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Genome mapping,

3D tissue, Organ
By Shahan, Amarah, Ananya & Adhiraj,
Contents of this Presentations

In this presentation we will explore the field of genome mapping - the process of
identifying the location of genes and genetic markers along chromosomes. The topics
Genome Mapping- Ananya covered are the history, principles, applications, and future directions of this crucial tool
for understanding genetics and genomics.
We'll examine the techniques and technologies used to create complex,
three-dimensional tissue models that mimic the structure and function of natural
3D Tissue-Amarah tissues. Discover how 3D tissue is revolutionizing medical research, drug testing, and
regenerative medicine applications.
Organ printing is an extraordinary advancement in biomedical engineering, enabling the
3D printing of functional human organs. In this presentation, we will explore the
Organ Printing-Ananya revolutionary techniques, materials, and applications of this cutting-edge technology
that holds immense promise for addressing organ shortages and transforming
transplantation medicine.
01 Genome Mapping
History and Types of Genome Mapping
History of Genome Mapping:

● Early techniques in 1970s-80s

● Accelerated by DNA sequencing in 1990s-2000s
● Landmark Human Genome Project (1990-2003)

Types of Genome Mapping:

● Physical Mapping:
● Genetic Mapping:
● Sequence Mapping:

Genome mapping is crucial for various


- Understanding Genetic Variation:

- Disease Mapping:
- Comparative Genomics:
- Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering:

Recent advancements in technology, such as

next-generation sequencing (NGS) and
computational methods, have greatly facilitated
genome mapping, making it faster, more
accurate, and more affordable.
Impacts of Genome Mapping
Genome mapping has allowed personalized medicine, genetic testing, and pharmacogenomics, and has
overall improved healthcare. It has also benefited agriculture and livestock breeding. However, it raises
ethical and privacy concerns around data use and ownership. Genome mapping has created new
economic opportunities and workforce needs in fields like genomics and genetic counseling.
02 3D tissues
3D tissues
History of 3D tissue printing:

● Early pioneers in the 1980s-1990s developed basic 3D

bioprinting techniques using hydrogels and cell
● Advancements in biomaterials, stem cell biology, and
3D printing technologies in the 2000s enabled more
complex tissue constructs
● The 2010s saw rapid progress in 3D bioprinting of
functional tissues like skin, cartilage, bone, and vascular

Uses of 3D tissues:

● Disease modeling and drug testing with

physiologically-relevant 3D environments
● Regenerative medicine through 3D bioprinted tissue grafts
● Enabling advanced tissue engineering research and
Key Applications of 3D tissue:

● Disease modeling and drug testing

● Regenerative medicine and tissue repair
● Studying tissue development and engineering
● In vitro testing of therapies and toxicology
● Bioprinting of transplantable organ constructs
Impacts of 3D tissues
The use of 3D tissues has important socio-economic impacts. It allows for more realistic disease models
and drug testing, and leads to better treatments. 3D tissues also reduce the need for animal testing,
addressing ethical concerns. Additionally, this technology can improve regenerative medicine by
supporting engineered tissue grafts. However, because 3D tissue printing has high costs, it limits
widespread adoption, especially in areas that have less resources. Developing scalable and
cost-effective 3D tissue production is important to understanding the full societal and economic
benefits of this technology.
03 Organ printing
History and Uses of Organ printing
History of Organ printing:

● Early 2000s: Initial proof-of-concept 3D bioprinting of simple

tissue structures
● 2006: First 3D printed synthetic bladder successfully
implanted in a patient
● 2019: 3D printed heart made from patient's own cells revealed
● Ongoing: Scaling up complexity and moving towards clinical

Uses of Organ printing:

● Study tissue development and function

● Address donor organ shortage crisis
● Engineer personalized tissue grafts
● Produce transplantable organ constructs
Key Applications of Organ printing:

● Transplantation:
● Disease modeling:
● Drug testing:
● Personalized medicine:
Impacts of Organ Printing
The socio-economic impacts of Organ Printing is that it produces patient-specific organs, addressing
the shortage of organ donors. This technology has potential to save lives and reduce healthcare costs
related to transplants. However, the high costs and technical challenges of scaling up organ printing may
limit the adoption of this technology, especially in developing regions.

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