treatment all night. Till this day I
have no idea how the fire started, all I know is it
got too bad too fast there was no time to
rescue any of my daughters and my wife was
long gone before I realized how the flames had
engulfed my house. Sosha saved me, somehow
but lost his daughter too in the process”
My body hits snooze. I’m frozen and for what? I
have no clue, I feel so guilty for not
remembering him or whatever we had. I feel
horrible, it’s almost as though I abandoned him
whereas he’s still fighting for me to remember
him; us.
“A bunch of criminals broke in his house that
same day and killed everyone in it before
running away with his money and a few more
valuables”, Ngcwethi continues.
My trembling voice manages to pick up sound
and say something, “How did he feel?”, if I can’t
remember then at least let me think and feel
what he must have felt.
“I have no words to put what he went through in
context. Things were very bad, very bad”,
Ngcwethi's head moves from back to forth then
around in circles, his neck cracks in the process
here and there.
“Sometimes I think he chose to join this UN
special task force to save those children in DRC;
Sudan; Liberia; Sierra just to take away his guilt
of not being able to save his child”, His smile
stops him mid sentence and slowly I watch him
laugh a little, He was a beautiful smile when it
reaches his eyes.
“My brother was a good man, I’m glad in his
lifetime he got to meet a good woman like you.
You were the second chance he always prayed
for, and now you're mine”
I lift my head up, confused and shocked by his
words. I’m the chance huh? How?
He has a fiancé that he loves what is he even
saying to himself?
“Forget about it. Are you hungry?”, somehow I’m
both relieved and anxious that he dropped the
topic prior me asking further questions. I was
beginning to worry.
“No thanks, I can’t stomach anything right now.
And you?”, I look up at his red eyes and think
whether he’s still crying or has lost all means to
shed tears internally.
“Me neither. I owed Sosha many things hence I
took the decision to fulfil all his wishes; but now
I’ve realized it’s not about being indebted to him.
I care for these boys as much as he did, I want
what’s best for them as much he did. I can’t
stomach losing either of them especially like
this”, I have no words to comfort him because
I’m going the same amount of guilt as he is if
not more.
He accepts my silent response and joins me in
it. I don’t know what we are hoping to achieve
by sitting around like this in the middle of
nowhere but I know we’re not willing to go
either. A silly thought passes through my brain
and my body gives me the courage to pay it
Ngcwethi stares at the hands crawling around
his neck, he looks at me with utter shock. I sit
on his lap and he doesn’t protest it.
I’m desperate and if I’m being honest I have no
clue for what but all I know is I want to feel
what Sosha made me feel. Even if it’s through
shaming myself like this, I want to feel how my
heart would race if this was him. I can’t believe I
lived my life hating a man I loved with my all
and who loved me with his.
It pains more than anything to imagine that.
“Nomkhosi”, it’s the first time hearing his breath
so unstable and trembling.
“Make me feel what Sosha made me feel,
please. I just want to feel an inch of it maybe all
this pain will go away”, my forehead is hurting
from forcing it on his so hard, at this point I’m
letting all go to God’s hands. They are
“Khosi”, he doesn’t say anything else, his sharp
breath hits my neck and leaves the hairs on my
face on end.
His lips devour me wholesomely.
The tickles his beard give me causes me to
giggle a bit. I let him leave his bite marks on my
neck; under my chin then he comes back to
devouring my lips. My hips buckle in his grip
and he sits me comfortably on his lap.
“There’s something euphoric about this”, He
mutter inside my mouth.
He cuffs my neck without letting me take a
deep breath and sucks my skin down to my
chest and shoulders. His butterfly kisses send
me away, far away where life wasn't so unkind
to me.
“…Snothile your …”, he shushes me before I
could finish. I feel guilty now, I’m being a whore
but then I remember I didn’t make myself a
whore, God said leave all your worries in His
hands and He shall carry them for you and fight
your battles for you, He’s fighting them for me,
on top of another man.
“This is your moment”, my waist fits so well in
his hold, a missing chain some would say.
I let my tears flow, dripping on him.
He wipes them away and kisses my eyelids for
some odd reason.
“Won’t you get in trouble at home? It’s getting
late”, Ngcwethi.
I wrap myself around him and rest my chin on
his neck, “I can’t be alone. I do not wanna leave
without knowing Junior is safe, I brought him
here didn’t I? not that I remember it but I don’t
want the kid to suffer because of me at the
same time I don’t have the power to take care
of him financially and offer him the best out of
life I barely afford myself”, I scoff.
“Then let’s get married”
My toes tense.
“It doesn’t have to be fancy, it doesn’t have to
be because of love for one another either. We're
doing it for the people who mean something to
us”, he says.
“My family would never allow it"
“Your family is part of the reason we’re in this
predicament to begin with”
I move off his body and his arms uncurl me.
“Excuse Me?”
“You heard me well. The Mshengus aren’t from
Christ sweetheart, they are just as horrible as
they've painted us to be”
My hand swings before I could stop myself. He
looks down, hiding whatever anger he is hiding.
I don’t care, I slapped him I slapped him. I try to
get off him but he holds me, I threaten to bite
him and that’s when he let’s me go. Soon as I
get off him I get out the car and slam the door.
Everything is a big fat lie and I’m sick and tired
of being caught in the middle of it all!
I look back inside the car and see him watching
me, his eyes much softer than they were before.
I turn around facing the other way and sit on his
bonnet. His window rolls down and he offers
me a jacket since I refuse to go back inside, I
reject it too.
Although I am basically turning to an ice cube
out here.
“This is childish”, he shouts from his luxury car.
I keep my words to myself.
“Fine suit yourself”, he sighs shortly after his
tantrum and opens the door.
“I’m too old for this. Nomkhosi, I’m tired of
living in circles. I try to build my life and Sosha
stops it because he wants you back, you're
dying of guilt too and on the other side our
decision to be ignorant is affecting the innocent
ones in this. You don’t have to love me I’ve kind
of rid myself of th at thought long time ago but
please love these kids at least”
“It’s not easy Ngcwethi! My family …”
“You choose how to live your life every day you
wake up, you make that decision not them”,
He’s getting raspy again.
I’ve concluded he is not a fan of my family.
“Ok so I agree to this then what?”
“Then we let whatever it is that needs to happen,
happen”, it’s easy for him to say, He’s a grown
man with everything one can ask for in life. He
calls his own shots.
“Who will take care of me?”
He looks at me as if I’m the dumbest person he
knows after asking that.
“Your husband”, he points to himself.
“What are people gonna say? I’m hamster
wheeling brothers, Ngcwethi this isn't going. To
“Not with that attitude it won’t”
I sigh and cross my arms.
“When I find Junior I was planning on moving
them to Durban permanently, if you don’t agree
to this Nomkhosi it would mean they’ll never
see you again, that’s the last problem I want in
my life those boys love you at least the other
will learn to love soon enough…”
“If we find him”, I mutter.
“We will”
There’s a lot of reassurance in his voice and I
want to believe it’ll happen the way he planned
but that little siren I’m hearing tells me
otherwise. How did he even find Me!?
“Nomkhosi!”, my brother marches towards us
after parking his van in front of us.
“Great the interference has arrived”, Ngcwethi
can be so petty and childish too sometimes.
Patrimony: The Ancestors wife
Chapter Fourteen

His calmness is slowly escaping his system

with every look they share with Sthembiso. It all
comes back to him like a gushing river – the
shooting of his brother; the hatred Sthembiso
has for them; the pain he inflicted on his sister
just to get back at Sosha for dating Khosi. It
takes a huge chunk of maturity from Ngcwethi
not to strangle Sthembiso right now. Though
most of it doesn’t come from the past much,
the anger that is, it’s coming from not knowing
whether Sthembiso will be standing between
his brother and his peace all over again. The
truth can’t be shunned, even though he tried to
make it disappear by doing all these selfish
stunts: wanting Sihle to date Khosi in hopes of
that satisfying Sosha enough to let his soul rest
in peace; taking Snothile as a fiancé hoping she
convinces Sosha that what he’s asking for will
not happen because Ngcwethi loves someone
else not Nomkhosi, there is nothing he has not
done that proved to work in his favour. Time is
running out for him, this year he'll be closer to
40 years of age and he would love to live that
40 up!
Other than those factors, He’s a grown man
tired of carrying burdens that don’t belong to
Sthembiso pulls Nomkhosi harshly away from
Ngcwethi’s side to his.
“Is this a clinic to you Nomkhosi Mshengu?”,
Sthembiso shouts, with the close proximity of
his face and hers his spit is probably flying to
her face.
“How many times must you be warned about
staying away from these animals? Awulaleli
ufuna kuze kube njani? Sikulande usubanda
emacekeni akwaMthembu, oMthembu bama
simbha!?”, Sthembiso loudens his rant.
Ngcwethi's jaw clings onto his cheekbones as
Sthembiso continues hurling insults towards
his family, Khosi is crying in her brother's grip
and softly pleading for him to stop hurting her
“Don’t you dare sob in front of me, ukhaliswa
yini? That I’m taking you away from your sugar
daddy?”, his rage is causing Ngcwethi's rage to
tenderly rise from the pit of his own stomach.
“Bhuti it’s not … he was …”, Khosi doesn’t get a
chance to finish a single line before she’s
almost slapped across the face, something
stops Sthembiso before he lays his hands on
Ngcwethi moves away from the car and
towards the shaking Nomkhosi crouching
beside her brother with her hands over her
“Wena stay away from lo uyangizwa?”,
Sthembiso scolds Ngcwethi, pointing his finger
at him firmly. Ngcwethi pays him no mind he
continues to try lift Khosi from the floor.
“I’m talking can’t you hear that!?”, Sthembiso
attempts to throw a fist which Ngcwethi blocks
and returns swiftly, Sthe stumbles back runs his
thumb pad over his lip to wipe away the little
“Nx ung'jwayela amasimba wena!”
Khosi freezes on the spot. Her eyes can’t move
away from the short gun her brother is holding
up towards Ngcwethi, Sthembiso is crazy he
really will pull the trigger if Ngcwethi dares him.
“Bhuti don’t do this please, Ngcwethi hasn’t
done anything to me please”, she’s clinging on
his leg hoping it revives some bit of remorse.
“You're defending this dog, Nomkhosi?”,
Sthembiso frowns at his sister, some thing
along the lines of pained feigns his face.
Khosi breathily says, “No I’m not defending
anyone I just do not want anymore bloodshed,
“This piece of shit deserves to die!”
“Hatred breeds hatred, No?”, Ngcwethi calmly
utters. “Nomkhosi is innocent in all of this
Mshengu there is no need putting her in this
situation …”
Sthembiso bursts out laughing, his laughter
lasts a lifetime even veins pop out his forehead
black as it is Khosi sees them and looks away.
“Was Londiwe not innocent? Was my wife not
innocent, Ngcwethi. Ngiyabuza phela
ngiphendule shlama!”, Sthembiso shutters the
truth in front of Nomkhosi.
Her eyes turn to Ngcwethi begging for him to
say something that is contrary to what her
brother just implied. This can not be her life, it
doesn’t make sense enough to be called a life.
“W-what do the Mthembus have to do with
Sis'Londiwe's death?”, her quivering voice
manages a few words.
“Good question for once you’ve asked a good
question. Answer her old man, you two have
been love hibernating over here right? So tell her
now dzaddy who is responsible for my son's
mother's death!”
Ngcwethi trap his lower lip between his teeth till
warm metallic liquid spreads on his tongue.
He's starring at Nomkhosi who is flat on her ass
wondering: how she got involved in all this
mess? And how she will get out. There's little he
can do since he is part of the problem but
nonetheless he'd do anything to help at this
stage in his life he’d like to start building
towards peace.
“Ngcwethi what happened to my sister in-law!?”,
Khosi screams.
Ngcwethi looks down at his toes and slips his
hands inside his pockets, “Sihle stole baba's car
the other day went driving around recklessly, by
“Don’t you fucken make me lose my cool! It was
no accident, grow a pair of balls ube yindoda
and admit the naked truth”, Sthembiso's tears
fill his eyes. Khosi is stunned by it all, the reveal
and her brother's sudden emotions. Sthembiso
does not cry, no matter what he never cries.
And here he is today weeping like a baby.
“He was a child at the time he knew nothing of
what was happening between our families let
alone what your wife looked like. Do you
sincerely believe a child would just run over a
random woman and flea on purpose?”,
“Why did he flea the scene then if he was so
innocent why did he leave my wife to die on the
middle of the road? Londiwe is gone who do
you think is left to comfort my son whenever he
asks when will his mother return?”, Sthembiso
wipes the tears on his face with the back of his
hand and points the gun back at Ngcwethi.
There’s no answer there, well there is but he
knows it’s not valid enough. He can never justify
what happened that day and out of all Mshengu
people Londiwe was one he'd bring back to life
if given the chance.
“uMshengu; my mother and then my wife, who
else are you people planning to take away from
Me? Nomkhosi? In my rotting grave will you see
that happen!”, Sthe.
Ngcwethi's heart starts beating vigorously at
the mention of her mother being on the list. He
wasn't there when it happened but he heard it
wasn’t his father’s fault. Someone made
someone angry that’s all he knew. Sihle has
known Nomkhosi to be attached to her mother,
now her hearing his family is allegedly
responsible for her death. It’s frightening.
It’s almost like the two men realized with the
sniffs that someone is there with them. She’s
rocking herself back and forth, stuck in some
daze. All this can’t be good for her brain, Khosi
has gone through too much for the day.
“Stay away from my family or you will reap what
you sew, Ngcwethi yokunuka nx and tell that
shlama brother of yours to piss off or he'll never
get to see that baby Nokwanda is carrying”,
Sthembiso lifts his sister off the floor, gently
and caringly takes her to his van. He lays her on
the passenger seat and closes the door. Gives
Ngcwethi one more hardened glance, pointing
his gun at him as a warning.
Ngcwethi is too stuck in what Sthembiso said
to notice the van drive off, Ntando is going to
drive him absolutely insane! That boy never
listens he thinks these things are games, using
a girl to fulfil his vengeful desires?
Ngcwethi fists his bonnet, his fist print marks
the shiny hood.
“Dammit!”, he roars.
He is back to square one with Nomkhosi if not
negative 100 because Sthembiso just couldn’t
keep his mouth shut! But maybe it’s for the
better, He’s no good for her; his family is no
good for her but hey he tried..
“There’s nothing I can do anymore, bafo. Maybe,
you shouldn’t have loved her at all”, Ngcwethi
shakes his head and just stands, letting the rain
th at just begun pour on him.
“I keep failing on all ends…”
“Not true”, a voice says from behind him. Only
one person he knows of pronounces not as nat
and true as throo.
“I was over there sleeping in those tree
branches when I heard the fight, at first I
wanted to come out in the open but then I
remembered it isn't my battle”, It really is Junior,
unharmed and alive!
Junior chuckles and rests his hand on
Ngcwethi's shoulder, “You're very patient and
calm man, I would have butchered that fellow
the moment his mouth showed me his teeth”,
then he laughs. Laughs to the point of holding
his stomach.
“Look at your face you look shocked, that was a
good laugh"
Ngcwethi shakes his head and chooses to relax
a bit.
“We were having a misunderstanding, it’s
nothing serious”, Ngcwethi.
“Mmm", Junior steps in front of Ngcwethi and
starts gathering stones big and small. Ngcwethi
curves his eyebrow in question.
“See old man, this is me”, Junior places a small
stone on the muddy ground, “And these are my
problems summed up", he takes a bigger rock
and puts it next to the small stone then takes
another small stone, “This is you and”, he takes
a medium sized rock and places it next to the
big rock, “Those are your problems. So you see
hiding the truth from me won’t get you
anywhere, just like the circles you’ve been
driving in for the past couple of hours”
Junior dusts his hands on his pants and takes
Ngcwethi's hand, “Ok pretend I am that lady
then, pour your heart out to me”, Junior poses
the way Khosi stands whenever she’s ready to
bite back.
At last Ngcwethi laughs.
“You dey craze little boy huh?”, Ngcwethi.
“You dey craze too. You know what my past has
taught me? A war is built on revenge because
you see: I kill your girlfriend and you get angry
and want to kill mine then I get angrier and want
to kill your family and you get angrier than me
and want to destroy my village then I get even
more angrier and want to make your people
suffer more than mine did and you get even
worse than angry and want to kill me alive, you
have children and I have children you force your
children to kill mine and I force mine to kill
yours. It’s a cycle that never ends, not even
when you’re tired of it when your body; mind
and soul don’t want it. It takes a real man to be
able to pull himself out that war and stand
alone, I’ve seen you do that over years living
your own life away from the hatred your family
had for hers until you were forced to join it too
and now you’re harbouring it even when you do
not want it taking innocent people like your
girlfriend down with you, you see it’s an endless
cycle”, Junior shrugs.
Ngcwethi looks at junior with no words able to
exit his mouth. The kid is too bright for the life
he was subjected to, too too bright. And it
baffles him furthermore how he grew such a
thick backbone at a young age when men his
age haven’t gotten an inch close.
“Don’t cry on me now or else I’ll go back to my
bush and continue life there, life there is good I
could hear myself think for once instead of
hearing granny Candy’s rants", Junior rolls his
“Hey watch your mouth that is your
grandmother”, Ngcwethi laughs.
“Give yourself time to be alive while you can
because believe me sir nothing kills a spirit like
living without being alive. She’ll come around if
she chooses to forgive you, I know I wouldn’t so
don’t bet on it. But trust me uncle and cherish
all you have now before its all gone, I learnt that
the hard way I don’t want the same for you”
Ngcwethi brushes Junior’s head, smiling from
ear to ear. To think all he needed was to hear
someone give him that hope that Junior just
restored within him. He feels so much better
than before though his spirit is still abit down.
“Let’s go home”, Ngcwethi wraps his arms
around him but Junior does not move.
“She won’t dare take you away from us my boy
believe me”
“How are you so sure?”
“I didn’t spend all those years in law school not
learning how to be a corrupt attorney. Come
let’s go, your brother misses you"
Junior eases up and walks with Ngcwethi to the
“I missed him too although not that much, I was
sleeping next to pig a few minutes ago. I
couldn’t tell the difference from its snoring and
Ngcwethi bursts his lungs out, “If he hears you
say that …”
“But he won’t right? You heard nothing from me
that I know for sure”
“Will you keep threatening me that you’ll go to
the bush if I don’t do things your way?”
Junior stares at him, “Well yes unless you want
us to settle the score using our fists. My uncle
was a karate master you know, I could close
your eye for a week or so"
Ngcwethi gives up on this kid.
He somehow hopes Nomkhosi gives his family,
he wouldn’t want these boys to lose yet another
big part of their life.
“Do you think Snakho will be as understanding?”,
Ngcwethi asks.
“You want an honest answer? No, but that’s
because he hasn’t understood how life is and
how it works, he still believes good shall always
win. Sometimes that is not the case and it’s
okay because it doesn’t mean good has ended
in the entire world”
There is no doubt in Ngcwethi's mind, Junior
needs to be put I school ASAP. It’s not even up
for discussion anymore.
Patrimony: The Ancestors wife
Chapter Fifteen
Khalilou Junior Conteh

Ngweti looks at me and gives me the go ahead
nod to open the door and welcome the anxious
human beings on the other side of it. I won’t lie,
I’m feeling a bit guilty for just running away like
that forgetting that even with that evil mumu
hell bent on getting rid of me there are people
who still loved me and want the best for me in
life that’s something I've been longing for ever
since I was removed from the war, since I lost
my mother and father during the invasions of
villages and my siblings while trying to run away
from the rebels. I don’t want to lose something
so meaningful in life something that I know
100% most of my brothers and sisters back
home are ready to die for.
To my surprise I see my granny, the real granny
who looks like fresh gogo that doesn’t apply
make up and wear fake hair; mkhulu's first
wife's sister – that granny sitting on her couch
with her eyes closed and a bible in her hand.
The excitement in me couldn’t hold me back,
“Gogo!”, I ran to her as fast as I could and
crushed against her old bones. Her chubby
arms cover me like a warm winter blanket as
she squeezes me. I love her so much, she's the
one person who still reminds me of the beauty
of my home and culture, when ever she is here
we would recite folk tales to one another; talk
about the stars and moon and endless chipping
of birds in the morning. She’d also share stories
about how father Sosha was as naughty as I am,
even worse actually. Her stories made laugh
because for once I was not the one getting the
butt whooping stories. Of course she was not
told about my past and I preferred it that way so
I couldn’t lose another chance of being a
naughty boy again, I knew if they told her she
would fear me or pity me so much that I
wouldn’t have the childhood I desired - You
know being mischievous and getting an ass
beating for it. She would have not done that out
of fear of triggering my anger or past.
“Why didn’t you tell me mh? You hide things
from gogo now?”, she starts asking me millions
of questions at a time giving me no chance to
answer her. She asks if being out there made
me feel lonely again or if what Nokuzola
triggered my past. I look around the room
unable to answer her questions.
“We had to tell her little ninja, she was getting
worried”, Sis'Bule, my third favourite after my
brother of course, smiles at me and pinches my
Her smile makes me smile, actually I low-key
have a crush on her. It’s not like she’s my blood
sister and stuff, we're all God’s children said a
very wise man. Her face is perfect with its
pimples and oily forehead, a big forehead I
must say – It’s full of knowledge. She is the
smartest person I’ve ever met, whenever
Snakho has problem with his mathematics he
always goes to her. Back home she’s the kind
of girl whom would never struggle in life
because of her humble; educated beautiful self:
every boy in the village would line up by the river
to help her carry her bucket and we’d be willing
to even go to the markets with her. I’m very glad
she lived far away from the darkness we lived in,
that place ruins beautiful and precious things.
I nod after what she just said, I didn’t hear it all I
heard was her saying she missed me and later
squashes me between her average breasts. My
smile grows bigger as I wrap my short arms
around her too.
Snakho winks at me and laughs softly.
I give him a middle finger but Sihle sees and
warns me sternly with his eyes. I want to laugh,
he looks very weird when he thinks he is
intimidating me however I put my finger down
and obey him.
“Please don’t ever do that again Khalilou, you
got us really worried about your safety. Ma
couldn’t even breath”, My heart is grinning like a
She called me my African name, my true name.
“I won’t do it again, thing is I got scared
because I thought you would take me back
home for real. I can’t go back, so I decided to
run away”, I shrug and continue glaring at my
angel. I can only imagine the kids her and I
would have one day.
“This is your home where else would you find
four fathers, a big sister, two older brothers, a
grandpa and two grannies?”, she has a point
there this is a big awkward family.
Although I cannot see the rest of it, the plastic
doll I mean and Nokuzola.
“Run away again and I will find you and beat you
up with a cane you hear me?”, Gogo warns me
and nod too.
I’m glad she isn't pitying me and all of that.
“I won’t run away anymore gogo”, I lift my pinkie
and she lifts hers too and tangles it around
Mkhulu places his hand over my head and
slowly let’s his lips stretch wide, I know what he
wants to say and I’m saying it back to him. Our
moment is cut short by the doll of course, she
hugs me tightly and pinches my nose.
“We missed you a lot!”, the rats in this house
would miss me more than her I know for a fact.
“Your granny here almost died, now she has to
go all the way back to her house again so late.
Kodwa Junior”, why is she acting as if she cares?
I yank her hand off my shoulder and walk over
to Bab'Ngcwethi.
I know he doesn’t tolerate Candy's nonsense.
“Oh yes I must go back now before it gets too
dark. Mfana kaGogo, tomorrow morning come
see okay? Both you and Snakho, I have some
thing for you”, she smiles.
Snakho and I look at one another we already
know the drill, we'll be farming the entire day.
I can already feel my soul leave my body as I
think of how long and big gogo's crops are.
“You’re not going anywhere, there is plenty of
room in this house. Stay as much as you wish
to stay Phindile", Mkhulu's voice resonates the
whole dining room.
“What?”, Candy.
“And that was final, Bule please show your
mother her room before you leave”, Mkhulu.
That’s sad, where is she going?
“Yes dad. Come ma", I love watching her around
gogo, she becomes this light bubbly girl.
“Haibo Madoda this is my house as much as it
is yours, my voice matters too. Why is she
staying?”, Candy shouts across the table.
“Mvelase there is no need for me to Stay,
umfan'wami is safe and I know that for sure
now. I’ll go”
“Phindile”, Mkhulu isn’t one to sound like he’s
ordering people most of the time, He’s just
naturally authoritative but today I’m seeing a
whole new side of him. All the time I thought he
was weak before candy and that maybe her
nana had him wrapped around her finger but
now I see he fights only for certain people.
Hmmmm I see you mkhulu, I see you.
Gogo isn't ugly one bit, even with all the paints
she still looks more pretty than Candy lady.
“Mvelase I…”
Candice stands on her feet and bangs the table,
“Like hell she is, this is my house Madoda”
Mkhulu stops on the second step and turns his
face to the side a little.
“We can gladly leave you in your house by
yourself remember that. Phindile”, he gently
calls for gogo to come to him. She is hesitant
until Snakho and I pull her up the couch and
take her to mkhulu ourselves.
The whole house is quiet almost as if we’ve
never seen two old people hold hands before.
Snakho and I share a secret high five, hopefully
now Candice will disappear.
“You two naughty fools”, Sis'Bule twists our
ears from behind, she saw us do that? I want to
explain to her it’s not what she thinks, I’m not a
bad kid.
“If you manage to get those two together I will
pay you both R400. Deal?”
“Deal", Snakho rushes me, I still wanted to drag
the conversation a bit it’s been a while since I’ve
seen her let alone talk. I’m always afraid of
calling her because what am I going to say?
‘Hey pretty young thang so I know we’re family
but technically we're not so can you accept me
as your boyfriend or I’ll kill myself with rat
food?’. A nudge brings me back to earth.
I look at Snakho with thin eyes.
“I’ll see you after a week, but I'll call you
everyday to check up on you okay? Mcwa I love
you both”, she kisses my cheek and the
butterflies in my stomach flea out their nest
“Wait, where are you going?”, I ask.
“To her boy friend”, Snakho grins at me.
Stupid boy.
“Snakho hawu. I have an important trial coming
up in a few days and I must start preparing
though I do wish to spend more time with you
two. Okay you know what, this weekend
sleepover at my place yeah?”
“Hell yeah!”
Everyone looks at me and the awkwardness
simmers in. Oops.
Ahh I love how she giggles too.
“See you Saturday and BE GOOD!”
We will see her on Saturday but the latter? I
don’t think so. Snakho’s arm comes over my
shoulder, he pulls me in and does the most
disturbing thing ever. I push him away and wipe
my cheek roughly while he laughs at me.
“Yuck man what the hell is wrong with you?”,
how does a boy kiss a man? Sies!
“I will whoop your behind”, I yell again, the room
is light again busy laughing at me. This is no
joke where I’m from this means bad luck sex for
“You weren't complaining when sisi did it”, he
“Do you look like Sis'Bule to yourself? You’re
obviously not my type”
We laugh together stupidly until our stomachs
“Okay you boys enough laughing, go shower
and sleep. When I reach that room I want both
your eyes shut”, Ngcwethi.
That’s a bummer. The shower part by the way,
I’m not shy to admit I haven’t become a fan of
showering twice a day I find it pointless but we
do it anyway.
“I miss you bro"
“Well I didn’t miss you at all actually, I found a
pig that is just like you in the bushes. It was
remarkable really how it did everything like you,
honestly I was impressed”
He smacks the back of my neck and promises
to beat me up next time. I laugh and keep quiet
even though I know I'd beat him up first but for
once I want let him be the older brother and not
threaten him back.
“Hey do you think mkhulu and gogo are
sleeping in the same room?”, I wonder.
“No they are not, Gogo wouldn't allow it. She
believes it would be like betraying her sister
since she deeply loved mkhulu”
“That’s a pity, who does she expect mkhulu to
grow old and grey with? He’s missing quite the
experience, I’ve seen how with many of our
grandfathers back home the joy of growing old
with your soulmate, it makes life’s mishaps a
beautiful journey. Whenever the women were
out ploughing the fields we saw what
depression looked like through our
grandfathers eyes”, I smile thinking of my
grandparents and how pure their will to love
was, “I want that for both of us some day”, I
Snakho shakes his head, “You think too deep
I let him laugh. Bottom line I know someday
he'll see what I meant.


Bule Mthembu

“You're asking for trouble Miss Mthembu, is this

the deal we agreed to in the court of law?”, I’ve
never dealt with someone so difficult before in
my entire life; a menace of a thorn in one's ass
an over privileged white man whose sole
purpose in life is to shit on people such as I.
“No, it wasn’t the deal Sir however it is close to
what we were hoping for…”
“What we were hoping for or what you were
hoping for Miss Mthembu? Because I didn’t
hope of getting reduced sentences, I wanted my
sentencing to disappear and promised me it
would right?”, He screams over the phone, and
to add to his effective tone we hear a bunch of
random gunshots in the background. They don’t
sound like they are hitting human flesh but for
me it still calls for concern.
“I had things under control Mr McCarthy in fact I
had settled you for bail, had you not chosen to
become a fugitive prior your court appearance,
we’d be talking a different story by now”, I gulp
my courage, secretly cussing at my stupidity.
I’m alone in this big city, my brothers are all at
home and my father too if I piss this fucker now
I’ll be paying for it for God knows how long.
“Stupid bitch! How dare you put allat blame on
ma broda?”, great now is other hot headed
adoptive brother knows about me. His name is
Marshall, I know a little of him because he had
to be interrogated as well for transparency
purposes. Two things I know surely: He is not
nice and apparently machetes are his favourite
tool; secondly he would die for the McCarthy
since he believes they saved his life when in
truth they manipulated him to his entire life.
They are as good as God in his eyes.
“That wasn't the case Marshal look please we
need to talk You and I in private, I need to show
you some thing”, I bite myself and hope it works.
“Wah gwaan?”
“Just meet me … somewhere, anywhere soon
as possible. I have something just for you”, I
continue begging, the business of Durban
streets at night are frightening anything can
“Watch your back, 1780 Athlon”, he continues
saying my address until he’s finished. I put my
hand over mouth to suppress my fear.
The call drops shortly afterwards allowing me
to soak myself into my car seats. My hands are
quivering, even though I just joined my street
road I still pull up to the side and breathe. Shake
my hands and legs and restart the car, driving in
my house.

It’s not the fanciest but it does stand out a lot in

my row, the security system is the strongest my
brother could get his hands on. I check on the
rear view mirror if no other car is driving in
within me or after me, it’s clear but I’m not
satisfied. They could have sent people to guard
me or spy on me I don’t know now if it’s
paranoia or a gut instinct.
“Thunzi”, that’s the only person who may be
able to help me if he has gotten over our little
argument the other day.
It rings yes but goes straight to voicemail after
the beep. “Oh no", I gasp. I try again and it does
the same thing again, in the midst of all that the
lights on the outside of my house turn off.
I get a little fright and look around at
neighbouring house, their lights are very much
still on. Shit!
I reach for my father’s gun under the seat,
Ngcwethi gave it to me after the first criminal I
sent to jail, came after me afterwards. It’s
meant to protect me but too often times I’ve
shot myself with it instead of the enemy. I leave
on my passenger seat and reverse my car out
again crushing a scrap van that’s parked just
outside my gate.
“Oh my god", I feel my breath getting heavier,
starring at the point of a gun being stationed
towards my vehicle.
Those bastards were tracking me the entire
time and smart me chose to ignore Marshall’s
warning! My heart almost jumps out my chest
as my car speaker rings, I read the caller ID and
my finger jumps to accept call.
“Hello", He’s sleeping.
“Thunzi, Thunzi I think no scratch that I know
I’m being followed. I just arrived in Durban from
Pietermaritzburg and on my way McCarthy had
called, furious. He threatened me and when I
arrived at my house I saw that something was
off. He had sent his boys after me please help
me please”, in the moment of closing my eyes
for a bit a hoot storms right pass me.
“Thunzi say something please”, my tears are
beginning to blind my vision, the street lights
are becoming blur but still I close my ears and
cross not minding all the hoots and swear
words being thrown at me.
“No I was thinking of some thing. Don’t worry
cupcake I’ll get you out of there alive alright?
Where are you now?”, there s shuffling in the
background, a sound of a gun being cocked.
“I can’t see well, but I just fled Athlon”, my voice
“Are there tress next to you, bridge or bush
some kind of remote building?”
I look around with squinted eyes. Trees!
“Yes there are big trees with those small purple
flowers”, I reply.
“Okay cupcake do me a favour and drive on,
drive around without stopping not even when a
police officer stops you just keep driving okay?
Avoid tree dominated areas; bushes and
bridges it’s not safe stay around where a lot of
civilians are. I’ll find you”, his car door bangs
“Bule! Bule can you still hear me?”
I nod then remember he’s not here with me right
now, “Yes I can hear you. Thunzi hurry I’m
“No you’re not you are just being tested
munchkin nothing will happen to you I’ll make
sure of that alright? Did you see their car
registration?”, he asks.
How could I forget that? I only caught a glimpse
though, “I saw the end bit, 781 GP”.
“That’s good enough alright cupcake.
Hypothetically speaking what colour underwear
do you have on right now?”
Is this man mentally well upstairs? At a time
like this he’s asking me that!
“Thunzi …”
“Is it the red for danger lace I always warn you
about? Ou have we shaved?”, he continues his
“Thunzi can you focus please”, I’m not tryna
scold him but he’s being such a child right now.
“I’m focused alright and so our little man, I can’t
keep him down. Did you hear him ask”
I frown, “Ask what?”
“Why usincisha ikhekhe mami huh?”
I end up shutting my mouth and giggling to
myself. This idiot.
If you’re wondering, no Thunzelihle is not my
lover but a friend. It’s hard to explain how we
became best friends but we did. His friend
keeps saying Thunzi wants more than that, I
don’t see it that way I mean it’s been years of
him and I acting like bf and gf sometimes then
laugh it off when we’re alone. It’s really
unexplainable the bond we have and I think we
both don’t want to lose that by forcing
romantics into this friendship.

This is my second hour of driving and I don’t

see the van driving after me anymore. I think I
lost them.
“I think I lost them Thunzi”, I don’t know why I’m
whispering or why he’s whispering to me back:
“I too think you lost them and it’s kind of cold
where I am so madam can you drive faster”
I look around the supermarket parking space
and see a man in all black waving his hands.
“Is that you in all black?”
“Fear crippled your eyesight cupcake mh?”
I roll my eyes and pull up next to him. I see him
quickly slide his gun behind his back and stare
at me with a wide smile. I can’t even get mad at
him, I open my door and throw my arms around
“Are you Okay?”, his hoarse voice rumbles in my
“I thought I was going to die that they would
succeed in killing me this time”, my voice is
trembling although I know I’m 100% safe now.
“Nothing of that sort will happen cupcake you
get that? Let’s get you home…”, I’m not ready
for that. He nods and ushers me to my car. He
opens the passenger door, “You good?”, he
asks as he leans in to put the seatbelt around
me. I thank him and try to calm down again, I’m
safe now.
He has no remorse on the speed. The only thing
assuring me I won't fly through the windscreen
is this seatbelt and him holding my thigh.
“Thank you for saving me once again”, I break
the nice silence in the car.
He looks at me with those very consuming eyes,
they are big very humongous and large oval
eyes. “You know I don’t mind being your
superman”, he winks.
I look away to hide my blush. I haven’t mastered
not paying his charm no mind.
Saved by his ringing phone I get to breath
properly for once.
“What do we do with them?”, the person over
the phone asks. It sounds like Lisakhanya, his
best friend.
“Keep them there I’ll deal with them later”,
Thunzi responds.
“Sho bafo”, Lisakhanya.
“Tha outie yami", Thunzi drops the call and
switches it off.
“Are you hungry?”, He’s doing it on purpose he
knows I will ask eventually kodwa.
“No I’m fine”
“I cooked lamb stew and dumplings”
I slowly get up from my seat and replace my
scowl with a massive grin. It's shameful to say
that a man beats me when it comes to cooking
but honestly I give him the hat. I die where
Thunzi’s cooking skills die!
“Foodies”, he rolls his eyes at me.
He must not try me I don’t judge his sex
obsessions hawu.
Patrimony: The Ancestors wife
Chapter Sixteen
Sthembiso Mshengu
He’s been fuming the entire drive back home.
Nomkhosi is a loose cannon that’s been waiting
to explode and he is well aware of that that’s
why he never built too far away from home no
matter how much he needed it for his own
growth in life. Mshengu is no more;
malum'Khethani won’t be around forever and
his mother can only handle so much of this
mess. Personally there’s no grudge he holds
against his sister for finding love in the
Mthembu family, he out of everyone should
know how reckless and consuming love can be
so much we get lost in it and end up making
rookie decisions, what does anger him though
is watching the Mthembu boys toy with his
sisters hearts as though they’re prone to pain.
Nomkhosi might not see it but he knows a man
very well, those boys are good for nothing when
it comes to his sisters. Take Nokwanda for
example whenever Sthe asks how long has it
been since the baby daddy came to check on
her the room turns sour and Nokwanda leaves
the room immediately. That’s not the kind of
home Sthembiso wants to leave his sisters in,
that isn't what marriage or any kind of intimate
relationship should be like.
He parks outside the gate and switches off the
engine. Nomkhosi doesn’t move.
Sthembiso sighs and says, “Whatever I’m doing
it's for you own good, Nomkhosi”, exhaustingly.
Still she doesn’t give him any response or sign
that she might have picked up whatever it is he
just said to her. Eventually Sthembiso also
gives up trying, pissed off all of a sudden. He’s
trying here the least she can do is meet him at a
distance. Sthe opens Khosi’s door widely and
points her out his car with his head, she stays in
the car starring aimlessly at the log posing as a
hedge of the gate.
“Nomkhosi Mshengu”, his warning goes no
further, Khosi stumbles out his car and luckily
lands in her brother's arms.
“Watch your step”, Sthembiso.
“You watch your hands”, Khosi remarks, flinging
Sthembiso’s hands away from her. She’s livid
“Angizwa?”, Sthembiso.
“What Sthembiso ungifunani? You wanted to
paint the Mthembus bad in my eyes huh? You
wanted to erase Sosha from my life right? Take
away the beauty of love", she stops for a mean
chuckle, “Funny how you always use to preach
to me about the invaluable worth of love
“I’m protecting you from falling victim to these
boy's games Nomkhosi. Don’t tell me the Sihle
boy has blinded you that much you can’t see
what’s in front of you”, Sthembiso says.
“oh no I see what’s in front of me brother and
you see what I see just showed me how family-
less I am! How lonesome Nomkhosi truly is,
why all the lies huh? Everywhere; with everyone
and everything I must be lied to for What?...”
“We are protecting you Nomkhosi”, his calm
approach seems not to settle Khosi because
she busts her lungs wide open in laughter.
“Even the snake and apple in the garden of eve
is not as cunning as you are my brother whoa
Hhayi bandla, I should have died instead of
Sosha I should have never survived that
accident what was the point of surviving if this
is the life I would come back to. My sister in-law
was lucky enough to not survive…” , her hand
clapping rides Sthembiso off he finds himself
doing the one thing he vowed to never do. Raise
his hand to a woman.
Nomkhosi stands there with her hand over her
now flaming hot cheek, gobsmacked.
“Insult me all you want, praise your boyfriends
all you wish, say whatever you please Nomkhosi
but never and I mean ever in your life mention
my wife’s passing in vain. Never!”, his index
finger trembles before her face, the sudden
change his body temperature tell him to get out
of here before he does some more damage.
Khosi is still in the same standing position that
Sthembiso left her in, awe struck with her eyes
getting watery.
“Get back inside the house”, He sternly orders.
Khosi turns around and slowly walks inside the
gate, he watches her wipe away her tears and
guilt begins knocking him over. It doesn’t
matter how angry he gets doing what he just
did is always not an option and he feels sick for
taking things that far.


His drive took a very drastic turn. He found

himself at the Mthembu premises asking their
security guards to open up for him or he’ll force
his way in either or he’s going inside. The
guards laugh at him and stand in their positions.
“We take orders from our bosses not
commoners like you baba”, He’s the young;
reckless and foolish type Sthembiso thinks to
himself. And he reeks of weed to top it all off.
“You know what I find funny? That I have a gun,
licensed I can use it anytime without being
questioned for it. I have a van right now and
petrol, the police station isn't very far from this
place. Know what I find really funny though? Is
that you will be a good boy and open this gate
before we result to violence. Now which
scenario do you wish to go with?”, he smirks as
the boy rushes to open the gate. His boss will
probably kill him but that is a better deal than
time in prison for nothing.
Sthembiso drives in and gives a hoot to the boy,
such mockery.
The big doors open on fourth door bell, an older
woman in a silver gown and a doek opens. She
yawns and greets.
“Sawubona ma", He may be angry but he knows
how to lose it at the right people. This woman is
most likely innocent.
“Yebo mntanam. Can we help You?”, She asks.
“Eh ma I was actually searching for a boy
named Ntando, is he around right now?”,
The woman tenses, her eyes are travelling to
the police van parked in their yard.
“Oh it’s nothing of that nature. This is a
personal problem I need him and I to fix”,
Sthembiso adds.
The woman sighs and opens the rest of the
door, stepping aside for Sthembiso to enter.
Their house is luxurious; corruption truly does
pay off.
“I’ll go wake him up bhuti you can take a sit on
the couch”, the woman climbs up the stairs
slower than a tortes. While waiting Sthembiso
takes a tour around the house with his eyes,
seeing the things stolen from people's hard
earned pockets.
Looking around the house gets quite boring he
begins to tire however his eyes catch a portrait
of his sister on the wall, it’s a painting of her
and that Sosha laughing about something.
Sthembiso can’t stomach starring at it, in as
much as he wants to believe otherwise there
was no doubt in his mind that the love Sosha
had for Khosi was real but his family ruined
everything when they became selfish and
mindless. They too contribute to how
Nomkhosi’s life has turned out.

A few moments later Ntando comes walking

down the steps in his trunk busy rubbing his
eyes he doesn’t see how the guest is until they
are toe to toe at the end of their staircase.
“Sthembiso”, Ntando stops breathing for a
minute. It can’t be that Sthembiso knows he
thinks to himself.
“Soon to be father”, Sthembiso fake smiles and
pats Ntando on his shoulder making him flinch
in anticipation of worse.
“Relax buddy I do not want anything to occur to
you, at least not until you do right by my sister
bafo", Sthembiso.
“What do you mean? What are you talking
about?”, his air supply is cut off immediately,
Sthembiso is clawing his neck which it makes
breathing abit more impossible.
“You have 1 damn week to fix this mess and
right your wrongs Ntando, come hell or high
waters you will do right by Nokwanda and your
child you understand me? Oh and yes I. am. The
hell and the high water you’ll be facing
mfwethu”, with each word his grip gets tighter.
Ntando begins to struggle to breath for real,
He’s doing all he can to remove Sthembiso's
fingers around his neck but fails.
“What's going on here? In my house, Mshengu
omncane?”, Madoda comes strolling from his
bedroom, the woman must have heard th at
something isn’t well and called for him.
“You walk into my house late at night to
strangle my son?”, he cocks his gun and
Sthembiso pulls his from his back too but
doesn’t completely pull it out.
“Ask your son what he did for me to drive all the
way here to reprimand him like the man he
thinks he is”, Sthembiso.
“Out”, Madoda says calmly, pointing to the door
with his gun.
“Angikakaqedi ngawe”, Sthembiso says to
Ntando whose gasping for air to breathe on the
Sthembiso slides his gun back in his strap and
glides to the door, feeling a bit more calm than
he did when he first arrived. Now more than
ever he misses his wife, handling such matters
was her secret gift that he could never
understand. She was the calm the storms in his
head needed to function.



I wake up on a huge empty bed in a t-shirt and

my thong, I don’t remember taking it off to have
sex so I calm down rather than act crazy. It’s
still dark outside thanks to glass walls house
here, most of it is wood but some glass too. I
never understood why Thunzi chose this estate
out of all estates, as a criminal it wasn’t a wise
decision for him to make. There are Nike slides
next to my side of the bed, I put them on and
stroll down the weird shaped house looking for
its owner. It’s quite quiet in here, whenever I call
out his name my voice echoes the entire house.
Oh, there he is.
Shirtless in his black tights and Nike shorts, I
don’t know what he’s doing but it involves food.
Thunzi can eat for the whole of Africa and not
leave a single bite for any other continent.
“That was a quick nap”, he startles me.
See my head registers voices quite fast, the
only voices I am use to belong to my brothers
and they do not have the gruff edge Thunzi’s
has, it can make you flinch for no reason.
“How long have I been out ?”, I ask sliding in on
one of the barstools..
“Couple of hours probably two. Your brothers
called, I left the phone in the charger”, he shows
me where and continues drinking his egg yokes.
“Were you going somewhere?”, I ask, looking at
his red hoodie on the counter and his gun right
next to it. Weapons are his favourite things
honestly I don’t remember seeing him walk as
far as the toilet without his gun unless he has a
back up stashed somewhere. Yes I know your
questions, why? Why am I associating myself
with such madness, speaking the truth it beats
me! All I know is I love him as my best friend
and for ever will.
“Lisakhanya found the little shits, he has them
in his house and he doesn’t want them to stay a
long time there so I have to go sort it out”, are
we still talking about killing people here or
choosing which ice cream is best at the fair?
“You do not have to kill them, Thunzi …”
He instantly closes his fridge and turns to me
with a petrifying frown.
“Sorry?”, Thunzi.
“I’m just saying you do not have to kill them and
have more blood in your hands, just let them
go”, I’m speaking gibberish to him right now
that’s the eye he gives me.
Excuse me when has he ever seen me smoke?
“I don’t smoke Thunzi and you know that”, I say.
“What do you expect me to say when you start
talking all that kak to me. Leave them for
What?”, his frown grows bigger.
“Just let them go, I’m sure they won't come
back…”, I don’t finish my sentence. He’s
laughing as if I just shared one of Trevor Noah's
jokes for the first time in his life.
And in a split second that laugh is dead.
“Let them go you say so they can plan properly
this time around how to kill You? Bule do you
make sense to yourself sometimes munchkin?”,
if I thought people calling me ugly was
offensive I obviously had forgotten there is a
Thunzi in my life.
“Those little shits aren’t a joke munchkin, if they
are looking for you there will be no stopping till
you’re found or dead. There is no humanity in
the shit they do so please Miss Universe this
isn't the time to be promoting world peace, our
lives are stake here not only yours but my
people too", he shouts, tapping the side of his
head with his finger.
“I will be fine on my own", no I won't, I wouldn't
survive a week on my own but my ego doesn’t
submit to that.
“Yeah right just like how you were fine a few
hours ago. Why are you so stubborn for no
damn reason Bule? You are messing with real
thugs here, people who kill and continue on
having dinner with their families free in mind
afterwards, not oMasiya bokunuka. Kuyanyiwa
la and the more you want to act like Terminator
the more shit you put yourself in …”
“So what do you suggest I do Thunzi?”
“Quit your job and find something better than
this nonsense you’re doing”, he shouts at me
“I won't do That, I worked long and hard for a
spot in this industry why would I just give up
just like that? What about the many black
women out there longing for some inspiration…”
He laughs again, disturbing me midway.
I stand on my two feet and cross my arms
across my chest. Soon his laughing gives me
tears, my bottom lip starts quivering. The sight
of my crying stops his laughter, I don’t even
want to see his stupid face anymore!
“Okay okay wait, hold on phela”, his grip around
my waist settles me on one spot. I haven’t
turned to look him in the eye though, I’m still
angry at what he just said.
“Sbulelo look at me”, he demands.
And just like the little submissive puppy I am I
turn around and stare at his eyes.
“I’m sorry I made you cry, but you have to open
your eyes Bule. You're a smart woman, not
everything is about goals and aspirations it’s
also about reality and survival. There is a 89%
chance that the reason why you’re in that firm in
the first place is to be those men’s doormat and
you may not see it but people in power aren’t
these Oprah Winfreys you make them to be,
there’s always a price you pay for the title they
give and I’m just trying to look out for you
before we both find out the lethalness of that
price”, his warm his cup my cheeks and bring
my face up, he keeps nearing my face until I feel
his lips on mine. A baby kiss, that was a bit
“I care about you Sbulelo a lot more than you
give me credit for …”
“Thunzi I know you care about me, I appreciate
it I really do. But this is my job, my dream I can’t
just let it slide like that. Next week I am
handling the Gcaba case”, he yanks me off his
arms with no hesitation thanks god there was a
pole to balance me.
“No usuyangijwayela manje Sbulelo, I’m risking
my life here trying to save your ass and you’re
here telling me about the Gcaba case”, he rasps.
“Don’t save me then it’s that simple I never
asked you to make enemies with half the world
just because they won’t kiss your ass”, I don’t
see it coming, I’ve shut my eyes but I don’t feel
the sting on my cheek instead I feel a tight grip
on my arm. Soon as my eyes open I wish to
shut them again and not open them till he isn't
“Ek sal jou bleksem and regret it afterwards if
you dare belittle me like that ever again,
angiyona intanga yakho this thing of me
spoiling you makes you dizzy I see. Nx", he
yanks me off a little less aggressive this time,
takes his stuff from the counter and walks off.
We’ve had arguments before but none where he
was this angry. Once I hear the car driving out, I
slide onto the floor and release my breath.
Patrimony: The Ancestors wife
Chapter Seventeen


His door creaks open and Phindile peeps in,

“The children are waiting for you downstairs to
make the announcement”, she whispers.
“Come in and close the door behind you”, He’s
instructing her more than asking nicely, Phindile
remains by the door though quite hesitant to
walk in. Candice is somewhere around the
house what if she walks in and sees her here
then acts crazy again?.
“Phindile”, Mthembu turns away from the sliding
door and looks at Phindile standing outside his
bedroom door.
Sigh, the things this man makes her do will be
the death of her at some point. She closed the
door after getting inside and leaned against it
too afraid to step near him, there this thing he
does to her body which makes her common
sense walk out the door butt naked.
“Come here”, he calls for her ever so softly that
her back peels off the door instantly.
He tucks his arm around her thick waist and
pulls her closer to his warm body, his
handkerchief is bloody again. Phindile looks
away with worry feigning her eyes.
“No one lives forever MaMdunge, in fact we
should find comfort in death because then we
get a break from all the havoc this world
injected our souls with. I've been waiting for this
day the time I buried my wife”
Phindile feels her tears creeping up on her
though she fights hard to push them back
inside, at the end one by one each rolls out of
her eyelids.
“I recall the day like yesterday, my spirit has
never been at peace since then. Things got
worse when I lost my son too, my heart is too
weak to face those who remain Phindile that is
why I am over joyed that this day has finally
come. Although I do wish it caught me a little
bit after our reunion, I wish we had more time”,
at first he had no clue how he’d deal with this
cancer issue, Candice couldn’t be trusted she
would have took the opportunity to finish him
off sooner; Ngcwethi has his own problems and
Sbulelo is too fragile to be stressed like that.
Phindile became his only hope even though he
didn’t think she'd ever help again. But that night
when he went to her house and knocked on her
door almost breathless, she hurriedly brought
him inside; warmed a towel to put on his
forehead and brought him a glass of warm
water and lemon. Every time he went there she
did the same thing, funnily it didn’t make his
condition any better but it soothed his heart and
tjat was healing enough for him to keep doing it
all the time. At some point Phindile asked what
the problem was, Mthembu couldn’t state the
reason behind his untrained sickly visits but
with a smile afforded to say: “I’m going to see
her again, very soon". Phindile refused to
believe it was what she thought it was and kept
quiet ever since until Madoda gathered enough
courage to tell her that he was diagnosed with
cancer and counting mere days to death. What
was strange to Phindile was that this man is
wealthy, he could have flew to some rich
phenomenal doctor somewhere around the
world or better yet brought them here to give
him the best treatment, that is what he did for
her sister. Instead he kept visiting her and
taking a warm towel as treatment, then the
question dawned her too: had she been in his
shoes, would she have done anything to save
herself? Probably not, life these days is not
worth living.
“Do me a favour, bury me beside her place of
Phindile snuggled out of his arms and looked at
him, “You know I hate having conversations like
these Madoda, can we not open such topics
early in the morning”
Mthembu laughs and pulls her back to his arms.
Silence daunts them, sitting heavy upon both
their shoulders.
“I wondered so many times what my life would
have turned out like had I not given up on you,
on us. Had I fought to make you give us a
chance”, It’s always ate away at him how his life
turned for the worst once his wife died. Bringing
Candice into his family’s lives; being distant and
keeping life changing truths from the boys. All
of it comes crushing down on him when he’s all
alone at night sweating and coughing blood, at
times even sniffing it out his nose.
“Don’t think like that, Candice cares for you”,
she knows it is a white lie but what else can she
say to push him away?
He doesn’t respond.
“Will tell them the truth? Ntando will you tell him
the truth?”, she asks, relaxing her head against
his chest again.
“That is one boy I refuse to die without doing
right by, many things were taken from him
Phindile, things I can never give back to him or
his mother”
“Do you regret letting Mshengu take her away
from her Son?”
“Every dying day”, Madoda coughs onto his
handkerchief until he feels his thorax paining.
“Maybe she can soften up again and allow
herself to get to know her son from the start”
“Not every woman is as understanding and
forgiving as you, especially not that woman”, He
chuckles, “A real hot head of a woman, I see
where Nomkhosi gets it”
“I think you need to tell them about the lung
cancer too, Mvelase you owe these kids that
much, you’ve hidden too much from them
“No we cannot do that. I’ll be putting a burden
on their shoulders. I know Ngcwethi and Sihle
will forever blame themselves for not being able
to do something soon enough, I don’t want that”
It really sinks in that in a few days it’ll be the
end of the road for him, however he doesn’t
wish to cut the cord before fixing what he broke
over the years. His children deserve the world
from him after what he’s put them through.
“For what it's worth, you are a wonderful man
and I’m glad my sister met a man like you. Yes
you have your mistakes but in a world of man
everyone walks on sin”, Phindile kisses his lips
and holds him back.
They stay like that for the longest hour. After
some time Madoda suggests they go
downstairs, they are probably done with
breakfast so they faint well with full stomachs
when he tells them what he is about to tell

“All are present?”, Madoda's question cuts the

small chit chat everyone had going on as he
climbed down the steps with Phindile beside
him. No matter how she tried wiggling her hand
out of his grip he tightens it.
This will be fun.
“Yebo baba", Ngcwethi nods.
He’s back to his fresh, suit and tie self again.
“You look handsome", his father throws in an
unexpected compliment, Snothile blushes more
than the person at the receiving end of that
“Thanks … I guess”, Ngcwethi frowns and
continues drinking his protein shake.
“Did you sleep Well?”, Madoda directs the
question to Ntando.
“Cha baba", he replies with a clenched jaw.
“Good because the shit you did is still going to
give you more restless nights. Now tell me what
actually happened mfana, and don’t you dare lie
to me”
Phindile widens her eyes. She thought they
agreed on being a little more soft spoken than
Madoda is being right now, his eyes say he’s
ready to chew Ntando up and spit on the ground
like gum so she doesn’t sit very far from him
incase shit hits the fan.
“…I do not know how to explain things baba,
everything happened too fast…”
Madoda interrupts him, “Did you sleep with her
without protection?”, he asks sucking his teeth.
Going into this talk he wasn’t expecting to be so
“With what intentions mfana? Did your mother
and I not pull you by the ears and tell you not to
dare touch a Mshengu girl, didn’t we?”, Madoda
bangs the table and asks for a response when
he’s asking a question.
“Yes yes you did baba”
“Then what the fuck is the matter with You?
What comes in one ear flies out the other?”
Ntando shakes his head, hands a little trembly
under the table.
“Khuluma man msunu before the beat the
answers out your behind?”, Madoda shouts.
“Mvelase calm down please”, Candice whispers.
“Gede nawe man!”
Candice flinches and steps away from him.
That was the first.
Sihle is standing by the door ready for anything.
His father is in no mood today and you can
clearly tell with the way he’s going off at
everybody. He’d rather be a coward than get a
punch from his father.
“Well congratulations son you've knocked up
your half sister …”
“WHAT?”, Ntando springs off the chair.
His breathes are short and heavy, whatever he
just heard he wishes it isn't what he just heard.
“Kodwa Mthembu”, Phindile shakes her head,
Madoda sighs, “It’s a long story that I do not
have energy for. I warned you to stay away and
when I did I wasn't going crazy I knew what I
was trying to prevent”
Sihle holds his head and whistles, shocked and
drenched in utter disbelief. Ngcwethi has no
words, there's literally nothing he can say. Has
he suspected it before? Yes many times but to
hear the confirmation is just wrecking. Snothile
decides to bring everybody something to drink,
they all look like they need one.
“Makoti, sit back down. I am not finished”
“Nokwanda is… she’s my sister? How is that
even possible, the baby, what will… baba how
will I fix this? I didn’t …”, Ntando.
Sihle keeps saying yho yho yho at the door,
there’s no right word to describe the shittiness
of this situation.
“Kuzo hlukaniswa izibongo so get a goat ready
for that, we will do it sometime this weekend
and I want you to be the one preparing for it”,
Madoda knows the task he just gave his son is
over bearing for him simply because Ntando
has never had to do such things with his older
brothers around it became their responsibility
to do these things which is a trend Madoda
wants to finish!
All his boys must learn to take accountability in
order to avoid doing the same mistakes he did
besides he would never rest in peace knowing
he left behind a mess only he had answers to.
“It will be fine, we'll fix it somehow. You can go
and cry in private but when you’re done you’re
calling that girl and apologizing for your shitty
behaviour son”, he should be more soft but he’s
had enough of Ntando and his b.s jerr!
“Ntando wait a bit. Madoda that was uncalled
for”, Phindile calls him out.
“What must I say Phindile? What must I say?
The damage has been done, his mother left him
here and life went on what more can I say?
Sorry? And what good is a sorry going to do to
damage this deep? I made a mistake son and I
acknowledge That, am I sorry about it? No I’m
not and I never will because to me you are not a
regret you only apologize when you regret some
thing. Find it in your heart someday to make
peace with things, Ntando harbouring hatred
gets a man nowhere", Madoda stares into his
son's red eyes wishing he could at least ease
the pain he’s probably feeling.
“Did my mother know?”, Ntando asks in a
trembling voice.
“Yes she knew and still accepted you and loved
you no different than she did the others”,
Ntando stomps out the house, bumping Sihle’s
shoulder on his way out. Sihle rolls his eyes and
follows him but his father stops him on his
“Where do you think you’re going?”, Madoda.
“To check on Ntando”
“He is a grown man he'll be fine. When will you
check on your girlfriend, is she still your
girlfriend or you were playing the same game
your brother did?”
Sihle keeps quiet not knowing what to say. It’s
hard not to fall for a girl like Nomkhosi, she’s
funny; bubbly; respectful and considerate.
Through many circumstances she has been his
voice of reason and in many instances he ran to
her for comfort and yet always forsaken her
when she needed his comfort.
“I asked a question”, Mthembu keeps a straight
face though it hurts to see the damage in his
Sihle drops his head, “I lost a good friend Baba
and I regret it everyday. She cared about me
way more than I deserved but I just…”
“Heal first mfana wami, heal first then pick
yourself up and build a life for yourself. Your
brothers won’t be there for you all the time, you
need to be a man manje Sphesihle so cry and
sleep with prostitutes all you want but kmow
that soon life will teach you how to be a man if
you don’t want to learn to be one now. Have you
spoken to her?”, Mthembu .
“Then go to her and ask for forgiveness, from
the bottom of your heart cry to her how you cry
to your mother’s picture every night”
Sihle speedily lifts his head up. How did his
father know that he asks himself.
“You can go”, Madoda says.
Sihle grabs his car keys and slowly makes his
way out. His heart beats fast as if it’s about to

Madoda takes out his handkerchief and coughs

on it again, Phindile hands him a glass of water
and brushes his back even though Candice is
clearly heaving fire from the sight, Phindile
“Are you fine baba?”, Ngcwethi.
“Son, tell umakoti the truth. Every bit of what
she deserved to know, let her know now”,
everyone is appalled by the sudden revelations
that none feel safe anymore. Snothile looks at
Ngcwethi in fear of what she is about to hear.
Ngcwethi feels his body temperature hit 100
fast! He tried loosening the time around his
neck for air but it makes no difference. He
begins to narrate everything to Snothile from
why he dated her to why he wanted to marry her
to what he was about to do a few days ago with
Snothile stands up from her chair, hands
trembling and runs upstairs. Ngcwethi sighs
and rushes behind her. He gets to her before
she could shut their bedroom door.
“Snothile can you look at me please”, Ngcwethi
“How could you Ngcwethi? How could look me
in the eyes and say you love me when you love
someone else”, Snothile cries.
“Who mentioned love here? I would have
married Nomkhosi out of duty to do so, I don’t
even know the girl besides she’s too young for
me to even think about her in that light what do
you take me for Snothile”, He keeps quiet for a
while and breathes out slowly.
He kneels in front of her and holds both of her
hands, “I do not deserve any of your leniency
and I am more than willing to accept whatever
decision you make, whole heartedly”, he half
smiles and kisses her hands.
“I love you too much Ngcwethi, what you did
hurt me”, Snothile.
“I know and I’m deeply sorry for hurting you and
being selfish…”
“I still want to be your wife though”, her sweet
voice stuns him. Ngcwethi smiles and nods.
“Thank you"


I can’t believe this fucker has the nerve to send

me a message after ignoring me for this long.
Who the hell does he think he is? I bluetick him
and move on with my life, talking to my
“Well as I was saying my life is shit I tell y’all, I
don’t even trust my own family anymore. I really
wish I died with Sosha some times maybe then
there wouldn’t be all this havoc you know,
maybe my sister wouldn’t be this broken by that
Ntando and I wouldn’t feel so lost. I’m thinking
of returning to school now, that’s if I still can”,
my phone disturbs me again and this time it
annoys all of us because even the chickens
start making their sounds of disapproval. I
decide to answer it for arguments sakes.
“What do you bloody want man dammit? More
pieces of me to destroy as if the ones you took
away from me aren’t enough. I’m dead already
Sihle what more dying must I go through for you
people to see how much you’re killing me?”, I
wasn't intending on crying or even giving him
the satisfaction that bravo they archived their
goal of breaking me apart.
“Nomkhosi I wanted…”
“To WHAT? Sihle just leave me in peace please,
leave me alone…”
“I am outside, I parked under the orange tree
and I’ll stay here until you come so we can talk.
Nomkhosi I know I fucked up big time but I do
not want to lose you”, I switch the phone and
slip inside my pocket before I break it.
I stare at my chickens, “What do y’all say? We
hear him out and teach them a lesson while at
They keep quiet for sometime and then quake
like crazy. Traitors!
I take the bowl that I was using to feed them
and leave it outside the kitchen by the tap. Yazi
I’m wondering why my brother hasn’t told my
mother about everything, what is he hoping for
really to seem like a hero in my eyes for not
To me he’s just as horrible as Sihle.

I look horrendous with the red ochre on my face

and pegs clipped on my pinafore not forgetting
my knots, he doesn’t deserve the pretty me. I
bang on his car window until he opens the door
for me.
A smell of nicotine suffocates me as soon as
my butt lands on the seat.
“Hey", his dimples won’t pull him out of this one,
I'm real mad.
“Nomkhosi I'm sorry so sorry for hurting you the
way I did, I know I truly don’t deserve a friend
like you but I missed the friendship we had
“The fake one you played lead role in?”
“It was not fake, you’re best friend I’ve always
needed in life. In fact you’re perfect you have
always been perfect I was the problem. I let my
emotions get the better of me each time I
remembered what happened to my mother. You
re just as innocent as she was and I see that
now”, why am I so damn soft? A man sniffs and
sheds a few tears after sharing about his
mother and I already feel like carrying his
burdens. Nx stupid of me.
“Find it in you one day to forgive me, Nomkhosi
ngiyakucela”, Nx this cunning fool busy making
me feel like the Satan here.
Just then a bright idea pops in my head.
“Well since we're making confessions, I have
one of my own. I could not tell you before
because I didn’t know where to start”, I sucked
in oxygen and looked down my hands on my lap,
“I’m … I… I am HIV positive”, I fake as much
sadness as I can.
“You're what? Since when Nomkhosi? How? …
does that make me”
“Yes I had a few months before you and I
started being intimate, I can’t remember how I
got it or where I got it from either I just know
that I’m positive…”, I don’t even finish my
sentence. He opens his door and gets out the
car, he’s pacing up and down the road with his
hands over his head the taxi passing by almost
knocks him over.
He stops walking around and starts kicking his
tires hard, banging the bonet. I almost die of
laughter inside the car. That will teach him to
kmow better than to mess with me.
Patrimony: The Ancestors wife
Chapter Eighteen
Ntando Mthembu


He’s still somehow hoping that what his father

said isn't true, that it was a big joke and he'll
walk into this room any minute to say he’s
kidding. He can’t be a Mshengu, there is no way
in hell he shares even an ounce of blood with
those people. And if people thought he disliked
the Mshengus before then they clearly don’t
know what he feels for them inside now,
Nokwanda included. It is her mother that
destroyed his life, Nokwanda's just as guilt
ridden as the rest of them in his heart now and
no amount of talking to will change his feelings.
How could she? How could she give up her
damn son just like that, what sick excuse of a
woman does that?
His father’s words ring inside his head like
water drums, his temper is rising each second
and he can’t stop it from busting his head.
“Damn you Mshengus!”, Ntando flips his bed
mattress upside down and stands there
heaving like a bull.
Nokwanda’s bra is there by his feet she must
have left it a while ago during her sneaky visits.
Today the sight of it makes his stomach churn,
he'd rip it apart but he’s too angered to even
touch it. She probably knew too maybe this was
their plan as the Mshengus to cause havoc in
his family using the bitch.
“Nah that bitch wouldn’t dare me”, Ntando gives
himself answers to the questions playing inside
his head.
“I should have known, I sincerely should have
known those dogs have been planning this all
this while huh? They think they’re smart”, he’s
not in his right mind, he doesn’t even hesitate to
take the gun from his drawer and tuck it in the
back of his pants. All he see is red and that red
is coming from Nokwanda.
It’s fuck everything at this point, even the baby
he planted inside her womb.
Ntando has always been irrational and
aggressive but people don’t see much of that
since it’s all hidden behind a good looking
young rich man in a suit. His sneakers are
holding him back he decides to leave them, he'll
walk barefoot like the madman he truly is. The
corridors are empty which means everyone is in
their rooms continuing with life as if his didn’t
just end today. For Christ’s sakes he made his
sister pregnant! On top of that his mother
denied him and left him to his father just like
That? All these years wondering why he couldn’t
remember his father’s wife breast feeding him
or hushing him like she did with Sihle nx kanti.
His yellow and grey hoodie hovers over his face,
his hands are inside his pockets and the gun is
quite visible at the back. She wanted this
monster right? She wanted things to end this
way so he'll give her the happy ending she
“Baba", Snakho frowns at his father’s absent
mind. Ntando quickly walks down stairs, still
very much furious. Snakho sees the gun on his
back and swiftly dashes to Ngcwethi's room.
He does not knock, the moment he reaches the
door he opens and gasps for Ngcwethi to come
see this.
“What happened my boy? What did you see,
Where is your brother?”, Ngcwethi panics
thinking maybe Junior left again.
“Bathing. Baba I just saw bab'Ntando rushing
out now with a gun, he had tears in his eyes and
when I called out for him he didn’t even stop
and listen”, Snakho points towards the direction
Ntando went to.
“Fuck”, Ngcwethi takes off his blazer and
rushes inside his room. Snothile gets up from
the bed and frowns at the frantic Ngcwethi.
“Babe", she whispers.
“Where are my car keys?”, he’s patting himself
down trying to find them.
“That first drawer, what’s up?”
Ngcwethi stops and rests his hands over his
hips, “Ntando happened. I need to find him
before he does something stupid”
Snothile gasps and brings her hands up to her
mouth, “Oh my god”
“Don’t worry yourself about it I’ll bring him home
safe and hopefully without doing damage. You
stay here and take care of the boys”
Snothile nods. “Okay be safe and I love you”,
she hugs him tightly and grabs his shirt almost
as if she’s against letting him go.
“Oright I’ll be safe, take care of her”, Ngcwethi
smiles brushing Snothile’s now showing belly.
She returns the smile and nods.

Meanwhile Ntando has just reached the mango

tree Nokwanda usually meets him at. The sight
of it makes him sick, it drives him further crazy.
The Mshengu homestead is not so far anymore
he can see it with his own two eyes. There is no
van outside so the little pain in the ass police
man is not home, Ntando chuckles to himself,
“Lucky us”, he smirks and parks the car a house
away from the homestead. The skinny one is
outside doing laundry.
Ntando walks inside the small open gate and
goes straight to Nomkhosi, his hands now
inside his hoodie pocket.
“What the hell are you doing here? If you’re
looking for Sihle he is gone, I think you’ll find
him at clinic or something. By the way when you
see him tell him I was kidding I’m not HIV but I
wouldn't be surprised if he is”, she rants, not
knowing her fate might in just two minutes.
“Where is your mother?”, Ntando questions,
fumed and not even trying to hide it.
“Why do you want my mother?”
“She has answers to my questions and I need
those answers Nomkhosi”, Ntando rasps with
his hand making its way to his gun. “And you
will show me where she is”, he says lowly
pointing the glock at Khosi.
Khosi stares at the gun calculating the odds of
her acting stupid right now and probably getting
herself killed in the process to save her family
from the mad man.
“Don’t try anything dumb, I’ve never liked you so
I won’t hesitate to pull this trigger don’t make
me do things I wasn't intending on doing. Where
is that whore?”
“Don’t call my mother That!”
The gun touches her stomach and she feels her
insides do backflips in anticipation of the worst.
“Are you seriously going to kill me? Do you
know the kind of pain in the ass I would be as a
dead spirit? You won’t even take a shit in peace",
her voice trembles.
“Move Nomkhosi”, Ntando.
She stumbles forward, directing Ntando to
where her mother is. All the time she’s trying to
figure out a way to get everybody out of
whatever shit Ntando is about to put them in.



The first I do when I wake up is to check my
phone, I had a weird email from my boss last
night that raised so many questions in my head.
For as long as I have worked for C&G Attorneys
I’ve never received an email asking about my
safety and wellbeing and although what Thunzi
said to me yesterday kinda hurt but it could be
true and I never rule out possibilities until
proven otherwise. The email has been removed,
even more weird. How did they even know I was
ambushed last night some of that doesn’t make
sense and I know just the person to help me
make sense. I switch my phone off in case my
brother calls worried and stuff. I turn around
wanting to slide to the other side of the bed and
hop out, Thunzi almost frightens me on that
chair. Why is he even sleeping on a chair with
his gun on his lap, that’s dangerous.
His eyes open as my foot smacks his on his
“Good morning”, I offer a smile even though I’m
pretty sure he’s still angry with me.
“A kiss on my lips would have been more
pleasant. Morning”, he rubs his sheen.
So much drama, he’s dodged bullets his whole
life and now that I merely kicked him it's
something to call the ambulance for.
“How did you sleep?”, he stands up and
stretches then comes closer to me and
captures my lips before I could answer his
question. I find my naughty lips smooching him
back, Lord his lips are glory some times. I feel
his hand tighten around my thigh as he pulls me
by it to the edge of the bed.
“You're not angry with me anymore?”, I asks still
in his mouth.
“I wasn't angry”
I beg to differ.
“I was a little pissed off”, his tongue slaps my
chin and he gently bites me.
“Sometimes I wonder if you realize how
precious you are”, that trailed off topic quite
fast. Anyway he pulls away from me and hands
me a big t-shirt.
“Breakfast is ready but the boys are down there
so please cover yourself”
I roll my eyes with a smile on my face. Usually
whenever I’m here I walk around in my
underwear; thong g-string you name it and a
baggy shirt of his.
“It’s not like I’m your girlfriend and stuff”, I shrug
and put on the big tee anyway.
Thunzi scoffs, “Keep singing that to yourself.
Come let’s go down”, I litch on his hand and we
walk out the room. I keep thinking about that
disturbing email and the news Francine – the
head of intelligence at C&G ATTORNEYS gave
me, I hope and pray she sent me those
documents as I asked last night or else she will
live to regret ever crossing paths wi th me.
“I hope it’s my dick you’re busy day dreaming
Gosh this man has no filter!
“Something to that effect”, I grin.
I wanna ask him if he went through with killing
those men or not, somehow I fear if he didn’t,
for some odd reason I do not think McCarthy
sent those men to me because he called me
later last night reminding me his appeal is in a
matter of days and if I don’t pitch up they’ll be
trouble. But again who could have sent those
men then? McCarthy has more to lose if I go
down to just risk it nje.
“Thunzi!”, I scold him softly as his hand just
slipped inside my … well his boxers and
squeezed my butt.
He looks at me and winks, “I love you”, he
doesn’t get tired of saying it even when I never
say it back. Deep down he knows I obviously
love him just not that kind of love he talks about.

He seriously wasn't joking when he said the

boys are around, four of them sitting around the
kitvhen laughing their asses off at something.
“Okay okay okay shut up, bafos meet the Mrs of
my heart; my sugar and spice; my putsununu.
Bule Mthembu”
If you could kill a person for just a day I would
definitely put Thunzi on the list because wtf
His ‘boys' turn to me with big bright smiles on
their faces.
“Finally, I was beginning to think this Mrs lives
rent free in your head only”, the dark one
“Tsek Lindo!”, Thunzi.
“No honestly he’s right especially since you’ve
been moody nje lately, phela you’re only moody
when you’re sexually deprived”, I badly wanted
to lauģh but Thunzi's dead stare held me back.
“in fact thaa nja yami for bringing that up. I
personally me I’m begging you MaMvelase
muphe ikhekhe umfowethu ngeke we can’t deal
with his grumpy ass anymore”, another guy
Okay I fail to hold myself any longer I let go of
my laugh. Thunzi’s facial reactions are just
killing me.
“He loves you trust me he won’t hit and run”,
Lindo winks at his friend.
“Remember the day we found him crying in his
room, indoda yomZulu yonke, insizwa endala le
isikhihla bafo”, my god this guy has a big mouth
and I think I’ll love him.
“Mpendulo don’t you try me”, Thunzi warns him.
“Lisa and I walked in and asked him kuthi zithini
we couldn’t even hear what he was saying later
we found out Mrs has been hospitalized
because of that moer ex boyfriend”, he clicked
his tongue looking pissed.
Oh I forgot there was that. That nigga really
almost killed me Hey, I don’t know how I
survived the last beating really all I remember
was seeing my blood pool an entire staircase
as to who took me to the hospital and how I
came out of ICU alive God knows.
“We should have stapled his penis to his ears”,
“Nah we could have made good money in the
black market with his testicles, you know some
people are creepy riche spenders. Women
wwould have worn those testicles as jewellery,
he was a gifted man I’ll give him that”
Is he naturally this dumb? Gosh I love him
All his friends look at him with side eyes.
“Nxayi man voetsek I didn’t mean it that way”,
Mpendulo grunts and continues ravaging his
This is a hectic bunch of criminals really.
“Don’t mind what he said, I didn’t cry I just had
tears in my eyes”, Thunzi whispers to me once
his friends turn back to their conversation.
“I feel loved shame”
He blushes and moves his eyes elsewhere.
That’s not something one gets to see everyday,
Thunzi blushing that is.
“Get a room you two we're eating here",
“In whose house? If you have a problem go
back to your brown bread and tin of beans
edladleni lakho uphume kithi”
Mpendulo gives Thunzi a glare, “Nja!”
The others chuckle while these two smile.
“Are y’all always like this?”, I just had to ask
because I don’t get how grown men behave like
“They are always like that”, Lisa points at Thunzi
and Mpendulo.
“Why are you forgetting yourself?”
“I have a woman now mfo I don’t behave like a
toddler”, the pride on his face!
“And who said I don’t?”, Thunzi pulls me close
to him and kisses me behind my ear, I almost
made weird sounds.
“Look whose woman is calling”, Lindo exactly
jumps up his chair and answers his phone. The
way his face brightened up I wanted to laugh.
“Oho imina isilima la grand shap?”, Mpendulo.
“Hade mfo”, Thunzi brushes his head.
I can’t deal with these two I make myself a
sandwich and a cup of tea and sit and watch
their madness. To think these are ruthless
criminals behaving like toddlers.
My phone beeps. It’s the document I asked
Francine for. It’s some kind of list of wanted
men, I tap on the file and it starts loading. The
first image makes my body run cold.
My phone slips through my fingers, the boys
stop their chit chat and stare at me.
“Cupcake are you okay?”
I just hold him tightly in an embrace. I can't lose
Patrimony: The Ancestors wife
Chapter Nineteen

He cups her cheeks and brings up her heated

face, tears involuntarily fall out her eyes and
Thunzi's heart breaks. This is the last woman
whom deserves to have tears in her eyes, the
“Bule you gotta tell me what’s wrong so I can
help you, if you’re just gonna cry and not say
anything I won't know how to help you oright?”,
he kisses her nose and asks what’s wrong one
more time.
Bule doesn’t say anything but her eyes are
fixated on the phone lying on the floor, it keeps
beeping alerting new notifications. Lindo picks
the phone up and skims through the documents,
everyone gathers around him waiting for him to
say what is it on the phone that’s so big that it
sent Bule into such shock.
“Khuluma marn Lindo!”, Mpendulo agitatedly
scolds. The suspense is biting each and every
single one of them.
Lindo passes the phone to Lisa who takes a
glance and shakes his head then passes the
phone to Mpendulo.
“Now was that so hard ?”, he too looks through
the images and the captions underneath each
He reads a little further than the others did and
sees that his name is also mentioned on the list.
His hands go above his head instantly, “Jizas
Christ! I knew I should have went to church the
time my grandmother forced me, hell I should
have baptized myself because this ibhadi leli
ishwa! Ha ha ha yho!”
“What is it?”, Thunzi asked looking rather
concerned, his buddies wouldn’t get this worked
up over small things so whatever it is must be
big. He attempts to pull away from Bule and
take the phone from Mpendulo who is still
waltzing around the kitchen reciting Our Father;
calling upon his ancestors too to fight for his
safety, however Bule tightens her hold on his
back he feels her sharp nails dig into his skin
abit so he leaves that idea and asks Lisa
instead because the other one has lost his mind
and lindo seems in his thinking elements.
“It’s a hit-list of some sort. You; Lindo;
Mpendulo; that Magwaza criminal; the two
coloureds from Aukland and myself … as well
as McCarthy”, Lisa sighs and shakes his head,
the most fucked up thing that could ever
happen to them is this.
Thunzi curses internally and clenches his jaw,
rolling his head around.
“They want to kill us or something?”, Thunzi
“Looks like it although that wouldn’t make any
sense …”
“They don’t”
They all turn to look at her even though she’s
still hunched on Thunzi’s chest. Mpe stops his
rants and stares at Bule with widened eyes.
“They are probably planning on doing a
corporate bargain with the Government. It’s
discrete so I have no information about it much
but I do know the central idea is to hand you
over to the Government in exchange for
incentives – could be in any form most
probably will be money though”, Her voice
trembles in each and every single word, fear is
evident in her tone and all this makes Thunzi
even angrier. He worked so hard in life to give
this woman peace and light and now a bunch of
white collar criminals behind black and navy
suits are threatening to destroy all that?
Sbulelo has always been a no go area to him,
people can mess with him all they wished but
without bringing Sbulelo into any of it even
Ngcwethi gave up trying to keep him away from
her and agreed to at least have a civil relation
with Thunzi; Sosha didn’t mind until he found
out what lifestyle Thunzi actually lives then a
war commenced from there onwards but him
too along the way learnt to accept him and be
cordial… at least in front of his sister he was.
Hopefully soon she’ll come to terms with this
as well.
“What could the Government possibly want
from us?”, Lindo.
“Anything, imprisonment too”, Bule whispers.
The guilt is beginning to creep in, perhaps she
should have just listened for once and not act
like Terminator for real. Maybe had she done
that Thunzi wouldn’t be on top of a hit list sent
by God knows which squad!
“Yeses! Prison? I can’t survive prison with my
cute ass those fuckers would sabawel me",
Mpendulo marches up and down again thinking
about all his good looks for once in his life
becoming a burden.
“Living in a cell with a man? Hell no, ngeke mfo
no no no no cha. Are you in on this?”, His
question shocks the boys and he doesn’t even
seem to care about their hard faces, there is a
possibility standing right now that he could go
to prison nothing surpasses that.
“Hhayi Python mjitha”, Lisa warns him.
“What? I have rights I deserve to know the truth,
you mfo can give me that angry look till you
cremate yourself I do not care I still want my
Thunzi relaxes his face a bit chuckling softly, he
won’t even waste his time on this one.
“She wouldn’t do that Python so relax and
entlek what kind of Python fears a bunch of
rats?”, Thunzi.
“Fokoff wena msunu this is serious it’s a matter
of my virginity or my life”, Mpendulo.
Lindo is finally out of his little trance, he’s
laughing again.
“What virginity Now? As far as this group goes
uwena umshay'waso”, Lisa.
“Don’t piss me off Ntshiza, you know I am a
changed man. I haven’t had pussy in two days.
I’m a celibate now, so nje imagine all that
freshness in a prison jerr. And I mean even if
Mrs did snitch on us it’s not like lover boy here
would let us harm her, see this thing of finding
love usuwu sugar daddy it’s damaging honestly
I’m sure he doesn’t take a shit without seeing
Mrs’s face appear like that white light you see
before you die”, he shakes his head and sighs.
By now the room has resumed to its light
energy and laughter. Lindo has stopped being
tense and everyone is calm except for Bule who
still feels very much at fault for all of this. Were
they seriously using her to track these people
down or was she just the distraction they
needed. It would make sense.
“But on a serious note Sbulelo we aren’t angry
nor are we blaming you for any of this”, Lisa
says, patting her back gently.
“Yah sisa grand Mrs”, Lindo joins too.
“Personally the only problem I have with you is
that you’re denying my friend pussy, this is level
8 crisis for us in the team because we have to
deal with his snappy ass making rude remarks
and insensitive shit so nje it’s a lot girl please
man give him a chance sesikhathele Hhaibo”,
Mpendulo just fails to understand when to shut
up and he’s beneficial for the team because of
that. His loud mouth has opened big doors for
them in the past.
“Jou is jajarag yeses. You just ruin all
moments”, Thunzi smiles a bit.
“If that was a swear word back to sender! And
secondly I do not ruin moments I just bring the
truth to the light, remember when we were in
“You know what let us get out of here baby
Bule nods. Her feet don’t touch the ground,
Thunzi has already scooped her up and is
carrying her upstairs to the main bedroom.
“I don’t understand why you care for me this
much”, Sbulelo whispers, starring right back the
smirking Thunzi.
“To be frank I also don’t know what I see in your
big forehead; hard lips; fat ass and no tits
stubborn self”
Bule gasps and slaps Thunzi gently, “That was
mean! Mpednulo was right about you my gosh
how can you say I don’t have tits?”, the sad part
is there was no lie in what he said but there was
no need for him to highlight it like that.
Thunzi laughs, “Was it a lie princess?”
“No but still the small ones I have make a
difference okay”
“Mmhhh if you say so my love”, he kisses her
pouted lips and chuckles at her sudden blush.
Thunzi doesn’t get why she’s holding back so
much then again he recalls how she once
dedicated her life to a backless abusive piece of
shit and ended up in ICU for weeks because of
him, there is a huge scar on her back to show.
Her entrusting him again alone means a lot to
him, there sincerely was a time where the mere
sight of a man made her bones freeze.
“Thunzi”, Bule.
“I won’t stop calling you such names ngamane
She rolls her eyes and laughs at the fact that
he’s serious about this.

Once he has tucked her in bed she asks for her

laptop so she can call Snothile and find out how
are things back home. Thunzi is reluctant about
it but ends up giving the laptop anyway.
“Don’t search nonsense Sbulelo or try any funny
business, I can take care of this by myself
without you meddling”, Thunzi warns her prior
handing the laptop over.
“Don’t nod your head give me words!”
“Yes I won’t search about what I saw on the
documents Thunzi I promise”
“Hmmm. We'll be outside in the garage in case
you want anything”
Bule nods. He kissed her forehead and left.
Snothile is always on her laptop like everyday
so hopefully she’s free to talk.
Yep she’s free.
“Girl””, Snothile and her loudness!
“Hey sis. How are you?”, Bule.
“I’m okay considering”, she sighs, “Ngcwethi
told me everything today. Sosha and his request;
why he got in a relationship with me and how he
was ready to marry Nomkhosi for his brother”
Sbulelo stops eating the biltong Thunzi brought
for her and just glares at the screen with her
eyes widen open. One thing she is guilty of is
advocating for Ngcwethi to marry Nomkhosi so
peace can reign in their family, knowing that
now Snothile knows makes her feel a bit of guilt
for doing that.
“Sbulelo I’m in a crisis here!”, Snothile.
“Sorry. So uh how do you feel now that he told
you the truth?” – Sbulelo.
“Is it wrong to say I do not care, I still love him
as much as I did before and I have hope that
he'll love me the way I deserve to be loved too in
the long run”, she shrugs.
“Why are your eyes like that are you judging
me?”, Snothile barks.
“I would never judge you Snoty I have no reason
to it’s just that I know my brother and when his
mind has made up something it’s very rare for
him to go back on his word”, that was the only
way she could sugar code things and not sound
rude about it. Deep down Sbulelo wants what is
best for Snothile since she is a nice girl but also
her family matters and if Nomkhosi is the pearl
her family needs then she is willing to do
anything to have her in it.
“And what makes you think he won’t love me?
You know it’s funny because when you stayed
with that drunk husband of yours who wrestled
you everyday I did not judge you Sbulelo even
now you’re gallivanting with a gangster but I’m
not judging you, he’s probably committed more
crimes than Thabo Bester himself”
That took a drastic turn.
“What does Thunzi have to do with your inability
to secure my brother?”, She’s angry too, there
was no need for Snothile to make those
comments about Thunzi.
“Excuse me Sbulelo?” – Snothile.
“Fyi he may be a criminal but at least I’ve never
felt like a third wheel in my own relationship, I
do not wait for a baby to kick so I can finally get
his attention”
Snothile gasps, that was a painful dagger.
“So do not ever think of comparing Thunzi to
any thing!”, Sbulelo ends the Skype and clicks
her tongue her blood still feeling hot. Does she
regret saying those things? Yes very much so
but she wouldn't take them back as long as
Snothile doesn’t take back her words about


Sthembiso Mshengu

Amkela's school fees bill arrived earlier this

morning and the final notice has been sent to
him, he has a maximum of 30 days to settle last
year’s school fees and catch up with this year’s
too and it is not a mild bill to pay either.
Sometimes he regret sending him to such an
expensive school but he remembers the
promise he made to his wife, he vowed to
nurture their son and give him the best he can
offer. Sthembiso puts the letters inside his
jacket and leaves it on his bed.
The fridge is half empty but at least he has last
night’s supper. He empties it out on a plate and
chucks it in his microwave.
Life isn't the same for him anymore, living is
becoming more and more heavy on his
shoulders. isiZulu says indoda ayikhali however
engakhali ifela embelekweni, his situation isn't
any different from this phrase. Day by day he’s
getting tired of being strong and th reasons for
holding on are becoming blur. He takes her
frame off the wall and stares at her pretty smile,
“Kul’khuni ukuba yindoda, people weren’t lying
when they said buya sentshenzelwa ubudoda.
At times I do not even feel like I’m doing a good
job as a father or I’m not as worthy as you
made me seem. Our boy is growing fast each
day and he’s collecting more intelligence by the
passing minute yet I still ask myself what has
he learnt from me as his father? Will be grow up
to be just like the boy whom you dreamt of or
the one you feared, you promised me sthandwa
sami that you’ll always watch over us. Here we
are, in need of your angel wings to cover us,
siyakudinga”, Sthembiso huffs and puts the
frame back on the wall. His appetite just went
out the door, he grabs his ringing phone and
answers it shortly after throwing himself on the
“Hello" - Sthembiso.
“Mshengu I need to see you”
Sthembiso sits up, “What the fuck do you
want?”, he asks behind gritted teeth.
“Ntando has everyone locked inside the house,
he’s armed and I have a feeling he’s planning on
using that weapon on your mother. Get here
ASAP!”, and just like that Ngcwethi drops the
Sthembiso wastes no time, he’s up and rushing
around the house for his key and gun too.
Found it!
The Mthembus just do not get tired of being a
pain in his life. They’ve took his entire life from
him what more do they want from him!?
He grunts just thinking about having to deal
with another Mthembu idiot. This isn’t the cover
us he was talking to his wife about. On the road
he’s driving like a maniac, pedestrians offer him
a piece of their minds as he speeds past them
missing some by an inch. His mind isn't
focused on anything other than his mother, the
woman has a heart condition for God’s sakes!
The annoying ringing phone starts its nonsense
again. Sthembiso answers and almost barks his
lungs off, “WHAT!”
“Bhuti please come home, hurry up please he’s
going to kill her. He’s already shot Ngcwethi”,
that’s Nomkhosi he can not doubt that.
“Shit. Listen where is ma?”- Sthembiso.
“Inside the house", Nomkhosi.
“Shit, okay I’m on my way I'm almost there okay
just watch over ma and Nokwanda until I get
th…”, a loud gunshot rings in the background
sending Khosi to scream.
Sthembiso stops the car in the middle of the
road, frozen by that gunshot.
After a train of hoots he gets moving again.

The scene is crazy, all the neighbours have

stepped out leaning on their gates and fences
wondering what the hell is going on inside the
Mshengus. Sthembiso pushes pass the ones
standing by their gate and enters the house. He
hears some say the last gunshot hit the meat of
a human being. His blood rushes immediately.
What he walks into makes him weak in the
knees. It’s blood everywhere!
He looks around and sees Ngcwethi sitting on
the couch with a bleeding thigh and his brother
passed out on the floor, he’s alive that much he
can tell. His mother is shaking on the floor
yelling for Nomkhosi to bring her towels and
water that’s when he realizes Nokwanda is lying
on the floor in a pool of the blood coming from
between her legs, She’s in pain it’s all over her
Ngcwethi hands Sthembiso his keys, “The
ambulance will take too long, the baby may be
gone but if she stays here for too long and keep
on losing blood she will be gone too. I can’t
drive”, Ngcwethi points to his gunshot wound.
Sthembiso feels his blood edge to boiling!
“Take the damn car keys Sthembiso she’s
losing too much blood!”, Nomkhosi yells.
That forces him out of whatever spell he put
himself under and snatches the keys from
Ngcwethi, he hurries to his sister and lifts her
up. Her eyes keep getting weak and his greatest
fears awakens, his wife did the same thing, she
closed her eyes and never opened them again.
“Nokwanda no do not do this to us stay alive
Nokwanda!”, Sthembiso begs his sister with
trembling hands. One man in the crowd notices
how his body is actually shaking and comes
“Bafo I do not think it’s wise for you to drive in
your condition, if you have no problem…”
“Please mfwethu”, Sthembiso pleads with him
to drive them to the nearest hospital or clinic,
anything near really. He sees Nomkhosi walking
towards the car with Ngcwethi’s arm around her
neck, She’s helping him wimp towards the car.
She opens the door and he wants to say
something but her dead eye shuts him up.
Anyway this isn’t the time to be biting off a
Mthembus head, his sister's life is on the line.
“Sihle, come to the Mshengus and take Ntando
home, don’t come alone bring baba with you. Ei
just do as I say dammit!”, Ngcwethi switches
off the phone and leans back clenching his jaw
as the wound keeps getting worse. Sthembiso
stares at him and fights the demon in him that
wants Ngcwethi dead, he takes off his gun
strap and gives it to Nomkhosi.
“Tie it around his thigh”, Sthembiso orders.
Nomkhosi looks at Ngcwethi and he nods, she
ties the gun strap around his thigh and asks if
he’s fine.
Ngcwethi nods.
“And you?”, Nomkhosi looks at Sthembiso.
“I’ll be fine when he’s out of my sight”, he’s not
being petty anymore, he’s just tired of watching
the Mthembus take everything away from him
little by little. Ngcwethi sighs and say nothing
besides not being in the right condition to argue,
this time he fully understands Sthembiso’s
anger. He’s justified.
Patrimony: The Ancestors wife
Chapter Twenty
Nomkhosi Mshengu

Her condition is critical, the baby is gone and
the amount of blood she lost during the whole
ordeal is lethal. That’s all the doctors have said
to us since three hours ago, no nurse or doctor
has come back to fill us in on the real question
in our minds – whether she will live or not.
Perhaps out of fear but right now sitting on this
bench I’m just waiting and prepping for bad
news. And I can tell by Sthembiso’s breakdown
earlier that his heart is not at ease nor is it
willing to accept any of this.
I’m not a heavy church goer as in Monday to
Sunday every week but I remember a few bible
verses and preaches from back in Sunday
school and one said whenever you need
anything from God kneel and pray so that’s
what I am doing, kneeling and praying.
“God, I’m not your favourite child I know but at
the moment my family and I really need Your
help. My sister is the only source of happiness I
have left; the only thing reminding me that not
all in this world is cruel and dark You cannot
take her away from me Father not now not ever.
I’ve lost the love of my life before, I die of guilt
everyday, not being able to recollect the loving
memories he gifted me once but I hear they are
good memories filled with love and nurture. I
also found out I had a baby once that I lost
without getting a chance to meet, I’m sure they
are both together wherever they are smiling
down on me – my dear angels. Oh and I know
we must include those who are bothersome to
us too whenever we pray so I am putting that
bat ears of a Mthembu who thinks he’s the next
African Vin Diesel/ Vin Petrol. Help him get over
those dreams he almost died on me today
although I must admit he would be a very fine
ass Vin Petrol you know his bush beard and all,
what is it with the Mthembu men and having
this potholes on their faces anyway? Okay okay
I know you have a ton of prayers waiting for You,
I’ll let You be get back to work now. Just please
don’t ignore me. Amen!”
I startle and cripple over my knees, my head
almost smashed against the pole of the bench
but Vin Petrol saved by slipping his leg where
the pole is.
Whew, close call.
“Vin Petrol huh?”, oh he must not dare me with
I get up and dust myself up. Why is he even
here? Shouldn’t he be inside the room being
worked on or something.
“What do you expect me to call you when you’re
here diving in front of bullets. He could have
killed you”, Maybe he doesn’t see it, it’s still
Bollywood take 2 scene 5 inside his head.
“I was trying to keep one out of your ass, I don’t
think you realize how big your mouth is”, he
gives a smirk at the end of his crap.
“When I’m stressed I talk because talking helps
me release my stress, and anyway don’t y’all
know not talking gives you bad breathe?”, this
has always been a preach in white schools.
He puts on this smuggish smirk on his silly face
and crosses his arms across his chest then
turns his head to the side, he’s about to be
“Handsome huh?”, did I not say!?
“Those weren't my words. Don’t you know of
the saying that says whenever a woman prays a
spirit of some sort awakens within them? Yes
so it was not me talking it was that spirit”, I
defend myself and look away straight away.
“Mmmh, I would like to meet this spirit I think I
like it. She’s feisty and honest”, what’s with this
big muscles and small brains thing? It’s a trend
“Why are you not in your bed?”, I quickly flush all
my Cumbrain thoughts and focus on the
present, it’s daunts me that my sister maybe
taking her last breath in there.
“It's just a wound I’ll be fine, it’s you whom I am
worried about. Talk”, oh he’s not gonna try and
smother me?
“It’s nothing I’m fine…” – I sigh and
“No you’re not” – Ngcwethi.
“Why do you care? The Mthembus hate us we
hate them so why are we rolling in this cycle of
pretence Ngcwethi?”
He gently shakes his head and pulls me
towards him. The proximity between us is a
little uncomfortable and the stares the nurses
and surgeons give us aren’t making this any
less awkward for me. Guilt is rippling my bones.
Why is the mutherfuqer holding my waist like
this? He does it good though, his touch is gentle
I can’t explain it in context.
Oh my god he is a fucken married man!
“Don’t mention it. Listen to me, you’re too pure
to be doing this to yourself now listen to me
well Nomkhosi …”
I part my lips to say something but his grip on
my arms slightly tighten.
“Ngithi ngilalele mangikhuluma”, his soft
mellow tone has flew out the window. I do not
know what was that but I know it had me shut
and tuned in. Never would have guessed he had
that Zulu man embedded in him, man looks like
something out of a Forbes magazine.
After all that craziness he does something
unimaginable. He smiles, Ngcwethi smiled! I
mean I know I always say he smiles but it’s not
exactly a smile.
“You’re an amazing woman who needs no
acknowledgement from any human being but I’ll
take the opportunity today, I’ve never had an
issue with you although you weren’t my
favourite either however when you dead brother
keeps haunting you about a specific woman
you begin to question why was she so precious,
I’ve been questioning myself from the day my
brother died he had made me promise to bring
you home and give you what he couldn’t. I never
understood why he would want me to do that,
now I see why”
I frown, “You do?”, since when am I precious?
“You are too valuable to let go of, I’m not saying
do as I say but consider my brother's last wish
Somebody clears their throat and for a second I
suffer a mild heartattack thinking it’s my
brother since he said he is going for walk for
fresh air or whatever. There is plenty of air
inside here so I don’t get why he had to leave
me alone here, now I’m surrounded by the
Mthembus wolves and that annoying puppy

I forcefully push off Ngcwethi's hands off my

waist and look at his wife starring at us as if
this is normal to her.
“Your father sent us to come check on you and
see how things are with the girl”, An elderly
woman says, she looks about my mother’s age
and has these fresh teeth.
“I’m fine, the gunshot wound is minor. It’s
Nokwanda whom I am worried about, have you
heard any report about her condition?”, he’s
going to ignore his furious wife behind the two
woman? Okay.
“Yes the doctor told us her condition is bad and
… and she lost the baby as well due to stress
and probably panic too”, my heart gets sore all
over again. I want to be angry at someone for
hurting my sister, I want to blame a person but
“Awu kodwa mntanam”, her arms cover my tiny
body and all of a sudden this lump I had
mastered to swallow all this while sits below
my throat.
“Lets pray to God she heals and comes back to
her loved ones”, her gentle back rubs send me
into the loudest sob. I literally break down and
take everything out of my system.
“I’m so scared of losing her ma I’m so terrified. I
can’t lose her ma I cannot lose her!”
What hurts me the most is that instead of
crying on my brother’s shoulder like it is
suppose to be, I’m here breaking in front of a
woman I do not know. How alone am I in this



Her sobs moved something in him, they hit

straight in his heart. It’s something he doesn’t
ever wish to hear ever again. Phindile continues
rubbing Khosi's back and her cries are getting a
tad intolerable, Ngcwethi clears his throat and
asks to be excused.
“Where are you going?”, Candice asks looking
like she’d rather be anywhere in the world but
“To check with the doctors how everything is
going”, his voice has turned hoarse, it’s deep
and rough. Eyes feel like they have caught on
fire or something.
“Don’t be gone for too long”; Phindile warns him.
He nods and quickly strides off. Once he gets to
the reception of the ward they are in he finds
himself feeling hot, his clothes are too tight and
his muscles feel like they are busting open. He
holds onto the reception desk and tries to
recollect his breathes.
“Uh… sir are you okay?”, it’s a pretty coloured
woman sitting behind the desk. She’s alarmed
and ready to call another nurse for help before
he dies in front of her but Ngcwethi declines
and gathers enough strength and ability to
stand on his own feet without holding onto
“I’m fine, I’m looking for Doctor Schwan”, his
voice is scary and she’s tempted to make that
call for assistance.
“Sir I think you are having a heart attack or
panic attack.. “
Ngcwethi grabs her cup of pens and smashes it
against the counter, “Dr Schwan. Tell her she's
needed here”, his jaw clenches and his eyes
shut. His chest is swelling up plus dying of pain.
“ …I can’t just call for Dr Schwan sir, She's
working in the special case unit patients are
assigned to her I cannot book her for you”, her
eyes are close to popping out their sockets
seeing all the veins pop out of his face like this.
“Tell her Ngcwethi …”, his jaw clenches as
another sharp pain hits his chest, by now the
entire corridor is motionless starring at him,
“Mthembu, Mr Mthembu wants to see her”, he
bends over and holds his knees.
“But I have …”
“Just call the doctor will you? He’s family”, a
young man coming from the crowd voices. The
lady nods quickly and begins paging Dr Schwan.
Ngcwethi looks up, his eyes are blurry a bit but
he manages to see his best friend.
“Will you three stand there and stare at a patient
suffer from a heart attack as far as I'm
concerned that isn't part of your employee
contract. Grab a flippen wheelchair and wheel
him in”, he orders and the three nurses standing
in the front line scatter like chickens once the
sun has set.
They sit him down on the wheelchair and his
friend wheels him away towards a ward,
Ngcwethi brushes over his friend's hand and
murmurs a thank you.

They are done with him, he’s fine. It was a minor

issue but he’ll live. As he is about to put on his
shirt, Dr Schwan comes in with files in her
“If it isn't the biggest pain in my ass. Mr M", she
hasn’t gotten use to the bh sounds so Mr M is
her safest option.
“Doc" – Ngcwethi.
“What have you done and how am I suppose to
clean it up for you?”, she enquires once sat on
her chair behind her desk.
“You make it sound bad when you put it like that.
There is someone whom I deeply care about in
intensive care, she suffered a miscarriage
after…”, he holds himself.
“After What?” – Dr Schwan.
“Some thing Sphesihle did. I arrived a bit late, he
had just found out his biological mother
happens to be a Mshengu and acted on impulse.
He had a gun to her head when I arrived had I
been a second late he would have killed her or
should I say ‘Vuyo' would have killed her”, it’s
unexplainable what he saw today, it was beyond
his imagination.
“Vuyo?” – Dr Schwan.
“That’s what he kept on calling himself” –
“Hmm. Has he had episodes like that where he
just has outbursts?” - Dr Schwan.
“Yeah each time his mother is brought up.
Either he'll act crazy; extremely sad or maniac”
– Ngcwethi whistles when he realizes where Dr
Schwan is going with this.
“I’m glad I didn’t have to spell it out for you.
Such things happen, it could be false alarm but
just be sure before making any further
decisions. Back to this person you care about,
since when do you care about anyone?”, her
eyebrow goes up.
“What is that suppose to mean? I do care about
people just because I do not walk around with
hearts in my eyes doesn’t mean I’m cold
hearted”, he has over explained himself, she has
already caught him.
“Well my brother cared for this girl's sister so
it’s my duty to make sure she lives. You have to
save her for me Nazneen. Please, I’ll even
double the pay”
“No need to bribe me sir”, she winks, “It is my
job to save people. I’ll try my best but I cannot
promise you any good news” – Nazneen.
Ngcwethi sighs in relief.
They speak some more about Nokwanda's
condition and possible outcomes. Naz informs
her assistant to inform head of surgery that she
would like to take Miss Mthembu as her patient.
Then he leaves and returns to the now bitter
waiting area. Sthembiso is back and probably
angrier than he was when he left for a walk. On
the bright side Nomkhosi is calm now.
“Where were you Ngcwethi I was getting so
worried about you”, Snothile pats him down,
inspecting his drowsy eyes and the cotton on
his wrist where they put the drip.
“I’m grown man Snothile you don’t have to
worry about me, alright?”, he smiles and kisses
her forehead.
“Then why are this untidy all of a sudden?” –
“Snothile please not now and definitely not here
in front of her”, he says pointing to the now
quiet Khosi.
Snothile nods slowly and chooses to keep quiet
to avoid making Ngcwethi anymore upset than
he already is. Her heart is sore though th at he
just shut her down just like that.
“You're behaving out of character nowadays
“I’m not hiding anything from you anymore,
that’s what you asked from me” – Ngcwethi.
“So don’t you want this to work for our baby?
Our little family?”, she whispers aggressively.
Ngcwethi stares at her for the longest time then
says: “We wouldn’t be the first parents to co-
Snothile’s jaw drops.
How is he even considering that!?
Patrimony: The Ancestors wife
Chapter Twenty-One
Snothile Gwamanda

I enter the bathroom in a rush and let the lump

in my throat go. I’ve never cried like this, I cried
until my throat ached and turned Sahara dry.
How can Ngcwethi ever think like that after
holding onto him for so long, I gave my every
thing to him even my father I disobeyed his
wish and chose him over the man my dad
promised me to. How can I be such a fool!
After a while of starring at my messy face in the
mirror I calm down and wipe my tears off my
face with the back of my hand. I miss Sbulelo
so much and sincerely regret all those things I
said. I didn’t mean them it just angered me to
think she was not backing my corner after I had
backed her for so many years. And although our
friendship isn't exactly ride or die but she
became the sister I never had in my life. How
could I mess something like that up?
“Smh", I sigh to myself and bend over the sink
to wash my red face.
Maybe it is a phase that will blow out after
some time and be forgotten. He'll love me at
some point and not because of our baby but
because He just loves me.
Someone clears their throat behind me, I lift my
face away from the water and close the tap. A
strong masculine odour fills up my nostrils, I
frown and void those thoughts I’m thinking of
perhaps it’s the hormones.
“Are you okay?”
Nope! That is a man! Not my hormones playing
tricks on me. I get up and hold onto the sink as
dizziness hits me.
“Thank you!” I sound rude but he shouldn’t have
touched me like that doesn’t he see the rock on
my finger?
I stare at his tall pole structure and then his
hands on my arms, “My husband…”, I yank his
hands off me, “Wouldn’t appreciate that”, I
finish off my sentence and fix my shirt.
His voice is …
I have no words to put it.
“Angim'soli", he chuckles briefly and ends it with
a frown-smile.
“What?”, I snap at him for starring at me for so
He extends his already humongous eyes, well
they aren’t huge but they are very much sitting
on the edge of their sockets and the fact that he
is stark dark doesn’t help with not highlighting
the marbles.
He says nothing and shakes his head slightly;
leaning in to wash his hands on the sink I
washed my face on.
What a weird… what did Hlomu call big eyed
men again? Bugs! What a weird big eyed Bug!
“Weird bugs", accidently slips out of my mouth
and seal my lips a tad bit late. He heard me.
“All the better to see you beautiful”, he leaned
towards my face and widened his eyes then
dries his hands and walks out.
What a baby of a man.
Dude left his wallet behind on top of the sink,
what was the wallet even doing out in a toilet. I
think of leaving it behind but that wouldn’t be
right I mean I don’t know him but he seemed
like a nice decent man.
I laugh at myself for thinking any man is decent
I’ll give it to the lost and found lady at the
reception I’m sure he’ll want it soon.
This is one heavy ass wallet I think to myself.
Why are these people starring at me like this
haven’t they seen a pregnant woman crying?
“Hold on”, I turn around and look at the door
sign once I have gotten out.
Jesus! I got inside the men’s toilet! The men’s
toilet! This is a whole lot of embarrassment!
I hurriedly walk towards the reception to leave
this wallet there then go back to my depressing
reality. And lucky me the guy is still there
standing with one hand holding the phone over
his ear and the other inside his formal pant, he
looks distressed probably because he has no
idea where he left his wallet.
Old folks.

I do deep breathes in and deep breathes out

and tap his shoulder. I don’t think I was aware
of how tall he was until I tapped his shoulder.
He turns around looking rather pissed but it
goes away as he notices me down here.
“Missed me?”
Pfff, I snort and hand him his wallet.
His smile disappears then as quickly as it went
away he brings it back.
I think it’s hilarious he thinks I would steal his
money I don’t even depend on Ngcwethi to take
care of me financially I am one of the best
brokers in Pietermaritzburg, however I let him
check if everything is still inside.
He makes a sad pout, “disappointed actually. I
was hoping you had stolen a R100 or 2”, who
even thinks like this?
“That would guarantee you a night in a prison
cell that way I could spend some more time
with you”, and I thought being around the
friends I have showed me how stupid people
can be.
I flash my ring on his face, “Read the signs”,
some people are just so stubborn for no reason.
“If you had a man you wouldn’t be crying like a
mad woman in men’s toilets. That, means
nothing”, he says pointing to my ring.
His phone rings seconds from me about to give
him a piece of my mind. He walks off seemingly
in a hurry. He looked scarred by whatever he
heard over the phone. Nx serves him right!
I stroll around the hospital passages for a while
lost in my thoughts. Many have said those
words to me and I’ve never listened or cared but
when he said them they kinda stung, he showed
no mercy when he said them to me it was as if
it really troubled him that I love a man who
maybe will never love me. But my mother
always says as long as he hasn’t laid a hand on
you be patient and I’ve been patient don’t know
what for really but I am still waiting for it.
After a while I decide to go back to the family
and find them chatting to the doctor.
“Will she be okay?”, Nomkhosi whimpers.
I envy this girl. I envy her more than I did
Beyonce growing up. Look at them holding
hands as though it’s how it should have been
from the jump. I swallow the lump in my throat
and look away..
“You did it to yourself there is no need to snort
here Snothile. You are weak and you keep
letting this girl win Ngcwethi over, do you want
to be a baby mama for the rest of life? Because
that is where you are going baby girl”, Candice
whispers and goes back to her phone instantly.
My dad would kill me!
He has always dreamt of this moment for me,
since I was a little girl.
I snap out of my thoughts again when ma
places her hand over my shoulder.
“Let’s go sisi, Mvelase has something to say to
all of us, he needs us back home now.
Ngcwethi will remain with Nomkhosi…”, I turn to
her with my quivering lip getting shakier than
“Hhayi sisi please don’t cry”, ma sighs and hugs
me for comfort and I decide then and there not
to cry out loud in front of her.
“Nokwanda is getting better however we do not
know the state Ntando is in, he might come
here and try something so Ngcwethi needs to
be here…”
“So he can protect her right? Be there for her
and offer her a shoulder to cry on? I signed up
for that kind of treatment from my husband the
day I fell in love with him right?”, my eyes blind
me I don’t see them approach until I sniff his
“Leave her Ngcwethi! No one pointed a gun to
her head and said she must agree to marry a
man who never even said I love you to her so
muyeke azihlanyise”, Candice.
“Bathong Candice, Ngcwethi don’t just stand
there your wife is crying”, Nomkhosi pushes
him to me and I put out my shaky hands
begging him to stay away from me.
“I’ll be in the car”, my voice trembles and I walk
away leaving him to scold Candice.
I see that tall bug again, he is wheeling out a
woman in a wheelchair. She looks pretty and
well taken care of. It makes me cry and I blame
the hormones, he doesn’t know me for heavens
sakes. Nx bloody pregnancy!
He sees me and smiles then stops and frowns.
His eyes look like they’ll slip out their seats. I
look the other way and hurry out the hospital.
Even the ones that flirt with me have their own
soulmates. Nx ugh!


His head is everywhere but here.

Sihle has tried everything to get him out of his
daze and at the very least have something to
eat. Ntando however has been refusing
everything , the only thing he took its offer was
the cigarette Sihle walked in smoking a while
ago. When he came back he had another fight
with his father, some of the words Ntando
regrets. Madoda may have denied him the truth
all these years but his love carried both of the
mother and the father in it.
he'd love him even if he found out he was the
reason his mother left him on the Mthembu
doorstep. He'd love him even if he found out
he’s never loved his biological mother, even if
she was a once off thing. But sometimes
emotions get the better of us and we let things
turmoil too quickly. Not only is that guilt ripping
him to pieces but also being responsible for
Nokwanda’s condition. He did not mean to hurt
her and in fact she was the last person whom
he wanted to give pain to then again whatever
happened in there became too out of his
control and he lost it.
“You need to eat ndoda and take these pills that
ma gave you”, Sihle hangs the plate of food in
front of Ntando and shoves it on his face.
“Eat!”, Sihle rasps.
The plate goes sliding across the tiled floor,
grains of rice flying everywhere.
“I said I am not hungry now fuck off Sphesihle!”,
Ntando bursts and clicks his tongue, cover his
face with his hoodie and pulling the strings to
cover his face.
“Nx, yazi sengikhathele uwena. Acting like
you’re the only hurting, we are your brothers
Ntando and seeing you hurting hurts us too. We
care about your well being and that’s why
bhut'ngcwethi took the bullet and that is why I
am here babysitting your grown ass instead of
doing things I could be enjoying with my time.
You think it doesn’t fuck us up to know that this
has been hidden from you for so long? You
think baba enjoys this? Fuck no! all my life I
have never seen baba cry but today he shed his
first tear because his son…”, Sihle controls
himself, fighting against bringing back the
things Ntando said to their father earlier.
“Eat your food Ntando”, Sihle asks, more calm
than he was before.
Ntando shakes his head, sniffing behind the
“Okay have it your way. I wonder what Bule will
say when she hears you’re out here shooting
innocent pregnant woman and talking shit to
our fat...”, he doesn’t get close to dialing her
number, Ntando is up and already taking the
medicines on the table.
“Food first”, Sihle says.
“There is no food!”, Sihle snaps.
“And whose fault is that? Eat then drink those
medicines I swear if you don’t I’ll call her and
she can give you an earful lecture because
maybe that is what you deserve”, he leaves the
bottle of pills on the table and answers his
ringing phone.
“Bafo, how is she?”, Sihle.
Ntando stops and looks at Sihle for a reaction.
It has been eating him up ever since, the
amount of blood he saw on her.
He didn’t mean to.
“Eish okay I’ll let him know. Sho”, Sihle drops
the calls and brushes his head.
“She will be fine… physically but damn she lost
the baby”
Ntando's loud sob cringes Sihle a bit. It was a
mistake and he keeps on repeating that he
didn’t mean to harm her or the baby, he keeps
saying how much it was a mistake that he
wishes he could take back. Sihle can’t stand
watching him cry like this but luckily Mvelase
came and hugged his son letting him cry on his
father’s chest.
“Kuzolunga mfana wami”, Mvelase.
“I didn’t mean to baba I didn’t know what I was
Mvelase pats him on the back and clenches his
jaw. Maybe he shouldn’t have told him, he
should have died with this secret!
Patrimony: The Ancestors wife
Chapter Twenty-Two
Nomkhosi Mshengu

It’s been the most bitter three days of my life!

At least Nokwanda is getting better all thanks to
the special treatment she gets from Ngcwethi's
private doctor, of course for now I am the only
person in the Mshengu family who is aware of
this because some of us tend to think like
empty coconut shells sometimes and fight even
when there is no need to. She said it will depend
on how fast her surgery heals but the rest is
taken care of and I will always be grateful to
him for that.
Ma is still locked inside her room three days
later. I think it’s the self-blame process for
some odd reason she thinks this whole thing is
a bad thing we hate her now for it. Sthembiso is
still holding a grudge I can tell but he loves his
mother with his entire heart I know he will never
be able to just hate her for no reason. They
haven’t spoken much, I had become their
mediator since malum'Khethani told us the
clear truth. What surprised me is that baba was
the devil instigator, forcing my mother to
abandon her son only for him to want inhlawulo
from Mthembu for that baby. I found that
confusing, weren’t they married? Ma and baba
weren’t they married? Don’t you accept to take
everything that comes with your partner when
you marry? Ntando came with ma so what
made him fail to keep up the marriage policy?
Ivaka lendoda!
Nx, I still say angiphumanga kwamasende
aleyandoda akukwazi! Maybe my father is some
heartthrob Akshat Singh or something, that
would explain the curls at the back of my neck.
We try everyday to talk to her through the
window if she had opened it or Sthembiso just
rattles her door to scare enough for her to open
for us. She never does and we’ve accepted that
she isn’t ready to face us for whatever reason. I
don’t think she understands how we much we
idolize her, we would never just end all that
because hey once in her life dick was good and
she was too irresistible for the man to pull out I
mean for Candice to have stayed that long
married to a man Mthembu’s age his engine
must be of a real STALLION, unlike the bastard
my mother married – my biological mother,
apparently sometimes his engine would not
want to ignite the flames and move the car so
my mommy had to give him some diesel so he
can at least rev a little. We spoke many things
with mommy and sometimes k would have
nightmares about their sex life and never touch
sleep for three days afterwards. That man was
traumatic in his nightrobe I don’t even want to
imagine how traumatic he must have been in
his birthsuit I’m sure even God wanted to send
him to Earth in a full clothed body to avoid
bringing disgrace to His name.

I’ve finished my stew and now I am waiting on

the rice to finish and then I’ll serve everybody.
Malum'Khethani invited the entire Mshengu clan
of men today for some odd reason and I am
glad that there is noise inside the house again,
well Sthembiso chased them away from the
house and asked them to sit at least outside
malum'Khethani’s rondavel. I still think he
doesn’t trust them around me, whenever one
enters the house he'll shortly afterwards arrive
and wait for them to do whatever they wanted
and escort them out. I’ve thought about asking
why he does that but it’s pretty obvious, one has
obviously tried to misbehave with me before I
just don’t remember anything about it and I
wish I don’t.
“Since when do you watch T.V all day?”, I ask as
I throw myself beside him on the long couch.
“Since when do you chase dick so much all the
time?”, he retorts back.
I could bite the head of his penis and rush out
but I choose to be the bigger person and ignore
his stupidity.
“Is she getting any better?”, I don’t know which
she he is referring to but I’ll take the guess that
it's Nokwanda we're asking about.
“The doctor said her surgery went well but she
needs ample time to recover from it. I want to
see her tomorrow too, I’ll bring her fresh clothes
and some proper food”, I know she will curse
me if I don’t, hospital we have always never
liked and we once promised each other to bring
one another food if we ever end up there.
“Mmh-hm. Let me know when you’re leaving I’ll
take you”, he slices the Apple that has been
sitting on his plate for a while and pops one
inside his mouth then offers me the other slice,
is he serious? There is no need to romanticize
eating an apple by slicing it with a knife, I grab
his wrist and take a mean fulfilling bite.
He chuckles and shakes his head, “Shaka Zulu
wentombazane”, he laughs.
Mxm he can insult me all he wants oksalayo!
“What is the point of eating it like I’m chewing
something expensive? It’s just an apple”
He looks at me and shakes his head with a
smile across his face. It quickly fades as we
start hearing men calling out our clan names
outside the gate. We both stare at each other
and frown.
It’s not long before malum'Khethani’s drunk
voice appears too, telling whoever it is by the
gate to stop right there. Sthembiso sighs and
continues eating his apple as if a biskop isn't
happening outside. I leave him there ignoring
his warnings.
It’s a fiasco and the Mthembus are looking just
about ready to entertain anything.
There he is, Ngcwethi standing with the goat in
his hand.
I frown and look at the two other Mthembu men
carrying bottles and beer cases, the Mshengu
alcoholics grow grins on their faces.
I can’t hear what is being said but I can see
clearly this is about the cleansing our house
and name off what Ntando did. The boy has
crazies inside his head, according to Ngcwethi
and he isn’t even aware that he has them. I
heard him talk about a psychiatric evaluation
first then they will confirm if he has them or not.
Only if he could walk in here and start biting
these Msheengu blood sucking thieves!
“Nomkhosi go inside”, ugh why does he want
my soul? I’m watching here can’t he see?
“But bhuti I want to know what is being said
“Nomkhosi man don’t make me angry go
inside!”, he points to the door and eyes me
“But I want to hear”, I whisper, looking down
while playing with my fingers.
“Khosi”, he says it in his low intimidating voice.
It’s like he’s saying ‘test me and see’ with his
I really want to see how this unfolds, particularly
I want to see if these letches won’t misbehave
with Ngcwethi and embarrass me and my
brother before him after everything he’s done
for us. I know deep down Sthembiso feels the
same way even though he hasn’t come to terms
with the Mthembus but he acknowledges how
much Ngcwethi has helped us.
“Bhuti please”, I murmur and blink over and over
“Cela singaxabani. Nomkhosi get inside the
house you’ll see your boyfriend later”, he’s
calmer and less scary. This is no use to me, I’ll
catch the gossip from the neighbours. I leave
him there outside the door and go inside. It
takes a while for me to actually get inside the
house I kept turning and looking at Ngcwethi
trying to calm himself, those idiots must have
said something offensive to his father.
Uncles with no class!

I dosed off on the couch waiting for Sthembiso
to come back and tell me what is going on,
instead I wake up to Ngcwethi slowly walking
towards me with his hands inside his pockets
looking all nervous and jittery.
I don’t know but something propelled me to get
up from my couch and stare at him, “What
happened?”, I ask, no patience vested in me.
“I have something to tell you and your brother
only gave me a few minutes so, may I?”, he
points to the space next to where I was
Why are we so serious? I don’t like all of this.
I sit nonetheless and wait for him to sit too.
“it sounds so serious”, I yawn and sit back,
covering my drumstick thighs with a pillow.
“Uh… I don’t know if you need to know but
because it involves the boys and I know how
fond of them you are, I concluded you would
want to know that”, he gives me a glance and
heavily sighs, “We are leaving tomorrow for
Durban. Permanently, we'll only visit this side on
holidays and occasional weekends”
My heart stops beating for a second, I’m
processing what he just had the guts to say to
me. He’s leaving me, again. Why bother
showing your face to me if you know very well
that you will leave me at the end?
I stand on my feet and step right pass him, his
hand secures my wrist before I could get away
and he brings me closer to him.
“Nomkhosi c’mon don’t walk out, we're still
“I have nothing to say to you let go of my hand!”,
I get a bit loud and remember what he use to
say that I must not speak to him anyhow so I
calm down and apologize. “I’m ssorry for
shouting but please let go of my hand
He just looks up at me and tilts his head.
Is he deaf bathong!
“Ngcwethi let my hand go”
“Why?”, he shrugs.
Why? I don’t know why, you tell me.
“You want to leave right? Just like he did, then
walk out on me. Yazi I should have listened to
my brother when he warned me about you
Mthembus, I should have listened when I was
told to stay away but nooo I don’t listen instead
I let my heart control me and that makes you
happy right because you know how to pull the
strings that make my heart beat like crazy. Why
Ngcwethi erh? Why come falling from the sky
here to save me and remind me of some thing I
had long forgotten then tell me you’re leaving,
Why?”, he does not even deserve an ounce of
my tears. He never cared.
“Was I just a plot of revenge to you?”
He comes onto his feet quick and stares down
at me. He looks hurt that I said that.
Hhayi suka, he started this fire!
“You think I’d stoop that low?”, he swallows.
“I guess one can never know with you people”, I
yank his hand off of me and then turn around to
leave, he grips my waist and turns me around. It
happens so fast that it took me time to react
but I did, I kissed him back just as deeply as he
kissed me. His hands slid down to the side of
my hips and squeeze below my butt cheeks the
kiss continues for the longest time. I feel the
heaviness of his breath hit my face when we
His gaze on me brings about a feeling I want to
ignore so I push away from him and rush to my
“What was that? What the hell was that?
Ususangene Nomkhosi”, yho, yho I feel like
scolding myself more because what the hell
was that about!?
That kiss was something though.

Sbulelo Mthembu

She is organizing herself something to eat and

decided upon making quick food for the boys
as well something light and not hectic at all.
She sips another ounce of wine àbd finishers
off her white sauce; adds more cheese to the
macaroni and leaves it to simmer. She has been
trying to clean this house the day she arrived
but never getting a chance to clean it. She
decides to start with the room that never opens,
it’s downstairs and just behind the staircase in
the dark area. Hopefully she finds no dead
Surprisingly the door is not locked today and
the key is still on the door. Thunzi must have
forgotten to pull it out and take it when he came
back in haste a few hours ago but she didn’t
see him leave either or come inside, all she was
the boys rushing and rushing out.
It smells of lot of medicine and disinfectants, it
actually smells like a hospital room. Bule
furthers her steps, looking around for anything
off the grid. There are a bunch of cupboards
and drawers, the entire room is just cupboards
and drawers on the wall, built-ins. She opens
one and finds it empty, she opens the next and
the next until she eventually opens a fridge door.
Her mouth drops and her hands cover her
mouth instantly, “Blood banks?”, Bule gasps.
Too scared to touch them she searches for
tags, labels and even sniffs the fridge. They are
blood banks but what are blood banks doing
Her hands tremble and she shuts the fridge
door quick. Her body is still frozen on the spot,
only tears make their way down her cheeks.
“iBozza needs you, his condition isn't looking
good. I know I was told not to tell you but mina
ngiyak'ncanywa yikho ngithi othi ngikufakel'",
Mpednulo says..
Bule turns around in haste upon hearing Thunzi
isn't okay. Her palms are sweaty.
“What…Where where is my Thunzi?”, she looks
like a MAD woman gone extra mad.
Mpendulo points to a white door and steps
aside looking too scared to near her.
Sbulelo rushes over there and opens the door
wide, her eyes are blind from all the tears
forming but that, th at is her man on the bed
soaked in blood.
Bule walks further in and screams so loud
Mpendulo comes rushing back inside.
“Thunzi don’t leave me like this please don’t go
from me… I – I love you Thunzi I love you so
much I’m not willing to watch you leave me just
like that, I’ll … I’ll be your girlfriend; I’ll be your
wife and the mother to your nine children just
wake up baby please”, her shaky hands float
above his chest wound and more tears well up
her eyes.
“I hope you you won’t go back on your words. I
have you on record”
Wtf is wrong with this man!?
Thunzi wakes up and sits on his butt leaning on
the chair back rest while pressing on his phone.
“You’re …. You re alive”, Bule quivers and wipes
her snotty face with the back of her hand.
Thunzi flashes a King's smile and nods, “Yes
wifie. Did I scare you?”
Bule nods still crying, “I thought I lost you
“And how did you feel thinking you had lost me
forever wifie?”, he feels bad for putting out this
façade because it scared the love of his life but
he’s glad she finally admitted her feelings to
“I don’t ever want to go through that again, ever.
I cannot live without you, the pain was too
great”, for the mere fact that she is not freaking
out and killing him on this very bed means she
is still shaken. Thunzi holds her arms and pulls
her up to sit on the edge of his bed, he lays her
on his chest and brushes her back. The wound
stings but he ignores it.
“I’m sorry for scarring you alright? I didn’t mean
to scare you, I love you okay wifie?”, he brings
her face up and stares into her eyes.
“Okay. And I… I… love you too”, she whispers.
Thunzi grins and winks at Mpendulo whose
wiping fake tears off his eyes.
Patrimony: The Ancestors wife
Chapter Twenty-Three
Nomkhosi Mshengu


Ugh abafana abashiswe dammed!

Call me madness; call me insanity; call me
childish but one thing I am not is weak and
foolish! I know witchcraft when I see one and
that Mthembu man has definitely used a few
concoctions on me, I cannot rid my mind of him
and when I do try I get angry. I blame the ghosts,
Sosha is doing all of this he wants to torture me
but why? First he gives me unexplainable
orgasms in my dreams and then sends his
idiotic brothers to play the fool game with me.
Sosha is behind every single shit in my life, wait
a minute don’t tell me he has reincarnated
himself in…
“Bitch!”, I stomp out my bedroom same time
and march towards the big rondavel, the uncles
are still at it but Sthembiso is there to mediate I
guess. He's grateful Ngcwethi risked his life for
us he’s just not grateful about his surname
being Mthembu however had it been any other
person he would have compensated them with
more than just leniency either way to me it
means a great deal that he is willing to act
Some whip their heads around to watch me,
Ngcwethi’s father eyes me unexpectedly and in
response I'm tempted to look the other but ugh
abafana don’t move a single organ inside of me
right this moment. I stare at him right in the eye,
sulking my face.
He does something weird and smiles at me
then nods, tf is up with them and smiling all of a
sudden? Guilt has them feeling like dishing out
smiles and greetings will make us forget about
what they did to us? To my innocent sister and
my innocent niece!
“Ouch!”, damn that bloody rock as well, I almost
toppled over and fell face flat in font of MEN,
“Rocks should be burnt along with these men”, I
shake my head and swing open the kitchen
door and waltz inside.
My eyes subtly fall onto what is about to
become a crime scene, ufunani lo la?
“I actually studied to be a lawyer too but my
family couldn’t afford to help me finish my
studies so I dropped out”, she makes this sad
little grimace and take tears.
Worst actress degree would go to her even the
trees do better than this in movies!
“O I’m sorry to hear about that. Weren’t you
eligible for a bursary or something of that sort?”,
Why does he feel sorry for her? I frown and
whisk up the calmness buried somewhere
inside my stomach.
“I did apply but I wasn't fortunate”, she shrugs.
“Because you didn’t qualify!”
Their heads spin around to me and Mandisa
removes her hand from Ngcwethi’s shoulder.
She glares at me. The only person I’m looking at
is Ngcwethi.
“That’s not true…”
I open my eyes wide open, “Awu must I remind
you of your level 2 in mathematics and level 4 in
English and …”
“I get the point you don’t have to be mean
Nomkhosi!”, she yells and rushes out the living
room with tears in her eyes.
Haska go-one!
Ngcwethi gives me a look I don’t comprehend
quite well, it’s very judgmental and intimidating.
“Want to go after her? Then go vele that’s what
you Mthembu men are good at right up and
leaving without telling me nothing!”, I find
myself yelling again and now I am kind of
judging myself. I could have slept my anger out
but silence doesn’t quite sit well with my spirit,
I’ve chosen being the bigger person for far too
long it’s time I choose violence too.
“Nomkhosi calm down…”
I lift my finger up, “Don’t tell me to calm down
man, I will calm down on my own terms. Now
which one am I talking to? The ghost or Vin
Diesel?”, I enquire.
Ngcwethi casts his eyes on the ground and
slightly shakes his head, after a long sigh he
says: “Vin Diesel”.
“Ohhh okay tell that other one not to take me for
ikaka, I have had it with him controlling me as if
I’m some pawn game. I’m his wife am I not? He
loves me he says then why hasn’t he shown me
any of this, I’m out here fighting the world
because of him and he’s not bothered to stand
by me and fight for me. He wants to claim me
as his wife on and on then why isn’t he acting
as such then erh? Then you, you want to leave
me here and go away from me for what? Go
away from me for what Ngcwethi knowing very
well that we were meant to be because of your
selfish brother? You mean to say I must stay
here and suffer further? Kill me then Ngcwethi I
rather you kill me …”, he covers my mouth and
gives me the scariest of looks.
I spoke too much didn’t I?
Way too much!
“I can’t do that Khosi, I can’t do that because if I
were to do that then the boys would be
fatherless again and I don’t wish for that to
“Mthembu I think you've overstayed your
welcome, get out”, Sthembiso must chill did he
hear what Ngcwethi just said?
“Then why are why are you letting me go nje?
When you know that shouldn’t be how things go,
will you do what your brother did to me?”, I ask
with a quivering lip.
“Mthembu leave!”, Sthembiso roars.
“he is not going anywhere you hear me, he’s not
going”, I yell back and he gives me a shocked
expression so does my mother standing by the
passage way for the first time in a long time I
have seen her face.
Her eyes lose track of me quickly, I know where
they are, starring at the old man.
“Answer me Ngcwethi”, I whisper.
He tucks the back of his thumb under my chin
and lifts my face up, starring deep into my eyes.
“Tell me what to do and I’ll do it in a heartbeat”
Oh oh no I was not looking forward to such an
answer. I was hoping he would make the call
and I just agree to it or I don’t. It’s not in my
nature to make decisions, I find it hard to pick a
panty how can I make a decision regarding my
life? I was just ranting because I felt angry and
confused, I didn’t mean … well no I meant every
word I said however I just didn’t expect them to
use that against.
“Tell me Khosi, anything”, he repeats.
I can hear Sthembiso’s breathing on my side.
“Take me with, wherever you’re going take me
there with you I want to go too”, what am I
doing choosing dick over my family?
Dick I haven’t tasted.
“I’m tired of this Mthembu vs Mshengu; tired of
the ghost; of the tales and whatever. The cause
of this is because I’m not where I should be
right? So there I am going where I should have
went the day I recovered from my injuries”, I
look at my family as I mention the last part.
They are just as evil for lying to me about such
a life changing thing.
Ngcwethi opens his mouth to answer me and I
keep him quiet same time.
“It wasn’t an ask. I’m going with you”, I say.
“Hhayi-bo Nomkhosi, what about Nokwanda?”,
Thando interjects.
Not that it’s any of your business, “Ngcwethi
has a car and he has hands, eyes as well legs.
Right? Petrol is not a problem I'd take that
guess too”, I say looking at him straight in the
“Nomkhosi ayi ayi Nomkhosi”, MaSokhela
warns. Sthembiso has left the room after a
applause worthy tongue click.
“Right Ngcwethi?”, I ask again.
He hesitantly nods, “Yes I can take you”
“Every day?”, I ask again.
“Yes everyday”; he doesn’t even look too sure
about the answer he just gave me.
“Okay. Let me go pack my bags then. Wait for
me in the car”, I tap his shoulder and turn
around to leave. I really do not think it was a
smart thing to do but everyone is sticking their
noses; foreheads and limbs in my business.
“Nomkhosi awuke uhlale phansi and let us talk
about this. You can’t just leave just like that”,
I turn slowly and look at him, “Did you marry the
woman living with you right now? At least I got
some kind of payment, you won’t remember
now ngoba isisu sesigcwele…”, Ngcwethi gives
me the look of disapproval and disappointment
at the same time.
Mxm he started things had he kept his mouth
shut I wouldn’t have been disrespectful.
“Everyone has lived their lives according to the
way they wished and I don’t remember
controlling anyone about their ways so why am
I being controlled? I will live mine my way too,
look ma I will forever be thankful for the way
you raised me and how far you have taken me,
all the protection you have given me I will
cherish for the rest of my life but every bird
needs to leave the nest at some point in life.
That point is now in my life”, I sound wicked but
her soft smile gives me somewhat comfort in
what I’m about to do.
“I’ll speak to your brother, you do what is best
for you right now”, ma says.
I hug her as tightly as I could and reassure her
that I’ll be okay, I got myself.
I hug Thando too only because she wasn't so
bad to me and then I make my way out.

I pack quick and take essentials including a

frame of my mother, I carry her everywhere I go
and that alone makes me feel like there ain’t a
thing I can’t do in this world.
Ngcwethi is waiting outside his car for me for
real. I expected him to be still inside trying to
sort things out I guess he’s lost all faith as well.
I don’t wish to leave without my brother's
blessing but knowing Sthembiso and his ego, I’d
be waiting for a lifetime. I hand the bag over to
Ngcwethi and hop inside the passenger seat, he
takes his sweet time coming inside too, he’s on
the phone and I have a feeling that it is Snothile.
Lord I’m about to break marriages, be with me I
don’t hope to be that girl.


Snothile Gwamanda
“What are you making ma?”, Snakho yawns and
stretches at the bottom step beside the kitchen.
These boys will sleep through a fire and wake
up still dazy.
“Pasta and meatballs, your favourite. Where is
your brother?”, I ask.
“Taking a shower, he hasn’t gotten over the new
shower. It’s very nice”, Snakho smiles.
I smile back and nod.
Ngcwethi should be back any day now, the boys
and I decided to leave two days ago and come
back to Durban not only because schools will
open soon but also someone had to watch over
Ntando while he’s undergoing psychiatric
It’s still a shock to the entire family that he’s
going through all of that and none of us ever
picked it up.
“When is Junior starting in the new school?”,
Snakho asks.
That’s a good question. I don’t know actually,
Bule is taking care of that as far as I know since
Ngcwethi is … nowhere to be found lately.
“I’m not sure, you should call your aunt and ask
her okay?”, I give him his bowel of oats and
berries – his favourite breakfast, while I attend
my ringing phone.
Finally at last he calls. I untie the apron and
Chuck it over my countertop.
“Hello Mvelase”
Snakho wiggled his eyebrows at me, winking.
This mischievous rabbit! I take the phone call
elsewhere away from the main hall.
“Are you good? Are the children okay?”, he asks.
“Yes the boys are good. Junior is struggling to
sleep but I think it’s the trees and bushes
surrounding this house that’s a little scary for
him. I think we need to look at a new house
maybe?”, It’s been a mission of mine for a while.
We are in need of a bigger house with a better
“We'll talk about it once we're home. There is
something I need for us to discuss first” –
“Sounds awfully serious” – I say.
“It is. I do not want to do this without your
permission, may I bring Nomkhosi to stay with
us until I have found her a place to stay?”
Is he kidding me? Stay with us is she a child
that needs babysitting? This is grown women
we're talking about.
“Hello Snothile?”
“… Yeah suit yourself. Do whatever pleases you
Ngcwethi, whatever makes you happy", I won't
even gather the strength to fight him anymore.
I’m so darn tired. I want to cry though, that
much I want to do. I call up Bule, we haven’t
spoken ever since the last fight but I need her
help badly.
“How can I help you?”, is the first thing she says
to me. I know she knows it’s me.
“I need someone to watch over the boys, I need
to get some fresh air”, I bite my lip and
suppress the lump sitting in my throat.
“Are… are you okay? You don’t sound too good”,
she stresses.
I shake my head, “I’m fine. Can you come?”
“Thunzi doesn’t want me to leave the house
without being monitored so I’ll have to talk to
him first or you can just drop them off here”
That’s a good idea. They’ll be fetched from
there, I seriously need a break from all of this;
from him; from pain for once.
“Boys gather your belongings and meet me by
the car we're going to visit your aunt for a while
until daddy comes back”, before going back to
the kitchen I pass by the bathroom to wash my
face and warm it up with a wet towel. I apply
eye drops and put on my contacts then rush to
the bedroom to grab my bag; a coat and keys.
“Where are we going?”, Junior appears out of
nowhere, his hair is wet and dripping onto the
floor. This child.
I pull him inside and sit him down on my chair,
he hates being touched but since he can’t do it
himself. I plug my blow drier and dry his hair up
without touching him.
“Will I get an answer?”, Junior asks.
“We're going to aunt'Bule's house. Don’t you
want to go?”
I see a slight smirk on his face, a spark in his
eyes of some sort, “Yes I would like to go", he
excitedly says.
Once his hair is dry I pick him up and put him
back down, there’s abit of annoyance from him.
I know I know he isn't a baby.
I lock the doors and windows, leave the key
inside Snakho’s bag and rush to the car ignoring
the pains in my lower region. As long as I’m not
experiencing cramps and sharp pains through
my abdomen..
I send Ngcwethi a message telling him he'll pick
the boys up at Bule’s location since I’m pretty
sure she is with her boyfriend right now.


Retail therapy has always been my favourite

way of dealing with things, not so much though
lately since half the items never fit me. So I
figured Eating is the best way to cope with all of
The waitress finally comes with my platter… and
two extra platters. Okay did I double order or is
it some special of buy one get two free?
“Ma’am your seafood platter has arrived”, she
smiles and places the platter on my table, the
other two as well.
I frown and shake my head, “I did not order
those two platters".
Are they trying to kill me?
“Yes, Mr Manzini ordered them and requested
they be sent to you. Along with those”, she
points to a pretty bouquet of flowers being
brought to my table.
“What the hell is going on?”, I frown.
“I don’t need those flowers anywhere near me
and keep the extra platters thank you”, whatever
hole this Mr Manzini came from they must go
back in it.
“I had a feeling you would turn down my gift”
I can’t even eat in peace anymore. Problems
I stare up the tall dude and take in his build. It’s
the bug man, he looks decent today formal
pants and a white very white very very white
straight shirt.
“I’m allergic to pollen”, I sigh pushing the
bouquet far away from me.
“Mmmh”, he nods and points to the free seat
across me, “May I?”, he asks.
He’s already pulling the chair open why ask me
permission for it?.
“Sure", I shrug.
“Your eyes are red", I’m being examined already?
I keep quiet and eat my shrimp in silence. He
smiles out of nowhere and opens his legs wide,
“I told my brothers about you, they like you so
do their wives. I skipped the part about you
being mean to me though”, excuse you!
“When was I ever mean to you? Refresh my
memory please”
“A second ago. I do not mind though, I’ve gotten
well acquitted with your rudeness. My sisters
think I’m joking when I tell them I'm in love with
a married woman, they say I am too traditional
and standardized to fall in love with someone
who belongs to someone else”, he blabbers a
lot on his own and keep to my silence.
“I also told them it’s a good thing I found you
with one already, this way we'll only have five
more to go. I’m not a fan of odd numbers”, he
I look at the two platters on my table and the
bouquets I turned down, I see what he means
“Do you talk like this all the time? Do you talk
this much?”, I drop my fork and stare at him in
open eyes.
He says nothing for a while then shakes his
head, “I’m a quiet man in nature. Weirdly when I
am with you I talk a lot, it makes me less
nervous about talking to you”
“You? Scared of me? If you were scared of me
you wouldn t be sitting across my table
interrupting my me-time”
“I said I’m scared of you not that I don’t like you.
In fact I love that you make me scared, I won’t
mess up when you give me a chance”, that has
to be the cheesiest thing I've heard from a
grown man in a long time.
“Don’t you have work to do or something like
that?”, he’s starting to vex me..
“I do but it can wait. When I saw you on the road
driving towards the mall entrance I called my
assistant to cancel my meetings, I don’t know
why I just needed to see you again”, does he
hear himself?
“You were stalking me?”
“If you put it like that it sounds off putting. It
was a calculated coincidence, let’s call it that.
Fate…”, his phone rings inside his pocket and he
ignores the call.
“I’ve read a lot about what women like, flowers
seem most common then good sex, I couldn’t
give you the latter as of yet but when I do I’ll
make it worth your while”, he murmurs softly.
It rings again and again and again until he
switches it off and leaves it on the table.
He’s such an odd flippen man that could be am
He continues talking by himself and sometimes
I slip and find myself laughing at his stupidity.
We end up talking nje and laughing about light
stuff. A waitress comes to our table with a
landline on their hand, she drools over the man
sitting across me as she hands him the phone.
“Mr Zungu it’s for you”, did she just bite her lip?
Incompetent much.
He grunts and takes the phone, he leaves with it
in his hand looking pissed over something. The
waitress stands on the same spot drooling until
the poor man has hidden..
Abruptly she turns to me, “You and I need to be
best friends. How did you bag yourself a Zungu?
The Manzinis? How did you do it girl yho tell us
your ways”
I look at her up and down then click my tongue
and continue eating my food
Patrimony: The Ancestors wife
Chapter Twenty-Three


I’ve finished my platter and almost half way

through the second one, who knew chilli crabs
would be so darn good? I just love them to bits.
Mr's phone has been ringing non-stop that I’m
beginning to feel like I should answer it and tell
whoever it is calling that he ran out to the
reception area on another call. However it is not
my business, that would be considered
snooping and we don’t even know one another
yet, come to think of it what is his name?
I don’t know the idiot's name imagine!?
My phone is on silent too and I doubt anybody
has called other than my mother to ask her daily
question: ‘Kanti when are the Mthembus
arriving? Your father and I have been waiting
long enough’, I’ve always pictured the day I tell
them I am not interested in this marriage
anymore and I want to raise my child on my
own – it would never happen, my father would
never let me embarrass him like that in society
but just imagine. Wonder what they would say
once they find out their daughter is about to be
in a polygamous marriage, my mother wouldn’t
care that is a 100% truth.
And it rings again.
It stops.
This is getting tiring, I fish the crowded
restaurant with my eyes for a while but can’t
see his tall ass.
Three buzzes vibrate the table, it’s his phone
once again.
Okay I’ve had it with trying to ignore this thing, I
grab the phone off the table and find my thumb
swiping to answer the call.
“He…Hello?”, I sound like a petrified cow.
It’s so quiet that I consider dropping the call but
then I can hear a person breathing heavily in the
“Where the fuck are you Nqawe!? Why haven’t
you been taking our calls eh? What the hell is
the phone for? Listen if this girl is driving you
that much insane then don’t bother promising
to fix things you won’t have time for, now get
your behind at my house fast. Nx!”, he drops the
call without letting me speak.
“That took a turn for the worst”, I say to myself.
That man is utterly rude, complete contrast to
Nqawe. By the way what kind of name is that?
Nqawe sounds like an old Zulu warrior or
something of that nature.
The screen lights up, three more notifications
come through. I find myself reading one
“The bastard escaped the police station at
midnight. Mnotho is trying to track him down,
buya” – the last text says.
Another one caught my eye because I can bet a
million rands I saw my name somewhere, why
doesn’t he have a security code for his phone is
these kind of messages are in here.
“Her name is Snothile, currently engaged and
heavily pregnant so bafo please don’t even think
about it” – it’s a text from Mnotho, their rat I’m
Nx, this man just rode on my last breathing
How can he invade my privacy to this level and
have the audacity to sit and have lunch with me.
My gosh I’m so careless what if he’s some
twisted psychotic who kills women and children
and here I am laughing and entertaining him.
I gotta get out of here.
There’s a waiter passing by me, I hold his wrist
and ask him for the bill. He squint his eyes at
me, “Mam your bill has already been settled by
Mr Zungu, he settled it before he ran out a while
ago", he adds.
“He what?”
Whoever screwed that man’s brains missed one
screw because this is ridiculous. And he left his
phone behind for who? Who does he think will
take the responsibility of making sure this
phone gets to him by some magic?.
Nx I’m damn angry ke ngoku.
“Can you give him his phone then when he
comes back?”, I Hand the kid the phone but he
doesn’t take it, he’s looking at me with some
serious confusion drawn between his eyes.
“We were instructed to not take it ma’am”, the
kid says.
“Not take it for what? Who must keep it then?”
– me.
“Mr Zungu requested you hold onto it until he
comes back, he won’t be long”
And how do you know?
I take the phone fine but I won’t be sitting here
sucking snot. I have to go back and prepare
myself for yet another story of my life episode.

My nosy self can’t help herself but scroll

through his messages since WhatsApp looks
kinda empty and is too much of a private
setting rather than messages.
May 30 that’s when we met right? At the
I view that message he sent around 12 at night,
“I think I am in love bafo. I think I’ve found the
woman I want to spend the rest of my life with.
She has a child and the most beautiful set of
eyes, I couldn’t ask for her number because she
seems like the loyal type but I really love her. Do
you think she can love me too one day?” – that
last part makes me sad. I’ve been in his shoes,
in fact I am in his shoes I’m wondering if my
husband will ever love me too?
The next text isn't so ‘sweet' in fact it scares me.
“Have you dealt with the traitor?” – his brother’s
text says, the same one who was calling a while
“It’s done" – Nqawe’s response freezes my
What was I expecting though to be honest the
man has been a creep since the day I met him,
these text messages change nothing I still don’t
want him anywhere near me. He’s probably just
am obsessed person.
“Were you really about to leave without saying
goodbye to me?”, I jolt away from the voice
behind me and almost trip and fall but he
manages to catch me.
“Careful!”, he’s firm..
“Had you not shocked me in the first place I
wouldn’t have almost fell. Please let go of me”,
I’m speaking so soft, it's unlike me.
“Why don’t you like it when I hold you?”
How is that any of his business?
He has this sad pout on his pink and brown lips,
is he hurt? Psycho!
“I don’t know, it is uncomfortable and you’re a
stranger if I may remind you”; my answer is a
whole lot more lenient than it was going to be.
“Is that what I am to you?”, again another sad
“A what?”
“A stranger?”, he questions.
I didn’t mean to say he’s a stranger, I mean now
I feel bad for saying that but it’s the truth!
He is a stranger to me at least he is one. Before
the waiter told me I wasn't even aware of the
man’s name.
I take a breath and swallow a bit, “Here is your
phone. I had answered a call earlier, so sorry for
invading your privacy although you invaded
mine”, I give him the phone and turn away.
“Can I see you again? When ever you are free?”
He seriously does not get tired of rejection.
“No you can’t and if you can stop sending
people to do digging on me or my life, that’s a
crime and I won’t hesitate getting you arrested
for it", I hope he stops his nonsense now but the
relaxation on his face is alarming. I’ll discuss
this later with Bule.
So if I die then at least someone knows where
to get my body from. Days are dark now and
good men are few.



Nqawe watches Snothile walk towards her car

as though she is the purified version of a
Goddess. Her chubby cheeks; thick bums and
beauty cripple his body with no effort at all. Her
green over flowing dress sits perfectly on her
body and weirdly it suits her baby bump so well.
once she has driven off he too jumps into his
BMW x4 and sends a quick message to her: ‘If it
were up to me I would make sure you’re always
pregnant, it suits you’ and he sends it. His
brother got him the number long time ago, a
few hours after he told them about her. The
problem always was how he was going to
explain myself once she knew he has her
numbers without her knowing about it. But
since she has found out he’s snooping it
doesn’t matter.
He checks the text and it two blue ticks appear,
he sits there and waits for the response. It
doesn’t come, instead he gets blocked. At first
he frowns and then laughs to himself and
decides to call.
“Hello?”, Snothile.
“You are a tough cookie to crack, most of the
time I never sweat to get a woman”, Nqawe
chuckles knowing very well what he just said
will make her angry.
“Shame”, she grunts and hangs up, he’ll get
blocked and he knows it.

His smile disappears a few minutes later as a

text comes in from his brother. The car jolts
forward as Nqawe hits the brake pedals, hoots
rally up the road.
He dials his brother back fast, the call is
answered on second ring.
“Bafo", his brother.
“Where is the bastard?”, Nqawe.
Had Snothile been here to witness this Nqawe
she wouldn't be able to make a clear
connection. He’s different – animal baying for
blood different.
“We lost track of him a few minutes ago but last
we saw him move was the squatter camps”,
Mnotho tells Nqawe all the details and where he
will find them when he returns with the ‘bastard’.
“Sho. Tell Nkosenye to call me back in 30
minutes” – Nqawe.
“Sho” – Mnotho.

The squatter camps are crowded, there is no

making it out of this mess in a car. Nqawe
ditches it under the bridge and tells two street
kids to watch over it.
“Sho sho bozza yami", they bow and give
thumbs up.
He looks around, standing on top of his bonnet
in search of this boy they’ve been looking for.
For a moment he makes eye contact with a
person who looks familiar to whom he is
looking for.
“Le nja!”, Nqawe climbs down the bonnet and
makes a run for it, his pants are tight but none
of that matters as much as catching this idiot.
There is a huge fucked up fence ahead and the
bastard has climbed over it already, Nqawe
weighs his options he has no choice if he let’s
this boy go now he probably will continue
following Snothile now that he knows there is
some interest there besides he harmed his
brother's wife there is no way in hell he'll let that
slide so he jumps the fence and makes a run for
the boy.
He has lived here before, before life showed
mercy to his family these houses he knows
them like the bavk of his hand. The route that
kid took will lead to the dump site area.
He'll take the short cut.

The gate opens for him and he drives in.

Hopefully the kids aren’t home but they
probably aren’t that’s why Mongezi offered his
house instead.
“Awu Sgora sami, sgansonso, wena odla
usimende ungasuthi, the Undertaker himself.
See I knew you would bring the dog”, Mnotho
praises Nqawe at the door step, eyeing the
messed up kid being dragged inside the house.
“Where are the kids?”, Nqawe asks.
“Out doing their toes and stuff”, Mnotho.
“And Mongezi?”
“Calling Zime over the phone for the 40th time,
the poor woman can’t even do her penicures
and massages in peace”, Mnotho grunts and
shakes his head.
“Fusegi wena what are you on about? Can’t a
husband check on his wife?”, Mongezi smirks,
climbing down the stairs with a glass of
something brown in his hand.
“You are not checking on her anymore you are
nagging. Yazi even Nkosenye is better, actually
sambulo too…”
“Hhayi Hhayi Hhayi!”, Nqawe and Mongezi erupt
“uSambulo unjani-ke?”, they knew it was him
without even turning. His Zulu is exactly like
their grandfather's, deep unnecessarily and too
“Where did you find him?”, Sambulo points a
finger to the almost lifeless man on the floor.
“Squatter camps. I think he was pushing his
stuff, he sells drugs too did you know that?”
Mnotho takes Mongezi’s glass and walks away,
“Nango-ke uMr Fun Facts. Bafo uphekile?”, he
shouts across the spacious dining area.
“No my wife did. Don’t finish the meat Mnotho
Mnotho stops half way and walks back to his
brothers sniffing, “Nishiphile Madoda?”
They all erupt in a chaotic swearing contest.
Leaving Mnotho in stitches.
“I think he shit himself”, Mongezi.
Sambulo shakes his head, “It’s way too early for
you to be shitting yourself bafo, way too early.
Nkosenye is on his way and by the way he
sounded things aren’t looking good for ya after
messing with his wife”
Mnotho comes back with an air freshener and
sprays it dramatically all over the house, “Give
him a diaper or something ngeke ubolile mjitha”,
he says with a pinched nose and walks away.
His elders brothers laugh softly. It sure as hell
does stink though which makes no sense
because Nkosenye is going to seriously fuck
him up worse than Nqawe ever did.

A/N: PLEASE can we not slow down on the

support 🙏😭 the comments, the likes and
shares I work with those so to keep momentum
on my end please keep it on yours.

Thank you to those who always show up for me
I see and appreciate it A LOT!!
Patrimony: The Ancestors wife
Chapter Twenty-Five
Sbulelo Mthembu
This was a pleasant surprise, I cannot recall the
last time I saw my brother but I must say I
wasn't expecting him to be in this condition.
“Want a drink?”, offering him Thunzi's whiskey,
he'd kill me if he found out but I have my ways
to please him, right now Ngcwethi looks like he
could use a glass or four of this.
“No thank you I won’t be here for long, I just
came to fetch the boys", his yawn screams
stress and insanity.
Since when does Ngcwethi have eye bags this
big and black? Are these women stressing him
to that level or is it Sosha still poking at him?
Wouldn’t be surprised if all the madness that
has been going on is because of him, I mean
the shootings; people going crazy; skeletons
falling out the closet that’s some scary and
unexplainable stuff.
“Are you alone?”, I notice how he keeps looking
back and checking.
My gasp loudens.
Did he just gulp that entire glass in one go? He
pours another one and sips it decently.
“Okay clearly we need to talk you and I, what
happened?”, I ask.
Ngcwethi pulls his shirt over his face, leans his
face on the counter and keeps breathing heavily,
I hear him sniff and my concerns sky rocket.
Kanti what’s up in my family vele? Have I been
gone that long?
A man does this when he needs a moment to
himself to take it in and calm himself so I give
Ngcwethi that moment although it scary to
watch him lose it like this, usually nigga has his
emotions in check at all times at all costs. At
long last his head comes out of the t-shirt and
the first thing I come to notice are his red eyes.
“What is it Ngcwethi? Why are you like this?”, I
become persistent and firmer.
Partially why he is like this is because of
Snothile I know that part but what else? If he
could get it together all these months why is he
falling now?
“It’s hard being a man”, he exhaustedly sighs.
“How is it hard? You just don’t want to make a
choice Ngcwethi, make a choice this is your life
is it not?”
“My life that is in another man’s hands. Sosha
controls it all, I can’t just leave Nomkhosi and
forget about her because at the end of the day
Sosha wants her in our yard as his rightful wife
he wants the love of his life. Snothile on the
other hand she has been faithful and good to
me and our family…”
“Manje? No one held her at gunpoint for it”, I
“It’s my gratitude that counts. It’s unfair of me
to drag her along”, okay he must brake right
there. Who is making things complex for no
reason? Is it not her?
“So now what will you do? Snothile is expecting
marriage and Nomkhosi is expecting Sosha,
what’s your plan on handling both situations?”
He looks at me for a while and breaks into his
shy boy act, “Isithembu", he says with a full
I don’t know who he thinks these women are
but they are not the women he thinks they are.
Nomkhosi I may not know very well but I don’t
see that girl in a polygamy, Snothile? Unless he
can deal with a MaMzobe scenario I don’t see it
happening either. Polygamy? Oh c’mon.
Even he won’t be able to handle that kind of
pressure, Ngcwethi forgets his lack of
consideration sometimes he can be overly
selfish and not see the needs of the next
person. It’s not intentional he is built that way
naturally and he thinks he can play Mseleku
with these women?
I grab my green tea off the counter and take a
long sip, “God be with you”, I whisper my well
wishes and drink up again.
“You are not helping Sbulelo", Ngcwethi.
I laugh.
This isn't my business, I once poked my nose in
this trying to help Snothile gain Ngcwethi's love
but it ended with her insulting me for no reason.
I’m not taking part of this one anymore.
“All I can offer you is an ear and a bottle nothing
more bhuti wami askies”, what did he expect
hopping from one thick skull to another with no
“Do you think they can coexist?”, I never thought
I would live. Long to see the day my very own
brother is beating himself up; confused and
panned out because women – isiketi! Our
ancestors are doing backflips in their grave as
we speak.
“Do you think they can?”, I enquire.
“Snothile is hurt so I know she won’t be nice for
the first few days, Nomkhosi can’t keep her
mouth closed she speaks on how she feels
which may cause problems for me. Ei Sbulelo
I’m fucked”, yepp you are. Big time.
“I know of a herbalist, a good herbalist who can
prep up some good stuff for you. They’ll be
buddies in no time trust me”
What s so funny in what I said?
Such things are a norm in society.
It can never shock me if Thunzi did the same to
me, I can’t love him this much. Ever since he
tricked me to confessing all I ever dream of his
him and being in his arms, him starring into my
eyes I don’t even get mad when I wake up to
him starring at him. That confession came with
a lot of accepting.
“That isn't the goal. If they can be cordial I'd be
happy. The boys do not need to witness the
bickering, if any so happens to start", He’s
seriously stressing over this?
My dear brother.
My arm hangs around his arm and I drag him
closer to me over the counter, “Between you
and I”, I lower my face to his ear, “Fuck them
both to submission!”, I say.
“What the hell is wrong with you! I’m older than
you njalo"
Eye roll.
“And this isn't your house so what the hell is
going with you?”, how did the subject change to
And Fyi I long overcame that 21 years old phase,
I’m grown I make my own decisions.
I wave him off and go upstairs to get the boys,
Khalilou managed to dose off a few minutes
after their soccer game with Mpendulo who left
a while ago. Thanks goodness.
But on a real, what is going on with me? One
minute Thunzi is a thorn inside my vagina and
next I’m dreaming of a future with him in it. I’ve
concluded that I like him that much is out of
the way but then what? My job doesn’t allow me
to have relationships with people operating on
the other side of the law. It’s a scandal th at has
the potential to ruin every thing for me. But… but
I love him.

“Who is he?”
Who decides to just stand in the passage way
without light and stare at a random frame?
wasn't he getting rest? Khalilou though.
“Who?”, I shrug.
“The big guy”, he’s pointing directly at the one
whom I have no answer to. What will say? He’s
my new boy friend?
“Uh… a friend”, I say.
“Friend only?”
I frown at the seriousness of his tone.
I nod slowly, “Yes a friend”.
“Mmmh okay”
Very sus kid. Anyway he runs downstairs while I
fetch his bag as well as Snakho’s, where is that
boy anyway?.
“Snakho your father is here hurry up downstairs,
he’s waiting!”, I don’t think he is inside the
bedroom and I don’t think he is bathing either.
“Snakho man…”, something heavy falls and hits
my foot, it dropped from Khalilou’s bag.
A pocket knife that I've never in my life seen
before. It doesn’t look like something a child
should be walking around with though, the
blades are sharp enough to slice my thumb at
the slightest contact.
His social worker left a week ago she had other
cases to attend to for the UN and keeping her
here was going to raise suspicion. Ngcwethi
paid her off, since dealing with such cases is
her daily bread he assigned her to helping
Khalilou recover more. If anyone could
understand him then it would be her because
she knew both sides of the blade when it came
to that war.
I cannot trust that any random therapist would
do it for him, besides that it takes him centuries
to open up Khalilou finds it hard to open up to
just anybody. Some family members still till this
day have no idea that he can dance and sing
because he hasn’t gotten comfortable with
letting them see his humanity again. This is the
one thing that bothers me about sending him
off to boarding school, who’ll be his guard? Who
will he confide in? the last thing he needs is to
be alone and although Snakho may say it but he
isn't strong enough or mature enough to carry
Khalilou’s hurt.
I slip the pocket knife back inside his backpack
and collect myself. We need to find him a
school ASAP maybe that is what he needs a
new environment.
I give Ngcwethi the bags and tell the boys to
hurry to the car.
“Do me a favour and keep a clean strip on both
ends, no choosing whoever over whoever even
if you don’t love the other that we both know
you don’t love but there is no need in showing
her hatred for it angithi bhuti wami you gave her
the option to stay and she chose it so nje
please don’t become a man I know you are not”,
my eyes flutter and water.
If I could I would do something to stop her,
Snothile that is, from hurting herself any further
than this.
“I understand. You too be safe now, you know
how I feel about your thug…”
This was never about me so I don’t get why I
am being dragged in it like this.
I end up accompanying him to his car, wanting
to see if he really made Khosi tag along.
Indeed she’s sleeping beauty in the passenger
seat his jacket over her.
“Hmmmm must be nice huh? Kanti you do
know how to love a woman?”, I’m partially
shocked and proud of this little boy of mine. At
least he won’t grow old wasting money on
electric blankets to warm his heart.
“Well I don’t want to wake her up so I’ll let you
two go now. Bye", I wave him off.
We had plans with my hubby, Ngcwethi being
found here will ruin all of them.


Snothile Gwamanda

He’s already back?

I park beside his car and leap out, I look through
the window of the car and it’s empty I do see a
jacket on the seat though.
Where are they kanti?
“Ngcwethi!”, I call out for him soon after putting
my bag on the couch.
Her shoes are here so I know that she is here
with no doubt in my mind. He couldn’t wait
could he? He just was burning to hurt me once
“Ngcwethi!”, I shout again.
I repeat again shouting like a mad woman.
His chest hits my forehead hard and he catches
me before I fall back and possibly die, not that I
would mind.
Am I drunk to be seeing the big eyed man now?
No no Snothile blink again. I do blink and see
my husband again, whew.
“You are back”, it’s odd, our meeting again it’s
weird. Touching him feels … weird.
“Yes we are. I saw you were cooking pasta and
left it unfinished on the oven, it’s done now so if
you would like to eat”, he’s weird too.
“Okay thanks. Is she … is the…”
“Sleeping in the first bedroom on the left wing
of the house”
Ohhh okay good she is far away from our room.
“Okay. Let me go freshen up”, I come close
wanting to kiss him but he draws in his
eyebrows and moves away from my face.
And then?
“Yini lento oyinukayo?”
I’m sorry what does he mean what do I smell?
“Perfume?”, I frown.
“From where? I don’t smell like this”, he’s being
I smell myself, sniffing the ‘odd smell’ on me. I
still can’t…
Oh shit! Shit! Triple shit!
It was that idiot's cologne, his scent is strong
you smell it even three hours after he has
passed by you. A strong masculine fragrance,
some man’s lotion and… baby oil? Must be the
beard. When did I even hug him? I didn’t hug
him, we only grazed each other when he saved
my fall and that too I blame on this pregnancy it
makes me dizzy and lose balance fast.
“Snothile yini lento oyinukayo?”, his voice gets
firmer. “You know it’s funny because I gave you
the option to leave and you chose to stay but
here you are smelling like men and cigarettes”
What cigarettes?
“Baby it’s not what you think. I almost fell and
he … he held me up”, I’m so astonished as to
why he thinks I would cheat on him, me?
“Mmmm”, he nods, “Go freshen up then and
I hold his wrist before he could disappear from
my face again, “Baby I swear it is not what you
think it is”
“I said I hear you Snothile. Go freshen up its
late”, he pulls his hand out of my grip and walks
Goodness gracious me have mercy on your
child God …
What is it with door bells so late at night?
Anyway I attend the rings.
“Don’t worry baby I will answer the door!”, I
shout for Ngcwethi to hear.
He probably doesn’t care.
Oh my holy spirit.
What brings him here?
How did he find me? When?
Gosh can it be his brother?
I told him not to bother looking for me because
I will report him to higher authority and I have
plenty back up for that.
“Hello”, he looks at me up and down then
frowns, “Why aren’t you in bed? It’s late”
I sigh and shake my head, “You shouldn’t be
here, this is trespassing”, I’m whispering hoping
my husband doesn’t decide to wake up and
come down.
“I wanted to see you badly, I couldn’t sleep. And
you blocked me right?”
Because you are annoying me!
“Unblock me and I will leave, please unblock me
I just want to speak with you”, hebegs.
“For what reason?”
“I don’t know my heart just wants to see you or
speak to you all the time. Please”, he won’t
leave this one, he sincerely will not leave.
I sigh and nod.
“What s that?”, foolish man!
down Snothile baby calm down.
His frown turns to a smile in a split second.
“It’s good you are so strict, our children will be
disciplined. All six of them, I’ll leave you now
goodnight”, his movement is so fast I don’t
catch him before his lips connect to my
forehead, a kiss that … that …
Ugh this fool!
“leave me alone please
Patrimony: The Ancestors wife
Chapter Twenty-Six
Ntando Mthembu


The doctors say he has a borderline personality

disorder triggered by ‘mommy issues’, Ntando
refuses to believe any of them!
How is he crazy and since when? Yes he’s
always gotten a little heated when the issues of
his childhood are brought up and that’s because
he was a hot headed child and still is. BPD?
Absolutely impossible for him.
If it wasn’t for Bule’s daily visits and Ngcwethi’s
appearance here and there then those doctors
would have a reason to diagnose him. This
place has the ability to make one lose their
minds, completely. High pure white walls some
marked with different kinds of sharp objects –
steak bones; spring bed strips and a whole lot
more. The high peak windows that thin out at
the ends make this place look no different from
A prison facility. There is food; activities and
some weirdo bookworm corner for those who
live in their heads too much. At this stage he
would much rather be sitting and dining with his
womb donor than be here. For a moment he
wonders exactly what that woman was thinking,
giving him up just like that was there a pinch of
remorse in her heart for it? And now, after what
he has done does she still feel the same way?
He hardly doubts.
Not only is his child’s blood on his hands but he
has to live with the scar of being the sole
perpetrator in Nokwanda's misery.
It’s weird sometimes he feels the sympathy for
her and wants to treat her better then other
days he goes bat-shit.

The nurses are off duty, something about a

goodbye ceremony for one of the older matrons.
So the corridors are as silent as the sea's rage
even the loonies whom were banging their
heads on the steel bars have stopped probably
dazed or injured.
“What brings you here?”
Ntando stops his push up and looks up.
Exercises have been his best friend since the
day he found out his father gave the go ahead
for him to be rehabilitated.
“Same thing that brings you here", he retorts
and continues with his push ups.
These domes are minute and stuffy, each has
one small window; two single beds and a small
toilet on the far corner. There is a small T.V on
the wall however it remains switched off until
the last hour of the night where they are all
downed and drugged, for some the T.V speeds
up their sleeping process so they fall asleep
“Awesome! you see them too?”, her eyes widen
in joy as she begins looking up towards the
ceiling as though an angel is about to make a
grand entrance.
Ntando pauses and stares up at what the girly
is looking up towards with such mesmerisation.
There is nothing, nothing but the white painted
ceiling board.
Strange. Ntando huffs at the crazies and
completes his first set of push ups.
“Last night I even saw them, they were wearing
the clothes I brought them for Christmas. Mikey
you know, he loves you”, she says.
He has had enough of these crazy people, now
he wants out! Why didn’t he go with the group
that’s cleaning the toilets today? That would be
a lot better than these folktales.
“I think Nessie does too just that … her father
tried to rape her once and I was there. I let him
do it, he promised he would stay if I let him do
Ntando slows his paces and turns slowly to
look at the woman sitting on his side of the bed,
she’s never on hers for some odd fucked up
reason and he didn’t bother fighting her about it
after the first two days. She sleeps on his bed
and he sleeps on the floor with his knees up
against his chest and his arms around his
He'd wake up with a pillow behind his head
against the wall.
“After he was done he made me clean her up
and put her to sleep – as though he hadn’t
tortured my baby enough. He lied to me, after
giving him everything he still went to his
mistress and loved her more than anything in
the world. More than our babies”, the blond
woman cries like a loud shrill for help.
Ntando just stands before her with his hands
inside his pockets, starring carefully at the
crying blond.
Should he call for help? That would be the
smartest thing to do but knowing the staff here
there is little to nothing that they would do for
He thinks of what pain Nokwanda must be
going through, because of him she too is
probably battling peace and guilt. There is
nothing that girl did wrong with him, all she did
was always to his best interest and he was
aware. Maybe along the way his anger and
thirst for revenge blinded his humanity but
Nokwanda was always there.
“Is he alive?”, Ntando speaks out just as she
calms down and swallows the remaining
“Yes, he’s alive and they aren’t. They visit me
though, yesterday Nessie and I played catch on
the grounds. She told me she misses me and
forgives me”, there is something warm about
how she speaks on her children and it makes
him cringe. Nokwanda could have been smiling
the same way but he took that opportunity away
from her.
“Anyway why are you here? I’ve been talking
more than enough”
“Oh so you know how to shut up?”, he’s trying to
lighten up her mood. That’s the least he can do.
“I can talk some more if you test me”, She
raised her eyebrow.
He gets serious, he’s asking himself why he’s
here? What is he doing here? It makes no sense.
“I don’t know”, Ntando shrugs, “I don’t know why
I’m here, the doctors say I am a danger to those
around me”, he mutters.
“Are you schizo?”, her sudden fascination
strikes him the wrong way. The offensive way.
“Is that how I look?”, Ntando asks.
She scratches her head, “Will you get offended
if I tell the truth?”, she questions with her small
finger on her chin.
Ntando huffs again and takes up the space next
to her. He looks at her small hands, there are
burn marks on them stripping up her pale arms.
“What crazy thing were you doing here?”,
Ntando picks his arms up and examines them.
“He burnt them. It was punishment for not … not
allowing him to touch my daughter again”
That man is a disgrace to man!
“At least I’ve bitten his groins before”, she
laughs and rolls her tongue out while at it.
Ntando chuckles softly, “You're one of the loose
string ones huh?”
“Mh", she shrugs and begins eating her nails.
Ntando shakes his head and lifts her off his bed.
Blondie grasps.
“Off you go to your bed I would like to sleep”,
Ntando chases her away.
“I thought we are getting to know each other”,
she whines but still lifts her hips off the bed and
towards her own bed.
“Yeah and now we’re getting to sleep. Go sleep”,
Ntando slips into his covers, facing up and
letting his thoughts wonder. He's always been
an aggressive person, he has always acted wild
when he got frustrated.
“I’m not crazy, we are not crazy”, he says to
himself and focuses on the bulb.
“Do you have any children?”
Ntando chuckles he knew she wasn’t going to
“Goodnight Blondie”, Ntando.
“Msm you no fun. Mikey wants to cuddle
“Creep", Ntando gasps under his covers.
“I heard that! I’m not mad… you … you are the
crazy one. You almost killed that security guard
the day you arrived here, what is that persona
huh Mad-dog? Seemed like it”, she laughs and
goes back to talking to her ‘son’.
Ntando flips out of bed and looks at Blondie
“Mommy issues? I overheard the conversation
the other day. We all have them, I don’t judge
you”, she lifts her shoulders and drops them
There is a devilish smirk on her face that
irritates him.
“Don’t come for me baby I was just playing.
Anyway Mikey wants to play now so bye", her
back faces him and she looks towards the wall,
laughing and making stupid jokes with the baby.
Ntando goes back to his bed and slithers to
sleep again. The words mommy issues ringing
in his head.
Does he have them? Does he really have
mommy issues?


Nomkhosi Mshengu

I’ve finished the croissants, according to the

YouTube video I was watching this isn't how it
is suppose to be or look like. The whirl isn’t the
same and mine looks fat!
The burn turned out to be … a cremation.
“What the hell went wrong here?”, I thought I
was doing the right thing over here, I read every
thing from the damn recipe.
I start regretting taking the responsibility of
preparing breakfast. I blame the guilt though,
Snothile is heavily pregnant and she has been
cooking dinner; lunch and breakfast for us all
for the past four days and I’m the guest here.
Today I had to wake up and do something, I’m
not a lunch person unless they don’t mind
eating eggs and bread for lunch.
“My kitchen hasn’t burned down?”, she’s awake?
Ngcwethi must be awake too.
“Why would it burn down? I was only preparing
croissants, there they are”, I point to them on
the counter.
Her face says it all, these are not even edible.
“Those are croissants?”
Yes unless if they look coal which is not very far
from what I see either.
“Yes must I dish for you?”, I’m offering kindness
that my sister said I must offer, she must not
take advantage of that.
“No …”, her eyes travel to her lit screen, she
looks annoyed.
“I’ll have a fruit bowl thank you. Do you have
plans today?”
“Yes … no I do not have any solid plan other
than visiting my sister in hospital”, I say.
“Ngcwethi said I must take you shopping, for
clothes. You are welcome to tag along if you
want to go shopping with me unless you want
to to shopping with Ngcwethi”
Ngcwethi is seriously annoying me ke ngoku.
Why would he do this to me? Unprovoked!
I weigh my options, if I say I will go with him
then ill be considered a vicious animal foe the
rest of my stay here. I’ll go with her.
Wonder why I told him I need clothes, I was just
frustrated with him not doing anything about
this that I started saying shit.
“I’ll go get ready”, with What? I still don’t have
any clothes, the ones I came with are wet. The
house help decided to do all my laundry without
asking for which items are fine and which aren’t
and I have a hunch that Snothile is behind that
although she has been acting stranger lately,
strange ad is she’s been cordial wity me.
Nokwanda thinks there is a big thing she is
planning for me, a bad thing and I think she’s
just being dramatic which woman wouldn’t feel
anger seeing her husband waltz around with
another woman?
“Hurry up please if you can”, she adds.
Yeah but why is she not doing the same as I am
doing? Why isn’t she bathing?

I smell so fresh!
I look even better, I was gifted creams and
fancy oils by Bule as a welcome gift. Now it’s
the problem I’ve been having, outfit.
I pick up my phone and contemplate dialing him.
Ngcwethi can sleep till Jesus decides to come
back I doubt he’d answer my …
“Hello?”, oh praise the Mthembus!
“Hey buddy. I need a favour, today I’m going to
town remember the problem I had? Well that
problem has given birth to another problem and
that problem is … I have nothing to wear, please
hook me up Ngcwethi, Snothile seems in a rush
and I don’t want to keep her waiting”, I beg.
He groans even before letting me finish my
sentence. Not that I blame him, his job has
been demanding arms and legs from him lately.
Apparently the media suspects his sister is
dating some gangster that’s going around
killing lawyers and everyone thinks Ngcwethi is
helping with pulling it off. Some of his clients
are even pulling out of deals and it depresses
the shit out of him I’ve lost words of comfort.
“Please c’mon hawu I woke up yesterday and
made you sour porridge”, imagine a grown ass
nigga waking you up at FOUR in the morning
because he sbwls sour porridge. Anyway it’s
good I made it at the early morning Snothile
would have been sus is knew about that.
“Is that a blackmail?”, he’s moving in his sheets
at least.
“No but if you don’t move your butt fast my
mouth might just explode and tell a tale” he
knows the art of my mouth and mind in rough
times so he must not want to explore that with
He’s wardrobe opens and closes, I know it’s his
because Snothile’s clothes are stacked in a
room beside their bedroom. There are so many
of them and I doubt she wears any.
Ngcwethi's brings me back to earth.
What’s do funny?
“Sharing wire jokes with Trevor Noah?”, I ask.
“Something to that effect. Angazi ke if you
scare the people in town in this outfit, it’s the
only other thing of mine I think would fit you”,
I’ll take my chances.
I tell him to hurry and drop the call.
Not a minute later he enters my bedroom with
three coat hangers in his hands and a pair of
sneakers that he probably never wears. As
embarrassing as it is I do have quite a foot so
even though they won’t fit perfectly but they’ll
be fine.
Life saver!
“Were you still digging for the clothes? What
took you so long?”, I waste no time in grabbing
the sweatpants and inspecting them.
Okay, lil Khosi da flame vibes going on.
“Does it fit?”, he asks. His back to me and he’s
facing the wall, I didn’t even see he had turned
around when I started stripping.
“Uh… yeah but I need help with the bra”,
Nokwanda use to teach me everyday how to tie
a bra by myself and I would waste 10 minutes
trying at the end she ended up doing it for me
all the time.
I hear his gulp.
“Oh okay", he responds.
He takes a lot more time to come to me and
hook my bra than it did for him to find me
clothes to wear.
My back arches at the cold of his hands.
Vampire much!
“Nomkhosi I don’t know which one can fit you
these are the smallest clothes I own….oh"
Moses better come fetch me in a God
sponsored hearse!
What sort of bad luck is this?
The way I remove myself from Ngcwethi’s sight
it’s as his body radiated electric currents.
“Nevermind I guess you’re sorted”, she presses
her lips together together and tries to hide her
glossy eyes.
Ngcwethi hooks my bra still and runs after her
asking her to stop and let him talk, I hear her
faintly say it’s okay there is nothing wrong with
what she saw and her hormones are the ones
acting up.
There is everything wrong with what she saw,
Shit, why is Sosha making things so hard for all
of us? Why is he ruining other people’s lives for
his own selfish reasons.
I’ve made peace with the fact that I will look like
a phara today, big pants big t-shirt and huge
sneakers, at least I’m a clean one. Snothile on
the other hand looks ravishing! Her skin literally
shimmers under the sun and her full cheeks
make her look cuter than a baby. She’s wearing
her usual over flowing dress but this time it has
noodle strips and a bit of an open back. And I
did not notice she’s going barefoot until she
started driving.
Is she crazy?
I’m too scared to ask her what the issue is with
the shoes so I send Ngcwethi a text to tell her
to come back and put shoes on even though we
are quite far.
Her phone rings instantly after the text I sent
reaches it’s two blue ticks.
“Mvelase?”, her voice makes my clit go left and
right and around and around. I’m not use to a
thick voiced momma th at still sounds like a
female. I’m use to these Sis'Mdu voices.
“My feet are too swollen I cannot wear shoes,
my slippers are nowhere to be found”, she says.
I last saw the slippers in the dog's kennel they
are surely done for by now.
“I’ll be fine or should I say your baby will be fine
so there is no need to fuss about shoes. Look
I’m driving here can I call later?”, she doesn’t
wait for a response before ending the call.
Is it true yini kanti? The only thing Ngcwethi
cares about is their baby?
Her phone rings again, I see she is skeptical of
picking it up but she ends up doing it anyway.
“What is it you want this time?”, she sighs loudly
enough for the person over the phone to hear.
“You haven’t even seen me you’re already telling
me I'm beautiful”, she asks after a long silence.
Her eyes travel to the rear view mirror and our
eyes meet, “I’m on my way to the mall for some
shopping please call later”, she drops the call
I look at my phone and wonder why other kids
are getting phone calls left right and centre and
here I am Ms SMS.

I regret ever taking the offer Snothile gave me!

My feet are aching and my legs are strained,
she had brought a pair of comfortable shoes for
herself and just walking around with her eyes
everywhere but me. She points to another store
and says I can find good clothes in it but thing
is … the price tag.
“Is it not … expensive?”, I whisper because this
makes me sound stupid to myself.
“It's his money. Buy what you want”, she says
then goes to the green couch and sits there,
taking the shoes off again. Those aren’t as
comfy as they look I guess.
Gucci, who would have thought I will ever wear
Gucci that I did not get from My Friend for R150
and a discount of R60 on top? Not me.
I have more pants than I do dresses and yet I
am about to be someone’s wife again. This
time I pick a massive number of skirts and cute
tops I think would be acceptable, a few slides
I’ve seen online and those big fancy nonsense
Wait till I go back home I’ll be Gucci from top to
bottom not Guci!
The card declines on the first attempt, Snothile
looks absolutely gobsmacked.
Eyes are beginning to travel to us and I can’t
help but hide behind her, this is embarrassing!
“Mam the card has declined”, we can see that!
“Uh…let us try again I think I may have gotten
the pin wrong”, she stressed.
The card is yet again declined.
Yho Shembe!
Unyazi can gladly take me with the thunder
tonight I don’t mind. What’s with the bad luck.
“What the hell”, Snothile gasps softly.
“Sandisiwe put it on my tab”, is that earthquake?
Snothile looks more infuriated than grateful, I’m
sure ad hell grateful. We just saved thousands
of rants on top of embarrassment.
“Oh my brother I could kiss your feet if I wasn't
so hungry, you have no idea how much you
saved us. By the way are you Ngcwethi’s friend
or colleague?”, this is one pole of a man.
“Yes they are friends, his name is Nqawe”,
Nqawe frowns at her and eases the frown
almost immediately, “Yes we're friends. And you
must be … Nomkhosi?”, he says.
Oh how does he know my name?
They talk about me?
“Yes yes I am”
“Do you mind lending me your beautiful sister
wife for a small minute”
Snothile shoots him with a devil eye.
“Take her it’s okay I’ll wait here”, and do more
shopping now that we are not the ones paying.
Once I’m done I give that lady that kept saying
our card declined a smuggish smirk, on the tab
the man said. Does she know what that is?
Does her man have one?
I don’t think so.
Snothile comes back with the gent, why do we
look angry all of a sudden, the man that is?.
Don’t tell me he’s taking his money back, I hug
my bags in case he says something that will
make me run out with these bags in my hand.
Are you done?”, his welcome face is gone!
I mod quickly..
He nods too and firmly tells us to hurry up out
the store. I see Snothile roll her eyes.
“Uhm… where are we going?”, I just had to ask
in case I’m being prepared for shipment.
“I’m taking her to a hospital she needs to see a
doctor about her abdominal pains, you can call
your man to fetch y’all from there”, he says
opening the car doors for us.
Snothile closes the front door and goes to the
back. Okay she rather sit with me?
After a few minutes she begins rubbing her big
belly and wincing.
Uh… I think this dude needs to hurry a bit she
doesn’t look too good her face is red.
I quickly dial Ngcwethi but he does not pick up, I
send him a message after asking his friend
which hospital we are taking Snothile to.
“Just breathe”, I say brushing her back.
She does exactly what I said it almost shocked
me to my own seizure. Her nails poke into my
skin as she grabs my hand while grimacing.
Eh bathong it’s too early for the baby to come
way too early but I haven’t seen any blood so
hopefully it’s not a miscarriage.
“Give her water!”
Why am I being shouted at or his voice is
naturally intimidating? I give her water quick
trying not to spill it everywhere because of this
guy's crazy driving skills. This isn’t Tokyo drift!
Ngcwethi calls me back.
“What happened to the baby? Shit I’m on my
way there please look after her. Is she there can
you give her the phone?”
Snothile is in no condition to be talking to the
phone but I give it to her anyway, she doesn’t
take it. Instead she continues grimacing and
Well… I tried.
“Drive faster please”, I beg him.
“Bafo are your rounds over? I need you at the
hospital quick”, oh he’s talking to the phone.
What was I thinking?
“Okay sho Manzini”, he hangs up and looks at
us freaking out at the back, Snothile’s pains are
getting worse.
“We'll be okay oright? I need you to count to ten
and bavk down, we won’t be losing anyone
tonight”, he says to her.
She nods and starts counting from ten to one
and one to ten. I try massage her back and
shoulders, to calm her. He’s right we can’t
afford losing anyone. We’ve already lost enough
in life as the Mshengus and the Mthembus.
Plus Ntando is in a rehabilitation facility. There
is too much going on in our family.
Patrimony: The Ancestors wife
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Snothile Gwamanda

How long have I been out goddammit my head

When I try pulling my body up forcefully I feel its
heaviness I can’t do a single thing if I can’t pull
myself up to sit on my ass.
Why am I crying?
Hormones exhaust the shit outta me for crying
out loud what is the need for these tears
Searching around me I'm hoping to find a bell or
the beep that I can use to call a nurse to help
me …
Is that…
“Ngcwethi”, I whisper.
I get no response from him, he is still very much
snoring his life away on that stool. Awe he slept
on a stool the whole night for me, I know what
sleep means to Ngcwethi he makes it this big
deal about a man’s moral so he put that aside
for once for me.
“Ngcwethi! Ngcwethi I need to pee”, I whine a
little more louder.
Is he dead?
I no longer cry from inside, I sob sob like a baby
being taken away from A milky nipple. In fact I
whale like never before.
I spot the sudden movement from the stool, he
almost toppled over and landed on his butt.
That would have hurt but I don’t care I’m still
“Hey hey what’s wrong? Why are you crying?
Are you uncomfortable? Do you need
something maybe I can get anything you want”,
he’s panicking.
This isn’t my Ngcwethi.
Once I’ve rubbed my eyes properly this time
around I get to see him properly, it’s the idiot.
For some reason I have no fibre in me to yell
him off anymore, I have no bone in me to tell
him off, I have no courage to pounce my chest
fully saying ‘My man this and my man that’.
This is embarrassing!
“No it’s not”
Oops I ssid it aloud?
“We all go through rough times and as
promised to myself I will more than willingly be
here for you through everything you go through”,
He brings a smile up his face as he wipes my
tears off, “Sleeping beauty. I could watch you
sleep all day and night and still ask myself all
night of the words to describe your beauty”
For once I actually listen to what he says, I
listen with my mind; body and soul. I have so
many questions inside my head like why he
cares so much for me?
“If it makes you feel any better he did arrive
shortly after we did and he did wait but visitors
aren’t allowed passed a certain time so he and
Nomkhosi had to leave”, he says.
“Why are you here then?”, my voice is still
hoarse and painful from all the sobbing that I
utterly regret.
“Me? Because I wasn’t going to sleep without
knowing if you and the baby are doing well so
my brothers and sister begged Mongezi to
allow me to sleep here for the night”, he sighs
and looks around the room aimlessly, is he
blushing? My word!
“Who is Mongezi?”
The door swings wide open right then and a
man in a doctor’s coat strides in. So much pride
in one human being!
“Me your doctor. I came to check if he is still
alive but seeing that you have woken up I see
he’s much better”, Mongezi is light and funny,
less tense and cray-cray, I'd laugh if my
situation wasn’t so depressing.
“Fuck you”, Nqawe lifts his middle finger at the
“I’ll call security mina manje. You forget this is
my practice”, Mongezi looks at Nqawe above
his glasses.
Nqawe keeps quiet immediately but I see the
anger on his face.
Childish I tell you.
“I’m glad we sorted that out. Now back to my
favourite patient, feeling any pain in your
abdomen? Legs? Lower region is fine?”,
Mongezi questions, shoving a light in my eye.
“Yes I’m fine”, I whisper.
My voice is still not back properly.
“Snothile tell the truth don’t lie, I woke up to her
crying bafo …”
“I wasn’t crying because of that!”
Mongezi’s eyes sprung open at my outburst,
“Okay”, he says.
Uggh now I’ve made a fool of myself in front of
“How long till my discharge doc?”
I ignore Nqawe’s burning glare and focus solely
on the doctor.
“You are fine according to the tests, so is the
baby. The only thing I would advise you on is
stress management, I know you are going
through it but that is not healthy for the baby”,
he grabs the chair beside the bed and sits it
beside Me.
“I do not usually knot myself in my patient’s
personal life however since my brother deeply
cares for you. I would advise you take some
time to yourself oright, even if it’s just for the
pregnancy duration I think that would be good
for you and the baby. This is just advise you
don’t need to take it but please consider his/her
life”, he points to the baby bump with his
eyebrows and gives me a tight lipped smile
prior dismissing himself he stands by the door
frame and looks up at me, “I’ll send the
discharge papers in a while”
I nod.
Nqawe ups and follows him out the door
looking … pissed off?
My phone has been vibrating since I woke up,
after another minute of ignoring it I pick it and
page through it.
Missed calls from Ngcwethi and two messages
from Bule, I exit call log and text my cousin
asking if my parents are home, he texts yeah
and starts listing his problems to me.
A quick exit will save me from a lot of paying so
I do just that and turn off my phone.
Maybe going home is what I need, maybe
seeing that scenery again will brighten up my
mood from zero to a hundred.
As I force my eyelids down wanting to get a bit
of sleep in before I get discharged, Nqawe
strides in again with his hands in his pockets
and his serious face on. I hardly ever see it.
“Will you be able to bath yourself or do you need
help… from a nurse of course?”
Uhm do I need help?
He’s just a friend right? A friend can help a
“You can help me inside the bathtub right?”
His eyes budge out. I almost laugh but manage
to pin my lips together.
“Sure thing”, he doesn’t so sure though.
He helps me sit on my butt then I peel my gown
off my body, Nqawe stands in front of me like a
pile of bricks cemented strongly.
He’s drooling.
I pull the gown over my body again before he
dies like his brother said he would. His face is
back to normal now, small residues still leaking
here and there.

I should feel guilty that another man has me

curled in his arms like a baby but I’m not.
Ngcwethi’s selfishness has gotten me here
making this hard decision we shouldn’t even
had to come to terms with. He wronged me.
My shower takes longer than intended, once I
was done though Nqawe came to help me up
again. That need to pee came once more.
“Uh can I peel please?”
He ushers his hand to the toilet, “The toilet is
right there”
And so are you dude can’t you see?
We're having starring contests right really?
Ugh, he wins.
I pee while he watches me do it as if this isn’t a
level 9 offense or something. Either way I pee
until I’m satisfied and wipe myself, wash my
hands and with his help manage to wobble
myself out the bathroom. He’s helping me into
my dress that I wore yesterday and my shoes
too, as well my bra.
“Tha…thank you Nqawe for everything”, my
stomach churns just thinking of what I just said.
He gives me that smile again, it isn’t the one I’ve
grown fond of but I understand.


Ntando Mthembu

He’s grown well acquainted with the walls of his

chamber he never bothers to leave it unless
absolutely necessary. Today the Miss Craziness
is not here, she was taken away last night after
they found her in the warden’s office. Everyone
claims the Miss Craziness was plotting yet
another escape but Ntando doesn’t see things
that way, Blondie was every thing but. It does
not make any sense anyway, the lady lost
everything that she could have possibly
escaped for. No children; no husband and no
home. It was a set up!
he'd seen that guard around at night, lurking
around this block and harassing the girls who
were defenceless. Backboneless man!
“Mthembu, you have a visitor”, one of the
nurses knocks on his window. It’s a tiny thing
only for when the nurse wants to speak to a
patient inside without harming themselves.
Ntando stops throwing his ball on the wall and
catching it with his knees.
“Is it anyone I requested for?”, Ntando asks, still
laid back on his bed.
“She says it's important and I think so too. You
wanted closure didn’t you?”, the nurse again.
“She?”, Ntando raises his head half way and
leans it on his hand.
“The mother of your child”
He’s up immediately.
On his butt rapidly.
“She’s … she’s here? Nokwanda?”, he gets all
sweaty and frozen at the same time. He’s not
ready to see her face or the reality he’s made.
There’s a slight bit of willingness in his feet
“I said I will do anything to get you to find the
closure you asked for”
He didn’t think they’d take him serious when he
said so, his emotions were talking.
“I’ve gotten you a few minutes more in the
private room so use it wisely and do not screw
His head nods but the rest of his body is still.
He’s not willing to make that move to open the
door and go inside. But eventually the nurse
does it on his behalf.
“Use them wisely”, the nurse mouths before
shutting the door.
“Oh my gosh Ntando”, she jumps out the bench
quicker than he expected her to, she engulfs
him and sighs in relief.
“Are you Okay? You haven’t slept have You?
What do you eat? Have you eaten? Gosh
Ntando answer me you look so thin”, she
sounds as worked up as she looks.
Ntando doesn’t know how to respond to her
rants, he’s frozen and his eyes are stuck on her
belly. It's flat.
“Mx ugh forget about it if it was not God’s plan
it was never going to happen don t beat yourself
up about it. I’m worried about you, my sister
told me you’ll be here for a few more months.
What can I do for you to help ease your stay?”,
her eyes glint differently, it isn’t the anger he
was expecting and it isn’t the pain he’s been
thinking she is going through. It’s frustrating
“I can prepare your favourite meal and bring you
your favourite beer as well”, Nokwanda
“Why aren’t you breaking Nokwanda?”, his
question is calm though it baffles her.
“Why should I be breaking apart when you are
here well and alive?”, Nokwanda.
“It was me Nokwanda! It was me, I killed our
daughter I killed our baby Nokwanda in cold
blood I took away her life and you were there
and you saw me do it so why aren’t you
breaking like I am Nokwanda? Why aren’t you
fucking breaking!”, he grabs her arms painfully
and yanks her crazily. Nokwanda freaks and
cries out loud, in a matter of minutes guards
flood inside the room and hold him back
against the wall, he continues to retaliate
against their force and one tazers him until he
falls onto his knees.
Nokwanda freezes.
She’s frozen how could they do that to him?
Snothile Gwamanda

I sneak inside the house thinking Ngcwethi is

still asleep, I mean it’s only 8:45 am..
He wakes up late usually.
The T.V. is on though funnily, I see a foot on the
coffee table and the smell of meat hits me.
There are plates on the table, empty plates.
Is that?
It’s cosy in here, Khosi is all curled up in his
arms and his head is on her shoulder. It makes
me cringe and freeze on my toes.
I run upstairs with tears rolling down my eyes, I
go straight to my closet and take my suitcase
and start packing clothes rushingly.
I don’t have time to fold clothes.
I’ll use my brother's clothes if these aren’t
enough. Once I’m done I grab Ngcwethi's car
keys and rush out the house, I don’t leave any
notice behind I just take my stuff and leave! I’m
very glad that Nqawe dropped me off it gave me
a moment to reflect inside that car and I
concluded that I do need a break from … my
marriage if I can call it that.
This will be a long drive, Nquthu is no child’s

I don’t even hoot the second I reach the gate

the whole house is flooding out to see. As theu
should I am the only person at home to ever
drive such a car. My aunt's snot faces are by the
gate too hovering over my car.
“Aunty! Aunty!”
Ohh they think I brought goodies. I take a R100
from the cabinet and give it to the eldest,
“Everyone must get something Okay?”
“Yes aunty”, she nods and leads the brood out.
My mother comes running out the house with
her messy doek and apron, she’s happy to see
me and it has me feeling happy too.
At least someone in This world makes me
“Mntanam nkosi yami”, she kisses my cheek
and forehead and squeezes my body.
“It has been such a long time I didn’t think you’d
come visit us”
“Neither did I, especially since I don’t see any
cows accompanying her. Or they still getting
facials in Durban?”, and that ladies and
gentlemen is my phara brother, Nkathalelo, my
mother’s favourite pet.
“Still haven’t changed?”, I look behind ma and
“No gold diggers to polish myself from, teach
me your ways sis”
We look at one another and laugh. Its how we
have always been, we laugh and diss one
another all the time over the smallest of shit.
“I’ve missed your big head”, I hug him tightly
and he hugs me back.
He knows what this hug means I feel he won’t
wait for me to explain.
“Is it the same problem?”, he whispers in my ear
as we hug.
“Yes but with more issues on top. I don’t know
what I must do anymore Nkathalelo, he isn't
“Then move on hawu ngathi une millionaire
busy tailing your behind. Not in a bad way sis
wami but right now you don’t look as pretty so if
a man can still be crazy about you then trust me
that man loves you”
Nx I knew he would start his madness!
I punch his arm and sulk.
I shouldn’t have told him about Nqawe.
“We di mamzo! ma'oledi have you heard that
your daughter useshelwa ochairperson…” , I
shut his mouth with my hand and give him a
scolding look. He laughs.
Nx this idiot.
Patrimony: The Ancestors wife
Chapter Twenty-eight
Sbulelo Mthembu

Trust Thunzi and his friends to have braais on a

Wednesday morning unprovoked nje, blasting
amapiano music out loud in a white people
complex scratch complex this is an entire Golf
Estate owned by a John Pere. I hate loud music
and I hate loud amapiano even more if it wasn’t
for the plea his friends made yesterday and the
fact that I don’t want their girlfriends to think
I’m acting posh then I seriously wouldn’t even
be in this kitchen prepping salads. My baby told
his boys I won’t be doing any hard labour whilst
in my house – technically it is his house but
what is his is ours so sis has upgraded a little.
Andiswa – Lisakhanya’s girlfriend of 6 years
yes she’s waited all this while and the nigga still
is hesitant about ever wifing her. I’ve tried to
defend him whenever the boys get all
judgmental and insensitive but Hhayi I’ve
reached the limit of understandings when it
comes to their relationship and Thunzi has
taught me to mind my own business and
relationship so I don’t meddle any more if she is
happy and comfortable with that then who am I?
Olerato – Lindo’s fiancé is coming with the pap
whilst Andiswa brings the chakalaka and archer.
Mpendulo said he'll be bringing a plus one and I
just get the feeling that he'll either bring one of
his fucks or a girl he saw pass by in a kinky
outfit around Mlazi. That wouldn’t be so far
fetched with him.
I’m about to finish off with the green salad and
hop onto the potatoes when a set of strong
hands and a strong sense of heniken and
nicotine swells butterflies inside my tummy. He
lifts me up and swings me around.
“Gosh Thunzi can you not be a kid foe once
bathong. You aren’t young any more one wrong
move and no more ‘Throw it back for me
mabhebheza’”, copying his deep voice
whenever he’s in touch with his horny ass.
“Ahh baby you see what you’re doing now?
You’re speaking evil things to the universe”, he
“Just a friendly reminder”, I giggle and snuggle
out his arms only to be pulled back in. my body
slaps against his still warm anatomy. He’s tall
but I never stretch too hard when looking into
his eyes or leaning for a kiss because his face
is always an inch above mine, it’s almost as if
he’s prepping for the kiss all the darn time, any
given moment he steals one. It’s crazy.
Then a simple dumb amapiano song ruins our
moment, he’s bopping his head with his hands
over his head, “Ahh nyusa umtlakatsi die man.
Wehh”, he’s feeling it. They turn up the volume
as per Mr's instructions.
I’m so over this.
“Manje uya va?”, he asks me blocking me from
getting back to my business.
“Thunzi I need to finish up here before the other
girls show up and I’m left alone”
He stares into my eyes, my soul actually and
just starts chuckling nje, with the biggest smile
on his face. This one is tipsy.
“Mxa umuhle saan, you’re pretty momma
Nx this son of a bitch, always has me on cloud
900 without any effort. It’s his way of saying
momma, it cripples me every time.
“And I don’t ever want to see that pretty face
upset, woza la”, I come without being told twice.
I blame the sex, it turned me into a little
submissive kitten.
He kisses my forehead over and over again,
squeezing me in his arms.
“I love you Thunzi”, yes I say it more often now, I
say it with a full chest and no but at the end.
“I know and it gets me dizzy each time I realize
that. Promise me you won’t stop loving me
baby, promise me you’ll love me even when I’m
in Orange overalls for 20 years”
I gulp. There’s still that.
I don’t know what they did to buy them time but
I haven’t heard from Francine so I guess theu
did something to distract the investigation my
organization was carrying out but I know it
won’t be rejoice rejoice for long. It’ll be over
soon and I will have to face the possibility of
losing the two things I love with all my heart –
my job and my man.
“Promise me Sbulelo”, he begs softly in my ear.
“I promise Thunzi, I’ll love you the same”, there
goes the vagina talking making promises I may
not be able to keep.
“I love you yezwa, I love you with every might in
me”, he says and clings onto me more.
Hhe bathong, I hope it’s the heniken talking
right now. Why all the sentimentalness?
“Nxayi man nina nobabili get a room we eat off
the counter y’all are brushing ass on”
Embarrassment 101.
I slide off the counter and score and dead look
from Thunzi.
“If you have a problem with what imama and I
are doing my boy exist is not very far”, he can
be extra when he wants to be.
I roll my eyes and just shift to the lady beside
Lisakhanya, Andiswa is honestly too pretty for
this Snothile shenanigans she has put herself in.
“Hey girl”, I wave and she shyly waves back at
I was hoping she stands a little closer to me so
I can hug her but sis doesn’t look ready to leave
that man beside her. Olerato noticed too and
widened her eyes in an eye roll. Ole thinks it’s
adolescence but I don’t see it that way, I just
think maybe we make her uncomfortable
hence she rather stay close to Lisakhanya…is it
normal? Nope not one bit but I don’t judge.
Any way Ole and I do hug and share a little joke
about the guys.
“This thing of hanging around Olerato I must cut
it off before you turn into someone I can’t
recognize”, Thunzi stares between us
The drama.
“Okay gents please leave the kitchen go finish
the braai while we finish up here please out “,
Olerato chases them out the kitchen to the
backyard, surprisingly Andiswa follows the
“Erh…”, I don’t know what to say.
“No no not you darling as far as I see you don’t
have a penis so you will be here with us, yay?
Yay!”, I give olerato the look.
We’re being too extra now I’m sure that just
made Andiswa even more uncomfortable.
“Oh. I have already prepared the chakalaka, my
brother is on his way with it so I think I can go
now right?”, you know the trick part is you don’t
know whether she is being rude or just
genuinely not in sync with us, her voice is do
“No no you can’t go because the MEN are
outside doing what MEN should be doing so us
WOMEN must stay here do what WOMEN do
you see?”, Olerato keeps drawing emphasis on
the MEN and women it gets a little funny and
hard to control the laughter.
“Ole c’mon”, I nudge her.
“Oh okay”, Andiswa sits on the far end barstool
and keeps chipping her nails off.
Now I feel like a dingus.
I nudge Ole and show her the now depressed
Olerato sighs and rolls her eyes again, it’s
natural for her to just do that even in dire
“Listen girl I didn’t mean to get on your nerves
but I just wanted you stop being that man’s
I clear my throat loudly.
This child.
“I’m bad with words really, Sbulelo please help
me”, Olerato surrenders.
Here goes nothing.
“I’m sorry if I made you upset Sbulelo, I just I’m
not a social person. Please don’t tell Lisakhanya
any of this please”, okay what the hell is going
on here?
“Why? Don t tell me he’s abusive”, my heart
quails at the mere mention of that word.
“No he doesn’t do anything to me, he’s fine”,
she whispers and looks out the sliding door
leading to the outside braai area. Lisakhanya is
legit eyeballing her.
Oh my god it can’t be possible.
“Excuse me”, Andiswa says and rushes out the
kitchen, she’s running upstairs. Has she been
here before ?.
“That was strange”, Olerato.
“Strange? Ole Lisa could be possibly beating
poor Andiswa and you think it’s strange?”
“He is not beating me!”
When did she come back? Olerato and I stare at
one another.
“Ugh just forget it”, Andiswa snarls and rushes
out to the backyard, there’s chit chat between
her and Lisa then he stands up and tells the
guys some thing then they all look at Ole and I.
Jesus Christ!

I feel worse than I did when I was 6 years old in

the principal's office for allegedly eating
another girl's lunch. We’ve been sat down on
one couch, Ole and I.
“What the hell did the two of you do to
Andiswa?”, Lindo asks.
“Hawu baby what can we possibly do to her?
We asked a few questions and I think she
overreacted”, Olerato has no full stops damn
girl we're in enough bullshit already.
“Olerato man! Answer my question”, Lindo
“Ahh ke reng abuti? I’m telling you we did
nothing, Andiswa is blowing this out of
proportion", Olerato!
“Wena wathula, can’t you speak anymore?”, I
look at Thunzi in shock. He’s speaking to me
like That?
“Don't dish your eyes out at me since when are
you a bully Sbulelo?”, he looks so sincere it
freaks me out, why couldn’t he just show anger
like the rest?.
“I’m not a bully Thunzi I seriously did nothing to
“Oh so she’s crazy for feeling attacked?”, Thunzi.
Thunzi looks at Ole from his side and one thing
about that look: it will shrink the fuck outta your
“Yeah wena ngiphendule, sweetheart you do not
want to make me pissed by not responding
when I ask a question, speak Sbulelo"
I face the floor and just keep quiet. I’m quiet
because I respect him and I won’t throw a fit
like Ole in front of his friends but right now?
Right now Thunzi is making me angry.
“Tomorrow morning you both are going to
Lisakhanya’s place and you will apologize to
him and his girl you understand?”, Lindo.
“I’m not doing that”, Olerato protests.
I just keep my silence, tears are rolling out of
my eyes it happens when I'm getting overly
“Haibo njalo Olerato let’s not go there
uyangizwa? Asingayi nje lapho sinawe you
know you won’t like me so stop forcing my
hand. Tomorrow morning you two are
apologizing to Andiswa and Lisakhanya period,
mfwethu let’s go eat elsewhere, these two just
ruined our braai”, Lindo says.
“Sho mfethu. I don’t know what you two are
doing and I don’t know if it’s this spoiling we are
giving you that makes y’all think y’all are bad
bitches, dating a gangster doesn’t make you
one so stop acting like little tupacs here
siyezwana?”, Thunzi.
“I said siyezwana?”
“Yes", Olerato.
“I’m speaking to you to missy”, he tightens his
grip on my thigh, I usually wince and do
whatever he wants when he does that but today
I don’t wince or flinch instead I lift my glossy
eyes and glare at him. Thunzi has never made
me so angry, I'm angry because I’m hurt.
His little firm face goes away, he looks at me in
I yank his hand off me and stomp out the living
room, he’s coming after me.
“Sbulelo", that’s lindo.
They can shove their concern up their asses.
“We told you we didn’t do anything wrong why
can’t you two ask us what actually happened
instead of bombarding us with discipline? Are
we 8 years old that we’d just stir up tension for
no reason? Are we kids?”, I yell still storming up
the staircase.
I go straight to the bedroom next to the main
and shut it. Why did his allegations make me so
upset? I slip into the cover and end up falling

I wake up to arm over my hip and his alcohol

breath fanning me. I don’t even care to know
when he got in bed or why, I push his arm off
me and run to the bathroom. I pee, flush and
still sit there on the seat. The bathroom door
opens he stands on the door way starring into
my eyes, the anger I had is gone so I give up
and just continue warming the toilet seat.
“She is an orphan, her family never raised her in
fact they never knew she existed until
Lisakhanya found them in hopes that they will
give her something she has been longing for, he
was wrong. They did accept her but only if she
married some 48 years old man who lives in a
cuckledoodle farm”
That's sad but so is the fact that we were yelled
at for nothing!
“Am I suppose to be in a state of shock
because of That?”
He gives me a frown.
He did expect me to cry and forget he ever
yelled at me and called me harsh names.
“I get it her story is sad but ours too Thunzi. I
was raped; beaten and broken for many years
by a man I once trusted with my entire being! I
don’t walk around acting like the world owes me
a big bag of sorries for it. But what you said
Thunzi what you said made me question if any
of this is a risk or not”, I get off the seat and
flush then wash my hands and push him out of
my way.
“Eish Sbulelo I’m not like that man”, he says
lowly, his hands inside his pockets and his head
hanging low.
“I’m not like him”
“Thunzi I did not say you are like him but what
you did downstairs sure as hell made me recall
why I’ve never wanted to trust a man after him”
“Sbulelo it’s not a big deal….”
“No now it’s not a big deal but when you were
yelling at me it was. Every thing always starts
from the bottom up, small bit by bit till it
becomes a traumatic experience once again”, I
take my phone from the pedestal, he probably
brought it with.
4 missed calls from Ngcwethi?.
“Bhabha whoa don’t leave me”, he pleads and
clings onto my waist, placing his chin on the
nook of my neck.
“Thunzi stop it please”
His warm tongue slaps on my skin and sweeps
up below my ear.
“Thunzi”, I whisper.
“I’m sorry momma I’m sorry”, his ass grab lifts
off my dress exposing my g string, my body
jolts forward as he slaps my one ass cheek.
His kisses are the best. I drop the phone onto
the floor and wrap my legs around his waist.


Snothile Gwamanda

I’m surprised to see the flat screen T.V I

brought for baba on father’s day still collecting
dust behind the couch. Didn’t I send the T.V
with a person to install it?.
“Don’t worry much about it you know how your
father can be”, at this point I’m not sure if ma is
dad’s wife or his lawyer she’s always ready to
defend him and fight for his image.
“Did he ever open it?”
She looks down and shakes her head.
Thought as much. Wasn’t expecting anything
different really but a little kindness can go a
long way I don’t get what he doesn’t understand
in that.
“He just needs some time Snothile”
“What time? His daughter is out here trying to
make him a proud and happy father whilst he’s
waiting on all fours to sell her off with a couple
of cows to prove his status in society?”, and the
idiot just took all the words straight from my
“Nkathalelo that is no way to speak about an
elder especially your father, iphi inhlonipho la
kwena lama Langa?”, ma scolds him.
She’s wasting her time with this one. Nkathalelo
is a one way radio, it talks but does not let
others talk too.
He walks to the fridge and pulls out four vienas.
He’s eating two at a time. Wild.
“I’m talking njalo. You need one serious beating
to remind you of your position in this family
because I see you have forgotten”, ma says.
“Sengemane angibulale, the truth is the truth
and nawe ma’oledi you know it. No one told
baba to marry you, he saw a pretty lady with a
fine body and went all in manje why can’t my
sister have the same? Just because he let the
community know she’ll be that Mthembu boy's
wife, nxayi that isn’t fair”, I don’t remember
when Nkathalelo wad never a rebel and I don’t
care because he has always been my fighter in
his rebel ways.
I’ve always had him to back me all the time and
it soothes me knowing my baby has such a
good uncle.
“WeNkathalelo don't make me hit you with this
spoon “, ma.
Nkathalelo swings his hand and goes straight
for the killer, he sticks his hand inside the stew
pot and pulls two beef pieces.
“Let’s go sdudla”, he calls for me after he just
ran out the kitchen with ma's meat. I can never
fathom this boy's energy.
I get my fat ass up and out the kitchen,
accompanied by ma's rants. Oh he done piss
her off for real. I find Lelo sitting on baba’s
bench on the stoep blowing on the pieces of
“I wonder what wire went missing in your head
during birth Nkathalelo”
“Nxayi hawu the problem is this family expects
you to swallow hard hot stones just because
you’re a child, you’re not entitled to having an
opinion that’s nonsense”, he blows on the piece
some more and feeds it to me.
“Her husband has been whoring it up with the
society women and I’ve never even once heard
ma say a word about it”, he blows on the
second one, this has his blood boiling and I
always knew him staying home after turning 21
will be a disaster.
“Let it go Nkathalelo, I don’t want you getting in
trouble with your father because of me", it
would hurt me although I’m so sure there is
nothing to call a relationship between him and
“Any way so who is the new guy? Is he rich?”,
that’s all he ever asks about my partners, are
they rich? Gold digger vibes as if he'd get a
piece of that richness.
“His name is Nqawe Zungu, I’m not sure about
his occupation but I knows he is financially
He gives the elaborate look.
“I see his statuses sometimes, he has a big
house and a couple of cars, every week there is
a ceremony at his home it’s weird but he does
look like the traditional type”, I shrug because I
also thought of the worst but it can’t be, he
doesn’t look like the sacrificing type.
“Uthwele?”, Hide me somewhere God.
Thank God the yard is empty.
“No Nkathalelo he is not a cult member, if he
was I think I would know”
“Uyabila bo how would you know that when you
don’t even know what he does for a living?”, he
feeds me the second piece and gives me water.
“Besides why is he so obsessed with you? The
way you explained what he does you'd swear he
has been inlove with you ever since”, he has a
point, it’s like Nqawe knows more about me
than he let’s on. He always picks my favourite
flowers; food and topics. It makes narrow
sense and yet I was naked in front of him just a
few hours ago.
“He says I fascinate him”, I don’t blurt that out
because even in my head it sounded dumb asf.
“Men are fascinated by pee tricks as well so
what are you trying to lead on?”, I could use a
minute to strangle this one if ever given the
“All I’m saying is he is…”, my phone beeps four
times then a notification from my SMS pops in
and a few seconds after all that a phone call.
“…Like this”, I say waving my phone.
“Is he sponsored by MTN? I can’t remember the
last I used my airtime to call a girl, if the extra
airtime isn't enough then askies sisi sohlangana
I laugh like a full belly laugh.
I love this clown.
“No I’m a saving-skate. Cigarette prices are just
as shocking as oil prices I tell you, I’ve never
had to budget for a smoke before but now I
save 2 weeks in advance…imagine?”
Another call comes in but it drops quickly then
a message pops in: I hope you are home safe
although I was against you driving such a long
distance on your own.
“And? Wena it’s just so hard to gossip with you,
we're talking then suddenly you go silent and
smiling on your phone with your side chick…”
“He is not a side chick Nkathalelo jeez”
“Oh rigjt he is the future main course…”
Our laugh is cut short by baba’s entrance. He’s
not alone, my uncle is walking behind him and
next to the uncle is my father's friend -
A long minute passes with just us starring at
each other and not saying anything about it.
Bab'Mlambo breaks it with big smile and joyful
voice, “Awu indodakazi yami ibuyile madoda”,
he dances around.
I smile, bitterly stung by the fact that my real
father can’t even come close and hug me.
“Yebo baba, it’s a visit for a few days”, I says to
“Oh that’s good…”
“Does your boyfriend know about this?”, I can’t
believe he’s calling Ngcwethi a boy friend just
because he hasn’t brought the cows. I once
explained why the lobola was postponed even
Mvelase came and explained.
“Cha he doesn’t baba”
“Mmhh. It’s getting late now so you can stay the
night but tomorrow morning I want you back to
where you came from”
Nkathalelo flies up his seat and by the grace of
God I catch him before he could near baba.
“What sick selfish father are you? You’re willing
to chase your daughter out because of cows?
Cows? Hhayi-bo kahle la ukuzenza into
eyalobola yaqeda kaMa”
“Nkathalelo mfana!”, Bab'Mlambo warns him
Mh-mm I have no energy for this. It’s good I
didn’t unpack my bags they are still waiting for
me inside the car.
“Sisi wait! Sdudla you don’t have to go just
because he said leave, listen it’s late manje
come inside and let this be discussed over
again", he tries to hold me but I pull back and
walk to my car.
“Take care of yourself and ma, Nkathalelo
please stop being a rebel this will put you in
trouble with baba at some stage”
“Fuck him Sdudla you can’t just leave”
“You heard him this is his house Lelo and what
he says goes. I’ll call you when I have found you
a job and an apartment, for now just keep out of
trouble. I love you okay?”
“Sdudla musa ukuhamba”
I’m sorry Nkathalelo I have to. At this point I
don’t want chaos in my life, anything that brings
me heart aches I don’t need it I have a baby to
concentrate on. Which reminds me I need to
unblock Ngcwethi and just be honest, I need

“He what!?”
Oouu I shouldn’t have said it. Whether I like it or
not he is my father and this man I'm talking yo
is a stranger but he called right when I breaking
down and I just let go.
“Where are you Snothile?”, I’m not use to my
name being pronounced like this and yet I’m
from Nquthu, how more rural can Zulu sound?
Ahhh …
“Nquthu, esigodini sakwaGwamanda", yep my
father is induna and the cousin of the chief.
“I’m not far, I can get there in one hour and
some minutes”
Is he losing his balls!?
I hear a sound of keys, walking… running
actually and voices.
“Cancel the second meeting, and please keep it
between you and I”
“Nqawe I’m not going to allow you to leave your
meeting just go back to it I’ll be fine”, what a lie.
“No you won’t Snothile you haven’t been fine for
days. I’m on my way there, you just go back
home and check if everything is okay I will meet
half way”, how stubborn can a person be?
“Snothile go back home and check if everything
is fine, you can’t just leave your brother just like
that”, he’s right though I’m the reason he almost
beat up baba.
“Okay I’m going back”
“Keep your phone with you in case I call you for
I nod then remember, voice call, “Yes I will.”
He switches the phone off. A message comes
in, a few from Ngcwethi and from his Candice.
I open it and almost lose control of the steering
wheel, my car swerves off the road and throws
itself towards an old brittle mud house.
Message: Mvelase summoned all of you here
tomorrow for the discussions about the Khosi
negotiations, according to what the sangoma
said Sosha is expecting babies from Khosi he’s
becoming demanding. Hmu before you kill
yourself I have a plan.
Patrimony: The Ancestors wife
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Nqawe Zungu

Sambulo is already calling his phone like crazy,

somehow he gets the feeling that Dineo did not
keep this between just them and that in fact she
went ranting to his brothers about the meeting
rescheduling. There is plenty of time to deal
with stubborn Zulu men right now his biggest
fear is whatever state Snothile is in at the
moment. If it’s karma then blessed is the one
who sent it her way, there’s no way a person
can quarrel themselves in so much bullshit all
the time. If it ain’t the fiance then it’s the sister
wife and if not her then something out of this
fucked up universe tends to fuck her up. It pains
him he can’t lie and be a man about what she
keeps going through but that small smile at the
end of the storms remain the reason he’s even
still helping her through them.
Another ring.
And another and another and another.
Nqawe checks through his messages and tons
flood in from his brothers, one from a client –
the same one he just ditched. He's not a happy
man that much Nqawe can tell.
The next ring he answers, it’s from his elder
brother Nkosenye.
“Bafo" – Nqawe.
“Bafo amasimba! Where the hell are you?
Shouldn’t you be in a meeting with Mr Malapo?”,
and that must be Sambulo speaking.
Nqawe sighs and chooses the truth, they’ll
know eventually anyway.
“On my way to Nquthu”, He heaves a deep
breath and readys himself for all the backlash.
“Nquthu! Ufunani eNquthu?”, Sambulo is so
“Hhayi man bafo haven’t you sex in your life?
What’s with you and being this girl's lapdog…”
Nqawe hits the brakes right the middle of the
road, his car is causing a scene and jammed up
“I get you’re aggravated by my sloppiness
however it does change the fact that I’m an
elder to you therefore you will respect me like
one”, his voice is deep and authoritative and yet
it hasn’t rid its calm nature. Sambulo knows
better than to say anything further.
“Manzini", now the owner of the phone is talking.
Nqawe roars his engine again , blatantly
ignoring the combusted drivers behind him and
their bright words.
“I know I keep messing up and I’m more than
willing to reach an agreement on the
consequences but what I don’t appreciate is
having to deal with these disciplinary rants like
I’m a brainless kid who has no idea of what they
are doing…”
One of his brothers, sounds more like Mongezi
steps in, “Do you know what you’re doing?”, he
poses a question Nqawe always asks himself
whenever he acts impulsive regarding anything
that has to do with Snothile. Does he know
what he’s doing?
“I wouldn't risk my family’s financial security for
a woman I am not sure of”, out of them all his
anger management skills are more admirable
and somehow whenever they toss the Snothile
question mark above his head that coolness
melts into ash.
“She is married for fucks sakes!”, Sambulo
rants in the background.
“Sambulo is right Nqawe, you’re biting more
than you can chew with this one. None of this is
in your control”, Nkosenye enounces.
“Firstly they aren’t married he proposed
therefore they are engaged. Secondly I have
nothing to say about any of this, want me out
the deal then do it at the end I love her and I
want her to be mine and mine only”, Nqawe.
There is silence on the phone for a second, just
heavy deep breathes and sighs of surrender.
There is no talking him out of this one.
“For the record I support you bafo, your single
ass depressed the shit out of me. So Mnotho
one”, Mnotho.
Nqawe smiles, see Mnotho gets it.
“We are brothers and I took the responsibility to
ensure I secure the best for you all so you have
my blessings Manzini”, Nkosenye.
“Ngiyabonga Sengwayo” – Nqawe.
Nkosenye’s approval is everything, with or
without he would have still pursued Snothile
however it being there, the blessing, makes the
journey a lot lighter on his shoulders.
“You have my full support bhuti”, Mongezi
Sambulo is the only knucklehead that’s missing,
his opinion matters too and deep down Nqawe
wishes Sambulo gives his blessings too. That
would mean something to him. Their sister is
the last domino left for Nqawe.
“In your lobola money put aside 13k for me”,
Sambulo says.
“You are not a virgin so what's the extra cows
for?”, Mnotho.
The brothers chuckle lightly.
“And what do you know about my penis? And to
shut you up further, the 13k is not for my cows
it’s for a bottle of the world’s finest whiskey
because you decided to be a lovesick asshole
and throw away millions”
Well he deserved that last part so he won’t
protest the 13k request. They all chat some
more, about business and how fast the kids are
growing not to forget someone is getting
married again soon. Hopefully this time
Nkosenye gets his happy ending, but whoever it
is that would dare them on that day pray to God
for mercy because the brothers aren’t letting
their sister in-law die like the first on her
wedding day.
When he’s dropped the call, he sees the 6
missed calls from Snothile. His smile flies out
the window immediately after listening to her
“Nqawe I had a little accident on my way back
home, the baby and I are okay but the car isn't.
do you mind coming to get us please?”
He bites the inside of his cheek, he clenches his
jaw and ups his speed.
“God Snothile!”, he bites out.
She sent her location on his WhatsApp. He’s
not very far from where she is, the road doesn’t
even look that bad how does one have an
accident on such an empty good road?
The car GPS says he has arrived though he isn't
sure about that, there is no sight of her car here
or a scene.
His phone rings and he answers instantly,
“Where are you I'm here already", her
carelessness will be the death of his old and
grey self.
“I’m … I’m here Nqawe near your car there is a
mud house I’m sitting on near it”, she can save
her shaky voice it won’t work on him now.
“I can’t see you, avail yourself!”, he rasps and
switches the call off.
Jerr these kids just make you lose your mind in
a matter of minutes. Even when he has gotten
out the car he still can’t see where this accident
took place, there is no car here how did Snothile
get here he asks himself.
“Nqawe!”, she calls him over before he passes
the house she is talking about.
There was an accident, her forehead is
scratched as well as her arm. Nqawe’s jaw
“Safety first Snothile safety first, how many
times do you want to play dare devil before you
learn that safety first? You could have injured
yourself fatally”, he’s shouting already and it's
freaking her out, her face says so.
“It was not on purpose …”
“It’s not about the mistake Snothile! It’s about
the life of that baby inside of you as well as
your wellbeing, what if you got hurt badly? The
hospital is miles away from here"
She keeps quiet and just brushes her belly
gently. Her sniff makes him feel horrible for
yelling at her like that, it really was unnecessary.
“Come here”, she doesn’t fight his command,
she’s curled in his arms instead sniffing and not
shedding a single tear which is what he wanted,
he wanted her to cry it all out.
“Are you okay, emotionally?”, Nqawe asks.
“No I’m not", Snothile shakes her head.
Nqawe sighs and kisses her forehead, wiping
the sweat particles on her nose.
“Snothile I think you need to see a professional”,
Nqawe is not the first to suggest it and he won’t
be the last to get the very same answer.
“I don’t need one Nqawe. I just need… to be
alone for sometime, I have an apartment that I
stopped letting out a month ago I’ll use that”,
She shrugs.
“But in your condition you cannot afford being
alone Snothile, you’re not in the right state of
mind let’s be honest”
Snothile pulls away from his chest and looks up
at his bearded face, “Are you saying I am a
threat to myself and my child?”
“Yes I’m saying you’re a threat to you and your
child because the only thing swimming inside
that head of yours is a fantasy of a man who
clearly isn’t in love with you", it’s the truth and it
can’t be ran away from. Nqawe can’t feign truth,
it doesn’t matter what you make it of it.
Snothile pushes him off her and heads for the
car, she looks somewhat annoyed and hurt but
hey he needed her to hear.
The drive is ghost-quiet. And the radio has been
switched off, Nqawe can’t focus with it on.
Snothile reclined the seat and laid back facing
the window, his words playing in her head.
Where is the lie in what he said? There is no lie
in what Nqawe said but the way he said opened
her eyes to the reality she thought would
change at some point In time.
“My father Nqawe, I promised My father”,
Snothile breaks the silence, she’s still facing the
At first Nqawe ignores her.
“Ngcwethi is loved at home and my father
“You're not ready to let him be honest with
yourself and stop pointing fingers, it’s not sexy”
Snothile opens her mouth once and closes it
“is it wrong? I want him to prove me wrong so
badly Nqawe, I want him to show me that all I
invested hasn’t gone to waste, I’ve drawn the
fantasy I want him to prove to me exists”
“Do you want to know a secret?”, Nqawe asks.
Snothile gets up from the seat nodding her
“I waited for my mother to prove me wrong for
17 years, I wanted her to prove to me that her
circumstance would not define her and that she
will love us the way children deserved to be
loved. Every mother’s day I did some thing
special for her; I reassured her that one day I
will make her proud and happy; I did absolutely
everything right for the wrong person. That’s all
it is, live for yourself and your baby that child
deserves to have a mother that can look at
them with the brightest smile and purest eyes
but you won’t have that if you allow people to
drag your loyalty through the mud”
That was a shocking revelation.
Snothile stares at Nqawe until he laughs and
tells her to ask away.
She frowns.
“Your eyes are a give-away", he says.
“Nothing. It’s just that you don’t look like you
have … issues”, Snothile shrugs.
Nqawe laughs louder.
“And what does a person with problems look
like? As time goes on you get over stuff, some
of it”
She nods slowly, clearly this is a sensitive topic
and the last thing she wants is to open his
healed wounds.
“We have been summoned to Skopo apparently
his grandfather wants to discuss the
arrangements of his late son, his wife and my
husband”, Snothile says.
“Hhmmm. How do you feel about it?”
She looks out the window again, ignoring the
staggering pain in her heart.
“Like I did everything right for the wrong person".


Nomkhosi Mshengu

It’s the morning of the day we're suppose to be

driving down to Pietermaritzburg and still no
news about Snothile’s whereabouts. Ngcwethi
has called all her close friends that he knows of,
he called her mother and her mother said she
hasn’t seen Snothile so now we’re sitting on a
possibility of filing a missing person report.
“Snakho come take the snacks to the movie
room", I called for him three minutes ago and
he’s only showing face now?
That to he is dragging his feet as if I didn’t call
him five minutes ago.
“Whenever you decide to end the disrespect I
would appreciate it”, I say handing the bowl of
snakes over to him.
“Sorry sisi, I'm just down. Where could she be?”
I sigh I wouldn’t be surprised to learn they
blame me for her disappearance I mean I show
face and hers is nowhere to be found. After
pulling Snakho in for a hug I hear him sniff, I
had no clue they were this close?
“C'mon my boy let’s not breakdown okay? Not
yet I’m sure she is okay wherever she is, maybe
she just took timeout”, I say.
Snakho looks at me, “Why? Because you and
baba must marry?”
I will snap Khalilou’s neck in two!
I know he knew, he even knows about the kiss
we had the other day but I wasn’t expecting him
to tell Snakho. Snakho is still way too fragile
and he doesn’t see things in the perspective
they are from.
“Something of that nature. Look you need not
worry about that oright? Go enjoy the movie
with your brother whilst I clean up here, I’ll call
y’all when it's time to go”, I kiss her cheek and
let him run off.
No Ngcwethi needs to find Snothile and he
needs to do it ASAP. I can’t find him inside the
bedroom which is where I last saw him getting
dressed, I look inside the bathroom maybe he’s
Oh nope.
I search the entire top and find nobody. Is he
downstairs… oh his study I haven’t checked that.
“Sbulelo I gave her options, I told her she is
more than welcome to walk out if that is what
she wants to do”
When did Bule arrive and am I that deaf that I
didn’t hear her greet loudly because she always
shouts the second she walks in.
“Ngcwethi will stop being a man for once and
be human. Do you want her to lose the baby? Is
that what you want? Why did you even hit it raw
if you knew you won’t take accountability for
the consequences?”, she’s breathing fire today
normally this Snothile matter is a 3 minute
conversation for her but here she is today
busting her lungs open .
“It takes two to tango”, Ngcwethi fends.
Bule chuckles, “Funny you say that now and yet
you knew you were never serious about her
from the start. Or what it has changed now
because Nomkhosi is in the picture?”
I didn’t leave home to be the main source of
another woman’s pain like this. Snothile hasn’t
done me dirty, even if she did I think it’s well
within her rights to.
“It has nothing to do with Khosi, Snothile I did
her in I know and I’m willing to take care of
Every thing regarding the baby but Bule I can’t
offer anything more. I can marry her …”
“For what reason? To have her swirling in pain
for the rest of her life? Ngcwethi you ruined her
relationship with her father and just left it like
that”, Bule sighs, “Her brother called me angry,
in fact furious that we failed to do as we
promised him we’d do. Ngcwethi he begged us
to take care of Snothile and what do we do huh
hurt the girl every chance we get”, I’m on the
verge of fresh tears again, it wasn’t suppose to
be done like this she wasn’t suppose to get hurt.
Sosha may be an angry elder but I doubt he’s
part of any of this.
“I comprehend all you’re saying although I keep
repeating the same thing to you too, I told her
“Months after she had already fallen in love you!
If you were serious about these sudden
intentions you were suppose to be upfront on
your third date and tell her you’re looking for
nothing more than just a distraction from your
brother. Nx why are you men so damn blind
sometimes!”, okay she is hurt deeper than I
thought, all this while I couldn’t get to see her
face but now that I do I see the red eyes and
black rings around her eyes.
For a second we stand like statues by the door
starring into each other's eyes much less
romantically than you think.
“Hi Nomkhosi", she’s not angry at me at least.
“Hi Sbulelo. I’m sorry for …”
“None of this is your fault so you don’t need to
apologize for getting caught in the middle of a
storm you had nothing to do with. See you
home, I need to run”, she smiles and side hugs
“Okay travel safely"
Once she’s gone I proceed inside the study,
Ngcwethi drags his bottle across the desk he
sits down beside the table with it in his hand. I
see the route we're heading to over here.
“It wasn’t … it wasn’t my intention to break her
heart”, he whispers.
“I know”, I nod, as to how I don’t know yet but I
know I do know.
He lifts up his chin and smirks lazily, his hands
tuck behind me back and gently pull me closer.
Our breaths kiss before he kisses me, it takes a
second for me to kiss him back too.
Patrimony: The Ancestors wife
Chapter thirty
Candice Mthembu

The soap opera that is about to take place in

this house today deserves a chilled glass of
Rose; cottage cheese crackers and a blanket.
Grandmother and grandfather woke up at dawn
preparing themselves for the showdown,
grandmother also cooked a ridiculous amount
of food enough to feed this village and retain
left overs and as expected grandfather has
been hailing praises up her ass all day long.
Andise bhod!
Spa day wasted!
“today I would appreciate your silence
especially if you have nothing positive to say to
anyone”, Mvelase coughs.
I peer my eyes up in front of the mirror in front
of me as I tie my heels up. I’m not going to
swallow a whistle for no reason, if I do end up
baking it will be for a valid reason.
“Are we clear?”, he asks again.
“Sure thing daddy”, I nod.
I thought 60 year olds die quicker, it’s been an
entire year of waiting and he looks as strong as
an ox to me. By the time he does leave this
earth I would have long lost to the village girl
and I didn’t come all this way to accept defeat
“And steer clear from insulting Nomkhosi if you
want to retain peace in this family”, he says and
snails out our bedroom while on his phone.
Snothile is starting to make me angry, I’ve been
waiting for her to get back to me the whole day
I even sent her an email in case she was scared
of chatting on WhatsApp. Don t tell me the girl
has killed herself at the sight of my message.
I did say I have a plan that will advance us in
this game, I did not guarantee her a spot in
Ngcwethi’s heart yes but it was going to be
something to that effect … had she given me
the chance to do the lords work for her. No I
refuse to let her ruin my plans after all that
I grab Mvelase’s second phone off the pedestal
and search Snothile on his WhatsApp, if I call
her from my phone she won’t bother to pick up
the call. I hit the video call button and wait for
her to answer, it rings for a long time before she
answers it.
Finally Virgin Mary comes down to planet earth!
Oouu she looks like shit.
I show my face once I’m convinced she won’t
run away the second I show my face, she does
look shocked though.
“Candice it’s you, what are you doing with
Mvelase’s phone?”
“Quit asking me dumb questions Snothile, I told
you to get back to me soon as you see the
message, I have waited for you to get back to
me for the whole day”, I rasp.
One, two, three and breathe Candice babe,
“Your empty head is not going to advance you
here, Snothile catch a wake up call..”
“Mami I’m going to get beer, want me to bring
you anything?”, oh hell no! is that who I think it
Mami? Snothile has become mami to other men
She freaks out and forgets the creature behind
her is bigger than her and I can see him even
with all her efforts to block him. This sneaky
ass fox, busy crying over Ngcwethi in front of us
knowing very well her tears are getting wiped by
the filthy rich Zungu man.
“No I don’t need anything”, she’s trying to push
him out but I mean the man is a beast.
A Zungu! A whole fucken Nqawe Zungu, what is
that I hear? Millions calling my name. I could
earn 1 million more as their daughter in-law
than as Mvelase’s wife for so many years.
“Am I being kicked out of my own house?”, he
Aahhh shut the front door!
Even better, she’s having an affair isn't she?
Everyone is here in Pietermaritzburg and she is
in another man’s house?
The love I’m beginning to have for my daughter
in-law is priceless!
“Don't act like I never asked to be taken to MY
apartment Nqawe, you said you’d take me there
after changing your clothes so Don t make this
my fault”, this girl is throwing good
opportunities by being her rasin self, men like
these come once in a blue moon and they can
leave just as fast as they appear. If Ngcwethi
can barely put up with her attitude what in the
world makes her think a Zungu man would drop
on his knees and grovel?
“I know I know, stay put. Make yourself at home,
there’s some food I prepared in the kitchen
knock yourself out”
He leans towards her face and knocks me out
my seat. Luckily Snothile turned the kiss down
but still he pecked her cheek.
There’s shuffling here and there, a door closing
and some wild engine. Imagine me in that car?
Wearing designer clothes and Gucci sunglasses?
Posing for media with the biggest rock on my
finger to show off.
“Candice please don’t tell anyone about this,
Nqawe is just a … friend”, she panics and pleads.
“Then why can’t I tell the family about a friend?
Why am I only finding this out anyway, a Zungu
Snothile really?”, the plan is to remove her and
add myself, to be frank Snothile wouldn’t be
able to handle the lifestyle that the Zungus live.
She still believes in legal living, I don’t and so do
the Zungus so it would make sense for me to
fill her position.
“Candice please you know what they will
assume”, she says.
“Is it true what they assumed?”, it’s called
testing waters. Good thing is she is already in a
vulnerable position, one lie and a bit of
exaggerated truth and she will be a gone birdie.
“Candice jeez! I do not have feelings for Nqawe,
I barely know him. We're just good
acquaintance”, she says.
“Mmh good because the Zungus are no good
girl, especially Nqawe and Sambulo but I mean
not everyone knows that I’m guessing you didn’t
“No good as in?”
Ding, Ding, Ding!
“Nothing big. It’s media rumours don’t mind it
too much just be careful. Apparently they are
involved in some shitty illegal logistics; fraud;
money laundry … the list is endless girl. Those
people are just bad news so watch over
I see the doubt in her face, she doesn’t fully
believe me. The bastard must be that good?
“Uh… I must go I need to speak to Chantel about
giving me my job back, I’ll call you later”, job
back for What?
“Aren’t you resigning?”, I remind her of her own
words. Ngcwethi really swept her off her feet
shame. But mx I knew it was all a scam, these
two barely ever dated and boom proposal and
“I was but not anymore, not until I figure out
what it is I want to do with my life especially
now that I have a baby to look after…”
“And a man who wants nothing to do with you
but at least there is backup", pardon my honesty.
“Don’t act so glory Candice we both know your
marriage with Mvelase is a financial contract.
At least I’m not grazing my father’s age mates
groins for a coin so don’t act cheap with me.
Tell the family I won’t make it for the meeting,
bye”, she hangs up not giving me a second to
say anything.
Now what the hell was that?.
I delete the video call details and leave
Mvelase's phone on the pedestal then make my
way downstairs. Everyone has arrived I assume,
since there’s that racket.

Yep the whole brood is here. Excluding the

whore of a daughter in-law and the maniac. My
shock comes from seeing Nomkhosi’s mother;
brother and sister sitting on the couch opposite
Mvelase and Ngcwethi.
Maybe Snothile saved herself by choosing dick
over this meeting.
“Asiphelele”, Mvelase looks around the dining
room, skeeming through the faces.
“I’m here baby", I smile and wave hitting the last
step and going straight to his couch, Ngcwethi
huffs and stands moving to a mother couch.
Still can’t stand me?
“I wasn't making reference to you”, Madoda
whispers to me.
“Oh right, the daughter in-law of this family will
not be able to make it. She has …things to do”, I
shrug and make sure to catch Ngcwethi's
His head drops down.
Madoda sighs deeply and nods, “Well we
understand her condition is crucial”, so now we
understand? He coughs into his handkerchief
and asks grandmother to fetch water for him.
Both Phindile and I get up at the same time, I’m
the wife the rights belong to me.
She glares at me and I do the same to her until
she lowers herself down, I go fetch the glass of
water for him on the table and come back to sit
beside him..
His past side chick looks right about ready to
melt too, she’s quiet and a crying mess.
“I apologize for summoning you boMshengu
but this matter needed to be ironed sooner than
later. We know the truth deep down we all know
my son paid cows foe your daughter
Sthembiso, the useless cop enters Madoda in
the mouth, “So?”.
“So culture says Nomkhosi belongs to the
Mthembus now, however not fully. Sosha wants
her to have a traditional wedding which includes
her being taken from the Mshengus and
brought into the Mvelase alter and he also
wants a legacy like any man would”, He clears
his throat and shifts uncomfortably in his seat,
“We’ve spoken to your daughter about it she
knows the way to get there”, he adds on.
Sthembiso looks at Nomkhosi from the side
and chuckles, it’s nothing nice but it doesn’t
sound evil to me.
“Did you agree to whatever he just said?”, he
asks his sister.
“Yes I did”
Nomkhosi must end the show! We’ve seen all
her facades can it be over with now?.
“You sure about what you are doing Khosi? This
is the life you’re signing up for, no school no
certificate?”, Sthembiso.
She keeps quiet and plays with her skinny
“Who said her being married to this family
meant neglecting her studies? I will ensure she
continues with her education”, Ngcwethi speaks
up for the first time since this meeting begun.
The eye Sthembiso jabs him with excites me.
“I was talking to my sister as far as I remember”
Ngcwethi’s jaw clenches and only relaxes after
he managed to ease himself.
“Bhuti I am sure this is what I want. I owe Sosha
this much…”
“You don’t owe any of these people shit
Nomkhosi! Don’t let lo manipulate into thinking
you owe anybody a favour because you don’t!”,
he’s still pointing a finger at Ngcwethi and I’m
afraid Ngcwethi’s silence is not to be taken for
poes. Sthembiso is just acting dramatically, this
really has nothing to do with him.
“Sthembiso please calm down”, Khosi pleads
with her hooligan brother.
He doesn’t sit.
“Sthembiso this is another man’s house sit
back down and control yourself!”, finally his
mother gathers the courage to say something
and stop acting like a turtle out its shell.
First Sthembiso heaves like bull, his eyes
sharply on Ngcwethi. It’s a movie out here and
I’m the only one who seems to be enjoying.
“Do whatever you please I’m done with you,
what's not going to happen though is me sitting
here in front of my wife’s killers as if nothing
ever happened”
Did he just…
“Sthembiso wait! What do you …”
He yanks Khosi’s hand out of his and points a
finger at her, “I mean I’m done with you
Nomkhosi, you want the Mthembus then you
have them but me and my son won't stick
around to witness this mess"
“Sthembiso there is no need for this drama man,
Nomkhosi didn’t do anything why are you
involving her into this?”, Ngcwethi grows this
sudden backbone whenever Khosi is the topic.
Sitting here I'm wondering why the hell is
Snothile still marrying this man?
“Shut up Ngcwethi! Kunje nje uwe, you fucken
dragged my sister into this shit. Don’t surprised
Sosha wouldn’t have paid lobola for Nomkhosi
had you grown balls and told him you loved my
sister way before he did. Nx!”; he pushes
Ngcwethi aside and storms out the house.
I sit back on the couch and look back and forth
from Ngcwethi to Nomkhosi and clap once.
Jisazi You overdid this film right here.
I grab Mvelase's glass and sip it, Nomkhosi
runs out the room too and Ngcwethi runs after
her … as always.
“Snothile does not need to know about this",
Bule warns me.
“Why not? Eveyone deserves the truth in life,
yho abantu babantu”, clap again girl.

Nomkhosi Mshengu

No no no I refuse to ever think like that!

It’s been Ngcwethi’s game all along? Was he
even using me to get what he has clearly ever
wanted? Me to himself?. It cannot be true I
mean I saw how Ngcwethi spoke about the love
Sosha and I had and it was nothing but purity
and admiration.
“Nomkhosi will you stop running!?”, he grabs my
waist and turns me around.
“Why should I Ngcwethi why should I? back and
forth my life remains the same – a big fat lie”,
goodness I ran too much my che st hurts. Didn’t
think I was so unfit.
“Nomkhosi will you stop!”
I stop only because I'm literary dying I’m so tired.
“Won’t you let me explain?”, he questions.
“Let you explain what best benefits You?”, I rasp
“No! let me explain the entire truth but only if
you promise to give us a chance to have a clean
start from here onwards”, he is in NO position
to be making exceptions.
But I am desperate to know the truth.
“Fine”, I cross my arms.
“I saw you around town the other day, I was
there for a quick lunch break at spurs. I don’t
know what came over me but I know I’ve never
felt a rush like that before in my life.
Unfortunately you left before I could get to you
and ask for your number or your name. Months
later you met my brother and you two fell inlove,
he told me about you many times and funny
enough your face always popped up whenever
he mentioned his gf I just didn’t picture you with
him I saw you with me. I wasn’t the selfish kind
though I let my brother have his happiness, two
years later you met with an accident you lost
your memory and for once I was glad and I
thought you would be mine then …”
“But Sosha married me quicker than you could
get me?”
Is this some Bollywood script?
“Yes. I had no idea we would be here years later
Nomkhosi I swear, I gave Sihle the task to fall in
love with you in hopes that I will get over it, I… I
married Snothile hoping that she erases your
memories. I could never give her the love I had
foe You, I couldn’t give that to anyone but she is
the only woman who came close. I did … I do
care about her a lot …”
I stop him.
“Then why don’t you show it Ngcwethi? I mean I
get it I don’t know much but I know Snothile
deserved way better than what you have been
giving her”, I say.
“It’s guilt Nomkhosi. I wasted so much of her
life Nomkhosi so much of it that I can’t give
back to her any longer, I stay away because I’m
guilty”, he sighs and looks at the blue skies.
That’s a bitter pill.
I can’t even offer him comforting words. I have
no idea what to say to him. I just open my arms
and wrap them around his neck standing on my
tip toes, putting my chin in the crook of his neck.
“Ahh … guys the neighbours just called.
Ngcwethi Snothile is going crazy”, Bule.
“I think Candice told her… and even added
spices possibly. I think you need to be with her
right now”
Patrimony: The Ancestors wife
Chapter Thirty-One
Snothile Gwamanda

I haven’t taken the chance to admire the

architecture of this house because of my day
dreaming and intrusive thoughts. This is insane
designing I give him that, the crazy polygon
chandeliers; walnut wooden poles and fine
marble tiles; peak ceilings; masculine furniture
if I may add. Amongst the white overall interior,
there those black; navy or smoky grey intricate
details and the art? Gosh I love the art pieces
especially the Marilyn Monroe frames I’m a fan
been one ever since her first appearance on
media, the appearance I first knew about. It’s so
empty though, there’s a dining room set; a
huge… scratch huge an enormous dining table
with plenty room; pictures; fire place and a
carpet – No T.V. How boring what does he do
for entertainment or relaxation?
Read books from his fancy mahogany
bookshelf? It’s double doors which are slightly
open facing one another, books on the door and
on the inside of the door. Dramatic if you ask
me and the swirl staircase, billionaire side eye.
I would have said I like the simplicity of this
house but I'd be lying it is nowhere close to
simple, more empty yet sophisticated and
dramatic. Weird of me to be so fantasized by
his house when I work in Real Estate, I've seen
better pff.
I have a look around the kitchen, marble; oak
and lament – wealthy mutherfuqer this man hey?
Come to think of it I have read a few articles
about his family and their ‘corruption’ I’ve never
cared to know what kind if corruption but
looking at his place I would say it’s the Nkandla
type of embezzlement. I would cook all day in
this kitchen!
The aroma is lovely but smells like 1000
calories too. Pan lasagne he made and it smells
I’m not in the mood to eat though so I close the
pan once again and roam around the house a
bit more, eventually I end up in the patio in his
backyard starring at the maze golf course.
“Hmmm so this is the hobby?”, I wonder to
So much greenery!
Big green trees; big green bushes that are
neatly trimmed; green lush grass and cute pool
on the side of everything, and a .. jungle gym?
Does he run a preschool here? It’s cute though.
I just don’t think this is a place good for a single
man, not single as in no woman but like I’m sure
he lives alone. I haven’t even seen a house help
who the hell cleans this place? I’ve seen two
gardeners though.
“I could absolutely live here rent free”, I take a
handful of soil and bring it to my face sniffing it
like I’m a dog. Gosh I want to eat it!
“Hm-mh Ma’am”
Oh crap!
I drop the soil and hide my hand behind my
back like a kid caught stealing a cookie. That’s
a big man what do they feed him at home rocks
and cement? Jeez he’s so big.
But wait a minute who is he? I saw no one when
I arrived here.
Oh my lord he’s carrying a gun!
“Hello ma’am did you hear me?”, he snaps his
fingers on my face and waits for me to blink
back to life.
“Uh no you were saying?”, Ngcwethi had one, a
gun that is but I’ve never really like seen seen it,
I just … saw it by luck.
“The women are looking for you inside”, he says,
“I’m not deaf I can here you properly”
He looks down seeing as I took offense to that,
“My apologies ma’am" – is he a gate guy or
“Where are they?”, I want to ask what women is
he talking about but I have feeling he will
assume I’m blond, we’ve already started on the
wrong foot because of stereotypes.
“Inside the lounge ma'am”, he says ushering me
back towards the house.
Sigh, I was really enjoying the scenery out here.
I actually felt peace for the first time in a long
time. I could … literary live here without the
owner of the house of course.
“If you need anything ma'am I will be outside”,
he nodded and walked away. He didn’t even
step foot inside the house.
Strange that he thinks I would know which
outside he meant because this place is a maze.

The dude was not lying when he said women

are looking for me. There are… four women
sitting on the couch drinking tea and having a
blast by the seems of it. Gosh they look so
good, money does have its perks huh? There
are two slender women; one thick and another
slightly chubby if I can say that. I like her the
chubby one, she's so pretty like she’s the most
innocent thing in this world she is so pretty I
could die to have such cuteness.
She catches me stare at her and I quickly look
away. That was embarrassing.
“And I think we found the princess we’ve been
looking for ladies”, her voice is sweet and
mellow. Jeeer blessed is the man eating from
that kraal. This girl is making me horny.
All freaken eyes are on me now.
My palms get sweaty.
“Hello”, why the crack!?
This voice is trying to embarrass me.
“Hey babe!”, the slender beauty with short hair
engulfs me in a tight hug like she literary
squeezes me.
“I can’t breath properly”, this baby is heavy
“Oops sorry I’m a hugger”, she shrugs cheerfully
and steps aside for the others to engulf me as
Eventually they stop and just laugh.
ow-kay. That’s totally normal.
“Oh no don’t mind us we just so excited that
there is a new face in this family. Being closed
off had us losing our brains a little”, my crush
“Tell me about it. I don’t even watch T.V any
longer because I end up seeing your faces in
every character playing”, ooh I know her from
the talk show, she’s been on it before, her name
is something like Thola.
“Besides we all kinda were sceptical especially
because Bhut'Nqawe is hectic…”
“With a capital H", they all scream at once and
Their laugh is so hideous they sound like a
dozen men.
“Is he your brother?”
My question raises awkward stares.
Got it next time keep your mouth shut Snothile.
“We call them bhuti out of respect them men
are older than us and besides they treat us like
their sisters so”, Thola says.
“Wife to one is a wife to all”, my crush shouts,
raising her cup of tea and the others raise it up
I’m beginning to think what's in that cup is not
tea or coffee. Another round of drunkards?
“Is that tea?”, I'm curious blame the baby.
They laugh again.
“With 7% alcohol yes”, the hugger says.
O frown, “Why not use wine glasses if it’s
wine?”, make it make sense?
They look at me like I’ve gone mad.
“Girl are you insane in the head? Do you want us
buried alive?”, my crush.
“Them men would murder us if they ever knew
we drink”, the thick girl says and sips the
longest gulp.
“Why?”, I ask.
“We aren’t allowed to drink; party with outsiders;
smoke or have friends outside this family”,
Thola says and they all nod with their cups
Must I ask another Why?
“It’s a long story that your man will tell you
when he feels you’re good enough to know”, the
thick girl again.
Man? Nqawe is not my man but I don’t say that
out loud and shame him. I just nod and keep
“Nice ring", Thola eyes my finger as she sips
from her cup.
Oh gosh why didn’t I take it off.
“It’s complicated”, I find myseld saying without
a reason.
They look at me and nod, “Ohhh”.
And that’s the end of that conversation I ended
up actually knowing their names. My crush is
Nomzamo; the thick babe is Ncumo; the hugger
is Nomtfuti and then it's Thola. I doubt I’ll
remember any of those names, with the
exception of my crush of course, by the end of
this week.
My phone dings on the table and all the ladies
look at me with lust eyes.
“It’s just a message”, I say.
“Is it sexual?”
We all glare at Ntomfuti, is she crazy?
“What? I want to know before I peak into danger
zones”, she shrugs.
“No it’s just a message Ntombi", I still haven’t
mastered pronouncing her name.
The message reads: Hope You Liked The Gift I
Got You. Though You Could Use Some
Ohhh it makes sense now so he asked his
brother's women to come light up my mood? I
smile like genuinely smile, I haven’t had that
kind of luck of finding a man so … selfless?
“Awwwwe", they all say at once.
I send a thank you note for the gift and switch
off the phone. I can’t help my blushing, it was
considerate of him to that. He really did not
have to.
“Finally ain’t gone be the only plus size in the
group anymore”, Nomzamo sighs.
They laugh and I just giggle. I’m not fat so she
shouldn’t count on this baby weight but with a
friend like Nqawe around I doubt I won’t start
picking up real weight soon.
His cooking skills are out of this planet.
Another text comes in and I take my phone to a
private area thinking I don’t want these girls
seeing me blush like this, I'm still married.
But it’s not a text from him, instead it’s from
Text: Well you saved yourself by not attending
this meeting. Ngcwethi made a confession in
front of the entire family, something about
Nomkhosi being his soulmate and the only
women he’s ever loved from childhood. Snothile
he even said he knocked you up because he
wanted to get back at Nomkhosi for choosing
his brother imagine? Girl you need my help so
call me back.
My intestines froze!
How could he do that to me how could he! I’m
not thinking straight and I don’t fucken care
how could Ngcwethi hurt me like this!?
“Uhh babe where are you off to?”, Thola.
“Snothy”, Nomzamo tries to hold me but I freak
and scream and she let’s me go also freaked
“Ncumo call bhut'Nqawe asap!”, Nomzamo
says running after me.
Once I get into the car I scream so loud I feel
my throat burn. I hate Ngcwethi! I hate men!

“No, no not in your condition”, Zamo opens my

door and snatches the key out the ignition.
I bang on the steering wheel and shout at her to
give me my keys.
“I won’t do that can’t you see how not okay you
are Snothy”
Thola is making phone calls in front of the car
dramatically breathing.
“I need to go Nomzamo!”
“Okay but wait for Nqawe to arrive at least…”
“Where is she!?”, oh he’s here already?
He came with his brothers is he kidding me?
Nomzamo hands him the keys and steps aside,
the doctor wraps his arm around her waist and
kisses her cheek.
“Snothile what happened?”
“I want to go home”
Nqawe frowns at me and steps back.
“I want to go to his house take me there now”
“Now Nqawe”, I shout.
He sighs and faces up at the sky, his hands on
his hips. But does what I asked. He says okay
and gets inside the driver side while I go to the
passenger side. I feel their stares stab me like
knives as I walk pass.
“Snothile please don’t do this”, I hear Ncumo
whisper as I enter the passenger side.


Nqawe Zungu

He parked a house away. He’d already made the

mistake of waltzing in another man’s house he
didn’t want to repeat that mistake so he parked
here and waited for Snothile to come back. It’s
been a couple of hours and now he’s getting
worried because he hasn’t seen even the mere
sight of her. Her phone is not with her and there
is no way for him to see what is happening
inside, cars drove in an hour ago and he
recognized Nomkhosi so he knows it’s probably
family. Sitting has him so agitated he had to
drive to a spaza for a cigarette and come back,
he’s almost finished with the pack and yet the
only reason he hasn’t barged in that house still
is because he wouldn’t want to put Snothile in
“Fuck women where are you?”
He gets out the car again and tried to stop
himself from moving away from it but damn he
needs to see her, see if she is fine.
The gate is locked but the walls aren’t that high,
sure they are a stretch but he manages to get
over it after a try. From here he can hear her
screaming, she’s far from okay and that alone
sets him off but he manages to calm himself
down and go Inside, the neighbours are here
too now.
His heart starts pumping fast as he approaches
her with that knife in her hand, she’s holding it
up to her wrists and busy threatening her own
“Stay away from me! All of you stay away, is
that what you’re here for too? You’re here to
break me as well and repair old flames using
me?”, this isn’t the woman he ordered, she
looks insane and mentally ill.
“Cha Snothile c’mon I wouldn’t do that, I care
about you…”
“Why! Why do you care when my own husband
doesn’t give a shit about me. I was just a mere
excuse to you Ngcwethi”
There blood spots on the floor, clearly someone
tried touching her and got a cut from her nails
and that is Ngcwethi. His sister is nursing those
scars at the moment. The ring, her ring is on the
floor, furniture is messed.
“Snothile dammit stop this!”, Nqawe explodes
and holds herhands together tightly.
“This is not you, this isn’t you. He messed up
move on then before you lose those who
actually are there for you. Your brother cares; I
care focus on that, focus on him or her", Nqawe
placed his hand on her baby bump and stared
deep into her eyes, pleading with her..
Ngcwethi’s jaw twitched.
Snothile wraps her arms around Nqawe and
cries there.
“This isn’t you Snothile”; he keeps repeating.
“He’s right this isn’t you”, Ngcwethi’s pained
voice makes Nqawe a little upset but he knows
it’s not hid place to say anything to him. He
shouldn’t even be in this house.
“I think she needs time away from everyone…”
“No. I need time away from all of you yes but
not him. It wasn’t a milestone to just call and
ask me how the baby is doing or how I'm doing,
it wasn’t rocket science”, she says and takes
Nqawe’s hand and walks out with him. Everyone
looking at her with eyes wide open.
“Well… I did say she needs to be taken care of”
Candice Wil never shut her mouth!
Patrimony: The Ancestors wife
Chapter thirty -two
Nomkhosi Mshengu

This is just a big mess I don’t see us recovering

from especially Snothile. I see her point and all,
we were heavily wrong for just always
assuming on her behalf instead of actually
asking how she is pulling through nevertheless I
don’t condone her behaviour today, it was
inconsiderate on behalf of the baby that’s living
in her womb. Anything could have went wrong,
her stress levels could have hit the roof and
then What? Lose the baby and blame who?
And Ngcwethi’s ‘friend' what's with him barging
into the house no questions asked?
Weird if you ask me.
“I’ll take the kids to my house, I think them
being here will do them no good”, I’m so
grateful of Sbulelo and the way she nurtures the
boys. Lately I don’t get time with them, Snakho
even feels I’m avoiding him sometimes which
isn’t false I am avoiding him but only because
my energy is low and bitter most of the time.
Sthembiso just literary broke ties with me and
now this whole mess.
“Okay let me get their clothes”, I stand up from
the couch I've been plotted on and make a
move, bule stops me.
“It’s fine they do keep some of their clothes by
my house anyway, just in case they drop by
unexpectedly”, she smiles a lot even when there
is no need to smile and it creeps me out. It’s
like she’s always prepared for the worst so
when the worst does happen it does not affect
her much.
“Okay thanks”; I’m not sitting back down on that
couch, Ngcwethi is sitting alone on it.
“Sooo no one is going to acknowledge the fact
that Snothile is somewhere out there alone?
Not to mention her newly found lunatic
“She needs some time alone Candice”,
Ngcwethi’s voice is horsy, I think as an
indication of wanting to cry or screaming for
Snothile to stop throwing things for the last two
“So she can have enough time to murder herself
and my grandchild?”, does she even care about
that baby?
“Oh my god, I didn’t think that through.
Ngcwethi Candice has a point”, Sbulelo gasps.
I catch candice rolling her eyes back, “Of course
I do”, she murmurs.
“Sbulelo she wants nothing to do with us, all of
us", Ngcwethi is pained by all this, he doesn’t
deserve this at all if we’re being honest. He
made a mistake yes but taking it to this extent.
Oooh wtf am saying defending a man whereas I
know nothing of his nature, he’s wrong but not
totally wrong.
“I know that but that baby Ngcwethi, that baby
has to survive. Her too, you know she did
nothing bad to us, all she did was love you …”
“Can we stop bringing all of that up please?”, I
snap. It’s not jealousy speaking but hey we get
the point, talking about it over and over makes
matters worse for Ngcwethi.
“Someone needs to be with Snothile to make
sure that she doesn’t try to hurt herself
especially in her condition. I’ve known her
before she became this woman and I rest
assure you that anything is possible right now.
We can’t just let her go”, Bule shrugs.
She is right there but who is willing to stay with
Snothile at this point? After she made it point
blank clear that she wants none of us anywhere
near her or her baby.
“I’ll go"
They all turn their heads to me and widen their
pupils. No? okay.
I thought I was being cordial and stuff. Sihle
stares at me longer than the others, he’s
thinking on my face I can see it. Well he must
not dare me and come declaring his love to me
I’ve had it with the Mthembu brothers love
confessions already!
“Someone needs to be with her right so I’ll go?”,
I’m asking, Ngcwethi in particular.
Someone scoffs. Candice.
“Do you want to finish her off? If she lays her
eyes on you she will be even more motivated to
drive herself to the nearest cliff”, She bites my
head off and walks to the centre of the lounge.
Bule exchanges glances with me, almost to say:
Don’t mind her.
I don’t. I never was to begin with, Candice is the
type of person you hear out but never listen to.
“And Sbulelo we both know you two aren’t in
good terms anymore so your presence is just
as inferior”, She shrugs.
Bule does not give her any satisfaction it’s like
whatever Candice says bounces off her ears
and slaps back to Candice's face.
Wonder how much training that took because
damn is she getting under my skin.
“So what do you suggest?”, Sihle asks.
“Simple, I’ll go. She still listens to me when the
madness hasn’t kicked in and I am able to
control her actions to some extent. Bottom line
she trusts me more than any of you here", that’s
a lie, Snothile doesn’t trust her maybe she isn’t
that distant when it comes to their relationship
but it’s not trust. I’ve heard her say she doenst
trust granny Candice.
“Besides I want to make sure my grandson is
okay”, she adds.
Well… we have no one else to send and even if
we hired someone from the outside Snothile
would lose her mind more.
“I don’t trust you”, Ngcwethi says.
“That’s your problem because you have no
choice but to trust me. People do I look like I’d
murder Snothile with a twizzer?”
We all look at one another. We get the drill she’ll
be monitored I don’t kmow how.
“Okay watch over her and report back to us
everyday about what happens. If there is a
problem Candice please for your own good let
me know”, Ngcwethi.
“Yeah whatever. That’ll be 2k per week, I’m not
a nanny I’m just doing you all a favour. You’ll get
my banking details from your father. Stay safe
people”, she couldn’t wait to get out could she?
Where does she think she’ll find transport
unless if she brought her car and how does she
know where Snothile is?
“I have to go, I’ll see y'all”, Sbulelo says and
hugs both her brothers, Nokwanda and then she
comes to me..
“Please be strong for him, I know he’ll be sour
for a long time just be patient please”, she
needed not to even ask me. I nod.
“Thank you Khosi"
“No need girl"
We hug tightly too, kiss on the cheek and she
leaves as well.
“Excuse me”, Ngcwethi also leaves the lounge
and Sihle follows after him.
That took a turn for the worst.

Nokwanda stares at me, blinking and almost in

tears. My sister is a soft and kind person
naturally and that’s why I didn’t want her with
Ntando to begin with, she takes matters to the
heart quite easily and never resists the pressure.
“Everything is going to be okay baby don’t cry", I
bring her into my arms and lift her up. Should
not have done that!
“My back just lost a bone”, how heavy is she
kanti? Yho Shembe..
Nokwanda laughs and slaps my arm, “Rude
Honest much.
“But on a serious note will you be okay with all
this that is happening will you be fine?”
“I’m way stronger than you take me for. I just
want my brother to forgive me Nokwanda that’s
all, I want Sthembiso to trust me again”
“Give him time you know how he gets when he’s
In his feelings"
Yes and that’s why I pray he forgives me sooner
than later. I want my brother back!
“Go sit I’ll clean this up", she offers.
“Don’t bother I’ll do it tomorrow morning”
“Oh okay. I went to see Ntando the other day”, I
should have known.
Her queries, her restlessness the week after I
told her what happened to Ntando should have
alerted me. I sigh and grab a chair, I have a
feeling that whatever she is about to say will
send me straight to a coma or the Looney
“I’m listening”, I say giving her the duhh go
“Remember I said I want the baby … the foetus
to be given a name when ntando is back?”, oh I
remember very well. Again sthembiso almost
bit her head off for that and I understood Why, I
myself was getting frustrated. The man killed
his own baby I didn’t think he deserved to
witness its burial and name giving ceremony.
I just wanted him to cleanse my sister and our
“Yes I do remember”
“Well we didn’t get the chance to talk about it.
He had an episode and had to be taken away
immediately, Nomkhosi do you know how
regretful he is? He’s dealing with this the
hardest, I think he needs us …”
Whoa slow your row.
“You suggesting we take him out the
rehabilitation centre?”, I ask for more clarity.
“He doesn’t need one Nomkhosi”
Like hell he doesn’t. she was there when he had
a gun pointed at me and her mother so I don’t
know what rederic she’s saying to me. Ntando
needs professional help and there is nothing
wrong with that.
“He just wants to be understood and loved…”,
She’s losing her mind now.
“Khosi c’mon don’t just leave without saying
something”, she presses.
“What must I say Nokwanda I don’t understand,
it’s clear you’ve made up your mind about it so
what am I to say?”
Can she not cry to me.
“You understand Nomkhosi, you get people and
where they come from so I’m begging you to
get where he is coming from. I need to heal and
I need Ntando by my side for that to happen”,
wasn’t ma saying the only person whom can
heal her is God?
“Nokwanda I… I don’t know have any words for
you my sister. I love you though and I will be
there for you in whatever you decide but I’m not
gonna be the baker of this cake. Think carefully
about what you’re saying to me”
“They mistreat him inside there Khosi, they treat
him like an animal”, she cries.
Jisazi Moses!
Sigh, “I’ll speak to Ngcwethi about that but the
rest I’m not part of it. Goodnight”, it’s not
nighttime but we all are so exhausted I don’t
think we notice the difference.

Candice Mthembu

Am I lucky or what? Snothile hasn’t left, she’s

still being hysterical in Nqawe’s arms. He’s a
patient man I give him that!
Whew, poker face time.
“Oh my god Snothile I’m so sorry baby I’m so
sorry. I always knew Ngcwethi just isn’t the man
for you”, I attempt to touch her, brush her back
retreat my hand instantly after being looked at
like I’m the next meat. This will be harder than I
thought, if he’s this protective now how much
more after three months?
“She'll be fine, thanks”, I’m being chased away?
“We can go now", she sounds like a deprived
kitten and he’s all mushed about it.
“Okay mami let’s go"
Shit! Think of something Candice think fast!
Uhm my millions are fading.
No way! I refuse to let this opportunity slide just
like that.
“Wait! I … I need to go with you, for the baby’s
sake and besides I can’t just let my daug…”, he’ll
think I’m too old if I say daughter in-law.
“My bestie go without being monitored”
His face tells me I'm talking shit and I am but
the point is for him to not know it.
“I can take care of her”, kill me.
“But you’re not family. Bab'Mvelase will not
allow her to just go without any supervision
from someone inside the family, if not me then
it will be Nomkhosi whom he sends here"
Her face tenses and she finally removes herself
from his chest, thank God I was beginning to
“Khosi?”, Snothile snarls.
Yep that’s the one.
“I don’t want her anywhere near me”, she bites.
“I know and that is why I volunteered dear”
She takes my face in, my eyes and sighs. She
looks up at the handsome fella and nods, “She
can come”, she says.
He frowns and dribbles his eyes down my
length, “You trust her?”
“No but I don’t want any drama with the others.
I am done with this family, only the kids are an
exception”; as if we weren't done with her,
princess Diana.
“Snothile please don’t make hasty decisions..”
Oh ow-right. Big girls now aren’t we? She just
walks pass me while I’m talking? Nqawe opens
the front door and I almost get a slap for going
for it, I move aside and let the 5 year old have
the seat.
It doesn’t matter bottom line is I'm sitting inside
of a 2 million rand SUV owned by a Zungu.
“Are you Okay? Do you want some thing?”, he’s
holding her hand and brushing her hand with his
thumb pad.
Nx. Amathanga ahlanzela abangenawo
“No I’m fine thanks. And I’m sorry for what I did
earlier, I became too emotional”
Nahh you’re just mad in the head.
“I think it’s about time you pop this baby now
before I wake up in a cold room, don't you
think?”, his laugh enhances his masculinity. God
was one hell of a joint when he created this one.
“You’ll get through it I know you will and I will be
wth you every step of the way…”
I cough out loud, something he said just choked
me out flat.
“Sorry”, I say slowly and go back to being a

We drive for a long ass time before we pull up in

front of humongous estate. Double gates,
gatemen greet him and let us through. Holly
macaroni it’s his! All this?
“We're home”, the way he brushes her belly!
Come to think of it I wouldn’t be surprised to
learn that this baby is his, Snothile is no saint or
else she wouldn t have bagged Nqawe of all
men. There’s that wonky eyed security guard
back home why not him? Mx.
“Nqawe no! no Nqawe you can’t do this to me,
your brothers and their wives what will they say?
I acted crazy earlier on they won’t be hapoy to
see me”, you know sometimes I feel like
slapping the shit out of Snothile just slap her!
“Relax will You? They won’t do anything to you
just follow my lead okay?”
“No Nqawe I can’t. I’m still married”
“To air?”
Ooops I said it aloud? I’m done talking this is a
promise now.
“I’ll sleep on another room”, he says.
She’s still stubborn.
“C’mon Snothile where will yo- I mean we go so
late with your stomach? Plus my feet are aching
and my back hurts I can’t be going around
without necessity”, I swear if this man keeps
starring at me like this every time I say
something then I’ll have.
“I … Fine but I can’t face them for now”
“Don’t worry yourself about them”, he kisses her
hand and I almost spring out the car. She’s
having an affair this one ain’t she?
He chuckles, “I know I’m sorry I get carried
away”, like hell you do.
Snothile and I stay behind inside the car while
Nqawe walks towards the house.
“What games are you playing Candice?”, she
snaps at me.
“What games?”, I frown.
“Don’t act smart with me. Yini lento oyenzayo?
Your sudden interest in my well-being, since
when do you care about me?”
I roll my eyes..
“I just want to make sure the baby is fine”
“Bullshit and you know that’s bullshit! If you
think for once that your hooker tendencies will
get you Nqawe then think again”
“Fine you caught me. It’s not like you like the
man, do You?”
She doesn’t say anything.
“He wouldn’t cripple over you Candice”, she has
grown a pair in just a couple of hours.
“You're not a tree darling you can be moved,
Nomkhosi proved that”
“Except he will move with me. Leave me alone
Candice these aren't the kind of people who
mess with nonsense "
I gasp and glare at her through the rear view
mirror. She opens the door and bangs it shut.
Sweet Jesus did this girl say that to me? One
little heartbreak and she has turned to this …
this whatever this is!
uyadakwa, in going in with her !
I don't think I thought this through, I'm left alone
by the door. all eyes on me.
"Manje yini le"
"Sambulo", some skiny girl rasps.
I forgot the rude arse called Sambulo, never
been a fan.
"This is Candice she will be looking after
Snothile and the baby", Nqawe.
"Hmmm stay away from my wife and there
won't be any trouble between us. Vamanos?"
They don't trust me do They?
"Ye...yes", he is so scary I regret coming!
tomorrow I'm gone!
Patrimony: The Ancestors wife
Chapter Thirty-Three
Nomkhosi Mshengu

I’m still thinking about yesterday's roguery

events from my brother actually disowning me
to the revelations when a tap on my shoulder
frightens me almost to death.
“I’m sorry for frightening You, it’s just me”,
damn you Sihle man you don’t creep on
someone like that not when you’re person who
owes dangerous people money. I don’t know if
the stories are true and I would like to never find
out whether Msenti has any short boys
collecting his debts or not.
“How may I help You?”, he just ruined my night
furthermore. I’m paranoid now.
“Are you good?”
There is something hugely wrong with Sihle
honestly. I give him the blank look that says
‘Take a guess’. No one is good today, not even
the dogs outside.
“I needed to”, he stops to clear his throat then
he begins again, “I wanted to talk to you, alone
on a serious level”, he seems nervous. His
fingers are fidgeting, his eyes everywhere and
he can’t get a word out without face palming
“Ufuna ukungitshela ukuthi uyangithanda
nawe?”, I’ve had enough shockers for the day
but if he wants to travel up the root might as
well hand him the pan now.
His face is brought up quicker than I could
capture, his forehead has those lines. Oh okay
so that’s not the topic? Whew.
“I do love you but not like that”, he sighs, “Can
we talk somewhere private?”
I look around. I don’t see anyone here and all
doors are locked.
“Where there will be no distractions”, he adds.
I give him the look..
“I’ll behave Nomkhosi I promise”, he said this
once before and I ended up on the floor in his
room moaning deeper and faster.
I’m really not trying to the girl that screwed the
entire family although I feel that is where I’m
“It doesn’t have to be a room", he suggests.
I think I can work with that. I lead the way to the
spare bedroom at the far end of the passage,
where I used to sleep until Ngcwethi suggested
I move to the room closer in case something
happened. I never questioned him but now I feel
like asking, what could possibly happen to me if
I'm just a few doors away from his bedroom?
Now though I know the answer.
He sits on the bed and I choose to remain
standing, back against the wall with my eyes
drowsy poking at him to speak up before I fall
“I did not know where to start telling you the
truth if I did, sometimes I battled myself not to
text you and tell you what was happening, I
battled myself more when I had to face you
after lying to your face…”, I see where this is
going, siyahlambuluka la I see.
“What's the point of telling me all this now, Sihle?
Now of all times, why not back then when I
wasn’t aware of my shredded innocence. Why
now? Inxeba phezu kwenxeba really?”
He stretches his hands out, “No please
Nomkhosi that isn’t the case. I have no reason
to want to hurt you -"
“But you did, you all did", I butt in.
He drops his eyes to his feet once more and
nods, sadness filling his eyes to the brim. Uh I
hate when they do this what am I suppose to
do with my anger when they’re out here putting
out the flames?
“I know and I’m very sorry. I want a clean start
for us, for all of us and in it I wish we could be
friends again", he speaks low and almost out of
hope. He should because I’m sincerely not in
my forgiving stage.
“Were you ever my friend? Because I know I
was your friend a hundred and 60 percent Sihle",
I’m calming down when I didn’t want to. I still
want to be angry for a while and make him shed
a few tears maybe then I will be feared.
“Yes, at some point I stopped forcing it and I
realized your importance in my life. Without
knowing you helped me through the biggest
dark space in my life Nomkhosi and I will
forever be indebted to you for it", he lifts his
eyes up off the ground finally.
“I’m sorry bestie”, he gives me a tight lip smile,
he’s hoping I return and I do return it, softly.
“Come here", I open my arms and wait for his
ass to come give me a hug. I appreciate his
words, his genuine apology not all men just up
and decide to apologize for their mistakes just
like that so I acknowledge the effort and I’m
“I forgive you Sphesihle only because I think the
burden you were given was a bit too heavy for
you to handle alone. You did hurt me but all is in
the past, hopefully we can start working on that
friendship again”, I give the most reassuring
smile I could dig out of my soul.
“Thank you for this chance, I know it must be
difficult for you"
“It is because I really did care for you Sihle and I
thought you'd have my back as much as I had
Whenever I look at him he looks down. He’s just
beating himself up about it and I’ll let him do it
till I see him buying ropes at Build it to hang
himself then I’ll stop.
“Anyway I’m going to bed now, you should too.
Tomorrow we're going back to Pietermaritzburg
I heard to finalize things with my uncles”, yep
they heard none of this when I tried explaining
the family emergency we have, they said we
promised them tomorrow so we will give them
tomorrow, it’s no use arguing with those men
they’ll have things their way regardless.
“Oh. Goodnight, sleep well", he hugs me again
and jobs out the room looking much better. I
should have gave him a second heart attack
just for the fun of it.
I take my 3 minutes shower, I wasn’t smelly so
there was no need to be extra. After lotioning I
put on Ngcwethi's Real Madrid shirt and Nike
socks, not caring about not wearing an
underwear. It’s bloody hot!
I switch off my lights and slip under the covers,
crunching myself into a ball. I do that a lot
because I have this ghost who decides to just
appear in my dreams and fuck me. Last time I
checked such dreams aren’t a good sign so
whenever I gather the courage Ngcwethi needs
to know about those.
Some thing heavy and musky is hovering over
me, it’s hot breath fanning my face. My throat
dries instantly, is it his ghost? It’s breathing. I
check the pedestal, my clock is there. I sneak
my hand to the clock and wag it on the bloody
ghost, evil thing!
“Yes die witch die!”
The lights go on.
Hhaaa oh my lord. That was a mistake, what s
he doing in my room at night? The sneaking on
me, uh he did it to himself.
“Are you okay? Did I hurt you? You should have
told me it was you and I would have stopped”,
I’m ranting and not helping a man I just hit to
near death. His forehead is bruised.
“Ssslhh”, he groans when I touch the pimple.
“Sorry I… I didn’t mean to hit you”, I blow on it
but it gets him annoyed. I am not helping.
“Why would you do that?”, he yells softly.
Wena why would you creep up on me? we're
both at fault over here.
“It was not on purpose, it was a mistake like I
said don’t yell at me", I say.
“You just hurt me badly and I’m getting yelled
“Because you were sneaking on me that’s why”,
I rub his forehead with the palm of my hand,
blowing hot air on it and brushing gently.
“Is it working?”, I ask..
“No you’re just making me irritable”
He’s such a baby man one knock on the head
and he’s seeing the gates of heaven open gosh
how dramatic are men in this world?
“What brought you to my room to begin with",
I’m trying to shift the topic now, I already know
why he came. I just want to rid my spotlight.
“I wanted to talk …”, I zip him with my finger and
shake my head.
“Let’s not do that, we both know what happened
we saw it all there is nothing to discuss about it.
Let’s just focus on moving a step at a time,
talking about the same thing can get over
exhausting”, I drop myself back on my bed and
throw the clock on the bed.
“I know but I’m still sorry for what you
witnessed and for hiding the truth, I just
couldn’t face you after watching you happy with
my brother…”
“Ngcwethi please stop”, I am serious when I say
I don’t wish to hear it, any of it.
“Okay I’m done talking about it. Are you ready
for tomorrow?”, goodness there is still that!
Am I ready? I feel ready but I know without my
brother there it won’t be as easy for me to
accept things.
“Yes I am”
He nods then we sit in our awkward silence, I
feel he wants to say something without any
direction on how to say it. I look at him for a
while, yelling at him to say it already with my
“Can I sleep here? With You?”, I wasn’t
expecting that of all things. He can sleep wity
me, I don’t mind only because I’m too weak to
sleep on my own today, I want comfort.
“I uncover the sheets on the other side and
nudge for him to get inside. His smile brightens
as he slides inside the covers with me.
“No funny business!”, I say as I switch the lights
“Mxm you’re no fun", he says.
I laugh.
My body tenses as he snakes his arm around
my waist, pulling closer to his warmth. Is he
trying to kill me alive?
I smile a little, “Goodnight".

Snothile Gwamanda

I woke up with a banging headache and heavy

ass eyes, can’t say I know where they come
from because I haven’t cried myself to sleep
like the previous days. I just slept with a heavy
heart and a staggering bunch of emotions that
till now I can’t control. I can’t keep myself
locked inside here forever, sooner than later I
will need to go out there and face reality. Last
night I did not say anything, I just scurried away
hiding myself behind Nqawe. Thola came and
offered me dinner but I turned it down and lied
saying I’m full, I wasn’t anywhere near full and
thank goodness Nqawe barged in and forced
me to eat or else I would have really landed in
ICU out of hunger.
I get into my dress and use mouthwash quick.
Whew, I got this. Actually maybe I should
prepare breakfast as a way of saying sorry,
yeah I think that will work.
… or not.
The aroma catches me a step away from the
kitchen, it smells good.
“Oh there you are", Ncumo gives me a morning
smile. It's 6:30 am and these girls have
prepared a full breakfast plus set up the table?
“Wow you guys have prepared the entire
breakfast”, I don’t know what is more shocking,
their effort or their energy.
“Don’t give me the credit, I just prepared the
table. This girl made food”, she says pointing to
the busy Nomzamo. she's dressed differently
and it’s weird because I saw no bags yesterday.
Long loose dress; head wrap and scarf over her
shoulders and slippers. Ncumo has a jean on
and a sweater as well as a headwrap. Am I
missing something?
“Morning …”
“Will you stand there or help us set everything
up? These men will be down here any moment
now", Nomzamo says and hands me plates
instantly, I almost toppled over.
“I … I was going to make breakfast”, I mumble
like a fool.
The look she gives me, God hide me under Your
wing. “Well", Ncumo huffs and takes the plates
from my hand.
“Yeah?”, Zamo.
“I wanted to apologize for last night, I didn’t
mean to …”
“You know what you did was very disrespectful
Snothile not only to Bhut'Nqawe but the rest of
them too. Do you know they all dropped a busy
schedule to be here”
For what?
“The men are cranky and over protective they
wouldn’t have let us go so far without them
coming along so when Bhut'Nqawe asked we
come visit you they too had to drop everything
to be here”, Ncumo elaborates for me.
That makes more sense. Eish I didn’t mean to
make them upset, I just acted out on temporary
emotions that’s all.
“I’m sorry", hormones are making me ill can you
tell me why I’m crying?
“Jeez relax it’s not a train smash. They let it
slide yesterday because they understand you
are pregnant otherwise Snothy babe you can’t
just speak or act anyhow”, Nomzamo is calmer
now and I’m thankful, so is Ncumo.
“Respect and loyalty are key”
I’ve never been so schooled it’s starting to be
embarrassing to me. I made a mistake people it
won’t happen again.
“Now onto the second issue, I don’t know if you
have had ‘The Talk' with your man but girl we
are strict on the no outsiders and it’s not a rule
that came from the sky it comes from
experience. The only people we trust are the
ones married to these men or engaged to them
nobody else”, Ncumo is talking now, Nomzamo
has gone back to preparing the salads. Her face
still doesn’t look pleased but she isn’t pissed
anymore so at least.
“Candice is my fa…”
“Family? Yes we know and understand that
however she is not this family and therefore we
can’t just accept her. Saw how Bhut'Sambulo
acted last night?”, she says.
Yep I did, I wasn’t sure why he would threaten
Candice to stay away from his wife as if she
meant to harm her. That was weird.
“They all get like that when a stranger is around,
I’m not saying chase her away but I’m just
informing ya”, I gulp.
Honestly this is a lot for me to cope with,
especially after the drama I just had a few hours
ago. This is the last thing I needed.
Nomzamo takes a cup on the counter and
drinks it up, she catches me watching her and
“It’s not alcohol” she says and shows me the
I didn’t say it was. Defensive much.
“How are Bayanda and Phiwo doing?”, thank
God for Ncumo changing the topic.
“They are Okay, Bayanda is already a bully and
his sister is not far from him too. Having four
children is no child’s play when last have I
enjoyed the sun in my backyard? Without having
to attend court every second?”
They both laugh and I’m just left here alone
without a damn clue on what to do. I’ve placed
the plates on the table and spoons.
“Zakwe is restless h keeps insisting on having a
sleepover at Bayanda's house”, Ncumo giggles.
“Those big ears, there is more space at my
house for them to act like super heros and jump
off stuff that’s why. You know the other day
Mongezi found them taking turns in jumping
from couch to couch, my man almost suffered
a heart attack that day shouting his lungs off”
They laugh louder, even tip their heads back. I
want to laugh too but I’m scared.
“We should do a sleepover at Thola's, girl has
no baby she has it easy”
“I wouldn’t do that to my children, that lazy girl
wakes up at 2pm everyday to sit and powder
her face and look for new areas that need
surgery when will she get time to bath and
prepare food for them?”, Nomzamo sounds like
those fussy moms who are all about kids; kids;
“Ncumo please go wake the others up and tell
them breakfast is ready”, Nomzamo says, she’s
doing another salad, it has lentils; cabbage;
carrots and olives. Sies.
“Are you Okay?”
Her question catches me off guard. I wasn’t
expecting she’d ask me that. I don’t know why.
“Yes I’m fine”, I whisper.
“I’m sorry for coming off strong I just like things
to stay organized and unchanged, change
makes me irritable weirdly I don’t find you
irritating though. Most of Nqawe’s girlfriends
made me annoyed because… they are exactly
like your sister. They see them and all they think
of is money. We’ve been through hell Snothile
all of us and we are all guarded of who we trust
because we learnt the hard way that trust isn't
something to dish out to just anybody. I’m
sensitive and guarded by nature when I see a
problem I prefer to resolve it instantly that’s
why most of the times I'm told things and the
others aren’t, they think it’s favouritism. Women
hai”, she does a little head shake.
“I really like you girl all of us do and we want
you so badly to be part of our family so
Bhut'Nqawe also gets some happiness in life.
So please be patient with us, all of us”, she is
begging me with her eyes you would swear she
wasn’t looking at me like I’m some witch a while
ago . her and Thola have nasty eyes, they can
make you leave your soul if you stare too long.
“Only if you forgive me for my behaviour earlier”
She laughs, “Akekho onganawo uqhwi wakhe
You can say that again. I don’t know them that
much but I can already tell we have a few
“It’s water under the bridge”, she waves her
hand dismissively.
I’m glad. Soon enough the house gets tense,
Zulu men wi th their deep voices and strong
colognes fill up the house.
“Oh boy. Come let’s go"
Erhhh …
“They won’t kill you come!”, she pulls me by
hand and winks at the space open next to
Nqawe. I’m so shaky!
“Good Morning”, I greet them with my eyes
stuck on the ground. Candice isn't here maybe
she left after the little argument she had with
Thola, that woman can be a beast.
“I see lehlile iconsi, it’s good to have you back
MaGwamanda", The doctor, Mongezi says.
The table rumbles with their laughter.
“See I told you Sambulo bafo, you owe me a
bottle of cognac no fakes”, I heard his name is
Mnotho, the youngest male apparently there is
a female too younger than him.
“What do you know about cognacs? I’ll give you
a year long supply of Danone, Yeah?”
Laughter rings the table. I’m beginning to
loosen up seeing ad these are just idiots at
“Oho uyangisukela? Erh our wife did your
husband tell you about the car he brought and
how it ended up in a scrapyard?”, Mnotho clears
his throat.
I see Sambulo’s face changes as he jabs his
wife next to him and her curious face.
“No”, Ncumo.
Sambulo clears his throat and scolds Mnotho
while at it.
“He gave Sphephelo the car to take his girlfriend
out because he didn’t want me giving
Sphephelo my Audi”
Ncumo gasps and glares at Sambulo who
suddenly seems to be shy.
“Is that so?”, Ncumo asks.
“Baby, eish mommy I can explain myself don’t
get mad"
“Ncumo girl call me if you need a place to hide
the body", Thola shouts across the table.
“Oh you bet I will”
“Baby it isn’t a big deal…”
“Aren’t we always getting shouted at? SAFETY
Ntombfuti claps her hands in agreement,
shouting amen.
Nomzamo never talks vele? She’s just eating
her food in silence, she laughs a little then
keeps quiet. But ever since Candice joined the
table she's been eyeing her like a snake. It’s
probably because of the fight she had with
“What s with the eye Snothile?”, Ntombfuti.
“Uh… it’s just that I’ve met the SAFETY FIRST
SAFETY FIRST protocol and here was Mr
walls”, I give Nqawe a glance only to find him
chuckle next to me.
“That’s because you had my sugar levels
kissing the skies when you weren’t getting back
to me!”
Laughter again. I’ve never been around people
who love this much..
Then sudden silence falls upon the table as
Mongezi speaks up. His voice is so demanding.
“Baby are you good?”
Nomzamo stares at Candice, long and hard.
“Yes I’m good. It’s just some pests don’t want
to stay where they belong, in trash cans you
“What pest? You know I’ll squash it in a matter
of minutes for you my love”
“It’s not important, it’ll probably die from all the
STDs it collects”, she then smiles and looks at
me, “Thank you MaGwamanda for this well
cooked breakfast. She prepared all this to
apologize for last night but we told her it's all
Why would this woman lie like this? Erh. Can’t
say I’m not grateful for the lie.
“Really?”, This one is also very quiet, I learnt
about him yesterday, Mathonga.
“Yes”, Ncumo also lies.
“Wow, siyabonga MaGwamanda” they all thank
me and compliment the food prepared by
Nomzamo and Ncumo.
Nqawe leans in and bites my ear.
“Thank you beautiful”
If only you knew this ain’t my work!
Patrimony: The Ancestors wife
Chapter Thirty-Four
Special Sponsor By Anonymous ❤
The men left a while ago to check up on the
kids if they are doing fine and whether their
houses are still intact. Sambulo made sure to
beef up security back home, place heavy
bodyguards by the gate and outside the house
as well. No one will ask much because there
isn't any neighbour in measurable distance,
Nqawe ensured he’s far from the eyes of
civilians. Ncumo was instructed to make sure
Snothile does not go peaking in wrong places,
seeing things she’s not ready to deal with while
Zamo was given responsibility of protecting the
girls. She knows more, Mongezi tells her almost
everything she’d have a solution to, while the
rest think Nkosenye; Khalulu and Ndlalifa are
taking care of business overseas Zamo and
Nokulunga (Their eldest sister) know they are in
EC extinguishing an old flames before it burns
them all to crisps. They left without their
women except for Nkosenye, Thabitha is the …
annoyingly clingy type she wasn’t ggoing to let
him leave without her.

“Oh wait I have an idea let’s play truth or dare?”,

Ntombi shouts across the pool.
Ncumo sent the ladies out for a quick dip in the
pool, none of them had a choice because what
Ncumo wants she gets. So They all stripped
down to mini bikinis and went for a swim in the
backyard. The tea cups and tea pots are out
again, filled to the brim with Chardon, Snothile
has stopped judging them a long time ago and
figured with men as tense as these alcohol
would make sense.
“If you reject to speak the truth you’ll have a
shot of Hennessey”, Ntombi says.
There is commotion on that condition. Thola is
absolutely opposing the shot subject, her
experience with alcohol that isn’t diluted by
sparkles is deadly.
“Then speak the truth from the get go If you
want no shot", Ncumo says.
“What's the point because vele once you have
the shot you’ll be News 24? It makes no
difference so just tell us the truth”, Ntombi
They eventually agree and Ntombi brings out
the Hennessey. Snothile is beyond speechless
to see where the bottle is coming from.
“The tree house?”, she gasps.
There is a small dusty tree house under the
biggest tree near the pool, who would have
thought it’s hiding such things?
“Clearly you don’t know these men”, Thola
No she doesn’t.
She just arrived on the block after all, she hasn’t
really gotten the chance to familiarize herself
with the environment.
“Okay I’m starting!”
Everyone looks around, oh it's Ntombi
“Thola …”
“Fuck me", Thola whispers.
This game was not even her idea!
“Truth or dare?” – Ntombi.
“I dare you to call Mathonga and tell him you’re
sorry you kissed one of the guards”
Nomzamo lifts her head up from the patio
chairs alongside the pool. Why would Ntombi
bring that issue up here of all places!?
Thola turns to look at Zamo as well, her eyes
scream: Play along and drink the damn alcohol!
“Ugh fine!”, Thola gulps the shot in one go and
hopes the burn calms her down. She is beyond
pissed at Ntombi for saying what she just said.
They should have never told her about any of
that. At least the others are laughing which
means they think it’s still just a game.
“I have a dare, Ntombi", Thola bits out.
Zamo shakes her head, this is about to be a
brawl of secrets and she has no bone in her to
deal with their tantrums afterwards and so her
nose is back on her book, reading.
“Shoot it girl”, Ntombi.
“Truth or dare?”
“Truth”, Ntombi smirks.
“hmm is it true your fiancé slept with hooker
while you were pregnant?”
No one laughs to that. Shocked faces hit all
their faces, Snothile for one is horrified.
Ntombi's bottom lip is quivering a bit, that hit
the nerve a lot more than it should have. It
happened years ago!
Nomzamo's eyes pierce Candice at the back,
it’s in a brief stare-down that their eyes meet.
Candice frowns, she’s met her before but she
just can’t recall how or when but her face is
“Yes it’s true”, Ntombi admits and also jabs
Candice from above her shoulder.
“Oh my god", Snothile gasps so loudly.
“It was many years ago, too many years ago so
it’s no big deal let’s forget about it. Anyone
“Tjo”, Ncumo slides down the slide on the
jungle gym and makes her way to the pool side
and sits with Nomzamo.
“No one is playing this game anymore, poor girl
hasn’t been here a week and she’s already
crying because of y’alls bullshit. Come Snothile
let’s go", Nomzamo tries to pick her up but sis
is heavy, Ncumo helps get Snothile out the pool
and up.
Candice is gone, she left without them noticing
and Nomzamo frowns.
“Run her bath and give her some warm clothes,
I’ll be back”
Ncumo nods and walks away with Snothile
wiping her tears. It’s her hormones that were
biting, there was nothing to cry about back
there. Now she feels bad because she just
ruined the other's game by being a cry baby.
“That was one of them reasons why we don’t
drink, that’s what the men fear"
Snothile looks up at Ncumo and sees some
story in her eyes, she wants to say something
but at the same time doesn’t know if she should
say it.
“And the other reason?”, Snothile speaks softly,
softly and sweet, her voice is just beautiful.
“Alcohol took away their mother, it took away
their childhood”, Ncumo is teary as well now
and Snothile understands what she’s saying,
topic closed. She won’t fight that, all she does
is sigh and nod.
Nqawe once said something about waiting for
his mother to love them for 17 years was it
because she was a drunkard?
Snothile makes a mental note to ask him if he
comes back in a good mood.


Candice just remembered, it makes sense now

all the beef and dead eyes she has been
receiving. Gosh how could she be so clumsy
and forget? Ndlalifa Zungu!
But he wasn’t married during their course of
affair, it wasn’t even an affair the dog was using
her for his own sick pleasure. Candice recalls
the night he fucked her till she literary passed
out, there was no reporting the matter because
he was an A-lister and their headboss was
never going to allow a good client go, so she
swallowed the hectic sex and just chowed the
money. He never took advantage of her yes but
still his force was painful. Her muscles crunch
up as she stare at him smiling on the frame
hanging inside the room she believes belongs
to him and his wife because their pictures are
spread out in the room.
The door disturbs her train of thoughts and
reels her back to life until a hot slap lands her
on the floor, luckily there is a carpet beneath her.
“The Fuck!”, Candice stands up and attempts to
slap her back but her throat is grasped and
“They let you live even after your threats; your
attempt to destroy them and your pathetic
stories that never made it far in the media. But
me? I won’t think twice Candice trust me I won’t.
see I’m nice when I’m nice I’m actually very nice
but see when you become a danger to people I
love I lose my shit did you know that?”,
Nomzamo tilts her head to the left.
Candice shakes her head, trying to break free
from the chokehold.
“Forgot to Google that part? Don’t fuck with me
Nomaswazi, don’t please”
Candice's eyes widen. No one calls her by her
real name because no one knows It, it doesn’t
make sense to her how Nomzamo would know
“And thank Snothile you’re here breathing
otherwise those men would have long carved
your face!”, Nomzamo clicks her tongue and
let’s go of Candice's throat.
She’s on her knees coughing, wishing she could
just grab a vase and smash it on Nomzamo's
head. The nerve that girl has to just strangle her
like that!
“I will I have my revenge Nomzamo I will
absolutely destroy you”, Candice says after
Nomzamo has left the room.
Funny how Destiny works in full circles

The lounge is rowdy, Nomzamo figures that is

where the girls are so she heads over
downstairs. Her eyes squint.
“You two are best friends again?”
Ntombi and Thola look up and laugh. Zamo
rolls her eyes, it’s the alcohol in their systems
talking that crap by the pool. They do get like
that and she doesn’t care anymore, it’s bound to
happen if they don’t fight each other who will
they fight at least the dark secrets weren’t
spoken of otherwise she would have personally
sent them to hospital.
“You scared the poor girl y’all know and if
Bhut'Nqawe found out”, she makes that look.
“But he won’t right?”, Thola flaps her thick
lashes and pouts.
“Don’t tell me that tell his girlfriend”, Nomzamo.
“Do you think she will give him a chance? I
mean I saw her starring into space earlier on,
sighing about a Ngcwethi”, Ntombi.
“Things take time, it hasn’t even been a week.
Relax she will get there and if she doesn’t then
that would mean it wasn’t meant to be her from
the start"
Thola and Ntombi nod in agreement.
Thola's phone beeps on the coffee table,
messages are flooding in. The girls laugh
thinking Mathonga misses her already.
“Aahh fuck yesss baby fuck that dick, fuck
daddy’s dick"
Nomzamo stops just as she was about to go
Ntombi dropped her mug.
Thola screams aloud and swings her phone
across the room.
The door opens and a guard peeps in, they are
not allowed inside the houses unless permitted.
“Is … is everything okay ma'am?”, He looks at
Nomzamo for an answer but she’s still frozen
so Ntombi answers on her behalf.
“Yes we’re okay it’s nothing major”, Ntombi
gulps as she can still hear the video play since
she’s closest to it, it bounced off the table and
slid down to her.
“You sure ma'am?”
“Yes I’m sure!”
The guard nods and closes the door again.
“He's going to kill me Mathonga is going to kill
me, I’m dead I’m finished. It’s over, all of it it’s
over I’m dead”, her hands are shaking and she
can’t stop the sweating. Her mmuscles even
feel like they are suffocating her entirely.
“Shut up Thola nothing like that is going to
happen.!”, Ntombi yanks Thola back to her
Almost as if some light just run in Nomzamo’s
mind she grabs the first phone on the table and
dials fast.
It’s answered immediately.
“Mrs Zungu …”
“Someone sent a threat and we need you to
diffuse it before it blows up in the face of the
media, I’m talking printed and social. Do some
thing Stevens! I’ll send you details”
“No I prefer being their myself Mrs Zungu"
“Fine but make it snappy, and no one gets to
know about this not even Nkosenye or
“I know the drill. Where will I find You?”
“Mugg and Bean"
They hang up. Ntombi has managed to calm
Thola down and get her to stop saying she’s
dead. Deep down they both know she is right,
Mathonga’s silence is of a psychopath not a
saint. He’s there right after Sambulo when it
comes to psychotic behaviour! If he found out
his wife fucked a guard he will most definitely
make this world a tiny bit small for all of them.
“We're fucked”, Ntombi sighs.
Nomzamo doesn’t say anything because he is
the positive head but there is a possibility of
that being true, a big one.

☆To Be Continued☆
Patrimony: The Ancestors wife
Chapter Thirty-five
Continuation …

Nomzamo Zungu

The door to my room opens and I see Thola

almost die right there on the floor, Ncumo pops
her inside and travels her eyes through us all.
Ntombfuti is sitting on the floor in front of Thola
brushing her thighs, Thola’s back is leaned up
against my ottoman, starring out the sliding
door leading to the balcony and I am sitting on
the floor back against my bed looking right into
the family photograph we took a week ago.
Everyone was so happy and light and now
everything is about to be haywire again.
Happiness lives in seconds in this family,
depending on the seasons and this season it
lived for 4 minutes. I have a little hope though
especially in the arrival of Snothile and new
born baby!
“What happened?”, Ncumo sighs and joins us
on the floor.
I told her to stay with Snothile until she sleeps
and trust Ncumo to tell you stories that activate
your rest mode in 2 minutes.
“Sex tape", Ntombfuti follows Ncumo with a
sigh. At this point none of us know what to do,
we're hopeless.
“Sex tape?”, her gasp and shock is as good as
mine, how does someone make a video of one
of your most private moments and you know
nothing and just go on as if it didn’t happen. To
some extent I feel like strangling Thola for her
level of immaturity when it comes to
detrimental matters.
“Zime", Ncumo eyes me and moves her head
left and right.
I didn’t realize I was eyeing Thola all this while.
It was a reflex.
Anyway I go back to looking at the picture.
Maybe if we tell Nokulunga and she tells them
then it won’t be such a big fuss. She’s their egg
after all, they love; respect and adore her but
nah that would be putting too much burden on
her shoulders, one that doesn’t even belong to
her to begin with.
“I didn’t know he was recoding us, I didn’t know
anything I don’t even remember when this
happened. I’m such a stupid girl”, Thola wails
on Ntombfuti’s shoulder, sobbing as if being
“Awww babe don’t cry, we'll fix this"
Ncumo and I share a glance. We are both
wondering who will fix this, we can stop it from
leaking now but we can’t make it to away
unless he dies.
“What did he say he wants?”, Ncumo asks.
Good question.
“10 million rands or else he'll leak the video and
show it to Mathongo as well"
“10 million rands!”, we all shout at the same
Ncumo laughs, “The Fuck is he going to do with
10 mill… does he think he fucked the royals?”,
Ncumo rants.
The money isn't the issue we can combine
change and give him the 10 million but the
problem will be the fact that we are the Zungu
wives and we're very dramatic and we know we
are loved a lot, we also know we married
psychopaths and somehow they drive us crazy,
whenever some thing happens to us or we feel
threatened truth is we bay for blood. None of us
here are willing to settle the score peacefully
and that’s a fact. We want chaos for him, death
that comes slow and painful!
No one hurts us and lives freely afterwards,
we’re well aware of that.
“My uncle has a van, he doesn’t use it anymore
we can wrap his body up in a carpet and throw
him in the back”, Ntombi.
“My nephew is a small time thug, quick cash
kinda guy we can give him 1 million and he can
make the things happen”, Ncumo shrugs.
“There are a few contacts I have that can make
sure all of this doesn’t point back to any of us”, I
We are silent. A glance amongst one another
and we burst out with laughter. We laugh
uncontrollably, if someone were to enter they
would swear we are drunk and maybe we are
but what the heck, by the time these men arrive
all this liquor will be out our systems I know.
They can be a shit load of terrifying.

“Look at us, we sound and look like them”,

Ntombi laughs.
We do.
“I’ve walked in on them having a serious
conversation about the current Prime Minister,
Mongezi was so pissed he kept rounding the
room doing his counting", I smile a little, he
looked hilarious. Mongezi is the overly serious
in life type of man whenever he looks serious
though he becomes funny.
That is why he become the only doctor in the
family, he was determined and maybe his sugar
mama helped a lot by keeping him in school
even when his brothers were beginning to get to
him about this life of corruption and crime. But
he stayed in school until he finished his Docrate,
I don’t know what happened with the sugar
mama afterwards I never asked and thank
goodness he never told me as grateful as I am
that she helped if I ever see her I'd defiantly
want to punch the bitch on her face. Yes, the
psycho-ness rubs off quite easily.
“Sambulo is just always and forever smoking
and swearing”, Ncumo holds her head
dramatically and shakes her head.
We laugh.
“Nx usijwayela indaba yesende ke lo mjitha
manje – that time he’s saying it right to the
Manager's face. Gosh that man has loose
strings”, she blushes and hides her red dimpled
cheeks, we laugh at that too.
“I remember when your uncle was giving him a
hard time at the name giving ceremony for the
last twins; he called him all sorts of names and
then he said: Ngizokufunza nawa amasende
ngoba engathi wandile emlomeni”, Thola
brought up a number!
At this rate we're rolling on my tiled floor with
laughter. Thola has lightened up abit too.
“The violence that man!”
“He once called Mongezi's nurse staff member
a facially disfigured gorilla for not letting him
see his brother. Apparently Mongezi was in
surgery and unable to attend him so she asked
him to come back later, till this day that girl
wears a mask come rain or sunshine”, I say.
“Stop it you guys are killing me”, Ntombi is
literary lying on her back on the floor laughing.
“Remember when Mnotho started talking his
big English, using sophisticated words to
impress the Malik girl…”, Thola.
“How could I forget that he came to my house
that night, sweating and panting, he was only in
his briefs when I asked him what the problem is
because we thought he’s getting cake tonight
he clicked his tongue and was like: She … he …
she nx the bitch is a man!’ he looked so pissed
gosh Sambulo did not sleep that night
tormenting his brother”, Ncumo.
The following day all the brothers met up to
diss Mnotho together, I have never seen such a
brood of grown ass kids in my life!
“Ohhh you guys have you forgotten that chancer
of a lawyer who thought he could sweet talk
Bhut'Mathongo? He just kept rumbling and
rumbling and rumbling to the point where he
thought maybe Bhut'Mathongo is deaf”, Ntombi
“Oh yeah and the guy was like: ‘Can you even
hear me? Are you deaf or are you stupid?’
Mathongo looked at him like he wanted to rip
his neck off his body for saying that he even
choked him and lifted him off his feet then was
like: ‘Are you in pain or are you dying?”, Thola is
blushing, see what I mean? We love their
Ntombi has red eyes now, she’s been laughing
like nobody’s business. The door slowly opens
and we stop laughing to look up, it’s Snothile
and our faces relax instantly.

“Hey mommy", Ncumo glees and opens the

door wider for Snothile to walk in. I’ve noticed
how clingy Ncumo is of Snothile, she really likes
her and I’m happy because once she is fully in
this family and once the others see her There
will be some riff raff and I don’t partake in their
stupid quarrels so at least now it’s fair game.
“Hey", she wipes her eyes and walks inside,
shuts the door gently and looks around at us.
We are seriously confusing the girl.
She looks at the two whom were fighting a
while ago, cuddle and laugh on the floor.
“Aaand what is happening here?”, She asks
looking at me.
“Nothing, I think the Hennessey is kicking in.
They can’t stop acting mad, have a seat”, I
nudge to the bed but she sits on the floor like
us all.
Mmmmh slowly but surely this one will become
like us.
“Mxm, we are just reminiscing on our fun times
and funny moments”, Ncumo smiles.
“Funny moments?”
“Yes and your mine is one hell of a funny man
because he’s so … I don’t know how to explain it.
Sizakele had her first boyfriend and guess who
found out? Nqawe. The man was so worked up
he fainted at our doorstep”, I’ll never forget the
laugh Mongezi and I had that day, we couldn’t
sleep because of it.
“What because a child has a boyfriend?”
This one thinks just because her man smiles a
lot like an idiot he’s innocent? Shame !
“Yepp. The day he met you it was worse my
Lord, Sambulo ended up blocking him because
every two minutes he would call and tell him
about your eyes and your this and that, at some
point Sambulo thought you put something in his
food”, Ncumo and I crack up.
Snothile blushes, “You know he called me once
and then after I blocked him he came to my ex
fiancé’s house and kissed me when I asked
what he was doing there he said he couldn’t
sleep and he can’t help himself that’s why acts
so immaturely”, she is so inlove I don’t get why
she’s holding back but healing takes time and I
respect that..
“The first time he found out you’re taken he
fainted and woke up 3 hours later,
Bhut'Nkosenye was beginning to worry but I’ll
tell him not to because the girl who stole his
brother's heart is good”, Ncumo.
That was a quick conclusion. Not to say she’s
not good but we haven’t seen how good her
good is, it’ll start the day she chooses herself,
her baby and her man over the fiance.
“The brothers are scary though damn", Snothile.
We look at her and do what we do best.
“You have seen nothing sweetheart, nothing.
Have you seen Bhut'Ndlalifa? Bhut'Nkosenye is
the oldest yes but Bhut'Ndlalifa? I once peed
myself the time I was introduced to him", Thola
“And who is Bhut'Ndlalifa’s wife?”
We all point to the blushing Ntombfuti. I still
don’t know how they met, all we know is she
really left a mark on him although their marriage
was shaky at first, Nomaswazi being the
biggest reason. I hate that girl!
“He’s so…”, she blushes without finishing her
sentence. He drives her CRAZY!
Snothile's eyes widen, she’s judging but very
soon it will be her we are judging.
“So who is he amongst the lot?”, Snothile really
doesn’t know anyone here?
They look at me, seeking clarity on whether to
tell her or not. Sigh.
“There is son number one: Nkosenye who had a
wife by the name of Ndalo but she died, he is
now getting married to Thabitha, then there is
son number two: Khalulu he is a bachelor…”
“My advise would be to stay away from him he
can be a creep”, Thola says.
No joke there I myself am petrified.
“Then it is: Ndlalifa; Nqawe and Mongezi are
one in the same; then Sambulo; then it is their
sister Nokulunga; and then Mnotho and their
last sister Mbalenhle. Yeah that should be all”, I
feel like a rapper after saying all that.
“Yho that’s a lot. And their ages?”, Snothile can’t
be for real right now.
“Bhut'Nkosenye is turning 47 this year everyone
is planning a big party for him; Khalulu is turning
45, Ndlalifa is 42 …”
“And you are?”, Snothile looks at Ntombi with
her eyes wide.
She is shocked, yeah her behaviour says
otherwise. That’s because she is 28 not 30 but
she lies about her age because people judge
her for dating a fine as fuck 42 years old man.
“Nqawe and Mongezi are 38, Sambulo is 37 and
Nokulunga is 34 then Mnotho is 32 and Mbali is
24 years old”, don’t ask how we remember all
the ages, it comes with the responsibility of
making each one feel special on their birthday.
“Nqawe does not look 38”, she says.
“Steal his ID and get the shock of your life”,
This girl.
“Age doesn’t matter trust me once a Zungu man
starts loving you, you’ll rrealize that no all this
time I haven’t been alive not till now”, Thola.
“That sounds like a fairytale”, Snothile chuckles.
“It is one you’ll see, and you’ll understand

We freeze as we hear rantings outside. It’s

Bhut'Sambulo. Ncumo rushes out first, runs
downstairs and screams. She’s yelling “Let him
go!”. I am up first as big as I am, I too run
downstairs and what I see has my blood boiling.
Mongezi is in cuffs; Sambulo is in cuffs and
Mathongo they have on the ground with his
hands behind his back and a knee on his neck.
“What the hell is going on here?”; my voice cuts
through the loud noises the girls are making,
they turn to me all of them cops included.
“This man is being arrested for sexual
harassment”, They point at the ever so calm
Mongezi. My fists form but I tell myself putting
up a show won’t do me no good.
“Oh, sexual harassment on who?”
They look at me as if I'm being silly for being
“Leli golo likanyoko! The day I get my hands on
that bitch!”, Sambulo rants.
“Sambulo ehlisa umoya”, Ncumo runs her hand
on his cheek but he’s angry still.
“Which bitch?”, there are many.
Nqawe looks over my left shoulder, I turn and
see Snothile..
I fail to contain my anger, I grab the vase on the
stand and smash it on the floor.
“Mommy! No, don’t get like that”, he wants to
come closer to me but the cop is restricting him.
Mongezi gives him a serious glance, “You know
how much damage I can do to you with just my
head? Get your fucken hands off me!”, he
The cop lets him go.
He’s still in cuffs and you can tell he wants to
touch me so badly, he links his forehead to
mine and smiles. How is he smiling at a time
like this?
“I love you”
Nx this guy.
“Don’t you love me?”
He knows I love him.
“Of course I love You, I love you more than
anything… except my babies”
He pouts and I laugh, now they are all looking at
us weirdly.
“I better not sleep alone tonight or else Manzini
you will see the wrath of me”
I’m not kidding.
“Don’t worry. You said something to hee?”, of
course he would think I out of all these people
said something.
“I know you and I know how you can get, what
did you say?”
I don’t get a chance to say something, the cop
is taking him already.
“Times up!”
“You will pay for this shit!”, Nqawe warns him
and he just laughs. I watch them drag my
husband away, they untie Sambulo and run off
just as he slaps one on the head, “Nx mkhoco!”
Mathongo is also released from the grip, he
turns to the guy who held him and whispers
something to him that makes the guy flinch.
“I’m so sorry I should have listened when you
told me she is no good”, Snothile cries.
Nqawe holds her tight and tries to keep her
down, my man is gone arrested for nothing the
last thing in my mind is forgiveness. I’m not
mad at her though.
“We'll sort this out MaMbuyazi"
I walk upstairs and get inside my bedroom,
angry as hell. Candice has dropped the last ball!
Patrimony: The Ancestors wife
Chapter Thirty-Six
Snothile Gwamanda

That was wild, I wasn’t expecting a showdown

so early in the game and damn you Candice! I
should have known that all those reactions
meant something and weren’t just judgmental
stares. I blame myself for that, I was ignorant
and ended up paying for another woman's sins,
Nomzamo is probably mad angry at me and I
can’t stomach.
The door opens, I don’t even panic his scent
invades the room quite quickly. He’s carrying a
tray of food, proper food which is strange
because none of the girls cooked and when I
ordered Nqawe said I must chill out so I’m
surprised to see a plate of rice and beef stew,
even salads?
“I hope you are hungry because my brother
expects this to come back empty”, he chuckles
and places it on the pedestal beside the bed,
grabs th3 ottoman in front of the dresser and
sits on it then does what he does best, stare at
“Your eyes are unsettling”, I whisper and clear
my throat, sit up and glare at the mountain of
food. It looks appetizing.
“Who cooked?”, the meat is soo good!
“My brother”, he says.
I give him the ‘Which one’ look.
“Sambulo and Mathongo"
Sambulo can cook??.
“Ma wasn’t really there and someone has to
make food so Sambulo and I learnt how to cook
from the old lady next to our house. She was
good although she’d beat us up if we wasted”,
he chuckles and reveals the most genuine smile
I’ve ever seen. It’s so beautiful, he's so beautiful.
Mx man what are you saying Snothile you have
a fiancé remember? I think I need to call my
brother he is the only person who can help me
make a clear cut decision although I know he
will choose this man before vele but I still want
us to talk, I owe him an apology for all the
things I took for granted. Being here for this
short while taught me the true meaning of
family and being grateful for it.
“What's on your mind?”, his thumb caresses my
bottom lip, he comes back with a grain of rice
and blow it off.
“Nothing much, I just have to make a decision
at some point In my life you know. And that
decision will impact my life heavily so I’m just
stressed about not making the right one”, I’m
feasting on this plate as if I never judged the
amount. It is large portions but I deserve it after
all life has put me through.
“Don’t rush it, take your time”
I can tell by how he sighs that he doesn’t mean
that, if I were to take my time he would faint and
never wake up. I laugh a little just thinking about
him stress over a teen having a boyfriend. He’s
so dramatic!
“What is the joke about? Mind sharing”, he
frowns and then smiles and frowns again. .
“Forget it you wouldn’t understand it”
He gives me a look, a funny look.
“It’s a joke the girls and I shared, nothing
interesting. How is everybody doing? How is
Nomzamo?”, I still feel responsible although
he’s been telling me not to worry or blame
myself for a bitch’s actions but it's hard not to
when things have blown up to this extent.
“Everybody is fine this isn’t the first time and it
probably isn’t the last, the cops aren’t friendly to
us”, is he really stripping naked in front of me?
Eh bathong.
I’m gulping as my eyes travel far beyond what I
was planning on looking at, his hard core, the v
going down to his previous jewel and I notice he
has a lot of veins, is he hard?
“Don’t look at him like that you’re making him
feel shy”, he grins at the way that has me
blushing. Mx tomfool!
“Just so by the way there are no rooms left and
I’m not sleeping on the couch today sorry so,
wear all the protective gear you wish to wear
darling”, he folds his clothes and puts them
inside a basket, I guess it’s laundry basket.
Such a neat human being.
His room is very organized and empty. Just a
bed, mirror, picture of his family and a carpet
the ottoman he brought in after seeing me
lotion on my feet, he said I should be comfy and
sit and take my time.
Is it weird that all his kind gestures make me
feel all jittery? I’ve never had a man do all that
for me, lose sleep over me, look at me like I’m
some precious stone that not even the biggest
diamond companies have found. It also makes
me scared, I failed to see true love and fake
love so what makes me believe what Nqawe
feels is true? Although his actions speak
“I’ll sleep on the couch then”, I get up and sit
back down.
That was quick, I didn’t see him move from the
bathroom to me.
“Thanks”, I’m playing with my fingers again, I
don’t get why all he did was help me not topple
over on the bed.
No I blame this baby.
“You're welcome and no you’re not sleeping on
a couch. Don’t you trust me? I won’t do any
funny business”, he lifts my chin up and leans in,
hes doing funny business right now!
“You're beautiful, it’s unfathomable”, he looks
so serious and sincere.
I blush like always.
“I wonder what you look like inside when at
peace; happy and treated right I bet I’ll do more
than just faint this time”
Ugh Nqawe!
“Manzini stop it my cheeks are sore”, they really
are getting unbearable.
He laughs, throws his head back type of laugh.
Who knew I would be here enjoying company
that is enjoying mine? I wish I met him first, I
wish I had met Nqawe first and let him take
every piece of me, take my heart as pure as it
came, take my mind, my soul and my virginity. I
wish it was him!
“The kids are coming over tomorrow, we will be
hosting a braai for Nkosenye and his soon to be
“Oh that’s nice, but you think now is a good
Why is he smiling noe?
“Yes it is. Stevens is on his way with him, he
was never really going to stay in a prison cell,
we wouldn’t have let that happen”, his face!
“Stevens is?”
He briefly looks at me then at the frame, he
points to the fat guy at the end of long line.
“Family legal representative"
Lawyer. He could have just said lawyer.

“Nqawe I’m really sorry about Candice I should

have warned you of her cunning ways. She did
the same to Ngcwethi’s father”
His brow whisks up, “Madoda Mthembu right?”
He knows him?
I nod slowly. Absolutely shocked.
“Hmm. It’s over now so don’t stress yourself
about it but I will stress what I always tell you,
safety first Snothile”
“This is the second time you’re telling me”
He rolls his eyes, “Same thing. Enough about
that, so have you had baby shower?”
Oh hell no!
“Baby shower?”, I’m just shocked I had to ask
“Yes the party women have before they give
birth, blue and pink balloons and so forth?”, hes
talking about a gender reveal. Which rreminds
me I haven’t went to a doctor in a while and I
have had a stressful couple of days.
“No I haven’t, I haven’t even went to the past
three ultra sound bookings. I’ve been so
stressed I started neglecting my baby”, guilt
trips me now. I was such a horrible mother god!
“Hey, hey"
I brush my face on his palm, hes slightly
rubbing my cheek too.
“You’ll be the best mother this child could
Uh and just like that I breakdown and cry, “I
haven’t even bonded with them, I’ve never told
them how I love them, I don’t take care of my
own baby Nqawe. I’m so selfish…”
His fingers on my lips hushes me. I stop
sobbing and look at him, I see it there the pain
of watching me like this.
I’ve always looked foe it in Ngcwethi when he
says something that hurts me, but I never saw it.
“You’ll be a great mother Snothile you wanna
kmow why? Because challenges did not define
you, you were knocked down yes but you came
back up, you chose your children again”, this is
not just about me anymore, oh no it has gone
way deeper than that. But I hear him.
“Lets sleep come on", he pulls the covers open
and gets inside, I get in too and for some weird
reason I snuggle myself closer to him, he wraps
his arms around me and rests his chin on top of
my head.
“Sleep beautiful”, he brushes my back until I fall
fast asleep.
“I can’t wait for them to see you at the braai,
they will love you"
I hear him say, I don’t have time to argue on that
subject but I don’t see myself going to a braai
especially if the scary brothers will be there. In
three minutes I'm dead asleep. His back rubs
are heaven.


Nomkhosi Mshengu
They couldn’t have just taken the goat and let
all else to rest? Blerry con men these Mshengus
are. Apparently there had to be a cleansing
done first before all else, the cleansing for what
Ntando did the other day. Okay I get that but
why are they refusing the goat the Mthembus
brought? What big thing did Ntando do that
deserved American cows? Okay I get that he
almost killed us but he wasn’t mentally well,
actually it’s not him who hurt us it’s the other
man in him there’s a huge difference.
I call Nokwanda for the last time, hoping she is
close by her phone so she can pick it up!
“Hello?”, thank goodness.
“How is everything going inside there? Are they
winning?”, I’m pinching my ass hoping
everything is fine because I know my uncles
and I know Ngcwethi, those two things alone
don’t mix how much more when ancestors are
Why is she sighing? Sighing is never a good
“The uncles are eating them alive, they want a
sheep on top of the goat and they want an
expensive bottle as a way of apologizing.
Ngcwethi is so fed up he has left the talking to
his father and the other guy “, she says.
Ohhh this is real bad.
I did tell them to let me go to, I can soften them
up I have their files anyway and the files I have
aren’t the kind you would want out in the open.
“Girl things are not looking good, and we still
have the name ceremony coming up.
Malum’Khethani even demanded to speak with
Ntando”, that’s a stretch. Speak to him and say
what? Does he want to see Ntando number 2?.
“Did they tell him?”, I ask.
“No! I wouldn t have let them”, she is cut off by
ranting at the back, it’s the annoying aunt with
no direction in life from weave to choice in men.
“Okay Julliet call me when some thing good
happens”, I hang up.
This is becoming sickening for me now, this
waiting and gaping for lord knows what.
Sometimes I feel like waking Sosha up with a
slap on the face and telling him where to get off!

Is the meeting done already? Shame poor thing

he looks so drained!
Ngcwethi opens the drivers door and throws
himself inside, the first thing he does is click his
tongue and throw his head bavk on the head
“That bad?”, I take one glance at him and see
my answer very clear as day.
It was horrible.
“I am glad there is no paying lobola for you now.
Dealing with those men is exhausting”, I can
see that all well. His face says it all, hes tired.
“Are they done?”, I asks, pinching my butt for
him to say yes.
“No they are waiting for the sheep…”
The sheep!?
“What sheep?”, I’m flabbergasted, kanti umtapo
yini lo?
This is broad daylight robbery!
“Yeah, they wanted a cow but we weren’t willing
to give them a while cow to cleanse, so we
negotiated a sheep. So my father has ordered
one, we're waiting for Sihle to bring it"
No, no no no sheep is going to be brought here,
what do they think the Mthembus do for a living,
plant money trees?
He’s telling me to calm down but I can’t help
myself anymore! Where are they?
Right, there they are! Sitting here with big bellies
and scruffy beards acting like men who bring
home the bread.
“No sheep will be given to the Mshengus and
that’s that!...”
malum'Khethani cuts me off, “Nomkhosi this
matter has nothing to do with you, stay out of
it!”, he thinks I’m Thando whatever he says I’ll
bow and nod my head like a fool.
“But I am a Mthembu, I am Sosha’s fiancé
ngesintu. I’m speaking on behalf of the
Mthembus then, you won’t get a single cent
more than what has been given to you nise kabi
nina y’all want to build mansions ngathi? The
goat and the money is enough, want more?
R350 applications still open knock yourselves
out”, I’m done.
I can’t let them shame my name and me
because of their greed. Ma is standing outside
the kitchen looking so disappointed. She can
forgive me but I wasn’t going to sit back and
watch omalume act like this matter is a bet.
Ngcwethi shuts the car door and pins me
against the car, hes so close.
“What was that?”, is his first concern not a
thank you you just saved us from a robbery.
“What was what?”, I look him dead in the eye.
“Nomkhosi you’re going to be my wife soon,
you’re going to have the Mthembu surname at
the end of your name, you will be a woman now
not a girl so therefore there are ways in which
you act and ways in which you don’t act, that
was one of them. What are those other men
suppose to think about my family now that you
just gone there and disrespected our name and
image", hes not shouting at me but he’s not
friendly with his words either, in fact he’s
scolding me like a child.
“I am only helping…”
“I get that Nomkhosi but what you did is not
exactly helpful, you totally disregarded the
elders and men sitting there. We had every
thing under control, you did not have to ruin it”, I
gasp. Those words hurt me.
I was trying to help that’s it and if he knows
then why is he not acknowledging that?
He leaves me on the spot he put me on and
walks around to the driver's side of the car, hes
in and shortly after I hear the engine roar.
Oh wow he wants to leave now?
Whatever I’ll continue the tantrum at home!
I too get inside and slam the door, he isn't
impressed about it and I don’t care.

We take a whole 16 minutes drive on a silent

car, he says nothing and neither do I. the radio
is the only thing breaking the silence.
Am I really immature? Mxm what makes him
think like that? I bet he’s only saying this
because he’s tired of feeling guilty about
Snothile and he’s taking his shits out on me.
“Khosi wait”, he holds my fingers just as I leap
out the car.
“Please”, he adds.
Slowly I get in the cat again and close the door.
“Are you mad at me?”
No I’m angry at Moses.
Obviously I’m angry at you!
“I didn’t mean to upset you I was trying to make
you understand things from the broader
perspective. I understand you had your reasons
for standing up for us but all I’m asking is next
time let me handle the talking oright?”, when did
I put my hand in his? All of this is Sosha's
Ngcwethi kisses my hand and looks at me for
an answer.
“Okay I forgive you because I don’t want you
being all depressed and things but next time I
won’t be easy on you”, I’ll ignore the part where
he called me immature. I wouldn’t say I’m
immature I just don’t believe in always living life
via the law book, it's exhausting!
“Let's go eat I am starving we’ve been there all
day, it’s 6:56 pm now”, usually on normal days
by this time I would be eating my fourth plate
and 3rd snake and ask me where all that food
goes I would have no answer but Ngcwethi says
it fuels my mouth so I talk more.
One kiss from me and he's beginning to feel like
Trevor Noah!
“The wedding should be soon”, he randomly
says as we approach the door.
I still can’t believe we left his father and uncle
alone back home to fuck our stresses away.
“How soon is soon?”, I ask.
“Two weeks”
Oh that’s very soon!
“Can't we push it back maybe a week?”
“No! you keep having those dreams then we
need to do this quick”, hes handing me the
serious look which means he’s done talking
about this and let’s move on.
Old men!
Eh… and the bags?
“Are you moving in with Snothile or…”, I had to
ask because why the drama? Three bags and
two back packs? For what reason?
“I am out of here, those people are crazy!
Snothile is in danger”, she’s just rumbling and
not getting to the freaken point, danger where?
“What are you talking about?”, Ngcwethi throws
the keys on the coffee table and stares at
Candice who is panting, she has a blue eye… oh
my gosh she has a blue eye! But why is it
melting? Is that make up?
“The man that came to fetch her that day yes
apparently they have been having an affair, I
wouldn’t be surprised if that kid isn't yours.
Ngcwethi those people are sent by the devil
here on earth I swear. They will kill her I’m
telling you”, she’s shaking, her hands are
“Who are these …”
She points at the TV, it’s a news channel with a
dude coming out of a police station, it's hard to
see the face because of cameras.
“Them!”, she says.
“The …the criminals man Ngcwethi the Zungus"
“Nqawe is a criminal? He seemed so nice…”
Ngcwethi turns me to him instantly and yanks
me, “You know him?”, I’m not sure whether to
be honest after the way he asked me that
“Uh… yes he said he is your friend and…”
I don’t know when or how but the side lamp is
rolling on the floor.
“Fuck! I gotta go get Snothile out of there
“Are you going crazy? No offense but you have
nothing on them! They’ll crush you in a matter
of seconds, that Sambulo will have your balls
for dinner so don’t think about making yourself
Terminator you must be smart with these
people”, and how gogo know all of this?.
“My child…”
“Will be fine if you use your head to think! They
won’t give you Snothile you have to take her!
Which is simple get one of them and they will
give her up immediately this way she will see
them for the shits they are and come be a nag
in your relationship again just think!”
Candice is smoking level 7 of woonga at this
point and she doesn’t dash it at all.
Ngcwethi's jaw clenches and his fist harden, he
walks on ignoring me calling him.
“Nomkhosi you have to believe me Snothile is in
Yeyi ungangifaki! I didn’t duck a ghost all my life
only to die in a war I don’t know of. Please.
Patrimony: The Ancestors wife
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Nomkhosi Mshengu
He’s inside the bathroom, been so ever since
we arrived I'm guessing. I had to stop myself
from barging in without asking his consent, my
worry is he'll do something stupid inside there
or even worse feed himself Candice's lies. Gosh
the wait is unbearable for me, I knock on the
bathroom door and go for the handle without
asking if I can go inside.
“Ngcwethi open the door!”
It’s locked and the curtain is closed.
This is …
There we go, I hear the lock click and the door
slowly opens. Thank God he’s alive.
“I thought you drowned yourself”, I laugh and
not get far with it since he doesn’t return the
“Mvelase”, my hand barely grazes his fist and
he sways it away from me. He was punching
walls again?
He moves away from me and walks to the bed,
he opens his drawers until he finds the first aid
kit. I’m shocked when he hands it over to me, he
isn’t even sparing me a glance but expects me
to help him?
I told my arms and give him a stare, he is
adamant. Fine!
What was he punching walls for this time again?
“You shouldn’t let her get to you like this, play
with your mind this much”, I’m talking to a ghost,
his focus is on some thing else in his head and
his eyes are on his feet.
“Maybe it was all a lie", I try again and the brick
is still there.
I sighs and let go of his hand, Ngcwethi is being
a baby now. I’m talking, trying to communicate
with him here and he’s not returning anything I
say with words or even gestures.
“Wow", I’m done I've wrapped his hand up and
cleaned it well, I put the first aid where he took
it and close the cupboard.
“I’m going to shower and make food if you want
I’m being ordered?
Yes I’m being ordered. I sit immediately, his
tone wasn’t begging me to sit and therefore I
wasn’t going to stretch it.
He takes his phone from the pedestal and
hands it over to me, what am I to do with it?
“Will you tell me what to….”
“Call Thunzi and put the phone on loudspeaker”,
he instructs.
I’m so sick of him interrupting me!
I nod and search through his contacts, I find the
contact he was talking about and press dial. I
take about six deep breathes and put the call on
loudspeaker. It rings no longer than 3 seconds
and it gets answered. I’m impressed by this
man he understands the expense that comes
with airtime.
“This is a lovely surprise, what have I done to
deserve such a blessing?”, the sarcasm is
swimming all over his voice, he sounds both
annoyed and drowsy, no shay it is late as hell.
“What do you know about the Zungus?”, won’t
he greet? That’s rude.
“The What?”, Thunzi asks, he doesn’t sound like
he’s asking because he doesn’t know it’s like
he’s asking because he hopes he didn’t hear
what he heard.
“Ufunani lapho? Don’t tell me you’re going
against them in court because you and I know
what happens afterwards”, Thunzi sounds
firmer, serious even.
Maybe I downplayed these guys a lot more than
I should have. Ugh but who can trust a Candice
Ngcwethi sighs and finally brings his face up,
his veins are popping out his forehead like
Christmas lights.
He is stressed.
“They have Snothile, Candice says her life is in
danger”, Ngcwethi says.
Thunzi whistles and calls a guy by the name
Lisa, that’s if it’s a guy.
“What makes you believe that woman? You said
you don’t trust her before so what's changed?”,
“Didn’t you hear me well Thunzi? They have the
mother of child, we don’t know what they plan
to do with her whether they are going to use her
to get me to play at their advantage”, he is
having outbursts, he must be really stressed
then. Now I feel worried about what condition
Snothile really in, and Candice she just left
Snothile alone knowing heavily well the danger
she is in?
“I heard you Ngcwethi but if you think you are
about to be stupid and put Sbulelo in danger
then you better get ready to deal with me!”
I’m tongue tied at this point, I have a lot to say
but I just don’t know where to start talking.
“I think you both need to just go over there to
their house, humble your asses and ask for
Snothile back …”
“Ask? You think you just ask and they give you
what you asked for?”
“Ngcwethi calm down”, I say to him and my
words fall upon deaf ears he’s fuming even
“You're just a man in a suit who carries a brief
case and tells lies to the judge, I’m the man who
wines and dines with those criminals you try to
save so when I say something I know what I’m
talking about”, I guess he is the Lisa Thunzi was
calling the first time.
I can tell his point is valid by Ngcwethi’s silence.
“If they have her there by force then we'll do
something about it but I’m not risking my life for
some thing you are not sure of. That goes to
the both of you”, He says.
Risking lives? Oh god no, I always knew not
going to last Easter was going to catch up with
me at a later stage. Ngcwethi squeezes my
thigh gently, he saw my scared face.
“I hear you”, Ngcwethi replies to Lisa.
“Good. I’ll hear what you two decide after you’ve
went there, on that note when are you planning
on going?”
“Next week”
Ngcwethi and Thunzi say simultaneously.
“We don’t have time to waste Thunzi”, Ngcwethi.
“You aren’t even sure if her life is really danger
maybe it’s yours you should be worried about”
He hang up.
How do you say such a thing and just drop the
call. He sighs and lays his big head on my lap
and begins caressing my bare thigh.

It baffles me really, that guy seemed so nice

and friendly well at first he did. The way he was
taking care of Snothile he could never harm her
you saw that in his face! I just think Candice is
on to tricks or something, Nqawe … you know
what right now is a good time to practice the
mind your business protocol I always lived by
as a baby.
I should call home and see how ‘my appalling
behaviour’ shaked the tables. If my uncles
remained con men even after my warning and
whether that sheep made it home or What?
I’ll do that tomorrow right this second I’m not in
the zone for them, I have bigger crises, like this
Mafia type of life I just engrossed myself in.
It isn’t as thrilling as those novels made it seem,
I’m here sweating; farting and pinching my ass
that shit doesn’t hit the fan. I think we all need a
bit of peace right now.
“Don’t be so quiet it’s giving me anxiety”, he
caresses my arm lightly.
“I thought you didn’t want to be disturbed, you
never want to be disturbed when you’re
thinking”, I remember how I was yelled at for
talking loudly over the phone while he was busy
with some big case. It wasn’t my intention, I’m
naturally loud.
“I never mean that, I never mean it”, I let him get
on top of me though I’m not quite sure if I
wanna feel his penis inside of me.
“Then why do you say?”
His breath, minty from the mouthwash blows
on my face as he lowers himself to me. We kiss.
“Because you do irritate me when you do that
however I feel more irritated when you stop”, his
teeth sink onto my neck, sucking and leaving
butterfly kisses on my neck.
I’m a chicken ready to be baked!
Yes I don’t take that long, not a fussy girl at all
you could be complementing my nose and
down drips the juices between my legs.
“You’re such a weirdo”, I say.
“And you’re a lunatic, guess God wasn’t in His
best of moods when He paired us was He?”
I laugh.
“In my defence I only act crazy because yall are
too serious in life it suffocates me”, I wasn’t
going to bring it up but since he is in a better
mood I want to ask anyway. If I die I die.
“Who exactly are these people Ngcwethi and
what’s so dangerous about them and if they are
that dangerous then why are they not locked up
in jail?”, I thought we had something called the
justice system in south Africa.
For a second I thought he would get angry and
just go to sleep but he rolls off me and pulls me
to sleep on his chest.
“I know little myself, they are involved in hectic
stuff illegal diamond imports…”
“Illegal?”, how does that even work?
“Yes. Technically no raw precious stone is
allowed in or out the country without
verification from authority – higher power, but
they do their imports and exports without any
licence basically this way they make more
money by avoiding all the customs and
probably dealing with other dodgy dealers. Last
year a case of fraud came up but turned to ash
two weeks into the investigation, there are
plenty tender that are unaccounted for under
their name no one seems to question it though
and from heresy they also are involved in
money laundry… it's a lot”
I’m out of words. The skins on me just spooked
out. We both in shock.
How are these people not in jail?
“How do you know all of this?”, I ask.
“We had a bit of history, I once faced one of
them in court”
“And what happened?”, I want the entire story
not peanuts.
“The judge disappeared, he resigned out of
nowhere and stayed away permanently. The
case went cold, no judge wanted to carry the
trial out and so it was laid to rest. Those people
are bad news, Khosi”, he huffs and kisses my
forehead almost as if he’s saying and I’ll protect
you from them, I really hope that is what he is
saying because now I’m petrified of them.
“Yazi Nqawe once popped up at a store Snothile
and I were shopping at, the card had declined
and we were just about to call you then he
came out of nowhere and paid for my clothes”
“He what!?”, he has removed me from his chest
and sat up straight.
My mouth needs serious glue.
“I did not know him at the time, he said he was
your friend and by the looks of Snothile's
comfortability I thought he was talking the
truth”, I shrug and go back to sleeping on him
He remains like that, statued in utter shock.
“Do you think he planted a bomb in my
He looks down at me and shakes his head as I
“Relax it happened in the past so let’s leave it
there. I heard Khalilou is going to his school
interview on Monday”, I’m so happy for him, I
don’t think he is happy about going to school
but he’s always been keen on getting education
however Ngcwethi would not let him get home
“Just think of how this will affect him if a war
breaks out”
He must not touch that subject!
“Then I’ll take the kids and leave with Sbulelo,
we don’t want to die for nothing”
“You wont I promise”, his forehead kisses make
me forget it all! They’re naughty and dangerous.
His phone rings and I have an idea of who it is
from the change on Ngcwethi's face.
“We found them, tomorrow at 12, I’ll send you
the address and don’t bring extras”, he hangs
I’m the extras?
Well jokes on him I wasn’t planning on going
“You’re coming with me right?”


Snothile Gwamanda
I’m not impressed with Nqawe right now.
Looking at these dresses on this bed there isn't
a single on I feel would look presentable on me.
They are all a slim fit and fucken revealing, they
have no back and I don’t understand what that
drama is about because as far as I am
concerned this is a braai not a gala.
Uyadlala lo I’m not wearing any of these
I want to cry. I know I said I don’t want to be
part of the function but now looking and hearing
the laughs; happiness and joy coming all round
this huge ass mansion I want to be part of them
The door creaks open and a small boy peeps in,
he's in tears and at my sight he cries louder and
walks in with his arms up in the air. The hell, I’m
not dressed!
And surprisingly that isn't what comes to my
mind first, the first thing I think of is keeping
him quiet and asking what the problem is.
“Mama, I’m hungry”, he cries.
I’m ruining the make up Thola spent so many
minutes on, his cries make me cry.
“Ssshh baby mama will make you food okay,
she just needs to get ready first okay can you
wait for her?”, he is slowly calming down as I
brush his back. He hasn’t stopped crying but at
least now he is not wailing..
I put him down on the bed and just lift any dress
up, under it there is a note.
Note: praying you choose this one.
And now I’m going to wear it with confidence
just so he can notice me and keep throwing
compliments at me. The dress is quite tight and
doesn’t hide my cleavage or my baby bump.
Hhhaaaaa my baby bump!
This sly sun of a gun! This was his plan huh? To
make me show my baby bump off?
The zip isn't zipping…
“Mama let me help you”, I forgot there was a
human being here with me he went so mute
after putting him down.
“No it’s fine baby I can zip it", I don’t want to
trouble the kid, what if he breaks the zip
I don’t get very far with th struggle because the
chap has dragged the ottoman from the dresser
right behind me, he gets on it before I can stop
him. I watch him through the mirror struggle to
zip my dress, his tongue tip pressing his upper
lip as he struggled.
I have gained weight already?
“Almost there mama", he makes this funny cute
face as he zips me, bringing all his teeth out.
That smell.
I can sniff from a mile away its so odd.
“What do we have here? you're trying to charm
my woman young man”
Oh my gosh he is just a flippen baby!
“Nqawe he’s a child”
“Done mama”, he smiles so satisfied and jumps
off the ottoman.
So this is what Nomzamo was talking about
when they act like superman?
“Baba see I did mama’s zip”
The kids smiles and the bigger kid doesn’t, the
look on his face is making me wonder if he
takes obsession drugs or what.
This is a small child for him to be bitter about
him helping me is strange.
“Mama I’m hungry”, he whines tugging my dress.
Ohhh boy.
“Go wait for mama downstairs in the kitchen I'm
coming”, I pinch his nose. Such an adorable
“Okay”, he runs out the room.
I find myself smiling as I watch him spring out
the room calling someone out loud. I look at my
baby bump and for the first time I get to see
myself in this condition and not feel heavy
about it, I feel … some kind of warmth as I touch
my big stomach.
I’m so sorry I ever disappointed you baby.
“Your mommy looks stunning doesn’t she?
Even 8 year olds want a piece”, he can be so
I never realized how short I am until now, hes
standing behind me, his hands on the sides of
this belly and the brightest smile on his face like
he is looking at his most prized possession.
I can’t.
I’ve thrown my eyes to the ground but he is still
starring at me through the mirror and I can feel
“I don’t know why I hid him or her”, I whisper.
I’ve never embraced having this big stomach
because I always felt like it was the reason
Ngcwethi wasn’t so into me anymore.
“Not today, today it’s a happy day so be happy
Butterflies in stomach are forming an army
whenever he locks his eyes on mine and kisses
my shoulder gently.
“You look amazing. Can I take a picture?”
I freeze. A picture when last did I do that? Hell
“While I’m like this?”
“What do you mean like this? Yes while you’re
like this. I’ll love you even if you were like that”,
he shrugs his shoulders as if he didn’t just tell
me he loves me.
Nqawe why did you!
“Nqawe”, I can’t say anything more, I’m
“What?”, he is acting nonchalant.
Dude you just said you love me!
“You said …”
“I love You? Yes I do love you though
sometimes it feels a little bit strange to admit it,
I think it’s because I’m still trying to find a
reason why I deserve to love you and I can’t find
one. I’m lucky I guess or maybe all those 2
minutes I spent in church as a child paid off
now”, this man!
He’s speaking so carefreely like this isn’t a big
deal. He come back from the bed side carrying
a camera.
“Smile”, he smiles and I smile, the flash goes on,
I was in tears for heavens sakes!
“I’ll frame it and find a perfect place for it in
every corner of the house. I would put it in my
room but I doubt I would ever sleep or get out
of bed with you around”
I’m tired of this man! My cheeks will turn purple
if I stay here any longer.
“I have to prepare food for…”
“Bayanda", he fills me in.
Oh that was Bayanda? I haven’t even seen the
others I couldn’t decide what to put on. At least
he put out flats for me and not high heels and I
am grateful!

These steps are not for my type at all, I have to

grasp the railing very hard whenever I’m
climbing down here.
And never look down that is my golden rule.
A masculine arm slips behind my back and
balances me properly.
“I won't let you fall"
I look up at him, “I think I’m already falling”.
It’s not a lie I really like him, a lot and I…I can’t
explain the way he makes my entire existence
dance to his tunes. I’ve known him for less than
three weeks and already I'm in his house with
his entire family and his name in my heart. Tf!
Oh my god..
I stop looking up at Nqawe instantly and face
down, my voice is barely audible when I greet
but he hears me.
“You’re real, that is comforting to know for a
second I thought my brother was losing his
mind”, his tone more than anything scares the
shit out of me. I try to look up and see his face,
out eyes meet and I quickly look down again,
those are not a human beings eyes!
I pull Nqawe’s blazer down.
“Well it’s good to welcome another pillar to this
family, welcome MaGwamanda”, I guess his
brother communicated with him silently that I’m
freaked out.
“Yebo bhuti”
“Uh… don’t let them strain you, these brats can
be very demanding. Zime has taken care of the
little man don’t worry yourself koti", he says,
Nqawe laughs and I don’t I’m scared to. I hear
his footsteps and then I breathe out.
“You wouldn’t be here if you weren’t one”, oh
shit! How did he hear me?
“Who was that?”, I ask Nqawe immediately.
Ohhh that would explain the aura. How does
ntombi do it? Everyday? Awa!
“When does the event start anyway?”, I want to
see the rest of them.
“In a while, Nkosenye will delay for a while”
I nod. The house is so rowdy, kids running and
screaming, teenage boys fighting over who is
going to drive to fetch the ice.
“Nx you piss me off Mlondi!”
I swear Nqawe's face just turned to something I
don’t know.
“Are you swearing in my house!!?”, oh wow that
is what angers him?
“Cha baba, Mlondi is being….”
“You backchat now? Usumdala wena isende
lihlaza?”, wasn’t he…
“Cha baba”; Mhlengi casts his eyes down but
you clearly see he is not done with Mlondi.
Ironic of him!
“Manzini relax, they are just kids”, for goodness
“Igotshwa isemanzi”

To be continued…((Had a long day sorry 🙏))

Patrimony: The Ancestors Wife
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Snothile Gwamanda
I have learn't half of the children's names so far:
Anathi; Sphelele and Nkanyiso are Sambulo and
Ntombi's children though
Sphelele isn't exactly coming from her womb
but their bond wouldn't say. He still calls her
mommy at his grown ass age and he
still loves her forehead kisses and cuddles
despite his father's judgement. Then Bayanda;
Kholwa; Khwezi and Mlondi are Mongezi
and Nomzamo whom i now know as Zime's
children, i am not sure about Mlondi's biological
mother but i know it is not Nomzamo.
Sis is just turning 33 this month and from what i
can see Mongezi is probably going to buy the
entire Mhlanga Beach Front for her!
Oh and i also learnt that I am a mother to 14,
yes 1-4 children! Oh wait 15 with the one
brewing inside of me. Now i know that is
some freakish shit that should most defenitely
make me run for my life but honestly i am not
worried about it. Infact i am excited
about my new journey. I have also met the rest
of the wives and if i thought the ones i knew
first were alcohlics then i most certainly
did not know Thabitha! she drinks more than a
drowning fish and has no shame about it. Weird
part about this is she is older than us
yet she doesn't get as drunk as the others.
"So help me God this girl does not sell us out",
that would be Thabitha judging her drunkard
companion, Iminathi whom i guess is Mnotho's
... girlfriend.
I doubt she won't because as we speak her
boobs are out and she's twerking in the middle
of the kitchen.
The moment Ganganm Style piano song plays
she is on top of the counter, my man's counter.
I have concluded
that inside my head and have made peace with
"Get off", i say soon after her eyes land on mine.
She stops dancing and gets off the counter
slowly, gosh kids!!
I fish inside every cupboard for a disinfector.
This is odd so many cleaning detergents in here!
And what on earth is this
red stain on the cloth, it looks fresh you know
very red.
"What's this?", i turn with the cloth in my hand,
oh wait a minute this is not a cloth it is a vest.
Even more strange. Ncumo snatches it from my
hand, "Trash", she says.
"Here use this one", Zamo comes back with a
fresh new cloth. i take it and thank her for it.
When i look around the kitchen i do not see
Iminathi anywhere.
"She went to the loo", Ntombi says.
i nod and carry on wiping the counter till it
shines again, the girls are smitten by this.
"What?" - i just felt the need to ask.
"Nothing. Can i touch the fridge or do i need
protective gloves?", haha Thola.
I just giggle as they laugh louder. By the time
we have recollected ourselves Imi comes back
in the kitchen again, this child is sloshed she
can't even walk straight.
Thabitha notices and shakes her head. "Zime i
think we need one of your strong hangover
concoctions. i am not willing to get a lecture
about alcohol on my day please".
Zamo laughs. She is tipsy too but her
composure skillset is way above standard as
compared to madam 'I DON'T GET DRUNK
THAT EASILY'. We warned her.
''Her madness is not on us, if she gets into
trouble that is on her and not me", she leaves
"By the way Sno how did you and Mr Sadative
meet?", Mr Sedative?
They all find a joke in that except for me.
"In rhe hospital lavatory", i say.
i hope she gets where i am going with this,
sharing my personal life is not my forte.
Their judgy looks rub me off the wrong and
Ncumo sees that.
"Well Sambulo and i fucked on our first date. I
knew he was just trying to get back at my friend
for cheating before dumping her ass but damn
stroke game had me hooked. I caught feelings
fast and decided heck it i am going to shoot my
shot", she laughs.
"Did you score?", Thola.
"Nope. He laughed at me, told me i was still a
child and i need to focus on school and leave
men alone because i have not learnt the
difference between sex and
making love. He blocked me on all social
platforms after that, nnot that he had anything
other than mixit back then. But my heart wanted
that man and after two weeks
of trying to get his attention he finally
unblocked me to tell me how much of a pain in
the arse i was but he liked it anyway"
That was not exactly what ii had in mind, not
really the heart soothing story one would expect
but neither is mine.
"So what happened afterwards? did he confess
his love too?"
We all look at Imi until she understands the
assignment and shuts up.
"... To tell the truth? no not really he continued
to ignore me so i chose to move on with my life
too until one shushu day he turned up in my res
wih Mortuary flowers in his
hand and a three paged ketter", she blushes and
i blush with her.
"What did the letter say?", we dont look at her
this time we laugh.
"He apologized and explained why he did not
want me to be with him, he is not exactly the
commiting type. Trusting is very hard for him
so..."; she shrugs

The story telling was nice i learnt more about

Sambulo and Ncumo today and why he is the
way he is, rude asf. He was a taxi driver from
teen years up until they started to make
real bucks. Nqawe has never told me he use to
be a miner, i cannot imagine him carrying a
shovel to save his life!
Nkosenye has summoned us all up outside.
Props to Zamo and Thola for setting everything
up. It looks nothing short of breathtaking out
Something is up with Ndlalifa and Ntombi, they
have not said a word to each other since he
arrived and whenever he looks at her she angirly
stares away.
Mlondi has been up her arse, wherever she
goes he follows it is almost as if he is her
bodygaurd. Ndlalifa approaches the table i am
sitting on which is the table Ntombi is
sitting on.
"Mkami", he mutters to her, sits next to her and
brushes her bare thigh.
"Iyaxolisa indoda mama. I will never hurt you
like that again", he speakks so damn different
with her it is ... disturbing. He reaches inside his
pant pocket and pulls out a Cadbury
"Sweet people deserve sweet things", he says.
Her face glows instantly. What is it with these
men and making us lose it over nothing?
"Thank you"
He is back to his stoic self, legs far apart and
his elbows on his knees, "Mkami i meant what i
said years ago, i will never break your heart ever
again espcially for a straatmat
i can apologize till my last breath and i would
still not be worthy of your forgivesness i know
but just... bear with me"
"I forgave you two minutes ago, you know you
make me weak. I am sorry for ignoring you i
know how much uou hate it. I just... hate what
you did Sengwayo but it is a bygone
He does not seem to buy that story. She kisses
"I love you"
"You know how i want you to say it", he grins.
She giggles like a teen girl in love,
"Ngiyakuthanda Sengwayo ngenhliziyo yami
He leaves after whispering sins in her ear.
"I wonder what it is going on all of them are
leaving one by one", oh she can talk now? men
are a basic living need!!
"What is going on outside?", Zamo, where has
she been?
There is a baby strapped to her back and red
orche on her cheeks, is she walking barefoot?
At least i ain't the only one.
We stand up when we see Mhlengi rush
towards us looking at me.
"Mama i ... there is a man looking for you
A man? Oh lord no!


They whine and cry but their feet are walking to
that door!
They have blocked the gate but i see his car and
i see him standing toe to toe with Nqawe whose
face is like nothing i have seen before.
"Snothile! Snothile pack whatever you have and
let us go home", is ngwethi insane?
"Suqala ukunya ke manje ndoda", Sambulo.
"Snothile!", he is embarasssing us!
"Make a choice Snothile and make it fast and
wise, playtime is over face the music", her
words of wisdom do not come with a smile i
have noticed.
"I am scared Nomzamo"
"Snothile, love is scary but it is also captivating;
it is deadly yet lively. You know wha you want
so stop telling yourself you don't"
Nqawe is about to open the gate and do
something stupid when i decide i am ready to
set myself up for something i am not sure of.
"I have no home with you anymore Ngcwethi, its
gone. We both deserve hapiness right? Mine is
"Snorhile my child..."
"We will co-parent. You once said it yourself we
wouldnt be the first. I want a divor...", i laugh,
"Oh wait you were too busy carring about the
world to care about me"
i cannot believe its me saying all this but there
somthing about the way nqawe is holding my
hand as we speak. Power beyond my
It goes silent.
Ngcwethi is shocked, his friends are shocked,
the Zungus are shocked and he is ... he is
"My attorney will get in touch with you in
settlement of the co parenting agreement, until
then please let me be"
"You heard her for yourself, happy? good now
fuck off!"
Whatever grave i just dug myself into, i pray it
does not end me.
Patrimony: The ancestors wife
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Ngcwethi Mthembu

His thoughts weren't exactly that she would

literary pack up her things and follow him to
God knows where espcially after he broke her
heart but that confrontation wasn't what he had
in mind either. She really chose the man who
runs away from police, kills people and steals
money? No in fact it is not even about that
anymore but the safety of his baby. The Zungus
aren't these fairy tale stories they make
themselves out to be in the public eye. Dammit!
how can Snothile be so small minded about
something so freaken' huge!
"If you could be so kind and leave our premesis
right now, this meeting won't have to get ugly",
one of them speaks, it is the quiet one.
"Is that a threat?", Thunzi questions him, taking
a step forward and looking Mathonga straight
in the eye. There is a bit of distance between
their heights, Mathonga is taller but Thunzi isn't
going to back down.
"I don't make those, too much of a waste of
time. It is a promise though and i have every
single right to keep it", everyone is taken sback
by his sudden rush for a fight, usually he keeps
to himself, his history and a glass of Jack
"Mmmh is that so?", Thunzi.
"You walk in here with your chests held up high
and egoes filling up your groins to disrespect us
hell us we have every right to beating your
asses", Sambulo snaps, he has held it together
because his brother holds this day too dear to
his heart and if any of his brothers were to act
now it would be spoiled.
"Tell me about it here making demands, this
isn't homeaffairs baba, MaGwamanda isn't a
passport. You failed to keep her happy so deal
with the rejection and fuck off otherwise we will
make you fuck off", Mnotho says.
Those words leave a bitter taste in Ngcwethi's
Still, fuck them he thinks to himself, they do not
know shit about what happened.
"Mark my words boy if anything were to happen
to my child, you and her will both regret it", He is
calm about it, there is no sign of anger but he is
sincere about his words. That same moment
Nqawe turns back around, he was about to
leave and follow Snothile to check on how she
is doing, the fool told her what he wasn't ready
to confess so niw he has to run and put that fire
"Askies?", Nqawe's face has hardened.
Mongezi blocks him just as he was about to
reach the gate, he calls the gaurds and tells
them to close the gate and lock it but Nqawe
stops them just as they press the remote.
"Touch that and i won't think twice before
putting a bullet through your head"
The gaurd pauses and looks at and Mongezi.
"Presss the damn button!", Mongezi rasps.
The gaurd is lost, he does not know who to
listen to anymore, Mathonga grabs the remote
and attempts to push the button and close the
gate but within a blink of an eye Nqawe is
already on the other side and Mongezi has
fallen back onto Mnotho's arms luckily.
"Repeat what you said!", Nqawe grunts like a
bull as he takes big steps towards Ngvwethi. He
himself is taken aback, is he backing down
though? never.
"I said if anything happens to my child i will deal
with the both of you..."
He does not get another word out his head
aches at the clush of Nqawe's head on his

"BAFO!", Mathonga aims for Nqawe's arms so

he can child lock him but misses as Nqawe's
fist swings onto Ngcwethi's cheek, three shots
in a row Ngcwethi stumbles back and leans on
the boot of his car for balance, he too comes
back with his own blow but it doesn't seem to
affect Nqawe much even though his lip is
busted and blood is savouring up in his mouth.
"NQAWE!", Mongezi's warnings are futile.
Ngcwethi's face is underneath Nqawe's knee
and his throat is in his grip. Thats when Thunzi
pulls out his gun, points dircetly at Nqawe and
tells him to back off but he doesn't move
instead he stares at the muzzle as if starring at
a wrinkled nipple - he looks disgusted.
"Back off Zungu!", Thunzi.
"Nqawe stop this shit now!", Mongezi says and
he still doesn't get his knee off Ngcwethi he
looks somewhat possessed.
"Mnotho go call obhuti abadala", Mathonga
instructs the shock striken mnotho. He can't
move his feet he is beyond gobsmacked.
He scurries away.
Thunzi lowers the gun to Nqawe's temple,
ignoring the guns of the Zungu gaurds pointed
at him. His own crew climbs out the tinted jeep
parked beside the I8 and they have their guns at
the Zungus.
Mongezi curses as he notices Ngcwethi's feet
start to straighten, He is close to dying.
"Sengwayo! Yeka lento oyenzayo, there are
women and children inside", Nkosenye's voice
rattles everybody around him. The crowd
behind steps back even, the media is on edge
and their cameras are filming.
"Cisha lowo doti wena if you don't want to have
rice and stew through a straw for the rest of
your life", Sambulo warns the camera man
beside him.
"Sho ... sho bozza yami", hes stutterring, he
jumps and flinches when sambulo throws the
stump of his cigarette on the ground and runs
"Nqawe please", her soft sweet voice follows
after Nkosenye's. And slowly his grip loosens
around Ngcwethis throat and everyone hears
him gasp for air instantly, relief washes over
their faces. He could have really died
"Mommy, please get him water", Mongezi asks
Nomzamo who just arrived here with Snothile.
"Okay", she gets on her tippy toes and kisses
his cheeks before doing as she was asked to.
Ngcwethi begins coughing, his eyes are still
blurry and his whole body feels overheated. He
feels the blood gush through his veins.
"I've watched you treat her like shit, negclect her
feelings, cause her pain and never feel the need
to apologize for you crap behaviour!", Nqawe
"Threaten her again and i will kill you", Nqawe
says it low enough for only him to hear but his
brothers know what he had said by the look on
his face. And he means every single word he
Ngcweth watches Snothile take Nqawe's hand
and pull him up, she walks off with him in her
arm, tears in her eyes. It never was suppose to
get to this, he could have stopped it by ending
the lies and games maybe had he treated her...
aahh there is no use playing this game, it brings
him no peace.
Thunzi helps him up and puts his arm around
hus neck and helps him limp to the car. He
won't even take the water and Zime doesn't
care to force him to.
"After Nomkhosi and i have done what needs to
be done we are going to stay in Joburg ...
permanantely so take good care of my sister",
Ngcwethi says after a peaceful drive, only their
hearts and minds were restless.
"And you will leave your child behind?"
"She or he is coming with me"
Thunzi hits the brakes, middle of the road and
looks at Ngcwethi's expressionless face. He
doesn't say a thing further, just starts the car
again and haves his smoke. He can die if he



I get in, he gets inside and shuts the door. I

don't even blink fully and the nigga has me
pinned against the door. His left hand roams up
the hip, rotates around the corner of my waste
and sits above my ass. His hot breath is still on
me and i cannot function with him doing me like
"Nqawe", i try to sound firm and ready to battle
him but i have crumbled, his touch is doing the
things to...
Ugh don't even think about Snothile!
"The hell is wrong with you Nqawe?", i say omce
i have managed to get him off my body. He
looks annoyed that i pushed him but guilt
swiftly washes over his stern face and his drop
immediately afterwards. Okay what happened
"I keep messing up now don't i?", he's talking
like he is running mad and depressed at the
same time.
"You want to leave me now don't you? You can't
a love a man like me", is Nqawe okay?
"A man like you?"
He lifts his eyes off the groundd and brings
them up to mine. Ah my insides twist and twirl.
For whatever reason i glide backwards until i hit
the wall or the door whatever it is.
"You heard him, i am a bad man Snothile. I have
done bad things and i am still going to do more,
i cannot promise to be a saint but i could make
some adjustments", he just keeps rambling.
"What are you saying Nqawe?"
"That i have a past Snothile, i am not proud of it
but neither am i ashamed of it. You see this
Nqawe the fresh one with shiny cufflinks,
formal pants with italian stitching, clean beard
and well spoken you never saw the boy who
never had a pair of shoes for school, no shirt
and no bag only because his mother chose to
spend money riding epile[tic dicks. You did not
see the hungry ypung man who stole even an
underwear from the washing line hoping some
fucked up person buys it so he can contribute
to putting food on the table!", why is he
"Nqawe...", i hold his hand and he glares at me, i
drop it instantly.
"Everything i have was hard earned, but you're
not a possession, you are not an assest i don't
want to have to earn you either i want us to
stick it out for one another. This is me i come
with baggage and if you feel it will be too heavy
for you the door is wide open, so are you with
me in this?", i have never seen him so strict not
with me. I don't know how to feel about it, it is
strange and uncomfortable.
"Oh, you aren't the first"
I hold his hand before he could walk past me.
"I think you will have to take me shopping i do
not have any clothes and yours dont fit me"
Thank God he brought that smile back. I missed
"Don't worry i'll bring the whole Mall at your
doorstep by tomorrow morning"
Mhhh i really hope so.
Patrimony: The Ancestor's Wife
Chapter Fourty
Season Finale
Sbulelo Mthembu

They bothe came back home late yesterday, i

suspect they all did because even their
girlfriends called me late last night to tell me
the have arrived so i must relax. Ngcwethi came
with a scar; busted lip and a bad temper. The
minute he started rasping at me for helping him
clean his face and patch his lip up, Thunzi sent
him packing his exact words being: "You're not
venting out on my woman, want a fight go back
to where we come from" and Ngcwethi took his
keys from Thunzi and stormed out without
letting the air cool down. I have no idea what
transpired there but whatever did happen was
surely explosive for them to come back that
"Grrrr Sbulelo man i'm still sleeping!", he grunts
after i opened the curtains to let the sun come
"Yes that is what you deserve after whatever
you did", i say.
"Grrr", he grunts again and looks away, putting
the pillow over his head. So much drama!
"Wake up buddy it is way past sleeping time"
He doesn't budge.
"Leave me alone", ohhhh we wanna be babies
i give him a second to get over himself and
wake up and sit up so we can talk. He does
exactly that after two seconds, longer than i
usually wait for his theartrics to end but they
finally do.
"I don't like your friend's man", is the first thing
he sulks about.
I frown and sit my ass down for this once upon
a time tale, he sits his big head 0n my thigh and
forces me to brush his head. I giggle, this fool!
"Okay, tell me what happened?", that is what he
wanted me to say from the start.
"He beat your brother up did you not see?", ohh
he did that? He has a gufted fist and i have a
hunch that is the reason he does not quite like
"Because he said if anything happened to his
baby then Snothile will pay for it, and the idiot
just got angry and strangled Ngcwethi. Pussy
man", He says and does a head shake of
disaproval. I don't know why this is so
amussing to me but i can't stop laughing. His
face is even more funny.
"Bbay you're laughing?", he lifts his head and
drops it back to my lap.
"What am i suppose to do? Cry? Y'all are just
funny man and wena didn't you almost shoot
my ex for saying he will catch me one day?"
He gives me that "ohhh so you are taking his
side" frown. I laugh louder, i cannot!
"Cha i am not picking a side my love, i just want
these beefs to be over. I want peace in this
family, Sosha never liked this kind of
atmosphere and niether do i. Imagine how the
children are feeling? why can't we just be
normal", im so fed up with the constant
bickering and having to pick sides.
"I know sthandwa sami, i know but you have to
give them time, Ngcwethi is not prepared to let
Nqawe raise his child...."
"But he wants Nomkhosi to raise his child?
Snothile won't have that obviously"
"And the fighting will continue"
I sigh and rest my head on his body on top of
my lap. Ive been feeling so grateful for the
oeace Thunzi brings me, i never realized
previously but i truly am blessed to have him in
my life at this point if his baby mamas-if he has
any or exes appear from somewhere we will
have serious problems and a criminal record
becausse i am not giving this man up.
"Call her and ask to have a chat with her, she is
your friend and i have seen her be there for you
during tough times"
"I was there for her too"
"There we go again, you and your brother are
the same nkosi impela. Doing something for
someone you love has nothing to do with
settling a score, my love. If you do care about
her then you will continue being there for her as
a friend should. Whether your brother likes to
admit this or not but we are where we are
because of him..."
I lift Thunzi up ready to defend Ngcwethi.
"He told her to leave i've heard the story but
when? after the girl fell head over heels for him?
After loving him? Tell me something had his
father not told him to tell her the truth then what
would the excuse be? He didn't love her so that
he means he can treat her the way he did?
C'mon, i am not one to meddle in family affairs
but give each other a break man, no one can live
fully because the other is pressing the other
down. Honestly bamshaye kancane, it's not like
he wouldn't slay dragons for Nomkhosi, didn't
he shoot his own brother to save her? That was
no difference, i am a man and i am stupid but if
you threaten my woman trust me im bringing
hell on earth just for you. Why? Because on this
chest", he hits his chest, now up on his feet,
"You found a safe space and i would die before
letting any piece of dick or vagina think they will
take that pride away from me. He would do the
same, he knows that. Y'all just need to learn
how to communicate better, i see the path this
family is taking and it's not a pretty one. Zungus
never get caught up in shit, know why? They
move together, even against the world they
move as one. I suggest y'all do the same before
y'all destroy each other. Call her", he says
handing me my phone.
Did he fall and bump his head, why all the
Anyway i wrap my arms around his torso and
sleep on hus chest, smilling widely.
"What would i do without you?", i grin to myself.
This is my proudest moment, i swear criminals
are the best... the minority.
"Can't figure it out either really, what would you
I love it when we are like this, soft; gentle and
and open to each other. I could live like this
"I want you to marry me", i blurt.
He smiles, "No need to ask me twice
We both laugh about it and take up the silence
again. I still have to make that dreadful phone
call to Snothile and for some unknown reason i
will invite Nomkhosi as well, i think she needs to
be there because this affects her just as it
affects us. I'll take the boys with me so they get
a chance to see Snothile after all this while.

Thunzi leaves a glass of bouburn in front of on

the table and winks. He knows i need it more
than ever. Whew.
She answers it quicker than i thought she would,
in fact i was prepared to get another simcard
and call her using a private number.
"Hello", since when does Snothile make ms
i am so tongue tied i do not know what to say in
response so i down the burning brown liqour
and cringe afterwards.
"If it is about the beating, i apologize. I spoke to
Nqawe about it and although i doubt he will
apologize, i apologize on his behalf however
Ngcwethi shouldn't have barged in hia house
like during his brother's big day and ruin it for
them you know he has waited for that for 5
years after his wife passed, none of them
appreciated what Ngcwethi did", she has grown
to be defensive bo. Last I checked she couldn't
even say three sentences to defend herself.
People do change i should know i mean i did
too, i changed too.
"I would like us to talk, today if possible. We
need to talk Snothile, besides everything else i
miss my friend", I am not kidding i do miss her
mostly because i had no friend other than her.
She is quiet, something i did not hope for. Her
silence is very loud. What if i am just wasting
my time here? clearly she moved on with her life
and found much better to do with her time than
"Okay, we can meet", she sighs.
Thank goodness!
"uhh okay i will send you the location then,
lunch is it okay?"
"Nqawe wanted us to go somewhere but i'll
make a plan", she says, her voice much cooler.
This dude makes her happy hey?
"He's good?", i always wondered, Snothile is a
lover and it could be that she is reading too
much into things. I just want to look out for her.
"With me? He is beyond amazing. I have to go,
see you at lunch and if you don't mind please
bring the boys. Okay bye"
She hangs up before waiting for me to respond.
I heard loud noises, screaming actually in the
background. I hope all is well.
Thunzi gives me the aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand -
with that many a's, look and crosses his arms.
"She said okay"
Although i am not so sure about inviting
Nomkhosi now. Their union might not be as
gentle as ours.

Snothile Gwamanda

That was a strange call i just had and it is even

more strange that i said i do not mind meeting
up. Truth is i am terified! i've wronged Sbulelo,
maybe not intentionally but i still did her bad
once i was just angry when i sad i want nothing
to do with her, she has been like a sister to me
sometimes and showed me more love than my
own parents ever did. I wonder why though, why
she wants to see me now? The damage has
been done, we have ruined something beautiful.
"Ma", Ntokozo taps me on the shoulder till i
wind back to planet earth, i had zoned out.
"Gosh i was distracted sorry, you were saying?",
i look up at him and almost get lost, he is such
a copy of his father damn!
"We are on our way out to return the tent we
hired yesterday and the catering things. Do you
need anything?", i almost forgot their father left
him the task of cleaning up and returning
everything back. No one stayed after the
incident, the yard was emptied and the family
left assuring i will be okay to the point where
Mongezi wanted to call his doctor buddy to
check me, they are utterly ridiculous but kind in
it too. I have an appointment as we speak, with
Dr Moosa tomorrow and somebody by the
name Nqawe Zungu has been more excited
than me. I keep getting sms after sms from him
asking if he can do a gender reveal for me. I
have gotten so tired of saying i do not need one
i just mute that conversation.
"No it's fine i will have the breakfast Nqawe
He looks scared by whatever i just said, did they
really finish all that food alone? Mhlengi and
Ntokozo because Siphosethu i know would
never eat that much and Bandile is a sleeper, he
is still in bed.
"it has finished, we don't know how"
Oh save it! You finished the food these vacums!
Tears form at the rim of my eyes and i fight
them by all means to stay down. He tries to
near me but i put my hand out, "Please don;t
make me any angrier", how could they do this to
me? i really wanted some bacon today and that
was the last bit of it.
"Where are you going ma?"
I shoot him a glance and he instantly looks like
he regrets it. I should have listened to Thola and
took the Supermans instead and the whining
barbie instead of these gorillas.
"We are sorry ma", he is still facing down. These
kids have too much respect, at their age my
brother called a spade a spade when it came to
my mother, with dad it took a while.
"I am taking the children, there is a friend of
mine that wants to meet with me"
He gives me skeptical stare and nods, "I will
drive you, i have nothing better to do with my
time anyway", why the seriousness? and the
delusion, i laugh.
"I won't be driven around by a kid. Do you even
have a liscene?"
He is silent. Though so.
"But baba can take care of it, if it happens", i
guess he means if police stop us and ask for a
liscence and when they see he does not have
one arrest us. I;d pop this baby on top of his
head with no shame.
"No thank you", i turn to the sleeping Bandile on
the floor and pick him up, he stretches and
turns the other way but remains fast asleep.
Hebana! What does he mean why? and the way
he says it! Like her seriously cannot understand
"Because i do not need a body gaurd, i will be
"What if that man shows uo again and threatens
i give him another eye and he chuckles this time.
"That man is an elder that you should respect,
so he is uncle to you", i am not asking.
He isn't going to say it to my face but he wishes
to tell me UYADAKWA i just can see it al over
his eyes.
"Take my bag and my shoes then you will meet
me at the car", I say putting Bandile over my hip
and Siphosethu holdimg my hand.
"Mama ice ceem mama i wan ice ceem", with
the energy this human has the last thing he
needs is ice ceem so damn early on a day.
"We will get your ice ceem Sethu", and who told
him that? Mhlengi looks at me once and quickly
walks pass me. He is going too?
"He didn't want to listen to his older, kids",
Ntokozo shakes his head and opens the front
door for me.
"We are sorry for what happened yesterday, we
heard you crying at night. We are sorry",
Mhlengi breaks the silence that was hovering
the car.
"We are also sorry baba acted the way he did,
it's just that he loves you a lot you see and after
what gogo did, he becomes heavily protective
of his happiness", Ntokozo follows him.
This is disturbing and comforting at the same
time. Kids are giving me comfort for something
they did not even do?
I smile.
"It's okay"
Relief washes over their faces.
"So you won't leave!?", they ask together with
widen open eyes, they startled Sethu abit there.
Leave? leave for what?
"Leave? you think i would leave him just
because he fucked up once?"
There goes this looking down thing of theirrs.
No i want their eyes on me!
"Look at me when i am talking to you!"
They look up immediatly, petrified. I want to
"You think i would leave?", no but their words
hurt me. Really really hurt me.
"They all did, they all left him when he needed
them most especially after losing Ziphozonke",
Mhlengi is not a cryer but i see the tears
threatening to leak from his eyes.
"Ziphozonke?", he never spoke about a
Ziphozonke to me.
"His son. Our little Da Don", their faces tell me i
am touching a painful subject. And the
emotional wreck me has the guts to ask more.
"What happened?"
At the clenching of their jaws i know its time to
shut up because beside that i do not want to
hear the truth, i doubt they know it.
"Why is eryone cwying mama"
"They miss their brother baby", i brush his head
and he goes back to twisting my hair and
sticking his finger up my nose. All along he's
smiling on my face with my burdens over his
shoulders yet his own are burning him alone?
Nah im mad, im really angry at him for doing
"I will never leave him, i do not know what
makes me so sure but i won't and you may have
heard that a million times but i mean it. As long
he does not change"
Speaking of which i must call my brother and
tell him he has a new brother inlaw.


Nomkhosi Mshengu

They beat him up he should be here with me

sleeping and taking pain tablets but no he is out
there playing Hercules. I tried stopping him but
he did not budge, in fact i was wrestled out of
the way. i ended up letting him be before he
makes me scar face too. I still haven't
navigated my feelings about this mess, all i
know is Ngcwethi needs to press charges, this
Nqawe person must face the law. He cannot go
around beating people up and not get
reprimanded, i make a mental note to call the
police station later.
Snakho and Khalilou are with me for the day,
they say they've missed my cooking and i knew
they are lying because i do not cook good food.
i think they just want to know truly what is going
"So Junior how is school going?", we do not go
a day without chatting sometimes he reminds
me of the things we did back then things that
annoyed Sosha and each time he tells me i see
the mask he has on fade away, i see the child in
him, the child with no sin.
"I do not have a school yet, the two last mumus
wanted a school report of previous grades as if
i had any damn time to carry a school report
through the bushes", he laughs.
"Didn't Sbulelo tell him what happened?", i
thought she said she did.
"She did but he is one of those delusional
puppets who thinks the world is glittery pink
and purple. Enough about me, what is really
going on ma?", ohh and yeah he has upgraded
from sisi to ma, i do not get it but i feel the
warmth and fuzziness when he calls me that.
Where do i begin? Honestly i do not know what
is going on either all i know is we are tired. All
of us.
"My favourite people, where is the other one",
when did she get in? Khalilou smiles wider
when Sbulelo finishes hugging him. What is it
with this boy and havig a crush on his big sister.
"Hey babe", we kiss.
"No fair, ma gets a kiss?", khalilou sulks.
"Hurry and grab a jacket, tell your brother to
grab his too. We are going out for lunch", she is
looking at me also which gives me the
impression i too am going to this lucnh.
"I'll go grab something warm. It is chilly outside"
"After this kunch you will be a lot warmer"
That's odd, are we going to one of those fancy
restuarants where your cultery warms you?
That would be fun and exotic.

Patrimony: The Ancestors Wife
Chapter Forty-one
Season Finale
Nomkhosi Mshengu

This is a change of scenery, it's a bit of a bush

place though if you ask me me and it gives me
the uncomfortable scary cabin vibes. The
service? 10 out of 10! I haven’t had to wave my
hand around more than once for a waiter to
attend to me.
“So how is Ngcwethi, how are you guys coming
I can’t say I did not see this one peeping
through the window but I still hoped we ignore
the subject because it appears every time we
discuss such matters our blood pressures rise
up. Sbulelo pokes her steak and looks up at me,
expecting an answer. Jeez for goodness sakes!
“We are okay, he is fine he just needs some
adjusting here and there but I think we will
survive”, I say before I choke on this carrot.
“Good, I hope he is not cranky and rude, I know
how he can get when annoyed or angry”, she
For some weird reason I too expected him to be
mean after the beating because at some point
that day morning I did convince him to go but
then again I said he must go TALK with Nqawe
and Snothile about the baby arrangements that
can be done not shout and threaten thugs at
their own territory.
“No he is fairly good actually and we are fine
trust me”, I smile reassuringly and we continue
eating in silence, it has been silent since we
arrived. Sbulelo kespzz jabbing at her phone
screen and her watch and sighing.
“Waiting for someone?”, I ask.
“No … yes. Just a friend of mine that wanted to
join us for lunch today and here she comes”, I
look towards the direction Bule is looking at.
“Ma!”, Snakho is up from his chair before we
can make out Snothile’s full figure.
They hug, a long very long hug. I see Snakho
pointing to this table and immediately turn the
other way and give Sbulelo thee ultimate
‘uyangijwayela ke kodwa’ eye in the history of
Zulu Women Scorned.
How does one slip out of this mess because
that is what will happen here, all of this is a big
huge mess and sbulelo smells like the initiator
of it. Great! She is right before me.
I don’t like the way she is disregarding me, or is
it that she is too occupied with the boys since
they haven’t seen each other in so long. One
thing is for sure though, Nqawe is treating her
well she’s becoming a whale, a beautiful whale.
“Hello Nomkhosi, boys this is Sis'Nomkhosi”,
I’m shocked by that sis part, I never thought!
“Sis'Omkosi”, awwww this cute fat thing!
I was going to punch his cheek but he just
opened his arms, I look at Snothile and she
doesn’t seem to mind when I lift the baby up.
He is sooo cute, and heavy asf.
“Hey fat cheeks”, I pinch his plump cheeks he
So adorable.
“Mama", he stretches his arms out to Snothile
now, that was quick turn of events I thought we
were buddies. Anyway I give him back to his …
wait did this child just say Mama?
Sbulelo looks at me and I look at her, we are
definitely being judgemental right now. But
mama How? So fast!
“That was Bandile, this is Sethu the kangaroo”,
she points to the kid crawling beneath tables
and pulling Sbulelo's shoe off her foot to run
with it. He does not get very far because one of
the tall boys Snothile is going with catch him.
“Thank you!”; Sbulelo thanks the kid, that I am
not so sure if he is a kid.
Sethu keeps walking around all over the place
but I notice he’s always starring at people with
some incriminating look on his face, like he’s
wondering why the hell these people look like
strobe lights?
“Stop your running or I’ll whoop your behind”
That had both Sbulelo and I shocked!
No loading shedding for a day kinda shocked!
To my surprise the kid stop running for real and
stand still for once.
“Sorry about that he tends to think he is
superman; Batman and Spider-Man all at once.
This is Mhlengi and that is Ntokozo, boys this is
my friend Aunt'Sbulelo; Sis'Nomkhosi; That is
junior and the other is Snakho. Is that everyone?
Yes it’s everyone”, she throws herself on the
chair left for her and sits the big baby on her lap,
I’m sorry this is becoming weird to watch. Just
yesterday we were all childless and today sis is
showing up with a village of children, I’m not
judging but that’s wild.
“My feet hurt quite quickly nowadays”, she
At least the boys are getting well acquainted, I
see even Khalilou making conversation with the
elder boys, Sethu is stuck on Snakho and I get
the feeling Snakho does not mind otherwise he
would have long told him off.
Since she seems to be stressfree about this, I
ask her. “Where are they going?”
“Somewhere, don’t worry I think the boys are
just trying to give us some space”, Snothile
waves me off and starts skimming through the
Well if she says they are safe then I guess they
are safe.
We sit, and look at the menu for way longer
than necessary. It’s not comfortable silence but
I feel like it would be better than us talking,
particularly Snothile and I.
The order comes, after Snothile almost blowing
up because it took so long. No kidding though it
did take centuries to arrive, I mean for crying
out loud she just ordered SALAD! With little
bread crumbs and raw fish how does that take
20 minutes?
“Is there a problem here?”, and who are you?
“Sorry?”, Bule.
“I heard there was a food complaint, what is it?”
Snothile opens her mouth to respond but the
dude just zips her lips with his finger. EWW.
“I do not have time to waste really ma'am, we
can do this the hard way or you could just get
up and exit”, do we look poor to him? Because
right now I feel like his judgement is based on
the fact that we are not wearing Gucci
sunglasses like the rest of this pale population
in this restaurant.
“Firstly get your finger off my lips and
“You will regret that bafo, Mr Nqawe Zungu
wouldn’t appreciate knowing his woman was ill
treated for nothing”, those kids again. They
don’t look like kids right now though, they Lool
like men.
The manager withdraws his finger so fast its
almost ad if he burnt, he looks at Snothile
“I’m ssorry ma'am…”
“Whatever, can we have our food now?”
He nods in an instant and scurried off. I think
this one is Ntokozo, yes he is darker j have
“You sure you want to stay here?”
Bule and I look at each other again.
“No it’s okay, my feet seriously hurt. You and
your brother might have to lift me out of here
“Should I call bab'Mongezi?:, he is on panic
mode all of a sudden.
“No no no, relax painful feet are normal for a
pregnant lady”, she laughs, he laughs and …
sbulelo laughs too mow this is strange so I
laugh too although now that I think of it Sbulelo
was laughing because it’s good to see her
friend laugh.
“If you say so. We will be a few tables away in
case you need anything”, he kisses her cheek,
which surprises her too then leaves.
Okay this gurl has a lot of explaining to do.

“Start talking”, Sbulelo says.

“About what?”, Snothile asks.
What does she mean about what? About
I’m so eager to actually know, it’s weird
because we haven’t addressed the issues we
have but we're already gaping for gossip.
“Start from the fact that you are ‘mama and Ma’
now, you have kids?”, the judgmentalness in her
tone makes me want to laugh a little, she
sounds crazy funny.
“Yes I am a ma and a mama now so?”
“So they are your children?”, I had to hop in too.
Her eye! Has she always been like this?
“Yes they are, there is another twelve,
unfortunatly the sixth passed away. I didn’t have
much choice, I was told that I am a mother to
15 children grown and small. I held back for a
while but when they come to you asking for
food or why the sun is not coming today you
forget all that and accept it”, I like her smile, she
has a pretty smile.
But tjo! 15 children! 15!?
“I know y’all are judging me but please stop it",
how did she know?
“We're not judging we are just surprised that’s
all. But you seem happy”
“I am"
“That’s good"
Back to that silence again. I cant stand it but
Snothile beats me to it, she talks first.
“Nomkhosi ngiyaxolisa for everything that I did
to hurt you, all I said once before it was me just
being s bitter bitch. I am not into this beef we
have going on… I just want peace in my fresh
life and I want to love and live my life with the
man who makes me happy in peace”, her tears
are making me cry too, I’m not an emotional
person but this is getting emotional even yo me.
Sbulelo long cracked into tears.
To speak the truth she never did anything bad
to me, we just get caught up in bad
circumstances and end up looking bad to each
… listen to me being all motivational and shit!
“We did nothing to each other Snothile in fact
these men owe us an apology! Sosha and
Ngcwethi totally stirred our lives for the worst in
some way. I’m sorry I became that woman, that
woman who came inbetween you two, I had
no …”
“Its bygones. There is no need for us to keep
visting the past, I am ready to move on and heal
and create a better relationship amongst us all",
Ohhh thank goodness she did that!
“To a new leaf", Sbulelo raises her glass and we
follow too.
“Cheers", the cling of the glasses and our
laughter earns us a couple of looks.
“Oopps”, Snothile lowers her voice.
“You look beautiful”
My mouth is just uncontrollable!
Snothile looks at me, confused and shocked. I
am too because I have no idea where that
comment came from. But she is pretty now, a
lot more happy.
And I feel kinda bad, Ngcwethi should give her a
break for now and learn to accept her thug
boyfriend because that is the man who makes
her happy.
“Thank you. You’re pretty too, actually you look
like Thola”
I won’t ask who thola is but I smile and give
“I’m sorry can we get a group hug?”, Sbulelo
That sounds GREAT!
We all hug and scream, we don’t know why we
are screaming but this is a fulfilling moment.
“To a good life; soft life…”
“And great sex!”
Gosh that was embarrassing now these people
will think we are some drunkard sex addict gold
“What’s with all the looks?”, Snothile looks
I noticed too, I would have said we are making
noise that’s why but that isn’t a matter to
gossip over the table about, and they keep
looking at Snothile not us.
“Maybe they are surprised to see a celebrity”,
Sbulelo nudges her.
She rolls her eyes, “They are not celebrities and
as far as I know Ngcwethi is one too. No one
isn’t aware of his court skills”, that is true.
“Find me a girl who doesn’t know a Nqawe
Zungu and then come back and tell me that
bull”, Sbuleolo.
Snothile blushes and dismisses it.
“How are the wedding preparations going?”,
“Its not a wedding really, just a ceremony of
welcoming me to the Mthembu alter that’s all.
And hopefully by then sosha will have calmed
down and stop visiting me in my dreams all the
time”, I still haven’t gotten over that, the way it
happens and the aftermath but baba says it’s
nothing to worry about so I will just deal with it
until it has been dealt with.
“If you need any help call me"
I widen my eyes at her.
“Am I trying too hard?”
Yes you are.
“Okay you caught me! Can you please tell
Ngcwethi to stop pushing and pushing? Nqawe
does not mind him having a relationship with
his child but him coming at him hot headed will
make things difficult… for all of us"
“I can try but I doubt he will listen”
“I will talk to him”, Bule offers.
Oh yes perfect. He listens to her anyway.

We have had the best time here, we’ve been

here for about two hours now. Snothile’s phone
rings, twice and she ansawres after looking at
the caller ID.
“Oh my god are you fine? Are you okay? Where
are you? Is the baby okay? Tell me you are fine
please”, whoaaaaaaa. The questions.
“Yes I’m fine what’s wrong?”, poor thing she is
just as confused as Sbulelo and I.
“Where are you gurl? We are here for you at
your house”, another woman says over the
“My house?”
“Mx ugh Nqawe’s house is yours you know what
we meant. Uphi?”
“Ncumo what is going on?”
I too want to know mow whatever it is it sounds
so serious.
“Haven’t you seen the news? Social media?
What the hell is going on?
“No listen ill call back Nqawe is calling”, she
drops the call and answers the current dial.
“Where are you? Is the baby okay?”, double the
Snothile frowns and looks at us.
“At a restaurant why?”, she shrugs.
“Is Mhlengi there?”
“Yes he is here with Ntokozo; Sethu and Bandile.
What’s going on Sengwayo?”
I don’t know why I blushed instead of the guy
when she said that.
“Okay come back home soon ought? And don’t
look at your phone, switch it off I'll call you from
Mhlengi's phone. I love you mommy with my all"
“Erhhh ..”
He hangs up. This girl! Why didn’t she say she
loves him back?
“Mommy?”, Sbulelo.
“They have mommy issues you end up getting
use to it. What’s going on kanti?”
“So you are the dick hopper? From the
Mthembu to the Zungu, climaxing huh? Girl
between me and you teach me your ways with
that older one, who is He? The quiet freak?
Khalulu? Yes him. I salute your bedroom skills,
made Nqawe beat up baby daddy just like that?”
Oh no!
“Snothile wait!”, Sbulelo settles the bill and runs
after Snothile, I follow after them. Dialing
Ngcwethi fast, I’m beyond livid now. What has
he done?
It’s all over social media, Ngcwethi sourced this?
My God this man!
She is not listening, she just keeps walking fast
and the crowd formulating is evading her path.
“What the hell did Ngcwethi just do?”
Beats me Sbulelo. Beats me.
Patrimony: The Ancestors Wife
Chaoyer Forty-two
Season Finale
Nomkhosi Mshengu

His car is driving in, I see it from the kitchen

window but I do not see him. It can’t be driving
itself so I’ll wait for him by the door. Gosh I am
so dissappointed in Ngcwethi, this is how low
he stoops? As if Snothile isn’t his baby mama!
Oh good he’s finally coming out of the car, he
looks like shit must be the guilt after ruining
another girl's life just like that. Standing I am
wondering if sosha wanted me to live in this
misery? If his plan really was yo cage me into
this depressing life of ups and downs that don’t
end, temporary happiness and restricted
freedom. If you loved me my love why can’t you
set us all free of these chains? You’re an
ancestor there is nothing you can’t do!
I look over at the clock above the fridge, 18:55
pm, that is early for him. Usually he’s here later
than this, maybe say 17:22. He walks in, sighing
exhaustingly, seemingly tired. His bag is on the
counter and his tie is loose, he goes straight to
the wine cellar and pulls out a bottle of some
alcohol and downs it scoon!
“Ngcwethi”, I can’t believe he just drunk from
the bottle like that. The very same person who
fills whenever he finds you drinking milk from
the carton.
“Baby", his eyes are bloodshot and judging by
what he just called me I would say he is drunk
or tipsy.
“Where have you been?”, I’m starting slow, this
man does not lool like he is in any state to be
making conversation, not about what I want us
to talk about anyway.
He burps, not disgustingly but I still make the
“Office”, he puts his bottle down and walks to
I could move back and run away but I know he
would never touch me because he knows my
madness he knows I’d beat him back.
“I missed you", he says dropping his body
weight on top of my small body.
“You’re heavy", I screech.
He does not move, he’s just holding me tighter
and breathing my skin basically. This is
uncomfortable for me, my neck is framed and
my back is starting to feel the burden of his
body weight, Ngcwethi exactly a size 79 but
he’s no 13-14 either.
“You smell divine”, he sniffs my neck, my skin.
I feel tingles evade my senses. His hands are
touching me in places they shouldn’t, not yet
anyway. Each time I try to move his hand away
he bites my neck gently, and grazes his finger
on my nipple, flipping it to the left and to the
“Do I make you happy?”, is his question.
It’s tricky, in what sense ?
I moan. My mind cannot register when he
managed to part my legs with his knee but they
are far apart now and his thumb keeps teasing
me, tapping the swell of my clit. Thixo forgive
me for being that bicycle girl, I really had
nothing to do with what these men are doing to
“Do I make you happy MaMshengu?”, does He?
My thong has been shifted aside, it’s flesh to
flesh now.
“Do I?”, he comes off abit rougher this time
around and I get to nodding instantly.
“Yes you make me happy … although you piss
me off sometimes”, if I am being honest.
My toes curl! He just pinched my clit, dragged
his long veiny finger down my slit and slipped it
in my wet cooze. Oh I really crave an orgasm
now, it’s been too long.
“Don’t lie to me Nomkhosi”
It swirles around me, hitting the roof and the
sponge walls. I have no clue what I am doing
but it gives me the pleasure I need, rocking my
hips back and forth around and around with his
finger in me. He slips in another one and
immediately I have my arms around his neck,
pulling his face down so I can kiss him to death!
“Does that sound like a lie to you?”, I ask once
our breathing has returned to somewhat
“Tell me how I can make it better? Make you
love being with me more?”, he whispers.
In turned around, bent over the bar stool and
stripped naked below. Something warm and
wet meets the inside of my thigh, inches away
from my vulvarine.
“Ngcwethi mmmh”, he gets me and sticks his
tongue out for me to drag my clit up and down
on, oh gosh it feels like heaven.
A stinging sensation covers my butt cheek.
Ouch! Fool that hurt really bad I am not a slut
for crying out loud! He spanks me again and
again and again until I moan and arch my back.
“Goodness Ngcwethi!”
“Tell me how to be better my love be better for
you”, is He high?
Ohh no his tip I feel it on my entrance, when
was his pant dropped?.
He keeps spreading his pre cum on me, sticking
the head in just a bit, rubbing my clit and pulling
back out again. I want him so bad my legs are
“Ngcwethi please”, I’m shaking my ass, the little
God gave me just to shut me up when I’m
dropped on earth.
That sting again!
“I’ve always loved you Nomkhosi only you, it’s
always been you sthandwa sami. I cant help
myself anymore Nomkhosi, I’m tired of being
tired of being strong”, he pushes himself in, I
gasp and reach for invisible sheets in front of
me. His butterfly kisses down my back and
bums leave actual butterflies in my tummy.
He is so gentle!
“Just …”, my waist is safely secured in his grip
as he drills inside of me. Punnels me as though
I begged for it, over and over.
“Continue, don’t stop loving me then”
I feel a kiss on my butt again and a loud slap
this time around. I jolted forehead a bit almost
smashed my head on the marble.
“I got you", he whispers in my ear.
I have no minute to respond, he has lifted me up
and hooked my legs on either of his arms, his
dick directs itself inside of me and slowly he
sits me on him.
“Ngcwethi!!”, I bite his shoulder to suppress my
moans before I wake the boys up.
This is such a sin, people eat food here and
Ngcwethi and I are busy sharing orgasms.
“I loved you then I still love you know Khosi”, he
bites my breast, slips my nipple inside his
mouth and sucks it.
“I’m almost there", I really am and if he slows
down from here I will cry. He slaps my butt on
the counter and spreads my legs, I don’t feel the
coldness of the marble, my body has
“Can I go faster? You have me inticed too
much", he grunts and goes fast without waiting
for me to say something in response.
My arms are squeezing him in, my toes are
digging into his thigh as he drills me. I’m so
damn close.
“Wait for me”
Never I want to release right this minute! He
puts one leg period shoulder and fucks me like
its his last day having my pussy.
He grunts and growls then pours his juices in
me, and watches it drip down my vagina.
That was wild.

We stay on the floor for a while gathering our

breathes, personally famished and sour I lie on
top of his naked body. I could use the bed right
about now.
“I did not it if that’s what you were going to
shout at me about, I didn’t call any media”, I
won’t lie and say I am not relieved to hear he did
not do it because had he done it he would have
proved all those people right that yes he is the
problem when it’s all just a miscommunication
between Snothile and him.
“I had hoped you didn’t”, I’m yawning and
comfortably twisting and turning on his body as
if it’s my queen size bed!
His arms wrap around me and it feels like a
blanket just curled me up.
“You thought I did it?”, he must not sound so
offended, he’s k
Making me feel bad.
“We all did”, I say.
“Snothile isn’t taking it well, we were at a lunch
in Umhlanga and people kept taking pictures
and gossiping about her. She looked really hurt
shame and so did the kids”, who could have
done this Mara?
“The kids?”
I face palm myself on the inside, I can’t believe I
just spilled the beans!
“Yeah. We should call her family to be there for
her too don’t you think?”
He doesn’t say anything so I’m guessing the
subject needs to be changed.
“Nokwanda called and she wants an answer as
to why we haven’t taken Ntando out that
rehabilitation centre regardless of how they are
treating him”
“Treating him as in? Punishment?. If he wants
to act like a man then he will obviously get
handled like one. We can’t do anything about
that”, that first conversation really annoyed him
“I think you should just visit him at some point
nje, visit him and someday forgive each other”,
I’m asking for an arm and a leg from this maam
at this point but his quietness tells me he will
think about it.
“Whose phone is ringing?”
Yours duhhh!
Since Nokwanda is busy with her mental case
and my brother has well … left me, my phone is
as dry as the Sahara!
He grabs his pants from the floor and digs
inside the pockets for the phone. First thing he
does is look at me.
Tf! What now?
“It’s her father”, he says.
Oh he is screwed!

He quickly tidies himself up and gets off the

floor, he’s nervous and jittery roaming the
kitchen butt naked and I am still lying on the
cold tiles not sure what I an waiting for.
“Baba", he clears his throat nervously and bites
down his lower lip like he isn’t sure if he should
have said that.
“Yaaah mfana onncane, ngithintwa ngunyoko
lana ungitshela ukuthi lama nyala engiwa bona
kuma bonakude ayiqiniso ngithi ke angizizwele
ngawami ke ndodana. Kuyiqiniso?”, I don’t like
his tone its like he has something up his sleeve
if this happens to be true or something.
Ngcwethi looks at me and widen his eyes at me.
I have said it before I don’t like being dragged in
things I am not part of so he must not look at
me for answers. I slowly get up and pick up my
panty on the floor and put it on, clear shit is
getting worse.
“Yebo kona kuyiqiniso”, Wtf Ngcwethi!
“Mmmmmmmmmmmh. Give her the phone I
want to talk to her”, her father says.
Ngcwethi scratches the back of his head and
stares at me.
I am not going to act like Snothile!
“She doesn’t live with me anymore baba
actually, ever since she broke the engagement
off she has been living elsewhere”
This is a Tornado brewing!
“Ohhh I see. Can you take me to that place? I
want to talk to her father to daughter for one
last time”, he does not found like he just wants
to talk njerr but nonetheless Ngcwethi promises
to take him where Snothile is and the old man
hangs up.
“Ngcwethi why did you tell him the truth?”
“What was lying going to do for us? He knew he
clearly knew everything and I had not told him
Candice was probably going to say worse. Fuck
that woman is getting on my last nerve!”, he
bangs the counter..
“What will you do?”, I sound inaudible because
of fear.
“I’ll tell Mvelase to get her act together or else I
will handle her my way”, he says.
I gulp and nod. While Ngcwethi takes a shower I
send a quick message to Snothile telling her her
father’s looking for her and things don’t look
good. I don’t know I felt the need to tell her all
that for some reason.


Back at the Gwamanda homsetead things have
been unstable since Candice was called after
Gwamanda witnessed his daughter's dirty linen
being thrown out on national television. Some
reporters call her a gold digging incubator as if
she has had any other child before, others say
she’s a down right fraudster who is in it for the
money. It’s a drama and Gwamanda wants to
end it. His name and reputation has never been
dragged down the mud like this before, it’s
embarrassing to even associate her with her
name let alone call her his daughter!
He is ashamed!
“Baba yehlisa umoya sikhulume…”
“Ayikho into edinga ukudikidwa la le ngane
isingigibele ekhanda kwaze kweqa nkosikazi!
Today I will end it all!”, he shouts and makes his
way to the kitchen door, fuming.
His wife blocks his way and he doesn’t think
twice in grabbing her arm and swinging out the
“Kodwa Gwamanda!”, she whales and grips his
wrist in her fall.
“Please leave the child alone mnyeni wami I will
sit down with her and talk …”
“Talk amasimba! This girl is too out of hand to
be spoken to now, the only way to fix this is
hardening my hand. I won’t be shamed on
national television for nonsense and sit with my
hands idle. Ungithatha kanjani vele wena", he
eventually succeeds in yanking her off and
continuing with his walk to the car. Snothile's
mother struggles with getting up from the floor
and ends up just lying there crying. Where is
that defiant boy when you need him!?
“Gwamanda!”, she yells for the last time as she
hears the car engine roaring out the yard.
“Yho wafa umntanam”, she cries.

He is angry, even more angry when he gets to

see the place where his daughter ran off too.
What is this? The body guards what are those
for? He looks disgusted.
“This is the place”, Ngcwethi points to the
mansion before his eyes.
“Take me inside!” he rasps.
Ngcwethi’s eyes widen. Firstly this man took
him out of bed and forces him to drive him here
and now this?
“Take me in!”
Ngcwethi presses the intercom reluctantly and
says that Snothile's father is here to see her.
The gate opens instantly and a guard escorts
them in the yard, at least his gun is tucked
behind his pants.
Gwamanda opens the door in no time, he’s
already gliding up the three front door steps.
This yard is full of cars, all sorts of cars and
there is noise coming from the backyard. He
doesn’t knock the door opens instantly as he
reaches it. It’s her, the little whoring brat it’s her.
“Baba!”, her arms don’t even reach around his
neck, he has already sent a slap her way. He
does it again until she has backed up inside the
house enough for him to get in too.
“Iyona nto owawuyijahile le eThekwini!
Ubufebe!”, her father yanks off his belt and
folds it into two.
Snothile steps back, her hands trembling in fear.
The first whip is almost numb, she couldn’t feel
it from the disbelief she is facing right now but
the second she feels it hit the side of her belly.
“Baba stop it you’ll hurt my baby baba stop!!”,
she screams and tries to cover her belly as
more whips come in. He hits her legs; her back,
the side of her tummy that cannot be shielded
and just keeps going. No scream can reach
outside that is the sad part about this house
and no one is inside right now.
“Baba I’m sorry please!”
“What have I never given to you huh what!?”, he
hits her again.
“I’m sorry!!”
That voice sends shocks of relief down her
spine. Mlondi is in front of her father blocking
the hits from touching her any further. One whip
does hit him but he still hasn’t move.
“Dumisa stop it!”, Snothile boils.
That alone sets her father off, she has the guts
to call him by name now?
Another slap across her face. Mlondi gets
angry and pushes the old man away.
“Mlondi wenzani?”, Zime also comes from
nowhere, she puts the jackets on the couch and
walks closer she sees Snothile on the floor with
red bruises all over her body.
It daunts her, she rushes outside and calls for
Nqawe but the whole brood comes running
Mlondi has been thrown aside and the whipping
has continued. There blood splatters on the
floor, small but enough to drive Nqawe insane
he is visibly sweating far worse than pigs, he
can’t ccontrol his breathing and if it wasn’t for
Mongezi being so close to him he would have
fell and hit the corner of the vase stand.
“Zime my medical bag inside the boot, now!”, he
says throwing the keys to his wife.
Two men have tangled Snothile's father back,
Nkosenye and Khalulu because ndlalifa was
ready to rip him to pieces too. Nothing angers
him like shitty fathers. Worse when they make
his brother suffer a heart attack and his wife cry!
He and sambulo go out for a quick smoke, the
wrong one spots the Range parked in their yard
and the man inside of it.
“Yeeyi not right now ukoti is not in a good
condition right now”, Ndlalifa stops him.
Sambulo growls and goes back inside after
throwing his full cigarette on the floor.
“I am not done with you Snothile uyangizwa! I
am not done with you! From now on you are
abandoned to ever set foot esigodini sakithi
uyangizwa you are a disgrace man!”,
Gwamanda rasps louder as they drag him out.
They would have done worse way worse had
they not shared the same blood!
“Snothy baby are you okay?”, Ncumo wraps her
arms around her shaky body and pulls her close.
“Where is Nqawe?”
They look at their husbands, they give a nod and
Ncumo pulls her up and takes her to Nqawe.
No one can fathom what exactly just happened,
and they have no time to do so because if they
are not trying to save their brother then they are
calling all media swearing them from top to
Patrimony: The Ancestors Wife
Chapter Forty-Three
Season Finale
Snothile Gwamanda

I have been sitting on the couch for an hour,

brushing Nqawe's sweaty forehead off. He
fainted again, only this time it wasn’t just a faint
he had a panic attack. I’m beginning to take this
thing of his seriously though I’m told its nothing
serious as long as it is containable but what
happens when it becomes too much for him? I
wondered if he has always been like this and
Mongezi’s response was: “You’re Snothile” as if
that explained it all he kept quiet after that.
“Can you wake up now?”, I miss him already, I
miss his stupidity; dry jokes that never make
sense; his eyes when he looks at me like
nothing else truly matters; his fuzzy hugs; his
smile; the way he says he loves me it makes my
head spin and my heart dance to a different
tune. I miss so much!
My body aches, from my legs to my shoulders.
Mongezi cleaned the opened blisters and
wrapped them up but they still feel like hell to
bear. Dr Moosa is on his way according to what
Ncumo said, none of them are taking chances
even though I did mention that I am fine. Why
he did this to me I can never understand or
accept, maybe I was wrong somehow
somewhere but for him yo resent me to that
extent and disregard my baby like that it’s evil
of him and I have no excuse up my sleeve for
his behaviour anymore. I always thought I
fuelled his anger towards me that me not
making him proud enough was the cause but
no ubolile nje that’s all. So it’s a wrap for me I
guess, I finally have no one in this world. My
brother is too young for me to drag him into this
because I know immediately after he chooses
to side with me he will be disowned as well. He
can’t be dealing with that kind of trauma at the
moment, his life just begun. I’m officially family-
less. Orphaned with both parents still very
much alive.
“I love you”
I get a fright and flinch.
Nqawe frowns at me, saddened by what’s going
on with me. It was a reflex from the experience I
just suffered from.
“You are finally awake”, my smile isn’t giving,
he’s not bothered by it actually his face is still
the same.
“I’m sorry I did not mean to flinch I just got
scared, I’m sorry”, I’m playing with my fingers
on my lap, quiet and nervous. Am I making him
cross? I can’t afford that, right now he is all I
“Come here”, he opens his arms for me to lie on
his chest, I can’t, the bruises are too painful to
press on.
“It's still sore”, I whisper.
That pained face again. Does he really feel the
pain I go through 18x Worse? It always seems
like it.
“I’m sorry you went through all that ngikhona. If
it wasn’t for the blood you two share I would
have -", he holds himself and I’m glad because I
don’t think I needed to know what he would do..
“Is the baby okay? Did Mongezi check her?”, I
find it interesting he is always referring to this
baby as a her.
“He did check me but there’s nothing much he
can check so he called Dr Moosa, he should be
here any moment now", I shrug my shoulders.
“Why did he do this to you Snothile? How could
he hurt you like this?”, he’s examining my arms,
running his thumb pad over my bandages.
“I do not know. He didn’t give me a chance to
ask or explain”, it’s disturbing isn’t it? Even more
disturbing that I care enough to worry about
what I could have done wrong so bad to upset
him this much. I chose love and peace is that
my sin? Then I’ll die in sin.
“I’m sorry", he says again.
“I should have protected You, I should have
been there taking the whips instead. I hurt you
sthandwa sami ngixolele”, he’s being too
emotional right now, this isn’t his fault and it
isn’t that deep. I have suffered worse from my
… oh I forgot I can’t call him that word anymore.
“Sengwayo please, you did nothing wrong here
there was nothing you could have done to tame
him because you love me and everything I cone
with and that means respecting my father even
when he does not deserve respect. Don’t blame
yourself please”, I give him a kiss on the lips.
His eyes narrow.
“One kiss? Who do you think I am? Bandile?”, he
sits up and kisses me passionately and
squeezes my hand tightly. I think I understand
what he is saying: He is sorry.
“I missed you”, I giggle and hide my face on his
I hear him chuckle and blush worse than I ever
did before, I can’t get over his masculinity!
“I promise I’ll protect your sanity and life with
my all from no onwards. I’ve been distracted I
must admit, there is a lot going on and you
occupy my mind 24/7 no breaks, I have been
slacking in everything but more especially I
have been compromising your safety. I want
you to know that’ll change from no onwards
okay? I’ll do better, I’ll be on my A-game”, he’s
sserious now, looking down at my freshly
manicured toes.
“I know you will don’t worry about the rest”, I
kiss his cheek and his lips and peel myself off
“Where is everyone have they left?”, he asks,
getting out of bed. Isn’t he suppose to be
resting his body and mind?
“Downstairs, the kids are sleeping though I
think”, I heard Tabitha and Ntombi chase them
to sleep so I think they are either sleeping or
playing dead.
“Where are you going?”, I stand too and watch
him put his shoes on, I’m pretty sure he should
be on that bed.
“Going to chase them away. We need our space,
I can’t even fart in peace. I want to see my
woman walk around my house that I brought
with my hard earned money, naked. Is there a
problem with that? Can’t a man have Christmas
during winter?”, there is the stupid side of him! I
love it so much it is unexplained.
“You’re crazy!”
“About you? For sure. You could add me as your
tail for the rest of my life and I would still be
My cheeks are getting immune to all the
“Imagine when I fuck you? I’ll be a pain in your
ass, like a little guide dog”, he’s smiling to
himself I don’t know if he is proud of his
dumbness or smiling because I am smiling.
“I would smash you good! Though if I am being
honest I don’t think I will last long, those thighs
Gosh Nqawe!
His touch is everything but rough, he grabs my
butt cheeks and squeezes them in his hands. I
feel my gate open a flood down there. It’s been
a while.
“You’re not losing weight any time soon are
Like hell I won’t!
My body is turning out to be weird as hell, my
thighs are big and my legs aren’t that thick, I
have wide hips; this big belly and my arms are
starting to flap. I hate that.
“How will you carry me when I’m big?”
“Even when I’m grey, old and suffering from
back aches and painful knees I will always be
able to carry you”
“Ahem!”, saved by … oh shit!
Where is my scarf? Daamit it slipped off!
My my dress is so short.
What if he….
“Niyadingeka lapha ezansi Manzini, the both of
you”, Bhut'Nkosenye sighs. How long has he
stood on our door?
“Manzini”, Nqawe nods.
What’s he nodding Bhut'Nkosenye almost
caught us doing unholy things.
Before he leaves I receive a half smile, almost
like a nudge to prepare myself. Now I want to
get downstairs and fish for what is going on.
We walk out the room and head straight to the
dining room where we feel the tension from the
passage. Nqawe is gliding in front of me and I
am following quietly behind him, my hand in his.
I’m scared what if I’m becoming too much
baggage for the Zungus? What if I’m not
needed here anymore?
“Cha Zungu, here him out”, I hear
Bhut'Nkosenye’S calm yet demanding voice say
and the man in front of is trembling.
Nqawe trusts hid brothers with everything in
him so he calms himself and sits down.
Nothing could prepare me for the face I see!
Doesn’t Ngcwethi get tired?
Just as I turn, soft hands hold my shoulder. I
look around and Bhut'Khalulu is giving me creep
“He won’t do nonsense, not in a room full of
men who would kill for you. Sit down koti”, he
points me to a free couch, Bhut'Nkosenye’s
couch to be specific. The other wives are no
here, it’s just me and these men.
It rings in my mind again, what bhuti just said
why does it fulfil me? A room full of men who
would kill for me, why does it make me feel
untouchable? Safe?
“I didn’t do it, all of it had nothing to do with me”,
he says and stops there, he’s swallowing and
looking just about everywhere I get the feeling
he is too scared to look at me. I frighten him,
these scars on me mark him as a bad father… in
his head that’s what I think is going on.
“Awu weeeeh if your speech will have 30 minute
breaks then why not write us a letter bafo?”,
bhut'sambulo says. I see Bhut'Mnotho chuckle
and shake his head. Why is he behaving?
“I was on my way from Westville from a client's
appearance, I had no idea there was media
taking pictures and keeping tabs on me. Their
questions seemed harmless but now that I lool
at it they were used to build this story, I was just
as shocked when I read the news”
I frown. Nothing on his face tells me he is lying,
in fact I don’t think he has ever been so sincere
to me.
“Mmmh. And if you didn’t do it then who did?”,
Mathongo is standing next to Sambulo and
Mnotjo I don’t know why that gives me relief.
we're all puzzled to see Ndlalifa smash the wall
and leave the house, Mongezi rushes after him.
Does he still blame himself? I wouldn’t be
shocked if he still apologizes for that mistake
till now with his wife then clearly he still feels
“That’s not all"
They all turn away from the door and look at
Ngcwethi again, their eyes scream no patience!
Their attention has shifted to Ndlalifa.
“She is … she is the one who called Snothile’s
father and told her about the separation and the
scandal I guess. He came to my house and
demanded to see her, I had to tell him where
she is but I didn’t know he would do something
like this. Snothile I am deeply sorry”
Nqawe gets up and before he could get to
Ngcwethi I pull him back. He doesn’t know my
father and that is why he would react like this
but honestly Ngcwethi had no choice, not when
it came to that man.
“It’s not his fault “
They look at me like I’m going mad.
“My fathe…”
“Don’t call him that it doesn’t belong to him!”,
Yho okay.
“The man who was here is an evil man, trust me
Ngcwethi had no choice in fact maybe had he
not brought him he would have done worse…”
“What’s worse than this MaGwamanda?”, He’s
back? Smabilo too. They smell of cigarettes.
“I wouldn’t know but it’s not Ngcwethi’s fault.
Actually if possible I would like you to co-exist.
He has his mistakes, Nqawe has his but that
shouldn’t blind the truth being at some point we
need to co-exist”, I feel like slapping my face,
why did I say that?
“Ngeke ngiye…”
“Says who?”, Bhut'Nkosenye bombards
Sambulo, he shuts up and looks the other way.
“The poor woman has been through enough
because of your barbaric behaviour, you owe
her civilization between the two of you. Wena,
yeka ukugxajelwa. She is your woman you love
her I understand but this man is the biological
father of that child the two of you will have to
accept that”
Nqawe looks down, he nods only after a while.
“Nawe this thing of yours coming in hot making
claims it will take you nowhere. You have no
right over MaGwamanda, the baby is yours yes
but this man has made a vow to accept and
love her with everything she comes with which
means this baby is his too, we do not mind you
having a relation but Mthembu respect you
cannot barge here without acknowledging us
and expect we calmly welcome you
ayizowenzeka leyo. Siyezwana?”
Ngcwethi looks at Nqawe, he’s not pleased but
he too nods.
“Nome of you will put pressure on my daughter
inlaw about her own child or her decisions.
“If something concerning the child happens, tell
your big headed boyfriend and do not leave him
out”, he’s ttalking about both Ngcwethi and
“Yebo bhuti”
“If you encounter any problems with either, call
me and yes I will make it my problem Mthembu
like it or not. We are way too old to be doing
these things, c’mon madoda grow up!”, Oh
that’s the first, hearing khalulu say something.
Well, I for one happy this talk happened
because that releases burdens on me.
“I’m going to bed, coming?”, I ask Nqawe as the
number of people on the lounge lowers.
“You go I have something to do quickly”, he
kisses my forehead.
Oh okay whatever that may be. I walk my tired
ass to bed.


Nomkhosi Mshengu

I’ve been milking Zulu beer for the past three

hours and still its not enough, this is the last
drum though so hopefully it fills up quickly
otherwise I won’t hesitate to fill it up with water
by force! The congregation should be here soon,
and the negotiations should be occurring
shortly after their arrival.
“Ndodakazi, come this side”, one frail man calls
for me outside the rondaval I am in.
“Inkomo, inkomo ayivumi ukungena esibayeni
makoti”, I’m sorry what?
“What do youmean the cow doesn’t want to
enter the kraal? Beat it”, like really now do we
have to be complicated? Poke it on the arse
until its in the damn kraal, this day cannot go to
“Iyagolozo. We have tried everything makoti and
still it doesn’t move. It has been standing
outside the gate ever since it was delivered”,
he’s freaking out and that stresses me the fuck
out. I’m not a cow communicator how will I beg
it to just behave for now? I can’t even see
anyone who can help me around here. Where
has this husband of mine gone to?
The hell is wrong with these village people!
I look at the man standing next to me, he’s
under the sun I can’t see his face or make out
his facial features but I see the torn shirt on him
and the bullet wound on his chest. Blood oozing
from his torso, that’s a stab wound? Oh my god.
“What happen…”
“They are not listening to me, they are not
paying any attention to me. I have a message
for them and they do not want to hear it mkami”,
mkami? Oh my lord I’m married to ghosts?
“A message like what?”, I’m getting too
comfortable with this ghost im beginning to say
“You will hear it very soon, I trust you”, he’s
smiling at me.
I look around, that man with cow issues is gone
and now it’s just me and the… the ghost? Where
did the ghost go?
I rise up gasping for air, in my room, in my bed
talking to Ngcwethi not some ghost.
“What do you want Ngcwethi I'm sleeping”, I
yawn and go back to sleep, I want to hear the
The message that man had for me. I wonder if
it is who I think it is, but naaah it can’t be.

Ngcwethi is getting dressed next to me, what’s

surprising is the time on the clock. Didn’t he see
Has Snothile’s father come back?
“What’s going on?”, I ask sitting on my butt
“There is a crisis at home, Baba just called me 6
minutes ago. We need to go, Sbulelo will come
with Thunzi”, he’s jittery and sweating at the
same time.
Is it Baba? Something happened to Baba?
I don’t know why I feel the need to not ask what
is going on and just get dressed quick in jeans
and a tee, I wake up Snakho and khalilou, hive
them a blanket and tell them to wait inside the
Thanks to their sleepiness I am not asked any
questions vele, they just slide in the jeep and go
fast asleep.
“Do you have your wallet?”, because I saw it on
the kitchen counter and I’m sure he did not
“We don’t need it, come inside”, he says
banging his door shut. What the hell is going on?
I managed the silence for an hour and some
minutes. He has been kissing my hand and
brushing my thigh the whole way. He’s nervous.
But why? Ggrrr I hate being in the dark.
It’s 4:55 am now, he woke me up at 2:37 am.
The minute I see the yard full of ambulance
vans; cops and neighbours surrounding the
premises my heart skips a thousand beats!
The boys don’t need to be here why would
Ngcwethi not tell me it’s this bad. Sihle spots us
and rushes to us, he looks fine so that alone
calms me. What happened here then? Because
clearly it has nothing to do with father.
“Its bad inside. Are the boys here?”, he looks at
me. I point to the car.
“Drive them around or take them to McDonalds,
whatever just get them out of here for now”, I
He nods and takes the keys.
“Oh before I forget your brother is worried about
you, you’ll find him inside the house”, sihle says.
Sthembiso is here? Where is his van then?
How come the guards didn’t spot some thing
weird, the ones by the gate.
“Nomkhosi!”, he engulfs me without thinking
twice, he was worried about me? That soothes
my heart.
“I was worried sick about you are you okay?”,
he’s inspecting me now, touching my face and
looking in my eyes. I’m fine really I just want to
know what’s going on here.
“Yes I’m fine and you?”, I choose to save the
pettiness for rainy days.
A loud sharp scream breaks out before he could
say anything. We both rush there, the dining
Sbulelo is frozen over the dead body before her,
Thunzi cringed just looking at it.
The chandelier is poking out her abdomen
coming from the back, bruises and blisters all
over her body, I’m sorry Is that a toothbrush in
her eye? What the hell happened here?
“You told him didn’t you?”, Thunzi asks
“She asked for it", he responds and walk away
clenching his jaw. So he knows who did this?
Wait a minute where was baba when all of this
I take out my phone and text Snothile that
Candice is dead, killed this morning.
Patrimony: The Ancestors Wife
Chapter Forty-five
Season Finale
Nomkhosi Mshengu

I wasn’t expecting Snothile to be here, the only

thing she asked me after seeing that text was if
Mvelase is okay and if the kids didn’t see
anything. I wasn’t prepared to see her on my
doorstep dressed in fresh clothes and all doek-
ed up. I know her man is with her but he
probably parked a few streets away.
Right now we are in the kitchen, they are
preparing food and I am their spectator/ taste
master. Sbulelo and I keep sharing glances and
I don’t quite understand why because we could
just ask Snothile the question lingering in our
heads, why is she still here doing all this after
It’s not even 6:30 in the morning. Maybe I was
wrong about her, maybe she isn’t a bad person
just misunderstood.
“So when are you and Thunzi making babies?”
The tea I’m drinking spills straight from my lips
as I crack in laughter. That topic always makes
Sbulelo red!
She looks like an overly riped tomato.
That was a random hellraiser question.
“I don’t know to tell the truth but maybe in he
next month. I really love him however we are
still trying to get him out of a possible life
imprisonment sentence”, that’s the first I heard
of that. What is this crime so big?
Snothile seems more sympathetic than I am,
they are the gangster girlfriends after all so they
understand the life. I don’t.
“I’m sure he will do something about it",
Snothile says, hugging Sbulelo closely.
“I know but will it work? The whole GC
Attorneys are searching for him. It would be by
extreme witchcraft that they didn’t file him with
other constitutions too as a red candidate”, this
is fat worse than I anticipated for Sbulelo to be
teary about it, this child never cries.
“GC Attorneys? Isn’t that your firm?”, Snothile
“Yes turns out I was just a pawn, a ladder to use
to get to what they truly want. They call it
corporal movement for justice buy deep down I
know it has more to do with the fact that some
light skinned male with British genes offered a
brief case full money and cheesy promise to
upgrade their image and clientele”
“But maybe there is something very bad that he
did for them to want him locked up so much,
not everything is corruption”
They look at me ugly, I spoke too much truth,
got it. Time to zip my mouth and not mind
people’s business.
“For a person who doesn’t even know half the
story that quite a cheap comment you made
there”, I wasn’t trying to hurt anybody j was
speaking from another perspective.
“Sbulelo wait I wasn’t trying to hurt you”, she
yanks her hand away from me and leaves the
kitchen tense!
That went well…
“Give her time, she gets overly emotional when
it comes to Thunzi, I was cut off for weeks”, she
laughs. That’s a bit childish, we are sharing
opinions aren’t we? What’s wrong with that?
“Oh I get it”, I lie.
I don’t get it.
“You’ve been quiet, Candice’s death affecting
you?”, her sly smirk tells me she is being
“Whatever she did to anger whoever she
angered resulted yo that so who am I to bother?
I have my own problems”, I sigh.
She stops grating carrots and looks at me,
waiting for me to say something meaningful. Do
I tell her about it? Ah but this one wouldn’t know,
I’ll tell her anyway.
She takes her jacket off and places it on one of
the barstools.
Damn her father is vicious! Who does this to a
pregnant woman, a flippen pregnant woman!
When he came back I should have waited for
him by the gate with boiling water and vinegar
because who does this to their own child?
My father was no saint but it never got this
“Forget about them, they’ll heal", she wants to
tear up.
I do too but ugh my waterfall malfunctions in
times I need it most.
“I’m sorry about what happened”, I’m genuine
this Time, I really am apologetic. I could have
stopped Ngcwethi from telling her father where
she is. But I didn’t.
“It’s no biggie, bottom line I have the man I love
with me so everything will get better”, she’s
finally owning up to her feelings! That was
quicker than an average wait but sothini the
Mahlomu type of women in this world, LOL. I
hope he doesn’t beat her in the future, you know
some men tend to lose control over good things.
I get the feeling that Snothile would stay. And
hide it as a matter of fact.
“What are you thinking?”, she snaps her finger
on my face and giggles.
“If ever I was to get caught up in an abusive
relationship with a man I love, would I stay and
tolerate or would I leave. I’m just wondering”,
I’m trying to direct it to her and she gets it, her
face has fell flat on the floor. She would
wouldn’t she?
“SNOTHILE”, I shout, it wasn't intentional and it
came it out way more aggressive then I had set
it in my mind.
“He would never do that. Nqawe loves me”, is
she for real right now? C’mon smart girl wake
“That’s what a man doing 15 years in prison
once said to his girlfriend that he murdered over
nothing, that’s what mqhele once told hlomu
“That’s a fiction Nomkhosi its not the same!”
“It may be fiction but for others it isn’t too far
fetched from their realities and I’m just saying I
pray that someone isn’t you too", I surrender my
hands and shut up.
She’s thinking hard about something, maybe
what I said or how kisses off I made her. To be
frank in pissed off too how could she sell
herself short like that? I’m judging that side of
“I wouldn’t stay, my heart would but not me",
she says after a long time silent.
I'd be glad if that is the case, I get that walking
away isn’t really ad simple as the term but
death isn’t an answer either.

“I had a dream last night, I don’t know how to

put it into context and I can’t exactly ask my
brother about it because he has written me off.
I dreamt of a ceremony of some sort, I was
brewing beer and then an elderly man came to
me saying the cow refuses to enter the kraal,
it’s stuck by the gate not even considering
going inside. We waited for hours and still it
refused to go in. I have no clue what the hell
this is about because I have been paid for, my
mobile have been paid for so what is this cow
for?”, I haven’t gotten over it especially the
message I need to hear part.
“I’m not your target audience my dear, I know
very little of these things however”, she hands
me a tray of food and a damp cloth and water.
“Sengwayo is a hardcore Zulu dude so you
never know he might help you. You’ll see his car,
he’s parked four houses away. A black tinted G-
63", she says and fleas the kitchen with a bowl
of soapy water and dry cloth.
Snothile has lost it! Does she know how scary
her boyfriend is? I only relaxed last time
because I didn’t know he was such a big shot.
I see the car from here, outside the gate and
think of going back inside the house to say I
can’t find him anywhere but he has probably
spotted me so before it looks like I am spying
on the man I just gather my balls and head
straight to the car.
He parked so far!
I know on the passenger window seeing as the
window is slightly open, I see him sleeping or is
He just laid back? Hid long legs are stretched
out, feet on the dashboard and Sjava playing on
low. There is a man who listens to artists like
Sjava nowadays? I’m charmed.
Nqawe should teach Ngcwethi to listen to some
and stop the jazz.
I decide to knock again, a bit harder. His eyes
open, he looks irritated but when he sees me he
gets a fright and moves up fast he hits the roof
of the car and his foot hits the hoot and
windscreen wipes go on. I guess he hit that too.
That was too hilarious for me not to laugh, he
looked so funny when all that happened at once.
“Your wife sent me to give you some food”, I
day through the space of the window.
He's blushing, weirdly.
The door opens and I put the tray on the seat,
he looks at it and smiles furthermore.
“She prepared this?”
“Yes she did”, can he smell her inside there too?
“Mmmh thank you MaMshengu”, he wipes his
hands and wastes no time digging in. The last
time I saw a man eat like this was during my
father’s funeral, five spoons a minute. It’s
disturbing and he has no shame in it I find it so
“For her cooking skills I don’t mind adding extra
cows”, he says after chewing three spoons at
“She would be deserving”
Sooo speaking of which, I have a problem over
“Problem being?”
My mouth will forever fail me! When did I spill
the beans?
“Its not a problem problem, it is a dream that I
cannot interpret actually and I was hoping
usbali can help”, I’m trying my best to not get
watery knees.
His laughs helps ease my tension. What’s the
worst he could do to me? Nothing.
“Iza nayo ngilalele”, he says.
I tell him everything, how the dream went and
what the hell is it suppose to mean. By the end
of it he seems convinced right away.
“Where is your father?”, he asks.
My father is dead.
I don’t get a chance to answer him, he’s
speaking already.
“In my knowledge the only reason a cow
wouldn’t want to enter a kraal is if and when it
does not belong in that kraal”
That would make sense but, “I have paid for,
lobola wise”
He laughs, “That doesn’t mean anything much,
until wangeniswa esibayeni sasekhweni,
wathelwa ngenyoko, wafumbhathiswa isibongo,
kwenziwe isizulu, kwakikizwa, amathongo
akwamukela you are still very much your
father’s girl. That cow is probably telling you
just that, either you are in the wrong kraal or
going to be in the wrong kraal so you’ll have to
find out from your family what’s going on”
I frown. I am still so puzzled, he notices and
laughs at me. He laughs so much!
“Traditionally intombi ikhishwa esibayeni sika
yise right? A man who knows his culture would
know that to avoid problems along the way the
girl must have to be taken out of her father’s
kraal and brought to the inlaw's kraal. In your
case, it’s either you are not in your real father’s
kraal or your father did not did not pay for you
first to be in his kraal ‘legally’ – as in introduce
you to his ancestors. It happens”, oh my god.
Mshengu is…. Mshengu is not my father?
How is that possible? I grew up in his face! I
saw him jeez I even remember him dropping me
when I was 3 years old, well Nokwanda use to
tell me stories of my childhood so I know he
has been there since the first day! And ma she
looked at me with innocence, innocence that is
unmatched how can she not tell me the truth
about my own father? Didn’t I deserve to know?
Someone shakes me back to earth.
“Are you okay?”, when did he get out the car?
Anyway I nod aimlessly. My head is spinning full
throttle. They lied to me again, they did it again.
What more could you expect from the
Mshengus? They are a bunch of liers!
“Thank you for your help Nqawe”
“It’s no biggie, glad I could help”
Where the hell is sthembiso he has a shit load
of history to give to me!
Patrimony: The Ancestors Wife
Chapter Forty-six
Season Finale
Nomkhosi Mshengu

I feel angry …
No scratch that I feel betrayed and cheated!
What does the truth cost? What did it cost ma
to sit me down and tell me I come from another
penis? What did it cost my brother to come
clean the day he decided to whip out his bag of
secrets! An arm and a leg? I’m sure I deserved
the truth, back then I deserved the truth, they
may hate me now but back then they had no
reason to hate me therefore had no reason to
keep my paternity under wraps. What did I do to
these people? It’s because I don’t share the
same blood as any of them right? We aren’t
family clearly so what reason do they have to be
loyal to me? Nothing!
He hasn’t left which is good because I have an
earful for him!
They are eating the floor prepared by Snothile
with Mvelase, chatting away as if nothing
happened. As if Candice’s dead body wasn’t
found here this morning; as if we don’t have a
funeral to plan for because dead madam has no
one to show up for her unfortunately the
strippers she regarded family don’t give a fuck
about her death, I’m the one who called them
when police asked questions. They are chatting
and laughing as though sosha is at peace
where he is; as if he isn’t cracking his head
trying to get through to them; as I know who the
fuck my father is and have known all my darn
“You’re back, did you get help?”
Not now woman!
Where is that skinny bitch? Where is He?
Right, found him. I take the plate out of his
hands and almost break the glass table when I
chuck it there.
Shocked faces, why? Haven’t seen a raging
woman in a while? Tough luck because today
you’re in for a real show.
I lift my finger up prior him scolding me as if he
has any right to do so. He has none! Today,
today he lost that right fully end of story. Just
looking at him makes me angry, is it because I
was quiet? It’s because I was quiet. They lie and
I nod and smile like a fool, accept their
meaningless apologies and see the positives,
blinded by my stupidity and dumbness couldn’t
see when I was being made an idiot. Lie about
me never shitting myself in school its fine, lie
about me being pretty okay, lie about me being
a size 50 as a child I can live with that but lying
about my life!? From start to end they’ve been
remote controlling me haven’t They? I move
towards where they wish and I play by their
rules. Ugh how stupid of me to think I was one
of the lucky ones in life, the ones who are
surrounded by people who love and care for
them and their wellbeing. I’m no different from
Snothile and them, honestly I am no different.
“Snothile you’ll break the table”, Sbulelo whines,
hurrying to clean the mess I made when the
plate bumped on the table.
“At least it can be repaired. What about my
heart!? My life wasted!? Y’all busy shouting at
me school this school that, Job this job that as I
never tried, as if I never visited seers half my
semesters because I’m challenging in life
advancing myself kanti you knew so called
family”, gosh I’m fumed, had I been a violent
person he would lifting his testicles from the
“Nomkhosi ukhuluma ngani?”, ohhhhhhh we
don’t know what I'm talking about anymore?
I’m speaking in tongues all of a sudden?
“Recollect your memory to the time this was
plotted, to the time all of you were plotting how
to obliterate my life. Remember now?”, I shout.
He looks so puzzled my word this guy can
become a big shot in the industry if he
continues like this.
“Khosi will you calm down? Sizilile la”
Oh please!
“Please don’t act like Candice dying moves a
single bone in you, you’re just as carefree as
everyone else in this house”
I hear Snothile sigh, I didn’t mean to rasp at
Sbulelo but her talking is making me more
I want to bust and disappear into thin air!
“Why would you lie to me Sthembiso? Why
would you do that to me? What have I dome to
you I just want to know so I can apologize for it
until you forgive me so you can stop punishing
me like this!”, goodness tears, fresh salty tears,
I don’t like them.
“Nomkhosi please calm down and let us talk
like civilized people, you can’t be going off in
another man’s house while his wife is a cold
room …”, enough about the dead lady!
“Why would you lie about my father
They’re shocked again? Thought I was crazy
huh? Well that’s because I have every damn
reason to be. After all these years what the hell
is true in my life? Am I even Nomkhosi? Since
we already know the Mshengu part is a lie.
“Lie? I did not lie about your father”, he’s lying
I yell, hit his chest and feel like ripping my hair
from the roots! It’s frustrating being kept in this
circle of nothing but lies!
“Nomkhosi!”, Mvelase is my elder and he is to
be respected but he will forgive this time
Cold hands have me tightly held by the arms,
there is no amount of smuggling that will get
me free. I shoot him an eye and he doesn’t
budge, he looks at with pity eyes and murmurs
a please – a word I have grown to hate. For how
long have I said please? Please tell me the truth,
please this please that do they ever Please? NO!
“Ngcwethi ngiyeke!”, I yell at the top of my tiny
He shakes his head, wtf.
“Not when you are like this Nomkhosi”, this man!
Why didn’t he just stay there at the police
station the entire day?
“Ngcwethi man let go of me before I let out a
scream, let me go”, I’m turning red, I’m dark yes
but the anger is making me pale and red.
“NO Nomkhosi I won’t let you go”, I don’t have
energy for this. I turn back to Sthembiso, he’s
quiet all of a sudden, humble and all lost. He
knew! In fact he knows!
“Who is He? Who is my father?”, I turn to
Ngcwethi and his father, “Did you kill him too?
Or your father did?”, I ask turning back to
They all gasp and look at me strange. Yeah
that’s my reaction whenever I hear the truth
behind their lies about my life and my identity. I
could be an Indian male who undergone surgery
for all I know and still they wouldn’t see the
need to let me know even after giving them the
60th chance to come clean with me. What do
you want from me honestly?.
“Angimazi”, he whispers.
Didn’t I say he was going to lie? Didn’t I say he
was going to feed me more lies. I almost push
him back onto the couch and strangle him but I
spot Khalilou standing on the stop of the
staircase, he just got up from sleep I can see by
the way he adjusts his eyes.
Nx I’m done with these ones, I’m tired of their
stinky faces.
I walk up the staircase and take khalilou back to
bed with me. He won’t sleep now but we'll talk
until he does.
“What was going on down there?”, he asks soon
as we're away from the dramas.
“Nothing you should worry about, tomorrow is a
hectic day for all of us so get some sleep
“I can’t, there is no more sleep in me. I cant
sleep anymore”, so the nightmares got him up?
“Okay let’s go sleep in my room, we'll talk, play
cards and watch a movie”, it’s an offer he won’t
refuse although he isn’t into any of the above.
His favourite thing is telling stories, telling
stories and hearing stories but today I'm not in
the mood to be fortune teller.


I zoned off mid way the movie, it was some

historical film khalilou is obsessed about. I
once asked him what career he would like to go
into and without thinking twice he said politics
and when I asked him why his response was
‘I’ve been both sides of the war, I’ve been
involved in both sides and I realized their engine
has always been politics’ it was clear what he
wanted to do with that career and I just hope he
I’m the room alone when I wake up but I can
hear the shower running so I guess he decided
to come bath here instead of his room, he has
work to do and I don’t think he will miss it for
anything in the world.
He comes back in his robe, sees me sitting on
the bed wide awake and gives me a tight lipped
smile. I don’t smile back.
“I cancelled the appearance, postponed it to
next well actually”, he says.
That’s good for him, but I don’t care.
“Snothile has left, she had an appointment to go
to”, he’s talking alone I don’t even sigh a
response. I’m as quiet as a dead mouse.
“Will you keep ignoring me?”
Is that not clear for him? I’m pissed and
obviously I will act like this.
“I’m sure there is a good reason why they hid
this from you”
Excuse me What? A good reason?
Have a laugh Nomkhosi because wow.
If I stay here any longer I will lose it again and
get arrested for killing a lawyer so let me just
“He told me where he lives, I can take you there
but … but he said not to hope for anything. The
man isn’t welcoming”, now he is speaking the
language I want to speak now.
I turn around and look at him, I want
“Nomkhosi I am not a fan of your brother but
his intentions weren’t menacing, forgive him”,
sthembiso is the last to put that forgive me
card. After he disowned me for doing some
thing he would have done for his wife.
“Tomorrow, before Candice's funeral
“About that, Mvelase said she will be cremated
and her ashes will be thrown into the sea. No
one has time to bury Candice”, he says it like
the matter irritates him.
Candice was a bitch but to be buried like a dog
is painful. Everyone deserves a proper send off.
“Well in that case tomorrow morning we'll go to
him, sosha visited my dreams again. I need my
sperm donor, he will put an end to my
problems”, I won’t explain further because he
might just give up too and run away. I wouldn’t
blame him, he’s carrying my luggage over here.
“And if he doesn’t accept you?”
He will! He has no choice I come from his
scrotum don’t I so unfortunately him liking me
or not doesn’t determine whether he accepts
me. And he'll have to deal with it.
“Then he'll do what needs to be done for me at
gun point if needs be but I am getting married in
three weeks"
He looks at me like I’ve gone absolutely nuts!
Yes I have, but also I keep my promises to
those whom I love. I made a promise to Sosha
didn’t I? So ill keep it.
“Nomkhosi you know I’ll always be there for you
right?”, he says just when I’m about to close the
door and go look for Mvelase to apologize. I
spoke ill to that man and he didn’t deserve that
from me.
“I’ve seen it”, I say.
I have but sometimes I don’t feel like he’s here
with me.
I knock on the old man's door until my finger
falls off! Why is he not answering? I knock
again, maybe he is angry with me at the
moment and I wouldn’t blame him really I
absolutely disrespected him in his own house
worse. I sigh and go back to my room when he
doesn’t answer my fourth knock, I’ll speak to
him when he is calm.
“What are you still living for Nomkhosi?”, these
words I ask myself every other day but now it’s
different, now I ask them with depth meaning,
why am I?


Snothile Gwamanda
Straight from the Mthembus we drove home to
shower and drove back to the hospital, the
appointment we had was rebooked – perks of
having an aggressive boyfriend who threatens
his wish with people.
I don’t condone that kind of behaviour but that
nurse was looking for it in everything she said.
“I’m worried about Nomkhosi, Manzini”, I’ve
upgraded to calling him that because there is
something about the way his chest kisses the
sky whenever I call him that. He becomes a
“She’ll be fine, I’m sure she will be fine. That
annoying Mthembu boy is still with her right? So
she will probably be okay”, I forget he is the
grandpa between the two of them so he feels
he has the right to bully Ngcwethi. Hhayi men.
“you focus on me and the baby”, he chuckles
when I look at him with that ‘You are such a
child’ look and kisses my hand. PDA has never
been amiss in this shop darling, the man wants
the world to know I swear, everywhere we
fucken go he is on my ass, it’s a little disturbing
his level of obsession and it creeps me out.
Before we came to the hospital we stopped by
the garage because I needed to pee, did he not
come with me to the toilet? Stand outside the
door and ask if I needed help or not, it’s
craazzzyyyyy I tell y’all.
When I came out and found people starring at
us weirdly I wanted to take my hand out of his
but he tightened it threatened one dude to stop
starring at me if he wants to see with his eyes
not fingers.
“This is it”, I sigh seeing the name Dr Moosa on
the door I guess this is our stop. I realize I am
walking alone now, he’s not behind me, bathong
I look back and he’s looking at the door unsure.
“What’s wrong with you eyeballs come inside”, I
pull him inside before he dies on the door.
“Ahh my princess patient”, Dr Moosa smiles.
Whatever that meant.
“Hi doc”, I stretch my hand out to shake his but
feel Nqawe tug my other hand gently.
Oh okay. The doctor must know him because
he just smiled it off.
He asks me the normal usual questions, when
last was my check up, have I been managing
my stress levels, am I eating healthy portions?
Am I getting daily activity, that whole process
then leads me to the bed where all my fears lie.
“Please lift up your dress and put this on Mrs
“Oh okay”, I take the gown I hate and walk to the
bathroom, Nqawe comes in with me before I
could scold him.
“You are going to drive me mad”, chai.
“I don’t want you hurting yourself here, aren’t
they still painful?”, he asks blowing the wound.
Jisazi I won’t ssay anything. He helps me , okay
he undresses me while I stand there and just
stare at him taking my dress off and putting the
hospital gown on.
“I don’t like how that fool looks at you, who
does he think he is?. Only I look good next you
isn’t it baby?”, it’s how he is begging me with his
eyes to prove him right.
I laugh and pinch his cheek, “Yes my love”
The glow!
“Hope we're not making more babies in there!”
Oh shoot that was embarrassing!
“Okay so this is the head, big isn’t it?”
It is way bigger than I anticipated, imagine it
coming… oh hell NO!
“Heartbeat seems Okay, these are the hands,
feet, ears…”
We hear a sniff. Is he crying? Oh my gosh he is
in tears!
“I can give you a moment”, Doc.
He looks at me and I nod, then looks at Nqawe
who gives him the go away look. The doctor
leaves the room, leaves us alone.
“Why are you crying?”, I ask crying myself,
wiping his tears off his face. He’s such a baby
this macho man.
“Some old man I use to walk with whenever I
came back from work use to tell me about this
feeling of fulfilment; this feeling of nothing else
matters in the world when I am with you; he
said it’s a very powerful good feeling but I never
thought I could ever feel such a feeling, it’s
hard to believe you could feel something so
beautiful after so many years of feeling pain;
hunger and tiredness. And here I am so many
years later feeling like the angles descended
upon my life and lit everything up”
For the first time I sob, I make a sound when I
cry. I couldn’t help it its scary how much he
loves me. It scares me.
After trying to keep me quiet, I finally simmer
down and breath. I bet my make up is ruined!
I take my phone and check myself out,
accidentally the power button presses and
Nomkhosi’s message pops up on my screen.
‘Mvelase is gone. He has left us. He is no more
Oh no.
Patrimony: The Ancestors Wife
Chapter Forty-seven
Season Finale
Snothile Gwamanda

I was surprised to see the yard filling up like this,

people around here eSkopo aren’t exactly the
out-going type basically people stay in their
homes because you never know which
neighbour will be attending that function with
you. But this? This is beyond the 150 people we
guessed would show up for the funeral
regardless of the fatherly role Mvelase played in
all these people’s lives. The man knew how to
look out for his community and it’s a huge loss
on their end, hopefully Ngcwethi picks up where
his father left off.
We're in the garage finishing up the stews and
samp, Ntombi stomps in the kitchen holding
two dead chickens by the legs.
They’re dumped in front of me and I’m given a
serious eye.
“If those two hot air balloons you call aunts
don’t get out my way from now onwards there
will be another funeral in this place”, she grunts,
takes the knife beside the dish I'm chopping
potatoes in for th potato and egg salad and the
girl ztabs the knife’s sharp end into the cutting
board I’m using.
“I need a drink”, her eyes flip over like the
I laugh and give the cup Zime was using a while
ago. YES I called the Zungu girls to pull up for
me because I knew no one else who would. The
extended family wasn’t owning up to the
catering or the décor or the arrangements or
anything actually. They just said they will be
there and we must not call th lawyer if they are
not there, I get the feeling that they think
Ngcwethi is still that small boy who nodded to
everything, he would most probably die before
letting them take his father’s hard earned
“What have they said to you kanti?”, I know
those two hot air balloons like the back of my
hand. They are th type of women who think they
are life’s biggest mentors and everyone woman
must behave the way they do. I’ve been lectured
for three hours before just because I took a
three minute break during a ceremony
preparation that was done for their sons. Little
do they know their new daughter inlaw isn’t to
be taken for puss, she’ll have them packing up
before putting their behinds on the couch.
“This frail toe nail of Satan gave me these to
slaughter; remove the feathers and behead
even after I told her I just got these nails done
and I am not looking forward to ruining them,
then she starts making me a big mockery in
front of everybody. Nx I'll clip her wig off if she
dares me again”, Ntombi is so dramatic! I heard
its Ndlalifa who enables her to be lazy so
whenever she actually does some thing it’s a
big deal.
“Shame my poor baby”, Thola laughs, checking
Ntombi’s nails to piss her off.
“Its not funny Tholakele, that woman is just
plain rude nx”, why was I being looked at funny
again? They messed with her not me.
“Go tell on her then, we know that’s what you
want to do”
Oh no she better not do that here.
I don’t even want to imagine what will become
of them if bhut'Ndlalifa was to find out.
“Hell NO!”, Thabitha shouts.
She has been the most active, she is
everywhere at once: The chicken stew she
prepared after Nqawe told them to make sure I
don’t overwork myself; then she helped madam
nails with the traditional beer then she made
the samp and cream spinach and also told the
young girls in the yard to stop being whores by
the corners and do something productive like
wiping these plates. Zime took full charge of
the décor and the service as a whole, what goes
where; where who sits; when starters should be
served and so forth, she is good at it because
her tone sets the record straight the first time.
Nomkhosi is a crying mess, not getting the
opportunity to apologize first is destroying her
bug Ngcwethi seems to holding up for her.
Sbulelo I don’t even want to go there, Thunzi
has decided to leave the car and go sit by her in
the tent after her episode at the arrival of the
casket, I have never seen her cry and
breakdown like that but then again she has
always been a daddy’s girl, her father did
everything for her and now he’s gone just like
that without getting a chance to say bye.
Sihle is nowhere to be found, he left straight
after the cascket arrived, I was about to ask
Sthembiso to look for him but Ngcwethi said we
must let him be so I did just that.
“There really would be another funeral if you let
that man know”, Thabitha sighs and pours each
and every one of us a shot in the small cups,
well every one of them not me.
It’s times like these where I hate being pregnant
because I could really use a glass.
“Stop making my man seem like a serial killer
psychopath, we all know whose foot that boot
fits”, Ntombi lingers her eyes on Thola who
looks right about over this conversation already.
But I just had to ask.
“Serial killer psychopath?”, what’s with that?.
“Zime would kill us if she heard us having this
conversation”, Ncumo says.
“Ha that one, too … what do you Zulus call it?
Ukuphupha, yes she has a lot of ukuphupha.
Somehow in her head there is some kind of
delusional idea that this family can ever be
redeemed again”
“Who said it’s delusion?”, we probably should
have told Ntombi to shut up the second we saw
Zime by the kitchen door with a pot of
something, looks like spoons.
“You have no idea what my delusion has got me
through with this family, you have no idea what
my delusion has done for this family. Your man
wouldn’t be your man had it not been for
Thabitha and I’s delusion he would still be in
Westville calling shots behind bars so don’t
annoy me please”, and Who is this dragon lady?
I’ve seen Zime be all sorts of pissed but not this
kind of pissed.
This kitchen just got 170°C hotter if not hell
kinda hot.
She does a little chuckle, a chuckle that’s not so
bright and welcoming like the one I was greeted
by the first day I saw her.
“I forgot, you do know about that right? You
were there visting him every single day right?
Did you ever ask him who use to send him
cosmetics at that time, bring him home cooked
meals through back doors, bring the children
over to visit, be the therapist and the shoulder
to lean on? Have you asked that?”
“Zime stop it!”, Thabitha is not helping here,
she’s only making her more annoyed.
“You and Thabitha were there for him before I
came I know that, he told me all the damn time
Nomzamo but wasn’t I there for him too? Had I
not been good for him would you have allowed
me to be in his life?”, Ntombi’s tears won’t
tenderize this brawl anymore, I feel like
everything right now is making Nomzamo
annoyed, or is it the pent up frustration? She’s
always deemed bad in some way.
“That wouldn’t have been my call to make, he’s
a grown ass man who can make his own
decisions. All I am saying is don’t get so
comfortable that you forget where this family
actually comes from because you know we
face the possibility of returning to the past
every single day. If you want to keep your sanity
I suggest you stick to the delusion, we don’t
need another Candice situation. Pass me the
plates, people are hungry”, she looks at Ncumo.
We help with the dishing up while Ntombi runs
out the kitchen in tears, uuhhhmmmm…
“But Zime …”
“Thola, leave it”, Thabitha.
Thola sighs and continues piling up the plates.
Ncumo is always so quiet during these
arguments I wonder what it is that makes her
so silent. Does she fear being scrutinized? Or is
she like me? Mind your business and save your
“It's not always roses and daises with us huh”,
Ncumo laughs, I think she is drunk. “But we are
there for one another, Ntombi knows that, they
both do so don’t get scared now”, she nudges
me and giggles, yepp she is def drunk. Where
does she get this audacity?
“I wasn’t scared”, honestly I don’t care if they
scratch one another’s eyes out, I know why I am
here and I will stick to that reason. Nqawe.
“Good, you’re brave huh? Very different of the
sour faces I live with”, she rolls her eyes as
Zime jabs her.
“See what I mean”, this girl is crazy.
The kitchen starts getting heavy, the strong
cologne has me choking.
That throat clearing I remember so well, I
almost fell off the step the other day hearing it
out of nowhere.
“What happened?”, they all are demanding huh?.
With no fright, no fear and absolutely no care in
the world Zime looks straight in Ndlalifa's eyes
and says, “We had a disagreement, nothing too
serious”, with a shoulder shrug at the end.
“Then why is she in tears?”, he’s not shouting at
us but he’s very bothered you can tell that.
“You know your wife she takes things to heart
way too much, I’ll talk to her”, Thabitha to the
“No it’s fine I don’t want her to get more upset,
whatever it is you two were fighting over ends
here. Dead it”, he tells Nomzamo who just had a
little hand shake.
“MaGwamanda, are you still okay? Is the baby
troubling you?”
It feels awkward having all eyes on me now.
I’m the saving grace?
“I’m okay bhuti”, smiles all the way.
He nods and walks out the kitchen, finally we
can all breathe.
Ncumo is laughing about all of this.
“Sheeez I think I almost messed my pants, for
some reason that man always scares me.
Iqunga vibes, lol”, she laughs more.
“Oh you drunk soul", Thabitha sees it.
“Does it smell?”, Ncumo.
“What smell?”; I can’t smell anything?
“Good, because I think I farted a little there”
Thola finds it funny I do too but the thick
tension in here is not relaxing at all. I feel like
cutting it up and throwing it in the trash can. Let
me just go serve the family.


Thunzi has left with Sbulelo apparently.

That would make sense, I heard she was having
chest pains a while ago while the kitchen drama
was brewing. I’ll call her once I’m done here to
speak with her and check if she is okay or not.
“Snothile”, just the woman I came here for. I
hand her the plate and tell the boys to go sit
with their father where the men are I'm pretty
sure the cow is about to be served.
“Hey child, I brought you some food and soft
drink, you haven’t eaten all day", and she looks
right about a minute closer to dying herself. I
don’t know if it’s the stress or the pain but
Nomkhosi is not looking good, where is
Ngcwethi and why isn’t he doing anything about
“I don’t have an appetite. Snothile what if I killed
Whoooaaah now wait.
“Khosi that is a heavy burden you want to give
yourself please don’t go down that road
because it won’t benefit you or Ngcwethi or
those boys. They will need you strong”, but who
will be strong for her?
“My behaviour was disgusting Snothile, I
shouted at him and accused him of killing my
father and right afterwards he dies. I’m to
blame arent I?”, her voice is getting rowdy.
There are people around here and if they catch
a single word of what we are saying then we're
“Ever heard of mob justice? That’s what will
happen with you and I if your keep shouting that
you killed Mvelase. We both know he had health
conditions, the police confirmed it, the doctors
confirmed it so?”
She looks like the world is collapsing on her and
there is nothing that can be done about it which
isn’t true. Ngcwethi just needs to get over
himself and be there for Khosi, the girl just
found out she has no father on top of that
Sosha is haunting her and now this and the guilt
of not being able to say sorry before Mvelase’s
passing. See its all too much.
“Will we find peace?”, Khosi.
“I can’t promise you that but you can find a lot
better if you all stay strong for one another.
Sbulelo had an episode so Thunzi took her
away”, I’m trying my best to distract her from
thinking any more of this.
“Her father was her everything”, Khosi.
I know.
“This will kill Ntando, if not more than it did
Sihle then more than it did Ngcwethi”, I
suggested he be told but Ngcwethi shut that
idea down, I don’t get why he wants to keep
secrets its not like he won’t find out sooner or
later, what he’s doing is unfair to the boy.
“Where is Sihle I haven’t seen him around?”
That’s because he is somewhere fucking a girl’s
brains off to try release steam, as if it ever
works. But I don’t say all that, it’s not my place
to say it.
“I don’t know where he is, I haven’t seen him
“Oh. Have I said thank You? I’m really grateful
for what you have done for this family, during
this tough time especially. Ngiyabonga”, she
smiles, I’m beginning to find this disturbing
after finding out Mshengu wasn’t her father,
how come Khosi looks like Thola so much?
Maybe I’ve gone mad, let’s stick to that.
“No problem, I owe Mvelase this much he did a
lot for me”, I don’t remember anything he did for
me that wasn’t to benefit his son but anyway I
still respect him he was an elder and my would
have been father inlaw.
“so these are your people huh?”, she talking
about the Zungu brood, we left the kids behind
and I’m glad otherwise it would have been
chaos! I was shocked to hear Ngcwethi say I
can bring them all because those women go
nowhere without these men, it’s weird I know.
“Yep, have you seen Nokulunga? The woman
with a big very big black hat and dramatic
Nomkhosi gasps, she laughs and shakes her
“That is her? Why the dramatic look though? I
was like who the hell is she because I don’t
know Mvelase yo be a ladies man. The trail of
her dress my gosh she’s trying to attract this
family's ancestors I tell you. I think she has left
now though, I can’t find her anywhere”
Left? Left with who? Her brothers are still here
so who did she leave with? Yho that girl better
not be up to something..

The commotion by the gate could never have

missed us Hey? It wouldn’t be a Mthembu
function without the drama.
What amazes me is that this is Sthembiso
approaching with these cops, the same
Sthembiso I left inside the tent.
“What’s going on here?”, Ngcwethi looks at
Sthembiso first, then the two cops beside and
the van behind. What is going on?
I feel hands on my waist, it’s him I don’t need to
look back.
“We … they …. There is”, why is he speaking in
parables can he spit it out!
“There is a warrant to arrest Nomkhosi, it’s not
an arrest its just an interrogation, they have
questions for her”
Nomkhosi would never do anything to harm
another person, Mvelase died through cancer
that's what we know.
“Interrogation my foot Sthembiso! You know
Nomkhosi did nothing”, Ngcwethi rants.
“I know that but this is protocol, they have a
warrant Mvelase we have no choice if she
refuses they will have her cuffed and sent to jail
you know the drill just please for now Khosi go
with them in peace”, is he hearing himself?
“Madoda died from cancer Sthembiso how is
that Khosi's fault?”, Nokwanda.
Where has she been?
Sthembiso looks away from everyone, his eyes
“That’s the thing, the warrant is not for
Mvelase’s death its for… Candice’s passing”
Every one gasps behind us. Society didn’t know
that part, the Candice dying part, surely they’ll
think this family sacrifices humans for real now.
“Candice? What does my sister have to do with
that bitch dying?”
More gasps. Somebody needs to tame
Nokwanda now!
“I’m sorry”, Sthembiso. Funny because he is still
cuffing his own sister up for something he
knows she didn’t do. They say her Miranda
rights and drag her numb body out the gate with
Ngcwethi raving mad behind them, he wants to
get in that van with her and that one male cop
isn’t having it.
“No wonder all the dead bodies, senizwana
nalabo Satan”, he says pointing to the Zungu
What did these people do kanti?
I’m beginning to be suspicious.
“Fusegi nja!”
The cop stops walking and turns around,
looking at sambulo daringly.
“I said Fusegi jou moeskond! Have a problem
with that?”, this guy!
“Sambulo quit it!”, Thabitha had to step in
because his wife is too drunk to say anything.
“This is not iTheku mfana wami I will send my
boys over here to cripple you manje! Don’t piss
me off msunu kanyoko”
We don’t see it coming, the face punch we don’t
see it coming. He doesn’t stop there, he
continues and its odd that the crowd is cheering
for him.
“Sambulo yeka lento oyenzayo, grow the fuck
up man”, Nkosenye.
Sambulo stops and stands over the cop's body,
he’s being pointed with a gun but his fire is still
“I will absolutely kill you never speak about my
mother you hear me NEVER SPEAK ABOUT MY
MOTHER LIKE THAT, I will kill you!”
“Mongezi get him out of here”, Nkosenye says.
He is mad.
“Watch your backs nina bafana!”, the lady cop
Someone come pull my hair out! I can’t be
surrounded by this, I’m pregnant for crying out
“It’s her Mathongo its her, it’s her baby please
they can’t take her away stop them, do
something I can’t lose her all over again do
Mathongo grabs Thola's hands and tells her to
calm down.
“Its her babe, Nontobeko that’s her. That’s my
Just when you think your life is somewhat
normal, it appears it ain’t.
I see it all what I don’t like is the look on
Mathongo's face; the look on Ndlalifa's face and
the way Nqawe is holding me. He is shaking.
“Well Zime did say we must not get too
comfortable”, this one is still drunk?
Patrimony: The Ancestors Wife
Chapter Forty-eight
Season Finale

“Talk”, he doesn’t waste much time, the minute

the brothers reach a secluded area outside the
Mthembu Homestead, Nkosenye barks.
He has been wanting answers the second that
drama transpired, he isn’t big on tolerating
disrespect however had he acted on his
emotions those cops wouldn’t have left that
scene alive.
Khalulu pushes the others away from Nkosenye,
he knows the drill when Nkosenye gets like this
he doesn’t mind grabbing any one of them by
the neck and squeezing the silence out of them.
There is a reason his hands are deep in his
“Who did it?”, his jaw clenched and his hands go
even more crazy, them not saying anything is
making him really really angry and this eyes on
the ground thing it irritates him.
“I asked a damn question answer me dammit!”,
his fist leaves a dent on the red audi they are
standing beside. That’s someone else’s car but
he doesn’t give a flying fuck.
“I did”, Nqawe eventually comes out with the
truth. Deep down they all knew, it was either
him or Ndlalifa and had it been Ndlalifa he
would have told them by now. Nqawe is the
private doer, he does things and keeps quiet
about them until they resurface and demand his
attention all over again.
“I couldn’t let her live, not after what she did to
Snothile. I’m sorry bhuti”, he acts like that slap
he just received didn’t ring in his ears, he
remains in one place with his jaw ticking. Hands
behind his back and head bowed.
“Sorry? You’re Sorry? Since when are you the
sloppy one? As far as I know you’re the one I
trust can handle such situations you are the one
who handles these situations so what failed you
now? Yini ucansi luyakuhlanyisa? Since when
are you this sloppy Nqawe!”, he is fuming.
Mnotho shifts further away, he stands behind
Mathongo and peeps above his shoulder to see
what happens next. The last thing he thought
would happen today is exactly this.
They are back here again, so quick?
“I lost it bafo, to tell the truth I blacked out the
second that bitch started making threats about
Snothile. It wasn’t my intention ….”
“Your intention to what do a copy cat murder?
What’s wrong with you, all of you”
Nqawe keeps quiet till a strong hand slaps his
chest thrice.
“I’m speaking to you am I not? So why are you
quiet?”, Nkosenye.
“I didn’t … the chandelier wasn’t me I don’t know
how it happened, I don’t know what she pulled
but I didn’t do that”, Nqawe says.
“So a magic trick took place? First it was my
wife then it was Belinda and now it’s this piece
of shit, did you think the police won’t catch on
that all these murders are the same? Didn’t that
tick in your head?”
“But bafo Lonathemba (Nkosenye’s dead wife)
wasn’t killed by us …”
“And the cop’s believe us then? So stop telling
me bullshit! Listen here all of you, we’ve come
way too damn far for your sloppiness and
stupidity to take us back again. Is that what you
want to live in prisons again? Wake up and
sleep on empty stomachs for weeks? Y’all miss
that life? Didn’t we promise Thabitha; Ncumo
and Zime that we will never take them back to
that life again? So what’s the bullshit you are
doing right now? Everything we have sweated
and killed for is in the ruins because of your
weakness, our reputation that we fought so
hard for, the image everything. I won’t say this
again so you better open your eyes well, if ever
you put this family and by that I mean these
women and children at risk of losing all of this, I
will kill you myself and mourn your death till my
last breath you hear me?”, the scary part is he is
not playing games, he'll kill them for real.
“Yebo Manzini", they all choir.
“Now how will we tackle this?”, Nkosenye rasps.
“I think this is a ploy, remember what they once
did to Zime? Arresting her for something she
didn’t do to get her to give them our secretes? It
has to be it because I don’t see how this ties to
that girl, Snothile says she wasn’t even here at
the time it happened “, Nqawe.
Mongezi nods, “I agree with him bafo. It would
make a lot of sense. We should have looked at
that warrant before letting them just run off
with her”, He says.
“You’re telling me her brother is in on it?”,
“Why wouldn’t he be? He is a cop right? We all
know the prize that comes with us behind bars,
what would stop him from going for it if he
could handcuff his own sister at a funeral. Nx
disgusting boy!”, Sambulo spits on the ground
and lean against the red Audi.
“Maybe Nqawe is right, he is not a real brother.
Thola tells me that’s the sister she has been
telling me about, the child her father had with
her mother's sister”, Mathongo looks like he’s
thinking hard.
“I saw the similarity the other day but moved
past it. I didn’t know she wasn’t a Mshengu till
recent", Nqawe.
Sambulo whistles. This is becoming a shit show.
A breeze whizzes pass them and their heavy
Everyone has their thinking cap on.
“Let’s go back inside I need to hear the whole
story from MaMbulazi”, Nkosenye leads the
way. He’s restless about this snooping, it’s too
close to home that’s why. If they act out of
order and do something drastic it might scare
MaGwamnda away but if they stall on then it
will break MaMbulazi too. With Zime it was
better because she was aware of what was
going on in the family anyway but here with
Snothile they need to be vigilant.

“They are back”, Thabitha announced to every

one else, the wives in particular. It’s odd how
everybody is back to drinking; dancing and
eating away as if what took place a few minutes
ago didn’t tale place. Tomorrw their ignorance
will end though, their accusations will begin and
Nqawe can’t help but feel guilty about it. He
should controlled himself!
“MaMbulazi we need you to explain to us
exactly what happened and how you are related
to her”, Nkosenye is given the couch and the
others sit on the chairs available. Khalulu also
finds a spot on the couch, it’s about to get
serious the women think to themselves.
“When my mother passed away ubaba needed
someone to take care of me because I was still
too young for him to handle me on his own it
was difficult especially him being the man he is.
That’s how Nontobeko's mother came into our
lives, she was the most caring woman on the
planet warm when needed to be warm but
tough when needs be”, Mathongo squeezes her
waist and kisses her shoulder, it’s his way of
comforting her. The man struggles with words.
“I loved her and she loved my father and I to bits.
After their first year together, she fell pregnant
with Nontobeko. I was extremely happy I was
about to have a sister and stop being so lonely.
I waited for my sister since the day I overheard
our parents talk about her, I was there when ma
delivered in the middle of the bush because
hospitals were too far and my father's scrap car
died. I was the first to hold her tiny body and I
gave her the name Nontobeko, it was a name I
always wanted to have for myself but since I
was named Tholakele instead I gave it to her”,
her tears are wetting Mathongo’s shirt and he
could lie verbally and say it doesn’t bother him
but it is a bit irritating, his face shows it.
However he won’t remove her head from his
chest because no matter irritable he gets he
still loves this woman with his all and he will
tolerate just about anything for her sake.
“So how did she end up being Nomkhosi
Mshengu?”; Mongezi frowns.
“I have no idea what happened when she got
here. All I know is one aftershool I came home
eager to see and play with my sister only to find
out she’s going to go away from me forever. Ma
held me so tightly that day and asked me to
look after my dad and be a brave girl, she said
she loved us and that is why she had to go
marry the man her father wanted her to marry. I
didn’t understand at that time and I felt as
though I was being abandoned, I was broken for
years. I learnt to live with it but it always
tormented me, it always troubled me that my
sister could be out there facing the worst and
I’m here enjoying freedom”, her pain can’t be
held back any longer, she’s breaking down on
Mathongo's chest, her nails clawing his arms.
“I’ll bring her home my love, I’ll bring her back to
you just stop crying”, Mathongo brushes her
back and kisses her on the head until she stops
wailing and swallow the hiccups.
This is making everyone uncomfortable, the
truth they just learnt is uncomforble.
“Thank you for opening up to us MaMbulazi.
You’re a strong woman, all of you sitting here
are and we want you to know we make it our life
motto to make each and every single one of you
happy. We'll get through this”, Ndlalifa says,
he’s making it a mission to himself to pull his
family out this mess.
“Everyone is free to carry on with their duties,
we just needed to hear what MaMbulazi had to
say. Mathongo, Mongezi follow me. We're going
to the police station”, Khalulu gets up and order
the two to get up as well.
“Y’all will kiss and do more later now come on,
you know how those cops get after hours”
There is laughter and giggles in the air at least
not all is lost.


Nomkhosi Mshengu

Never in my life have I imagined I would be

sitting in a prison interrogation room with hand
cuffs on. Me? I find it all quite funny if you ask
me. And the betrayal my own brother has
shown me today can never be unwired ever
again, I’m not even sure if he deserves the title
of brother from me. In fact no he doesn’t!
The door to this hellpit opens and my day
dreaming self wishes somehow it is someone
who is here to save me. Get me out of here and
tell me it was all a mistake, I can’t go to jail I will
never survive that. How can Sosha sit on the
sidelines and watch this happening to me?
Doesn’t he love Me?
“Khosi", a few gentle slaps hit across my cheek
enough to draw my attention. It’s ngcwethi
looking like a zombie before me. The first thing
he does is kiss me so passionately, it takes a
while but I kiss him back. It makes me cry, he
kissed me too well like he was saying goodbye
or something.
“I’m not leaving here without you okay? I won’t
be going anywhere until I get you out of here
baby I promise. Will you be strong for Me?”, he’s
a mess I doubt he can get me out, the guy looks
raving mad.
“Ngcwethi don’t do something stupid that will
ruin your reputation please think about your
career first”
“Fuck the career Nomkhosi you mean the world
to me and I won’t let anything happen to you
sthandwa sami uyezwa just hold on”, he kisses
me again, harder this time so much harder that I
feel my body warm up. Grrrr this isn’t the time
or the place. I need to control my body.
It’s the first time he has called me sthandwa
sami, yazi I was wondering where do all the
fuzzy feelings come from.
“I can take care of myself”, not in a prison but I
don’t want him worrying about me on the day
his father was buried.
How unfortunate would that be?
“They said I can’t be here because I’m your
spouse but I’ll be on the side watching, shout if
they hurt you okay? I love you Nomkhosi and
we'll beat this too I know we will”
He loves me? I’ve heard him say it before but
now he says it like it is a made up decision that
he took to love me and love me whole.
The cops enter and he is chased out the room
immediately afterwards. It’s those same cops,
only this time one has a cracked nose.

They sit opposite me and glare deep into my

“Ever been in prison?”, The lady looks at me up
and down and whistles. Fresh meat she is
looking at ain’t it?
“No", Ngcwethi said I shouldn’t say anything
until he gets his friend here to sit in for him as
my lawyer.
“You people amaze me really this acting you
pull off in front of police deserves a stand alone
award”, she says and starts hand clapping.
“Do you know what they do to pretty girls like
you inside here?”, she leans on the desk and
watches me carefully, her grin widens. I'm a
nervous wreck after all, I'm devastated.
This is far worse than I thought.
I’m in jail!
“Talk bitch why did you kill Candice?”, the male
finally speaks out, releasing his anger out on
“I did not kill anyone! Do I look like I would
commit a murder? Where is Sthembiso, he
should have told you that I would never hurt a
fly. I’m not that kind of girl”, they are frustrating
me and its only giving me tears and headaches.
“Liar!”, another table bang.
I’m beginning to get afraid.
Police brutality is a real thing, I’m too young to
be scarface.
“I didn’t do anything I promise you I didn’t kill
anyone”, and now I’m sobbing, loudly and
Why can’t they just believe Me? I would never
hurt anything in my life!
“Stop your crocodile tears those won’t work for
you here, uou say you didn’t do it? Right? You
want out of this mess right? Then help us prove
that you are innocent”, wh-what?
I’m confused. What’s happening here?
“Your fingerprints are all over that body but my
colleague and I have an idea of who is behind
this murder if you help us prove this then you
can be set free but if you don’t help this case
will forever stick on your name”
That cannot happen to Me!
Oh my god what is becoming of my life? Is this
what I signed up for when I chose to live all
those days back?
“Yeyi stop crying and just answer us!”, the male
I nod continuously, I don’t know what I’m doing
to but I nod.
“Good. You will start by giving us information
about those Zungu people, all the information
you can get”, they are losing their minds!
“I can’t do that, I can’t betray Snothile like that"
“Who is that?”
I better shut up!
“Listen here girly this isn’t a game. Give us the
information we find the culprit and set you free,
otherwise you will be standing in on their behalf.
Those people are vicious dogs that would do
anything to protect their wealth, don’t become
like them. So will you help us?”, she is so
I look at these cuffs and think about all I’ve
heard about the Zungus, it’s not good. Snothile
will forgive me.
“Fine I'll give you the information if I get any just
let me go!”
They give a glance, a long glance.
Someone barges in to interrupt this whatever it
is. I’m glad until I see their faces. They look at
the two cops and fume.
“Uncuff her; give her her belongings back and
let her go if you have any issues take it up with
the commissioner”, I don’t know which one this
is but he’s angry. He looks at me with that come
here look, I’m reluctant to go after what I just
signed up for.
“Okay you’ll go with your boyfriend then”, he
says and looks at me fishing for some answer
from me.
“Yes”, I nod rapidly.
“Mmmh. Uncuff her Now!”
The cops both hurry to take the cuffs off my
hands but not before they whisper in my ear.
“See what we mean? These people are
dangerous, so you better do the right thing”
I’ve never been this confused in my life! What
do I do? Do I tell Snothile? She would never
agree to this, I’ll just do it myself.
“If there is a single scratch on her body there
will be consequences”, he says just before
pulling me out that room.
“Are you okay?”, he asks, seemingly stressed
about whether I’m okay or not.
“Yes I’m okay. Where is Ngcwethi?”
“Talking to the captain of the police station. He
wants those two cops to pay for this. Will you
be okay here?”
Why is he so concerned?
“Yes. By the way you are?”
“I’m Mathongo”
He doesn’t smile like Nqawe does, his face is
always straight. Only his eyes do the talking.
Ugh I don’t care I have to gather information
quick because I can’t survive jail. Ever!
Patrimony: The Ancestors Wife
Chapter Forty-nine
Season Finale
Ngcwethi Mthembu

Their drive is gloomier than the usual probably

because not a single word has been shared
since they got in this car. He has a lot to say, lift
off his chest and vent about but he chooses
silence and peace for the time being. Her hands
are still trembling and her tears haven’t stopped
rolling down her cheeks. Someone’s phone is
Ngcwethi answers it for her and puts it on
“Nomkhosi? Nomkhosi sisi are you alright? I
heard about …”
He didn’t realize when she lifted her head up
from the slouching seat but that phone was
snatched within seconds out of his hand.
“Listen here I am not your little girl anymore you
got it? Tell your son to stay the hell away from
me. Tell him I hate him with passion got it? I
hate him with my whole heart. All of you stay
the hell away from me. I’m coming to fetch my
stuff, throw them in a plastic bag and Chuck
them out the window is you please I’d actually
appreciate that way more than you think. I hate
all of you for poisoning my heart and life like
this I hate you!”
She throws the phone out the window it and
breaks down loudly. Ngcwethi parks the car on
the side of the road immediately, he rushes out
his seat and goes to Khosi’s side of the car.
“Don’t do this to me Nomkhosi don’t break now”,
he has no freaken idea What to do. There is
nothing that he can do to stop her tears from
falling or her heart from aching the way it is and
that’s has a lot to do with how helpless he has
been lately. She’s moving through this pain
alone, although he tries to make things better
they always find a way to get worse.
“I want to die Ngcwethi I want to go and be with
my mother I'm so sick of this!”, her cries
penetrate the soul in his heart. It tears him apart.
“You can’t leave me Nomkhosi not after I waited
all these years fighting off the feeling that
managed to consume me since forever. What
would I say to Snakho? Junior? They adore you”,
his words don’t do much healing, she’s still
hysterical and famished.
“We’ll find your father Nomkhosi I promise you
that”, Ngcwethi.
“And if he too hates Me? Then what? Am I the
curse is that it?”
“No baby don’t ever call yourself that Nomkhosi
I don’t care how pained you are don’t ever call
yourself a curse. You’re the biggest blessing in
our lives, remember what you told Snakho when
he tried taking his own life? It would be selfish
of him. You taking your own life would be
selfish of you Khosi”, he doesn’t blame her for
wanting to call it quits itsbeen too long
tolerating the worse kinds of betrayal. Today
hats off Sthembiso disappointed him to the
core! What was he thinking selling his own
sister , blood or no blood, to the police?
“I have a headache”, she murmurs once settled
and calm.
Ngcwethi shakes his head, “That’s what
happens when you start thinking shit", he gets
up and goes around the car to his side, there is
a few sachets of grandpa in the cabbyhole he
gives her that and a bottle of still water.
“Have this and if it doesn’t subside we'll go the
clinic”, He says.
“There is no need I’ll be fine I just need to take
my things from that house and get some rest”
She’s serious about this?
“Don’t you think you are making hasty
“No. I won’t be taking steps forward only to be
taken back by the same individuals, it makes no
sense so it’s better I cut myself off!”, and he’s
making her angry all over again. Maybe he
should keep quiet.
His face still lights up watching her ease into
his car seat and hold his hand tightly like her life
is sorted if that hand is there. When everything
happened fast the last thing he thought would
happen is this moment right here. He didn’t
think they would reach this kind of moment any
time soon, Khosi has stubborn elements to
herself and he knew about them the second
week he saw her around the village, every boy
had a thing for her and every girl found her
annoying. Not to say she wasn’t, Nomkhosi had
a way to just irritate you by greeting and talking
about your hair.
It’s in her genes he has concluded.
“What do you know about the Zungus?”, she
Ngcwethi huffs and opens up his door for fresh
air, those people are his least favourite humans
and he doesn’t like talking about them.
“Other than what I hear and read, I don’t know
much”, he shrugs.
“Read?”, Khosi frowns.
Ngcwethi frowns.
“Yes other than what I read. They are all over
social media, I’ve read a few papers on them
back when I was obsessed with taking them out
but now I don’t care because I realized how
futile my efforts were, they always were two
steps ahead”, he did once become close very
close and that became the problem to cause
the downfall of that case he was too close.
They weren’t going to allow their youngest to
rot in jail, he should have been strategic and use
the older one instead the one with no brakes,
Sambulo that’s him he should have used
He talks a lot and he has no fear – that emblem
sometimes makes him say things he isn’t
ssuppose to say unlike the careful ones or the
one who doesn’t speak at all.
“If you were given the chance would you put
them behind bars?”, her questions are starting
to confuse him and make him uncomfortable.
“No I’ve gotten over that, if the law knows what
it’s doing then the right thing shall happen when
the time is right. I don’t care to stick around for
it futhi. Why?”
“I’m just wondering”, she says.
“Okay let’s go home I want to sleep after a well
deserved bubble bath”
He is still looking at her suspiciously, those
questions were queer and he can’t just ignore
them. They are still parked on the side of the
road, it’s getting dark.
“Nomkhosi what happened inside that police
station? What did they say to you?”, he’s had
clients be victims to police brutality or threats.
Nomkhosi isn’t acting too far from what they
usually come back as from these
‘interrogations’ and where did Sthembiso
disappear to?
“Khosi I am talking to you if you don’t tell me….”
“They asked me to get them information about
the Zungu family and they will set me free, I
won’t be wrongfully accused”, she blurts.
Damn those rascals he should have known
something was off!
Why didn’t he see through all that bull they put
off? How could he have thought things through
properly though that whole ordeal had his head
“What kind of information?”, Ngcwethi asks.
“Incriminating I guess. They said Zungu people
are bad and they only care for themselves so I
agreed besides I can’t get arrested for
something I did not do Ngcwethi I can’t”
Ngcwethi pulls her to sleep on his shoulder, he
brushes her face and kisses her forehead over
and over again. There is no better way to say
this, if she knows maybe it will stop her from
thinking about selling their information to cops.
“You can’t do that Nomkhosi, you can’t give the
police that information. Yes they are bad news
but who isn’t? You’d be shocked to know those
cops are the same ones who accept bribes
from people like the Zungu. And other than that,
you are related to them now”
Khosi looks up at him from his shoulder, hella
“Your name isn’t Nomkhosi; you weren’t born
here; you didn’t meet the Mshengus when you
were a baby; your mother didn’t love your fa…
Mshengu; Sthembiso isn’t your brother;
Nokwanda knew and you have another sister… a
half sister"
She’s angry again, “Nokwanda knew?”, oh that
made her angry?
Ngcwethi nods he can’t hold himself anymore.
He can’t bear to keep anymore secrets from her
not after seeing how they have damaged her
“She knew all of this?”, that angry look on her
face makes him hesitate to agree, but his
silence is probably all the confirmation she
“My guess is she needed to know so she can
partake in hiding the truth from you and
convincing you about their lies. I’m not sure, I
don’t know why they did all of this Nomkhosi…
“What is my real name?”, she asks.
“Nontobeko Khumalo, you have a sister
Tholakele Khumalo. Your mother married her
father before giving birth to you so I guess that
is what Sosha meant by the cows belong to
Khumalo not Mshengu. They haven’t told me
the rest, only the Mshengus know why your
mother left Khumalo to be with Mshengu
knowing very well that he isn’t her soulmate he
wasn’t the man she loved”
He blinks once and Nomkhosi has already left
the car, Ngcwethi gets a fright and jumps out
the car as well. He looks around for her and his
heart almost stops.
He grabs her wrist and yanks her out the middle
of the damn road. One slap across her face
might bring her back to her senses.
“usuyahlanya!?”, he’s shouting at the very top of
his lungs at a crying woman. That experience
drenched him within seconds.
“Listen Nomkho… Nontobeko we will get
through this you hear Me? We will fight over this
hurdle too trust me. Everything is clear for us
now isn’t? So we will be able to get through this
just please have patience in the process.
Please”, her eyes are bloodshot he’s never seen
such a strong woman crack like this. If he could
he would show the Mshengus flames for this!
“Can I … can I see her? I want to see her", she
That’s another thing he is hesitant about. But he
agrees because this is Nomkhosi and she gets
what she wants from him.


The house has been quiet. Sambulo and

Ndlalifa managed to bully everyone out the gate,
this is family time now so outsiders had to
leave. The lawyer was called and cancelled,
what’s more important to Ngcwethi is
Nomkhosi's wellbeing right now.
This is a funny ending though, the two sworn
enemies sitting on couches opposite one
another looking at each other with pity.
Ngcwethi gives in first and looks at the door
where the two ladies have gone to have a heart
to heart conversation.
His heart is thumping. What if they don’t get
along? What if Thola is just as dirty as the
Mshengus? But he knows one thing about these
Zungus they wouldn’t go above and beyond for
someone they aren’t sure is family so maybe he
needs to end this paranoia. Nokwanda is
making drama in the kitchen demanding to see
Nomkhosi but the Zime and Ncumo duo isn’t
taking that shit and for whatever reason
Ngcwethi is relieved, Khosi can only take so
much at once. Maybe he did this way too soon,
this meeting her sister thing.
“What’s taking so long are they plotting to kill us
in there?”, one of them say.
“Kill us? Why would they kill us when there is
still Sthembiso out there?”
“I don’t know why else would they take so
Ngcwethi is wondering the same thing. It’s been
hours for crying out loud what’s the meeting
about kanti?

After an additional two hours, everyone is

starting to dose off. Mnotho has laid his blazer
on the floor and slept straight he’s snoring as
we speak; the wives eventually got Nokwanda
to leave after throwing in a few threats only
Mathongo is wide awake. Nkosenye is in the car
with Thabitha, he needed to sort out something.
The key inside the door lock rattles and
everybody jumps up their seat to awaken. They
look around and relax only when they hear the
girls laugh.
“Very dramatic crew by the way”, Thola says.
Nomkhosi smiles tirelessly.
Mathongo has his eyes fixated on Thola, he
wants answers.
She walks over to him and wraps her arm
around his waist.
“Ntobe this is your brother inlaw Mathongo
Zungu, the OCD; socially awakard; mute box
lover of mine. Babe, meet my baby sister,
Nontobeko Khumalo, uMaMbulazi wami”, the
admiration she has around Nomkhosi brings
warmth to Ngcwethi’s heart. You see the love
in her eyes, it’s undoubtable.
“…Hi", Mathongo doesn’t know what to do with
himself, his eyes are everywhere.
“Hug her”, Thola nudges him and when he gives
her a look she makes a sad face that gets her
everything she wants.
Everybody laughs.
He clears his throat and moves awkwardly
around, he wraps one arm around her and tries
his best not to seem like he’s dying to get off on
the inside.
Khosi on the other hand wraps both her arms
around him and even squeezes. Thola laughs
because she sees the look of constipation on
her man.
“Thank you for bailing me out in there. Thanks a
“Whatever you need I’m here. Even if he’s
bothering you, let me know”, he says looking at
Ngcwethi deadily.
Ngcwethi chuckles and shakes his head. He's
not scared of him!
“Are you sure you don’t want to go back with
me? We haven’t seen each other in so long, I’ve
been waiting for you my whole life; I worked
hard because when I decided to look for you
and find you I wanted you to have everything
you wish for.”, Thola eagerly waits for
Nomkhosi to say something.
“Erh… I don’t …”
“You need the break sthandwa sami, also you
need to build your bond again right? Didn’t you
say in three weeks you want to get the
traditional wedding and ceremonies out the
Khosi hands him a deadly eye. What was the
need for him to say that in front of every one?
“Three weeks? That’s a tight window”, Zime.
“But we'll sort it out right babe?”
Mathongo just stares at her blankly, she already
knows the answer.
“And that would be a yes"
The Zungus laugh.
“No no no I don’t want to burden you …”
“Burden Me? Nontobeko you not being by my
side for 17 years was burdening and now that
you’re here with me I want grab every second I
can with you. Please do everything your way but
don’t shut me out, I’ve prayed for this moment
for too long”, now she is crying which is making
Nomkhosi cry and Snothile shortly afterwards
follows then Ntombi does too. The men are
beyond confused..
“They stole 17 years of my life, Thola. 17 years!”
“I know. I want to bewitvh them forever but hey
that would be a lot of work”
“I know a granny who can push the job to be
twice quicker and thrice as affective, she’s
really good?”
“How much per lightening bolt?”
“Forget lightening, she brings wrong turns right
to your doorstep. No hassle no stress"
The two of them laugh like wicked witches.
Mathongo’s eyes widen, he’s never seen this
side of Thola before.
“You two are in deep shit”, Sambulo shakes his
head pointing at Ngcwethi and Mathongo.
They are they really are. That wasn’t a
conversation normal people have.
Patrimony: The Ancestors Wife
Chapter Fifty
Season Finale
Snothile Gwamanda

I’m glad there is harmony around this diner

table. It's still awkward here and there but the
two blabber mouth sisters lift off the silence.
Snakho and Khalilou joined us, initiated by Zime,
so grandpa is sitting on another seat far from
me and he keeps poking his food looking
annoyed because he couldn’t sit next to me
quicker the boys had already put dibs on me by
the time he reached the table. Shame he looks
so funny.
“I think we need desert as well so that some
sour lemons can sweeten”, Zime says.
Everyone is looking around for the sour lemon,
by the time eyes are on him he has improved
his facial expression.
“Mmmh I see”, Nkosenye caught him.
These are children for Goodness sakes, the only
reason they are sitting with me is because
Nomkhosi is sitting with Thola and Ngcwethi,
she needs that support system and I think the
boys understood.
“So how long have you two been dating? Has he
proposed?”, Thola’s energetic question leaves a
piece of cabbage stuck down my throat. I cough
it out and take the glass offered by Nqawe. How
did he get here so fast? Wasn’t he on the far
end of the table.
“Be careful”, he’s firm about it.
It’s just a piece of cabbage!
Either way I nod with a smile and thank him for
the service. I catch Snakho giggle next to me.
Even the child finds this funny.
“We didn’t date, it’s just history. We have a
history”, I see her battling not opening up about
everything but this is her sister who is willing to
do everything for her so she shouldn’t hesitate
to be honest. Our eyes lock unexpectedly and I
give her a go ahead smile. Soon these people
will be hers too by the looks of things, for her to
be able to feel their welcome she needs to open
her heart for it to happen.
“Actually I was engaged to his brother, Sosha.
He was an army man ….”
Thola gasps, “Shut the front door! Mathongo
was a soldier too, a very handsome soldier.
Maybe they knew each other, did you know him
babe?”, I had no idea this girl talks this much! I
mean she wasn’t the quiet type but now she’s
turned to a whistle.
I love how Mathongo just freezes whenever he’s
being spoken to, like he doesn’t know whether
to ask you to repeat the question, skip the
question or kill himself. I wonder how he looked
as a child, he must have been cute.
“For a little while”
Everyone is gasping now. Ngcwethi looks
perplexed. I do too, funny what life can twist in
just a matted of minutes hey? What you knew
as your world turns out to be really nothing.
“You… you knew him?”, Khosi is on the verge of
“Yeah. I was the leader of his group, a while
later he became the leader when I was
hospitalized. We were solid”
I guess by that he means close. Maybe it’s army
“He sounds like a good guy", Thola smiles.
Oh poor thing she doesn’t know that she just
awakened her sister's old wounds. Although
this Sosha talk discomforts Ngcwethi I see him
comfort Nomkhosi and wipe away her tears. At
least one of us captured his heart, and I am
happy it was her.
She deserves this and so much more.
“He was a phenomenal man”, Khosi nods to her
own words.
Thola looks at me like I was suppose to tell her
the man died, I couldn’t just about across the
table now could I?
“I’m sorry to hear about that, we'll visit his grave
to clean it up if you want. Maybe that’s what you
need, a chance to speak your heart out with him.
They say idlozi liyalalela”, since when is this one
so deep and spiritual? I think ill enjoy Kho…
Nontobeko's stay if it makes Thola this wise.
“Preach sister!”, Ncumo.
“Ancestors love alcohol so you know what that
means right baby?”, Ncumo will get us into mad
trouble if she doesn’t keep quiet.
“You’re not going”
Her eyes roll and she removes his arm around
her neck.
Just like that?
Someone kill the awkwardness please.
“So what career are you going for?”, Thank you
“I was passionate about media once but now I
don’t know, I’ll see when my things get sorted
and You?”
“I was a TV presenter and a model. That isn’t
where my passion lied though, I’ve always
dreamt of being a doctor one day like Mr
Mongezi over here buuuut I failed my modules”,
she shrugs.
“Was it because of me?”
“What? No it wasn’t, I was suffering from
clinical depression and many factors triggered
it not just you”, so that’s what those cuts on her
neck and wrists are for?
“Excuse me”, Mathongo leaves his spoon on the
plate and slithers away from the table. I'm
“I’ll go check on him”, Thola excuses herself as
well and we are all confused except for
Mongezi and Nkosenye and Nqawe. They
probably know what that was about.
It’s been a while and these two haven’t returned
yet but the conversation has been going well
even I'm leaning about my own in-laws since
Ndlalifa once said I wouldn’t be here if I wasn’t
a koti.
“The cops are hunting you, today at the station
they threatened Nomkh… Nontobeko to give up
information about you all in exchange for
freedom”, oh bawo Ngcwethi just evoked
another massacre. I can tell by the sigh Zime
does that we must prepare for anything at this
point. I’m sstill asking myself why am I not
freaked by the nature of these people, I already
have heard how loosely the word kill is thrown
around in this family and I’m still here. Jizasi.
“Yabo? Yabo? You should have let me k… deal
with them bhuti. I knew those two fat koeks
were fraudulent!”, see what I mean if it wasn’t
for the presence of these two kids he would
have said kill.
“Is it true Nontobeko?”, Khalulu asks, Nkosenye
looks too furious to speak.
“Yes”, Nontobeko says.
I see Nomzamo standing up, Mongezi peers up
to her.
“Snothile take the boys we're going out for
some air”, she says grabbing her jacket from
the couch .
“But it’s late now mommy”, Mongezi wraps his
arms around Zime, she pushes him away gently
and takes keys from the table we're dining on.
Isn’t that Nqawe's car keys?
He also gets up, he’s after me.
“Snothile wait”, he manages to grab my wrist
and turn me around. I look at the boys, they are
far away there is no way they will hear any of
“What is it Manzini?”, I think I get why Zime is
frustrated, I think I understand and I haven’t
been here long but I too am frustrated myself.
This dealing with it business its frustrating.
“Where are you going? It’s dark outside”, he
Duuhhh its dark I can see that so What?
“Nqawe please let go of me and go deal with
people with your brothers”
He frowns, “Is that what this is about? That?
You’re walking out on me because of that? You
can’t be serious Snothile”, I don’t get why he
looks so different from what he looked by a
second or two ago.
“Yes that is what it is about now please let me
go”, I’m really begging deep down for him to let
me go, his face is scaring me.
“You want to leave me?”
I did not say I am leaving him I just want fresh
air and I don’t need to hear what he has to say
with regards to dealing with people. I don’t tell
him any of that though, for whatever reason.
“Fine”, he let’s go of my hand and goes back
inside the house. He bangs the door shut I
flinch. Why does it feel like I will regret this?
“You don’t have to follow me, I have a reason
for leaving and taking the children with me they
don’t need to stay in this kind of environment. I
have given my all, I really thought we were
passed this stage of our lives I guess I was
being delusional. I’m tired Snothile, of
everything I’m getting tired and the sad part is
no one really notices not until you try to slit your
wrists too”
What the hell!?
“Gosh what am I saying? Don’t mind me I was
being dramatic. I was a psychologist after all so
sometimes my mind over works itself”, the fact
that she’s trying to cover that up tells me I
wasn’t suppose to know all that. As if I would
leave Nqawe if I heard any bad thing about him.
“I love him please trust me”
She laughs.
“Can I tell you a secret? Sometimes love doesn’t
cut it around here but I must be honest your
man will never forsake you he loves you too
much”, that’s a contradiction.
“Oh good you’re still here, let’s go”, Ncumo too?
“Thabitha and Ntombi said thy will remain
behind and be with the sisters. Where are we
going? A pub? Please”, why is she drinking so
“I have a lot I just want to forget. I think the
nigga is cheating on me”
“Sambulo would never do that Ncumo you know
this”, Nomzamo.
“This isn’t Mongezi we're talking about.
Remember Sandra? Yeah I think its her,
something about those twigs of hers”
I’m amazed at the fact that Zime laughs at this,
isn’t she the voice of reason?
“This girl is just being dramatic let’s go”
Ncumo is first inside the car. I decide to ask
Nomzamo because I don’t get her attitude
about this.
“Relax Sandra is Mathongo's new dog. Mongezi
and Sambulo were talking about her over the
phone, she must have seen the text and forgot
to scroll up. No one really bothers to tell her
who Sandra really is”
“But why”
“It’s funny when she starts flipping over a dog
texting her man”
Okay now that she puts it like I laugh too.


Nontobeko Khumalo

All of this is getting over bearing. We spoke

about the cop issue for a while and thereafter I
felt confused and lost trying to catch bits and
pieces of their conversation, it wasn’t good
stuff because Ngcwethi had that face of his
that screams down to business. I should have
joined those girls who left, I’m bored sitting here
alone now, I don’t know where my sister is. A
smile forms on my face. I have a family people!
A proper family that I share blood with, I have a
sister who seems like will fight the world for me
and my happiness. For once I feel like I have
somebody to fight for me, I see it from them.
This kind of happiness hits different.
“We're back. Where is everyone?”, Thank God
she is back, these big guys are weird.
“They went for some fresh air”,the grey beard
man says. I already forgot their names. Jeez
this will be a long journey.
Nqawe looks pissed and fidgety, he keep
jabbing his phone, typing and stopping. The
doctor looks like his world is coming to an end
and Sambulo is hella angry.
The drama in this house is unmatched I tell you.
“Where is…”
“I told him to sleep. I hope you don’t mind us
using one room”
“No we don’t mind. Is he okay?”
“My depression is a sensitive topic for him but
he’ll be okay, he’s a big boy”
I take her smile as a positive led. If she says so.
I have never seen a girl as clingy is Ntombi!
She’s all over her man, sleeping on him, putting
her legs on his lap, playing with his pepper
beard. At some point he gets irritated and
smacks her hand off his face, she stops and
continues after a while. I giggle to myself. I
think I judged Snothile way too soon, I also
would die to be surrounded by people who love
like this. It might erase my crooked past. I
wonder if any of it was ever real, any of it.
“Where is she? Where is Nomkhosi? Nomkhosi
ukephi?”, that voice. This can’t happen here in
front of everybody!

Nokwanda brought her here?

“Yeah Miss I want the Truth! You want the truth
wena angithi? Let me give you the Truth all of
it!”, is this the same woman I called ma after my
own mother passed away? Is this her? It can’t
be, this is a whole new beast.
“I don’t think that is a wise idea. Nontobeko
needs to be alone away from bad energy so
please woman leave”, Thola speaks before
Ngcwethi gets the chance to.
“Oh you have spokespersons now?”, why is ma
like This? And Nokwanda why is she so quiet?
Had this been her in my situation I would have
tossed this table upside down by now.
“No she has a sister who will stick it out for her
is there an issue with that? Take it up with
somebody who gives a damn!”, Thola.
“Thola, I want to hear her out. I want her to
reveal everything so that when I do start my life
afresh I know everything I need to leave in the
past and move on”, Ngcwethi’s hand squeeze
gives me strength to stay here and listen to
whatever they have to say.
“Okay but once I feel like they need to leave I
will kick them out personally”, now that I think
of it, she is exactly like my mother. Her fire, the
way she fends for me, that’s if the Mshengus
weren’t lying to me about that part.
“The truth Nomkhosi is you weren’t even
suppose to reach the age of 10 alive, my
husband should have gone ahead and
sacrificed you like he planned to but no your
mother trapped him in her panties and
converted my own husband against me!”
“Nontobeko you don’t need to hear any of this”,
Ntombi says getting up and coming to stand
behind me, Thola is looking at Nokwanda's
mother like the second she speaks again it'll be
her last. And I, I stay still ready to take more
bitter pills.
“Nobody wanted you at home, not even
Sthembiso or Nokwanda…”
“Stop lying! Nokwanda loved me she adored
me”, I refuse with my all to believe my sister
hated me because I came from another woman.
Not Nokwanda!
“Hhee! Lie to yourself if it makes you feel better.
Her and I know the Truth, who do you think
messed with your matric dance dress? Who do
you think took your ID so you don’t apply for
university? Who do you think ruined all your
friendships? Why did she deliberately leave you
behind aftershool so you could walk alone in
the dark? That day I wish those boys had raped
“Ma stop it!”, What is she stopping her for now?
What is she acting innocent for? She partook in
this scheme to ruin my life.
“Ntobeko let’s go", Thola is pulling me and I
should probably go with her but I don’t. I want to
kill myself more with the truth.
“Nomkhosi I’m sorry, I’m so sorry about
everything. We were young and stupid please
forgive Sthembiso and I, we allowed ma to …”
“Nonsense! You envied this girl didn’t You? You
wanted to be her so don’t hide behind my name.
The day Snothile got beat up the goons was the
day you should have died, I sent those goons
for you not her”
I can’t believe this woman!
“How could you do that, she almost lost the
baby you evil witch!”, I want to strangle her
myself right now.
Someone restricts Ngcwethi from grabbing this
witch over this table and all three men have
corned Nqawe far away from this table. I hear
him grunting, he wants to do more than I want
to do to her. How could she!?
“Nqawe you’ll hurt him stop it!”, Ntombi nears
Sambulo but she’s told to back off before she
gets hurt badly.
Ngcwethi is starring at this witch, held back by
the other grey beard.
“Nqawe!”, Nkosenye echoes the entire house
and still he’s not listening.
“That is the truth that you wanted right? There
you go you have the truth and yes I am
responsible for your memory loss, you could
have gained it back but I chose to tip off the
“Someone get her out of here right now!!”, Thola
“When you go home tonight pray, get on your
knees and pray because the price you’ll pay for
hurting my Ntobeko is dearly”
I don’t like his tone or his words. Ngcwethi must
not dare let her change him for the worst.
“Get her out!”
They finally let go of Nqawe I think to get this
witch out the house, he moves closer to her and
Nkosenye pushes him back against the wall.
“Control yourself!”
I feel arms around me. They hold me tighter
each time I cry.
“I love you. I love you. I love You”, he says it over
and over again. He has no reason to love me if
my own people could turn their backs on me
like this, who is he not to?
“Do you have a gym around in this house?”, he
sounds like an animal.
Ngcwethi nods.
“Where is it?”
He gives Nqawe the directions and continues
holding me close to him.
“Promise me you’’ll never leave me Ngcwethi,
no matter how hard it becomes to deal with me
promise you won’t leave. I won’t be able to
handle it, both of you”
Thola nods. “I’m not going anywhere sis"
“And neither am I”, Ngcwethi.
Patrimony: The Ancestors Wife
Chapter Fifty-one
Season Finale
Snothile Gwamanda

We are at the Golden Horse, Snakho practically

begged us to go there and I think khalilou
agreed for his brother's sake. This afternoon
was heavy, both Zime and I agreed on letting
them run wild there but at kora to we want them
back here at the food centre. We haven’t
spoken much about what happened in that
house or what could happen after Ngcwethi
said what he said, it must be fear of the
unknown killing us all. We don’t want to accept
what the men we love are truly capable of.
Isn’t it funny? That Candice was right. These
people are dangerous and I could be in serious
threat here, however she was wrong about
them not caring about anyone else. Nomzamo
barely knows Nontobeko and here she is
worked up about the condition she might be in.
And I love it for her, after all he family proved to
be shit, don’t know about the girl and mother
but still.
“Can a woman get a drink in this place!”, Ncumo
is attracting eyes to our table, not the adorable
ones we received from babies at the game area,
these looks are intrusive and vulturous.
Nomzamo waves my look off. Oh, I guess today
we're not being ‘vigilant’. Eventually we decide
to get out that place because some were
beginning to invade our space by taking videos
and pictures, there was nothing extra about a
woman asking for her wine honestly so in me
there is that fear that those videos will be used
for something else, some bad media or I’ll be
the ugly duckling again. There is no break for
the wicked!
“Why are we being googled like this? What’s
happening?”, this wasn’t the case a few minutes
ago so what storm raged in?
“Someone must have said some thing and it
spread like wildfire”, she says and jabs Ncumo
through her side eye.
“They can fuck off!”, all this is because of
Sandra the dog?
“Ncumo stop acting like this, this isn’t you.
Bhut’Sambulo did not cheat on you okay.
Sandra is just a freaken dog, Bhut'Mongezi's
dog now get over this please. We all need you
sane, tipsy okay but sane. There is a wreck
coming and if one of us isn’t straight it might be
harder to get over its damages. All these men
work as a unit, we should too because we keep
them sane enough to function”, whew. Where
does all this come from?
“You’re an observer I must say”, Ncumo giggles,
“And you’re also right. I do need to be in my
game right? How could I have forgotten about
the dog? I didn’t think straight I just heard him
mentioning being with Sandra on the phone and
lost it”, she sighs, face palms herself and cries.
I wasn’t trying to make anyone cry.
“Lets go to the ladies for more privacy”,
Nomzamo leads the way and we follow. I doubt
there is privacy in the …oh she meant the
disabled toilet? Yeah there is privacy there.
We all sneak in and shut the door, lock it even.
“What made you think Sambulo of all men is
cheating on you?”, Finally she is taking this
“I don’t know he has been distant Nomzamo,
you know how my Sambulo is. He is everywhere
I am and he does what I want him to do, he is a
thorn in my ass but nowadays he’s so easily
irritable, he snaps for no reason, comes home
late and doesn’t tell me why but then he also
doesn’t sleep when he gets home so I don’t
think he is tired from having sex outside, he
doesn’t eat since when is Sambulo forced to eat
Nomzamo? Don’t tell anyone”, she’s saying that
to me because I look like the type that would
run to her man and dish them all out. Mxm.
Fyi I would do that.
“I heard him sobbing in Nqobile's room the
other day. He was in literal tears. Sambulo
never cries, we’ve been through it all but he
never cries. So what is it that is making him cry?
I started thinking maybe I’m not the one for him
why else would he leave me to be with a Sandra?
I thought it’s … I don’t know anymore. What am I
to do?”, I think if she had the energy she would
be sobbing and screaming her lungs out but
there is none by the seems of it.
“That is strange. Just yesterday before we were
told we're coming here, Nqawe was in our
house. They locked themselves in the study and
never came out for hours and hours, I even left
their food in the oven and went to bed. Once I
heard the door unlock I decide to just check if
they haven’t killed each other, instead I found
them both red eyed and in ruins. Like their world
couldn’t give them a break long enough to
breathe. Even Ndlalifa didn’t come home last
night, Ntombi told me and you know what that
meant back then”
I’m hurt. Nqawe didn’t come to me to release
his pain? Why would he leave me and go
release it elsewhere? How would he feel if I did
the same thing to him. That was unfair of him!
“Zime what’s going on?”, Ncumo questions
Nomzamo like she is suppose to know.
“If I knew you would too so I don’t get why
you’re asking me. Maybe they had an emotional
Ncumo looks at her and I do too and we laugh
because that was stupid, the most dumbest
thing we have ever heard this girl say.
But honestly what happened?
“Don’t y’all hate how they carry their burdens
alone but insist on weighting ours through thick
and thin?”, Ncumo.
She’s washing her face, all her pretty make up
gone. We brought nothing with us, luckily
Nqawe always keeps cash inside the car that’s
how we ended up spoiling those boys to R300
each. I think it was too much but Zime is the
mama bear she knows her stuff. I don’t know
how she does it, how she makes children like
her even when they don’t know her. Even
khalilou has a glint of admiration for her and
that kid likes nobody.
“You would be shocked, they’ve always been
like this. Even in school, but at least they
showed some kind of sign of distress.
Mathongo never really allows anyone to get to
see his pain, I bet Thola never even noticed
something is up with him. That boy worries Me,
he defies all rules of healthy psychology”, she
knew them from high school? Yho! I can’t
imagine living with all these people for that long,
I would have died long time ago.
“Trust me she knows but just like us she rather
stay in delusion”, Ncumo says.
She’s first to sit on the floor and Nomzamo
follows. I’m left alone standing, there is no way
will get back up if I sit now.
“Some monkey called me a fat control freak the
other day, on Twitter I think. I wondered where
they got that information from”, she is a control
freak and I don’t see anything wrong with That,
this family needs control freaks.
“She wasn’t lying now was she?”, Ncumo.
“No", Zime chuckles.
“I was told I’m too extra, I go with him
everywhere he goes and never give him a break.
They have no idea how much I get blackmailed
if I don’t go”, she laughs, Ncumo and tears up a
“We need to go. Thabitha just sent me a text,
something happened back home”, Nomzamo
and I help Ncumo up.
We're panicking because Zime is panicking.
Why is she panicking?
“I’ll go get the boys”, or maybe not they are
already making their way towards us.
“Ma we're hungry”, they are looking at all of us.
“We'll eat at home come on”
I swear khalilou will kidnap Zime. He’s running
to her already, she grabs his hand and walks
with him just admiring her. Snakho sees and
also smiles with me m.
“I think someone is softening up”, I whisper to
“He said she makes him feel like a kid again, a
kid with no bad past”, Snakho.
“Hey watch the cars Batman, do you think you
have three lives well I don’t so please don’t give
me a heart attack get inside”, she scolds Junior.
Snakho laughs and joins his brother at the back
I sit with them, not really a fan of the front seat
without Nqawe being the driver.

Ngcwethi Mthembu.

He’s managed to drug Ntobeko to sleep, he

made her take two sleeping pills and one for a
headache. For a while now he has been
watching her sleep, the most peaceful point in
her life is when she sleeps. He kisses her
forehead and tells her how much he loves her
then heads out the room.. anything strong at
the moment shall do, scotch will do although it
has never been a favourite.
He stops on his tracks when he finds Nqawe
and Sambulo drinking in his bar. They were
going to leave, the Zungus but after everything
that happened they chose to stay and Ntobeko
didn’t mind them having one room each, the
house is big enough.
“We were told to feel free by the madam of the
house”, Sambulo says, downing a brown liquid.
“Who said I was protesting?”, Ngcwethi joins
them on the bar couches and pours for himself
a glass too.
“So I guess I was wrong about you, you do care
for her”, he takes a sip keeping his eyes on
“Forget it, he won’t talk to you. That old lady
pissed him off, If I didn’t crave food I wasn’t
going to see him leave the house”
Ngcwethi frowns, he looks at Nqawe again and
sees the peak of the gun on his waist. He
shakes his head and sips his bev.
“So he killed Candice?”
“Mxm that bitch was begging for it. Wouldn’t
you kill for madam? Although she looks like the
type that can handle her own business, does
she keep her shortboys in this house?”,
Sambulo whispers looking around. Ngcwethi
kicks his foot and gives him a middle finger.
“Fusegi!”, Ngcwethi.
“Sundiqhela kwedini”, Sambulo.
The two road up in laughter. It’s a quick one,
two minutes and it’s over. Back to silence.
“What’s up with him?”, Ngcwethi bobs his head
towards Nqawe, he’s creepy.
“Let him be. His madness takes time”
Ngcwethi chuckles and faces down, so this is
the Zungu clown? Makes sense.
“We know we never had a problem with you?”,
Sambulo says.
Ngcwethi whips his brow up. Never had a
problem? Like hell they didn’t.
“I’m serious. You came in hot and demanding,
sdudla thought you were misunderstood so we
never killed your ass but you did piss us off at
our brother's function”, that really did piss them
off and Ngcwethi is apologetic about it though
he won’t say it but surely Sambulo sees.
“That’s because y'all came from nowhere and
snatched my child away”
“Snatched your child? Had you been a good
man towards Snothile I doubt she would have
walked away from you", he can finally speak.
“Yeyi nina nobabili, we don’t have to remind you
that kusazililwe in this household. All this noise
is not good, and it needs to be addressed with
the ancestors”, Nkosenye says, looking at
Ngcwethi. Him and Khalulu just walked in in the
nick of time.
“As in?”, Ngcwethi asks.
“Impepho nesizulu ngikubona kwanele but in
case it isn’t, a goat will suffice. Sambulo pour
us a drink, we need to talk madoda"
Ngcwethi wants to cuss this nigga out for
acting like he is alpha in his father’s house but
he doesn’t. For whatever fucked up reason he
respects him and his word. Sambulo gives
Khalulu and Nkosenye a glass and sits back on
his chair just as Mongezi; Mathongo and
Mnotho come down to join them.
“We're all here?”
“Yebo Sengwayo”, Mongezi.
“Good. Sibadala masibangaka angizukhuluma
into engapheli, some of us have women waiting
for us and others have their hands”, he looks at
Nqawe, Mongezi and Sambulo.
Nervous chuckles round the room.
“I won’t take much time, all I wanted to say is
asithelelane amanzi manje madoda enough is
enough. None of these women deserve any sort
of pain coming from us, they face enough of
that outside same way they become our peace
let’s become theirs. Asinanxa nawe Mthembu,
kuphela nje inhlonipho. Respect us and we will
respect you, we have a joined responsibility to
protect and care for MaGwamanda and her
child, respect that. Wena”, he points at Nqawe,
“Yeka loku gxajelwa kwakho. He made a
mistake, he acknowledges it and let’s move…”
“I think he owes her an apology. She needs to
know from him that it was never her fault”,
Nqawe’s request is sincere, by the looks of it.
Nkosenye looks at Ngcwethi.
“He’s right. I will apologize, sincerely”
“Good. No one will do anything to that woman
or those cops. Sengwayo and I will take care of
it”, he’s pointing to Khalulu, “Yeah that was all.
Everyone can go their separate ways now.
Mthembu, sixolisela umsindo esulethile
emagcekeni okhokho. Yobe”, Nkosenye puts his
hand out, Ngcwethi looks at it and shakes it.
They all shake hands, peacefully.
“I apologize for knocking off your teeth, though
you asked for it"
“And I apologize for busting your lips although
you very much deserved it"
“Mxm you didn’t bust my lip, don’t get too ahead
of yourself”
Patrimony: The Ancestors Wife
Chapter Fifty-two
Season Finale
Sphesihle Mthembu

“Wake up sleepy head”, a pillow greets his face

and smacks the sleepiness out of him. He slept?
That’s a miracle, that he touch even the
slightest bit of sleep even after yesterday. He
remembers what happened last night, that’s
another miracle. It was a quick-quick moment, a
beautiful woman saw him tearing himself apart
out in a fist fight with some drunkard, came to
rescue him and sort out his cracked lip and
broken nose. Half the time he wasn’t focused,
her sun-kissed skin and ruby red lips stole his
attention without a shadow of doubt, so it was
understandable that he doesn’t remember her
name or her surname or age but judging by the
picture of her graduation gown hung up on the
wall, she’s old enough.
“You sleep like a baby, it’s 7am now wake up. I
have to fly back to Johannesburg this afternoon.
Wake up”, she’s in a lace maroon thong and a
matching bra with his shirt slightly overlapping
her perky round butt cheeks. He feels himself
getting hard all over again, flashes of last
night’s moment pop in. Her feminine hygiene is
immaculate, she tastes like actual strawberries.
“That’s a good thing right?”, Sihle grins and
leans on his elbow, watching her tidy up the
mess they created last night.
“You knocked me out last night, I’ve never felt
this good after sex before”, a smile forcefully
appears on his face, she is such a dream of a
Hairy but she looks drop dead gorgeous. It’s a
trail of small hairs down her tummy and back
too, he saw it last night.
Her face is hairest.
“Are you trying to score yourself another
round?”, she stops tiding the cosmetics on her
pedestal that toppled over while he was sucking
her palace.
“Is it working?”, he comes from behind and
clutches her waist, swings her around and sits
her on top of the same ottoman he sat on when
receiving the best head of his life.
“…nnnnn-no. I have work little boy, I am a busy
woman”; it turns him on, her sinister smile its
innocent and cute but aggressive. She is the
kind of girl who makes a man get on his knees
whether he is willing or not and she seems to
enjoy doing so.
“I’ll wait I don’t mind”, He’s beyond smitten by
this woman. It’s infatuation he keeps telling
himself but still she’s fine.
“You’re begging?”, then she does this thing that
only she can master and drive him absolutely
crazy about, tucking her bottom lip between her
“Yes ma'am”
He bites her neck, goes down to her chest and
sucks her collar bone. His hands are busy,
squeezing her thighs till they are red. He’s
thirsty for her again.
“Sihle, you’ll get me arrested. You’re still a child
to me”, she’s moaning though, tossing her head
back and welcoming him between her legs. His
upper body is still naked and she doesn’t stop
herself from scratching his back.
“My performance says otherwise doesn’t it?”, he
whispers against her flesh.
“Said Who?”
“Said the little boy whom made you cum 3
times last night. Ring a bell? Remember
anything now?”, the moment he traces his
thumb over her lace underwear, press on her clit
and get that sensation from her, he smirks.
“Let me go shower, knock yourself out”, it’s hard
but he eventually let’s go of her fresh thick
thighs and steps aside. This girl will be the ruins
of his soul! She’s the fit type, the type with a flat
not so flat tummy; big bunda (butt); perky tits
and freshness from head to toe. How is she not
married yet? No kids with a pussh that good?
He can’t believe that may be the husband is bad
performer, he wouldn't mind being the side fling
for as long as she wants to keep him as such.
He hears the shower running and resists the
temptation to go peaking through the door. No
he’s no pervert, he’ll just go downstairs and
make breakfast, woman love food.


This house is phenomenal. Too massive for a

single woman though, too spacious too but the
design is outrageous.
You can tell this lady has self confidence
checked, her pictures are at every corner of the
house. There is a nother one of her standing
with a lot of men, she’s in her graduation gown
carrying a certificate. Nokulunga Zungu, that’s
her name. He really had forgotten it.
The kitchen is a maze, he doesn’t know which
cupboards to open first. And where is the fridge?
This girl is fancy.
“Oh here you are. I thought you wandered off to
I don’t know where, how is this suit? I have
three clients flying from Cameroon. I thought of
doing the skirt but I don’t know this looks more
professional to me”
His jaw is agape. Her curves are perfectly
situated in every corner of those pants. They
aren’t a tight fit, by the footing they actually flow
neatly its her body that makes the look seem
tight. She paired it well with a black silk shirt
revealing her cleavage and very high heels.
“Hello I’m waiting”, she snaps her fingers in
front of his eyes till he comes back to earth.
“Sihle I'm late”, she says.
“Oh sorry. You look good, you’re sexy yes. Do
you have water perhaps, I need water.”, he’s
swallowing nothing and trying to look away.
This is a pretty old lady, he shouldn't be
fantasizing over her like this, Ngcwethi would
murder him if he ever knew.
“That wasn’t the question Sihle”, she looks at
him with a serious look, business means
business with her.
It turns him on, surprisingly.
“You know what forget about it, forget it I’ll do
things myself. I’ll decide myself. Please make
me tea and a slice of toast”, she’s bossy
naturally. Yesterday she forced him to go to her
brother's ex practice – Sihle didn’t ask
questions he just nodded. Then she bossed him
into getting medication although the doctor
said it’s all good and as if that wasn’t a big
enough red flag she forced him to eat and drink
the meds then rest.


“You know there is no need for this right? I’ll be
fine, I’m a man”, Sihle said, he wasn’t about to
drag his old ass inside a practice just because
some drunk idiot pissed him off enough to earn
a fist. That was childish.
“Good thing your opinion wasn’t needed. I trust
this place, some of the best doctor's started
here. Not those clinics you wanted to go to.
Service is quick here", her talking is fast. She
speaks without having to make out in her head
what to say next.
“Just because you afford better doesn’t mean
what others can afford it any less better”, he felt
the need to point it out to her. Somehow her
sassy attitude made him feel some type of way.
And like he thought she would, Nokulunga never
gave a response.
“Let me guess you are the rich housewife type
who finds poverty disgusting?”, he just kept
pushing, eventually the lady stopped cluttering
her heels on the pure white marble tiles and
turned to face Sihle, with a not so pretty face.
“We're the judge of characters now huh? You
know absolutely nothing about me, do you have
the slightest idea of what my brothers had to do
just to make sure I have an underwear to attend
school in. You’d be desensitized so don’t make
yourself the God of poverty, you probably never
had to go a day without food let alone weeks so
don’t piss me off with your uneducated
judgements. Let’s go the doctors knock off
early here”
Did she not drag him across the passage to the
doctor's office. He was stunned, a little scared
after that outburst and when she said brothers,
he wondered how many?
“This is a pleasant surprise, Miss Z. What brings
you to PMB”
“I was attending a funeral. I found him beaten
up in front of my car, can you examine him? I
think he cracked a rib”
Sihle stood there numb and dumbfounded on
what to say. Technically yes he was beaten up
but the cracked rib? Does she have microscopic
“I’ll take a look for you”
After that they left for the pharmacy then drove
to her house after agreeing on it.

A few minutes later, the toast is ready and the
tea is made. He wants everything to be perfect,
that’s what he has gathered about Nokulunga
That is a perfectionist .
“Yes yes Mr Martel I will look into it further”
“No the liquidity of the business is certified, I
can assure you that Sir. The bursary fund
program is good to go, the only thing missing is
the partnership agreement signature. I’ll get it
sorted. Thank you”
Sihle leans against the countertop and drools,
now she looks exquisite!
“Busy lady aren’t You?”
“Very busy. And you? Where must I drop you off?
Still want to run around the streets chasing
college girls”
He grins.
“Smart mouth. And no I don’t date college girls,
I like my woman mature and independent”, what
is he saying? If he could he'd strangle himself
right now. That sounded offish.
“Boy will you stop it. I should have let that man
beat you to the pulp instead of interfering. You
call this toast?”
He nods. It being burnt doesn’t take away the
fact that it’s toasted bread. Nokulunga throws
her weave in a bun and grabs am apron.
“What are you doing?”, he frowns, breakfast has
been served already mos, chared toast and
sugarless tea.
“Preparing a proper meal, you still need to take
your meds”
“I’m not a child for you to be after me like this.
I’m fine now, seriously”
“I wasn’t asking. Take your meds or I’ll shove
them down your throat myself. And just so by
the way, there is nothing wrong with being
babied I have a 47 years old brother who still
acts 7 years old when he catches a flu so this
macho man deal you have going on its not a
turn on”
She always gets her way doesn’t She? Sihle sits
on the breakfast snook table and waits for his
food. The intercom chimes in their silence, and
a broad muscline voice comes through.
“Nana open the gate”
At first it doesn’t register in Sihle's head that
whoever it is that just said that is someone
important until Nokulunga cusses and leaves
her pots unattended.
“You need to go now! They will kill you if they
find you here, go ill meet you by the T junction,
hurry", she sees them approaching her door,
worse its only the violent ones.
“But my clothes…”
“Do you want to die? I’ll bring your clothes just
go for now. Please”, she’s pushing him to the
sliding door at the back of the laundry room. It
leads outside.
He’s naked and it’s a frosty morning here
Pristbury. He’s in his briefs and nothing else, oh
and his socks. She could have gave him some
thing to cover up its freezing out here. Luckily
the walls aren’t too high he can jump over it, his
footing misses. He comes back with shit load
of mud… very stinky mud.
“Dog shit, the fuck!”, he growls and gets back
up. Which way to go? Left or right? Why does
the house need to be this fucken big?
He'll go down. The dog poo he fell into starts
getting to him, its pretty bad.
“What do these dogs eat? Ubhontsisi?”, the
smell is getting intolerable! Why is it stinky?
Oh no. He should have taken right instead. He
has walked right into a public pool full of half
naked white and Indian women.
“God no”, he shuts his eyes and hopes it’s a day
dream, they open again and yep they are still
standing there in their thong bikinis and
hanging flesh. That’s trauma he can never get
Now what’s with the dogs running towards?
Where did they come from? He makes a run for
it either way, questions later these look deadly
He takes a short left corner in some dodgy bush.
Four men await him on the end of the bush.
He looks behind him nd the dogs have cornered
him in. There is no running.
“Marco, good dog!”, Mathongo whistles and all
five dogs run over to him.
“Now tell us some thing where are you off to so
fast? We haven’t even shared tea and biscuits.
Come on let’s go have some tea and biscuits”,
Sambulo calls for him.
Sihle feels like crying, “But I don’t want tea and
biscuits”, he really doesn’t.
“Too bad little man let’s go”
Fuck. Fuck. Triple fuck!
Patrimony: The Ancestors Wife
Chapter Fifty-three
Season Finale
Sponsored by Langa Malinga 🌹
Nokwanda called me this morning, I couldn’t
answer I had no energy to deal with more truth
but then she sent me a text shortly afterwards
saying she is sorry and whatever she did in her
past was a mistake, her mother was the driving
force of her actions that’s what she said to me.
For some reason it made me feel more hurt
than before, her denial it hurts me more than
what MaSokhela said to me yesterday. Families
are for the fortunate I think I’ve drawn up that
conclusion in my head and I am nowhere near
fortunate naturally. Thola wants us to go home
this Tuesday, that’s two days away by the way.
According to her our father is dying to meet me,
I don’t get the same feeling though I just feel as
though I’m signing up for more heart
palpitations. It’s been years, he has probably
forgotten me or maybe there is something that
happened between him and my mother that
Thola doesn’t know about, perhaps something
that can make him hate me or even Thola for
bringing me into their lives. Starting afresh is
scary! It’s easy to say and map out in your head
yes but when the time comes to actually do
these things then you see what ttash-pit you
threw yourself in. This year I'm turning 25 years
old and I haven’t yet grabbed any direction in
life. I keep going back and forth between hell
and high waters, I am not even fortunate
enough to be like those who rest in their sleep,
no my problems continue even after night time.
I appreciate the love I’m getting from everyone
but I don’t think it’ll sustain me long enough.
This is an exhausting journey I am setting
myself up for.
“What are you thinking about so much?”
She refused to leave this morning when the
others left, I don’t know something about the
kids bothering their grandparents and business
that needs to be taken care of. Mathongo and
Thola opted to stay, well Thola wanted to stay I
think Mathongo stayed because she stayed.
The rest said they’ll leave once they know
Nokulunga is oright that is where they are right
now if I’m not mistaken. I’m given a glass of
alcohol, I smell it.
“Everything. When will the peace break come
because I’m so tired its not even funny anymore,
this things its harder than I thought it would be",
honestly can’t one sleep and wake up the next
day feeling fresh and different?
“You paged a whole new chapter to your life
Ntobeko, of course it won’t be a walk in the park.
Forget about the destination and just live it up
in the journey”, she tickles me, trying to make
me laugh. Eventually I do start feeling the
tickles and push her off, we laugh until I don’t
know when.
“When I was your age I worried about whether
I’ll have a matching underwear to wear to my
boyfriend's house not all this that you are
stressing over", I don’t know why I saw her as
that type vele. The kind that wants to have
matching underwear; complimentary nail polish
and shiny lips all the time.
“Well then it’s a good thing Ngcwethi loves me
with my yellow full panties and grey sports bra.
I don’t need to worry about which slingshot up
my ass would enhance its beauty”, that was
mean wasn’t it?
She gasps and nudges me roughly, her lips are
stretched however you can clearly tell she took
full offense to that.
“Fyi thongs aren’t slingshots, they are a very
comfortable form of underwear”, she says and
drags me up the bed, out Ngcwethi’s bedroom
and right into her bedroom opposite ours.
“And why are we here again?”, I don’t see the
point of leaving my room to come to hers and
do the exact same thing we were doing in my
“Because I want to show you something”, there
is a glint of happiness and excitement in her
eyes that I haven’t seen from her. She’s
beaming actually.
I take her glass and wait for her to show me the
big surprise..
Slowly she lifts up her shit and brushes her belly.
I’m confused, am I looking at a tummy?
“Gosh Ntobeko!”, she turns the other way and
shows me a tattoo written along the side of her
torso, it’s a date, 26/06, well it’s 06 now but ….
Hhhhhhaaaaaaa, shut the front door!
“Oh my god Thola we're having a baby!?”
She nods continuously, emotional and unable to
speak at the same time. This is big, this is good!
I heard she was the only one who hasn’t baked
a child from the wives, I’m so happy for her!
“I didn’t think I'd tell anybody, I thought I was
just gonna wait for every one to see it for
themselves grow inside of me. But I can’t keep
it to myself anymore”, is this girl going mad?
Who waits so long to tell that she is pregnant?
“Why would you hide that though? Babies are a
blessing Thola”, except us few who were born
curses and burdens.
“Because I was scared Ntobeko. I don’t want to
fail my child, I don’t wish for my baby to grow
up receiving any less of what they truly deserve.
Sometimes it doesn’t feel like Mathongo loves
you know, sometimes it feels like I’m being
tolerated for the same if this daughter inlaw
title. I’m not told that I’m loved all the time like
the others; I don’t get to hear all the things they
hear. Maybe I am not cut out for this family,
sometimes that’s how it feels. I’ve battled with
fitting in since the day I arrived”, she’s making
emotional now and I don’t like tears. In fact I
feel her pain is my.own, is that what’s like to
have a sister? You carry their burdens as your
own? I feel like carrying hers as mine.
“Mathongo loves you nje sthandwa sami, he
loves you I’ve seen it in his eyes”
“Then why don’t I feel it sometimes? Why don’t I
get told I’m the most precious thing in his life?
Sometimes you’d swear he married those dogs
and not me, why doesn’t he look at me like I’m
the world, his brothers can do that for their
wives why can’t he do that for? Am I ugly
Ntobeko and be honest with me. Is it because I
can’t cook phuthu and not burn the meat? I
don’t get it. Have you seen the way they all
admire Nomzamo? The respect they have for
Thabitha? The protection they have over Ncumo?
The support they show Snothile? The tender
care they have for Ntombfuti? Where is any of
that for me? I could just pack my bags and go”,
she does not mean that, why would she want
to leave people who love her like This? I don’t
know the full story so I can’t say she’s being
dramatic only but I know deep down they love
“Anyway! Enough about me and tears. Have you
packed? Are you ready to go home? Dad will go
crazy I tell you, he’s been missing you ever
I remove her hands from her face and peel off
the fake long eyelashes. This is why she is
beating herself up everyday because of these
things. I pull her arm to the wash room and
bring her before the sink. She sits down where I
point her, on the toilet seat and start removing
all that fake powder and glittery eyeshadow.
We're both crying I don’t know Why.
Once I’ve washed her face, I take that hot weave
off her head at first she protests but eventually
allows me to take it off.
She’s … she’s …
“Why would you hide your big beautiful bald
head. I’m charmed right now, Ngcwethi has real
competition”, my joke helps and she laughs.
“Shut up stupid or else I’ll have you right here on
top of this toilet seat and you won't be able to
walk for weeks!”
“Oh please do devour me sir I am your fortress”
We laugh like idiots after that. I adore how she
matches my energy, without questioning.
“But on a serious note you look gorgeous”, she
really does, she’s one of those whom aren’t
magazine model hot but there is still something
fire about their general beauty. Like the chubby
girl, Zime or something like that.
They aren’t as pretty as the others but their
natural state will have you looking for more
than just a few minutes. Why would my baby
hide all this from the world?
“See. You’re perfect”, I say, fixing up her dress
and the scarf over her shoulders.
She looks at me.
“I love you so much”, I’m jumped on before I
could utter a word, it’s whatever because I
return the hug just as fast and even hold her
“I love you too baby”
I do. I really do and I plan on proving it to her my
whole life.


We’ve been talking the whole day, no actually

we have gossiping the whole day.
I point to another double story house not far
from this house, “See that family has lost six
babies, they all just disappear into thin air.
Rumor has it the babies accumulate the wealth.
And honestly I’m not saying it’s true or whatever
but how do they afford all that because as far
as I know the only person who works in that
house is their aunt who is a teller at Checkers”,
we're whispering despite being inside the house.
We’re like mischievous girls nje.
“That small house over there lives a witch. I
have seen her short boys personally, I admire
her work”, I giggle.
“I bet she has nothing on our granny, our dad’s
mother, good witch that one very good witch!”
I stop giggling and look at her with my mouth
wide open. Is she playing me or are we serious?
“Huh?”, I cannot believe what she just said.
“Hawu yes. You think this witch business is just
fun talk? Ebaba it runs in our blood as the
Khumalo clan, our grandmother is a real witch.
She sends fresh thunder from limpopo, how do
you think I made my first buck in Joburg? Rat
blessings of course”
I’m in tatters. There is no way she is serious. No
she must be lying to me. I almost faint but
when she does her hyena laugh I know I was
being fooled. Gosh this child almost gave me a
heart attack.
“Don’t play like that wena!”
I really fell for that idiocy? I’m so judging myself.
“You should have seen your face. I was going to
screen grab you actually. You looked hilarious!
A deer caught up in headlights”
Where did they take this kind? Kodwa Jesu
I walk back to the kitchen, I’m done with her. It’s
so cold, I'd like some tea. Who do these
cufflinke belong to? And this food who brought
it here? Ngcwethi isn't around Pmb that I know I
don’t know where he is but I think he went to
see Ntando as per my request this morning so
who brought this food?
A while later, Sihke barges inside the kitchen
just as Thola enters as well. He looks
“And what happened to you?”, where did he go
“Nothing”, he says and continues his march.
Hawu. Okay.
“Want tea and …”
BISCUITS! I don’t want it please leave me
alone!”, that was outrageous. All I asked was if
he wants tea and food, where do biscuits enter
I don’t know why we're laughing the kid seems
distraught about these tea and biscuits.
“Someone came to drop food and not even say
hi, they left these things here as well”, I show
her the cufflinks; watch and tie. Why does she
look shocked?
“This is Mathongo's watch”, she says.
Okay then but why is she looking like that? It’s
his watch and so?
I answer the phone ringing in her hand since
she has just froze on the spot.
It’s on loudspeaker.
“MaMbulazi it’s Ndlalifa, we cannot get through
to Mathongo here, he called a few minutes ago
telling us he messed up. Is everything Okay?”
Oh double cream!
He heard the bedroom conversation didn’t he?
I don’t know if I should say something. What do
I Do? Thola looks out of it.
Thola better speak now, what am I suppose to
“Yes we're fine. Everything is fine”, why is she
“Mmmh. Please tell him to call us back, nilale
kahle”, the call drops. Whew.
“And wena why did you lie?”, I feel like scolding
“I don’t need them pitying or patronizing me. I
just want to focus on your big day, finally
getting introduced to baba. I want everything to
go well so let’s focus on that”
“Won’t you call him at least to know if he is
“NO he is a grown man. He can look after
himself. Let’s go see if Mr Biscuits is doing
okay, maybe he’s planning how to murder us all
up there”
I’m sceptical but her eyes are insisting that she
is okay.
“Sosha didn’t attack my dreams yesterday, I
don’t know why. Is it maybe because I have
found out the truth?”
She shrugs, “Maybe he was restless because
you were restless, well your spirit was restless.
Either way I’m glad he tortured your behind, now
see we’ve found each other”. That’s a good
point to make. I didn’t see it that way.
I face up and give him a smile, that man was
good to me, he should be somewhere in the
“Thank you Mvelase wami”, he’ll always be mine
hey? I could marry thousands and love even
more but Sosha will always be my first
Patrimony: The Ancestors Wife
Chapter Fifty-four
Season Finale
Sbulelo Mthembu

Men are some thing else sometimes! We were

weeping together just a few days ago and all of
a sudden this nigga decides to get rid of me? I
don’t know where he is or what games he’s
playing with me but I haven’t seen even the
mere shadow of Thunzi for two days now, this
is the third day and I’m beginning to believe it’s
the last. I'm furious, no no scratch furious I am
broken. I had no idea I was dependant on him to
such an extent, an extent whereby I feel like all
my healings are busting open to become the
wounds they were before I surrendered my
heart and soul to him. His clothes are still
stacked in his closet waiting for big black
plastic bags because that is where he will find
them if he’s not back by this evening.
It’s good the children are still with Nomkhosi
whom I now know as Nontobeko. Apparently a
lot happened in this three days I was mute, the
Mshengus turned out to be serpents like I
always thought they were. Too many things
behind Ntobeko’s identity were shady, and I
think Sosha died because he was getting close
to exposing the truth not because Ntobeko's
fake father was angry that his daughter almost
died in an accident. Now the dots connect
better and I understand why Sosha must have
been such a pain in our necks, he wanted firstly
his name to be clear and the thing he died for to
be achieved. But now I wasn’t expecting the
gamechanger. Thola Khumalo-Zungu!?
The one and only!
Nomkhosi is related to that woman!? She’s not
bad don’t get me wrong in fact I salute her in
always managing to keep out the eyes and face
of the media when it comes to negative feed.
However her husband is the deepest form of
bad bad shady. Thunzi told me a man he used
to work for a long time ago once hired her
husband to take out four political backbones in
Malawi. Now you have to understand this is no
hitman call, in my books this is what I call
10111 Assassination. Because of the
formalities that go into making that order cone
true – there needs to a contract stipulating
terms and conditions, signed by the negotiator
and his assassin yo avoid backstabbing and
surprises a long the way; there are policies to
put both parties personal information out of the
table in case shit gets bad for one; there are
rules – many rules that I still haven’t gotten to
the bone of and then are consequences.
According to what Thunzi said, that man ended
up facing a few consequences for breaking a
rule and exposing the kind of work Thola's
husband does to his political line of friends. Till
today he hasn’t found a person who is generous
enough to donate a tongue to him. Sad.
Had I been that aggressive driven lawyer again,
I would have took this information to new
heights! But I choose a penis over my career
and here I am drooping in its house alone, for
two days!
The bell rings as I was about to call for the
apted time! I peak through the big windows up
top and glee. Snothile is here!
Thank goodness I was getting bored, when did
they come back from Pmb?
The second I open the door I’m not expecting to
be greeted by … five toddlers – four boys and
one girl.
“Hello aunty”, it’s a choir.
“Hello… kids”, I’m stuck here what do I do?
Pinch their cheeks?
I look up at Snothile screaming for help with my
eyes, I have no idea what to do over here. And
they don’t eeither. We are just standing before
one another starring.
“Okay run wild but stick together and don’t be
unfair to your sister, if you play play together”,
she has the mommy face now, and the finger
pointing – so accurate!
“Yes mama!”, the choir hits that note again.
All it takes is me shifting an inch away from the
doorway for the little minions to come running
inside my house. The girl is standing with
Snothile though, hidden behind her skirt.
One boy comes back, pulls the girl’s hand even
locks their fingers and pulls her along. So cute.
“Come sisi”, he says.
Snothile draws out one long deep breath and
steps inside Too, shuts the door and throws her
bag on the floor where she usually places it
whenever she comes over. My girl is gaining
weight, lots of it and her skin is absolutely
But the droopy eyes tell me it isn’t Christmas
where she is.
“Want some thing to drink?”, I offer, she looks
like she could use some alcohol but then …
“Yes please. Water”, we walk over to the second
kitchen, the one closer to the backyard so we
can watch the minions while they play.
“Let’s play soccer!”, one of them shouts.
“With what? Don’t be stupid Bandile”, another
one goes.
Wow that is strong language for a child!
But in the kid's defence, Bandile was really
being blond with that suggestion.
“But I want to play soccer, like bhuti does”, he
whines, the Bandile.
“We have no soccerball remember?”, that’s the
one that came back to get the princess.
“I also want to play football”, this one has
accent, a strong one.
They carry on whining about wanting to play
soccer yet they don’t have a soccer ball. The girl
takes off her t-shirt and pink vest. I’m in awe, so
is their mama over here.
She sits down and lays the shirts out on the
ground then rolls them up into a ball, she uses
the sleeves to tie it up.
“Here is a ball. You can’t kick it hard but you can
play it”, she puts it in front of them and steps
“Sisi you are a star!”, the mean machine hugs
her first and they all do.
“You can take my t-shirt, I have a vest
underneath. Mama forced me into it, I don’t like
too many clothes”, another one says.
You won’t get this level of entertainment even
from tiktok. I’m astonished. At least they are
happy now, all playing in harmony.
“You have amazing children”, I give praise
where its due. That was beautiful to see.
“They really are amazing. I don’t remember
there being this much peace between my
brother and I, I always use to bully him”, she
I never really had that, I was treated like a
princess from a young age that I ended up
adopting that behaviour. Being treated like an
egg was some thing I demanded, not that I ever
got anything less from my brothers and father.
“Their mothers are in Morningside”
“And you’re here?”, I thought everywhere they go
she goes.
“They are there to clean the house, I don’t know
what house but I was told Bhut'Mathongo
wants to live there for a while”, I don’t think she
should be telling me this but her distress is not
good for the baby and since there is no one else
to talk to.
“And his wife?”
Snothile shrugs.
“I don’t know what happened. I tried to call
Thola but she is deliberately ignoring everyone.
I wonder what happened though”, it doesn’t look
like she wonders at all. And that may be partly
because Snothile has a natural resting bitch
face you wouldn’t see easily if not close with
“Here", I serve her juice and a snowball.


By the time the children are done playing ball;

falling on top each other and fighting one
another like bulls. Snothile and I feel like pulling
the strands of our hair off the roots!
“How do you do it? I could never!”, two children
are more than enough for me I have come to
that conclusion. Doubling babies isn’t for me.
“Trust me there are worse days. These one are
like their fathers I swear, when they are good
they are really good and when they are bad they
become evil twits”, Snothile.
“So how are things with you and Thunzi? Where
is he by the way because I swear whenever I
visit its like he senses me and stays behind so
he can chase me away quicker”
That’s not a lie. He has become overly
possesive and stingy over me. I cant be with
another person for longer than three hours
because to him that’s me neglecting him.
“We are okay, no couple has a smooth sail right?
But I know for sure that we will manage…”
Snothile’s phone rings, then mine rings a minute
or two after she has answered hers.
“Hello", I answer mine as well.
Oh heck no! He must not baby me! Not after he
went MIA and mute on me for two whole days.
No call up until now, and he thinks calling me
baby will make me melt like margarine in a hot
“Sbulelo please don’t drop the call, I need to talk
to you”, he says quickly.
Grrr! I wanted to drop the call but now I can’t,
he’s already pleaded with me not to.
“What do you want make it snappy! I’m busy”,
my food will get cold.
“I missed you, I miss you and I will miss you for
the longest time”, huh? What is he saying to me?
“Don’t freak out. Some thing happened,
someone … some bastard held Lisa hostage. At
least that’s what he made me believe, it was a
set up. I’m in Westville…”
What!? Westville already? In two days? Nah, nah,
I drop the call and run up stairs, I cross paths
with Snothile. Something must have happened,
she looks petrified by something as well.
“I have to go, there is an emergency and I’m
needed back home. Will you be okay?”
I give my fakest smile and nod.
I help her with collecting the minions and
putting them into the car. Good thing she has a
driver, it’s quite late now.
“Are you sure you’re okay?”, she asks again,
searching me.
I think I am, I probably am. I just can’t say it, I
nod again.
“I know you’re lying but I also know you won’t
tell me the truth right now. Whenever you are
ready talk to me”
I nod again.
She sighs and ends up getting inside the car too.
“Say bye to aunty”
“Bye aunty!”, they all wave with their big smiles.
I wave back and wait for the gate to close. Once
it is closed I run back inside the house, upstairs
to change into jeans and big black hoodie, his
hoodie and sneakers. My hands travel up to the
safe in his wardrobe. I know the code, I’ve seen
him punch it in but I’m hesitant. Guns aren’t my
favourite thing in this world , anything could
happen. You could die from your own weapon.


“Why do you keep testing me!?”

Yes I came to the GC ATTORNEYS HQ. I went
straight pass the security; pass the dumb bitch
Francine; pass the small offices and straight to
the big man’s office. Paul Walkerberg’s office,
the boss, the main show they call him.
I sat on his chair in the dark and waited for him
to show face, I knew he would.
It’s his poise attitude for me, he thinks the
world’s his oyster and others are the napkins he
uses to wipe his filth and dispose of them.
“Wow, that is what it took to fish you out
Muvelase”, I hate how he butchers my surname
and name. However in the list of things I resent
about this man that is the last.
“Good to see you behind these walls again,
good thing you aren’t behind those”, he points
to the television on his wall.
Oh great! It’s already on news channels!
It takes a lot of warning in me not to pull that
television to the ground and smash it on his
head until he’s dead.
“Don’t bloat now child the games just begun. I
thought you knew how I work?”, this smirk of
his boils my blood!
“So you mapped it out didn’t You? You had it all
figured out from the start? There really never
was a training program huh? You just wanted to
mould me to become this amour go use when
activating your weapon? The fondness, the
respect, the publicity you gave me it was all part
of this sick game plan? In fact you waited and
waited till we were vulnerable to strike? You
WEAK piece of ass!”
How could I be so relaxed!? So forgetful of the
cunning mind games this son of a bitch can
play? And Francine was playing me too all along
wasn’t she? Oh she will regret this, they will all
regret this because now I’m not only going to
come for Paul Walkerberg but I’m coming for
the entire HEADQUARTERS!
“Ever heard the story of the egg? You grab it
carelessly it breaks, right now I have an egg in
my hand Paul and do you know what in going to
do with it? Yes I’m going to rain bullets on you
people. Watch your back”
“is that a threat Miss Muvelase?”
“No it’s a promise and I am well within my rights
to make promises Mr Walkerberg!”
Patrimony: The Ancestors Wife
Chapter Fifty-five
Season Finale
The Thola/Mathongo Storm Special 🌪
Ngcwethi wasn’t lying when he said his woman
can’t cook, I mean I’m no master chef but I can
do better than what Ntobeko produced today.
The ancestor thing is to be done tomorrow early
in the morning before Ntobeko and I leave for
Impendle, I figured that is why the goat was
brought here earlier today.
“You can leave the dishes I'll do them", she
offers me a break and I take it with both hands.
It’s the second day, he still hasn’t called me and
I’m getting worried, I would be lying if I said I
have any positive thoughts in my mind right
now. He left his watch; tie and his wallet behind
so where the hell could he possibly be? Am I
being cheated on? Am I the next Ntombfuti in
this family? I can’t stand the mere image of
another woman touching what right fully and
lawfully belongs to me, I think I’d quite literary
run mad and kill everybody. That’s the hold he
has over me don’t know if he planned it or if I
just let myself fall in the hands of obsession too.
Mathongo drives me crazy, crazier than anyone
knows. He goes out there to kill and bury people
in graveyards then comes back home to a
home cooked meal; bubble bath and my legs
wide open ready for him to devour me. It’s like a
treat for all the chaos he brings on earth and I
judge myself everyday for that. The
disappointment in my father if he ever were to
know, would kill him. And still I choose to love
and honour a man whom might kill me one day
if ever he knew the mistake I made. I hear
everyone saying Ntombi is clingy; Ntombi is
always with Ndlalifa she is so obsessed well
they have no idea what my delusion is like.
Sometimes on my really creepy days I wake up
in the middle of the night and stare at
Mathongo sleeping as peaceful as a cub as if
the man didn’t just slit someone’s throat just
because they talked too much and ended up
saying one wrong thing. I still love him as purely
as I did before I knew he was a well paid
contractor and no not the kind that wears a suit
and tie to board meetings, but the type that
wears a suit and tie to end other people’s
problems – political matters strictly, apparently
his father was betrayed by a bunch of well off
men in suits who promised him some position
in the political chain of his community so that is
why he doesn’t mind slaughtering corrupt
I wonder if he remembers that he has a wife
waiting for him Here, that she needs him too
like how he always needed her when facing his
demons in silence. Only I see them, not even
Zime has that ability and yet my very husband
finds no problem with confiding in her rather
than me!
“Hayi-bo! Are you crazy? Have you forgotten
that you’re in a predicament”, Ntobeko snatched
the bottle out of my hand before I could do
something I was going to regret, or not, this
baby may be the biggest curse to me.
“I … I didn’t see that it was alcohol", I’m lying, I
saw the bottle very well I just forgot about
everything else except my problems in the
“What’s happening to you? Ever since
Mathongo situation you've been distant and …”
Oh she’s not as blunt as the others.
I exhaustively sigh and sit back on the barstool,
my phone is still vibrating and ringing inside my
pocket. Ncumo brought me clothes and my
toiletries yesterday, I didn’t even let her see me,
I asked Ntobeko to get the things for me and
tell her to go.
I don’t blame any of them for what's happening
to Mathongo and I however I feel tortured to
have to deal with them. Their lives aren’t as
complex as mine, whenever something is
wrong in their marriage its well communicated
and sorted fast. But me? Nah my friend, I’m left
on mute for days. Sometimes I don’t even get a
good morning, he wakes up early and leaves
then comes back late and doesn’t make any
contact with me and for whatever reason when
he has dealt with his problems and back to
normal I’m expected to smile and laugh as
though all things are good.
“Are all men dogs vele?”, I’m blurting, it’s never
good when I blurt. I once blurted to the guard
and ended up moaning under his body.
Whatever Zime did worked because I haven’t
rreceived threats in a long time.
“Is this still about Mathongo?”, she looks hella
worried about me. I don’t like this, I’m the last
person who Ntobeko must be worried over. I
promised my sister peace, I plan on giving her
just that.
“Listen I can call him and check where he is and
if he is okay or not…”
My phone again…
Oh no it’s not mine actually. Ntobeko looks at
me before answering the call, she puts it on
loudspeaker and places the phone on top of the
“Snothile”, she says.
“Oh hey Ntobeko. This is Nomzamo, is there
Thola there?”, Zime.
I give Ntobeko the please don’t say I am here
“N…no she is not here right now. Is there a
message for her?”
“Uhhh yes. Thabitha and I have spoken to
Mathongo, he’s on his way there please let him
in he really wants to talk to her. It’s urgent”,
urgent my foot! No emergency waits two whole
days! 48 bloody hours!
“Okay I’ll tell her”
“Goodnight then”
“Goodnight Zamo”

“Thola where are you going?”, Ntobeko holds

my wrist and turn me around.
“I need to sleep. There is a lot in my mind”, a
mountain of stuff. As to why he is able to listen
to others and not me I will never understand.
Am I the problem?
“All this stressing is not good for the baby,
Thola”, I know I know but I can’t help it anymore,
I’m burning up.
“I’ll be fine okay trust me. Go to bed, it’s an early
morning tomorrow”, I kiss her goodnight and
remind her that I love her before jogging up the
stairs to my designated bedroom. All I need is a
bath and rest, all this Mathongo mess I'll see on
another day, my focus is on my sister's big day
tomorrow. Dad will be so happy, for the first
time in many years.
As I lay on the bed I ask myself how the hell do I
think I will survive all of this? This marriage how
will I survive it? Is there a chance?
When I wake up, a figure is crouching before me,
there is no telling if it’s him or a criminal the
way nicotine is infused with his scent so I open
my eyes and light the lamp beside my bed side,
he stops me and shakes his head.
“Who let you in?”, I know exactly who but that’s
the only thing I could think of. I don’t want to
seem like I was dying to know if he is okay or
“Nontobeko", he answers.
I nod. It’s awkward silence bweeten us. We both
need to say things we don’t want to hear. And
we're also broken by what we did to each other,
the reason why he doesn’t want me to light the
lamp is because his weakness becomes mine, I
know he doesn’t like that. We sit like this in the
dark until I start getting angry all over again.
Don’t blame me I have issues, they all start and
begin with this man crouching before me.
I hit my head on the pillow and pull the covers
over me. They're snatched off my body and end
up on the floor. I look at them then him and turn
to face the other direction. He pulls me up and
makes me sit on my butt.
What the fuck is wrong with him!?
“What’s your problem? I want to sleep is that
not allowed too in this marriage?”, I try to Go
back down and sleep but no he isn’t having it.
I’m brought to my feet now.
“You seem to have had a fat lot to say two days
ago, there you have your moment Tholakele let
your mind run free", he’s stoic face doesn’t work
on me, I make sure I always seep the emotions
out of his pores if I have to.
“Was any of it a lie? Mathongo”, I yank off his
hand on my elbow and sit back on the bed, I
want to sleep!
He must leave me the hell alone.
“Thola don’t fuck with me. Get up and let us
talk!”, I’ve made him angry many times, he’s
never once took his anger out on me physically,
he would end himself before ever doing that but
right now I don’t want to test the waters. I do as
he says, I wake up and sit on the bed. My
attitude hasn’t ddecreased and it won't.
“What you said about my-my broth-ers. Wa-was
any of it wh-what you truly felt?”, he’s
stammering? He’s that angry?
I should be thinking twice before answering this
one, a lot can change from just a mere answer
and the dare devil in me wants to serve the
whole truth.
“Yes I said everything I felt. All of it is what I felt,
it’s no lie either. And you deep down should
know this, unless I’ve been non-existent to you
all along”
His face all of a sudden changes. It’s the
monster I have seen taking lives standing
before not the man whom still my heart. My
instincts tell me to step back but the bed is
right behind me.
“So my brothers don’t mean shit to you? After
every sacrifice they have done for your
wellbeing, as an individual, you still think they
don’t love you? Bravo Thola you’re a brilliant
idiot! Sambulo almost lost his life keeping a
bullet out of your behind …”
“Who sent that bullet my way? Wasn’t you and
your brothers? Don’t direct my words to
something else, Mathongo. And why do you
always do this? Why do you always ignore me
when I say something to you but when Thabitha
or Nomzamo speak you more than willing to
listen why? How the hell do you think that
makes me feel?”, it’s hard to act unbothered by
how your husband, the person who will be
sharing a life with, rather confide in your sister
wives than you. What do you call that?
“You cannot be serious”, he looks like he is in
utter disbelief.
“Yes it hurts me! I’ve tried to swallow the pill
and forget it, be understanding and
compromising but I can’t. I’ve compromised
everything Mathongo everything! I
compromised my sanity! My life; my dad; my
culture everything. But I can’t compromise with
my heart. I will never allow it", it can never
happen not to me, not after all I’ve been through.
The mud and the dirt. No way!
“You really think I don’t value your words? I
never take a decision in my life without
considering your feelings or opinion. Just
because I act after I have spoken to Thabitha or
Zime doesn’t mean I’m acting in accordance to
what they say. Get over this princess act you
have going on, this isn’t your father’s palace,
everyone matters around here just like how you
would matter to my brothers their wives matter
to me if that is heavy for you to deal with the
door is always open I’ve never stopped you
from leaving. And you say I don’t love you how
my brothers love their wives because I’m not
them Thola I thought you knew that. I’m bad
with words, I can’t express myself and you
know this you have seen me struggle to get
across the slightest bit of emotion. But I try
everything for You! A grown man my age
attending lessons on how to express
themselves because I wouldn’t want my wife
feeling any less, can’t you see that?”, he’s
shouting at me, coming closer and closer.
“Why can’t you see my side then? I don’t like
killers, I never liked killers but don’t I welcome
you home every single night with warm hands?
How do you think it makes me feel sleeping
next to someone who takes lives almost
everyday? But I suck it up for you!”
His fface hasn’t changed, he still look furious
and right about ready to slap me.
In that moment I say something I regret saying.
“Quite frankly I shouldn’t have stayed with you
after that guard warned me not to. I should
have let him take my virginity, we could have
raised many more children together like the one
I'm carrying right now”. My conscious only
came back when his face lit up a fire I have
never seen. I didn’t get the chance to say
anything else he had slapped me three times
already. My knees got weak immediately and
took me to the ground, his hands are trembling
as if itching to do more, he’s fighting himself.
“Mathongo I’m sorry, baby please wait. It was a
mistake please wait”, I cling on his leg and hold
it tight. This happens all the time to me, I do this
all the time, I push him to the cliff all the time.
What have I done ?
He yanks me off his leg I almost roll to the bed
pole, I get up and rush after him.
“Thola, Mathongo, what’s all the…”
I leave Ntobeko standing by the passage asking
“Baby wait. I’ll never do it again Manzini please,
don’t leave me. This is me your love, can’t you
see", I bring his face up to me and regret that.
My stomach churns..
“Mathongo you’re not leaving me!”, I scream as
he snatches himself away from my grip. Why is
he so quiet? Why doesn’t he say something?
I’m literary on my knees on the cold pavement.
I’m desperate, I love him too much to watch him
leave me.
Ntobeko holds my arms and tries to pull me
back up but I keep my hands around
Mathongo's ankle. He cannot leave me. He
knows I’ll kill myself he cannot leave.
“If you leave me Mathongo I swear I’ll take my
own my life!”
His head turns to my direction, he looks at me
for a while. It’s as if I’m being dare to do so.
“Thola get off your knees you’ll hurt yourself,
come on", Ntobeko.
“Mathongo, please man you can’t leave your
wife in this condition”, Ngcwethi.
“Whose wife? It’s over between you and I Thola.
You want freedom?. I’m giving it to you”, he
doesn’t mean that no way!
I don’t know how fast I moved, I’m blocking the
gate now. He can’t leave me! No!
I do this all the time. I do it all the time, I let my
emotions pile up until I can’t control them
anymore. I’m a bad person, my therapist was
wrong I am the problem in everything! I hurt
people I love why? Why do I that to myself?
Mathongo is my everything, I fought back from
depression for him, I did it for him and his love
ha can’t walk out now.
“Thola stop your nonsense please! Let him go!”
Ntobeko pulls me away from the gate as he
approaches, he cannot leave me! I push
Ntobeko away. Lights blind me, I hear him
scream my name. I’m tasting metallic liquid in
my mouth in a matter of seconds. Blood.
Heaviness. And his touch. I feel nor hear
nothing. In my heart I do hope I don't make it.

💔To the Zungu supporters. My sincerest
condolences. Hopefully she survives .
Patrimony: The Ancestors Wife
Chapter Fifty-six
Season Finale

He’s in panic mode. He’s whole body is shaking

vigorously, the paramedics wanted attend to
him as well ensure he’s okay because nothing
of what they saw is suppose to be normal but
they were barkrd at and even promised death if
the Mrs dies so they let Mathongo be and
focused on reviving an unresponsive lady who
they later found out was pregnant. The police
officers walked in 39 minutes after Thola was
pulled into ICU, they all demanded to know if
this was an accident or not, Ntobeko couldn’t
gather herself enough to say half the story her
heart is in a heavy and dark place all over again,
Ngcwethi has no time for meaningless
questions so he left the police there and went
on to comfort his woman. Everything happened
too fast, no one actually knows how to describe
what they saw, it just happened so quick. He
was driving out, she jumped in front of the car
and it was too late for him to do anything to
stop the car. Obviously he'll blame himself for it
and that’s why when the police approached him
he surrendered his hands, kept his eyes on the
ground on the blood drops that came from his
beard, his wife’s Blood, the love of his life. His
Miss Universe he called her.
At first the police drew out their guns thinking
he was planning on retaliating. Until an order
from their superior came in to put their
weapons down and cuff him no one dared to
move close to him. He was dragged out the
hospital like any animal would be, endured a
few kicks and punches along the way and the
cops didn’t seem to care about the videos being
taken in the process. They threw him inside a
van and hit the accelerator not caring if he bled
to death in the back of a police van. They’re
happy cops, they’ve found one of the Zungu
culprits in this weakest form this means thy can
do just about anything to him and he would do
nothing about it. One is better than none.
At Present

He’s on the bottom bunk seated, facing the

narrow passages he knew all too well before.
Dark; smelly passages that crippled a man to a
boy. Nothing has changed about them, they still
have the same stigma about them. Also he
didn’t question why he was thrown straight into
a prison cell and not taken to jail first, as of now
he’s sharing a cell with a heavily tattooed
individual who speaks faster and louder than a
Pakistan salesman. There hasn’t been much
interaction between them, both have been
sucked into their own world except one's world
is the fear of having to live with the other. While
the other is the fear of having to live with
memories of what he’s done.
Mathongo is not impulsive, all his moves a well
calculated and observed. He doesn’t act just
out of character. He remembers the time their
mother would get angry at them for coming
back home early, she’d whip out the closest
shoe she can find and beat them up until she’s
satisfied. Nqawe developed a plan of getting
free all the time, he'd always find a way to get
back at her for what she did. They all did.
Except Mathongo. He'd spend the entire night
sitting on the small verandah thinking of logical
reasons why their mother behaved the way she
did, why she would beat them till they have
open blisters all over their body for some thing
so silly and pathetic. Over time he'd get
frustrated when a reason doesn’t prevail and
take all that anger out on himself by shutting
the world out and battling his inner child to take
the blame, ‘I’m the problem. I made her angry. I
shouldn’t have made her upset. I deserved the
beating. I deserve her hatred’ – of course a
child you never understand the depth meaning
of words until you get old enough to be affected
by a ‘I hate You’ remark. Similarly he only found
out at a later stage how much damage the
words he fed himself as an innocent child were.
After his third session with Zime, she asked for
someone else to be his psychologist because
she couldn’t handle any of it anymore. What she
knew was enough to shapeshift her entire life.
And perhaps that’s why he felt drawn towards
Thola of all people, he understood her chaos
and thought he’d be able to do what no one
could do for him. Make things better. But it
turns out he made everything a 100x worse! So
he’ll take the punishment, the beatings, the
humiliation, hell he'd take death itself! Nothing
could have prepared him for this moment and
once again, maybe his mother was right, he
doesn’t deserve good things because good
things turn ugly in his possession.
It’s going for midnight, he can hear the guards
having conversations and he still hasn’t
touched the slightest brink of sleep. Everything
is rolling like a film inside his head, from the
moment she said she’s pregnant to the
moment her body hunched before the car. It’s
rolling tapes in his head.
His breathing changed 30 minutes ago so much
so his cell mate called for a guard to remove
him from this cell. His request was granted only
because he too has connections inside here.
“I should die with you sthandwa sami. I should
be in that ICU bed with you, I’m sorry”, he
scrunched up her picture and flings it across
the room. His eyes don’t deserve to see such
beauty and pureness.
There is chaos coming from the one end of the
passage, he can clearly hear Nkosenye and
Sambulo's voices. There is a rattle, his gate
opens and the guards request for him to get up
and go. Mathongo isn’t moving. He sits still on
the bed and keeps his face to the ground.
“You have succeeded yet again in winning
against the law you’re free go!”
He doesn’t get up.
The rest of the guards are getting shocked. No
one really knows much about Mathongo except
prisoners and prison guards. And this, this far
from what they know. He is not a man who
behaves in this manner.
“Bafo! Manzini come let’s go home. We'll sort
these bastards once we're sure MaMbulazi is
okay”, Sambulo attempts to pull Mathongo up
and drag him out the cell, it’s impossible. He
doesn’t even flinch.
Sambulo and Nkosenye share a glance.
“Sengwayo, let’s go. Get up”, Nkosenye’s orders
fail. Mathongo isn’t moving. The only way they
are assured that he’s still alive is because of his
breathes and sniffs.
Khalulu’s jaw clenches. Nomzamo knew they’d
be back here, all of them refused to listen to her
and stick together till her uneasiness faded.
Look where they are now? Back where they
were when Ndlalifa bkamked himself for
Ntombi’s misfortune. Mathongo isn’t Ndlalifa
though, when he switches off its done. It’s over.
“Give us space”
There is silence.
“Now!”, Nkosenye roars and the prison guards
scatter like lost chickens. It’s just the four of
them in this cell now: Nkosenye; Khalulu;
Sambulo and Mathongo.
“I’m not going anywhere”, Sambulo sighs and
sits on the cold floor, leaning against the bars.
Shortly after Khalulu also sighs his butt on the
floor, he sits on the far corner and leans on the
cold wall. Nkosenye is last, he sits with his back
against the bars as well. Facing Mathongo
straight. They all have their knees up, elbows
hogging their knees and their heads hung low.
This setting is all too familiar. His brothers
know how difficult it is for him to speak on his
emotions, or share whatever it is troubling him
so they use to do this, get into his room and
find him seated like this, they’d join his silence
until he was comforted enough to say
If he ever did.
He sniffs, they sniff. It’s heavy, whatever is
present in this room its heavy even the rowdy
inmates have shut the fuck up, some are
peaking through the bars to see what’s going
on, all that midnight mayhem – it’s gone.
Being inside a prison cell is a big risk!
They are under surveillance and if held up in
here for too long then the worst thing ever
could happen. There is a possibility of that and
it seems to not matter at the moment.

They must have been like this for more than

three hours, just waiting for Mathongo to say
even a Hi. Rather he say something useless
than nothing at all.
“She says you don’t love her, all of you. She
claims she’s never felt part of this family, that
we never understand her and all we do is take
and take and take without giving back”, he’s
talking but now they aren’t sure if they want him
to continue.
They all stare at him, Sambulo has his eyes
wide open.
“She thinks we don’t love her?”, Nkosenye asks
“She said we don’t admire her like we do Zime;
we don’t respect her like we do Thabitha; we
don’t protect her like we protect Ncumo; we
don’t support her like we do Snothile and we
don’t comfort her like we do Ntombi. We failed
her", he gulps it down, the urge to scream loudly,
he swallows it whole.
“I did not love her how she wanted to be loved, I
couldn’t do it. I failed at that too …”
“But you were trying bafo! You were trying we all
saw you trying everyday without fail. We saw
you try”, Sambulo’s getting aggressive, losing
his brother too is the last thing he wants. He
wouldn’t live through this one.
“I don’t think I deserve Tholakele. I don’t think I
deserved surviving that day", his eyes instantly
meet Nkosenye’s eyes, only he knows the
events of that day, they’ve kept it like that for
“You should have let her kill me…”
“Stop it! Say shit like that and I will personally
kill you and find MaMbulazi another man you
hear me. Never speak like that again!”,
He’s not the emotional type, his emotions are
always covered in reasonable thoughts. He
doesn’t do or act out of question so Khalulu
picks up fast, what’s going on he picks it up
quick. Their mother was a mad woman, he
cannot deny that there was something mentally
ill about her, no matter how much hate you
carry it can’t be that it gets to that point njeee,
she was crazy and it makes Khalulu in fact all
the others wonder if that is why Mathongo
chose Thola? Their behaviour patterns are so
similar. When they scar you, they scar you deep
within your soul. Him choosing to keep a
woman like their mother, what’s that about?
“We promise to do better Manzini, we promise
to give koti her place, we'll do much better”,
In the midst of their eye to eye moment, all
three of them. The gate opens again and Zime
walks in, behind her is Thabitha. The only ones
who once saw them in this very position the
time Mathongo clogged out the world. His
mother’s funeral.
They too join the cold floor, look around and
“She was pregnant did you know that?”, Zime
asks first.
The heaviness deepens.
“Yes and it’s not mine”, he adds. There is a
share of glances around the room. The girls
hitch their breathes.
“I can’t babies. Thami made sure I don’t”
Zime's eyes pop out.
“It was going to be hard but I was going to try,
try love it regardless. I didn’t mean what I said, I
spoke too much, I shouldn’t have said anything.
I should have been quiet, things are better when
I'm quiet. I fucked up”, he palms his his face
and waits for tears to roll down, they don’t.
Thabitha gets up and sits beside him.
“Listen to me Mathongo, this isn’t you alright.
Thks is the boy Thami broke, you’re not that boy
anymore you have conquered that. Your wife is
fighting for her life in that bed, the only one she
will ever come back yo life for is YOU. Don’t let
her give up on you, don’t let Thami be happy
that she finally succeeded in breaking you even
in her death. All the work we’ve put in you
people, remember that. And fight. You aren’t the
man that sits like this in misery, you’re the man
that brings misery in a silver platter to his
enemies. Wake up before you do so too late!”
Nkosenye looks at her and feels a pang of guilt.
So he took her away from her fiance in Portugal
for this? This is what he brought her here for?
That’s an unending burden of guilt on him.
Patrimony: The Ancestors Wife
Chapter Fifty-Seven

His lawyer came through for him as he

promised he would. However it's only till the
matter is acknowledged by the court of law, so
far the evidence collected by the police is
substantial and his lawyer managed to argue a
break away from jail. So until further notice he
is a free man, that doesn’t call for celebrations
still anything can happen. Those rascals want
him caught in their mouse trap and some thing
tells him they’d go through the mud and the dirt
to make that happen. If it stains him he
wouldn’t care but God forbid it ever changed
Sbulelo because he would lose it, he doesn’t
think he will survive losing her especially to this
game of revenge. This life he lived once, Thunzi
always knew would catch up with him and bite
him where it hurts most and he still did it
anyway. At the time it wasn’t the concern,
learning how to survive long enough to make a
single coin is what mattered and he mastered
the art of that. Hence all the cheers and salutes
from his fellow inmates, they know him and
absolutely hail him for the criminal work he’s
been doing. The wardens hush them all at once,
banging their donkipiers against the steel bars
and like animals the noise loudens, eventually
wardens give up and pull Thunzi out the facility.
Finally he can get the chance to hold the love of
his life in his arms again and fall asleep to her
snoring. He’ll sleep and wake up to proper food
now and not soft sour porridge or damp samp.
“Sign here!”, one warden rasps at him.
Thunzi gives him a little smirk, pouts his lips
like a fish and kisses the warden on his shiny
head. The warden is fumed!
“Swirath! I’ll miss you if I’m being honest, you
were my favourite amongst them all. Feisty and
sly", Thunzi winks and continues to pop his
bubble gum aloud. It’s a man he’s addressing
as feisty and sly, a man seconds away from
beating him up to the pulp once again.
“Finish signing?”, The warden roars.
Thunzi looks at him up and down, lustful eyes
feigning his vision, he winks. Nothing sets his
soul on happy ends quite like kissing a warden
off after receiving bad treatment from them. It
makes being bad a lot less bad.
“Ayikapheli eyami nawe mfana usazobuya la!”
It isn’t necessarily a lie. There is big chance he
will return to this place a week after the courts
have set a date for his trial, if there will be any.
There probably won’t be anything done about it,
Luthando – his lawyer, argued that his case is
solid and it will remain so for as long as the
evidence remains dense and no one shows up
as a witness ready to testify against him.
“Ezinqeni zikanyoko! I’m never setting foot
inside this place again, never. In fact where the
fuck is the station commander of those
policemen who arrested me? I need to have a
serious talk with him about his staff, maybe I
should talk to your superior too", making threats
isn’t the best way to go out, at any given
moment he might be inside these walls and
these people will most deffinetly be the cause.
But he doesn’t care, he’s tired; hungry; smelly
and craves Sbulelo’s warm pussy. That’s all he
can think of.
“Some men stay true to the law, mfana
kaHlophe”, The warden grits through his
counted teeth.
“Money makes the world go around ndoda
endala haven’t you heard? Sasazela inja
ngemali and watch it bark on your accord. This
isn’t your village, one wrong move can cost you
everything. Now Uncuff me for I can get out of
this fucked up place”
There is a bit of fear in the old man now, those
words sounded like a solid threat that will be
made a reality of tested. So they Uncuff him
and accompany him out the prison facility.
Once again he’s a free man, somewhat free at

Lindo is waiting for him with his golf gti, the

keys are hanging around his fingers. Their eyes
meet and a salute of silence paces in the air
along with.
“Dare devil”, Lindo grins.
“Life is am adventure my friend, have fun with
The laughter wraps them up in warmth. Some
thing familiar again for Thunzi, he missed it.
“Ready for the madam? She’s had a lot to say
recently. Made the media go crazy, she’s
making headlines”
His smile falls off his face immediately. He
really loves that girl but it doesn’t make him
boastful the poor woman is wasting her life
whirling around in circles for him. Right now she
might have just lost one of the biggest things
she has gained over the years, the things that
make her the Sbulelo Mthembu people fear in
“Her fight is for you, relax. I must give it to you,
you chose well my friend. That girl loves you,
she loves you more than I thought was true or
possible. With your hell and high waters, no I
am impressed my friend”, Lindo nods, looking
at his best friend through the rear view mirror.
Uthando paid people to get his way, people in
high places, that 4 million they buried in
Fourways, that’s their life saver.
“That's not what I wanted for the girl, Sbulelo
still had her whole career running for her. My
plan was never to demolish it. I just needed her
safe and secure first before allowing her back in
the world”, Thunzi says after about 10 minutes
of being silent.
“All j can say is, uyakuthanda loya sisi, don’t
mess things up"
Thunzi eyes lindo and carries on looking
outside the window. How can he possibly ever
harm Sbulelo? Love her any less or bring any
sort of misery to her intentionally? He can’t its
not possible!
“That Zungu was arrested too, same prison. Did
you hear about that?”, Lindo asks.
Yes, he heard. News gets around fast in a
prison cell and it spreads like wild fire even
faster when the person it may concern is of
high caliber. So yes he did hear but it didn’t
bother him, he was out this early morning,
around 3 to 4 am.
“He hit his wife with a car, she lost the baby and
is in serious danger”
Thunzi frowns, “He wouldn’t do that
intentionally”, for whatever reason he is certain
about that part.
“You've seen them in a one on one, you have
seen them almost kill Ngcwethi for insulting
one of their own; it’s not possible”, he says.
“Then what would have caused all This?”, Lindo
Thunzi frowns, since when does he care about
the Zungus so much!?
“I hope you have gotten rid of your little crush
on that girl, touch her my friend and they will all
crush you. Even I won’t be able to save you", His
face has hardened he needs lindo to know this
means business. He cannot pursue the one he
wants to pursue. He'd die before she ever
acknowledges his ‘hey'.
“Ite not a silly crush. All I said before was I like
her character….”
“Hmmm what do you know about Nomzamo’s
character?”, Thunzi asks.
Lindo chuckles, He’s actually blushing.
Thunzi shakes his head, this is not impressive
at all.
“There is something about the way she stands
and covers her loved ones. The way she sets
things straight and leaves no room for head
turns because all ears are listening. I don’t
know, you see the respect and dignity in the
way she carries herself all the time. I’ve never
heard anything tainting about her, it’s always
the good things. I don’t know man, that woman
is Some thing else”
Thunzi is very happy they’ve reached his gate!
He wouldn’t want to be part of any of this mess
Lindo wants to put himself into, there is a lot
they could put in jeopardy if they even start to
entertain these feelings.
“I’m going to my woman othi mina because I
don’t fantasize about other people’s lovers. And
I deeply suggest you do the same brother. Steer
clear away from her man bafo, you’ll find
another one like her just for you”, Thunzi says.
They fist bump and say their goodbyes. Lindo
reverses the car off the driveway and speeds
away. He’s pissed and Thunzi chuckles at that.
“Mxm uzofa lo"

The houses isn’t giving off the warmth he would

have liked to come home to. It’s somber and
heavy, Some thing he doesn’t like to feel in his
own house. Thunzi closes the door and looks
around the base of the house, it’s empty. As
should be have you seen the to me? It hasn’t
even hit 6 am, she’s probably still sleeping. On
the couch and carpet are many papers,
documents. Some have a confidential stamp on
it and others are clipped onto profilic
This issnt good news at all. She went digging
for the truth didn’t she? Or these are papers she
always had in use.
“Sbulelo”, he groans and runs up the stairs. He
wants to give her an earful, what she’s doing is
dangerous, this is a dangerous game. These
people she’s messing with might have her on
surveillance even. Once they start sniffing her
actions there will be dire consequences.
For whatever reason Thunzi’s heart races as he
approaches their bedroom. The door is slightly
open, he still sees papers everywhere. Her foot
is dangling on the edge of the bed, that’s a relief
she is in there so he can have that relaxation.
Something makes him draw out the gun lindo
gave him before they arrived here. It’s ready for
anything in his hand.
He takes one deep breath and kicks the door
Nothing could ever have prepared him!
The gun slips through his moist hand without
fail. He’s traumatized! It’s … its her.
There are a couple of bullet wounds coming
from behind, the blood they oozed messed her
favourite white silk robe, her arms are spread
apart and her beautiful eyes are open.
“No Sbulelo no! No! No! No! This isn’t how our
love story ends baby this isn’t how we were
suppose to go out! No! C’mon wake up please.
Open those eyes for me goddess of mine
please”, His hands are trembling, he feels each
limb getting weak as he nears her body.
He can’t think straight, His body has its own
mind at the moment that’s telling it to fall onto
his knees and hold her for the last time. And so
he drags her dead body to lay on top of him on
the floor and he cradles her.
“I’m sorry sthandwa sami, I'm sorry! Wake up
pleas! I’ll leave it all behind me, I’ll leave this life
behind me please just open those eyes!”, he
slaps her cheeks and she doesn’t move.
He cries.
“You lost the day you betrayed me brother”
Thunzi doesn’t lift his eyes off Sbulelo, he’s
starring at her hoping she wakes up and says
this was one of her big stupid jokes and she’s
“You shouldn’t have watched those cops take
me away bafo! You should have fought for me
like you promised. But what did you say to me
that day? Inhliziyo yagijimela eyimthandayo, you
chose her over your own brother Thunzi!...”
He finally raises his head, His face still a
menace, “I did and I would choose her over and
over and over again bitch!”, he spits on Lisa and
gives him a go ahead look.
Lisa shuts his eyes and does the hardest thing
he’s ever done. Pulling the trigger has never
been hard for him, it’s easy as 1 2 3. But
murdering his best friend? That stole Some
thing from him, and just like that. It became a
triple homicide.


Nontobeko Khumalo
I’ve heard of life being a give and take but I
never thought it would go to this extent. That it
would take from me this much of my happiness
and small peace. It was minutes ago that
Ngcwethi received a phone call from police
saying his sister's body was found in a
residence. I’ve never seen this man crumble like
that before not even when his father died, within
a matter of seconds he had wrecked half the
waiting room unconscious. I don’t know why we
didn’t stop him maybe because we felt it would
make him better or I was too tired myself to
scold him about it. What is life forcing me to do?
What dark corner is it pushing me into?
I don’t get it, I was happy a while ago, I was
laughing and chatting my life away, I had a good
thing going for me. Hell I was going to start
planning my wedding in a few hours time, in
that wedding Sbulelo was going to be there, her
in essence not in spirit, she was going to be
there to hold my hand and squeeze it like she
always does when I’m nervous, she was going
to threaten Ngcwethi to never mistreat me or
she’ll hand him over to Thunzi, she was going to
hold both Snakho and khalilou as I walked
towards my new leaf. We had so much in store
for us, too much. Who is going to be Snothile’s
baby’s fairy godmother now? Who is going to be
Snothile's shoulder to lean on when the going
gets tough in the Zungus? What family will she
have? What family will I have? And Ngcwethi,
how does Sbulelo expect n gcwethi to live with
himself now? He failed his father; failed his
brothers and now his sister, he will never stop
beating himself up about it. I know that’s what
he’s doing right now, I couldn’t let him leave
alone I asked Khalulu to go with him because
he is more quiet and peaceful. I look around this
room so many times and I see a complete
different side to what I saw the other day, the
laughter ; the love and light its all gone.
Everyone is a zombie in their own world and it
takes the slightest of things to set any of us off.
We're dying inside and I find it funny none of
them have asked the other how they are doing.

We still have to face kids after This, how do you

look at a child and tell them everything will be
okay when you yourself look like you’re tipping
the edge? How will I look at khalilou and Snakho
and tell them their aunt is gone, she’ll never see
us again and we'll never get to meet her again.
My heart can’t bear!
“I’m going to check on MaGwamanda, keep an
eye on the women”, even him, yes Nkosenye
even he is different, His authority is non-
existent, he looks weak and it’s only when he
looks at Thabitha that you see him trying to
toughen up, it doesn’t work.
“Okay”, Thabitha mods.
Snothile couldn’t handle hearing her bestie is no
more, she started acting out of balance and
losing her mind. I think we all had one fear there,
that baby inside her I don’t think she was going
to be able to survive another heart attack. It
made things all the more worse when Ngcwethi
shouted at her, blaming her in a way that she
new something was up but never spoke about
anything. It’s safe to say if it wasn’t for Ncumo's
swift action, a brawl was going to break out.
She got hurt a little but that small injury is
nothing compared to what is going inside.
“We're sorry, we promised this will never
happen again and yet here we are. We promised
we wouldn't get back to this, that you wouldn’t
cry like this, that… that all would be well and you
will never shed another tear in your life.
MaMbulazi, this isn’t the welcome you deserved,
being part of Thola’s life means being part of
this life as well. Siyaxolisa”, Ndlalifa.
Nomzamo stands first and walks out, no one
follows. I don’t know what registers in Ndlalifa’s
head but he’s up and running after her now.
Nothing matters to me except sleep right now.
Eternal sleep. My mind, my heart, my soul
everything is exhausted!
It’s another hour of waiting before we eventually
see Mongezi dragging his own feet towards us,
he’s more exhausted than all of us.
Why isn’t he speaking? He must say something
“Mongezi speak man!”, Sambulo.
“She’s … she is…”, uggggg I will kill him if he
doesn’t start talking!
Mathongo I couldn’t hear until now, he’s crying
softly and no one nears him it was an order
from Nkosenye. At times I want to hate him for
doing this to my sister and on another time I
want to hug him too, he feels the loss maybe
more than me. I didn’t know all that until Zime
explained to me, I was ready to have him
thrown out the hospital.
“Bhut'Mongezi darn it!”, Mnotho flips.
“She isn’t responsive, we can’t … there is … she’s
in deep coma”
Mathongo breaks into a louder sob and this
time I fail to stop myself. I join him, I can’t be
strong anymore. None of us can.
“Its really you?”
We have gathered ourselves, although it took us
two hours to stop sobbing and cry like normal
people. My tears are still blinding my vision I
can’t see well, all I see is a man, an old man.
“It’s really you"
Dad? He looks so much like me!
In his arms I feel more broken, I feel the pain
I’ve been pushing back in not numb to it
“She'll get through this you’ll see, she is strong.
You both are strong”.


The End.

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